
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 89, pp. 5567-5571, June 1992 and preliminary x-ray diffraction analysis of P450terp and the hemoprotein domain of P450BM-3, enzymes belonging to two distinct classes of the P450 superfamily (P450 structure/bacterial P450) SEKHAR S. BODDUPALLIt, CHARLES A. HASEMANNt, K. G. RAVICHANDRANt, JUI-YUN Lu, ELIZABETH J. GOLDSMITHt, JOHANN DEISENHOFERt, AND JULIAN A. PETERSONt§ tDepartment of Biochemistry, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas; and tHoward Hughes Medical Institute, Dallas, TX 75235 Communicated by Ronald W. Estabrook, March 5, 1992 (receivedfor review January 29, 1992)

ABSTRACT P450 are members of a super- of these have been cloned, and their nucleotide sequences family of hemoproteins that are involved in the metabolism of have been determined (for a review, see ref. 12). Like the various physiologic and xenobiotic organic compounds. This mitochondrial enzymes, the bacterial systems, in general, superfamily ofproteins can be divided into two claes based on require three components for performing the oxidative reac- the electron donor proximal to the P450: an -sulfur tions. We have isolated a soluble P450 (P450ter,,p) from a strain for class I P450s or a flavoprotein for class II. The only known of Pseudomonas that was selected by culture enrichment tertiary structure of any of the cytochromes P450 is that of techniques based on the ability to grow with a-terpineol as P450., a class I soluble enzyme isolated from Pseudomonas the sole carbon source (13). Like other class I enzymes, pudda (product ofthe CYPIOI ). To understand the details P450t,,p requires a FAD-containing reductase and an iron- of the structure-function relationships within and between the sulfur protein to complete the electron-transfer system es- two classes, structural studies on additional cytochromes P450 sential for the monooxygenation of the hydrocarbon sub- are crucial. We report here characterization of the strate, a-terpineol. The only bacterial P450 that is known to forms of two soluble, bacterial enzymes: cytochrome P40,.p utilize a FAD- and FMN-containing flavoprotein reductase is [class I enzyme from a Pseudomonas species (product of P450BM-3 (class II). This flavocytochrome (Mr 120,000) is a CYP108 gene)] and the hemoprotein domain of cytochrome soluble monooxygenase from Bacillus megaterium (ATCC P450BM-3 [dcass H enzyme from Bacillus megaterium (product 14581) that catalyzes the hydroxylation and epoxidation of of the CYP102 gene)]. The of ,p are several fatty acid substrates (12). The gene encoding this hexagonal and belong to the space group P6122 (or its enanti- catalytically self-sufficient single polypeptide was genetically omorph, P6,22) with unit dimensions a = b = 68.9 A and engineered, resulting in the separate expression of the two c = 458.7 A. The crystals of the hemoprotein domain of functional domains: the NH2-terminal domain (Mr 55,000) cytochrome P450BM-3 are monoclinic and belong to the space that contains the and functions as the monooxygenase group P21 with unit cell dimensions a = 59.4 A, b = 154.0 A, and the COOH-terminal domain (Mr 66,000) that contains c = 62.2 i, and (3 = 94.o. Diffraction data for the crystals of both FAD and FMN and functions as a NADPH:cytochrome these two were obtained to a resolution better than 2.2 reductase (14, 38) . Comparison of the amino acid sequences A. Assuming the presence of two in the asymmetric of the individual domains of P450BM-3 to the sequences of unit for the hemoprotein domain ofP450BM-3 and one other cytochromes P450 and reductases demonstrated that for P450tp, the calculated values of V. are 2.6 and 3.3 A3/Da, this protein is more related to class II than to class I enzymes respectively. (12, 15). Studies in our laboratory to establish the relationship of this soluble, bacterial enzyme to eukaryotic class II Cytochromes P450 are members of a superfamily of b-type enzymes have included the characterization of the metabo- heme proteins that catalyze a variety of oxidative reactions lites formed (16, 17), preparation ofthe individual domains of in the metabolism of endogenous and exogenous hydropho- the enzyme by recombinant DNA methods (14, 38), and bic substrates (1-3). These enzymes are isolated from orga- reconstitution of the monooxygenase activity of cytochrome nisms ranging from bacteria to humans (4-6), and their P450BM-3 by utilizing the individual domains (38). physiological effects cover the spectrum from being required While a protein can be