
Methods 34 (2004) 408–414 www.elsevier.com/locate/ymeth

Crystallization of RNA and RNA– complexes

Ailong Kea and Jennifer A. Doudnaa,b,¤

a Department of Molecular and and Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA b Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Accepted 24 March 2004


RNA plays a direct role in a variety of cellular activities, and in many cases its biological function is conferred by the RNA three- dimensional structure. X-ray is the method of choice for determining high resolution structures of large RNA , and can also be used to compare related and identify conformational changes that may accompany biochemical activity. However, remains the rate-limiting step in RNA structure determination due to the diYculty in obtaining well-ordered for X-ray diVraction analysis. Several approaches to sample preparation, crystallization, and handling are presented that have been used successfully in the structure determination of RNA and RNA–protein complexes in our labora- tory, and should be generally applicable to RNAs in other systems.  2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: RNA; Ribozyme; Crystallization; RNP

1. Introduction the past few years have revealed many of the principles that enable RNA helices to pack into compact three- The explosion of interest in RNA and RNA–protein dimensional structures that create catalytic centers and complexes in recent years stems from the discovery that ligand binding sites. Nonetheless, much remains to be RNA plays much more varied roles in biology than had learned about RNA that can only be revealed in detail previously been suspected. In addition to its long-recog- by X-ray determination. This review nized participation in all aspects of protein , outlines a variety of methods used to prepare and crys- structured RNA molecules are also central to the activi- tallize RNA samples and optimize crystals for X-ray ties of ribonucleoprotein complexes responsible for telo- diVraction analysis, with examples from experience in mere replication, X-chromosome inactivation, protein our own laboratory. traYcking, and RNA splicing and processing. In addi- tion, RNA interference involves hundreds of small RNA oligonucleotides that are processed from larger precur- 2. Principles of RNA crystallization sors and inactivate speciWc messenger RNAs by mecha- nisms whose details have yet to be elucidated. Along Crystallization is predictably the least predictable with the increased interest in RNA biology has come the aspect of a structure determination project. Many fac- recognition that understanding RNA activities will tors aVect the inherent crystallizability of an RNA sam- require knowledge of the structures and conformational ple, including purity, conformational homogeneity, dynamics of these molecules. The crystal structures of molecular surface area, and available sites for inter- ribozymes and of the ribosome and its subunits solved in molecular contacts, ligand binding, and structural dynamics. A crystal is a well-ordered three-dimensional ¤ Corresponding author. Fax: 1-510-643-0080. array of molecules held together by non-covalent inter- E-mail address: [email protected] (J.A. Doudna). actions called “crystal contacts.” In general, crystals of

1046-2023/$ - see front  2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ymeth.2004.03.027 A. Ke, J.A. Doudna / Methods 34 (2004) 408–414 409 nucleic acids and can be grown by slow, con- resolution for the Ffh M-domain bound to 4.5S RNA trolled precipitation from aqueous under [9]. Another successful approach involves engineering non-denaturing conditions. Among the various crystalli- the U1A binding site sequence into non-essential regions zation techniques available, the most popular are hang- of the RNA, and crystallizing the RNA in complex with ing/sitting drop diVusion and microbatch. The the U1A RNA binding domain (RBD) protein. This former involves applying 1–10 l of crystallization sample approach dramatically improved the crystallizability of onto a platform (sitting drop) or an inverted cover the HDV and hairpin ribozymes [10–12]. The rigid, posi- slide (hanging drop) and allowing it to equilibrate against tively charged U1A protein serves as a structural a much larger volume (0.5 ml or more) of reservoir solu- landmark and forms most of the contacts in the HDV tion through vapor diVusion in a sealed environment. ribozyme crystal lattice, signiWcantly increasing the The latter involves mixing samples with crystallization diVraction limit of the ribozyme crystals [10]. The reagents and allowing the drop to equilibrate with air structure determination process is also expedited by pre- through a layer of oil. Both methods are successful in paring Se-derivatized U1A protein and using multiwave- identifying initial crystallization conditions, while sample length anomalous diVraction (MAD) to solve the volumes as small as 20 nl can be set up in automated fash- problem [11,12]. Crystallization modules are usually ion using the microbatch method, enabling high-through- introduced into an RNA through a helical put crystal screening ([1] and references therein). A adaptor segment, whose length can be systematically promising new method using microXuidics, described in varied to allow those modules to sample diVerent orien- this volume of Methods (S. Quake article), enables tations [2]. screening of 48 crystallization conditions, each at three Another successful approach to improving the qual- sample-to-precipitant ratios, with just 3l of sample. ity of RNA crystals has been to use in vitro selection to Despite these approaches, obtaining well-ordered identify more stable folding variants of a native mole- crystals is still seemingly more diYcult for RNA and cule. Crystals of the P4–P6 domain of the Tetrahymena RNA–protein complexes than for proteins. Several fac- group I intron were improved by selection of a P4–P6 tors may contribute to this. Whereas proteins can utilize mutant that folds at a lower magnesium ion concentra- a large number of structural and chemical features on tion than the native sequence [13,14]. To overcome an their molecular surface to form crystal contacts, the apparent Xexibility problem that prevented crystals of repetitive array of negatively charged phosphate groups the Tetrahymena self-splicing group I intron from on the surface of an RNA molecule makes crystal pack- diVracting to high resolution, in vitro selection was used ing more diYcult and potentially error-prone. Hence, to identify active variants of the intron with increased many nucleic acid crystals are poorly ordered and thermal stability [15]. The was diVract X-rays to only low resolution [2]. Unlike most increased 10.5 °C in the Wnal selection product, which proteins that fold into globular domains, RNAs fre- contains nine point mutations; most of these seem to quently adopt elongated shapes that pack loosely in improve intramolecular packing interactions in the crystals, with high content. Furthermore, the rel- molecular interior. This variant Tetrahymena intron atively weak tertiary interactions within RNA molecules self-cleaves to a greater extent, although at a slightly lead to more Xexibility and inter-domain movements, slowly rate, than the wild type [15]. Crystals of the Tetra- and a higher tendency to misfold. The former results in hymena intron with a subset of these nine mutations weaker diVraction and higher temperature factors in introduced diVracted to 3.8 Å resolution, a signiWcant RNA crystals, while the latter leads to non-homoge- improvement from 5.0 Å for the wild type crystals (per- neous samples that are hard to crystallize. sonal communication, Dr. Feng Guo, University of Col- Because of these problems, active engineering can be orado at Boulder). very useful for obtaining diVraction quality crystals (for reviews, see [3–5]). A blunt or “sticky” end may be engi- neered into RNA to promote inter-molecular stacking 3. Sample preparation interactions that form “super helices” in the crystal lat- tice [6]. Non-essential regions within the RNA may be Milligram quantities of RNA required for crystalliza- deleted or replaced with stem loops that may potentially tion experiments can be obtained from two sources: form speciWc crystal contacts. For