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MANCHEStER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1988. (TWELVE PAGES) VOL. U IL, NO. 19. PRESIDENT SIGNS Silk Strikers Searched After Battle With Police GOLD CONTROL PLAN RETAILERS’ CODE ' ' ' P BOOSTS STOCK PRICES Goes Into Effect Week from STATE’S TRUCKMEN Shares Jump $1 to $5 at j -v V ■< Today— Storekeepers in ""iVf - ' ^ PRESENT DEMANDS Europe Sees a Move Opening — Observers Say f > Towns of 2,500 Popnla- « ■ For Sound U, 5. Money Inflation WiO Be Stopped tiop^or Less Exempted. First Meeting of Arbitradon ‘■J/ ' When Prices Reach De­ By ASSOCIATED PRESS ^stablllzatlMx in the plan, one of them Committee Is Held in The announcement of President describin]Ing it Ias a rejection of in- W aahington, Oct. 23. — (A P ) — flatlon w ith " an Inflationary bubble Roosevelt that the United States sired Level— Is Step in President Roosevelt signed the code Hartford Today. y i- y* broken. for the retail stores just before mid­ ~ t' ' would go into the market for the Comment was lacking In , -..x-v pending a more complete report of Direction of Sound Money. night last night, with an exemption /V-> vv ' purchase of gold was interpreted in some foreign capitals as an the President’s remarks. to the little store keepers in towns H artford , O c t 23.— ( A P ) — The S rf '■'ll®'* indication that America had de­ The Slvening Standard in London o f 2,500 or less. first meeting of the arbitration com­ cided upon stabiUzatton on a sound was sympathetic, saying that “a By Associated Press The act made it possible for the Hands In air, silk mill strikers are shown here, undwgdng search for weapons, after they were routed in a money basis. currency kept stable in the terms of mittee named to settle the truck commoEfities by continuous govern­ Prices were given a sharp boost , code to go into effect a week from fierce battle with poUce after attacking an East Paterwm, N. J., plant with rocks. Two strikers were shot League of Nations ctrcles viewed drivers strike, which late in Septem­ it as a move toward a stabilized ment acti .ofei> and Extinguished. bled and fell on the railroad track the Hoover Cabinet and labor lead­ tion a t th at tim e since only 39,000 All clauses of the agreement The administration said also that quickly rose about 2-8 of a cent an er, died today at his home in nearby such establishments were listed sought for by Mr. Crowther were enoe is reconvened Oct. 26, after the the tobacco section had instructed as he heard t^e sound of an ap­ Virgrlnia. ounce. from cities o f 10,000 or less. retroa ctive to S e p t 25, and w ere to ten day recess. district agents in the cigar leaf proaching train was one of the eight The New York B<»id Market was •\nenna, Oct. 28.— ( A P ) — A n a t­ Doak died of heart disease. He Wave of Bankruptcy be In effect until Si^tember 25, This was Indicated strongly today areas o f N ew SkiglEind, Pennsylva­ somewhat Irregular, with foreign victims in Connecticut last week­ suffered a severe attack about two The wave of bankruptcy, which 1984. In International droles where many tempt was made early today to bum nia-New York, Ohio-Indlana, and gold bonds strong, while the United end violent deaths—five of them weeks ago. He 'was 61 years cdd. has swept the country during the The truck drivers alao ara de­ believe a longer period la needed to down the hangars at Salzburg air­ Wisconsln-Minnesota to begin certi­ States government Issues receded caused by automobile accidents. Bom at Rural Retreat, in Wythe past four years and which Is manding that only membera of the permit of a calming of spirits. port where police planes guardii fying fulfillments of contracts im­ Maanv^iUe, In direct opposition to The boy, William Deplzzol, 14 county, Va., he attended school at moderately. blamed by NRA officials for putting union be employ^, and that axtra the border are kept. Pollee said m ediately. "the price of gold in London, con­ earlier ^ews, the opinloa seemed to years old, of Meriden, was struck by Bristol, Va., finishing a businesa col­ out o f business 400,000 merchants, equipment ba hired only flrom truck­ the fire undoubtedly was of Incen­ This certification, it was sEiid, w ill verted into dollars, rose 78 cents to be spreading that it might be wlae a southbound train from Hartford. lege thera.' may have materially altered the flg^ men having an agreement with the diary orlglB and probably was start enable the eecond mvl final 1988 $29.73 an ounce. to encourage a Franeo-Oerman eco- PoBce said tie was orosslng tim He was jbfi tirft wi^-tory Pf tobor ures since the census was taken. ed by Nitals. payments to be made within the While some foreign canters were New Haven Mraneh of the U&len. nomic aeomti. This m l^ a traoks Ih Meriden and that npon. boa.. In the United States, Senator Officials, however, were inclined to Under the ternu ^ the YUMly!dlecov*iy of the Iflejmby few weeks to growers who Inclined to regard the fold contrd b^eve that the proportion‘between raad'to .eventual' agreemwnt on dls^ hp^rlng the train, he became con- James J. Davis of Pennsylvania end ^ union srould nppoint one of Its a cuitolns guard enabled the pirm en io(^ part in productibn reduction. plan as a step in the direction of large and small communities was armament, it la argued. to ektingulah It betare any serteus fused, started back aotoss the tirlUllun B. Wflzbn, his predecessors, members a Job stew ard in each oom- The minimum ratee per acre for sound money, WsJl street observers not materially altered. Tension Blaekens damage was done. the second payments in the con­ tracks and fell. He died on the way pai^, to see that all terms of the With tension apparently slacken­ Interpreted the President’s state* Of the 1,MS,000 stores listed in Authorities pointed out that the tracts were; Ohio-Indisma District, to the Meriden hospital. agrcemant were carried out ing in Europe many here now view ment as clearly warning that staWli- 1930, 482,006 handled foodstu ffs ex fire occurred at approximately the $9; W isconsln-M innesota, $12; The victim of one of the five fatal p rice Other demands Included provisions with far greater concern the situa­ zation could not come until ' clusively. Since the code covers al­ same hour paper swastikas (the Pennsyl'vanla-New York , $15, and automobile accidents was struck by tion in the Far East levels had been restored. most all lines of merchandise except Nazi emblem) were being scattered New England, $28. a hit-and-run dri'ver. Christopher food and drugs the number affected (Oontinnad en Page Two) They see Russia attempting to in all sections of Vienna. Muilaley, about 70, known as “Red build up good will with other na­ Under the increased schedule of The Radio Address directly by the President code is ex Prince Assailed. payments, additional consideration Chris” at the Windsor Farms where pected to be less than 1,000,000. tions in an attempt to forestall war Meanwhile Vienna newspapers al­ he did jobs, was ^ound lyin g near Waahington, Oct 23— Speaking by with Japan, but still constoer the hu been given growers who were However the principles establlshec most without exception, fiimratlvely left with small acreages after re­ radio to the natftn. President Roose­ in the present compact are expected Russo-Japanese relations delicate. were setting vflres imder Prince Von (Oontinned on Page Six.) velt announced lest night that as a FRENCH PREMIER OffldaUy the international labor duction. to be carried out In all other retai Starhemberg, leader of the Fascist major stop in hla economic program, organisation does not know 'where it SO Per Cent Out codes whether handled by NRA or Heimwebr (Home Guard.) he had authorized the Reconstruc­ stands In reference to . All The cigar leaf growers were re­ as in the case of food dealers by the As though by a prearranged sig­ tion Finance Corporation to estal^ HEAVILY GUARDED the three German members were ab­ quired to reduce at least 50 per cent farm administration. nal—and certatoly without interfer­ llsh a government market for gold sent when the go'vemlng board met from the period extending through FARMER STRIKERS ______ence either by Chancellor Engelbert newly-mined in the United States, In the autunm session. the past five years. e x p l a i n t s “MERIT CLAUSE** and to buy and sell gold on the Harold B. Butler, director of the Dollfuss or government censors — In some cases, after this 50 per / W aahington, Oct. 28.— (A P ) — papers appeared violently attacking cent reduction, the growers were world market if neceasa^. organization who will sail soon for SEEK MORAL HELP The purpose, he said,‘waa to en­ President Roosevelt, recording his Dahifier Takes His Last the prince as a trouble maker, an In­ left with lees than an acre. New York for a conference at Co­ able the government to take control approval of the retail code, took in­ subordinate, a spendthrift, a cor- The new rate of payment per acre, lumbia University, announced he of the Induetrial value of the dollar. d irect notice o f the recu rring diS' ruptist, a firebrand and a generally dependent upon the number of acres had received from Joseph Avenol, No value for gold or for the dollar putes over the “merit clause" in in' Stand to Save Cabinet; dangerous man whom Dollfuss prob­ left after the reduction, follow!: League secretary general, a copy of was fixed by the President. He said ably will be forced to squelch or re­ One-tenth of an acre to one acre, the German letter of withdrawal Hope to Put a Dent in Na­ that must await a rise in commod­ (Continued on Page Six.) move in bis own and the country's Ohlo-Indlana, $12.50; Wisconsln- Many Police on Hand. from the league. He added, how­ ity prices. To do otherwise would interests. Minnesota, $16; Pennsylvania-New ever, that he was unable to say be “to put the cart before the York , $19; N ew England, $86. One tion’s Food Basket With­ what effect this would have on horse.” ^ , . German collaboration In the Labor and one-tenth to two acres, Ohlo- The prices of the newly-mined Paris, Oct 28.—(A P)—Premier Indlanei, $11.50; Wlsconsln-Mlnne- NAZIISM INVOLVED Bureau. Secretary William N. Doak gold In this country, the President Edouard Daladler todsqr began his sota, $14.50; Pennsylvania-New in Next Few Days. lomt stand in a packed Chamber of Aifeoto Labor Bnrean SENATE PROBERS announced, were to be fixed by The German consul general at York, $17.50; New England, $88. both being bom in the British Isles. Deputies with thousands of police himself and the Secretary of the Geneva announced that the resigna­ Two and one-tenth acres to three Starting out as a trainman be be­ behind barricades on guard outside Treasury. Gold is now quoted at IN N. Y. CAMPAIGN tion affects both the League and acres, Ohlo-Indlana, $11; Wisconsln- By Aeeoeleted Press came interested in labor questions the Parliament building. TAKE UP RACKETS Minnesota, $14; Pennsylvania-New Seeking new allies, leaders of the and became general chairman of the $29. the labor organization. T o restore the 1928 price level it The premier has abown no dis­ National Farm Strike, today said Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Lton Jouhaux, French labor mem­ Y ork , $17; N ew England, $32. Three is estimated that gold prices would position to surrander In hla fight to they hoped to put a dent In the na­ ont the Norfolk and Western ber, insisted on knowing why the and one-tenth acres and over, Ohlo- have to be fixed at about $40 an balsmce the budget and protect the German labor delegate, Leuschner, Indlana, $10.60; Wisconsln-Minne­ tion's food basket. System, in which post he served Mayor Obrien Refuses to ounce. franc. Hla friends predicted the was not in attendance. The ques­ sota, $18.60;.. Pennsylvania-New Mile Reno, president of the Na­ from 1M8 to 1916. Study Suggestions for Re­ “ M y aim in taking this step,” overthrow of tte government by tion was put over. York, $16.60; New England, $81 tional Farmers* Holiday Association From 1916 until be became secre­ sundown unless the Sodidista unex­ tary of labor about three years ago, said the President, ‘Is to establish Speak at Big German Day The Bureau understood Leuschner The farm adminlsti^tion said the hurried to Chfea$p to confer with and continuoua control. pectedly weaken their opposition. was in a concentration camp and ducing Nation’s Hugo Tri­ growers have the option of taking A. F. Whltni^, president of the he was tbs legislative representative Police on Gnard here of the Brotherhood of Railroad This la a policy and not an ex­ that he had been arrested after his their second payment and a flat rate Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, pedient It le not to be used tem­ Celebradon. ' Barricades of trucks were set up last visit to Geneva. per acre and receiving the money in In an attempt to win their organl. Trainm en. outside the building and mounted Recently he has mads his home at porarily to offset the fall In p rlc^ It was understood that Noripah; bute to Crime. short time, or waiting until their ration’s “moral support.” He char­ We are continuing to move toward aqusuls backed by thousands o f po­ acterized President Roosevelt’s as­ M cLean Vau H. Davis, American ambaMOdqj^, tobacco is sold and receiving the a managed currency.” N e w York , Oct. 28.— ( A P ) — The lice went on guard to protect the large, was. ready to supportja-tijiDKt second payment as prescribed in the surances of last night that farm Because Doak’s union was not Chamber from threatened demon­ connected with the American Fed­ The speech was a general resume boisterous progress of New York adjournment of the CBJcago, Oct. 23.— (A P )— Der contract. prices will be "idsed, as “pure strations agsdnst various taxes. eration of Labor, hla appointment by of the industrial situation and a re­ City's rough and ready mayoral parley, possibly uptU after maads ^ t the Federal government) ^ sophistry.” Police anticipated a taxi drivers’ Herbert Hoover was bitterly con­ view of what the President campaign, already accelerated by TTiRTi elections of Novenaber be ar^ed wlto weapons to fight the Trucks Halted plan to block the streets by placing' tested by William Green, president alders the effects and prospects of anti-Semitism charges and National was said, howevM, to advocate vlbrk mck^Mr, kidnaper, and gangster A few produce tniclis, bound for the administration’s program. police trucks crosswise and detail­ b y a com m ittee In the me,antlmiB, toi of the Federation. political ramifications, ran up '*!QB ,evm terms” were made today sioux City, , were halted by Thanka People for Faith ing mounted men on the sidewalks dovetail the report of Sir Jelm GUARD IS DYING Green praised Doak personaUy, against Naziism today. I 'a Beimte sub-committee pickets near James, la., last night, The azmouncement about gold, with reserves behind The taxicab Simon, British foreign minister, but insisted the precedent of select­ ■ Mayor John P. O'Brien, Tammany but It could not be learned if the which came near the end, was th* drivers intended to protest an In­ the British draft convention. rackefs went Into session. ing seoretarles ^ , labor from the candidate, has acted in his official plcketeem were Holiday Association outstanding passage in the address, creased gasoline tax, one of the (The British disarmament ' B e^ cs chiefs. Federal crime fight­ recognized American labor, move­ capacity to order cancellation of AFTER JAIL BREAK members. which was delivered from the White plana of M. Daladller and hia asso- was presented last spring at Qenevp ers, prosecutors, judges, mayors, ment not be broken. German Day celebration on the and amateur criminologists attend' Wheat continued to move out of House and broadcast over the Na> ground that it was to be turned in­ d ates. by Premier J. Ramsay MacDonald.. North Dakota despite an embargo The high spots in poak’s Cabinst It was to come up for consideration ed, bringing with them suggestions tionid and Cdlumbla broadcasting to a forum on Naxi anti-Semitic Beyond the lines tens of thous­ ordered by Governor William record Include his fl^ t to restrict for reducing, the Nation's huge tri­ Immigration and his campaign for a networks, which also provided In­ propaganda. He refused to speak at ands of persons awaited the exdte- at the recent meeting of the fuD Longer. arms conference which voted a re­ bute to crime, estimated by Senator Attacked by Two Prisoners dependent Bjretems with the Preel- the meeting, scheduled for next Sun ment. From North Platte, Neb., came shorter work day and week for Many deputies had dlflieulty cess until this week.) Royal 8. Copeland of New York labor. He took the lead by Inaugu- dMit’s words. .... day n ig h t word Keith Neville would withdraw Mr. Roosevelt characterized biz passing through the Uses. Some If the parley adjourns sine die Mr oh^rman of the committee, at 13 rmHwg the 5-day week In his depart­ Jewish leaders applauded his ac­ and Badly Beaten — One his resignation as chairman of the speech as the story of “onr steady were carried through the crowd by Davis probably will return to the bllUon dollars annually. ment. He embraced the philosophy tion, and a quartet of New York'a Nebraska NRA board, if employers but sure work In building, our com­ massed police. United States. Dwight H. Green, United States of less tJ'*" persons are exempted that continuation of lndustey*s most prominent Jews Issued a state^^ attorney for the Chicago district, Convict Is Recaptured. mechanisation must be accompanied m a recovery,” and thanked the ment denouncing the intrusion of from the prorislons of the recovery people for thelT patience and their 'voiced the demand for legislation to act. He said there had been no In­ by “a well balanced humanitarian racial and religious antagonism in enable the Federal government to fa ith .. dication whether his propoeal would The iprezldsot's statement of new the campaign. prosecute criminals of all classes (OoBtinoed on Page Six.) Deutsdi*s Charge Sprlngfldid, Mass., Oct 28— (A P ) be accepted. pheaee of a permanent monetae Find Two Aged Women and the racketeer in particular. —Merritt W. Hayden, 49, jHamden Bernard S. Deutscb, president of States Unsnooessfnl poUfw accompanied an uprising of the American' Jewish Congress and county Jell guard who was beaten the western, farmers and w sf “Little success has followed upon by two escaping prisoners, lay at a candidhta for president of Board coeval with a renewal of demands Dead in a Little Park the efforts of states to stamp out the point of death today as the po­ of Aldermra on the ticket headed by by inflationist group for the racketeer,” Green said, “and un- lice of two states sought one of his Joseph V. McKee, independent Many Mothers Inquire some deflmto governmentil ectlota fmtunately Congress has not yet assailants. While U s anhouncement of a ds» Democratic candidate for mayor, fully legislated on prevailing evils One .of the prisoners, Paul Wargo, charged Count Felix V6n Lucl^r New Yorit, Oct I8>-(AP)—T w o^ l^ c U ^ to eitablish a govenzaaent drees was 6 Rlvington street which are subject to Federal juris­ 21, of Walltogford, Conn., was re­ women lay dead, not ter feet apart About Mysterious *Sonny* market tor.g;old end hie uftterencei was coming to the United States to Number .8 Rlvington street Is a diction. captured a. short time after the Sun­ take over Nad propaganda. In a small recreation place In Allen on the moBOtiury especU of the lodging bouse. They 'tecall Mrs. “The i>ower to e n ^ suitable Fed­ day break as he hid In the brush on present sltuatlcm doafiniited tiie The Grermim D ay m eeting, cele­ the shore of the Connecticut river. street. Cosgrove weO. For a year and a eral laws is unquestlcmed. It would New York, Oct 28.— (A P)—f description also have been recetred drees, it alK> expieMdd an aM^ brating the 260th anniversary of hati she he* Uved there. Regularly be an ea ^ matter to draft statutes A le x a n ^ K am lnekl, 28, hie com­ Bach was about 60 yean old. Tlie More than 40 worried mothers have by the Associated Press. fiith in the edinlidfteatkB.’e, German immigration, had been each nlgtit rtte paid her room rent-^ panion, Is still at large. meazorei aotf planned by the united German body of one lay so rtose togSUtor. e la th . H m wqoM : his campaign. Thua, hia ^ ...... One nepfieUR'-penBi- who:tip4 beeii„ as,money fpes,, ei>i “ ******^^l^ g^ -g££: M rtiwr, m -elao:; en the German Day n ln rS ttoa fix -eawrt,' ,'wae; a .laptoshv* tofr. tdv him against aniti-iSeinMtiihi fa e p s ta 4 L' -J fav^ajU*: 1 ^ ^ W Wfm- ____ ■ ■■ f - t* - \

