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) THE .;nCWISH POST 'l'h.ursda,y, October I, 1964 Page Ten Tbursday, October I, 1964 THE JEWISH POST Page Eleven I The ~haarey Tzedec Men's Club home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Paperny, funds raised through the United BIRTHDAY AND WEDDING will hold a men's stag Wednesday, 1021 Hill(ll"est, to open the total Jewish Appeal. CAKES AT THEIR BEST Rother's 1ine FurnHure "Post"-Marked Oct. 7, at. 6:30 p.m. in the Youth welfare cam,paign of the I. L. Per- Many agencies studied are outside ''Made to Order" Superb StyJiDg etz School. Co-chairmen for the the sphere 'Of financial support by BARNEY GLAZER'S Re-Upholstering and Re-Building by Expert Craftsmen Hall. Rabbi Benjamin Eisenberg, Belgian new spiritual leader of the congre 1964-65 campaign are A. Pearhnan Jewish Welfare or UJA monies. FREE ESTIMATES Calgary gation, will be guest speaker. The and Leon Krygier. Committee They are included in order to pro Pastry Shop chairmen are: social, Mrs. Dave vide an over-all picture of the com Phone 772-2181 Evenings JU 6-6782 8J' TANYA GELFAND membership fee 01 $5 includes all French Pastries Our Specialty BNtger; phoning, S. Pearlman; invi- munity's resources. HOLLYJlTOOD (Mrs. Geliand Wlll be pleased to accept organizational refreshmenls. 498 PORTAGE AVENUE tation, Mrs: A. Gold; publiCity, Lou In the past, members have toured 1101 Corydon Ave. or local news 8lI.d personal notes for inclusion in this The Sha'arey Tzedec Sisterhood column. Her phone number is I\.V 9-2166 ••• her held its membership ,tea in the Pearhnan and Mrs. M. Paperny; the Rehabilitataion Hoopital, Re- Hollywood, Calif. - When the singing team of Boston's famous Ames Phone GR~ver5-7428 address is 1317 - 21A St, N.W.) Youth Hall on September 23. Con house, Abe Gold. tarded ChIldren's School, ,the Golden Brothers split, only one atom - Ed 'Ames - actually separated. The venors for the affair were Mrs. Larry -0- Age Club, Jewish Chud and Fam- Winnipeg, Mali: Calgary Inn provided the setting bered hi Calgary for ;'ls good taste other three - Vic, high baritone; Joe, bass; and Gene, Alto - still com for the.,State of Israel Bond Wine' and credit should be given to Betty Shapiro and Mrs. William Aisenman. The girls of Aviva Chapter of ily Service, and local Jewish schools. 'prise the singing act known as' the Ames' Brothers. • FROM Festival held Septe~ber 26. Four! ruback, chairman of the affair; --0-- BBG receive a percentage of all boa- In addition, they have been ad Detennined to make it as a single, Ed quit the team and now feels types of. Israeli wine, a champagne Harry Cohen, campajgn. chairman, In order to assist the Jewish Com quets of flowers or corsages ordered dressed on the work of the United he has achieved his g08J.. He played the following starring roles: and a brandy Were tasted by the and special. credit to AI Regen- munity Council nominating com through them, .through an arrange- Israel Appeal, Joint Distribution TR~VEL STERN ment with Martha's Flower Shop. Committee, Canadian Jewish Con On Brdadway and the road in the musical "Carnival" for one and, TRUCK LEASING LTD. guests, each of .top quality and I streil. mittee, will all organizations who one.. half yi.l\rs; in "The Cuckoo's Nest," a dramatic. role at New York's have not yet submitted their 19~,.. Readers who'wish to order flowers gress, and Anti-De~tion ~ague. 1276 MAIN ST.. d.llicious. I sampled .them all and o MORE IN are asked to support ,the BBG girls High on the agenda for future tou;'" Cort Theatre: and in the musical "The FantastickS." WINNIPEG it is impOSsible .to say which was Tiu!re 'Vi11 be t&ee .. events in 65 representatives to the office, do Recently, he recorded his latest RCA Victor LP, ''The Ed Ames so inunediately. The when ordering flowers. Contact and talks will be visu;. to youth SIXTY-FOUR PHONE JU 2·2381 best. E;).ch 'tYpe. of beverage waS connection .wi~h .