
Senate pres idency s till open Saunders won't give up Mflg~in Stf rter whc Say -Ocala. sai more orey for state universites- chairman this year-was one of the issues which denied vanih f Sunda The rejection of Gainesville Sen. Bob Saunders for the Saunders the presidency. Florida Senate presidency has 'very far-reaching im- The present Senate President Dempsey Barren, D-Panamia plications" for state universities that are 'not good,"' Sen. City."igorvusiycampaigned against big spending for the state People who want to dance by the light of the silvery Kenneth Mackay said late Thursday. universitie, last fall and winter. moon early Sunday morning will have to find a street light The senate Democratic Caucus voted 16-Il to tap "THiS (VOTNI is a contrived deal by Senator Barren,"' because there is going tobe atotal lunar eclipse. Jacksonville Sen. Lew Brantley for the l977-78 presidency MacKay said. "Barton has made it cleat in the past few weeks 'Our entire hemisphere will be able to see this eclipse," instead of Saunders, who was considered a shoo-in witi this that Saunders either be a Barren puppet or he would have to Dr. Frank B. Wood. UF astronomy professor. said. week. fight him. A TOTAL lunar eclipse occurs when the earth comes SAUNDERS VOWED after the vole that 'the ball game is "Saunders made it clear he is not going to be a puppet for between the sun and the moon and its shadow completely only half over" aid said he will fight the Democratic Caucus anybody. The fight's not over yet," MacKay said. blocks the sunlight on the moon. Wood said. decision, eyes though "history and tradition' are against Fourteen senators including Barren reneged on earlier Wood explained that the earth has two pts to fts him. pledges of supr for Saunders by voting for Brantley. shadow that would effect the eclipse. The umbra Is the The Ball Senate has historically followed the will of the "THER A BSIC difference between us," Saunders dark part of the shadow and the penumbra Is the part that majority pasty caucus in choosing its president, but 'things allows red light waves through. are different this time," Saunders said. (See 'Sawuden,' page three) The eclipse will start at 10:59 p.m. EST. this Saturday, when the moon will ester the penumbra. At midnight the asin will begin to enter the umbra and a sharp shadow line of the earth will be visible on the

The Independent FRIEDA W TUE MOON should be totally hidden at 1:03 a.m. and the middle of the eclipse will be at 1:48 a.m. 2, 1975 Totality will end at 2:33 am, and the earth's outline will Flo id.A li at rMAWY again appear on the moofi. The moon will be completely t TO VOL -67, NO. 1 40 out of the umbra at 3:36 a., and the eclipse will officially be over at 4:38 Lu,. "The eclipse should be quite visible to all the people in Puchuhwd by Conmpu. Comnmuncotion* Incn.dI FInewn.ido Not osfcIolly .ecoflad with ihe unlnnrfly ci AM.da Florida unless there is heavy cloud cover or they are in

Is your pet a potential parent? If unwanted , neutering is a s olution

By jOANNE KOHL what you'll find living in the dorms.' Alligator Staff Writer In February, the department picked up about 500 stray animals. Padgett said. Most Ai least 800 dogs and cats wil be lured of the strays are eats, partly because cats mnto Alachua County's Animal Shelter this breed about once every three months, he month. Six hundred of the animals will be put explained. to sleep. The Alachua County Animal Shelter Many aninials sent to the pound will be receives about I5O eats a week, according to unwanted puppies and kittens. . a problem Joanne Bradow. a secretary at the shelter. that could have been avoided if the parcnus "IN THE WINTER, we get a lot of grown had been neutered. cats. . their owners get tired of them. In the . TO CONDAT THlE rise in Gainesville's pet spring we get a lot of cats with kittens, population, the city began a subsidy program because this is the time when the kittens are for pet owners on fixed incomes (social born." security or welfare) whqwant to have their pet Many of the animals currently at the shelter neutered,. are puppies and kittens. The number of "it's too big a load for the animal shelter to animals taken in during the late spring and handle," C.L Padgett, Gainesville animal early summer Is higher because the young arn warden superIntendent, explained. "We farm born at this time, not so much because of out the work to vets around the city. If the abandonment by students. Bradow said. applicant qualifies, the city pays a third of the "Some animals are turned in by apart- codt, the vets May a third, and the people (on mente to GPD. but these are recorded -s fixed incomes) pay the rest." truck strays (picked up by dog catchers). A lot Since Mardi, when the neutering program of ar ikdup because the kid. Iet was initiated, three cats and a dog have been t lborn," Brydon said. neutered through the subsidy program. SINCE TDE JIOGSAM Is open only to . shelter -r kept for a week, Dradow said, owners on fined lacunas, many people cannot weme are claimed by their owuars and others abeod toMpYee a third of the cost. are put up hor adoption. "Some ire waitIng for the extra money. If adopted, cats and dogs are neatred, You know, some of those peopl. arn 1Mmn5 on vaccinated for rabies and tagged, Richard 565 a mouth,' Padgeit said. Whkeag.e chief aihu warden hor AMadau fli city also picks up animals and delivers County. explalacd.Th. 515 adoptIon hee pays them to time animal shelter, Padgett added. fhr the services of the Se dsara far the Many are found around the UF campus after tdhool ends for the smmc. The animal ahllerume St Mardi, and "THExR WAS ONE dog we picked up every sumrs and maey fMll oen would a , Wshuesgsid -om and pick him up," Phdgett cbhurned. "Ibokids leave than here because their -om and dad don't want the animals at bane," pus the anm ~ ab n a chestsr Md with Spaying of kemal. d- coats S3&75, ad amd. eae cats spaying operdtims co.n 530al.8 eeren dee- Matein5 her ad.l dogs ats S30.W., and Mem e sa e" aid. Carbon male cats' opesaus cost al8.o0, -en d sothe Suin a mbahcato -lep The aeyti -aa wardaus auger she added. calls tam LJPD to pick up aanals living hm Ssvaty-4w pmr ae of ths subms tha the dos, Fudgt laid. -mm bnse~S -om wg be dqS.ged ami ~WP4~~ C.MS MEIMAL SaRis "mu * uaqintea M~M . sq .mmapndms, P.,. 1.1h. hndep.daN.M. sa. Mts.y. May 22. In75 O'MaIley Impeachment favored

President. - lndependC t Life :asuranse( TALLAHASSEE. ft.(UPI) - A majority R-Sarasota, called ii pretty convincig, btt, New evidence. producci in swtorn ol the members of a House committee in- joined by Rep. Ed Fortune. 0-Pace, said they icte st aif, 'n- vestigating Treasurer-Insurance Com- are withholding final judgment until the, dleposttIons given the commn cluded: missioner Tonm O'Malley indicated Thursday hear it from the witnenes own hp, they are ready to recommend itnpeachmeuit "I want to thank the committee bor ex- Testimony of Bryan. Stanley and Fairclolh -sfverydawagmng new evidence stands up tending aday or two in order to hear first that O'NMalley solicited and rcceaved close o under close questioning of witnesses Monday. hand the other side of the story because the SI .OtX" in cash contributions from in- Testimony and documents secured by the questioning thus far has been on-sided.' dependent lite executives which records show committee staff "appear to show" that said O'Malley, who previously had avoided O'Malley failed to report. O'Malley has violated eight or more laws in comment on the developing investigation- An affidavit from Quaritius that O'Malley connection with a 32.3 million shopping He has already been indicted by a grand withheld "for political reason'" approval ot a center loan, an unreported cash contribution jury on other charges involving perjury. and holding com~pIJny until Peninsular hired and funneling of business to former law taking a kickback to influence hus judgment Bennett Feldman. O'Malley's former law associates who were buying out his Interest in and is to stand trial June 30. partner. for 510,000 wo expedite action. the firm. Chairman Jim Redmaji said. Witnesses subpoenaed for Monday arn Ed An affidavit from Quaritius that Faircioth "It's all damaging and most certainly is Faircloth; executive assistant to O'Malley; evidence of impeachable offenses," Redman, O'Malley's chief insurance asked him to attend a Miami art show, Spencer Cullen. at which. a Plant City attorney and Democrat, said., examiner; lack Quaritius. President: Michael sponsored by O'Malley and his wife, dclming the offenses range from extortion to 0'Ne1. bonrd member: Ralph Wickersham;: according to staff, some insurance companies perjury. attorney: and Mrs. Susan Skipper, retired bought paintings at a SW0 pet cuft mark-up Reps. Carl Ogden. D-incksonviile. Ralph secretary. Peninsular Ulfe Insurance CoJ.F. with O'Malley sitting at a table taking up the *.new wvddnce moy lecdf imepedchment Haben, D-Palmetto. and Grmnvllle Crabtree, Bryan Ill. President, and lam Stanley. Vice money. friday Court orders less state inmates JACKSOIVILLE, flu. (UPI - A frdwrd judge Thursday Reception and Medical Cutter. which he visited recently. sued-ap- -~-nryinunto-ore gth-Seof-- Florida Attached to hhorder isa photograpb towing her Inmates in capsule to reduce within a~r the Inmate popalatcn it state prison -ne cell. mowe than 2. prison.s to "aiergecy capacity.' by cadh tat. placen U.S. District Judge Charlm R. Scott sablited a five lie also said the state Is required to gv inmate "a bed upon which to sleep.' Testlimnq In the phase reducto. schedule he said the state would have to hesringof the Inmates- lawsuit brought out thatlame inmates Broadway Joe nixes kolo. tobringte Inmatepoplation down tote so-called -mgency level. W FL $4-million offer Testimony in as inmates' awauit Indicated that -n May 12 "This court, in th. three years that thate cases hare inmate population was 2.682 above emergency capacity. prqressed. baa come to the growing realIzatIon. throng, Scott ordered state to Inmates' further the decrease the expert testimony and docwnentary evidasce, that severe crisis (UP!) - Joe Namath Thursday euided numbers in overcrowded state prisons to "normal capacity'' overfrowding creates violence, brutality, disease. bitterness speculation he would jump from the New York Jets to the by Dcc. 2. 1976. Normal capacity is considered the capacity and ruaitwent as to both inmates and correctional staff." World Football League when he "respectfully declined" a 4 for which the prisme buildings were designed. It varies Scott said. million offer to join the Chicago Wind. depending on the facilities available. In * prepared statement issued from the office of his at- Eanergaicy capacity, according to Scott. is defined in the torney. the vacationing Naniath said. "After considerable American Justice lnstitutc's Report oui Overcrowding in the deliberation and with every wish that the WFL prove a Florida Prison System. successful league. I respectfully decline the offer from the That report says emergency capacity "represails the Chicago football team, The Wind, for reasons which are ppulation beyond which the institution must be considered personal and private." ctically, and quite probably, dangerously overcro'.dcd." It diplomas to sleep on Namath. who became a free agent May I, currently is assigned * specific emergency capacity level for each in- vacationing at Ft. Lauderdale. stitution. PROVIDENCE. R.I. (UPI) - The 450 graduates of the His negotiations with the Jets are continuing, according to Scott a*1w ordered the state not to assign more than one Rhode Island School of Design can sleep with theIr 1975 Namath's attorney, jimmy Walsh. inmate to each of the one-man cells at the Lake Butler diplomas or even use them as briefcases. They are stuffed pillows created by senior Ken Cooper. the latest in a line of unusual diplomas given School of Design o t at iterature :g rad at s"n'dd tion to th e' paper diplo mas 'handed L is ban ned in Saigon His creation was dhoja, Iant fall in a competition where the SAIGON (UPI) - A government order prohibiting sale or in years. waiter-up was a diploma printed on a T-shirt. possession of any literature published 'wider the fbriner Sound trucks spread the announcement of the book ban "RISD has been doing various diplomas hor every year. I regime" dosed down virtually all bookstores and stalls in late Wednesday. driving up and down main streets of Salmon wanted to do a three-dmenslonal one as -n art piece Sir each Saigon Thrnday. and Its ChInese suburb of Cholon. where magazines from parin." Cooper said Thursday she began work on the last The new gpvernnment. meanwhile. continued setting out It. Hong Kong and Singapore -r popular. batch. policies one by one. including punishmait of "wicked"' Caans rushed to the bookttalls and Stores by the hun- Last year. the graduates got large. appropriately Insaribed persons employed by tormer Saigon regimes. dteds in a last efot to scoop up reading material and sellers cookie diploma. baked ii school maent The ovens, used to The ne, communist administration's order on literature lowered their price to virtually morning Is a last effort to clear cure ceramics, had some pomfp.s In these - sweating the was the first official censorship campaign in South Vietnam their stocks. diplomas was discouraged.

El -. I I nd t 0 SEDAN. Howercgii tet .Owne Vlo aa deu smelhhqee. Ow - Volvo 245 dio.baavono rYou - .kogasa4oot Unal-u&.thm andinchbsuik. FRIDAY vaae. Tta .soo at di. W73 Volvo .pn.Eve, toqh cx-haul moeiek.dhe'aee taudoom hae Wo i VLv sqt urkn mawu g.

