Volume III, No.4 May, 1986

Commencement Speaker Dr. Barbara Rockett Describes Abigail McCarthy: Fatnily Life, Career Balance Writer, Speaker, Mentor by Julia Kuliesh C: Would you mind if I asked The following is part two of an how old you were when you by Carol Moura Renewal, an ecume.nical interview with Dr. Barbam Rockett, a' had your first child? Dean Kilson has announced symposium published by surgeon , a mother and the president of Dr. R: ' (Lnugh) I was just that Mrs. Abigail Q. McCarthy Dimensions Press. the Massachu setts Mediml Society. beginning my training - just will be thi's year's commence­ But wait; there's more. In the after medical school. My ment speaker. Well-noted as an woman's movement Abigail Current: As a physician, and as mother was alive at the time so author and essayist-, Mrs. McCarthy has concentrated on President of the Massachusetts it was a little bit easier. I also had McCarthy has several works to education and advancement in Medical Society, I think you to get additional help. her credit, including her the economy as key to the serve as a model for women, autobiography, Private Faces/Pub­ improvement of woman's especially pre-med students C: Do you have any hobbies? li c Pia Ct'S , Wa shillgtoll Pos/ Book status. She was founding here at Emmanuel. Could you Do you have time for any? World, Circles: A Washing/on Story, president of the Washington describe your family life and Dr. R: Yes, I love sports. I grew and One Woman Lost, due from Clearinghouse on Women's how you managed to balance it tip horseback riding and I Atheneum this July, solicit her Issues. Moreover, she was on with your career? participatd in horse shows. I talent and craftsmanship. the first advisory boards of the Dr. Rockett: Sure. Well, I have have not been riding horses DR. BARBARA ROCKETT According to a Time review, she­ Women's Equity Action League five children and my husband is very much lately. has made through these works, and the Women's Campaign a neurosurgeon. At the time I When I've had the opportun­ Dr. R: 7-7:30 a.m., and 12-1 ' "a deserved and distinctive Fund. For you business majors, was doing my residency I had ity I've been very involved in a.m., depending on the ' day. name for herself as the most alas! there is hope. In addition to my second child - then I spectator sports. My sons Some days, such as during perceptive analyst of the her long list of accomplish- started working .at Emmanuel compete and my daughter is vaca tion times and on precarious role of women in the . ments, Mrs. McCarthy was one part-time and at Simmons in . starting to become involved in weekends, I can sleep later. male-dominated world of U.s. of the first women to be their health clinic. sports at her school. So I always C: You are obviously very politics." For the past fifteen appointed to the board of a large With my husband in try to attend these events. dedicated to your field. Has years, she has also worked as a . Wall Street corporation. neurosurgery and working as a columnist for Commonweal, a lay Finally, as a result of her hard resident, he was spending so journal of public affairs, work and dedication, Mrs. much time away from the "One of the highlights of what I've literature, and the arts. McCarthy has been awarded · family that someone really had Even with all this to her seven honorary doctorates. The to be available to be with the done is when 1 received an honorary credit, Mrs. McCarthy is not Trinity 'Award, the Avila children. If need be, I was able to satisfied being just a writer. She Award, and the Marymount bring the children to the degree at Emmanuel a year ago in is a churchwoman and Medal ·of Christian Excellence, infirmary to work with me, if a May. That was the first honorary ecumenist. Mrs. McCarthy was are among them . Most nurse was available. I resumed the first Roman Catholic importantly, on Saturday, May' my residency for a brief period degree 1 received. 1 felt especially laywoman elected to the board 17, she will receive an honorary as my husband was progressing pleased because I've spent so many of Church Woman United. This degree of Doctor of Humane in his residency, which movement successfully united Letters from our own eventually allowed him to years at Emmanuel and 1 just felt part more than 40 million Catholic, Emmanuel College. practice. After a period he Protestant, an.d Orthodox Mrs. McCarthy'S repertoire found he needed someone to of the whole community." women. She has also served as a not only indicates the type of help him in the operating room, national vice-president. She has woman she is, but the type we and asked if I would be willing lectured at ecumenical seminars all can be as well. Her speech, at to do this. And I did . I also In fact, I have served as a there been a history of and workshops at various Commencement, will undoubt­ con tin ued to work at physician for many sports practicing medicine in your universities across America; edly inspire all who listen. Emmanuel in the infirmary. events because I was always family The University of the. Pacific Come on Emmanuel Women, C: For what reason(s) did you there. I would assist the coaches Dr. R: No. it's your turn - MOVE! and trainers at the time. and the University of Chicago continue to work at Emman­ C: Have you always wanted to All information was supplied When I have the opportunity are two 'primary examples. She uel's infirmary, but not at be a doctor? has further edited and co­ from Mrs. McCarthy's Prose Simmons? I have gone ice-skating and authored First Steps in Christian, Vita. skiing with the family - Dr. R: No. Actually I had Dr. R: I enjoyed working in both though I don't profess to be originally planned to attend infirmaries, but for several tremendous at either of these. I graduate school when some of Honorary Degree Recipients reasons, including hours that don't jog, but I ' run, I run my teachers suggested that I were more appropriate for me, I everywhere. I have a very active apply to medical school. I Sister Janet Eisner, SND, President has announced that at stayed at Emmanuel. I enjoyed life. discussed this over with family Commencement on Saturday, May 17, 1986, Emmanuel College working with the Emmanuel and friends and decided to do it staff and sfudents as well. C: Could you describe a typical will confer Honorary Degrees on the following: work day? ' - and I was accepted. - ABIGAIL Q. McCARTHY C: You're a neurosurgeon also? I graduated from Wellesley, Dr. R: (Lnugh) Nothing is typical. Mrs. Abigail Q. McCarthy, 'noted Washington Author and Dr. It: No,.I assist my husband where I majored in zoology,and Catholic laywoman will deliver the Commencement Address and It's constantly cnanging. Well, Tufts Medical School, and then who's a neurosurgeon·. I'm a first of all it depends on the College will confer on her an honorary degree of Doctor of general surgeon.. I also have I completed my internship at Humane Letters in recognition of her le~dership role in ecumenism . whether I'm going to do Boston City Hospital. Then I worked with an orthopedic surgery . On Mondays, and her strong and articulate advocacy of women's Catholic surgeon, a general surgeon, and served my residency at the colleges. She received her B.A. from the College of St. Catherine in Wednesdays, and Fridays I Boston V.A. Hospital and also a gynecologist, when they work around the schedule I Minnesota, her M.A. from the University of Minnesota. needed assistance in the~ at Boston City Hospital. SILVIO O. CONTE have here at Emmanuel. operating room. And now, as President, C: What have been some of the Congressman Conte has been a member of the United States It's been very nice for me highlights of your career? House of Representatives for 28 years. The College will confer on often have several appoint­ because I'm able to do what I ments at' the Medical Society COIzlillUt'd Oil "lIgt' 5 Silvio Conte an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws in recognition like to do and that's surgery. of his distinguished public career 'during which he has during the day as well as _ . demonstrated concern for the importance of quality and C: Do you find having career meetings or appointments accessibility in educ;ation, and for the critical role he has played in arid a large family as well very during the evening. And going guaranteeing a full range of educational opportunities to all demanding? to pick up my daughter and INSIDE Americans. He received his law degree from Boston College. Dr. R: Especially after I had arranging for the rest of the family. Election HARRY ELLIS DICKSON three more children, it was Results Page 8 Harry Ellis Dickson has been affiliated with the Boston certainly a challenge to