Inside Story of the Lindbergh Broadcasts Margaret Sullavan Story by James Street; Pigskin Preview for 1940, page 34 MOVIE· RADIO GUIDE: The National Weekly of Personalities and P'?grams

October Medal of Merit Goes to the "Quiz Kids" Program

T HE "Ouiz Kids" ore incredible youngsters. e.nd w"s one of the publicetions which oro~ested. The the "Ouiz Kids" progrllm is e flldio contribution public W<'lS informed <'Ind the public ' eised hell. tho! the r. .. " )", •. ,... , ing to <'I point where II ",..,. ,._ 1)(. ,_ S' \\ .... ,~ Ort ...... Rooney film. she mekes the scene.ste<'lling Kooney '·11. "It. ,'""",,,",, ._... .., I .. , ..... " ...... ",. Tn '·'y ..... 'h , ',.,,,. <"hI ...". ,11\".10 E,,' ....I ,. """"" . work hMd to keep up with her. Judy olso bec"me .s .....It .... ,,~ ,', I '>lIlo-o<. 0>1 ..... 11Il""". hi"".. , THAT SMELLY DECISION in Oic<'Igo not to :, 10'_ ..."It. " ..... '" l.I ...... ,<; •..IUll •• J_I., t· , 10_ , ...... ,,_. ' ...... 1&100 ..... _.." ... " top r<'ldio songstress with Bob Hope. Her re"l permit the showing of 'P"stor H<'IJI" h"s been "11< ...... ,£"'. nil. 'y tl>o /0 •• ". ," '''''''''' .\U n<'lme is .Judy Gumm. George Jessel g"\le her ".",. ,..... ,' ,·",•• 11,\1.,1 ..... ",,·'h~. _00-,'" '" 0«"<\<11' revcr.;ed. The offici<'ll K. O. h<'ls been lurned into ron''''' hy ••• _~ .•c'f· ...... ".,"' .. r... !flU.... T ... the G<'IriMd when she w"s "ppeoring wifh him in ...." PI" _~ '" ,ho 1:",,0<\ III.'... ""~"""' ..II .... "".. ,~ en O. K. Moyor Kelly. who ~eeps an e"r ever­ tt,.l·" ...... '_ ... 1 .. ",' ... '·.. · \ ...... Chic"go in \I"ude\lille. Baseb<'lll, riding. swimming I'~ ..I !"M"'" ,1.\ _ .... ".It; _ ,.... 11.". ~, .... l<'Istingly close to the politic<'ll ground, he"rd the •tflr~".' ..... '0 '''''''eo "",,,It,,, ,I, ",.",1\, •. II 51: .... end golf ere her f<'l\lorile sports. Dencing "nd ,.It H·U ...... 1\ by _'" """"', ~,olt'. "10" .....,., rumblings of protest O\ler his police censor's de­ 6'_ .. _ <10- ..." '" ... ~, 011 Jj"v,,,·II.o,,, ",,',. singing <'Ire her f"\lorite recre<'ltions. Chocol"te ~ ion. He c<'liled 0 meeting <'Ind ge\le "P<'Istor , ...... "" _ .t ....R .... , .... • ...... " , ....."." r...... ("ke end ice cre"m <'Ire her fO\lorile foods. Show ,or ...... ,., •.• h .... , ...."" 1.0 01'" ..~t, ",·1 ."~ _ t.tlil" 0 cleM bill of he<'lilh. Stick <'Inother feother .""'... ~.' ..T ... , ...... people <'Ire her f<'l\lorite kind of people. Notur<'ll­ in the cop of the free press. MO\lie-R",dio Guide color photo is by Eddie Cronenweth. -C. M. 1

Lucky everybody who enjoys the finest in molioll pic/lire entertaillment. For here's Par:;amount with a grand college fo()(ball pictu~ . ""THE QUARTERBACK", fe2ruring Wayne Morris and Virginia Inle, directed by H. Bruce Humbentone. Y cs., and Dorothy Lamoue, Robert Prcscon, and Preston Foster in a heart-searing drama of the teak· wood foresn, "MOON OVER BURMA", with Doris Nolan and Albert Basscrman. directed by Louis King. "The Great McGinty" is the talk of the country. ADd, Dick Powell and Ellen ~ in "CHRISTMAS IN JUL r, most exciting of all, the Cb.udette Colben- lUy Milla.nd with Raymond Walburn, a completely new kind of ,raner, "ARISE MY LOVE", directed by M;tcheU Leisen , .. comedy. wrirtm 2nd directed by Preston Scurges, whose Claudcne's grandcsc heart-picture in years.

. .. witlt tit. Lo".U•• t Ladi•• in Hollywood to Ent.rlain Himl ~ STUBBORN REBEL

A sore throat got Margaret Sullavan her first stage job; good acting won her stardom in a Hollywood she hated

