J R Army Med Corps 2002; 148: 38-43 J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-148-01-08 on 1 March 2002. Downloaded from Principles And Problems Underlying Testing The Effectiveness Of Blast Protective Footwear

EJ Chaloner, J McMaster, DE Hinsley

ABSTRACT attention. Several new products have been Anti-personnel landmines are a developed and marketed as offering the continuing threat to soldiers and solution to the threat posed by buried blast civilians working overseas in post mines. The majority incorporate aspects of conflict situations. Several groups of the previous design strategies although a governmental and commercial scien- number of new ideas have been developed. tists are currently designing and/or These include the Aigis boot which testing footwear to protect the lower leg incorporates a blast attenuating substance from the effects of close proximity blast. known as TABRE along with a Dyneema The general principles surrounding layer to keep out fragments, the Welco boot testing of protective footwear are from the USA, using honeycombed metal as examined together with an assessment a blast attenuator along with a V shaped sole of the known progress to date and the in an attempt to deflect some of the blast strengths and weaknesses of the designs energy and a ‘spider boot’ developed by produced. MedEng of Canada which uses four pods on Keywords: Anti-personnel landmine; each corner of the boot to reduce the risk of protection; military surgery; war; trauma. mine detonation and enhance stand – off. Some of the newer designs are aimed at the Introduction infantry soldier with the intention that he The global problem with uncleared anti– would be able to wear the blast protective personnel mines is well known (1-4). Despite boot as normal combat footwear, while a recent international treaty to ban these strapping on an overshoe in areas of weapons, there are still significant numbers enhanced mine threat (Wellco Boot, USA), deployed worldwide, and their use is likely to whilst the Aigis and MedEng footwear is remain a feature of conflicts for years to designed for the niche market of specialist

come.The commonest injury is caused when mine clearance and engineer survey work. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ a person detonates a buried blast mine by Regrettably, many of the designs on the treading on its pressure plate with the foot. market have not been tested adequately for This is known as a Pattern 1 injury (1) clinical effectiveness. Much product according to the International Committee of literature mistakenly equates resilience of the the Red Cross classification. The explosion boot construction with protection of the foot results in a traumatic amputation of part of within. It is quite possible for a boot to the detonating limb with fragmentation remain structurally intact following an damage to the contralateral limb. explosion whilst the foot within is so The mechanism of Pattern 1 antipersonnel damaged as to be unsalvageable by surgery. mine injury has been recognised for many The methodology of the experiments by on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. years, and several attempts have been made which testing of several boots has been to design effective footwear to protect against conducted is open to criticism and few programmes have been conducted in a way E J Chaloner BA, detonation of an explosive charge under the FRCS Gen foot. which allows meaningful comparison of The majority of these designs relied on a results between different groups. Adequate Consultant Vascular assessment is also hindered by publication Surgeon, University combination of ballistic composites such as College Hospitals NHS Kevlar (Dupont Corp, USA), honeycombed bias driven by commercial considerations Trust, London. lightweight metals to absorb or deflect blast, and issues of national security. There is a need for consensus to develop Email: [email protected] or a standoff to distance the foot from the explosion. Few of these designs were taken on the principles involved in testing the forward into widespread use due to the effectiveness of such mine protective J McMaster footwear in order for different groups trial BSc, FRCS Edin inability of the designers to produce a boot Specialist Registrar in which had both a reasonable level of methodologies to be harmonised, permitting Orthopaedics, Dept of protection and which was functionally valid comparisons to be drawn between Biomechanics, compatible with wear in the field. experiments. Elimination of some of the Nottingham University. As a consequence of the large number of preconceptions in the mine clearance mine clearance operations now in progress community about the nature of the D E Hinsley MRCS around the world, and the increased number interaction between an anti - personnel mine Research Fellow, Dstl of peacekeeping deployments involving and the lower limb, and the important issues Porton Down, NATO troops, the issue of blast protective involved in protection would be a useful by – Salisbury. footwear has once again become the focus of product. EJ Chaloner, J McMaster, DE Hinsley 39 J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-148-01-08 on 1 March 2002. Downloaded from