rather unambiguously identified as for normal growth and differentiation to the activation of a P450 based on its physicochemical properties and con- carcinogenic compounds. Cytochromes P450 can be divided served primary structure motifs, the structure-function re- into two classes based on their proximal electron donors: lationships among the cytochromes P450 remain equivocal. class I requiring a FAD-containing reductase and an iron- In spite of the isolation of many prokaryotic and eukaryotic sulfur protein and class II requiring a reductase that contains P450 enzymes in apparently homogeneous forms, the atomic both FAD and FMN. Eukaryotic forms ofthese enzymes are structure of only one of these is available, that of P450c. located in the membranes of mitochondria (class I) and the (18-21). The lack of availability of other tertiary structures endoplasmic reticulum (class II). In contrast, prokaryotic has hindered progress in understanding the substrate speci- cytochromes P450 in general are soluble. The most comprehensively studied of any of these is Abbreviations: P450.,, soluble cytochrome P450 isolated from soluble P450<,¶, a member of class I, isolated from Pseu- Pseudomonas putida (the product of CYPIOI gene); P450BM-3, domonas putida (refs. 7-11). In efforts to better understand soluble cytochrome P450 isolated from Bacillus megaterium (the this superfamily of enzymes, many soluble bacterial cy- product ofCYPJ02 gene); P450t,,p, soluble cytochrome P450 isolated tochromes P450 have been isolated; the of at least 11 from a Pseudomonas species (the product of CYPO08 gene); PEG, polyethylene glycol. §To whom reprint requests should be addressed at: Department of The publication costs ofthis article were defrayed in part by page charge Biochemistry, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" Center, 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75235-9038. in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. 1The P450 nomenclature is adapted from that of Nebert et al. (4). 5567 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 5568 Biochemistry: Boddupalli et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89 (1992) ficity, interaction with electron-transfer partners, and the were obtained by mixing protein [1 mM; -50 mg of basis for the catalysis of similar chemical reactions by protein per ml in potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4)] with distantly related enzymes, etc. To obtain answers for some of precipitant solution (100 mM Pipes buffer/14-16% PEG the above questions, models for the eukaryotic enzymes have 12,000/15 mM dithiothreitol/40 mM MgSO4, pH 6.4) at a been proposed based on the available structure (22-25). ratio of 3:5. Incubation for 2 days at 40C produced crystals. However, the validity of utilizing the structure of P450,,,. as X-Ray Diffraction Data Coliection and Analysis. Crystals a general model for all cytochromes P450 has not been were mounted in thin-walled capillary tubes, and pre- completely established (26). Thus, determination of the ter- cession and still x-ray diffraction photographs were taken by tiary structures of additional enzymes, representing both the using nickel-filtered CuKa radiation from a Rigaku Rotaflex class I and class II enzymes, is critical to establish the rotating anode generator (RU-300) at 50 kV and 108 mA with common structural features of these hemoproteins. To this an Enraf-Nonius precession camera. In the case of P450terp, end, we report here the crystallization and preliminary x-ray to visualize unambiguously the spacing of the reflections diffraction analysis of P450t,0p and the hemoprotein domain along the c* axis, a 0.1-mm double pinhole collimator was ofP450BM-3, enzymes belonging to the two classes ofthe P450 used. superfamily. Diffraction data for the hemoprotein domain of P450BM-3 were measured at room by w scans on dual MATERIALS AND METHODS multiwire area detectors of Xuong/Hamlin design (29) with Materials. All chemicals were of ACS grade or better and graphite monochromated CuK0 x-rays generated by a Rigaku were used without further purification. RU-200 rotating anode generator operating at 50 kV and 108 The BM3-2A (15), containing the P450BM-3- mA. Data were collected in 0.10 frames at a rate of 20 or 30 encoding region, was provided by A. J. Fulco (Department of sec per frame, with the crystal-to-detector distances of 720 Biological Chemistry, University of California, Los Ange- and 780 mm. Detectors were attached to helium cones to les). A recombinant plasmid