The nde~~.n, ~iwi AIi4 ui~ -Ut--- - SATURDAY a .ubiin.,r of Cw"pu. C.',. sik u.M.re. - -- '"~c~-* ~ C *I~~ .n cvorS.a h W SI-,. - M* ~ eJ 'derid. 1*. fle, .noi~ -- M*~ Jun. 'I. Ma.ran P AMlffr thy .d Ants. *,. hr. .MIend 1Yin he ,~ ,. .a. - "ffii-ikI~ - d1 S~flt I'*ni.h.c.I en. *l cli -, ~~~1u~ - -~ ~ vt.en - a er ia,.n.d in 0w Isd.p.nd.eI nfl, cli my I' oared. o6 Mii~. .t*,.$*, S,.nf - ~h~s of 1* 0'IC' .,d I. *0.4 I'. Unvnuy 4 ~ di. aidi - can a. sdi,. ci twnd b9 di* ndw.4.s PIwd. .ym.n, '0, *.y AJI.es A. wunm I. - - - - '0~ ma, ~MdwmflM~ keica. *'~ee Ye A. .de~sn .U ~'n d.eflh PI.i Aiiiw a 1 Tho M*.nd.Ag Pfr1 HARMS A UIO IMPORTS - .c*nd cia ,nus . he Umwnd *h1*s. silt - he .swwdS. her Is. r.j C$i. - O.ja.iI. pa - ---- ia~w. t PImi mCI - ~-'a'- ~ go - 5fl I. UnIv. 2724272 5oga ,a,, - ~ - yen 'pm- Th. Independ.9 Sod MilgulorMdey, Uay ZIWI Pogr S

Univers ity s ystern money to get clos er watch

By STUART EMMRICH "We have been going back (through the Board of Regents. The egents approve any Agricultural and Mechanical University for Staff Witer Alligater building accounts) and reconciling all the construction by the state schools and allow wasting up to S284.0 by having con- dollars that have been appropriated for than to withdraw the allocations. struction plans drawn up that were later Faulty State University System ISUS) construction in the SUS," Nesmith said. But Ellisom said the regents and the schools discarded. accounting procedures should be corrected "Things were not in the order they should did not always check their figures with each within four weeks, an SUS official said have been, but there was no misuse of funds, other to know exactly how much money was in NO SPECIFIC criticism was leveled at UF. Thursday. no mishandling of finances. It was just a the account. William Elmore, UF vice president for Wayne Nesmith, assistant director of matter of getting all the records strsigbt," he IT WAS LIKE someone never checking his administrative affairs, said UP officials facilities planning and support, made the added bank statements. Ellison explained,. recently took construction records to claini after a critical state audit of the SUS STATE AUDITOR GENERAL Ernest Nesnmith said his office had already been Tallahassee to check them with the SUS construction accounting system was released Ellison released Wednesday an audit of the instructed eight months ago by the chancellor reports and found they matched. Wednesday. SUS construction program which criticized to revise the accounting procedures to make "We can tell how much we spent (on NESMiT'fl SAID HIS office was near the the state schools for not having tight at- sure a central authority was checking all construction), the figures are there,' Elmore end of an eight month revision of accounting counting safeguards. money going in and out. said, adding the audit report was mainly and construction records designed to keep a Funds for construction approved by the The audit report by Ellison also sharply critical of the central office and not the state closer watch over appropriated funds. legislature are put in a central account by the criticized Florida State University and Florida schools. Sounders the 'wide split" among the Democrat's vote as evidence he (fom page one) still may have a chance at the top job. SAUNDER'S OPPOR'TUNITY to challenge Brantley will sid of Brantley after the vote. Saunders said Brantley's idea come next session when the senate of ficially votes on the 1977- No of how to run the senate is much closer to Barton's than his 78 president. Alligator own. "By custom, when a person is selected by a majority vote of "I think the senate should be led and not drive.,," Saunders the majority party, the seijate unanimously approves that said. "The president should not coerce members of the senate choice." Saunders Maid. into believing as he does,"' "This time, given the split and the intervening election. Brautley was unavailable for comment Thursday. things may come out differntly," Saunders said. The Alligator will not be published Monday, Memorial IARRON THREATENED two weeks ago to remove THE OUTNUMBERED senate Republicans may be Day because classes will not be in session. committee chairmen who did not support him in ousting "dissatisfied with this process." Saunders said, because "it Health and Rehabilitative Services boss O.i. Keller. precludes the full Senate from really niakmng the decision. However, the newspaper will bie printed from Tuesday Saunders was one of the chairman who crossed Barron on "I will not predidt what's going to happen,. until June 6. the last day of dead week. the vote. 'The ball game's only half over-it's the bottom of the fifth "This thing is far from settled,' Saunders said, pointing to and nobody's On," Saunders said. DIVERS DO IT DEEPER!I SCUBA CLASSES STAR T MAY29 SALES SERVICE RENTALS AIR-_


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% 4 .*' , Pag. Ah meIdenent FMorido AlIg.$or Mvday. Moy 21 1975 Summit The sa02 WeddtnaPhotcgrsgibet

- There ought

to be a aw 6

By BRIAN JONES * Bill 707 establishing "florida Open AllgaterStaff Writer University." a statewide system of higher learning centers, was in the education -p (EDITOR'S NOTE: Each Friday, The. committee. AU at rfliws She pnpmee .1 vaubces hO!. * BILL 814 setting up procedures for the I. the IIrdda Legaats. which are h-. legislature to approve tuition increases was in prtalt te Sndans. F.frieht. for.1hon the appropriations committee. A sinudar -n km., htenesad pen -e call the al measure, senate bill 530. was in the rules free legkslatlve "hOdC." at I-400.342-18f7. committee to be scheduled for debate in the full senate. Is the Fhord H. * Bill 916 abolishing the 12-hour class C * Bill 110 to require state insurance for. contact rule for university instructors was -n As a service to you, the student, thwep participants in university athletic programs the calendar for debate in the fll house. was in the education committee. A senate 08BIllS 8 iguIting reptnts' Inrs tO five Campus Shop & Bookstore an- companion bill was approved by the Senate years was in the education committee. nounces that they will be Education Comnittee and sent to the Senate * NILl 12ff exempting univenty removing the textbooks for ttw Ways and Meats Committee. campuses from state traffic flues, provided * Bill 257 regpiring state banks to otte a the regents draw up oew fines, was in the current term for return to the - specificpercentage of their capital for student education committe. I a publisher beginning TUesday, May loans was an the commerce committee. * Bill 1280 allowing the vegans to contact * DULL 344 to require active Iegislatwe with private unIversIties for programs and approval lb. tuition hikes passed the services was passed by the house and sent to this term, come in fowl education committee and was in the ap- the senate. A similar measure, senate bill 741. propriations committee. was on the calendar for debate in the fll * Bill 395 adding a student to the Board of senate. Regents was in the approprislouns committee. * Bill 1440 providing $20,0 for UF to I A similar measure. Senate Dill 265. adding study lethal palm tree yellowing was in the three students to ihe regents was on the appropriations committee. A similar calendar for hail senate debate. measure, senate bill 706. was on the calendar * Bill 401 allowing direct support for debate before the full senate. organizations, such as alumni associations, to I. the fEhidb Sate: use university property and services was in the 06Bi11 259 allowing universities to maintain ICAM PUS SHOP & appropriations committee. A similar confidential faculty evaluation files was ottthe measure, senate bi 555, was in the Senate calendar for debate in the full senate. Governmental Operations Committee. * Bill 456 allowing full time state employs * DILL 406 requiring universities to permit to enroll for up to five free class hours per students access to all their academic records qnnrer passed the educatio, committee and a was in the education committee. was in governmental operations. * Bill 591 taking away students' power to * Bill 904 approving the proposed tuition allocate service fees was in the education Increase lor next fall was in the education committee,. conmttee.

1'".** .ea.a. *4 V.*dpnnI,,aAIgoF4aMo2319$P..nd.pent'entFlondeAlligator Mday Mov23,1975 Page5 REC ORgSVLfLE7 es tentative .MQA REOSS Pay rais given nod

By JANET PARK Under federal law, any agency rcetmg federal funds may Alligator Stall Write, not discriminate cm the basis ot race. color, creed. national origin. sex or *RC. A House subcommittee approved in principle a bill to raise S S salaries of women personnel in the state universities to the level of the mn's. but called tor a Board of Regents study of A A Lhe problem first. House Capital Outly subcommittee Chairman Bill An- drew, D-GainesvIlle. said he could probably get the bill on L L the "consent calendar" this session because it involved no handing. FUNDING OF the bill. House Bill 1204 nnroduced by Rep. E E Sidney Mantin. D-Hawthorne. would have to wail until next General Mownr Corp. Thursday recalled SOMD0 year's legislative session and the completion of the regent's Chevrolets. Pontiac, Oldsmobilns and Buicks for problems study. involving steering gear, throttle cables and fan blades. MA2 The "consent calendar" status means the bill would be Approximately I6.00 Pontiac Venturas, Oldsmobile Omiegas, Bukck Appollos and Skylarks in the 260-cubic-inch BR AND NEW ELTON JOHN egne family are being recalled for inspection of throttle Inispresnt tbrm, Martin's bill calls for 5970.000 to raise L PSpecioI $4.57 womens salaries to the level of male faculty. A REPORT -n the salary study must be tiled next year with The throttle cable housing may break under continued Special $5.57 Comissioner of Education Ralph Turlington, who in turn vibration. Tape must file his reporn with the Iegislature by April IS. 1976. About 31.000 Chevrolet Camaros are being recalled for Sale ends May 31 Mantia sid the bill was "the first important step to securet inspection of air conditioning compressor fans which might equality fo' w*'"e" i" the State University System," and also break when subjected to continuous vibration. EECORDSVILLEI insure "we don't lose federal funding so important to the Lawrence Brasington. owner of Brasiugton Oldsmobile. GAINIILLiI MALL universitiess" said any car recalled wdll be inspected free of charge.

I, Pag. 6. Th. IndependS. MIaAIgasor. Mday. May 2. IUS DOW'T NT? Future s till includes politics WE CAM Butler leaves office of mayor safety fly JUDY MOORE cadet program in which minority group - . C Allust. Staff Wilt. mebers are trained as policemen and zt0rn Receiving thanks and praise of fellow BUTLER WAS FIRST elected to the 'a w. Uni commission members, and a hug frem commission in 1%69 and served as mayor an Commissioner Russell Ramsey, Mayor Neil 1971-.72. a wleorn Butler banged his gavel for the last time .t the He was re-elected to the commission in a mmnil NOW Gainesville City Commission meeting 1972 with the highest vote-getting record in Thursday. stepping aside fr incoming GainesvilLe history, with 7,314 votes. commissioner Aaron Gree,. Butler said he was not interested in being Before flopping down. Butler signed a remembered as 'the city's first black mayor proclamation which had been seven years in in modern times," but instead would want to planning. accepting a SI.61 million bid to be remembered as someone who served all the begin work on phases one and two of the citizens of Gainesville well. Northeast Community Center. "I SAID when I first assumed the ~Alatcher's mayorship that I would transmit this city, not Je ler 'All iajrlegislation only not less, but greater and more beautiful than it was transmitted to me. I believe that I t L ISV. he Watn we enacted have Mufihled both these promises." Butler said. met with strong opposition' Saying. "I'm leaving office, so I can do anything I want to," Butler distributed a Very .IN HIS farewell address Butler said Important Citize, plaque to each member of progress made during his administration had the commission. not been without its problems. Butler initiated the awards, which are "All major legislation we enacted met with presented to two or three different citizens at strong opposItion. As commissioners, we each commission meeting to denote out- baund it necessary to make those decisions standing civic achlejvemants. that at times were very unpopular." Batler Butler has said he will run for public office said. qgain. but probably for the State legislature Butler noted such accomplishments as the rather than the city commissIon. formation of the Regional UtilitIes Board, the Butlaris ateadher In the UP Department of saul-paved program which has resulted in Community Health and Family Mediie He NEtL BUnSt every street in Gainesville being peved or in is working on his doctorate in administrative .may nut for sltt Ilgsature the process of being paved, and the public counseling.

TO EE WITH Commiss ion elects Joe L ittle mayor -AUT

TV cnl, and9 F an A A By SUDY MOORE Alligator Staff Writer wavenY ciny INSE ~nChillCO. INC Newly re-elected Commissioner Joseph mM2.MMN st. Little was unanimously chosen mayor by his fellow Gainesville City Commissioners Thursday, just minutes after he was sworn in for his second commission term. - Uit was chosen by a reorganized com- mission including newly sworn in com- missioner Aaron Green who took the seat vacated by bermer Mayor-Commissioner Neil Butler. A SMIlING LITTLE, said he was

'honored and thrilled to be able to serve the "Ve - SIL -. *SI-114 conmifhioc and the citizens as mayor." little, a 40-year old UF law professor, was 46334 first elected to the commission in 1972. He was re-dected on May 6 winnIng 63.8 \~ CWP~ OU h*- per cant of the vote against meat Meailer Georg Liuay and UF psychology Uth(lf) N~hIT~lC mI ThE POSITlON of mayor, which is largely . five minuiss later, Utol Is mayor ceremonial. Is chosen by a majority vote cftbe five commissioners. It canrles a salary of pro taupe. He defeated Ramuey for the title government Structure He ws rsfrnq to 58,m2 anually cmpeted to the 5,.280 3-2.- the poslbllty that a reftreadus for mnifbing yearly salary of the other four comisbuices. It Is custoay that the mayor pmo flpore city nd county governments could be peed Little was the only commIssIoner be dcs mayor, but former ?daynr Pro wbih would form a new commlsalca, with a nominated for the one year posilco. Tampoe T.S. "Tiny" Talbot hewed out 'lew mayor. Commissioner James Rlchardsou enlist this week due to health rean. Littl said as mayor he Joud set goals ad nominated Little and after a short deimos, Talbot Is reoelaig from a heart Sttack he cajendaus to -us major city popea such Commner Russell Ramsey moved thet had several weeks qgt. -s downtown redevelopment as "eapedklomsly the nominathuns be closed. LiTTLE SAWD he could w.C be -s poulible under the current h.e.ni.l "uy er DICiABDhOH WAS selected - mayor GaSeIIUI'S East mayor cader the pmmet situatlan"

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- . -- - a. AmMO SI IWO WJIUL*LWIU WOOl HwWtW'UUUWS~"*tIUpav Madoy kough F~W~j1J -. -