In this paper we highlight the clinical and can make a good functional recovery rather engineering issues involved in the than face an inevitable amputation. pathophysiology of close proximity blast injury to the lower limb, and the important Assessing Protection aspects involved in testing the various Realistically modelling the effects of designs of protective footwear. protective systems on the live human leg is extremely difficult to achieve with a high Pathophysiology degree of biofidelity (the extent to which a The clinical manifestations of blast injury to given injury to the model reflects an injury the unprotected limb have been well to human tissue). The goal therefore is to documented (1). The blast wave causes a devise a satisfactory model, which will traumatic amputation of part of the foot accurately simulate the effect of close and lower leg with stripping of the soft proximity blast on the lower limb of a young tissues from the underlying bone for a healthy individual and from the information variable distance further up the leg. Soil and gleaned to be able to predict the likely other debris is often propelled high into the clinical outcome.The options that have been leg along the tissue planes, and burning, utilised in descending order of biofidelity (in due to the hot gases of detonation, further terms of soft tissue injury and prediction of injures the soft tissues. Although there has outcome) are: been surprisingly little basic research done Whole Cadavers into the mechanics of anti – personnel mine Amputated Human limbs blast injury, a great deal of clinical Synthetic Limb Preparations/Animal experience in this area has been published. Models Some authors have attempted to salvage Metal Rigs limbs exposed to unattenuated close Computer Modelling proximity blast (6-9) with variable results. However, the vast majority of limbs exposed Human Limb Specimens to anti-personnel mine blast require a major Human tissue specimens provide the most formal amputation. The level of the accurate information on the effects of blast amputation is determined by the degree of on the complicated bony structures of the soft tissue damage and contamination foot/ankle complex and offer some rather than by the level of bony injury, information on injury to the soft tissues. because the skin and muscle of the limb is Whole cadavers offer the opportunity to usually damaged proximal to the level of study the effect of the transmission of the bone fracture. blast wave higher up the leg, particularly on Successful protection of the lower limb

the knee and the hip joint, whereas isolated http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ can only be achieved by reducing the energy limb specimens are limited to the foot, ankle transmission into the leg to a level at which and lower leg area (Figure 1). Whole the soft tissue and bony structures can be cadavers also permit movement of the salvaged, either by natural recovery processes, or with reconstructive surgery. Furthermore, simple limb salvage alone does not necessarily imply a satisfactory clinical outcome. If the salvaged limb is consistently painful, or lacks an adequate nerve supply, the patient may be better served by an amputation and mobilisation on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. on a prosthetic limb. If amputation is required, rehabilitation is much more successful if the knee joint is preserved, due to the much lower energy requirements of walking on a below knee prosthesis and the added benefits of proprioreception offered by the intact knee joint. Despite the recent advances in boot design, it is highly unlikely that footwear can be produced that will completely protect the foot from all injury resulting from a close proximity anti – personnel mine blast. The phrase ‘defeating the landmine’ should probably be expunged from the vocabulary – anyone standing on an anti – personnel mine will sustain a significant limb injury, regardless of the size of the charge or the type of footwear worn. The challenge is whether that injury can be reduced to one from which the individual Fig 1. Amputated human lower limb model. 40 Testing blast protective footwear J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-148-01-08 on 1 March 2002. Downloaded from

Fig 2.The Frangible Synthetic Leg (FSL). (Courtesy of the Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Australia).