trY-.E!:ld I'm usually the one who gets Symphony Orchestra and the Boston Pops since 1938. The College juggle things. My daughter Julie dinner ror them - t houglf-all of Options After will confer on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Fine Arts in is 12 and goes to Winsor. One them have become adept at Graduation Page 3 recognition of his distinguished musical career as a performer, boy's a freshman at. Harvard preparing meals as a resuij of artistic director --a nd conductor and his outstanding efforts in . and I have another boy who's what's been happening this Feminist Issues Page 2 year. This year has been developing the talents of young people through the establishment taking courses at Tufts who Fiction Contest just graduated from Harvard in especially busy. At night I also of the Boston Symphony Youth Orchestra. He is a graduate of the Winners Page 7 ' New England Conservatory of Music. preparation for medical school. usually have to make several SISTER MARY EVELYN JEGEN, SND One is getting an MBA at telephone calls ... I try to be with Poetry my family in the evening. Sister Mary Evelyn Jegen, SND is the National Coordinator of f Northeastern and is now on an Wiriners Page 6 Pax Christi USA and formerly was Executive Director of Bread for inter~ship in Pittsburg. My C: So at what time do you the World, Education Fund. The College will confer on Sister Mary other son is getting an MBA at usually get up in the morning C"I1/i/lll .. d "" I' ,IS" 3 Babson. and go to sleep at night? Page 2 EMMANUEL CURRENT May, 1986

by Elizabeth McCarthy "Have you read this?" The YOURSEL VES". Hitlers that want to take over may want ~ their Qwn society, The grey smoke from a stack book was entitled Radioactive That last line in the last the earth. Look at us. but that's not reality', now. How on Pease Air Force Base filtered Waste. paragraph. Look at it. It's so· ironic that the word do you expect a person to live in into the sky and blended into a "No ... But 111 read anything." COMMIT YOURSELF!! Talk "us" is the same as U.s. Right a dream society and the society mushroom shaped cloud. The I blurted out. about a capitalistic society. The now I don't feel that the U.s. is a actually live in, and accomplish first thing that came out of only people who can commit country that should be anything? The leading activists "The Union for Concerned Sue's mouth as we crossed the themselves totally to_ an issue representing me. "Us" means want us to congregate as a mass Scientists put this out. It costs New Hampshire border was they feel is important are those "we" and "we" means a group of people and stun the hell out three bucks, but if you can't "Doesn't that look like a nuclear . who don't have any financial and we as a group should be of the White House. It's not afford that, it's free." explosion?" I looked at it and obligations - the corporations. one. One as a universe, not going to work. You need thought, "It's so ironic that the "Oh .. Really" I said in How do you expect laborers and separate entities. Humanity everybody. People with both combination of nature and confusion. I didn't know what middle class families to be wants to survive and flourish. feet on the ground of reality. can... form a metaphor to say. totally committed when they So why do we bicker? We have Until society makes the nuclear 'for the destruction of the have to work eight hours or plenty of natural resources to issue' their number one priority, pla'net." "Here" she handed it to me. "Will you read it?????" more a day to survive? cultivate a happy environment. don't expect anything to get We were on our way to the Subsistence is a strong word to This was my first rally. I felt accomplished." NO NUKES Rally in Hampton "Yeah!!" I said with blind use, but that's what we are something. I was sad and happy I left the rally with a sunburn, Beach, New Hampshire on determination. She handed me facing. Caldicott mentioned at the same time. I was glad I a stale buzz from drinking, and April 12. The purpose of the book. I wasn't sure if she that she wasn't here on a happy was there and representing the feeling that' I knew I had a everybody heading there was to wanted me to hold the book note. She was at the first rally in something that was important blast. The rally attracted a lot of stand up and be heard. People while she went to the bathroom Seabrook 10 years ago. She has to me and at the same time I felt people and maybe the reality wanted to voice their opinions or if it was mine for keeps. I seen it all. She pointed out that a heartrending ache for the rubbed off on some of them. and heartfelt thoughts on came out of the bathroom and the area is a poor one and that human race. What am I One day we are going to look up nuclear power ' and toxic waste the , woman was walking way most nuclear reactors are built supposed to think and feel? into the sky and that metaphor dumps. Where was all this ahead of me so I figured she on sites where people are not What do future generations that I mentioned in the fi'rst rallying going to lead? Was it gave me the book. Because of fortunate. Where do you draw have to look forward to? Am I paragraph is going to be a the line? He (Caldieott) said "It's supposed to dedicate my life to reality. I don't want to be going to take three or four this cause? I feel strongly about driving down the road enjoying million people to barrel up the it. I want to do something, but the beauty that surrounds me White House and sit there until don't know what. and hear one of those ominous it's over." Will it be over? Look "They all gather together to and appalling nuclear early at the situation we are in . Look hopefully someday live in their warning sirens resonate into at Lybia! Look at Central own society. They want to form the atmosphere. I don't even America!! People remark that their own society." That's what want to think that it will ever Gorbachov and Khud.ifi ~re Sue said and I replied. "They happen. Feminist Issues Discussed On-Campus and Off-C,ampus by Anne O'Day and affirmation, challenges and these wom ~ n. Sr. Theresa Kane Sheila MacNamara support of others and helping believes this is a major step in Being students in a small people make decisions. The the progression of women's women's college within the institutional church formul­ rights. city of Boston we have a great ates its views of premarital Once this first step has been opportunity to learn about sexual relations through completed whether from' women1s issues. Three such in terpreta Hons of scripture within 'a woman identifying feminist presentations were a and , tradi,ti'Qn. Its I v'iews with herself or from society ,~ presentation about sexuality, a perceive premarital sex as id'entifying with women',s mass entitled "In Celebration wrong. issues as a whole, justice is then of Women" and a lecture on Ethicists have five intepret- sought. This is a more difficult rape. ations of the moralit~ of task without the unity of On March 4, 1986 at premarital sexual relations, society, yet the need from Emmanuel College a presenta- some of which are cont.rover­ within the self is there as each tion was given regarding the sial: woman must justify. Chance dignity of choice in sexual 1) All directly voluntary will be a key to success of relations. Choices regarding sexual pleasure outside women today. Until step one is self, religion and family were wedlock is grieviously sinful. taken, many women show their discussed -from a develop- 2) Every genital act outside feelings to seek justice. Within mental, psychological, moral the context of marriage is this male-dominated society a and theological point of view. immoral. powerful movement will take Dr. Echeverri focused on the 3) Premarital intercourse is place where women will rise to division of feelings and - wrong but pre-ceremonial an emotional, physical and behaviors. "Our sense of intercourse may be moral. intellectual eqllality with men. sexuality changes as our sense 4) Sexual intimacy may be The whole of society will feel of self changes." says Dr. an appropriate expression of this change. Women must Echeverri. He suggests college the quality and depth of a justify their role as whole ever in the; long run going to the way this whole episode students identify with their rei at ion s hip, w h e the r persons in society. make a difference in the sad occurred I have every intention own feelings rather than marriage is if)tended or not. The next step taken is to find world in which we live? of reading the book. She was so interpretations of other 5) Sexual experience faith within the many Our group went to get a taste subtle and cool, and she people's feelings. including intercourse is a