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Firstno40.Pdf (4.956Mb) '^SM- "TIIE STORY OF OtTB LIVES FBOM TEJJt TO TEAR.'—SiumrjiPHRE. ALL THE TEAR ROUND. A WEEICLY JOUKNAI.. CONDUCTED BY CHARLES DICKENS. WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED HOCSEHOLD WORDS. N"- 40.] SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1860. [PBICE 3f. much energy in her manner, too much firmness THE WOMAN m WHITE. iu her voice. The httle book of Harlrighl's draw­ ings—the fatal book that she will dream over TUB NABaAtlVi: OF MAIlIAN KALCOH.BE. wlicuever she is alone—waa in one of her hands. TAKEN FEOM HER DTABY. I began by gently and finnly taking it from her,, "t and putting it out of sight on a side-table. Limmeri^Ke House, November 7th. " Tell me quietly, my darling, what JOQ wish Tms moming, Mr. Gilmore left us. to do," I said. " Has Mr. Gilmore been advising His interviewTvithLaura had evidently-grieved you't" and surprised him more than he liked to confess. She shook her head. " No, not in what I I felt atrnid, from his look and manner when we am thinking of now. He was very kind and parted, that she might have inadvertently be­ good to me, AlarJau,—and I am ashamed to say trayed to him the real secret of her depression I distressed him by crying. 1 am miserably and of my anxiety. This doubt grew on me helpless ; I can't control myself. Por my own so, after he had gone, that I declined riding sake and for all onr sakes, 1 must have courage out with Sir Percival, and "ent up to Laura's enough to end it." room instead. " Do you mean courage enough to claim your I hove beeu sadly distrustful of mjself, in this release?" I asked. difticnlt and lamentable matter, ever since T " No," she said, simply. " Courage, dear, to found ont my own ignorance of the strength of tell the truth." Lanra's nnhappy attachment. 1 ought to have She put her arms round my neck, and rested known tlmt the delicacy and forbearance and her head quietly on my bosom. On the opposite snise of honour which drew me (o poor Hart­ wall hung the miniature portrait of lier father. right, and made me so sincerely admire ond I bent over her, and saw that she was looking respect him, were just the qualities lo appeal at it while her head lay on my breast. moat irresistibly to Jj«ura's natural sensilivetiess " I can never claim my release from my en­ and natural generosity of nature. And yet. gagement," she went on. " Whatever way it Until ahe opened iier heart to me of lier own end^, it must eud wretchedly for me. All I con accord, I hnd no suspicion that this new feel­ do, lilarian, is not to add the remembrance that ing had taken root so deeply. I once thought I have broken my promise and forgotten my time and care might remove it. I now fear father's dyuig words, to make that wretchedness that it will remain with her and alter her for li worse." The discovery that I have committed such au " Wliat is it you propose, then ?" I asked. error ii judgment as this, makes me hesitate " To tell Sir Percivd Glyde the truth, with about everything else. I hesitate about Sir my own Ups," she answered, " and to let him I'erciv*!, in the face of the plainest proofs. I release me, if he will, not because I ask him, hesitate even in speaking to Lanra. On this bul because he knows alL" very moming, 1 doubted, with my hnqd on the "What do you mean, Laura, by 'all?' Sir door, whether I should ask her the questions Percival vrill know enongh (he has told me so I had come to pnt, or not. liimself) if he knows that the engagement is When I went into her room, I found her opposed to your own wishes." walking up and down iu great impatience. She " Can I tell him that, when the engagement looked flushed and excited; and ahe came for­ was made for me by my father, with my own ward at oneCj and spoke to me before I conld consent ? I should have kept my promise; not open my lips, happily, I am afraid; but still contentedly" — " 1 wanted yon," she stud. " Come and ait she stopped, turned her face to me, and laid ber down on the sofa with me. Marian! I cau cheek close against mine—" I shonld have bear this no longer—I must and will end it.' kept my engagement, Marian, if another love There was too muoh colour in her cheeks, too had not grown up iu my heart, which was not f The pasaages omitted, liere and elsewhere, in there wheu 1 first promised to be Sir Percival's MiM llulcaitibo a Diaiy, are only those which bear wife." no reference to Miss Fairlie or to any ot the persona " Laura! you will never lower yourself by with whom ahfl is associated in these pages. I making a confession to him F" , 810 [J»«>q'*a.>*»l ALL THB YEAR KOUND. " I shall lower myself indeed, if I gain my volume awny herself, so that nobody mi-' release by biding froui bim. what he has a right it out and oitk lirr to play from i'. to koow.^' I had no opportunity of dijr " He bos not the shadow of a right to know her purpose of the moniing h.T' it!'