Neuter ing 'b.'I"d'p'cd'"'"''do MI"'tr. 'd'",'M ' a'~l Pg hemmeso mnested wlthlicks that parls Of fr'om page one heir bodies become paralyed. 'he explained "MOST OF THE dlog' we get here arc mlixed breeds When get purebreeds. they're Bradow. usually Germin Shephcrds." she said. "A LOT OF the animals coming Io the A city ordinance requires licenses lot all pound have mange and distemper." Bradow (logs older than six months, and fbrbids said. owners to illow bitches in heat to run loose. "Sonic of the dogs had collars put on them Dogs not on a leash must be under the control when they were puppies. They ran away from ol the owner, and unlicensed dogs found home when they were young. By the time we rutnrmln loose may be picked up by the fi4 them, the collar has become embedded in Gainesville animal warden. the neck," Bradow observed. flhe dogs taken to the pound arc held for Thany dogs coming into the shelter suffer the owner for 72 hours. After this time, it Is frjn tick paralysis, Bradow said. The dogs put up for adoption or put to sleep. Student eludes attacker A 19-year-old UF sophomore escaped assailant after being attacked in the area D unharmed Wednesday night from her parking lot on Stadium Road, a UPD official said. The campus resident acted quickly enough ransfersST eased to escape her attacker. UPD Infbnnation Officer Jim Shuler said. Goy. Reubin Askew signed into law The UF' coed was attacked by a white male Thursday an act to make transferring to state while she was walking home through the universities Irom community colleges less parking lot, Shuler said. CAGEDKiTTENdS trotab acome. When the assailant grabbed the coed by the .which ones live? The law directs the Department of arm, she struck him in the stomach, he said. will Education to coordinate calendars between The assailant then doubled over and the universities and community colleges. coed kicked him in the face. Shuler saud. something the department is already working Shuler said the incident was the second Pot plant b~illwee u on. such assault to occur on the UF campus this The department's plan. when finished, will year. fly DEBBIEImERT reducing the number of court cases and provide common entry dates in September. The first occurred in March near Bryan AJagS ShEWrier prison inmates generated by current after Christmas and at the beginning of the Hall. More than 2$ people ran to the coed's possession of marijuana laws. summer fbr all state universities and colleges. aid. Shuler said. Gordon isflhoduced a number of witnesses The law does not require universities and No arrests have been made in the incident Marijuana fans lost the chance to legally at the hearing in an attempt to convince the community colleges to have the same and the assault is still under investigation, he grow their own Wednesday when a senate committee that "marijuana laws are ex- calendars. however. said. committee buried a proposal to allow home pensive to enforce and represent a distortion cultivation of up to five marijuana plants. in the emphasis of law enforcementn" After a lengthy hearing, the Senate Health COMMrInEE MEMBERS heard un- and Rehabilitative Services Committee voted successful testimony in favor of the bill from FormrUFFpoess or b-I to crush the "home-grown pot' bill one law professor and one chemistry sponsored by committee chairman Sen. Sack professor, both from Florida State University. Gordon. D-Miam,. Million-dollar figures on what it costs the wil be labor n negotiator GORDON, WHO plans to introduce the state to imprison and parole marijuana of- bill again next fenders also failed to sway the committee. The president of the UF' chapter of the year. said he didn't expect the The major rivals for faculty bargaining David Bachman. assistant director of the United Faculty of Florida (UJFF) Mel New bill to pass out of the senate in this session. representative in the State University System Division of Corrections, said it costs Florida agree the appointment of a former UFP said he was "pleased" with Mack's ap- "1t's the kind of bill that gets a lot of both $3.2 million a year to house, feed, Emiployes Relations support but not many votes." Gordon's and guard law professor as Public pointment. persons for possession of cannabis Commission "Mack is the most knowledgeable person in legislative aide Linda McMullen said. jailed (PERC) chairman was a good Gordon's bill would have allowed the idea. the PERC commission.'"New said, adding he Supervising marijuana offenders on cultivation and consumption of up "largely respected" Mack's opinion as a to five probation costs another St56,O00 a year. The former UF professor.Curtis Mack. who cannabis plants per household. lawyer. according to Ray Howard of the Probation was appointed by Goy. Reubin Aske, this CALLING IT 'law American Association of University A and order bill." Parole Commission. week, succeeds Charles Freeman as PERC Professors (A AIUP) local president David Gordon said that the proposal would take the Currently, possession of under five grams of chairman. Smith said Mack's appointment was "just profit out of illicit drug-dealing and let law pot in Florida carries a penalty of up to one enforcement agencies focus more time and PERC is composed of labor relations of- superb." year in jail and a fine of SI,Q)O. money on serious types of crime. ficials who are currently implementing laws Smith said he expects Mack, who I. a labor Possession of over five grams or sale of any it would also save the state money in the amount of the weed increases the giving public ensployes the right to bargain law specialist to do a 'great job" as PERC penalty to criminal justice system. he argued, by five years in jail and afine of 55,00. coiledtively. y______chairman.




cwemaAcaen* D.egr and Rd. FUND DRIVE

* Sr,,. Today's "Ciar per Quad.e" Coalssfon booth will be Iccatud at Lifl H4.11 during the hour, of Ittif a. itS :0 p. THE BLACK STUDENT UNION AND THBLACK GREEK COUW ILj Nee .8Th. indepeodeot R.MIe ngo. Fddey. May 23 I97s


Talk about scientific experimentation, and some people see images of Dr. Frankenstein, complete with steaming concoctions and bubbling test tubes. Florida legislators are conjuring such images if recent actions are any indication. The Florida Senate Criminal Justice Committee unanamously approved a bill recently which would put a moratorium on Health, Education and Welfare-funded experiments on living fetuses. Before images are conjured in your mind of Dr. Frankenstein tinkering with babies' futures. consider the situation surrounding birth defects. The point of the experimentation is to further studies of such defects, a widespread medical problem in the United States. In 1968, seven thousand out of 100,76W children Profs key to g appeals defects will be born. rdw '. Sccts. Failure. Grade Point Average. 'gre to the grade change. Birth defects is a general term for everything For students in the AMI-American city of Gaines1Dle4 these ShOULD VISAGIDIETS persist ater the student from mental retardation to organ malfunctions, terms, right or wrong, are sIgnIficantly interrelated. Mistakes and professor have met, the next step ususlip Involves the but 7 per cent of Florida births is a large number that adversely alket the GPA arn something every student student visiting the professor's depurtmant chairpernon. The to be affected by such defects. wishes to avoid. For this reason alone, the right to a grade four colleges that omit the chalrpcrson In the process - The appeal exists. Nursing, Forestry, Health Related Pitaslos and itur- United States ranks 14th in infant mortality Grade appeals are permitted in cases where initial grade because of neglect of nutritional and hygenic assignments involved "miscaiculationC" and, occasionally, requirements for wanted pregnancies. errors in judgutent. UF, though, places great deal of faith in MIKE WEDNER Recent laws such as the Massachusets statute, the judgments of its professors in the assignments of grades. passed in June, 1974, which regulates ex- TO ASUMETHATany professor would arbitrarily burn ADVISEMENT perimentation on human fetuses, stopped many * student without "loicul" reasons is no way to run a programs already in progress. university; to have perpetual grade check-ups for all students nahism - channel all appeals that the student and professor According to two doctors from the Institute of by faculty and administrators totally unfamiliar with an fail to resolve directly to college grade appeal committees for Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences at Hastings.- individual's classroom performance is even more absurd. disposition. Department chairpersons, though, normally have Nonetheless. for the student who feels that an instructor on-Hudson, New York, the recent laws are rash. large roles in the appeal procedure. has miscalculated or badly erred in judgment in determinig In University College. Arts Drs. Willard Galin and Marc Lappe appeared and Sciences, Business Ad- a final grade, the grade appeal procedure exists. ministration. Physical Education. Health and Recreation in this month's Atlantic magazine, saying in- Two cardinal rules must be understood before undertaking (PH R), Engineering, and EMutation, the chairperson may consistencies have arisen because of contradictions a grade appeal - first, the ultimate decision on whether or Anst attempt to work out the difficulty himself with the between state laws and the 1973 Supreme Court not to change a grade rests with the teacher involved. There is professor and student. no "higher authority" on campus who will pre-enmpt a faculty decision that abortion is legal. That failing, cases in these colleges could then be referred. member's decision on a grade. The appeal procedure thus if t done so originally, Twenty per cent of all birth defects can be to ad hoc or standing grade appeals involves a suggestion to. not coercion of. an instructor that an committees of varying size and composition. (Te Business attributed to something in the environment which error that needs to be rectified has occurred in arriving at a Administration committee, for instance, is composed of two affected the developing fetus within the womb. grade. faculty; in PHR, the committee is composed of three faculty Exposure to radiation and pollutants and intake SECOND, ALL appeals go through the college offering the and one student.) In both Architecture and Flne Arts and course. An engineering student taking an advanced English of alcohol or other drugs all affect the fetus' en- Agriculture, however. the dean i. consulted in the pursuit of couise would thus appeal to Arts and Sciences, not resolution before vironment. submission of the issue to committee. Engineerng-.^ ONCE AN APPEAL reaches a committee, the student, or Many tragedies could be prevented if the effects In nearly all the oollegps of UF, a meeting betwee, the the professor, or both together might be consulted to shed of such factors on developing fetuses would be student and instructor ii the first step of the grade appeal light on the situation. After due deliberation, a recoim- determined. One method is fetal research to test process. (Forestry alone has a slightly dlflhrtnt first step; mendation on disposition is reported from the committee to students there are urged to consult their advisors before the effects of a drug on a fetus already destined for the professor. Again, grade changes still rest within the meeting with instructors.) Simple uiaunderstmndlngs, usually lega abrton professor's discretion. Committee recommendations, of over pmojects or pijpcn misplaced by pmofessors or Incoret course, become additional consideration Researchers are with reoorlnwsofts primarily concerned eltu, arn usudly cleared upsa this level; If the student is still dIssatisfied, four coliques - University therapeutic experimentation. Testing of vaccines, the College of ftanuacy. In fact, has never had a grade College, Arts aiid Sciences, EngIneerIng. and Jcmnalsm -- chemicals and drugs, all harmless to adults, but appeal -un -eo ths IaMIh Sage. allow further appeals to the dean's (or ae-duan's) office with possibly damaging effects in developing Duig th ti Sapg udana tmld cansEy try to for EtIeW. If afte these steps we al bev tw sdaaa telve whtnu dlfficuldw exist, ducs -o mate bow fhr the individuals, Dean T.W. Cole lii the Ogledo Academic Af- uses of the mn- fe tusswol be the only paocess heelrred. the leiStr Is the mid MUST fairs becomes the final arbiter fhr cams tomawctbpg. r Why shouldn't fetuses already destined for in. nngam agl abortion help babies who might otherwise be born The Independent M-Ngaes Gainsiled MAachwa County will benefit Florida Alligator k." " from fea resarh. Th median age of men and Oi Qiuticans Mind KM.,,., jgi, ra This year. more than 2.000 babies will be born Newt Mt. in the county, and one in sixteen will have a IA'T.= Ka& .-. s congenital defect. AMeS by UP has the facilities to carry out such fetal research.h ( ifli,I .n eniIm . t~fh% ,. 'n qn M eG. u. .f ...... M. . . . But if the bill filed by Sen. Philip Lewis goes ...... g a ag e. #0 S.o 2246 Univeset through, sUeN. Oeinan, nuka w , all research will be outlawed. We urge Rip c o h. . M d ngC o nar office. bhad Sh. Cenhp Inn. Sens. Bob Saunders and Kenneth MacKay to nnt.bue - . . . . .nSnA d M~on .s ban. Uft. pM.:a SS . reject the Lewis bill. -eSale. .tedsftdttM aq Dcc Frankenstein has no place in the * d~ me . . . .dMbaIqft dC .M en owsen m a: I-" *Mea--- --. . legislature. ------.Saon .Om et"Mansger Th. independent R'odi. Mtlestor. Md, Sqr 2* IW7 Peg. B oycott aerosol cans EDITOR: After reading the article titled CGenoves e stIay home 'Here Comes the Sun" in Ie Alligators litime and the ltvcs ot our tuture children. Everyone could do just a'mall Extra on May IS, I was convinced that thing like not buying aerosol something has to be done to cans, maybe we can help stop a EDITOR: I believe I stitution, and recall that there stop the disaster '- i', public officials and bombing that would occur if represent many thinking are precious few things an the ozone was to be You all have public and government destroyed by the use to be concerned about the people on this campus in individual may not say or do of aerosol cans. future or facilities. Shall we welcome In the pat you would not be trying to improve saying to prospective UFP freely in this I was temped to wiet yours by going country. Genovese by turning out several companies to college. So help me prevent guest HOWEVER, ONE such that use aerosol canstbut te increase speaker Eugene President Robert Marston abandoned of skin cancer, the destruction of Genovese, "Take action whose prohibition is a the idea because I did not have ocean plankton your and Airthombing igert Hall, (a major part of our food preposterous. pseudo.- virtual cornerstone of that enougkhat about the issue. Since that dine chain), the breakdown to show our obvious en- of DNA and increased intellectual attitude elsewhere document is that of ad- thusiasm? Sae thed more than enough to convince genetic mutations, the possibility of meof hehscriousness of the problem. Mnother if you are offended by the vocating "the violent over- After all, it is only As Dr. Ice age and interruption of certain such lex Green put it, I too am switching insects' sex loyalty oath you are asked to throw of the government of violence that this oath seeks to roll- lives (this might sound mnsignikiant. mns again, also pump sprays but our sign in order to be paid to the United States."* This is to suppress. It places only (thern are now life cycle is baned on insects a me' and women' h air sprays in this form) also.) lecture here. It is we who are elaborated here to include very distant restraint on AS STATEDIN the ozone article. Congress I WOLDDVE tat te students on this offended by your disregard 'violent overthrow of the date taking verbal actions to is going to wait two years before of campus would also be concerned enough to even voting for our intelligence and Florida or any political unduly influence the Students on the issue of banning aerosols - but srt boycoflung aersldispesed products I think peacefri aims." subdivision thereof." and others at this university. we should do something before then - like We do not deny Gmnovese's It Is a lack of academic to your congressmen.pnis quit using them, before it's too late. and especially We should take one step right to speak here, despite Integrity, and the abuse of a The period of time in which the harm from back into our often forgotte, the fact that such advocacies Susan respected position in the ozone destructio, will be felt is within L Offuti study of the United if seriously promoted our 2 UC would American Hibtorical States Con - constitute a felony. We are so Assocdatlo, which Gencorese open-minded as to listen to must seek to bring to our each and every viewpoint on campus, if this nominal UU IC OS %AU~ ham *,.a ,fl. too S. - *S - S of trust is won't pa such speakers fo afmatio tarncowRs a a student's fees and taxpayers' I charge UP officials to monies, to turn around and cease looking for some suggest the violent overthrow loophole or missing enact- of the same group IT. DWE 2 2 who has ment clause to allow such '4. paid them to speak. advocates to be paid to speak, If someone claims that this and praise the Florida si S policy abridges his or her Legislature for upholding academic freedom, I would their Interns in what remains .4-5 seriously question whether it the most truly free system of is academic freedom that govnmenst in the world 1, - person wants, or perhaps a today. license to tkgin assassinating R. Wiley Prothero SEG

