Graham Glass | 9780131857483 | | | | | Best Linux Distros for Kids in Prepare the Young Ones for the Future

As a free and open-source , Linux has spawned several distributions over time, spreading its wings to encompass a large community of users. This guide highlights 10 Linux distributions and aims to shed light Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition who their targeted users are. is renowned for being a mother to popular Linux distributions such as DeepinUbuntu, and Mint which have provided solid performance, stability, and unparalleled user experience. The latest stable release is Debian Note that Debian Also included are security fixes that address pre-existing security Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition. Simply perform a system upgrade using the APT . The Debian project provides over 59, software packages and supports a wide range of PCs with each release encompassing a broader array of system architectures. It strives to strike a balance between cutting edge technology and stability. Debian provides 3 salient development branches: StableTesting, and Unstable. The stable version, as the name suggests is rock-solid, enjoys full security support but unfortunately, does not ship with the very latest software applications. Debian Stable is what you would usually install on your system. Debian Testing is a and provides the latest software versions that are yet to be accepted into the stable release. It is a development phase of the next stable Debian release. The latest Debian Testing release is Bullseye. The unstable distro is the active development phase of Debian. Overall, Debian is used by millions of users owing to its package-rich repository and the stability it provides especially in production environments. Gentoo is a distro built for professional use and experts who take into consideration what packages they are working with from the word go. Gentoo comes recommended for those who want to have a deeper understanding of the ins and outs of the Linux operating system. Gentoo ships with a package management system known as which is also native to other distros such as Sabayonand Calculate Linux which is based on Gentoo and backward-compatible with it. Created and maintained by CanonicalUbuntu is one of the most popular Linux distros enjoyed Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition the globe by beginners, intermediate users, and professionals alike. was specifically designed for beginners in Linux or those transitioning from mac and Windows. The latest version is Ubuntu It provides numerous improvements and new features such as the new Yaru theme, new look and polished icons, great support for Snap packagesand the fractional scaling functionality that provides support for high-resolution displays. Ubuntu forms the basis of several other Linux distributions. Some of the distributions based on Ubuntu Due to its user-friendliness and elegant UI, Ubuntu is ideal for desktop users and newcomers who are trying to wrap their head around Linux. They can readily get started with default Apps as stated earlier on as they work their way towards getting a Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition understanding of Linux. It targets creatives who are looking to make a career in graphics, photography, audio, and video production. is a hugely popular community-driven Linux distro based on Ubuntu. It has transcended time to provide one of the most elegant, and user-friendly distributions loved by desktop users and professionals alike. Despite the controversy surrounding the latest release — Mint 20 — dropping snap support by default, Mint remains a stable, powerful and outstanding . Based on Ubuntu Mint has dropped support for bit versions and is only available in bit. Under the hood, Linux Mint 20 rides on Linux kernel 5. Additionally, the general UI has received a revamp with polished icons, new themes, high-resolution background images and a retouched taskbar. New features include Warpinatorwhich is a file-sharing program that works in a LAN and fractional scaling feature for HiDPI displays to enjoy sharper and crisp images. You will also get other applications for everyday use such as Firefox, LibreOffice, Audacious music player, Timeshift, and Thunderbird. If you want a fast and stable Linux desktop to perform day-to-day desktop tasks, listening to music, watching videos, and even gaming, Mint is the go-to distribution. Mint 20 is a long term release and will receive support until We have an article on how to install Mint 20 on your PC. Red Hat is usually a top choice for server environments given its stability and regular security patches which boost its overall security. You can readily set it up on physical servers, virtual environments such as VMwareHyperV, and also on the cloud. Red Hat has done a perfect job in containerization technology thanks to OpenShift PaaS platform as a servicea hybrid cloud environment that is built around Docker containers and managed by Kubernetes. Where efficiency, security, and stability are of utmost priority RHEL is the ideal distro to opt for. RHEL is subscription-based and the subscription is renewed annually. You can purchase a license for an array of subscription models such as Linux Developer Workstation, Linux developer suite, and Linux for Virtual Datacenters. The AppStream repository Application Stream provides all the software applications that you want to install on your system while the BaseOS provides applications only for the core functionality of the system. Additionally, you can also download and try out RedHat for free by through the Red Hat developer program. The CentOS Project is a community-driven free operating system that aims at delivering a robust Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition reliable open source ecosystem. It gives users the stability and reliability of RHEL while allowing them to enjoy free security and feature updates. The latest version is CentOS 8. It relies on App stream and BaseOS repositories and ships with Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition latest software packages such as Python 3. Fedora has enjoyed a reputation for being one of the most user-friendly distros for quite a while now owing to its simplicity and out-of-the-box applications which enable newcomers to easily get started. Fedora has for a while now used the DNF package manager and still uses it as its default package manager and offers the latest and the very best in RPM software packages. The latest Fedora is Fedora Developed and maintained by offensive security, Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition a Debian-based Linux distro designed for penetration testing and conducting digital forensics. It ships with out-of-the-box tools meant for penetration testing such as NmapMetasploit Framework, Maltego, and Aircrack-ng to mention a few. Kali Linux is meant for Cybersecurity experts and students