


CURIA GENERALIS OSM MMXV Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Servants of St. Mary 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY



Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 3 BIBLIOGRAPHY


1. Basic texts 4

2. of the Church 4

2.1. Documents of 4

2.2. Papal documents 4

2.2.1. Paul VI - Speeches and Messages (1966 – 1975) 4

2.2.2. John Paul II - Speeches and Messages (1978 – 2005) 5 - World Day for (I - IX) 9 - World Day of Prayer for Vocations (16a – 42a) 9 - (II – XX) 10 - World Day of Missions (1979 – 2005) 11

2.2.3. Benedict XVI - Speeches and Messages (2005 – 2013) 12 - World Day for Consecrated Life (X – XVII) 17 - World Day of Prayer for Vocations (43a – 50a) 17 - World Youth Day (XXI – XXVIII) 18 - World Day of Missions (2006 – 2012) 18

2.2.4. Francis - Speeches and Messages (2013 – 2016) 18 - World Day for Consecrated Life (XVIII – XIX) 23 - World Day of Prayer for Vocations (51a – 53a) 23 - World Youth Day (XXIX – XXXI) 24 - World Day of Missions (2013 – 2016) 24

2.3. Documents of the 24

2.3.1. Congregation for the Doctrine of the 24 2.3.2. Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments 25 2.3.3. Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples 25 2.3.4. Congregation for the Clergy 26 2.3.5. Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life 26 2.3.6. Congregation for Education (for Educational Institutions) 28

2.4. Documents of Episcopal Conferences 29

2.4.1. Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (CEI) 29 2.4.2. Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano (CELAM) 29 2.4.3. Conferênza Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB) 30 2.4.4. Catholic ’ Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW) 31 2.4.5. Conferencia Episcopal Española (CEE) 31 2.4.6. Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the (CBCP) 32 2.4.7. The Conference of Catholic Bishops of (CCBI) 32 2.4.8. Conférence des Évêques de (CEF) 32 2.4.9. Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference (ACBC) 32 2.4.10. Konferensi Waligereja Indonesia (KWI) 33 2.4.11. Conference of Religious of Ireland (CORI) 33 2.4.12. Conférence des Évêques Catholiques du (CECC) 33 2.4.13. United States Conference of catholic Bishops (USCCB) 34 2.4.14. Uganda (UEC) 34 2.4.15. Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) 34 2.4.16. Österreichische Bischofskonferenz 34

2.5. Major Superiors 34

3. Documents and studies osm 35

4. Studies 38


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY


1. Basic texts

- The . http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0839/_INDEX.HTM - f the . http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/_INDEX.HTM - Codes of Law http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG1104/_INDEX.HTM - Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_councils/justpeace/documents/rc_pc_justpeace_doc_20060526_compendio-dott-soc_en.html

2. Magisterium of the Church 2


- Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (November 21, 1964): Chapter V: Universal call to Holiness in the Church (nn. 39-42); Chapter VI: Religious (nn. 43-47). http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_const_19641121_lumen-gentium_en.html - Unitatis Redintegratio on Ecumenism (November 21, 1964). http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decree_19641121_unitatis-redintegratio_en.html - Decree Perfectæ Caritatis on the adaptation and renewal of religious life (October 28, 1965). http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decree_19651028_perfectae-caritatis_en.html - Decree concerning the pastoral office of Bishops in the Church (October 28, 1965). http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decree_19651028_christus-dominus_en.html - Declaration on Christian education Gravissimum educationis (October 28, 1965). http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decl_19651028_gravissimum-educationis_en.html - Decree on the mission activity of the Church (December 7, 1965). http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decree_19651207_ad-gentes_en.html


2.2.1. Paul VI


- Ecclesiæ Sanctæ implementing some of Vatican Council II (August 6, 1966). http://w2.vatican.va/content/paul-vi/en/motu_proprio/documents/hf_p-vi_motu-proprio_19660806_ecclesiae-sanctae.html

1 For a more complete bibliography of works published before 1992, see: ALDAY Josu M., cmf, Bibliografia sistematica sulla formazione alla vita religiosa (P.U.L. - Istituto di teologia della vita religiosa Claretianum, Roma 1992) 287 p. 2 For an essential collection of Magisterium documents for the years 1963-1996 on religious life with an analytical index, see: AUBRY Joseph, sdb, ed., Documenti sulla vita religiosa. 1963-1990 (Elle Di Ci, Leumann-Torino 1992) 446 p.; Id., Documenti sulla vita religiosa. 1990-1996 (Elle Di Ci, Leumann-Torino 1992) 528 p.


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 5 BIBLIOGRAPHY


- Motu Proprio Sacrum Diaconatus Ordinem. General norms for restoring the permanent diaconate in the Church (June 18, 1967). http://w2.vatican.va/content/paul-vi/en/motu_proprio/documents/hf_p-vi_motu-proprio_19670618_sacrum-diaconatus.html - Sacerdotalis Cœlibatus (June 24, 1967). http://w2.vatican.va/content/paul-vi/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-vi_enc_24061967_sacerdotalis.html


- Evangelica testificatio on the renewal of the religious life according to the teaching of the second Vatican Council (June 29, 1971). http://w2.vatican.va/content/paul-vi/en/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_p-vi_exh_19710629_evangelica-testificatio.html


- Motu Proprio Ad Pascendum Populum. Diaconate on standards (August 15, 1972). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/paul-vi/it/motu_proprio/documents/hf_p-vi_motu-proprio_19720815_ad-pascendum.html


- Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi. to the episcopate, to the clergy and to all the faithful of the entire world (December 8, 1975). http://w2.vatican.va/content/paul-vi/en/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_p-vi_exh_19751208_evangelii-nuntiandi.html

2.2.2. John Paul II


- Message to delegations of non-Catholic Christian Churches (October 22, 1978). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1978/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19781022_cristiani-non-cattolici.html - Message to the Italian youth (November 8, 1978). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1978/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19781108_giovani.html - Message to the Clergy of (November 9, 1978). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1978/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19781109_clero-roma.html - Message to Women Religious of the of Rome (November 10, 1978). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1978/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19781110_religiose-roma.html - Message to religious and faithful from Ernakulam - India (November 14, 1978). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1978/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19781114_ernakulam.html - Message to young people gathered in the Vatican Basilica (November 29, 1978). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1978/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19781129_giovani.html - Message to young people gathered in the Vatican Basilica (November 22, 1978). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1978/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19781122_giovani.html - Message to the International Union of Generals of Women's Congregations - UISG (November 16, 1978). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1978/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19781116_superiore-generali.html - Message to young people gathered in the Vatican Basilica (November 15, 1978). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1978/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19781115_giovani.html - Message to young people gathered in the Vatican Basilica (December 20, 1978). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1978/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19781220_giovani.html - Message to young people gathered in the Vatican Basilica (December 13, 1978). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1978/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19781213_giovani.html - Message to young people gathered in the Vatican Basilica (December 6, 1978). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1978/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19781206_giovani.html


- Message in the meeting with the seminarians of during his visit at the Major Seminary of Guadalajara (January 30, 1979). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1979/january/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19790130_messico-guadalajara-seminaristi.html - Sapientia Cristiana on ecclesiastical universities and faculties (April 15, 1979). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_constitutions/documents/hf_jp-ii_apc_15041979_sapientia-christiana.html


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY

- Message to the bishops of Colombia on the « Ad limina » visit (July 6, 1979). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1979/july/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19790706_ad-limina-colombia.html - Message to the representatives of the Society of (September 21, 1979). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1979/september/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19790921_compagnia-gesu.html


- Message to the religious gathered in the Carmel of Kinshasa (May 3, 1980). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1980/may/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19800503_religiose-zaire.html - Message to the vacuum to the priesthood and their trainers (July 5, 1980). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1980/july/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19800705_chiamati-portoalegre.html


- Message to the Joint Assembly of the Superiors of (October 15, 1981). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1981/october/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19811015_superiori-italia.html


- Message to the religious men and women during the Apostolic to Nigeria, Benin, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea (February 15, 1982). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1982/february/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19820215_religiosi-nigeria.html - Message at the Provincial Superiors of the (February 27, 1982). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1982/february/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19820227_provinciali-gesu.html - Message to the sisters who work in the of the Holy Cross at the Fort Bravetta (March 14, 1982). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/homilies/1982/documents/hf_jp-ii_hom_19820314_visita-parrocchia.html - Message in the meeting with the clergy, religious men and women, in Fatima (May 13, 1982). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1982/may/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19820513_clero-fatima.html - Message to the Spanish cloistered , gathered in the Monastery of the Incarnation (November 1, 1982). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1982/november/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19821101_suore-clausura-avila.html


- Message to the , religious men and women of Guatemala (March 7, 1983). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1983/march/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19830307_religiosi.html - Message to the General Chapter of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (November 14, 1983). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1983/november/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19831114_capitolo-pime.html


- Message to the Capuchin Provincial at the end of the Ongoing Formation Course (March 1, 1984). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1984/march/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19840301_frati-cappuccini.html - Apostolic Exhortation to men and women religious on their consecration in the light of the mystery of the Redemption (March 25, 1984). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_jp-ii_exh_25031984_redemptionis-donum.html - Message to the masters of the Capuchin novices (September 28, 1984). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1984/september/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19840928_novizi-cappuccini.html - Message during the visit to the Fathers House of Formation Rogationists, Grottaferrata (December 29, 1984). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1984/december/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19841229_padri-rogazionisti.html


- Message to the General Chapter of the Order of Discalced (May 4, 1985). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1985/may/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19850504_carmelitani-scalzi.html - Message to the bishops of Colombia on the « Ad Limina » visit (May 7, 1985). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1985/may/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19850507_vescovi-colombiani.html


- Message to the Plenary of the Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes (January 24, 1986). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1986/january/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19860124_congregazione-religiosi.html - Message to the men and women religious in the seminary of Goregoan, India (February 10, 1986). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1986/february/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19860210_seminario-goregaon.html


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- Message to the International Union of Superiors General (May 22, 1986). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1986/may/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19860522_superiore-generali.html - Message to the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Angola in the « Ad Limina » visit (May 23, 1986). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1986/may/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19860523_angola-ad-limina.html - Message to the General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission (PP. Vincentians) (June 30, 1986). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1986/june/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19860630_padri-lazzaristi.html - Message to the participants at the XIV General Assembly of the Conference of Religious of (July 11, 1986). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1986/july/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19860711_religiosi-brasile.html - Message to the clergy, religious and consecrated persons in the Aosta’s Cathedral (September 7, 1986). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1986/september/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19860907_clero-chetif.html - Message at the general chapter of the Missionary of Mary Immaculate (October 2, 1986). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1986/october/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19861002_missionari-oblati.html - Message to the religious people gathered in the 's Opera House during the pastoral visit in (November 26, 1986). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1986/november/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19861126_opera-house-sidney-australia.html


- Message to the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of the Ivory Coast in the « Ad Limina » visit (February 20, 1987). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1987/february/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19870220_costa-avorio-ad-limina.html - Message in the meeting with the seminarians (Cathedral of San Fernando, San Antonio) during the Apostolic journey to the United States of America (September 13, 1987). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1987/september/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19870913_seminaristi-novizi.html


- Message to the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of the Netherlands in the « Ad Limina » visit (January 11, 1988). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1988/january/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19880111_paesi-bassi-ad-limina.html - Message to religious Peruvian during the pilgrimage in the Latin American continent (May 15, 1988). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1988/may/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19880515_religiose-peru.html - Apostolic Letter Ad omnes personas consecratas to all consecrated persons belonging to religious communities and secular institutes on the occasion of the Marian year (May 22, 1988). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_letters/1988/documents/hf_jp-ii_apl_19880522_litterae-encyclicae.html - Message to the Chapter Fathers of the Capuchin Order (July 12, 1988). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1988/july/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19880711_ordine-cappuccino.html - Apostolic Letter on the dignity and vocation of women on the occasion of the Marian year (August 15, 1988). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_letters/1988/documents/hf_jp-ii_apl_19880815_mulieris-dignitatem.html - Message to the priests, religious and laity in the Cathedral of Gaborone, Botswana (September 13, 1988). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1988/september/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19880913_cattedrale-gaborone.html - Message to the plenary of the Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes (December 1, 1988). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1988/december/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19881201_congregaz-religiosi.html


- Message to the participants in the general chapter of the Christian Brothers of Gabriel (January 5, 1989). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1989/january/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19890105_capitolo-s-gabriele.html - Message to Abbadesse Benedictine monasteries in Italy (January 16, 1989). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1989/january/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19890116_abbadesse-benedettine.html - Message to the novices participating in a training course (April 10, 1989). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1989/april/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19890410_novizie.html - Message in St. Peter's Square for the Domini (December 31, 1989). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/angelus/1989/documents/hf_jp-ii_ang_19891231.html


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY


- Message to the priests, religious, seminarians and laity in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Grace of Praia, Cape Verde (January 25, 1990). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1990/january/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19900125_capo-verde-sacerdoti.html - Message in the meeting with priests, religious, seminarians and catechists in the Cathedral in Bissau, Guinea (January 27, 1990). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1990/january/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19900127_bissau-sacerdoti.html - Message to the participants in the “Theology of Consecrated Life Study Conference" in Rome (February 9, 1990). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1990/february/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19900209_convegno-cei.html - Message during the meeting with the clergy, religious and lay people involved in the Prague’s cathedral (April 21, 1990). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1990/april/documents/hf-jp-ii_spe_19900421_clero-praga.html - Message to the men and women religious of the Little Work of Divine Providence (April 30, 1990). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1990/april/documents/hf-jp-ii_spe_19900430_provvidenza.html - Message to the Superior Council of the Pontifical Mission Societies (May 4, 1990). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1990/may/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19900504_opere-missionarie.html - Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches (October 18, 1990). See Title XII: The and other religious and members of other institutes of consecrated life (cann. 410-572). ITA http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0LEV2c_IL5WvncAgzwDEQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDB HNlYwNzcg-- /RV=2/RE=1455329472/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.intratext.com%2fX%2fITA1881.HTM/RK=0/RS=L8ILlbK3_xe_N3L3UxC6vS.R Mxs-


- Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation on the formation of priests in the circumstances of the present day (March 25, 1992). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_jp-ii_exh_25031992_pastores-dabo-vobis.html - Catechism of the Catholic Church. See the numbers on the consecrated life. (December 8, 1992). http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/_INDEX.HTM


- Apostolic Letter to the bishops of the catholic Church on reserving priestly Ordination to men alone (May 22, 1994). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_letters/1994/documents/hf_jp-ii_apl_19940522_ordinatio-sacerdotalis.html


- Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation (September 14, 1995). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_jp-ii_exh_14091995_ecclesia-in-africa.html


- Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation (March 25, 1996). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_jp-ii_exh_25031996_vita-consecrata.html


- Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation (January 22, 1999). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_jp-ii_exh_22011999_ecclesia-in-america.html - Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation (November 6, 1999). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_jp-ii_exh_06111999_ecclesia-in-asia.html


- Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation (November 22, 2001). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_jp-ii_exh_20011122_ecclesia-in-oceania.html


- Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation (June 28, 2003). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_jp-ii_exh_20030628_ecclesia-in-europa.html


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY

- World Day for Consecrated Life

- I World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 1997). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/consecrated_life/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_06011997_i-consecrated-life-day.html - II World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 1998). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/consecrated_life/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_19980202_consecrated-life-day.html - III World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 1999). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/consecrated_life/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_19990202_consecrated-life-day.html - IV World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 2000). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/consecrated_life/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20000202_consecrated-life-day.html - V World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 2001). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/consecrated_life/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20010202_consecrated-life-day.html - VI World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 2002). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/consecrated_life/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20020202_consecrated-life-day.html - VII World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 2003). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/consecrated_life/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20030201_consecrated-life-day.html - VIII World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 2004). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/consecrated_life/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20040202_consecrated-life-day.html - IX World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 2005). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/consecrated_life/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20050202_consecrated-life.html

- World Day of Prayer for Vocations

- Message for the XVI World Day Prayer for Vocations 1979. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_06011979_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XVII World Day Prayer for Vocations 1980. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_02031980_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XVIII World Day Prayer for Vocations 1981. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_28041981_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XIX World Day Prayer for Vocations 1982. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_02021982_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XX World Day Prayer for Vocations 1983. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_02021983_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XXI World Day Prayer for Vocations 1984. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_11021984_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XXII World Day Prayer for Vocations 1985. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_04041985_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XXIII World Day Prayer for Vocations 1986. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_06011986_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XXIV World Day Prayer for Vocations 1987. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_11021987_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XXV World Day Prayer for Vocations 1988. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_16101987_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XXVI World Day Prayer for Vocations 1989. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_02021989_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XXVII World Day Prayer for Vocations 1990. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_04101989_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XXVIII World Day Prayer for Vocations 1991. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_04101990_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XXIX World Day Prayer for Vocations 1992. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_01111991_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XXX World Day Prayer for Vocations 1993. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_08091992_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XXXI World Day Prayer for Vocations 1994. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_26121993_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XXXII World Day Prayer for Vocations 1995. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_18101994_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XXXIII World Day Prayer for Vocations 1996. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_15081995_world-day-for-vocations.html - Message for the XXXIV World Day Prayer for Vocations 1997. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_28101996_world-day-for-vocations.html


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY

- Message for the XXXV World Day Prayer for Vocations 1998. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_24091997_xxxv-voc-1998.html - Message for the XXXVI World Day Prayer for Vocations 1999. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_24091997_xxxv-voc-1998.html - Message for the XXXVII World Day Prayer for Vocations 2000. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_30091999_xxxvii-voc-2000.html - Message for the XXXVIII World Day Prayer for Vocations 2001. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20001125_xxxviii-voc-2001.html - Message for the XXXIX World Day Prayer for Vocations 2002. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20011123_xxxix-voc-2002.html - Message for the XL World Day Prayer for Vocations 2003. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20021118_xl-voc-2003.html - Message for the XLI World Day Prayer for Vocations 2004. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20031205_xli-voc-2004.html - Message for the XLII World Day Prayer for Vocations 2005. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20040811_xlii-voc-2005.html

- World Youth Day

- II World Youth Day, 1987: « We ourselves have known and put our faith in God’s love towards ourselves » (1Jn 4:16). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_30111986_ii-world-youth-day.html - III World Youth Day, 1988: « Do whatever he tells you » (Jn 2:5). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_13121987_iii-world-youth-day.html - IV World Youth Day, 1989: « I am the Way, the Truth and the Life » (Jn 14:6). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_27111988_iv-world-youth-day.html - V World Youth Day, 1990: « I am the vine, you are the branches » (Jn 15:5). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_26111989_v-world-youth-day.html - VI World Youth Day, 1991: « You have received a spirit of sonship » (Rom 8:15). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_15081990_vi-world-youth-day.html - VII World Youth Day, 1992: « Go into the whole world and proclaim the » (Mk 16:15). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_24111991_vii-world-youth-day.html - VIII World Youth Day, 1993: « I came that they might have life, and have it to the full » (Jn 10:10). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_15081992_viii-world-youth-day.html - IX-X World Youth Days, 1994-1995: « As the Father has sent me, so I send you » (Jn 20:21). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_21111993_ix-and-x-world-youth-day.html - XI World Youth Day, 1996: « Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life » (Jn 6:68). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_26111995_xi-world-youth-day.html - XII World Youth Day, 1997: « Teacher, where are you staying? Come and see » (cf. Jn 1:38-39). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_15081996_xii-world-youth-day.html - XIII World Youth Day, 1998: « The will teach you all things » (cf. Jn 14:26). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_09011998_xiii-world-youth-day.html - XIV World Youth Day, 1999: « The Father loves you » (cf. Jn 16:27). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_09011999_xiv-world-youth-day.html - XV World Youth Day, 2000: « The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us » (Jn 1:14). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_29061999_xv-world-youth-day.html - XVI World Youth Day, 2001: « If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me » (Lk 9:23). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20010215_xvi-world-youth-day.html - XVII World Youth Day, 2002: « You are the salt of the earth... You are the » (Mt 5:13- 14). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20010731_xvii-world-youth-day.html - XVIII World Youth Day, 2003: « Behold, your mother! » (Jn 19:27). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20030311_xviii-world-youth-day.html - XIX World Youth Day, 2004: « We wish to see Jesus » (Jn 12:21). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20040301_xix-world-youth-day.html - XX World Youth Day, 2005: « We have come to worship him » (Mt 2:2). http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20040806_xx-world-youth-day.html


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 11 BIBLIOGRAPHY

- World Day for Missions

- Message for the World Day for Missions 1979. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_14061979_world-day-for-missions-1979.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1980. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_25051980_world-day-for-missions-1980.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1981. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_07061981_world-day-for-missions-1981.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1982. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_30051982_world-day-for-missions-1982.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1983. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_10061983_world-day-for-missions-1983.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1984. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_10061984_world-day-for-missions-1984.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1985. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_09061985_world-day-for-missions-1985.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1986. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_18051986_world-day-for-missions-1986.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1987. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_07061987_world-day-for-missions-1987.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1988. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_22051988_world-day-for-missions-1988.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1989. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_14051989_world-day-for-missions-1989.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1990. ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_03061990_world-day-for-missions-1990.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1991. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_19051991_world-day-for-missions-1991.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1992. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_07061992_world-day-for-missions-1992.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1993. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_18061993_world-day-for-missions-1993.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1994. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_22051994_world-day-for-missions-1994.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1995. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_11061995_world-day-for-missions-1995.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1996. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_28051996_world-day-for-missions-1996.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1997. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_18051997_world-day-for-missions-1997.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1998. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_31051998_world-day-for-missions-1998.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 1999. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_25051999_world-day-for-missions-1999.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 2000. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20000627_world-day-for-missions-2000.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 2001. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20010607_world-day-for-missions-2001.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 2002. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20020519_world-day-for-missions-2002.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 2003. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20030221_world-day-for-missions-2003.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 2004. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20040429_world-day-for-missions-2004.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 2005. http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_20050222_world-day-for-missions-2005.html


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY

2.2.3. Benedict XVI


- Message to the delegates of other Churches and ecclesial communities and of other religious traditions (April 25, 2005). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2005/april/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20050425_rappresentanti-religiosi.html - Message to the clergy of Rome (May 13, 2005). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2005/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20050513_roman-clergy.html - Presentation of the Compendium of the Catechism of the catholic Church (June 28, 2005). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2005/june/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20050628_compendium.html - Message to a delegation of the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations (June 9, 2005). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2005/june/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20050609_jewish-committee.html - Message to the participants in the Ecclesial Diocesan Convention of Rome (June 6, 2005). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2005/june/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20050606_convegno-famiglia.html - Message in the Youth during the Apostolic journey to on the occasion of the XX World youth day (August 20, 2005). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2005/august/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20050820_vigil-wyd.html - Message in the meeting with seminarians during the Apostolic journey to Cologne on the occasion of the XX World youth day (August 19, 2005). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2005/august/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20050819_seminarians.html - Message to the men and women religious, members of Secular Institutes and Societies of apostolic life of the Rome diocese (December 10, 2005). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2005/december/documents/hf_ben_xvi_spe_20051210_religious-rome-diocese.html


- Message to a group of priests and seminarians from the Theological College of the « Apostoliki Diakonia » of the Greek orthodox Church (February 27, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/february/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060227_apostoliki-diakonia.html - Message to the permanent of Rome (February 18, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/february/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060218_deacons-rome.html - Message to the participants of the International Conference on occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Conciliar decree "Ad gentes" (March 11, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/march/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060311_ad-gentes.html - Message in the meeting with the members of the roman clergy (March 2, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/march/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060302_roman-clergy.html - Message in the meeting with the youth of Rome and the Lazio region in preparation for the XXI World youth day (April 6, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/april/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060406_xxi-wyd.html - Message to the participants of a Seminar on European higher education (April 1, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/april/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060401_cath-educ.html - Message in the meeting with the young people during the Pastoral visit in (May 27, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060527_giovani-krakow.html - Message in the encounter with men and women religious, seminarians and representatives of ecclesial movements during the Pastoral visit in Poland (May 26, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060526_jasna-gora.html - Message in the meeting with the clergy during the Pastoral visit in Poland (May 25, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060525_poland-clergy.html - Message to Superiors general of the Institutes of consecrated life and Societies of apostolic life (May 22, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060522_vita-consacrata.html - Message to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the for the Family (May 13, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060513_pc-family.html - Message to the bishops taking part in the formation update meeting organized by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (September 23, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/september/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060923_corso-evang.html


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 13 BIBLIOGRAPHY

- Message in the meeting with priests and permanent deacons of Bavaria during the Apostolic journey to München, Altötting and Regensburg (September 14, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/september/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060914_clergy-freising.html - Common Declaration of Benedict XVI and the ecumenical Bartholomew I. Apostolic journey to Turkey (November 30, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/november/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20061130_dichiarazione-comune.html - Message to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for promoting Christian unity (November 17, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/november/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20061117_pc-chrstuni.html - Message to his beatitude Antonios Naguib, patriarch of Alexandria for catholic Copts, Egypt (December 15, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/december/documents/hf_ben_xvi_spe_20061215_catholic-coptic.html - Common Declaration signed by pope Benedict XVI and h.b. Christolodoulos, of Athens and all Greece (December 14, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2006/december/documents/hf_ben_xvi_spe_20061214_common-declaration.html


- Message to the participants in the International Symposium of secular Institutes (February 3, 2007). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2007/february/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20070203_istituti-secolari.html - Message to consecrated men and women in the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, 11th World day of consecrated life (February 2, 2007). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2007/february/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20070202_festa-presentazione.html - Message in the recitation of the Holy Rosary and meeting with priests, men religious, women religious, seminarians and deacons during the Apostolic journey to Brazil (May 12, 2007). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2007/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20070512_rosario-brazil.html - Message in the meeting with youth during the Apostolic journey to Brazil (May 10, 2007). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2007/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20070510_youth-brazil.html - Message to the International Union of Superiors general (May 7, 2007). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2007/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20070507_uisg.html - Message to the participants in the meeting of the Superior Council of the Pontifical Mission Societies and in the world congress of Fidei donum missionaries (May 5, 2007). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2007/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20070505_pom.html - Message to the participants in the first European meeting of university lecturers (June 23, 2007). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2007/june/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20070623_european-univ.html - Message in the meeting with clergy and men and women religious during the Pastoral visit to Assisi (June 17, 2007). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2007/june/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20070617_clero-assisi.html - Message to a group of young people taking part in the "Youth mission" organized by the Archdiocese and the of the ecclesiastical Province of (August 9, 2007). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2007/august/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20070809_youth-madrid.html - Message to the community of the cloistered of convent in Albano, Italy (September 15, 2007). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2007/september/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20070915_clarisse-albano.html - Message to participants in the meeting of Superiors general of Missionary societies of apostolic life sponsored by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (November 16, 2007). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2007/november/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20071116_evang-peoples.html


- Message to the participants in the Plenary meeting of the Congregation for Catholic Education (for seminaries and educational institutions) (January 21, 2008). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2008/january/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20080121_educ-cattolica.html - Message to members of the Council for Relations between the Congregation for Institutes of consecrated life and Societies of apostolic life and the men's and women's International Unions of Superiors general (February 18, 2008). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2008/february/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20080218_usg-uisg.html


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY

- Message in the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. 12th World day of consecrated life (February 2, 2008). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2008/february/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20080202_vita-consacrata.html - Message in the meeting with young people and seminarians during the Apostolic journey to the United States of America (April 19, 2008). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2008/april/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20080419_st-joseph-seminary.html - Message in the ecumenical prayer service during the Apostolic journey to the United States of America (April 18, 2008). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2008/april/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20080418_incontro-ecumenico.html - Message in the meeting with catholic educators during the Apostolic journey to the United States of America (April 17, 2008). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2008/april/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20080417_cath-univ-washington.html - Message in the meeting with the members of the and consecrated religious during the Pastoral visit to Savona and Genoa (Italy) (May 18, 2008). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2008/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20080518_genova-san-lorenzo.html - Message in the meeting with the young people during the Pastoral visit to Savona and Genoa (Italy) (May 18, 2008). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2008/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20080518_genova-giovani.html - Message to the participants in the International Congress-pilgrimage of the Ordo Virginum (the Order of virgins) (May 15, 2008). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2008/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20080515_ordo-virginum.html - Message in the Vigil with the young people during the Apostolic journey to Sydney (Australia) on the occasion of the 23rd World youth day (July 19, 2008). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2008/july/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20080719_vigil.html - Message in the Prayer vigil with the young people during the Apostolic journey to France (September 12, 2008). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2008/september/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20080912_parigi-giovani.html - Message to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for Institutes of consecrated life and Societies of apostolic life (November 20, 2008). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2008/november/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20081120_civcsva.html - Message to participants in the Seminar organized by the "Catholic-Muslim forum" (November 6, 2008). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2008/november/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20081106_cath-islamic-leaders.html


- Message to members of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches (January 30, 2009). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2009/january/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20090130_orthodox-churches.html - Apostolic Journey to Cameroon and Angola: Meeting with youth at Dos Coqueiros Stadium of Luanda (March 21, 2009). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2009/march/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20090321_incontro-giovani.html - Message to participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for the Clergy (March 16, 2009). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2009/march/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20090316_plenaria-clero.html - Message to participants in the meeting of Catholic Religion Teachers (April 25, 2009). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2009/april/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20090425_insegnanti-religione.html - Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Ecumenical meeting in the Throne Hall of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem (May 15, 2009). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2009/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20090515_incontro-ecumenico.html - Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Meeting with Muslim religious leaders, members of the Diplomatic Corps and Rectors of universities in Jordan in front of the mosque al-Hussein bin Talal in Amman (May 9, 2009). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2009/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20090509_capi-musulmani.html - Pastoral visit to San Giovanni Rotondo: Meeting with priests, men and women religious and young people gathered in the Church of St Pio of Pietrelcina (June 21, 2009). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2009/june/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20090621_chiesa-san-pio.html - Message to the community of the French Seminary in Rome (June 6, 2009). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2009/june/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20090606_seminaire.html - Message to participants in the European congress on the pastoral care of vocations (July 4, 2009). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2009/july/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20090704_pastorale-vocaz.html