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCBB8TER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 28,1988. PAGOI TPTO •ay period stoee CASING BCOMFLETED ROD AND GUN CUIB DiM4iBb«r, 1081. IK DOCTORS NOT TO BE ABOUT TOWN CANISTER’S WD«W CMMda^f exports to too tts Xtoltod n A X H U m W E F ■totes reMhed thsto lesssst potat FOR i>EG (F MY HEARF BUYS ANDOVER ^ to ApriL 88382,000. Comport this Tbart will ba a rebearMl of yH tti 117,8^300 to Juljr, tad one SnENTONriANS soon ONDUTYTOMORROW “Squat and his Melodiers’’ tomorrow ATrEMnS SDICIIIE effect o f the NRA becomes erldeat. m Gets Property on Colchester al|^t at 7 o’dook at 70 Garden The other side of the Shield wts MI Rath Smith to Plop L«id m .' stTMt All members are requested Road for Club— To Rebuild brighter, too. Amiriota mtaufac- —To MifoT’ Boaeflt of the to present. turers were able also to sell more R n s i^ Envoy to Travel to Motherf* Gab* Sdioolboy Not to Obterre Office Hoars Farm House. Mrs. Gni WinUer Fomtd in to C tn td o. Im ports off fibers, tex* Joseph Prentice, who drives the tiles tad their products iaoreteed Miss h u th Sm itb off Gtolway The Maaobester Rod tad Qua cltib automobile of the police department Apartment With A e Gas from |1360i000 0 year to 12,288,- Washingten hcognito — ■trsst who has i sitmbsr of ama­ ProfEam M n w .y J W Becante iff Count; Meet­ yesterday voted to purehiae 10 through the oufakkirts of ^ town, 000. ^ r e was a sU^t but deftolte teur theatrical rolss to her eredlt, acres of lead sad the bulM^s repora that there are more skunks increase Ih American sales to Can­ wlU play tbs Isad to *Tsg O’ My ada of maaufactures of iron from thereon In Andover for a club ate. in town and along the road now than Keeps Even Rmde Secret Heart,” when ths Community PUy- M m bert Thu NneS.:^-^ The meetlag was attended by 32 Tdma^On. 88,726,000 to 88,868,000. Automo­ ing Here. be has seen in several weeks past. srs prsswit it for ths bsnsflt of ths members and it was agreed that the biles and parts were sb ln ^ across ’Two skunks were killed on Oakland Maadisstsr U o tn * n f club at tbs piurehsse was dependent upon street on Saturday night as they the line to greater quaauty, and ’Tbs "Cotton Bloesom BtafpiB' whether or not the plot contains a Chlcagb, Oct 28<—(AP) — Wee there was aa increase of rolli^ mill Moscow, Oct 28.— (AP)—Foreign Whiton Msmorial hah, Novsmbsr llaaebeftMT doeton will not ob> started across the road in front of 7. It is wSh known that this is ths from the state of Mlseleelpph 1 4 full 10 acres and if the property Is automobiles and two more were kill­ Gus Winkler's widow marked for an products. CoTTiTtilssar Maxim litvlaoff hopes to Mrv« office borin tomorrow due to play J. Hartlsy Maansrs wrots for colored male quartet of ecbooUMjre free of encumbrances. The land Is ed on East Center street before mid­ underworld death? The labor and w age policies off travel incognito to Washington for the fact that the local medical as> owned' by E. A. Standisb, adminis­ the 28RA have also had melr effects, bis Wife, Lauretts Taylor. It has from the town of Plney Woounty aeeoci- without^ rsvsallng his route to Colchester Road, recently rebuilt as Mr. and Mrs. William J. Moore of Chamberlin, operatlim dreotor of facturers’ Proteotlye Association in ally every coimtry in the world. It Country aub with a splendid pro­ America, ths ttoM of his arrival atlon at golf and dinner at the Man* a state aid highway and is 2.2 miles Buckish arrived in Pimta Oorda, the Chicago Crime Commleelon, as Monttoal t(dd the writer that the is said to have boon played 606 ramai off vocal muelo that ja a t wHh Chester Coimtry Club. In caie of Florida, last week where they ex­ result of the finding of the 87-year' dress cutters’ strike recently called there or ths identity of those who Hnwi# la Now York alone. The e instant favor of the Kiwaalaaa, south of Andover depot. v.Th* mem­ will accompany him. S emergency the doctors have ar­ bers plan to rebuild ^ bouse on the pect to spend the winter. ’They old widow, Georgette, unconscious in la Montreal was blamed on Ameri­ comedy has been a box office suc­ The members of the quartet an This much was indicated by the ranged with Dr. T. O. Sloan and Dr. property for a club. the trip in their “house on her apartment last night with burn­ can policies, and said the scheme cess in motion pictures also. all students at the Pteey W(wde T. H. Weldon to be on call. Dr. wheels’’ in which they toured New ers of a gas stove turned on. was unsettltog Canadian labor with foreign office today where officials Karl Keller wlh have the lefuUng school in Mlssleslppi, aa iadaetrial Sloan’s telephone number is 6123 England this summer. ‘It is not too fantastic to belleye false hopes of higher wages and flatty refused to reveal any informa­ male role, that of the young Eng­ school supported entirely b y •• and Dr. Weldon’s is 5740. that her sriiclde attempt was the re­ shorter hours. tion of Lltvinoiri plans in repre­ lish lawyer. Both are favorites good will > About 160 of the county doctors Connecticut members of the As­ sult of ganstond intimidations,’’ Col. Nawsiwrlnt Code Oanses Stir senting Russia in negotiations look- with local audiences and they are try. The school has a student bo^ are expected to dine with the local POLICEMAN IS HURT sociated Press will be guests of ’The Chamberlin said as be pointed out The code for the newsprint In­ ing to posslbls American recogni­ sure to acquit themselves credit­ of 860, only ten off which are able association tomorrow evening. Some Herald at the Manchester Country that she was found on the eve of the du s^ otisrlnally had a provision tion. ably with this choice of the Moth­ to pay their tuition. Piney .W oodrii of the members will be here for AS AUrnAM S HIS club tomorrow afternoon for their reopening of a coroneir’B Inquest into that would have caused reverbera­ “And,” it was added, “no informa­ ers club. V a small town twenty miles eonth'eff golf in the afternoon and the dinner annual fall meeting. Luncheon will her gangster husband’s slaying two tions in Canada. It provided thdt tion will be made public on the sub­ Tickets are in the hands of the Jackson, the capitol of the state. will be served at six o'clock followed be served at one o’clock followed by weeks ago. the piresident could impose a duty je c t ” club members and Community Play- The quartet, which has been by a scientific program. a membership meeting. “ 1 believe Mrs. Winkler has valua­ or limitation on imports that tend­ Officials denied bS already bad ers. Mrs. Charles Whitcher heads a tour of New England for the Arthur Seymour Suffers Lac ble information which I hope she ed tonulUfy the aims of the code. le ft the committee from the Mothers two months, travels by bus, a ai^ Manchester lodge of Masons will still reveal at the coroner’s in­ ' That would have meant that Can­ If, however, he expects to catch club. chine having two bedrooms and a STATE’S TRUCKMEN eradons in Head On Col­ observe its annual Past Masters’ vestigation,” he said. CoL Cham­ adian manufacturers in this vital in­ the liner Manhattan aa originally kitchenette. A Miss Kelley, also Night tomorrow evening at the berlin is a member of the jury. dustry would have had to adhere supposed, he would have to leave colored, is in charge of the ' gntip Temple. Joseph Wright will act as closely to the provisions of the U. here not later than the night of Oc­ PRESENT DEMANDS Wanted To Die and she explained the school’s activi­ lision Yesterday. Master of the lodge. The communi­ S. code if they were to market their tober 24, in order to embark at ties to the local club. cation will open at 7:80 and the Mrs, Winkler was found by a product in the United States, as Hamburg at the time for sailing, BROKER IS KILLED The quartet gave a very fine friend who hurriedly called police (Oontlnned from Page One) ceremony will be followed by a re­ most of them do. Modification of October 26 . gram of Negro spirituals and oCfier Policeman Arthur P. Seymour, a freshment period. and firemen who worked over her this code is believed to make this No Propaganda songs, closing with "Going Home.” for a considerable time with an In- BY GASJKPLOSION that drivers make sidewalk de­ member of the Manchester Police less Imminent, but it shows’how a Fears in some American quarters Their appearance here was made halator before she was revived. code in an outside oountry may liveries only, or that they would not department, was badly injured in a Miss Clara Kirschsieper of Proc­ that recognition of Russia would let pdsnble through the influence Of “Gus, I want to die, I want to go easily affect Canadian Industry. be held responsible for losses in head-on collision early yesterday tor Road was tendered another sur­ down the bars to Communist propa­ Elmer Tbienes. G. B. Willie won with you,” the police quoted her as In British Columbia, sblngrle ■mitiring' deliveries in building; that morning on Main street near tiie prise gift shower at hej home Satur­ ganda are lightly regarded here. Apartmoit Honse Wrecked the attendance prize, donated by day evening by a party of relatives saying. A few minutes later she m anufacturers recently met at 'Vcui- Leaders mention treaties with no driver be asked to help load any home of Patrick Hannon. Thomas Bentley. Aaron Oo^ and friends from this town and New turned to Dr. Oscar Cliff, called to couver and agreed to operate under England, Japan, France and Italy— "mayor” of Manchester, who wsce truck except the one he drives, un­ He is suffering with lacerations of Britain. Games were played, a buf­ attend her, and said: “You’re not conditions of wages and hours in all of which mutual non-interfer­ by Blaley, Jrn oompany. maaa.tW w w w -^. ating batwaan New York wd » a - VlUage street Tbe b e l l W W » 4e toTformia Annfiitlce Day MORE NIRA JOBS on ^amfiagtan avenue. tog anneuBCwnsnt her* taony. - .• ' | TWERANCE DRAMA ton through Rockville while By IB. JH7BINOW< National' Reoovery Seoondary BerkahlreUnes are alao opmttng to be held to tlto avditoittim of tee “ •Wt Ma iwadliii* Project F. A. P.' 68. Towns, Qranby between New York and Boaton. Qeorge Sykee M«Mial jp b ^ on with tha linia storM to^jr and B axti^ : Abcut 16,208 feet of the staMIard paokaga of Wriglajra presented IN CHURCH The Connecticut Armlstloe Day* Maw World War Veterans o^er parta are •*- . _ — ____ . ■. . h . W.4 .tnvm teMM tiirea bitomlnoui TTiT^****”" on a trap rook Chewing O nm ^inV ta a paafcag^ la alao routed through Rockvllte al­ LlheMeeMgeto _ „ cenqtlatots he laid down theiM Fm of asd One though toe terminus of tee Haj^ peoted to attend bote events. ,&flnlte pzopoiltloni: one. relief la baaa on a Motion of Route twenty, While our action, ao far aa ^ know The Preildent's fourth r^poi^ the WMt Oranhy-Bast Hartland is the first attempt aloi« lino, Pardee and Prettyman Give ford-RockvUle run is In the aaotam A special sittin g o f the Te*ng addressed individually) Announces Two Stato Fro- which, la In line with tha spirit of of tee cite where reservati^ can commodities are still the Admlnia- President Roosevelt's NRA progranL THe congregations of three be made for either day or night ser­ m il who was injured on last PresidMit spoke of tee measures al­ tfation’s goal; three,'farmera must Weduesday evening during tee NRA ready taken, and the hopes as yet Oiir pro^ct Is an established 6 dhurohei enjoyed the presentation vice. . * oooperate with the government’* ' jocts. The reservations are now made at parade when struck by a motor­ unrealised, to create for our nation cents wor^i to the consumer and of the drama entiUed "The Mocker" adjustment peogram, and not ex- while cut prices mean little in the the RockvUle House or tee ^ cycle. has recovered. a new order of sorial justice and a i^ t to be sidled out as a group to arhleh was presented last evening *t greater, measxire of general welfare. value the consumer receives, it the Rockville Baptist church at 7 Drug Store for ce r^ lte» tecdive tostantaneoufl results from means a lot to helping the amaU ex^se of calling the H am o^ rf- In discussing what remains rto be The National Industrial Recov- Sprtogfleld, Mass.—James Walter o'clock. This was a union service the recovery program. It is this storekeeper meet the NRA require- fice of tee bus companies by muntersdonotget done the Preaidexvt did not oqi^toe last proposition that is of roedal ery Act highway projects to be un­ Crook, profeaor emeritus of Eco­ of the Union Congregational, Rock­ himself to generalities. On t^ nomics si Amherst Colleger dies at m olts. ville Methodist Episcopal amd the adds considerably to the s^ m significance; it shows that the Presi­ dertaken with Connecticut’s 32,- which is reported to be sufflclmt to two most sii^lfleant Issuee of his dent has absolutely no intMitlon of Springfield hospital. Roekvine Baptist churches at the 865,000 share of tee NIRA road Hamilton Field, CaHfomla, the pay tee cost of a waiting station. ALLTHEPHEASANTS address he outlined his stand, to no conferring extensive special privi­ Lawrence, Maas.—Stephen Take- latter church. The drama was a ,uncertain terms: first, to his mes­ funds win be put up for bid today, army’s new bombing base. Is to be Visit Waterbury Sunday leges on Agricnlture. He w m very sian, 45, Methusen, is stabbed at a hig success and drew a large num­ accordtog to an annovmcement made ir^rrisoned beginning this sum­ sage to agrtciUture; sec(«d to an­ careful to potot out that already meeting of Pariiteloners of the ber of people of all creeds. The degree team of Court last night by Hlj^way Commission­ mer; the field cost 30,000,000. nouncing his next step in tee mone­ city dwellers are paying large sums Armenian Holycrosa Orthodox The drama, dealing with the tem­ ters Pride, JuvenUe Court, For­ tearly Check-Up of Leg Bands tary program. Today I toaU dis­ er John A, Macdonald. In addition perance question, presented many esters of America of Rockv^e, ^j^t to tee fam iers by w ay o f the prO" to the NIRA jobs, CommlBsloner church. Shows Foxes and 'Homed cuss tee flrpt issue, and on Wednes­ ftfUMing taiT. . The fa n n er m ust do Boston—John Fantasia, 18. who gterestli^ sidelights on the present to Waterbury on Sunday Macdonald will also ask contractors could not swim, loses his life as he PAY day the second. his share In tee recovery program eltuatioii but told the story in a initiated a new JuvenUe ^ u r t to Owls Get Some. for bids on one Trunk Ltoe project dives into Charles river to save his dramatio way so that no one would that city. The new W aterb^ or suffer tee results. In spite of YOUR and one State Aid project. brother, who could. fo i^ b t presentation. Two char­ Court was formed under tee erec­ Ehrer since tee collapse of tee jtressiire, tee President will not at­ The commissioner further said BILLS acters took part in the presentation, tion of the Verdi Verdi Court of Hartford, Oct. 23.— Licensed “inflation boom" to July, Agricul­ tempt to correct a fun ’ mental that bids on tee remaining eleven WITH hunters are not tee oiUy ones who "John Wise," a business man who Waterbury. ^ tiv... ture’s unrest has been spreading maladjustment by a superficial of the State’s ntoeto. i NTRA pro­ A LOAN has been a bootlegger and has a The Degree team of^urt g r ­ have been feasting ting to raise tee price ember 15. Contracts on tee first Add ap «•! ItM bilte yea green Buick. The part of Wise was o’clock Sunday in charge of Mloiael son is \mder way, an early check-up vere, debltoe to commodity prices level by currency management, with five jobs were awarded Saturday. awa—tail aa hew aiadi yee by William Pardee, who pre­ Mantak who acts m director for tee of leg bands returned by sportsmoi that set in during July and has con­ that end to view. But tee Admin­ The three Recovery Act jobs In­ There is to be a hearing at the aead—and In 24 hewft or from pheasants released to ToUand laM wa'll have tha ceah rtody sented the wet philosophy with wit Junior Court. A number of mem­ tinued during tee succeeding istration is going to insist that cluded to, this letting are to be un­ South Windsor Town Hall this eve­ and force. bers of tee Court Snipsic of County reveals, according to a months.' This would have been ning, at 7:30 upon the application for yoal Agrictoture, for its own good, re­ dertaken to Seymour,. West Hart­ A aiaoll aaieawt ■eetUy E. C. Prettyman took the roll of RockvUle also accompanied tee de­ buUetin of tee State Board of Fish­ serious ^ enough, but aggravating ford and Granby and Hartland. of P. Gurolnick to install a gas sta­ duce its production so that tee high­ ___ la all yea hove te pey. “Bert Robertson," who is a close gree team and furnished transpor­ eries and Game today. Two bands tee e|tect of tee decline to pirices They Include slightly more than five tion on the Ellington road. were reported toxyid at fox dens and er. prftes will be permanent, not friend of Mr. Wise and also the tation. was the fact that tee NRA fliw be­ temporary or dependent on subsi­ miles of paving on three roads and Delegates will be appointed at the prosecuting attorney, who upheld another under the nest of a great PlRSONAL FiNAI^CI CO. gent to HoeiUtal gan to hit full swing to August, and dies from taxpayers. tee construction of a new concrete Sunday morning serrice to attend toe dry side of the questlcai. This Thomas CahUl, aged 28, of hom ed owl. was raising tee prices of-manufac­ encased girder bridge on Route No. the Fall Mlssionaiy meeting to bS HR Koom a, state Theater Balldia* Numbered metal bands were af­ f U Is toe same cast which presented vUle, was before Judge John E. FU* tured articles at tee scune time that held in Broad Brook next week T5S Mala St.. Maaeheater fixed to the legs of aU birds turned If Agriculture expects from tee 67. HH Phaae 84M same drama at Washington in tee RockvUle Qty Court on Sat- commodity prices were declining. In his notice to contractors. Com­ Thursday. This meeting is to coh- before a national convention, in out by tee Board in that county President a “bolt from tee blue”— The oaly eharse la three pereeal pe» urday morning. He was committed This Is tee immediate background ets Secretary Wallace claimed, it was missioner Macdonald called atten­ nection with tee East Association of aaoatA aa aapald aaaemt o f 1 Brooklyn before the New York Blast to tee Norwich State Farm tor last spring as an experiment to de­ for tee present "farmers’ revolt.” termine just what becomes of birds sadly disappointed. Instead tee tion to tee Federal regulations gov­ Congregational churches. Conference and in Providence before Inebriates when foimd gxiUty ot be- released tor restocking purposes at President maintained his calm, real­ erning materials and tee emplojr- Calvin C. Bolles of Pleasant Val­ a large state convention. ing a common drunkard. Cahill was mait of labor. Bote skilled and un­ Spanish War Vets in Tolland teat period of tee year. Records But we all know fhat tee present istic approach to tee problem, ley, has been elected chairman of arrested by Captain Richard E. Shea situations had its roots in the mal­ showing a thorough grasp of the skilled labor must be employed from tee South Windsor School Board The officers of James W^ Milne following complaints received were kept of tee releases and adjustments created during tee present situation, Insisting teat co­ lists of available and qualified per­ succeeding John T. McNamara. The WINDOW Camp, United Spanish War Veter­ about his conduct about tee center hunters are being urged to return ans, were guests at the turkey din­ tee bands. Data obtained from World War. Prices for commodi­ operation and control shall not be sons furnished tee contractor by tee chairmanship automatically makes of RockvUle. ties were very high and as a result supplanted by expedients which will emplo3onent agency designated In Mr. Bolles a member of tee board SHADES ner enjoyed Saturday afternoon at field Shoot Held bands returned, although tee toe “Hawk's Nest,” the summer spring release is but’ a smaU portion production expanded enormously, only mskke more difficult tee achiev­ tee contract, except to tee case of of finance. Mrs. Alice I. Johnson was Ftoe Holland Shades, made to home of Mayor A. E. Waite on the A large group of sportsmen, con­ of tee year’s total, are expected to reaching its all-time high to 1219. ing of permanent and lasting ad­ ex-service men wlte dependents and elected secretary of tee board. order, and hung on your A C -a Rockville and Tolland road. The sisting of delegations from aU parts show how many of this quota are Farmers were encouraged to culti­ justment. The farmer’s task is to employees in an executive, adminis­ Miss M arjorie EBmore was home windows com plete ...... V of New Bhigland, visited the Rock­ trative or supervisory capacity. dinner was tendered Oliver J. Carey taken by hunters, where the birds vate new land and there resulted manage production so teat it more over tee week-end from the Bay New Boilers, lOo Extra. Camp, U. S. W. Veterans of Staf­ vUle F'ish and Game Club on Sun­ move to after several months in tee a speculative “boom” in farm lands, nearly coincides with demand. The Bids on all of tee new work will day at their grounds nn MUe HUl to Pate school in Springfield. Send post card, we win caU ford Springs so that a reunion might game covers and other statistics. with tee farmers burdening them­ Administration’s task is to manage be received from contractors tmtil John Newberry of South Windsor ToUand. A new plan of holding a 2:00 p. m., Monday, November 6, at with samples, or 'phone after 5 be held. Many of the prominent Establishment of a new pubUc selves with mor^;age8 incurred on the currency so that it is restored has returned from visiting tee Cen­ of Rockville and Tolland Coun- combined field trial and skeet shoot duck himting area, extending ' for an abnormally high price level. tee State Highway Department P. M. of 25 clap .pigeons. More than a to Its 1926 Value. How tee govern- tury of Progress EJxposltlon at Chi­ ^ are numbered as honorary mem­ approxim ately a mUe aUong tee w est These conditions reacted to tee de­ ment proposes to do* its part by its headquarters in tee State Office CAPITOL score of sportsmen participated to Building, Hartford. cago. bers of toe OUver J. Carey Camp. bank of tee Pequabuck River at tee triment of tee agricultural interests new plan outlined by tee F'resident, Mr. and Mrs. Bh-ed Strout of The dinner was served shortly aft­ tee event. Farmington state-leased hiinting The new projects are briefly des- WINDOW SHADE CO. during tee twenties; two problems I shall discuss on Wednesday. Keene, N. H., were visiting friends er 1:30 o’clock and many notables During tee morning tee dogs were groxmds is announced. Four tem­ grew increasingly important; first ,cribed as follows: 46 Oapen Street Hartford were present. Invitations had been judged in their seardh for secreted porary shooting blinds have been how to accomplish tee decrease in National Recovery Highway Pro- in toW recently. extended to Senator Frederick Wal­ game while in tee afternoon tee ccmstructed there for tee use of production that was necessary as PARNELL IS 95 members participated in a skeet cott, Lieutenant Governor Roy Wil­ hunters to determine tee feasibility the- abnormally large wartime de­ cox and J. Henry Roraback, chair­ shoot. of providing simUar bllads at the mands disapi)eared, and, second, Bockville Briefs London, Oct. 23.—(AP) — man of the Republican State Cen­ CromweU, Lord’s Cove and /Great bow to meet tee fixed charges con­ Benjamin Parnell, believed to tral Committee. George B. Milne, Mrs. EUen Carroll of Middletown Island pubUc duck shooting grounds nected with tee mortgages as tee Great Britain’s oldest baronet, chief of the Rockville fire depart­ spent Sunday with relatives to on tee Connecticut river. price level gradually declined. fused to be congratulated on ment and brother of James W. RockvUle, returning last evening. The new women’s shooting ground Milne, in whose honor the Rockville The Lledertafel Singing Society at Farmington is attracting Dianas 95th birthday yesterday. held a picnic tor members and There are many people who claim ‘T don’t like to be reminded of camp was named, was also a guest. from an parts of tee state. Game that the farmers, because of their The committee in charge consisted friends on Sunday afternoon at Warden Edith A. Stoehr reports. birthdays,” he said, “they make me Liedertafel Grove. Dancing was en­ political importance, recfelved-favor­ feel too old.” of the following: Raymond Gates of The tract, covering over 300 acres, ed i^eatment from tee g;ovemment. Big Value — Better Performance Willimantic, chairman; CommEinder joyed from 2:30 to 6:'30 o’clock with Sir Benjamin, a veteran of tee is located on Depot Road, ruimteg OoveRuneat agencies bought wheat Edwin M. Converse of Stafford tee music furnished by Max west from the GoUege Nlghway at Punjab who lost bote arms to the Springs Camp and former State Kabrick’s orch^rtxa. The LiCder- heavily *inr an effort to support- the Sikkim expedition in 1889, is In good Farmington Center to tee Vafiroad price, the funtis being futtdshed by Commander John J. Connors. taJel Male Chords rendm^ vocal se­ station. Men are not piriiiitted to boalte, alteough he spends most of taxpayers. But while it' is trite Plan Coach Station lections during tee efftemoon. carry guns on this sperial area, hut his days indoors at his ancestral that tee Republican administration Plans are under consideration in ’The first of tee series of card may accompany the women hunters home, Tburlby hall, near Lincoln., Rockville at the present time for the parties to be held imder tee sponsor­ and assist in handling dogs. did attempt to help tiw) farmer by PHILCO1934 RADIOS opening of a station for the differ­ ship of tee RockvUle Lodge of artificially maintaining a high price Moose wUl be held on Thursday eve­ fo r his products, there is thlB to be ent motor coaches which pass VERDICT OF SUICIDE through Rockville for either New ning. A social hour will foUow tee noted: not a single step was made Come in and see the New Philco LinG—You Will Be Amazed York or Boston. During the past card gam es and refreshm ents wUl to the direction of achievelng a per­ London, Oct. 23.—(AP)—A ver­ few months the main line busses be served. manent adjustment. That problem At the Quality of Performance, at the Perfection of Cabinet dict of suicide was recorded today in have an had their routes shifted so The annual meeting of tee La­ still remained to March, 1938. So the Inquest Into tee death of an Work, which Philco is offering atpopularprices—You will realize that they pass directly through dies CateoUc Benevolent Association much for historical backgroimd. 8fuef/oM€ Qanqe Oil rueJ*'oil American, Severn Teackle Havlland, RodcvUle whereas in the past they wiU be held on Thursday evening at The Ri^klifife Oil Company why Philco is the Radio That Outsells All Others. were rputed over the Hartford the RockvUle House. 36, of Mtoneapolis, who was found gassed in his London apartment In his address last night the Phone 8980 Turnpike Road and through Vernon A meeting of tee Common Coim- President showed his firm intention Center to Tolland and Stafford or cU wlU be held on Tuesday evening W ednesday. PHILCO 60L

Beautiful Lowboy at an aman- Ing price! Automatic Volume PHILCO 60S Control, Tone Control, Electro- Dynamic Speaker and other big Big-set performance in a W a n g l e d ! graceful Baby Grand cabi­ features. Receives police and a4r- n e r v e s ; n et 7 plane calls to addition to regular programs. Hand-rubbed Walnut $29.50 C abinet

PHILCO 18X Jangled nerves can make married life miserable t Cknutoe P R U ^ Balanced Bupeiheterodyne with Pat­ In to many eases it's not the big, 'im- Tbs mors o£I«« you azu, tbs mors high-; ented Inoltoed Soundng Board...Balanced Power “Clasa portant things that make married life strung, 'the more tom folly you must A” Audio System.. .Sbadow-Timliif.. .Automatic Volume unhappy. It’s the little sharp words.. . watch yonnelf. the bickering. . . the nagging . . . the Get yow fan amemt o f deep e v «y Control.. .B b m Oompeneatlqg Tone Oontool. * *New Over- jangled nervee. night. EM regukrly and eoBalUy. lind line Eleetro-lilyaamie Speaker.. .Phiioo High-Bfflci«ioy And the dangerons thing ia that we time l o t recrentlon. And imeke Cnmde Tubes.. .Recelveepolice end airplane cJls In addition to frequently don’ t even realize that oar . . . for Oemel'B eeetUer tebneeoe never nerves a r e upset nntil it is too late. net on yenr nnryee. regular programs. MegnUUMBt eMSnet of costly woodA COSTLIER TOBACCOS Gamelf are made from finer, MORE BXPBNSflVB tobaccos than any other popular brand of dgarettss ! Sssy Plunm fitli O n 0 « r ^CLUBPLAI^v at sUfht