relationships involved in daily of the late 60's and early 70's accepted me for what I was. Dr. Echeverri believes there natural human function which life: a faith in God and a faith when protesting for unfair That's a rarity these days. are choices to be made within serves functions other than within yourself. Have faith in governmental practices was an My friends and I filtered sexual relationships. Until you procreation or expression of what youJought for or may still important issue. Our carload of around the press tent. I don't have a sense of yourself your intimacy. , be fighting for. A bond of truth anxious and dramatic radicals know how we got press passes, only rational choice is to say no The presentation raised must be developed as well; a arrived 'at the rally to find but we did. The sheer fact that to a sexual relatio13ship. Your greater consciousness of trust , in oneself and a trust in ' people clothed in Norwegian we sent a simple, letter to the second choice is deciding with sexuality and the decision God. When this is accomplished ponchos, hats and mittens. It NO NUKES, NO DUMPS whom you will have a sexual making processes that it - equality through faith and was dripping with earthy organization guaranteed our relationship. Communication necessitates. trust - joy could result but families and students. At this admi'ttance to free press packets and mutual respect are key Dignity, an organization might take longer to be realized. point we needed nol drugs to and a cool facade. We sat near components to a sexual committed to rights of sexual However, when women finally ' pull us through the day because the front and waited for Dr. relationship. minorities, held a mass on achieve these goals, they will the spirit and will of everybQdy Helen 'caldicott and, her Pat Davison presented a Sunday, April 13, 1986. "In need time ' to adjust to the else left us high. Everyone was husband.' Then she appeared. theological view to human Celebration of Woman", the changes in their lives before milling around the various The first woman of nuclear sexuality. In deciding to be homily given by Sr. Theresa finally reaping the be~efits and tables buying their favorite issues. sexually active or not, one Kane, focused on three major enjoyment of their hard work. protest pins. Each table "Do you know what it is like must make responsible concepts: a new consciousness­ Officers Kapikan and prophesized a different to see a woman bear a child choices. Reflections must be raising, a search for justice and Wellington, two female Boston message: U.s. Out of EI without a head? Do you know made on religious traditions, identifying with trust, faith and Police officers, gave a lecture on Salvador! Abolish ' Apartheid, how a doctor feels telling a family traditions and personal joy. , rape in Saint Joseph's Foyer on , Divest Now!! Question mother that her newborn child dignity. 'Davison explained the There is a consCiousness April IS, 1986. Authority!!! Everyone had has Downs Syndrome? That's importance of a relationship rising in society today involving After a discussion on rape something to say. A woman what will happen if Seabrook consisting of love, faithfulness the emotions, roles and and rape prevention, they standing' near me at the opens." Dr. Helen Caldicott's and commitment, as being expression of women , emphasized the point that rape 'bathroom glanced at me and husband spoke on the minute authentic. Within such according to Sr. Theresa Kane. is an act of violence and not then looked away. I thought amounts of plutonium that will relationships, communication A much higher percentage of caused by the victim. nothing of it until she turned get into our lungs, making us is necessary to obtain a women are feeling oppressed A film was shown that helped back to me and showed me a walking cancer centers. She support system . These but a minority of men are also reinforce the major discussion book. (Caldicott) said "COMMIT support , systems consist of understanding the feelings of CO lllillued Oil Fage Il May,1986 . EMMANUEL COLLEGE Page 3 , 1 Thanks For The Magic by Mary Bernard dance floor are hidden group.wins.the beer." Dave says the song. "Now instead of walking through that section. "Are you going to Who's?" somewhere in between the smiling. "How-bout (pause) the saying Saturday night, I want "Ya, what time ya going?" Everyon( jumps up clapping dancers. girl with the blonde hair, gray you to say it's Friday and yelling with enthusiasm. These questions invariably The line a t the bar is four sweater, blue pants. Yes, you. afternoon." When the song I make my way to the bar, fluttered around both the dorm people deep, everyone trying to Come on, all you have to do is comes to that point, the while section three make their ' and the cafe every Friday g~t a drink. The waitresses are judge, come on up. If you don't audience screams "FRIDAY way to the stage to pick up their afternoon in years gone by. running around with trays full want to come up on your own, AFTERNOON!" The crowd beer. Everyone would anxiously of drinks. Lisa approaches me let's give her a little sings along, in between gulps of await the time when "Who's on with messed up hair, carrying encouragement!" Dave starts their drinks, to the rest of the The pitchers are emptied as First" would open their doors at . two gin and tonics laughing as .c1apping, followed by the rest of song. fast as they are picked up. There 3:00 to begin Happy Hour. she explains, "That was hell!," the crowd. She hops up on stage is about a cupful for everyone in Happy Hour at Who's (as I'm looking toward the mob at the as Dave continues with the As ,the song ends, Dave the section, but the people at sure all you seniors and juniors bar. contest. "OK, now for our last screams frantically over the this point are so drunk they remember), was not only wild . By this time, Dave is ready to song of the contest, what I want music "No one change either don't notice or don't care. and crazy, but magical. start his contest to give away 16 everyone to do is put their positions-I have one more song Lisa meets me at the bar - this The magic is hard to define, pitchers of beer. He calls over hands up in the air. Come on, before the judge can make up time we both have messed up but it was definitely there. Each Paul, one of the bartenders. everyone up, up. Anyone who her mind." People who are hair and wrinkled shirts. As we \ and every person who went to "Paul, will you send over 16 doesn't have their hands up in sober enough to stand are are drinking our drinks, Dave is Who's On First on Friday pitchers, please?" The crowd the air has B.O." The crowd happy for another chance to use announcing the end of Happy afternoons made this magic goes wild with this news, but laughs as those whose arms their neighbors to hold them Hour. People look depressed, happen. The music, dancing, Paul, who is covered with beer, weren't up, get up. Dave puts up. I look behind me to see rows but swallow the last sip of their drinking and laughing together and has at least 30 people at the on Billy Joel's. "Piano Man" and and rows of drunken wobbling drinks. made the empty establishment people joined together in bar ordering pitchers, gives a continues, "Now, your going to As we make our way through "Who's." Who's was a word ar,mlocks singing to the next disgusted smile as he gives meet some new friends. Slowly the crowd to the door, I look known and loved by local coed's. song Dave puts on. Dave a wave of acknowledge­ lower your hands down and put behind me. The club is exposed The word came to be a ment. them around whoever you're . After the song, Dave is ready by the lights that have just gone definition rather than name. a "OK" Dave says, "I am goit'g standing next to." to wrap up the contest. With on and it is in shambles. That Who's defined this magic that to split the room into sections Everybody in the room has that news, I quickly make my puddle of beer I stepped in was generated by the college and the loudest section will win his or her arms around each way to the bar to avoid the earlier seems to have formed students. all the beer. This section over other. Lisa and I are swaying in crowd. "O.K. Dave begins, into a . Chairs are toppled The magic, hard as it is to here," pointing to the far left the armlock while we sing "Our very pretty judge has over and beer bottles are define, is perhaps easier -to corner, ~' from the girl in the along. Every now and then made her decision." He broken. It is kind of a sorry sight describe. A New Journalism pink, will you raise your hand during the song, Dave asks the announces the winner to be and it is time to go. assignment, 1 had while 1 was a please, yes, you, thank people to change the words of section three just as I am The magic is go!"e. sophomore, helped me to you .. .from her, all the way capture the magic of a typical down here," pointing to the end "Happy Hour." 1 open the story of the stage," is section one. when Dave Robinson, or "Dr. Section two is from the middle Dave" as he was known during of the bar to there," pointing his "show" at happy hour, was again to the opposite side of the making his way to the stage on stage. "All the res t is section one Friday afternoon. 