S Letter unfair

4. ** to s tudent board EDITOR: I would not normally take the time or effort to *4 respond to an obviously emotional, distorted and one-sided letter, such as that which appeared concerning the East I 1* Campus Conduct Board. It should first of all be noted that the student who wrote the letter was not even in attendance * * at the Conduct Board Hearing, thus her information was second hand and at least to a certain extent erroneous. since Sue Hoishouser who was named in the ankile was not even present that particular evening. a I WOULD NOT be so presumptious as to comment on the - - .- - -- .---- d- a , . -. actual procedings. since I was not present in the room -- any comments on the subject would make me guIlty of passing on hearsay. With any of our conduct hearings, the student "puts her college career on the hue" when university regulations are Iron Ian students replyrOfU violated. Students are made aware of potential consequences continuously by the staff. This is particularly true when a EDITOR: In the May S Alligator you published a letter by This great leader was supported and loved by the Viet- student has previously been involved in dIsciplInary action. Walt Karwicki which presented some incorrect ideas about namese people all his life. Everyone knows (except our fellow Even in light of this fact, the Conduct Board deliberated for issues concerning the Iranian Students Association ISA) and writer?) the people called him Uncle Ho. In the late lQSO's more than IS minutes before making their recommendation our activities which requires us to reply to some points so our even Eisenhower after the Geneva Peace Agreement called for in the case mentioned in the previous article. They also called fellow writer and others who read the letter will not be con- a free election in Vietnam was forced to confess that if "slci me in for consultation on one occasion to make sure of policy fused. an election were held the Communist Ho Chii Mi would and to be sure that the student was being given every possible The gentleman seemed to be "surprised' that we are only have been elected by 80 percent of the population."' consideration. against "pro-West dIctators." Pirnt, -e are opposed to all ThE STUDENTS who serve on our Conduct Board- those who exploit and oppress people. One criterion by which Iranian Students Association of Gainesville Grievance Committee have proven themselves to be a wy define a dictatorship is the presence of a struggle against , responsible, dedicated and concerned group. They are these regimes by the people inside these countries. continually looking for ways to g-v students a more 11UE IS WINY the ISA supported the Indochinese and nmeanlngful say in the disposition of their own destiny. This their struggles against these puppet regimes. The peoples- includes challenging various regulations which they feel are valiant struggles to ovarthyow these dictatorships is known all not necessarily I, the but Interest of students. over the world. If our fellow writer knows of any non " pro. Why tQk Thms students deserve our highest commendahiops for West dictators' against which th. people inside the country their Involvinnent in what Is considered to be an unpleasant are fighting. please let us know so we can both be against EDITOR: In regards to student reactions of the Air task - discipline. Their basic motivation is seeing that all Force bombing of Cambodia. most especially to Dvld concerned get a "fair shake.' In the lamter pan of his letter he "benevoleutby" cries for the Miller, may I say. "You've got to be kidding" yes. I can iack Mas. see it now. I Vtaamm. and dtates the North Vietnamese "bluntly i- As pass by Miller's open door. I nodie his Director of Resid--ce iftk fantastic waded the South" and began "beheadIng" tile South Viet- MU0 stereo sdt-up. What the lull? East Campus- Rawilup Offiee fl-lse. The writs er gets how this new regime came to Why don't!I treat myself to It? As I continue on my way, pow.r Thirty million Vietnams fought again the blggest stereo under my arm. Miller approaches me with this war macblue of this century (U.S. ImperialIsm) and made it reaction: "Can't we talk about this?" The Independent pay homage to their desk.e to bring this new regime to power. NOW IREAILY deu't thuckthisls such wild analog. He seams to close his eyes to bow the majority of the people Negotiations can be elbetive, but also time-consuming florida A'igtor welesided the libation forces to DaNang. Salpo., etc. These and sometime, costly. If I were a Cambodian and that facts even Time and Newsweek. with their usual censorship stereo Miller's brother, would his reatle, still be the of b ghd iew, hid to show. same? Does he really want to sit back and try to negotiate. imMm AmS. Maw.gMt. e Flnay, we want to use as an example of the "pro- possibly for several weeks, with someone who has already mha tr Commaist dltaos," who our fellow writer doesn't believe Committed a senseless act? represhasts the peegples' Ideas, with Ho Chii Mih. Ho Chi As I interpret your resetton, Mr. Miller, I guess It's ghn-ifer fleet.ue Mink - -mel-v his sneic. to respect him. (The most 'catch you later, Gator" time for brother Miner. a a"-igee recast Issue of Time had his picture on th. cover and is in- P*We~ore4EG eimnat.ene scrlbed 'Th. Vie.") r p

fl 1976 M~y Sey Fkildo MiIgW i.dqe4~ P.r 11Th



photo by bob wool THE AUOIECE AND 1l4E PEUFORlME .it's hard to tl who is .njoylng th. visit more Aplace to meet new friends By LEANNE SOUCEK visitors, squirmy reptiles such as the eyelash viper take A~ip IgmnStaff Wrltwr their exercise inside their glass enclosed homes. Even Dr. Dolittle would feel at home in iainesvilie's THE LUSH, TROPICAL rain tbrest sanctuary is Santa Fe Teaching Zoo. nurtured with more than 30) inches of rain annually. It is a delightful place to 'walk with the animals - talk Several water towers have been erected above the trees to with the animals." insure constant rainfall. The tiny zoo is tucked away in a verdant corner of the Mike Pierce. a soft-spoken student who hopes to become Santa Fe Community College campus at 3000 NW 83 a zoo-keeper. conducted an unofficial tour of the zoo and Street. identified many of the residents. MARYLEE VANDIVER. secretary of the too, said. A fuzzy grey, black-faced spider monkey named Cranny "One of the major purposes of the zoo is the training ol and a chocolate brown woolly monkey called Babe were 'tudents who wish to go io the field of animal care - among his favorite friends. especially in ,oos." SEVERAL OF THE animal enclosures flaunt signs such However, the eight-acre zoo welcomes "walking- as ",Danger! Wolves.' although the Canadian timber wolf talkmg" visitors and is free and open to the public the sign warned ot seemed more sun-struck than vicious as Wednesday through Sunday from 9 a.m. zo 4 p.m. he lazed in his overgrown field. Three guided tours are held each weekday for groups Among the other animals kept in enclosures are the ranging frown nursery school students to college graduates. ZOO's ocelot., members of the cat family which have THE ZOO HOUSES almost I50 "smaller animals" - become an endangered species. Vandiver said the cats nmamnmals, birds and reptiles which have been donated by have become so rare that it is illegal to possess an ocelot other zoos, laboratories and pet owners. unless specially licensed. A stroll along the tme-shadowed paths is a Tarzan-like Like his neighbors, an Ecuador-born ocelot was deflated adventure. to the zoo. Preening peacocks scurry through the shrubs and "The Santa Fe Teaching Zoo is totally non- A SIGN, A STARE MhISC by Sob Wool pelicans promenade around the Reptile House. commercial," Vandiver said. 'None of the animals have been bought." .looking out from wiin Fortunately for Dr. Dolitti. and other prospective TUE ZO IS supported primarily by Santa Fe Com- Dolls o Hoevrth ea eGainesil iooical Park. Guys and pen ing tonight Society has contributed time and money to the im- Guys and Dolls, the Broadway musical by Damon Runyon. directed by Dr. Clyde Sumpter of the UF drama department. provemient of the zoo. will open tonight at Constans Theatre. Guys and IDolls Is a musical comedy that examines the lives Though finances have been "tight," Vandiver said the The play will be presented by the Florida Players. nt 8 and loves of those who lived on and around New York's zoo had been given a grant that allowed it to Improve its p.m. frown today until Sunday. Perrnmances will resume Broadway during the l940s. appearance.- on Tuesday and cuttings until June 1st. Box office worker Henry Fonts said that not al1 reserved Certainly the zoo's leopard-lk. nargay cat is happy with The show is tae t aln UF students and $2 will be charged tickets are usually used for each perdwmsnce. Font. said a the Improvemeuts. Students working at thi e -r to the aeneral public. waiting list is started an hour beob. each perforuasce and constructing a new jungle gym home for her. Th. play I. eboweographed by Fernando Fonseca, a former minered tickets which -r not used can usually accemodate The -n boat a DiOlgiesi Parts Technician Program UF student visiting from New York. The play I. being about 40 persons. for college students and hIgh school uenions.


DELVERY SERVICE CATALOG SHOWROOM CALL 374U I76-7*1* 4101 sMMSLSSs.esW. Its e. 1805 S.W.13ath - -

Th. independent Mordo Alligator Frdoy. May 23 I97S, Pbg. I3

March shows support for African iberation

The annual Atritan Liberation Day (ALD) Goodtn "as recently 'uspended from the march .il1 be held Saturday at I p m staring NAACP because of his belief in "peaceful. at the 2600 block of F. University Avenue., rionviolcnc demonstration " The NAACP was The march. which is being organized by the mounded on the principle of settling disputes African People's Socialist Party, wilt conclude in court, not by demonstrations, which at the ]. Wayne Reirz Union. Gooden 'upports. The purpose of this year's A LD march is to Other speakers include Rev B.]. Brooks. show support for the liberation struggles in director of NAACP in Pensacola, southern Africa, according to Deborah David. Joseph Wailer, national chairman of the information director of the African People's African People's SocdaList Party and Yvonne Socialist Party. Caison of the Florida schapter of the National Rev. R.N. Gooden. former state field Welfare Organization of Jacksonville. director of the National Association for the UF student Muvuro Zvobgo and Otis Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Anthony of the Black Organization Project will speak at the Union Saturday. will also be speaking.


By TOM VEENSTRA SADIATH SERVICES: The Hillel Jewish Allgatsr StaffWilthr Student Center holds retbrm and traditional Sabbath services today at 6:30 p.m. Guys AND DOLLS. The musical play FOLKDANCING: UP Folkdascers hold "Guys and Dolls" will be presented tonight at beginning dances at 9 p.m. and request S in the Constans Theater. Students will be dances at 10 p.m. every Friday in the Norman admitted free with fee card. Admission is $2 Gym. The public is invited. for the general public. The show will play May BANAl: The Bahali Association will have a 27-Al. free discussion tonight at 8 p.m. in rom 118 CARNIVAL: Volunteers are needed to assist i. Wayne Reitz Union. with the Samson Sunland Carvinal Saturday LECTURES The Language and Literature at Sunland Training Center from 9 g.m. to S Club will present a speech on "A New Use: p.m. (Waldo Rd. and NE 16 Aye). For further Radical Suggestions for Humanities" by information call [era Tolsen at 373-5092. Sidney Homan and Donald Eastman Tuesday BUSCH GARDENS: The Pre-Veterinary night at S in room 101 Little Hall. Club will host a trip to Busch Gardens CONCERT "Momentums", a summer Monday leaving from the Veterinary Science evening of dance and music by the Santa Fe Building at S anm. Anyon. interested is Modern Dance Group and ]azz Rand will be welcome to attend. For more information Tuesday night at 8 in the Westwood Middle contact Lance at 372.%63!. School Cafeteria. SIGMA DELTA CHI: Sigma Delta Chi will SPELUNICS: The Florida Speleogical Society hold elections and initiations Monday at 7 will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. in room 113 Little p.m. in room 236 Stadium. Hall


(Editsr'. Nat: Inside health lnfonnatlon hs a air through a clamped tube. hi-weekly feature i Th. Aflgab., pnevIe If the attack is severe, the person seems to reed.,. with asthmrltadvo lnfewatl.- n l be suffocating. The persor turns pale and speet. at prai health and pdles a the bluish, sweats and appears to be using all his- Student No.5th Sonvlc. Muig yewr queaes her strength to draw breath in and force it heR. sos af the 3. Wqvuo Rolls U.S. -r out. Fortunately most attacks of asthma are lh. lobby .1 th. Skudost keith Sank.e. For mild. furkohuInommatim p& seeotat lb. Hod lbh They are more distressing than dangerous Edued. m fe at the Stedout keilth and can be relieved by medical treatment. Sen Ice -- Re. 237) However, with repeated attacks, the forced Who. can I get kirth co.nIo p1k? breathing stretches the lung tissue and may One of the speciality clinics in the 1n- damage it permanently. uariary is the Women's Health Care Clinic. It I've.er had lhe muap. but races Ib was is designed to care for the needs of women In cnaiae wIth .men wh, did. Who. students and includes pap smears. yearly -ih I -om down with them sad winS "gyn" exams, and birth control information. 'hmud I nxpecfl For more information call 392-1128. Mumps usually begin 22 to 26 days after What', a dry soee and hs kt Swaps exposure. Mumps are characterized by fever -cnkt and by swelling and tenderness of the salivary When a tooth has boost retracted a blood glands - usually those it front of the far. clot normally formts to bean the wound. If this But the two other pairs of salivary glands, clot dislodges, the expand bone can become below the lower jaws and the tongue. may also inflamed and cause what Is known as a dry become inflamed either at the name time or in locket. rots ion. This condition is eztremdly painful and It may be preceded by a slight fever and must be treated by a dentist. Th. area Is first !oinetiines earache. sore throat or vomiting. irrigated (cleaned) then packed with Complications may arise 56 ntIfy aphysician. medicated packing. Sometimes this in adults an injection of mumps gamma procedure must be repeated two or three globulin, a serum which prevents mumps, or times before the tissue begins to heal. at least prevents a s 'ere case. may be Whet hqppem ta aemo. with -n asthma recommended. ack? How cbit. I. t .e.auy te have ymu 'The choked breathing of the asthma -ern AheckedC )PflSunlday hOr your shopping Conwenmenc ufferer is caused by a narrowing of the small A child should be checked at least once a L1:00.-6:00 P.M. d buombhial tubes dosing the asthma attack. year. until age 12 or 13: and twice a year if fli. may be due to swelling of the membrane there is a history of repeated colds or upper which lines the tubes. spasms of the tubes or respirators infections. After the early teens, to mucus plugging the tubes. Whatever the hearing will remain fairly stable until the 40's cause, breathing becomes like trying to forne or 50'.

