Vapor Intrusion Technical Guidance
NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SITE REMEDIATION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM VAPOR INTRUSION TECHNICAL GUIDANCE Indoor Air Soil Gas Ground Water May 2021 Version 5.0 New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Site Remediation and Waste Management Program Vapor Intrusion Technical Guidance May 2021 Version 5.0 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (Department) Vapor Intrusion Technical Guidance (Version 4.1) document was previously prepared by the Department/Stakeholder Vapor Intrusion Guidance Committee in cooperation with the Department Vapor Intrusion Committee. The updated Vapor Intrusion Technical Guidance (Version 5.0) was completed by the Department with assistance from the Stakeholder Vapor Intrusion Guidance Committee. Department/Stakeholder Vapor Intrusion Guidance Committee Carey Compton, Chair, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Nicole Kalaigian, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection John Boyer, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Retiree Ken Bird, Woodard & Curran Consultants Brian Blum, Langan Consultants Scott Drew, Geosyntec Consultants John Engdahl, Speedway Erica Snyder, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Diane Groth, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Retiree Andrew Sites, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Retiree Peter Sorge, JM Sorge, Inc., Environmental Consultants Chad VanSciver, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Additional Technical Assistance: Gunnar
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