MS Chaitra Redkar

Assistant Professor and In charge Head Department of Political Science 022-22052970 [email protected]

Subjects of teaching: Political Theory, Political Thought, Comparative Politics, Research Methodology, Communist Manifesto in Retrospect, Hind Swaraj in Retrospect

Areas of Research Interest: Political Theory Modern Indian Political Thought Indian Politics Social Movements Women‟s Politics

Publications: Book  Sane Guruji (Political Biography). : GandharvaVedPrakashan. Feb. 2011 Articles in Books:  “State and Civil Society in the Thought of ” in Chausalkar, Ashok. Ed. Nation, State and Civil Society in Western . Kolhapur: University Publications. 2009.  “SamajvadiParivaratilSanghatana” (Front Organizations in Socialist Milieu) – in Bal, Prakash (Ed.) SamajvadapudheAvhanEkavisavyaShatakache (Challeges faced by Socialist Ideology in the 21st Century) Mumbai: RashtraSeva Dal / People‟s Publishing House. April 2005  “BharatiyaVyavasthechiVatchal” (Fifty Years of Indian Political System) in PrakashBal&KishorBedkihal (Ed.) BhartiyaRajkiyaVyavastha: PrakriyaAniSwarup (Indian Political System: Process and Nature) Satara: Ambedkar Academy. March 2002. Textbooks:  “Our Constitution”, Civics Textbook Class VII. State Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research – Balbharati, Pune. May 2008.  Civics Textbook Class X (Co – authored). Maharashtra State Board for Secondary and Higher Education, Pune. March 2007.  A chapter „Indian Parliament‟ in Class XI Political Science Textbook “Constitution at Work.” National Council for Educational Research and Training (N. C. E. R. T.), New Delhi. May 2006  Two chapters on “Conflicts: Internal and International” in B. A. II Foundation Course „Current Concerns‟ Distance Education Study Material. S. N. D. T. Women‟s University, Mumbai. August 2002.

Articles in Journals / Periodicals / Newspapers:  VegalepanachyaStationvargadikiti divas thambanar? (The issue of difference in the Indian women‟s movements) Watsaru. 1 May 2011.  Hind Swaraj: SamajSapekshVikasPratimanachaArakhada (Hind Swaraj: Towards developing a Society - specific model of development) Andolan. 26 January 2011.  Comments on Mahatma to Mahatma Padyatra. Andolan. 14 April 2010.  Challenges of Post – Industrial Capitalism: Interview with Dr. Y. M. Sumant. Andolan. Maharashtra Golden Jubilee Special Number. 26 January 2010.  JindadilVyaktimatvachiAkher. (Obituary to the Eminent Political Scientist Dr. B. L. Bhole) PrivartanachaVatsaru. January 1 – 15, 2010.  MaharshtratilPrabodhanachaVarasa. (Enlightenment Tradition of Maharashtra). Manthan. LokvangamayGriha / Keshav Gore Smarak Trust, Mumbai. December 2007.  KriyashilVicharvant.Manthan. LokvangamayGriha / Keshav Gore Smarak Trust, Mumbai. January 2006.  “VanchitnachyaChalvalinchaLekhajokha” (Comments on the 13thVicharvedhSammelan). Andolan. Pune. March 2006.  “Asghar Ali Engineer aniBohraSudharanaChalaval” (Asghar Ali Engineer and Bohra Reform Movement). ParivartanachyaVatevarilVatsaru (Marathi Fortnightly). April 1 – 15, 2000.  “JamatwadaniStreeya” (Women and communalism). Satyagrahi (Marathi Monthly) November 1999 (Deepawali Edition)  “JamatvadachaVirodhak” (Opponent of Communalism). Lokmat (Marathi Daily) 1st November 1998. Vol. 17 No. 293  “MuktivadiDharmshastrachyaChaukatitunIslamchiMandani :Asghar Ali Engineer YanchaDrishtikon” (Interpreting Islam as Liberation Theology: Asghar Ali Engineer‟s Approach). SamajPrabodhanPatrika, July – September 1997 Vol. 35 No. 140

Reviews Articles:  “RajkarnachyaAvkashatilStreeyancheeBharari” (Review of the Training Material Developed by Alochana for Women Political Activists). Lokmat (Marathi Daily) 20th August 2000.  Mridula Sarabhai: EkBandkhorStree” (Review of BasuAparna. 1999. Mridula Sarabhai: Rebel with a Cause. Oxford University Press, New Delhi). SamajPrabodhanPatrika April – June 1999. Vol. 37 No. 147  Review article in SamajPrabodhanPatrika January – March 1999. Vol. 37 No. 146 entitled “Muslim StriyanmadhilKutumbniyojanachaKal” (Comments on the Ph. D. thesis entitled „Family Planning Behavior among Muslim Women‟ by MalikaMistry).

Translations:  Translated from Marathi to English Class VII Civics Textbook. Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research – Balbharati, Pune. May 2008.  Translated from Marathi to English Class X Civics Textbook. Maharashtra State Board for Secondary and Higher Education, Pune. March 2007.  Translated from English to Marathi two chapters entitled “Sangharsh: AntargataniAntarrashtriya” (Conflicts: Internal and International) for the Distance Education Study Material on „Current Concerns‟ in Marathi (Foundation Course for the B. A. II of S. N. D. T. Women‟s University) August 2002.  Translation of article entitled “PrabhutvachaBadlataChehra” (Changing Face of Hegemony by Prof. Ram Bapat) from English to Marathi for an edited book “AstitvaSangharshaniSarvbhoumatva: StriAbhyasapudhilAvhane” (Survival and Sovereignty: New Challenges for Women‟s Studies) edited by ChhayaDatar and ShrutiTambe. Maharashtra StreeAbhyasVyaspeeth. 2000. This book contained the papers presented at the 4th All India Women Studies Conference.  Translation of article from English to Marathi entitled “Jagtikikarananantarcha Bharat” (India after Globalisation by AmeykumarBagchi) SamajPrabodhanPatrika July 1995. Vol. 32. No. 132.