f - : ''V-

£* » PAGE POOB MANCHEsm evEnino herald. uAKcnrEinm ooim. vonda;, octoebb m, itas. 4lanrl)rHtrr sad tbs seuBisjr so splsodldlsr m ta if M pfffot that a asa fwp«Bt dotf tbs last fsw wssks, tout wbieb bjr toot Mdat or a good naay at than. Behind the Scenes 'in tbs ttsBs OoBfTsss oaavsBss will Mow naajr oaaturlaa do you auppese We Want T» Takei A Rrm Stand On Tins Matter lEoptring Xpralli bsvs bsoosM a tsarful SMsaeiy If asB aaltod aalt water bafera totoa* PUBUHHBO BT THJD XntALO PRINTINO OOMPUfT, ZMa bs psnrists la listsalaf to tbs pel- taatibla proof of tha axlataBoa of II BlrMt ■oBous bshssts of dsflatloolsts» whalaa waa pra a itad to laadanaoT WASHINGTO: Manuhtitar, Conn. THOUAt rBnaufOM Wbat tbs eouBtry was waltlaf Tat aallors »uat hare brought home 2fHA ______of OOTpeSw' 0«B«ral Manacar for was a dselaratloa of flseal lads* weird talas of “flah" as big aa small timb lii M a of D t o i ^ iponsibte oorponUteBf - Poundad Uatobar 1, lilt psndsacs, aot of Burops but of Wall Islaads, to bo jaarad at by eountlasa It Mar ibaw Its Taalb._____ CMSed,'* PQbllahad Baarp BaaBini Bsaapt Btrsst Zt did aot it Aad gaoaratlotts before tha actuality of ttaa Aat Ualar Flra..flrat Lady •rations by old QpiwMiMBi ■uBdaya ana Hoiidapa Batarad at tea itarta larly on ChslatOMs Ihop* •ntly bavi bssa bslto^ itMiC Pott Offica at Manchaatar. Cobb, aa tbsrs Is no rsal ooasolatioa at all to tha whale waa astablishad. SaooBd Claaa Mall Mattar. Ptog. _____ Trionda of too soourttiM b it SbBSCRlPTlON RATBIRATBS tbs fuardsd blat of a ooauaodltf Of ooursa wa don't know tha first that tlM stato of tka oapltel WRfc OBaa Taar, nail ...... M.00 dollar to bs sstabllshsd somstlais la thing about it whatlw there are BT wnxifi TBOBIfTOIf iMt, not tlM rartrloliOM of ttor onW Parr Month, br mall ...... I •■0 Blni)cla ooplaa ...... •••.I Ot ths swsst by*aad*bp. sea aarpants in tha o c ^ or wl^th* . WaablngtoD.—Tou don't often have provMitod normal rofUBdUi«i»>a DaliilTaarad, ona paar .11.00 bear the NftA spoken of as ▲mar- Tb# boot anowor to sobm ------/ ar they all grow la bottles. But lea's Two Year Pum, but that'a what tlons that tb« now socurltloo law tt MBM^BR OP TUB ASSUCIATBO nobody Is ever going to bring a sa^ it really amounts to. too strict, tk«y say, Itoo to tho iM t PRESS SCOTERS. Tha Aasoolatad Praaa la axolualralp serpent to this town and lay him As the NRA crystolUies into the mat more than a quartor bllltoiK antltlad to tba uaa for rapubIleatloB Some folks, too quick on tba trig* on our doorstep aad stick out his permanent organisation that will doUan* worth of now soourltloo of all Daws dtapatcbas oradltad to It carry on for the two years of its been roglstored atoeo the not w w t'r or not otharwlsa oradltad' In this ger, may see in the fall of many tongue at us and say, "There, into effect. ■>* papar and also tba local bows pnb* present legal tenure (and aa the llshed herein. ducks into the streets and badqrards Smarty! How about it?" leaving idea becomes accepted more gen­ Htotog, diotiUtog, oil and toveat- All rights of rapubltoatloB of and flelds of Norfolk something us dumb and sorrowing over a rot­ erally that it will go on and on mont compontoo mtoco tip tko MkC. special dispatohss barsln are also ra* of the new ventures. served. more o r leas reaemblinff the mlrao* ten bad guess. after that), two courses of develop­ ment are open: First Lady llMpo M y . ulous provision of manna to the But there's one thing about this Pull sarvloa ollant of N B A Sar* Ozie is the more or leas complete Friends ropon that Un^WfahiUm ' Tica, Inc. hungry Children of Israel as they Victoria newspaper axpedltloa of socialization of industry under the D. Roosevelt spent somo of bor ttowe: Publisher's Raprasantatlva; Tba wandered in the wUdemeas. writers and cameramen that has complete control of this federal nu* in New York recently to otartliig Jullua Mathawa Soaclsl Agency—Naw reaucracy. to Do Her (S rlattou fibopptog York Chicago, Oatl-ott and Boston. A rain of ducks from the sky, gone to seek the sea serpent which E arly.,. .PostnoaSter of Alexandria, victims of no disease but of acci­ makes us a little nervous. Do you The other is to make the NRA just outside Waoblngton, got '.to MEMBER AUDIT BUREAO OP a referee in the battle of competi­ CinCULATluNS. dents encountered in an exhausted remember King Kong? money order for |1 tbo other ilgr j ( tive Industry, the maker of the it was from one of tbe Bonua Artogx Tha Herald Printli.g Company, Inc., landing, might be regarded as a de­ Those motion picture cameramen rules, axid the referee of the battle, of 1983 whom be bad b^w d a t t&ifid assumes no financial responsibility pression gift from heaven only, un­ who is to prevent biting, gouging for typographies, errors appearing In are wizards. If they should have tim e....cam e from a Oonsorvattaa-r advertisements In the Manchester fortunately, these ducks were scot­ the luck to nm across a sea serpent and bitting in the clinches. Camp in California.. . . Wben- Evening Herald. ers, commonly known as coots Right now it looks as though the Isabella Oreenway, Roosevelt friend, we have no doubt that they could latter view is prevailing. Indus­ comes back to Washington this MONDAY, OCTOBER 23. though they were not true coots. bring back Incontestlble proof of Its try is being organized so that each winter as a congresawonaato a i ^ The true coot, however,' has nothing existence. If they shouldn’t run may administer its own code. Els-, have a unique distinction: A stKao at all on the scoter as a delusion tabllsbment of "compliance boards" of her late husband, John Oreie»» PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. across a sea serpent we can’t help Is to help in th a t And bow much and a snare for the teeth of the in­ way, stands in Statuary Hall a t Ma? President Roosevelt last night wondering what they could do, if nicer “compliance boards” sounds Capitol as one of Arlaona'a nocent who tries to cook and eat than “enforcement boards!" told the American people that the they tried, with an eel, the head of distinguished sons... .You'd forgot-'^ him. a sea robin and what they know Two years of^ this plan ought to ten all about the George WaamagM' United States proposed to manage show whether industry is wllUng to Senator Walcott, whose home is ton Bi-Centennial of laat year,- its own cul-rency: in effect told them about trick photography—whether “fight fair,” and whether the gains hadn't you?....even tbe paper: in Norfolk and on whose game sanc­ that it proposed to do so without they couldn’t produce the Incontest- in eliminating child labor, unfair matches are nearly aU sold by noW'' tuary some of the scoters fell, sends ible evidence smyhow. competition and sweatshops, will be — but Rep. Sol Bloom, ebabmaa, interference from European sources. enough. If not, the next Two-Year out this significant bit of informa­ Somehow or other we can’t get has spent all this stimmer olesnlng'r In announcing that this country Plan may be more like that first al- up final reports and stmervlalag-■ would extend its operation in gold tion regarding the birds. over the feeling that we’d father teraatlve—and the machinery will publications relating to it. .Tbo an-^- be ready. to the buying and selling of gold The old rule for eating scoters see a dead sea serpent on the state nex to the library of Oengreoi, when we used to shoot them on pier at New London them a picture Seourltles Aot at Issoe. planned for several years, now Mk ' abroad he served notice on Gfeat the Sound forty years ago was to The federal advisory coimcil to comes possible under a pUblto worikO'-^ Britain and France that the policy, hjmg them over the porch for a of a live one mswle by Pacific Coast the federal reserve board, which is allotment of |2,8(X),0 it," Caai finally stated. "All Jap­ which is produced by the ium of rency policy of the nation la being anese would write me. Where wrong food combinations. This ore- ployment of words to ooneeal, not would my money be then?" ates aa nver*aeld condition. Tbe determined and controlled by the to disclose, meanings. The thing acids are thrown out of tbe body Only 36 At same deflationists who have control- might as well he written in ancient Ranch Note through toe pores of toe skin, and ed it for many years without regard Korean Ideography. Catharine Brody, newspaper because they are foreign materials this price I to the political color of admin woman turned author, is in New and are necessarily Irrltatlns' in We never saw an opinion of tbe nature, they excite the skin ana in­ istratlons; many thousands of York for tot birth of her second United States Supreme Court that novel, "Cash Item." She spent the duce redness and' dryness. While Americans had been reluctantly the fundamental cause is wrong diet, we couldn't understand and we have cummer to Missouri, r here, ahiong forced to this same conclusion. But there may be present various con n '( managed to get a glimmering of other things, she took up the local tributlng...... ig cat oausee such aa constlpa- it was enunciated ao clearly, for the sport of cattle herding. ^‘I thought the outer edges of the signlflcance tlon, law of sun and air, enervation hearing of so many people, that it I was pretty good," she saldr-'^n- through loss of Bleep, and lick of .s'-! of tbe Einstein theory. But, aside tll one day 1 titried herding sixteen proper oleinsing of toe skin must have produced many uneasy all alone, driving them toward toe Innerspring Mattress from the faint email that arises through bathing. ^ qualms in those who, bq. soon after' water. I lost six completely and from this mass of verbiage, suggee. Psoriasis may be exceedingly ward, heard the President declare took all day at it and wore myself troubleeenM once it has started and tlve of a fixing of farmers’ quotas that the job of manipulating gold out I decided that they have tbe is most often found during winter by tbe dealers—of all people!—we wrong system entirely out there. . but may occur in tbe fall and ■•I’., was to be turned over to the dubious Every so often we are able, through a fortunate pur­ are quite unashamed that we osb> . . . It would be much simpler if l spring. Cold weather seems to have Treasury Department and the un­ bad taken tbe water to the cattle!" chase, to preaent an outstanding value that is so sen­ I t) !f not comprehend any {Kiportant part a special effect in bringing it on. 10 Features! questionably deflationist Recon­ Psoriasis la different from other skin of. it. ■armonlone Praise diseases in that there is little or sational it is breath-taking. This is one of them. 1—RuBdreds of resilient coll springs In each m sttresi . \ - struction Finance Corporation. It isn’t safe apparently to take If any group of milk Industrialists no itching. As tbe disease de­ really can’t tell you how good these mattresses 3—OoUe ere stoggeMd. allowtog more springs to be used If the Prealdent’a addraai to the Rudy Vallee’s name in vain around velops, round red spots come out. should attack the validity of these orchestras. At t tea given for Janet and over the redness there form dry are. You’ve got to see the beautiffil, durable exclu­ ~toan ordinarily. nation had any ona point of special regulations on the ground that Gaynor at tbe Waldorf toe other scales of silver. After tbe circular sive ticking, .feel fhe quality too, and the soft, 8—Coll epringi are TIED together with hondrede ot tiny algniflcance It lias in an unescapable their announcement does not con­ day, a man standing near an eight- red spots have enlarged they fade downy cotton upholstering. , You must really try helical springe. deduction—that be does not propose stitute legal promulgation of com­ piece orchestra made some slight­ out in the middle, which leaves a ing remark about Valles. round ring. Psoriasis is different one in order to fully appreciate ^ s tremendous 4 - "Ineulo" pad over springe, prevents ipHngi from to resort to currency inflation ex­ prehensible law we haven't a doubt breaking through upholst^big. Immediately three of the musi­ from eczema in that It is dry, while value. cept, perhaps, aa a last racourae. in the world that any and every cians rose to their feet. One told the inflamed patches of eczema are j - V 6— Upholstered with fine, pure cotton felt ; often moist or "weeping,” The d ry ! :iiD - Instead be proposes to fuss about court would uphold that contention. of a buddi of his who developed 8—InMda French roll edges; edges are straight and- with flseal experimentation which tuberculosis while working for scales may adhere closely and Im-, art toe appearance of a crust, If you’ve ever said to yourself, ‘T would like to own equare outside. may have, probably will have, bene* Rudy, and bow Rufly sent him to Arizona with 110,000. Another here is ao reason to believe that one of the finest mattresses made,” yet hesitated 7— Sides are QUILTED, as shewn; Insures stoateht •MP*' V fleial consequences but which ta SEA SERt>ENT8. cited a “guy up at Saranac right toe disorder is catching. lees sides. merely trifling in comparison with this minute, costing Rudy $60 a In correcting any diseased condi­ about the price.. here is your golden opportunity. A About thi'^ sea serpent. We tion of toe skin, toe best plan is to 8— Seams at edges are taped; insures against tMrtof It , J the sweeping, courageous proceed* week." Tbe third, adding hi^ bit, have never been as fke];^oal about suddenly found that toe man who take a short fast at tbe start, using :.'.U Ings demanded by a great crisis. sea serpents as a goed/nany peo­ made the original remark bad fad­ only fruit juice. During tbe fast, We’re sorry we couldn’t buy more, .but there were a—Heavy 8-os. ticking in a WOVEN modern patlseiti: •. ; .' -1 • s a When tba President talks about ed completely out of the picture. the patient is tr take one eaenaa per ple. Why shouldn't there be a gi­ day. The fast should be followed only enough of these mfittresses in the country to 10—Ticking pattern exclusive with WATKINE reducing the domination of the dol * * ’ gantic snake with dragon-like head by a diet consisting of cooked and equip 86 beds.. and we bought all of them I Full and a « « « -V iS.Ul4 ^ lar by successive changes In the and enormous teeth in the ocean? raw non-starchy vegetables, such as 10 FeaturesI 4 * .oi* price of gold ha is, of courae, talk- DID YOU KNOW THAT- carrots, lettuce, celery, eplnaeb. twin^izes. ^ . V. 6 There’s everything else. string beans, etc. toff about effectual devaluation. Never does one of these deep-sea Sun baths al>e to be especially But he proposes to have this service scientific expeditions go forth but No matter how high Commander recommended in toe treatment of performed by a group of deflation­ psoriasis, and through their useltoe it brings up m its dredges any num­ Settle thinks he ca-i g with that skin will become more healthy and OPEN THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL P.O'aQaS .*;. . t* ists! It simply does not click. ber of forma ot martoe UfSstbat no­ stratosphere 'balloon of Ms, he will return to its nonaal tone. Local It was a nice, amiable, and within should realise that eventually he’ll treatment of the affected parts can body ever saw before. And if there have to come down to earth. Its very narrow UnUtaOons helpfifl be taken at a doctor's offlM-^ the are all sorts at small or smallleb Now we learn that furs may use of toe ultra-violet rajre. The l^e last freak creatures in the deeps why cause hay fever. We weren’t so •kin will be sunburned aad will M very shouldn't there bo all sorts of Mg sore of that, although we knew peel off, thus enoouragliw the I tighten furs have brought tears to nai^ growth of healthy skin in plime of freak creatures? a worn in’s e ^ . the irritated epidermis. ^dence Just because nobody ever has ever Tbe Detroit police department lasts so killed a sea seipeot u 4 towed him has purchased lOO new cars, la* $1 sfiutopefi, wUh radtoi IftANCHESTiat EVSSnKG BSStAIJ);