* until alie wished Sir Percival y^ " Wrong, Marian, wrong! I ought to deoeirc them her own words informed mc th;*t ii \»a, no one—least of all, the man to whom my father unaltered. She said, very quietly, timt sliu ave me and to wliom I gave myself." She pnt wished lo speak to him, after breakfast, ami ilmi f er lips to mine, and kissed mc. " My own he would find her in her sitting-room MIIL I, love," ahe said, softly, "you are so mnch too He changed colour at those words, ami I fond of me and so much too proud of me, that his hand trembling a little when it cam. [ you forget in my case, what you would remem­ Ium to take it. The event of the next monurtL' ber in yoorown. JSetter tliat Sir Percival should would decide his futnre life; and ho evidcutlr doubt my motives and misjudge my conduct, if knew it, he will, than that I should be first false to him I went in, as usual, through the door between in thought, and then meui enough to serve my onr two bedrooms, to bid Laura good nifflit own interests hy hiding the falsehood." before ahe went to sleep. In stooping over her * I held her away from me in astonishment. to kiss her, I saw the Utile book of Hartright's For the first time in our lives, we had changed drawings half bidden under her pillow, just in places ; the resolution waa all on her side, tbe the place where she used to hide her favourite heaitation all on mine. I looked into the pale, toys when sbe was a child. I could not find it quiet, resigned young face; I saw the pure, in­ in my heart to say anything; but 1 pointed to nocent heart, in the loving eyes that looked the book and shook my head. Bhe reached hotti back at mc—and the poor, worldly cautions hands np to my cheeks, and drew my face down and objections that rose to my lips, dwindled to hers tiU our lips met. and died away in their own emptiness. I hun^ "Leave it there, to-night," she wbisnerod; my head in silence. In her place, the despi- to-morrow may be cruel, and may maU mo coolj small pride which makes so many women say good-by lo it for ever." deceitful, would have been my pride, and would have made me deceitful, too. 8th.—The first event of the morning was nol " Don't be angry with me, Marian," she said, of a kind to raise myspirits; a letter nrrirL-J mistaking my silence. for me, from poor Walter Hartrighl. I only answered by drawing her close to me the answer to mine, describing the mai. again. I was afraid of crying if I spoke. My which Sir Percival cleared himself of 11' tears do not flow so easily as they ought—they picious raised by Anne Catierick'a lett'i come, almost like men's tears, with sobs that writes shortly and bitterly about Sir Prr., eeem to tear me in pieces, and that frighten explanations; only saying that he has n : every one about me. to ofl'er au opinion ou the conduct of tli'i'^ "I have thonght of this, love, for many days," are above him. This is sad; but his ocr;; i ' she went on, twining and twisting my hair, with references to himself grieve me stiU move, li that childish restlessness in her fingers, wluch says that the effort to return to his old liM^i poor Mrs. Vesey still tries so patiently and so and pursuits, grows harder instead of easier to vainly to cure her of—" I have thought of it him, every day ; and he implores me, if 1 have very seriously, and I can be eure of my courage, any interest, to exert it to get him employmiiil when my ovm conscience tells me I am right. that will necessitate his absence from I'l;;: (' Let me speak to him to-morrow—in your pre­ and take bim among new scenes and new |' •• sence, Marian.
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    A WELSH CLASSICAL DICTIONARY GADEON ap CYNAN. See Gadeon ab Eudaf Hen. GADEON ab EUDAF HEN. (330) Gadeon is probably the correct form of the name which appears in the tale of ‘The Dream of Macsen Wledig’ as Adeon ab Eudaf, brother of Cynan ab Eudaf. According to the tale, Adeon and Cynan followed Macsen to the continent and captured Rome for him. After that Macsen gave them permission to conquer lands for themselves, (see s.n. Cynan ab Eudaf), but Adeon returned to his own country (WM 187, 189-191, RM 88, 90-92). According to Jesus College MS.20 the wife of Coel Hen was the daughter of Gadeon ab Eudaf Hen (JC 7 in EWGT p.45), and this is probably correct although later versions make her the daughter of Gadeon (variously spelt) ap Cynan ab Eudaf, and she is given the name Ystradwel (variously spelt) (ByA §27a in EWGT p.90). Also in the various versions of the ancestry of Custennin ap Cynfor and Amlawdd Wledig we find Gadeon (variously spelt) ap Cynan ab Eudaf (JC 11, ByA §30b, 31, ByS §76 in EWGT pp.45, 93, 94, 65). Similarly in MG §5 in EWGT p.39, but Eudaf is misplaced. The various spellings show that the name was unfamiliar: Gadean, Gadvan, Gadiawn, Kadeaun, Cadvan, Kadien, Kadiawn. See EWGT passim. It seems probable that Gadeon ab Cynan is an error for Gadeon ab Eudaf, rather than to suppose two such persons (PCB). GAFRAN ab AEDDAN. He appears in Bonedd Gwŷr y Gogledd (§11 in EWGT p.73) as Gafran ab Aeddan Fradog ap Dyfnwal Hen.
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