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 15 BIBLIOGRAPHY

- Apostolic Visit to the : Message to the young people at the Esplanade on the Way to Melnik in Stará Boleslav (September 28, 2009). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2009/september/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20090928_mess-giovani.html - Apostolic Visit to the Czech Republic: Celebration of with Priests, Men and Women Religious, Seminarians and Lay Movements gathered in the Cathedral of Vitus, Wenceslaus and Adalbert (September 26, 2009). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2009/september/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20090926_vespri.html - Message to Professors of the Pontifical Universities of Rome and to participants in the General Assembly of the International Federation of Catholic Universities (November 19, 2009). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2009/november/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20091119_atenei-romani.html - Message to participants in the Sixth World Congress on the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees (November 9, 2009). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2009/november/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20091109_migranti.html


- Message to participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (January 15, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/january/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20100115_cfaith.html - Meeting with the youth of Rome and the Lazio region in preparation for World Youth Day (March 25, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/march/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20100325_giovani.html - Message to the participants in the Conference organized by the Congregation for the Clergy (March 12, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/march/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20100312_clero.html - Apostolic Journey to Malta: Meeting with young people at the Grand Harbour of Valletta (April 18, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/april/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20100418_incontro-giovani.html - Message to participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (May 28, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20100528_migranti.html - Message to participants in the General Assembly of the Pontifical Mission Societies (May 21, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20100521_pom.html - Apostolic Journey to Portugal on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the of Jacinta and Francisco: Vespers with priests, religious, deacons and seminarians (May 12, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20100512_vespri-fatima.html - Apostolic Journey to Portugal on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Beatification of Jacinta and Francisco: Greeting to the young people gathered in front of the (May 11, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20100511_giovani-nunziatura.html - Pastoral Visit to Turin: Meeting with the young people in St. Charles Square (May 2, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20100502_incontro-giovani.html - Vigil on the occasion of the International Meeting of Priests (June 10, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/june/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20100610_concl-anno-sac.html - Message to a delegation of organizers of the 2011 World Youth Day (July 2, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/july/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20100702_madrid-vivo.html - Apostolic Journey to the United Kingdom: Meeting with the world of Catholic Education in the Chapel and Sports Arena of St Mary’s University College in Twickenham (September 17, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/september/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20100917_mondo-educ.html - Message to Bishops recently appointed taking part in a seminar sponsored by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (September 11, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/september/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20100911_seminario-evang.html - Pastoral Visit to Palermo: Meeting with the young people (October 3, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/october/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20101003_palermo-giovani.html - Pastoral Visit to Palermo: Meeting with bishops, priests, religious people and seminarians (October 3, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/october/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20101003_palermo-cattedrale.html - Message to Participants in the General Assembly of the Union of Superiors General (USG) and of the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) (November 26, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/november/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20101126_superiori-generali.html


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY

- Message to the International Theological Commission (December 3, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/december/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20101203_cti.html


- Message to participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for Catholic Education (for Seminaries and Educational Institutions) (February 7, 2011). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2011/february/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20110207_cong-educ-cattolica.html - Message to participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Promoting (May 30, 2011). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2011/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20110530_nuova-evangelizzazione.html - Message to participants in the meeting promoted by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Encyclical (May 16, 2011). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2011/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20110516_justpeace.html - Pastoral Visit to the Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro: Meeting with the young people of the Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro (June 19, 2011). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2011/june/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20110619_giovani-san-marino.html - Apostolic Journey to Croatia: Liturgy of Vespers with Bishops, Priests, Religious People, and Seminarians and prayer at the tomb of Blessed Alojzije Viktor Stepinac at the Cathedral dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Mary and to St. Stephen (June 5, 2011). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2011/june/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20110605_vespri-croazia.html - Apostolic Journey to Croatia: Prayer Vigil with the Croatian youth in Bano Josip Jelačič square (June 4, 2011). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2011/june/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20110604_veglia-croazia.html - Apostolic Journey to Madrid: Meeting with young university professors gathered in the Basilica de San Lorenzo de (August 19, 2011). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2011/august/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20110819_docenti-el-escorial.html - Apostolic Journey to Madrid: Meeting with women religious at Patio de los Reyes de El Escorial (August 19, 2011). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2011/august/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20110819_religiose-el-escorial.html - Apostolic Journey to Madrid: Welcome ceremony with young people at Plaza de Cibeles - Address of the Holy Father (August 18, 2011). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2011/august/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20110818_accoglienza-giovani2-madrid.html - Apostolic Journey to : Meeting with seminarians at St Charles Borromeo Seminary Chapel (September 24, 2011). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2011/september/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20110924_seminarians-freiburg.html - Meeting for peace in Assisi: Day of reflection, dialogue, and prayer for peace and justice in the world. "Pilgrims of Truth, Pilgrims of Peace" (October 27, 2011). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2011/october/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20111027_assisi.html - Message to participants in the meeting promoted by the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization (October 15, 2011). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2011/october/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20111015_nuova-evangelizzazione.html - Apostolic Journey to Benin: Meeting with priests, seminarians, men and women religious and lay faithful gathered in the Courtyard of St Gall Seminary (November 19, 2011). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2011/november/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20111119_sac-seminaristi.html - Message to participants in the Third World Congress for the Pastoral Care of Foreign Students promoted by the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (December 2, 2011). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2011/december/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20111202_pastorale-studenti.html - Message to members of the International Theological Commission (December 2, 2011). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2011/december/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20111202_comm-teologica.html


- Message to participants in the Plenary Meeting of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (January 27, 2012). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2012/january/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20120127_dottrina-fede.html - Message to young people from the Archdiocese of Madrid (April 2, 2012). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2012/april/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20120402_giovani-madrid.html


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 17 BIBLIOGRAPHY

- Message to the delegation of the "Latin American Jewish Congress" (May 10, 2012). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2012/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20120510_judios-lat-american.html - Apostolic Journey to Lebanon: Meeting with the youth in the square across from the Maronite Patriarchate of Bkerké (September 15, 2012). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2012/september/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20120915_giovani.html - Message to participants in the 23rd International Mariological-Marian Congress (September 8, 2012). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2012/september/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20120908_23congr-mariologico.html - Message to recently appointed bishops of mission countries who were taking part in the formation course organized by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (September 7, 2012). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2012/september/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20120907_nuovi-vescovi.html - Taizé: European Youth Meeting (December 29, 2012). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2012/december/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20121229_taize.html - Article by the Holy Father Benedict XVI in the Financial Times "A time for Christians to engage with the world" (December 20, 2012). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2012/december/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20121220_financial-times.html - Message to the International Theological Commission on the occasion of its annual Plenary Assembly (December 7, 2012). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2012/december/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20121207_cti.html - Message to participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace (December 3, 2012). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2012/december/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20121203_justpeace.html


- Message to members of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches (January 25, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2013/january/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20130125_comm-theological-dialogue.html - Meeting with the Parish Priests and the Clergy of the Rome Diocese (February 14, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2013/february/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20130214_clero-roma.html

- World Day for Consecrated Life

- X World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 2006). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/homilies/2006/documents/hf_ben-xvi_hom_20060202_presentation-lord.html - XI World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 2007). http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/speeches/2007/february/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20070202_festa-presentazione_en.html - XII World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 2008). http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/speeches/2008/february/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20080202_vita-consacrata_en.html - XIII World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 2009). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/homilies/2009/documents/hf_ben-xvi_hom_20090202_vita-consacrata.html - XIV World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 2010). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/homilies/2010/documents/hf_ben-xvi_hom_20100202_vita-consacrata.html - XV World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 2011). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/homilies/2011/documents/hf_ben-xvi_hom_20110202_vita-consacrata.html - XVI World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 2012). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/homilies/2012/documents/hf_ben-xvi_hom_20120202_vita-consacrata.html - XVII World Day For Consecrated Life, (February 2, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/homilies/2013/documents/hf_ben-xvi_hom_20130202_vita-consacrata.html

- World Day of Prayer for Vocations

- Message for the XLIII World Day Prayer for Vocations 2006. http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20060305_xliii-vocations.html - Message for the XLIV World Day Prayer for Vocations 2007. http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20070210_xliv-vocations.html - Message for the XLV World Day Prayer for Vocations 2008. http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20071203_xlv-vocations.html


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- Message for the XLVI World Day Prayer for Vocations 2009. http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20090120_xlvi-vocations.html - Message for the XLVII World Day Prayer for Vocations 2010. http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20091113_xlvii-vocations.html - Message for the XLVIII World Day Prayer for Vocations 2011. http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20101115_xlviii-vocations.html - Message for the XLIX World Day Prayer for Vocations 2012. http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20111018_xlix-vocations.html - Message for the L World Day Prayer for Vocations 2013. http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/vocations/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20121006_l-vocations.html

- World Youth Day

- XXI World Youth Day, 2006: « Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path » (Ps 119 [118]:105). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20060222_youth.html - XXII World Youth Day, 2007: « Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another » (Jn 13:34). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20070127_youth.html - XXIII World Youth Day, 2008: « You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses » (:8). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20070720_youth.html - XXIV World Youth Day, 2009: « We have set our on the living God » (1Tm 4:10). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20090222_youth.html - XXV World Youth Day, 2010: « Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? » (Mk 10:17). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20100222_youth.html - XXVI World Youth Day, 2011: « Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith » (cf. Col 2:7). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20100806_youth.html - XXVII World Youth Day, 2012: « Rejoice in the Lord always » (Phil 4:4). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20120315_youth.html - XXVIII World Youth Days, 2013: « Go and make disciples of all nations! » (cf. Mt 28:19). http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/youth/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20121018_youth.html

- World Day for Missions

- Message for the World Day for Missions 2006. http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20060429_world-mission-day-2006.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 2007. http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20070527_world-mission-day-2007.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 2008. http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20080511_world-mission-day-2008.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 2009. http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20090629_world-mission-day-2009.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 2010. http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20100206_world-mission-day-2010.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 2011. http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20110106_world-mission-day-2011.html - Message for the World Day for Missions 2012. http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/messages/missions/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20120106_world-mission-day-2012.html

2.2.4. Francis


- Message to the participants in the Plenary of the pontifical Council for the pastoral care of migrants and itinerant people, Clementine Hall (May 24, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2013/may/documents/papa-francesco_20130524_migranti-itineranti.html - Message to the participants in the meeting of the Pontifical Mission Societies (May 17, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2013/may/documents/papa-francesco_20130517_pont-opere-missionarie.html


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- Encyclical letter to the bishops, priests and deacons, consecrated persons and the lay faithful on faith. (June 29, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en//documents/papa-francesco_20130629_enciclica-lumen-fidei.html - Apostolic journey to on the occasion of the XXVIII World youth day. Prayer Vigil with the young people (July 27, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2013/july/documents/papa-francesco_20130727_gmg-veglia-giovani.html - Apostolic journey to Rio de Janeiro on the occasion of the XXVIII World youth day. Way of the Cross with the young people on the waterfront of Copacabana (July 26, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2013/july/documents/papa-francesco_20130726_gmg-via-crucis-rio.html - Apostolic journey to Rio de Janeiro on the occasion of the XXVIII World youth day. Welcoming Ceremony by the young people on the waterfront of Copacabana (July 25, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2013/july/documents/papa-francesco_20130725_gmg-giovani-rio.html - Apostolic journey to Rio de Janeiro on the occasion of the XXVIII World youth day. Meeting with the youth from gathered in the Cathedral of San Sebastián (July 25, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2013/july/documents/papa-francesco_20130725_gmg-argentini-rio.html - Message to the seminarians and novices from various countries of the world on the occasion of the Year of Faith (July 6, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2013/july/documents/papa-francesco_20130706_incontro-seminaristi.html - Message to the Students and Teachers of the Seibu Gakuen Bunri Junior High School of Saitama, Tokyo, Japan (August 21, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2013/august/documents/papa-francesco_20130821_collegio-saitama-giappone.html - Meeting with young people at the conclusion of the event "Cast your nets" in Largo Carlo Felice (September 22, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2013/september/documents/papa-francesco_20130922_giovani-cagliari.html - Message to the participants in the Plenary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization (October 14, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2013/october/documents/papa-francesco_20131014_plenaria-consiglio-nuova- evangelizzazione.html - Message to the Cloistered Nuns (October 4, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2013/october/documents/papa-francesco_20131004_monache-assisi.html - Meeting with the Clergy, Consecrated People and Members of the Diocesan Pastoral Councils at San Rufino Cathedral (October 4, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2013/october/documents/papa-francesco_20131004_clero-assisi.html - Message to the participants in the meeting organized by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace on the 50th anniversary of (October 3, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2013/october/documents/papa-francesco_20131003_50-pacem-in-terris.html - Message to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue (November 28, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2013/november/documents/papa-francesco_20131128_pc-dialogo-interreligioso.html - Apostolic Exhortation to the bishops, clergy, consecrated persons and the lay faithful on the proclamation of the Gospel in today’s world. (November 24, 2013) http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations/documents/papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20131124_evangelii-gaudium.html - Message to the members of the International Theological Commission (December 6, 2013). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2013/december/documents/papa-francesco_20131206_commissione-teologica.html


- Message to the participants in the Plenary Session of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (January 31, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/january/documents/papa-francesco_20140131_plenaria-dottrina-fede.html - Message to the participants in the Plenary Session of the Congregation for Catholic Education (for Educational Institutions) (February 13, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/february/documents/papa-francesco_20140213_congregazione-educazione- cattolica.html - A letter REJOICE! to consecrated men and women. (February 2, 2014). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccscrlife/documents/rc_con_ccscrlife_doc_20140202_rallegratevi-lettera-consacrati_en.html - Message to the participants in the course sponsored by the (March 28, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/march/documents/papa-francesco_20140328_corso-penitenzieria-apostolica.html