69." The crowd laughs. He Standing by the back of the usually gets a laugh out of that bar with a drink in my hand 1see joke. ~ To start off this contest, I Dave heading for the stage. As am going, to playa song that you he climbs on stage, the crowd all know the words to, and starts screeching. "Hey-I wasn't whichever section is the loudest that good" Dave says and gets throughout wins all the b~~r : " his first laugh of the day. The He then starts playing "Tie a, room at this point is filled with Yellow Ribbon." Who's at this six to eight hundred thirsty point is at its wildest. People are bodies all screaming for beer. 1 screaming, as loud as they can, notice my friend across the the words to the song - they're crowded room. 1 force my way not even singing - they're just through the crowd, fighting, screaming. screaming and kicking, to let the "What? I can't hear you!" I six foot guys know I'm trying to scream to a boy trying to get by. 1 finally reach my friend communicate with me. "DO who at this time is talking to a YOU WANT TO DANCE?" he cute boy with a B.C. sweatshirt screams back to me. 1give him a on. nod of approval and we fight Dave at this point is ready to our way through the crowd to start his show. "Now all you the dance floor. While dancing, I COlmparing Options After Graduation" who came early all get a free notice a three foot puddle of shot and we want to cheer loud ';-I am having so mu'ch fun I by Kathleen Pfeiffer reasons for applying, think the last link you may need for enough so that everyone don't care that I am standing in For the student who is still carefully about the specific acceptance and can really waiting on the street can 'hear it, and I continue to dance. open to furthering her goals you hope to achieve strengthen your overall us and they11 be real jealous!" As the song changes to "Old education ~eyond the bachelor's through graduate study; application. He calls all the waitresses over Time Rock 'n Roll" by Bob degree, graduate or profession­ pro g ram s , co u r s e sand One very important aspect of to the back bar to get shots' and Seger, the crowd screams with al school is a positive and professors that interest you are applying which you should deliver them to all the delight. The people who are realistic option. Many positions all things 'to consider. Try to go consider as well is the customers. The crowd is fortunate enough to have request and/or require a into great detail as to what you application fee . You should ecstatic with this news. This not brought mirrored sun glasses master's degree; in the want to achieve through start saving early for this only gets the crowd prepared to quickly put them on, as they competitive job market we all graduate study and why you are, expense; it is worth your while drink a lot, but this tactic makes sing and dance to this popular face, continuing on for two or choosing to pursue it. to apply to as many graduate or hilT! accepted and liked by the song. Lisa comes running up to three postgraduate years may It will always be to your professional schools as you can crowd. me with our drinks and begins be a sound career choice. advantage to prepare early for afford because it opens your With a prosperous and dancing with my new friend Graduate and professional standardized aptitude tests. options. Application fees run money-making day, and a and myself. This is what 1 mean / schools have both the flexible The GRE, the GMAT, the between $25 and $50 on the crowd that likes him before he about the magic of Who's on a part-time scheduling and LSA T, and the MCAT are all average and aptitude test even plays a song, Dave has a Friday happy hour; no one financial aid which would demanding and rigorous exams. registration is another expense. good afternoon ahead of him cares. Neither the boy nor accommodate a job and the Take advantage of summer These fees may be irritating and already. myself mind her dancing with dedication which provides a courses which prepare for such even discouraging at first, but "Thank you," my friend Lisa' us; however, on a normal concentrated· and valuable full­ tests. But look at practice/ study in the long run are definitdy says to the waitress as we take occasion, we would have felt time program of study: Often books and use them in your worth the effort; furthering our shots off the tray. "Come intruded upon. Everyone at this times, financial aid is available in spare time. They will help you your education is an investment on," Lisa says, "let's toast to us point is friends because we all larger qua~tities for graduate to have a positive and healthy which will always payoff. and Who's." As we gulp our experience the same excite­ students than for undergradu­ mental attitude when taking shots down, we hear Dave ment. The excitement consists ates; given all these positive the test? Don't underestimate Knlh/ t't'1I PIt-it/a will bt'gill gnll/unlt' scream, "No, no don't drink of the beginning- of the attributes, the option of the importance of your test sludit's ill fHg lis h nl Brnlldt'is them yet, save them until we let weekend, drinking during the continuing to graduate school scores, either; they can provide Ullil't'I'sily ill Iht' fnll 0[1986. the rest down; then they will be day, the mob one has to fight proves worthy of strong more jealous!" "Well, too late," through and the great music consideration. Honorary Degrees , Lisa says as she gives me a and semi-funny jokes provided If you do decide to pl,lrsue COlilillll'-" from Fllg .. J smile. by Dr. Dave. All of this , graduate studies, early planning Evelyn the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters in The Rolling Stones start combines to make the magic of is immensely advantageous. recognition of her outstanding efforts for international peace and playing through the speakers, Happy Hour. Applications to most programs justice and because her achievements reflect the mission of the as people begin to dance. The Dave now is read.y to end the are available in September but Sisters of Notre Dame and of Emmanuel College. A native of dance floor is packed with contest for the beer as he begins there are many ways to plan Cincinnati, Ohio, Sister Mary Evefyn received her B.A. from people wiggling around. The looking for a judge. "Now we ahead. Since most applications Edgecliff College in Cincinnati and her PhD. from St. Louis whi te tiles that are outlining the need a judge to decide which call for an ,essay explaining your University. Page 4 EMMANUEL CURRENT May, 1986 LETTERS t~~~~~~~~~ ' ! ~~~~~~t t Separation t From the Class President ... t by Pamela Wing ,I t Graduation ... Commence- the working force of America. t They said "congratulations" t ment Exercises ... the ending of Whatever other possibilities four long college Years. A (the word rang in my ears). t exist, many graduates rely on Graduation time is a time for , They said "you're really on your way" Whatever it's called, it still farewell get-togethers and that single piece of paper which (I ducked beneath the cheers). means the same thing - an constitutes the completion of closeness. for many, the t t ending while at the same time a their four years, filled with upcoming final days will be a t A pat t beginning. pleasure, sorrow and hopefully time to spend with special A slap t The prospect of graduation al) . intense and worthwhile friends because of their , shake poses many questions to the M.J •• ~~ .:~_~' ~ •• ~ ~~:~._ different plans for the future. ·A of my head t group of seniors who have Seniors now awaiting the The options that await the , back endured the many hours that newly graduating seniors are date of graduation have feelings hand college has required. Many endless. By keeping your own t t of mixed emotion. Excitement A jostles me and rattles me t make decisions to continue in is mixed with uncertainty, and goals in mind and ambitions as , quite more than I can stand. their education process by rejoicing is mixed with the your guide, the future ahead of attending graduate or sadness of departure. Many you will end in success. Best of t I feel perhaps ungrateful . t professional school. Others memories, both pleasant