By James Street

A HOLL YWOOD.HATER, re· eie---chowed talent for dancing at tht' bellious Magg;e SuJlavan has, aet' of three. At nint' she beran a nevertheless, made a good thing siege of private schools aDd wound up of her Hollywood career. She at Hollin'. Colleae. Her nreak of re­ bellion, or stubbornness, cropped out ~refully hand-picks her roles, when &he was YOUDj:, and she took a hes never had e poor one particular delight in gain, apinst the eddies. In a school play called "Bab, a Sub-Deb," she jumped her lines during the performance and took the opportunity to piJlory her c:iassmates. ReaUy, It wasn't quite sporting. Some­ thing like ahooUtlj: quail on the ground A role is a trust and shOUldn't be vio­ lated. In 1928, over the protest of Mr people, she went to Boston, worked in a book store, refused to accept money trom home, and Joined the University Players to do a strctch down on Capt> Cod. She was paid eight dollars a w~k. Jimmy Stewart and Hank Fonda were in the cast. A ITER a year or 80 of priming, the Shuberts offered her a job. She was suffering from laryngitis but read her lines. A sympathetic listener in Shubert"s office asked, "Sore throat?" "Sore throat, nothing," the boss said. ''That's an Ethel BafTYmore voice. Lady, you're hired." Miss Sullavan went out and walkoo in the rain to k~p her Barrymore voice. Her voice, however, couldn't save the show she was in, and she really didn't click until she worked in "Chrysalis" and "Dinner at Eight." ISS MARGARET SULLAVAN. and not because she wanted to be. The She married Henry Fonda on Christ­ the Virginia rebel who ofteD show business is like politiCS in one mas Day, 1931. They parted less than bites the hand that feeds her, way-no person is indispensable. I a year later. she likes her friends to be brutal. haven't heard a news report in thirty Hollywood bid for her in 1933, but quite a chore, even [or friends, minutes and things are changing 80 she said she was not interested. Hol­ '~:::;~~~.:':'n~' brutal friend (one ot fast that anything might have hap­ lywood. persisted to the tune of about ~ pet expressions) must pened, but so far as I know there still aU together, put your voice in cans $1,250 a week. Miss Sullavan broke the dictionary knows its stuff, is no law in this country that makes and send you all over the country." under the strain of persistence. HoUy­ 'n" u m,m, vindictive, rude and coarse. a person slay in a business she hates. She was born in Norfolk, Virginia, wood objected to her pet mole and she Miss Sullavan apparently To be brutal, I'm a bit bored with on May 16, 1911, the only daughter of had it removed. Out west to make is that she wants her friends to folks who cuss Hollywood from A to Cornelius Hancock Sullavan. Being "Only Yesterday," she memorized her the truth about berseU, to let izzard hut continue to slave in the gal­ from Virginia, folks expect her to tell part only to discover the labor W:l!; tall. So, as a brutal admirer, Icys and are always threatening to about the family. MiSlj Sullavan is too lost. Somebody should have told her that Miss Sullavan used to quit but who never make It stick. well bred to brag on blood, so Y'U not to memorize her part, or she should eight dollars a week as a legiU- Miss Sullavan is every inch an ac­ whack through a sprawling tree and have known it. Movie lines are changed tress, but we do not believe her con­ report that the Sullavans belong and on the spur ot the moment to fit con­ ,~~:~~'~'~t.ress,Now playing she tomakes tile broad-Aseveral demnation of Hollywood is an act. She are kin to the Lees, et al. Southern ditions. Anywa.y, it upset Miss Sulla­ ~ a week in Hollywood and says she likes frankness, so we have and New England families are sup­ ..". thinks the movies dispense canned been frank.. Sometimes she has acted posed to raise heck when their daugh­ John M. Stahl, her director, made tripe and stewed corll. Perhaps a dif­ like a spoiled child, but she's an ac­ ters stoop to acting for dough. Having fourteen tests of her with ten different ference in eight bucks a week and sev­ tress, and I'll trudge through Connec­ spent moot of my lite in the South and cameramen before the picture riarted. eral thousand a week might explain ticut snows any time to see ht:r work" the balance in New England, I've never Her nerves blew up. They were trying why Miss Sullavan stays in the insuf­ Miss Sullavan's opinion of Holly­ noticed that practise, but it makes to make her beautiful and she thought ferable business of making canned art wood is summed up in the words o( good reading. Therefore I report, quite she wasn't beautiful. They told her to for the entertainment ot the ftat-A Terry Randall, the stage-struck girl 01 dutifully, that Miss Sullavan's family relax while they shouted orders and masses, which include about 120,000,000 "Stage Door," a part Miss SuUavan objected to her career. One time the fussed over her. Miss Sullavan h. , Americans and two guys In Wahoo, played: family saw her take off a few clothes the temperament of a plano-player and Nebraska, where Zanuck comes [rom. "Working in the movies isn't acting. on the stage and, politely waiting until not a piano-mover, and the giddy Mis! Sullavan says ahe's in the It's piece-work. You do a little piece the curtain fell, walked out in a hul'l'. whirligigs of trayed her ,m,>vi,,, because thev wanted her to be every and then they assemble you Margaret-everybody calls her Mag- ncrves to a the stage, th('y on your acting. is not very fond of motion pictures. Hollywood, they concentrate on MJs.s Sullavan has never 'had a your face. Miss Sullavan hated iL bad story and has never turned in She got ot! on the wrong foot in a bad job. It "The Mortal Storm," Hollywood and several limes she which starred her, had not been was on the verge of walking out anti-climactic, it could have been on her job. Once, in the midst of one of the great pictures of aU production, she engaged passage time. In 1938 New York critics to New York, but ber agent per_ voted her work as the best of the suaded her to finish ber job. Some year. She simply will not play in of the scenes were made twenty bad pictures, and now is doing times and she felt it was ber fault. Remarque's "Flotsam." A cameramen's strike held up pr0.­ Her friends are very loyal and duction. Then one day, away trom say she is just difficult to under­ it all and trying to forget, she stand. She wants to live her own carelessly tossed a cigarette butt life. onto a highway in a government However, she has a way of hurt­ reservation and was arrested and ing some people, obviously with­ put in jail. Her agent got her out out intending it. The same streak qujckly. But the cop who nabbed that prompted her to pillory her her had worked in her picture the classmates sometimes crops out. day before as an extra and hadn't recognized her. He laughed about ONE night she met the late Lit· it all, and it wasn't a laughing yan Tashman, and Miss Tash. matter. A week later a radio talk man introduced herseU and con­ about the picture provoked ber. gratulated Miss Sullavan on her Then she was at a neighbor's latest picture. house and some man was telling Miss Sullavan blushed, thanked about tbe big fish he caught.. He her and walked away. swunc out his arms to emphasize Miss Tashman was ama:l:ed that the aize of the fish and clipped Miss Sul1avan didn't linger and Maggie on the ear. She had to chat, and remarked that the lady's call a doctor and had a beadache manners might be belter. for the balance of the picture. As MOST EFFECTIVE Sulil!van portrayal to date was as the half.Jewess A paper commented on the inci­ lOOn as the picture was tlnl..shed, in "The Mortal Storm." A grimly tragic port. she invested it with a dent and Miss Sullavan was upset. she flew to New York without "What could I have done?" she Reing It simple r~lism audiences will not soon forget. Above. in a scene from asked. "If I had stayed t~ and They called her back to Holly­ that film, sne is seen with Jomes Stewart, left, and Robert Young talked with her all night with all wood and she threatened to sail to those people lookina at WI, the Europe, but compromised by sail­ most I could have meant was ex­ ing to california. She announced actly what I said, 'Thank you.' publicly that she hated the place. Possibly I eeemed rude and I did Her next job wa. "[Jttle Man, appreciate the compliment, only I What Now?" just couldn't make conversation." During a breathing-spell on this Another lime she refused to sit job she stuck a fish-hook in her lor portraits and ber contract was cheek and cut her right foot. The suspended, her &alary was held up picture done, she did ,0 to Eu­ and olber punishments were rope, and, back home again, she threatened. Miu Sullavan sat. rcturned to the stage with ex­ A fricnd once told her, "Star­ husband Fonda. dom will mean a fortune to you Hollywood whistled again, hOW­ in a short time." ever, and she went out lor "The Miss Sullavan said, "U's silly. Good Fairy," and Mi..u Sullavan I'm not in pictures for ,lory. II 1 said she {elt she was playin, a give a good performance, they'll stooge for Herbert Marshall, like me; if I'm bad, they'll go Frank Morgan and Reginald somewhere e1R" Owen. William Wyler directed Mr. Hayward wasn't exactly a the show and he and Miss Sulla­ calm IUY when he married Mil.! van clashed. She walked olf at Sullavan, but they both have B(!t­ least twenty-two times. Finally Ued down. They seem to enjoy Wyler cracked down. "You're not their marrla,e. They spend most going to underplay this part," he of their leisure time with their said. "You're not ,oing to sutTer children. and their marriage is silently. You're gomg to stand on one 01 the few sane things in town. that chalk line there and cry." Incidentally, her husband is busi­ She did as she was told, but &he ness manaBcr for her two former and Wyler spat back and forth. husbands. A week later they were married. Each has a Breat deal of respect for the opmlons of the and SOON thereafter the marriage Miss Sullavan, who prides exploded. on giving yes and no answers When Miss Sullavan first knew questions, gell n dose of her own Leland Hayward, the agent, she is medicine from her husband. reported to have disliked him But A FA Y·UKE QUALITY in Miss SuHovan mokes wistful comedy sfrongely Neither is exactly subdued, but in 1936 they were married, and a odoptoble for her. It wos her performance in such a ~rt in "The Shop they are quieter. year laler their ftnl child, Brooke, Around the Corner." also with Jomes Stewart laboveJ thot won her the Apparently a happy was born more important ond much.coveted role later in "The Mortal Storm" and children are what Mi83 The baby put shackles around van needed. Heavens knows she Miss Sullavan'. heart and a ball is not a clamour ,irl, and thank and chain on her bitter tongue. heavens for that. Mlsa Sullavan has tamed down. A natural actresa, Misa Sullavan She niH Will not compromise too knows when a part is bad and she much with Hollywood, but admitll she What Living person do YOU moat ad- Their friends are distinctly un-Hol­ refuses to play it. Therefore Ihe hasn'l rather li.kea the place and her work. mire? Leland Hayward. lywood. She made more than $8,000 a a sinBle black mark on her record as It may sound cockeyed, but the Hobbies? Looking at hoUSH. week whlle doing "So Red the RoR" an actress:. But as an Individual, her stubborn ~bel is an Ideal mother. Favorite scent? Brooke and BridgeL and laid she didn't think aIlJ"bocly Is record is IItorm,. She', an unrecon· They usually are. A tigre. .. the best Greatest ambition? To be an ac- worth that kind of money. She doesn't 5tructed Dr:mocrat and is married to a mother in the world. treaa on the screen, a person oft. like to night-club but does enjoy ftsh­ dyed-in· the-wool Republican. The Hayward! have two chUdren Ottupation? Housewi!e. ing. She plays tennis, badminton and My p-andfather, who helped her • now Brooke Is three and Bridget is Miss SuUavan U5ed to ride around swims. She likes to window-shop and grandfather with a IitUe chore of 6ght­ one. in an old car and wear droopy cordu­ to look at old houses that are for sale ina:, used to MY, "Good women and Her studio, M-G-M, rt'Ct'ntly asked roy pants and a dirty IhlrL She lived or for rent. She haa no desire {or the good horw. art: headstronl and frisky. ht'T a few simple quHtlons and cot a by herself then and reused to mix howes, but just likes to look at empty And there's nothin, wrong with any lew almple answers, to wit with Hollywood. ho...... skittish ,il'l that a couple of babies Closest friend!! The birds and the Now she and Hayward live in Brent­ She Ukea aU animals except COWl can't cure." Maybe the old and the floweD. wood, in a conservaUve hOUR. and hates: Hollywood social event. and righL He was a rebel, too. LOVELINESS OF DEANNA DU IN-.snd her singing voice­ is oddly offset in "Spring e" by cllsting her opposite the comic Misch" Auer. In s gtly, romantic comedy of the roy,,1 ere in Austri".Hunga e t8llming of Durbin and Auer is freshly different. highly e e, completely ctlptivatin9