who want Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition venture into penetration testing. Kali uses the APT package manager and the latest version is Kali is a lightweight and flexible geeky Linux distro designed for advanced users or Linux experts who care much about what is installed and the services running. It gives users the freedom to custom or configures the system, to their preference. In a nutshell, Arch is meant for users who really know the ins and outs of working with Linux. Arch is a rolling release implying that it is constantly updated to the latest version and all you need is to update the packages on the terminal. It uses Pacman as the default package manager and leverages the AUR Arch User Repository which is a community to install software packages and the latest version is This makes it a perfect choice for open source developers and System administrators. OpenSUSE relies on the Yast package manager for managing software packages and is recommended for developers and system administrators. There are over Linux distros and about in active development. However, we felt the need to focus on some of the widely used distros some of which have Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition other Linux flavors. TecMint is the fastest growing and most trusted community Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition for any kind of Linux Articles, Guides and Books on the web. Millions of people visit TecMint! If you like what you are reading, please consider buying us a coffee or 2 as a token of appreciation. We are thankful for your never ending support. This article should not have mixed Linux distros for technicians and professionals, with versions directed to final users. These latter are the ones you should concern and try to understand why there are still so many people who prefer windows to Linux, in spite of most Linux distros being free of charge. Have you noticed how the above image of the ubuntu-desktop is so bad, with large icons? While no one tries to understand the reason for windows user preference, Linux will continue to be a sideline Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition system. Which distros might that be and why not? The article clearly specifies the target audience for each distro and by doing so, may prevent from users picking an inappropriate one for them. The article does not rank them in any way. So all you posters that are complaining that YOUR favorite distro was not included, quit it. This is a list of only 10 random distros. There are currently over distros in the DistroWatch database, over of which are being actively developed. It would be very difficult, as well as very space-consuming, to write an article about each active distro and its intended audience. If you think you can do a better job than the author, feel free to write your own article. And then we can criticize YOUR effort. Sadly you failed to deliver on the headline promise of describing clearly the target audience of each distro you reviewed. Touched on it briefly here and there but failed entirely in other places. Surprisingly given the headline claim. But I would recommend Ubuntu or any derivatives of Ubuntu such as Linux mint, . There are many IDEs available on Linux. I use Ubuntu as my primary OS. Does anyone know the flavor that Debian is running on the screenshot? Or you can check Pantheon desktop environtment too. No further moves needed. Very happy with Linux MInt and Lunbunta Have a question or suggestion? Please leave a comment to start the discussion. Please keep in mind that all comments are moderated and your email address will NOT be published. 10 Linux Distributions and Their Targeted Users

We use cookies to give you the best experience on our website. By continuing, you're agreeing to use of cookies. We have recently updated our policy. Using nearly complete programs and over illustrations, the book demonstrates the basics as well as the advanced aspects of systems programming. The text presents theory in practical contexts with detailed explanations of common Unix programs such as who, Is, pwd, sh, and httpd. Each example starts with a description of what the program does and how people use it. From there, the text discusses the underlying principles and mechanisms, and then uses those ideas to write a version of the program. The book is designed for learning. Chapter summaries, memorable analogies, experiments, Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition, and varied exercises help the reader understand and program Unix as an integrated, logical whole. Material in the book applies to all versions of Unix and Linux. The book assumes the reader knows the C programming language and is familiar with a modern operating system. The book is suitable as a class text, for self-study, and for reference, and it provides thorough coverage of information essential to students, Unix programmers, and system administrators. Privacy and Cookies We use cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Learn more Close this message and continue. Free delivery. Buy now. What's included Paperback. Overview Table of contents For teachers. NOTE: Each chapter includes a section stating its objectives and a summary. Directories and File Properties: Looking through ls. Focus on File Systems: Writing pwd. Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition Control: Studying stty. Programming for Humans: Terminal Control and Signals. Processes and Programs: Studying sh. Connections and Protocols: Writing a Web Server. Programming with Datagrams: A License Server. Threads: Concurrent Functions. All the material you need to teach your courses. Discover teaching material. Best Linux Distros for Kids in Prepare the Young Ones for the Future

Although some advanced distributions are used to power everything from supercomputers to systems aboard the ISS, there are also several Linux distros for kids that are remarkably user-friendly and Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition to learn. Sure, other operating systems like Windows or macOS might be more popular right now but that could change faster than you think. Sugar is an excellent starting point as this free open-source desktop environment was designed specifically with children in mind. Each Activity is usually very self-explanatory and can be used to train many basic skills such as reading, Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition or counting. There are hundreds of these Activities that can be downloaded from the Sugar Activity Library, with even more being added all the time. Another reason why Sugar is one of the top Linux distros for kids is because of its versatility. While you can use the distro as a complete desktop environment, the developers also give you the option of downloading it on a USB stick and running it without installation. This version is aptly named Sugar on a Stick SoaS. The latest stable