example, GNRA tetr- chemical synthesis and in vitro run-oV transcription aloops and cognate receptor sequences were found to using T7 RNA polymerase. Nucleotide modiWcations mediate crystal contacts in hammerhead ribozyme crys- site-speciWcally incorporated during chemical synthesis tals [7,8]. Engineering GAAA tetraloop–tetraloop recep- can be exploited in structure determination and func- tor interactions into non-essential regions of the tional studies. However, there is an eVective length limit hepatitis delta (HDV) ribozyme yielded many of »40 nucleotides for chemical synthesis, as abortive more crystal forms than controls [2]. A similar engineer- products accumulate with each cycle of nucleotide addi- ing approach produced crystals diVracting to 1.5 Å tion. Much larger RNAs can be generated by in vitro 410 A. Ke, J.A. Doudna / Methods 34 (2004) 408–414 transcription reactions. In this case, the RNA coding 75-nucleotide precursor HDV ribozyme was separated sequence is subcloned into a high-copy number from the cleaved product that is just three nucleotides such as pUC19 (New England Biolabs) under the con- shorter using a 10% 50 £ 34 £ 0.3 cm denaturing gel; this trol of a T7 RNA polymerase promoter. The construct is material was used successfully in crystallization experi- then ampliWed in bacterial , puriWed, and line- ments. After , the RNA bands are identi- arized at a restriction site engineered at the 3Ј end of the Wed by UV shadowing and the target RNA band is coding sequence. The overall transcription yield is very excised and crushed. RNA is eluted from the pulverized sensitive to the sequence at the 5Ј end of the product gel slices using DEPC-treated water, concentrated by RNA, as T7 polymerase prefers one or more guanosines three buVer exchanges using an Amicon concentrator, at the 5Ј terminus [16,17]. The polymerase also randomly and stored at ¡80 °C until further use. incorporates 1–3 nucleotides at the 3Ј end of the tran- script, generating N + 1, N + 2, and/or N + 3 extensions [16,17]. Self-cleaving ribozymes Xanking the coding 4. Large-scale RNA ligation to introduce modiWed sequence can cleave the RNA transcript in cis to gener- nucleotides ate homogeneous 5Ј and 3Ј ends [18,19]. Hammerhead and HDV ribozymes are routinely used to generate The analysis of RNA crystal structures containing RNAs with a non-guanosine 5Ј end and a homogeneous speciWcally incorporated modiWed nucleotides opens a 3Ј end, respectively. These two ribozymes have minimal new dimension in studying RNA structure–function sequence preferences to deWne the cleavage site. The relationships. For example, structures of self-cleaving hammerhead ribozyme, however, must be redesigned to ribozymes in the pre-cleavage state can be determined by maintain essential base-pairings each time a new RNA replacing the 2Ј hydroxyl of the attacking nucleotide construct is to be made [18,19]. with a 2Ј-deoxy,2Ј-methoxy or 2Ј-Xuoro analog [7,11,20] As much as 40mg of puriWed RNA can be produced (A.K. and J.A.D., unpublished). Time-resolved crystal- from a 10 ml transcription reaction following a typical in lography can, in principle, be carried out on ribozymes vitro transcription protocol. It is important to optimize with a photolabile group such as O-nitrobenzyl attached the Mg2+, plasmid template, and T7 polymerase concen- to the 2Ј-oxygen at the active site [21]. The use of a trations for each RNA construct to be used. A standard methyl group adjacent to the 5Ј oxygen leaving group of transcription reaction used to prepare RNA in suYcient the hammerhead ribozyme created a kinetic bottleneck, quantity for a set of crystallization experiments consists trapping the in-line attacking conformation for of the following: crystallographic structure determination [22]. In addi- tion, 5-bromo- or 5-iodo-uridine or cytidine is frequently 100 mM (NTPs) 500 l of each incorporated into RNA to facilitate experimental phase 1 M Tris–HCl, pH 8.1 300 l  determination [23,24]. 