Khomeini Fanatics Grovoke Illlr8rialist Threats Split
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NUMBER 70 SUMMER 1979/80 TWENTY CENTS Khomeini fanatics grovoke illlR8rialist threats Over a month after well in the Pentagon is for the organised Muslim "students" bombing of Khomeini's seized the Ame.rican Embassy headquarters in the'holy and staff in Teheran, the city of Qom. It is not most dangerous imperialist hard to see almost any power in history remained President other than locked in confrontation with Carter sanctioning an in a priest caste of Shi'ite vasion of the oil fields." mullahs who want to return to the seventh-century puritani Liberal imperialist "dove" cal desert "paradise" of the George McGovern has been Koran. In Iran, the young right out in front, calling zealots' seizure of the for "an outright blockade to building and 62 (now 49) prevent anything from moving American hostages and their in or out of fran" (Newsweek, demand for the extradition of 3 December). But all these murderous ex-dictator Shah options are fraught with Pahlavi from his New dangers for world capitalism, York City hospital bed has among them the malicious r~vitalised ~aning popular destruction of the vital oil support for the theocratic supplies and the econpmies, of other iIDP-"l'ri:<l'Hst powers and '~"~::-r~tt~6~it:~!i!~~~~'~ supposed US allies, es provoked a wave of virulen't pecially Japan. Toohey also anti-Iranian jingoism. As'the notes the risk of "a possible deadlock continues and the ' Soviet intervention". In ad . diplomatic/economic wa,rfare dition, the embassy's occu escalates, the threat of a piers have mined the building vengeful US military strike and have'vowed to blow them has grown. Chauvinist backlash in US to Kho~eini's jihad against "Satan Americo", selves and their captives to ~--------------------------------~--------------~~--------------------______-- ______~' kingdom come in the event of The American ruling class any attack. in all its imperialist ar- rogance and bourge.ais hypoc- tven if the shah leaves risy has nelt'er beenab Ie to US-hands oft'lran! the US for Egypt -- perhaps understand the explosive hatred Iran's ex-ruler the first open threat on 20 November. Warning of the only cquntry willing t~ take him -- the evokes among his former "subjects". Nor has it "other remedies" he has positioned 'naval task fanatics in the embassy have declared that the understood that the Islamic zealot ,who deposed forces in the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean, ayatollah's promise to put the hostages on trial the shah means what he says when he talks about including five giant aircraft carriers within for "espionage" ,and punish them (presumably by purging Iran of "corrupting" Western influence. striking distance of Iran. His pronouncements execution) will be quickly carried out. Were They thought that they could weather the outcry have become more and more intransigent. Newsweek they to do so it may well make a US military which they knew would result when they allowed' (3 December) quoted a White House aide: "even if strike inevitable (if the decision hasn't been the bloody torturer and mass murderer who once we wanted to, we couldn't send [the shah1 back. made already). If he' acts, Carter will have the occupied the Peacock Throne to jet to New York He's become a symbol of American determination"'. support of a backlash of "national unity" in the 'for expensive medical treatment. And they didn't As for the hostages, Carter has aZready written US which has even bolstered the tattered image of antiCipate that Iran's theocratic despots would them off in a statement which explicitly put this desperate man,'heretofore almost certain to not only back but help mobilise the students' "protect[ing1 the honour of our country" before lose the 1980 presidential 'elections, as a, action, force the impotent .Bazargan government to the "safety and release of the hostages" (Sydney "national leader". Reacting to a feeling of help resign, and declare a virtual holy war against Morning HeraZd, 29 November). lessness, in the currently prevailing mood many the US. Americans would undoubtedly approve of nuking Exact ly what upho lding such "honour" might Qom, the religious capital of Khomeini's Persian US Imperialism prepares to strike entail given the impossibility of an Entebbe chauvinist Islamic sect. style res'cue raid was summed up by the, FinanciaZ Now the US rulers, enraged and embarrassed by The Muslim zealots who follow the ayatollah Review's Washington correspondent Brian Toohey in have violated diplomatic prerogatives ~n a way their helpless inability to free the hostages or a 30 November article: bring Khomeini to "reason" through the normal not even the Nazis aid. But Carter is invoking diplomatic channels, are prepared to wreak a " .. ,' the National Security Council under Mr Continued on page two potentially deadly revenge -- even if the hos Zbig Brzezinski wants to use naval air power tages are freed. US President Jimmy Carter made to smash Iran's oil refineries. A live option Split Spartads, .League leads anti-KKK t 'in the 1- United Secretariat rally in Detroit ,,~-.