I. **~td2J . f.r.~. I'h ic nnao nntA far ~* ,,.,ial a'Irorttctnn ratae *.*. Pvy . . r , . . s.o.y iuIm 7 A *~ .n e' .' .-- *- Supervisory $ Bill V Uty Senate Training Univ r .od .by l. O. aeno loltOi**b .U Encouraging; nt~e -"ea* Begins Today . ttnS :nest -:o mue---- S Joint Action Now n be offeddtore80maages priation bi wt aproximtel $1 supervisors on camps during the next six an eeral months by the Personnel Division. million more for Educaton functions in the State University System The one-day Illustrated lecture sessions by Gov, Askew and that will be presented to groups ci 20-30 by than was proposed Is begin spent this year. Employee Relations Advisors from the 021426,913 for the Personnel Division and will consist of The Senate bill totals -n maintaIning attendance E&G budget. The House-pased appropria- information for and leave records, appraising and disci- tions bill totals 020,36,547 ELG. grievances In past years the University of Florida plining employees, handling and 2U per cant and appeals, and orienting and training has received between 25 supervisor will of the E&G funds, but the exact eront new employees. Each the Board cf receive an invitation to attend a session will not be known until ln advance. Regents completes Its allocatIons. This approximately two weeks for UP' Is In addition to presenting procedural .year's estimated E&G income information, the masimns are also designed $62,l4 Oy0. and Senate versIcn .1 the to provide supervisors with an understan- The House bis will now go to a joint conference ding cf their role in the work relationship the floors and their place on the management team, committee before returning to according to Frances Crook of the Person- for final action. nel Division. PrisMdSn Rub ef Marioen aa Stated Mrs. Crock noted that these sessions are that th. inpected legislative Increms over the not only designed to inform and educate the governor's budget will "not solve problem at inadeqiuate salaries, too few supervIsors, but to aid them in acquiring fellow- the skills they need to move up the Career teacbes, the need for Increased Service job ladder. ships and other gradnaeI.amt Ibrries ~ " bi The first Supervisors Training session and e dcta ci cml md ISTHIS A BLW'TORCH OR UCRAPlEO ENIFE Jam? avert bnds)n umerumy will be offered today to a group of 50 Workman Haysd kekbmeyer ear, NMNext Fefl E that It wll the Health Center managers and supervisors he foresaw under the gonu's buge For the Unstltute Sf Food and Afrul- in the Comm uiore Building. tural Scine, thn sae i atli for Monday Holiay W.146S,; theH .nal, ,0*7 this Poster$s Pose A year'a approprIatIon, W.S1.M97. For the J. Hills Millr Health Cunter, Changes Schedule Stck I the Senate bill calls far $19Al0,74; the The Monday Memorial Day Holiday for roblm Hoise bill, $19,68l1,60; thIs year, 918,1K,- all UF students and employees will mean 587. the closing of campus offices and curtail- It cst the University $36.50 In employee time one morning this week to runove For the Teaching Hosptal, the Senat. ment ci some activitls. posters Incorrectly attached to buildngs. bill calls for $28,5U.,601; House bill, JmU An official of the Physical Plant divisiwi said that It custs l0 cunS, with a blow flB,US3,396; tIm year, UI7AU5Me. Reitz Union's Arrendondo Room, book- torch and scraping knife, to remove an average sized listsr glued or cunMd tea For EngIneerIng Indisral Ezpulinent store, and admInIstratIve offices will be building. In one morning 73 were removed, with hamdrsds Sf others yet to be Station, the Senate bill calls for $10,.ZE,- closed throughout the long weekend. The scraped away. 519; House bill, $l0,347,3U; this year, barber shop wllbe opan tm. to 2p.m. "We don't believe anyone I, knowingly violating a rule," said Studsn Conduct sm,.364. Saturday, and closed Sunday and Monday. Officer Rob Demson, "but in the last week ar son byhae had to canlsid with a For the College of VeterInary Medicine, The Reftl Union Snack Bar will be the sudden rash St posters plastered about the campus using presited methud&." the Senate bill, WSI7,869; House bill, only food service maintaining regular The Student Handbook stipulates that glue. varnish, plastic spayu and *6,1K; this year, p74,710. hours. The Union Cafeteria will be open adhesives other than masking tape may not be used to -os signs and USa .1gms 4:30-7 pin. Monday only. All other Union may be posted only on certain approved pinces, service Including the games area will The rule has mne main purpose, Daismid, "to preep the beaut of the Psychology Educafion have regular hour. camp. and the buildings. Of cuae, It I, exmesve to remove Incorrectly poedd Lbards signs and -s we move Into lump sum funding we are partIcularly runinded fat Program tip for OK The Health Canter and Law Libraries every dollar spent elsewhere Is a dollar thnt wn't be quit in the dlamres" will maintain their regular hours during The policy for the dIstribution .1 printed maturlala Is -s follows: An undergraduate teacher eucation the holiday. Libraries East and West and "Commercially printed or mimeographed heihSt and sign printed or drawn program in psychology educan wHi be the Hums Library wll be open 2-11 p.m. On posterboard weight paper ahall not be placed -. , fhid or suaide at billings, considered by the UF senate at Its Monday. The Chemistry and Engineering walls, ceilings, ste tionhry or street algp., refSe cuutalMen, Shrubs or from; and Thursday mueting. Libraries will be open 24 and 7-10 p.m. hail be restrcted to the following urn;: a) sign. borne by carists, b) p.1mbWe Recommestded by the Colleges of Educe- Monday, as will be the Phys. Ed. Library stands at authorized loiatins, C) poerdna cuntact dlalhfleio, and IL) dion and Arts and Sciences and appoved which will be closed Sunday. bulletin boards placid at thn following learns=: between Afdlsm and by the curriculum emmltee the pro- The Education Library will be open Bryan Hail; Pinr ShsAercas; between Waterdand LlttleIai; south S. of gras) Is aimed "ta meet the demnS for 2-10:30 p.m. Manday. The Jomrpnlm Inner Drive; between Johtuan Hall and Matcher Natl betw., McCarthy Nail teachers traind and cutifled to teach Library will be cloud Saturday and and the Hub; between the Belt. Union and the Materials Zagineerlng Uuidlug; psyoblagy In Uigh schools." Sunday and opun M6an well s 6.10 p.m. north cf Jennings lail; mauth cEO rains Area Citee; and NHrman Hall nest to te The ncma ys that -o new Monday when the Arebiteebure and Fine bfldig. courses or reources will be required and Aria Library wil be pen. The Mlet that Studan may entoil In eflher ci the Library will be open 7-16 p.m. Fine Arts -p Uern -oegs library win be open. The Uaae library will be opn 7-IS p.m. Munay and closed Sunday.

Retired Faculty Elect Officers Mere fa ik retired - merhs have wrgamhine So het Sbt Se as held es .eertbaelg. Classdoted far Be -ewy hurmS gwupemad flted Fs ty ci bhe Univu*ll .6 VleS, lao. -r, left be right, hrelen Peko FrmiS. and 3Mbk Peeler; emaf em""te ember J.W. flo~malt, pcnhdotlnet W~im MeV~em, puaeM 3me WSi- -a, emeaety ES. Jam.s, and M erSu Albsi 3ag, Wobsw bie. and travis lAstm 05er ewe -r kesemur ar- I. Frmn, meder ROuet DewS. s ad mmn member ye bishler, Padl hatms., VS ind and J. Wayne aib., Th . Univmrnlty .1 FrNa 1wa Epal tapisyms C~smFaas Ads

S a .- . This page paid for at usuai advertising rates. T,. hnd.pendn* Rondo Mia. MJny. Mop 23, 991. pe. js Nominees Listed Pedestrian Campus Among0 For Senate , Corminees Parking traffic Pro posals Th1FSena.ce- ,.d.olect Mandated by the U? Sernte at Its last memnbes to the eight cmnmltees ItJi residents, lots A&B, $18; other dorm loti* control over at Its Thursday me.lqa meeting to study traffic and parking on and commuter The elate recommended by the nfl'ns- camen ti Parkng and Tranaportalm , lots, $12. cwmiaes wIN mabelt a to the * Establish priorities for decal pur- -ig committee is as follows: report chases as follows: 1, car poohs with threi ACADEMIC FREEDOM AND TENURE Senate Thu,ra nmendlnt, among or other things, that "The Division of more employees and provide a reserve d (Vote far 7)-David Anthety, Fletcher N. space; 2, car pools with two or mini Kenneth A. Chrlstlansua, Clar- PlannIEg and Analysis of the University SBaldwin, wor Ioa a pedestrian capsa 2 9 employees; 3, top admInIstrators, deans ,awne Derrick, Humild C. Feremun, Jr., rapd a pob'e department heads; 4, full professors; I ,Simon 0.Johnson, Max H. Lagkn hm associate professors, Career Servici, K. Mahon, Patricle L. Shmldt, Robert S. Among other recomendations pro- * Soar, John R. Strayer, William Wane, Site an 'ae grades 2-32; 6, Career Service grade 3. -por 3|-28; 7, assIstant professors; B, Cares and taci. B. Wiban WNG-MANUE PLANNING BY THE rWils B. Webb Service grades 21-24; 9, Instructors; IC ,PROVISIONAL RELATIOfU AND ADMIT TAMI within checkpoint area, (Arn no I), $30; Career Service grade 12-5; 11, graduat SSTANDARDS (Vote for 3)-ClueSr A. * Ad! .nmspainhgspaces Inareas outside checkpoint areas, $24; dorm assistants: 12, CarnerService grads S-Il. *Boyd,PauIL.Dugly,MauieS.Bnner., *Replact p15cm taken by new camflrein and provide inpa for new my Rtl Wa Id. puarig humunS Sf new buildings-. STEERING (V.4, for 2)-Jam F. * Separate heU. Lg Sthe bus system Burns, Maiming J. Dunr Robert 0. fraflas- Striplig-a-IeeS. hu -s to FRSNT POliCIES Faculty Group Named ACADEMIC ADVUBORY (Vote far 2)-JI. *OhM ee I hi, several unallar To Don Butterworth, Ralph Klabrough, dance batagditleof number of Aid Administration tun ociy AD VEOR V (VSt for qupa.s e~. U8 pesi for ICC ar more A nine-member faculty committee bu hbem nmme by bhe Senate Stowing 3)-Chail. B. 0mwe, Jobn L Deileer, paces oal 1 5 Info fewer than 100 Committee to give direct counsel and advice to cental thnirain, at to Realma N. Kge Wimlam 1. RDid, JI. qpacas. requta of President Robert Marts and Executive VIc-PruMSid Harold KeOAet 13km aud U9Arn - Wedt. * E a dal c~ibus sand second Hanum. IZG iSTV AKvmOy (Vat for -a dauMb. '- It is called the Faculty EducatinaI Policy Group. 3)-Glum.a Car, AMe E.S. GQin, Mad- O N. i ~l ca park In other than Aletter from EllisD0.Veritk, Jr., chairman at the State ciinlt.e. Stat. two elyn Lockhart, Wallace Nelson, E.T. designated lets irsm I: t. 4 pan, and charges to the group: Smerdmn, Harold Stahnur, Wyim Updyke extend checkpoit to 4 p. "1. To intiate, or to provide review and respumes to plan., prposals and pollciS and Blanche Urey. * Radasgnute Ligh Hall lot and two concerning administrative and academic emphasis, structure, functional BUS FACULTY SENATE COUNCIL bays of Tgt Hall Iot for "Facultituff budgeting and projectwwn, etc., and to nrvde-t mactanlun for tin*l faculty (Vote for 1)-RLA. aitse and Cecil N. Only" mtl:M pa.n, wput into these deliberatIons during their tursative Stage. * 351AhMa dsaS prices as follows: "2. Inconcert with the University admlalatratlc., to provide a medashnm for continuing review of the viability and Cfectivuemes of sUgSIn prqgras To temnto feitn gasand In--i-tat-on -t--wprora Humanities On At the first meeting of the group Wednesday, Executive Vlc.-PrsIdunt Harold Policy Consideration Hanson said that It, first problem would be preparing recuundatin on the Campus Discussion preparatin of te bude nerte expected new.l.,- ,unngfeibl. Opposes Termination Details Sf thn. University of Florida's Hanson told the group that the admlnhatratlmn "knows we dun't rave all the recently awarded SI million grant by the answers" and that faculty Input IsessentiaL, "specially intelling -s the modt The Uivmrnity at Florida Smiate at Its National Eniawmunt for the Hwnanztaes effective use of money."' meeting Thursday will be aded to pms a will be discussed by the University of Hanson listed several other problems the administration would like the group to resolution scaling on dhe Board Sf Begn Florida Language and Ultaraturn Club Ina deal with, but mated that the group weuld probably have sme better Ideas an the to defnractlm eapropsed new potiymo public pteaeatatlon cc "A New Use: most pressing problems. Ajnong his list were tenure policy and ture quotas, termination of faculty because of a Radical IWS~.far Humanltles," at S program elimination, lImItation on Ph.D. sulpt, salaries at aduiltmhaturs anr p.m. usy In 101 LAW.e Hall. they return to the faculty, evaluation of pruidiaand ,.i.m.n.'s, nine vs. The30Khb. scheduled a public hearing Featured speakers will Include Dr. 12-month faculty appointments, and pr'pe -e of and ranmuradso far graduate on th. imrotlsudrduhe Jinel1 Sidney Roman, Amdent Prof ewso of students. and Brdaction the following day. English and Cihinran of the Arts and Members of the group are Dr. Hattie Buesn, aulastant proftuaor of ed.in," The policy would provide amothnd andl set Sctencus High lieas Program; Donald Dr. J.D. Butterworth, professor of marketing; Dr. David Chimlu'o, prrimsor of up prioriti. for tastly terinmutlu in the Eastman at the Flurid umnowmait tor? history; Dr. Morning J. Dhuer, prier Vf political educ'.- Dr. Ira J. Gni.', et at state finnia cib.ak the Hunanitujm, and Dr. H. Gene Moms, graduate research professor of uath., Dr. William N. Jmaus, graine .t Th. pripued Smut. robin calls for Director Sf Urn Center for Studies in the chemistry: Dr. James C. Queries, prafite S law; brunt Thuqui. austant a "full appmtulfy Isr university and Humaiti., professor of English; Thomas D. F urnan, profeuwo at unirnnub glnerhig faculty smute to f*l esmumlesea dhi, The gr. wili lad diacuasiwn -n 'the sciences. cema to lb. Dosr of Ro"a It diai.,,tounvesi,,.,. m.the The commitee wilserve.troug fical,.ar1176 re,.a t wee b.n.a.studs.d avala-efa5 My1. the pimsang snma er or society." a.u. tbemm~e - bo Dr. Na allow of faculty.thau Ii etabflahlag dialdsp Sd fr d,.u.n ,. Ahe Financing Policy Up For Vote falltmredutim Suillarale Other Action La Si ea eid InFrt Ohe odne to be canisi!e by Un. 'inst the iqend acm da not Baid Sf Raganta at its Jun. 2 meeting tha mEtic ate funds in - i ae ete ellnumaccmflt rmcdv- Th rpe Sms fob's. to approfl rule nmdt.UU fl-Ikdoal Forms Safe "to dify po~li ib U.E . opas .r. . -- ma ISI M V Fund cc from nea-athletic auxiliary and.0 toml and g ae S aGtM4 euelat aems etakgte -a.o .-. Rule Th lag p-e lroi*4cage m TVenure SinTrsetm S a ,6 et aluly Oem i naS Modiicatons t vic.pruildnbs and numbers Sf be sen ArcerRoad far bzprovwmant Sae Thb Deed Sf Eq at Ito Ju. 2 th Academic Freedom and Tenure Wtb a a h. .&Med Commta. The University of Florida Is-n Eid apl oymS Oppitedly anus,, I

