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Zeitschrift/Journal: Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Wien

Jahr/Year: 1980

Band/Volume: 34

Autor(en)/Author(s): Tollmann Alexander

Artikel/Article: and Tectonics of the Eastern (Middle Sector) 197-255 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Abh. Geol. B.-A. 34 26e C. G. I. p. 197—255 52 figures Wien 1. 5. 1980

International Geological Congress 26th Session Excursion 035 A

Geology and Tectonics of the (Middle Sector)



With contributions from A. FENNINGER, W. FRANK, B. PLÖCHINGER, S. PREY, J.-M. SCHRAMM & G. TICHY

Author's address: Geologisches Institut, Universität, Universitätsstraße 7, A-1010 Wien, . ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Contents 9th day: The Grauwackenzone and the Northern Alps in (B. PLÖCHIN- Summary 198 GER, J.-M. SCHRAMM & G. TICHY) . 246 A) General introduction (A. TOLLMANN) .... 198 1. Literature 198 2. The geological position of the region visited Summary within the European framework .... 198 The excursion into the middle sector of the Eastern Alps 3. The geological peculiarity of the Eastern Alps . 200 will demonstrate by selected examples along two cross-sec­ 4. The main structure of the Eastern Alps in the tions the stratigraphy, the different facies regions, meta­ section visited 200 morphosis, structure and microtectonics. The sequence 5. Paleogeography and orogenic cycles . . . 202 of will be shown along the meridian of Salzburg and 6. Characteristics of the main units of the Eastern of . The nappe system appears as the Alps in the region visited 204 deepest tectonic unit in the center of the Eastern Alps in 7. Remarks to the mineral deposits in the scope the region of the of the Hohe . It is charac­ of the excursion 209 terised by an eugeosynclinal facies and by a high degree of B) Excursion description 210 metamorphosis. Above this lowermost unit follows the vast 1st day: Ultrahelvetikum and in Upper system of ("Ostalpin"), devided into Austria near (S. PREY) . . 210 three distinct tectonic units: At the base the Lower 2nd day: The Hallstatt Zone and its framework Austroalpine nappe system, which is represented by the near Hallstatt (A. TOLLMANN) . . . 214 Radstädter Tauern; the Middle Austroalpine 3rd day: Tectonics and facies of the Hallstatt system, which forms especially the large masses of Alt- Zone in the eastern kristallin in the central axial region of the Eastern Alps (A. TOLLMANN) 219 beyond the Tauern Window only with a thin and uncomplete 4th day: The Lower Austroalpine of the central cover under specific facies; the Upper Austro­ Tauern (A. TOLLMANN) . . 222 alpine nappe system, which comprises firstly the Northern 5th day: Lower Austroalpine unit in the southern marked by a typical Tethys facies (aristo- part of the Radstadt Tauern (A. TOLL- geosynclinal facies) rich in , then the Grauwackenzone, MANN) 229 furthermore rests of this sheet in the Central Alps like the 6th day: Middle Austroalpine and Gurktal nappe Gurktal nappe and a remainder near the root zone, the east of the Tauern Window (A. TOLL- Drauzug in the Gailtal mountains. In its southernmost point MANN) 233 the excursion reaches the northern margin of the , 7th day: The late Paleozoic of the Nassfeld Area part of the . The northern rim of the in the Carnic Alps (A. FENNINGER) . . 238 Alps is shown in the Zone with its series 8th day: The Penninic System along the Groß- under miogeosynclinal facies, overthrust by the Flysch glockner road (W. FRANK) .... 241 nappe.

A) General Introduction

By A. TOLLMANN 1. Literature

We can restrict the general introduction to this ex­ J. GEYSSANT & A. TOLLMANN: Alpes autrichiennes, C. r. Soc. cursion, because you will receive a short "Einführung geol. , 1966/11, p. 413—472, Paris 1966. — In Ger­ in die Geologie Österreichs" on the occasion of this man: H. BÖGEL & K. SCHMIDT: Kleine Geologie der Ost­ congress. Therefore you will find in the following pri­ alpen, 231 p., Thun (Ott-Verlag) 1976; W. DEL-NEGRO: Ab­ marily those special instructions, concerning the middle riß der Geologie von Österreich, 138 p., Wien (Geol. Bundes­ anstalt) 1977; M. GWINNER: Geologie der Alpen, 477 sector of the Eastern Alps, visited by this excursion. p., Stuttgart (Schweizerbart) 1971; A. TOLLMANN: Mono­ In the following some newer books and papers concerning graphie der Nördlichen Kalkalpen, vol. 1—3, Wien (Deuticke) this matter are mentioned: In English: E. OXBURGH: The 1973, 1976; Geologie von Österreich, vol. 1: Die Zentral­ Eastern Alps — a geological excursion guide, Proceed, geol. alpen, 766 p., Wien (Deuticke) 1977. Assoc, 79/1, p. 47—124, Colchester 1968. — In French:

2. The geological position of the region visited by the excursion within the European framework (Fig- 1) The Eastern Alps represent a sector of the northern in the alpidic era indicate a general northward direction. branch' of the young, alpidic Mediterranean mountain The main structures were built during Upper Creta­ system. In this part of the Alps the tectonic movements ceous and Lower Tertiary. The orogenesis diminished

198 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

| area visited by the excursion | direction of movement




Fig. 1: The position of the Eastern Alps and the excursion route within the geological framework in . the width of the geosyncline from nearly 1000 km in Europe to the Pontides in northern Anatolia and during the middle Mesozoic to approximate 150 km to the Elburs. The southern branch of this Mediterranean today. system, mooving generally southwards, is comprised of The northern branch of this young Eurasiatic moun­ the Rif, the Maghrebides within the Atlas, the Apen­ tain system, built up of rests of the floor of the Meso­ nines, Southern Alps, Dinarides, Hellenides in Europe, zoic , leads from the Betic Cordillera in Taurides in the Turkey, and leads to the Himalayas. , from the Alps, Carpathians and the Balkans This mountain system arised from the wide Tethys

199 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

ocean, which also contained the longish Kreios Plate the Carnic Alps and in the Altkristallin of the Middle with its continental crust, and a lot of younger micro- Austroalpine system. This Variscic system is preserved continents. The orogenesis was produced by the collision in a width of about 600 km maintaining a continuity of the African and the Euroasiatic plates during the in the alpin foreland in middle Europe. In front of the and the Tertiary. In the Eastern Alps a part Eastern Alps we find it in the form of the Bohemian of the former, older mountain system, the Variscides, Massif with internal Variscic nappe structure, with are preserved with its old tectonic structures, e. g., in a southeastern direction of movement.

3. The geological peculiarity of the Eastern Alps

The Eastern Alps are dominated by nappe structure. can be dated as pregosauic, that is equal to the Mediter­ Six nappe systems are piled up in this chain. Each nappe ranean phase in the upper Turonian 90 million years system in itself consists of individual nappes. The width ago. This data is in accordance with the radiometric of the main nappe transport vary from some ten kilo­ age of the metamorphosis in the Austroalpine system meters up to 165 km (Upper Austroalpine nappe sys­ (" crystallisation"). In this time the Penninic tem). Already during the stage of geosyncline in the system of the Hohe Tauern was subducted beneath the Mesozoic these units had individual facies. There are Austroalpine units. The younger main phase of trans­ also differences in the distribution of the non-meta- port of the nappe systems is the Illyric-Pyreneen phase morphic Paleozoic in the different nappe systems. Most at the end of the Eocene. During this time the central of the nappes also contain crystalline rocks as remainders units of the Eastern Alps were transported above the of a continental crust; only in the southern part of the marginal units. In this way vast parts of these marginal Penninic nappe system are hints of a direct sedimen­ zones (Flysch Zone, Helvetic Zone) were covered and tation of Mesozoic on oceanic crust. the sedimentation was finished in this region. A new The considerable shortening of the crust in the foredeep formed. The Alps entered their Molasse stage: Eastern Alps during the alpidic orogenesis produced Beginning with the Upper Eocene the debris from the a crustal thickness of 50 km in comparison with 33 km Alps and the foreland accumulated in the Molasse Zone. thickness of the crust of the Central European foreland. The younger phase of metamorphosis in the Eastern Only in its eastern part the crust beneath the Alps thins Alps, dated in the Penninic system, occured in the to 27 km, as below the Pannonic Basin in . Lower Tertiary and is perhaps in connection with the This attenuation is a young effect in connection with second main thrust mentioned above at the end of the the exaggeration of the Carpathians bend according to Eocene. In the lower part of the Penninic system in the the principle of back arc basin forming. Hohe Tauern the metamorphosis then just attains the The piling of the alpine nappes took place in various amphibolite facies. phases. Shortening of the crust and subduction began After the reduction of the tangential pressure within already in the younger part of the Lower Cretaceous: the upper Tertiary the orogenesis, characterized by Austroalpine phase of the Barreme-Aptian, Austrian nappe building, is replaced by vertical isostatic move­ phase of the Upper Albian-Cenomanian. During this ments. This late phase of mountain building is called time the main central nappe systems began their "montigenesis", leading to the morphological forming migration. The main nappe building in the Upper of mountains: big masses rise to considerable hights, on Austroalpine system may be fixed by the for­ the other hand great basins are formed. In the Pliocene mation, superposing in disconformity the limits of the the chain of high mountains is nearly complete and will nappes in the . Therefore the be finished in the Pleistocene by the activity of the vast thrusting of the nappes in this part of the Eastern Alps glaciation.

4. The main structure of the Eastern Alps in the section visited (Fig. 2, 3)

In the middle sector of the Eastern Alps we find the c) Upper Austroalpine nappe system: Northern Lime­ following main tectonic units, advancing from north to stone Alps (Mesozoic) and Grauwackenzone (Pa­ south, from the frontal part of the to leozoic) the lower units of the Central Alps: d) Middle Austroalpine nappe system: Altkristallin a) Helvetic Zone and Stangalm Mesozoic in centralalpine facies marginal units b) Flysch Zone e) Lower Austroalpine nappe system: Crystalline por-

200 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

_^ + • Mttt.t.t^m^Mtj BUOUJEIS >*•*•*•**••*»

+ + + 4-* + 44 + + + -»--t- + + + + + -*+ + 4 + + + + 4444+4 + -* + +4- + + +* + + + + + + + - + +ßohtmian Massif* + + + • + + + + + +. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 444444444444+44 + +4+444* PASSAU, • * •




Kadsladterf [ I I .'ol t , fa

i*V« •**• fey-jfe ' 3!fliT Tf8, tnl tep^>. KLAGE.NFURT »MARBUR6

hiddle Aostroalpine-, Upper Austroalpin e: |Sr5d Pennine-Schieferhülle BUH Lo"?r Aus,r°= •• Sedimentary rocks EESj Mesoxoic Pariadriatics a p le utH| Pale-ozoic G*l. Gurktat Nappe lVV| Pennine-centralgneisses " ' HIHI Crystalline 6P Paleozoic of Grar, ft old crystalline ^jl}f Crystalline K Pennine of Rechnitx

Fig. 2: Tectonic sketch of the Eastern Alps (A. TOLLMANN, 1978) with the excursion route.

tion, Paleozoic and metamorphic Mesozoic in cen- Figures 2 and 3 show the arrangement of this nappe tralalpine facies in the Radstadt Tauern pile. f) Penninic Zone: Tauern Window with Crystalline The Penninic system appears as the lowermost portion, Central Gneiss, Schieferhülle with Paleo­ unit in the large culmination in the center of the Eastern zoic and Mesozoic parts. Alps, namely in the Tauern Window.

Flysch zone Grauwacken zone SURKTAL NAPPE Helvetikum Northern Calcareous Alps M. and Lower Austroalpine Upper Austroalpine Drau unit

Traunstein Hohe Schrott Dachstein Stangalm Dobratsch Molasse zone X I


Fig. 3: Cross section in the middle sector of the Eastern Alps (A. TOLLMANN, 1976, fig. 9).

201 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

The units of the Austroalpine system origi­ famous non-metamorphic Mesozoic series, rich in for­ nate from the region south of the Tauern and were mations and fossils, e. g., the Hallstatt Limestone with thrust on and above the Tauern Pennine towards the the great number of ammonites. The internal nappe north. The Lower Middle Austroalpine unit rested in structure of the Limestone Alps offers eminent compli­ the Central Alps, covers the Pennine and shows speci­ cations. The Palaeozoic basement of the Limestone Alps fic, slight metamorphic Mesozoic series in "central- appears in the Grauwackenzone, built up of low meta­ alpine" facies, poor in fossils. The Drauzug southern- morphic series of fossiliferous formations. As an impor­ ward of the Tauern Window and the Northern Lime­ tant remainder in the same position as the Grauwacken­ stone Alps thrust far above the Hohe Tauern, belong to zone we see the Paleozoic mass of the Gurktal nappe the Upper Austroalpine unit. These two comprise a within the central zone of the Eastern Alps.

