Vol.10 No.4 York College of the City University of New York Jamaica-Bayside, New York 389 March 1, 1973 York Making Dent in Space Race

by Jack Katzanek areas:- one of the most needy areas lease on the Humanities building. is in lounge facilities. This building was formerly used by One of the leading problems at The Yeshiva of Central Queens York has always been the space Real Food and the adjoining building is problems, especially in the Room 001 of the Humanities scheduled for occupation by York cafeteria and lounge. The vending Building is now being used as a no later than the Spring of '74. machines in the basement of the cafeteria. It will have vending The second building will be Montgomery Ward Building don't services similar to those of the treated much the same as the first always work and there are usually Main Building Cafeteria. Tables one was. The building will be wall-to-wall people. Richard and chairs have been installed to painted, and minor repairs will be Horchler, Dfian of Administration, provide seating for more than two made. The buildings were at- said "York stands near the bottom hundred people. This is slightly tractive to York because it was more room than the existing in space per student. We are far presently in use as a school and the cafeteria in the main building. below the average or guideline in building is kepi, in good repair. that category. However, with new Next door to the lounge is room Another positive aspect is that now acquisitions of space and more 002. This room is being used as a additions soon to follow, the game room and an additional York college will be able to serve situation will change radically." lounge. There is lounge-type HOT FOOD. The Yeshiva has a furniture there and a table tennis fully equipped kitchen with full set A second ping-pong table is kitchen facilities. The kitchen is New Lounge on order. Dean Horchler chose now being used to feed the students attending the Yeshiva problem. The Science building will students found in the lounge As of Monday, February 26, the table tennis because there is a high have its own lounge, however, it voiced their approval. "It's great" turnover of players, and the game The other building also has & lounge and cafeteria areas in the lounge which is slightly larger than will not have a hot food capability. said one, "there are far too many doesn't take long to play. Any The lounge will also have vending basement of the Humanities the one in the Humanities students in the main lounge. The additional game equipment or machines. Aside from the lounge, music can get so loud that you Building for the students will be Building. The kitchen is centrally pleasure m achines will be up to the the new building will have can't even talk to a person three officially opened. Dean Horchler located so that students in either and Campus Facilities Officer, students to provide. If the students laboratories, computers, a inches away from you. Over here, building will be able to get hot Mr. Raymond Pavia, are largely want a jukebox in the new lounge complete medical office and its you can relax." Another student responsible for this allocation on it can be done in the same manner food and eat it in either lounge. own bookstore. Students are urged stated "it makes sense for the the basis of space. It is well-known in which the first jukebox was to use the new lounge and game school to add this space. If we are installed in the old lounge. With its opening in September, that while facilities have been the new Science Building will also room.-They are open and waiting. going to increase the enrollment, crowded and insufficient in all York College has a ten-year do much to alleviate the space They are also very empty. The few .then this becomes a necessity." Time to Drop Courses Shorten

by Jack Katzanek two weeks was put before the that Senator Darden had moved \ senate. At that time, Student for. But due to this temparary The period of time during which Senator Herman Darden moved to indecision, the two week proposal you can drop a course will be amend the motion by changing it was passed. It wasn't until the diminished from the current seven to six weeks. Professor Samuel students met again that they weeks to four weeks for the Fall Borenstein also offered an agreed on the compromise 1973 semester. This actipn comes amendment for a four week time measure. out of the York College Senate limit. A motion to lay the matter Among the motivations for the meetings of January 29th and on the table was defeated, and Senate taking this course of action January 30th. then in turn the two counter- are the belief that students are The proposal for cutting down proposals were defeated, first Prof. taking advantage of the seven on the time permissable for a Borenstein's amended amend- week limit. Registering for a student to drop a course without ment, and then Mr. Darden's course only to drop it seven weeks suffering the penalty of failing original amendment. The original into the semester poses problems came down from the Committee motion calling for a two-week limit for students who find their courses on Academic Standards. On the was then accepted. they need closed out. It also may January 29th meeting, the original Before the next senate meeting lead to under-utilizing the faculty From I. to r., Teresa Rizzitiello. Milton Bassin and Marie Wittek, proposal calling for a time limit of the next day, however, the student load. who were involved in the academic decision. and faculty caucuses met and If you still wish to drop a course Student Senator Neal Haynes after the fourth week of the term, moved to rescind to the vote and there is a valid excuse, then approving the accepted proposal channels must be used. A Fresh- or the day before. The motion man must go to his or her \Nor\d Jewry Discusses Needs carried and Ms. Thelma Metz then counselor who then goes to moved to accept the proposal with Professor Marie Wittek, Chairman a four week time limit. This was of the Committee for Academic A second College Institute on around the world, on the situation 265-2200. carried by voice vote. Standards. An upperclassman World Jewish Needs will be of American Jewry (focusing on A first Institute on February 4 Mr. Haynes stated that the four should see Ms. Metz who contacts sponsored by the New York New York), and on the activities of was attended by representatives week deadline could have been Prof. Wittek. In any case, if a Student Coordinating Committee Jewish helping agencies. Practical from 20 New York colleges and passed the first meeting, but the student dislikes Prof. Wittek's of the Israel Emergency Fund and discussions will deal with ways of universities. Speakers included Dr. final decision in the student decision, then he or she may the United Jewish Appeal of organizing on campus to help meet Judah Shapiro, president of the caucus was held up by Senators appeal to the committee as a Greater New York on Sunday, Jewish needs. There will also be Labor Zionist Alliance; Howard pushing for the six week time limit whole. February 25, 12:30-6 p.m., at films, displays, and literature Stone, national Young Leadership Touro College, 30 West 44 Street, available as samples of what may director of the United Jewish Manhattan. Students enrolled in be used for setting up campaigns Appeal, and David Edell, national institutions of higher education in on campus. A concluding rap coordinator of the Student 9K T(tt5 9551 New York City, Long Island and session will introduce participants Coordinating Committee of the Westchester are invited. to Jewish students from other Israel Emergency Fund. The session at, the two year-old countries. Also present at the meeting were Jewish college will be conducted by Advance reservations for the Jewish students from New York experts in international, national second Institute may be made in campuses who recently emigrated Softife to SoftwK5 pgd 6-7 and local Jewish affairs. They will writing (noting name, address, from Eastern Europe and North inform interested students of phone, and school) and sent to the Africa, as well as representatives of current Jewish problems and equip College Institute, United Jewish the Israel Students Organization, Reucetw (HJ 8 them to organize on campus for Appeal, 220 West 58th St., New Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry, alleviating them. It is intended as a York, N.Y. 10019. Reservations the Jewish Association for College practical program for those who must be accompanied by $1. Youth, the North American Jewish wish to be active on behalf of Further information may be Students Appeal, Project Ezra, the needy fellow Jews. obtained by telephone from Ella New York Association for New The Institute will feature Tamshe (x235); Joy Stoller (x262) Americans 4n& a number of Hillel briefings on Jewish communities or Bob Goldman (x261) at (212) Foundation branches- Page 2 PANDORA'S BOX March 1, 1973 Pandora's Box

