CORNELL CHRONICLE Commencement Moves To
Arts and Sciences Fellows Page 2 CORNELL Chimes Engineer-Historian Page 3 CHRONICLE Final Exams in Pictures Page 5 Shows, Exhibits page 6 Vol. 6 No. 33 Thursday, May 22, 1975 Libraries Summer Schedules Page 6 Commencement Moves To Schoellkopf Field For the first time in three de- Dale R. Corson, the Board of bachelor's degrees cades Cornell University's Trustees, other officials and simultaneously by the formal Commencement exercises, guests. language provided. Monday, June 2, will be con- All members of the faculty Master's degrees will be con- ducted in an outdoor ceremony will sit in a designated area of ferred in the same manner. at Schoellkopf Field. It will be the Crescent. Trustees, deans Doctoral candidates will the University's 107th Com- and administrators will sit on wear their hoods in the pro- mencement. More than 10,000 the center platform in cession and will be called to students and friends are ex- Schoellkopf field, facing the the platform by name and pected to attend as 3,200 stu- Crescent. greeted by the dean and the dents receive degrees. After a musical prelude, president. In case of bad weather, the President Corson will deliver ceremonies will move inside Music for Commencement the Commencement address. for an abbreviated ceremony in will be provided by the Cornell After another musical number, Barton Hall, scene of Commen- Wind Ensemble, directed by he will confer 3,200 degrees — cement since the early 1940s. Marice W. Stith, and the 2,507 bachelor's and 693 The change was made this year Cornell Glee Club, directed by master's and doctoral degrees.
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