5. Paleogeography and orogenic cycles

Figure 4 shows the pattern of the main facies regions series of marly and detritic sediments, also with graded during the time of geosyncline prior to the orogenesis. bedding are produced, alternating with submarine basic a) A specific zone developed in the cental part of the effusiva with pillow structure — today metamorphosi- Tethys during the Upper in the Northern zed to blueschists, greenschists and eclogites. Masses of Limestone Alps, characterized by the Haselgebirge, rich breccias in the Penninic and Lower Austroalpine area in , gypsum and anhydrite. demonstrate the high mobility of the crust. b) During time distinct differences existed d) At the end of the Lower Cretaceous the between the facies zones of the Alps, generally arran­ geosyncline was transformed to the orogen. During the ged in longitudinal direction: The Helvetic zone still Middle Cretaceous the subduction started. The did not exist; the Penninic realm shows miogeosyncli- sedimentation in the present lowermost tectonic units nal facies with variegated schists and sandstones in the in the Central Alps ended, because they were covered Upper Triassic; in the Austroalpine region the Triassic by thrusts of higher nappe sheets. In the uppermost contains sediments of a carbonate plattform type, tectonic unit, the Upper Austroalpine system, the sedi­ whereby the thickness increases southward up to some mentation during the Cretaceous became very incom­ kilometers. The northern part of this region include the plete. It ends early in the Drauzug and in the southern "centralalpine" facies, the southern one the "nord- part of the Limestone Alps, continuing only in the nor­ alpine" facies. To the latter belong the Northern Lime­ thern part of the latter. After the revolution by the stone Alps, which show the Hauptdolomit facies (with nappe formation in the course of the Mediterranean pre- the Norian Hauptdolomit) in the north, and the Dach­ gosauic phase marine sediments were deposited in the steinkalk facies (with the Norian- Dachstein Limestone Alps only in some local "Gosau" basins limestone) in the south. In the last-mentioned region during Senonian and Lower Tertiary. In the Eocene the the Hallstatt facies (with thin red Hallstatt limestone in sedimentation terminates definitely in the Northern Li­ the Middle and Upper Triassic) is intercalated in some mestone Alps. narrow channels. e) The coherent sedimentation during the Ter­ c) While the continental crust of the geosyncline tiary at first was restricted to the Flysch Zone and attenuated in the Triassic by fracturation and the first Helvetic Zone in the north of the Alps, joining the vulcanites appeared, it began to burst during the Jur­ Cretaceous series of these units. The Helvetic realm assic time. In the northern and southern part of the contains the sediments of the shallow shelf of the Bohe­ Penninic realm an ocean floor built up the basement mian Massif, rich in macro- and microfossils, divided for the following sedimentation (Glockner nappe in the into a northern subzone, rich in limestone (correspon­ southern Pennine, perhaps of the Flysch Zone in the ding to the Helvetic Zone of ) and a sou­ northern Pennine). As a consequence of attenuation thern one, rich in variegated marls (named Ultrahel- and the opening of the continental crust, the floor of vetic Zone). Adjoining to these marginal zones in the the Tethys ocean subsided in accordance with the lows south, we find the Flysch belt, a long and deep trough, of isostasy. Therefore in the sediments like marl, produced by the beginning subduction in the region of clay, chert and pelagic limestone dominated, accompa­ northern Pennine. The series of this trough are parti­ nied by red nodular . Carbonate platform ally preserved in the Rhenodanubian Flysch Zone. Here sediments like reef limestone (Plassenkalk) only reappear in the Northern Limestone Alps toward the end of the Jurassic. Fig. 4: Paleogeographic sketch of the main facies zones of the In the eugeosynclinal Penninic realm of the Hohe Eastern Alps during geosynclinale stage in the Triassic and Tauern during the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous big Jurassic (A. TOLLMANN, 1978, fig. 2).

202 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

+• t +• + ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

RECENT: Deep Mountain roots BM rIO Molasse HE He.lve.Kcum Fy Flysch Zone NP North Pennine MIOCENE: tfolasse stage UP Ultrapienidic Rise MO HE UA _- MP Middle Pennine 5P South Pennine LA Lower Austroalpine MA Middle Austroalpine LATE EOCENE: Subductionof the Northern zones UA Upper Austroalpine MOL 5A Southalpine PA Penadriatic Suture

N U.CRETACEOUS'. Nappe Formation mithin the Austroalpine HE Fy UA

M. CRETACEOUS: Begin of the Penninic Subduction LA MA UA SA

^ IH^. 1 U.JURASSIC/L.CRETACEOUS: Oceanfloor spreading



Fig. 5: Model of the genesis of the Eastern Alps shown by the sequence of stages from geosyncline to orogene in schematic sections (A. TOLLMANN, 1978, fig. 3).

we find a typical flysch sediment with all characteristics The change from the Helvetic stage to the Molasse of this type of sediment as graded bedding, flute casts, stage mentioned above occured within the Upper Eocene. specific ichnofacies etc. Furthermore this trough with The exogeosyncline of the Molasse received marine se­ his typical "orogenic" sediments, formed a new element diments till the Karpatian at the end of Lower Mio­ in the Eastern Alps, established oblique to the older zo­ cene. nes, running from the Northern Penninic region in the Figure 5 shows the tectonic development of the Eastern west to the Helvetic region in the east, so that the se­ Alps. dimentation took place on different basement.

6. Characteristics of the main units of the Eastern Alps in the region visited by the excursion

In the following the tectonic units mentioned above tonic positions to those in lower ones — except for the will be characterized by stratigraphic range, tectonic marginal units in the north. style and degree of metamorphosis. Figure 6 gives an a) The Helvetic unit contains a Mesozoic series orientation about the stratigraphic sequences of all units, from the Liassic Gresten beds to the pelagic limestones visited by the excursion — therefore, a description in and marls of the Cretaceous and the marly Lower the text is unnecessary. Tertiary. The thickness of these series is moderate. The The description below treats the units in the order influence of the German foreland in litho- and biofacies of north to south, that is, from the units in higher tec­ is evident. The younger part of the sequence, comprising

204 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Cretaceous and Tertiary, shows a distinct difference be­ nel can be seen in the Mandlingzug near Radstadt; the tween a northern subfacies rich in limestones and a southern channel joins at the southern rim of the Dach­ southern one rich in marls. The contrast between the stein massif — tectonical outliers of this southern chan­ abundance of pelagic foraminifera in the Cretaceous nel are preserved near Mitterndorf in the Styrian Salz- and Tertiary formations in the Helvetic realm, and the kammergut. Mount Plassen near Hallstatt also seems to poverty of those in the neighbouring and overthrust derive from this channel. Flysch nappe (which contains especially arenaceous fora­ This middle part of the Northern Limestone Alps was minifera) is striking. divided by the orogenesis during the Mediterranean The Helvetic Zone is almost totally thrust by the phase in Turonian time into the following nappes, piled flysch nappe. It appears only with frontal parts and from bottom (north) to top (south): Lunz nappe with by slit-like tectonic windows on the surface. It was the Langbath Mass, the Staufen-Höllengebirge nappe, also found in boreholes beneath the Flysch. the Totengebirge nappe. These three units show mainly b) Flysch Zone: This unit is totally stripped Hauptdolomit facies (only the latter passes to the Dach­ from its basement, which was built by the older Meso- steinkalk facies), followed by the Zlambach Mass (Hall- zoic beds of the northern Pennine and the southern Hel­ statt facies), the Warscheneck nappe, the Mandling Mass, vetic Zones. The series of the Flysch unit ranges from the important Dachstein nappe and finally isolated out­ Albian to Eocene. The Upper Cretaceous part presents liers of the southernmost Hallstatt unit, that is, the in the best way the particularities of flysch facies. The Mitterndorf nappe. The contrast in facies and thickness participation of Tertiary formations diminishes toward of the latter units is striking. the west and increases toward the Carpathians in the The great rock-masses of the Limestone Alps did not east. The flysch sediments were deposited in the deep suffer a metamorphosis. However in the southern third sea, dominating below the CCD. The paleocurrents of the mountain one can see an anchimetamorphic trans­ were directed westward. formation. Finally, in the basal beds of the southern In this sector the Flysch Zone forms only one nappe, margin one can find low graded greenschist metamor­ strongly folded internally. This sheet is divided into phosis. three nappes only far in the east, in the Forest. d) Grauwackenzone. It forms the strati- The flysch, overthrusting the Helvetic Zone, is itself graphic basement of the Limestone Alps and therefore overthrust by the Northern Limestone Alps. One can occurs along the southern margin of these mountains find flysch windows in two thirds of the Limestone Alps. bordering the Altkristallin of the Central Alps. This The beds of flysch rest in an un-metamorphic state. zone comprises a sequence from the to the c) Northern Limestone Alps (Calcareous Upper . In the Lower Palaeozoic slates Alps): The sequence of this unit passes from Permian dominate. Vulcanites of basic or acid character and car­ up to Eocene. The morphological features are deter­ bonates also participate in the composition of the Grau­ mined by thick carbonate masses of Triassic age, which wackenzone. Coarse detritic Upper Carboniferous is re­ form large massifs of dolomite and limestone, while the duced in this middle part. Variscan and Alpine tectonics Jurassic marls and slates are insignificant for rock face affected this zone. During both orogenesis the meta- formation. Figures 4 and 6 show the Triassic facies zo­ morphism attained only the greenschist facies. nes of the Limestone Alps. Some remarks on this compli­ In the Central Alps, the excursion arrives at the cated matter: the Hauptdolomit facies includes in this western border of the Gurktal nappe, which re­ region in the Middle Triassic Ladinian lime­ presents a part of the Upper Austroalpine. It con­ stone, in the Upper Triassic Hauptdolomit and the marly sists of a very thick mass of slates of Ordovician and and calcareous, fossiliferous Kössen beds. The age ( slates), few carbonates and a Dachsteinkalk facies, adjoining to the south, comprises thick Upper Carboniferous mass of sandstones and con­ vice versa the (Ramsau-)dolomite in the Middle Trias­ glomerates. This nappe with a width of 60 km is thrust sic and thick limestone (Dachstein limestone) in the far in a northern direction, in consequence of the west- Upper Triassic. The reefzone of this carbonate platform east orientation of its axis, combined with the un­ in the Upper Triassic appear in the southern region of derlying Stangalm Mesozoic along its western rim. Dachsteinkalk facies, divided into many individual reefs, e) Middle Austroalpine: The vast and thick while the northern part is formed by thick bedded Dach­ Altkristallin of the Central Alps outside the Tauern stein limestone of lagoon type. A detailed reconstruc­ Window, which is touched during the excursion in the tion of the original position of the channels with Hall- Tauern near Radstadt, along the Lieser statt limestone in between the platform sediments is still in and between and the to be made. Schober mountain NE of , does not form the nor­ Now one supposes three channels with Hallstatt facies mal basement of the Paleozoic mentioned above. It within the Dachsteinkalk area: The northern one in the represents — as decided only twenty years ago — an region Ischl—Grundlsee is characterized by a facies rich independent tectonic unit, a typical basement nappe in marls in the Upper Triassic; rests of the middle chan­ with only few remnants of its own Mesozoic cover in

205 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at


.FACIES Germanic facias Miogeosyndinale facies Eugeosynclinala facies Centralalpine facies within Penninic facies TIME the basement Flqsch facies Hochsteg Brennkgl Glockner Hochfeind Pleisling Stangalm part.beloui CCD fades (rise) facies facies facies facies (')

M.-U. MIOCENE NE06ENE Fresh-water series L.MIOCENE

-U. EOCENE ti.fcöc. stockleHen Molassc marine M.EOC. Addhol2-,£rz-bcds EDCEME-PALEDCENE L.EOC. Mi1hil-,Roterz bads PALEQC. Litholhamn.lst. Variegated mart LPALEQ6ENE- marls, sandst. Numrnulitic limest. -U.CAMPANIAN: SENuNIANiGreuJvarie- SENONIAN-ALBIAN Soft sandstone U.CAMFANIAN-l.TURON. Uppermost va negated gated marls Variegated and UPPER CRET. Marls,sandstones rURON:Redmnrls,lst, shales CENOMANlAN:t spotted marls Zementmergel series Green sandstone gum: Spotted limest. Uppervaneq. shales ALSIEN: Black marls Reiselsberq sandst. Kaserer series 5chmarz= U.NEQCOM.-.BIack marls Gault quartzite Bünden eck- LOWER CRET. L.NEDCDM.-.Aptychus U-Nepcom. Husch shists series: breccia, Massive limestone Aptychus limestones, Hochsteg quartz. and dolomite Vulcanites limestone-, II .(Aptychus" Limest. MALM p.p.oolitic dolomite "Aptych'lst., Glauconitic sandstone Ruhpolding chert n Chert mit-h manganese Chert with mangan. Violett Siliceous Waidhoten and Türken - Crinoid. Phyilite kogel- calc-shales DOGGER Neuhaus beds limest. series: Black Gresten beds slates, calc = Hochsteg Sandy shales ("Limest., marls, breccias slates LIAS quartzite l! •rkose tcoal) Limestone tCrinoides

U.Rhaetian limestone Calcphyllites RHAETIAN Kassen beds Keuper: Variegated Platfenkalk N0R1AN Hauptdolomit shales and Hauptdolomit sandstone Camion dolomite Dolomite, breccia, Locally 3 E Breccias, shales Cidans limestone * Partnach dolomite Black shales remnants Locally of remnants Wetterstein Tuffs LdeHerstein LADINIAN Permotr'iassic of dolomite dolomite sediments analog. Permo = TrDchites dolomite Dolomite (analogous Marble triassic Dot, streaky limest, Banded AN15IAN Rauh- Sanded limestone to sedim. limestone Luacke Rauhiuacke Rauhiuacke the other Alpine f?Dt shales Alpine Rötshaies Penninic 5KYTH1AN Lontschfeid 5emmenng series) quartzite quartzite

ZECH5TEIN Alpine Verrucano-. Alpine Verrucono: 5enzJt-and Quartzite, ROTLIEGEND Phengite schists Quartzkera« tophyre

WESTFALIAN: SILE5IAN sandstone,conglo: merate, schists






Northpenninic and Bohemian Buch-monument Liesertal BASEMENT Ultrahelvetic Central gneiss Tmenq Crystalline socle III! Crystalline. Crystalline

Fig. 6: Stratigraphical sequences of the main units of the Eastern Alps in its middle sector.

