Clobetasone Butyrate, a New Topical Corticosteroid: Clinical Activity and Effects on Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Function and Model of Epidermal Atrophy
626 BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 13 SEPTEMBER 1975 17 Anderson, J. R., Goudie, R. B., and Gray, K. G., British J7ournal of 21 Temple, R., et al., Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 1972, 47, 872. Experimental Pathology, 1960, 41, 364. 22 Carlson, H. E., Temple, R., and Robbins, J., Journal of Clinical Endo- Br Med J: first published as 10.1136/bmj.3.5984.626 on 13 September 1975. Downloaded from 18 Fulthorpe, A. J., et al., Journal of Clinical Pathology, 1961, 14 654. crinology and Metabolism, 1973, 36, 1251. 19 Holborow, E. J., et al., British J7ournal of Experimental Pathology, 1959, '3 Cotton, G.. E., Gorman, C. A., and Mayberry, W. E., New England 40, 583. Journal of Medicine, 1971, 285, 529. 20 Evered, D. C., et al., British Medical.Journal, 1973, 1, 657. 24 Utiger, R. D., Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1965, 44, 1277. Clobetasone Butyrate, A New Topical Corticosteroid: Clinical Activity and Effects on Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Function and Model of Epidermal Atrophy D. D. MUNRO, LYN WILSON British Medical Journal, 1975, 3, 626-628 Studies THE DRUG Summary ClobetasQne butyrate is 21-chloro-11 dehydro betamethasone 17- butyrate. It was selected for study because screening tests indicated a Clobetasone butyrate is a new corticosteroid, selected separation of topical from systemic activity. The comparative values for study because of its combitation of good activity in for topical and systemic activityl of clobetasone butyrate and five the vasoconstriction test and low systemic activity in other steroids are given in the table (in arbitrary units). animals. Formulated as an 005o% ointment and cream (MolivateN it was clinically effective in patients with Comparative Topical (Vasoconstriction) and Systemic (Thymus Involution) eczema, its activity being significantly greater than that Activities of Six Corticosteroids of hydrocortisone 1% or fluocortolone 020°, (Ultradil).
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