1M MgCl2 250 l »  To crystallize RNAs larger than 40 nucleotides 1M DTT 100 l containing modiWcations, a short synthetic RNA is 1% Triton X-100 100 l W  annealed with a larger unmodi ed transcript, leaving a 1 M spermidine 20 l nick in the phosphate backbone [23,25]. This approach Linearized plasmid 500 g W Ј Ј W limits the modi cations to the 5 or 3 region of the DEPC-H2O ll to 9 ml RNA, and the resulting two-piece construct may aVect  Escherichia coli or yeast inorganic 10 l the RNA conformation and activity. These problems  pyrophosphatase (1 U/ l) can be solved by covalent ligation of the two RNAs T7 RNA polymerase (1 mg/ml) 1 ml using either T4 RNA ligase [26] or T4 DNA ligase [27]. The in vitro transcribed or chemically synthesized Scaling up the ligation reaction to produce enough RNAs are routinely gel-puriWed under denaturing condi- material for crystallization, however, has proven to be tions. As much as 6 ml of RNA sample (mixed with 6 ml technically challenging. of 2£ RNA loading buVer containing 80% (w/v) deion- We used large-scale RNA ligation to introduce 2Ј- ized formamide, 10 mM EDTA (pH 8.0)) can be applied deoxy (H) and 2Ј-methoxy (MeO) nucleotide modiWca- and puriWed on a 24 £ 34 £ 0.3 cm Tris/borate/EDTA tions adjacent to the scissile phosphate in the HDV (TBE) polyacrylamide gel containing 8 M urea. If only ribozyme, enabling crystallization and structure determi- one major RNA product is expected, »40 mg of RNA nation of the ribozyme in the pre-cleavage stage. The can be applied to one gel and puriWed away from plas- HDV precursor ribozyme was produced by splinted liga- mid template and abortive transcripts. If ribozymes are tion of two RNA segments [28]. The 13-nt 5Ј donor included in the transcript to process the ends of the RNA oligonucleotide, containing a GAU trinucleotide RNA, care must be taken not to overload the gels such leader sequence followed by the Wrst 10 nucleotides of that separation of the desired RNA from the cleaved the ribozyme, was synthesized chemically at a 1 mol ribozymes is compromised. As a case in point, 2 mg of a scale with a 2Ј-H or 2Ј-MeO modiWcation incorporated A. Ke, J.A. Doudna / Methods 34 (2004) 408–414 411 preceding the labile phosphate. This RNA was desalted, deprotected, and used directly in the ligation reaction without further puriWcation. The 62-nt acceptor RNA molecule containing the rest of the ribozyme was tran- scribed in vitro using T7 RNA polymerase. To ensure that the RNA transcript contained a monophosphate rather than a triphosphate at the 5Ј end, 20 mM guano- sine monophosphate (GMP) was included together with 1 mM guanosine triphosphate (GTP) in the in vitro tran- scription reaction. GMP can only be incorporated at the 5Ј end of the RNA transcript, and the 20:1 ratio of GMP to GTP ensures that »95% of the transcripts contain a monophosphate at the 5Ј terminus. A DNA splint com- plementary to the entire donor RNA sequence as well as the Wrst 20 nts of the acceptor sequence was chemically synthesized at a 1 mol scale. EYcient ligation of RNA substrates requires an amount of puriWed T4 DNA Fig. 1. (A) Diagram showing the design of a splinted ligation reaction. A donor and an acceptor RNA with 3Ј-OH and 5Ј-monophosphate ligase that is at least stoichiometric with substrate termini, respectively, are annealed with a complementary DNA splint. because this enzyme does not turn over eYciently on The two RNA molecules are then joined covalently by incubation of RNA-containing duplexes [28]. To circumvent the high the annealed complex with T4 DNA ligase. (B) Large scale splint-med- cost of commercially available T4 DNA ligase, we used a iated ligation of two RNA molecules to generate the full-length HDV plasmid encoding a (His) -tagged T4 DNA ligase (gener- ribozyme construct. As shown in this ethidium-stained 10% urea– 6 PAGE gel, a 62-nt in vitro transcribed RNA (lane 4) was covalently ous gift of Dr. Scott Strobel, Yale University) to produce joined to a 13-nt modiWed RNA in a DNA splint-mediated ligation 200 mg of »95% pure T4 DNA ligase from 10 L of bac- reaction to produce non-cleavable precursor HDV ribozyme (lane 1, terial culture [29]. The puriWed ligase is highly active in RNA with 2Ј deoxy (H) modiWcation adjacent to scissile phosphate; splinted ligation reactions and contains negligible