TEAMING of film and stage yetera" Fredric March w;th fIlm­ dom's youthful newcomer, Betty Field, in Joseph Conrod's great dro!lmatic romance, 'Victory. will prove wmethinq new for movie· • goers. This flaming love.~tory of youth end middle !1gB j, pillyed egainst the colorful tropic bcckground of the Dutch ElHt Indies

FOR ROMANTIC PURPOSES, the movies hovB studiously BACK IN 1934, R"y Mill"nd lind CI"udeHe Colbert played to· avoided marriage except ot film's end. Nottlble exception to thllt gether in "The Gilded Lily," lind lIt that time R"y lost Colbert rule is the "Blendie" series. in which the romonce of Penny Single­ to Fred M"cMuff"Y. In the '·Arise My Love. ton os Blendie end Arthur l",ke as O"9wood. her husband, is " Rtly lind Colbert lIre te"med "g"in. but this time R"y m"kes up for perennial "ffeir. Ned Blendie" film is "Blondie Plays Cupid" lost time in " dr"ml! set I!91!inst ml!rching legions in tod"y's ,,'opel Never a Dull Moment Here's the Hollywood nobody knows - a Jokester's Paradise By Gladys Hall

CRATCH nn actor and you will and Bogey fixed him. NOI·ma was din~ o'er her. She wa~ just finlshillg her mired the othcr. Their eyes crossed, in find 8 practical joker. Maybe it is ing at George's house. Bogey had his hllth and dressing when Harold called a nice way. Both grinned. "Hi, S in the blood. Maybe it IS the com­ houseman drh·c o\'er to Rart's, slip one her, the 1 in. ('rted bottom of the pool Only bubbles re­ Iu.~ter stUf"('. For un­ the pre-Brent days for !>('vt'n matches In Nigel's shoe without mained to mark the !>pot where he like all preceding Annie). Annie Sothern disturbin" him. The matches 1!;lrro had been. And I do not, of course, birthdays, nary a gift was there and, quite furiously, no reaction. Discouraf.(t'd, mean Hubbies Schinasl. Wayne doesn't was spread out for her properly too, with Bui! awokt' the .I('cpcr. "I say, old know to this day (lr, assuming that he delight, no one caroled Roger Pryor. Just that boy, what dOl"s it take to wake you ill reading these words, until this day "Happy Birthday to day, Annie Sheridan up'" Wht'n Nigt'l understl)Od whnt It ..that Eddio! Albert's bcinjl on hand to You!" Why, 80 tar as had read an article was nil abollt, he bt'l!owed with laugh­ "mlVe" him W3ll no mere coincidence. the houS('hold went, it where the other Annie ter. "A pi(OCe of IIhrapnel got into my Hwnphrey Bollnrt and G(!(Irgo:> Raft might have been any relerred to herM'U as leg during the war," ht' said. "It dt'~ Ilfe pal9 as ever were but they do dole old day! Pret- ty funny, the "Scroomph" girL ,;lroyed the nervc .truclUre. I ean·t teel on ribbinll. On!' niaht, C(>orgie hnd a thought Mildred, feel­ Neitht'r had ever met anythinR In that Icf.(. You could hove .pt'Cial dnto:> with his !lp<'Cial Shearl"r ing self-pity stealing thE' otiler Each ud- 68wcd it off with m~' none the w1 ..r"·


