Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae Jacques Distler Work: Home: Physics Department 7522 Stonecliff Drive University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 78731 RLM 9.218A, Mailstop C1600 1 University Station Austin, TX 78712 Phone: (512) 471{2950 email: Positions Held 2001{present Professor, University of Texas at Austin. Spring 2001 Visiting Fellow, ITP, UC Santa Barbara. 1996{2001 Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin. 1994{1996 Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin. Spring 1993 Visiting Fellow, ITP, UC Santa Barbara. 1989{1994 Assistant Professor, Princeton University. 1987{1989 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cornell University. Education 1987 Ph.D., Physics, Harvard University. 1982 A.B., Physics, cum laude, Harvard University. Grants and Fellowships 2007-present BSF Grant #2006157 (co-PI) 2010{present NSF Grant PHY-0969020 (co-PI) 2005{2010 NSF Grant PHY-0455649 (co-PI) Jacques Distler 2 Spring 2001 Faculty Research Award, University of Texas 2000{2005 NSF Grant PHY-0071512 (co-PI) 1993{1997 Sloan Foundation Fellowship 1995{2000 NSF Grant PHY-9511632 (co-PI) 1996 NSF Grant PHY-9540306 supplement (PI) 1995 Summer Research Award, University of Texas Colloquia and Invited Lectures (recent) August, 2009 Workshop on \(0,2) Mirror Symmetry and Quantum Sheaf Cohomol- ogy," Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam, Germany. May, 2009 CBMS conference conference on \Topology, C∗-algebras, and String Duality," TCU, Ft. Worth TX. September, 2008 Perimeter Institute conference on \Science in the 21st Century," Wa- terloo Canada. July, 2008 Simons Workshop in Mathematics and Physics, SUNY Stony Brook. June, 2008 BIRS Workshop on \Emerging Directions in String Theory," Banff Canada.
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