206 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

V UPPER AU5TR0ALPINE UNIT SOUTHERN ALP5 ZONE/ Aristogeosynclinale facias Southalpine FAC./ Northalpine facics facies Northern Limestone Alps Licium Bajuvarikum and Tirolikum LotüerJuvavikum Hallstatt Facies U.Juvav. Gurktal nappe Pfannock Luedge Drau Range- Carnic Alps /TIME Nordtirol fac.(Hauptdql,fao) Zlambachfac. Salzberqfac. Dachst.k.f. ujifh Krappfeld Trias. (ÖurktalAlps)

Miocene; qravelj sand,day,coaL NE06.

Gosau formation: Krappfeld Fbleoqene: Vpresian marls of Schorn Nummulitic Zwicselalm beds (Paleocene-U. Macstricht.): marls, sst.,cDnqlomerate limest.,marl,clay PALEO. Nierental beds (Maestricht.-U.Campan): red pelaq.marls,sandstone Krappfeld Cratae. Qo&au rieh in fossils (L.Campan.- L.Coniac.) -.marls, sst7Rudistelst.,congl- Gosau beds Losenstein beds (Alb.-Tbron.) Conglorn., sandst.marl Tannheim beds fU.Apl.-Alb.) dark grey and red marls Lavant flusch Rossfeld beds(Valendis:Apt.):sst.,congl. (U.-Albian) L . 1 U Schramhachbeds(Berrias.-Apt)CQlcmarls CRETAC . H Oberalrn-,Aptychus-,&armstein-and Plassen (reef) limest Oberalm Calpionella limest. Tressenstein limestone Oberalm-, Tressenstein; limest. Haselberg-and Agatha Limestone (M-U.Malm) (red nodulose Ammonite limest.) Agatha limestone MALM Ruhpolding radiolarite (chert) Ruhpoldinq radial. Radial. Red nodular Limestone Strubberq beds (slates,cherts Klaus ujith manqane&e,breccias) Cherty slates DOG. Klaus limest. (red nodulose (imest.) 1 imest.

Aligau ibeds (spotted marls) Aligau beds SpDtted Adnet limestone Hierlati limestone (Crinaidal limest.) marls (M.-U.Llas) (spotted marls) Adnet limestone (red nodulose Hierlatz, Spotted marls LIAS Ammonite tirne-stone) Allgäu beds (marl) Adnet limestone limest. (L.Lfas) U.Rhaetian (reef) limestone Zlambach beds Zlambach marl URhaetian Kassen beds (dark marls and Kössen beds reef limestone (marl,limestone) Dachstein RHAET. ümestones) Hallstatt limest. Kössen beds P&tschen limestone limest. (Sevatian - (and Plattenkalk Peda+a lime&t. and Plattenkalk Plattenkalk M. Anisian): dolom.) Hauptdolomit NOR dolomite Hauptdolomit Hauptdolomit Hauptdolomit ujhite massif Ist,, Opponitz beds (dol.,Ist.) Northalpine U. slates red,grey ,violet Northalp. Raibl beds: Cardita Fossilif-Hrnesfone Northalpine Lunzbeds (sandst) Raibl Cidaris limest, dol. Cardita beds bedded beds Calcmarls Raibl beds CARN. Trachyceras beds (slates) Lum beds beds limesl. Hallstatldol Black marls Ramsau Uetterstein limest. Uetterstein Black Reifung limest Reiflinqlst tiktterstem Lodindol. dolomite LUefterstein and dolomite limestone and dolomite. UiHh Schiern dolomite LAD. Reif ling limestone Wettetstein tuffs dolomite dolomite Partnach limestone, Reifling (imestonefnodul. chertylsl.) limest. Porphyrite tuffs Steinalm limestone Steinalm limestoneanddolomite Steinalm Stein alrn Anisian dolomite Anisian dolomite Red limestone Anisian limestone Anisian dolomite Limest. ümest. Luiihtiny horizons Zwische-ndolomit Gutenstein limest. (black, bedd-M.) Modulose limestone Tuffs; Reifung Lf.1 and dolom. Gutenstein of sst.,dol. brecc. Pfannock beds ANIS. Reichenhall rauhwacke Gutenstein limestone &utan&tein Limestone terrigen. infl.seri«s Reicnanhcill rauhiu. dol.,Ist. Reichenhall rauhwacks fsandston es") Mo+Ved limestone Richthofen congl. beds Ulerfen limestone Lderfen limestone Werfen beds ujith Lderfen beds ujith Lüerfen Campil beds Cred and green sandq shales qypsum Lderfen beds gypsum SKYTH Werfen shales Lüerfen shales beds Seis beds and sandstones) Buntsandstein Buntsandstein

Haselqebi rqe + gypsum .g £ : BallarDphan dolom. Haselqebirge ujith Hasel Gröden beds 1 Griffen beds Graden beds Mitterberg beds ^ "g sali; metaphyre qebirge sandstone, Gröden beds ZECHST. / • •> = p, congl.j sandst. (green senes) c* ü conglomerate breccia Fellersbach beds £ S Troqkofel limest. •£ "S Ulerchzirmbeds: Gluartzporphyre (violett series) o £ Rattandorf beds ROTL. x o. red shales,sandst. Lderchzirm beds

GRAUUACKEN ZONE Stangalm-Carbonif. Nötsch qraup Auernig beds Ldestfalian sandstone conglom.,sandst-, (sandst.,co nqbm., HDchwipfel flysch 5ILE5. Gainfeld conglomerate Stefan-ldcstphal D. shales) üJestphal - Visean sandstone U.Tournais DINANT. Cephalopodes limest. U. DEVON.-, limest., red chert, slates limestone, Caicphyllite Goniatites L, Lydite MDEVON.: black dolomite beds, of Zlan/ Reef-1 Red ntJ DEV. L.DEVDN.-. red moHIed limest, dolomite shales Goldeck i<=+ d. lsL I Ist. U.5ILUR.: grey and black Shales, quarrzites Shales, Bedded limestone Steiqwand. Lst.; Langeck lydite lydites, grayuiackes SILUR. quartzites shales M.-L.-SIL: Upper Idildschbnauphyllite Ümestones Jli and Quartzporphyroide Metavulcanites Crinoides limestone, Porphyroide Mpgdalensberg ser- (Diabase, Nodulose limest. Lower Uildschonau phyllite luith Eisenhutshales, tuffs etc.) Himmelberg sandst., ORDOV. metadiabase and tuffs Metadiabase series Df the Goldeck lydite,tuffs,shales Visdende beds, Fleon beds CAMB.

Crysfalline Ackerl Pfannock Qaiitai Brixen preserved only by pebbles rnfeaschis+s orthogneiss crystalline phyllite BASEM.

207 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

a facies typical for the Central Alps but by no means the east. It is characterized by Mesozoic rocks in facies identical to those of the Northern Limestone Alps. In of "Bündner Schiefer", of "schistes lustres". Recently contrast to the Permomesozoic of the latter these sedi­ the Penninic system also has been detected on the eastern ments of the Middle Austroalpine unit in its lower tec­ border of the Alps in the region of Rechnitz, which tonic position always show a slight metamorphism, spe­ means that this unit passes through the whole basement cific tectonic deformation and an individual facies. It of the Eastern Alps. rests without intercalations of Paleozoic rocks directely The excursion crosses the Tauern Window along the on the Altkristallin. From all remainders of Middle Glockner route only in its upper part, the Schieferhülle. Austroalpine Mesozoic particularly the Stangalm Meso- The Tauern Window extends from the in zoic, underlying the Gurktal nappe, was of great im­ the west to the Katschberg pass in the east, is 170 km long portance to proove the tectonic independency of this and nearly 50 km wide. The central gneiss, intruded unit. The formation of the Middle Austroalpine cry­ during the Upper Carboniferous and Permian, transfor­ stalline mass is long and complicated and better known med in the Alpidic era, appears in the lowest position. from the Saualpe in the east and the Oetztaler Alps in Above this one finds remainders of Altkristall- the west of the Tauern Window. Tectonics and meta­ lin, and finally the Paleozoic (Habach Series) and morphosis there reach back to the Caledonian and Varis- Permomesozoic covers, called Schieferhülle. The re­ cic era. In Variscic time an important nappe structure lation of Schieferhülle and central gneiss is similar developed in this crystalline sheet, with a distance of to that of the Upper Austroalpine sedimentary thrusts more than 35 km in the region east of the Tauern. series and the Austroalpine crystalline mass; it is In the Alpidic era this crystalline mass was transported a tectonic, not a sedimentary ensemble, affec­ as a vast nappe without young internal nappe building, ted by vast thrusts — both phenomena were dis­ but only with a Schuppen structure in the frontal part. covered recently. . Only the thin sedimentary cover in A considerable metamorphosis affected this crystalline Hochsteg facies belongs primarily to the central gneiss. mass in Alpidic time. Along the thrust on the top of The latter probably shows an Alpidic fold nappe struc­ this Middle Austroalpine Crystalline (and some remain­ ture. Above this socle in the region of the Glockner ders of its own cover) diaphthoresis took place by the route we find first the Lower Schieferhülle nappe (Rote- transport of the Upper Austroalpine nappe system during wand nappe) with Brennkogel facies rich in breccias the Cretaceous orogenic phases. followed by the Upper Schieferhülle nappe (Glockner nappe) with Glockner facies, rich in "Kalkglimmerschie- f) Lower Austroalpine unit: The Rad- fer" and greenschists. The uppermost unit is the Matrei stadt Tauern, which form a part of the framework built Schuppenzone, already garnished by Lower Austroalpine up by this unit around the Pennine of the Tauern tectonic slices. Window, gives the best insight into the Lower Austro­ alpine nappe system. This Radstadt Tauern shows an in­ The older Alpidic metamorphosis of the Pennine was tensive nappe structure, directed towards the north and characterized by high pressure (8—11 kbar, 400—500°). built up of some Altkristallin (Twenger Kristallin), a Perhaps it was connected with the Cretaceous orogene­ monotonous series of phyllitic Lower Paleozoic and a sis. The younger "Tauernkristallisation" during the Lo­ thicker mass of Permomesozoic, with formations up wer Tertiary was marked by higher temperatures to the Lower Cretaceous. Five nappes are piled up in a (550—600°), leading to (epidote-)amphibolite facies. normal, non reversed order, only the uppermost sixth h) Southern Alps: In the Carnic Alps the unit, the Quartzphyllit nappe, is an example of a gigan­ northern rim of the Southern Alps will be reached. They tic inversed nappe, rolled off by the "traineau ecraseur" are built up of Paleozoic and Mesozoic formations. The of the Middle Austroalpine mass. facies difference to the Northern Alps is striking. The The Alpidic metamorphosis caused diaphthoresis in non-metamorphic series of this mountain range show a the Tweng crystalline and a progressive transformation distinct division into two tiers. 1. The variscic base­ of the Mesozoic formations into greenschist facies. At ment consists of marine series from Caradocian to the 450° conditions were such that flow folds formed in Westfalian in several facies. It is famous for its abun­ limestone and quartzites and huge recumbent folds with dance of fossils. This basement was folded by the Sude- thick reversed limbs were built. The face of the anticli­ tic and Asturic phases (at the boundary of the West­ nal fold is directed towards the north — a proof of the falian and the Stefanian) and formed into a pile of general overthrusting of the Tauern Window from south nappes in a northern direction. 2. The uppermost Paleo­ and therefore also a proof of the existence of this zoic, comprising Stefanian to Permian and the Mesozoic window, a fact, which has been contradicted for many in south alpine facies, rests above all with transgressive decades. contact as the superior tier. This cycle begins with the g) Penninic system: The culmination of the Variscic "Molasse", the Auernig formation of the Stefa­ axis of the Central Alps in the region of the Hohe nian. The difference between the facies of the Northern Tauern exposed the Penninic system, which runs be­ and Southern Alps is also augmented by the dextral low the Austroalpine nappes from the to wrench along the Periadriatic line.