A Department Store It Isn 't

Ever since our arrival in Montgomery Ward building in Sep- tember, many urban sociology experts have roamed the halls. Pimps, pushers, deaf-mutes giving away free bookmarks for a quarter each and old ladies looking for Jamaica sales days were only some of the more interesting cast of characters that helped to make the building feel like home. Mr. Santiago took quick measures to halt this invasion, putting up signs as to which en- trances were which, making it clear that I.D.'s could be asked for and having his men pay close attention to those entering the building. But that has proved to be not good enough. Editor-in-chief Still there are many people who do not belong. We are not Douglas Kennedy speaking of the kids who come off the streets to meet their friends, we are talking about those who have come to roam around the Feature Editor News Editor school, looking for either trouble or buyers. Several students have Regina Vogel Sam Mora already been approached to buy drugs and York is quickly turning into the local clearinghouse for pushers. Also many of those who Copy Editor Sports Editor roam through the school will have no compunctions about picking Hillary Kalman Ray Harley up whatever they are likely to find handy. We have never worried about locking doors, but it seems the times are changing. Jim Casa, Gabriel Ceron, Andrew Gobioff, Jack Kat- The solution to the problem is a difficult one. While signs can zanek, Joe Raskin, James Ryan, Pam Simmons, James only be slightly effective, the real challenge lies with the guards Theodorou (photo coordinator), Antonio Velazquez, themselves. They must be the ones who will determine if someone Adele Zylber. looks suspicious or not. While we oppose any indiscriminate Pandora welcomes your editorial comments in the checking of I.D.'s,we do believe that the guards should be more forms of letters to the editor. Letters should be typed visible in the hallways and at various student hangouts. Sitting at and must be signed in full. Names will be withheld on the doors and entrances may look nice, but it is within the walls request. We will try to publish as many different where the real problem lies. At the very least, the guards should opinions on a variety of topics as space allows. Address stop worrying about the 70-year old ladies and start worrying your comments to: Pandora's Box, 159)07 about the right people. Avenue, Jamaica, N.Y. 11432, telephone number 969- 4230/1. Editorial opinions expressed herein are not necessarily the opinion of the staff or of each of the editors, but rather the majority of the editorial board. Grounds & Buildings One of the desirable features of any surburban campus is the Segqfe Column tree-lined paths and the ivy-covered walls. What makes them even more desirable is that the trees are watered and the ivy is trimmed. Here at York however there are no trees and the walls are not P&B Needs covered with ivy, but rather with dust. The few areas that could be considered grounds are usually only two-foot stretches of grass at the front of the buildings, but even these need care. Student Support ..,, A serious example of the lack of care.given to our grounds is the : Faculty-Staff parking lot on 160 St. and Dale Road. At the foot of hf Joe Visconti member of the reviewing com- the fence and in the brown weeds at the edge of the curb are piles mittee. I am very much concerned of garbage. Bottles, papers and whatever else is thrown or blown The ."Chatter which governs with the matter of student par- seems to land there. If that was not unsightly enough, garbage has York College is presently up for ticipation on the Personnel and now begun to collect around the guard's booth at the entrance to review. The committee which is Budget Committees. I definitely the field. There are boxes of garbage and litter scattered over the reviewing the Charter is made-up feel rhat more student imput is , area, which eventually finds its way all over the lot. of representatives fmm the ad- needed m the field, 1 do hope that While we do not expect sculptured hedges and manicured lawns ministration, tfte faulty, and the .the entire college community can at this time, we do expect that these areas will be kept presentable students. !. Representing the sympathize with me on this one looking. If York is really planning a prolonged stay as everyone students rare Student Caucus matter. I also hope that anyone anticipates, let us not add our garbage to the urban plight that Leader Allan Katz, ex-studcni with ideas regarding this will exists. When the Division of Buildings and Grounds was created, Senator Nesl Haynes, and Student contact ane so that" I might take ail no one ever meant for the grounds to be second in priority also. Senator Joe Visconti. The Charter considerations into mind. Per- is ciie Constitution of York College sonnel and Budget matters muse and sUpcrcedcs any law, e\en the . be stressed LO all the students of By-Lawfc ot' the Board of Higher York College. Remember, it is this Education which were once aj>- committee which hires and fires Men Vs. Machines proved by thirty percent of both faculty members of \ ork. I'm sure the students and facuhy of York lhat this will concern all the Ever since the inception of the Machine Age in American and the Board of Higher students, who were outraged over society, great worth has always been placed on the rare human Education. the recent non-reappoiniments of contact that too infrequently remains in society. While machines several faculty members. Please may have speeded up the processes and made them more efficient The student representatives on give us your fullest support on this also, the human hand has long been regarded as the greatest the committee are basically issue. It directly effects all the invention in the past few centuries. What many fail to remember concerned with two main areas, students here at York College. however is just how fallible that human hand is. namely the full and equal student If anyone has any ideas on this At York, whether it be for registration or transcripts, we have represeHtaiion in the Senate, and matter, please contact me in the always done things by hand. No computers to hassle with, no student imput on the Personnel Student Government Office, room machines to worry about. AH very nice and easy. Until you have to and Budget Committees. As a 125. in the main building. deal with people. Transcripts for example have always been a slow item. While their speed has increased from past years when we received them during the middle of the next semester, you are still forced to go the postcard route if you would like to find out if you are eligible to take a course in the Spring providing you passed the Fall prerequisite. When we are told that four people have to send out marks to 3000 students and that they did it in one month, it all sounds very good. But one computer could do the same job in a quicker period and would even figure out the student's index as is done at Queens College. Another problem with human dealings is the communications gap. One student who applied for a graduate school transcript asked that the form be sent out as soon as possible and was told it i would be done within three days. Upon receiving a letter from the grad school wondering where the transcript was, he discovered that the Registrar secretaries decided to hold the form for the latest marks. While this was clearly a chance to be helpful, people ser- ving the students should realize that they are not there to guide them also. If the student makes a mistake, that's his problem. Maybe the secretaries are afraid of incurring the wrath of students, but a computer that can only say yes or no will never by subject to human emotions or human mistakes. March 1, 1973 PANDORA'S BOX Page 3 &M&83C Through the Looking Glass Behind The Bar and In The Bottle God Bless America( ?) Douglas Kennedy I by Joe Fischgrund | On those mild spring nights other side are even better. First "God Bless America," said ex- in myths and legends, but when I prisons. Perhaps you saw them when your chest is still heaving there are Harold and The Un- POW Capt. Denton, as he stepped saw him standing behind a tree too—they were in rags, their from the long line of trucks just dertaker. Harold's a guy in his off the plane from Hanoi, thus and looking at the moon, I half wounds crudely bandaged, unloaded, it takes little time fifties with a small moustache and touching off one of the most expected him to let out a howl. carrying one another, bleeding, between the punching of the clock an even smaller mind. He is better repulsive displays of American There are many more: the Baloney more dead than alive. The and the front door for someone to known for the old gray hat he chauvinism imaginable. The man, Vince "and his dog and Big America that cared only about suggest going to the bar across the wears which gets lower over his prisoners are home! God Bless Bad John. While they may be white body counts and not yellow street. It takes less time for the rest eyes as the night wears on. His America! God Bless Our Com- funny to once-a-month observers, ones, apparently feels the same of us to agree. Running between buddy, The Undertaker, is a young mahder-in-Chief!! Whoopee! these nightly patrons have a lot in way about POWs. the traffic, we head for the corner man in his late twenties who looks But somewhere even in this god- common. They are usually qttiet The care so ostentatiously bar with the window facing the like he won first prize as "corpse of bless-america tide, hidden perhaps individuals, squinting into half- lavished on the returning POWs avenue and the kelly-green sign the week" in Morticians's by the vulgar racket and din of the- empty glasses and never taking further illustrates this total lack of freshly painted with the words, Monthly. His three-piece black media scramble to cover this red their hand from the glass. concern for the Vietnamese Murray Hill Cafe. (What stripe suit looks very distinguished white and blue event, somewhere It is odd that in bars, which people, in peace as well as in war. distinguishes a cafe from a bar, or until you realize that those are the there are voices that strenuously often breed or necessitate com- Remember as you watch your .a bar from a pub, no one seems to only clothes he has. Harold and object to this POW spectacle. For panionship, the rules are the exact favorite pilot heroes gustily eating know, but somewhere there must The Undertaker always stand at in this highly televised flag-waving opposite. One must be quiet and is their rare steak in the hospital be a 10 cent government manual the end of the bar drinking festival there is all the sickness often given strange looks if he is a cafeteria, remember that some of that tells you what you're supposed whiskey with beer chasers and which made the IndoChina War stranger. You never sit on a stool these very same pilots gustily to be.) exchanging dollars for the suc- the horrid spectre that it was and next to someone else; you are dropped the bombs that destroyed Yelling making cracks we enter cessive defeats each suffers at the perhaps still is. obliged to find your own territory Back Mai Hospital. the bar, but as we do a hush falls hands of ther other on the bowling There is, for openers, the buffered on each side by an empty over the group. Whether it is the machine. weeping welcoming of certain men space. Even those who know each But most nauseating of all, more darkness of the bar itself or the Aside from a juke box, the as heroes, men who in the eyes of other seem limited to eight words so than even the vulgarity of the regulars who interrupt their bowling machine is the only real many of their countrymen are war apiece. And the bartender, once ulturous media coverage of the POWs, is the emerging attitude private reveries to look at us, it source of entertainment For some, criminals. The pilots, those men regarded as the omnipotent that after all, we were right. And seems almost like sacrilege to however, it can get to be an ob- who chose to fly those devastating confessor-confidant, is now forced session. One guy spent $27 one to make overtures to those who not only was our policy right, but make noise in a funeral parlor. carpet-bombing raids over Hanoi- we won the war too. Nothing could night trying to break a 300 score cling to the deck. Although we call the Murray Hill a those men must, like Lt. Calley, be be further from the truth. Millions only to drop his last dime in a bar its claim is a nebulous one: the prepared to answer for their ac- The local bar remains as a place of Americans do feel and know beer is about 98% water and the crack in the floor after just having tions. While no one begrudges or for a man to search his soul and that the Vietnamese War was not TV is stuck on one channel a 275 game. Needless to say he was would wish to take away the joy of mind through a cajoling of his right as all and that, thank God, (Maybe that's what makes it a taken away that night to a place the pilots in their reunions with body. Any noise or excitement U.S. imperialism was in fact cafe?). But the real reason we go where there are no bowling their families, that joy becomes brings an unwelcome glance from defeated. The use of the returning there is because of the people we machines. obscene when compared to the those lined up in their cemetery POWs to somehow make us feel meet. Another in this cast of suffering of the families they plots. If you look into their eyest, proud of that horrible war is Nixon One of the people we look thousands is Edward Stankewicz, destroyed with their joyless bombs. most seem to be searching for and the media's most - shameless forward to seeing all the time is the better known as "Polish Eddy." Secondly, there is the issue of something. Or rather, waiting for deception to date. owner-bartender, Mr. Kluting. 76- What "Polish Eddy" is known for the respective physical conditions something. Could it be death? year old Kluting is a serious is his playing of "skating music". of American prisoners released by Maybe life? But all find a security So, it is important to remember gentleman never known for his Skating music is Al Jolson-style North Vietnam and the North in having a place at the bar, as if a that behind the God-Bless- altruism. While it is a well-known songs that old movies always use Vietnamese prisoners released by vote was going to be taken. Scotch America rhetoric, behind the neighbrohood fact that he has when they show people ice-skating our so-called allies in the South. and water. A beer. Whiskey. It is perverse nationalism', behind the enormous cash reserves, few have in Rockefeller Center. Eddie's Every—yes, every—night for the not the mere providing of an 'peace with honor' crap, is the ten- ever seen them including his tactics are to wait until a break past two weeks I have seen our alcoholic beverage, but is often the year histroy of the attempted family. Rumor has it that in his comes in between 3 Dog Night and almost perfectly healthy men beginning, continuation or genocide of the Vietnamese will his entire estate is left to his Santana and then fill the box with coming home. But on only one fulfillment of a dream that has people. And Richard Nixon, Capt. dog. Sal the Sicilian once" com- as -much money as possible, occasion have I seen the released long turned sour. A dream that Denton, NBC, even Henry plained, "I've spent about $500 in playing all his favorite selections. prisoners who were held in the has seen the insides of many bars Kissinger-try as they may-cannot there and the only time Kluting Whenever this music comes on, infamous South Vietnamese and many bottles. erase that awful history. ever bought me a beer was by the younger drinkers clasp their From The City mistake." Because of his hands behind their backs and reputation, Kluting usually comes glide around the bar like Hans in for a lot of flak. One day, Brinker on his silver skates. Polish somebody suggested that he try Eddy once threatened to get a gun some whiskey to replenish the to use on either them or himself. sparse dome that he .often hides One person we don't see too 1973 Mayoral Handicap underneath a hat. He was told that. often is the Wolfman. At first we it was the best' way to grow hair. thought it was only a coincidence, Kluting's reply, which has forever seeing him in the bar only on Rby Joe Raskin lived in the hearts of his coun- nights when the moon was clear trymen: "Never mind my hair!" and full. But then we noticed that Back during the 1969 Mayoral could be considered* to be the (They're not listed in order of While the people behind the bar he would never be there on any campaign, Norman Mailer and gelding this year? importance, but rather in the way are pretty funny, the ones on the other nights. Now I never believed Jimmy Breslin's campaign people In one respect, it's good to see that I.think them up). dreamed up this little gimmick. that there are so many potential I) Gambling- Here's another Pitches Brewery! Since a good deal of their con- candidates for a four-year lease on place where Mailer and Breslin stituency could be found in places Gracie Mansion. It would've been were right. It might be great to like Aqueduct, or other joints ridiculous if no one had wanted to have bookies or City Hall reporters where book could be made, why run, although it would be highly set odds on the candidates, and let not do a little leaflet exploiting the logical, considering what some the public bet on them. Who Even A Machine Has Needs fact? They did, creating a little people are saying. The bad thing is knows what the knowledge that racing form take-off, which made that there is really no clear cut people have put money on them the candidates into horses (an favorite. Before, somebody will do for the candidates. The \ Hyperion interesting comparison there), with thought it was Badillo. Now, it adrenelin would really flow. A few There is no longer any question with various majors could meet in all of the appropriate entries, post might be Biaggi. Who knows? guys may put money on another about it. York College is becoming the same building. Once in positions, comments, and odds. next, it might be John Lindsay. A candidate, and then throw the a service organization, a machine Jamaica, floors and buildings Mailer was the longest shot, and of few months ago, I wrote that the election, which, as Mario Proc- intent upon serving the needs of divided into as many distinctions course was the best bet. The flyer Mayor was finished, he wouldn't cacino proved, can be done. As a was so good, nearly every matter of fact, it might even be the community. Everything that as possible were organized. Less even run. Now, it's probably the often did one meet someone in newspaper and magazine printed a other way around. Did anybody possible to have point spreads. will keep this community machine copy of it. Think of it. You could go into your running will be encouraged. another field or area. Op- think that he could win at this portunities for communion with Ah, those were the days. A really point of 1969? I mean, where were local OTB parlor, and take Biaggi Everything that gets in its way will and 5,000 votes, or go against the other college people were set at less anarchistic campaign that went the Mets then? be trampled upon. spread and bet Lindsay. Why let than chance. someplace. You could get a real In any case, the field is wide One thing that may get in its laugh out of it, and be serious at open this year, and the newspapers Las Vegas have all of the fun? way is the internal health of the Now some of us will learn and the same time. Who really con- willjbe filled with talk of splintered II) Legalization of Marijuana- machine itself. It is composed teach at night, and be seen less sidered this city seceeding from support and new coalitions, This has been a very touchy issue mainly of people—students and during the day. Others will find the rest of the state before Norman whatever they are. They're all ever since Mayor Lindsay held a teachers. There is little wrong with themselves learning "off campus" and Jimmy did? That was their bound to be making a fuss over symbolic burning of the marijuana teaching policemen or holding more and more. There they may purpose, really, It probably would some issue. Ed Koch is trying to confiscated in 1972 in the City Hall night classes if the health of the find a better chance to meet and have been ridiculous had they won. say that you don't have to be incinerator. The chimney was basic machine is maintained. But talk with others than the college Could you imagine a Mailer or conservative in order to be in favor defective, and as a result, City York College, always a fragile now offers on its home ground. Breslin press conference at City of law 'n' order (or you don't have Hall, rather than lower baby, is facing another disease not After all, a police station is a Hall? The TV and radio stations to be Jewish to love Levy's Rye Manhattan, was flooded with this often associated with early community of sorts. must've let out a sigh of relief Bread, or something like that), weird smelling smoke. Rather than childhood. That disease is It has traditionally been a right when they lost. while excluding personality from it bothering the occupants, they fragmentation. and a joy of people in a college This year's Mayoral Handicap politics. Robert Postel is proving rather enjoyed it. This led to one of Every step of the college's community to interact freely with appears to be different. Outside of that gravedigging is still an art, the most spirited mayoral press growth process has been beset by one another. That right has been Mario Proccacino's protestations and someone will be bound to say conferences in years, featuring further fragmentation. In Bayside, reduced at York to a rare oc- that he is a serious candidate, and that Jerome Kretchmer will be Mayor Lindsay's telling Gabe offices could not be divided, due to currence. And, for that reason, all of the rumors over who is expert at digging up the garbage Pressman to do something with space limitations, into other than everyone here, whether he or she backing who, and what coalitions about people. Here, for the Milton Lewis. Eventually, this cubicles. At least, then, faculty of knows it or not, suffers from a are forming, it seems as if there is candidates who want them, are situation was discovered across the different disciplines and students quasi monomania. very little to laugh at. Besides, who some issues to dwell upon. Continued on Page 9 Page PANDORA'S BOX March 1973 Alcohol-Song of The Melancholy Babies WHAT IS ALCOHOL? aggressive, or depressed. widely practiced throughout vary by individual case, but a rehabilitation resources are Higher blood alcohol levels Alcohol is the major chemical history without negative effects or universal characteristic of all available, the stigma of having an depress brain activity further to a consequences. Of those persons in hangovers is extreme fatigue. alcohol problem is not allowed to ingredient in wines, beers, and point that memory, as well as distilled beverages. It is a natural our society who choose to drink, There is no scientific evidence to interfere, and he or she is treated muscular coordination and most do so without harm to support the curative claims of by the caregivers with acceptance substance formed by the reaction balance, may be temporarily of fermentingc surasugar with yeasvpact : :—J <-^H • . . . themselves or others. Whether coffee, raw eggs, oysters, chili and understanding. impaired. Still larger alcohol alcohol usage is responsible or peppers, steak sauce, vitamins, the Problem drinking or alcoholism spores. Although there are many intake within a relatively short alcohols, the kind in alcoholic irresponsible, harmless or "hair of the dog," or drugs. is recognized by professionals as a period of time depresses deeper dangerous, of course, depends on Doctors usually prescribe aspirins, symptom of more than just a beverages is known scientifically as parts of the brain, producing a "ethyl alcohol," a colorless, in- many factors such as the time, the rest, and solid food. drinking problem. Help can be state of loss of control in which place, the quantity, the reason, If you choose to drink, the best provided by a doctor, a clergyman, flammable liquid which has an judgment is severly affected, and intoxicating effect. and the person. way to avoid a hangover is to drink a local welfare agency, a clinic, a sensory perceptions are dulled. social worker, psychologist or By strict definition alcohol is For instance, alcohol starts to be responsibly—sipping slowly, with If steady heavy drinking con- psychiatrist, a general hospital or [classified as a food, because it a factor in automobile crashes at food in the stomach, under relaxed tinues, the alcohol will anesthetize blood alcohol concentrations social circumstances, and paying psychiatric hospital, or the local contains calories. However, it has the deepest levels of the brain, and beginning as low as .05 percent-the attention to your responses to the chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous. no nutritional value. Alcohol is may result in coma, or death. also classified as a drug, because it approximate level reached in the alcoholic beverages, so in- Many large business or industrial firms and labor unions also have dramatically affects the central average 160-pound person from toxication is avoided. HOW FAST DOES ALCOHOL consuming 3 one-ounce drinks of programs to help their alcoholic •nervous system. TAKE EFFECT? employees and members find Different alcoholic beverages 86 proof whiskey in an hour within 2 hours of eating an average meal. WHAT CONSTITUTES A treatment and rehabilitation. are produced by using different The rapidity with which alcohol "DRINKING PROBLEM"? sources of sugar for the fer- With little or no food in the Alcoholics Anonymous is enters the bloodsteam and exerts probably the best known agency Imentation process. Beer, stomach, the .05 blood alcohol for in- its effect on the brain and body concentration would be reached The common factor in all offering help to people with stance, is made from malted depends on several things: drinking problems is the negative drinking problems and alcoholic (germinated) barley, wine from after approximately two drinks, or How fast you drink. The half effect they have on the health or persons. AA is a self-help group in grapes or berries, whiskey from two 12 ounce cans of beer, con- ounce of alcohol in an average sumed in an hour. well-being of the drinker, and on which members help themselves malted grains, and rum from highball, can of beer, or glass of his or her associates. and one another in a type of group molasses. For the average, healthy person, wine, can be burned up (oxidized) a certain amount of alcohol can be One authority in the alcohol therapy setting that utilizes Hard liquors result from the in the body in about 1 hour. If you used without any lasting effects on problem field has suggested these mutual experience for mutual further concentration, through a sjp y0Ur drink slowly and do not the body or brain, but continuous criteria for drinking problems: support. process called distillation, of the have more than one drink an hour, drinking of large quantities can 1. Anyone who must drink in Many other community and alcohol produced by fermentation. the alcohol will not "jolt" your cause structural damage. Cirrhosis order to function or to "cope" with social agencies offer referral m, whiskey, scotch, gin, vodka, brain and will not have a chance to life has a severe drinking problem. d of the liver is closely linked to services or direct help. Local .?" other hquors are referred to as build up in your blood and you will heavy, continuous consumption 2. Anyone who by his own affiliates of the National Council | Distilled beverages.' fee, little unpleasant effect. and ulcers,heart disease, and personal definition, or that of his on Alcoholism exist in many Most American beers contain 4 Gulping your drink, on the other diabetes. Heavy drinking over family and friends, frequently communities, and every State and percent alcohol Dinner wines, like hand, will produce immediate many years may be complicated by drinks to a state of intoxication many communities have official Beaujolais or Chabhs, are 10 to 12 intoxicating effects and depression serious nervous or mental has a drinking problem. alcoholism programs where help percent alcohol. Dessert wines of deeper brain centers, disorders, or may cause permanent 3. Anyone who goes to work can be found or sources of such as sherries are fortified with Whether your stomach is empty brain damage. Alcohol, like many intoxicated has a drinking treatment recommended. more alcohol to bring the level up or Ml Eating) especially before other drugs that effect the central problem. Various .forms of physical and to between 17 and 20 percent. you drink as well as with system, can also be physiologically 4. Anyone who is intoxicated psychological therapy are used for Distilled beverage J r s trang0 e from 4t0 drink) will sIow down the ab_ addicting, i.e., produce withdrawal while driving a car has a drinking alcoholic persons. The therapy is ;Percent sorption rate of alcohol into your symptoms when alcohol intake prpblem. as varied .as the reasons for 0 proof• «) alcohol? °?°, . 5° ; bloodstream and you will have a ceases. 