Copyrighted Material
201 Aloha Tower, Observation Bed & breakfasts (B&Bs), Index Deck, 30 192. See also Accommo- Index Aloha Tower Marketplace, dations Index See also Accommoda- 124 Bento, 199 tions and Restaurant Alohawear, 116–117 Bestsellers Books & Music, American Airlines, 191 118–119 indexes, below. Angelfish, 185 Bicycling, 173–174 Anglican Church of Bike Hawaii, 173 A Hawaii, 83 Bird-watching, 145, 157–158 Aaron’s Atop the Ala Moana, Antique Alley, 117 Bishop Museum, 3, 15, 21, 129 Antiques and collectibles, 37, 41, 69 Abhasa Waikiki Spa, 107 117 Blennies, 185 Academy Shop, 123 Arizona, USS, Memorial at Boat travel and cruises, 3 Access Aloha Travel, Pearl Harbor, 3, 14, Captain Bob’s Adven- 195–196 34–35, 41, 47 ture Cruises, 28 Accessible Vans of Hawaii, ARTafterDark, 130 dinner cruises, 15–16 196 Art galleries, 117–118 Bodyboarding (boogie Accommodations, 102–111. Artists of Oahu Exhibit, 89 boarding) & bodysurfing, See also Accommodations Art lovers, Honolulu for, 181 Index 62–63 Books, recommended, bed & breakfast, condo- Art Mart, 89 199–200 minium, and vacation Art museums and galleries, Bookstores, 118–119 home rentals, 62–63 Borders, 119 192–193 Asian Grocery, 119 Bowfin Submarine Museum best, 102 ATA, 191 & Park, 47 gay-owned and gay- Atlantis Submarine, 25, 39, Brothers Cazimero, 131 friendly, 194 70, 184 Budget, 192 the North Shore, 140 ATMs (automated teller Buffalo’s Big Board Classic, southern Oahu and the machines), 192 188 Windward Coast, 148 Augie T, 134 Bumatai, Andy, 134 Addresses, finding, 6 Australian consulate, 193 Business
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