that contained the region en- minimize air absorption. Data collection, reduction, merging, coding the hemoprotein domain of P450BM-3 was constructed and scaling of the symmetry-related intensities were accom- by removing the excess ofthe 5' flanking region and mutating plished with software by Howard et al. (30). the codon for Lys-472 to a stop codon. By utilizing the Diffraction data for P450tep were collected at the Cornell expression procedures developed for P450BM-3 (16) and its High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) F1 station by flavoprotein domain (14), the hemoprotein domain was over- utilizing a wavelength of 0.91 A collimated with a 0.1-mm expressed at a level of -300o of the Escherichia coli soluble collimator. The data were collected by the oscillation method proteins. The heterologously produced protein was purified with Kodak storage phosphors as detector. The crystals were to homogeneity; its properties were similar to those of the aligned with the c axis along the capillary-spindle axis to native holoenzyme. The individually isolated domains of permit an oscillation of 2.50 per data frame. Three data sets, P450BM-3 were utilized to reconstitute the fatty acid hydrox- each from a , were collected. A 300 data set was ylation activity of the native enzyme (17). Details pertaining acquired with the x-ray beam at detector center and a to the recombinant DNA methods, expression, purification crystal-to-detector distance of 350 mm. Data for the second and properties of the protein, and the ability of the hemo- and third crystals were obtained with the detector translated protein domain to accept electrons from its reductase coun- 80 mm parallel to the oscillation axis at crystal-to-detector terpart are described elsewhere (38). distances of 350 mm and 400 mm, respectively. Storage P450ftp was purified and characterized from a pseudomonad phosphors were scanned with a Kodak image plate scanner, that had been isolated by culture enrichment techniques from a with a pixel size of0.1 mm in both the x and y directions. The swamp in North Dallas for its ability to utilize a-terpineol as a storage phosphor images were analyzed with the program carbon and energy source (13). The purification ofthis enzyme DENZO [from Z. Otwinowski (Department of Molecular Bio- and the and sequencing of its operon will be published physics and Biochemistry of Yale University and Howard elsewhere (39). Briefly, the bacterial cells were broken by Hughes Medical Institute in New Haven, CT)], and indexed sonication, and the cellular debris was removed by ultracen- reflection intensities were obtained for all the data collected. trifugation. After ammonium sulfate fractionation, the P450t- Scaling of Fobs, calculation of the mean structure factors, containing fraction was chromatographed on DE-52 cellulose, statistical analyses, and calculations ofthe rotation functions Sephadex G-100, DEAE-Sephadex, and finally, another Seph- were performed by using W. Steigmann's PROTEIN package adex G-100 column. (31). The final scalingR factor, Rm.rg, was calculated by using The final preparations of both of these proteins gave a the following equation: single band on SDS/polyacrylamide gel when the gels were stained with silver. The buffers in the LI(J)-11 purified proteins were exchanged for 50 mM potassium Rmerg= phosphate (pH 7.4). Crystallization of P450BM3. The initial crystallization of the where I is the intensity of an individual measurement, and (I) hemoprotein domain of P450BM-3 was carried out with the is the mean intensity of that reflection. hanging-drop -diffusion technique (27) in 24-well Lin- Analytical Methods. Protein in pure enzyme samples was bro plates (Flow Laboratories). Typically, the assayed as described by Lowry et al. (32). Spectrophotomet- protein solution (5 mM; =275 mg of protein per ml) in 50 mM ric measurements and absorbance spectra were recorded on potassium phosphate (pH 7.4) was mixed with an equal an IBM model 9420 UV-visible spectrophotometer. Electro- volume of a precipitant solution containing 100 mM Pipes, phoretic characterization was performed as described by 20%6 (wt/vol) polyethylene glycol (PEG) 8000, 15 mM dithio- Laemmli (33). threitol, and 40 mM MgSO4 at pH 6.8. Incubation overnight at 4°C produced crystals. Crystallization of P450tp. Crystals were grown by the RESULTS hanging- and sitting-drop methods (27). Refinement of the Crystalhation of P450tp. Crystallization trials with crystallization conditions was accomplished by the streak P450tcrp