MS5 bus time schedule & line map

MS5 - The Willows View In Website Mode

The MS5 bus line (Brixham - The Willows Torquay) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Brixham: 1:15 PM (2) The Willows: 9:45 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest MS5 bus station near you and nd out when is the next MS5 bus arriving.

Direction: Brixham MS5 bus Time Schedule 51 stops Brixham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Marks & Spencer, the Willows Browns Bridge Road, Torquay Tuesday 1:15 PM

Nicholson Road, the Willows Wednesday Not Operational

Browns Bridge, the Willows Thursday Not Operational Friday Not Operational Lowes Bridge, Shiphay Saturday Not Operational Regent Close, Shiphay

Shiphay Lane, Hele

Torre Station Newton Rd, Torre MS5 bus Info Direction: Brixham Torre Village, Torre Stops: 51 Trip Duration: 53 min Upton Road, Torre Line Summary: Marks & Spencer, the Willows, Nicholson Road, the Willows, Browns Bridge, the Upton Road, Torquay Willows, Lowes Bridge, Shiphay, Regent Close, Shiphay, Shiphay Lane, Hele, Torre Station Newton Upton Park, Torre Rd, Torre, Torre Village, Torre, Upton Road, Torre, Upton Park, Torre, Library, Torquay, Lucius Street, Library, Torquay Torquay, Scarborough Road, Torquay, Kistor Hotel, St Marychurch Road, Torquay Torquay, Strand Harbourside, Torquay Harbour, Pavilion, Torquay, Torre Abbey Sands, Torquay, Lucius Street, Torquay Grand Hotel, Torquay, Livermead House Hotel, 7 Lucius Street, Torquay Livermead, Livermead Cliff, Livermead, Headland Road, Livermead, Hollicombe Park, , St Scarborough Road, Torquay Paul's Church, Paignton, Berry Avenue, Paignton, Belgrave Road, Torquay Berry Road, Paignton, Colley End Road, Paignton, Colley End Road, Paignton, Great Parks Road, Kistor Hotel, Torquay Paignton, Bookers, Paignton, Harbourne Avenue, Roselands, Goodstone Way, Roselands, Lynmouth Strand Harbourside, Torquay Harbour Avenue, Roselands, Lancaster Drive, Roselands, Strand, Torquay Roselands Drive, Roselands, Grange View, Goodrington, Grange Heights, Goodrington, Pavilion, Torquay Goodrington Road Shops, Goodrington, Davies Road, Torquay Avenue, Goodrington, Gibson Road 99, Goodrington, Hookhills, Paignton, Hookhills Road, , Torre Abbey Sands, Torquay Hunters Tor Drive, Broadsands, Windy Corner, Torbay Road, Torquay Broadsands, Dartmouth Road, Churston, Churston Village, Churston, Laywell Road, Churston, Grand Hotel, Torquay Monksbridge, Brixham, New Road, Brixham, New Torbay Road, Torquay Road, Brixham, Lower Manor Road, Brixham, Town Square, Brixham Livermead House Hotel, Livermead

Livermead Cliff, Livermead

Headland Road, Livermead Headland Road, Paignton

Hollicombe Park, Paignton Torbay Road, Paignton

St Paul's Church, Paignton

Berry Avenue, Paignton

Berry Road, Paignton

Colley End Road, Paignton

Colley End Road, Paignton Two Acre Close, Paignton

Great Parks Road, Paignton

Bookers, Paignton Brixham Road, Paignton

Harbourne Avenue, Roselands

Goodstone Way, Roselands Goodstone Way, Paignton

Lynmouth Avenue, Roselands Lynmouth Avenue, Paignton

Lancaster Drive, Roselands

Roselands Drive, Roselands

Grange View, Goodrington Grange View, Paignton

Grange Heights, Goodrington

Goodrington Road Shops, Goodrington

Davies Avenue, Goodrington

Gibson Road 99, Goodrington

Hookhills, Paignton

Hookhills Road, Broadsands

Hunters Tor Drive, Broadsands Hunters Tor Drive, Paignton

Windy Corner, Broadsands

Dartmouth Road, Churston

Churston Village, Churston

Laywell Road, Churston

Monksbridge, Brixham Copythorne Road, Brixham

New Road, Brixham Greenbank Road, Brixham

New Road, Brixham

Lower Manor Road, Brixham Lower Manor Road, Brixham

Town Square, Brixham Bank Lane, Brixham Direction: The Willows MS5 bus Time Schedule 55 stops The Willows Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Town Square, Brixham Bank Lane, Brixham Tuesday 9:45 AM