preparation in several planes, rather than exposure to a given amount of blast energy being constrained to one plane by being and the effects on a living foot. fixed in a rig in the case of single limb The more sophisticated artificial limbs experiments. such as the Australian Frangible Synthetic The main drawbacks of human tissue Leg (Figure 2) have certain advantages over work are the ethical and health and safety human tissue. They circumvent the ethical aspects, which need to be considered when and health and safety aspects surrounding conducting any experiments involving human tissue work and some of the biological samples. Furthermore, there is variability of human limb specimens by considerable variability in specimens in any modelling the surrogate bone on data biological material. Amputated limbs are pertaining to the young age group that are removed as a consequence of disease likely to be injured in mine clearance http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ (usually end stage peripheral vascular operations. disease) and are therefore from an elderly The validity of such surrogates in population.The density of the bones in these simulating the effects of blast on soft tissue patients is considerably lower that that of a is in question.The soft tissue is simulated by younger group, and therefore the bones are ballistic gelatine, which has been validated as more susceptible to fracture at a given load. a reasonable model for ballistic trauma in Soft tissue in this group of patients has often terms of energy transfer (10), but not for the been compromised by the effects of chronic more complex blast injury. Furthermore, a ischaemia and may be more vulnerable to satisfactory simulation of skin on these the effects of post mortem blast injury. models is difficult to achieve. That being Assessment of injury patterns in any said, a series of recent tests comparing on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. biological system is also open to a degree of results of tests done on the Frangible Limb subjective interpretation and, as the material with the human cadaver work from the is dead tissue, the extrapolation of a given LEAP programme in the United States has observed injury into a clinical outcome is produced good correlation between the two clearly a matter of opinion, rather than (11). The main problem with the frangible observable fact. surrogate is in modelling the bones of the hindfoot. In terms of bony injury, damage to Synthetic Limbs the calcaneum, talus and the ankle joint is A variety of synthetic limb preparations have the most important determinant of the been used in blast protection experiments, salvage potential of the leg, assuming the ranging from crude simulations of the foot soft tissues are viable. Paradoxically, with rubber or wooden blocks, to highly advanced surrogate limbs are extremely sophisticated surrogates incorporating expensive to obtain, far more so than human ballistic gelatine as a human soft tissue legs (which are usually donated free by simulant. patients who wish to donate tissue for The cruder synthetic models have little medical experimentation). value other than in assessing the basic structural integrity of the protective layer in Animal Specimens initial studies. There is little correlation The red deer tibia appears to be very similar between a crack in a wooden block following in structural integrity to the human bone and EJ Chaloner, J McMaster, DE Hinsley 41 J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-148-01-08 on 1 March 2002. Downloaded from

a variety of boot designs, narrowing down the number of boots that need to be tested by more expensive and complex means. Basic instrumentation data can be gleaned from metal rig trials, which is helpful in investigating the general principles of energy attenuation, although gathering load data from the metal shaft can be compromised by ‘ringing’ of the blast wave. If appropriate biomechanical indices of limb injury can be calculated, metal rigs do provide a cheap way of performing “what-if” experiments altering individual parameters, for example what biomechanical benefit does altering stand-off, alone, afford? Computer Modelling A well validated computer modelling system would be of tremendous value, both in the design and testing phases of blast protective clothing. Unfortunately, such a model does not exist at the present time. One of the Fig 3. Red deer lower limb within a combat boot. difficulties is that too few human limb tests has been used as a lower limb model for blast have been conducted to glean the basic data protection experiments (Figure 3) (12). In required to develop models that are both common with synthetic limbs, use of tissue biomechanically and anatomically accurate. recovered from dead animals is not subject to ethical constraints or health and safety issues Instrumentation associated with using human tissue. In A number of parameters can be measured in addition, they are cheap, relatively easy to blast experiments and used to compare obtain and have the advantage of good results within a series of tests by the same quality bone from young animals. workers and between groups doing similar Historically, quadrupeds such as pigs, sheep studies. Parameters, which have been and dogs have been used for blast measured in the published tests to date, experimentation. They all walk on their include load, acceleration, strain on the tibia,

“toes” due to inherent anatomical vertical displacement and pressure within the http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ differences, consequently the calcaneus does protective footwear during the blast event. not have to withstand axial loading. Although Use of these data can give a comparison the talus does share similarities with its between experiments done on blast related human counterpart, the midfoot and energy (which are small in number), and the forefoot is simplified, possessing fewer tarsal large database available from the automotive and metatarsal bones. industry. Instrumentation gives a Anti – personnel blast injury rarely results quantifiable assessment of the forces acting in fracture to the tibia without severe bony on the test specimen which are otherwise damage to the foot/ankle complex. Similarly, open to the vagaries of observer the soft tissue configuration of the human interpretation. However, there is no lower limb is unique to bipeds. It is the soft agreement on which modalities are on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. tissues of the leg, injured by stripping, important to measure, nor on the contamination and burn injury that result in implications of instrumentation for clinical high amputations. Anatomical differences outcome. Data from instrumentation can and the shortcomings of gelatine as a soft show surprising variability even within the tissue surrogate may limit the usefulness of same series of experiments and comparisons these models. between different groups can be difficult to make (see Table 1). Metal Limb Rigs The measurement techniques were Metal limb rigs are of some value in the early essentially the same in the two groups phases of footwear development. Tests with (Kistler 3 way accelerometers), although such rigs can confirm the tolerance limits of experimental design did differ. The British group used isolated human legs constrained to permit only uniaxial motion, while the Table 1.Accelerations observed in various protective boot experiments measured in ‘g’ Canadians used the Frangible Human Limb Chaloner et al 2001 (15) Makris 2000 (13) surrogate held vertically by four guy ropes. Charge of C4 Combat Boot Aigis Boot Welco Boot ‘Spider’ Boot These differences in methodology probably 25 565 10,300 150 do not explain such enormous variation in results. 50 863 388 685 Similarly, the loads measured with similar 100 1315 charge sizes can vary significantly depending 42 Testing blast protective footwear J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-148-01-08 on 1 March 2002. Downloaded from