5. Anyone who sustains a bodily problem drinking, and programs Any two drinks which contain more even response to the alcohol. injury which requires medical which individualize the treatment e same amount of alcohol will what you drink wine and beer attention as a consequence of an approaches to the patient's needs have a similar effect on the are absorbed less rapidly than intoxicated state has a drinking and resources offer the best results. , innker. Thus a 12 ounce can of hard liquors because they contain WHAT IS DRUNKENNESS? problem. i; er, an average 4 ounce glass of small amounts of non-alcoholic 6. Anyone who comes into For some persons, doctors wine, or the usual highball or substances that slow down the Drunkenness, or intoxication, conflict with the law as a con- prescribe drugs which make the cocktail with an ounce of 100 proof absorption process. These sub- is the temporary loss of control sequence of an intoxicated state person violently ill if he drinks alcohol. Tranquilizers are also liquor, allyContain approximately stances have been removed from over physical and mental powers has a drinking problem. used to quiet the anxieties that V2 ounce of alcohol, and if drunk Hquor in the distillation process, due to overconsumption of 7. Anyone who, under the in- lead many to problem drinking. stowly, will have an equal effect on Diluting an alcoholic beverage alcoholic beverages. Symptoms, fluence of alcohol, does something brain and body. with another liquid, such as water, he avows he would never do Psychotherapy may be used to and their severity, vary from provide Ionge-range help to some also helps to slow down ab- person to person. The widespread without alcohol has a drinking IOW DOES ALCOHOL WORK sorption, but mixing with car- problem alcoholic patients. For acute IN THE BODY? feeling in the United States that alcoholism, as well as acute in- bonated beverages can increase drunkenness is acceptable, or even the rate of absorption toxication, hospitalization is often When you drink an ajcholic a "comical" form of behavior, may WHAT ARE THE required for a short period of time. How much you weigh, The same contribute to problem drinking in beverage, 20 percent of the alcohol amount of alcohol can have a CAUSES OF ALCOHOLISM The primary goal of treatment is our society. in it is absorbed directly and ter effect on a 120-pound to help the drinker alter his grea Drunkenness is legally defined immediately into the bloodstream persOn than a 180-pound person, Alcoholism is a consequence of, drinking pattern and handle his Ithrough the stomach walls. Unlike Alcohol is quickly distributed in many States as a .10 percent a complex interaction of problems without resorting to other "Food," it does not have to uniformly within the circulatory blood alcohol level, which biological, psychological, and irresponsible use of alcohol, and to be digested. The blood carries it system. Therefore the heavier produces lack of coordination. In sociological factors. Scientist do develop a new life style not other States, it is defined as .15 new [directly to the brain where the person will have smaller con- not yet indict a single cause, but revolving around the use of alcohol acts on the brain's central centrations throughout his percent. In either case, it is illegal professionals who work with to drive a car after the specified alcohol. For the individual ad- control areas, slowing down or bloodstream and body than the alcoholic individuals report that dicted to alcohol, recovery is best blood alcohol concentration is depressing brain activity. The lighter-weight individual, they have found an unusual maintained by total abstention. other 80 percent of alcohol is The setting or circumstances reached. amount of stress and much Between one-third and two-thirds Old wives' tales to the contrary, processed only slightly slower you are jn. For instance, if you are deprivation in the lives of these of the people who seek help through the gastrointestinal tract comfortably sitting down and you cannot sober up by drinking persons. Researchers are con- recover from alcoholism, a figure and into the bloodstream. Alcohol relaxed, having a drink with a black coffee, taking a cold shower, tinuing their studies of the that compares favorably with the is in such a rush to get into the fi-iend, alcohol will not have as or breathing pure oxygen. Alcohol multiple causes of alcoholism, results of treatment for other bloodstream that moments after it much effect on you as when you takes a specific amount of time to such as genetic and chemical psychological or behavioral is consumed it can be found in all are standing and drinking at a burn up in the body. Most of the abnormalities in the body, poor problems, tissues, organs, and secretions of cocktail party. On the other hand, work is done in the liver. (As a nutrition, emotional problems, [the body. if you are emotionally upset, under general rule, it will take as many childhood deprivations, and HOW CAN WE PREVENT hours as the number of drinks environmental conditions. A low level of alcohol m the stress, or tired, alcohol may have a ALCOHOL PROBLEMS? consumed to sober up completely.) Alcoholism would be impossible blood, such as would result from stronger impact on you th*n Alcohol's effects can be controlled taking one drink an hour, has a normal. Your expectations will without alcohol, of course; but Problem drinking and only by the circumstances (rate alcohol can no more be considered alcoholism can never be controlled mild tranquihzmg effect, since a]so have an influence. If you think and concentration) under which it alcohol is a central nervous system are going to become drunk, the sole cause of alcoholism than solely by treating the casualties. you is taken into the body; once it is in depressant. It may at first seem to ease and speed with which you marriage can be considered the The goal must be prevention and the the bloodstream, nothing can be sole cause of divorce, or the stimulate you, however. Through wilI feei intOxicated will indeed be this requires early identification of evolutionary development, the increased, done except wait. tubercle bacillus the sole cause of alcohol of alcohol problems in an brain consist of many layers, and tuberculosis. individual, and the development of alcohol's first effects will be is drinking alcoholic responsible attitudes and behavior exerted upon the upper, or beverages dangerous HOW CAN A PERSON WITH in the use of alcoholic beverages. It WHAT IS A HANGOVER? newer," parts of the brain where All substances which exert an AN also requires full respect and learned behavior patterns such as ALCOHOL PROBLEM BE acceptance of an individual's effect on the brain have the A hangover is the body's self-control are stored. . After a HELPED? choice nottodrink; not drinking is potential to be dangerous. This is reaction to drinking irresponsibly, as responsible and acceptable a drink or two, this learned behavior true of alcohol. Irresponsible use such as consuming too much may temporarily disappear, The idea that nothing can, be decision as sensible drinking. of alcohol includes the heavy risk alcohol at a time when you are making you lose your inhibitions, done for a person with a drinking Hosts and hostesses have a of harming oneself or others. tired or under stress. The !talk more freely, or feel iike the problem no longer prevails in our responsibility to their friends to On the other hand, responsible associated miseries of nausea, society. A person can be helped at prevent irresponsible drinking at fclife of the,party." Oryou may feel use of alcoholic beverages has been gastritis, anxiety, and headache any stage as long as treatment and dinnerparties or social gatherings.^ Continued on page 5 March 1, 1973 PANDORA'S BOX Page 5 CUNY CLIPBOARD temperament and wide experience, the state of the New York theatre. and working relationships with the and the continuing trends toward Among the scheduled guests for state's legislators as well as with furthering their education in the these and other programs are the Regents and State Education liberal arts." Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, Department. Professor Hunter is married and political analyst Richard Reeves, Through a unique arrangement, has two children, all of whom were and Anthony Durgess, the University Student Senate will left in England while he teaches Distinguished Professor at City share the Albany office with the Comparative Police Studies here at College. Student Association of the State John Jay. University (SASU), the Senate's counterpart at the State Student University. This arrangement is T.y. characteristic of the relationship that has grown between the two Senate organizations since their Series Starting Tuesday, February leadership met last year and Every Monday evening 13th, students of the City agreed to increase their mutual beginning February 19 at 9:00 University will have an in- activities. Together, the p.m., CITYSCOPE, a weekly creasingly greater role in Albany's organizations represent over half a television program of discussion, decision making process through million students attending in- analysis and comment on New the University Student Senate's stitutions of public higher York City affairs will be seen over new Albany office. education throughout the state. WNYC-TV/Channel 31 and cable Decisions reached in Albany The new office is being financed channels. The program is made have always had a profound effect through contributions made by honors. Since graduating, possible by a grant from the City upon the students of the City several of CUNY's student Professor Hunter has served as University. University of New York. Yet the governments. However, liana Chief Inspector commanding the CITYSCOPE is produced and physical distance separating New Hirst, the Senate's Vice-Chairman Corringham Sub-Division of the moderated by Professor Robert S. York and Albany has long been an for Legislative Affairs, warned, John Jay Essex Police Force and is currently Hirschfield, chairman of the obstacle to students who hope to "The success of our Albany office attached to the British National department of political science at influence these decisions. Through will depend on whether we receive Police Academy in the Staff Hunter College, and will draw its new office, the Senate hopes to contributions from the student Director's Office. upon the resources and expertise remove this obstacle and establish governments who have not con- Professor Keith E. Hunter of the In talking about British of the City University and its regular lines of communication tributed yet." Police College, Bramshill House, policemen, Professor Hunter says: faculties, elected representatives, Basingstroke, Hampshire, "The fact that most British business and community leaders, England (the British National policemen were drawn from journalists, and concerned New Police Academy), joins the John working class background in times Yorkers to provide in-depth, Jay faculty as part of a continuing of hardship had much to do with professional analysis of significant exchange program. The program their success in retaining the metropolitan issues. is designed to share the ideas held confidence and respect of \he One of the special features of by England and the United States ordinary man in the street. I, the program is that it was created - in the criminal field. personally, have little time for and is being produced by City Born in 1933, Professor Hunter snobbery and condescension in University faculty and students. In joined the police service at the age police attitudes toward ordinary addition, the pilot videotapes for of 23 after completing his national people, but I can see this as a CITYSCOPE were shot at Hunter service as a sergeant in the Scots problem if growing prosperity College's Television Technology Guards. He has served in both the brings with it more social Center. uniform and police training polarization." Dr. Hirschfield's guests on the branches since that time. In 1965, As to his own philosophies, first program, THE ADDICTED Professor Hunter became a Police Professor Hunter adds: "My own CITY, are Howard Samuels, a Duty instructor at the West Riding natural affinity is with those stern member of the Mayor's Narcotics Constabulary Training School liberal-radicals of the 19th cen- Control Council; Amos Henix, which is attended by officers from tury, who opposed social former drug addict and ex-convict many other forces throughout disharmony and unhappiness, not and now Executive Director of England and Wales. On only on compassionate grounds, Reality House Inc., a drug promotion to Inspector in the •but also because (as utilitarians) rehabilitation center in Harlem; Town Sub-Division of CJhelmsform they could not tolerate anything and Dr. Robert Baird, Director of (located only 35 rHiles from ' which hampered the total the Haven Drug Clinic and a London), he attended the Police productivity of the nation and the supporter of Governor College, Bramshill (1967) and march of progress. At the same Rockefeller's recent drug completed the Inspectors' Course. time I insist that all my subor- proposals. Armed with a Bramshill dinates retain their sense of Other topics to be discussed on Scholarship, he studied Modern fairness, coming down hard on the CITYSCOPE will include the History at University College in snob and the budding mayoralty 1973, crime in the London, from 1968 to 1971, authoritiarian, and I support the streets, the quality and process of gaining his degree with first class recruiting of men of sound selection of the city's judges, and More Alcohol Information.... Continued from page 4 the home, and got drunk the very Psychiatrists and psychologists are Food should always be served first time. Conversely, responsible studying the interpersonal before and with drinks, and soft drinkers usually first tasted relations of the alcohol abuser and FINANCIAL AID WORKSHOPS drinks made available as an alcoholic beverages with their the alcoholic person; and social alternative to alcoholic beverages. family when they were young, scientists are investigation host- All applications for financial aid will now be processed by College No guest who elects not to drink drank occasionally at home, alcohol interactions at the levels of Scholarship Service in Berkely, California. To help you prepare an alcoholic beverages should be started with wine or beer, and did social functioning. application completely and correctly, we have scheduled WORKSHOPS cajoled or shamed into doing so. not get drunk. from March 5th thru March 8th. See the Financial Aid Officers NOW This includes the abstainer, the WHAT FEDERAL Demonstration projects to Room 315 & 328. recovered alcoholic, or the social RESEARCH develop new and more effective drinker who recognizes he has had AND OTHER ACTIVITIES techniques in the treatment and enough. ARE UNDERWAY? prevention of problem drinking Attitudes that accompany and the rehabilitation of alcoholic responsible drinking behavior in The National Institute on persons are also underway. The other cultures have been iden- Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA also provides funds for tified. In societies where drinking was established within the programs designed to train is practiced only as an adjunct to National Institute of Mental professionals and non- other activity, where guidelines for Health on December 31, 1970, to professionals in methods of drinking are strictly adhered to, develop and conduct broad and prevention, treatment, and FREE! and where drunkenness is severely intensified programs to advance control. As a major priority, the censured, problem drinking is alcoholism research and training, Institute has launched a program Announcements and club rare. On the other hand, where to develop treatment and of support for the development of drinking is accepted as a way of rehabilitation services for the comprehensive community activities ads are free! avoiding reality, or where Nation's alcoholic individuals, and alcoholism treatment and drunkenness is condoned or to prevent alcohol abuse and rehabilitation services. In ad- tolerated, there is a high incidence alcoholism. dition, special collaborative Deadline: Friday at noon. of problem drinking. programs with other Federal Th's Institute provides research agencies are being developed or Studies comparing social grants to universities, medical are underway to reduce the Call 969-4230/1 or bring ad to drinkers with persons who have schools, and other institutions to alcohol-related problems in drinking problems show that for study the biological, behavioral, certain target groups: American room 215 the most part the latter were in- and sociocultural aspects of Indians, drinking drivers, chronic troduced to alcohol lates^in life, alcoholism. Basic scientists are drunkenness offenders, and Archer Avenue Building. began with hard liquors, had their focusing on the impact of alcoholic employees. first drinking experience outside alcoholism at the level of the cell. Page 6 March 1, 1973 PANDORA'S Misadventures of a Solute to Drunk-In-Training "Show Me The Way To by Joe Raskin Blackie acted as expected. He I made it from the bus stop to bought drinks as if the world was my building with a horrible deal of I'm not what you would call a ending. Somehow, I was able to difficulty, nearly passing out real drinker. Let me get that out of nurse this one drink through the several times along the six block the way immediately. Saloons are afternoon. (I was supposed to be walk. It took time, but eventually I as foreign to me as wheat fields in doing research that afternoon. The made it into the elevator, and my Kansas or spacious college only thing I found out was how sister let me in after I had spent campuses. Anytime I wind up in a long it takes a small ice cube to about half an hour trying to get my saloon, chances are that by the melt down when you're sucking on key into the door. time I leave, I'm completely it. That may explain why my "Did you have something to plastered. But this is the salute to marks weren't great that term). drink?" my mother asked. saloons, and we must all come up But as I was laughing, Ulackie said I managed to reply in the af- with reasons why it's so great to get "Have another drink kid." When firmative, as I was falling over the drunb in one. At this, I'm an you're asked as nice (and tough) as television. expert. that, how could you refuse? "Oh, that's good, I thought The whole problem with going I ordered a gin and tonic with you'd been smoking marijuana, or into a bar is what you expect to lime in it. However, two main something like that." find. Everyone is supposed to be a components of the drink were "Ma, you know I don't use that character out of Duffy's Tavern, or missing, namely the lime and a stuff, except when I'm at a party." at the very least, a Jimmy Breslin great deal of the tonic. I had "You weren't at a party?" column. However, the only place another drink after that then "I'm not sure." where you'll find a guy like Fat somehow snuck out of the bar. I made it to my room, and Thomas drinking or the former (Blackie was in fine form that day. flopped down onto my bed, Rosemary Dattalico collecting the You couldn't get by him without contemplating the fact that my money that Nooman Peppis owes wolfing down at least a bottle). I ceiling needed another coat of her husband is Pep-McGuire's. stumbled onto 160th Street, and paint. At that point, my father got Well, I can't afford the prices around the corner, onto Jamaica home. there to begin with, and also, I Avenue. There was the bus. I ran "Whaddya say, Joe?" Joe the Bartender wouldn't be able to go in there for it, and despite the fact that the "Arghhhh!!!!...." without searching out John sidewalk had turned to rubber, I "You've been drinking?" McGuire, and asking him how his made it. I put what I thought was "You could call it that, Daddy. brother's team (Marquette) could 30 cents into the slot, removed my I'm not too good at it, though." blow that game to Notre Dame. nose from the coin box, and sat "Did you eat before you had As a result, I'm left with a gin down with a huge plop by an open anything to drink?" mill known as The Derby, a small window. My tongue reached "No." joint on 160th Street, between halfway down to the street. I ir- "Well, that explains it.' You Archer and Jamaica Avenues. This nored the fact that it was 20 should have." is one of the few joints I can go into degrees out there. "Oh." without my Casablanca complex, that is, without expecting Ingrid Bergman to show up late at night, or having some guy who looks remarkably like Paul Henreid get up and sing Le Marseilles (that's what I get for seeing that movie so many times...). You won't find that at The Derby. Besides, the only by Regina Vogel job. A bartender has many Sam who I ever see there is Mora, unusual stories to tell about the and he can't play As Time Goes Joe was born and raised in Rich- unique people who come in for a By. mond Hill, where he is currently drink. For instance, one character, • The first time I was in The tending the bar at The Little an Army man for twenty years, Derby, I didn't have a lot of Brown Jug (124th Street and would dance around the bar. ,The courage about drinking away from Jamaica Avenue). During his one and only prostitute who used home. (My father mixes a terrific youth the only foreshadowings of to hand around The Jug left for gin and tonic.) So I ordered a his possible future career as a Wyoming where she was wanted Coca-Cola. The immediate bartender were his first drink at by the FBI. One man used to response around the bar was the age of twelve and his bar visits spend the day at the bar (from entirely similar to the scene in the starting at age fifteen. 8AM to 4AM) but he's not there old westerns when the mysterious Joe's tended bars at four or five anymore. Right now he's in South stranger enters the saloon and other places and revealed that his Carolina on a life imprisonment orders a sarsparilla. As a result training consisted of learning only sentence for robbery and murder. there were many comments along the few drinks he was unac- If you really want tostry a unique the solid plywood bar questioning customed to. Very frankly, he drink, go to The Little Brown Jug my virility. Eventually I was able to admits that he's in it for the and Joe will make you his in- conquer my fear of bars, and have money. famous "Fongul," consisting of a beer, although Hank Sheinkopf A bartender's life may sound 1/3 part vodka, 1/3 part black- practically had to force feed it to dull at first, but when you think of berry brandy, and 1/3 part green me the first time. Pandora's the drinks, tips, and the people mint. This is where Blackie comes in. you meet, his life may appear When asked if he plans to Blackie is the one character at The profitable and exciting. During continue his bartending career, Joe Derby who could be one of Jimmy Joe's ten-hour day at the bar on said he did not know if he'll Breslin's more immortal friends, Sundays, he receives ap- remain one, but interjected that if ranking right up there with the Party Punches proximately twenty-five drinks he wasn't one now, he'd probably likes of Fat Thomas and Benny from his customers; he also insists be the president of the United The Bug. He used to work at the that he doesn't get drunk on-the- States. fruit stand at Liberty Avenue and OLD FASHIONED PUNCH Union Hall Street, until it was closed down several months ago. 1 fifth whiskey 3 jiggers fresh lemon juice It's been told that he's working 2 jiggers Curacao over Sutphin Boulevard now. He's 1 pint Seltzer water supposed to be a legendary better Stir well and add a few drops of Angostura Bitters. About 20 minutes of sorts, having once put $5,000 on before serving, put a large piece of ice in a punch bowl and pour the a horse that came in at odds of 15 mixture over it. Serve in small punch cups. Serves 12 to 20. to 1. That may explain why he's continually able to go into The ARTILLERY PUNCH Derby, start buying for everybody, and drink everybody right under 1 fifth Claret the goddamn bar. He has a liver 1 fifth Puerto Rican Rum like a sponge. 1 fifth bourbon The day that the horse sup- Add 2 tablespoons Angostura Bitters. Dissolve 1 cup of sugar in the juice posedly came in also happened to of 6 lemons and mix well with the above. Pour over large block of ice in a be Blackie's birthday. At the time punch bowl and stir until cold. Add 1 quart Seltzer water and serve in of the birthday party the editorial cups. Serves 20. board of Pandora's at that time as well as a few other people were • FISH HOUSE PUNCH having a meeting in The Derby. The meeting had consisted of 1/2 pint sugar syrup Robin Ginsberg, Lorraine Brooks 1 1/2 pints of fresh lemon juice and myself using the bowling 1 pint Peach Brandy machine, and Hy, Gannon, and a 1 fifth Puerto Riian Rum few other people shooting pool. 1 fifth bourbon Suddenly, cheers erupted along Stir thoroughly, gradually adding 3 1 /2 pints of spring water. Place in the length of the bar. Blackie had refrigerator 2 to 3 hours, stirring occasionally. Just before serving, pour arrived. into punch bowl over large block of ice. Serves 12 to 20. 5RAS BOX March 1, 1973 Page 7 One Hundred Bottles fo of Beer on the Wall" To The Next Whiskey Bar" by Douglas Kennedy vodka-drinking Russians make a months later the prohibition form of beer from rye called kvass. amendment was repealed. The It makes you a man, it cools you America has an early beer annual world production of beer is off, it's the second most important tradition with the Indians over 300,000,000 barrels while in thing at baseball games and peacefully brewing along until the the U.S. alone it is 92,487,342 everyone should have a six-pack in Virginia colonists horned in on the barrels.' (U.S. Brewers Foun- • their freezer, but few people know redmen's franchise and began dation.) the history of that international making their own in 1587. The There are many various types of beverage, beer. first commercial breweries beer also. In America, the foamy developed quickly with ones in we down is lager beer, containing Beer is one of those- important New York (1633), Massachusetts on the average 90% water, 3.5% traditions handed down by races (1637) and Rhode Island (1638). alcohol and some other extracts. It that few remember except in Even the fathers of our country is a popular beverage because it history books and even then we didn't mind a brew now and then. does not deteriorate during a long never toast them in the local Sam Adams was called "Father of period of storage and is adaptable taverns. The Egyptians and the Revolution" and there are to all climates. (Those aren't the Mesopatamians seem to have been serious questions as to what made only reasons it is popular.) the first to tilt their elbows while him father of it. Our first president Another type is ale, produced by the Romans and Greeks needed even had his own brewhouse and a top-fermenting yeasts. It has a some kind of international im- homemade recipe for George's higher alcoholic content, and a perialistic drink to keep the beer still exists. more pronounced flavor and, masses happy and so soon followed aroma of hops. Porter is a type of the way. Other countries have tried 'Manufacture of beer was ale which is richer and sweeter, started to get a name. During week their own variations: ale, one of encouraged in early colonial days containing less hop flavor. Stout, best time, long bar with tables on the many forms of beer, started as a means of reducing the con- similar to porter, has a still heavier Bar side and in back. A college crowd, among some early peoples in the sumption of stronger alcoholic body, stronger hop flavor and even place jumps when bands play on British Isles, sake is the Japanese beverages. Under wartime higher alcoholic content. Bock Fri. and Sat. nites. $1.00 cover on beer brewed from rice while the restrictions the brewing of beer beer is one high in flavor and those nights, drinks are moderate. small kingdom of Sikkim in the was first limited and then alcoholic content, brewed in winter Reviews Large room on side with pool table Himalayas uses millet seeds to prohibited. Beer containing more for use in the spring. In certain by Douglas Kennedy and pinball machines. Music all make a beer called murwa (what than 0.5% alcohol was included in localities, the composition of the the time. else is there to do in the mountains the prohibition of intoxicating water is especially favorable for the Patrick's Pub (252-12 Northern but drink). Arabians, Ethiopians beverages by legislation under the production of a particular type of Blvd. - A former hangout of York King Richard's (Francis Lewis and other African tribes make 18th Amendment. Congress beer, such beers being named for students and faculty in our old Blvd. & 33rd. Ave.)—A hangout for beer of various grains such as legalized beer containing 3.2% the cities of their origin as Munich QCC days, Patty's is one of those high school kids and other lef- grass, teff and millet. Even the alcohol in March, 1933 and eight or Pilsener beer, and Burton ale. class bars. Crowd is an older one tovers from the 50's generation. with college students a large Pool table in back where some hot portion. Mostly a sit-down place, games go on. Tough on proof, but good to go to with a date. Prices most-kids look under age anyway. are fair to high, but beer served by the mug is good, and food is ex- Pierre's Cocktail Lounge (132- cellent. Can spend time there 06 Hillside Ave.)-If you really Pick A Bar, Any B&r without ibeing bothered. want a blast from the past, this is the place to do it. A nice, quiet by Ray Harley "musts": a picture of Humphery can't ya ever come home ta me Vinwood Inn (153-02 Northern place, but you better be at least 25 Bogart, preferably in white tuxedo sober? bar): A place like this Blvd.)--Regular type bar with an years of age. Jukebox stocked with In case you haven't noticed, jacket, and a stage, where on usually has the extra added at- older crowd of neighborhood oldies but goodies and small dance there seems to be a vast social scale weekends, young hopefuls will traction of some tables, chairs, and regulars. The usual pool table in floor lets seekers of the past groove where bats are. concerned. Certain = twang nasally .into the darkness, kids underfoot. The arrangement the back and the color TV on the to the sounds of some unknowns. types would never think of going hoping that someday a big agent of people here is different, too. The wall, but is a good place to go for a Place is small, divided into bar and into one certain kind of gin mill, will drop in and they will "Be women sit on the stools with their few beers. lounge, but crowd is friendly. just as a New Delhi streetcleaner Discovered." The big drinks here legs crossed, while the men stand would never walk into the are beer (the opiate of the masses), behind the stools and eavesdrop. Dicken's (Off Nor. Blvd, near McElroy's (40-12 Bell Blvd.)- general's livingroom. There is an Seagram's 7 & 7, rum & Cokes, Sports is big in discussions here; Nassau County Motor Vehicle Basically a hangout for former American caste system, but in screwdrivers, and a perfectly the constant refrain is "You're Bureau)-Good place that has Catholic high school students from ours', you can move around a disgusting concoction called a fulla shit, and I'll tell you why." area,' always packed and a kind little. "Harvey Wallbanger," whose Most of these establishments have of teenybopper crowd. On Type I (the Candy Bar|: This main ingredients are vodka, a kitchen, so after you've gotten weekend, especially college is the place you frequent with your orange juice (why do a great many sick on the drinks, you can get How toGe t Over homecoming ones, can't get in friends as soon as you get your of these "kiddy" drinks have sicker on the food. Drinks are front door. Has eating area on side draft card and become legal. For orange juice? Doesn't anyone eat fairly exotic here; things like where food is modestly priced, but some reason known only to Dooley breakfast at home?), and a dash of Presbyterians, gin & tonic's, Rusty A Hangover good. O.K. during, off-weekdays.. Wilson, these joints have two Galliano. The clients of these Nails, Brandy' Alexanders, and joints are almost all single, and other things designed to swell your great dramas are acted out bet- head, Now, when the old lady by Pant Simmons ween the Hunters and the Hunted. finally kicks off, the men head As soon as you are married, you for the next and last stop on the The morning after the night move up to the next step. tour. before your memory is vague. You Rum's Type II (Hello, Young Lovers Type IV (the "I drink to can't even see straight. You may Bar): This is to the young forget" bar): Here you can see already be aware of "quick" marrieds what fox-hunting was to the old men folded over their hangover remedies which the News the English aristocracy: The men drinks like ferns. Most of these Information Bureau informed me the Word can come to talk, drink, and show places have Irish names (aren't of. The first is a large intake of off, and they can bring along their there any Italian drunks?), and honey which quickly absorbs the women. It's almost as if there was like the song says, "down at Dinty alcohol in the blood stream. CARIBE COCKTAIL a wall between the guys and dolls. Moore's there's sawdust' on the Another remedy is to mix tomato 3/4 ounce lemon juice Each sex repairs to their respective floors." The Tee Vee goes from and worchester sauce with raw 1 ounce pineapple juice ends of the bar, and the middle is morning till night, with a short egg. The mixture expels alcohol 1 1/2 ounces white rum left to old men, who drink black- break to refresh the drinks. When from the body fast. The Ijiireau Shake with ice, serve strained. berry brandy and mumble curses one of the old-timers dies on his stongly urged that you do not mix at the kids. The drinks here are stool, lie does have to give up his drinks. If you do, it should be with RIM AND ICED TEA cheap (have to save for the future, seat, but he doesn't have to pay for water only (water absorbs the you know). The men drink beer the last drink. alcohol content), otherwise, look Brew a good pot of tea, let cool, serve in tall glass with ice. Add 1 ounce and the women drink abortions forward to a heavy hangover. So, kiddies, that's what you have white or gold rum, sweeten to taste. For an excellent bracer, pour a like scotch and ginger ale. When to look forward too. And that last The Public Affairs department tablespoon of rum into a cup of hot tea.Suggestion: Try orange pekoe they become a bit more affluent, bit about the free drink should be of WBAI's immediate response to India tea. they move up to the next class. enough to make you want to go the question "what do you do with Type III (the Jesus, Barney, through with it. a hangover" was "don't drink." RUM BLOODY MARY After much thought, the suggestion of three aspirin before 1 part rum (1 1/2 ounce) bedtime came up. This is a sure 3 parts tomato juice (4 1/2 ounces) cure; as a matter of fact, you may 3/4 ounce lemon juice never get drunk again. Another 3 or 4 dashes Worcestershire sauce possible remedy is to drink coffee 3 or 4 drops Tabasco sauce and remain awake \ until the a little salt alcohol wears off. Shake all ingredients with ice in cocktail shaker. Strain into glass. I spoke at the central office of Alcoholics Anonymous (camping BANANA DAIQUIRI ground for past and present alcoholics) to an alcoholic who at 1/3 ripe banana this point prefers to remain 1 level teaspoon sugar anonymous. He said a cure for an 1/2 ounce lime juice extra drink at night is a drink in 1 1/2 ounces white rum the morning - which is how he 1/2 cup crushed ice. became an alcoholic. Blend 10 to 20 seconds in blender and strain. Page 8 PANDORA'S BOX March 1, 1973