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- Message to the participants in the International Conference on Combating Human Trafficking (April 10, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/april/documents/papa-francesco_20140410_tratta-persone-umane.html - Message to the members of the Organizing Committee of the World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (April 7, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/april/documents/papa-francesco_20140407_comitato-organizzatore-gmg.html - Meeting with priests, religious and seminarians in the Church of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives, Jerusalem (May 26, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/may/documents/papa-francesco_20140526_terra-santa-religiosi.html - Message to the students and teachers from schools across Italy (May 10, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/may/documents/papa-francesco_20140510_mondo-della-scuola.html - Message to the participants of the General Assembly of the Italian Conference of Secular Institutes (May 10, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/may/documents/papa-francesco_20140510_conferenza-italiana-istituti-secolari.html - Message to the participants in the meeting of the Pontifical Mission Societies (May 9, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/may/documents/papa-francesco_20140509_pontificie-opere-missionarie.html - Greeting to a group of young people from the Diocese of Rome who are involved in vocational discernment (June 28, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/june/documents/papa-francesco_20140628_giovani-diocesi-roma.html - Message to the participants in the Conference on International Religious Freedom and the Global Clash of Values (June 20, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/june/documents/papa-francesco_20140620_liberta-religiosa.html - Message to the participants in the Conference promoted by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace on "Impact Investing for the Poor" (June 16, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/june/documents/papa-francesco_20140616_convegno-justpeace.html - Meeting with the religious communities of Korea at the Training Center "School of Love" in Kkottongnae (August 16, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/august/documents/papa-francesco_20140816_corea-comunita-religiose.html - Celebration of Vespers with priests, men and women religious, seminarians and various lay movements in the Cathedral of Tirana (September 21, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/september/documents/papa-francesco_20140921_albania-celebrazione-vespri.html - Meeting with the leaders of other religions and other Christian denominations at the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel", Tirana (September 21, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/september/documents/papa-francesco_20140921_albania-leaders- altre-religioni.html - Message to the Bishops taking part in the Seminar organized by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (September 20, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/september/documents/papa-francesco_20140920_vescovi-seminario-propaganda.html - Message to the participants in the Meeting sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization (September 19, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/september/documents/papa-francesco_20140919_nuova-evangelizzazione.html - Message to the participants in the International Meeting of Directors of "Scholas Occurrentes" (September 4, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/september/documents/papa-francesco_20140904_direttori-scholas-occurrentes.html - Video conference of with the students of the Scholas social network gathered from 5 continents (September 4, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/september/documents/papa-francesco_20140904_videoconferenza-piattaforma- scholas.html - Message to the Plenary of the Congregation for the Clergy (October 3, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/october/documents/papa-francesco_20141003_plenaria-congregazione-clero.html - Message to the participants in the Plenary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace (October 2, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/october/documents/papa-francesco_20141002_pont-consiglio-giustizia-e-pace.html - Apostolic Journey to Turkey: Greeting to young refugees assisted by the Salesians, Istanbul (November 30, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/november/documents/papa-francesco_20141130_turchia--salesiano.html - Message to the participants in the Plenary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (November 27, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/november/documents/papa-francesco_20141127_plenaria-vita-consacrata.html


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- Message to the participants in the International Colloquium on the complementarity between man and woman sponsored by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (November 17, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/november/documents/papa-francesco_20141117_congregazione-dottrina-fede.html


- Message to the participants in the International Congress sponsored by the of of the Pontifical Gregorian University (January 24, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/january/documents/papa-francesco_20150124_congresso-diritto-canonico.html - Message to the participants in the Ecumenical Colloquium of Men and Women Religious, held by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (January 24, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/january/documents/papa-francesco_20150124_colloquio-ecumenico-religiosi.html - Sri Lanka - Philippines: Meeting with the young people in the sports field of Santo Tomas University, Manila (January 18, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/january/documents/papa-francesco_20150118_srilanka-filippine- incontro-giovani.html - Sri Lanka - Philippines: Meeting with Priests, Religious, Seminarians and families of survivors of Typhoon Yolanda, Cathedral of Palo (January 17, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/january/documents/papa-francesco_20150117_srilanka-filippine-cattedrale-palo.html - Sri Lanka - Philippines: Marian prayer at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary, Madhu (January 14, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/january/documents/papa-francesco_20150114_srilanka-filippine-preghiera- mariana.html - Sri Lanka - Philippines: Interreligious Meeting at Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (January 13, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/january/documents/papa-francesco_20150113_srilanka-filippine-incontro- interreligioso.html - Closing ceremony of the Fourth World Congress sponsored by "Scholas Occurrentes" (February 5, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/february/documents/papa-francesco_20150205_scholas-occurrentes.html - Pastoral Visit: Meeting with young people on the Caracciolo Seafront, Naples, Italy (March 21, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/march/documents/papa-francesco_20150321_napoli-pompei-giovani.html - Pastoral Visit: Meeting with the Clergy, Men and Women Religious and Permanent Deacons gathered in the Cathedral, Naples, Italy (March 21, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/march/documents/papa-francesco_20150321_napoli-pompei-incontro-duomo.html - Message to the members of the Italian Union of Teachers, Managers, Educators and Trainers [UCIIM] (March 14, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/march/documents/papa-francesco_20150314_uciim.html - Message to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization (May 29, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/may/documents/papa-francesco_20150529_nuova-evangelizzazione.html - Message to the Religious People of the Diocese of Rome (May 16, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/may/documents/papa-francesco_20150516_religiosi-roma.html - Message to the Members of the International Council of Christians and Jews (June 30, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/june/documents/papa-francesco_20150630_iccj.html - Message to the delegate women of the "Conférence Internationale Catholique du Guidisme" (June 26, 2015). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/it/speeches/2015/june/documents/papa-francesco_20150626_guidisme.html - Apostolic Journey to Sarajevo: Meeting with the young people at the "John Paul II" Diocesan Youth Centre (June 6, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/june/documents/papa-francesco_20150606_sarajevo-giovani.html - Apostolic Journey to Sarajevo: Ecumenical and Interreligious Meeting at the Franciscan International Study Centre (June 6, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/june/documents/papa-francesco_20150606_sarajevo-incontro-ecumenico.html - Apostolic Journey - Paraguay: Meeting with young people at the “Costanera” riverside area, Asunción (July 12, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/july/documents/papa-francesco_20150712_paraguay-giovani.html - Apostolic Journey - Bolivia: Meeting with Clergy, Religious and Seminarians at the Coliseum of Don Bosco College, Santa Cruz de la Sierra (July 9, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/july/documents/papa-francesco_20150709_bolivia-religiosi.html


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- Apostolic Journey - Ecuador: Meeting with Clergy, Religious and Seminarians, National Marian Shrine of “El Quinche” (July 8, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/july/documents/papa-francesco_20150708_ecuador-religiosi.html - Apostolic Journey - Ecuador: Meeting with Educators, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (July 7, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/july/documents/papa-francesco_20150707_ecuador-scuola-universita.html - Apostolic Journey - United States of America: Meeting with victims of sexual abuse, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary – Philadelphia (September 27, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/september/documents/papa-francesco_20150927_usa-vittime-abusi.html - Apostolic Journey - United States of America: Meeting for Religious Liberty with the Hispanic community and other immigrants at the Independence Mall, Philadelphia (September 26, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/september/documents/papa-francesco_20150926_usa-liberta-religiosa.html - Apostolic Journey - United States of America: Interreligious encounter at the Ground Zero memorial, New York (September 25, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/september/documents/papa-francesco_20150925_usa-ground-zero.html - Audience to young consecrated persons (September 17, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/september/documents/papa-francesco_20150917_giovani-consacrati.html - Message to the participants in the Meeting sponsored by the “Foundation for sustainable development” on “Environmental justice and climate change” (September 11, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/september/documents/papa-francesco_20150911_fondazione-sviluppo- sostenibile.html - Message to the participants in the Fourth Course for the Formation of Military Chaplains on International Humanitarian Law promoted by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace (October 26, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/october/documents/papa-francesco_20151026_cappellani-militari.html - Apostolic Journey - Uganda: Meeting with Priests, Men and Women Religious and Seminarians at St Mary’s Cathedral, Kampala (November 28, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/november/documents/papa-francesco_20151128_uganda-religiosi.html - Apostolic Journey - Kenya: Meeting with Clergy, Men and Women Religious and Seminarians in the sports field of St Mary’s School, (November 26, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/november/documents/papa-francesco_20151126_kenya-religiosi.html - Message to the participants in the World Congress on “Educating Today and Tomorrow. A Renewing Passion” (November 21, 2015). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/it/speeches/2015/november/documents/papa-francesco_20151121_congresso-educazione- cattolica.html - Message to the participants in the Convention sponsored by the Congregation for the Clergy on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Conciliar Decrees “” and “” (November 20, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/november/documents/papa-francesco_20151120_formazione-sacerdoti.html - Message to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (December 3, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/december/documents/papa-francesco_20151203_plenaria-propaganda-fide.html


- Message to the participants in the Plenary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (January 29, 2016). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/it/speeches/2016/january/documents/papa-francesco_20160129_plenaria-dottrina-fede.html - Message to the participants in the Congress on the Encyclical of Benedict XVI on the tenth anniversary of its publication (February 26, 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2016/february/documents/papa-francesco_20160217_messico-conferenza-stampa.html - Apostolic Journey to Mexico: Meeting with young people in the “José María Morelos y Pavón” stadium, Morelia (February 16, 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2016/february/documents/papa-francesco_20160216_messico-giovani.html - Apostolic Journey to Mexico: Meeting with the Bishops of Mexico gathered in the Cathedral, Mexico City (February 13, 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2016/february/documents/papa-francesco_20160213_messico-vescovi.html


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- Meeting of Pope Francis with His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia - Signing of the Joint Declaration, Havana – Cuba (February 12, 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2016/february/documents/papa-francesco_20160212_dichiarazione-comune-kirill.html - Message to the participants in the Jubilee for Consecrated Life (February 1rst., 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2016/february/documents/papa-francesco_20160201_giubileo-vita-consacrata.html - Message to the participants in a Course sponsored by the Apostolic Penitentiary (March 4, 2016). ITA http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/it/speeches/2016/march/documents/papa-francesco_20160304_corso-penitenzieria-apostolica.html - Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. Jubilee of deacons. Homily (May 29, 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/homilies/2016/documents/papa-francesco_20160529_omelia-giubileo-diaconi.html - Message to the International Union of Superiors General –UISG. (May 12, 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2016/may/documents/papa-francesco_20160512_uisg.html - Apostolic Constitution on women's contemplative life (June 29, 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_constitutions/documents/papa-francesco_costituzione-ap_20160629_vultum-dei-quaerere.html - Message to the participants in the Assembly of the Pontifical Mission Societies (June 4, 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2016/june/documents/papa-francesco_20160604_ppoomm.html - Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. Jubilee of Mercy for priests. Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Homily (June 3, 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/homilies/2016/documents/papa-francesco_20160603_omelia-giubileo-sacerdoti.html - Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. Spiritual retreat given by His Holiness Pope Francis on the occasion of the Jubilee for priests. Third meditation (June 2, 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2016/june/documents/papa-francesco_20160602_giubileo-sacerdoti-terza-meditazione.html - Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. Spiritual retreat given by His Holiness Pope Francis on the occasion of the Jubilee for priests. Second meditation (June 2, 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2016/june/documents/papa-francesco_20160602_giubileo-sacerdoti-seconda- meditazione.html - Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. Spiritual retreat given by His Holiness Pope Francis on the occasion of the Jubilee for priests. First meditation (June 2, 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2016/june/documents/papa-francesco_20160602_giubileo-sacerdoti-prima- meditazione.html - Apostolic Journey to Poland on the occasion of the XXXI World Youth Day. Holy in Campus Misericordiae – Kraków. Homily (July 31, 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/homilies/2016/documents/papa-francesco_20160731_omelia-polonia-gmg.html - Apostolic Journey to Poland on the occasion of the XXXI World Youth Day. Holy Mass with priests, men and women religious, consecrated people and polish seminarians. Homily (July 30, 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/homilies/2016/documents/papa-francesco_20160730_omelia-polonia-santuario-gpii.html - Apostolic Journey to Poland on the occasion of the XXXI World Youth Day. Prayer Vigil with the young people in Campus Misericordiae – Kraków (July 30, 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2016/july/documents/papa-francesco_20160730_polonia-veglia-giovani.html - Apostolic Journey to Poland on the occasion of the XXXI World Youth Day. Way of the Cross with the young people in the Jordan Park in Błonia, Kraków (July 29, 2016). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2016/july/documents/papa-francesco_20160729_polonia-via-crucis.html

- World Day for Consecrated Life

- XVIII World Day for Consecrated Life (February 2, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/consecrated_life/documents/papa-francesco_20140202_omelia-vita-consacrata.html - XIX World Day for Consecrated Life (February 2, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/consecrated_life/documents/papa-francesco_20150202_omelia-vita-consacrata.html

- World Day of Prayer for Vocations

- Message for the LI World Day of Prayer for Vocations, 2014. http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/vocations/documents/papa-francesco_20140115_51-messaggio-giornata-mondiale- vocazioni.html - Message for the LII World Day of Prayer for Vocations, 2015. http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/vocations/documents/papa-francesco_20150329_52-messaggio-giornata-mondiale- vocazioni.html


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- Message for the LIII World Day of Prayer for Vocations, 2016. http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/vocations/documents/papa-francesco_20151129_53-messaggio-giornata-mondiale- vocazioni.html

- World Youth Day

- XXIX World Youth Day, 2014: « Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven » (Mt 5:3). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/youth/documents/papa-francesco_20140121_messaggio-giovani_2014.html - XXX World Youth Day, 2015: « Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God » (Mt 5:8). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/youth/documents/papa-francesco_20150131_messaggio-giovani_2015.html - XXXI World Youth Day, 2016: « Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy » (Mt 5:7). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/youth/documents/papa-francesco_20150815_messaggio-giovani_2016.html

- World Day for Missions

- Message for the World Day for Missions, 2013. http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/missions/documents/papa-francesco_20130519_giornata-missionaria2013.html - Message for the World Day for Missions, 2014. http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/missions/documents/papa-francesco_20140608_giornata-missionaria2014.html - Message for the World Day for Missions, 2015. http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/missions/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_giornata-missionaria2015.html - Message for the World Day for Missions, 2016. http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/missions/documents/papa-francesco_20160515_giornata-missionaria2016.html


2.3.1. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

- Doctrinal documents

- Instruction on the ecclesial vocation of the theologian – Donum veritatis (May 24, 1990). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_19900524_theologian-vocation_en.html - Considerations on The Primacy of the Successor of Peter in the mystery of the Church (October 31, 1998). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_19981031_primato-successore-pietro_en.html - Instruction on prayers for healing – Ardens felicitatis (September 4, 2000). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20001123_istruzione_en.html - Declaration on the unicity and salvific universality of Jesus Christ and the Church – (August 6, 2000). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20000806_dominus-iesus_en.html - Documents regarding "The Message of Fatima" (June 26, 2000). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20000626_message-fatima_en.html - Doctrinal Note on some questions regarding the participation of Catholics in political life (November 24, 2002). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20021124_politica_en.html - Considerations regarding proposals to give legal recognition to unions between homosexual persons (June 3, 2003). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20030731_homosexual-unions_en.html - Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the collaboration of men and women in the Church and in the world (May 31, 2004). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20040731_collaboration_en.html - Doctrinal Note on some Aspects of Evangelization (December 3, 2007). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20071203_nota-evangelizzazione_en.html - Instruction on certain Bioethical Questions – Dignitas Personae (September 8, 2008). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20081208_dignitas-personae_en.html - Clarification on procured abortion (July 11, 2009). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20090711_aborto-procurato_en.html


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- Note on the banalization of sexuality. Regarding certain interpretations of "Light of the World" (December 22, 2010). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20101221_luce-del-mondo_en.html