lane 2, RNA with 2Ј-methoxy (M) modiWcation at the same site). The W W RNase or DNase activity. modi ed RNAs were puri ed to homogeneity on a preparative-scale Y 10% urea–PAGE gel (lanes 5, 6). No apparent ribozyme cleavage The e ciency of splinted ligation reactions is highly activity was observed for the modiWed RNAs mixed with U1A-RBD dependent on the percentage of correctly annealed protein and urea-refolded in the presence of 2.5 mM MgCl2 (lanes 7 RNA donor/acceptor/DNA splint molecules. For this and 8). A mixture of 72-nt and 78-nt HDV ribozyme RNA was used as reason, ribozymes and other highly structured RNAs a molecular weight marker (lane 3). are not the best ligation substrates since they contain extensive secondary and tertiary folds that may prevent eYcient splint hybridization. Various methods have accumulate within 30 min, reached a maximum been suggested to increase the ligation yield, including between 5 and 7 h, and declined slightly after overnight varying the ligation site, annealing the substrates, and incubation. A detailed splinted ligation procedure for splint sequentially, or including a “disrupter” DNA oli- 20 ml of RNA at 16 M is carried out as gonucleotide to compete with RNA tertiary interac- follows. tions [28]. Our initial attempts to anneal the RNA Annealing. To 8.2 ml of DEPC-treated H2O, add donor, acceptor, and DNA splint in equimolar concen- 3.0 ml of 212 M donor RNA, 2.3 ml of 138 M acceptor trations resulted in less than 40% of correctly annealed RNA, 3.78 ml of 126 M DNA splint, and 2.0 ml of 10£ RNA/DNA hybrid as judged by native polyacrylamide ligation buVer (660 mM Tris–HCl (pH 7.5), 66 mM gel analysis, and the ligation eYciency was only 5–10% MgCl2, and 100 mM DTT). The reaction mixture is of the input sample. Including a disrupter DNA strand heated to 90 °C for 6 min, and cooled to 30 °C over the complementary to internal sequences in the ribozyme course of 2 h. had little or no eVect on the annealing and ligation Ligation. To the annealed reaction, add 100 l of eYciency. We reasoned that higher molar ratios of 100 mM ATP and 620 l of 500 M T4 DNA ligase. The RNA donor and DNA splint to the structured acceptor ligation reaction is allowed to proceed for 5 h at 30 °C. RNA might drive the equilibrium toward formation of Product puriWcation. The ligation reaction is quenched productive RNA/DNA hybrids during annealing. by phenol/chloroform ; the nucleic acids are When the molar ratio of donor/splint/acceptor was then ethanol precipitated, re-dissolved in 8 ml of 1£ changed to 2:1.5:1, the splinted ligation eYciency formamide gel loading buVer, and puriWed on a 10% increased to over 90% (Fig. 1). The reaction time and denaturing polyacrylamide gel. From 6.7 mg of acceptor temperature were further optimized, showing that RNA input, we obtained 2.1 mg of pure ligated precur- 30 °C gives a better yield than 16 and 4 °C. In a time sor HDV ribozyme with a 2Ј-H modiWcation at the course experiment, the ligated RNA product began to cleavage site. 412 A. Ke, J.A. Doudna / Methods 34 (2004) 408–414

5. Sample renaturation to induce conformational 6. Crystallization conditions and screening methods homogeneity RNA samples for crystallization should be trans- It is critical to ensure that chemically homogeneous ferred into a solution containing 10–20 mM buVer and a RNA samples also adopt a homogeneous conformation, minimum amount of monovalent and divalent salts as structural heterogeneity leads to poorly ordered required for activity, and concentrated to »0.5 mM. crystals or prevents crystallization entirely. A common Before subjecting RNA samples to crystal screening, practice to ensure conformational homogeneity is to functional or enzymatic assays should be performed to -denature RNA samples and renature them over a ensure the RNA is fully active. For RNA–protein com- shallow temperature gradient. While this method works plexes, a molar RNA:protein ratio of 1:0.9 seems to well for crystallizing some RNAs, it is not eVective for work well for initial screening, guided by gel shift assays others, such as the precursor HDV ribozyme, that tend to ensure complete