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Form-Nsp45.Pdf Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Scottish Government Welsh Government Valuation Outcome Form Notes for guidance One Health CSC will send a copy of the completed form to the contact whose details are shown in This form is to be completed by the valuer when Section 1 of this form. carrying out an independent valuation of sheep or goats If you have any queries please contact: 0208 025 6122 (Local rate call charges apply). Return to One Health Customer Service Centre (CSC) in the enclosed pre-paid envelope within ten working days. Valuer will retain a copy Section 1 – CSFS Membership details Title Initials Surname Keeper CPH Flock Business Name Membership No. Address Postcode Telephone No. (incl. national dialling code) Section 2 – Valuer Details Title Initials Surname Business Name (if applicable) Address Postcode Telephone No. (incl. national dialling code) Section 3 - Declaration I confirm that I have completed the attached valuation animal details at Section 4. The animal value is based on a visual inspection and the information recorded is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge. Signature Name in Date BLOCK LETTERS DATA PROTECTION For information on how we handle personal data please go to and search Animal and Plant Health Agency Personal Information Charter. Return the completed form within ten working days to: One Health CSC, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP. NSP45 (Rev. 05/18) OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE Section 4 – Valuation animal details Flock Membership No. Owner name Date of valuation visit Notes for completion of table The table below must be completed by the valuer in support of the valuation pedigree certificate being available at the time of the valuation. Where the given to each animal. appropriate certification is not made available at the time of the valuation the Where a question is not applicable, please confirm this by writing ‘n/a’. Should animal should be valued as commercial stock. the information be unavailable, or not known to the owner/keeper/agent, please Column 8: if a pregnant female, how many months in lamb/kid; please enter confirm the information as ‘not available’ or ‘unknown’. Failure to do so may number of months in lamb/kid not date due to lamb/kid. result in NSP staff having to contact the valuer, or the owner/keeper/agent, to Column 9: conformation grade; when comparing the conformation grade of the ascertain if the question was not answered in error. This may delay any animal under valuation to that of an average animal of the same breed please valuation compensation payment. enter 1 if you consider it to be below average, 2 if you consider it to be If the CSFS member no longer requires the animal to be valued for any average, 3 if you consider it to be above average. reason, please delete by striking through the relevant line. Column 10: date animal purchased if in the last 12 months; please note you Column 1: if on scanning an animal you find an animal Electronic Identification should not take the purchase price of the animal into account when making (EID) Device number that is not listed, or differs to the one that is recorded your valuation. against the animal ID, please contact the NSP Helpline for further guidance. Column 11: if purchased in the last 12 months, enter purchase price; please Column 2: some goats and sheep that are presented will not be listed on this enter the price paid for the animal as evidenced by sales invoice or other form as they have not been NSP genotyped and have no animal EID number appropriate documentation. recorded. You should add these animals to this column of the form, entering G Column 12: pedigree Breed Society classification; please enter E for excellent, for goat, or S for sheep with no animal EID and then complete the remaining V for very good, G for good or U for unclassified. columns. Column 14: market value; in valuing the animal please value it at the value it Column 4: please enter PE for pedigree purebred, PU for non-pedigree might reasonably obtain at the time of valuation from a buyer on the open purebred, or C for commercial. Pedigree valuations should be subject to a full market based on the premise that it comes from a flock/herd that has not been and original copy of the affected by scrapie. 