208 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

7. Remarks on the mineral deposits in the scope of the excursion

As a consequence of the very complex structure and erz (total output in Schwaz: 250.000 t of silver). Magne­ a composition of many individual units formed in diffe­ site is still produced in the Grauwackenzone, in the rent orogenic cycles the Eastern Alps are rich in various west in Lower Paleozoic formations, in the east from mineral deposits, generally not of important dimen­ Lower Carboniferous — here of synsedimentary origin. sions. The classic dogma of an unitaristic origin, i. e. Also of Paleozoic age is the sedimentary iron-metalli­ that all ore deposits in the Eastern Alps were built in the zation of the Devonian limestone, which has been exploi­ younger period of the alpine orogenesis, has now been tated at the Eisenerz Erzberg in since Roman ti­ abandoned in favor of a theory of origins different in mes — producing today 3,5 Million tons of ore per time (prealpidic and alpidic era) and in kind of forma­ year. Deposits of talcum and graphite in the Car­ tion (syngenetic and epigenetic). boniferous are utilized today. The bulk of other ores in Since 1956 a lot of oil- and gas fields has been dis­ this zone, like Fahlerz, oxidic iron ore, manganese, covered and exploitated in the Molasse Zone of nickel, cobalt, uranium etc. can not be discussed in de­ . The main oil bearing horizon appears tail. The main part of these ore deposits is — in contrast in the basal sandstone formation of the Upper Eocene to older opinions — of prealpidic age and mainly of at the base of the Molasse Zone. Some important gas sedimentary origin. fields can be found in this unit in the Oligocene and In the Lower Austroalpine system the uranium metal­ Lower Miocene. lization in the Permian Alpine Verrucano near Forstau In the Helvetic Zone coal has been exploitated in Styria is interesting. It belongs to an eastern spur of in the Gresten formation of Liassic age. the Radstadt system in the . The The Northern Limestone Alps include in uranium ore was accumulated in a coal substance in their lowermost formation, the Permian Haselgebirge, Permian quartzites. The ore deposit has a lenght of deposits of salt. They have been exploitated in the re­ 15 km with an estimated content of 0,08% Uranium, so gion of Hallstatt for 4500 years. Along the route of that one has deduced a reservoir of 1500 tons of Ura­ the excursion one finds salt mines at Ischl, Hallstatt, nium — too much with respect to the real average ore Aussee, and , which show compli­ content. cated Alpine tectonics. Gypsum and anhydrite, accom­ In the neighbouring crystalline of the Middle Austro­ panying the Permian salt, is also frequent (e. g. Grundl- alpine of the Schladming Tauern the silver-copper-lead- see). cobalt-nickel-deposits of Zinkwand and Vöttern have In past times deposits of sedimentary iron ores in the been exploited intensively and are now exhausted. The Permian and Werfenian, sedimentary Pb-Zn-ore in Lo­ town Schladming owes her wealth to these mines. wer Carnian Wetterstein limestone and manganese ore in The two most important ore deposits of the Tauern the Upper Jurassic were interesting for practical use. Pennine are gold and tungsten. The alpidic epigenetic Bauxite of Turonian age can be found in some places gold together with arsenical pyrites in quartz veins has at the base of the Gosau formation. Coal-seams of been known as "Tauern gold" since 4000 years. A first slight thickness in the Carnian Lunz beds and in the rush for this Tauern gold took place by the Romans Senonian Gosau formation have been exploitated in about 130 b. c. The main period of exploitation was many places in the past. Bitumina have been found in during the Middle Ages after 1300 and between the the Norian Hauptdolomit: Ichthyol in shales, accom­ 15 th and 17th centuries with a yearly production of panying this dolomite, oil and gas in this formation as 2600 kgs of gold. The gold mining was determinated by reservoir rock — namely in the basement of the Vienna the advance of glaciers in some places. basin. The giant deposits of tungsten in the Penninic Schie­ The Grauwackenzone contains the most im­ ferhülle in the Felber valley were discovered as late as portant ore deposits of our country. Since the Bronze 1967. The content of this Scheelite deposit, named "Mit- Age (1800—700 b. c.) copper ore has been gained in tersill", with a syngenetic sedimentary origin in the mines near Mitterberg and Kitzbühel. In the Middle Lower Paleozoic is valued at 2,5 million tons of ore Ages Schwaz in Tyrolia was the center of silver mining, with 0,7% WOa. The exploitation expects an annual one obtained this metal in good quantities out of Fahl- production of 250.000 t ore.

14 Geol. Bundesanst., Abh., Bd. 34 209 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

B) Excursion description

Day 1 Klippen Zone. Other geologists have the opinion that the Flysch originates in a southernmore area, belonging Ultrahelvetikum and Flysch in Upper Austria near to the Penninic realm. The St. Veit Klippen Zone near Gmunden Vienna is proved as a witness of the flysch basement. (S. PREY) *) In consequence of the facial contrast, we observe a different tectonic style. A big flysch nappe has over- Route: Salzburg-Rehkogelgraben E of Gmunden- thrust a small nappe of Ultrahelvetikum. Being folded Gschliefgraben-Hatschek Quarry in Gmunden—Ischl. and slightly sliced, even not arranged in nappes, the Subject: Stratigraphy, facies and tectonics of the flysch unit has sliced and tectonically squeezed the Ultrahelvetic Zone and of the Flysch Zone at the nor­ Ultrahelvetikum intensively. In the Gschliefgraben near thern border of the Alps near Gmunden. Gmunden we can see, that two various facies of Paleo- cene-Eocene have been closely approached. Narrow References ultrahelvetic tectonic windows appear in disturbed PREY, S. (1951): Zur Stratigraphie von Flysch und Helveti- zones in and below the flysch nappe, surrounded by kum im Gebiete zwischen - und Kremstal. — Verh. lower members of the flysch series and arising from Geol. B.-A., 1949, 123—127, Wien. disturbed anticlines. PREY, S. (1951): Helvetikum und Flysch. — Geol. Führer Concerning the structures of the Flysch Zone in the zu den Exkursionen. Geol. B.-A., 1951, 38—48, Wien. section near Gmunden there are interesting tectonic PREY, S. (1953): Der Gschliefgraben in der Flyschzone bei windows of Ultrahelvetikum in the northernmost part Gmunden (Vortragsbericht). — Mitt. geol. Ges. Wien, 44 (1951), 263—265, Wien. near Ohlsdorf as well as in the southernmost in the PREY, S. (1975): Bemerkung zur Paläogeographie des Eozäns Gschliefgraben SSE Gmunden. In the middle region im Helvetikum — Ultrahelvetikum in Ostbayern, Salzburg two strip-like windows appear: in the Dürre Laudach und Oberösterreich. — Sitzber. österr. Akad. Wiss., math.- Valley, poorly exposed, and in the Rehkogelgraben, naturw. Kl., Abt. I, 184, 1—7, Wien. 2 km southwards, wider and better exposed. In the Rehkogelgraben Window we can Topographicalmaps: österreichische Karte 1 : 50.000: see ultrahelvetic series of Albien to Santonian, while Sheet Gmunden (66), sheet Grünau i. Almtale (67). surrounding Gault Flysch and Variegated Shales are Geological maps: Sheet Gmunden-Schafberg (4851), tectonically squeezed and in the west accumulated in sheet Kirchdorf (4852) (the Flysch Zone is out of date). a complicated anticline. The flysch is steeply overthrust in the south. The area between the windows is marked by Upper Introduction Cretaceous flysch, covered in the north and in the The dominating feature of the Flysch Zone ist the vicintiny of the Traun River by diluvial deposits. contrast, resulting from the fundamentally different The Gschliefgraben Window on the nor­ facies of Flysch and Ultrahelvetikum. The first one is thern border of the Northern Limestone Alps is lifted a formation of real flysch deposits consisting of sand­ up as a anticlinal structure below the flysch nappe con­ stones (turbidites), marls and shales, reaching a thick­ taining about three strips of Eocene rocks with inten­ ness of a few thousand meters. In contrast the Ultra­ sively folded and sliced ultrahelvetic marls. In the helvetikum is a relatively thin formation of pelagic southern flank the flysch is squeezed out, the northern marls rich in foraminifers, comprising only Paleocene flank is dipping north and in the east the anticline is to Lower Middle Eocene members, showing a distinct closed. The flysch in the northern framework of this terrestric influence. The Ultrahelvetikum changes to the window on the top of the Grünberg mountain com­ northwest into the real Helvetikum, developed typi­ prises a series from Gault to Maastrichtian. cally in the Helvetikum of Switzerland. This Helveti­ The quarry of the Hatschek cement kum dips eastwards below the Rhenodanubian Flysch factory near Gmunden is situated in the middle of Zone. Flysch and Helvetikum s. 1. are both overthrust the Flysch Zone. This Maastrichtian Brittle Sandstone over the Molasse of the . Member shows typical flysch character. The great facial difference points out an enormous distance between the geosynclinal through. Nevertheless the author believes, that the flysch trough was situated Stop 1.1. Rehkogelgraben east of Gmunden immediately south of the ultrahelvetic realm. The Traversing diluvial morains and gravel terrasses the substratum of this zone is built up by the Gresten road reaches the Dürre Laudach valley SE Kirchham near the region of small northern tectonic windows of *) Geologische Bundesanstalt, Rasumofskygasse 23, A-1031 Ultrahelvetikum. We will not visit them. Close to this Wien. window the borehole Kirchham 1 is located.

210 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at


Morainewalls(W-Würm,R-Riß land H)

FLYSCH ZONE Flysch. Upper Cretaceous (San tonian- Ma as t rich tian (-Lowermost Terciary

Flysch.Middle Cretaceous-Coniacian


Ultrahelveticum { Heiveticum).AIbian-Middle Eocene

KLIPPEN ZONE Ultrahelvetic Upper Cretaceous +Mesozoic, Klippen


Staufen-Hollengebirge Nappe (Tirolicum)

1,2 Borings- Kirchham 1,2 Localities of Excursion (1-Rehkogelgraben, O 2-Gschliefgraben, 3-Hatschek Quarry)

The Excursion Area around Gmunden inUpperAustria

Fig. 7: General view of the region of the Flysch Zone near Gmunden (S. PREY).

The mountains of the neighbourhood consists of The overthrust by Maastrichtian flysch beds, dipping Maastrichtian Brittle Sandstone Member with a small southward, can bee observed in the south. Blocks of anticline of Cementmergel Member. We see little out­ Gault quartzite remember at older flysch beds. Ad- crops of the Maastrichtian flysch along the river south jointing, in the south a flysch anticline built by the of the Hagenmühle. Variegated Shales and Cementmergel Member is poorly The northern border of the Rehkogel Window is not exposed. exposed. There are outcrops where the river approaches the left slope of the valley (fig. 9). The ultrahelvetic sequence in the Rehkogelgraben: At first we find red and white Stop 1.2. Gschliefgraben SSE Gmunden Senonian marls with Globotruncana ex gr. lapparenti, We can reach this locality either by car over the seldom Gl. ventricosa, Gl. cretacea, Gl. lapparenti tri- Grünberg Mountain, or better by using a forest path. carinata, Hedbergella infracretacea, Giimbelina and The way crosses the southern part of the Flysch Zone some others. Thalmanninella ticinensis proves Ceno- built up by some northward overturned folds consisting manian age for the two small tectonical intercalations of Cementmergel Member and Brittle Sandstone Mem­ of spotted marly limestones and the layers of marly ber. Even N Radmoos Sattel (about 800 m high) below slates. These red marls turn to red Turonian marls with the Cementmergel Member emerges the lower part of white and reddish limestone beds (containing two- flysch series (Gault Flysch, Reiselsberg Sandstone, keeled Globotruncanas), exposed in the river and on the Variegated Shales) — fig. 10. left shore. After a fault with remainders of Cenomanian Entering the Gschlief graben (the name "Gschlief" spotted limestones there follows dark spotted and black derives from sliding) we walk into a , where marls about 30 m thick with Hedbergella infracretacea, ultrahelvetic marls are outcropping up to 600 m. The Anomalina lorneiana and Bigenerina complanata of the impermeable underground and the high quantity of Albian. Slices of Cenomanian spotted limestones are rain on the northern side of the Traunstein mountain intercalated. Here is the centre of an anticline. In the (1691 m), marking the front of the Limestone Alps, is south there are again red and greenish marls of Lower responsible for many slides. In historical time many Senonian age of nearly 30 m. mud flows reached the Traunsee.

14» 211 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Southern Ultra­ Northern Ultrahelvetikum helvetikum and Flysch Nappe Klippen Zone Stockletten and Lithothamnium Limestone Middle Eocene Northern Middle Rote Kirche border: part: Clavulina Nummulitic i>. s^aboi Limestone u Beds (Adelholz u Facies) H Lower Eocene Roterz Gap Numm. Limest. Nummuli- (only simi­ o to tic Lime­ lar Adelholz stone Facies) Paleocene Sandy glau- Very sel­ ? conitic dom Li­ marls thotham­ Gap nium Brittle Sandstone Member Gap Gap Gap („Mürbsandsteinführende") Upper Cretaceous and Maastrichtian Dark grey marls. Gerhardsreut Member Lower Tertiary 60 Mostly red, Uppermost Variegated Shales 0 Campanian Light grey, sometimes spotted marls. Pattenau sometimes Cementmergel Member („Zementmergelserie") ta c Member marly clay Santonian to Variegated, often brick-red marls slates with Upper Variegated Shales Coniacian („Obere Bunte Schiefer")

tt Cr e Reussella s^ajnochae &a Turonian Red marls with reddish, below with limestone Reiseisberg Sandstone layers accompanying flysch Cenomanian Whithish limestone layers and marls, often Gault Flysch spotted ti > . Albian to Dark grey spotted to black soft marls !*§ Aptian Neocomian Flysch 3ö§ Neocomian

Fig. 8: The sequences in the Flysch Zone and the Ultrahelvetic unit in Upper Austria near Gmunden (S. PREY, original).