Table 2.Load recorded through Tibia in kn (Chaloner et al 2001 (15), Harris et al 1999 effects of the various protective systems. A (14)). consensus view is needed on which Charge size and type parameters are important and how they Boot Type 29gms Tetryl 25gms 50gms 75gms should be measured. (M14 mine) C4 C4 C4 UK Combat Boot UK 8.16 Experimental Design Aigis Boot 17.50 13.74 20.13 Experimental design is a crucial factor in obtaining methods of standardisation. Combat Boot and Aigis 18.73 17.80 Overboot Variables in design complicate an already complex system even further and lead to US Combat Boot US 7.13 needless argument on minor points about Welco Boot 10.01 whose experiment is ‘more valid’. At Welco Boot And Overboot 9.56 present, there are three groups in the UK, the USA and Canada who have conducted on experimental design. Table 2 shows the and presented well designed trials. loads recorded by the UK Aigis Group and At present the main variables (other than the US Institute of Surgical Research Group boot design) in the published experiments San Antonio in a series of broadly similar include the type of charge used, the type of experiments (14). The difference in the soil the charge is in and the depth to which design was that the UK group used it is buried, the degree to which the limb is amputated human limbs with axial loads of preloaded and finally the position of the 67 Kg constrained to move in only one plane charge in relation to the foot. (vertically). The US group using whole The main issue surrounding the type of cadavers had multiplanar movement with charge relates to the standardisation of minimal axial loading on the specimen, charges within anti – personnel landmines. which may be why their peak loads are The majority of mines use a TNT / RDX significantly lower for similar charge sizes. main charge. Some mines may fail to sustain The peak loads are the result of blast a high order detonation due to poor quality attenuation by both the boot and the control, climactic conditions or the time that structures of the leg. This is of particular the mine has spent in the ground. For significance in those legs where gross reasons of availability, as well as for the disruption of the tissues has occurred. Legs advantages of malleability and accurate that were severely damaged recorded lower measurement, many groups choose to use peak loads from cells placed in the tibiae, PE4 or C4 plastic explosive as a surrogate presumably due to absorption of energy mine.There is some disagreement as to what extent surrogate mines mimic the explosion