and luck to you all today and always. A speaking bluntly in this way, • decide to take the summer off, unpleasant, have been shared Meg Kelly, , but there it is in black and white i while others hunt down a job in by classmates during these Senior Class President t SEPARATION DATE, this May. t college years. t Oh sure I've been expecting it, t in fact right from the start . ... and the College President ... t It's just that the effect of it t t well, plunged into my heart; t Dear Seniors: qualities and values of an recaptured, they will always I know I will be seeing you Emmanuel education. As your remain as some of the most A It's like finding out they changed the locks _t individually throughout the undergraduate careers important and formative years , _only nobody told you; senior week festivities and as a conclude, I sincerely hope that of your lives. Hopefully your t and there you're standing in the dark - t graduating class at Com­ your have experienced that memories will be happy and t Just what are you supposed to do? t mencement 1986, and I will special nature . --that caring fond. Emmanuel always will therefore wait to extend best environment and that welcome you back warmly to A The street is dark t ' wishes and fond. farewells enhanced opportunity for visit ~-in the coming year as , your ride is gone until then. personal growth. Your faculty well as in 50 years. you try to knock t I would like to take this have certainly watched you As you begin your last t no one is home. opportunity, however, to . change and mature, and so examination period, study share a few thoughts with you have I. You are now prepared hard and good luck, and as you t SEPARATION DATE, this May. , t about your education. academically and personally begin senior week festivities, t What would Shakespeare have to say? t· Since your 'arrival at to meet the challenges of the have lots of fun . Or Kant and his philosophy? ' Emmanuel you have heard me next era .of your lives. With all best wishes, t Renoir knew what it ought to be. t and others speak of the special Although your years at Sr. Janet Eisner, SND Who is the author of my life? Emmanual can never be President t t -t The scratching of the pen is still, t the green bough cut with a blu~t knife . .. .. and the Editor ---:::------:------'---- t Oh omniscient author - t To the E~manuel Comm).lnity: exams, enjoy the days and responded to it, I thank you. For t where are you now? t Another year is drawing to a events of senior week as lipecial those who didn't, there's always close as we put together the moments of sharing' and next year. Would ,you belie;v-e final issue of this year's remembering. ty1aythe friends we already have people working on three articles ' for the newspaper. To all of you - best Y0l,l've made and all that you've of luck with final exams and learned here, academically, September issue? So. when hopes for a wonderful summer. spiritually, socially, ... sust!iin something sparks your interest Especially for seniors, as your you in the years to come. this summer, -jot it down. We days at Emmanuel diminish one For . everyone who has always appreciate any by one, may you hold each one written for this year's Current contributions. EMMANUEL CURRENT · with appreciation. And after the and all those who have A special farewell to the Editor: Mary Goodhue senior editors of the Current: News Editor: Carol Moura English High School Student Marie Bonelli, Eileen O'Donnell, Debbie , Kelly Fox and FmtuTL'5 Editor: Anne Marie McGrail Receives Mayor's Scholarship Sue Bendickson. Their efforts ElllcrtnillmelltlSports Editor: Tara Cronin and ideas have helped to shape a Copy Editor: Julia Kuhesh At Commencement 1985, Tolbert, Freshman Advisor new di rection for our Emmanuel College initiate'd comprised the scholarship newspaper. Thank you all, good All correspondence Illay be addressed to tht' editors, the Mayor's Scholarship, a committee who interviewed luck, and congratulations. Emmanuel Current, Bpx Fl], 300 Brookline Ave'., Hoston, four-year full tuition the finalists and revi'ewed MA 021]5. The Current, run by Emm,lI1uel students, is <1 scholarship for a high school their academic creden tials. Mary Goodhue monthly publication. senior who resides in the City Editor- of Boston. This year's recipient of the ON Mayor's Scholarship is Renette Belizaire from English Do Yuv.. l--h; (I k.. High School, Boston. Renette +hD-y CuV1cello.J has achieved high academic sc~o(.\1 "? accomplishments at English High. In addition, she has been involved with the Bilingual Club , the School Wide Cabinet, and the Health . Career Opportunity Program at English . Renette, who moved from rural Haiti four years ago, is interested in pursuing a career in the health profession. . Barbara Krom, Admissions I - Counselor; Linda Abernafhy, Director of ARC; and Loistine

It is said to be bad luck to bring your broom from your old house to your new-one. May, 1986 EMMANUEL CURRENT Page 5 Dr. Rockett C: If you could give one piece of Dr. R: One of the highlights of advice to young women college what I've done is when I students about their health,-\ received an honorary degree at considering the . problems you Emmanuel a year ago in May. deal with most frequently here That was the first honorary in the infirmary, what would it degree I received . I felt l,,, ' especially pleased beca use I've Dr. R: The important thing is spent so many years at to learn about preventive health Emmanuel and I just felt p,art of measures early and there is no -the whole -community. I also better time to do this than while received one at Stonehill last you're {n college. Exercise is year. . important, so is diet, and also One important thing too is learning what can actually be that I have worked/ with Mrs. injurious to your health. Manning (one of the nurses in I think to be educated about the infirmary), all these, years. the problems which exist with It's kind of been a team effort. smoking, alcohol, and drugs, She's really a part of our family . and anything else that might C: Last semester you held a adversely affect one's body is forum in the foyer on "Our important. "Unfinished Busines,s" performed Friday, April 4 in the cafeteria in an event sponsored by the Bodies, Ourselves." Do you We know that life expectancy Sophomore Class. plan on having any similar is increased, especially for programs at Emmanuel in the women, if they .begin now to near future? adhere to some very essential Sophomore Notes-~---~----- prinCiples as far as how they can hope next year will be as Dr. R: Well, I was asked to do improve their health as well as Congratulations to every­ current position held previous­ this. They have not asked me to body who participated in Apri} ly. The new positions for 1986- successful as this past year was. to prevent disease. All suggestions for events will do anything like this recently" It's also important to Foolery! It was a fun night and 87 academic year are to be held bu t I would be glad to do we hope more will join in the by: Krista Arvanitis - president: .be appreciated, simply contact recognize any symptoms, even one of next year's officers. By something again. though they might not appear fun next year. Thanks to Dr. Sara Minsky - vice president: the way- C: What is your opinion on to amount to much . It's Bette Weiss for doing a great • Joanne Beserdetsky: Pam Fish :.. dispensing birth-control to job in her cameo role! Is treasurer: Tara Cronin and GOOD RIDDANCE TO important to check with a THE SOPHOMORE SLUMP! high-school and college-aged physician - even if it's only just Hollywood next?? Carol Clasby student govern­ women through a high-school The sophomore elections ment reps and Francine (It's almost over) reassurance to know there's Till next year ..... or college infirmary, for nothing serious. brought about a change in the Crognale - commuter rep. We instance? Do you think this would be a good policy to have at Emmanuel? Dr. R: Infirmaries who have done this have had to assume . additional responsibility and have had to restrict other health services because sufficient funds weren't available to handle both. Health care for the general popul'a tion was curtailed and in many instances, medication for illnesses was no 10Mer t?~va 'i1 a bk because costs had to lJC restncted. A bell ,. So, no, I do not think this would be a good policy to have at Emmanuel. will ring. •• SENIOR