NNW SSE / / s FLYSCHHELVETIKUM V\ \ F L yVy s \.c H Talgabel V, U 1 \ V \ *• \ca520m 499 m i ft



Fig. 9: The Ultrahelvetic sequence along the Rehkogelgraben (S. PREY, 1951, Tab. 7). Ultrahelvetikum: 1 = Red and white marls (Coniacian — Santonian); 2 = Red marls with reddish and white limestone layers (Turonian); 3 = White spotted lime­ stones and marls (Cenomanian); 4 = Dark marls (Albian). Flysch: 5 = Brittle Sandstone Member (Maastrichtian); 6 = Cementmergel Member (Santonian — Campanian); 7 = Variegated Shales (Coniacian), Reiselsberg Sandstone, Gault Flysch.

212 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

The marls are mainly of Cretaceous age. Incorporated rich in Globotruncanas (G. stuarti, G. contusa). There are three different thin rows of Paleocene-Eocene rocks. are dark sandy and glauconite bearing brown weathering We visit two of them. On the southern border there is marls with limestone layers exposed in rocks up to 20 m a little narrow remainder of Klippen Zone with Liassic high. There we find microfaunas as well as mega- Gresten Beds, Aptychus Limestone and red Cretaceous fossils (Grypbaea. pseudovesicularis, Exogyra eversa, clays. A lower unit of the Limestone Alps, composed of (?) Linthia insignis, small Nummulites, Crabs). Globo- Rhaetic dark limestones and Liassic spotted marls, is rotalia aragonesis and G. soldadoensis appear in basal enclosed in the Klippen Zone, overlaid by the big Trias- beds. A thin layer of Nummulitic limestone rich in sic mass of the Limestone Alps. This incorporation can Fe-ooids disappeared by erosion.

Traun beim Wasserwerk Gmunden

Traun bei Reinthal Moränengebiet NE Gmunden •ESE Ohlstorf NORDLICHE KALKALPEN:

|l|£sö|§|| Kalkalpen iA.( Kl-Klippe der Antonshöhe)

FLYSCHDECKE: r^..; .^» Mürbsandsteinführende Oberkreide u.Alttertiai tp^rH (HK- Höhere Kahienberger u.Sieveringer Seh. i.w.s ; t> • ^T A-AltiengbacherSchichten)

1 Oberste bunte Schiefer

HochriedlP.1083rr F^^J Zementmergelserie (TK-Tiefere Kahienberger Seh.) ENE Steineck Schrattenau I-^X—H Tiefe Flyschschichten 1500-i

[rv^r^zi (K- KaumbergerSch. Uk- Kalkeinschaltungen)


S Nord-uSüdultrahelvetikum. Buntmergelserie 500

^5? Klippenmesozoikum"

MOLASSEZONE: ^^CTS Molassei.A ( R-Mol.v.Rogatsboden); E^:-X'1 Miozän d. Wiener Beckens BÖHMISCHE MASSE: xxx Kristallin und autochthones Mesozoikum


Quartär i.A

Fig. 10: Survey of the marginal zone of the Eastern Alps in the region of Gmunden by generalized sections, a) Section Gschliefgraben-Ohlsdorf. b) Section E of Gschliefgraben-Kirdiham (S. PREY, 1980).

be seen on the western end of the Gschliefgraben near The sequence is terminated by about 2 m nummuli­ the shore of the Traun Lake. Red clays with Reussella tic limestone bearing Fe-ooids and glauconite. Prenaster szajnochae as a cover of klippen are exposed here. All alpinus proves a Lower Eocene age, while Middle Eocene these marls and clays are summarized as the Northern is lacking. and Southern Ultrahelvetic Buntmergelserie (Variega­ Stop 2c: Descending about 200m in northwestern ted Marls Series). direction we see an outcrop of small nummulitic limestone At the upper end of the Gschliefgraben we survey out­ in Adelholz facies, consisting mainly of large Nummu­ crops of diluvial breccias. Their blocks moove down lites and Assilinas (Assilina exponens) of Middle Eocene with mud flows. age. The basal beds are dark, rich in glauconite, con­ Stop 2a: On the road in the Gschliefgraben on the taining small Nummulites and resting on Paleocene or Gaisriicken we find variegated Lower Senonian to Lo­ even tectonical on Albian beds. Dark Maastrichtian wer Campanian marls. Further on this way there are marls enclosing a fine grained sandstone lense have been different marls mostly of Cretaceous age. found south of these rock. Red marls in the vicinity Stop 2b: The "Rote Kirche" ("Red Church", fig. belong to Lower Senonian. 11) is situated 400 m WSW of the road. Stop 2d: Ascending the northern slope we find As a conspicuous rock Paleocene to Lower Eocene beds above the Gaisriicken path a small block of whitish rest with a gap on dark marls of Maastrichtian age, Lithothamnian limestone with quartz grains and small

213 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

„ Rote Kirche in the Sketch upper Gschliefgraben without accurate measure S. Prey

Fig. 11: Sketch of the "Red Church" in the Gschliefgraben SSE Gmunden (S. PREY, original).

Discocyclinas. In the vicinity there are whitish marls of (Flysch Zone: Gschliefgraben, Grünberg mountain and Middle Eocene age (Stockletten). From this point we mountains west of the lake. Limestone Alps: Traunstein have a nice view at the Gschliefgraben area. mountain and Höllengebirge Mountains). By the Gaisriicken path we return to the Radmoos Sattel.

Stop 1.3. "Hatschek" Quarry Day 2 This quarry of the Hatschek cement factory is esta­ The Hallstatt Zone and its framework blished on top of the mountain W Gmunden. near Hallstatt The Brittle Sandstone Member (Maastrichtian) of Rheno- (A. TOLLMANN) danubian Flysch is very good exposed here. Thick- and thin-bedded sandstone beds (turbidites) Route: Ischl — Hallstatt — Sommeraukogel — Salt alternate with layers of dark grey and grey marls (with mine — Hallstatt — Gosausee — Hallstatt. rare Chondrites). Graded beeding, different kinds of Subject: Stratigraphy and tectonics of the Hall- flysch bedding and sole marks are common. Characteri- statt zone above Hallstatt. Litho- and biofacies of reef stical intergredients are soft weathering marly sand­ and lagoon in the carbonate platform of the Dachstein stones (greywackes; "Mürbsandstein"; Brittle Sandstone) massif at the Gosau lake, Upper Austria. mostly without graded bedding, but rich in mica, plant References: E. FLÜGEL (1975): Guide book int. symp. rests and sometimes in fragments of shales. The micro- on Algae, p. 117 ff., Erlangen (Univ.); O. GANSS et al. fauna is characterized by big representatives of the (1954): Erläut. geol. Karte Dachsteingruppe, Wiss. Alpenver. genera Dendropkyra, Trochamminoides and Rzehakina h. 15, 82 p., geol. map, Innsbruck; T. GATTINGER (ed.): epigona. In some types of coarser grained basal layers Arbeitstagung Geol. Bundesanst., 1976, 48 p., Wien (Geol. B.-A.); W. KLAUS (1953—1972): Verh. Geol. B.-A., 1953, of calcareous sandstones Orbitoides have been found. 161—175, Wien; Z. dt. geol. Ges., 105 (1953), 776—788, The beds, representing a typical flysch, are dipping to Hannover 1955; Verh. Geol. B.-A., 1972, p. 33 f., Wien; the south; the position is upright. E. KRISTAN—TOLLMANN et al. (1976): Int. Sympos. Ecol. In fine weather one has an instructive view at the Zoogeogr. rec. fossil Ostracoda, 6—28, Wien (Limnol. Inst. southern surroundings of Gmunden and the Traun Lake Ak. Wiss.); L. KRYSTYN et al. (1971,1972): N. Jb. Geol. Pal.

214 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Abh., 137, 284—304, Stuttgart; Ann. Inst. geol. publ. hungar., southern part occupies the northeastern sector. 2. The 54, fasc. 2, 607—629, Budapest; Exk.-Führer Tagg. Paläont. northern Hallstatt zone, representend by the par- Ges., 61—106, Graz; W. MEDWENITSCH (1958): Mitt. geol. autochthonous Zlambach mass, extending from Ischl to Ges. Wien, 50 (1957), 133—200, Wien; J. SCHADLER (1951): Goisern, Hallstatt, Aussee and Grundlsee. In this zone Verh. geol. Bundesanst., Sdh. A, 49—64, Wien; O. SCHAU- there is a specific Hallstatt facies, called Zlambach fa­ BERGER (1949, 1955): Berg- hüttenm. Mh., 94, 46—56, Wien; Z. dt. geol. Ges., 105 (1953), 736—751, Hannover; W. SCHLA­ cies, rich in Upper Triassic marls and thin-bedded lime­ GER (1967): Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud., 17 (1966), 205— stones (Carnian marls, Norian Pötschen- and Pedata 282, Wien; A. TOLLMANN (1976): Monogr. d. Nördl. Kalk­ limestone, Rhaetian Zlambach marls) —- fig. 6. Whether alpen, vol. 2, p. 169 ff., p. 501 ff., vol 3, p. 331 ff., Wien Hallstatt limestone masses are included primarily in this (Deuticke); A. TOLLMANN et al. (1970): Geologica et Palaeont., zone is still under discussion. 3. Thrust above this zone 4, 87—145, Marburg. follows the Dachstein nappe with Kater mountain and Geolog, map: 1 : 75.000, sheet Ischl—Hallstatt; 1 : 25.000 Sarstein in the front, exhibiting the Dachsteinkalk facies. E. SPENGLER in Wiss. Alpenvereinsh., 15 (1954). Topogr. map: The main part of this unit is built up of thick bedded österr. Karte l : 50.000, sheet 95, 96. Dachstein limestone of lagoon type, only in the south­ west of this unit is a massive reef limestone of the same age forming the near Gosau. 4. Above Introduction Hallstatt the Plassen peak and the Hallstatt salt plug In the region of Ischl and Hallstatt in Upper Austria with neighbouring Hallstatt limestones form an iso­ there are four mairi tectonic units (fig. 12): 1. The lated Hallstatt mass, resting today partially on the Tote Gebirge nappe with Dachsteinkalk facies in its back of the Dachstein nappe, partially side by side with


sa HalMoM facia* rich in marls 25*

SSI Hallstatt facias nch in limestone J =>

Dachstein nappe , UPPER JUVAVIKUM


-,o~^' ««rrreaaoswa» :• --fr; ibpi.itloity.-f!". SA • - IDACHSTEIN NAPPEf :4S?\::y.Sj::: Gryndl &eC /£•<>*•Z^~W.» Tre%ser>st«irv fZ~/^


WSSSSSB&SSEL ül-.'i'iTitfUvüJ

• Langdorf >


Fig. 12: Tectonic synopsis of the Salzkammergut (A. TOLLMANN, 1976).

215 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

statt limestones, derives from a southern Hallstatt zone south of the Dachstein massif — fig. 13. 5. The Gosau formation transgressively overlies as a posttectonic sedi­ ment the main tectonic structures, like nappe limits and some old faults. Itinerary: The view from Ischl to the southwest shows the frontal lobe of the Dachstein nappe in the shape of the steep dipping strata of the Katrin summit. At Goisern the Hallstatt zone widens toward the east and forms a broad lower region along the Stambach-, Zlambach brook and Pötschen pass, in consequence of an abundance of Triassic and Liassic marls in this facies region. We proceed from Hallstatt with the funicular to the Hallstatt Salzberg and have a splendid view from the Rudolfsturm to the Dachstein plateau and into the narrow Traun valley, formed by the glaciers till 11.000 years b. pr.

Stop 2.1. Sommeraukogel Stratotype of the Norian (L. KRYSTYN et al. 1971, 1972). The wall of Hallstatt limestone on the northern flank of this peak consists of steep-dipping condensed red limestone from Lower Norian to the Sevatian and

Fig. 14: Geological sketch map of the Sommeraukogel (L. KRYSTYN, 1973, fig. 3).

Salzkammergut (KRVSTVNI979) N- America CTOZERWO RHAETIAN Choristoceras marshi Choristoceras marshi Sevat Rhabdoceras suessi Rhabdoceras suessi £ Himavatites columbianus Himavatites columbianus 1 Cyrtopleurites bfcrenatus Drepanites rutherfordi 3 Juvavites magnus Juvavites magnus NORIA N Lac 2 Malayites paulckei lialayites daujsoni 1 Guembeütes jandianus Mojsisovicsites kerri 3 Anatropites - Bereich Klamathites macrolobatus Fig. 13: Sections across the Salzkammergut along the meri­ Tuva I 2 Tropites subbullatus Tropites UJelleri z< dian of Hallstatt and the Gosau chain (A. TOLLMANN, 1976). 1 Tropites dilleri Tropites dilleri z Trachyceras Sirenites-Subzone 5irenites nansene DC austnacum Austriacum- -»- Trachyceras obesum < Jul Trachyceras Aonoides-Subzone this unit according to fault tectonics and dipping par­ Trachyceras desatoyense tially also below this nappe. We assume that this sou­ (Cordevol) aonoides Aon-Subzone thern thrust block with its "Salzberg fades", rich in Hall- Fig. 15: Upper Triassic Ammonoid zones (L. KRYSTYN).