Record Review Movie Review "JeSUS Was A Capricorn " "The Train Robbers" by Jim Casa "It Sure was Love". his part-time girlfriend who is a The only non-Kristofferson song prostitute. Upon first hearing, the by Ray Harley making westerns in America, it is a narcotic, is a slow prayer opened by its listener is left cold: his power over the taker is by way will be because of guys like writer , as he sings for "well," they said, 'she's out of his music, lyrics and message. help to the Lord, Kristofferson Luckily, there's not too much Johnson. When you listen to his songs, your there working for the wages of her plot in this latest John Wayne This, film differs from the usual joins in with his croaking frog-in- sin, mind transcends the crowded city, heat-voice during the second verse horse-opera. It concerns Wayne cowboy flick in the way "The the suburbs or the ghetto and you and if you want to find your and a few friends going through Woman" is treated. Usually, they and the humble chorus as they baby, baby, look for Sugar Man. become immersed in the world of minimize themselves to Christ. the desert to recover half-a-million stay home, in order to be brave Kristofferson. You became a loner well, tonight I found her in the in gold bullion that was robbed and search the horizon for the "Jesse Younger" is one of sorry side of town; and the only way that you survive Kristofferson's character songs. In from a train (now, you never would sight of their menfolk. In this film, is to laugh, at yourself or others. Lying cold upon the bed where have guessed), and return it to the Ann-Margret comes along for the past efforts, he dealt with the she laid her body down; crucified drug addict in "Billy railroad in order to clear the name ride. She doesn't lend a lot to the In past as well as I picked up the needle that had of Ann-Margaret's husband, who proceedings (she's forgotten her Dee" the laughing loser who fallen from her hand, concert shows, Kristofferson was doesn't take life seriously, because done-did the foul deed. But, little "acting lessons from "Carnal the loser personified- in Jesus and struck it through the money do they know, hubbie's fellow train Knowledge"), but she does breathe he knows it's not worth the bother she had made for Sugar Man." Was A Capricorn he's a bit more in "The Pilgrim-Chapter 33", and robbers are also after the gold, and poetically, and that's really all collective with a large assortment the destitute businessman in The finale is a Kristofferson they have brought about sixteen that's needed. Her mode of dress of back-up musicians (one in- "Casey's Last Ride". Jesse prayer, "Why Me". It has the friends. Guess which side wins (if caused a good deal of heavy cludes his sexy room-mate, Rita Younger is the boy who grows up, largest production of any song on you have to think about it, you are breathing at the screening that I Coolidge), but still, Kristofferson's but his planning parents can't face the . In the song, obviously a Communist). went to; Christopher George says music is that of the down 'n' outer the fact. They dis-own Jesse Kristofferson humbles himself to Watching Wayne and company it best, I think, when he utters the aching love, sympathy and because they have another job to Christ in a reverent and sincere a-moseying from the railroad immortal line: "How'd you like to recognition. do- plan the baby's future, Jesse's vocal. station, through the desert to get be dealt a pair like that?" The title song is a bright 4/4 younger brother. Jesus Was A Capricorn, is the gold, and a-moseying back There are a few other folks country tune, it accents Kristofferson's fourth album, and, again, reminds you a little of "The hanging around; Bobby Vinton as his other offerings in the past, it Kristofferson's sneer on "Out of Mind, Out of Sight" is a Searchers", but once you hear the (Bobby Vinton?) and Jerry Gatlin is a credit to his music and art; but hypocrisy: fast country song that should be dialogue, the resemblance ends. fill out the Good Guy team, and "Jesus was a Capricorn, He ate drunk from a beer bottle. It's the even more so, Kristofferson comes across as a great and important Wayne doesn't have an awful lot to they're superbly forgrtable, except organic food/ most memorable song on the say in this opus; his lines seem to for the fact that Vinton is the only He believed in love and peace album with its upbeat presentation lyricist. He is a poet; though some amateur critics, with none or part consist of "yup," and to break up white hat that gets himself shot. In and never wore no shoes. and bobbing lyrics stressing the tedium, he will occassionally view of the fact that all twenty-five Long haired, bearded- sandals friendship and togetherness when of his talent, will not give him credit. His words come from the lean over and punch Christopher Of the bad guys are wiped out, I'd and a funky bunch of friends/ playing from town to town. George in the mouth. Since I could - call it even. Guitarist, Stephen Bruton, co- truisms of the traditional cracker- reckon they just nail Him up if never stand George, I got a great El Exigente's. brother, Ricardo authored the song with Kristof- barrel philosopher. And to his He come down again. deal of satisfaction from these ferson and it best exemplefies what critics, Kristofferson offers the last Montalban is/in this, too, and it's In the end result of this farce is the album's message is. When lines from his songs, "To Beat the little discussions. And then there's rather hard to describe his part. that everyone" hates someone or playing at concerts, Kristofferson Devil"-: Ben Johnson. Every time there's a long shot, he's something they don't understand. usually has some rib for Bruton "and you still can hear me Yes friends, Corporal and in the foreground, looking at the ' ' "Nobody Wins" and "Enough and one of the favorites is, "that's singing to the people who don't Sargeant Tyree of "Rio Grande," proceedings inscrutably. He for You" are the morbid Bruton over there on guitar, he listen to the things that I am and "She Wore A Yellow Rib- provides the surprise ending, Kristofferson love songs of the past looks kinda 'young and he's neve' saying, praying someone's gonna bon," is back again, and he is which I won't tell you about ("Help Me Make it Through the ben fondled but the way he's hear; and, I guess I'll die ex- great. He and Rod Taylor (who because I want all of you effete Night", "For the Good times" and playin' tonight Bruton's sure plaining how the things that they plays Rod Taylor) were friends of snobs out there to go see this film. "Loving Her Was Easier" to enough to get taid". Kristof- complain about/ are the things Wayne during the Civil War, and It's not .really a boring fimlm, mention a few that other artists ferson's not for the library or they could be changing, hoping naturally, they are the first two but it's not exactly an interesting have made popular), with the coffee table set. someone's gonna care. I was born that Wayne calls on to help him one, either. What this flick does emphasis on "loving was easy, it's a lonely singer, and I'm bound to out. Johnson acts the part of the show is that Burt Kennedy is not the living that's hard". This 'take "Sugar Man" is a slow, eery, die the same, but I've gotta feed grizzled veteran, the kind of part John Ford, that the Mexican love while you can' idea carries urban ballad that is really a poem the hunger in my soul; and if I that Victor McLaglen used to play desert is not Monument Valley, into the two songs that Rita (though most of Kristofferson's never have a nickel, I won't ever in all those John Ford-John Wayne and that John Wayne is still John Coolidge shares the lead vocal, songs are). The protagonist in the die ashamed, 'cause I don't believe westerns of the late 40's and early Wayne, if that's your idea of a "Give it Time to be Tender" and song returns to a city and looks for that no one wants to know." 50's. If by some miracle they keep good time. Star Trek Lives