S CREEN actrus Binnie Unusual twosomes of the week: Barnet and the former Fred Brisson lII'Id Rosalind Ru~­ IN HOLLYWOOD football star, Mike Frankovich, selli Ellen Drew and Bob Pres­ hllve announced their inten_ ton ... Ann Sheridan now tions to wed early in October seems definitely to have post. i!lftcr a two-yellr coudship. poned her Honolulu trip, lind Paul Mun i takes a ti p from the While at the courthouse, Miss gossips are hinting that the Barne, remarked that she had teal reason is Georgie Brent Gre at ProHie ; Tyrone Power's fallen in love with Mike after .•. Rumors that Constance he criticiled her bridge game Bennett and Gilbert Roland lawsuit reveals money troubles at II party, so there's a tip. may get together again are fellows .•. Joe leroy Brown, hot and heavy ... Lupe Velez:, son of Joe E. Brown the come· the Melican firecrader. and dian. and Virginia Lee New­ Big Boy Willi"ms lire having '1') rOlle PUlI·cr. deft'nd:mt in 1\ $230,- doned "\Vampus" competitiun launched port. of Beverly Hills, who met fun together ... Brenda 000 ~uit f1-Ccndr broul!"ht a~ain't him such stars as Clar.1 Ho\\", Dolnr~§ Del h) hi~ former :lttornc)'·mnnalo:l'r-~U.1r­ Rio, Janet Ga}ntlt and Carole Lorn­ while they were both students Joyce, who is suffering from tli'ln, Fram:i" D. Ad:lm~, hn~ filed a hi11"d on the road 10 f:lme. at the Universi­ poison oak. and cro";,,cof1lplninf, ~tatiJlg that Ad:Ll11~ ty of California Owen Ward. 11ad so hadl.\' l1lan:l~t·d hi~ bl1~jrH'''~ dial Betty Fi .. td, r"hn W:ll11e, Harry Angeles. at los sporting II bl"ck (heels matlt' uut to the ~f!rV:'lnt5 Cn1"t'r nnel other~ of the ca~t of Para­ were married eye which he "hnuncrd." He aho cittim(:J that the mU\lnt's "The Shrpherci of the lIills" on September received in a Ittl/mC.I h:ul made hut.:e. secu·t pro/its r«rntly found a location trip to 'loon 2~ at the West- bOling - match from enterroriSt"> financed II illl Power's Ridge, nine thou~and fref up in the wood Comrnu­ with a friend, mmle,. dem:lOdt'd thirt~-fi\-e thous.IOd San Bernardino mOllntain!". tOO slren­ nity Church, have been go­ d'llIars he daims is allegedly due him uou~. Xot for the ca~t but for the three hundred ing places lato­ frum Adam ... equipment. Attempting- to lake scenes T.lrone's T)'fOne for the picture at thii Illtitude, a high invited guests -'~".-_I"""" Iy in spite of \\'hell falher, Wed: Joe Leroy Brown Power, Sr .. (lied in 1931, Ty li\'rd at Ilind rocked the camera and sound­ attending ••• and Virginil5 Newport everything. lht' Adam~ home and the attorney effect equipment so seriou~ly that work c\'~nll1nll) ill'cal11e gllJlrdiall of hi~ C~- hnd to he halted, The cntire ttOllPC was 1:ltt'. Follmring Power's re(l\:hjn~ his forced to retreat nine miles down into EVENT OF THE WEEK 11lujorit,l" in 1936, he permitted Adams a sheltered valley, where other scenes to continue to manage his "ff;lirs with­ were taken ,,-hile they waited for the out a writlen contract Il11ti! Ft'bruary wind on the mountaintop to abate. M OST touching and most graphs of Rogers to members 7, lQ]q, II hen the one no\\' in con­ effective of aU of the of the winning polo team. trO\'er<~ was signed. Power said th:1t Edward Arnold, former third vice Adam'> rccci\"l~d, managed and dis­ president of the Screen Actors Guild, evenh which have been ar­ The polo game itself was hursed all of hi~ earnings, e~tiillating has been elected pre>ident of that or­ ranged in Hollywood to raise used as a springboard for the ,hat the amount had been dose to ganization. succeeding R:llpll l\[orglln. money for the Red Cross was opening of the Will Rogers $-!-OO,OOO $ince 1936. Otller officers are; Gl"orge Murphy, the Will Rogers Memorial ranch-house. where his collec­ first vice president; Paul Harvey, sec­ Polo g"me and the opening of tion of cowboy paintings, Lombllrd-Gable Gags ond vice president; \Valter Abel, third t he Will Rogers ranch·house sculpture, gifts and manu­ Clark. Gable and Carole Lombard, vice president; Lucille Gleason, re­ to the public on September 14. scripts was placed on public continuing their merry lesson on hCllv cording secretary, and Porter Hall, It w"s one of the few affairs view for the first time. The to be happy though married, are l>til1 treasurer. of this kind in which both local house will remain open for the pulling g:lgs upon each other. Latel>t society "nd the pieture co[on~ nerl three months. and all ~tunt was Gable's, who sent a truck Paull\Iuni hasn't been taking acting cooperated. ClIr! SchUr!. the money accruing from the small carrying :l large ~ign reading "Culver les~ns from John Barl) more, but he has adapted one of the veteran Thes­ general chairman. was assisted fee charged for entering, as City \Vr!comes Carole Lombard (111 r.;. Rhelt Butler)" to the Patlle studio pian's tricks to his own use in 20th by Charles Farrell. who ar­ well as from the polo game, where Carole was at work. Gable's Century-Fox' "Hudson's Bay." Dur­ ranged the polo games. Liz: will be turned over to the Red stnl1d-in, Lou Smith, made a speech ing the filming of "The Great Profile," Whitney. who Cross. Among of wclcume and presented Carole with narrymore, in order to be certain to arranged for patrons and pa­ :l bOllquet of vegetables. Carole, who remember his line;, read them from a "wild west" en­ tronesses were once sent Gable a broken·down Ford black bon rd. Muni, who hnd to sing a fort"inment be­ Mr. and Mrs. as a valentine, another time a ham with French song in the picture, made things tween chukkers, Jack Benny, his picture on it, is a cinch to get even. easier for himself by borrowing the and Mrs. Will Charles Boyer blackboard and putting it to use. Rogers, widow lind Mrs. Boyer Competition for the "Thirteen While Barrymore used the board in of the I"te hu­ (Pat Paterson). Lucky Baby Stars of 19-1{}," a talent practically every scene he appeared in, Muni will depend upon his memory morist, who pre­ the Robert Tay­ que~t which will be a succ~sor to the _ ...... a.~ fonner "\Vampus" selection, wilL be for every scene in "Hudson's Bay" ,ented cowhide­ lors and the liz Whitney. Rlindolph held on October 15. At that time, with the exception of his singing chort. framed photo- Spencer Tracys. Scott at polo benefit each girl will be gil-en a one-minute audition to present her talel1ts to the Signe Hasse, a beautiful Swedish ac­ committee. The event is being spon­ tress imported by RKO to become that sored by a screen directors' committee lot's next glamour girl, was brought under Raoul \Valsh. The long-ahan- to Hollywood some time aiO and estab- 6 lished in luxurious surroundings to DC'MilIe, used to liv(' two hlocks from await the date when ~he would be 20th Ccntury-Fo)( studios _ . _ Uarham puhlicl) huilt up and brought to tht Stanw}ck and Boh Taylor have re­ sen'en_ Ju~t rectntlv the ~tudio di~­ mmed tlte "For Sale" ,.ign frnm their covered that 'Ji,~ Has!) had m.,\'ed ranch_ Bob, \\"ho i~ takin~ II) inl!; les­ from her ~Iantorous surrnIJndin~<; and ~ns_ is planning to make it into a had u.ken a simple modern apartment_ private landing field ___ Gl'ne Tiern~r, Con~ternation rei!!llt'd for a .. hort time, the ~tage actr~s rcet'ntly ~i~ned h\ bt'cau~ that C(Oft;linlr wa~ no wa~ for 20th Centur~-Fox, ha .. a dau~ in hl'r a future ~Iamour ,e;irl to a..:t. Then the l-ontract whirh forbid~ the- ,tuuio from real reason for hf'r mon' came out, and ordering her to ha\e anr teelh pullt'd tllO"e \\ ho ht'ard her sl(lrr dceided that ___ Errol Flynn plan~ to Clipper to 'Ii"'~ Ha"11 Iud (Iualitie-; t'\en more Honolulu immediatelr upon comrl(,lion attractive than j;!(;unour_ Tht' reason of "Sante F~ Trail" to look after the she mo~'ed: \liss II a.... o's hu .. hand and pine:lpple plantation he o\\n~ ther~ •• , child are in Sweden_ E\'eT sincc she Selected from a group of e:\tra~ on thl" has been in this country, ~hc has tele­ "~Ieet John Doe" ~('t, a \UWlg Irld\' phoned thelll onn- a wcek_ Because wa~ !!i\'(,11 th(' joh of thwwinj! h{'r ann, these phont' calls have to be routed in around GaT\' CtNlper'~ n('(k ,lIld ki~~in~ a roundabollt war nlHI are v('rv e)(­ him. She did Ih(' Kene In (,1'("r~l()n{"~ pen,jve, sht .. imrh' deci{lt'd to save satisfaction, hut Llt("r demami('(1 twen money on heT livinJ.: e:\Il('IN"+--and t)"livt' dollah fur duing Ihe hit. ~t;u1{1 spend it on tdtrhone call~! ard r,1\' fllr .. hllTt ...:("ne, uf thi. nalure' • _ . i\mon~ the pruhll"llls P,namount Arthur Lak-e and Penn~ Sindttmt. ~tudio~ has had rC'crllll\' \I ('rl': (I) "Da~''WIKItI'' alld "Blundie" to milliun~ Findin~ a Ruck- of h('C'1l th;lt "Iouk-eu of movie- '(It'r ,are now ,tU(hinc: SI>;H1- like Jack B('nn," for ;1 ~'lueT1Ce' in i~h and rehear in ' the Cnn!.:a. Thi~ is "f.Awt Th~ 'ei~hhor." and (2) hkinlo: for the neH in thc st'rir" .. HlunJic Ihe .,;Qund of dC'phanli rra .. hinc: thruuc:h GOt'" Latin," "hkh the rn.xlun-rs are a fort"'t_ (It ~m that derhams rUIl Latini"in!: a bil to m~ke it !l1or~ ef" so qIJicth that they ..:annut hr hearr!. fective in tIll" Slillth Am("ri":~11 marht. ~l that wa~ unt tilt" '\(lUn,lman luu til figure out_) EI~i~. tht' "oom!,h Kirl of Iht' pa-­ turl"f'." the Hurdell CO'\ impurtral . Sd\ia Sid Gram, Katharinr flrllhurn ;Ind J.llnt"l ne~, in pri\'ale lift the witt- IIi LUlher Ste\\art in "-I-he Philadl-Illhia StMI"," Aeller, will ~rpt'ar in I>C",rni\;lI." "ith and as a rt'-'uh 01 ht'r work in Ihat J"ie­ lIumphn'~ R'>J!art. bldi!" \1Ilt"rt al1ll ture ~he will !It' Iot't'n a;!ain, nt"! time Joan l..e;lie __ " Aq. r("ltTn_ This i~ a brought Romero thj~ opr"rtunilY_ Zanr Grey tun \\ hich \\ ill hr I!iven eiahur;ur protiuctioll __ • Larn \ 111111" Odds and Ends-Mostly Oddl who ar~areu fnt tht' tir t timt' on the' \Vhen '" Phib.