216 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

includes three horizons rich in Ammonites (Patens-, Bicrenatus-, Metternichi fauna) — see-fig. 14—15. Joint Gosau Valley Plassen Mountain tosh Klaus alp fissures, also filled with red Hallstatt limestone of some­ what younger age, transverse the beds. At the top of this section in the Zwischenkögel region the nodulare limestone leads to the Rhaetian Zlambach marls rich in Foraminifers and Ostracodes (Bairdiidae, Healdiidae etc.) — E. KRISTAN-TOLLMANN, 1976.

Stop 2.2. Salt mine of Hallstatt The visit gives an impression of the type of an alpine salt deposit. The salt takes part in the Upper Permian I TIR0LIKUM: Totengebirge Nappe Haselgebirge (Zechstein 4), a chaotic breccia of salt, an­ Loiuer-Middle Jurassic Dachstein limest, Hauptdol hydrite, clay etc., in which larger part of pure rock salt m HOCHJUVAVIKUM . Dachstein Nappe I TIEFJUVAVIKUM: Hallstatt Nappes [ | Lias t Dogger also occur. In spite of the extreme tectonics caused by Plassen limestone I | I | l Dachstein limestone high mobility, a constant succession could be found by =I~Z] Zlambach schists «-Lias Hallstatt Mine: O. SCHAUBERGER (1949, 1955) considered by him as a Nor. Hallstatt limestone -1 Northern iriclusionCEmlagerung) stratigraphic sequence. The Permian age is determined Haselgebirge Z Cantral and by central Groden sandstone (Vorhaupt) inclusion by spores and by the sulphur isotope methode (W. KLAUS). The Haselgebirge breccias have a sedimen­ ») tary origin after O. SCHAUBERGER, but show fluidal- tectonic structure after W. MEDWENITSCH. Diapirism, halokinesis and polymetamorphosis sensu H. LOTZE also affected the alpine salt deposits.

The Haselgebirge of the salt mine of Hallstatt is +h(trmh> deeply implanted by faults into the Dachstein limestone tmst framework of the Dachstein nappe. In a long narrow | tmd ' zone high above Hallstatt a sequence from the Haselge­ i NcdMaH | fazies J?'' birge, passing the Triassic Hallstatt limestone up to the Malmian reef limestone of the Plassen peak (Plassen ®^NW' «J! * limestone) is squeezed into this frame (J. SCHADLER & N^^5alzgebirgc j\ \

W. MEDWENITSCH, 1951). ^^ j Continuation of \S-,/" fi J ti- -•*» the salt deposit ^ ^'"f' Salt mines have existed here for 3000 years, salt pro­ J (occordinq +0 \" , . , duction for 4500 years. Therefore, this center of the KOBER) V—-"'\ ^ Hallstatt civilisation has been wealthy since prehistoric qsh Southern Grausalzgebirgc dash Northern Grausalzgeb.and stink- times. grh Green Salztangebirge dolornttisches Kemgebirge The structure of the salt mass is a complicated one rsh Rotsalzgebirge lg Leached Salzgebirge bh Variegated Salz+ongebirge Z Central Intercalation (fig. 16 a b) — E. SPENGLER in O. GANSS et al. 1954. M Northern Intercalation Beginning at the country rock of the salt deposit one finds always the following sequence: Grausalzgebirge, b) Rotsalzgebirge, Greenish Salztongebirge, Variegated (Buntes)Haselgebirge with melaphyre and finally Stink- Fig. 16: Schematic section across the Hallstatt salt deposit. dolomitisches Grausalzgebirge. The tectonic intercalation a) After W. MEDWENITSCH, 1954, modif. 1979; b) After of slices of Norian Hallstatt limestone and Rhaetic O. SCHAUBERGER, 1955, Fig. 2. Zlambach marls (in the "Vorhaupt"- and "Zentrale Einlagerung") and of Permian Grödener sandstone disputed: derivation from the deep, i. e. from the over- ("Nördliche Einlagerung") within this sequence illustra­ thrust northern Hallstatt channel, or from above, from tes the intense tectonic deformation. The marginal parts the southern channel with its striking correspondence in of Haselgebirge are leached to a pure argillaceous coat facies. In any case, this mass with its Hallstatt facies ("Lebergebirge"), partially deformed by tectonics to has no autochthonous position, because there are no lustrous slates ("Glanzschiefer"). passages of facies into the framework of Dachstein The gallery at the base of the mine at 536 m ("Erb- limestone, which does not include the intervening types stollen") develops an intensive penetration of salt and of reef limestone, consisting here only of the incompa­ Haselgebirge and also of Liassic marls etc. into the tible lagoon type. The theorie of premature sliding tec­ superimposed Dachstein limestone (fig. 17) — J. SCHAD­ tonics, at the beginning of the Jurassic is also unsatis­ LER & W. MEDWENITSCH 1951. Therefore, the origin factory, because there are no gaps, no breccias or other of the mass Hallstatt/Plassen in Hallstatt facies is still indications in the sediments between Rhaetic and Lias-

217 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

NW Schaffexfeld Steinberg-Kg. Langmoos Höh«. Sieg

Katharina- H. Leopold-Hzt Josef-Hzt. Christina-Hzt Ma.lher.-Hzt. Elisabeth-H. Backhaus-H.


55b ,-b

1600 m -moo

CRETACEOUS LIAS: RHAETIAN' NORIAN: PERMIAN'. knb Ncocomian Lf Allqäu beds trz. Zlambach beds th Hallstatt limestone py Haselgeb.,gypsum breccia. tk Dachstein limestone puS Haselgab. clay tkmy Dachstein limest.

Fig. 17: Section along the Erbstollen of Hallstatt (O. SCHAUBERGER, 1952). sic formations in this Hallstatt mass, which would serve limestone of the Kesselwand in reversed position as proof. (fig. 18). In the afternoon we drive to the region of Gosau, The Gosaukamm, starting here with the Donner- west of Hallstatt. Along the brooks west of Gosau the k o g e 1 (2055 m), represents the reef along the south­ Gosau formation is exposed with its different western border of the thick-bedded lagoonal Dachstein facies types, particularly those with marls. The basin limestone of the Dachstein massif, isolated by the Reiß­ o f G o s a u contains a 2600 m thick series of the famous gang fault. The reef limestone primarily is composed of Gosau formation, rich in fossils, varying in lithological reef detritus. Small patch reefs are widely intercalated. character and having great importance with respect to These patch reefs include particularly sponges (Peroni- tectonics: the disconformable sedimentation after the della), corals, Solenoporides and Hydrozoans. Rarely building of the nappe structures in the Limestone Alps, also Heterastridium, ammonites and conodonts have it comprises formations from Coniacian to Lower been found, which prove a Norian-Sevatian age. Eocene. Coarser detritic series appear particularly in lower position (Coniacian, Santonian) and in the so-called Zwieselalm formation of Maastrichtian — Stop 2.4. Vorderer Gosau-See Paleocene age. Returning to the southwestern beach of the Vorde­ rer Gosaulake, we find at the large slope ("Stein- Stop 2.3. Gosau—Zwieselalm riese") a fauna-association typical of this Dachstein reef We stop at the Vorderer Gosau lake south of Gosau. limestone. Here this limestone is rich in calcareous spon­ By the funicular we reach' the Zwieselalm. We find ges, algae [Solenopora endoi FLÜGEL, Paracbaetetes mas- ourselves confronted by a reversed series of Hallstatt lovi FLÜGEL, Thaumatoporella parvovesiculifera (RAIN.) facies, in prolongation of the mass of Hallstatt, visited etc.], corals, hydrozoans, the problematic fossil Micro- in the morning. Around the Gablonz house we pass tubus communis FLÜGEL and specific foraminifera [Alpi- outcrops of clear and variegated Ladinian dolomites. nophragmium perforatum FLÜGEL, Galeanella tollmanni Near the Thörleck pass south of this house one sees in KRISTAN, Nubecularia, Ophthalmidium etc.]. The red the "Schneckengraben" a primary connection between algae indicates an original position in the outer part of the fossil-bearing Zlambach marls and the Dachstein the central reef flat, near the fore-reef.

218 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Quaternary, Pleistocene and Alluvial deposits Carnian Halobia beds \&L Talus slope Ladinian Reifling limestone Senonian toLouuer Tertiary ,Gosau formation Anisian-Ladinian dolomite (marls, sandstones, conglomerates) Sky+hian Werfen beds Rhaetian, Zlambach beds Faults Dachstein reef limestone Carnian-Norian, Hallstatt limestone 0 Terr, Carnian Cfdaris limestone and Norian • • • ^S

Fig. 18: Geological sketch map of the Zwieselalp area at the Vorderer Gosau Lake (mainly after W. SCHLAGER, 1967).

Day 3 (1960, 1976): Jb. Geol. Bundesanst., 103, 37—131, Wien; Monographie d. Nördl. Kalkalpen, vol. 2, p. 501—577; vol. Tectonics and facies of the Hallstatt Zone 3, p. 352 ff., Wien (Deuticke). Geol. map 1 : 75.000, sheet in the eastern Salzkammergut Ischl—Hallstatt and ; Topogr. map 1 : 50.000, sheet 96, 97, 126, 127, 128. (A. TOLLMANN) Route: Hallstatt — Mitterndorf — walk across Introduction Feuerkugel and Weissenbach alp to Grundlsee — Schlad- In the region of the eastern Salzkammergut in Styria ming — Radstadt — Obertauern. one finds east of the series of two in its fa­ Subject: The differences between Hallstatt facies des different Hallstatt zones between the carbonate rich in limestones and in marls and Dachstein limestone platform sediments. Because thrusting and faulting facies are striking in the eastern Salzkammergut because characterize this region, the home and origin of the of the strong contrasts within a narrow limited space Hallstatt zones has been a subject of fervent disput. between Mitterndorf and Grundlsee. Furthermore nappe Recently the origin, stratigraphy and tectonics of tectonics and parautochthony of masses in Hallstatt this region largely has been clarified by new mapping, facies can be demonstrated. facies analysis and paleontological survey. The northern References: L. KRYSTYN (1973): Verh. Geol. Bundes­ Hallstatt zone with its facies rich in Upper Triassic anst., 1973, 113—153, Wien; W. SCHÖLLNBERGER (1973): Mitt. marls have been originated in a northern channel-like Ges. Geol. Bergb. Wien, 22, 95—153, Wien; A. TOLLMANN basin, the northern Juvavian channel, running from

219 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at


Quarternary Qosau limest.1 + sandstone Gosau marl • Senonian

Gosau conql. Plassen limest. (M.-) U.Malm Malm limest., io = 0beralm Limestone itr*Tressenstein 1st, ia> Agatha 1st. Ruhpolding radiolarite (L Malm) and cherty shqies (Dogger) Klaus limestone (Dogger) Lias (Allqäu shales, Hierlatz-, Adnet limest.) Dachstein limest. (Norian-Rhaetian)

Hauptdolomit (Norian)

Zlambach marls (Khaetian) Pedatabeds, thpk= Ped.limestone, thpd = Pedata dolomite Hallstatt limest. (Ladin.-Sevatian)

Cidaris limest. (U.Carnian)

Cam. dolomite

Luni sandstone (L.Carnian) Reingraben shales (Halobia- shales, L.Carnian) Reifung limestone CM.Trias.-L.Cam.) Schreyeralm limest. (Anisian) \y/;Yi\ tiud (Ladinian) | \ ji|i | tmst(k) Steinalm limestone (Anisian) *»V»| tmd Anisian dolomite ****| tmdz Mineralized Anisian dolomite Gutenstein limestone (Anisian) Reichenhall rauhwacke (L.Ani'b.?) Werfen beds (Skythian) Haselgebirge (U.Permian) Route TN Totengebirge Nappe DN Dachstein N. IB Zlambach Block (M)HN (Mitterndorf) WN Ldarscheneck Nappe Hallstatt N.