Pag. 16. Th. lndependent Florido M)Igato,, Frldoy. May 23, 1975 FOR SALE SALE SALE SALE Wedding Bonds FOR FOR FOR * Engogemnen Rings 974 Honda CL I 10 GOnd rondition Mov! noy,' wpewr'Ier ath .nrv rng 2 * '2 1 rbdrrm 2 comnpiet. balms mobile flodq'ionoh Con,.a, or 0ornry dn, 0gns of n.tteod Siny bar dependobJ. VftC So,. $L 50or b.,t olir itS I3 c 1 21 hom,, On I ncr. lot do.ep 4e1 cello.rflat vow choic. Nondmod. to, individuals 0r bosi off.r Must S&II 372 0)60 10 5 142 p I ol.ele v''bly shod t~ocoted I block who woint *.he en &rigAOC work by 1970 7r'umo rW "orcycl. ood 'or, gchools i Newberny Call 472-2S7C South , Leading A't'.n Most' Gold 0 Kerwood receivaf 22 ,otrr p.'r honn.J con'i,,on $S00 coll 37 SI124 oh., 4 la b.waen S XMi2 Gm n ,r eno. 1*o Sith and Lopidist lUncond+nionol 4 BSR il0x ,ur,'bl. 2 ulirolqnwr 2W0 2? 1 2 r1- -1O4-p) Ouoronbe OBly oppomimn only 4 -pl Wpeo& s, lloyd poriobi. comsmn ploy., 12 Yamaha 10 Enduro good ronditin Elec*'c guitar and oemp ,UnnIOM black oh.,. 505 rock. 7O album bet oe'. 700 nile. 12W call 392-nt 0 a4- 142. .obd bcdy vv'4, slyer trlin. 30 rmc m ~ o0" fh "aW""pIIe o. good innv Nesog. far dove 3r2-7la (a will lako any ,eaeencble .44., .ve con oa SinM toll leav. p) 37g-S)U l4pJ 11Wcall 3r4 la.5t-i9) new msnb. (-) l4p) rwJr. di.'a beoutefuily hand W0 iid, compd. kitchen * hir" SI** 12 no meseale elf. 40 whet w.,iPoof relrio Sc f Icr oal. Lets 19730MY- cendeion tie.a 4vr. Ow caanocd availablecehsed W W.G tv dker tO-S(-142-.I rn'1 raw chld USE toll 372-i a yr old Call big. -t 372M54 June IS msklng $25M .Se to oppecia SANYO *-Trwck FM-PWO *.cellen$ fa 4.139p} kep niyeg bol on.r (0 5*-1p call 372-082S iot.1p) condatlo. &sing $63 call dos, 392-4C31 SeerS manucltypew.'t.r 30, fluouescen 2 NWKONLow ligh* pec~d 5mm $1 ot*0 oat- 142-) '.ble lmp SIC, keytane intmnic cludmng IIh. 1fl body. 3 lea., o.d mony, nikkor mini Sl$0 now iy rose cand, lIt OPPOIUNTY FOR U OF P CMfLOYUS5 cinerw new ItS call 392-7577 (-St 0cc 37n-se3 (a t-p) avaelabl. itgt staon toll 3774* 25 fo-a Wi. Covnpn FedaroI C,et Umn diI 7I Sujuki ISM. compn'.ely rebu'lt finance vowr rel ease potdha. up to y awd 04 we 5-24 phn*. sofa Sic .ngmn, n.cheacolly .hfct, fam.g dual 5216 nrnmabhe w,*h .dc2m. Sage0 Let us show ynu bow this cop 57W Call Doug V76-099 Mugt -e (WTaidgo ba. cay.' CD4 ctbIet 51W00 barni it you in buying proeae New ie also I0gcl f.h onk 4 access Bs $ Syr old buying a dudi 701 coil Nomn IM time to buy email sunag. .arr- fa 139%) at 377-212 (8-5) 377 IN$S la-Sr lU-ii ltcr*. a. ho., Call ledcy Wayne D Mens golf cIAb, cast, belli, fhees M a c n o Qe . W f SI .@ks All ne wa w y f pkI#s bcy372313 Lc-S.IA. C.r,ng Coreer gil quitg and sps589 3fl-9192 io-St-S) plesimg Evrh'n. m loser Msehn -,w Only USPA AvaIlable In June sellng ouj Sl coti averting nut -o hail orIginal cost sit. 5.7-9 3P64*99 *&JS sell Ca Ch.r,4 - MI' Sg240a r.*r.wresr $23.U c c S0M Se 2f (ote-IGpI crib 21 evn bed Seos e p - $0.m bed. 2 f le HuInick. Lie P.prwak. lSp ed D.LWeb.r sft 7 0 5S0 fl1t S S.,.372.5.ig.an T I. c.npl.- a.,t.p.id C.l PS , tO .mf.,. *,m Would Ia.1-4-p) Will Owrai 37679. -l-4fp) -4

The lndependent Florida All gao' ~fldaMyI Sag FOR RENT FOR RENT '

Ii P * .O %~iJ.on,, ~lLM ' 73Jg54 lbnmS 39- * e 0 JflLh~5 $~~5u ''o .111 'r,,t by Jijre ~ rriy 0. NA lot S v ~ 4'' 21114 Ii 3t 40 Aof money andCharlesBronson! o'__oIL 39_2 9110 '4 5i 3R kow Vilt Apt in sblet hO''',

lb Si 130 P1 - - - - . ''rsed Mi,',1 I0 ho .Op! $75 Female *oormmaoe nmcn b'g niui a M - onibh _aI' 3_3 485J] 5.40 p. sections own bedroom, iorq. I, r Vita 'ir' ,b*''re 2 tbd ipt q l e ry n, ' i edan o icJen rridg. 53 33 plus I 3 utie, 'all 373 92 60 r iI 73 57'2 'U 4' '400p Si-4--- 1 - . m. a 'eroAq 3''t'c rom QP'" $00.c rr, -ludei .A'lp 1125 WA At. 376)3300 U 5 4h p J' i onm tor L bhero ''!r''''ie ,r Lorga 3 idi"' house bks 'am or'pis 567 I 3 oH,' a o en~o a. vad yudns pr.f rll' $72 5 131 ,S 51 40p nieSecend Getest Flipin te Work

smile roommpnin needed far sum.,. ,ihoil Option aw io- - po re,.ig+ change all that -even borhond big yard $65 ' I 3 ut~lhties j it killed him. PIVAIf bedroom, w both one block f l - I rom, tgeit $75 ma 4 -6 oh1 J UrICFree I ION SW S ow. colt 373-4313 nit. nacy -I PS I or morc b'g house * rOom lbs 3140-pI Subte' faq ,srnrme, n'le roonmmnom wanted own roan , i4 6drm op. ar The Ploce 560 monlk '.ui coil 641 Sl MA - IUm*N m7-4l26(6) lt&p) .nol. ,oommrw. own bedroorm & bath 4 I -3AihhniI luxuty 00 2 soolt. teni't' cairn, but to camps cull 373-5441 Ask Io uan o' doug (b-)r-l40p) Iroomn to, me., far $ummer Qgore Cormitessly IurmnSd 550 ~ monthly 1.95 p'us ' ut'les Coil 377.4s21 m~anfov 3:15:3 he, G'ney (i'-'4-I0p 2 big 2 bedroom, opi so be suble t o' he 7:22.9:dB summr bp* or. furn,.Md usetoiui 'do oc near tH. med cente IumrmiI haute roll 37$ 36Q* or 376-3026 6b 51-lt-p) - GaL al,- Amm mm. no n 2 FEALEROOAMAh$NEEDED FOR FALL a-nBGIts-nl ft btfnl -ni "-.--0@0n nf~hl'lill '"hal~e" tre"e.-r" at-licn as - a shore moser bedmnMt v.ncn p99 nli-ll" I beiv nlv 6750+' Ut. coil 392-SO onyt~me (6- - ,an if all Idnd-caa Subl fo mmer S bedroom boutl I E mmswRs.aaiai.mR-MmL- IL MM 3:45 A.p.4 ok $215 Monthly nciud. UULBPtsdrn Cb-qPfM r D * M 1 byJMYGNmUd~ehH iataiZ~frtmal 7:55 EAMALI roommnG, needed to thor. 10:7 rombeoutdul pooltid. Howa,,ooVii atrnard u. api wgrad iudjnhst tog unelI $57 mc 392 2114 mii. 373 47W8 (b-59 l4I-) Subi.t jar summer 2 br unfurn opt Jute eat 65 o're $Is ma 37l-QIU2(b-St Al-p) 3:1 us Needed mole roommaot* to shore 'L.' nob, 1. home own room & 'i bath Ii n celrfa' &hea m'Pr 4 "'. 1 PON'T BE EMBARRASSED TO SPEND call MSke 377 7641 (b-it 139 p) AVAIL FALf'' 96 MINUTES IN A DARK ROOM 2 bdr Horn. NW bike to Ui- Stand new Iling fefler hurry' I WITH A HOOKER. 3bdr horn,. NW NE Air heal fit- nddm$ PI. nished 'U 4 bdri NW' 2 Avail $85 all ut1a paid opi walk to CF Is.li 'v U KNOW ABOUT SEX. NOW LEARN ABOUT LIFE. haute for the ,ummvr very good leoten coIl 376 2346 osk bor dnve oak. a---,- ove soe ate $160 a month (b 50-'4l ~ C seq i a 0~S June Rent rree' S,,6Iet Howoiion vii 2 bd 2 banh opt and beG, the heat await ionn IS call J77 8205 api 104 $205 per tN rnocth lb Si d l p ALL RENTS SLASHED' l5pc iOI Summer RGtes) 5t0io $125 PE MO 1 All unis 2 BR furnr'shed v.1 , anr Lu Kury SaMAWMNEL PG Avoitble for loone through Aug 3St Priie,. vew Mobile Village - 8-M 378 441' 371-S V~m Avoilobi CH loew SrnaonOn Lb 11_-p

mesn ".a Weanm. . St. 7:8 tnd. lie e"a hialESo

"Pour -l .4N, 'p4- I

rr' SA 4 '