- Disciplinary documents

- Decree regarding public celebration of Mass in the Catholic Church for other Christians who have died – Accidit in diversis (June 11, 1976). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_19760611_aliis-christianis-defunctis_en.html - Apostolic Letter Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela, issued Motu Proprio, by which are promulgated Norms on more grave delicts reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (April 30, 2001). http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/motu_proprio/documents/hf_jp-ii_motu-proprio_20020110_sacramentorum-sanctitatis- tutela_en.html - General Decree regarding the delict of attempted sacred ordination of a woman (December 19, 2007). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20071219_attentata-ord-donna_en.html

- Documents on Questions

- Pastoral Norms for the administration of general sacramental absolution – Sacramentum paenitentiae (June 16, 1972). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_19720616_sacramentum-paenitentiae_en.html - Declaration on the Question of Admission of Women to the Ministerial Priesthood – Inter insigniores (October 15, 1976). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_19761015_inter-insigniores_en.html - Instruction on Infant – Pastoralis actio (October 20, 1980). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_19801020_pastoralis_actio_en.html - Norms on the preparation of the process for the dissolution of the marriage bond in favour of the faith (April 30, 2001). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20010430_favor-fidei_en.html

2.3.2. Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

- Fifth Instruction for the Right Implementation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council - (May 7, 2001). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccdds/documents/rc_con_ccdds_doc_20010507_comunicato-stampa_en.html - Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy. Principles and Guidelines (December 17, 2001). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccdds/documents/rc_con_ccdds_doc_20020513_vers-direttorio_en.html - Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum on certain matters to be observed or to be avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist (April 23, 2004). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccdds/documents/rc_con_ccdds_doc_20040423_redemptionis-sacramentum_en.html - Decree regarding the mention of the Divine Name of St. Joseph in the Eucharistic Prayers II, III, and IV (1st May 2013). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccdds/documents/rc_con_ccdds_doc_20130501_san-giuseppe_en.html

2.3.3. Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples

- Final Message of the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (November 18, 2009). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cevang/documents/rc_con_cevang_doc_20091118_assemblea-plenaria_en.html - XIX Plenary Assembly: Ecclesial Awareness and Missio ad gentes: The Service of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples at 50 Years since the Conciliar Document Ad Gentes (November 30th to December 3rd, 2015). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cevang/documents/plenaria_2015/questionario/religiosi/questionnaire_plenary_cep_2015_re ligious-institutes_en.docx


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2.3.4. Congregation for the Clergy

- Instruction "Postquam Apostoli" (March 25, 1980). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cclergy/documents/rc_con_cclergy_doc_25031980_post_en.html - Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests (January 31, 1994). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cclergy/documents/rc_con_cclergy_doc_31011994_directory_en.html - The collaboration of the non-ordained faithful in the Sacred Ministry of (August 15, 1997). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cclergy/documents/rc_con_interdic_doc_15081997_en.html - Basic norms for the formation of permanent deacons - Directory for the ministry and life of permanent deacons (February 22, 1998). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cclergy/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_19980331_directorium-diaconi_en.html - The Priest and the Third Christian Millenium (March 19, 1999). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cclergy/documents/rc_con_cclergy_doc_19031999_pretres_en.html - Instruction: The Priest, Pastor and Leader of the Parish Community (August 4, 2002). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cclergy/documents/rc_con_cclergy_doc_20020804_istruzione-presbitero_en.html - The Eucharist and the Priest (June 27, 2003). ITA http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cclergy/documents/rc_con_cclergy_doc_20030613_priest-eucharist_it.html - Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests - New Edition (February 11, 2013). ITA http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cclergy/documents/rc_con_cclergy_doc_20130211_direttorio-presbiteri_it.html

2.3.5. Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life

- Ecclesiastical and Papal Magisterium on Consecrated Life. Documents before 1999 in the different available languages. (1947 – 1998). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccscrlife/documents/rc_con_ccscrlife_magistero_en.html - Instruction Inter praeclara for the practical application of the Constitution « Sponsa christi » (1950). ITA http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccscrlife/documents/rc_con_ccscrlife_doc_19501123_inter-praeclara_it.html - Religious and Human Promotion (1978). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccscrlife/documents/rc_con_ccscrlife_doc_12081980_religious-and-human- promotion_en.html - Mutuae Relationes, Directives for the mutual relations between Bishops and Religious in the Church (May 14, 1978). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccscrlife/documents/rc_con_ccscrlife_doc_14051978_mutuae-relationes_en.html - The Contemplative Dimension of Religious Life (1980). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccscrlife/documents/rc_con_ccscrlife_doc_12081980_the-contemplative-dimension-of- religious-life_en.html - Instruction Potissimum Institutioni on the Directives on formation in religious Institutes (February 2, 1990). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccscrlife/documents/rc_con_ccscrlife_doc_02021990_directives-on-formation_en.html - Instruction Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor on the Fraternal Life in Community (February 2, 1994). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccscrlife/documents/rc_con_ccscrlife_doc_02021994_fraternal-life-in-community_en.html - Inter-Institute collaboration for formation (December 8, 1998). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccscrlife/documents/rc_con_ccscrlife_doc_08121998_inter-formation_en.html - Instruction Verbi sponsa on the Contemplative Life and on the Enclosure of Nuns (May 13, 1999). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccscrlife/documents/rc_con_ccscrlife_doc_13051999_verbi-sponsa_en.html - Instruction Starting a fresh from Christ for a renewed commitment to Consecrated Life in the Third Millenium (June 14, 2002). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccscrlife/documents/rc_con_ccscrlife_doc_20020614_ripartire-da-cristo_en.html - Instruction "The service of authority and obedience" (May 11, 2008). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccscrlife/documents/rc_con_ccscrlife_doc_20080511_autorita-obbedienza_en.html - Circular Letter - The guidelines for the management of the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (August 2, 2014). ITA http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccscrlife/documents/CIVCSVA_lettera-circolare-gesione-beni_20140802.pdf - Year of Consecrated Life, Message of the Holy Father for the Opening of the Year of Consecrated Life (November 30, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/pont-messages/2014/documents/papa-francesco_20141130_messaggio-anno-vita- consacrata.html


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- Year of Consecrated Life, To participants in the Plenary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (November 27, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/november/documents/papa-francesco_20141127_plenaria-vita-consacrata.html - Year of Consecrated Life, Decree by which are established the works to be performed in order to obtain the gift of on the occasion of the Year of Consecrated Life (November 23, 2014). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/tribunals/apost_penit/documents/rc_trib_appen_doc_20141123_anno-vita-consacrata_en.html - Year of Consecrated Life, Apostolic Letter to all Consecrated people on the occasion of the Year of Consecrated Life (November 21, 2014). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_letters/documents/papa-francesco_lettera-ap_20141121_lettera-consacrati.html - Year of Consecrated Life, Address of Pope Francis to participants in the Ecumenical Colloquium of Men and Women Religious, held by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (January 24, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/january/documents/papa-francesco_20150124_colloquio-ecumenico-religiosi.html - Year of Consecrated Life, Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis in the Holy Mass for the Day of Consecrated Life (February 2, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/homilies/2015/documents/papa-francesco_20150202_omelia-vita-consacrata.html - Year of Consecrated Life, “International Congress for Formators”, José Rodriguez Carballo: Vigil of Prayer at the opening of Congress (April 7, 2015). ITA http://www.congregazionevitaconsacrata.va/content/dam/vitaconsacrata/documenti/JOS%c3%89%20RODR%c3%8dGUEZ%20CARBALLO1 .pdf - Year of Consecrated Life, “International Congress for Formators”, José Rodriguez Carballo: The formation of the heart (April, 2015). ITA http://www.congregazionevitaconsacrata.va/content/dam/vitaconsacrata/documenti/JOS%c3%89%20RODR%c3%8dGUEZ%20CARBALLO2 .pdf - Year of Consecrated Life, “International Congress for Formators”, Amadeo Cencini: Until Christ be formed in you (April, 2015). ITAhttp://www.congregazionevitaconsacrata.va/content/vitaconsacrata/it/anno-della-vita-consacrata/jcr%3acontent/internal- main/download_1/file.res/AMEDEO%20CENCINI.pdf - Year of Consecrated Life, “International Congress for Formators”, Claudia Peña y Lillo, FSP: The formation’s process: unification in Christ to the world – Summary - (April, 2015). ITAhttp://www.congregazionevitaconsacrata.va/content/vitaconsacrata/it/anno-della-vita-consacrata/jcr%3acontent/internal- main/download_2/file.res/CLAUDIA%20PE%c3%91A%20Y%20LILLO.pdf - Year of Consecrated Life, “International Congress for Formators”, Lola Arrieta: To form and to be formed to open a big hear in the love, with courage and cheerfulness in the outskirts of the world. Coordinates to guide and notes to accompany along the way – Summary - (April, 2015). ITAhttp://www.congregazionevitaconsacrata.va/content/vitaconsacrata/it/anno-della-vita-consacrata/jcr%3acontent/internal- main/download_3/file.res/LOLA%20ARRIETA.pdf - Year of Consecrated Life, “International Congress for Formators”, Mc Guire: Role of the Educator. Vocational training: the maturation process (A) or infantilization (B). Pedagogical change from knowing WHAT to know HOW – Summary - (April, 2015). ITAhttp://www.congregazionevitaconsacrata.va/content/vitaconsacrata/it/anno-della-vita-consacrata/jcr%3acontent/internal- main/download_4/file.res/MC%20GUIRE.pdf - Year of Consecrated Life, “International Congress for Formators”, Micelina Tenace: Let the same mind of Christ Jesus (Phil 2:5), with the heart of Christ on the roads of the world – Summary - (April, 2015). ITAhttp://www.congregazionevitaconsacrata.va/content/vitaconsacrata/it/anno-della-vita-consacrata/jcr%3acontent/internal- main/download_5/file.res/MICHELINA%20TENACE.pdf - Year of Consecrated Life, “International Congress for Formators”, Ricardo Volo Perez: The educational style of Jesus with his disciples (April, 2015). ITAhttp://www.congregazionevitaconsacrata.va/content/vitaconsacrata/it/anno-della-vita-consacrata/jcr%3acontent/internal- main/download_0/file.res/RICARDO%20VOLO%20P%c3%89REZ.pdf - Year of Consecrated Life, Address of his Holiness Pope Francis to participants of a meeting for formators of consecrated men and women sponsored by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (April 11, 2015). http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/april/documents/papa-francesco_20150411_raduno-formatori-consacrati.html - Year of Consecrated Life, World Wide Meeting for Young Consecrated Person (September 15/19, 2015). http://www.congregazionevitaconsacrata.va/content/vitaconsacrata/it/anno-della-vita-consacrata/incontro-mondiale-giovani-consacrati.html


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2.3.6. Congregation for Catholic Education (for Educational Institutions)

- The Study of Philosophy in Seminaries (January 20, 1972). ITA http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_19720120_filosofia_it.html - A Guide to Formation in Priestly Celibacy (April 11, 1974). ITA http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_19740411_celibato-sacerdotale_it.html - The Catholic School (March 19, 1977). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_19770319_catholic-school_en.html - Instruction on Liturgical Formation in Seminaries (June 3, 1979). ITAhttp://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_19790603_formazione-liturgica- seminari_it.html - Circular Letter Concerning Some of the More Urgent Aspects of Spiritual Formation in Seminaries (January 6, 1980). ITA http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_19800106_formazione-spirituale_it.html - Lay Catholics in schools: Witnesses to faith (October 15, 1982). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_19821015_lay-catholics_en.html - Educational Guidance in Human Love (November 1, 1983). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_19831101_sexual-education_en.html - Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis (March 19, 1985) ITA http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_19850319_ratio-fundamentalis_it.html - Pastoral Care of People on the Move in the Formation of Future Priests (January 25, 1986). ITA http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_19860125_mobilita-umana_it.html - The Religious Dimension of Education in a Catholic School (April 7, 1988). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_19880407_catholic-school_en.html - The Virgin Mary in the intellectual and spiritual formation (March 25, 1988). ITA http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_19880325_vergine-maria_it.html - Instruction on the Study of the Fathers of the Church in the Formation of Priests (November 10, 1989). ITA http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_19891110_padri_it.html - Directives concerning the Preparation of Seminary Educators (November 4, 1993). ITA http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_20040803_direttive_sem-93_it.html - The apostolate of religious teaching in the Catholic schools (October 15, 1996). POR http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_19961015_catholic-school-re_po.html - The Catholic School on the Threshold of the Third Millennium (December 28, 1997). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_27041998_school2000_en.html - Final Document of the Congress on Vocations to the Priesthood and to Consecrated Life (December 8, 1997). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_13021998_new-vocations_en.html - Basic norms for the formation of permanent deacons - Directory for the ministry and life of permanent deacons (February 22, 1998). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_31031998_directorium-diaconi_en.html - The Propaedeutical Period - Informative Document (May 10, 1998). ITA http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_19981005_semin_proped_it.html - Decree for the Faculty of Canon Law (September 2, 2002). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_20021114_decree-canon-law_en.html - Consecrated Persons and their Mission in Schools. Reflections and Guidelines (October 28, 2002). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_20021028_consecrated-persons_en.html - Instruction concerning the criteria for the discernment of vocations with regard to persons with homosexual tendencies in view of their admission to the Seminary and to (November 4, 2005). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_20051104_istruzione_en.html - Educating Together in Catholic Schools. A Shared Mission between Consecrated Persons and the Lay Faithful (September 8, 2007). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_20070908_educare-insieme_en.html - Guidelines for the Use of Psychology in the Admission and Formation of Candidates for the Priesthood (June 28, 2008). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_20080628_orientamenti_en.html - Circular letter to the Presidents of Bishops' conferences on religious education in schools (May 5, 2009). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_20090505_circ-insegn-relig_en.html - Decree on the Reform of Ecclesiastical Studies of Philosophy (January 28, 2011). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_20110128_dec-rif-filosofia_en.html


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 29 BIBLIOGRAPHY

- Educating to Intercultural Dialogue in Catholic Schools Living in Harmony for a Civilization of Love (October 28, 2013). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_20131028_dialogo-interculturale_en.html - Educating Today and Tomorrow: A Renewing Passiong (Instrumentum laboris) (April 7, 2014). http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccatheduc/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_20140407_educare-oggi-e-domani_en.html


2.4.1. Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (CEI)