Fig. 19: Geological sketch map of the region between Kainisch and Grundl Lake in Styria (A. TOLLMANN, 1960 and W. SCHÖLLNBERGER, 1974). ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Goisern to Aussee and Grundlsee. The series of this zone northern Hallstatt Zone in Zlambach facies prooves this in its specific facies is shown in figure 6. The charac­ hypothesis. teristics of this series in Zlambach facies is the Middle Itinerary: The route from Hallstatt across the Triassic with Anisian dolomite, Anisoladinian Reifling Pötschen pass and Aussee to Mitterndorf leads limestone and the Upper Triassic with a Carnian se­ at first along the northern Hallstatt Zone. The view quence of shales, sandstone and dolomite (as in the Lunz from the curve north of the Pötschen pass shows the facies), beginning however with the Norian stage, with Hallstatt limestone mass of Raschberg and the more typical Hallstatt facies (Putschen- and Pedata lime­ complete series up to the Malm of the Sandling moun­ stone), few Hallstatt limestone and Zlambach marls. tain. Close to the Pötschen pass, in the north one can In contrast to this development in the northern see the type locality of Pötschen limestone, a typical Juvavian channel are the thrust slices in the region of formation of the Norian in the Zlambach facies zone. Mitterndorf, which one can deduce from the southern View from the route NW of Aussee to the northern Juvavian channel. These tectonic outliers, which overly and southern framework of the Hallstatt Zone, the the Warscheneck nappe with its Dachsteinkalk facies, with Triassic and Jurassic carbonates include a series from Permian Haselgebirge to Hallstatt in the North and Sarstein and Dachstein as parts of the limestone and up to Upper Jurassic limestone. The red higher tectonical unit, the Dachstein nappe, in the south. Hallstatt limestone starts in this southern channel with the Middle Anisian and shows namely in Carnian and Norian eminent condensation. Stop 3.1. Feuerkogel-Röthelstein The tectonic position of the series of the northern March from Äußere Kainisch or Mitterndorf to the Hallstatt Zone today is explained as parautochthonous, Feuerkogel-Röthelstein-peak, a part of a thrust Hall- isolated by faults or local thrusts. Facies transitions bet­ statt slice, deriving from the southern Hallstatt channel ween the Rhaetic Dachstein limestone of the neighbou­ with Salzberg facies (fig. 19). The base of this massif ring Totes Gebirge and the Zlambach formation of this consists of Jurassic of the Warscheneck nappe, the higher


scree, soil

Massive light HollslaH limestone (L.NORIAN)

Red bedded Hallstatt limestone (LANGOBARD-L.NORIAN) Red nodular Hallstatt limestone (LANGObARD, U. LADINIAN) Grey violett bedded Hallstatt limestone (FASSAN^L.LADINIAN) Marls (UPPER ANISIAN ) Reifling and Schreyeralm beds (ANISIAN)

M5° 30° 15° flat-lying

fault quarry

Position of the section

100 m =J

Fig. 20: Sketch map of the Feuerkogel near Kainisch (L. KRYSTYN, 1979).

221 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

part of a sequence starting with Permowerfenian and Stop 3.2. Weißenbach alp reaching up to the Malmian Plassenkalk of the Röthei­ The following way across the Weißenbach alp crosses stein. The Carnian-Norian sequence of Hallstatt Lime­ the basal conglomerate of the Gosau formation. The stone in extreme condensation is exposed in a little equivalent of this Lower Senonian (Coniacian) conglo- quarry on the summit of the Feuerkugel (fig. 20). A sec­ merat covers with transgressive contact the nappe limits tion of 2 m thickness offers Julian, Tuvalian and Lower and prooves so the pre-Senonian age of nappe for­ Norian, the latter with a level of Halobia styriaca Mojs. mation in the Limestone Alps. This quarry represents one of the most famous places at all, were ammonites have been found. Already in the classic era of investigation 464 species of cephalopodes, Stop 3.3. Grasberg pass 78 of gastropodes and many other elements have been Northeast of the Weißenbach alp we meet the thick described from this locality. bedded Upper Triassic Dachstein limestone of the under­ The quarry on the northern side of the Feuerkogel lying Warscheneck nappe. This type of lagoonal for­ (fig. 21, 22) shows similar to the summit a condensed mation, today in the tectonic vicinity of the basin-type Hallstatt limestone sequence of Upper Carnian and of Hallstatt limestone gives a good impression of facies Lower Norian with sedimentary tilting and discordance. contrast, intensified by tectonics. We see the third facies of the same age, the Zlambachfacies with the Norian Pedata limestone just beyond the Tiirkenkogel ridge near the Grasberg pass. Finally, before reaching the Grundlsee, we cross near Wienern the Haselgebirge rich in gypsum and anhydrite, which forms the base of a next tectonic outlier (fig. 23). Our bus passes Irdning, Schladming and Radstadt. It turns round the Dachstein massif. The G r i m m i n g mountain W of Irdning offers a nice frontal lobe in thick bedded Dachstein limestone. The view from the valley includes to the north at the base the shales of the Grauwackenzone, characterized by the gentle morphology, and above the steep walls of the Dach­ stein massif, formed mainly by Ramsau dolomite and Dachstein limestone. At Mandling one crosses a slice (Mandlingspan) of the Limestone Alps, technically planted into the Grauwackenzone. Fig. 21: Stratigraphic sequence of the Hallstatt limestone in The route from Radstadt to Obertauern reaches the quarry F 1 on the Feuerkogel near Kainisch (L. KRYSTYN, the Lower Austroalpine unit soon after leaving the 1979). Enns valley. Before reaching we drive through the monotonous masses of Paleozoic quartz phyllite of the uppermost nappe of this system. The lower nappes of the Lower Austroalpine with masses u< • 1- t± => ' 7°/fe7 Subsolution Day 4 (M Z Horizon Luith —•< Trachyceras austriacum The Lower Austroalpine of the central Radstadt ~3 Ammonites layer Tauern in the Pleisling range ? Reaf of Foraminifera u< (A. TOLLMANN) <*1 _J Condensation horizon Luith c-> Trdchyceras aanoidcs + H • 2 Route: Obertauern — Wisenegg — Felseralm — 0- < Daonella tommeli .. c Z Wildsee — Teufelskar — Obertauern/Lungau, Salzburg. ort o Mainly march. -•.Po _

222 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

WAR5CHENE.CK NAPPE ZLAMBACH . WEDGE . .]> Tirkankogal © Grasbcrg .. \\ , '


Fig. 23: Sections between Kainisch and Grundl Lake (A. TOLLMANN 1960 and W. SCHÖLLNBERGER 1974). terrain. The huge recumbent folds directed toward the Fig. 6 shows the stratigraphic sequence. The Pleisling north, here in the framework of the Tauern window, nappe includes in the central part of the Radstadt have been of great importance improoving the existence Tauern a Permomesozoic series approximately 1750 m of this window. thick, which comprises formations from Permian Alpine Verrucano to the Upper Jurassic radiolarite. The main References: W. SCHWAN (1965): Verh. geol. Bundes­ rocks, determining the morphological character as rocky, amt., Sdh. G, 214—245, Wien; A. TOLLMANN: Ibid., 1956, are the 300 m thick Ladinian Wetterstein dolomite and 146—164; Mitt. geol. Ges. Wien, 57 (1964), 49—56; Geologie v. Österreich, vol. 1, p. 101—131, Wien (Deuticke) 1977. — the 500 m thick Norian Hauptdolomit. Topogr. maps: österr. Karte l : 50.000, sheet 156, 157. Of interest is the facies of this series. In comparison with the facies of the Northern Limestone Alps the Introduction centralalpine facies is characterized by the following The Radstadt Tauern (Fig. 24) are the best exposed facts: less thickness, less fossiliferous, more paradia- and most extensively studied region of the Lower genetic breccias in Triassic and Jurassic demonstrating Austroalpine system in Austria, with a series most an increased mobility of crust. These are the specific plentiful in formations and fossils. The Mesozoic se­ differences: the Permian consists of quartzites and seri- quence represents the type of the wide spreaded, so- citic-phengitic schists and not of Haselgebirge (with called "Centralalpine" facies, a development in distinct salt and gypsum); the Werfenian consists of Lantschfeld contrast to the "Northalpine" facies of the Limestone quartzites instead of "Werfen schists; the Middle Triassic Alps. It is possible to determine the fossils inspite of the shows throughout the whole of the Central Alps alpidic metamorphosis in greenschist facies, however, a striking uniformity instead of the great variability the mobility attained was such, that today impressive of this epoch in the Limestone Alps. The Lower Jurassic tectonic structures can be studied. The highest tempe­ shales are very typical, resembling the Penninic rature during this metamorphosis was 450° at 4— "Schistes lustres", which comprises, in contrast to the 4,5 kbar, as indicated by the development of cyanite Limestone Alps, generally a considerable amount of and chloritoide. dolomite sand and dolomite breccias. Jurassic sand-

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Preunegg Schladming

UPPER AU5TR0-ALPINE: Kesselspitz Nappe: Crystalline and Permo-Triassic '—~1 Brauwackenzone.LouierPaleazoi Pleisling Nappe: Perrno-Mesozoic MIDDLE AUSTRO-ALPINE: Rauhwacken Uzdge: Tnassic Hofalm Slice: Crystalline and Permo-Triassic Permo-Triassic **zz? Lantschfeld Nappe: Permo-Tnassic Crystalline Lantschfeld Nappe:Crystalline LOWER AUSTRO-ALPINE: IIIIII Hochfeind Nappe: Permo-Mesozoic Quartz Phyllite Nappe: Permo-Triassic JjSfflJ Hochfeind Nappe: Crystalline PENNINE: Quartz Phyllite Nappe. Quartz Phyllite imiUU Speiereck Nappe and lowermost wedges l~ ~l Schieferhülle.: Post-Triassic

Fig. 24: Position and nappe structure of the Lower Austroalpine unit in the Radstadt Tauern (A. TOLLMANN, 1977, fig. 30).

stones and sandy slates are very rare in the Limestone depression of the Lower Austroalpine system below the Alps and bear only quartzsand. Altkristallin here at the northeastern corner of the Furthermore facies differences of subordinate im­ Tauern Window must be stressed. The Middle Austro­ portance can be found between the nappes within the alpine unit is thrust in an upright, non-inverted position Radstadt Tauern, so that the "Hochfeind facies" in the and with diaphthoresis of its base above the Radstadt south includes a much higher content of breccias in Tauern. The huge recumbent folds in the Pleisling Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous than the "Pleisling nappe, especially those of the Schwarze Wand (see facies" in the central part of these mountains. fig. 31), show the movement towards the north. From the tectonic point of view the generally posi­ Position and structure of the Radstadt Tauern are tion is remarkable at first: the masses of light Mesozoic shown by figure 24, 25. One distinguishes six nappes dolomites are in strong contrast to the dark shales of from bottom (S) to top (N): Speiereck-, Hochfeind-, Penninic Schieferhülle below (SW) and to the dark Lantschfeld-, Pleisling-, Kesselspitz- and Quarzphyllit crystalline sheet of the overthrust Middle Austroalpine nappe. All these sheets — except the last — have series above (NE, E) — surprisingly not only for the geo­ of upright, non-inverted position, although some show logist. This specific position can only be explained by huge recumbent folds as internal structure. NE of the the nappe theory. The splendid survey of the regional Tauern pass the Middle Austroalpine crystalline pierces

224 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

SI9NÄTUKE: E3SchieforhüllefPerminlc) !• »lTw«wa Crnsipllint\:.'-::\ ikyfhian l~- I rriassicPPZr Sä Nteeamlan l"l Ouarti phtjllite \* + \ Crystallina

Fig. 25: Schematic section of the Radstadt Tauern in Salzburg (A. TOLLMANN, 1964).

by digitation into the tectonic substratum, which formes Stop 4.1. Felser alp a great bads fold in the Kalkspitzen peaks — with bright dolomites contrasting to the surrounding dark crystalline rocks. The path from Wisenegg to Felser alp leads along The difference in plasticity between the more rigid a Carnian series rich in dolomites, breccias, shales, ac­ dolomite and the more mobile limestones, shales and companied in the south by a reversed younger series quartzites in this lower level of alpine orogenesis is above. The outlook towards north shows the super­ manifested clearly by the varability of fold structures, position of the reversed quartz phyllite nappe (Scheck, attaining in some cases flow fold characteristics. The Spatzeck) and Middle Austroalpine crystalline (Seekar- fault structures have no importance. spitze) above the Pleisling nappe.

E|NW 5E SPARTZ PHYLLITE NAPPE P L E SLING NAPPE KESSELSPITZ NAPPE 17fc9(ScneclO Johannes eaicad« moin crest luoo Zehner karsp 2575 6om5le.ilensp.2i57 Schwarze Wand Kesselsp 2Sfa2.

Dogger-? schiststcrinoidal limesione Hauptdolomite Od) ladinian, Uetter&tein dol. Lias pyrit-iferous shale Carnian/ Raibl breccia Upper Anisian,TrachH«s dol. Rauhiuacke Lias Limestone. Carnian, dol.« dol.sclnists CRaibl beds) olack-grey Anlsian dolomite U.Skyth-,/UpRho«.tian Shale Upper ßhaet'ian limestone Carnian, pyritiferous shale Anis'tan , limestone 5kythian,LaMscU{eld quart* Rhaetiqn, Kossen beds Cordevol, Rqrtnach Mr 1 berg dolomite Anisian,pyriViferous shale Fossiles

Fig. 26: Section across the Pleisling nappe in the central Radstadt Tauern (A. TOLLMANN, 1956).