complex formation. Protein samples to misfold [30,31]. Only 30–50% of freshly transcribed used should be veriWed to be free of RNase contamina- HDV ribozymes fold correctly and undergo self-cleav- tion by incubating with RNA at room temperature for age, and heat renaturation of the inactive HDV ribo- several days; most (195%) of the RNA should survive zyme does not lead to signiWcantly more cleavage (A.K. this treatment. and J.A.D., unpublished results). NMR spectra of the Several diVerent “sparse matrix” crystallization precursor HDV ribozyme also indicate that multiple screens have been published that allow one to search for conformations may be present [32]. Not surprisingly, no RNA or RNA–protein complex crystallization condi- crystals were ever observed from RNA samples prepared tions eYciently [37–41]. The commercially available using a heat-renaturation procedure. Natrix and Nucleic Acid Mini screens from Hampton An alternative RNA renaturation method, used less Research were used successfully in obtaining crystals of frequently, involves denaturing RNA or an RNA–pro- the HDV precursor ribozyme. Important variables tein complex with 8 M urea and refolding the sample by explored in these crystal screens include the identity and gradual into buVer lacking urea. Urea-mediated concentration of divalent metal ions, polyamines such refolding was used to overcome excessive RNA dimer- as spermine, spermidine, putrescine, metal hexamines, ization of the U2A'/U2B”/U2snRNA complex [33]. It and pH. The most successful precipitants are 2-methyl- was also critical for obtaining diVraction quality crys- 2,4-pentanediol (MPD) and polyethylene glycols (PEGs). tals of the M domain of Ffh protein bound to the core Any positive “hits” in initial crystal screens, often mani- of 4.5S RNA [9]. In addition, the Tetrahymena thermo- fested as tiny rods, needles or needle clusters, or thin phila group I intron has been shown to evade kinetic plates, should be optimized by systematic variation of traps more eYciently in the presence of low urea con- each parameter of the initial crystallization condition centrations [34,35]. The self-cleavage rate of the HDV until large crystals (1100 m in each dimension) can be ribozyme is enhanced 50-fold in the presence of 5 M obtained reproducibly (but see also the chapter by S. Urea [36]. Using urea-mediated refolding, the precursor Quake on crystallization using microXuidic devices). HDV ribozyme/U1A protein complex was crystallized Microseeding and macroseeding are frequently used to in multiple conditions in the Wrst round of a crystalliza- increase the size of initial crystals [42]. tion screen, and optimized crystals ultimately diVracted X-rays to a resolution of 2.1 Å. A detailed urea-medi- ated refolding protocol is as follows: The sample (in our 7. Crystal handling and cryo-stabilization case, the precursor HDV ribozyme RNA complexed with U1A protein) at 0.5 mM concentration is diluted RNA and RNA–protein complex crystals tend to into 9 volumes of denaturing buVer A (25 mM Tris– decay rapidly when exposed to X-rays. Thus, diVraction HCl, pH 7.5, 20 mM NaCl, and 2.5 mM MgCl2) and 8 M data are generally measured at cryogenic . urea. After overnight dialysis against this buVer at 4 °C, Selection of a suitable cryoprotectant that enables cryo- the complex is transferred in three 3-h dialysis steps into genic cooling without ice formation or damage to the buVer A containing decreasing urea of 4, crystal usually involves some trial and error. The most 2, and 0 M, respectively, and reconcentrated to 0.5 mM popular cryoprotectants include glycerol, MPD, PEGs, using a Millipore microcon concentrator. By replacing such as , and volatile alcohols such as eth- V 2.5 mM MgCl2 in the renaturing bu er with 20 mM anol or isopropanol. Crystals are usually transferred EDTA, the wild type HDV ribozyme self-cleavage stepwise into a synthetic mother liquor containing activity could be eVectively suppressed and was increasing concentrations of the cryoprotectant. The refolded by the same procedure. Ultrapure urea from mother liquor is usually similar to the precipitating solu- Sigma is