- Messaggio della Commissione Episcopale per il clero e la vita consacrata per la 20ª Giornata Mondiale della vita consacrata (2 febbraio 2016). ITA http://www.chiesacattolica.it/pls/cci_new_v3/cciv4_doc.edit_documento?id_pagina=7414&p_id=17981 - Messaggio del Consiglio Episcopale Permanente per la 19ª Giornata mondiale della vita consacrata (2 febbraio 2015). ITA http://www.chiesacattolica.it/pls/cci_new_v3/cciv4_doc.edit_documento?id_pagina=7414&p_id=17522 - Messaggio della Commissione Episcopale per il clero e la vita consacrata per la 17ª Giornata Mondiale della vita consacrata (2 febbraio 2013). ITA http://www.chiesacattolica.it/pls/cci_new_v3/cciv4_doc.edit_documento?id_pagina=7414&p_id=16247 - Incontriamo Gesù. Orientamenti per l’annuncio e la catechesi in Italia. ITA http://www.chiesacattolica.it/pls/cci_new_v3/cciv4_doc.edit_documento?id_pagina=7414&p_id=17100 - Messaggio della Commissione Episcopale per i problemi sociali e il lavoro, la giustizia e la pace per la giornata del primo maggio (1° maggio 2015). ITA http://www.chiesacattolica.it/pls/cci_new_v3/cciv4_doc.edit_documento?id_pagina=7414&p_id=17702 - La scuola cattolica risorsa educativa della Chiesa locale per la società. ITA http://www.chiesacattolica.it/pls/cci_new_v3/cciv4_doc.edit_documento?id_pagina=7414&p_id=17194 - Dichiarazione sulla questione dell'esposizione dei simboli religiosi cristiani. ITA http://www.chiesacattolica.it/pls/cci_new_v3/cciv4_doc.edit_documento?id_pagina=7414&p_id=15115 - Messaggio del Consiglio Episcopale Permanente per la 38ª Giornata Nazionale per la vita (7 febbraio 2016). ITA http://www.chiesacattolica.it/pls/cci_new_v3/cciv4_doc.edit_documento?id_pagina=7414&p_id=17938 - Messaggio del Consiglio Episcopale Permanente per la 37ª Giornata Nazionale per la vita (1° febbraio 2015). ITA http://www.chiesacattolica.it/pls/cci_new_v3/cciv4_doc.edit_documento?id_pagina=7414&p_id=17375 - Messaggio del Consiglio Episcopale Permanente per la 36ª Giornata Nazionale per la vita (2 febbraio 2014). ITA http://www.chiesacattolica.it/pls/cci_new_v3/cciv4_doc.edit_documento?id_pagina=7414&p_id=16728 - Messaggio del Consiglio Episcopale Permanente per la 32ª Giornata Nazionale per la vita (7 febbraio 2010). ITA http://www.chiesacattolica.it/pls/cci_new_v3/cciv4_doc.edit_documento?id_pagina=7414&p_id=14837 - 10ª Giornata per la custodia del creato (1 settembre 2015). ITA http://www.chiesacattolica.it/pls/cci_new_v3/cciv4_doc.edit_documento?id_pagina=7414&p_id=17755 - 9ª Giornata per la custodia del creato (1 settembre 2014). ITA http://www.chiesacattolica.it/pls/cci_new_v3/cciv4_doc.edit_documento?id_pagina=7414&p_id=17066 - 8ª Giornata per la custodia del creato (1 settembre 2013). ITA http://www.chiesacattolica.it/pls/cci_new_v3/cciv4_doc.edit_documento?id_pagina=7414&p_id=16490

2.4.2. Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano (CELAM)

- Documento conclusivo de la I Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano y del Caribe, Sobre las necesidades de América Latina, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (1955). ESP http://www.celam.org/conferencia_rio.php - Documento conclusivo de la II Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano y del Caribe, Promoción humana / Iglesia visible y sus estructuras, Medellín, Colombia (Septiembre de 1968). ESP http://www.celam.org/conferencia_medellin.php


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY

- Documento conclusivo de la III Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano y del Caribe, La evangelización en el presente y en el futuro de América Latina, Puebla, México (Enero de 1979). ESP http://www.celam.org/conferencia_puebla.php - Documento conclusivo de la IV Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano y del Caribe, Nueva evangelización, promoción humana, cultura cristiana. Jesucristo ayer, hoy y siempre. Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana (12–28 de octubre de 1992). ESP http://www.celam.org/conferencia_domingo.php - Documento conclusivo de la V Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano y del Caribe, Discípulos y Misioneros de Jesucristo para que nuestros pueblos en Él tengan vida. “Yo soy el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida” (Jn 16,4), Aparecida, Brasil (13-31 de mayo de 2007). ITA http://www.celam.org/aparecida/Italiano.pdf ESP http://www.celam.org/aparecida/Espanol.pdf ENG http://www.celam.org/aparecida/Ingles.pdf FRA http://www.celam.org/aparecida/Frances.pdf - Declaración de los Obispos católicos y participantes en la Reunión regional sobre Migración (Centroamérica, Norteamérica y Caribe), San José de Costa Rica (3 de junio de 2011). ESP http://www.celam.org/documentacion/docu503658ff731c5_23082012_1123am.pdf - Documento conclusivo del encuentro de Piedad Popular región Cono Sur, Atyrá, Paraguay (24-28 de mayo de 2010). ESP HTTP://WWW.CELAM.ORG/DOCUMENTACION/DOCU50365B0B4715F_23082012_1132AM.PDF - Criterios para la conversión pastoral y la renovación misionera de la diócesis y la parroquia, a la luz de Aparecida. Lima, Perú (3-6 de mayo de 2010). ESP HTTP://WWW.CELAM.ORG/DOCUMENTACION/DOCU5036879DE5CEE_23082012_242PM.PDF - Documento final Justicia, Bien Común y Equidad desde una economía globalizada en América Latina y el Caribe, Pastoral Social Caritas (23 de agosto de 2012). ESP HTTP://WWW.CELAM.ORG/DOCUMENTACION/DOCU50368F28BCCFB_23082012_314PM.PDF - Consideraciones en torno a la nueva evangelización, Observatorio Pastoral, (24 de agosto de 2012). ESP http://www.celam.org/documentacion/docu5037783aab475_24082012_748am.pdf

2.4.3. Conferênza Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB)

- Síntese do 1º Congresso Vocacional do Brasil (5 de setembro de 1999). PORhttp://www.cnbb.org.br/index.php?option=com_docman&view=download&alias=1034-sintese-do-1-congresso- vocacional&category_slug=documentos-3&Itemid=252 - Texto-Base do 2º Congresso Vocacional: Igreja, Povo de Deus a Serviço da Vida. “Ide também vos a minha vinha!” (Mt 20,4) (2-6 de setembro de 2005). PORhttp://www.cnbb.org.br/index.php?option=com_docman&view=download&alias=1035-texto-base-do-2-congresso- vocacional&category_slug=documentos-3&Itemid=252 - Documento final do 2º Congresso Vocacional do Brasil (2-6 de setembro de 2005). PORhttp://www.cnbb.org.br/index.php?option=com_docman&view=download&alias=1031-documento-final-do-2-congresso- vocacional&category_slug=documentos-3&Itemid=252 - Normas de funcionamento da Pastoral Vocacional (3 de maio de 2009). POR http://www.cnbb.org.br/index.php?option=com_docman&view=download&alias=1032-normas-de-funcionamento-da-pastoral- vocacional&category_slug=documentos-3&Itemid=252 - Texto-Base do 3º Congresso Vocacional: Discìpulos missionàrios a serviço das vocaçoes. “Ide, pois, fazer discìipulos entre todas as naçoes” (3-7 de setembro de 2010). PORhttp://www.cnbb.org.br/index.php?option=com_docman&view=download&alias=1036-texto-base-do-3-congresso- vocacional&category_slug=documentos-3&Itemid=252 - II Seminario Nacional sobre a Formacao Presbiteral da Igreja no Brasil: Presbìteros segundo o coracao de Jesus para o mundo de hoje (2013). POR http://www.cnbb.org.br/index.php?option=com_docman&view=download&alias=1897-ii-seminario-nacional-sobre-a-formacao- presbiteral&category_slug=documentos-3&Itemid=252 - Commisão Episcopal Pastoral para os Ministérios Ordenados e a Vida Consarada: Pastoral Vocacional - Serviço de Animação Vocacional. POR http://www.cnbb.org.br/index.php?option=com_docman&view=download&alias=1033-pastoral-vocacional-servico-de-animacao- vocacional&category_slug=documentos-3&Itemid=252 - Subsídio Doutrinal – documentos. POR http://www.cnbb.org.br/index.php?option=com_docman&view=list&slug=subsidio-doutrinal&Itemid=252


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 31 BIBLIOGRAPHY

- Vida e Família – documentos. POR http://www.cnbb.org.br/index.php?option=com_docman&view=list&slug=vida-e-familia&Itemid=252 - Setor Juventude – documentos. POR http://www.cnbb.org.br/index.php?option=com_docman&view=list&slug=setor-juventude&Itemid=252 - Pastoral Vocacional – documentos. POR http://www.cnbb.org.br/index.php?option=com_docman&view=list&slug=pastoral-vocacional&Itemid=252 - Pastoral Presbiteral – documentos. POR http://www.cnbb.org.br/index.php?option=com_docman&view=list&slug=pastoral-presbiteral&Itemid=252 - Documentos CNBB. POR http://www.cnbb.org.br/index.php?option=com_docman&view=list&slug=documentos-cnbb&Itemid=252

2.4.4. Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW)

- Religious Education in Catholic Schools (2000). ENG http://www.cbcew.org.uk/content/download/34889/259070/file/religious-education-schools-2000.pdf - Pastoral Care of Vocations (2002). ENG HTTP://WWW.CBCEW.ORG.UK/CONTENT/DOWNLOAD/34864/258918/FILE/PASTORAL-CARE-VOCATIONS-2002.PDF - Cherishing Life (2004). ENG http://www.cbcew.org.uk/content/download/34858/258882/file/cherishing-life-2004.pdf - On the Way to Life (2005). ENG http://www.cbcew.org.uk/content/download/36156/270154/file/on-the-way-to-life-2005.pdf - The Gift of Scripture (2005). ENG HTTP://WWW.CBCEW.ORG.UK/CONTENT/DOWNLOAD/34862/258906/FILE/GIFT-OF-SCRIPTURE-2005.PDF - Call of Creation - CAFOD (2008). ENG HTTP://WWW.CBCEW.ORG.UK/CONTENT/DOWNLOAD/34849/258827/FILE/CALL-OF-CREATION-CAFOD-2008.PDF - Mission to Migrants (2008). ENG http://www.cbcew.org.uk/content/download/34852/258845/file/mission-to-migrants-2008.pdf - Directory on the Canonical Status of the Clergy (2009). ENG http://www.cbcew.org.uk/content/download/34850/258833/file/canonical-status-clergy-2009.pdf - Permanent Diaconate Directory (2010). ENG http://www.cbcew.org.uk/content/download/34855/258863/file/permanent-diaconate-directory.doc - Do You Love Me? Prayer and Spirituality (2014). ENG http://www.cbcew.org.uk/content/download/53294/411803/file/do-you-love-me-2014.pdf - Charter for Priestly Formation for England and Wales (2015). ENG http://www.cbcew.org.uk/content/download/57301/439072/file/charter-priestly-formation.PDF

2.4.5. Conferencia Episcopal Española (CEE)

- Pastoral vocacional de la Iglesia en España. Instrumento de trabajo (25 de marzo de 1988). ESP http://www.conferenciaepiscopal.nom.es/archivodoc/servlet/DocumentFileManager?document=5280&file=00001000.PDF - Teología y secularización en España. A los cuarenta años de la clausura del Concilio Vaticano II (30 de marzo de 2006). ESP http://www.conferenciaepiscopal.nom.es/archivodoc/servlet/DocumentFileManager?document=3526&file=00001000.PDF - La Sagrada Escritura en la vida de la Iglesia (7 de marzo de 2008). ESP http://www.conferenciaepiscopal.nom.es/archivodoc/servlet/DocumentFileManager?document=5389&file=00001000.pdf - Mensaje a los sacerdotes con motivo del Año Sacerdotal (27 de noviembre de 2009). ESP http://www.conferenciaepiscopal.nom.es/archivodoc/servlet/DocumentFileManager?document=4809&file=00001000.PDF - Orientaciones sobre la cooperación misionera entre las Iglesias para las diócesis de España (3 de marzo de 2011). ESP http://www.conferenciaepiscopal.nom.es/archivodoc/servlet/DocumentFileManager?document=5434&file=00001000.pdf - Hospitalidad, dignidad y derechos: claves del marco común de trabajo con refugiados y migrantes de las entidades de acción social de la Iglesia en España (3 de noviembre de 2015). ESP http://www.conferenciaepiscopal.nom.es/archivodoc/servlet/DocumentFileManager?document=6297&file=00001000.pdf - La nueva edición del Leccionario de la Misa (11 de noviembre de 2015). ESP http://www.conferenciaepiscopal.nom.es/archivodoc/servlet/DocumentFileManager?document=6303&file=00001000.pdf - CV Asamblea plenaria, Instrucción pastoral Iglesia servidora de los Pobres (20-24 de abril de 2015). ESP http://conferenciaepiscopal.es/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/documentos_Iglesia_servidora.MCSFinal.pdf


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY

- CVI Asamblea plenaria, Plan pastoral 2016-2020, Iglesia en misión al servicio de nuestro pueblo (19 de noviembre de 2015). ESP http://www.conferenciaepiscopal.nom.es/archivodoc/servlet/DocumentFileManager?document=6926&file=00001000.pdf

2.4.6. Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP)

- A Pastoral Letter on the Church’s Mission In the New Millennium (July 5, 2000). ENG http://cbcponline.net/v2/?p=453 - Saving and strengthening the Filipino family (December 2, 2001). ENG http://cbcponline.net/v2/?p=465 - The Christian family: good news for the third millennium (December 2, 2002). ENG http://cbcponline.net/v2/?p=470 - The dignity of the rural poor - a Gospel concern (28 January 2007). ENG http://cbcponline.net/v2/?p=544 - Standing up for the Gospel of Life (November 14, 2008). ENG http://cbcponline.net/v2/?p=558 - A Pastoral Statement on Lay Participation in Politics and Peace (July 12, 2009). ENG http://cbcponline.net/v2/?p=570 - Young People: Stand firm in Christ! (August 21, 2011). ENG http://cbcponline.net/v2/?p=8169 - Pastoral Exhortation on the Era of New Evangelization: live Christ, share Christ, Looking Forward to Our Five Hundredth (July 23, 2012). ENG http://cbcponline.net/v2/?p=3856 - A Pastoral Letter of the CBCP on the occasion of the 400 Years of Catholic Education in the Philippines (January 29, 2012). ENG http://cbcponline.net/v2/?p=5684

2.4.7. The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI)

- National Catechetical Directory. ENG http://ccbi.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Catechetical-Directory.pdf - Homiletical Directory. ENG http://ccbi.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Homiletic-Directory.pdf - Complementary Legislations to the Code of Canon Law (CIC). ENG http://ccbi.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Complementary-Legislations-to-the-Code-of-Canon-Law-1.pdf

2.4.8. Conférence des Évêques de France (CEF)

- Les enjeux d’aujourd’hui dans les domaines de la justice et de la paix. Document Episcopat 1 (2013). - DIACONIA Servons la fraternité ! Document Episcopat 4 (2013). - Avenir de la liturgie, avenir de l'Eglise. Document Episcopat 10 (2013). - Evangéliser les jeunes adultes dans le souffle des JMJ. Document Episcopat 12 (2013). - Migrants et réfugiés vers un monde plus juste et fraternel. Document Episcopat 2 (2014). - Promouvoir la vie comme vocation. Promouvoir toutes les vocations. Document Episcopat 3 (2015). - Jeunes en monde populaire Un défi urgent pour l’Église. Document Episcopat 10 (2015).