during the destruction of distal structures. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ There is considerable debate about the of a true landmine. The position of the value of any instrumentation in the testing of detonator within the charge mass may blast protective footwear as some substantially alter the progression of the investigators feel that its contribution is blast wave and therefore it’s interaction with minimal compared to the all important the foot above. This may be the reason for clinical effects on the bone and soft tissue. some of the discrepancy in recorded loads in Furthermore given that the time to peak the Aigis Group’s experiments on metal and loading seen in automotive tests is of the human legs.The detonator was placed at the order of 20 milliseconds, and the peak load side of the charge in the metal limb tests and time in a blast event is approximately 2 directly in the middle of the charge in the milliseconds, some argue that comparisons case of the human limb tests. on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. between the two sets of data are The use of PE4/C4 is likely to provide meaningless. In automotive related injury more explosive force on a weight equivalent tolerance, testing the peak load will often basis than a TNT/RDX mixture. PE4/C4 represent the load at which there is consists of RDX (cyclotrimetheylenetrini- structural failure of the leg. In the mine boot tramine) combined with a plasticiser. It has tests carried out by the Aigis group, failure a greater brisance (the rapidity with which of the limbs used would have occurred an explosive develops its maximum before the peak loads recorded in typical pressure) than TNT alone (16). automotive testing were achieved.We believe The density and moisture content of soil this may be due to the higher rate of loading also affects the energy transfer between the in the blast event. mine and the foot. Heavy wet soil results in Although it is possible that blast energy a greater energy transfer, whereas dry sand will inflict more damage on the small blood tends to dissipate the blast and reduce vessels and nerves of the leg than car crash transfer into the limb. As the degree of injury energy transfer, measurement of the various is proportional to amount of energy transfer physical effects should continue to be a and its rate, this clearly has a bearing on the feature of such experiments in order to move outcome of the experiment for any given towards a standard methodology for testing. charge size. Following from this is the issue This would help in comparing data between of stand - off between the mine and the foot, groups, and in quantifying the physical which also has an effect on energy transfer. EJ Chaloner, J McMaster, DE Hinsley 43 J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-148-01-08 on 1 March 2002. Downloaded from Recent experiments performed in Canada References have shown that there is more energy 1. Coupland R, Korver A. Injuries caused by anti – transfer from a mine buried to a depth of 5 personnel mines: the experience of the cm under soil than from one which is International Committee of the Red Cross. 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Reconstruction of experimental series and to produce the orthopaedic War injuries – The medical centre ‘worst case’ injury. However, the effect of ‘off experience. In Brown PW): Orthopaedic Lessons from recent wars. Techniques in Orthopaedics axis’ detonation cannot be dismissed. It is Phila., Lippincott – Raven Publishers 1995; 10: equally likely in the real life situation that the 211-221. mine will detonate under the forefoot, or to 7. McHale KA, Pollock P. Limb salvage and the side of the foot. Indeed, in the Med Eng reconstruction after blast injuries. The design (13), off axis detonation is actually contributions of the methods of Ilizarov. Ann Med Milit Belg 2000; 14: 25-30. invited by the nature of the boot. Whilst off 8. Gur E, Atesalp S, Basbozkurt M, Atdogan N, axis detonation may lessen the extent of Erler K. 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Assessment of foot protection Testing the effectiveness of blast protective against anti-personnel landmine blast using a http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ footwear is a more complicated issue than frangible surrogate leg UXO April 2001. has hitherto been appreciated by the 12. Skelton C, Cannon L,Trimble K. Development of and military communities. The a Lower Limb Physical Model to assess the severity of injury. XXIII International design of experiments reported to date has Congress on Military Medicine Jun 2000 185. thrown up as many questions as they have 13. Makris A, Islam S. Performance Tests of ‘spider answered. There is considerable debate boot’ for demining. World EOD Gazette Jan 2000; amongst the interested medical and 33 –44. engineering communities about which 14. Harris RM, Griffin L, Hayadar, Rountree MS, Bryant R, Rossitor N, Mannion SJ. Change in factors are important in determining the Lower Extremity Morbidity from Landmine effectiveness or otherwise of a particular Injury: an analysis of New Protective Footwear. In product. There is clearly a need for some Orthopaedic Trauma Association, 15th Annual on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. standardisation of methodology to allow Meeting 1999 Charlotte N. Carolina USA. 15. Chaloner EJ, Holland SJ, McMaster J, Croft RJ. comparison between groups and to establish Unpublished results. a benchmark of efficacy.This would serve to 16. Iremonger MJ, Physics of detonations and Blast – eliminate some of the extreme claims made waves in The Scientific Foundations of Trauma by certain companies on behalf of products Ed. Cooper GJ et al Butterworth Heinemann 1997 that have been inadequately tested. These Oxford. 17. Bergeron D, Walker J, Coffey C. Detonation of issues are presently the subject of a NATO 100g Anti-personnel mine surrogate in sand: a test Technical Group comprising scientists and case for computer code validation. SR 668 Nov clinicians from several participant countries. 1998. The group is working towards establishing a 18. Bergeron D, Tremblay J. Canadian Research to characterise mine blast output MABS Oxford standardised set of guidelines for 2001. development and testing of personal protective equipment against anti-personnel mine blast and is due to report in 2003.