Sahotra Sarkar University of Texas at Austin E-mail: <
[email protected]> 15 January 2021 Department of Philosophy, Department of Integrative Biology, 2210 Speedway, C3500, 205 West 24th St., C0930, Austin, TX 78712 -1180. Austin, TX 78712 -0253. Office: (512) 232 -7122. Office: (512) 232 -3800. FAX: (512) 471 -4806. FAX: (512) 471 -3878. Research Areas: Philosophy and History of Science; Biomedical Humanities; Environmental Philosophy; Formal Epistemology; History of Philosophy of Science; Conservation Biology; Disease Ecology and Epidemiology. Education 1981 -89: University of Chicago: M.A. 1984 (Conceptual Foundations of Science); Ph.D. 1989 (Philosophy). 1977 -81: Columbia University: B.A. 1981 (Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics). Professional Experience Fall 2003 –present: Professor, Department of Philosophy, Department of Integrative Biology, and Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Texas at Austin. Spring 2017 –Spring 2019: Distinguished University Fellow, Presidency University, Kolkata. Fall 2006 –Spring 2007: Graduate Faculty, Institute of Biology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City. Fall 2002 –Spring 2003: Visiting Scholar, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Berlin. 1 Fall 2001 –Spring 2010: Co-Director, Environmental Sciences Center, Hornsby Bend, Austin. Fall 1998 –Spring 2002: Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, and Director, Program in the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Texas at Austin. Fall 1997 –Spring 2000: Research Associate, Redpath Museum, McGill University. Fall 1997 –Spring 1998: Visiting Professor, Departments of Biology and Philosophy, McGill University. Fall 1997 –Spring 1998: Visiting Scholar, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Berlin. Fall 1996 –Spring 1997: Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. Fall 1994 –Spring 1996: Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, McGill University.