•.. the ''youth Aliyah necessarY Mrs. B. Gurevitch, 243-5620; Aldele serving agencies supported by Jew album," and completed a film, co-starring with Kirk Douglas. described and .toasts given by Harry campaign. Tlu!re will be.thtee social forms may be obtained from the NEW LOW FARES Robinstbne, 289-5269; or any mem- iSh Welfare Fund subventions. Currently, Ed co-stars with Fess Parker and Albert Sahni in NBC Cohen, bond chairm8n. for Calgary; functions: a reception for men and office or by calling 263-5650. new one-hour series, "Daniel Boone," to be seen Thursday nj,ghts 00 -0- ber of the Aviva Chapter. Mrs. Lois Henteleff Is coordinator TV's - Rabbi S. E:dwards;' of Beth Israel: women, October 3, at .the home of . " u.s. $535. All men and women interested and may be' contacted at HU 9-6250. at 7:30. He plays an intellectual frontiersman, stemming from an English Morris Hector, president of the Cal Mr. and Mrs. ~alph Kalef, 2220 - 12 New York - Tel Aviv - New York in helping the youth of Calgary by father who was educated at Oxford and a Ch~kee Indian mother. gary Jewish community, 'and Al Street S.W. A "wine-tasting party" The Calga~y Chapter of the Na PLAN TO SPEND A acting as coaches and referees for Standing 6' 4", Ames is dwarfed on the show only by Fess Parker, GALA EVENING Regenstreif, regional director of the will be held on October 13 at the tional Council of Jewish Women who tops him by .. scant inch. campaign. home of Mr. and Mrs. J9C Busheikin, basketball and volleyball tea.'ns will hold its Donor Luncheon co~ BB Wmn's Party Born in Malden, Mass., and raised on Angell Street, Dorchester, Ed at tl., 6mari A fashion show was held, cour- 132 Malibou Road. Co-hosting this which are entered in the Jewish bined with its New Frontiers Lun Youth League program, are asked For Membership was graduated in 1945 from Boston Latin High School where he played tesy of Eaton's of Canada, showing affair with Mr. and Mrs. Busheikin cheon November 4, at 1 p.m. at to contact Barry Finestone for fur Garden City Chapter, B'nai B'rLth varsity basketball. HIs older brother Joe was a :member of Latin's '38 SAHilBA. Ifashions from their French ;Room. are: Mr. and Mrs: Harry Cohen, the Highlander Motor Hotel. This ther' information at 263-5650. Women, will hold its 'annual mem class. ViC and Gene attended Roxbury Memorial High School. THEATRE RESTAURANT AND Highlight of the evening was the Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Gelfand, Mr. event i. being convened by Mrs. -0- bership and retention coffee party Ed met his wlfe Sarita, a former ballet dancer, 18 years ago in Leon Inter-Nation performance of Milt Ross of New and Mrs. Joe Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Groberman. Financial chair NEW OASIS LOUNGE An organization which for many Monday, Oct. 5, at 8:30 p.m. at the and Eddie's, New York, now derunct. "One year later, while we were York. His stories and act were par Morris Shapiro and Mr. and Mrs. men are Mrs. Abe Rosen and Mrs. still teenagers, we were married," said Ed,glancing proudly at Sarita. Travel 1gency Lid. COMPLIMENTARY THEATRE PASSES excellence. I had ,the opportunity Harry Shefte1. The closing affair years, in fact as far back as I can Mel Polsky. A fashion show will home of Mrs. G. Hornstein, 9 Crocus TO ALL DINING ROOM PATRONS remember, has been known as the Street. "We looked so much alike, everyone thought we were brother and sister." STAN A. BLAZOSEK of talking with him later and found will be held at the Palliser Hotel 'highlight the afternoon. The French Salon' present The Ames have three children - Sonya, 15: Ronald, 11; and Lindy, ,9. Manager Phones: Theatre, GL 5-1793; Res., GL 5-2676 him n,;t only to be a wonderful Wednesday, Oct. 21, in the Crystal Polish Jewish Loan Association, -0- ~ll decided at a recent meeting that "No Age to Beauty," featuring hair The' family temporarily resides in West Los Angeles but returns' soon EDMONTON ALTA. Great Road entertainer, but an interesting and I Room. Mrs. E. Mimning will be Received some interesting ma 10553A 97th STREET " and 114 Ave. designs for all ages by Marcel. to the permanent home in Tenneck, New Jersey" where the children will really nice person. the guest speaker. Mrs. M. D. henceforth it will be known as terial on the new radio station that Ph. 424-6211 ~enings 489-7222 the Calgary Jewish Family Loan Models will be chapter members. re-enter school.' "The kids loVe to travel," said, Ames, "but they aren't The Wine Festival was an eve- Mitchell is in charge or arrange will shortly be opened in Calgary Bus. 4<:4-0834 Door prizes will be given. bugged on showbusiness." . ning whiM will be long remem- ments for this IUlloheon. ' Association. Membership in the masterminded by Ted Soskin. This The membership committee, head Ed loves to play tennis. He rented his Los Augeles home cblell,y Edmonton Alberta FOR YOUR Society is open to all members of material CljDle as·a result of a tele because it ,has a tennis court. TRAIN, PLANE or STEAMSHIP TICKETS - Call the Calgary Jewish community. For phone call to Ted, because I wanted ed by Mrs., H. Levine, and social Asked if he sang as a youn.gster in any BosIJon synagogue choirs, Trust Company Opens in Winnipeg further information, call Paul A.