2.4.9. Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference (ACBC)

- Called to Holiness in Australia, Australian Anglican – Roman Catholic Dialogue (June 2014). ENG HTTPS://WWW.CATHOLIC.ORG.AU/ACBC-MEDIA/DOWNLOADS/ALL-DOWNLOADS/BISHOPS-COMMISSIONS-1/BISHOPS-COMMISSION- FOR-ECUMENISM-INTER-RELIGIOUS-1/ANGLICAN-ROMAN-CATHOLIC-1/1655-CALLED-TO-HOLINESS-IN-AUSTRALIA - Joint statement Against Human Trafficking from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans ACRATH (January 23, 2015). ENG https://www.catholic.org.au/acbc-media/media-centre/media-releases-new/1628-acbc-acrath-statement-against-human-trafficking/file


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 33 BIBLIOGRAPHY

- Commercial surrogacy in Australia would exploit women and children, Bishops Commission for Family Youth and Life (February 22, 2016). ENG https://www.catholic.org.au/acbc-media/media-centre/media-releases-new/1796-commercial-surrogacy-in-australia-would-exploit- women-and-children/file - Year of Mercy events in the dioceses around Australia (November 2015-2016). ENG http://www.evangeliseaustralia.com/year-of-mercy/year-of-mercy.html

2.4.10. Konferensi Waligereja Indonesia (KWI)

- Surat Kepada Para Seminaris (Maret 24, 2011). IDN http://www.mirifica.net/2011/03/24/surat-kepada-para-seminaris/#pdf - Media Sosial, Ruang Baru bagi Evangelisasi (Februari 15, 2013). IDN HTTP://WWW.MIRIFICA.NET/2013/02/15/MEDIA-SOSIAL-RUANG-BARU-BAGI-EVANGELISASI/#PDF - Berevangelisasi Baru secara Kontekstual (November, 2013). IDN http://www.mirifica.net/2013/11/05/berevangelisasi-baru-secara-kontekstual/#pdf - Berjiwa “Merdeka” Menghidupi Panggilan (Maret 4, 2015). IDN http://www.mirifica.net/2015/03/04/berjiwa-merdeka-menghidupi-panggilan/#pdf - Raker Komisi Keluarga Regio Gerejawi Samarinda 2015: Bersama Hadapi Narkoba (Juni 5, 2015). IDN http://www.mirifica.net/2015/06/05/raker-komisi-keluarga-regio-gerejawi-samarinda-2015-bersama-hadapi-narkoba/#pdf - Ada Apa dengan Rumah Kita (Desember 4, 2015). IDN http://www.mirifica.net/2015/12/04/ada-apa-dengan-rumah-kita/#pdf

2.4.11. Conference of Religious of Ireland (CORI)

- Religious Life – Opening the Heart to Listen. ENG http://www.cori.ie/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/judette-gallares-rc.pdf - Religious Life – Mysticism and Prophecy. A style of life and new Areopagus (May 7, 2010). ENG http://www.cori.ie/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/ciro-garca-ocd.pdf - Policy - Religious Education of Catholic Children not attending Catholic Schools. (March 2011). ENGhttp://www.cori.ie/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/policy-for-the-religious-education-of-catholic-children-not-attending-catholic-schools.pdf

2.4.12. Conférence des Évêques Catholiques du Canada (CECC)

- L'être humain au cœur de la souveraineté alimentaire (1er mai 2015). FRA HTTP://WWW.EVEQUES.QC.CA/DOCUMENTS/2015/20150501MESSAGEVF.HTML ENG HTTP://WWW.EVEQUES.QC.CA/DOCUMENTS/2015/2015-05-01MESSAGEVA.HTML - Message commun par le Président de la Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada et la Présidente de la Conférence religieuse canadienne, Célébrons et rendons grâce au don de la vie consacrée (24 septembre 2015). FRA http://www.cccb.ca/site/images/stories/pdf/184-905_fr.pdf ENG http://www.cccb.ca/site/images/stories/pdf/184-905_en.pdf - Déclaration « Les évêques du Canada approuvent et appuient une collecte de fonds pour les réfugiés syriens organisée conjointement par Développement et Paix, CNEWA Canada et Aide à l'Église en détresse Canada » (17 septembre 2015). FRA http://www.cccb.ca/site/images/stories/pdf/CCCB_statement_on_joint_campaign_for_Syrian_refugees_-_FR.pdf ENG http://www.cccb.ca/site/images/stories/pdf/CCCB_statement_on_joint_campaign_for_Syrian_refugees_-_EN.pdf - Le tournant missionnaire des communautés chrétiennes Devenir une "Église en sortie" à la suite de La Joie de l'Évangile (26 janvier 2016). FRA http://www.eveques.qc.ca/documents/2016/Le_tournant_missionnaire2016.pdf - Parcours de formation liturgique et sacramentelle. FRA http://onl.cecc.ca/images/stories/pdfs/depliant_parcours_version_2014.pdf - La pastorale liturgique et sacramentelle. FRA http://onl.cecc.ca/images/stories/pdfs/la_pastorale_liturgique_et_sacramentelle.pdf - Directoire sur l’homélie. FRA http://www.cccb.ca/site/Files/184-888.pdf


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2.4.13. United States Conference of catholic Bishops (USCCB)

- Consideration of Priesthood and Religious Life Among Never-Married U.S. Catholics (September 2012). ENG http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/vocations/upload/survey-of-youth-and-young-adults-on-vocations.pdf - The Right of Catholics to Religious Liberty in America (April 17, 2015). ENG http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/how-we-teach/catholic-education/upload/Religious-Liberty-Lesson-Plan-April-2-2015- Final.pdf - Top Ten Things to Promote Vocations. ENG http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/vocations/parents/top-ten-things-to-promote-vocations.cfm - Eucharist - Heart of Vocations. USCCB resources. ENG http://www.usccb.org/prayer-and-worship/prayers-and-devotions/adoration/index.cfm

2.4.14. Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC)

- Pastoral Letter of the Catholic Bishops of Uganda on general elections in Uganda. Building a Peaceful, United, and Prosperous Uganda Through Free and Fair Elections: Consolidating Electoral Democracy in Uganda (June 11, 2010). ENG http://www.uecon.org/letters/Pastrol%20Letter.pdf - A communication of the Catholic Bishops of Uganda on the current situation in the country (June 9, 2011). ENG http://www.uecon.org/downloads/A%20Communique%20of%20the%20Catholic%20Bishops%20of%20Uganda%20June%202011.pdf - Fifty years of independence: celebrating our heritage. Pastoral Letter of the Catholic Bishops of Uganda (October 9, 2012). ENG http://www.uecon.org/downloads/A%20Pastoral%20Letter%20UEC%20Celebrating%20Uganda%20at%2050%20Years%20Please%20Oct%202012(1).pdf - The Pastoral Letter of the Catholic Bishops of Uganda on the 2016 General Elections (September 18, 2015). ENG http://www.uecon.org/images/downloads/letters2015/newsletter2015.pdf - Message of appreciation from His Holiness Pope Francis and from Uganda Episcopal Conference to the people of Uganda (December 4, 2015). ENG http://www.uecon.org/images/downloads/thanks.pdf

2.4.15. Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB)

- The government should review the form one selection criteria. ENG http://www.kccb.or.ke/home/news-2/press-statement-9/HTML

2.4.16. Österreichische Bischofskonferenz

- Verkündigung und neue Evangelisierung in der Welt von heute. TED http://www.bischofskonferenz.at/dl/unkmJKJKKoolOJqx4LJK/Heft11_Verkuendigung_und_neue_Evangelisierung.pdf - Die Kirche auf dem Bauplatz Europa. Stimmen der österreichischen Bischöfe zur Wiedervereinigung Europas. TED http://www.bischofskonferenz.at/dl/sOqnJKJKKoolOJqx4NJK/Heft2_Europa.pdf




Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 35 BIBLIOGRAPHY

- UNIONE DELLE CONFERENZE EUROPEE DEI E DELLE SUPERIORI/E MAGGIORI (UCESM), Al servizio di una comunità di ascolto e di annunzio. Il ministero dell' autorità nella vita Consacrata. (3-7 settembre 2008). ITA http://www.ucesm.net/userfiles/file/Doc_site.pdf - UNIONE DELLE CONFERENZE EUROPEE DEI E DELLE SUPERIORI/E MAGGIORI (UCESM), Vita Consacrata: 60 anni di documenti del Magistero (1947 - 2008). ITA http://www.ucesm.net/userfiles/laVCIT.pdf ENG http://www.ucesm.net/userfiles/laVCEN.pdf - SUPERIORENKONFERENZ DER MÄNNLICHEN ORDENSGEMEINSCHAFTEN ÖSTERREICHS, Rainer Bucher: Die Ordensgemeinschaften in der aktuellen Transformationskrise der katholischen Kirche (2012 ). TED http://www.ordensgemeinschaften.at/images/Vortrag_Bucher_Ordenstag_2012.pdf - SUPERIORENKONFERENZ DER MÄNNLICHEN ORDENSGEMEINSCHAFTEN ÖSTERREICHS, Manuela Kalsky: Der Auftrag der Ordensfrauen und -männer in einer säkularisierten Welt (2012). TED http://www.ordensgemeinschaften.at/images/publikationen/Vortrag_Kalsky_Ordenstag_2012.pdf - CONFERENZA ITALIANA DI SUPERIORI MAGGIORI (CISM), Atti del Convegno dell’Area Animazione della Vita Consacrata Amare sempre o Amore per sempre? (Collevalenza 2012). - SUPERIORENKONFERENZ DER MÄNNLICHEN ORDENSGEMEINSCHAFTEN ÖSTERREICHS, Johann Pock: Ordensgemeinschaften in den (Pfarr-) Gemeinden der Zukunft (2013). TED http://www.ordensgemeinschaften.at/images/Pock_1.pdf - SUPERIORENKONFERENZ DER MÄNNLICHEN ORDENSGEMEINSCHAFTEN ÖSTERREICHS, Anton Rotzetter: Herausforderungen für ein heutiges Ordensleben (25 11 2013). TED http://www.ordensgemeinschaften.at/images/Rotzetter_Herausforderungen_2013_11_25.pdf - SUPERIORENKONFERENZ DER MÄNNLICHEN ORDENSGEMEINSCHAFTEN ÖSTERREICHS, Antonio Sagardoy OCD: Was fördert gesundes Ordensleben? (25 10 2014). TED http://www.ordensgemeinschaften.at/images/2014_10_25_Sagardoy.pdf.pdf - CONFERENZA ITALIANA DI SUPERIORI MAGGIORI (CISM), Documento Missione della Chiesa e la Vita Consacrata, 54a Assemblea Generale (5 novembre 2014). ITA http://www.cism-italia.org/images/PDF/tivoli%205%20novembre.pdf - SUPERIORENKONFERENZ DER MÄNNLICHEN ORDENSGEMEINSCHAFTEN ÖSTERREICHS, Ludger Müller: Vermögensverwaltung und Armutsgelübde (27 05 2015). TED http://www.ordensgemeinschaften.at/images/2015_05_27_Ludger_Mueller_Vortrag.pdf - CONFEDERACIÓN LATINOAMERICANA Y CARIBEÑA DE RELIGIOSOS Y RELIGIOSAS (CLAR), Mensaje final Escuchemos a Dios donde la vida clama del Congreso de Vida Consagrada, Bogotá, Colombia (18–21 de junio de 2015). ESP http://www.clar.org/clar/index.php?module=Contenido&type=file&func=get&tid=2&fid=descarga&pid=873 - CONFERENCE DES RELIGIEUX ET RELIGIEUSES DE FRANCE (CORREF), Parler de l’année de la vie consacrée (8 décembre 2015). FRA http://www.viereligieuse.fr/IMG/pptx/presentation_de_l_annee_de_la_vie_consacree_2015.pptx

3. Documents and studies OSM

- AA. VV., Identità dei Servi di Maria. Atti del Convegno Internazionale OSM. Roma, Luglio 1974. , 1975. 242 p. - AA. VV., Il Dogma dell’Assunzione di Maria. Problemi attuali e tentativi di ricomprensione. Atti del 17° Simposio Internazionale Mariologico. Roma, 6-9 ottobre 2009. A cura di Ermanno Toniolo. Marianum, 2010. - AA. VV., Il Dogma dell'Immacolata Concezione di Maria. Problemi attuali e tentativi di ricomprensione. Atti del 14° Simposio Internazionale Mariologico. Roma, 7-10 ottobre 2003. A cura di Ermanno Toniolo. Marianum, 2004. - AA. VV., La categoria teologica della compassione. Presenza e incidenza nella riflessione su Maria di Nazaret. Atti del 15° Simposio Internazionale Mariologico. Roma. 4-7 ottobre 2005. A cura di Ermanno Toniolo. Marianum, 2007.


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY

- AA. VV., La figura di Maria tra fede, ragione, sentimento. Aspetti teologici-culturali della modernità. Atti del 18° Simposio Internazionale Mariologico. Roma 4-7 ottobre 2011. A cura di Silvano Maggiani e Antonio Mazzella. Marianum, 2013. - AA. VV., L'ermeneutica contemporanea e i testi biblico-mariologici. Verifica e proposte. Atti del 13° Simposio Internazionale Mariologico. Roma, 2-5 ottobre 2001. A cura di Ermanno Toniolo. Marianum, 2003. - AA. VV., Le Fonti per la Biografia di San Filippo Benizi. (Atti del Simposio scientifico di Todi, 4-6 Aprile 1986) S.e., 1988. 340 p. - AA. VV., Liturgia e pietà mariana a cinquant'anni dalla Sacrosantum Concilium. Atti del 19° Simposio Internazionale Mariologico. Roma 1-4 ottobre 2013. A cura di Silvano Maggiani e Antonio Mazzella. Marianum, 2015. - AA.VV., L'Ordine dei Servi di Maria nel primo secolo di vita. Atti del Convegno Storico, Firenze Palazzo Vecchio - SS. Annunziata, (23-24 maggio 1986) S.e., 1988. 344 p. - AA. VV., Maria e il Dio dei nostri Padri, Padre del Signore nostro Gesù Cristo. Atti del 12° Simposio Internazionale Mariologico, Roma, 5-8 ottobre 1999. A cura di Ermanno Toniolo. Marianum, 2001. - AA. VV., Maria nel dialogo ecumenico in occidente. Atti del 16° Simposio Internazionale Mariologico. Roma 2-5 ottobre 2007. A cura di Ermanno Toniolo. Marianum 2008. - AA. VV., Primo Convegno Internazionale Operatori di Liturgia OSM. Roma 15-24 settembre 1987. (Marianum, 1989) 246 p. - AA.VV., Ricordando David Maria Turoldo. S.e., 1994. 106 p. - AA.VV., S. Antonio Maria Pucci. Documentazione archivistica e fotografica. (S.e., 1992) 166 p. - AA.VV., Sant'Antonio Maria Pucci. (Marianum, 2004) 254 p. - AGOSTINO, s., La Regola di sant’Agostino. Testo e traduzione italiana. Introduzione di Lamberto Crociani S.e., (1983) 65 p.

