HAOL, Núm. 22 (Primavera, 2010), 117-124 ISSN 1696-2060 EXTRAORDINARY RENDITIONS: REFLECTIONS UPON THE WAR ON TERROR IN BRITISH AND AMERICAN SCREEN SCIENCE FICTION Alec Charles University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom. E-mail:
[email protected] Recibido: 25 Abril 2010 / Revisado: 10 Mayo 2010 / Aceptado: 13 Mayo 2010 / Publicación Online: 15 Junio 2010 Abstract: As the Cold War influenced forty Solaris (1972) as their response to Stanley years of screen science fiction, so the shadow of Kubrick’s 2001 (1968) in a celluloid version of 9/11 informs popular science fiction in the early the space race. Today, Hollywood imagineers twenty-first century. The destruction of New feature on the payroll of the Pentagon, and even York has recurred in such films as The Day Osama Bin Laden (known to be a fan of popular After Tomorrow, Cloverfield, War of the Worlds American culture)1 appears to have raided and I Am Legend. Like The Invasion, the latter American blockbusters for his ideas: indeed he pair reinvent Cold War fables – Invasion of the specifically seems to have been inspired in his Body Snatchers, War of the Worlds and The apocalyptic plotting by Tom Clancy’s Debt of Omega Man – for the neoconservative age, Honour – a story in which a terrorist crashes a while 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later, Jericho civilian airliner into the U.S. Capitol Building in and the remade Survivors witness a resurgence Washington, DC.2 in post-apocalyptic concerns redolent of Day of the Triffids. While Star Trek: Enterprise turned Slavoj Žižek has written of the events of 11 its franchise’s traditional liberalism into an September 2001 as cinematic in their exercise in jingoistic paranoia, Battlestar spectacular nature3 and Bin Laden’s particular Galactica (another restored relic of the Cold debt to Clancy was acknowledged by CNN War) has presented a much more ambiguous and when, on 11 September 2001, the news station problematic vision of democracy’s battle with chose to interview the novelist as part of its fundamentalism.