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LAP-19-GB-2.Pdf ! " # $% ! & ' ! ( )*% ! $ $ *)+,-% .$ / . 0,0, # $ % ! & ' ! ( Dear reader, the book you are holding was originally published with the title “I . ] II”, ISBN 978-613-8-22410-5. Its publication in English has been made possible thanks to the use of the most advanced Artificial Intelligence for languages. Awarded with the first-ever Honorary AI Award in Berlin in September 2019, this technology mimics the way the human brain operates and is therefore able to capture and translate even the slightest nuances in an unprecedented way. We hope that you will find a lot of contentment with this book and kindly ask you to accommodate any linguistic discrepancy which might have resulted from this process. Enjoy your reading! LAP Lambert Academic Publishing 1 2 Boris Zalessky The boundaries of sustainable partnership. Part II 3 4 Table of contents Honorary Consuls Institute: project-specific orientation .............................................. 7 Republic of Belarus - Kaliningrad region: to overcome the negative dynamics ........ 10 Republic of Belarus - Kursk region: on the way to restoring trade turnover .............. 12 Republic of Belarus - Vladimir region: priority areas of partnership identified ......... 14 Republic of Belarus - Vologda Oblast: the foundation of success - interaction between enterprises ..................................................................................................... 16 Republic of Belarus - Chechen Republic: key topic - industrial cooperation ............. 18 Republic of Belarus - Republic of Khakassia: with a bias towards implementation of joint projects ................................................................................................................ 20 Republic of Belarus - Primorsky Krai: goal - to increase trade turnover ................... 22 Belarus - Kazakhstan: new opportunities for cooperation .......................................... 25 Belarus - Kazakhstan: innovations, new technologies, cooperation ........................... 28 Belarus - Ukraine: benchmark - industrial cooperation .............................................. 31 Belarus - Kyrgyzstan: from trade to cooperation ........................................................ 34 Belarus-Georgia: parliaments intensify contacts ........................................................ 37 Belarus - Georgia: partnership reserve - regions ......................................................... 40 Belarus-Poland: revival of relations is based on openness ......................................... 43 Belarus - Germany: new projects, new opportunities ................................................. 46 Belarus-Spain: joint commission sets priorities .......................................................... 49 Belarus-United Kingdom: working together for mutual benefit ................................. 52 Belarus - Serbia: topical issues of media interaction .................................................. 55 Belarus - Afghanistan: from wishes to cooperation .................................................... 58 Belarus - Vietnam: key link - regions ......................................................................... 61 5 Belarus-Sudan: foundation of partnership - road map ................................................ 64 Belarus-Venezuela: towards the renewal of agreements ............................................ 67 Belarus-Brazil: partnership development priorities .................................................... 70 6 Institute of Honorary Consuls: project orientation In October 2017 the first Conference of Honorary Consuls of the Republic of Belarus was held in Minsk. Statistics says that currently 80 honorary consuls in 56 countries represent and protect the rights and interests of Belarusian citizens abroad. Their professional interests also include such duties as promoting friendly relations, expanding political, trade and economic, investment, cultural and scientific relations with foreign countries. This is why the consular districts of honorary consuls of Belarus usually include industrial and financial centers, while honorary consuls themselves enjoy well-deserved authority in political and business circles of their countries. The first conference brought together in the Belarusian capital about 60 honorary consuls from 45 countries of the world, in close communication with whom at the highest level were discussed "promising areas of their work, primarily in the field of foreign trade and foreign investment attraction1. In Belarus, the role of honorary consuls in promoting the national Belarusian interests in the international arena is considered unique for a number of reasons. On the one hand, their immediate task is to protect the rights and interests of Belarusian citizens abroad, provide assistance to those in distress, and represent the interests of Belarusians in foreign countries. On the other hand, their role in the development of bilateral contacts in the field of science, education, culture and sport, activation of contacts between the regional authorities, as well as in the establishment of twinning relations is seriously increasing in modern conditions. All this gave a reason to characterize the institute of honorary consuls as a serious "help for our diplomatic missions abroad, our ministries, agencies, Belarusian companies, chambers of commerce and industry, scientific and cultural institutions"2. The Belarusian government considers the existing institution of honorary consuls as an important mechanism to expand the presence of the Republic of Belarus abroad, to find new opportunities for economic growth, new partners to implement a new strategy to ensure systematic diversification of foreign trade, while emphasizing its special role in "new markets, countries of the "far arc"3. It should be reminded that an important 1 On the results of the First Conference of Honorary Consuls of the Republic of Belarus [Electronic resource]. - – 2017. - URL: 2 Opening address of the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus A. Evdochenko at the First Conference of Honorary Consuls of the Republic of Belarus (October 5, 2017, Minsk) [Electronic resource]. - – 2017. - URL: 3 Meeting with honorary consuls of Belarus [Electronic resource]. - – 2017. - URL: 7 feature of the Honorary Consuls' activity in the host countries is that, being representatives of the Belarusian side, they perform this mission free of charge. Perhaps, this factor has some impact on the fact that, as noted at the conference in Minsk, "the deficit of large individual projects with tangible results persists4. The way out of this situation could be to activate the economic component of honorary consuls to achieve their self-sustainability. In this connection, at the conference in Minsk, the Belarusian Foreign Ministry voiced a proposal to "each Honorary Consul in the near future, approximately within a month or two, to determine for himself in cooperation with the overseeing institution abroad one personal project with a specific trade and economic effect5. It should be noted that Honorary Consul of Belarus has already had such a practice in a number of countries. Thus, on the American continent honorary consuls in the United States of America, Brazil, Mexico, Nicaragua, Uruguay are quite successfully expanding supplies of Belarusian quarry equipment, tractors, tires, linen fabrics to these countries, working out possibilities of creating joint assembly productions. In particular, Honorary Consul of Belarus in the Brazilian Sao Paulo G. Goldshleger, speaking about the interest of the Brazilian side to cooperate with PO Belorusneft in terms of providing services to the Belarusian company in seismic exploration and radial drilling, said about the preparation for the signing of the agreement, which "will help make prices for services competitive, and the Belarusian company to make a significant profit6. The Belarusian side has a lot of hopes in this regard with the revitalization of its honorary consuls in Asia, where they operate in almost all countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, as well as in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, South Korea and Japan. Thus, in Nepal, which is looking for sites for cooperation with Belarusian partners in the field of agriculture, "there is interest in creating in Belarus a joint production of organic products, which could be exported to European countries. Some of the raw materials will be supplied from Nepal and some will be produced in Belarus7. The implementation of such a joint project is likely to make a concrete contribution to strengthening the Belarusian-Nepalian trade and economic cooperation of Honorary Consul of Belarus in Kathmandu A.R.S. Parajuli. 4 Final speech of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus V. Makei at the first conference of honorary consuls of the Republic of Belarus (October 5, 2017, Minsk) [Electronic resource]. - – 2017. - URL: 5 It's the same place. 6 Dylenok, Yu. Brazil is interested in "Belorusneft" services import / Yu. - – 2017. - URL:
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