WEEK On May 1st, members of the Emmanuel College Community celebrated May 13 at 7:00 PM, ... to . the beginning of what will hopefully become a tradition; the ringing of dinner at Kow Loon , the Emmanuel Bell as a symbolic gesture calling for the ultimate Saugus. For information, eradication ~ f any and .all forms of nuclear weaponry and power. contact Meg Kelly at Bo'x create 166. The bell, which was re-installed in the Emmanuel Bell Tower last year, May 14 at 3:00 PM there has been ringing at noon, and will ring each day after at that same time. It will be a graduation practice will ring with the understanding that the Emmanuel Community is in the Administration a urging both the goverment and the private sector to find ways to Building Auditorium. A disengage themselves from that industry lipon which our economy has picnic will follow at 4:30 become so dependent. It will ring with the hope that all who hear will PM. world listen to the message and feel called to action. It will ring so that early May 15 at 7:15 PM, the warning sirens will never have to ring. Commencement Ball will be held at the Meridien Hot.el. of The ringing of the bell is in response toa petition organized by Suzanne Dinner will be followed by Danforth and Donna Lawlor, class of 1986. They stated that "nuclear dancing. proliferation is the gravest danger facing not only our nation but the May 16 the Graduates' world, in terms of weaponry and ,also in terms of power and the Reception will be held from peace hazardous waste it generates. It is our hope that the tolling of the bell will 5:00 to 7:00 PM . The urge both the goverment and the private sector to find alternatives to this location will be announced source of power which poisons our natural resources and threatens the later. for all very existence of the planet." The students hope that\the tolling of the May 17 - COMMENCE­ bell will be a tradition handed down from one graduating class to another MENT DAY. until some day, all uses of nuclear power are eradicated. Earth's Sister Janet Eisner praised the commitment of the Emmanuel students stating that the nuclear issue, more than ever, needs to be addressed by all Program Board citizens. She noted that Emmanuel College encourages its students to -become involved in issues of justice in order to create a world of peace for Aims To Improve people. all earth's people. Student Life The Program Board is a student activities council that plan s diversified social, cultural, educational and recreatio 'n~l events. Under the advisement of t.h e Student "Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee." Activities Director, Kathy John Donne Houghton, they present programs that aim t6 improve student life . . Page 6 EMMANUEL CURRENT May, 1986

1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 English Department Hosts / . I 1986 Poetry And Fiction Winners ~ Abstracts ~ A reception and awards large. The contest began soon department," said Mason. ~ by Eli~abeth Sughrue ceremony was . held by the after Ms. Hanlon's death, with /' I English department for . the prizes being awarded in her This year's winners were 1/ Mold Something I 1986 Poetry and Fiction memory. I Leslie Alston for fiction and Contest winners and contest­ Place damp clay in front of you. I Lauren Abate for poetry. Carol I Sit down. ants on April 17. The English department has Moura received Honor Don't touch, just stare. The contest began in the continued the contest I I Mention in fiction. Honarable 1 Picture a finished bowl I early 1970's after the death of periodically, usually when the Mention in Poetry went to' On a stand, in the sunlight. Elizabeth Hanlon, former head Creative Writing course is Elizabeth Sughrue' and I I of the Creativ.e Writing offered, according to Dr. Mary Maureen Feeney. See the I Now feel the damp clay. I program here at Emmanuel. At 1 Mason, department chair. "It's following pages for the award­ I Pound it. I become a ~~~~ : . :~- : ~ th" the time, the program was quite winning entries. 1 Roll it around in your hands. I Break some off. Feel it, Roll it, I 1 Press it back into a mound. 1 1 1 Zia Rosa / Flatten the clay. 1 I Draw it up I by Lauren Abate I Between the index and thumb, 1 I Wet it . Turn it. as you pull. 1 Always in the kitchen. 1 Smooth the outside with your palm. / I would find her there Amid the figs and the garlic ~ See if it holds . /1 While pungent smoke curled up from the stove / Fill it. And waft~d out to the kumquat trees. If it doesn't leak / We didn't speak each other's language, I You are done. 1 But we understood perfectly. / Sign your initials and keep it. 1 A lizard shot across cool green tiles. Anchovies simmered in olive oil. 1 Push the !?ides in /1 In her eyes a balm of kindness / If it leaks. As soothing as the Italian sun. 1 Roll it into a ball. I I remember sugar-coated cherries, I Then start again and again I Bursting from a paper sack. Till you mold something that holds water. 1 I t And everywhere her perfume, I I A cloud of terracotta and roses. 1 Edge of Life 1 The sun began its descent. 1 He sits alone on the edge of life 1 We weRt to Nero's Palace I 'Weaving yarn in an ancient loom. 1 Crumbling on a seaside cliff /' He looks'so young in an old man's face 1 Abbve the churning waves. 1 I cry. I Toppled columns, broken marble He laughs, and jokes but no humor shows. / Fading in the twilight. ~ He is just a silent ghost passing time. 1 Next year, when I returned, We would go to Sicily, I 1 And drive through cypress and lemon groves. / Freedom I Then the sun went down. . I I have a dream of freedom I - . April, 1986 I Not of black and white I I Nor for women or just men I . B~t fox ev~ry ",oice tqat ever said / 1/ I've got a dream tonight. 1 I 1 1 ~~ / 1 To some she is Lou and others say Mary. I 1 She's been daughter, sister, and wife 1 Senior 1 But to the five I Whom she watched grow 1 1I She has been mom all our life. 1 - ArfShow 1 The day's been long 1 1 Our supper is burnt . / I Senior Show 1 Mom looks at us like a child 1 j How she would have loved it 1 The work of senior art students will be on I If for a moment one of us had smiled. 1 display through Saturday, May 17 in St. 1 So for all the meals we never ate / I And all the colds when you played nurse 1 Joseph's Foyer. The exhibit opened with a I I just want to say 1 / I love you, mom / formal reception on Friday, May 9. I and I hope we never get worse. 1 The senior artists are: L~~~~~~_~~~~ __ ~ __ ~~~~~~ . Lou Ann Benshimol, Amy E. Foss, Sandy Fuller, Mary Lou Grady, Marian Granfield, Lisa Guida, Heidi Gustafson, Elaine Harrington, Eun Young' Kim, Elizabeth Murphy, Michelle Poirier, September will soon be here! Lori Richardson, Please see Mary Goodhue ,. : Monique Tremblay, to get involved with Mary Woomer. fhe ·nex t issue of - The ;Emmanuel Current Box Fll , Student Mailroom _ . May, 1986 EMMANUEL CURRENT Page 7 No Trespassing, I' k' . Po. Ice Ta e Notice

The following article was the winner of the 1986 They would be so baffled . Before they could collect Emmanuel College Fiction Contest . their thoughts we would be long gone. I remember one time we got one who wasn't quite as drunk as we by Leslie Alston / We lived in a two-family abandoned, grey thought he was, because he chased us for about ten shingled house which was owned by the city. minutes until we ran into a gang -of guys Gloria Whoever had owned the house didn't pay the taxes, knew. She told them that this guy was trying to pick so the ci ty took it and boarded up the windows and us up and when we turned him down he started doors. There was a padlock on the board of the front calling us names and chasing us. This was the perfect door to prevent vandals from breaking in . But if opportunity for them to have a little Saturday night someone really wanted to they could. We did. fun. We could still hear the guy screaming three The house was one of three houses on a dead-end blocks away. street. In one house lived the Lawyer, an old white There were two things there was never a shortage lady we gave that name because Curt said she W'1s of in our neighborhood; bars and abandoned houses. always pleading a case. She was always trying to And on all of the abandoned houses there was a sign persuade either Curt or Jessie to take out her that read: "No Trespassing, Police Take Notice". The garbage, shovel the snow from in' front of he ~house, funny thing about it was nobody ever noticed. . . - or some other chore for little or no money at all, and you know, somehow she always managed to get There was one lady who Curt and Jessie never them to do it. tried to cheat down at the mall. Her name was Miss In the other house, which was also a two-family, Ruth. Well, that's what we called her and sodid some '. lived two families of Hispanics. It had once been an all , of the other kids in the neighborhood. She would . white neighborhood, but had changed over the years come' to the mall about twice a week so she got to as bla'cks and Hispanics moved iri . But the Lawyer . know Curt and Jessie and wouldn't let any of the had been living there all of her life and wasn't about other boys carry her bags. Miss Ruth was a very tall, to leave, no matter who moved into the thin lady about 55 years old. The boys liked her and neighborhood. The only other white people who she had a fondness for' them too. From talking with remained were a few small husiness owners. Like her the boys found out that she lived alone because Mr. ROjensky and his 50-called shopping mall. He '1ll of her children were grown-up and had children of owned two stores, one where he sold clothes and the their own. Her grandchildren visited her on holidays • other where he sold furniture, toys and housewares. and in the summer.' Miss Ruth was a nice lady, the His prices were way too high for the quality of his - kind of . lady everyone would want to have for a merchandise, but he was the only business of this didn't have to watch other kids opening up lots of mother. . . \' kind in the neighborhood. He knew he would get his presents while we stood and watchE'd or opened our It was three days before Christmas ' when we .