included an analysis of various precipitants, includ- seeding technique (28) utilizing a cat whisker. Drops were ing (NH4)2SO4, MgSO4, methylpentanediol, and PEG of preequilibrated for 48 hr prior to seeding. Hexagonal crystals average molecular weights 400, 4000, 8000, and 12,000. Only Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 Biochemistry: Boddupalli et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89 (1992) 5569 PEG produced promising results, and initially only showers crystals were obtained (Fig. 2). These crystals are "rocket- of microcrystals (mostly of needle or plate-like morphology) shaped" and highly birefringent. Typically, they attain di- could be obtained. Once microcrystals were available, streak mensions of0.8 x 0.5 x 0.2 mm within a day. Use of 10-20% seeding was utilized for further screening. A survey of PEG 12,000 in the absence of MgSO4 and dithiothreitol also various salts as additives revealed an improved crystal form produced crystals. The morphology and dimensions of these when divalent cations (especially Mg2+) were present. Thus, crystals were similar to those obtained with PEG 8000. the combination of PEG and MgSO4 was found to produce Crystals of tetragonal morphology were also obtained with crystals most reliably with a satisfactory three-dimensional 0.8 M (NH4)2SO4/10 mM dithiothreithol/0.1 M citrate buffer, shape. Refinement ofthe and molecular weight pH 6.0, containing 1 mM protein as the final concentration. of PEG, the concentration of Mg2+, and the pH led to SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of redissolved formation of monoclinic crystals from a precipitant solution crystals ofthe hemoprotein domain ofP450BM-3 indicated that containing 100 mM Pipes, 16% PEG 8000, 15 mM dithiothrei- the molecular mass of the protein in the crystal was essen- tol, and 40 mM MgSO4 (pH 7.0) at 40C with dimensions of tially unaltered compared with the purified enzyme. Absor- -0.25 x 0.25 x 0.05 mm. Diffraction analysis of these bance spectra were recorded of of redissolved crystals indicated that they diffracted to =3.5-A resolution crystals: (i) in the absence of added substrate; (ii) in the and belonged to space group C2 with approximate unit cell presence of the substrate, 25 ,uM potassium palmitate; and dimensions ofa = 168 A, b = 140 A, c = 114 A, and (3= 1000. (iii) after sodium dithionite treatment and bubbling with However, the diffraction intensity was too weak, and the . These absorbance spectra were compara- crystals decayed in the x-ray beam too quickly for data ble to those of the purified, recombinantly produced enzyme collection. In further screening, a hexagonal crystal form was in all respects, except for the extent of conversion of the discovered under essentially identical conditions as for the low-spin form to the high-spin form in the presence of an monoclinic crystals, with the exception that PEG 12,000 was excess of substrate. The cause of this remains to be exam- used rather than PEG 8000. By adjustment of the pH to 6.4 ined. and use of a ratio of protein-to-precipitant solutions of 3:5 in Preliminary X-Ray Diffraction Studies. Analysis ofP4SOtep. the original drop mixture, 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.5 mm crystals could The initial diffraction analysis ofcrystals ofP450t,_p indicated be grown (Fig. 1). that they belong to the hexagonal space group and diffract to Crystallization of the Hemoprotein Domain of P4501M.3. better than 2.8 A. Precession photographs of the (Okl) and Crystals of the hemoprotein domain of P450BM-3, grown (hkO) zones were produced utilizing a 0.3-mm collimator, but under the conditions described, were plate-like and grew the extremely long c axis precluded spatial resolution of together as stacks of plates. Streak seeding techniques (28) reflections along that axis. By using a 0.1-mm collimator and were helpful in obtaining single crystals, but these crystals taking long (20 hr) precession photographs, it was just were not suitable for high-resolution x-ray diffraction anal- possible to resolve spots along the c* axis in an (Okl) zone. ysis. By lowering the concentration of PEG 8000 in the Thus, the space group was assigned to be either P61 or P6122 reservoir to 18% and the protein concentration to 1 mM and by adapting the sitting-drop method (28), large well-formed