BOX MLWl by Andrew Gobioff Star Trek. In addition to this it ceivable thing that they could sell contained the program for the in an attempt to capitalize off the Remember Star Trek, the sci-fi entire weekend promising such sci-fi nostaligia craze. thriller-comedy-melodrama which things as "a light show by An- A lady at the desk promised a erupted upon the television scene dromeda," a "panel discussion" special suprise for later on. I didn't Since w wuuuj peopfe \mv km uuttpCauuiu) abwt fte iimied. of the late sixties like a seething with David Gerrold and Dorothy stay to find out what it was. (I later volcano, and absolutely C. Fontana, and auctions, art heard that Leonard Nimoy had oefeciiwt <$| neemdi in flee juke fox, Vem w you* ckitce fe demolished all competition and shows and award presentations. made an appearance.( A man in an your t.v. set for three years af- The magazine also contained a information desk near the out- »e&cl ffce MUAIC you wmM ftfce to heat Vtetm afaie youn terward? Let me rephrase that: Star Trek quiz, and a picture of skirts of the whole scene tried to Who doesn't remember Gene Gene Roddenberry, the genius shock two young girls by offering Haute and. mid watiify wmh&i to be vafti Refafut to Roddenberry's nifty little en- who started the whole thing and' to show them a picture of William terprise? put pointed ears on Leonard Shatner without his toupee. torn 12501. A lot of old Star Trek fans Nimoy. Frustrated, he offered to show apparently remember because they There were two screening rooms them a picture of Leonard Nimoy held another Star Trek convention on the side, in which old Star Trek with his face off or something like at the Commodore Hotel in episodes, such as "Journey to that. Everywhere people walked RECORD Manhattan during the 3-day Babel," "A Piece of the Action" around contorting their hands into ARTIST holiday weekend of February 16 and the hilarious "Trouble With the Vulcan sign for "live long and 1. through February 19. Tribbles." In one scene from prosper". I left. The convention - a hopeful "Trouble With Tribbles," William My opinion of the whole thing 2. attempt to drag Star Trek back on Shatner is in a conversation with was that some of it might be'nice, he air - presented among other someone, and says "What?" but even the less interesting things 3. things a varied assortment of Leonard Nimoy interjects "The seemed to be just an attempt to collected memorobialia and a captain heard you. He simply capitalize ont he memory of Star 4. panel of writers and a couple of the could not believe his ears." Trek and the hopes of a whole lot less prominent regulars from the Shatner turned around at this of fans of its imminent return. 5. series. Celebrated science fiction point and gives Nimoy the funniest Some of the exhibits seemed to be writer Issac Asimov was also lood I have ever seen in my life. (A just attempts to sell everything in 6. present. similar gimmick was once tried in sight. The magazine ,says that The five dollars entrance fee a Mad Magazine parody of Star "ffiLove is what it's all about and 7. permitted you to the golden Trek. In addition to this, science where it's at" but the truth is that corridors of the Enterprise for one fiction films were shown as well as, commercialism is "what it's all 8. day. Additionally you received a some very funny segments from about." I mean, I'm as much a fan plastic shopping bag, exactly like the show. of Star Trek as anyone else, but it's 9. those released by the college One room was filled with Star unlikely to come back. I un- bookstore, except with a picture of Trek and other science fiction derstand that N.B.C. wants to see 10. Spock on it, and a Star Trek paperbacks. These were being sold a pilot before it will even consider magazine. The magazine entitled in addition to loads of old putting Star Trek back on the air. Name . Number "Star Trek Lives!" was full of Superman and Batman comic Star Trek, George Reeves, the hula pictures of Leonard Nimoy and books, old Mud Magazines, some hoop, the fifties and sixties and William Shatner, plus scenes from posters and every other con- Continued on page 9 March 1, 1973 PANDORA'S BOX Page 9 Wlu\ grJt.tmj Can't Club Activities Teodtuig Transcendental Meditation by Thomas C. Wheeler thoughts. The objective tests in writing so mechanistica On Tues, Feb.. 27 at 12:00 in the respiratory rate significantly language positively stifle the Main Bldg. in Room 108, the decrease. The metabolic rate is American literature is full of In the last five years, "remedial creative thought on which good Students International Meditation reduced by an average of twenty colloquial speech and of the Society will be offering an In- per cent. writing" has become a required writing depends. colloquial mixed with more formal course for growing numbers of One multiple-choice test in troductory Lecture on the Practice The physiological evidence, language. But our schools scarcely and Principles of Transcendental together with measurements of college freshmen and a fixture in "Verbal pairs" throws up a typical teach American literature as the Meditation as taught by Maharishi skin resistance, blood chemistry the college curriculum. After four monstrosity as the "correct" subject that, in essense, any Mahesh Yogi. years of high school, many answer: "The pretty flower was literature is—the inner life of a and brain wave patterns show that students cannot compose a sen- also redolent." Another possible nation. Thus, we become a nation Transcendental Meditation, or an individual gains a profoundly tence or grapple with a short essay. answer uses words that are deaf to our own voice, a nation TM, is a simple, natural technique deep state of rest while the mind Those who can write, often do so in stronger in style and meaning, but, increasingly without a self. that is practiced for a few minutes remains alert. Those practicing the clumsy, big-word style of the though equally valid, it is ad- every morning and evening. Transcendental Meditation report objective tests they have learned to judged "wrong," partly because Americans thirst for self- Through the technique an in- this state of restful alertness master but that have left them their usage together is less expression and have a gift for it. dividual learns to tap the great profoundly refreshing, both unable to use words effectively—or predictable: "The pale flower was Listen to the better folk ballads of reservoir of energy and creative physically and mentally. Ac- even correctly. also opulent." today, or the black or white intelligence deep within himself. cumulated tension and fatique At the City University of New Creative minds must either drop workingman out on the street. To Along with this, TM provides deep which hinder efficient functioning York, where I teach, probably half out or become dull when forced to get students writing, I often get rest for increased energy in daily of the nervous system are dissolved of all entering freshmen must take find single truths out of a maze of them to speak first; having life. Scientific research on the in a natural way; the result being remedial writing. Don't put the truths—depending on how you recorded on tape something urgent Physiological effects of Tran- increased energy and developed blame on open admissions; before look at it. they have to say, I play it back and scendental Meditation has been creative intelligence, more inner the policy was adopted of ad- The cult of objectivity has left a point out not only the feats of pubished in Scientific American stability and improved clarity of mitting any student with an generation afraid of self- grammar—the natural syntax, the and Science Magazine. These perception at all levels of ex- average of 80 or above to a four- expression. After four years of pause at the end of sentences—but reports show that during the perience. year college in New York State, the vocabulary drills, the student the original phrasing and sound practice of Transcendental The technique is easily learned inability of freshmen to write had naturally concludes that writing is pattern in their natural voices. Meditation oxygen consumption, and practiced and all are invited to become increasingly apparent. Nor an alien act, conducted in a A sense of self must be activated carbon dioxide elimination, attend the future meetings to gain should you put the blame on foreign tongue. before anyone can write. Upon cardiac output, heart rate and a further insight into the practice. ghetto high schools: they certainly Grammar gets attention, but the reacting to everyday experiences— produce graduates in need of natural formulations of the spoken places they have lived or situations remedial work, yet many of the language are suppressed further they have known—students get blacks whom I teach, while by the emphasis on rules and their voices working with words. The 1973 academically weak in some regulations. Linguists now know But in some students, black and respects, demonstrate a creativity that a child is born with inherent white, that identify—that sup- with language that many white grammatical abilities—verbs in posedly American right to know Mayoral Handicap middle-class kids lack. sentences, words in logical order-^ who you are—has been stamped Continued from page 3 to board and exit an F train with Put the blame on the and that language is creative. But out by schools and thin dreams of street at Pace College, and City innumerable stuck doors. The mechanization of public school English teachers pounding in the affluence, by too many years of not Hall was immediately stormed by officials were forced onto the train, education. Our high schools no rules tell him again and again that daring to question one's own life, hundreds of students. The City and were unable to exit -until the longer ask the student to write his natural voice is. wrong. by the soda pop, the pills, the Council chambers suddenly looked train reached 179th Street, the last much, if at all. Instead, taking Our native tongue is belief that the dull is exciting. Just like the midnight show at the stop. One ,af the officials their cue from most college en- "American"—somewhat brisker as many whites I've taught rise Fillmore East, with Sanford remarked: "That's the first and trance exams and their rankings than "English" and with an idiom from a vacuum to eloquence, so do Garelik doing the best imitation of last time I ever take the subway!!!" •from the scores of their students, all its own. Formal "English" has many supposedly illiterate blacks. GingerBaker the students (and a IV 'Traffic- The issue is of high schools administer more and long been considered close to a Often, in fact, the blacks have few of the younger councilmen) cars, not of the talents of Steve more objective-answer tests. colonial imposition, thus properly been so much more turned off by had ever seen with his gavel, pen, Winwood, Chris Wood, Jim Where 20 years ago a student resisted with the "ain't"s and the school system that, and desk. Since then, Mayor Capaldi, and "Reepop" Kwaku had to write essays not only in peologisms of a rebellious people. paradoxically, they have managed Lindsay has issued an executive Baah (no question, there). This is English but in history, today his Now that English is being imposed to keep their sense of self intact. A order forbidding the uttering of an issue that struck me one day intellectual powers are determined with machine testing as well > as 19-year-old black, after describing the word "marijuana" within the when it took the entire lengih of by circling the one supposedly rule teaching, young people rebel a society of perfect equality and confines of any municipal the afternoon rush hour to go from correct answer out of four. The with electronic blasts and bursts of justice, wrote with sublime irony: building. Anyone who does gets 57th Street and Second Avenue to university now reaps the results of slang. "Let reincarnation dig me up to the worst punishment possible. 57th and First on the express bus. the "objectivity" it imposed. Television is not the culprit— experience unknown." They become Mayor. A natural issue, and so many Naturally Johnny, who first after all, it does speak. Where the It is also a sublime irony that the Ill) Transportation- This too is idiotic possible solutions. Try could not read, now cannot fault lies is with technology opposition of organized blacks to a touchy issue. It's been this way these: write—for he has been asked to mindlessly applied to the most objective tests may one day free us since several MTA officials were 1.) Plant a bomb under the memorize and outwit, rather than human and subjective of skills. No all to be more ourselves—and to be nearly trampeled by a horde of hood of every car. It's a bit bloody, to organize and express his other Western democracy teaches able to write by the age of 18. straphangers who were attempting but it will be effective. 2.) Use the old Stan Freberg solution, and make every street Club Activities Collegiate Research & Advisory Service one way- toward the river (or ocean 2Sylvan St. Suite 5 Nation's Largest Catalogue Listing or bay or lake or open sewer) with Rutherford, N.J. 07070 Complete Educational Research no left or right turns allowed. Material <7milesfromN.Y.C.) 3.) Hire all of the car strippers Office Hours; Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat 10-4 in town to work for the city. Who Drama Club News Call 1201) 933-6117 Evenings Will Be Posted wants to drive a stripped-down car. How does the actor develop a their character would. They must 4.) Bribe a doctor to say that character? On what emotions does handle situations (tasks as simple automobile driving causes V.D. He thrive? And from where does as answering a door) as their (although when you really think about it...) the actor draw these emotions? If character would. Through im- acting Were merely imitating a provisations, each player gradually SPC Presents 5.) Plant land mines in the streets, except at crosswalks. It pattern of behavior, the task would begins to feel the emotions his be simple. But the credibility of an doesn't have to be done in Queens, character feels, to see the things since we have potholes, which are actor's performance depends on his character sees, to say the things just as bad. The land mines would more than imitations. Each his character says. And each actor also go a long way towards character has his own unique set of devotes hours to this task. stopping jaywalking. values; his own strengths and But his job is not yet over. Once COFFEEHOUSE Considering the way somne weaknesses, his own fears; in he begins to react internally in a people in this city think, it just- short, a private, personal psyche certain way (in character), he must Refreshments and Cheese might be a perfectly logical that makes him quite different and then begin to interact with his solution for them. separate from the actor who is to fellow players. Sam Kintzer is no ••• portray himj What motivates real longer Sam Kintzer, student at people are real feelings, real York College, but rather Bob emotions. If a character in a play is Rettie of "Moonchildren". Mark motivated by less, then the Vosilla must now be Norman. Entertainment Featuring Star Trek audience is treated to nothing These two no longer know each more than the sight of automation other as fellow actors and their Continued from page 8 Ipana Tooth Paste commercials moving aimlessly about, without familiar relationship has been depth, without meaning, and featuring Bucky Beaver and Tooth replaced by a new one, one that Decay, are gone and they will no without any need for involvement. grows out of totally new per- "Dead On Arriual" sooner come back through ceptions of each other. Through Every person has inside him the commercialization dressed up as a improvisation, they, along with the ••• nostalgia trip than they will capacity to experience himself in rest of the cast, will build many ways. Through im- through a seance...But if there is relationships which are as real and c another convention next year, I provisation, a player begins to vital as life itself. learn how to tap this vast reservoir Tickets (50 ) sold in advance will go... In order to present you, the of resources and "experiences, not audience, with an in-depth as himself, but as the character he preparation for seeing "Moon- at guard's desk, main building Free Pregnancy Tests creates. children" as a total production, we WALK-IN. NON-PROFiT, LICENSED Improvisation plays a will be presenting to you the : «. Center for Reproductive tremendously important part in backgrounds, views and insights of arid Sexual Health developing the characters in the cast and production staff. Friday 3/2 Humanities Lounge 8 PM (WOMEN'S SERVICES) "Moonchildren". The actors Remember to keep the evening of 424 E. 62nd St."76B-7310 slowly learn ic perceive things as March 30 or 31 open. Page 10 PANDORA'S BOX March 1, 1973

NEW BACHELOR OF SCIENCE PROGRAM IN GRAFOOTIE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCE Dear Joe: Happy Birthday, Love Doug, Sue, and friends-since you Paul, Ego te Amo. Mi Institute of Health Sciences, Hunter College Lee tried the Staten Island Ferry, now 105 E. 106th Street. New York, New York 10029 why don't you try the Hudson Tubes? Woman that once walked on other Risque and Ms Bookstore: Don't woman's man should now walk Open to students who have completed two years at get too excited about Europe; lightly! a community or senior college with 18 credits in you're neglecting your Anthro 393 Allan Katz-spell Alen cats course. W. Dickie. basic sciences and mathematics. TO ED G. THANKS FOR Neal Howard-Your bloody lips AUTOGRAPHING YOUR Shelly: Are you against have stained Albany. They're PICTURE.. FROM P.B. 2/22/73. APPLICATIONS DUE MARCH 14. 1973 motherhood? Your Senator. sending you a bill for the damage. A everloving fan. Community college students use CUNY Admission Allan: I got a job for you - splitting Abe S.-How come a good Jewish Happy Anniversary to Us. Paul & Application. Others apply to Hunter College pants and breaking bottles. Mr. boy like you makes so much Mi Foodtown. trouble at Albany? A Rabbi's son * Admissions Office, 695 Park Avenue, N.Y. 10021 you're not! Dear Krivo, Congratulations on Little Joe: Get your head out of the your engagement Love & Kisses, For further information, call 360-5179. bathroom bowl!!! Kathy K.-. You never told me what Your Public your dream was all about. Let's do it anyway. Greek: Next time you decide to World is a ghetto, signed War Pre-Registration for secondary school teaching •* season my hand, remember to forget the pepper. Gina. The caucus has two new FALL 1973 secretaries-Neal and Vicki. Guess Marie, Did you get those tickets which one is more sexually yet? J.L. Tues.-March 6 (12-1 PM) Tony: Did you eat the cupcakes? arousing? When are you coming out of the 200 ed hospital. Signed, Betty Crocker. To Steven Bernstein: Promises, Andy-If you ever rip out a little promises I can't live on promises Wed.-March 7 (12-1 PM) piece out of grafoote again, we'll G.M. MR: It's not too much fun using rip a little bit out of you. 205 ed Pioneer anymore. Beware of the Consigliore \ all persons wishing to student teach in secoi Gail M.-stop looking. I found your \ schools in fall must pre-register now. Hill: Have you recovered yet from bra. Pick it up at the caucus office your interview with NH? Did you tonight at 11:00 P.M. Private party admission by in- find out th; advantages of being a vitation only. bi-sexual ardvark? Project Yes Now that Joey B. Raskin has shaved off his beard (beard!!!)1, Joey B. Raskin: Sally Kellerman, York has set up a room for the some chin whiskers are available at the beach, and where else???? Human Sexual Conference care of its mentally deranged in limited quantities. For further Your" animal tendencies are March 13, Tues. , students. It is room 125 and it has information, contact the "Shave it definitely showing. Fondly, "S". also employed Vicki Tarde and a couple of times, and it will come Withdrawl is not the way out Neal Haynes as resident zoo back better "division of Pandora's Come & see for yourself keepers. Chicken. Adele: Lots of luck working on the 3rd floor. You've reached a great Tues., March 13; Main Lounge height. SL: Word of advice: Leave DB 1-4 Human Sexuality Fair alone; he's married. To the nostalgia freak-QUIT CALL JACKIE GORDON. IF ANY QUESTIONS CUTTING THE JUKE BOX Gina-Since we didn't get together WIRES!!! Just because they took over intersession, I'm still an Abe Sherman is really a member out all of the oldies is no reason to uncultured person. The only REGAL NOTES of Al Fatah. become upset! Mitch Reed, Jim culture I know is looking at UNDERSTAND PLAYS, NOVELS AND POEMS Pewter, and Gus Gossart microorganisms under a FASTER WITH OUR NOTES microscope. By the way, I think We're new and we're the bigest! Thousands of The Brotherhood of the Bell JBR hit a new high of 18- He really topics reviewed for quicker understanding. Our (Telephone Laboratories, that is!) Is it true that you can get mono knows culture. HSK subjects include not only English, but Anthro- from reading Pandora's Box? pology, Art, Black Studies, Ecology, Eco- has taken over many high status nomics, Education, History, Law, Music, positions at York. If you're not a Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, member, beware! Ma Bell. MR: Since you've left PB, I've Religion, Science, Sociology and Urban Prob- lems. Send $2 for your catalog of topics avoil- To the members of the Caucus and missed you something "FIERCE" oble - REGAL NOTES the SPC-we know that you can't stand Allan Katz, and you're To Lover Boy K.W., Keep your 3160 "0" Street, N.W. Dear Captain's Cabin Inhabitants: Washington, D. C. 20007 waiting for the first opportunity to distance from Jo Miller MD Telephone: 202-333-0201 I feel that it is my duty to inform impeach him, and tie him down on you that your present situation the subway tracks, but must you places you in the same position as write so much grafootie about "Tommy" - side four, last song. him? And just because Katz is a Always, S&L. total imcompetent doesn't mean you have to make fun of the clod. Humanities Division A friend of Allan' Bonnie: How come your face is all presents green on one side? An interested party. Blend in! Are you still blending in? Mr. Andranik Aroustamian To TB: Who's moving in down- Who the hell is Aurora P. ?Signed stairs? P.S. Keep 'em guessing! C.T. International Kemancheh Artist (Ancient Persian Instrument) Hillary: What does the "S" stand 4-sale 1 used canary; Cheep; for? I'm coming up with all sorts Contact Harriet Vines, ex. 4047 of crazy (and slightly perverted) answers. 17 3/4 and still growing. ..A Concert.. Dearest Guy, Are you going to be a fun and never come down to the Outdoor Club (and Reno): Don't caf? The Gang with readings by blame me if some people on Pandora's (particularly my editor) hates your guts. After all, I too Congratulations! Sunshine, please Melvin Kornfeld (Foreign Language Dept.) wear flannel shirts and some of my no more additions. The Family best friends wear them also. Joey Barbara Nickolich (Speech Dept) B. Raskin, ex-Tenderfoot Boy Scout. P.S.: Did anyone ever tell Dearest Johnny, Be at the Gay you guys about this guy Cropsey? Alliance Meeting in Maurice's Tuesday, March 6, 1973 He kills college hikers. Place Monday night. I'll be there. Your's always, Algernon