-lrlllhi:l Stun Wih pre­ SI,-rt"("n in "Strilr.c up tlir Band.'- ha viewed at Pum"na rl'l.eml\, amunl: ItffI1 Signed fur "Ihbe-s 1111 Hroilull at ' thofe wh., hllrd 0111 the audienl"e"ru..:- \1 hich \\ ill he a ~Iutl. 'unn, \\ ht) j, • tion pre"i~\\ t:3rd in rhr iubh\ \\('r~ tln'en H"lH'S uf af{,e c.. m" to pirturC"> Vivien I~il!h anll L:mren,e Oli\lrr_ fruIn radin_ Ife j,,rm,.rh \\.h ht'ard "'hat the\" 5aid i~ belOit kept tenet __ , un the IrC'ol' Rldl .h.. w •• James V~ra Cilmrl,"ert'd I\nrkinl! ai • Ruose\eh h3~ S!J!nt"d Fran,-hHt Tone model in ,~\\ , ork. anll 11"\\ had in ,md Grraldine' Fit7gerald to co- tar in Hollywood to be I~tl'd h\" Cecil II. -':\Iartin Edtn." N lin 7 _. GARY COOPER'S le.!lding I.,dy in EDWARD G. ROBINSON I'.) ond "The Westerner" is Doris Do!Iven· ON THE SCREEN Eddie Albert t"Jk news scoops port. on extr., selected for the role in "A Di p.,+ch From Reuter's" A Goldwyn western, a Warner "The Westerner" biography are week's best bets "A Dispatch From Reuter's" Cast: Gny Cooper, Willer Brunln, Doris Clst; Edwlfd G. Reb'lISon, Edn, But, Edd .. Onenport, Fred Stont, Forut lutker. Paul Albert, A1Mri B', Gen~ Lock""\. Hut1t, Chill Willi, Ulliilll Bond. et II. A OUa Krug ••• Nltel Bruct, .\ ii, A W .. ntr Simud Goldw)'n prtldU,tioll. rtluKd throUlh Brot. p.cture. produud by Ht"'Y Btallk!; UllitH Arlills; lIirec:tN ~y Wilh.. m Wyler, d,recltd by Wllli,m Oltlerl!. who ,I~ d .. .110 llie dIrected "Come Ind lOtI It." "Youth Will Be Served" "The G. y C.b.llero '· IKld 'Or, [hrhch·s M.gic Bullet." T HIS 15 the picture that Sam Gold- Cut: Jlne Wilhtn, Ja ... Du ..ell. Jilt Ir..... ~, Cut: Cts.r R_tn, She'" Ry,n. Robert B ECAUSE "A DL~patch From Reu- wyn fUlished about a year ago but Jr.• Elyse Knu, Joh~ QUlltn. Charln HoI, 51..-t'n,. Chm·P," Mart ft. Janet B,, Gay Cabal­ patch From Reuter's" is as WCf.tern pictures go; !lurpri~ of the ]ero," although ""('r)one nevertheless a fascinat­ -and for that rt'ason picture i!l the l'inging of b di~lmf;tly given to ing portrait ot an era, must be calalogt."11 as Char]cs Holland, a Ne­ undeutilnd Ihat the and an effccti\'o charac­ one ot the mo:;t enter­ gro baritone with a C'J< I,.-o Kid ~ up 10 no terization of a man. taining films of Its type really nne \OICe, due to good. he become. in­ The "tory is that of of the year_ be rated as a new ' flnd" 'olved in the ufe­ Paul Julius Reuter (Ed­ The era the picture The /~ {rom other ban­ tion spans thirty-two most part unbelievable, tem'ed for moonl'htnmg. dltlS. In lIn"inlt thnt this yC3rs, from 1833 to 1865, the humor Is bated on Villainy is pre.'ent In couple tS tllke-n carl' of ~hilting from Aachen, f;uch things as death and - ..- e ..>oy the efforts of a southern lind that th('y are able Bru~~els, Paris, London, to buy the fllOCh which diss.$wr, but the picture JANE WITHERS is bl,-~hot to buy up the CESAR ROMERO ~nd Crooksha\'en, New York, gets away with It and, land upon which the they ha\'e l'eme- all the Washington, and back to growing up, liS 'Youth Sheil~ Ryan ~ppellr in therefore, by a proccu NYA and a neighbor­ ..... ay (rom England to London again. The dis­ shows ·The G.,y Cab.,lIero" of logical reasoning, WiJl Be Served" ing CCC camp are lIitU- live on, he gOt!:I thr.ugh semination of news pro- must be a truthful Inter- ated. The boys and Kirls many excittng ~itua- grcsses through special pretation of the hi.~torical period it stage a show which t;oftens the heart lions, even t~ the extent of actually carrier, carrier pigeon, steamship and repre, ent~. at the big-shot, Jane's "pappy" escapes being captured and held u a prIsoner telegraph. Ba~ically, the .. tory deals with the from jail and helps to capture two by the local sheriff. When he hears The two high spots of news di~­ bitter warfare between cattlemen and bandits who have ~tolen his pay-roll­ that there is a plan tor bandits to rob semination arc reporting a speech of in\'ading home-!;teaders in the days and everything end:; happily. the Englishman of all his money, he Napoleon III in PariS almost as soon as when the only ('lTective law was a Jane does some fine singing and breaks out of jail and saves them a'l he has gh'en it, lind the announce­ spe«ly trigger tlnger. Its locale is a dancing, caITi~ on a puppy-love at­ they are jleinl( aUltcked. ment in London of the assassmation o( small cattlc town, high-handedly ruled tair with Joe Brown, Jr.. and scores Jacquefine Dalya, who plays the part Abraham Lincoln before the news has by a sell-appointed judge, Roy Bean solidly in singing ·'Hot Catflsh 'n' Corn of a Mexican maid in "The Gay been official1y received. (Walter Brennan), whose admiration Dodgers," the number in which young Caballero," is the American-born Through it all is the portrait of the of actress Lily Langtry colors every Holland displays his talent. daughter ot French I)arents, and to man Reuter, a dynamically stubborn ruling he hands down. Into this town This is a "growing up" picture for date has appeared in four films--in all cold-fish individual with a streak of (where hangings are the rule and the Jane. She can be expected to appear of which she has spoken with a strong impracticality, but a man of the undertaker is a comedian) comes Cole in more mature roles before many forebin accent Actu" y, she speaks highest integrity and ideals. Harden (Gary Cooper), a glib-tongued months pass. Incidentally. it marks flawless English. Differing from most biographical cowboy on his way to California. the first time that a child star has The presence ot Miss I>alya in the films, "A Dispatch From Reuter's" Accused of hor~e-~Iealing, Cooper Is lasted longer than the term ot her film was an especially Important event concentrate~ more on action than on brought to tl·ial before Brennlln, contract. Jane's contract, like most [or Chris-Pin Martin, grand Mexican characterization, and the weaknesses where he meets Jane Allen Matthews others in Hollywood, runs for sevcn comedian who plllYs Romero's sIde­ and strength of Robinson's Reuter (Doris Davenport), daughter ot the years with annual options. During the kick, for the Mexican (unnyman was arc obl'ervsble more through the reac­ leader of the home~teaders who are making of this film, Jane's option was ghoen his first love-scene opposite her. tions of his wile (Edna Best) than attempting to st"ttie in the \'alley, de­ taken up lor the !l('venth time. Although th(' ~cene was comical, Chris­ through the actor's actual interpreta­ spite the violence perpetrated upon During the course of the fHm's mak­ Pin took it very seriously. Before tion. Unusual casting finds Eddie Al­ them by Roy Bean'lI band of cut­ ing, Jane was a litlle sensitive about starting the amorous sequence, he bert as his slow-wilted assistant; Al_ throat cattlemen. her dress, The script called for her had make-up artists completely glam­ bert Basserman, the great German Cooper again proves there is no cow­ to dress like a boy~which would have orize him. Hb unruly mop o[ slick, actor, in a semi-comic role. boy in the world like Cooper; Walter delighted her a year ago. Today Jane black hair wa~ plastered down lind In his sccond role-wilh-a-beard, Brennan a~ the unbelievable Judge would change into dresses designed parted in Ihe middle, his lips were Robinson adequately takes over the Bean turns in another performance o{ for her by Herschel before going to painted, his eyela~hcs blackened. Mar­ mantle of Paul Muni (who has lett the Academy Award st.. ture; more-much ]um.h in the &tudio, tin fans will get a big bang out of hh lot) as Warner Bros. character actor more-will be heard of Doris Daven­ As usual, Jane handled her part with sudden turn toward~ the romantic. number one. port, a newcomer to the screen, ease, was thrown offstride only in the Production of the fUm was halled light love-scene" with Joe Brown. Jr. tor se\'eral weeks when Cesar Romero WH"T THEY THOUGHT OF IT: Lot An,flts WHAT THEY THOUGHT OF IT; Lou.lla hr· became ill of paratyphoid while on NewJ: ,., .. tht him is dignif,ed. IIIlormlli .. Ind J,(IM; ", .. Mr. Glllclwy~. who doos~'1 "'Ik~ very WHAT THEY THOUGHT OF IT; V,nuy: location at Lone Pine. -He was rUllhed l\uietly Hrtsting." Los Angelos Times (Phlh, K. "'iny p;cturts In Ihe (ours. III

Ranson cornes RAN BROOKS' ' evening o f JohnIS Sheltshown on, here Ann to~in~Rut erfordth e pnze ' M p'Ie t Ufe of th , eureen O'H., e bacK in a Hash . ulbl with a tlashb

...JACKIE COOPER loO\.ed li\:.e \hi!. in picture tc... efl by Bonite Granville at "f-oIO~UO" pllrt'f given by !.tllrlet Lois Rc1'lSOfl

• A 'OIFFERENr' guest was' PARTY e entered C.If gIven0'5 he0 clime 'O!!' osooch h was held A ,w ro the sh"nd·l9 to "5h~t" nn Rutherford Ibo • caught in another gueri e ut Get bye'surpf'lSO . flashWtlS •


THREE LQV"SlE SAD MEN, bound toqether by respect for 6t1ch other's prowess, ere. left to right, Albert DeHer, Fred Mac­ MurrGY and Gilbert Rolond in "Rtlngers of Fortune." When they turn their si~-guns to deoning up /!I border town, the fun begins


~ PATRICIA MORISON is the A MAN-KILLER when occt!!- t grocery - stOfe owner who $ion dem"nds, ond " lody­ likes Fred M(lcMufroy but is killer tit "II times. Gi!bert Ro­ too wise to love (I guy with lond hos his best port to itching feet and gun-fingers d"te in "Rangers of Fortune' THIS WEEK'S RADIO EVENTS Premieres: Wayne King, Saturday; Jack Benny, Sunday; "Big Town," Wednesday; "Gang Busters," Friday; others

Saturday, October 5 Monday, October 7 "LINCOLN HIGHWAY" reature~ EDUCATION GOES PAN-AMERI­ Luise Rainer, twice winner of the Mo­ CAN in the new "American School ot lion Pieturc Academy Award, in "Road the Air" S('rie~ starting this Monday. Hou.," NBC. The broodcasL<; are to be heard in E .....~ c.~ .... • 0 ...... '0'00--, ..... , •...­ 00 .... Canada and mo~t of the LatIn-Ameri_ can countric!< through eooperation ot WAYNE KING retl1rn~ to the air Music Highlights educators and broadcasters throughout lIllS Saturday with his musical pro­ Saturday, October 5 MOal.y of ... Foster m.lodin (Fol' the western ht'misphere. Much ma­ ,ram, Phil Stewart. long associated Itr). Rlthard C.ooh; "1"ltrmo"o" with King's program under Lady VERA 8ROOSKV PIANO RECITAL. tcrilll aimed ilt cementing hemisphere "K, .. Io," (S,boh.. s), tilt OrchHI,,: "Lt,· relations will be incorporated In the Eslhcl"s colors. i~ to be announcer tor CIS CO~clU~I011 01 I •• hm~ Cycle. "In· tlld 01 KI.' .. tto", 'Tht T.fn .. I broadca~ts. CBS. the "incomparable music" once again. lermtuo ,,. I M,~or '''~ E M'''Of. Opu~ Hollm.,,"' {Olf~ .. bl(hl. Roch ..., C.OOkl, ~-. co ..... ~ 119," "Fa"\.Is,.n. Opu~ lt6. 800k~ t ,lid ChorUI Ina Orchtst .. : "F'n.I~" 10 "Sym. 0.1.. •• , .. , Buddy Clark is vocalist as la~t year...... 2 "'" ~ .. . -_. L" ..... -. Owmond rings will ugain be awarded phony No.4" (Tsch,kowsk,). Iht 0.· u.... ~ c.~..... _ .. ,~ _.... chnVI; "L,f. 01 A9"" (Kntchl). tht a~ Ilrizes for letters about favorite 'oo~ .... . 00 ...... ,00_ ...... , Wednesday, October 9 songs. CBS. Chorus. VEllA PESSl. CBS. M,n PHil. h.rp...... M ~.n •.• ' ...... ,~ ~ ..,o;" ~ .....n ••'n ,,,,,~,,,, ._ ..... OO~ ....·00 ..... "RAISING A PRESIDENT" is a new ...... ~.~ sichof~'st. UpIOf~S "The Arl of Iho Su,I.,'· ..., "'" ~ ... seflt'"S on chlld C;lrc which begun last . play,n, SU,ln by G. Boehm 'lid H. Pllt· AMERICAN ALBUM OF FAMILIAR ull. week. This is an authentic educational Sunday, October b MUSIC. N8C, IOu. Wunscht". co~d .. ctor: series pre,cnted by NBC in coopera­ "MUSICAL sn:t;LMAKERS" re­ F,ank Mun ... I.nor; JIlII Ol(ktnwn, ,.. tion with the U. S. Department of ,fI'IO Eliubelh L.nn.... (O .. t.llt.. : B.. ,k· turns this Sunday with the same SUMMER SYMPHONY. NBC. Sy ... ,ho", Labor: but the factual material Is dra­ ,n,h.m Cho,,: Arlkn .nd Ar~E~. ,LoI"O Cormat that made it famous. the prac­ O.chesl... OH'''' Od.uw. conducto'. duo. Bertrand Horsth, v,ol.n",t. matically colored to make it appeal­ Firsl Sympho","' (Bulhovon). "In the tise of presenting h.lent gleaned from c ••, •• , _...-.. ~"" .... IIlg. NBC. ~.... Sltppt~ 01 Co .. lrll Alii" (Barodin). 1(,. .,:HI... •.... •...... ~ among the workers of the company .,00...... •. ", sponsoring the show. MBS. k'mo,," (l"dow). "O.nn of Iht Appre .. - lieu" IfOm "0,. M"$Ittlln,u"' (WI,n •• ). Monday, October 7 c~", ••• -,,~ ,~ EDWARD G. ROBINSON, trc!;h •. 00 ~ .... , .... ~...... Ovtrlu •• 10 "Tlnnh.tUltr" (WI,ner) . THE TELEPHONE HOUR. NBC Sym from a vacallon with his wife and little 1tU... ~ c.~,... _ ... ~ .... ,... "DESIGN FOR HAPPINESS" pre­ 10 ..... ~...... • ...... , ...... pho"y OrChtst .. ind Chorut. 0011 Voo.· son, Manny. at Pebble Beach, CaTil .• senl~ as guest Frank Parker. one of htH. " .. du,to'; hmn Mollon. tt".,: launches into hi.>; newspaper cru!;ading radio':., favorite tenors 5im.'(" he rellcht'd Sunday, October 6 f".. e,. Whtlt. SO,""I ·W.ll! 01 the In '"Big Town." as the program returns Flow",' h_ Ih. "lIIutcracku Su.u" (am(' ..nth the Rt'\el('r ~ quartet and RADIO CITY MUSIC HAll Of THE 10 the network Ihis Wednesduy. 00. (Ttth,towskyl. the OUIlHI" fan· With J"ek Benny IIl'venli yean ago AIR. NBC [.~. R'JIfl, tDII4ucl .... J.'I III ..,. Au. O'~I"" Menso",os' Irlm Munson will u,am co-star as Lorell'!, Peof(~. It,.. •. --lH...... No. ) O.,rl.... " CBS. .... k"'.· (Otl,ml. h_I Mfllen; "Jar· the girl reporter. CBS. eo..t ••, (BMlllo •• n), th~ Onh... I .. ; EI Rtlalo ~ ...... _­ c ...... ~ ...... ~ .,,.~ ~ "~" O'Amoll" I ••", L.ltmt" (CHhbes) .oo~...... ~ • 00 ... ~ 00 ...... -_. ~ 1lI Oolor~.'· ...... - d. R,'nl" I.. m (Se.tan,), ... lilt O.chHlra; "V,II.nttl," (O,WAc''''I. 'L .. 0.",,' (1II~lOn'l. Ja.. Pu'ce.· LAURENCE OLIVIF:R ...... ho play, F"nc" 'An~.t UII.It," Ih~ Cho· tu,," .n' C!Hu,k·· 1.0'" ~ H ..b" Romeo to Vi .. ien Leigh', Jul!t·t 1m the rut; " I've 1014 E< .. y l'lIl~ S\.I'· (Klfn), Thunday, October 10 (E le'llI. !hE Of(hHI<' "I'll' I. F""CI. Wh,1I: .,,~ J ...." Mdto~. :;t'l,e ilnd in real hfe IIl1 her hu,band. Co"" (1,.d,tlO... I). J.n 'eo.u. "0,,,,,, KATE SMITH will be luest of who also is RomN number one of c...... _._.... "-' ... 1,0ft'! Gal ... tJ (K04.IO. the O.chnt .. , .'oo~... • .. ~ ...... ~_ 'Musical Americana," pre!;('ntinl her thousands of feminine movie fans, will ...... ~ eon"" _ ....~ ~_, ... uoo_ "00 .....,00 .... "ao. now famous "God Bless America." bf> "ue~t totar of this Sund"~" a premll,'rc '101([ OF nRESTONE NBC. 51"" NBC. 01 tht' "Silv('r Th('utl'r" !;f'riell In an COLUMBIA SVMPHONY ORCHESTRA, phon, Orchsl'" AU.H W,'lonll.. n. c.n· ~­ -~ .. ,.. .-~ orlglnnl radiO drama. CBS. CBS. How,,~ Barlow, col!duClor, . O~'r· 4 .. clo. Moo".rtt S,.. kl. soprano Cu· ...... ,"'" ..... "M ... , ",ul Ovorturo" (O~O ..kl, tht Otthntn; ~ .. -~ _.... ,. lUff to Ip~" '" Auh~" (Glutk) --R.I· ~ .... "'~ M'f,ar~t ...... or"'~I .. n Symphlnf' (Mend"ss.. hn). 'Th. "SClm. O.y S.. W.,. Spuh , Friday, October I I JACK BENNY. With a Honolulu F.,ry G.,~t"" I".... "Molttt. G_" Ho..,k' (M.... lsor'lk'). lilt: Orchnlr' , £o1 .. ,IoU" (l.F",.). Voc' I. p". TIlE "KATE SMITH HOUR"' pre­ VII('allon and mOVie, "L(>\e Thy (R'HII E",.. 't~ I ...... "TlI ••u,h I~t am ,., "' .. tf'· (Slr'''I$) M,,~.'t SlItIkl Nt'lihbor,' written Into his credit ~ .... CoLt" 5.I'lt ,.. till"''', ·OH.U R'nL'I Dun Amc-che in a radio venlon t ..... " Glrdtn.t L'H Flowe"." 'Tht '·$.alul O'Amour"' (E",,') Iht Orchnt,. of hb new nIlil. "Down Arlentine column since r •.nI(J tnns la t heard w~.te K".,III" (0._. T.ylo.). "f",a"" O~. N"bl .1 L.vo. Mar"." SIIt.let, Way." CBS. the familiar . Jell-O alain," ~ay S it c ••".' _t•. ~ ~...... Ir9"1 "'~I .. nbots',," (Ou"" T"lor,...... h'_. a~ ~ ... ~ , .00 ..... -~ 41gUlfl this Sunday he begins hili ~ ...... 12 __ ...... -~ .. ,~ ~-.". ·.. ... ---' ., ll'nth bil: Y£'llr on the air. With him Friday, October I I "GANG BUSTERS" begin. Its filth OES)GN FOR HAPPINESS. (BS, Chi. on the openmg proJtram will l>e the l-Iltute Tu;;c Ih'td rt'pllln!5 U(.'flry Unrle J,m', QIU'IIWn Bee," fonnerl, ht'r ~~at,onal hits, appealing wl1l1 Pol Neely a s ma'it I' of ceremonif'S. ":OOIE SItACKEN, lage acto wno wllrd over CBS on Wednesda,. Will Gable a few ) ('al aRO. CBS. pl.. y. In "What .' lAe!". Will p .,y in .·BC. _ .....ft ~_ ... be broadCOlSt over NBC Tuesda" II kIt WIth Chal'lie McCal thv lh• •t ...... ' ...... Itartln, October 8 ...... - ---- mlet,t ..... ('II be c •• IIt>d What a Laulh t " - S(I(if'fU Girl" wo.s last hl'ard Oc. "SCREEN GUILD THF:ATER" pre­ 'HELEN HAYES THEATER" pr('­ ~h('n he appNln a. Jluest of "Chait' sents Clark Gablt' .md Ann Sothern In J!('nts the noted _clre,. in "Love From and Sanborn PI'O,ram" this SundOlY. tobe 4. a r_dio adap\..11l0n 01 "~d Dust." film a Strd Ole of ,...,. 0- be 29 . .. ".:or:-: ...... -,...- .. . o ""~ .. ._--. .-..- 13 • *******~ :h .... 1 thw"l. out the Lmdberlh ad­ celW ('("01 I h broadc I and h drl 0 ;,vold rompanson, Nr .... pap. r absolukl.v refu ld 10 acrepl ,ud from ('{litor nd the ,ellcral public a~kC'd Le .... L 1\1 II pn paratl on. In la< t, U .... WhY doe Lmdbelgh break h Ion did not we It until lUll( h-tim,' the da.>; ~ 7M~5'1ittf II n now to dl'r nd Hitler Who t \\:, put n I C r Then, lit tlIble * III ..... te- h peecll Who pa~ Lng him With lA:w ,ond hi w fe Annt' 10r­ ~ OF THE to pc k and h w much· Why did row I ndb gh L.lndbt:rgh f<3Lrl lhllt II * Ih'rmanll G~ring, NHZi R(,ILhsmar­ mu~ht bl' II poor 1 ch, but II W" hiS ·hal, dt't·(J\"ute !.lIldt>(·rgh wh('n In wns awn Allnt' ;110111', h,Ld Loterlld one III n. rUn hortl~ lx!OfC the oulbN';lk p'H·Hgl Lph ;lTld trlll\s:pI '0 a fl"w ..... "rd of "",,r Whllt ha hallpt'm'ti to chnn H,,\ 11 onl."e brok('11 the let _ Lind­ ~ L\NDBERGH * IhlS on -llIn(' f'pLtumr of viril!' An'cfI­ bt'r -h rollowed thl rlldio addtl With t ..mi~m 11110 Ill' l1umtx>r one IUth­ Olh('l· Projotrcs.'ponenl of Bntl, h Bt'lwd it"! A rLl\lld? allilln<', LInd cnmmLlm('nls, and a pub­ ~ BROADCASTS * BUI all Ihl' Lllldbforgh comment .... as lit' f(('lulliI: thut Lmdt)(rgh hllrl pro­ nOI ,,,her I' ~'e-rl.. enUy v(}('<11 "nd NaZI Il"lLd('nClt'S had IJtogull to ("rt"t:p l'qU.\lIy partt.:;an In'T(' Ihose who maln­ int" Ule vublic Mind It was Dtll r the ~ A story for skeptics (;>lnN tlllLl hiS ..... ord ...... eT(· v.:ords of ('cond brO:td::J.J;1 that L<;WIS, m{'('tLna: * ' tht' jl:H'a(1 ·1 wi~dO)ln lind that. m pro­ LlIldlwrJ(h in the Army and Nilv)' Club and sympathizers, for po~ing Mlt'h a cour:e, he had ,lRaln in WLl~hlOgton. a~ked him if hl' wan't ~ pro\ed him. If our number ont' patri­ re<'ei\'m" ~1Tlt' hl'lI\'y crlllt"l·m ot. Ttli' Irongl~ lsolullonist Chl{'ago 'Afl(,1 all. Fun, Il l.lndbergh told T' all puzzled Americans Tnl)une pa. iOn::l(lly upheld hun .l1ld 1m I "m nut on the air to II'UTeas.e * Lmdbtrah wa the wet"k-end gUf' t at my p pularLty I don"! care tI hana: Col. H, be t • kCUnnll'k, the TTllmnf' wht'th('r the pubh(' ilk rrw or nnl. I publ~ hl'r. durLllJo: hi;i I'tay in ChH,'a.llill. fe<>1 thai thl' counll'y ill badly ill nCt'd By Francis Chase, Jr . Olhrr VOI('('S- 131111' lind small- In led of ,me truth-tcllmg and thai a Inlll ~ * in thl d f~nS(' II I (' n commllnd lin aUdlE'fll"t:' nd am 11 wo\l]d be dlfticu]t to atly who W8" able to It'll lht!' truth, J ('an be 0: tht' mnst muddled Ih(lSl(' who assailNl VII">' to th ('Qunlt y." the Colonel. thO'. who dt'h nded hLm. Whether YOU nmsider Col l.lnd­ or th~ Co]onel himSft'fort' tlw outbrrak of tht· war in grt'S..~man III 1017, fol\owl'd thl· dictates The words Col, Charlf's A Lmdb<>ri:h Poland PreSIdent ROOH'\·ell had f('­ of hi CQIUl"ll"nn' III OPPUSUlj{ Aml'rit'an spoke thilt afwrnoun - word" .... hich clillcd l.mdbergh from his S('if-Imp<' E'd rntTY IIlto World War t. Nt'ith('r can defended the cour~e of ('onque~t fol­ ('xiiI' in EnJo:lnnd that ~pring to sen·L' hili mOl't bLtH'T E"n('roies drny thai lowed by Hiller and pomtl>d a plith or a", Ild\'ISOr to lilt' army on aircraft Lilldlx'rjl:h J>"kr other than the truth appeasement for Aml'l Ll'lLnS 10 follow prutlul'tlon, Whill' in Washim:lun com-· .... ht'/I hl' "aid Ihat hI" was imptrvious -{l'1I like a thund('rbolt across a I)h,tin" hili r('l}()rt I.indtx>r/.lh- at hi~ to public opininn. Nl"ver ha~ a hero ('ountry awake and iLlcrt II) a ,ub­ o ..... n n'd in "'peaking when the nch ix"Cum(> too rich fuU' would cart' 10 do a broadcast. Lind­ ~a~i G('rmany, and a hunt to find the r;e~ of broadcash. MBS' Fulton to consider treati(>s with thl' domlnnnt bergh had Ill'ver been on tht' air, and Gorbhds ag('nt N'~pomiblf' for his le ..... is (belo ..... ) IIIrr."ged his first naUon of Europe, rt'gardless of who Lt'\'·L;; wn", him. ~'I( a~tonished when the J;Pt'('("h('s was on. Lind~rgh critics that may be, we rt'movl' all pOfiibilily Colon('1 aid. "P('rhaps later r·1I ha\'(, I(';,rni"d that his friend. William Castle, of peace. " l'omt'thin/.l to sayan my own, but not Jr., on trip~ to EIl.E!];lnd hlld lx:

