Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society
.^'\^^«rT %•#> >vW^?*^i^ ^ixjrf-^ "t^^ -Sf^il * - . ^ / ^J 7'?A ll%.t ftbrarg of t^e glitseitm JOURNAL THE PROCEEDINGS THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. ZOOLOGY. VOL. VI. ..V LONDON: SOLD AT THE SOCIETY'S APARTMENTS, BURLINGTON HOUSE; ANU BY LONGMAN, GREEN, LONGMANS AND ROBERTS, AND WILLIAMS AND NORGATE. 18G2. FRANCTR, PRINTED BV TAYLOR AND STREET. RRP l,ION COURT. FLEET — — LIST OF PAPERS. Page Bates, II. "W ., Esq. Contributions to an Insect Faima of the Ajnazon ^'alley. Lepi- doptera : Heliconince 73 Busk, George, F.R.S., Sec. L.S. Observations on some Skulls from Ceylon, said to be those of Veddahs 166 CoBBOLD, T. Spencek, M.D., F.L.S. Histological Observations on the Eye of the Cod-tish (3Iorrhua ndgaris), with especial reference to the Clioroid Gland and the Cones of the Retina 145 Couch, Jonathan, F.L.S. Note on the Occurrence of the Crustacean Sci/Ilarus Arctm in England 78 Laughrin, William, A. L.S. Observations on the Choice of Food in the Cod and Ling 165 LiNCECUM, Gideon, M.D. Notice on the Habits of the " Agricidtural Ant " of Texas .... 29 Macdonald, John Denis, R.N., F.R.S. On a New Genus of Tunicata occurring on one of the Bellona Reefs 78 Newton, Alfred, M.A., F.L.S. On the Possibility of taking a Zoological Census 23 Reeve, Lo\'ell, F.L.S. On the Structure of the Mantle in TestaceUa 1.53 Salter. S. James A., M.B., F.L.S., F.G.S. On the Cranial Charactt-r.^ of the Snake-Rat, new to the British Fauna 66 .
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