Museum, Brixham Wednesday Not Operational

Opposite Lower Manor Road, Brixham Thursday Not Operational Friday Not Operational Cudhill Road, Brixham Saturday Not Operational New Road, Brixham 134 New Road, Brixham

New Road, Brixham Copythorne Road, Brixham MS5 bus Info Direction: The Willows Laywell Road, Churston Stops: 55 Trip Duration: 50 min Churston Village, Churston Line Summary: Town Square, Brixham, Museum, Brixham, Opposite Lower Manor Road, Brixham, Dartmouth Road, Churston Cudhill Road, Brixham, New Road, Brixham, New Road, Brixham, Laywell Road, Churston, Churston Windy Corner, Broadsands Village, Churston, Dartmouth Road, Churston, Windy Corner, Broadsands, Hunters Tor Drive, Broadsands, Hunters Tor Drive, Broadsands Hookhills Road, Broadsands, Hookhills Rd, Paignton, Gibson Road 114, Goodrington, Davies Avenue, Hunters Tor Drive, Paignton Goodrington, Goodrington Road Shops, Hookhills Road, Broadsands Goodrington, Grange Road, Goodrington, Grange View, Goodrington, Roselands Drive, Roselands, Lancaster Drive, Roselands, Lulworth Close, Hookhills Rd, Paignton Roselands, Goodstone Way, Roselands, Roselands Drive, Roselands, Bookers, Paignton, Kings Ash Gibson Road 114, Goodrington Road, Paignton, Colley End Road, Paignton, Treesdale Close, Paignton, Berry Drive, Paignton, Davies Avenue, Goodrington Berry Drive, Paignton, Colley End Road, Paignton, Christ Church, Paignton, Oldway Mansion, Preston, Goodrington Road Shops, Goodrington Upper Manor Road, Preston, Shelter, Preston, Torquay Road, Paignton, Torbay Road, Paignton, Grange Road, Goodrington Torbay Road, Livermead, South Sands, Livermead, Livermead House Hotel, Livermead, Corbyns Head, Grange View, Goodrington Torquay, Grand Hotel, Torquay, Torre Abbey Grange View, Paignton Meadows, Torquay, Cary Parade, Torquay, Pavilion, Torquay, English Riviera Centre, Torquay, Derwent Roselands Drive, Roselands Hotel Belgrave Road, Torquay, Lucius Street, Torquay, Tor Church Road, Torquay, East Street, Lancaster Drive, Roselands Torre, Torre Village, Torre, Torre Station Newton Rd, Torre, Old Woods Hill, Shiphay, Lowes Bridge, Lulworth Close, Roselands Shiphay, Browns Bridge Road, the Willows, Marks & Spencer, the Willows Goodstone Way, Roselands Goodstone Way, Paignton

Roselands Drive, Roselands Bookers, Paignton

Kings Ash Road, Paignton Great Parks Road, Paignton

Colley End Road, Paignton Two Acre Close, Paignton

Treesdale Close, Paignton Treesdale Close, Paignton

Berry Drive, Paignton

Berry Drive, Paignton

Colley End Road, Paignton Stansfeld Avenue, Paignton

Christ Church, Paignton

Oldway Mansion, Preston 188 Torquay Road, Paignton

Upper Manor Road, Preston 245a Torquay Road, Paignton

Shelter, Preston Preston Down Road, Paignton

Torquay Road, Paignton

Torbay Road, Paignton A3022, Paignton

Torbay Road, Livermead

South Sands, Livermead

Livermead House Hotel, Livermead

Corbyns Head, Torquay

Grand Hotel, Torquay A3022, Torquay

Torre Abbey Meadows, Torquay Torbay Road, Torquay

Cary Parade, Torquay Cary Parade, Torquay

Pavilion, Torquay Torbay Road, Torquay

English Riviera Centre, Torquay

Derwent Hotel Belgrave Road, Torquay Belgrave Road, Torquay

Lucius Street, Torquay Lucius Street, Torquay Tor Church Road, Torquay

East Street, Torre East Street, Torquay

Torre Village, Torre

Torre Station Newton Rd, Torre

Old Woods Hill, Shiphay

Lowes Bridge, Shiphay A3022, Torquay

Browns Bridge Road, the Willows

Marks & Spencer, the Willows Browns Bridge Road, Torquay MS5 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in South West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved