The Edinburgh Gazette, September 22, 1931. 1077
THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 22, 1931. 1077 Foreign Office, Civil Service Commission, July 21, 1931. September 18, 1931. The KING has been pleased to approve of: — The Civil Service Commissioners hereby give Doctor Jerzy Adamkiewicz, as Consul-General notice that an Open Competitive Examination of Poland at Montreal for Newfoundland. for situations as Female Sorting Assistant in the General Post Office, London, will be held in London, commencing .on the 30th December 1931, under the Regulations dated the 26th September 1930, and published in the Edin- burgh Gazette of the 3rd October 1930. Foreign Office, August 1, 1931. Appointments will be offered to not fewer than 25 of the candidates highest on the list, The KING has been graciously pleased to provided they obtain the necessary aggregate appoint: — of marks and are duly qualified in other Edward Homan Mulock, Esquire, to be Com- respects. mercial Secretary, First Grade, at His No person will be admitted to Examination Majesty's Embassy at Eome, with the local from whom the Secretary of the Civil Service rank of Commercial Counsellor. Commission has not received, on or before the 12th November 1931, an application, in the Candidate's own handwriting, on a prescribed form, which may be obtained from the Secre- tary at once. Foreign Office, September 11, 1931. The KING has been pleased to approve of: — Mr. A. M. Hamilton, as Consul of Belgium at NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE Belfast for Northern Ireland; ACT, 1924. Monsieur E. Dumon, as Consul of Belgium at Notice is hereby given under the Rules Sunderland, with jurisdiction over the Publication Act, 1893, that it is proposed by County of Durham, with the exception of the National Health Insurance Joint Commit- .
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