­ price because he cashed most of the people's welfare one token present; and sometimes not even that, decided' to carry out our plan. Jessie and Curt went on checks. He would let them run a bill and on the first depending upon the kind of conscience your foster to the shopping mall as usual and did their regular ~" and fifteenth ~f each month he would take out the parents had. work uDtil they saVy Miss Ruth. Her cart was filled ..,.. money owed him. Even the people who weren't on We wanted to know the feeling of having someone with gifts for' Christmas and bags from the welfare had to go to him because there were no other go out and get us presents. Presents chosen with supermarket for her Christmas dinner. Jessie and ' stores of this kind in the area. each individual in mind and have them put um;ler a Curt ran to help her and were carrying her packages Curt and Jessie made most of the money that we Christmas tree, then on Christmas morning unwrap towards a cab when suddenly Jessie beg'1n to swoon . lived off of down at that old shopp.ing mall. Curtis them, together, as a family. And finally be a part of and fell down. Miss Ruth kneeled down to help him . was about 5'10", dark brown skinned, and one of his that Christmas magic and not just on the outside a~d asked Curt where they lived (assuming they eyes was slightly crossed. Curtis was also smart. Not looking in. This is all we wanted. We just never . were brothers). It seemed at this point that so far smart in the way most people think of it. I mean he realized the price we'd' have to pay for what started everything was going the wa y we had planned. When could hardly read' and write. He may have had only out to be just a day of happiness. the cab pulled up in front of our house Jessie began to finished the 5th grade, bllt'hehad the'kind of smarts compiaiR of still feeling dizzy, so Miss Ruth tolQ the. we all needed to survive - street smarts. The kind _.oil. . cab driver to wait for her until she helped Jessie inside that got us food when we were htmgry. of the house and realized that we were living in an Curt and Jessie would go down to the abandoned building without any parents, a look of supermarKet, next to Mr. Rujensky's stores, and help compassion . came over her . face rather than the shoppers take their bags from the carts to their bewilderment. Then came the parJ which we hated cars or a cab. People would pay them 25 or 50 cents. to carry out. We were going to.have to tie her up u-ntil Sometimes they would make about $10 or $12 ~\. U XI 1£ it. we could explain to her why we wanted her to stay. between them (especially on a Saturday which After,we had tied Miss Ruth up without too much of seemed to be everyone's shopping day). What they a struggle, we heard the cab driver blowing the horn. couldn't get with the money they earned, they made We lived on the second floor of that house because We had all110st forgot that the cab was still waiting. up for by taking something out of the shoppers' bags the electricity had been left on in that apartment. It Curt went out and paid the fare, got the presents out, - was a large old fashioned apartment with six rooms: a while they were carrying them. I r~memberone time and told the driver that Miss Ruth wouldn't be Jessie had taken a frozen rabbit from one of the kitchen, livingroom, what appeared to be a dining coming back out. Of course the cabdriver didn't ask shoppers and brought it home. I did all of the cooking area, and three bedrooms (at least that's what we any questions, the only thing he was worried about made them out to be). We didn't have very much and had no idea of how to cook a rabbit, 50 I stewed it was getting out of that neighborho~. furniture and what little we did have was what Curt like I would a chicken and made a I gravy, and that rabbit turned out to be one of the best meals we ever and Jessie found on trash day. We used to freeze in had in that old house. that house though, until one day Jessie got us an electric heater. He got it down at the mall when someone was bringing their packages to the street to get a cab and bring it back for the heater. Jessie grabbed the box and ran all the way home with it. We got 50 many of our household items through Curt and Jessie's hustling and fast thinking. Some of the money we lived off of and things I had gotten. Like I could cook almost anything. You see, before I met ' the,electric hot plate I used to cook on. up with Jessie and Curt I was a foster child in the I used to make money by going out with Gloria. home of a white family on the other side of town. Gloria was 17, only two years older than I was, but They had two teenage daughters and I believe the she knew the streets. She taught me how to get We explained to Miss Ruth that all we wanted was only reason they took me was because they wanted money out of old men without ever really doing to have a Christmas-like other children and pleaded those two to have a personal maid. I did everything anything. Gloria and I would go down to .the local with her to stay. She seemed a little confused, but r- from cooking to washing their underwear. That · bars on Friday and Saturday nights. On the said she would stay. After we untied her she began. often happens to foster kids; people who get us only weekends the old men usually had just gotten paid asking me where things were so that she could start warlt us for the money the state pays them and to do and would get really drunk. Gloria and I would cooking. Miss Ruth and I prepared a pretty good their housework and sometimes a whole lot more. promise those men things we had-no intentions of dinner with what we had. After we ate we were all Actually, looking back now, the best times we ever delivering. We would pile on makeup and wear our tired and Miss Ruth promised that the next morning had was-in that old house. tightest dresses. We'd have to go to a different bar we would go out and look for a Christmas tree. We 'may not have been in a home with what the each weekend because we knew they'd catchon to Instead the next morning when we woke up Miss social workers called a "conventional family", but we our little con-game pretty quickand would be looking Ruth had gone out and come back with a social had each other. We felt more of a sense of belonging .for us. What we would do was to tell one of these worker and the police. Oh, not because she wanted to in that old house, together, than any of us ever did. in men that we would take him home with us for $20. punish us, but because she thought she was helping any foster home we had been placed in. I'm not He'd give us the money and then we would take him us. If she only knew: saying-that we di,J " need some sense of family other to an abandoned building (one which looked perfectly Now, a year later and I sit in my room that I s~are than what · AU , because if we didn't we would Iiveli-in from the front, but sometimes all it had was a with three other girls in a residential school for girls. I :« have never ~ Id what we did . We had suryived pretty front). We would case the buildings earlier to plan haven't seen Jessie and Curt since that day and good on our own, but after being foster children for our escape route. We would get him in the house and ­ probably never will. Miss Ruth has been to visit me most of our lives, just once wanted a Christmas' then run and lose him in the dark. This is why we and believes that they are helping me here by . which was planned for us. A Christmas where we wl)uld try to make sure they were good and drunk. counseling me. But counseling is not what I need. . .