I .1~ er 'p

Page IS, The Independent flord.e MuAiljor, Fddoy, May 23. 1,75 FOR RENT FOR RENT LOST & FOUND xtbdrr op* 0o tubie. Avodloble WANTED WANTEDt AUTOS 'i,,,d 1*1 ilf keys near millions onrS It jurne I i 'rer e~dinte otreuponr yi , ,oe 0r der S qOy ri in nme 0o shore im, 2 Ib, Am moiet or 2 bdrrp house oa .;role '2 ' iids [DeIli 85 Rcol 2 r I. K w. I par ma eq $ 45 Fred., G-arde,. Aois. 'p. ,or, ,.p r25 '0 rI 3 illile 'enmci vyrhi t $l00 US mo ren, 5. aoll 376 7531 to identify ( IA) SW 6*a Ave Call 1727996gt.,e 4 30 a' A g Peger e uokt r 171 318 as S378 SIS6hc 1 39p) I mpuA OS soon O 005ss i. call 190 smel 'od~nlt a ice Lierit condston toll npi m r IS 0pl 0,7 0' 76 otis, S tronim k( p00 I- di tb Poomnjtet Jeeded neor 4 resporn.,bl, 9845 or 392 0323 ask for sally ic 5i Lll Bill 392 I265 0'7 1P PER SONAL IEC ANS Q4JifTI own roor n in ew 39p ,i4 pREPARAIaN COUjRSE near U' IS Sum,,.r Fall In Spr .ng or boths rw 63 VW &.ih $6 mp~ 65 engerse anr'l I *50,,. mith oc rurol selii fl, ra iuo il kornir $35, (0UV5* rer ibl. Ike. 1 bedrnom Shag nic. vew County, nired Femuin roomrnote cc sublet ovrhnuld reol irorlsportolion $495 or loll rn m only Nd) I EASE Sor. l00 by k secon try or your very meh low tor summrre keep for el. I bdr rm 2 Garden Apr, convenient ReriC 62+' O.i',m ,niae 3 bdrrr 2 botl', aper, 3V6 j7IM $b54 I4 p)} ho4h furn n( Counmiry Gardens $e0 .iI Carl Errc 378 O ) 1 fc 5 19 mnt for summer AC drshwesh. 74 Pmnk Qunaboul ike new low Aparimeng for r,, for 'ha turnmr 5)50 "'o u i'l 396 09096l Sr )40ph Neat & minare grad ,rd ro ikore big 2 aool ten'nis court pals ollowed rieoo. S2450 nagotioble Becky days 1 - -WIRED F(Y neo 3 blocks IrOm, cornpus NJW 3rd Aye termoic roomnot. for somrn,.r pivots wida MNH Own large roanm month '. ut SIGH? cfhr 6 165 00 a plus itees Sue a, 392 0777 "gb's 372.20i13 t r r14_ oom a both shog ''9g and oil *Iec'rc< joorn 376-0546 378 0134 $15 mmh ' uris for sunm"., (C 7t-139 p) 1973 Gron Prim mdel J Grea runn'g neot quism api qood poe too rCm For Pen for Summer ' of 2 bedroom Mid-or foil Ic 39)139 p1 ______ioie roomote Co thor. bdern apt tonditioi Needs minor body work 2 both apt nice reoorinbla roil aud, 73 3150 Ic 5. 138 np. 2 pooji tawo'on Studans w.illng to pay $255 lo' r,,m tuinm,, house across frmr shonds S VA lr elerir it coIl Gjendo 01 316-4446 8-4 Village No 324 phjo,'. 377 nle, 6)92 S endmreols ttru tumr,, quofter I block summer only A C pool bar b q 77 +*r man fri (g 3, 141-p] pmv lb 3) l4A-pf 'rOm campus ceniroi air -9 fumn I bdem mrn qu'et vnoll tomnples co-op housing utilities Coil onyisme 373 8252 I' 5* mpg, ) yr 3 3 1970 MGB A spaed 28 old nwa' kcr. of C~a 372 9328 c19t 1 39 Sublet for ,ummne. 2 MR Sunmrit Hous. ca'npus sublet lun thru oug cos'i p1 l -p) COny oep lope ploa' good rubbe possports, enimet, anid applklons 1 Apis atihrnd Mad center Coil 373-5413 377 0253 .e iheu Ir' ofler 5-23 I7 9156 or Foill or 2 females to ihore 2 vwanil 1 buy o it wt used 10 tpeed SIKE mecli cond inc needs work $I0 l'rrei day a, aen lbs I Op) b.&roomn 2 bo*h op. close to campus of foreign make ok .F crappy condition Greg 3928305 anytime (p 3*-14) r] 'ublsi 3 6r 2 bach kings creek. opt 6l2 okntry gordent roll mary 373 91WO I all tree -month's 'rie on 2 month looa. Rich 173-7975 ofler Il pmn or ir *a buy good cleon used ems MILLER available 'ow. leo. and. 5-31option to Scijbo(Ioas'satg Allscuba lwgarnnmg une 20 2 r unfumri ~ morning c-2t14SI p MROWN MOTORS 4222NW 2$* 64r , renew, rsow or th., w'll negotecie rent jUNE t1m plus deposI corpe. , poo pea. RENT FREE pfrsol needed 0o Mature femnole macmote wontad lurn 136c) ciba 377 7t5 Onytme (6-5 378-1755 lb 2? 4 ) l40p) sublet 2 bd?T opt ri tha Pinam tumry i own roan, cc 3 bIks fran, comnpu, Ir'S renlolt, ar Tom All.n (co-honr on TV Allan, Aqu-t'c subcleae 2 6dm turnashad carpeted ac Liing toll after 3 30 377 7418 tar rlare $64 intl + ' u libilies Colt gail ci 372 PERSONA L Wi Kindom 'hs is - -- e ryl a' '-nio pool laundry Cmn City area 373.5)92nei Femnole loomMotes woniad 'urvirner qi, 'nature resors~ble student to kinr. 3 br, power Th,. gift al God Co this LEWIS 248 j ew aIrygegepag p or 37l-3433 (b-5S-l40p) t *,are 2 bdr Summirn Nousa Apt new' op. foll-sp.'ng about $110 + I 3 em- .,ilegtned age sib. knowledge of the rt,,,NG EDITIdG 'hae.e. Otmse,- CLASS RINGS 2tetnale roomnnaoes macwe share 2 bdr. Med 'en, $64 no- 3 uiil 373-5600 pans. own 6, should have tail- Oneness of nonkind ond of the fun slOlint. Term Poper. emperiencedypit Sq 6bs -p goorowin $46 sum 861 foll I 3 S'-p) bspton 373-7649 Jaohn {c-2t-)41-p) demenlal oneness ol religion " in aNI'S. 'bo salacdsc phone WA TCH RM*SE til call 377-n7 after S00 pm (b-4- tamale roommate Cs) woniad for 'apt 2 need two libeal roomotam for loll (mn-fl-Pa0p) lop) I,. duple. unfurn ac dis*hwosker awn quarla, i olaomna. gardenscall 377 1159 Wilt bhe person w4ho oak tha notebooks HO3E$ BOADtD Lnslu Prtrie eanct sumh,,a tublet luxwriets poide 2 'cc.m 92 50 50 dap shore SC$ 25 das omk for ktion or eric after S 00 keep Wedcqsth. Reitz Union Cuf piecse return informol friendly re-ty tlails best lead mm 5 b6m op., Jwrnisbed, PRANOY*W4 Only 24 from UP coll 377-7W1 aftra poi ry'ng Ic-St. Alp) ban, lobte io desk 4hr. Give me o cwe 6 m. a of uf $75 mc 376-4719. c-S-14-p) $225 mhO cc, shag etc roll shoron 378- liberol Reasons'ble Female Te shame ke* tying (n.-5-'Sp 4260 lb 5 140-p) Fasnole roommole wanted sum's. mobil. home 4m'nes t al low,. In quie Bmaaew In, sod you touldn' g0 we G10* GILLS Scuba Ca s -mm- qua. brandywi i Ap., comnfanta. APTSP6 SUtME# country seting $75 I otld Avoitoble could hove rocked the boat + -o wh quarter all eqoiphenl provided in- 'Uhk Pul. I+21.leo. ovlb ito fail., oil conveniences 2 bdr 2 bath,. 79 O June 1st Call Brndo 377-2546 (c-5i-lAP. the mat.,of rh.ocean Now II tm cludsng mask, lent-snorka4 waut, tank. no + '. utItsles cenl a', shag. newaci close to uf Call S7S-flO3 (c-*e hovel, reck ojoneonorhar beone(C-li- ,egolto. all a.r, SC inteniono graduos. cpns 24) iw J ove, 37l- 8)4 female roommate needed toniung loll r'nificcotn by P A 0' i smitbook Owr (b-JOr 136.p) LAde roommate own bdr ard bath in 2 qua'.' at Regancy Cohis W'lI hove own bod A year has coma and gone in ie new price $45 odvenced rag ration .ubleg 2 br -p frorn June 5$ 6dm. 2bosh p0 ac poel, fully furnlsed moor, o 3hr apt liberal porno, would time -r alt This weekend will be ihe bafoethesndofsp'ngqurterfl$ coil 5 begnning fall .inm, $150 no a';, 3 $Mmonk fun. I-Sep. I 322-1663 (c-5S- -e preferred Call now 377-3452' (c-S. -rate H ove u Mario (Iu1t-142-p) kcuto Oriamics Emasic wrl for fustier blocks fran campus, read n'ce place in La. woth dy and foldyv~ euriudry Jet live call 37U-AC0 (6 54-1411p) One aemnle roomnoar eun lux Cormpotibl. ,oonmmat. needed tal'ng 23 lb ae mantic. dhls ed Nrge Eaperlancadtypte will type eam fler 2 conanr but jun roommates to shae Winanadows Apms, semaewdat serious fall quart Co share 2 6drm, 2 boss, with 2 Laundry and Dry Cleanes 216 W ISI ta.o dlsieaman Fst aCWrOpe -n Ig nit. bdmm piv bath in su 3 bdrn' nude.,,coil Jenny, 36-509(C St I42-.) other garl.for only 560a non al country dapwndab4. Service S 'ecsotale roes opr lot sum,,.,rocll 373-990 far detons SUME SUjeLEI fun. rant free, nova manw 9p0 Plasa coil Jill or Jocelyn Sunshiisel -a, whhmce and I could Call JflS82Z im-S-Ip) usJune 10 Twe bedoom opt.AC. OW, 373-3U2 oytime c-St-h41p) neverhbe.mode tweiwA yeu thep - tEAT it UM U SlRE YOUR look at ow renal hungp on bevies, toag, pool, la'ge walled n .mo, pats 2 roons.s to tiara 3 bedroom house * mouths I'l always love yeu and In REPORTS. MANUSCtlflS, DISUER- noble homas, and op. before you pay 0* coll 372-aM after 7 (c-)-)flp cdosa lo canspus rant isS5 CO par mon + Alabamoa too aove Moe. Ii-1,-IO9) TATOC iTMh AME TflE EARLY. wann o fee Joel Bred 9 ., realtor 4 PED rnmmatesar place fe. fall doe 1-3 of sal call r3-C.924 Mike ovailtle Inlernotionol Collaga fo. Hypes's Conl r-nu3 - DebS r7-lie. SW Sb Ave bb-r-127<) Ic cc.pus. females callwendy 392-7432 tow trwut Aug (e-St-Idil 9) Sude Inc wweounceas -opang fall Scnd 37*4754 (m-St-I39-p) ilMuSt $Uf APItl I bdr, cc puivaca {t-21-1I2-c) raommale matre neet responsible term 1975 Pr.fseslanoI troeng in i'de a 1w.e 5l tALL OAK$ $tABi $3,W patio, furn 'j June rto, freel $148 moni Quiet femacla sudns to hre I badrm student to share 2 6dgm fIwn opt loll radical, 1.1a and psychological -n bour mrles of teasolse boordin, 49$. This summer five floor conmpusi CAdL at June I1IS. Op41.0 to continue fell spring wih o.O, grad vtudarnt Hawaiian hyrnos Soc$,elo. iegrea required for 373-93176 db2 11p) Ihru netI ya. Nbar Mid. Centa. Cdl Vila coll too 377-98 (c 3S-4-p) nhierl.n 5lae bead appoed Non- ner--TWO)C~ ne quiet1mae oocmn~ots wontedduiw and Lae W-43 (c-STa. 2 ,.p,1nus. femel. roomsl. to, prof PG S- 0112' Me-, Fla for foll 2 br ap. suv,,i house K2 Fomade Rornrcmotahere Mater 5dme suam. Gogorwoad apr. $63 nonib 4 fll0l 1.1 (35) 9fl2l33 ext 1363 (I- howr. V7D Hoff of owr ituderit scored $49 75 month and 's utilili. toll Mickey in 2 Sdrm. 2 BaIh basaful AptPa. uslllas Call 3782670 (c-St-1I1-p) or Dove 376-7636 en evaninos 6b- 40- sumfhar and or next yetr. $Urno + 1-3 roornge wanted for surtmrna cr in 2 wnb.Iienbal cud marvic. I you con -e "vpp For rent 2 6ldm one bath oc carpet Dish- utIl 392-9395 Lynn (c-S-l4p) bek I % bad, Cowenhcusa al in ha pines miss tis eppaflun,*y of a 4ie Mme call washer bagmrinmg June irst call an7 oval labia now own rooqu 0n poolside p'Ivaes b* 51W5 no + '4 ad call 376-124 ash Jo. barty toe, mark, cr1 8382 lSmper nonm* (WSt.-dI-p) 9p0 fer summer 165 W a tiwd, or dennisor dove 373-7777 (c-St-T4I-p) 1 S*C4 JUM RENT FREE Sublet 2 6dm ape shu awn mICr amno leae. cwin by p oweaphe I e se bmw -s follow unique marvie, bo&. I FRENCH QUAPTIP 1 baS, central c @4.r 3tflchnek No. 49 -21 HELP WA NTED Yourow, roni I 2,- people fo Exeinced trco drvrdnw'4 ymd on. of g'ville float rant oly oft Hour, I. suit ocodemni 'cldedul HYPtO$IS I*LPS fEOfLE ATAWN GOALS WAN E 54-450 -e Chris or Steve 3f3-M5I4 Cc liom, Mnn is heading an "'depanderlt BY AIDONG ANY PMY$CAM AlMt &NTAL GOaD a SWAPE lop prices paId to. class Phone 376.63W evenir. dia-54 138-9) 3*l p) ticket for pre.Jdenlt to. Info vnia Mc- AMIITY STUXY*NC MEMOY ATflrTlCS rings, old jewelry. etc confiaetiol. Coil Models wanted adv-glonmor figure paid mole room oshore lorga bed,0. in Carthy '76. km u-750 Tollcboae., Im, 4-141-o) 0121* 373.3094 (C-9-W-p) training full a, part terne pan. s'lyer Flirida S2313 (-21-14I1-p) 3 badrm -p w'odmnodow. han Dish BWiflGUnique it.rvice lts.a boots S washer wash. dryer . alt luxur y p 236-2654 ate 4 (-)-)Op) yOu ton lO'O GYfNl Jar lees ihon ihe itwnds, peumonol nloses roll ENGWMG * . a ornlorn .5 5t C B. S~ from saps-jun. Coll 373-9734 May Kay Cosmeacs looking for cowi of a trrg bikini aid you won't SitaEY h.r free sunms. rs.-856.r It -l-p irat.v g'rls,.,.ech skt car.ard need he tringi Ca.' ,7-,C ,,.,.d- 3,77-ac (mn2,,1264), aronse beauty consultants Full ime GRACIUATING EARtY? Need oe diteoel mrformaion ,Igl-14p) FEW D R Crash.s me y e 7:15 - -a~nb fall o-e on Hoe own and port-time needed lnlormoliono wouldn't you rathe, by lying mnthe sun iGn ille 54 autsd of OviII. $50 Call flee"in"W'""es"y May26 - W FR IDAY room inCont.,Manor$51W pm mr M ihen *'v'g to bhe beech? Gymnnos 47221 Say you ,ecd in f lhe Restr Union roont 349 Tremendous I W5HM.W.IUbW 1 9:15 plus uglltrees 373-SM (t-S.-14p) Nudis Club's iprin-fad padl is only 12 care. opportuniy (e-) PAYNid "t'n.- H42-) mies an . Coi 3-3) p6t1-) New A"rns I. the ynr 1843. John Sager,. boy oi 13,. Place an ts im wB an ( W m +-l si-dy a wek)f suday Aply i w*ee Stag Speed. One day servie In Tin Caes Cal 02 tollanyimeWS. c-3 10)person only Sandw'cb Inn 11O Ni 16 - bathing suil,. Soelr shorts S par'. witIs h.s brother. and ai.tene inchundig an iufase *ookpock, Join ifh Un', of Fla hIking Penmaletonnewoved ts he wo Avenue (a-' 142-p) club Allnskquoti S ?m' Cane 34 Let us weah dryand fold yewr laundry for eat .44 on one of t', moinst ilcred&I. joutrney. as bedonm apatunent In taIlemee nest Netd typtM far summer Must hove awn Wet Univ Ave 313-9233 Qi-1-) 22 lb .4 y- mantlen 4.1 ad Nurga loll Ca""St.'"", 3-'3. t1m a snac'. wSW S A.,.rinn Isnory TIii.t. Eneaunt theirr Couldbeprmnent Rosen COED, ,acia, heir removed pa. Laundry mdDry Cl.eaners moms, for your awn room (c-5i-l4l-p) Workman Phone 373-7392 (e-ll-l42-) noantwly Coil Edisun Dvw - lsman 200 i trai I.g*.lewt .' eleclrelaglit owe Z1 yfbfl Cxeie OregcnTraih ipurm.it oidrn m ihe.,., jum.11Clesees 525 per an- Wse eni vote l2lS WdS*hAne(MJ lth$1)Men ,su feed Aee -h s 9 ap Wa ve. 7,. 3'I73l ll-bt-lf-p) OyS UR 48 W#JdAG Waddingi invitations Iron $II 4 pa. 1W, two weeks delivery Hundreds @. a t I tylos Cliff Ma.11 Printing, Il WN MaIn "O OlSAv 376-9951. l-fr-lW-c,)

suffer. Or""ea 3ud Ckeb Is e. we&des Cloda. Calf fkrt 373-IC.( hdaa~mm Mps need ienuy I*. let female spae. totem Sup c.0fswner, .0n pel.d + ULL cwfltcveIL. pa.,

- ga~ a y)FRIDAY U

p&l 0 m --C- te e hair ylde I. -u y- pe.eeelily. 1F7-MS0 "S6W. LIveSa Ane 1145. $.wsew ilEelas SW naue9 55

Gale DleCMC 2M im Alt

- ed at WS0 U4e-I LOUS ~FOUND pla. Fhued S wapsaig

be t 0db,. rewind ledeekm haane natle IrI unS plees. cev e -~re

"Jowid PlUM Cell Snne m-4 (I-It- I45<) tat toe's Ptaluptee co unglasses Sound commuter pering las pi1 S If 4eund .a tell, ri- 1.5.4,) tat: Geld eleseele wse wAh -e hardt Revmamd aese i.r e .eltn Call Cheree - 324525 1.5-139.