I ADVBBTlBBBfKNT— with New YOrit’S bslorftil WUUCar^ ritfobit ^ w - as its bfohground. BhsgtTB hr wbil kuaiwtt% nl^Mof (WERmnniM. ADSifENTS St prs#shts Miss Hl^burs, the Btanebsstar yidto oivam Wbo tuns screen’s dlost interesUng psrsoiwl- lu on WDRp 'snfl, nsi- I. w < I I r 1 s| ity, as a who bsU#y«a| Ui hsrMl,> work prognafoi; Thalr igisPk^ 1> DHKilDrQPlIN niESDAT. HOV. 21 Opining GUHtrHAs who k n o ^ liha has the talsnte to old time lyrfos, cowb(gr’ bg|Is4s sad •■■■■'S' iTHE become a gnat actress. lb stlrrlug. for the p rq g n m in­ Ndrwlch, O ct 38;—(A P )~ 'T I is cluding all ths nsw i^ mupidpl hits. fashion, itr depicts her courageous {dsutt eg t|w Inland Papsr Bdasd (Uher Bamlefii s i i w w ths ALL GOOD STORY NEEDS bt to win recognition, with its It is the dsMrs of the Bturfjdda to thrmilL ' . . BARGAINHOUND Slappolntments, its heartbrecdcs, make this dance an otRsfonding aiie- Oompsiqr. -Inei', at VefoaiUea, six Meetings Committee to and its final triu m ^ eess. Therefore they have ob^ined ndlss ffom here, did not i^pep this Hepburn and Fairbanks, Jr. morning. • Nottpes informsd mn- It gives , young Fairbanks (me of In Hank Penny one o f the finest m^TBAoaamKXJkMi Do Their Best Work in film the strongest ,roleB of his career, as modern and dd-fasUoned dance or­ doyeM that the mill would resume TIM State Shoe Shop rebulldi sot^ A table here and there in an odd Make Arrangements for Wemeaday. a 3TOung theatrical producer who bo­ chestras available in this seeticn Brldgifoort, Oe(. 3L tt-(AP). )ust cobbles ehoee. You can have^ comer makes such a difference in Here Two Dayg. Howard' T. Brown, general miaaa- your ihoes dyed, any color and the appearance of your room. ’This lides in the strunling girl, apd and have placed the admisaiott price flndtug o f scddsntal death wta ^ eventually teaches her the meaning within tbs reach of all. Four"prises ger of the plant, said there waa no cleaned here and best of all they'll morning I saw the best line of Event Tomorrow. All the world lovM a lover, and strike. .The 166 employees bad turned Wy Oprousr ^ohu J. Phal^ tables at Watkins’, and they’re at all the world adores a fighter. These of love, and It presents Menjou as a will be offered to the winners of the be called for and delivered for no fascinating man-of-the-world. mada demands for increased wages today in ths csss of John extra charge—just dial 8838. the Anniversary Sale prices. There are two reasons why all the world masquerade. The annual meeting of the Cham­ which the management was unMle lips, 16, of 241 Ceatrsl Psrk, Wsi^ are various shaped end tables, lamp wUl love RKO-Radio Pictures’ to meet he saiid, explaining that a tables, coffee and occasional tables. ber of Commerce will be held ’Tues­ "Morning Glory,’’ which iflaya at the New York, a atudsnt In the Barnaill If you have one handsome picture They are mahogany topped, all day, November 21, and a session of State theater Wednesday and HANK PENNY ORCHESTRA in u jin y»Y a l c o h o l code for the pa^board industry school for boys In New York. Ths give it a prominent place on one Grand Rapids made and are really the meeting’s committee will be hefd had not been i^roved by the younnter, who is the son of John Thursday. t Waterbixry, O ct 28.— (A P )—^Mrs. President and unol that time the wall of your living room. Then splendid v^ues. tomorrow afternoon at 1 o’clock at There are other reasons; The star Collihs, a prominent New York a3> when jTOu do any redecorating try the Chamber office to lay plans for studded cast headed by dynamic FOR HALLOWE’EN DANCE Catherine Andrezeyewsks, 62, who managemeht could not act Brown tomey, was killed on tbs NorwsUo> and out the color scheme of "Running a city la Just house­ the event. The meeting is called by Katharine Hepburn, Douglas Falr- died Saturday night was a victim of said the company will accept the Rldg^eld road on Ootobsr 18 whso f • -^s. pillows and keeping on a big scale and more Chedrman J. G. Echmallan. ,banks, Jr., and Adolphe Menjou. alcoholic poisoning, caused by exces­ code whan it la approvebo^s^> Lowell Sher­ ers’’ Columbia recording artists « d ing today by Dr. Ekiward H. Klrsch- crtfUMid wsges were made last week. The machine was being operated lea^,i red pillow and, if the drap­ paig^ning for the Job of alderman in man. And the play by brilliant Zoe radio feature of the Yankee net­ baum, medical examiner. Dr. Kirsch- They were as high as 26 per cent by Leo O. Rlehl, Jr., 17, of 663 East eries are to be figured, try and have New York on the Fusion ticket. NORTH COVENTRY Akins. work have been engaged by the bsum’s finding, revealed by an He said the mill has been running 167th street. New York, a fellow some red tones in them. "Morning Glory" is the story of a Blueflelds A. C. to play at their Hal­ autopsy, ended a coroner’s investiga­ full time thro^hout the depression student, and son of Dr. Leo O. Rleh|« If you’ve been wanting a hot wa­ fighter, and a dramatic romance lowe’en Masquerade at Jarvis Grove, tion. beginning in 1636 and the total wage of New York. ter heater for sometime but have Students of the four lower grades been waiting till they were less ex­ of North School No. 8, imder the Xf you have that tired face feel­ pensive, the time has come for the supervlBion of Miss Mary Martini ing a ^ r a day’s work and want to Manchester Gas Company has a new look your best that evening have a automatic copper heater at a far toured the town of Manchester Sat­ buttermilk pack at the Lily Beauty lower price than they’ve ever been urday. Mrs. Ernest Gowdy and Parlor. It’s most refreshing and before. It has an automatic shut­ Miss Cora Kingsbury aided Miss tones your skin beautifully. off and is Ruud built Now you Martini. The group first stopped at ritn economically have instant hot Manchester Depot and were for­ water any minute of the day. tunate enough to see a Pullman For Scalloped Parsnips and Pine­ train, pass through which was a hoose Watkins Reproductions it your home is going apple—’This is another good dish to noveity for several youngsters. They serve with fish or fowl. Four good then went tn the Manchester Mem­ slsed parsnips, 1 small pineapple or Baking apples with old-fashioned orial Hospital and were very graci­ 1 can sliced pineapple, 1-2 cup brown red climamon candles improves their ously shown through the building by sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 table­ flavor as well as their appearance the Superintendent. After visiting spoons butter, 2 tablespoons flour, Peel the apples and put them in a there the group was escorted 1-2 teaspoon salt, 1 cup chicken hiticing dish with about a cupful of through the Telephone Company stock or water. Parboil parsnips water, sugar and several cinnamon and shown the various steps in the after scrubbing and scraping. Cut drops. Baste them with the red completing of a telephone call, which proved a new experience to AMERICAN In round about 1-2 inch thick. Cut syrup every ten minutes until they pinMpple in pieces of equal sixe and are done.Ml all. Chief of Police Samuel Gordon shape. Place in alternate layers conducted them through the police in a buttered baking dish, sprinkling Robertson Sudsy Soap Chips for station and took a finger-print of a each layer with brown sugar and your lingerie, for your stockings, for young fellow to show the group Just 18th Century Dining Room cinnamon and dotting with butter everything that has to be washed. bow it was done. Several were and flour rubbed together. Sprinkle You save both on soap and on the frightened to go into the station, but in crotch mahogany—Nine Pieces . . JL f % / with salt and pour in chicken stock things you wash. after entering and meeting a smil­ or water. Bake in a moderate oven ing police officer their attitude was '.^1 until both parsnips and pineapple greatly changed... 'The group passed NOTHING commonpUca about thli n«w Watkini dining room group, Th« with iti are tender. Serve from baking dish. throu^ the new post office build­ deop cabinet btfe and drawer and iti authentic Sheraton top with brtM eagle . . * the It will take about 46 minutes for ,w u Lc x a u l «_ ing, then went to Straugban’s Dairy the mixture to bake. where they were shown the various excellent plerced-bock Chippendale chain . . .are piecea rirtly reproduced baeauae of steps of pasteurising, bottling and their higher coet. The buffet ie Sheraton while the table if of populiu* Duncan Phyf# de« storing milk. 'The group was also kindly treated with a bottle of milk ligm Crotch mahogany venaerad, and inlaid! per person. Leaving here shortly after noon the group went to the Local Stocks N. Y. Stocks East Side Fire Hotise and were mrnm shown through it by the Fire Chief. Many of the group had never seen a fire engine. After leaving the flre- (Foralsbed by Putnam A Co.) Adams Exp...... 7% Air Reduction ...... 68 hoitse the group passed by the Man­ Central Bow, Hartford, Conn. Alaska Jun ...... 24 Tt chester Hi|^ School, South Meth­ odist church and down to the reser­ 1 P. M. Stocks Allegheny ...... 8fi Allied Cbem ...... 128^ voir where they stopped to have Miss Martini explain wnat was done Bank Stocks Am Can ...... 86 Am For Pow ...... 8 before the people drank the water. Bid Asked The group then passed through Scoot seat Cap Nat Bank A Trust 8 Am Rad St 8 ...... 12%, 12 Am Smelt ...... 88tt Hale’s Department Store, and Wat­ Conn. River ...... 460 Am Tel and Tel ...... 116 kins Brothers' furniture store where First'National of Htfd. — 110 Utfd, Conn. Trust .... 42 Am Tob B ...... 78they completed their day's tour by Occasional Htfd. National B and T 16 Am Wat Wka ...... 20% riding in an elevator. Ms Manchester Phoenix St. B and T .. 176 Anaconda ...... 18^ are greatly appreciated for A Bbaratoo rsproduotion Atchikon ...... 60being so courteous and instrudflve West Hartford 'Trust.. — with dsllcately carvsd arms, Insurance Stocks Auburn ...... 87^ to the Coventry students. The lower Aetna Casualty ...... 40 Aviation Corp ...... 1% grades of district No. 6 are study­ fluted lags hod a scoop seat, Balt and Ohio ...... 22 ing "Cities" and much that was ob­ Aetna Life ...... 16V^ fashlonsd for comfort Aetna Fire ...... 31 Bendlx ...... 12 served will be used in their school Automobile ...... 16 Beth Steel ...... 27 work. Cbooss yours from our sslso- Beth Steel, p f d ...... 60 Conn. General ...... 26 Several guests of Boston were en­ tloQ of two-tons tapsstrlss. Hartford F ire...... 41 Borden ...... 21% tertained by Rev. and Mrs. Leon H. National Fire ...... 41^ Can P a c ...... 12% Austin this week-enff. Hartford Steam Boiler 46 H Case (J. I.) ...... 62% Choir rehearsal wlU be held, Mon­ Phoenix F ire ...... 66^ Cerro De Pasco ...... 80% day evening at the home of Wallace Travelers ...... 876 Cbes and O h io ...... 88% McKnlgbt. Public Utilities Stocks Chrysler ...... 41% The Ladles Fragment Society $1475 Conn. Elec Serv ...... 87 Coca Cola ...... 62 will meet at the home of Mrs. Conn. P ow er...... 36 Col Gas ...... 12% Charles Schramm Tuesday. A Greenwich WAG, pfd. — Col Carbon ...... 46% Coml Solv ...... 82pot - luck dinner will be served. Hartford E lec...... 46 All ladles are Invited to attend. ^rtford las ...... 48 Cons Gas ...... 42 Cons OU ...... 11 Mrs. H. C. McKnight will have do., p fd ...... 48 charge of a missionary program. 8 N E T C o ...... 108 107 Cont Can ...'...... 61% Com Prod ...... 76% Wednesday evening the ' Ladles Manofactorlng Stocks Del L and W n ...... 22% Fragment Society will hold another Am Hardware 18 20 Du Pont ,...... 78% "Harvest Supper” with .11 the har­ Eastman K od ak ...... 71% vest vegetables. The committee in .^rrow H and H, com. 6 12 Elec and M us ...... 8% charge is Mrs. EHsa Koehler, Mrs. . do., pfd ...... 60 — Elec Auto L it e ...... 18% John E. Kingsbury and Mrs. A. B. Billings and Spencer., — 2 Elec Pow and Lt ...... 6 Porter. Bristol Brass ...... 14 16 Gen Elec ...... 18% Wednesday evening the (Coventry Modem Classic? , do., pfd ...... 66 — Gen Foods...... 88% 4-H Happy Garde ers vKll hold their Case, Lockwo(x] and B — 800 Gen M otors...... 26% last re^ lar meeting of the year at Collins Co...... 40 — GUlette ...... 11 P. L. Lathrop’s home. All members Colt's Firearms ...... 14% 16% Gold Dust ...... 17% are asked to attend and bring in See Eagle Lock ...... 26 29 Grigsby Grunow ...... 1% their completed record books. Fafnir Bearings ...... 40 60 Hudson Motors ...... 9% Friday and Saturday of this week F^iller Brush, Class A 6 10 Int Harv ...... 86 Gray Tel Pay Station. the State 4-H Club Exhibit and 12% 14% Int N ic k ...... 18% State-wide tryouts for demonstra­ Irwin House Hart and Cooley ...... 125 ...... 11 Hartmann Tob, com.. _ 6 Int Tel and T e l tions, Judging, Style Bress Revue, Coxmsotiout has ons Modsm do., p fd ...... 6 — Johns ManviUe ...... 48 etc., will be conducted it the Con­ dssslo H ouss.. .at Watklna, Int Silver ...... 26 30 Kennecott ...... 18% necticut State college at Storrs. Lehigh Val Coal ...... 2% Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cort and BuUt parmaasatly on our do., pfo ...... 47 51 Lehigh Val R d ...... 18% Landers, Frary A Clk. 26% 28% Mr. and Mrs. C. Sweet of Rhode Main Floor, this house Is, ws . — Llgg and My B ...... 88 Island have returned to their re­ bSUsvs, old N S W England’s New Brit. Mch. com.. 8 Loew’s ...... 27% .do., pfd ...... — 50 spective homes after spending sev­ answer to tbs modsm trend _ Lorlllard ...... 18% eral days with their cousins, Mrs. Mann A Bow, Class A 4 In funilturs fashlcBS. Irwin do., CHass B ...... 2 McKeesp T in ...... 71 A. B. Porter. Mont Ward ...... 18% Mrs. Charles Schell is visiting her Hoiise is NOT modsmlstlet North and J u d d ...... 15 17 Nat Blscflit ...... 41% Niles, Bern Pond ...... 6 12 brother, Harry Barnes of Boston. Pick, Stow and Wilcox Nat Cash Reg ...... 14% Friday evening the Coventry 4-H 2 5 Nat Dairy ...... 14 Russell Mfg ...... 14 18 Clubs are sponsoring an entertain­ Scovlll ...... 22 24 Nat Pow and L t ...... 11 ment, "A School of Fifty Years Stanley W orks...... 17 19 N y Central ...... 80% Ago’’ which is being put on by the Standard S crew ...... NY NH and H ...... 15% 36 46 Noranda ...... 82% Mansfield Congregational Church •do., pfd., guar...... 100 — here at the Grange hall. Everyone Smythe Mfg. Co...... — 24 P a e S r d !.‘.‘.’.’ .*!.’!!.'.’ .*!!.’.’ ^8%1 ^ Taylor and Fenn .... — 110 Torrlngton ...... 39 41 Penn ...... 25 Underwood OMfg .... 22 PhUa Rdg C and I ...... 4% 24 Phil Pete ...... 14% Union Mfg Co...... — CANNON GRANTED REVIEW 10 Pub Serv N J ...... 39% U S Envelope, com... 35 ___ do., pfd...... 78 Radio ...... 6% Veeder Root ...... 15 Rem Rand...... 6% OF D. C. COURT DEGSION 17 Rey Tob B ...... 46% Whitlock Coil IMpe .. — 10 J,B Wirms Co. 810 par 35 Sears Roebuck...... 37% 40 Socony Vac ...... 11 South Pac ...... 16% Washington, Oct. 28.— (A P )— Sou P Rlc S ...... 86% Bishop James Cannon, Jr., and bis N ew ! CURB QUOTATIONS South Rwy ...... 20% secretary, Ada L. Burroughs, were St Brands ...... 22% granted a review by the Supreme with pegged joinery—Three Pieces Coffee is servedand youll Court today of the ruling of the St Gas and Elec ...... 6% be as proud oif^ thia ooifoe tsMe St OU C al...... 37 District of Colujnbla Court of Ap­ Amer Cit Pow and Lt B St Oil N J ...... 40 peals holding they must stand trial Another Watkins group youTl Rnd unusual; Solid MAHOGANY is used throughout . . . 8-inch as can be. It la ChraiMl ItspUs* Asad Gas and E le c ...... on an indictment charging them Tex Corp ...... 28% mahogany bed poets . . . even mahogany drawer pulls! You’ll enthuse over its distinctive fea­ made with scalk^sd tqp hi figured Amer Sup Pow ...... Timken RoUer B e a r ...... 24% with violating the Corrupt Ftaetloes Cent States E lec ...... Trans A m erica...... \. 6% Act in failing to report contribu­ tures like fhe cosmetic rack on the dressing table mirror, the overhanging top of the dressing malmgaBy Cities Service ...... Union Carbide 40% tions received during the 1628 presi- Ele Bond and Share dentled campaign. table mii^r^ the raised panels on the bottom drawers of dresser and chest. The' ideces are veneer .'.eie,«e Ceie^e.s^s.e *_ • ••eeeee Unit Aircraft ...... 28 I; Ford Limited ... Unit Corp ...... 6% During the campaign waged by pegg<8d throughout and edgef, as well as comers of drawera are de^ly.j^pe-wom. (Dressing Midwest Utils ...... '...... Bishop Ctmnon against the election Unit Gas Imp ...... 17 table^ $^.60 extna> Nlag Hud P o w ...... U S Ind A lco...... 60 of Alfred E. S ^ th he received Penn Road ...... U S R ubber...... 18% 166,800 from E. C. Jameson of New Segal Lock ...... York, which the government al­ U S Steel 88 •* c Stand Oil I n d ...... UtU Pow and L t ...... 8% leged they failed to report. United Founders ...... Vicks Chem ...... 27% When brought to trial, they chal­ Ufalted Gas ...... Western Union .. .T...... 46% lenged the indictment as defective. XAilted Lt and Pow A ...... West El and M f g ...... 88% Bishop Cannon also attaokad the TWJRSDAY and SATURDAY EVB4INCS UNTIL 9 0 ^0 1 ^ Util Pow and L t ...... Woolworth ...... 87% Corrupt Praettees Act as tmconatl- Canadian Macaroni ...... Elec Bond and Share (Curb). 16% tutionm. Mavis Bottling ...... ’The Durtriot o f Columbia OeiQlrt quakhfd tSa indlotmentj but the A test of gold is to touch the ma- triot Court of peals held It was Eighty million doHafg has been terisil with a gUM stsopet of nitric good, and ' ordered BUihop Cannon estimated as the corposation in- add, which would leave the fold un- and Misa Burroughs to stand trlaL debtedaeas in the Unit^Statea. diaiiffed, but srauld od or alloys. BiiAcv Canpon would haya -io- vUrbaa aenatma c< the United highest !ebmt pass on^the anfo ' 'J' Blgtee tapwa more women-than ipeB, Tb0 eadisst .^raliil|^l|»tlM eouM^ ,v' jS'J pppeatto 1# tnie\flf V ■ -» -': rt.^:> ;.— ■-, -' ’'irr'i \y ■jPOa,. \ . . •>■. '.' f ','i-’ '■ \^M i PAGE SIX i' MAXCHS8TBR EVENING HERALD, MANCftESTBR. OONN^ MONDAY, OQTOBER SS, 1988, \ fered to guMa Iwp matoctoto part of DRUNKS IN TWO TAKES BEAOTY COURSE f o r m e r s e c d o a k the' way to Waroaator, Mass The COAL POCKET FIXE well eetahliihed that during the motorists said they^Mfited up Smith A T N .Y . CONVENTION course of IMS the farmers of the in New Haven and that as they united States will reoelve 88 per O F LA BOR IS DEAD turned a curve in Madisaa, he seized SUNDAY SCRAPS mtEATENS YAKD cent more dollars for what they have produced than thby received in the steerlag wheel aaosiat the oar WONOEANBU Miss Bm loe Juul ToUi th« (Ocfitinoed from Pegs Ode) to skid and overturn. Smith was j vr* killed Instkntly. Newest Styles in Hairdress* He was not satisfied with the rise I MlBlbST t i in farm commodity prices and it tmd economic program to prevent us Mrs. Alexander. Vanclnl, 42, of Court Cases Result from ing Being Featured. B laxe S tarted io B om Tow elr from reaching a state of social dan­ Bridgeport, was killed when the iBstniaiiil Bai EiRitr . _ was “definitely a part of our poUoy ger.” roadster in wMeh she was a passen­ Sales M au fer N evnan T dls •n or Mias Bernice Juul, proprietor of to increase the rise aiad to extend ger was in collislor at Brld^port it to those products which have as In U. S. UEilawfuUy Jam borees at N ortt Em l the Weldon Beauty Salon In the at W O lis P lant W hen D ie- I Mr. Hoover listened attentively to with a truck. Mrs. Oatbertne An- Ctee ot the muildiM pUg^ yet felt no benefit tf we cannot do W w^inrs Fim H u NRA et toe daaee at the Hotel Sheridan building, has return* this one way, we will do it in an­ Doak in freuning quotas under the drzeyewskl, 02, of Waterbury, was L ast E vening. ed from New York where she at* other. Do i t we will." present immigration law and in the found dead in bed. Medioal Fbcam- c e r e r e d . . deportation of aliens illegally in the iner Edward H. Klrsobbaum attrib­ & In QlasteoMory tended the convention of the New The National Recovery Act the 1 United States. In January of 1881 uted death to acute alcoholic poison­ bujo that he had used to ptoartoff York State Hairdressers and Cos­ President declared, had already Doak estimated 400,000 foreigners ing, and Coroner John T. Monsani for the danduff wae mlsrtn/lS Two Sunday night Jamborees at metologists Association, incorpor­ Policeman John Cavagnaro, while abolished child labor and eliminated were in this country unlawfully, started an InvestlgatioB. remembered that it wastoken em the north end netted six arrests for ated, at the Hotel Astor. Miss Juul doing duty around Depot Square at the sweatshop. "It has ended 60 As e result of a complaint made of toe haU and eupposed toat it mm cents a week paid in soisae mills 100,000 of them subject to deporta­ Paul Kolskl of Bridgeport died in Intoxication and breach of the took a course of intensive study dur­ 1:40 this moming,/Aw a blaze down I "TT*. “ “ “ tion. a hospital, from a bullet fliflrud into by tobacco workeri at toe Cooaeo- atached to the nutong board of the peace, the offenders, Joseph Wro> ing the week and successfully pass­ the railroad tracks of the sld<"g week paid in some During the preceedlng D ecem b er]^ brain. Polios belisve he had Ucut Olgar Manufacturing com­ automobile ob the reCura trip. On blewskl, Richard Shea, Joseph Phil ed the examination of the boaixl. She that nms into the O. B. Willis k ^ immigration had ebbed to the lowest com m ltt^ suicide after an argu- pany’s plant at Apel Place last mlsslilg It he returned to Mr~fthtt Son, Inc., coal yard. He ran down ter, maklM a search ef the road as Ups of Manchester and Manuel levels in a century. Doak estimated ®«nt with bis wife from whom he week, when it whs claimed that tbs Pazzato of 393 Windsor avenue, the tracks, discovered that the lower ^ loc^U ea the NRA had foat five persons left the United was ectranged and who had re- he drove back, and then not betoff Hartford and John Orland and company although displaying the able to find It reported it to toe pe- Walter Sepanski, both of this town. a n d ^ t a fire had started in the I I ^ ^ 1®81, that many NRA sl^, was hot living upfo the Uoe, placing >talue ot 8200 on the The first four offenders were ar> coal. He hurried back to Depot eveiy aUens would u S e code, (leneral Sales Manager David banjo. rested by Officer John Cavagnaro SquareBqU&TE Andand usingYislnv fhm toe poUce fmlm-I 0* OTltlOlBIB WA fOUIld I voluntAHlv mns4 probably e%wAtomui.. an addi^--ua Newman this morning h ^ a con­ after a row in the Depot Square phone system notified Sergeant John tional 22,000 would be deported dur PRESD EN T SIGNS ference w ith t Supervisor CoUopy of restaurant and Sepanski smd Orland McOlhm, who was on toe desk and “chlaelers" | mxIng thetoe year.vear. ^ thetae StateawH NRA hoard wniru ana and loiatold me toe I FrsInk*R(to2jion’ wuSJ** were taken in by the same officer a call for toe fire department was r " * « ^P«tty ones. Master Medletor Bide of toe oompany, bringing along put- in• ■by Sergesmt- _McGllna. I who seek to make undue profits on RETAILERS’ CODE toe oompany'iibocks to prove ^ nlxhf earlier in the evening after a fight imtrue statements.” A studious appearing man, Doak In the home of Walter Pika, 1 Bee' The night was clear and toe whis­ was known in Railway circles as a tle Bounded well, which brought the I Ths President paid tribute to toe _ «. quest of coon. It was the first time hive. 70,000,000 people who live In cities master medletor. In 87 yean of ex­ (Oontinaed from Pegs Ooe) It wee shown on two oeoa- tola party has been out thki m m In court this morning Wroblew- firemen to Main and Woodbridge traordinary activity as a leader of slons ^ wagss of and Say had a hard T i t , ski, in his eighth appearemce In street) or Box 21, In a short time* who had not the Brotherhood of Railroad Train­ dustrlal codes today with a notifica­ who w p l ^ work, had W Only one ’coon was h i ^ t S but court, was sentenced to jail for 15 The fire truck of No. 1 was directed *8ra|JMt toe processing men he had gone through every tion to toe NRA that It was bis advanoM Md tfiiU toe c o m i^ bad it was an 18 pounder an?gaM boto days for breach of the peace. He to the fire by the police officer. *ltho^h they forced higher fotm of conference, mediation and Little time lost in getting open the P[J®®® on cotton gooda and food | understanding toat there was noth­ expressed their willingness to grant the dogs a n d ^ huntew a fiSS appealed and furnished bond. Shea, arbitration proceedings, including ing In toe labor clauses of the in­ a ^ s r increase a vraek but before it was baggsd. vSltiaSe charged with Intoxication and fence gate, which was locked, be- for by city dwellers, wage and other cases before toe fore the apparatus could follow “ * concluded by reooimtlng toe 1 dustrial control law to interfere not as much M w a s ^ s d . This was shoe was cut wher? toe 'cooTtofod breach of peace, was found guilty United Statee Labor Boud. In with the “bona fide exercise of' the understood by Mr.w - - CoUopy------who- had I to bite him and toe dogs m and fined $16 and costs on each through. K w was no water hose ^ 11.000,- some Initances be acted as sole ar­ a report from toe Manchester rep­ connected as the chemical from No. °®°-000 to banks to release frozen bitrator. ' right of an employe! to select, re­ pretty well soratobed up la the fight count, a total of $37.92. Joseph tain or advance employes resentatives and gave toe company Phillips was found guilty of intoxi 1 was used in fighting the fire, part “fPOflta and of the program to give a clean bill. cation and breach of the peace and of the burning sidewalls bavihg been , ^ ^ make them liquid Mr. Newman returned to Man­ STEALS POISONED OmCKINS pulled away by toe officer before t qualifications under the Deposits wbich settled more than 3,000 die Hugh S. Johnson, NRA chief, Waterbury, Oct. 26.—(AP)—The fined $15 and costs on each count. made toe presidential communica­ chester shortly after 11 o'clock and Manuel Pazzato of 392 Windsor toe firemen arriv*'^ arrived. ’Ilie chemical I Insurance Act. putes without a single deadlock or informed such of toe men who bad J^gee of sii. may be death for a avenue, Hartford was represented tank was used amo the greater part dissenting opiplon. tion public. been employed in toe place toat toe UUef vtoo stole atx ehlokans from by Attorney William S. Hyde who of the hand extinguishers, -but toe VIEWS OF LEAGUE Doak was a “round the clock” The President wrote toat the labor shop was ready to open end those Fred Aldrleh, in toe Platts vuif asked for a continuance until Oct fire continued to smoulder. Geneva, Oct. 23.—(AP)—Presi­ worker in Washington with scant clause of the Industrial law "does who wished to return could do so. section, Saturday nlg^t The chick- 80. Chief Edward Coleman, on his dent Roosevelt’s gold pronounce­ Ume for recreation. His relaxaUon clearly prohibit the pretended exer­ They wlU be given tola opportunity ens had been fed nine grains of John Orland and Walter Sepansky Miss Bernice Juul arrivsLl, seeing that there was no.__mentsxt i.,generally - were . . viewed . . in Lea- — i was work in the noruenagardens oi of nmhis i cise. ,of this right - by , an— employer —r— for a few d i ^ more and unless they arsenic stnee September 1, in an ex- were sent to jail when they were need for No. 2, which was ready at Nations circles today as a home, high on toe Virsinla naUsades *l“ Ply »• • device for compelling accept toe shop wUl be opened with perime:jt to cheek moulting and found guilty of intoxication and is displaying her latest certificate the comer of- Main______andWoodbridge Woodbridge I move towarotoward a siaoiiizedstabilized I overlooking the PotomacPotomar rWer~riwr One rtrta I ®™P*oy®* ®™Ploy®* wto refrain from toe rights other employees and the manufac­ would poisem the person th a t ate for profidency in beauty work at them, aooordlag to health autherl- breach of Uie peace and failed to her sadon. streets, toe nearest hydrant, ordered » v .* * .. * . of his prized possessions was an old s«lf-organlzatlon, designaUon of turing of the c l g ^ continued. pay it returned to headquarters, but « p erts hesitated to inter- lunch basket he used when a rail *^P*’®s®Dtatlves and collective bar- This morning the mene were in no I r w l ^ Peter Rowe, 27, of 140 Bissell Miss Juul stated to a Herald re------^ . .. Inrei Mr I ... ^ re^Tincl^dSd whlch are guaranteed to aU mood to take such aotlwi as they ®*® the day before street, arrested by Officer Winfield I conven^ was one white collie dogs and ®“Ploy®®-’’ were expecting the arrival of a na- ctolen. Martin Sunday morningmomlne on Main and most interesting perrott, “PoUy Doak,” he , Neoeamry tlonsd representative of toe d g a r | street, was represented in court by she has ever attended. Editors of men left and toe care of the fire was swinging to the gold policy! bought years before when it got Johnson said this statement had makers union who was to organize Attorney W. S. Hyde after an auto­ beauty columns in all toe leading was left in charge of Harlow Willis. hitherto observed by Great Brit-1 New York dailies were present, as ain. looee in a bird store and flew to ^ *^*®®“ “ ®^® °®c«»Muy because of the toem into a local union. It was not mobile accident involving bis car The fire, in Mr. Willis's opinion I shoulder squawking, "pretty boy.” extended controv^y over toe legal previously a union shop. The wages and one driven by Police Officer well as toe editor of Vogue and started from spontaneous combus­ These experts thought the Presd- toat have been paid to toe men have other well known fashion magatsines. [ dent’s move means that if there is a I A stalwart Republican, Doak was » fr®« right of labor Arthur Seymour. The case was oon tion. The loss was not estimated. active In toe campaigns of President organize, which caused numerous been above toe loale paid In many ASSESSORS’ tinued in bonds of |200 until next Artists were busily engaged in speculative or a bear raid against sketching toe latest coiffures for Il­ Today the fire continued to amould-i.f^ ™ i Harding, v^wuugeOoolidge anaand tiooverHoover. He iI ^wj aipLeiup*attempt to write wnie toe other places and much higher than Monday. Rowe was chEu^ed with er and workmen were busy remov- director of the Labor Bureau of ‘'“ ®rit” clause into their cooes, In some places, eapedmUy in New! operating a motor vehicle without a lustrations In the various pu^ca- tions. Miss Juul took a post-gradu­ ing toe ooal to another bln. | J S to S 'e " d^ollS' Republican National commutoocommittee I 'The President” he contlnicontinued, York, where toe men sun not only I license and reckless driving. d u r ^ the 1928 ccunpalgn nad In has made toat interpretation In a working on a lower rate per 1,000, NOTICE! Leo Laihey of Buckland paid $10 ate course in beauty culture, the shows a tendency to depreciate be- but are subject to fines for imper- I and costs for intoxication. faculty composed of leading Fifth fiOID rONTROf PROGRAM ^u^of a risrin orlc^^^^^ extensive trips ur^ii single sentence so phr«ed toat it is IBB INHABITANTS OF TBH Avenue hairdressers and stylists, feet cigars, Mr. Newman said. such as Guro, Laurent and Richard; DAACTC nnirrr *>® resisted. ® widow, toe former from its setting or otherwise cut It TOW N OF M ANCHESTER Robert, Emile and Paul and many BOOSTS M ARKET PRICES I The experts called attention to a | J5n“ ohio.”^ Cricher of Iron-1 up_to n^e_ j^seem t o ^ som^ NEXT DRY BLECnONS ACADEM Y STUDENT HERE otbe^ who are considered today as statement of the gold delegation at thing different from what toe words Liable to pay taxes, are keieby notl- America’s foremost hair style crea­ (Oontinaed from Page One) the League concerning prices as har­ Intend. Washington, Oot 28.— (AP) — fi»i j I Juul replied that they feature hair “The major part of toe things the present level of prices would Administration officials eonfl- October, 1988, and the Assessors win TBuddy Kerr Not Playing | g^ort, or very long. She that have happened since March 4,” make the payment of fixed charges j REPORTED IN STATE FALLS TO m s DEATH dently predict too eighteenth >noet tlMm for the [^nrpooe of re- Football at Dummer—Saved alalned that short hair must be the President said, “have greatly considerably easier. amendment will be atrieken from oatvtag their list a t the for . left long enough for sculpture curls, helped toe well-being of toe averezre “A monetary policy expressed Washlngton, Oct 28.—(AP) — the constitutioo on toat date. Thirty and oonoentratloD on toe left-side citizen.” through e volume of credit may play I (Oonttnaed from Page One) Major R, Y. Stuart chief forester three of toe neoeesary 86 states al­ detail is made necessary by reason In beginning, ready have voted to ratify repeaL M UNICIPAL BUILDING Otis “Buddy” Kerr, former Man­ of the up-on-toe-left millinery It could The ballottlng will be In Pumsyl- chester High student who is styles. recovery vania, Ohio, Kentu^y, Utah, North BOUBSt quite a record In athletics at Gover­ 'Tlew winter coiffures literally been set ______and South ^OaroUna.^ Reports from months oould benefit ’every one in building house National head­ October 8, 9,to llt80 A. u l 1 ta nor Dummer Academy, paid a visit glitter! There are all sorts of traction should be checked and the way to a hospital. Police said he quarters of the service . those states indicates toe entl-1 s P. M to Manchester over toe week-end, bright, shiny gadgets to adorn ml ths forty-eight Stetes or toat all initiative even sometimes should be was the victim, of a hit and run prohibitionlsta « |^ t to carry alL October 4, 9 to UiM A. M. arriving in Hartford Friday night I liad^s bead The new evening could share equally and slmultas' driver. Stuart was 60 years old. He was Actual repoal< ooponding upon the g p, gg. i to taken to encourage a freer use of born Ip Cumberland county, Penn., by plane. Saturday he attended a|oolFOtmire accessories stay just wbdre eously in toe trend of better times." credit Auto Rita Three votes in toese states, cannot oome October 8. 9 to lliM A. M. college game in this vicinity and re­ u put them, for they are attached Before spedfloallv deidlng with Cutobert N. MacQuaig, 27, of and was a graduate of both Dickin­ before December 6 or 6, dates set 5 ^ 1 ta toe progress made by his economic son college and Yale. for ratification oonventions. turned to school yesterday. little combs as well as halrplEU," Hartford, died in a New London October 6, 9 to U t86 A M. 1 to He is being used as a scout by said toe expert There are lovely program, the President said that of hospital after the car In which he |5 F . BL the school, as he Is considered too omamente in rhinestones, in toe the 12,000,000 to 13,000,000 persons was returning from a fishing trip ->ut of work last March at least October 7, 9 ta 18 Noom » light to play football. Kerr tried ihape of stars, fastened on top of with two companlrns, plunged from October 9, 9 ta llt99 A M. 1 ta out for the team this year but be silver-colored hair pins. Lsj*ger ,000,000 had found work in recent Wall Street toe road on a curve u d strack a months. I8 F. BL had his arm put in's sling after toe stars, moons and crescents are at­ tree near toe south Lyme post of­ October 10, 8 to Ut89 A M. 1 ta first tryout. As he is to) mainstay tached to combs. There are lovely But this, he said, did not satisfy fice. I B P him toat enough bad been done of the beiseball and basketball green and red stone combinations Briefs - Eben Newton Reaaer, 75, profess­ , October IL 9 to U O t A IL I t a teams it is unlikely that be will try which flatter any head of hair. Pale toward putting the country on the or at the Lklgewood park Junior col­ 5 Pe M out for football again this year. path back to prosperity. pink stonee made to look like rose­ New York, Oct 28.—(AP) — The lege In Greenwich, was injured , Cfotober 18, O O L U m ib DAY. buds cue new, and green, four-leaf The President reasserted what he fatally when he was struck by a car IHOLIDAT. t clover shapes will dellght.toe blonde had said in his Inaugural address— backlog of such companies as Unit­ ed States Steel Corporation, Bethle- driven by Norman VoughV 21, of October IS, 9 to U<99 A It. I t a who likes a touch of green In her that “the money changers will be Greenwich. He died soon after­ 15 P. M. DAUGHTERS OF SCOTIA hair.” The Spanish comb has not driven out of toe temple.” An edi­ hem Steel and Inland Steel wUl be ward. fice of recovery \ was being I considerably increased, according to October li, 9 to IS Neea. yet been revived, according to Miss Oar Overtunis October 16, 9 to U>M A M. 1 ta Juul. which would'no longer b ra “ temple ®^*‘®®^ calculaUons, If the ralL Prank K. Smith of Saybrook died I ^ ELECT TH EIR OFFICERS of ihoney changers or of beggars. wcept toe new price for steel “Things toat excited curiosity on in the autoihoblle in which he of- (foto’ber 17, 9 to llAO A K. 1 ta the first day of the convention, grew “but rather a temple dedloatiS ^®«° submitted I B P more interesting as the days passed and maintained for a greater social I ^ Th®»« companies, Miss Helen Haggart Is Named with Colorado Fuel A Iron, have a I October 18,. 9 to UifO A M. I t a by,” she said. “Black finger nails, justice, a greater welfare for Amer- 15 P. M. Chief Daughter — To Attend s^judded with diamonds, were worn ICEi—the habitation of a sound eco­ virtual monopoly in toe production of steel rails. The carriers are be­ For Tuesday and Wednesday! October 19, 9 to 11:89 A BL 1 ta Hartford Installation. by one model, one on each finger find nomic life.” 16 P. M. thumb. Finger nails to stay on ap­ The dispatching of 800,000 young lieved ready to release orders for close to a million tons. The new October 80, 8 to 11:80 A Bf. 1 to Helen Davidson Lodge, Daughters proximately five days were applied men to 'the Civillu Conservation 5 P. M. of Scotia, at its meeting In Tinker under the cuticle and polished; arti­ Camps, and toe great sums expend- Pfi®® $87.76 a ton compared with ed by the government for direct I previously. October 81, 0 to 18 Noox. hall Friday evening, elected the fol­ ficial eyelashes were applied one by October 88, 0 to 11:80 A M. 1 ta lowing officers: Chief Daughter, one, enabling women to have them relief of the destitute unemployed The sugar melt of thirteen Unit 7 F. M. Helen Haggart; sub-chief dai^hter, as heavy and long as they desire. in cooperation with the States, Lamb Chop Salef October 84, 8 to 11:80 A M. 1 to Bessie Brown; chaplain, Esther The manufacturer assured me that were cited by the President es evi ed States refiners from January 1 I to October 14 totaled 3,146,000 long I T P bl« Sutherland; secretary, Rachel toese will not come off with the use dences that the government intend­ emtober 86, 0 to 11:80 A M. 1 to Munsie; financial secretary, Nancy | of cream or water." The local beau­ ed to relieve toe needy until em­ tons compared with 3,166,000 during Short Cut Rib Chops lb. 25c ______^® period last year, toe Sugar I 7 P* fil* Henderson; treasurer, Mary Me tician, however, regards neither the ployment returned to normal. (fotober 86, 0 to llAO A M. 1 ta Lean; conductor, Mary Thompson; lashes or nails practical. Machlne’iy ' ' ^ “now**been 'set up I Inc., rerorts. Deliveries I ij p 1^ assistant conductor, Elizabeth San­ for toe oorreeponding time w en Kidney Lein Chops lb. 35c Miss Juul attended a number of throughout toe country for relltf (fotober 87, 9 to 11:80 A M. 1 to ford: inside guard, Margaret Brown; permanent wave demonstrations, to those In dtmger of losing their 2,960,000 tons a ^ n S t 3,036,000 last | I tj pianist, Mildred Sutherltmd; trustee and facial mask preparations to farms and homes through foreclo- yaar. Tender and Tasty for three years, Alice Anderson. October 88, 9 to 18 Noon. coax Impurities from the pores, and sures. Hundreds of homes and October SO. • to U:80 A M. 1 ta Grand Chief Daughter Janet em interesting thing about it was farms Lcul been saved to their own­ BBTIBED BANKER DEBS I ij Morris of Hartford will Install the toat many of the models who sub­ ers, and the several loan agencies Wlnsted, Oct is.—(AP)—Frank Let m axpleln how our helpful October 81, 9 bo llAO A M. 1 ta above officers at the next meeting. mitted to these demonstrations were were now functioning well. Sackett retired banker and business Sirloin and Top Round ‘ i 7 F. M. Helen Davidson Lodge has re­ Any one who was about to lose man and son of Solomon Sackett an servlet supplies $10 to $300 ceived an invitation to attend the In­ men! November 1, 9 ta U:80 A M . 1 his property. . ^ through______foredosure earlier settler of Colebrook, died to- . Cash to evtrese _ - feiks...... without.... I to 7 P. M. LAST DAY. stallation of Ellen Douglas Lodge of toe President asked to “telegraph day in toe Litchfield county hospl- endonofS. The only cost is e monUi Hartford in Odd Fellows Temple In Bvening noeettagt are for the eon- that place, Wednesday evening, No­ at once either to the Farm Credit tal. He was 72 years bid. |y ehsrM bf Ihrei Der eenl on un- STEAK I vqplenoe of tboee who eamM»t eonm vember 1 at 7:30. BIG P A R n CELEBRATES Adn^stratlon or toe Home (5wn- He was a former-director of toe belenee For-axemnle ihe era Loan Corporation In Waahing- Gilbert OUbert dockaock Company, First N i i-- '1 ^ « o«ianee._ _ _*li ror ^ tM mpie, the . Best Steer Quality Bool to toe day ■waiena. T aipayen are . „ their------help.".tional bank tional of Wlnsted. bank of Wlnsted Wlnsted. Wlnsted *"®"*kly cost for $100 Is reqacetod to COUPLE’S CHINA W EDDING The Reconstruction Finance (for- Gas (fompany and dtisen Printing ®"'y -OS when sepeid bi 10 if peeUble aai xal eexwi tlw SCHOOL ENUM ERATOR poration, the President said, con­ (fompany. He retired several years monthly peyments. ntag seeslens. OwiWE ef tinues “to lend large sums to In­ ago because of ^Is health. I bllM end Motoroydec are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Leary dustry and finance with toe definite Mildly Corned Panqr I to bring la reglainritoa ef eara. Honored by Large Gathering His widow, Belle H. Sackett, a son CALL. WRITE OR PHONE M AKES FAST PROGRESS objective of making easy toe ex­ George S. Sackett of Now Rochelle, IServloe am at Their Home Saturday tension of credit to industry, com­ N. Y., and a grand daughter sur­ BomImc n tla f merce and finEmce.” vive. Briskets Me WMte l b . 1 9 . Has Completed Outlying Dis­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Leary of He sketched accomplishmerits of Fiineral services will be held We<}- tricts—Finds Many Changes 66 Florence street celebrated toelr ef toe had, aa ly {v!r in Populace. twentieth or china wedding anni­ I roqplied, er toey wto ae« ba aMiat versary Saturday evening In a much JwSSo?,OOo”C 4 S S 'aZ . ^ ^ ' " a e4t-M9Mta«l taSHMl more pretentious way tbiw they bad that Federal projeSts in aU p a^ financial secretary and trus- IUWmo Ma-SlMM TtSI David McCann, who was named as planned. They had invited the of toe country were going forward **** MANCHOm Quality Smoked Meats! personal tax enumerator by toe se­ bridge club of which they are mem­ now. lectmen at their first riveting for bers for toe evening, and after the The baUmce of toe public works Handy's Uixer Brand PLEASENOTD organization, got away to E in early game had progress^ but a short money was intended for state and start this year. The cards toat time, they were greatly surprised by local projects and would be allo­ t t e 8-0. were to be used in toe work were se­ a laige party of friends from New cated as soon as toeee political Smeks^ Shoulders Averefc J(oT. lit, b Ik l u t Difl cured In advance so that there would York, Hartford, Rockville end this units met requlremsnts. to; atWM to be little time lost In getting under­ town and a number of Mr, Leary’s The President was “amased" by NOTICE! way as soon as toe appointment associates at Cheney Brotoen mills. SunnyfieM t a S T S S was made. Mr. McCann started out toe d ^ re e ot cooperation given the of NordahoK Bridge occupied the attention of goverpment by cotton, wheat The Fixtures in the store known as BddBd to ■BillR toe day after his appointment. As some of toe guests, while others Is his usual proceeding he first tobacco farmers. TTie program for The Center Spa, Bankrupt, at 70 East Sliced Bacon tp fhre 1 danced. There was piano and increasing commodity prices bad m w y id .to started in toe outlyl^ districts ukulele music and a general good making both day and night calls to made great progress in toe last six Center Street, Manchester,* Conn*, time for all. One of toe guests was months, but toe prices bad not yet SHcad S!S°Witt!W clear up each street on - which be tbs best man at the original cere­ risen sufficiently, said the Prxti- will be sold for the highest offer* worked. mony, Sklward McCarthy of this d en t He is DOW working in toe central town. ' "It le true that in July farm com­ rate bids ^11 be accepted by the trus­ Scotch Ham Wfepped 19« areas. He has found that so far in During the evening Mrs. Belle modity prices bad been pushed up 'tit his work there seems to be little Zimmerman In behalf of toe gather­ tee* All bffere must be receir^ as change in toe number of people. higher than they are t^y ," he' ing proMfited tff Mr. and Mrs. Leary added, *'kut that push cams la part soon as possible* f w i m r a s M a T i S L ' Several have moved from Menobes- a DUdeome china dhmer set Other ffom purs gpeeulation by p e o ^ ter, b u t^ m ^ jiy c a ja a tttiii which SfiLuSi* lifts of China were ma^, and the who oould not tell the dlffxrsinM GEORGE C. num- Leary boys, George and Frands between wheat and rye, by peoplg" SmekM ShoMlders A i4e gave their parents a basket of who bad never seen cotton g r ^ Trustees beautiful yellow and pink ohryiaa- lag, by people wlw did not Kbow KtiOW |i this tbenmiBs. that hpga were ^ o o » peopla 647 Main Street, ^ b l e Mri. Zimmerman, Mrs. Mary who have no real Interest m toe be him Humbrles and several of toe ladles fanner and his prohlena." | Manchester, Coviits ^ •MlMcd fafeerrlnff. He mallsd . ■»’ <’ ’