/ Page 8 EMMANUEL CURRENT May, 1986

Movie Review: Public Service An.nouncement Legend Never Reaches Peace Corps Celebrates Its Potential 25 Years Of Helping _ by Cecelia Kelly The actors seem to suffer the same fate, in that they cannot Twenty-five years ago, in 60 nations in Latin America, technical training. Transport­ LEGEND, Ridley ScoU, Tim Curry, decide who they are . Two Tom Cruise then-presidential candidate Africa and the Pacific. ation, a monthly living exceptions are Tom Cruise, John F. Kennedy offered an A· Peace Corps volunteer allowance, and a readjustment &gend seems destined to be who plays the knight in shining impromptu challenge to an commits two years to helping allowance are provided by the 'among those films with a large armor and Tim Curry, who audience of University of the people of developing Peace Corps. "budget (&gend cost an estimated plays, you guessed it, Darkness Michigan students. "How countries meet their basic For more ' information, $30 million to produce), but a Himself. In fact, Curry is, along many of you who are going to needs for . food, health care, contact the Peac'e Corps short cinematic life. The idea with the costumes, special be doctors are willing to spend shelter and education. Skills Recruiting Office, 150 behind &gend is relatively simple effects, and soundtrack, one of your days in Ghana?" he are used in a variety of Causeway ~ St., Room 1304, .and a bit overworked: the forces the best features of the film. asked . To his surprise, a programs including academic Boston, MA 02114 or at (617) of good against those of evil. If The sur-realism that dominates peti tion of 800 s tuden ts' and v 0 cat ion a I t r a i n i n g " 223-7366. the plot seems stale, what the theJ11e of Legend has its signatures reached him two nutrition, administration, and makes this film even worse is potential, but, unfortunately, days later. On March 1, 1961, natural resource development the dialogue, which moves back the writers have done their Filcts obtlli/It'd from PI'IlCl' Corps Prt'SS Kennedy signed an Executive and conservatibn. rl'it'IlSI'. and forth fro"Jn hokey Medieval best, (or worst) to ensure that it Order and the Peace Corps An application must be a to modern colloquial. never quite reaches it. had formally begun. U.S. citizen of at least 18 years EDITORS NOTE: If there Ilrt' lilly Over the years, 120,000 of age, medically qualified and, rctunlt'd Pence Corps volul/tl'as 011 Americans have served in a if married, serve with his or the Emlllllllul'i Clll11pUS . ~ fllculty, Resident A-ssistants total of 93 developing her spouse. Prior to duty, stuifl'nts, Ildllllllistriltors, stllff .- the countries, including over 8000 volunteers receive three Current. would Ilpprl'cillte your Selected For 1986-87 volunteers from New months training in the shll ritlg you r t'XpaiclICl's . Plt'IlSI' England. Curre'ntly, 5400 language and culture of the COlltllct lilly of the editors through Box volunteers and tr~;,.,,,"r , n:-','" country as well as short-term . Fll itl the studetJt IIIllilroolll. The Resident Assistant decisions very difficult. Selection Committee is The following students have pleased to announce the been selected as Resident Feminist Issues, Opportunities Discussed Resident Assistants selected Assistants: for the 1986-1987 Academic Alaina Bellucci CO/lliIlUt,i/ fro", pllge 2 Others interviewed in the equdlity and the issue of rdpe. Year. Paula Cerqueira points. Convicted rapists were film included attempted rape These are a few of the many Carol Clasby interviewed. They attested that victims. These -victims opportunities available to us Decisions were based on fiv~ Kim Costa it is the victims! fault for being attributed their escape from within the Boston area . components of the selection Julia Kuliesh "in the wrong place at the accused rapists to their quick Lectures such-as these are listed process; the application; Marybeth Millstein wrong time" meaning that, at reflexes and ability to remain outside of the Educational and ­ recommenda tions; group Claudia Morelli the time of the rapist's urge, the calm in such a crisis.' Pastoral Ministry Office and intervie·ws; individual Kim Pashby victims were a ready outlet and The Theological Studies Office. interviews; and list rankings. Sheri Rein should have expected the Having attended the above Other authoritative sources The twenty-eight candidates Kathleen Quinn outcome. The film showed that three programs, one could gain include the Emmanuel Feminist all exhibited a wide range of. Carolyn Selleck the common myth about rape is a greater awareness of Union and a feminist union that qualifications, making the Elizabeth Sullivan. that it IS the victim's fault. sexuality, women's search for meets at Simmons College,

Election Results for Student Government

The following is the roster of ~he Studen t Government Association members and Yearbook Edi tors for the 1986-1987 academic year.

. CLASS OF 1987: STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION: PRESIDENT: .. :,...... Elaine Campbell PRESIDENT: ...... Kathy Feeny VICE PRESIDENT: ...... Anne O'Day VICE PRESIDENT: ...... ; ...... Maria O'Connell TREASURER: ...... Christine Yphantes TREASURER: .' ...... ; ...... Christine Capano SECRETARY: ...... Jacqueline Buck PUBLICITY SEC: ...... Sue Perry COMMUTER REP: :...... '... Mary McDonald RECORDING SEC: ...... Jennifer Puccetti SGA REPs: ...... Joanne Ryan, Caroline Kay ' COMMUTER COUNCIL: CLASS OF 1988: PRESIDENT: ...... Anne McGrail PRESIDEN.T: ...... Krista Arvanitis VICE PRESIDENT: ...... Joanna Gatanti VICE PRESIDENT: .... : ...... Sarah Minsky TREASURER: ...... Christine Ferzoco TREASURER: ...... Pam Fish SECRETARY: ...... Undecided SECRETARY: ...... Joanne Beserdetsky COMMUTER REP: ...... Francine Crognate YEARBOOK EDITORS: SGA REPs: ...... Carol Clasby, Tara Cronin EDITOR IN CHIEF: ...... Julia Kuliesh BUSINESS_EDITOB,: ...... Gina Francescone CLASS OF 1989: LA YOUT EDITOR: ...... Marya Panizca PRESIDENT: ...... Suzanne Cimeno PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR: ...... Kim Costa VICE PRESIDENT: .\ ...... C10rinaa Cali ART -EDITOR: ...... Mary Despres LITERARY EDITOR: ...... Anne McGrail TREASURER: ..... : ...... Jeanne Phelps SECRETARY: ...... ' ...... Chris Thayer COMMENCEMENT COMMITTEE: COMMUTER REP: ...... Christine Humphrey (Self -scle( fed) SGA REPs: ...... Janet Gagnon, Robin McCarthy Elaine Campbell Maria O'Connell Marya Panzica . Christina White CLASS or 1990:10 be electeu III ti.L 'dll. ,..

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