Sahotra Sarkar University of Texas at Austin E-mail: <
[email protected]> 01 January 2011 Department of Philosophy, Section of Integrative Biology, 1 University Station, C3500, 1 University Station, C0930, Austin, TX 78712 –1180. Austin, TX 78712 –0253. Office: (512) 232 –7122. Office: (512) 232 –3800. Lab.: (512) 232 –7101. Lab.: (512) 471 –8240. FAX: (512) 471 –4806. FAX: (512) 471 –3878. Education 1981 -89: University of Chicago: M.A. 1984 (Conceptual Foundations of Science); Ph.D. 1989 (Philosophy). 1977 -81: Columbia University: B.A. 1981 (Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics). Areas of Research Interest Philosophy of Science; History of Science; Formal Epistemology; Conservation Biology. Additional Areas of Teaching Interest History of Philosophy; Aesthetics; Mathematical Logic; Biostatistics; Evolution; Genetics. Professional Experience Fall 2003 –present: Professor, Department of Philosophy, Section of Integrative Biology, Division of Statistics and Scientific Computation, Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, and Environmental Science Institute, University of Texas at Austin. Fall 2006 –present: Graduate Faculty, Institute of Biology, National University of Mexico, Mexico City. 1 Fall 2001 –present: Co-Director, Environmental Sciences Center, Hornsby Bend, Austin. Fall 1998 –Spring 2002: Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy; and Director, Program in the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Texas at Austin. Fall 1997 – Spring 2000: Research Associate, Redpath Museum, McGill University. Fall 1997 –Spring 1998: Visiting Scholar, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Berlin. Visiting Professor, Departments of Biology and Philosophy, McGill University. Fall 1996 –Spring 1997: Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. Fall 1994 –Spring 1996: Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, McGill University. Fall 1993 –Spring 1994: Fellow, Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology, MIT.