15 Geol. Bundesamt., Abh., Bd. 34 225 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

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v,ra Talus, Alluvium rdS Triassic dolomite-schists tmd Anisian Trochites dolomite

A Moraines to Triassic dolomite tmdS Anisian dolomitic schists

kb Malm/Loiuer Cretaceous Schu>arz= td Triassic limestone tmk Anisian banded limestone eck breccia („Muschelkalk") kq Loiuer Cretaceous Schiuarzeck trkd Upper Rhae+ian dolomite tmS Loiuer Anisian basal slates quartzite schists trh ia LotuerMalm „Aptychus" limestone trk Upper Rhaeti an limestone Loiuer Anisian rauhiuacke ih LoiüerMalm radiolarite Cchert) tr Rhaetian kössen beds tqS Upper Skythian Alpine Röt schists

ihS Loiuer Malm quartzite schists tdk Norian Plattenkalk fq Skythian Lantschfeld quartzite

iS Dogger/LMalm banded slates td Norian Hauptdolomit ts Permoskythian quartzite-schists

id Dogger Crinoideslimestone tlrh Carnian rauhiuacke pq Permian Alpine Verrucano

lib Lias/Dogger breccia tld Carnian dolomite Krist Tuuengcrystallineislfces of sedimentary rocks lis Lias/ Dogger banded slates tldS Carnian dolomitic schists 9 Fossils

lb Lias breccia tlk Carnian limestone Dip angles of beds: a "15° -f4--i-4-^-A-^--t- iq Lias quartzite tIS Carnian slates Dip angles of axis'. IS Lias shales/slates tpd LouierCarnian Partnach/Arlberg dolomite IkS Lias calc-slates tpS LoiuerCarnian Rartnach slates

Ik Lias calk-marble tuid Ladinian Ldetterstein dolomite

Fig. 27: Geological sketch map of the area visited in the Pleisling massif (Original). PN = Pleisling Nappe, KN = Kessel­ spitz nappe. Legend to figs. 27—34.

Stop 4.2. Wildsee following non-reversed series of the next recumbent The ascent from the Felseralm to Wildsee passes fold. It consists in the region of Teufelshörner (fig. 27) through a reversed series (Fig. 26). Along the path one and in the circus east of this peak of Hauptdolomit, can study the reversed section with Liassic shales with fossiliferous Koessen beds of Rhaetic age, fossiliferous an impression of Penninic "schistes lustres" at the bot­ greyblue thick-bedded Upper Rhaetic limestones with tom, followed by fossiliferous Rhaetic limestones of Thecosmilia, gasteropodes and megalodontes, yellowish Koessen beds, then the tectonical reduced Norian Liassic marble with Isocrinus cf. basaltiformis (MILL.), Hauptdolomit, finally the Carnian dolomites and sand­ and finally, very thick Liassic shales, containing dolo­ stones on top. The Cordevolian (lowermost Carnian) mitic sand and some belemnites. The Koessen beds in is represented by well-bedded dolomites, the Ladinian the Teufelshorn circus bear the most abundant fauna by Wetterstein dolomite full of remainders of the algae with Thecosmilia clathrata EMMR., Tb. oppeli Rss., Diplopora annulata (SCHAFH.). The Anisian comprises Th. bavarica FRECH, Astraeomorpha crassisepta Rss., cherty limestones, banded limestones and such with dolo­ Oppelismilia rudis (EMMR.), Stylophyllum paradoxum mite nodules. At the bottom of the Anisian dark dolo­ FRECH, St. irreguläre FRECH, St. zitteli FRECH, "Stepha- mitic schists with Costatoria costata (ZENKER) appear. nocoenia" schafhäutli WINKL., Isocrinus bavaricus The uppermost Werfenian consists of sericite schists of WINKL., Triadocidaris lungauensis TOLLM. etc. Alpine Roet, the rest of this stage of Lantschfeld quart- In the walls of the socle of Zehnerkarspitze zites. Along the lake Wildsee the intensive folding of one distinguishes the fold structure of the Teufelshorn basal Triassic formations is impressing. syncline and a thrust sheet consisting of Ladinian- Carnian dolomit of the Kesselspitz nappe, forming the top of this peak (fig. 28—29). Dolomite slices of this Stop 4.3. Teufelshörner Kesselspitz nappe are scattered in the Jurassic shales Rising from Wildsee to the Teufelshörner circus one below the thrust plane. At the Mitterriegel one notices surveys the better developed Upper Triassic of the an isolated upfold of Hauptdolomit, dividing the big

15* 227 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Fig. 28: The Teufelshörner in the Radstadt Tauern, view from west (A. TOLLMANN, 1977). Legend see fig. 27.

Fig. 29: The Teufelshörner, view from east (Original). Legend see fig. 27.

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Garnsspitze Zehnerkarspitze Teufalskar





moraine A A A

Fig. 30: The western wall of the Zehnerkar peak in the Radstadt Tauern (A. TOLLMANN, 1958). Legend see fig. 27.

Teufelshörner syncline into two parts. The prolon­ Day 5 gation of this dolomite lamella can be seen on the top of the Teufelshörner. Lower Austroalpine unit in the southern part of the Radstadt Tauern within the Hochf eind range (A. TOLLMANN) Stop 4.4. Zehnersattel Route: Obertauern — Tweng — Lantschfeld valley Advancing to the Zehnersattel pass one sees the — Fuchs alp — Schwarzsee cirqucirque — Obertauern. Re- beautiful panorama of the Zehner circus, which shows gion of Lungau in Salzburg. Mainly march. the upper part of the folded Pleisling nappe and remains Subject: Characteristic breccias and "Wildflysch" of the Kesselspitz nappe (fig. 30) — compare also of the late stage of gepsyncline, Hochfeind facies in the fig. 26. The recumbent fold of Schwarze Wand lowermost tectonic units of the Radstadt Tauern, Juras­ with bright dolomite and black shales of Carnian in sic and Cretaceous sedimentation in the Lower Austro­ its core demonstrates the main direction of tectonic alpine unit. Micro- and macrotectonics. transport towards the north (fig. 31). This fact is im­ portant, because for decades the autochthonists, who References: E. CLAR (1937): Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. refused the existence of the Tauern Window, postulated Wien, math.-natw. Kl., I, 146, 249—316, Wien; A. TOLL- a southward direction of movements to explain the MANN: Verh. geol. B.-A., 1959, A 91—95; Mitt. geol. Ges. supperposition of units here in the northeastern frame­ Wien, 53 (1960), 117—131; Geologie v. Österreich, vol. 1, work of the Tauern Window by local overwhelming. p. 108 ff. (Wien 1977). Topogr. map: österreichische Karte On the summit of the Kesselspitze as on the Zehner- 1 : 50.000, sheet 156. karspitze an analogous remain of the Kesselspitz nappe is preserved. This Anisian portion of the dolomite is Introduction proven by Encrinus liliiformis (LAM.) and Entrochus The southern range of Radstadt Tauern indicates the silesiacus BEYRICH. individual facies of the lowermost unit of the Lower

229 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Austroalpine. In contrast to the Pleisling facies men­ tioned above one finds here an enormous abundance of breccias within the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous. In fact, this part of the Lower Austroalpine system resembles the Penninic trough wich formerly adjoined it and was divided partially by the Lungau rise. The stratigraphic development within the Triassic sequence of the Hochfeind range resembles that of the Pleisling range, up to the Upper Rhaetic limestone rich in megalodonts, which will be demonstrated in the back­ ground of the Schwarzsee circus (see fig. 6). Vigorous movements at the beginning of Liassic lead to eminent unconformities, so that locally the Liassic breccias di­ rectly overly Hauptdolomit. Above all the Liassic is marked by a thick mass of breccias, called Türken- kogel breccies. It comprises coarse types with compo­ nents and blocks of dolomite, limestone and quartzite with indications of mass-flow mechanism, but also levels of dolomitic and quartzitic sandstone. The formation of this type of breccias continues during the Dogger. Within the Lower Malm laminated radiolarites with manganese ore were formed, which characterize a deep sea basin. Inspite of the metamorphism the structure and also the red colour of this radiolarites is preserved locally, radiolarians have been identified in thin sec­ tions. A layer of marble within this radiolarite is called "Aptychenkalk". The series beyond, belonging to the higher Malm and the lower Cretaceous, consist of an alternation of imma­ ture sandstones and coarse breccias. The content of crystalline components increase in the upper part more and more. The most impressive phenomena of this late- and post-malmian "Schwarzeck breccias" are gigantic sedimentary blocks in dimensions of houses or hills, mostly composed of dolomites. The sedimentary (and not tectonic — as believed in the past) origin is docu- mentated by a scattering of the marginal zone of these blocks, deposited in the clastic sediment. This pheno­ menon demonstrates the important role of the young- Kimmerian phase. Also in the Hochfeind range the main tectonic feature aside from nappe structure is folding in a northern direction. At the Hochfeind and Schwarzeck peak the younger series are preserved in huge synclines, closed to the south. In the sector visited around the lake Schwarzsee the microtectonic structure shows a dis­ tinctly selective character depending on the lithofacies: the radiolarite of high mobility forms impressive flow folds; the differences between the soft shales and the brittle dolomites strike just in this tectonic position. Back folding towards SE is only of local importance.

Stop 5.1. Lantschfeld valley Along the route from Tweng to the Lantschfeld valley one finds outcrops of Werfenian and Anisian of the Lantschfeld nappe north of Ambroshiitte. The ascent to the Fuchsalm crosses the Altkristallin at the base of ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Vsscree A= moraine 1 -*

Fig. 32: Geological map of the Fuchs circus in the southern range of Radstadt Tauern (Original). HN = Hochfeind nappe, LN = Lantschfeld nappe. Legend see fig. 27. ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Lantschfeld nappe, dipping northward. This diaphtho- prising. In field work a distinction between these two ritic Tweng crystalline consists of greenish paragneisses units is only possible, if the sandstones comprise dolo­ and of micaschists. In the southeastern prolongation of mite components. The similarity is caused by the fact the Tweng crystalline amphibolites, etc. also that the sandstone and graywacke are composed of the belong to this crystalline zone. The diaphthoresis — detritus of the crystalline, so that a similar material in the locus classicus lies SE of Tweng — has changed the connection with a corresponding metamorphosis (des­ mineral association in greenschist facies: chlorite, phen- tructive in the crystalline, constructive in the Creta­ gite, epidote, zoisite, plagioclase and quartz are now ceous graywackes) produces the same shape. the typical association of minerals in these gneisses. Stop 5.3. Schwarzsee The Schwarzsee circus demonstrates the stratigraphy Stop 5.2. Fuchs alp and tectonics of the Hochfeind nappe. Beyond the At the northern border of the Fuchs alp one sees the Upper Triassic the two main types of breccias, the thrust of Tweng crystalline of the Lantschfeld nappe Tiirkenkogel breccia of Lower Jurassic and the younger above the youngest formation of Hochfeind nappe, Schwarzeck breccia, appear. The sequence of the whole namely the Schwarzeck breccias, sandstones and gray- series rich in breccias with sedimentary blocks in the wackes. The assimilation of these two complexes — uppermost parts can be seen in the panorama of the Tweng crystalline and Schwarzeck sandstone of the crest south of the circus between Schwarzeck and Lower Cretaceous — by alpidic metamorphosis is sur­ Speikkogel (fig. 32—34).

NW -4-mbO Edaliiieilbiuqnd Kämpen


Fig. 33: View at the bordering zone of Hochfeind nappe (below) and Lantschfeld nappe (above) in the northern frame of the Fuchs circus, southern Radstadt Tauern (Original). Legend see fig. 27.

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Day 6 Middle Austroalpine and Gurktal nappe east of the Tauern Window (A. TOLLMANN) Route: Obertauern — Mauterndorf — St. Michael CM — Katschberg — Innerkrems — Eisentalhöhe — Karl­ bad — Innerkrems — Spittal/Drau — — % Hermagor. Provinces: Salzburg, Carinthia. Bus drive "g and a march near Innerkrems. ä> Subject: Eastern border of the Tauern Window. >-j Prolongation of the Lower Austroalpine in the Katsch- ^ berg zone. Middle Austroalpine crystalline and its sedi- •gj, mentary cover of the Stangalm Mesozoic. The western £ border of the Upper Austroalpine Gurktal nappe and ""*• the tectonic slice of Lician facies, representing an in- "| voluted Upper Austroalpine chip of the Drauzug near Innerkrems. Drauzug and Gailtal fault. J3 References: N. ANDERLE: Geolog. Karte von öster- "u reich 1 : 50.000, sheet 200 ; R. v. BEMMELEN "3 (1961): Jb. Geol. B.-A., 104, 213—237, Wien; E. COLINS et al. "8 (1979): Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud. österr., 25 (1978), 1— g 10, Wien; Ch. EXNER (1954, 1971): Jb. Geol. B.-A., 97, •g 17—37; Ibid. 114 (1971), 1—119, Wien; E. KRISTAN-TOLL- U MANN et al. (1963): Mitt. geol. Ges. Wien, 56, 539—589, Wien; JB K. LIEGLER (1970): Carinthia II, 160, 27—44, Klagenfurt; J. PISTOTNIK (1974): Mitt. geol. Ges. Wien, 66—67, 127—141, Wien; H. STOWASSER (1956): Jb. Geol. B.-A., 99, 75—199, 53 Wien; A. TOLLMANN: Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud. österr., 3 9 (1958), 57—73; N. Jb. Geol. Pal. Abh., 150 (1975), 19—43, Stuttgart; Geologie von Österreich, vol. 1 (Wien, Deuticke, "3 1977), p. 131 ff., 309—329, 588—643. — Topogr. maps: I österr. Karte 1 : 50.000, sheet 157, 182, 183!, 199, 200. n

5 Introduction 3 This day gives insight into the situation along the eastern framework of the Tauern Window. It gives a "g review about the three nappe systems of the Austro- *g alpine unit, which succeed one the other like the peels of gjj an onion, visible here in consequence of the eastward § dipping culmination of the Tauern. a The first part of the excursion route leads exactly | along the narrow Lower Austroalpine zone at the