’.'■v ‘ •• s}r


lOJO—Joe Rtnss and bis Orobsa- alBf today, peboa daeraad, a pro- toaiUf aad lln . leully has a now tho atght MEt ifeffk; Miwad Mae wlU maaa a ticket. daugbtof. Fatmttto “ ./ tra- 10:40->«Naws. ' Queer Twists (Jluurlaf Franela Ooa, writer who - SouUjr,,ait author to whom opera- whllo he DAILY RADIO PROGRAM WDRC 11:00—Tima, wsathsr, tsmparaturs. takaa tha 9i41 every morning, la •tlone have oomo thick aad fast dur­ high fghooTs 11:01—SjMrta'^ Ravlaw— Bill WU- against tbs daorea. “A damn~ fool­ ing a oareor In 28 hospitals, had his agahiit VMtfU t t6 H artford Oobb. UM WUUama. In Day News ish thing,** ha aald. latMt over the weak-ead. * His ha raced towtrd tho MONDAY, OCTOIIR tt (Central an^ £aitern Standard Time) dsAightor was bom at the same hos­ the ufift. Net*—All BTorreme to key and btilo chains or rroups.thsrsof unlsss sp*«i> 11:10—RKO Midnight FroUc. Pooatallo, Idaho.—When B. B. fltd; coast to coast (e ts o) dosifnatlon Includes all availsliable sUtlons. 11:40—Southern SympboBlss . — Oayhart returned from n hunting pital. tht worn hi Scully Is the author of "Fiu In inside' f.n1 lx, Skstoh—east free equaling soream-llke body and Chicago—Kissing sosnss at Chi­ w orteiass 'hliayroU’’ ebecks. Roslet tee dovU, aad he wlO.Baa 4:46— B;4b—The Wlxsrd of Os, Drama 8:06—10:06-Wayn* King Oreh,—to *| Hasard, ^or^ Bnilloirs from you Jamas, 4—Fate seems to 8:8> - 10:86—Talk About NRA—0 to 8 Orchestra. Monday, October 28. —In fact the polios enjoy 'em. have selected the sp6t at which Dr. 6:80— 6:30—Songs by Irons Bssslsy— • i48_10:48—Gladys Rise,' Sonfs—ba* 7:00—M yrt sad Miurgs. Bronxville, N. Y.—Today Inaugu­ sastj Tern Mlx-repsat wmoq ksd P. M rated BronxvUle's era of snappy The question cams up after police S. H. Romaburg, 80, a dentist, was No avU Is groat If It la laai’r^ B;45— 4:48—Horses*ns* Phlloaephy sloi Myrt and Marge—rpt fw 7:16—Mary Stone, tnstbs Song Girl. eiM^ 7iOO—Ohsrll* Lslsnd, Oo^modlsn 10118—11 :(WN*w* Bresdesst—to est 4:00—Walter Dawley, organist. kissing. of Bronxville, N. T., said they killed when ms oar skidded aad Nepes. 10:86- 11:80—Glen Gray Oreh,-o to s 7:00—Muno in tbs Air. overturned. The smasbup ooourred ei16— 7i1^Bllly Baohslor's Sketch 11:06—13:00—Lson Bsiasce Orehf-^o 8 7:40—Brunfwlok Orobsstra. 4:80—Al U berty, hUlWlly songs. Wlvst who drevs thslr commut­ would arrest kissers for blocking 7:80—Lum A Abnsr—east only 11:80—13:86—Barney Rapp O r.^ to e 4:46—Morgan Memorial talk— ing husband* to th# station con­ traffic. at Aoddeat, Me., Just across the At least, at Ita raoaat oonvaatiiaa, gi40i- 7i48—Th* Oeldbsrgs, Serial Act 13k)6— 1 :06—Dance Hour—wabo only 0:00—Harriet Lae; trio; Joe the Amerloan Legioo bad no boaua riOO— liOO—Histerlesl ekstehss—east Green’s Orchestra. Robert Drew-Bear. sumed so much time kissing them New York—Speaking about oper­ state line. 7;8(H> S;80—Floyd OIbbons A Orohss. NBC-WJZ NETWORK 6:00—Firenze Orchestra. that traffic Jams resulted. Begln- ations, Frank Scully has lost his Philadelphia—Pierolag sbrisks in to plok with Preddaat Roesavaltr SiOe- ItOO—Oypsls* Concert Oroh. 0:10—Edwin C. HUl. lilO . f;3^-Tn* Ship of Jey—also ost BASIC - East; wj* wbs-wbsa wbo) 0:00—Bing Crosby and Lenny Hay- 6:80—Tom Mix. 8:00—IQiOO—Eastman Orchas.-also o wham kdka wf*r wjr wlw weyr wma[i ton’s Orobsstra. 8:46—W izard of Oz. 1:80—IdiS^JuIss Land*, Violin—to o Midwest: wcky kyw wsnr wls kwk 6:00—Wrlghtvllle Clarion. 16:00—11:00—Wm. Beettl A Orchestra iewer koli wren wmoq kso wkbf 9:00—Wsbstsrs' Old Timers. 10:18—11118 — King’s Jsstars — east; NORTHWEST A CANADIAN - w M 9:00—Lulu MoConnsll, Gertruds 6:88—Program from Naw York. Uum A Abnsr—repeat for midwest 6;46-^"Boy Scouts and Health"— 10:86—11:80—Paul Whiteman Orchestra wlba kstp webo wday kfyr cret efof Nlesen, Ishara Jones’ Or­ 11:0(^-13:00—Mark Fisher’s Orchestra SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno wh obsstra. Dr. L. A. Sexton. wfla-wsun wlod wsm wmo w^ib 6:66—Jean Robinson, pianist. 11:80—18i80—Benny Msreff Orchestra wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfoa wbap 10:00—Wayne King's Orobsstra. OBB*WABU NETWORK woal ktbs kths 10:00—Charles Chaplin — 'NRA— 7:00—•Charles Lsland. ^ BASIC—Bast: wabe wade woko weso MOUNTAIN—kon kdyl kglr kghl "Now Is the ^m e to Buy." 7:16—Davs Burrow's Five Sharps. woab wnao war wkbw wkro wbk oklw PACIFIC COAST — kfo kfi krw kono 7:80—"Vanities’’— Norman Oou- ■wdre wcau wfp wja* wean wfbl wend 10:45—Evan Evans, baritone, with wjsv; Midwest; wbbm wan wfbm kmbe kbq kfsd ktnr concert orchestra. tler, director. kmo* wowo whae Cent East. 11:10—Columbia News Bervlee. 8:00—Snow Village. BAST A CANADA — wpg who wlbw 4:36— 8:30—The Singing Lady—oast 8:80—Floyd Gibbons; Victor wheo wlb* wfea wore wlco efro ckae 4:48— 8:45—Orphan Annie—east only 11:00—Casa Loma Orchestra. DIXIE — wfst wefa wbre wqam wdod 8:0(h- 6:06—Richard HImber.’s Enssm. Young’s Orchestra. Kira wreo wise wdsu wtoo krld wrr 6:30— 8:30—Three X Sisters — east; 9:00—The (^slee. ktrh ktsa waco koma wdbo wodx wbt Ths Singing Lady—repeat to wsnr 9:30—Tbs Travelers Hour— Nor­ wdae wblg'wtor wdbj wwva wmba wsjs •:48— 6:48—Lowell Thomas —,*»stl MIDWESTIWES’- — woah’ wal wrat wmbd Orphan Annie—repeat to midwest man Cloutier, director. wtaq wisn wlbw kfh kiab wkbn wcco 6:00— 7:00—Ames ’n’ Andy—east only 10:00—Contented Program. sbt 8:18— 7:18—Bsby Ross Marie—*s OB 10:80—WTIC Playhouse — Guy MOUNTAIN—kvor kls koh ksl 6:30— 7:80—Potash A Paarlmutter. COAST—khj koln ksb kfre kol kfpy WBZ-WBZA Hedlund, director. kvi kfbk kinj kwg kern kdb kgnib 6:45— 7:48—To Be Announced 7:06- 8:00—Black’s String Symphony Springfield — Boston 11:00—WlUlam Scottl’s Orchestra. Cent, East. 7:30— 8:30—To Be Announced 11:10—King’s Jesters. 4:06— 8:00—Ski My, Sketch—oast only 7:48— 8:48—Red Davis, Skstoh—basis 4:18— IH ^F. Rich Orchestra-to o 8:06— 9:00—Weekly Mlnstrsis Shew 11:80—Bulletins; Weather. 4:8(^ SiSt^Jaok Armetreng-os only 8:86— 8:86—Melody Moments A Veeal 11:86—Paul Whiteman’s Orchestra. 4:48— 6:48—Cowboy Tom—Basic only 8:06—10:00—Th* Hour Glass—also cst P. M. 12:00—^Mark nsher's Orchestra, 6:00— 6:06—Buck Rogers, Skit—east . 10:00—11:06—Leaders Mai* Trie—eastt 4:00—Betty and Bob (drama). only: Skippy, Sksteen—rpt for tnldw Ames ’n’ Andy—reMst for west 4:15—To be announced. 12:30—Benny Meroff’s ’Orchestra. 8:18— 8:18—Bobby Benson-east only; 10:18—11:16—Th* Post Prlnos-also cst 1:00—Silent. Harriet Cruise, Song*—midwest 10:86—11:86—Southern Symphony—to s 6:00—As^cultural Markets. S:86— S:86—Songs by Vera Van—east; 11:06—13:00—Don Bssters Orchestra 11:36-18:80—Roger Gsrston and Orclb 6:16—Views of ths News. ■ Jack Armstrong-midwest repeat 6:80—Kellog Binging Lady. 0:46—Little Orphan Annie. THREE TEACHERS HURT In 8m Isolated part of the town. A 6:00—Otto Gray aad his Oklahoma little time will be allowed the fami­ Cowboys. FOREST WORKERS ly to make arrangements for the 6:26—Home sketch. IN NEW BRITAIN CRASH ftiture. ^ 6:80—Time, temperature. 6:84—SporU Review — BID WU- The town has completed railing New Britain, Oct. 28.— (AP) — NOW IN BARRACKS the Jones street road. llams. Mrs. Robert F. Potter gave a 6:40—Weather. # The superintendent of schools In bridge party at her home Friday 6:49—Famous Bsylngs. the town of Berlin and two teach­ evening at which four tables, in­ 6.’4^Today'e News — Lowell ers were injured, one critically, Thomas. early this morning at the entrance cluding both men and women play­ 7:00—^Amos ’n’ Andy. Boys Moye Out of Tents in ers were present. First men’s prise to Stanley Quarter park when their 7:16—^Baby Rose Marie. automobile failed to make a wide was won by Mr. Porter, and first 7:80—Potash and Perlmutter. woman’s prise was won by Mrs. curve and collided with a large tree 12 Camps Established in 7:45—To be announced. a few feet ba<^ of the shoulder of Frederick Wyman, second by Miss 8:00—Dramas from Real life. Harriet Hough. Refreshments of the highway. 8:06—^To be announced. All are In New Britain General State. chicken salad, cakes and coffee were 8:10—Club TourAlne Orchestra. served. hospital. Harmon Carlson, one of 8:30—^Moe and Neil (sketch.) the teachers, has a fractured skull Claude W. Jones, Edmjmd H. Hor­ 8:46—Red Davis. '' Ksw HATen, Oct. 28.— (A P)— ton and Robert E. Fo<^ were In and Is In a critical condition. S. P. 9:00—Sinclair Greater Minstrels — Gkirtw, the superintendent, has a The main body of the forest army Hartford recently consulting the Gene Arnold, Interlocutor; federal agent with regard to the possible frausmre of the skull, but la jCoBseetlcut moved out of tents CHiauncey Parsons, tenor; his condition's not conslderev. seri­ federal road appropriation asked for male quartet; Bill Chlida, this week Into the warmth of wood­ by the town. The result has not as ous, and Frank G. Kramer, the oth­ 0 . Mac McCloud, Clifl Soubler, er teacher, has multiple lacerations. o c en biuTaeks, camp leaders reported yet been msule public. end men; band, direction today. o Ow»ers of-taxable property should It is said that Kramer was oper­ Harry Kogen. ating the car when the accident oc­ In all 12 Clviliar (>>nBervatlon remember that tax lists are to be 9:80—‘As of Yore’ (Viennese Radio handed in to the town clerk on or curred about 2 o’clock. The curve Corps camps already established In Operetta) June Yorkin, lyric Is on the road leading from Hart­ the state, construction of the new before the first of November, penal­ soprano; CiHiester Gaylord, ford to this city. Sever. ’ other ac­ ty for failure being a ten percent ({uarters for men and officers was baritone; The Stelnmen, cidents have occurred here. ^rtually completed. addition to the taxes. quartet; Sammy Sklar and For those whose sheltered and Mrs. T. D. Martin, librarian of the Orchestra. The first International Air Races heated quarters were not ready, Hebron Library, has received a new 10:01—Gene and Glenn, Jake and for airplanes In Englamd will be stoves were Installed in the tente. lot of twenty or more books from LeniL. held Aug. 4, 6 and 7. But these few remaining units were the state, this completing the state expected to move under cover next appropriation for this year. The new week. books Include both fiction and non fiction, and are being placed on the Camp Robinson’s recruits in East library shelves as rapidly as possi­ Hartland discovered In their midst ble. ‘BLUE COAL’ GOING this week what they claimed to be Local fruit growers have about Homes By Wire the longest name In the (Civilian finished the githerlng In of the Conservation Corps — Dlonlslus apple crops. According to what we Dennis Alexander Grasso Botto. hear the crop has been a plentiful LIKE WILD FIRE ELECTRICITY IS "raE MOST DESIRABLE And they say It all belongs to one one. boy. Miss Harriet Hough was a week­ SOURCE OF HEAT: end visitor in New Haven, with This High Quality Identified Coal is An electric water heater does not vitiate the atmosphere. The recruits of the 180th Com­ friends. It does not smell nor give off noxious odors. With electricity pany at East Hartland pronounced Salvation Army representatives America’s Bijgrgest Selling Home FHiel their first barracks dance a great visited the town Saturday, blowing ------V there’s no fuel to handle; no Are to make; no soot, aahes or dirt success, and the hero of the eve­ trujapets and soliciting funds for Over 8,650,000 p«ople now using ‘blue coal’ of any kind. ning was—a top sergeant. the organization. For It was First Sergeant Mc­ Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Goodrich and A LL over the Bast—in olty after life ae eoon ae you open the drafte. Mahon who went Into town and In­ children of Bloomfield were Sunday ^ otty—whole neighborhoods are It borne steadily and completely aU vited enough girls to the event so guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. changing to *blue coal*. Honaa own­ day long. And It banke perfectly ELECTRICITY IS MOST EFFICIENT: that each camper was assured a ers by ths thousands—disappointed at night 'blue ooal* eende steady LtsUe F. Ward. Mrs. Gtoodrlch was IW Bull, n—« b«.««I*4: partner. * the former Miss Charlotte Little, with the poor results obtained from flow of clean, healthful warmth to As there is no flame, no combustion takes place. No flu* Now the boys are looking for­ who lived here with her parents, Mr. substitutes are now filling tholr every room-^lth the leant atten­ is needed, and therefore all the heat is transmitted to the ward to a Hallowe’en party--and and Mrs. Frank Little, some years bins with this high-grade, identified tion—and loweet fuel cost water and none to the surroundings. Hence, an electric in­ depending on the sergeant. ago. anthracite. That’s why millions have switch­ sulated water heater is most efficient. Tbs road Isadlxig north from ths For generatione anthracite has ed to *blue ooal* In two short years. Ths youths at Camp Tourney green has received s new coat of bean the favorite home fuel of Don’t gambla-Hleolds now to heat The features mentioned give this exclusive advantage: have turned to thalr books as fall oU and Band. thrifty homo owners, *bhie ooal* Is ^ n r home with *5106 ooal* this wln- Electric water heaters may conveniently be installed at the brought ths traditional school sea­ Mr. and Mrs. Grtnton I. Will and the oream of rich anthraoite fields point of use. Hence, shorter pipes and less expense. son. Many of them have enrolled Mrs. Will’s mother, Mrs. B. G. Lord of Northern Pennsylvanla^-oleiuied for night high school ooursss In were weak end visitors in Middle- and prepared tor home uee with the Torrlngton, studying bookkeeping, town, N. y., making ths trip by utmoet oare—washed and rawnahed The W. 6 . Glenney Co., mathsmstlos, Engltih and stenog­ automobile. In tonante of mahlng water. Than Goal, Lnmber, Mason’s Supplies, ELECTRICITY IS SAFEST: raphy. Houssksspsrs hers are troubled —«o that you oan ba aora of gatttng P a in t by many bouss files, owing to the nnlfomily high qnallty ooal ovary 886 North Main St, Manchester Electricity lends itself to full automatic control, most safe­ warm weather this fall, ^ s few time you order—It Is tinted n harm- Tel. 4149 ly, most dependably and most permanently. toUOhsa of light frost hers have not leee bine color. *blue ooal* leapt to HEBRON been sufficient to kill these pests. The annual meeting of ths First Mrs. T. D. Martin entertained the Congregational ohuroh was held at -s — woman's bridge club at her horns ths chapel on HSbron Green, Satur­ lYou Don’t Have To-Pay Out A Cent In Thursday evening. Three tables day evening last. A banquet was i were In play. Mrs. Marietta Q. Hor­ served to all members in attendance, NOTICE! ton won first honors. The party will after which came the roll call of i 1^ omitted next week, as the Young members. Officers were slsoted for E ARE pleased to announce that we are now 'Investments—No Worries—No Responsibilities Women’s club are giving a public tbs ensuing year, and buslnsss manufacturing and selling Range and Fur­ bridge at the town hall Thursday transacted. Ths newly elected offi­ W evening, which many of the bridge cers will be reported later. nace Oil Burners. You can now buy an oil club members plan to attend. burner with newest improvements at no extra cost i....And It’s Guaranteed To Be The Finest » Mrs. Anns C. Gilbert and her sis­ Call 3412 and a repreaentative will be pleased to [m ter, Miss Susan Pendleton attended SCIENTIST SHOT DOWN the fall historical meeting of the demonstrate these improvements. Our shop and National Society of the Daughters display la located at 88 Main street (Lettney’s Service Money Can Buy. of Founders and Patriots of Amsrl- BY PAYROLL ROBBERS C8L At ths Waterbury Coimtry club, Plumbing k Heattng SKop.)

last Thursday. A historical address % was given by the Rev. William A. Cambridge, Maas., Qfit 28.—(AP) SUPER HOT HHMIJ, RANGE BURNERS with center feed and Beardsley, D. D., on the historical —Naihua, N. H., drew the atten­ sqper ootslde sheila, oonvlstely installed $ 1 3 3 0 RENTAL»PLAN Importance of the Seabury election, tion of police today as they Bought 17n, following a banquet served to Ths hsatsr InstaUsd, moved, and maintained tbs nlembers. After the address an the gunman who shot down and SUPER HOT atnciJ. FURNACE BURNER, completely installed excursion was made to the Glebe robbed Adolph Sommer, aged scien­ with two 50-gallon drama and constant level ^ g* C A A during rental period . . . No Inveatment—you House, Woodbury, scene of the elec­ tist and manufacturer, during one float v n lv a ...... v O O a U v pay On your monthly bill for eurrent uaad |fiU8 tion of Seabury, the first Episcopal of New Elrgland’a most oold-blood- rental charge. Rental charge may ba apphad ed payroll holdups. bishop In this state and America. ANY LOCAL OIL BURNER DEALER IS AUTHORIZBD to p««i«-hrT8 within 2 yeora of iBatallatten. The secret hiding place of a Tory Reporta from Nashua said m PER MONTH coupe registered to a Cambridge minimum rental clergyman of the times Is etill man and beilleved u> have been stol­ TO SELL SUPER HOT SHELL OIL BURNERS. ihowB In this interesting old shrine. en in that dW by the bandits woh Harvey Collins of Colimbla, killed and robbed Sommer had been iheriff, was called upon to serve found auandoned in the n u of the foreclosure papers for the Bast Nashua Country dub. SUPER HOT SHEU. Hampton bank on the Nicholas A larger car was stolan from the Bklarsky place, Wednesday last For Country Qub parklBg plaea. "'■XV' more than a year Sklarsky has been ■ Five gunmeB wars 1b tka peurty Phone 5181 V m 8 fugitive from justiee, having been that shot and killed Sommer yes­ on. EinSMER CO. 778 Main S i I arrested for vlolatloa of the liquor terday as ha Btmpad from hla anto- iBifK O b wifs and chfldran hBre xpoblle a t th e CandM dfa m a a o te » 88 Main Street - Dial3412 ■ M - 1. > Ivad OB tha term bIbcb tl^M ttnaa, taring plant EM««d H .|a 0 » .r.l f B ears tt tbs toWB. Tht plaea li Thn took a payroU of 61,000 wRRteB BB thi old Oolohastir road, trott icMuaFf hM 69^ . , . } ■ ' « ' ' • ■ ^ ^ V V JJ MAKGHESTEIR ITVENmO HERALD, V^CHE9IER, MONDAY, O G T O ^ ^ . -■■' -v;- .• ■•• ■' . y—> >••> ' ^. ’J>I

