Spectral Deformations of One-Dimensional Schrö
SPECTRAL DEFORMATIONS OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL SCHRODINGER OPERATORS E GESZTESY, B. SIMON* AND G. TESCHL Abstract. We provide a complete spectral characterization of a new method of constructing isospectral (in fact, unitary) deformations of general Schrrdinger operators H = -d2/d.x 2 + V in L2(/l~). Our technique is connected to Dirichlet data, that is, the spectrum of the operator H D on L2((-~,x0)) @ L2((x0, oo)) with a Difichlet boundary condition at x 0. The transformation moves a single eigenvalue of H D and perhaps flips which side of x 0 the eigenvalue lives. On the remainder of the spectrum, the transformation is realized by a unitary operator. For cases such as V(x) ---, ~ as Ixl --" ~, where V is uniquely determined by the spectrum of H and the Dirichlet data, our result implies that the specific Dirichlet data allowed are determined only by the asymptotics as E ~ oo. w Introduction Spectral deformations of Schrrdinger operators in L2(/R), isospectral and cer- tain classes of non-isospectral ones, have attracted a lot of interest over the past three decades due to their prominent role in connection with a variety of top- ics, including the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) hierarchy, inverse spectral problems, supersymmetric quantum mechanical models, level comparison theorems, etc. In fact, the construction of N-soliton solutions of the KdV hierarchy (and more gener- ally, the construction of solitons relative to reflectionless backgrounds) is a typical example of a non-isospectral deformation of H = -d2/dx 2 in L2(R) since the resulting deformation [1 = -d2/dx 2 + re" acquires an additional point spectrum {A1,..., Au} C (-e~, O) such that o'(H) = or(H) tO {A1,..., AN} (cr(.) abbreviating the spectrum).
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