version of SoaS is based on Fedora 29 and was released on October 30, Just as its lengthy title indicates, this Linux distro for kids Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition developed by the openSUSE community and is aimed at teachers and parents just as much as students. Li-f-e shares many similarities with not just in terms of its interface but also when it comes to its software packages. However, there are a few applications that set it apart from some of the other Ubuntu-based distros, such as Brain Workshop, Inkscape, LibreOffice, the LAMP open-source web Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition platform, and more. The distro can be used as part of a network even when running in a live environment, however, Li-f-e needs to be installed on a hard disk in order to support more than five users. Just as its name suggests, Ubermix is an Ubuntu-based OS created for educational purposes. As such, the creators of Ubermix took out many Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition the complex aspects that might make regular Ubuntu intimidating for beginners and made the learning process as straightforward as possible. This Linux distro Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition kids is optimized for an educational environment and includes not just games but a variety of other useful applications as well such as web browsers, accessories, programming tools, and more. Ubermix weighs in at around 8GB and is a bit larger than similar Linux distros for kids, however, it can still easily be fitted onto a USB drive. In spite of its size, Ubermix can be set up on any compatible computer in as little as 5 minutes. The OS works well on a wide variety of devices including laptops as the distro comes right off the bat with touchpad support. Edubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distros for kids and with good reason. This is an official spin-off of the regular Ubuntu distro and was created by the folks over at Canonical themselves in collaboration with renowned teachers and educators. Unsurprisingly, Edubuntu is all about promoting and enabling education, not just for children but for parents and teachers as well. Edubuntu shares an identical interface with its sibling and will be immediately familiar to anyone who has used the regular Ubuntu in the past. Beneath the surface, however, there are some noteworthy differences between the two, particularly when it comes to the pre-bundled applications. In addition, there are also plenty of kid-friendly games such as HangMan, Turtle or Tuberling. Compared to some of the other Linux distros for kids found on this list, Edubuntu is a bit more difficult to get used to as it is mainly intended for older children. The OS is meant to be used in schools and can be set up on multiple devices connected to a single network. Both the setup process and the UI of this distro are a bit more advanced compared to those of other Linux distros for kids. Luckily, though, the DebianEdu wiki offers a lot of good documentation on how to get started on the right foot. The distribution comes with a grand total of software packages grouped my meta categories such as astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, development tools, language applications, and more. LinuxKidX is another free Linux distro for kids that you may want to look into, though this one can be a bit hit-or-miss. The OS is fairly colourful, easy to navigate through, and includes a good mix of simple games and slightly more advanced educational applications. While the distribution itself is available in English, most of the support materials and documentation for LinuxKidX can only be found in Portuguese. Unfortunately, that makes it a bit harder to recommend than other Linux distros for kids on this list even though the OS is otherwise pretty solid. DouDou is a bit old at this point but still worth checking out. This colourful Linux distro for kids Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition equipped with a very friendly-looking designed for children between 2 and 12 years of age. The UI is very minimalistic and all the applications are hidden beneath large, easily-distinguishable icons. Speaking of applications, there are a few dozen of them Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition play around with, including quite a few games. A computer with DouDouLinux can be used as a rudimentary gaming system, though keep in mind that the games you find here and fairly basic and older children are likely to not find them as entertaining as most modern video games. The distro does not require installation and can run directly from the CD. This means you can pop it into your main PC and let your children use the desktop environment without having to worry that they might accidentally access any of your personal content. Moreover, DouDouLinux automatically blocks ads on websites, filters adult content, and preserves user privacy while browsing the internet. All the great Linux distros for kids we talked about today are a testament to the versatility of this family of operating systems. The aforementioned distributions are fairly easy to set up even for first-time users and would make great educational tools for your children. As for which ones you should consider installing first, that will depend entirely on your needs. One thing is for sure, after your kids have gained a bit of experience with Linux, maybe it would be a good time to also teach them some of the basic Linux commands. They might just fall in love with coding and grow up to become the engineers of tomorrow. While other operating systems can also get the job done pretty well, Linux is a more specialized OS that was…. If you are a fan of using Python programming language, you can make your life easier by using Python Pip. It is a package management utility that allows you to install and manage Python software packages easily. Username or Email Address. Remember Me. Blog Post. Jason Moth1 year ago 0 8 min read Post Views: 25, Jason Moth Like most other people who grew up using Windows, I always thought of Linux as a very niche operating system that seemed needlessly complicated. Turns out, I was wrong on both accounts. Linux plays an essential part in powering our modern world and can be surprisingly accessible if you know which distros to start with. Related posts. Jason Moth4 months ago 15 min read. Jason Moth1 week ago 21 min read. Jason Moth4 months ago 23 min read. Jason Moth2 years ago 19 min read. Jason Moth2 months ago 15 min read. Jason Moth6 months ago 21 min read. Popular Articles. Jason Moth4 months ago 1. Thomas Hyde2 years ago 0. How to Install Android Studio on Ubuntu 0 Login Register. Registration is closed. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Privacy policy Ok No. You can revoke your consent any time using Linux for Programmers and Users 1st edition Revoke consent button. Revoke cookies.