MAKE TOUR OWN INDOOR GARDEN •All My Days W in d o jr-^ Pbtuts Give Room DoiiMi^ve By HELEN WILSHIMER Touch ALL my days hang on a Hne ^ Just like pillow slips Left there for the nei^ibort* cduat~ Why la it unwise to gat into the<&soul will waken to the fact that When the high wind whips “don’t” habit? too much time out of six or eight Because twp things may happen school years is commandeered for V f ONDAY here and Tuesday there subjects too crtunmed with super­ BEGIN WiCRE TODAY or rather, one of them is sure to JOAN WABINQ, pretty Memphto ^ ^ I pretend it's fon. fluous facts. TRY SAUSAGE AS GARNISH happem History, after all, Is a world dead EM and BOB WESTON, eon of And 1 laugh when tu^en ftomu ’The first la that your boy may FOB OHIOKiaf AND TUBOBT n Neev Yortc mUllMiaire, meet In Make dte colors ran. and gone, a hturg over of hates, lose ambition. ’The second Is that ware eurr mlattikea. Not tUl of it, MepUdile and fall in love. be may develop temper Euid aU its By SISTET MARY Tbe romance progreeaee ha{q>Uy left nobody knew attendant train; aorlineas, defiance but too much. It is retrospective, Of course, any kind of maat ■itU Joan and Bob are invited to and contrivance axe only a few of not futuristic and today we must can be ma^ into "sausage," biit n hooM party. T hrong the schem- the Ignoble traits that resentment live with our eyes forward. j' this country the w''>' '.uu « tDg of BARBARA COURTNEY, foatera. Geography is a large percent 'x. I I means a pork product and If soma who la trying to win Bob, Joan and It worka this way. statistics. An ambitious child, given other variety of meat or a combin­ Bob become eatrangred. A baby Is born blank— let 'us a reEtoonable geography book, can ation is used, a characteristic word Meanwhile PAT WARING, Joan's say, but he baa In him “makings.” tE^ie It, read It and remember It in Is used. yoimEer sister, Is in an aatomoblle Anger and fear, if not there, have three months time. A child, that is, Sausages are Justly popular dur- accident JERRY FORRESTER, all the raw materiid for them. of twelve years of age. lng*tbe fall and winter and her escort, Is killed. The fact that Anger Latent In Children. LoagnagM to Be Empbaelced add a pleasant variety to cold ttiey had Just come frcKn a roiul So we'U say that anger exists in No one expects this, of course, weather menus. y are also use­ hooee and that Jerry had been eOI children. ' Sometimes It comes and children aren’t made that way, ful to give flavor to many Interest­ drinking; appears in the newspapers. out In a bowl, sometimes more but it is true that by condensing the ing dlst es and make a most attrac­ Bob's father reads abont the acd- quietly In a sulk. It is this or It’s subject matter of these studies Into tive and appearing garnish for dent and asks Bob to give op Joan. that, but It’s there. real nourishment much time can be roast chicken and turkey. Pat mns away to New York, However, thla is a good thing. saved. Link sausage, coun^ sausige leaving a note explaining that she Even feu: can be as good as It Is As for substitution, that remains and bulk sausage are all "node from f e ^ she has brought only unlu^H bad. It Is the first law of nature to be seen. What would be done finely chopped pork. Both fat and^ plness to the famUy. Joan follows because It is tbe instinct of preser­ with *be extra time? Tbe next gen­ lean meat are used, but never m ors' and begins a search for her rtster vation. eration will be a traveling one. than one-third as much fat as letm^ and also for a job which will enable Anger, generally speaking, Is a America Isn’t going to be forever should be added. Powdered sag# Is her to remain In New York. Aided good thing. A healthy InjUgna- isolated. How about teaching other sometimes added with tbs stsiOB~ by KATE JONES, a model, Joan is tlon over certsdn things kMps our tongues—one or two besides our In the saucer of a Wg flower pot (above) tbe Tufa rock garden has a Ings and the sausage Is often. balEmce straight. own. Easy lessons In foreign lan­ wide variety of little plants. They include fir seedlings, kalsnoboe, poly­ smoked, ' given a try-out by BARNEY To Avoid Drying Out BLAKE, night dob owner. Joan But both can be ruinous If deep­ guages are quickly and naturally pody fern, begonia, lichen, helxlne, spruce seedlings, mots, monantbss, ened and set. assimilated bv youngsters, Other kalimchoe somallgnsis and sedum potosianum. Ih order to insure thorough waits breathlessly to learn whether cooking without drying nut and or not she has won a Job. When a child can master a sit­ countries do It. uation ne docs not become angry. However, this is Jiut a thought. By ELLEN EDDY SHAW overcooking, I like to parboil NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY It is when be is thwarted that be lings or spniee make a nice addi­ sausage before letting it brown. Add To make a choice would take con­ Brooklyn Botanic Oanlen tion. So do certain types of moss, CHAPTER XXn does. sideration. (Children are so woe­ Written For NEA Senioe water to half cover and let It cook Joan looked at tbe night club Johnny loses bis ball on tbe roof and little begonias which bloom away, '^e sure to prick the skin in fully Ignorant of the live world Indoor gardening is bscomlng one often. Certain ferns are a real addi­ , manager without replying. He went of the garage. He gets tbe ladder about them there would be endless several places to prevent bursting, on, whimsically but ^ t b a current but you call to him, “Don’t do that. of America’s favorite winter pports. tion, too, notably the polypody fern. Allow from 46 minutes to one hour possibilities. Old and young alike find little wln- In planting whatever little flow­ at seriousness behind tbe words. Put tbe ladder away.” Education needs to be taken out for sausage one end one-balf Inobee "Don’t mind me. Miss Waring. I’m gPBCIAL iBRVICE BTRBAV, He obeys. But bow does be dow-slll rock gardens playthings of ers you get, be sure that tbe rock in dlai..eter to cook. When tbe wa­ of a dream, out of a dead past, and pure delight. Growing In gaily is well covered wltb your eoll mix­ always Jumping fences Instead of Boom 805, 481 Eighth Are., New Tetic Ctty, take tbe order? If be li one kind oxygen.pumped. Tbe ordinary things ter le evaporated, brown over a low stopping to open gates. It’s Just my of a child be will forget about tbe colored low bowls, they bring a ture and eet your plants Into tbe fire In tbe fat that cooks out of the tbe average echool child doeen't cheery hopefulness to tbe home and soil carefully. You oan plan it all on stueage. way of getting past a lot of pre­ Baelosad flad tan eanu for which sand nia "fourM irt," a boll and think It Isn’t worth going know afe beyond conception. liminaries which are really unim­ booklet, of Holes Welshimer’i poeme. after, anyway. If be is another be creat4 a real Interest for cold, gray paper first. If you wlen, Just what Sausage may be baked in a mod­ will be furloua. days. plant to tuck Into this orevlce, what erate oven instead of cooked on top portant. We move fast In this busi­ Nao^e «^,0 00000000000000000000000000^0%0000%0000000000 ness. What I mean Is that It Isn’t In tbe first, ambition Is discour­ You. can grow one with little one to lean over tbe outside of tbe of the itove, but no metter bow u going to be difficult for us to under­ Street ...... aged, In tbe eecond, bis thoughts trouble. Instead of buying an ex­ bowl, what to fo in front and what L cooked. It must be well dene, stand each other,’’ be concluded. ars turned from tbe bal Ito himself. pensive collection In a costly bowl, in the back. Your latent artistic (fo.mblnatlon dlsbee made with He smiled then and Joan smiled City ...... *...... Stau ...... Mistreated! He may start on a why not become a regular Indoor ability will be called into plav by sausage arc delloloue and savory. back. People instinctively liked campaign of self pity. Or ha may gardener and assemble and grow the challenge of this little bowl and Potatoes, apples and tbe email in- Barney Blake. His Infectious smile

P A O l n h h liANCHBSTBIt BVtKINO R B R A ^), MA^JCHWrTBR.'OONN. MONDAY, OCrrOBUR ft, 1988. Eagles Lose, W est Sidles Scoreless tie NEW BRITAIN WINS WEST SIDES WHIP GREEN, 5-0 BEARS’ dlBSM AT Guido GeorgetH Earns DAMIEUON m m s ' ON SHORT PASS IN GIVE TROJAN WAR State Horseshoe Title SOliTB END ElEVDI' TO WIN TOWN TITLE HORSE HARD RIDE In Championship Event TO A STANDSnUI: NORTH END BA1TLE . • '.y m through touchdowns in each game. stopped this offensive and later a luck of toe game went to toe Olym­ So ThoreU la a fullback now, and anc Nebraakr In toe midwest, Duke Britain Wcked off to Manchester also robbed of another extra base goal). Referee, S. Pratt. In toe other two contests, Manches­ high pus ever Sendrowskl’s bea^ with "Lud Vlot, cf ...... 4 0 0 0 0 O' Schaefers CUrls Rocky mountain—Utah returns to final score w u 18 to 6, Connecticut stood all even with tackle for their only score. Babiel, 2b ...... 4 0 0 5 6 0 and though they managed to get on Southwest actlM after a week’s Idleness to The second half of the game was even terms before the Interval they Sando ...... U7 114 100—331 Domlngue, Texas A A M .. 6 her New England neighbors Lovett, 8b . . . •.. 3 0 0 1 8 0 Ludwig ...... 98 124 108-325 play Utah state. Denver, If it does The following matebef are slated u a result of toe four games St stubbornly fought, with the advant­ 0 fell behind again in toe first 20 min­ Padfle Patriss, as ...... 4 0 0 2 7 Johnson ...... 06 88 98— 282 the expected will beat Colorado Col In toe Y bowling league tonight; urday that pitted college foott age first going to Pawnees and then utes of the second half when a mis- Howard, So. Calif...... 6 Pinney, lb ...... 4 0 0 18 0 1 Mackle ...... 116 104 109—329 lege and move into second place be­ Mars’* Goodyura agalnat Keller's teams of this state aMdn to the Crescents. None of Rock kick let the North Ends toroxigb' for Soattaem R. Jarvla, rf . . . . 4 0 1 2 1 0 Jensen ...... 87 100 98—286 hind Utah. . Clothiers and Qlbsoq^ Garage from Massachusetts, Rhode IslaiA ’Vine’s passes were completed but H. Jarvis, if . ....2 0 0 2 0 1 toe third goal and tbs referee Cox, Duke ...... 4 the Pawnees completed one pass out awarded toe fourth even though toe agalnat Wapplng. and Vermont. ‘ .i Segar, c ...... 2 0 0 2 2 0 Sootheastem \ ------*^•57 of she being thrown. scorer was yards offside. 519 580 514 1568 Fiedler, p ...... 8 0 0 0 2 1 Oliver, Vanderbilt...... 8 31 The victorlei for Connsetiritt ^ w n e e ’s A. O. Crescents A. O. Miss Tying Goal PHILIP BALL, OWNER ■The Galveston Bueoaneen swept Rooky Moantolns were both contributed by Naw Etaj Herrick...... le...... Silverman T o ta ls ...... 80 0 1 27 21 8 With visions of toeir unbeaten Ricbens, Utah ...... 8 30 Football Stan Larson...... It Johndron record and two valuable points go­ more sertea than any other Texas vsn. A Yale team of opportuniia Score bv innings: Mlssonri Valley OF BROWNS, IS DEAD snatched tv^iT break that came Its Zurawkas...... Ig ...... Hill ing toe Olympics pressed desperate­ league qltto in the 1088 season, tak­ West Sides ...... 100 800 100—6 Wieland, Drake ...... 8 27 (By Aoaooisted Preu) way; to win. 14-6, over a Brown W olfram...... c ...... Sullivan ly in toe lu t IB minutes in toe first ing seven by straight victories. Two base hits, Stovnltaky and R. Bucky Bryan, Tulane returned turn that threatened constantly — Seraaton...... rg ...... Kurr Jarvis; horns runs, Stavnltsky and half and in toe last 80 minutes of at Louis, O ct 28.— (AP) —Death toe second half. 'Fbey wers%S0 re­ b u ended Philip De Clatuby Ball’s (3*orgla Tech kickoff lOl yards for but sooreri only once. Burke...... rt QlUcb WUklnson; stolen hues, Dowd, And Arnold went iuto Maaaa* Rvideen...... r e ...... Snadel warded in toe first half wbsn toev 18-year d ru m of producing an only touchdown of game. Lovett; double plays, Pstriaa to Norman Franklin, Oregon State ebiMstts to administer a 18-6 lick­ Bycholskl...... q b ...... Dickinson Babiel to Pinney (4?) Lovett to scored two goals to the score.- A American League pennant winner East Sides Book Contest The valiant veteran of baaeball died intercepted two Southern Qlalifomla ing to Worosater Tech. WUlis...... I h b ...... Dobosz Babiel to Pinney; baae on balls off deipalrinf effort by Tbrelfsll Burke___ .....r h b ...... Phillips thwarted them from tlslng toe score yuterday at S t John’s hospital here paasM and held Trojans off by line Godek 1, Fiedler 0; bit by pitcher, Mftiring in scoreless tie. On toe other > band, McCartan...... fb ...... Tucker H. Jarvis by Godek; struck out by, In toe last minute of play when be of septicemia at the age of 69. mansg;ed to get toe tips of his fln- With Danielson Gridders Since 1916, when be became Bunny Burilo, Carnegie Teoh— earns out of tbs Vanncnt Touchdown! — Pawnaea, Johnny Godek 6, Fiedler 1; time, 2 hours; whale toe Coast Guard eadsta, ers to toe ball as it waa crossing owner of toe St. Louis Browne, Ball Raeovered Notre Dame fumblo, Bycholskl; Crescents—^Tucker. Umpires, O'Leary and Betts. 6, to tbs only night nm a sol Substitutions—Pawnees, Oimlpsro le goal line. Many at toe specta­ bad cherished toe thought of win' leading to touchdown and 7-0 vlo- nlng a pennant with bis club. The toll season between Ifew for Rudeen, McCarthy for Bycbol- Cambridge, Mawi.—The Harvard- gtors at toe back of toe goal assert The Bast Sides, who are reprs-% ^ In preparationrepara for this game nearest be approached tbs pinnacle AlfonM, Minnesota—Made college elevens/ akl, McCarthy for Burke, Karlson Dartmouto rivalry, which goes Into toat be pulled it back afoer it bad senting Baldwin’s Pain Shop in toe Coach "Pat’’ Ryan b u called prach And Ckmnsotleut 8tat*, vsnl for Wolfram, Olaf Larson for crossed but toe referee signalled for field of athletlos, are to travel to tlca for Monday, Wednesday and w u in 1922 when the Browns fin­ SS yard run against Pitt to put ban its fortieth gams Saturday, goes ished In second plaoe, trailing toe into Massachusstts, was' Burke, Deyorio for Rsrrick, Rudeen back so far that toe poiht system play to proceed. DanlsMx>B next week. Danielson Friday. If any of tbs plavers are in scoring position. whelmed, 4t to 0, by a itrooir To Err lo Hvoian absent from practice wltoout a New York Yankees by One game. for Ounlpero, Willis for McCartan, of scoring had not even bem in­ held to* West Bides to 4 tie but Btjly Smith, 'Virginia M ilit a r y team. Baldwin for Scranton. To err Is human and the reffres Coach' "^at” Ryan and his\youtoful legitimate excuse be will be made to With the paeelxif of the preeident Lod attack on Maryland with xmt vented when th^ played thslr first of the St Louis Amadoans, specul^ Crescents — Sokolow for OUleh, game. Harvard’s riotory margin in was bumsa. He undoubtedly gave athletes are confident of a victory, turn in his Jersey. touohdowns janton for Kurr, Bukohe for Silver- his decision as ks saw tod pnv, but, wbldi Will place them on par with Players to report to practice are: tloa begui on 'toe. fate of toe dub. Bod Baumbsrgtr, Navy, Intsrosnt- that 1882 clash w u four goals and Today X C. MdBvoy, vloe preeident man, Honlaiz for PhUUps; other tea touchdowns to nothing. It was unfortunately for tbs boms lot, bo Any team on the south end of toe sro ifllo , MoOtm, sldUvsn, Bald- sd pass and s ^ t s d 96 yards for subs ' were Btenw^nbl, S^low , made two which cost thorn th# jo o - town. The But Sidu have some­ wln,'Two BUmps, MoOormidi, Cer- end gioeral maaegar. todc up the not until IMl that Dartmouth relse temporarily and found before s fo r s ^ bsat VlMials 18-T. Wl‘ ‘ ‘ scored OIL ths crimson tad svsn now ond and fourth goals whan he por- thing to base their oonfldsnce on vlnl, D i ^ Fera, LaOobs, Lomett, BW tbspbsrd. WsstSfR mlttsd too North Ends pUysr i o go because this team w u beaten by Baldwin, Lovett, Waddell, BlaoX, hill plana for revamping the team the Indiins bavs won only eight ‘ UiMB suggeitad by Rogara -dtoorsd. all Jidf Umptra—Sokolow. games sad tied two s g s o A Har­ through and scoro-from ohvlous nn- ths M iddlst^ Tufts by a largmr MoOanttsU» Bngaaow, vard’s 19 MwBpItf. |skk%MloiiA OB^-otlM r hMfflm Wp' - ' f •y^ 1 ■<■ S', UANCHlsi^ BOBKACDi ^ 0 i^ k r , 'etrw /m v , im ^ ^ A (3 S T E N '

I ' ''V i '• ^ *5 t t f l Read the (Classified Rental Proper tij Lutinq on this Paqe

