West Virginia Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources Station Bulletins And Design 1-1-1902 Peach growing in West Virginia Kary Cadmus Davis Follow this and additional works at: https://researchrepository.wvu.edu/ wv_agricultural_and_forestry_experiment_station_bulletins Digital Commons Citation Davis, Kary Cadmus, "Peach growing in West Virginia" (1902). West Virginia Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletins. 82. https://researchrepository.wvu.edu/wv_agricultural_and_forestry_experiment_station_bulletins/82 This Bulletin is brought to you for free and open access by the Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources And Design at The Research Repository @ WVU. It has been accepted for inclusion in West Virginia Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletins by an authorized administrator of The Research Repository @ WVU. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. '"' (7J AGRICULTURAL EXJ^ERUMEiSTTrSTATIOK. MORGAJSTTOWoSr. TV. V^. 1902. Bulletin 82. April, Peach Growing in West Virginia By K. G. Davis. Station will [Tte Bulletins and Eeports of this l^f^^J^/^f application. ^/.^^^^^fAddress, Director of citizen of West Virginia upon ^Titten Morgantown, \\ Va.J Agricultural Experiment Station, . THE REGENTS OF THE WEST VIRGINIA ^UNIVERSITY. NAMK OF UEGENT. p. O. ADDRESS Hon. W. J. W. Cowden Wheeling Hon. C. M . Babb Falls Hon. J. B. FlNLEY Parkersburg Hon. D. C. Gallaher Charleston Hon. E. M . Grant Morgan town Hon. J. M. Hale Princeton Hon. C. E. Haworth Huntington Hon. C R. Oldham Moundsville Hon. J. R. Trotter Buckhannon President of the Board of Regents W. J. W. CoWDEN President of the University D. B. Purinton Treasurer - _ - - A. R. Whitehill Auditor - - _ - _ W. J.