John Xxiii, Pope, Bl
JOHN XXIII, POPE, BL. Throughout the 13th century, the order had enjoyed papal er, claimed that since an individual is composed of body protection, which brought about, inter alia, the nomina- and soul, his final reward is deferred until their reunion tion of a special coordinator between the order and the at the resurrection on the Day of Judgment. The Universi- Holy See, as well as papal formal ownership of Francis- ty of Paris condemned these theories in the autumn of can wealth as a means of safeguarding the order’s alle- 1333, and it was supported by most theologians whom giance to evangelical poverty. Still, the many conflicts the pope consulted. On his deathbed, John retreated to within the ranks of the order between the Spirituals, who some degree, acknowledging that the souls of the blessed favored strict adherence to St. Francis’s rule of poverty, see God and the divine essence face to face as clearly as and the Conventuals, who held to a broader interpreta- their condition permits. He stated that his former position tion, led to continuous papal intervention. Shortly after was only a personal opinion. The pope’s capitulation to his accession, John took action against the Spirituals and the theological tenets of the university can be regarded imprisoned their delegates at Avignon. In a series of de- as a reflection of the changing balance of power in Chris- crees, the pope ordered them to resume obedience to their tendom on the eve of the Conciliar Movement. superiors (Quorundam exigit, Oct. 7, 1317). He con- John set up foreign missions and established bishop- demned the most extreme champions of evangelical pov- rics in Anatolia, Armenia, Iran, and India.
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