HOUSES FOR RENT UEOAL NOTICES 78 pointments in tbe apporttf siki lOST AND FOUND 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALR ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 61) MANY DUCKS KILfED partmental serylea at Wiuhfiigtoe. FOR r e n t —SEVEN room house, “ a t A COURT Ojg p Ao BATB HI^D CARHEA IS OVEN Full information may ba obtained 1982 CHBVROLE3T SPT. COUPE. STEAM HEATED fumisbed room, within and tbe L o BT-AATURDAY NIQHT, Wey- all Improvements, central location, Maaobsster, from 'Thoe. F. M oria^, Seerstary board optional. Private fkmlly. 24 Istrlot ...... of KS-Kanobesier. ^ on list IN FUGHT TO SOUND maa bujo. Vldnlty of Miuichoitw This car is like liew and has only rent reasonable. Write Herald Boat of the United States CAvll Bsrylcs 12,000 miles. We will give a thirty Locust street. Telephone 4698. day of Ootohs^ A D>, 1833. CMiter. Call Qlaatonbury .28. Re* S. Present WIIAIAM B. HTDE, Esq.. NODOVtRUZCDDin Boeurd of Examiners, at tbe post day guaranty. 1981 Chevrolet nmtlL ______- f o r r e n t —t w o a n d three room Judge. Norfolk, Conn., O ct 28,— (A P )— office here. coach. Very clean and baa been RkiNTS OF BVEK2 . Desortptton Trust Estate under the Seveiite furnished apartments, 206 Center Claus# of the'will of Albert W. Post If tbe advice of U. 8. Senator Fred­ cared*for. Three new tires and a street Telephone 6246. and price. Singles, date, tenements late of Hxnoheftsr, In said District, LOST—SMALi. TAN puppy, named erick C. Walcott if heeded by hie fel­ new battery, guaranteed for oim —no charge. Dial 8601. John F. dsosassd. Champ b Booed h ; Home low townsmen,, the doge of Norfolk BANDITS GET $25,000 Brownie. Pleaae call 8478. Reward. year. 1981 Chevrolet coupe. Paint­ FOR RENT—ONE, OR two furnish­ Bnannon, 79 Russaii street- The Trustee bgTlng s^lbltsd Its can look forward to a period of ed green with cream wheela, own­ ed rooms, ateam heated, also one annual aoeouat with said estate to this Court for alloWaaoe, It is great feasting. ed by a Mancbeater man wbo takea i^)artmeat of four rooms 112.00 TO RENT — SEVERAL desirable Cockerel Spaniel ORDERBD;-Tbat tbs tStb day of Folks. When He Faik to Hundreds of ducks, believed by IN A RAD) ON BANK LOST—BLACK the beat of care of bis cara. 1981 month. Apply to Mints, 2p9 Main five, six and seven room houses, Ootobsr, A D„ 1333, at 9 o^olook fore­ dog. Call 6537. the Senator to have been' Injured or Ford Victoria. All new Urea and street. single and* double; also heated noon, at tbs Probate Offloe, In said exhausted in flight toward Long battery. Thie car is In tbe best of apiutmente. Apply Edward J. HoU, Manohestsr, be and tbs same Is aar Kayo Coarageont RhraL Bralnerd, Minn., Oct. 23.— (AP— signed for a bearing on tbi allow- Island Sound, fell In this town, many Five sub-machine gim robbers over­ condition and r^ady to go at a low Phone 4642 and 8026. anos of said account with aald satats, AUTOMOBILES FOR dALfc 4 HOTELS— RESTAURANTS 61 were ejead, others badly hurt. powered 14 persons In the Fiivt Na­ price. 1981 Ford pickup. Hm a and this Court dlrsata tbs Trustee to 'The Senator, an ardent sports­ closed cab. Tires, paint and battery irlvs publlo Botlos to all persons In- tional bank In this d ty of 10J)00 FOR SALE—FORD SPORT road- NEW HOTEL SHERIDAN. A homd :;srsstsd therein to appear and bs Romtf, Oct. 28— (AP) — Prlmo man, said tbsy were American like new. No reasonable offer re­ today, shot up tbe inside and outside ater, air wheels, almost new. In­ away from home. Modem comfort­ LEGAL NOTICES 78 heard tbsrson by publlsblng s oopy Camera’s flret heavyweight title de­ scoters, 'popularly known as black of the structure and adjoining build­ fused. 1929 Naab sedan. This la tha of this order la some nsw»apsr hav­ fense, eucoessful tbiwgb it was, add­ coots. quire 96 Cedar street able rooms,, running water or pri­ ing a olroulatlon la said District, on ings and fled with at least 126,000. small fix and very economical to vate bath. Special low weekly AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD ed little to tbe mammoth Italian’s Norfolk residents Immediately S t Msnoheiter, within and for tbe or before Ootobsr 13, 1983, and by None of tbe patrons and employ­ FORDS— 1929 COACH; 1929 road- nm. Has bad good care. Will aell rates. Popular priced restaurant. posting a oopy of this order on the prestige In bis native land today. turned' their thoughts to duck din­ cheap. 1929 Chrysler sedan, Model Dletrlot of Msnohester, on the lift ees Imprleoned in tbe bank was biut ater. Pontlacs, 1929 coupe: 1927 Znspeotion invited. TeL 8678. day of Ootober, 1918. publlo sign post In the Town where A crowd of 70,000 strdngly pre- ners, but tbe Senator said: but at least four pedestrians were 66. This popular model la cheap to the dsosassd test dwelt, five days be- coach. Chevrolets, 1988 coach; 1981 Present, 'WILLIAM B. HTDE, Eiq., dlepoeed in Camera’s favor, watched "The old rule for eating eeotere in tbs line of firs while bullets spat­ operate. Paint, tires, upholstery Judre, fors said day of hearing and return tbe huge champion punch out a de­ when we used to shoot them on tbe ooach; 1927 coupe. Brown’s Oarage, make to this Court. tered agalnet buildingi and penor- and motor In perfect condition. In the matter of the estatee ofi cisive 16 eoimd victory over Paulino Sound 40 years ago was to bang 8806. West Center street APARTMEN'I't^FLATS— THOMAB BEST WILLIAM S. HTDE ated automobiles as ths raiders' oar 1929 Ford Sport roadster. This car WILLIAM K. COATES Judge. Uxeudum yesterday, cheered him them over tbe porch for a week, TENEMENTS 68 B-K>-l3-33. roared out of town. has good tires, paint and side cur­ ERA8TUS F. COWLES for a while and then booed him just ■oak them for 24 hours In fresh Using at least three eub^nMOhiaa EDWIN HUGH OROSBT as heartily In tbe last two roimds tains. A goqd little car for small FOR 'RENT—THREE room tens- AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD water, then par-boll them and give guns and automatic pistols, tiie Want Ad InfonnattoD PATRICK R. HATES for hie failure to stop tbtf 84-year- money. Riley Chevrolet Co., 60 mant at 22 Norman street. Inquire at Manohsstsr, within and for the them to tbe dog.’’ robbers flrsd a withering blast a# JOHN F. HOWARD Dletrlot of Manoheeter, on the Slit old Spaniard. Wells street Tel. 6874. on premises. MART A HUNT they departed, sbattesing tha Mg WILUAM MUNRO day of Ootobsr, A D., 1933. 'There was no question whatever, Manchester vVb BUV. tSBU. ano suhaoge uaae all late, of Manoheeter In said Dis­ Present WXLUAM S, HTDE, Bsq,, as to tbe ultimate winner after tbe front windows of tbe bank and NOTICE—HERE IB AN Opportuni­ Judge. ■praying the interior with l e ^ oars all makes and models. Axmory trict, deoeaied. first bouple of rcninds. Camera MORE CIVIL SERVICE Evening Herald ty for couple or three for less than Tbe Manoheeter Trust and Safe De­ ' Estate of Lena Sobati late oi Man­ Coming Into town about daylight, Uaraga. 60 Wells etreet Teiepboos |20 a month, that you may never posit Company (formerly The Man­ chester, In said District, dsosassd. ■mashed the Basque woodebopper The Administrator having exhibit­ the raiders went to tbe bank, trap­ CLASSIFIED 6874______get again. Five liry room jlkt, oheeter Trust Company) Admlnlstra- all over tbe ring with a eweeplng left EXAMS ANNOUNCED tor, Efsoutor or Trustee, as tbe case ed his administration aooount wltb ped tbe janitor aad a guard as tb ^ electricity, bath, toilet gas, white said sstats to this Court for allow- and ponderous rights, yet never ADVERTISEMENTS , 1929 FORDSON TRACTOR, Celtrax may be, on the estates of said de- could floor a rival whose courage came to work and took up positloaa sink, extra dry and airy cemented anos, it 1s both inside and outside the building tractor. Model W, both in good ceased, having resigned said trusts ORDERED;—That the S3th day of alone carried him through tbe full 'The United Statee C ivil Service Oeant els sT«rac« worfls lo a tlaa cellar; beautifully located, with and filed Its accounts with said csb which they held nearly three bouri. iBltials. Dum»>eri and tbbrsrJauoDS condition. Price right for quick tates to this Court for allowance end October, A D„ 1933, at 9 o’clock for#- 16 round limit Commission has annoimced open sale. Cole Motors, at Tbe Center. shade trees; five minutes from noon, at the Probate Office, In said 'Three donned masks after ascer­ aaob ooun' as a word aod eomponne business section, near trolley and application having been made for the Manohsstsr, bs and ths lams Is as­ 'The crowd, which included Prem­ competitive examinations as fol­ words as two words lilnltnurri oost Is Telephone 6468. appointment of eucoeisors In said ier Mueeollni, other Faeclat officials taining a time lock protected the bus llqe. Furnished If desired; ar­ signed for a hearing on ths allow- lows; prlos of thrss llnsa trusts. It is and James Roosevelt, eldest eon of vault and captured employees and Lins ratss osr day for transient rangements can be made. Call to­ ORDERED;—That tha 38th day of anos of said administration aooount Junior Graduate Nurse, 11,620 a officers, one by one, as they report­ Ootober, 1933, at nine o'clock In the with said sstats. and this Court dl- tbe American President, couldn’t year, various eervlcee throughout BCMtlTS ■SMfe 11, ISJST GARAGES—SERVICE— day. 91 South Main street or phone rsots ths Administrator to give pub­ ed for work. forenoon, at tbe Probate Office In llo notlos to all parsons IntersBisd understand bow a man could take tbe United Statee. Garb Cbarae STORAGI^ 10 7606. said Manchester, be am* the same Is aucb a beating and still remain • QoBSseutlvs Uays 7 ois) » oU assigned for a hearing on the acoept- therein to appear and bs heard there­ Teacher of Home Economics, LADY DAVIS ELOPES SDSsoutlTS Days JJ FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tene- on by publishing a oopy of this ordsr erect. Senior High school, |2,000 a year. t Co: FOR SALE—ONE CAR OARAGE. ance of said reilgnatloni, the allow­ In some newspaper having a olroula­ Day ...... I ll otsi II ots ment, with all improvements. Ap­ ance of said accounts and the ap­ Teacher of Home Economice, Reser­ All orders for Irrarnlat insertions Apply during working hours. 18 tlon In said District, on or before New York, Oct. 28.— (AP) — The ply 17 1-2 Charter Oak street. pointment of administrator d. b. n„ Ootober 33, 1933, and by posting a GETS TWO OFFERS vation and Junior High school, |1,- elopement of Ladv Davie, wldotv of will be charged at tbs one time rats. Woodbrldge street administrator c. t. a., d. b. n, or suo- Special ratss for long tsnn s»sr> oesBor trustet, as the case may be, on copy of this order on the publlo sign Rome, O ct 28— (AP; —Jimmie 860 a year, Indian Service, Depart­ Sir Mortimer Davis, Canadian multi- day advertising giTsn upon rsoosst FOR RENT—4 ROOM 'TENEMENT ■aid estates, and this Court directs post In ths Town where tbs dsoeasad Johnston, manager of Paulino ment of tbe Interior. mllUoDalre, and Major Eric R. Lo- Ads ordered tor three or sis days all improvements, centrally locat­ that public notice be glv n to all per­ last dwelt, five days before said, day Uxcudim, siUd today that he bad and stopped before tbe tblrd or dftb MOVING— rRUCKlN6— of hearing and return make to this Junior Teacher of Home Econo­ der, of England, wae (Uscloeed today day will be charged only for tbe ac­ ed. Tel. 6864 or apply 701 Main St. sons Interested therein to appear and received an offer for two engage­ mics, 11,620 a year, Indian Service, by the New York American. S1X)RAGE 20 be heard thereon by publishing a Court tual number of times tbe ad appear- copy of this order In some newspaper ■WILLIAM B. HTDE ments for Uzeudun at Buenos Aires, Department of tbe Interior. The paper said t b ^ eloped ten sd. charging at the rate earned but FOR RENT— i ROOM tenement, on having a circulation In said District, Judge. but that no mention wae made of Student Fingerprint Claseifler, months ago to Long Branch, N. J., no slIowsDCS or rsfunde can be made UKIAL AND LONU DISTANCE Blssell street. Apply to Mrs. Farr, five days before the day of said hear­ H-10-33-33. money or tbe flgbteri. Johnston on six time ads stopped after the moving, general ^rucking, Uvary 11,440 a year. Division of Investlgiu- where they were married. Lady fifth day. 47 Cottage street ing and return make to this Court. said be had cabM tbe promoter de­ tlon. Department of Justice, Wash­ Davie, a noted beautv, is a daughter No "till forbids"; aspUy Unas not sarvlce. Oui affUtstloD wltb Uniteo WILLIAM S. HTDE manding further information before Vans Service means lowar rates on FOOR RENT—THREE ROOM fur- Judge. ington, D. C. of John Cifrran, of New Orleane. gold* H-10-33-33. making a decision. Major Loder la the eon of tbe late The asraid will not be rssponslbu furniture moving to distant points nished apartment, with private Senior Stenographer, |1,620 a (or mors tbAD oos Inoorroot ifiMrtloD 32 COLLEGE ELEVENS He added, however, that any trip Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Basil Loder, of Large modem trucks expeiienceo bath. 109 Foster street. Orube. year. Junior Stenographer, 11,440 a of any advertisement ordsrsd for to Buenos Aires could not be taken year, Senior Typist, 11,440 a year. Hertfordshire, England, and grand­ more than one tima men, prompt eervloe, all goods in­ AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD FOR RENT-THRB3E ROOM tene­ at Manchester, within and for the before Paulino had fulfilled two en­ Junior Typist, |1,260 a year, de­ son of tbe late Sir Robert Loder. Tbe Inadvertent omission ot mcor- sured while In transit are features UNDEFEATED, UNTIED gagements in North America — rsct publication of advertising will M ment, wltb modem improvements, District of Manchester, on the 21st partmental and field services. offereo at no extra expense te you day of October, A. D., 1988. which Johnstoztels arrewglng at New rsctifled onlT by cancsIlaMon of tbe on Church street. Inquire 18 Win­ oharge made for tbe service sndsreo Daily trips to New ?ork, baggage Present WILLIAM S. HTDE, Eeq., York and Miami, Florida, In Janu­ All salaries given above are sub­ ter street Judge. All advertisements most confens uwllvered direct to eteamsnip piers (By Astfoctetod Ptom) ary and February. ject to a deduction not to exceed 16 la style, copy and typography vltb Estate of Anna Charlotte Jacobson per cent as a measure of economy PINE GROVE For further Information cab 8U68 late of Manchester, In said District, One of these North American regulations enforced by tbe publish­ FOR RENT— 4 ROOM flat, modern Thirty two college football teams and to a retirement deduction of 3 ers and they reserve tbe tight to 8860. 8864 Perrett R Olenney Ino. deceased. still were unbeaten and untied today fights probably will be with Maxle TAVERN conveniences, 817.00 per month. On motion, of John N. Jacobson, 1-2 per cent. sdlt. revise or reject any copy con­ Apply 888 Hartford Road. with Davls-Elklns college of West E ^ r, be said, and the other a re­ will Bent Dance Hall by the day or sidered objecttonabla SILVER LANE BUB LINE offer tbe Star Route, Wllllmantlc, Conn., All States except Delaware, Iowa, night to Clubs, Socletlee, Etc., and ClXlSINU HOURS—Classified ads to executor, Virginia leading tbe parade. turn bout with Prlmo Camera. accommodation ol tLeii large Ue- Uzcudim was up this morning and Maryland, New Hampshire, 'Ver­ for Weddings. be published same day must be re* FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, ORDERED;—That six months from Davls-Elklns bad piled up 284 eelved by 18 o'clock noon; Satn*days Luxe DUS for lodge, party or team with all Improvements, and ga­ the 21st day of October, A D., 1938 be appeared cheerful. His face was mont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Beautiful Surroundings. 10:80 a m. trips at special rates. Phone 8968 and tbe same are limited and allowed points in hanging up slx successive the District of Columbia have re­ MBS. CLOSE rage. Inquire 38 Lewis street. for the creditors within which to marked severely, but he apparently TELEPHONE YOUB 8S6U 8864. victories. Duquesne of Pittsburgh was not affected otherwise by the ceived less than chelr share of ap­ 402 Tolland Turnpike Manchester bring in their claims against said es­ likewise had won six games In a WANT ADS. . FOR RENT—FOUR ROOMS, first tate, and the said executor is directed 15-round beating he took from Car- Ade are accepted ovei the telephone floor, glassed porch, garage, fur­ to give public notice to the creditors row. nera here.last night. At the CHAHQB RATE) given above —PAPERING 21 nace. 464 Hartford Road. Inquire to bring in their claims within said-' List of unbeaten and untied teams, time allowed by posting a copy of as a convenience to advertisers, but 691 Center street as compiled by tbe Associated Press CABZONERl TO FIOHT I H E ^ the CASH RATEb will be accepted as PAINTING AND PAPERTNO, In all this order on the public sign post nearest to the place where the de. follows: New York, Oct. 23— (AP) —Tony rU U . PATMENT If paid at the busi­ Its branches, first class work, low ness office on or before tbe seventh RENT HUNTING? TeU us what ceased last dwelt within said town Team • W. Pts. A. Ctenzonerl, the chunky miniature day followi.ig the flre» Ineertlon ol prices, best of materials. Telephone you want we’ll take care of it for and by publishing the same In some newspaper having a circulation In Davls-Elklns ...... 6 284 18 edition o f Babe Ruth who came each ad otberwlee the CHARGE 6584. you, without charge. R. T. Mc­ about as near as any fighter ever r a t e will be collected. No reeponel- said probate district, within ten days Duquesne ...... 6 95 13 ttoeu , Cann, 69 Center street Dial 7700. has to winning back a title after he asau rm / f billty for error* In telephoned ads froAi the date of this order, and re­ G -n e v a ...... 5 125 19 HAL COCF IRAN GEORGE SO, will be aesnmed and t'oeir accuracy turn make to this court of the notice Oregon ...... 5 106 7 loet It, starts another attempt to cannot be guaranteed REPAIRING 23 FOR RENT—THKbfii;. FIVE ano given. scale the championship heights this six room tenements, with all mod­ WILLIAM S. HTDE Emery & Henry, Va. .. 6 76 0 INDEX OF MOWER SHARPEN LNU, vacuum Judge. Coe College, I o w ^ ----- 5 70 9 week. em Improvements inquire at 147 H-10-23-33. Tony lost his llghtwelghtcrown to CLASSIFICATIONS cleaner, washing machine, gun Blast Center street or Phone 7864. ' Fordbam ...... 4 161 6 Births lock repairing key making Braitb- Canislus, New York .. 4 138 20 Barney Roes on a close decision at Chicago last summer and failed by Bngagementa walte 62 Pearl street / WE HAVE A RUNNY 8 room AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD C)arson-Newman, Tenn. 4 136 14 rr;** -fis ...... F.T.. — - - — - at Manchester, within and for the a slim margin to regain It In New apartment, that will make a com­ Oklahoma City ...... 4 116 35 Death! ...... D District of Manchester, on the 2lst York three months later. Now he Card ot Thanks day of Ootober, A. D., 1933. Army ...... 4 109 6 fortable home *thls winter, In the is slated to face Frankie Kllck to In Memoiiam .. CUUK8ES AND CLASSES 27 Present WILLIAM S. HYDE. Eeq., Dartmouth ...... 4 108 13 Lost and Pound Johnson Block. Telephone 6917 or Judge. San Francisco in a ten roimder at 3726. Holy Cross ...... 4 94 14 Announcements BEAUTY JULTURii;—Bam w'hile Estate of Loretta H. McMenemy Ridgewood grove, New York, Sat­ Personals ...... late of Manchester, in said District, Georgia ...... 4 89 35 urday night. Antomobllee learning Details free. Uartlora BEAUTIFUL 4 ROOMS, modem, deceased. Duke ...... 4 88 l6 Auiomohilee tot Sale ...... t Academy ot Hairdressing 693 Main 815.00, Wailnut, near Pine street, On motion of John McMenemy ad­ Freddie Miller, the National box­ Automobiles fbr Excharge ...» I Murray, Ky...... 4 79 6 ing association featherweight cham­ street. Hartford also dne new second floor, scraped ministrator. Auto Accessories—Tires ...... C ORDERED:—That six months from Furman, S. C...... 4 68 12 pion tackles Jackie Sharkey of floors, 818.00. Inquire Tailor Store, Auto Repairing—Painting 7 the 21st day of Ootober, A. D., 1938 Wooster, Ohio ...... 4 45 6 Minneapolis In a ten-round non-title Auto Schools ...... er« • 3 Walnut street be and the same are limited and al­ Autos—Ship by Truck 8 MUSICAL—DRAMATIC 29 lowed for the creditors within which Syracuse ...... 3 106 7 affair at Milwaukee tonight. Autos—For Hire ...... 9 DEILMONT STREET, near Main, 6 to bring in their claims against said Princeton ...... 3 105 0 Oarages—Service—Storage «.... 10 WM. J. TURKINGTON, teacher of estate, and the said administrator is Grove City, Pa...... 3 99 0 Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... 11 rooms, all Improvements. Dial Violin. Special attention given be­ directed to give publlo notice to the Mississippi Col...... 3 80 22 Wanted Autos—Motorcvclee .... 1! 4618. creditors to bring in their claims Punts and Passes Bnstneee aud Proteeatona? Servlcee ginners. Studio, 25 Orchard street. within said time allowed by posting Colgate ...... 3 79 2 Business Services Ofiered ...... i:' Telephone 4687. a copy of this order on the public Michigan ...... 3 73 6 Household Se-'Ices Offered .....1 8 -A FOR RENT—ON MAPLE street, four room tenement also three sign post nearest to tbe place where Iowa ...... 3 71 7 By ASSOCIATED PRESS Building—Contracting .. e e'e s • 1* the deceased last dwelt within said Florists—Nurseries ...... lb room apartments, 42 Maple street. Tufts, Mass...... 3 68 6 New Haven—Yale and Army not HELP WANTED— town and by publlehlng the same only carry on a colorful rivalry In Funeral Directors ...... c 16 Telephone 6517. some newspaper having a circulation Mass. State ...... 3 68 19 Heatln Plumbing—Roofing . » 17 FEMALE 35 in said probate district, within ten St. Thomas, Pa...... 3 65 2 their game this week but it also Is Insurance ...... 18 one of the real ancient ones. The .eeao.awiT.opr. Millinery—Oreesmaklng ...... 18 FOR RENT—AT 26 Elro street, days from the date of this order, and Nebraska ...... 3 55 0 WANTED—EXPERIENCED house­ return make to this court of the no­ first game this week but it is • isn lY Hi* siiivwa sia Moving—Trucking—Storage ... 80 first floor, modem five room flat, Yale ...... 8 42 18 Painting—Papering ...... 81 keeper, steady employment and a tice given. one (ff the real ancient ones. The good location. Near Main street WILLIAM 8. HTDE Carnegie Tech ...... 8 35 0 (BEAD THE STORY, THEN CXILOB THE PICTURE) Professional Services ...... 18 good home. Apply 826 Main street flret game was played In 1893. The Repairing ...... 88 garage. Inquire 21 Elro street. Judge. Tulsa ...... 8 84 6 Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... >4 Browiibllt Shoe Store. H-IO-88-83. count now stande at 18 Yale vlc- Sidd Duncy, "Tell you what let’s bop out A dandy breakfrst'e ready. Toilet Ooods and Service ...... 8b FOR RENT—TWO THREE a id torleSi six for Army and eight ties. do. As long as this ^gw am Is new, Get it while it’e nice and hot.” Wanted—Business Service •m g • • e 18 I "You bet we will," cried D o^. four room fumisbed or unfumlsbed AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD HAS NARROW ESCAPE I’d like to sleep In It tonight. I Bdaeatlenal POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 45 apartments. Manchester Construc­ at Manchester, within and for the Villa Nova, Pa.—George "Whitey” "Gee, some hot food sounds raal Course^ anc Classes ...... 87 Dletri t of Manchester, on the 31at Randour,.Villa Nova captain. Is lead­ think It would be fun. good to me.’’ They soon were Private Cnetruotlou ...... 18 FOR SALE—160 BARRED ROCK tion Co. Tel. 4131 or 4869. day of October, A. D., 1983. Stamford, Oct. 28.— (A P )—Fail­ Dancing ...... * e e • • 88-A ing his teiun in more than one way. "We made It nice and big, you served wltb porrld^ and aacb Pullets, ready to lay; tested and Present WILLIAM B. HTDE, Esq., ure of the motor of a truck to “turn Musical—Dramatic ...... 86 FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat, on Judge. over’’ this morning, prevented Com­ Statistics for the Wildcats’ first four see, and It looks comfy as can be. Tiny ate a lot Wanted-InetructionV...... J ... 80 vaccinated. Chasles Steppe, 187 first floor, with all modem im­ Estate of Julia Jobert late of Man- games show he gained 600 yards and Pm sure the Indians won’t mind, Plaanewl Vernon avenue, Rockville. obeeter, In said Dlet.'lot, deceased. mission of a cold blooded attempt at Bonds—Stocka—Mortgagee ,q<... 81 provements, at 170 Oak street In­ scored four touchdowns up to last and the^'s’s room for evsryone.’’ Tward noon the fliherman said, The Executor having exhibited hie murder here this morning, when a Saturday. He continued the good Buelness Uoportunltlas ...... 81 quire Maples Hospital, 164 Oak administration account with laid es­ five inch sack of dynamite was "You think of naught but sleep­ “Say, I think Td bes' be on my Money to Loan ...... l8 work then against Gettysburg, mak­ way. You Tinymitee can stay here, Mclp and Sttnatlone FUEL AND FEED 49-A street tate to this Court for allowanoe. It la found wlrs'i to a spark plug of the ing, lad, but even so 1 will be glad ORDERED:—That tha 38th day o f ing some big gains and tallying to join you in a good night’s rest,’’, if you wish, and play a while.' Heip Wanted —Female ...... 8b Ootober, A, D„ 1983, at 9 o'clock fore­ motor. 'The driver discovered the eight points. Help Wanted-Mule ...... 86 FOR SALE— SLABS, Hickory and RENTS NOW AVAILABLE In iu said Scouty, with ^ grin. "Right near my cabin there’i e Salesmen Wanted ...... 16-A noon, at the Probata Office, In said d^am ite when he raised the hood oak. Selected fireplace wood, out sections oi the town, modem five Manohester, be and the earns le to prlnri the mote liter cranking Ar Indlsm shouted, "Go idiead. spot where I can fleh and catch a Help Wnnted—Male or Female .. £7 and ilx room tenemeute from 118 University, Ala.—When PordhiuB It’s getting dark, so go to bed. Just lot." "Oh, gee I Can we go ’'with Agents Wanted ...... «.S7*A to order. C. A. S ti^a Dial 8149. signed for a hearing on tbe allow- for several mlnutei had failed ta facet Alabama In New York Satur­ Situations Wanted—Fem ale...... 81 per month up. Arthur A. Knofla. anos of said administration aeoouct crawl into some blankets." And you?” questioned Dotty, with 'a with said sstats, and this' Court dl- ■tart It. day. the Rams not only have to con­ Situations Wanted—Male ...... 88 FOR SALE—HARD WOOD for Tslapbontf 6440 or 4860. The driver of that truck was John the 'Tlnymltee crawled in. imlle. Employment Agsnolai ...... 40 rsoti ths Executor to give publlo no­ tend with a strong team, but they "Why, eure you can,” the old Live Stork—Peta—PABltTy*»Vehleles stove, furnace and fire place. Chas. tlos to. all persons Interested therein Dulya of 10 Bamum Terracs, Strat­ run'Into an unusual interseotloDal Doge— Birds— Pets ...... 41 Heckler, telephone Roiedale 18-18. to appear and bs heard thafrson by ford, employed by the R. A A. In just a mbment (Joldy cried, mim cried. "Gee, beie’s my ohgnce BUSINESS LOCATIONS publlsnlng a oopy of this ordsr In record. 'The Tldeimen had recorded LIv Stock-Vehlolai ...... 41 Moving Company of the same ad­ six vlotorles, two defeats and a tie "Ob, Ilf ten to the song outside. to'have a ride. You 'TinviMtes can Poultry end Bnppllee ...... FOR ITBNT 64 some newspaper having a oirouIktloB 'The Indians are real thoughtful. pull me on the travoli. If yofi wiU.” Wanted — Pete—Poultry—4teek ' In said Dletrlot, on or before Ootobsr dress. The Arm has a oontraot for In '26 yeare ogidnst luoh teami as Fot Sale—lllaeeUaBMu GARDRN— F A R M - 33, 1933, and by po ting a oopy of m ov i^ a house here. 'The truck was Syraouie, Penn, Washington, Stan­ They are singing us to sleep." And 1 0 they all said goodby to Articles for Sale ...... * ’TO RENT-OFFICES AT 860 Main this ordsr on ths publlo sign pest In 'The Ttnlee listened for a while. the Indian tribe. 'Then off they flew. DAIRY PRODUCTS 60 BtTMt (Orford Bldff.) Apply Ed­ left at tbe site on Saturday. Part­ ford, Wisconsin and Washington Boats and Aaceiiorlee ...... ths Town whsrs ths dsosassd Igst ners In ths oomp3my eould give po­ State. Then, on eaoh face there spread a "Hang on real tight” yelled Ooppy, Building Material...... ward J. BoU. Tal. 4642 and 8026. dwelt, five days before said day of "or you’ll likely take a spin." Diamonds— Watohea—Jewelry .. FOR SALE—NUMBER-ONE Qrstfn hearing and return make to this lice no due to any one which would ■mile. It wasn’t very long until' Eleotrtoal Appllanoeg—Radio . . . Mountkls potatou. Ordsrg solldted Court. seek to Injure them. Several men Tbe d3unage done by Inieots .C- you couldn’t hear a peep. FOR RENT—SMALL STORE on (Danoy*e oateh makea tbe IlMtos Fuel and feed ...... 4S* for winter. Inqulrs CSuut B. Ohuroh stTMt Inquix^ 18 Winter WILLIAM 8. HTDE were standing by ths truck while Uflei the work of, 1,000,000 men At break of dawn there came a Garden — Farm—Dairy Froduota Judgo. ■bout. "Hey, ’ITnymltes, come on, laogh in the next story.) Houeebold Goode .. 1! ’Thrssher, Buoklud. TsL 6048. BtTMt B-IO-U-99. Dulya sought to orank It, every year. MMhInary and Tuels • I t s SkJkS Miisloal Inatrumaota ...... Offloe and Store Bquinmant .r«. ^eoiale at tbe S to re s...... HOUSEHOLD GOODS 61 By HAMUN wearing Apparel-Furs 17 ALLEY OOP Ooola Has R<^al Ideas! Wanted—To Buy ...... || FOR SALE—CRAWFORD Utoben Rwowibi Bow rtf — R oteltf Retferte range aad 2 wood stoves. Call RMlanrant' ReoBBS Wltboui Board ...... IS 8821. ' OH VCAH.FOKS-I MEANT Boarders Wanted ...... IS*A TO SAV -W E LOST THE Country Board—Resorts Ml FOR BALE-BIG BARGAINS ia CARDIFF ON THE WAY. Botsle-Restaurants ...... ll used cook ito v u aad heaters. Oook .WHILE WE W SK TQAVELIN' W anted-Room s—Board ...... It stoves $8.00 up; also aew oil burn­ Real Ifiottfte Fei Rant Apartments, Flata Tsnsmsnts .r ers for sale, llanchester Oreta Business Loeatlons tor Rent Oarage.—Jonas. Houses tor Rent ...... lubw baa tor Rent .....• • — •sai • w te sr Homes ter Rent . . . . « Wanted to Rent,...... KOOMS WITHOUT BOARD 6H RmU Ratato Fat Snla Apartment Bnlldtag tor Sale ^BBlaaaa Property for Balo — WANTED-^ENTLEMAN roomsr, amaa and Land tor Sale centrally located. Write Box T, ia 'ineee tor lalv • e • e • e e • e care of Herald. ta’ for Sals •tseseew^weeseeBeree »rt P r m itr tM Sale BTbu for fell FOR Re n t —FURNXSBED Mom I Betau ter Bxehaave « .« .« for light houeekeapiag, gH aad aated—Beal Betau ..T ...v » .« sink, reasonable. 106 Fop Ay t iea Legal Grubs. BftJ cfOllOM • • 0 s • S r • • • PLEA8A29T SOUTH ROQlf, beat- ed, tile bath'room, skibtsBr. Ktid The lenid M ra Dial 4846. UiflpfOQiBlrait r :,r» ■ .r-.<

IM N G flB siB R BVianNOHBRALll), Mi^^OHJlSTER, pOlW ., MONDAY, OCTOBER 28,1888.

"’fatmerriltggWks By Fontaine Fox OIJR BOARDHWI H ©U ^ :--- :--- - • _ ■ < THE lW If THE TERRIBU tfeMPEntP MR. STYLE S ^ E ------. I. >■ I i i ...... i _ ■ - r - r " ■ « ■■■■......