- BENASSI Vincenzo, San Pellegrino da Forlì. Una speranza per i malati inguaribili. Santuario S. Pellegrino, 1996. 245 p. - BENASSI Vincenzo - JACQUES DIAS Odir - FAUSTINI Faustino M., Breve storia dell'Ordine dei Servi di Maria (Le Missioni dei Servi di Maria, Roma 1984) 262 p. English: A short history of the (Rome 1987) 289 p. Portoguese: Breve história da Ordem dos Servos de Maria (S.e., 1990) 306 p. Spagnolo: Los Siervos de Maria. Breve historia da la Orden. (S.e., 1989) 292 p. - BESUTTI Giuseppe M., San Filippo Benizi. Profilo biografico. S.e., 1985. 64 p. - BESUTTI Giuseppe M., Pietà e dottrina mariana nell'Ordine dei Servi di Maria nei secoli XV e XVI (Marianum, 1984) 126 p. - BOFF Clodovis, osm, A via da comunhão de bens. A Regra de Santo Agostinho comentada na perspectiva da Teologia da Libertação = Espírito e Vida (Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro 1988) 197 p. Español: El Camino de la Comunión de Bienes. La regla de san Agustín comentada en la perspectiva de la Teología de la Liberación (Paulinas, Bogota 1991) 218 p. Italiano: La via della comunione dei beni. La regola di sant'Agostino commentata nella prospettiva della teologia della liberazione (Cittadella, Assisi 1991) 220 p. - BRAULT Alexis, osm - RATH Noèl, osm, Simples et fraternels. Les Servites de Marie =Témoins & témoignages 10 (Paulines - Médiaspaul, Montréal - 1984) 127 p.

- 208° GENERAL CHAPTER [1983] OF THE ORDER OF THE SERVANTS OF MARY, Letter Do what He tells you. Reflections and Proposals for Fostering Marian Devotion (Elle Di Ci, Leumann-Torino 1985). - 209° CAPITOLO GENERALE [1989] DELL'ORDINE DEI SERVI DI MARIA, Documento sulla formazione e Appendice, in: Acta OSM 55 (1989) pp. 501-530. - 210° CAPITOLO GENERALE [1995] DELL'ORDINE DEI SERVI DI MARIA, Formazione O.S.M., in: Acta OSM 61 (1996) pp. 218-253. Vedi il Documento sulla formazione: pp. 225-238. - 210° GENERAL CHAPTER [1995] OF THE ORDER OF THE SERVANTS OF MARY, Letter Servants of the . The Canticle of the Virgin and Consecrated Life ( generalizia O.S.M., Roma 1995).


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- 213° GENERAL CHAPTER [2013] OF THE ORDER OF THE SERVANTS OF MARY, Be it done unto me according to your word. Servites and Mary, the image of one who lives listening and witnessing to the Word (Curia generalizia O.S.M., Roma 2013). - Carteggio di Agostino Morini, OSM (1853-1874). Vita quotidiana, cultura e letture nel secondo Ottocento. A cura di Filippo Berlasso, O.S.M., Marianum, 2001. 2 vol., (liv, 1367 p.) - CASALINI, Eugenio M., Filippo Benizi santo Fiorentino († 1285). Lettura storico-critica della prima "Legenda". (S.e., 1985) 72 p. - CASALINI, Eugenio M., Le pleiadi del Senario. I Sette Fondatori dei Servi di Maria. S.e., 1989. 50 p. - CASALINI, Eugenio, L’Ordine dei Servi di Maria e la sua nascita in Firenze (1233) S.e., 1983. 48 p. - CITERONI Raffaella, L'Ordine dei Servi di Santa Maria nel Veneto. Tre insediamenti trecenteschi. Venezia (1316), Verona (1324), Treviso (1346). Marianum, 1998. 556 p. - Costituzioni dell'Ordine dei frati Servi di Maria e Direttorio Generale. Regola di sant'Agostino (Curia generalizia O.S.M., Roma 2015). - CROCIANI, Lamberto M., Le origini della spiritualità dei Servi di Maria (1233-1304). S.e., 1983. 50 p.

- DAL PINO Andrea M., Bullarium Ordinis Servorum Sanctae Mariae. I.(1251/52-1304). Istituto Storico O.S.M., (1974) 152 p. - DAL PINO Andrea M., I frati Servi di santa Maria dalle origini alla approvazione (1233 ca.-1304) (Marianum, 1972) 3 volumi 2124 p. - DAL PINO Andrea M., Origini e sviluppi dell'Ordine dei frati Servi di Maria nel sec. XIII (Marianum, 1971) 681 p. - DAL PINO Andrea M., Un gruppo evangelico del duecento. I Sette Fondatori dei Servi di Maria. Con una nota iconografica a cura di Eugenio M. Casalini. (S.e., 1969) 124 p. - DE CANDIDO Luigi M., O.S.M. ed., Il cammino dei Servi di Maria = Vie e tappe (Borla, Roma 1983) 219 p. - DE CANDIDO Luigi M., Il cammino dei Servi di Maria (Servitium, 2001) 304 p. - DE VITTORIO, Luigi M., Missione Africa. Vol. I. La prima esperienza missionaria dei Servi di Maria In Swaziland. Luci ed ombre nel ventennio 1913-1933. Marianum, 2005. xvii, 488 p. - DE VITTORIO, Luigi M., Missione Africa. Vol. II. La Chiesa in Swaziland:. il travaglio di una crescita. Da Prefettura a Vicariato Apostolico. 1934-1939 Marianum 2009. xii, 628 p. - DE VITTORIO, Luigi M., Missione Africa. Vol. III. Il buon seme e il raccolto: sviluppo della Chiesa Swazi nel quadro della gerarchia ecclesiastica eretta dalla Santa Sede nell’Africa Meridionale. Da Vicariato Apostolico a Diocesi (anni 1940-1951). Marianum, 2010. xiv, 557 p. - DIAS Odir J., Bolle pontificie dell'Archivio Generale dal 1224 al 1414 (Archivum generale osm 1972) 80 p. - DIAS Odir J. - DAL PINO A.M., Storia e inventari dell'Archivio Generale O.S.M. (Archivum generale osm1972) 96 p. - DIAS Odir J., I registri dei Priori Generali O.S.M. dal 1285 al 1625. Presentazione e contenuto (Archivum generale O.S.M. 1970) 432 p.

- Epistolario di S. Antonio M. Pucci, OSM (1847-1891). A cura di Franco M. Azzalli, Pacifico M. Branchesi, Franco A. Dal Pino, Odir J. Dias. Mariunum, 2001-2006. 883 p. 2 vol. (xviii, 885 p.)

- FAUSTINI Faustino M., ed., Costituzioni dell'Ordine dei frati Servi di Maria commentate dalle relazioni ufficiali dei capitoli generali e del consiglio generalizio (Curia generalizia OSM, Roma 1989) 623 p. - Fonti storico-spirituali dei Servi di Santa Maria, [Vol] I, dal 1245 al 1348, (Servitium, 2000) 470 p. - Fonti storico-spirituali dei Servi di Santa Maria, [Vol] II, dal 1349 al 1495, (Servitium, 2002) 736 p. - Fonti storico-spirituali dei Servi di Santa Maria, [Vol] III /1-2], dal 1496 al 1623, a Cura di Franco A. Dal Pino, (Messaggero, 2008). 2 vol.


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- FOSTER Luke M., Theology and Theologians in the Servite Germanic Observance (1636-1783). Istituto Storico O.S.M., (1978) 164 p. - Fuentes histórico-espirituales de los Siervos de Santa María. [Vol] I, de 1245 a 1348. (Servitium, 2000) 478 p.

- GALASSI Amleto Giuseppe, Il rinnovamento culturale dell'Ordine dei Servi di Maria dal 1940 al 1968 in Italia (Marianum, 1989) 152 p.

- Il beato Giacomo Filippo Bertoni da Faenza (1454-1483) dell’Ordine dei servi di Maria. Nel 500° della morte. (Centro Studi O.S.M., 1983) 245 p. - Il Beato Girolamo di S. Angelo in Vado. Clios, 1982. 131 p. - Il padre dei poveri. S. Antonio Maria Pucci. A cura della Federazione Italia España Servi di Maria. In occasione del I centenario della morte… (S.e., 1992) 72 p.

- JACQUES Camille M., Saint Philippe Benizi fidèle serviteur de Marie. (Marianum, 1989) 170 p.

- LUBICH Gino; Lazzarin Piero, Il Curatino di Viareggio. Antonio Pucci. (Città Nuova, 1984) 147 p.

- MONTAGNA Davide M., La "Legenda" arcaica del Beato Filippo Benizi. Ricerche e proposte. (Convento S. Carlo, 1985) 80 p.

- Ritual of Religious Profession for Frair Servants of St. Mary = Libri liturgici OSM 9 (Curia generalizia OSM, Roma 1993) 172 p. - ROCCA Gabriele M., Giuseppe Bedetti sacerdote di Bologna e terziario dei Servi di Maria. (S.e., 1986) 148 p. - ROSCHINI Gabriele M., Galleria Servitana. Oltre mille Religiosi dell'Ordine dei Servi di Maria illustri per santità, scienze, lettere ed arti. Marianum, 1976. 2 vol. (694, 160 p.) - ROSS Christopher ed., Origins and Early Saints of the Order of Servants. Writings of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries (Friar Servants of Mary, Chicago-Illinois 1984) 133 p. - ROSSI Alessio M., Manuale di storia dell'Ordine dei Servi di Maria (1233-1954) (Typis Pontificiæ Universitatis Gregorianæ, Romæ 1956) 897 p.

- SERRA Aristide M., Un santo nella Firenze del duecento, Filippo Benizi da Firenze. Con una nota iconografica a cura di D. M. Montagna (S.e., 1972) 112 p. - Sources for the history and spirituality of the Servants of St. Mary. Vol I, from 1245 to 1348 (Servitium, 2000) 468 p.

- Tavola cronologica della storia dell'Ordine dei Servi di Santa Maria dalle origini al 2004. A cura di Franco M. Azzalli (Istituto Storico, 2005) Tavole pieghevoli.

- VIEIRA Dilermando Ramos M., La storia dei Servi di Maria in America Latina. (Marianum, 2010) 472 p.

4. Studies

- AA.VV., Corso di formazione per animatori della pastorale giovanile e vocazionale (Rogate, Roma 1998) 209 p. - AA.VV., La vita consacrata e la sfida dell'inculturazione. XXI Convegno del « Claretianum » (Rogate, Roma 1996) 254 p. - AA.VV., La vita religiosa. Commento esegetico e pastorale del lezionario liturgico per la « professione religiosa » = PAF 76 (Queriniana, Brescia 1974) 423 p.


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- AA.VV., « Vita consecrata ». Studi e riflessioni (Conferenza Italiana Superiori Maggiori - Rogate, Roma 1996) 339 p. - ABBRUZZESE S., La vita religiosa. Per una sociologia della vita consacrata, prefazione di Léo Mulin (Guaraldi, Rimini 1995). - AUBRY J., Teologia della vita religiosa alla luce del Vaticano II (Elle Di Ci, Torino - Leumann 1970) 187 p. - AUGÉ M. - SASTRE SANTOS E. - BORRIELLO L., Storia della vita religiosa (Queriniana, Brescia 1988) 508 p. - AZEVEDO M., Vidas consagradas. Rumos e Encruzilhadas (Ediçoes Loyola, Sao Paulo 1993). Français: À la croisée des chemins. La vie religieuse, consécration e mission = Vie consacrée 12 (C.D.R.R. Vie consacrée, Namur 1995) 208 p.

- BIANCHI E., Si tu savais le don de Dieu. La vie religieuse dans l’Église (Lessius, Bruxelles 2001). - BOFF C., El evangelio del poder-servicio (Bogotá 1985). - BOFF L., A vida religiosa no proceso de libertaçao (Petrópolis 1976). - BOFF L., God’s Witnesses in the Heart of the World (Claret Centre for Resources in Spirituality, Chicago 1981). Français: Témoins de Dieu au cœur du monde (Le Centurion, Paris 1982). - BRAULT A. - RATH N., La vie religieuse. L’un des chemins pour le bonheur = Perspectives de vie religieuse (Cerf, Paris 1987) 130 p. - BROCKMAN N., A popular history of religious life (St. Paul Publications - Africa, Nairobi - Kenya 1990). - BURDESE G., L'anelito a Cristo. Itinerari vocazionali seguendo le tre cose che rimangono. Lectio divina (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Vaticano 1997) 183 p.

- CENCINI A., Amerai il Signore Dio tuo. Psicologia dell'incontro con Dio = Psicologia e formazione 3 (Dehoniane, Bologna 1996) 153 p. - CENCINI A., « ... come olio profumato ... ». Strumenti di integrazione comunitaria del bene e del male = Religiosi Duemila 18 (Paoline, Milano 1999) 376 p. - CENCINI A., Con amore. Libertà e maturità affettiva nel celibato consacrato = Psicologia e formazione 12 (Dehoniane, Bologna 1994) 312 p. - CENCINI A., Éduquer, former, accompagner – Une pédagogie pour aider une personne à réaliser sa vocation (Éd. des Béatitudes, 2007). - CENCINI A., Formazione permanente: ci crediamo davvero? (EDB, Bologna 2011) 137 p. - CENCINI A., Nell'amore. Libertà e maturità affettiva nel celibato consacrato = Psicologia e formazione 13 (Dehoniane, Bologna 1995) 360 p. - CENCINI A., Per amore. Libertà e maturità affettiva nel celibato consacrato = Psicologia e formazione 11 (Dehoniane, Bologna 1994) 520 p. - CENCINI A., Qualcuno ti chiama. Lettera a chi non sa d'esser chiamato = Carissima/o - Lettere ai giovani 3 (Queriniana, Brescia 1999) 70 p. - CENCINI A., I sentimenti del figlio. Il cammino formativo nella vita consacrata = Psicologia e formazione 19 (Dehoniane, Bologna 1998) 240 p. - CENCINI A., Vita consacrata. Itinerario formativo lungo la via di Emmaus (San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo - Milano 1994) 298 p. - CENTRO NAZIONALE VOCAZIONI, ed., Direzione spirituale e accompagnamento vocazionale. Teologia e scienze umane a servizio della vocazione = Venite e vedete 1 (Àncora, Milano 1996) 403 p. - CHITTISTER J., The Fire in these Ashes. A Spirituality of Contemporary Religious Life (Sheed & Ward, Kansas City 19964) 178 p. Italiano: Il fuoco sotto la cenere. Spiritualità della vita religiosa qui e adesso (San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo 1998) 197 p. - CHITTISTER J.D., Nos plus belles années: L’avenir de la vie religieuse, trad. Albert Beaudry (Éditions Novalis, Montréal 2006) 175 p. - CLAR, Hacia una vida religiosa latino-americana (Bogotá 1981). - CLAR, Vida segundo o Espiritu as comunidades religiosas da América Latina (Rio 1974). - CODINA V., Teologia de la vida religiosa (Vida religiosa, Madrid 1968).


Ratio Institutionis of the Order of Friar Servants of St. Mary 40 BIBLIOGRAPHY

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