S -- Fennessee best in SEC. Gotors third

197l-15 SEC COMPOSITE INThACJN4F-P N? 7fW By AllIgator Sarnk.

Football Tennessee edged by one point. 60-59. in the year Basketball. Svimoing| Wrestling Track BMs. all Tenni. Ttl fri~a Pte I long competition for the "Bernie Moore Trophy", which Pg. Pt. Pos Pt, I Pos Pt. Poe Pta Pos *Pt. Pta h A Poe Pt symbolizes the nest all-around sports program in the Southeastern Conference (SECt 7 i lit 10 lst 12 .3.r, 60 The race was one of the closest in the II1 years that the SEC li ht 10 T-1it Vs I has recorded the overall results. 5th a.f. 3' 4ith ?-3rd T7 L UF' WAS A clane third with 57%/points with four schools coefr the other top half spts.tcyad3 tid fifh with 49. Georgia got seventh with 46. NMiusiulppI was san.- 4 -r1T43d .?d L T-6th A T-6th A4 ku. . frkL2L kh next with 24, while Vanderbilt finished ninth wIth 21 , and Ole Miss brought up the rear with 14'%. The scoring system, after merging cmis country with In-

6 - d i t - door and outdoor track, award points on a 10-94-765-43-2- I basis. 4 8d LL4 The Vols scored their 60 points over the Mal school yer of SEC competition in tat sports by winning diasplasip. in track. swimming, ad mrosscountwy placing third a bomebS.l tennis and wresting, tying for third in b-ekeeS, running fcuith in Indoor track. slt in golt, and tying hor esenh In d 4a football. Alabama won football and the Gatorn won wraing, In- door track, and golf, and tIed for flit In tealis with Georgia. 4.,


Malor facelift planned

for UF baseball field 3yMgABKEOHNSON practice diamond will be grassed over, and A~sflr geSr tsls the fences in cutter field will be moved in "to make the ball field look like.a baseball field" Judging from his first week as head coach in the words of Bergman. of the Gator baseball teas, jay Bergman may Other improvements include a seperate be making more changes this year than the baseball dressing room to replace the facilities head nurse ius a maternity ward. now shared by the baseball and track teams, a "Anytime you have a nn coach, there .rc new scoreboard with more information going to be some changes made." Bergman (including a linescore). sunken dugouts to said, and nowher, wll these dlftrensces be replace the field level beinches,an expanded tort apparet than In the aiterslcons being air conditioned press box, a new inachlne planned hor Penry Mued, and a new batting cage. NOUN O0 th. Oaors for over 23 years, the "WIESE like we've got to get the leld in boil putk ha remained pretty wudh the same a comparable ntate with schools we're wwerteyearf.qeoat the bmsof theei recruiting against.' Bergman said. "Florida field &ao s preActe baudal diamond In Southmrn plays in a major league. bail p-rk the outfield and the wide span spas In Miami plays on astroagf-and these are the PuUUIT LWT REBD INCIN AT WMY REBD CSn. field (cyst 440 Ise boguse howe plate schools we're competing with. We're not .wll be leveedaff In onofayemerlchmnoweo wnd the frede have benam much a pail of going to try to outdo the Jon.e; we're just Perry Field nma the lagt qpans cuttury as trying to get our field in Sn equitable stat." rain. it like we always do." Bergman said. "Number two, the players would mhu hass the re neofDeve Fuiler leading the troops The expansive changes slated for Pey "Farst of all we're going to have to get cams thme. Whgs you play duslag the day and horn the GUser dagu. Fid are still in the thinking stages at this esunmateson what tbecodt lspglag to bt" you hase a 5th, 6th, or 7th perIod class you But now thut Pufls has retired and time, but Bergman anticipates no problem in NOT ONLY dos Bergin -op to aid the have to tip, it makes It uunghu. 3 P1gWa has aweped upto replace hin. the getting the field ready for practice next fail. recruiting program neat semuo, but he also "CEETAILY IT will inqnas community al ball purt wU he getting a major facelift. 'Right now I don't know how we're going lhopes to increase local support, through lateet, plus it will increase your Studt The slope Ia left field will be leveled off, dhe to raise the money; we're just going to have to better scheduling and -om innovative iteres. Usually students are either I. dlarn In p--otos. the taro.n or they're out Involved is some "We plan to play sore Sunday athlnoons actlvkty. 'ech - playing tenals or seamlag.n for ale thing." Bergman said. "We're also or maybe eves doing hosmewotk" going to have a greus. pig cots, some On. *ontcmng with sight b.*scould Al-SCteam released chi,,.g.nd hitting c.otS, ghnawa.,~and be the m. admissIon fee th, teas would parest days. Of couuie. wh we're ping to hate to chargp In order to pay her dhldrcty, tryto pwuotecominunktyht st. I think the but Barpma hr.s no redl dSdc iS with ace and a strikeout leader,; ERA. and catcher Marvis first way to dothis isto puaawinning team on the qage. outsider Pat Ball, league Foley. hitting .332. Van- the field. We'renot trying to make a cdrama or "Thea. schools that have dose ,o hase hsin thm Wa. ilacSd ledsr Issuoe runs with ten; derbilt places second anything." tdmm shea thud, crowds are bluer mow than h o .ge -m en W97 and catcher Danny Stanr, a baseman Gene Menats. Another project Bergman has in mind is bet.r they tasted dharglg" he aid. "Thsy W.SuC hens dm picked three sesou-starter as a batting .301 and tied for tile lighting Perry FIeld fhr ilt baseball, a goal don't dhapg a lot, ha th. peqhl that pay ir ee eisa ea. 'The junior. lead In stolen bases with 22,. which may be accomplIdhed - s ly -s 1977. tend to Stay a ilde long and pi usre in- "K THIK the lights right ow are not a bat'. i-2-.-4 tena -- Georgia places a pair of and a three-year All-SEC valved." figa, Tua.m, Ka. eSfdins, Larry Uiseon, man, outfielder Rick Duncan,. mdalty: they're not scomafry feasible," ufk and Vmni4fl-- ruted with mine home rims and a hitting .341 and pacing the Bergman said. 'I think whmn we do that, we'll have to make that our -n big redt fhr bael.6 pemps t begin ecads and UP ma. 3*7 ,npand 5tbb. SEC in total hits (73) and the teaed ?lgmr -g -iebr Wihs.n atIng .322. Ten- RBt's (SI). U F's David yeurs. I'd like to s the .aay Invoved W5 in un.- Ma - in goue way becasm then ate no other hMe.d with a 94 te- mum.e has shortstop Con- Dowden. .342. is utilityman. t . A * eorsd aud a LU RA; the league's Duncan and Foley are listed filsi hsedge Naibway. Thate are several reamos why sight games the em msaof the broaden. kw aaa g Itautak, and DH repeaters. Foley rating the '74 tp Mu.te at .3%,. would be hdlpful. Numbsr cue, the crowds Rick Numecufl, No. 2. -at team and Duncan both '73 "Miami. Auburn, Georgia, Team.s, tin w.49 ~andti would b. larger. Most pmoqie ane working awn.' .356. Katucky ofles the and '74. LSU coach Jim GCu gp *s aS FISH. Stat. .1 hse leagesbs bar i o-he-Vs tb 175 pog. 20, 1h. Indepeadefis Rondo JIlgtor, Mdsy, May 23. 1975 CH.Il $ Chicken SUPER SINES, Inc. Fina UF Ba seba Statis tics Is d*Iv~r-n PLAYER G H 28 KR All B SB AVG. Roger Holt, SS 48 370 31 60 5 3 25 l0 .353 David Bowden, 38-28 45 360 24 5i. 8 2 I 26 .338 4 0 Terry Jones, RF-LF-CF 44 155 30 47 0 17 7 .303 ft SERVICE-377-0722 John Cortege, 23 46 175 29 50 7 2 3 33 20 4 .286 IOAM- 6PM Jim Shuck, C-OH I 4 43 169 25 48 8 24 2 .277 7DAVSAWEEK Joel Muri, LF-CF 27 45 9 3 3 D. 272 377-4992-1062 3441 .W. AICHER I Jim Joiner,.DH-LF-C-33 42 Il7 24 30 4 8 28 29 .256 Bill Finney,3S-IB-RF-OH 31 305 14 23 0 4 0 9 8 0 .219 PLAYERS WITH LESS BO AT-BATS David ftstI,DH-LF '9 3 .333 ANITRAK.PLANE-SHIP T Guy Sinlcropl,35 3 0 I 0 0 0 .333 Bob Zaleski, D94-IS 49 5 I .327 Erdc Killer, P-OH 23 3 0 0 .217 J.8.CaldwslI, IS 71 13 4 I .206 Keith Morcroft, CF-RF 0 0 0 .925 ------e Cralg PippIn,P 2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Cayld Williams, C I I 0 0 0 0 FREEELECTRONIC ENGINE 0 0 0 Greg Meag, 23 0 0 I 0 0 0 0. i'uANALYSIS WflWH Greg Hslsterman,SS * 0 .0U0 gSA 'rUNE-UP John Chappe II, P o o 0 0 0 0 i . up m. pmom ma. a Brute Baler,P? 0 0 ' 0 0 - -- .------. . Wilki. Smith,? 0 0 0 0 0 0 .Me0 *1' FORID TALS AS 1571 271 *52 6 23 30 235 202 40 .213 Nflrnrllnes vii OPPONENT TOTALS U8 ISI 261 431 67 IS 24. 221 1 5 1 6 .26g

PITC~IlII STATISTICS C U IP H A ER 8310 ERlA SQuestcano sestauaft Safer ii 7-i 733/3 63 iT 12 23 27 3.59 Smith 14 i-i 45 2/3 1.3 - 25 38 30 IS 3.55 REAL MEXICAN McCarthy II 4-I 56 2/3 56 - 39 31 30 22 11.92 PippIn 17 2-4 SI 2/3 89 63 50 66 62 5.38 FOOD Hilter 13 4-2 1i52/3 53 19 31 31e 33 s.6z Cheppell Ii7 1-8 79 1/3 88 59 5I 60 45 5.79 Vflge Square Dobblns 11 i-i 9 I2 8 8 6 6 S.U0 2409 SW 13th St. 377-5151 Wiluce I 0-0 I 3 1 3 2. 0 27.3 Tyler - 4 6 2 I I 4 FL.ORICA TOTALS 23-25 a0 1/3 '*13 26! 206 252 214 4

OPPONENfT TOTALS. 48 25-23 3iu 451 l7i 219 202 231 % Tigers tangle in NCAA tourney I he ha,.eball team of double-elimination tound of ihe losers play at 2 p.m. then again a half hour after the State University the South Regional at Stark- the winners at 5:30. Then at first Sunday game is finished. (LSU). which defeated ville. Miss. Friday with the 8:30 the winner of that first LSUJ, WINNER of the SEC Georgia tor the Southeastern Ohio Valley champion, game taces the loser of the Western Division with a 19-3 Conference (SEC) chaim- Murray State, at 5:30 CDT. second for the right to meet league record, trimmed pionship, competes in the Friday's second game has the lone undefeated team on Georgia. winner in the East NCAA lournaneht for the Florida State, rated no. I in Sunday. They tangle at 2 with an 11-4 mark, in two first ime this week. The the nation. meeting Miami. p.m. then if another game is straight games for the con- rigers open the Ibur-team rated no. 7. at 8:30. Saturday required. they square off terence title. The Tigers won 6-5 in ten innings at Baton - Facelift Rouge, then 8-3 in seven renovations and the altered scheduling isto innings at Athens. after the ~1 (Fro pag J9~increase local interest and promote UF second game was rained out - HEALTH WOO (Fro pag 19)baseball to high school and junior college while they were ahead 6-I in MNe,. A Wl., their games on the radio. and there's no recruits. Hopefully those prospects will sign, the bottom of the fifith. HI ft. ftmddsl reason why we shouldn't also" Bergman said, thus improving the tern and adding still Paul Stefan. relief pitcher "You know. Florida State not only had their further to fan support and better recruiting as for LSU in both gumes which K' NdwqSl flmhameis games on radio, but they also televised seve, the dizzy dance continues ad infinitum, counted, set the Bulldogs home games this year. With the facilities we "We'll have to go one thing at a time, but I down with just three hits ih have at this school. I see no reason why we don't think it will be too much," Bergman nine innings at Baton Rouge can't do the same thing." said. "Once we get the spring recruiting out of and with none in one and two aa., n.g - f._ rn-. ,,,, What Bergnman hope, to do with the field the way, we'll start to move." thirds innings at Athens. -I the place Is not big enough for everyone

Reserve now to be certain of Pall occupancy. Hturn: th. eClosest to Campus Monday, Wed. 1-4 p.m. eaoste IV AntennaTed,, "'ispm sPool, Sauna - pm Frday yt chilly FurnIshed IS, L.W. hind A.mm Diuhwouhe'roudy1 ~.2pm .toundry FOcitM sauav 1om.2p.

372-4657 aSkm.u . fi.i.e,.n# by ehe.hs.