^ rt u i only rtilp that comes In fpr] The newly appointed pastor of a WB KNOW TW' fAAJOR IS WE EiEEN W«CH\H' the man who wal^ Is RecelTerdilp. Necm church near Lezlnfton, North TH' JERHT, TROKT AN' ■ ■ . i Carolina, recently faced a packed »N TU' HOUSE, — H U K ^ ^ l BACK, AN' HE AINT Teaidier— The subject this mom- • audience when he arose to deliver 3SS' TO SWE US TH' t e l l y o u t lA tag is astronomy. 1 ^ scrmoa on_thls b u n ^ fnd vital “ X 'A:, X>OD<^»E BECAiUSE HE THACT HE'S LOADED WrTH Teacher (returning to, desk)— two axles for de world to go round Now watch carefully. I will place on, and He put one axle at the W A D S OF MALACRKV? North Pole and one. axle at the thiH hat here .to represent Mars. I SOTELLTHAfr *B»S •b u t h e s u p p e d will now answer any questions rela­ Souf'Pole. •BUT=FALO TO SNORT Congregation—Amen:! AWA5V ON ^AE,^D tive to the subject. OUT HERE WTTH Boy in the Rear—Please, Sir, Is And the good Lord put a lot of \U, THB CHICASO Mars inhabited? oil «T)d grease in de center of de world so as to keep de a x l^ well T A d -R ? Opportunity May Knock But greased and oiled. Once, But Your “Friends” Can Be Congregation—^Amen!!! Depended Upon to Play the Encores ^ Pastor— And then a lot of sinners E G A D -I M necessary. dig wells in Pennsylvania and steal de good Lord’s oil and grease. .Ahd SAFE^ .w rrH O U T Because he was at one time an they dig wells in Kentucky, Louisi­ MOUSTACHE^/ easy mark, there is no sensible^, rea­ ana, Oklahoma and Texas, and in son why Uncle Sam should ooiitinue Mexico and in Russia, and steal the r 0 to play the part good Lord’s oil and grease. And some day dey will have all de good Life’s Best Moments Lord’s oil and grease, and dem When she murmurs “yes.” axles is gonna get good and hot. When she says “I wlU.” And den, dat will be Hell, Bredren, When she writes "I shall stay away dat will be Hell!!! another week.” Most erf Us Have a General Idea Sport Item: In Nevada one may What the New Deal Is Going to be obtain a divorce after six weeks resi­ Like, But We Don’t Know What dence, a P«hing license after six C a rij W e Are (3oing to Get on the months. Draw. ^OOUN< Lady of the House-^Why dem’t Man is like an egg. Keep him in SOME you get a J^b? .You know a rolling Hot Water long enough and he be­ MORE stone gathen no moss? comes Hard Boiled. '‘EM ’Tramp— Madam, not to evade 0 V, your question at all, but merely to o (O-AS ^ ‘ 'w«a.u.e.eeT.ofF, _ obtain information, may I ask of sumsustJsssss what j>ractical use is moss to a FLA P P ER F a n n y S a y s : miw In my condition? ______Kta. U.«. PAT. OfT. M Being Just an Ordinary Private A Tense Situation By John C. Terry Citisen and Being Very Little SCORCHY SMITH Known Is About the Best Thing cr That. Can Happen to Most Anybody. 1?toNT HAPPENIN0S IT'S JAKE.SCORCHV* '’foMETHING Seojfchfj M>9 ON black LBAOfeR. MAS “There is only one thing worse AND THERE ARE happened!/ thAn letting your wife find a letter i$ avivhaksn’ INDIANS APTER HIM In your pocket that you forgot to h Pums JtTTu. ^ ’WAV UP THE RIDAE! mail,* and that is letting her find one you forgot to birnn.” Tm Hmdy arriyai of Jaka Cayfon, hcfma^?* ju^avaviff & b^a^ady^ A Negro minister dlsoovered two akCnn' of his flock playing cards cm Sun­ Jaiir comdneas Jim day— and for money. haia nd. AahacLnan I Parson— ^Rastus, don’t you know "ha khov^bthe it’s wrong to play cards on the Sabbath? nJeorehy a ^ n ska out Rastus—^Yes, Parson, an’ Ah’s lodb Betty. Jah is to sho’ payin’ fo’ mah sins. toUoiO’'^ A2aj*mi72^ •n -> • \ " X ii "Marriage Ties Are Like a Man’s sauTuie ava Tieajp^^ Imagination, if Given Half a Chance There’s No Telling How Par He'U By Crane OUT OUR W AY By W illiam s Stretch Them.” WASHINGTON T U B S I I /HEY! PSST! rVB FOUMD If we used the same care in pick­ O B O y r MORE GOLD. FOR TH' LOV; ing government officials as we do CnA 160TTA ffHIKE, COME DOWN 6V MV 6 - S - S - T - our cantaloupes, certain conditions Girls fishing for" compliments ,BASV. PLACg. <5000 HlGH-r.' VEG‘ IF might be mueh more satisfactory. don't always need a line. W f^CKlK' TH' KULL -THEV'D MAKE PU-E,TO GIT TH' -TH' PIECES 6K3GEST PISCE ALL TH' s a m e FROK TH' BCrrrOM. S e z E . NOW IS THE TIME GOOD GOSH, iS THteRE NO WA.W VOO CPsN TO BUY/ BE M A D E A GEblTLEMAN?



w LU.aMT.era

By Frank Beck GAS BUGGIES Speaking Prom Experience lA E Y WONOKFUU >PERFECTf, Tsr. LtTB W OVER Cfasti. CHANBE ^ •U M P f XXX SUTHERLAND) fliKnoii w w f ] DEAF rrioi CLEAN fDOTBALL^ /mxj$P!Trco^ X o M o m n s ! iU WieUIilJleoibiio oiwfciga OM nesM Z F V O U ^ R N T YOUR 6Hlkti • tedaaed^ jrfeed M ID 3#1 T O PUT ON to eiJvmce lAer • piqw » bssisf WIIBHT toactied dw gouad soiDe p«t of * M r C lljlC K LY edisdiaoiubaadsoif^ hsiMtflfllrflM ,o»vw* InkkiiilaifBOiia ObMadoMBidpfafto^ .A V H l T § 8 * " ■ N l< Biqr caooi, iMtoad of ponidMf Ae cninjCi he pas Ihe pemky ea iikiiil.»W P i heoiiitohsieti of adaMMi m


to do them any immediate good, and therela Ues the reason perirh im ' ABOUT TOWN UOfriBESYIIBOl it doesn't Men pursue with nverlsh W H I t t E i m S E eagerness the things which they think will provide them a lasting Pilae winner! at the final dttlng OF cutisrs spnttr Joyousneas. The low level at preva­ HURT IN ACODENt the present series of the Maaoolc lent standards today is iHstresalni— W a p i ^ Mint Hu Gteh bi Social club’s setback parties on Sat­ thonsanda have acquiesced to the urday night were as follows: B. X* Ideals of the libertine, the woridllng, Forehand After FiRiig Bantly, first; R. Uttle, second, C. the miser, the aensuaUst^thlngs Miss Jessie ReynoUs PuBf Afniiut Car Lut Night. Two Y e v OU ^ Now is the time to put on Warren, door prise. The grand prise h Sermon Yesterday Rev. L which rpb life of its finer edge, ren­ for the series was won by Joseph dering it incapable of enjoying the Peter Borshir' of Wapping, waa the children's winter-weight Canade. C.. Harris Discosses Abnn- higher and better things—ignoring foDy Injnred in Fall ffom brought, to the Manchester .Me­ ley, Ir^ S O m Severe rdlglous satisfactions which axe morial hospital last evening by Con­ Patrolman Herman Muske and pure, wholesopie, ennobling, elevat­ stable O. Walter Bmifo of Wappiqg Weoiid Phyinf B Dark. Us brother, Walter, spent Saturday dance of life. ing, durable, divine—the Joy of AntomobSe. for treatment for an injury to his morning hunting, bringing In two heaven come down to human hearts. head and body bruises. cock pheasants each. They said Why mtn are so satisfied to make Peter and thrM companions, conditions are not yet ideal for In his opening remarks yesterday so little of life when Inffolte re- Miss Jessie Reynolds, welfare were standing against a fence along Walter, Jr., two year old son of bunting. They had several oppor­ The Popular soucea are at their diqx>sal, is dim, nurse of this town, was painfully fo a VfKp/jptag Ctater-Oakland road Mr. and Mrs. Walter R.. Cooley of 12 tunities to bring down squirrels but morning, the Rev. L. C. Harris, pas­ Brainard Place suffered 8 severe out •No-Button” cult to imderatand. but net seriously injured Friday and werevere diinklng. M the bottle did not shoot at them. They also re­ tor of the South Methodist ohuroh came to Peter he wte4 it to hie lips. on hit left oye iMt night while play­ Drop Seat Union Suits port quite a large number of wood referred to the recent text by Dr. We get the most out of life by night when she was thrown from an putting the most Into truly living, He was standing with bis back to ing In foe dark with an older sister. duck, but they are protected by law. Elwood Worcester, on "Making Life He fell againzt an open knife with ^ e Joy of the Lord, which is the automobile driven by Rev. Alfred foe road and wishing to get foe Better,” In which the author states Clarke of North Haven on the out- “heel” of foe tattle, tipped his head which his irister was playing. He only abiding and worthwhile happi­ was taken to foe Manchester Me­ The Manchester Campfire Qirls sklrts'^of Boonville, N. Y. The back so far foat-'be staggered. Im o ness is a costly Joy. It lies at the morial hospital where emergency will meet tomorrow evening at party Ineludlng Rev. and Mrs. Al- foe roadway' and bum ^ Into a end of the road of self-renunciation treatment was given by Dr. A. E. •even o'clock with thdr guardian nvKd Clarke and Miss Reynolds were Packard automobile driven by Fred­ Miss Ethel V. Woodward, of Hollis­ and sacrifice—it ,yields Its imperish­ F rl^ , eye speoallst able and precious fruits when one enroute from Toronto, Canada, to erick D. Stirton of Sprlngfl^d. Mr. Mothers have been aske ter street They girls will check up Manchester after a 10 days vaca­ Stlrton got in touch with foe con­ It Is not known whether foe sight honors to date and plan for a trip to heeds the high call of difficult duty will be lost Every effort is being Ing for winter-weight and nobly dares to do the right tion spent in Canada. stable and made his report and Qulckees. .and here they New Haven on November 11 to see Peter was brought to foe Manches­ made to save foe injured member. the national headquarters demon­ Jesus got the most out of an ab­ Driver Blinded. The knife, blade penetrated deeply are! Fine silk and cotton breviated life by living in complete The accident occurred when Rev. ter Memorial hospital. There was a union auits with Just stration. deep cut in his forehead that result­ into foe child's eyeball. obedience to God—subjecting His Garke struck the adieel of a wagon ' A similar accident occurred last enough wool for warmth. desires in willing servitude to the proceeding in Jhe same direction ed in the loss of much blood, but Sunday when Eleanor Crockett, The walatbanda are made There will be a special meeting without lights. Blinded momen­ foe injury is not considered as seri­ of Lastex.. foat’a why of St Mary's Men’s »ble class in Great Overlord of all life. We will daughter of Mrs. John Crockett of never get the most out of life until tarily by the lights of an approach­ ous. 16 ICiighton street cut her eye while Qulckees are GUARAN­ ttie p a r is h ------house at 7:30 tomorrow TEED to give perfect sat­ night Important business requires we give the moat and best of our­ ing car, Rev. Clarke was almost up­ playing with a knife. She is still on the wagon before he noticed it MM ta ^ tr f isfaction.' Qulckees save a special meeting. selves to the great imderlylng pur­ a patient at foe hospital. l.fiAill poses of Divine Truth and Right and turned sharply to the loft to Mother and help foe child avoid striking it. Miss Reynolds to become self-reliant Memorial Temple Pythian Sisters Fervent, Intelligent religious faith L 0 .0 .F . CARNIVAL fVAnne eon quicnczf will create within us the fullness of sitting on |foe right side of the car For boys and girls, 2 to 6. will hold Its regiuar meeting tomor­ reached for the window lever to BIG RECEPTION FOUOWS row evening at 8 o’clock in Odd Fel­ ever lasting Joy. Baby Shop- brace herself for the expected Main Floor, rear. lows hall. Past Chief Mrs. Dickin­ cras^ bu^ accidentally opened the HERE THIS WEEK BAPTISM OF YOUNGSTER son will submit her report of the door of the car. The sudden lurch state convention in Torrington last of the car to the left threw her out week. The business will be follow­ CROSS COUNTRY RUN of the door. She rolled down the Mr. and Mrs. Patricca Give ed by a social with refreshments. It banking of the roadway, suffering Three Day Bazaar Opens Parly— Mr. and Mrs. Della will take the form of a Hallowe’en multiple contusions and abrasions party and the members are request­ PLANS FORMULATED and several scalp wounds. > Fera Are Sponsors. ed to appear in costume. First aid Was given Miss Rey­ Thursday — Ail Local nolds in Boonville and the party con­ A reception waa held yesterday HURT? Mrs. Ella Bulla of 87 Foster street tinued on to Manchester, arriving at foe Sons of Italy Hall on Keeney has returned after a two weeks’ Saturday afternoon. Merchandise Sold. street in honor of foe baptism of Oelmar D. Austin State Championship May Be Mary, foe Infant daughter of Mr. Foot Correction Spedallst stay at Black PoinL that Cb^tlaalty in spite of th^ Norse In Attendance. tragedy aurrounding the life of its and Mrs. F. Patricca of 141 Birch 174 Main Street < Manchester Miss Reynolds is imder the care Loyal Circle, Kings Daughters, street. Mr. and Mrs, Nicholas Della For Appointment Dial 4070 Everything for Founder, began as a religion of Staged in Conjunction of a traced nurse at her apartment, Thursday evening foe Booater will hold a special meeting this eve­ health and Joy. Neither fanaticism Fera were spoiiaora for foe baby 74 North Elifi street Neither Rev. Gub of King David Lodge I.O.O.F. Who was baptised in St. James’s ning at Center Church House, when nor superstition had any place in reports will be given of the recent or Mrs. Clarke were injured, the will open a three night carnival and church. the Table - - - the mind of Jesus. Light was the Thanksgiving Day. car remaining in the road after Gro Curtl of Hartford catered state convention. symbol which beat expressed the bazaar In Odd Fellows ball. Modem And The Beet strlklnf the wagon, one wheel of and old-fashioned dancing, decorat­ an'* served an excellent spaghetti quality of His spirit. He was always which was smashed. dinner which consisted of antlpksto, The Ladies Sewing Circle of the ^tal, confident, hopeful, cheerful. ed booths, door prizes and many Of Eyerythlngl Highland Park Community club will Preliminary jplans for the seventh Miss Reynolds will be confined to chicken soup, risotto, spaghetti, When men caught Hiis spirit, it other feature# will be offered to foe give the setback in a series of annual five-mile cross country run, her bed for a week or 10 days. Mrs. public. roast veal, roast chicken, salad, seemed that the sense of desolation to be held Thanksgiving Day imder ONE CENT Pays To .Wait On six at the clubhouse tomorrow eve­ Clarke, who is uslsting to care for The outstanding feature of foe en­ fruit, Italian pastry and demi-tasse. ning. Three cash prizes and a door and God-foresakenness which had the auspices of the Recreation Cen­ Miss Reynolds, said tl^ morning Dinner was served to about '100 YourwdT* settled down on man’s soul, began ters, were made this, morning at a tertainment on foo first night will be s a l e prize will be awarded and all play­ that it was remarkable that Miss foe first public appearance of foe guests from Manchester, 'Hart­ to disappear—they seemed trans­ meeting at the Chamber of Com­ ers will be welcome. Mrs. Jeanette Reynolds did not suffer more serious crack drill team of Sunset Rebekab ford and Boston. One Pound of F’reehly Made Kingsley and Mrs. Effle Taylor will ported into a new world of faith, merce office. A general committee injuries as she was pitched headlong Dancing waa enjoyed until a late Hale's “Plain Bog* ’ hope and love. This demonstrates was also named and will meet at Lodge champions of foe state in hour in the evening with music fur­ CHOP SUEY be hostesses. The capital prize for oyer the banking at the roadside. 1932 and runners up in foe recent that Jesus was able to make good the School Street Rec Friday after­ nished by Garibaldi’s orchestra. A the series will also be awarded to­ field day observance at Buckley Sta­ Home mAde with pure sugar, His purpose of bringing to mankind noon at 5 o’clock to make further large fruit cake was presented by T ea lb 2 $ c morrow night. dium this year. Throughout foe butter, peanuts, raisins, cocoanut the abundance of life, thrilling, liv­ arrangements. Mrs. J. Du Baldo whlfo was de­ state foe s^wlces of this team are licious. Baby ^ary is foe fourth and cherries. e Orange Pekoe and Fonnoaa The North Methodist Ladies Aid able, lovable, buoyant. Joyous. This year’s race is expected to be BEETHOVENS REHEARSE Oolong. the best ever held locally and a pos­ in great demand and under foe di­ child of Mr. and Mrs. Patricca. society which is sponsoring a har­ The trouble with most of us is rection at Leroy Roberts they made vest supper tomorrow from 5:30 to oUr contentment to live within the sibility exists that the state cross coim t^ championship may be held PROGRAMS TONIGHT great progress during foe past Blue 630 at the Simple Simon Sand­ circumscribed area of our own self- year. The team is captained by And One Pound Fancy Salted wich Shop, Deming street^ Oakland, imposed limitations, never realizing in conjunction with the local event, Jundw if present plans are completed. Ruth Waddell and makes a wonder­ announce that they will be prepared the full measiure of our spiritual, ful appearance on foe floor. There T issu e to serve the same menu at noon to moital or phjrsical possibilities. ' Should arrangements go through, To Give Concert at Masonic PEANUTS aep>arate prizes w ill be given state w ill be a floor sho'A each ^gfTiing in any who find it inconvenient to Efftoienoy Home in Wallingford— To addition to dancing. ceme later. Particulars will be runners and out of state runners EffHclency is a word w ith whitain Timothy VALOCO SCHALLER'S lived in Manchester most of her life exploited it much to their own profit bam througl foe agency of Holden and has many friends who wish her Healey, a famous British Army vet­ THE HI-TEST OIL at least. Thousands of gullible fol­ and Nelson, and foe cars were 4lso the best of luck. Fifteen from Local Lather eran, and a world traveler. Captain V A 'W’Q SERVICE lowers have grasped at their pro­ insured! The loss will be about V AiY O STATION CIDER MILL X^gue CrO to Week-End 82,500. Healey has been around foe world a Charles Ray has called a meeting nouncements as heralding a new Meeting in Bay State. number of times, and has become 426 Hartford Rd. TeL 3866 Cider Made Tuesdays—^Thurs­ of the special committee which is day 4n human existence. Underneath acquainted with various peoples and days—^turdays. making a study of Referendum'No. it all one sees an earnest desire to their mode of living and he will find a grreater satisfaction in this Fifteen members of the Luther We SM Sweet Cider in any 65 cm competii^ forms of transpor­ League of' the Emanuel Lutheran have a very inter^ting story to quantity. tation, for tomorrow afternoon at 4 life. Recreation ('enter bring to the members of foe League Fanatlcisin Not Needed church attended the second annual BARRELS AND KEGS o’clock at the Chamber of Commerce camp reunion of Leaguers who vaca­ at their meeting tomorrow after­ I Our contention is that we do not uJSSS « BOSTON office. Other members of the com­ tioned at the New England Confer­ Items of Interest noon. Captain Healey broadcasts a • tH »(i iHdlT — FOR SALE. need any fantastic theories, nor do B«wid Trip zaee mittee are: Hsuold Cude, Hubert ence Recreation Camp and Bible program twice weekly over foe Col­ 352 Woodland Street we need to fiock after the modem LepTei Ceater Hemingway, William Lyons and Al­ School at Lake Wiimepcsaukee last umbia System, under foe caption cults, for we have in that which has Tm t *] 8a«ea« Telephone 6432 bert Heller. summer, held at Quincy, Mass., With weather conditions and days ‘Captain Tim' and because of his ess Waia SV come down to us blessing all ages, growing shorter foe indoor sedson popularity, foe public is invited to Maaekcater Public invited to see our dder over the week-end. Manchester T el Tn«7 Dr. C. Y. Hauch, resident i^ysi- from the days when little Palestine had the largest delegation at camp is expected to be in full swing in hear him when he addresses foe made. cian at the Memorial Hospital at­ formed the center of the world’s re­ and also the largest representation foe coming wqek. Gym and swim­ Women’s League. 5 r R K S H tended the game between Western ligious thought and hopes, a revela­ at the reunion, attended by nearly ming classes, basketball, volleyball tion and a principle of living which Ontario University and McGill Uni­ 125 campers. are now on full time schedule with versity Saturday in Montreal, Cana­ affords the most satisfying and suc­ The program opened with a sup­ many in attendance at every ses­ da. Dr. Hauch attended Western cessful basis of life yet discovered. per Saturday night, church services sion. This evening activities at foe Ontario University and played on It is grouped aroimd the religious yesterday morning, a sight seeing* East Side' building are: H ARVEST SUPPE3R the varsity football team. conception of life, the religion of trip and a banquet yeste^ay after­ Boys boxing class at 5 p. m. niAIIIClIN Jehovah, a religion, “whose ways OIL BQUVMDBNT COMPANY noon. Leonard Johnson of thi« town Men’s boxing at 7 p. m. Tuesday, October 24 are pleasantness, and paths, peace.” showed motion plctrires of csunp su> Men’s gym class at 8:15 p. m. NEW, Steel, Range OO Drome, Men found in the early Christian ti'rities. Herman Johnson wsts mas­ Men’s plunges, 7:00-8:00—9:80- |2JyO. Faqoete, 78e. Pompe, 11.76. 5:30,6:30 communities something which ter of ceremonies at the banquet. 10:00 p. m. Used'Drota, fl,75. Phene: 8980. changed the very tcme of fheir lives Those who attended from Manches­ Women’s gym, 7:15-8:00 p. m. SIMPLE SIMON from n Penserosos to L’Allegros, ter were: Hazel Johnson, Leonard Women’s tap dancing, 8:00-8:45 found spiritual freedom and friendr SANDWICH SHOP Johnson, Edith Johnson, Herman Women’s plungs 8:00-9:00 p. m. ship—hdpfulness and uplift—cour­ Deming Striset, Oakland Anderaon-W arner Johnson, Ruth Johnson, Anna John­ p. m. Authorized Frlgtdalre Miss Dorothy Warner, daughter age and awakened energies—a new son, Ida Anderson, Alva Anderson, DB. G M. PARKER Dial 7878 ot 6148 ICr ResenratlOBa. iee-mau, with 10 ] of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warner of 59 zest to Uvlng. Irving Carlson, Erik Modean, Mil­ DENTIST dred Noren, Svea Lindberg, Anna ADVERTTBEMENT Menn: Baked freeh bam, mashed practteal experience. Doane street, was married Satiurday Many folks act as though they 04 Pratt Street potstoee and tnndps, creamed osoB- afternoon to Herbert Anderson, son considered religion a spiritual de­ Llndberg, Clrua Lindberg and Afltzl Bartford, Ct. M n. Rose Kronick of The Wflrose flower, bnttered beHi, eanote, rel­ of Emil Anderson of 53 Norman pressant, a kind of wet blanket B erggren. Dguttatry that will pleaee yon, Dress Shop is in New York on a ishes, squash and mliioe pie, toBa street. The ceremony was per­ thrown over the body of vigorous -at a priee yea oaa a ff^ to pay. buying trip. and eo0at. Price 40 cents. formed at 4 o’clock by the Rev. K. Kving—a sdurce of unreasonable re­ NOTED HOBSEBiAN DIES E. Erickson, pastor of Emanuel straint of legitimate desires—pro­ Lutheran church, at the parsonage ductive of Inb^pectlcm and morbid­ Derby, Oct. 28.— (AP) — Ira on Church street. Miss Marlon ness, a sort of suffering here so as M. Thompson, widely known ptonaer Warner attended her sister as to avoid suffering hereafter. Such automobile dealer and race hone Atlantic Rayolite HABVEST SUPPiat bridesmaid and Edgar Andersqn was folks have never known what true owner, died at foe Griffin hospital hest man for his brother. religion is. ‘The Joy of the Lord is here earlytoday after a long Ulnow. W ^ e sd a y , Oct. 25 The bride wore a costume of your stirengfo” prodaisfis the word As president of the - T&>mpson RANGE RAWX & FUEL O Bi medium blue flat crepe withi acces­ of God. “My Joy give I unto you’’ Buiek Company he sold ' ^ first 6 to 8 P. M. sories to match and a corsage of automobile in Derby over 25 years I We Handle Only; !Qie Bcatl; mixed flowers. The bridesmaid was declares the peerless teacher of the ages. Universal e9q>eziaice of Christ ago and one of foe fln t In Oraneo- OIL (?HAPEL HALL ipowned in navy blue flat crepe with tlcut Thou^ he sold thousands of Begnlar naan of tliis ail elate Wtaa Hi Need Of l ^ e Or Oil matching accesories and a shoulder touched souls declares the untold C o T M t t i ^ measures of peace and Joy which can he never learned to drive one. ;teqr tare tensid nene betta*' spray of red carnations sad white A native of Maine, Mr. ’Rionqpsen PHONE 5M8 , His presence affords, bow Uvea lose jpompoms. had resided here for nnmy yaum. (M ir U gpBoai.. fiL A. reception for the brtdal party the sting of past Imideasantneas, thd H is Btm, Captain Harold A. 'Hion^- ;i5fiDoiiiorBiori» 8He|njl lima baa tonowiag the eersmony at worry fret of tbs present ■ and son, commander of Company M^ O. fte home of the bride's p«Mpts. Mr. the fodiah Mjuaa at tbf 'faturA N. Q., and representative from Mak Anderson wUl psilre thslr ntaavfo Is Bein ' ten in tlM StateVLegtrikti^ , ^ J WOOD ^ jb.tlie Ruhi|Ksr flfif.-fA nd*e,aiiid,a.