S. Bernstein-hi-ho Steveoreno. Is it 12:00 -2:00 true you have the votes to impeach Dear Barry, If you have A-S-K in Allan Katz? your corner, that's where you'll Humanities Bldg., Rm. 404 Gabe Pressman stay. Your Campaign Managers! March 1, 1973 PAIM DORA'S BOX Page 11 Jewish Student Union Wkd'& Happmmq Presents

March 2 Rock & Roll Revival Madison Sq. Garden Loudon Wainwright 3 Philharmonic Hall 2 David Bromberg Aliya Kris Kristofferson Westbury 2 Muddy Waters Carnegie Hall Hear her sing 4 Bonnie Raitt & tell Stories of Jerusalem 4-5 Bee Gees Philharmonic Hall Don McLean Carnegie Hall 8 Lily Tomlin Westbury 9-11 Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Town Hall 9 Tues. March 6 Mahavishnu Orchestra Felt Forum 16 Cheech & Chong Westbury 16-17 Steely Dan 103 M 17 Pink Floyd Radio City

17 Edgar Winter Group Capitol Theatre

18 James Gang Carnegie Hall All Invited To Attend

23 New Riders of the Capitol Theatre Purple Sage

24 Savoy Brown Westbury Spooky Tooth

25 Paul Williams Alice Tully Hall

30 Fleetwood Mac Academy of Music JEWISH STUDENT UNION Elf Jewish Student Union holding annual Toy Drive 30 George Carlin Westbury Please bring all toys and games to Rm. 125 M. Kenny Rankin