- ~ - :;.. ,~_";'"~ :r'~~ ~- -""""-"'~-w'~_;w...",,,,·,.,. ~-...,, ;f' .... '~... .., ~",-- ...>-..""", • ....,. ,;-,-r"'" .... __ .. -·--",", ...,t- .. '. :'--1"'~ ',;;. ---:; It' -,; :-... -;'"1'-';' ., , _."! "> ";i; ~-.~ til' ~,~,~ ..: ;" . .,;; ;~. ,,);;> , - work, the Arabs of Khuzistan, and the oil workers utionary. tribunals" no less sinister than the Iran crisis. • • -- can remain in effect. However, Carter's belli shah's Vicious SAVAK. On the other hand,.One can Continued from page one cosity has provided the tinpot "Imam" wi~h just be sure that the papers of the more than 270 the excuse his reactionary regime needs to jus Iranians studying in the US military academies tify the privation of the Iranian masses for a will be found to be in order. the felt outrage of the American people in order generation: blame it on the Americans. to get re-elected to the White House over the We oppose these draconian reregistration/ bodies of tens of thousands of Iranians. whose Internationally, the Khomeiniites' action has deportation orders above all because of the just desire to take their own country back has met with disfavour from governments of aimost history of such acts of victimisation and the been mobilised by a clerical-medievalist fanatic. every st,ripe. The USSR (which no doubt figures precedent it would set. ,In this century the US US imperialism has well earned the hatred of the its Teheran embassy could be next) voted in the has seen for example the 1919-20 Palmer Raids in people not only of Iran bUt of the entire Near UN Security Council to condemn the seizure, and which thousands of foreign-born conununists, Eastern region. and a military intervention could in its propaganda has backed off from its initial socialists and anarchists were expelled from the not fail to shake the stability of the despotic muted approval to call for the release of the country in response to the Bolshevik Revolution. US-backed Arab regimes who supply the advanced hostages. Even radical-bonapartist "Third World" Carter's measure recalls in particular the regimes usually eager to thumb their noses at rounding-up of Japanese-Arnercians and Japanese capitalis~ countries with oil. Yankee imperialism have been noticeably reticent. nationals during World War II when 160,000 were For decades the essential thrus,t of American DiplQmatic inununity and territorial sovereignty held in West Coast prison camps. Such racist ,.: policy toward Iran has not been just to plunder of embassies are seldom violated even by nations measures as Carter's decree lay the basis for the country. but also to make it a fortified at war, though every diplomatic office conducts restrictions like an internal passport system~ regional bastion in an anti-communist crusade its share of spying and intelligence gathering. and must be opposed by all those concerned to agains~ the Soviet degenerated workers state on These diplomatic rules of the game are necessary defend democratic rights. Iran's northern border. The US has continued to to maintain international relations between Carter also upstaged the Khomeini regim~'s fr supply Khomeini's Iran with weapons for exactly nation-states, until the nation-state itself has threat to cut off petroleum exports to the US by the same purpose: to aim them against the Soviet disappeared in a socialist world. ordering a ban on 12 November on Iranian oil Union. The possibility of a confrontation was Khomeini explained his o~der to the students (which supplies about 4 percent of American con pointed to last month when the Russians staged an to release women and black hostages not suspected sumption). Then, when the Iranian government "exerdse" involving the airlift of 10.000 men to of being spies as an expression of Islamic "re threatened to with4raw its investments and South Yemen and Ethiopia. The USSR remains the gard" for women and the oppression of racial deposits from US banks -- estimated at $8-12 chief obsession of anti-communist cold warrior 'minorities in the US. Nonsense! Islam's "regard" billion -- Carter froze these assets. Khomeini's Brzezinski. And as John F Kennedy showed in the for women is expressed in the chador, the response was to have his (now dismissed) foreign Cuban missile crisis of 1962. when it comes to head-to-toe veil which is the symbol of their minister Bani Sadr announce that Iranian external taking the world to the brink of a nuclear holo enslavement and imprisonment within the horne. debts contracted under the shah's rule would not caust. the US bourgeoisie is'no more rational Islam has also given institutional support to the be honoured. The escalating economic ,tit-for-tat than the ayatollah of Qom. slave trade, and to this day black chattel has worried the world bourgeoisie: "Financial The American working class must militantly slavery exists in Islamic countries on the wars are just as dangerous".