4 10 11 12 9 2 PE, 7 8 Date of Purchase Breed 14 5 6 Grade 13 1 G or 3 PU Sex Months purchase price if in Soc. Market Breed Date of 1, 2 Show Animal EID S Animal ID or C M in if the last Class. Value see annex Birth or 3 Success (Sheep only) see (e.g. tag number) see or lamb/kid in last 12 E, V, G (£) A see (Y/N) notes notes F see notes see notes notes 12 months months or U see notes see notes see notes NSP45 (Rev. 05/18) OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE Section 4 – Valuation animal details Flock Membership No. Owner name Date of valuation visit 4 10 11 12 9 2 PE, 7 8 Date of Purchase Breed 14 5 6 Grade 13 1 G or 3 PU Sex Months purchase price if in Soc. Market Breed Date of 1, 2 Show Animal EID S Animal ID or C M in if the last Class. Value see annex Birth or 3 Success (Sheep only) see (e.g. tag number) see or lamb/kid in last 12 E, V, G (£) A see (Y/N) notes notes F see notes 12 months months or U see notes notes see notes see notes see notes NSP45 (Rev. 05/18) OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE Section 4 – Valuation animal details Flock Membership No. Owner name Date of valuation visit 4 10 11 12 9 2 PE, 7 8 Date of Purchase Breed 14 5 6 Grade 13 1 G or 3 PU Sex Months purchase price if in Soc. Market Breed Date of 1, 2 Show Animal EID S Animal ID or C M in if the last Class. Value see annex Birth or 3 Success (Sheep only) see (e.g. tag number) see or lamb/kid in last 12 E, V, G (£) A see (Y/N) notes notes F see notes see notes notes 12 months months or U see notes see notes see notes NSP45 (Rev. 05/18) OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE Section 4 – Valuation animal details Flock Membership No. Owner name Date of valuation visit 4 10 11 12 9 2 PE, 7 8 Date of Purchase Breed 14 5 6 Grade 13 1 G or 3 PU Sex Months purchase price if in Soc. Market Breed Date of 1, 2 Show Animal EID S Animal ID or C M in if the last Class. Value see annex Birth or 3 Success (Sheep only) see (e.g. tag number) see or lamb/kid in last 12 E, V, G (£) A see (Y/N) notes notes F see notes 12 months months or U see notes notes see notes see notes see notes HM3 Stamp Name: Date Received: WS ID: NSP45 (Rev. 05/18) OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE Annex A Breed Codes for Sheep and Goats LOG ............. Llanwenog The codes listed at this annex are to be used by the LLE .............. Lleyn valuer when recording the breed of the sheep or goat LNK ............. Lonk in column 5 of the Valuation Animal details; see MNX ............ Manx Loghtan Section 4 of the CSFS Valuation Outcome Form MTL ............. Meatlinc (NSP 45). MEO ............ Merino MBU ............ Millenium Bleu Code Sheep breed MXB ............. Mixed Breeds BGW ............ Badger Face Welsh Mountain (Torddu) NFH ............. Norfolk Horn BHH ............. Badger Face Welsh Mountain (Torwen) NCC ............. North Country Cheviot BAL .............. Balwen Welsh Mountain NRS ............. North Ronaldsay BST ............. Beeston OXD ............. Oxford Down BTX ............. Beltex PYF ............. Penderyn Ystrad Fellte BDS ............. Berrichon du Cher POL ............. Polwarth BEU ............. Beulah Speckled Face PRT ............. Portland BLK .............. Blackface ROM ............ Romney BWM ............ Black Welsh Mountain RST ............. Rouge de L’Ouest BMN ............ Bleu du Maine RGH ............ Rough Fell BFD ............. Bluefaced Leicester RUN ............. Roussin BUT ............. Blue Texel RYL ............. Ryeland BIC .............. Border Leicester SHD ............. Shetland BOR ............. Boreray SIR .............. Shires BRE ............. Brecknock Hill Cheviot SRP ............. Shropshire INR .............. British Inra 401 SOA ............. Soay MLK ............. British Milksheep STH ............. Southdown CAB ............. Cambridge SMT ............. South Wales Mountain CMK ............ Castlemilk Moorit SUF ............. Suffolk CRM ............ Charmoise SLD ............. Swaledale CRL ............. Charollais TBT .............. Talybont Welsh CEV ............. Cheviot TEE ............. Teeswater CLU ............. Clun Forest TXL .............. Texel CBD ............. Colbred TGN ............. Tregaron Welsh Mountain CNN ............. Cotentin VND ............. Vendeen CTS ............. Cotswold WAR ............ Warborough DBR ............. Dalesbred WSP ............ Welsh Hill Speckled Face DGT ............. Derbyshire Gritstone WTN ............ Welsh Mountain DLW ............ Devon & Cornwall Longwool WDY ............ Wensleydale DCO ............ Devon Closewool WXE ............ Wexel DOP ............. Dorper WFD ............ White Face Dartmoor DDN ............. Dorset Down WOO ........... White Faced Woodland DPL ............. Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset WLT ............. Wiltshire Horn EZE ............. Easycare ZWA ............ Zwartbles MRN ............ Est a Laine Merino EXH ............. Exmoor Horn Code Goat breed FRI ............... Friesland ANB .............. Anglo Nubian GWY ............ Galway ANG.............. Angora GOT ............. Gotland BAG .............. Bagot GRD ............ Greyface Dartmoor BOE .............. Boer HMD ............ Hampshire Down BTH .............. British HAR ............. Hartline BRA .............. British Alpine HEB ............. Hebridean BSN .............. British Saanen HDW ............ Herdwick BTG .............
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