used in the above procedure to avoid trace tion, with ionic strength and precipitant concentration metal contaminants that might trigger ribozyme adjusted to prevent cracking or dissolution of the crystal. cleavage. Some of the mentioned cryoprotectants may be present A. Ke, J.A. Doudna / Methods 34 (2004) 408–414 413 as the precipitating agent in a crystallization condition, 250 £ 200 £ 150 m3 were grown using the hanging drop and if so should be tested Wrst. A cryoprotectant kit con- vapor diVusion method over the course of two weeks at taining 36 cryo- is sold by Hampton Research, 4 °C in optimized conditions containing 5–10% (v/v) facilitating a systematic search. When heavy are MPD, 50 mM sodium cacodylate, pH 6.0, 40–80 mM to be introduced into crystals for experimental phase NaCl, 20 mM MgCl2, and 5–15 mM spermine–HCl. Ini- determination, the overall ionic strength and divalent tial attempts to stabilize these crystals by increasing the ion concentrations should be kept as low as possible. MPD concentration to 30% yielded X-ray diVraction to This sometimes means a complete solvent exchange 3.1 Å at best. A systematic screen of 36 cryoprotectants from high salt solutions to organic such as in the Hampton CryoPro kit identiWed sucrose as the MPD or PEG. Whenever possible, a crystal should be best stabilizer. Crystals transferred stepwise into well capillary-mounted in the X-ray beam to check the solution plus 35% sucrose diVracted X-rays to »2.1 Å diVraction limit and mosaicity prior to cryoprotectant resolution with 0.5° mosaicity. Crystals of the wild type screening. The ultimate measure of cryoprotection suc- ribozyme trapped in the precursor state by chelation of cess is good diVraction with minimum increase in crystal catalytic metal ion or introduction of 2Ј-H, MeO modiW- mosaicity. cation adjacent to scissile phosphate have been described Crystals with high solvent content tend to diVract in detail in the previous sections. X-rays weakly. Sometimes the diVraction limit can be improved by “crystal dehydration” ([43] and references therein). A simple process that has given good results in 9. Concluding remarks our laboratory is the following: The crystal is Wrst trans- ferred stepwise into 5 l of mother liquor with increasing Crystallization of RNA and RNA–protein com- concentration of cryoprotectant. The drop containing plexes remains a challenging task. While still an empiri- the crystal is then covered with 20 l paraYn oil (pur- cal process, the methods outlined in this review provide chased from Hampton Research and dehydrated for one some systematic approaches that are applicable to a hour in a SpeedVac) and allowed to equilibrate with air wide variety of crystallization targets. Together with for 1 h to overnight. In one case, this procedure pro- exciting progress using sub-microliter sample volumes, duced more isomorphous crystals and improved the crystallization of large and hard-to-purify RNAs and diVraction resolution from 3.2 to 2.1 Å. ribonucleoproteins is becoming increasingly tractable. These advances coupled with the availability and acces- sibility of X-ray crystallographic equipment and soft- 8. Application to structure determination of the hepatitis ware will facilitate structural insights into many aspects delta virus ribozyme of RNA biology that can only be elucidated through detailed molecular structure determination. For RNA In this section, we describe the crystallization process structural biology, the future remains very bright for the precursor HDV ribozyme. Found as two closely indeed. related genomic and antigenomic variants, the HDV ribozyme catalyzes eYcient site-speciWc cleavage of the viral RNA phosphodiester backbone through transeste- Acknowledgments riWcation [44]. This ribozyme has a non-speciWc require- ment for divalent cations, and a cytidine nucleotide The authors thank Kaihong Zhou for excellent tech- within the ribozyme sequence is essential to catalytic nical support. This work was supported in part by a activity. The crystal structure of the product form of the grant from the NIH to J.A.D. 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