FIG. 1. Crystals of P450trp. Dimensions of the crystals are -1.0 FIG. 2. Crystals ofthe hemoprotein domain of P450BM-3. Dimen- x 0.5 x 0.5 mm. sions of the crystals are -2.0 x 0.6 x 0.35 mm. Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 5570 Biochemistry: Boddupalli et al. Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA 89 (1992) with a = b = 68.9 A and c = 458.7 A. To discriminate between interesting to note that the optimal concentration of protein the two, an upper level precession photograph was neces- is very high (compared with usual crystallization reports) in sary. Because ofthe long c axis, however, it was unlikely that both cases. a truly isolated (hk0) or (hkl) reciprocal lattice layer could be The diffraction data collected for these crystals are ofgood photographed in the geometry available on our precession quality. In the case of P450tep, the length of the c axis of the camera. Thus, a (lkl) zone precession photograph was taken, unit cell necessitates data collection at a synchrotron facility. again with a 0.1-mm collimator, which clearly showed the For this reason, only native data have been collected. Pre- additional symmetry indicative of space group P6122 or its liminary molecular replacement calculations for the hemo- enantiomorph P6522. Assuming one molecule per asymmet- protein domain of P450BM-3 have been unsuccessful and of ric unit, the calculated Vm (34) is 3.3 A3/Da. P450tep appear to be promising. Analysis of the hemoprotein domain of P45OBM-3. Still The primary goal of the study reported here was to further x-ray photographs of crystals of the hemoprotein domain of our understanding ofP450 structure-function relationships via P450BM-3 showed a measurable diffraction pattern to a reso- the structure determination of representatives of the two lution limit better than 3.0 A. Precession photographs of classes ofP450s. Research in our laboratory has demonstrated the (Ok) and (hkO) zones showed that the crystals belong that P450t5,p is a member of class I (mitochondrial) cy- to the space group P21 with unit-cell dimensions a = 59.4 A, tochromes P450 based on primary structure and its require- b = 154.0 A, c = 62.2 A, and P = 94.70. The crystals were ment for an iron-sulfur protein as electron donor for the found to remain stable in the x-ray beam for at least 4 days. catalytic Calculation of Vm yielded values of 2.6 A3/Da if one assumed oxidation of a-terpineol (39). The utility of P450BM-3 the presence of a dimer of 110 Da per asymmetric unit or 1.7 as a model for class II (microsomal) P450 systems has been A3/Da if a trimer were to occupy the same space. Since the well established in our laboratory (14, 16, 17) and by others (12, value for the trimer lies at the extremes of the distribution of 36, 37). Crystallization of these two proteins and the demon- values of V.m found for crystalline proteins (34), we believe stration of their amenability to x-ray diffraction analysis offer that there are two molecules in the asymmetric unit. Subse- promise for the eventual solution of their structures. An quently, this was verified by self-rotation calculations using analysis of the similarities and differences among these struc- Patterson functions, which indicated the presence of a non- tures and P450c. should provide powerful insights into the crystallographic twofold axis relating the two monomers in function of these complex enzyme systems. the asymmetric unit. Diffraction Data. Diffraction data were collected The first two authors (S.S.B. and C.A.H.) made an equal contri- P450terp. bution to the work reported in this manuscript. We thank Dr. Thierry for P450tep at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source. Oster for the preparation of the clone expressing the hemoprotein Details of the data collection and subsequent data reduction domain of P450BM-3 and assistance in its purification and Ms. are provided in Materials and Methods. Merging ofFob, with Michelle Jacobson and Gerri Williams for their technical help. This Fobs > 3oa(F) from three crystals resulted in data with a final research was supported in part by Grant GM43479 from the National scaling Rmrg of 0.078 for 157,951 observations representing Institutes of Health (to J.A.P.) and the Howard Hughes Medical 24,747 unique reflections. These data include 73% of the Institute (to J.D.). possible reflections to a resolution of 2.2 A. Overall, the data extend to a resolution of 2.0 A, with 60%o of the possible 1. Guengerich, F. P. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 10019-10022. reflections being measured. 2. Ortiz de Montellano, P. R., ed. (1986) Cytochrome P-450: Hemoprotein domain ofP45OBM-3. 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