31 Quicksilver Academy of Music Canned Heat SUMMER JOBS

, All interested students speakers March 6 - 12-2 about Summer Jobs and Summer Study in Europe. Room 108 in Montgomery Ward. . Mr. Hickey from the Council on International Educational Exchange and Mr. Russell Schoumaker will speak. If any questions see Miss Davis, Rm. 318 M. 0RA0ES00 DOWN LAST Queens College Events: f March 1 - Movie "Africa Queen" (8-10, free, College Union building, room B48). t March 3 - Magical Mystery Tour - $3.00 bus tour leaves 10:45. Apply to # SEMESTER? College Union Building, room 320 and ask for Bill. * March 7 - Coffeehouse - 10 cents (band, coffee, etc., room B48 in the * College Union Building, 7:30.) # March 9 - Black Coffeehouse (10 cents, 7:30, B48). * March 14 - Wine and Cheese Coffeehouse (10 cents, band, room B48). # WANT TO BRING THEM UP? March 15 - Movie "Caine Mutiny" (free, 8:00). PACE'S "LUNCH AND LEARN"

* "Lunch and Learn," the noon-time program, returns Tuesday, March * Call: Dr. David Brandt 6th, to Pace College with Morton Gottlieb, producer of Sleuth. He'll * discuss "How to Invest in the Broadway Theatre." * The series, which combines a well-bal'anced buffet and a speaker on topics of interest to people on-the-move, takes place from 12 noon to. * Division For Student approximately 2 P.M. in the Pavillion of the Schimmel Center. * The center, located in the Civic Center Campus of Pace College, across from City Hall, can be reached through its own entrance on Spruce Street i (across from Beekman Hospital) or Level C of the Campus Building. — - # Development Among the other speakers scheduled to participate are: Thursday, March 15 - "Herman Hesse: Angel or Devil?" with Dr. Bernard M. Pohoryles, Pace professor of foreign languages. Thursday, March 22 - "The Stars in Your Life: How Astrology Can 969-4076 Help You Make Decisions...Serve You in Your Personal Growth," with Robert Hand, astrologist. Tuesday, April 3 - "Calligraphy: Ancient ARt That Lives Today," with Master Kampo Harada of Kyoto, Japan. Room 321M Wednesday, April 4 - "Downtown Manhattan: Tod ay/Tomorrow," with Edward Wagner, president, Downtown-Lower Manhattan Association. Thursday, April 5, "You Don't Have To Be Jewish To Enjoy Yiddish," with Dr. Bernard M. Pohoryles, Pace professor of foreign languages. Thursday, April 12 - "Powers of the Presidency," with Frank O'Neill, SPC presents 9wj>'t Vmdma Pace professor of social sciences. Thursday, April 19 - "The Decline of Romm: Is There a Message for Us Today?" with Dr. Harold Lurier, Pace professor of history. Wednesday, April 25 - "What You Don't Know About Labor Law May Hurt You," with Martin Green, state commissioner of labor. Tuesday, May 1 - "Planning Your Estate: From Making a Will to 'TWISTED NERVE' 6- Www Estate Taxes," with Al Kalter, attorney and Pace professor of taxation. Thursday, May 3 - "Human Rights in the '70's: Who Will Do What to Whom," with Jack M. Sable, State commissioner of human rights. | Wednesday 3/7 Free Unban Cewtefc- The spring "Lunch and Learn" series will run through May and June. Prices of admission: $2.50 for lunch and lecture, $1.25 for lecture only. Room 404 H A complete schedule of events and reservation forms may be obtained 2-4 PM Rw.215 by writing to the Office of Publix Information, Pace College, Pace . s*s»N^-^vs^s*v-* College Plaza, New York, N.Y., 10038 or by calling 285-3627. Page 12 PANDORA'S BOX March 1, 1973

Nomads Win Last Game: Emile Take Old Westbury 72-63 and His Friends by Jim Ryan bunch of wooden indians. They by Ray Harley these two didn't have too great an pistols, or something; would sleep while the Rangers interest in what went on in the After the game, Coach Bailin February 11,-Tonight the went about the business of heating Feb. 23—Tonight the Nomads actual game, they did become stated that "we're never going to Rangers succeeded in winning up the ice. There was no cohesive finished the winter of their concerned about the benches. play this team again." How do you their third consecutive shutout at movement within their ranks to discontent by taking the last game Coach Bailin had a technical know? "Because I make up the the expense of the New York speak of. Beyond a question of a of the season from a roughhouse called on him when he asked the schedule, that's how." By the way, Islanders. As has been the case for doubt the Islanders did not Old i Westbury ballclub by the musical question, "What Do They Bailin told his team not to mention the past month, the Rangers were deserve any mention at all with the misleading score of 72-63. It was Have To Do To Get A Foul?", and the fight too much. In the words of ^ flying right from the start. With exception of Billy Smith who plays the team's 5th win out of the last 6 got another one seconds later when guard Bruce Freiman, "the im- only 8:20 to go in the first period like a real professional. With a games, and their third win out of he kept on singing. The refs also portant thing is that we won." the Rangers had a 4-0 lead and a good defense in front of him, the four games they have played in called one on the Westbury Give that man a cigar. new goal tender in the Islander Smith would probably have one of the friendly confines of Hillcrest manager when he was moved to net. Billy Smith came in and the lowest goals against averages High School. question the refs 'behavior towards OLD WESTBURY changed the image of the entire in the league. The Nomads started off badly each other in the locker room. FG FS TP team with a spectacular save off a Watching the Rangers work on tonight, falling to a 12-4 deficit in Westbury fought the good (if a Nickolson 6 16 shot by Steve Vickers. Brad Park the ice was like watching a group the first five minutes of play. trifle rough) fight for most of the McRae 3 2 8 pushed the fifth score through and of bees droning around the honey However, Coach Stu Bailin game. In particular, Rich Adams Hutchson 2 2 6 saved my game score prediction of of the Islander goal. Islanders decided at this point that it was was astounding. He was hitting Ayers 3 6 5 or 6-0. The second period saw backed off from the Rangers on time to change the set starting five from the corners and from the Brown 9 18 only that score and was full of the whole as if they feared being that had sustained York during floor at incredible distances. Every Doward 1 1 3 heavy body work. Even the stung. They weren't stung it's recent four-game win streak. time he would sink one from McCoy 2 2 6 linesmen received some heavy physically, but when you lose by body checking. At one point, Rod He took out Ed Gonera (who "downtown," there would be a TOTALS 28 7 63 the score of six to zip twice in a row seemed to be doing something else Greek chorus of "Jeez-suss" from Gilbert was one of three people in to the same team you can't really besides playing ball), and sent in the York bench, and for a while, TECHNICAL: Adams (manager), the Islander net along with the say that you enjoyed a very good goalie and an Islander defen- Jimmy Nixon, who played a great you started to think that you were shot and made by Karis. night. seman. Gilbert got the penalty, but game defensively, and was high THROWN OUT: Nickolson (for at a revival meeting. But, the Park got a score. The Rangers have the game of man for the Yorkies with 16 feejing didn't last for long. fighting). hockey down to a science. No points. He then kept switching the The tension all through the Gilles Villemure was fantastic in member of the Rangers played as a unit around with such adroitness game was so thick that you could YORK goal as he accomplished another single man, but as a member of a that York had the lead at the half, have cut it with a baloney sand- ••• FG FS TP well deserved shutout. It was his well disciplined team. When the •33-28. wich. And it was after York had Freiman 1 2 second in a row. At one point, he puck is being retrieved from the Before the game, I walked up put on a late "pull-away" drive Karis 4 7 15 threw his body to the ice and corners, or from behind the net, or the Hill to the Crest with guard that things got a big ugly. Ed Mardis 7 1 15 across the goalmouth to prevent a when he puck is loose, the Larry Poole. "Man," he said, "Ah Gonera and Charlie Nickolson's Gonera 2 2 score in a man down situation. He Rangers wait until they have sure hope he starts Bruce discussion of fouling technique led Georgoulis 5 1O was as good as anyone would someone to pa$s to or for someone (Freiman)." "Why?", I rejoined in to an ugly brawl, that while it only Poole 6 12 have to have been to beat the to defend for them. The Rangers a witty fashion, "well, Ah scored lasted about thirty seconds, got a Nixon 7 2 16 Islanders. Billy Fairbairn was super are an intelligent club. If they keep and scored two goals plus an 22 against these guys last time, little hairy at times and threatened TOTALS 30 12 72 Emile Francis for additional years and they're gonna be after mah to involve everyone in the gym. It assist. Ratelle was sharp and they are bound to get a Stanley ass," spake he. The man must be was a ridiculous fight in that it TECHNICAL: Bailin (2), both proceeded to score. Vic Hadfield Cup soon. clarvoyant, they sure were "after occured with only 5 seconds left in shot and missed by Brown. was also a big threat, as he is in his ass," and it soon became the game. This was the kind of THROWN OUT: Gonera (for any game, and slammed in a goal. As for the Islanders, maybe apparent to everyone in the gym, disagreement that could have fighting) Rod Selling, who always plays well, they'll do it in three years. Only with the exception of the referees, waited until after the game and HALFTIME SCORE: 33-28, favor put in the final goal. through intelligent drafting and O'Connell and Henry. Although been resolved outside with dueling of York. The Islanders were usually a trading will they get anywhere. Jackie's "Last Hurrah

by Ray Harley letter man at U.C.L.A. were funny significance. He had few friends in and informative, but perhaps the the;first few days, being substained I Never Had It Made most touching thing about all of by his wife, Branch Rickey, Pee by Jackie Robinson these incidents was his growing Wee Reese and a very few others. as told to Alfred Duckett relationship with the woman who The curses, threats (to himself and Putham $7.95 would later become his wife, his family), boycotts, and cold •-';'•* '».»;i Through some weird and tragic Rachel Isum. It's very funny to shoulders were brutal; the fact coincidence, this book came out hear the cocky, self-assured athlete that he could ignore them to a right after Jackie Robinson died. become speechless in her presence, degree to be named Rookie of the

'*• ''^*i But than again, maybe it's not so but luckily for the reader, he's Year is quite a testimony to the tragic after all. This is the kind of gotten over it. man. epitaph and "last hurrah" that all Then on to the stuff that most He did gain the acceptance of men should be able to have, but will be reading the book fon- his fellows and of the general only a very few have the happy, baseball. Rickey had turned his public, but with the arrival of cursing, heart breaking existences ace scouts (Wid Mathews, Clyde Walter O'Malley on the Flatbush that Number 42 did. Sukaforth, George Sisler, etc.) scene, things in his baseball world supposedly to find players for an •irted to crumble, until the day Thankfully, the book doesn't all black team called the Brooklyn finally came when, in 1957, he was make the mistake of starting out at Brown Dodgers, but really to find traded to of all the teams, the the moment that Robinson started the right pioneer for the National Giants. Rather than face that, he to play for the Dodgers. Like any League. retired, leaving a string of tecords good autobiography, it starts at and accomplishments that got him the beginning. His tales about his When the final reports came in, elected into the Hall of Fame in hard-working mother, and a local Guess Who was chosen and 1962. minister who helped set him summoned to the Dodger offices, After baseball, we get a view of Coach Stu Bailin had the honor of having two technical fouls straight after he had been running where he was subjected to the now- Robinson and his ideas and ideals called on him during Friday night's game against Old Westbury with a gang, give you an insight famous Rickey monologue, in that kept him going. He discusses (won by York, 72-63). into the man, and what made him which Rickey outlined all of the his support of Richard Nixon, his what he was. To me, the most trials and tribulations that a man disagreements with Malcolm X, interesting part of his early life in Robinson's position would have the various causes he supported centered in and around the army. to face. Although that piece of and finally, tragically, the ad- Robinson was Jim Crowed, of business: diction and death of his son Jackie. The Nomads of York College will be playing Lehman College in the course, but when he was told to Jackie: "Mr. Rickey, do you That section turns the volume first round of the C.U.N.Y. tournament on March 2nd, at 9 o'clock in the move to the back of an army bus, want a man who's afraid to fight?" from a reminisence into a book. C.C.N.Y. gymnasium. Admission for non-students is $2.00, for students he refused, and was court- Rickey: "Great Judas Priest, I Jackie Robinson says all with I.D.'s it's $1.50. Parking for all three days of the tournament martialed. He was acquitted, and want a man who's got the guts not through the book that even with (March 2nd, 3rd and 4th) is free at Lewison Stadium (138th and Convent the verdict helped to nail Jim to fight!" his accomplishments, his ac- Avenue) for all three days of the tourny. AH of you people who have Crow's coffin shut in the army. has been heard many times, when colades and awards, he never had missed the games during the regular season can make upforitby coming Going back a bit, the way he it's retold by the man who was it made. With this book, at long out, and rooting for the Yorkies, describeshis experiences as a four there, it takes on a new and deeper last, he does. He does.