14 '/ ! '< speech, heard o\'er CBS, he "aid: ", tor Pepper had urged aid to Britain ;:IS Ilowerful elements in America de,-i!"e (I ddense mca~ure for America. They us to take part (in the war) . They wanted the grcah'~t patriot tht'y could repre.k'nt a ~mall minority of the find, "0 Grace wrote Lindbergh asking American I>eQple. but ttH'y control him it he would !;pt'ak to \hi' group much of the mal'hin('ry of innuenec or ordinary Amt't'icans with thl' sale and propag,lIldu . , , H b lime 10 sh'ikc 1)Ul"po~e ot k<'eping America out (IC war. dowll the.:;e element,.:; of IX'l"Sonal profit Lindbergh agn·ed. lie l"Ctu.(·d to takc and foreign interest." a l"ent for his appt'ilrance. There is a $trong similaril.'" to the Prior to the meeting the anIlOUn("er Coughhn-Winrod-JefT('r~ .chool of '"In­ for Ull' notorious ElIlheitsfront, a (lro­ ternational Jewish bilnkC'u' propa­ r\azi Germiln-American group. com­ ~unda in this pilragraph "nd probably Illolndt'd Illcmi.Jcors of the Front tu go to Lindbergh did m('an it >11 n 'Iap at the til(' meeting. Whether Ill' had prior Jcw~. At IlIl.V fnte, it would have been knowledge of wh;lt Lindbergh would n !'imple maltN for him to refute ~uch say that day or whether he wa nly­ charges. To dute he hu n't raisro hb inll upon pa~l p('rformanl~'S in i!lSuing \·.,iee to do ,fO. J;uch an order is nOI known. Mr. Grace aid that it the lu('hr('r of tht' Einhl.'its_ T HEN on August 4 Lindbergh mad( tront had ined Whal did Lindbergh say on that to make her (>o!;ition of fa\'oring aid to afternoon to t'auS(' such a furOI" What Dritain elrar in Ille light of h('r son­ did he ~ay to hi!' ~'ast radio uudienct' in-Jaw's slated position. So did Lind­ which caued th(' Na;>;i propaganda­ bergh's attorney, Co1. IIcnry Breckin­ dbtribuling Gt'rmHnia Book Stol"e in I idge, who is n(~o th(' nltor'nc)' for New York to have his speerh reprinted \\'liliam Castle, Jr. Mrs. Liudbergh and dl~tributf'd to ('very Pf.'l"son ('nter­ has made no "Intement. Nt"ither did ahe ing that ~tort·' Let's look at $ome aCt'ompany hf'r hu~b~nd to ChiealCl. .Ictual quotaltons, Bc{'3u~e hto hu lx-en!lO ..... idl,I~· ron, "There ure tIll intcre't>l in thill d('mne-d as 11 fifth-columnist a~ a result l'ountry and ,lIJload who will do their nr thl. addl'('~, it is well to look at the utmo;;t to draw us iutu the war. fad! ochind it. Ag'linst U1l'se Int('l est Wi' must bt' The Chlcngo broadea~t came trom cuntinuou.'ly on our guard • No ~oldier Field, where forty thousand fOfl.'ign na.tion t'an Invild~ U'f lind it lK'ople had I'~cmbled in the name of we do nol in!<-rfen.' with th('lr affairs, the Cook County Ke('p America Qut none will dt, ir(' to In th(' p,1 t. we of War Committcl'. This eommlttce is have dealt with a Europt' domuHltl'd .. r \'B~ue origin wilh an equally vague by t:ngland lind Fn'lll'{'. In Ihe- futur(', Ir\f'mbl'rship. It is headed by a Chi­ wt' may ha\;e ttl d"al With II Europe rMfO nllarnry. W. J, Gratt. dominated 0)' Gt'rmany, and If w(' de­ Wht'n 1 called upon Mr. Grace, he lirt' to keep Amt'rica out of tht' wllr, hhnst'U WIUl quite vague about who we must tuke the lead in offering a composed the committee. He said that (llan lor pe.lct' We htvc tltt"tici­ It had a;larlrd a~ a I'esolution of the pated dt'Cllly in the intrigue I)f t:urnpc Vderan! of Foreign Wars in Chicago, and not always in the ol)('n, rit'mocratic and that anyone could belong to it wny" ," He aid that Its membership inelud<"d members ot Ihe D. A. R.. G. A. ft. , T HESE arc word! familliu to all who Daughtl'rs of Union Veleran~, Sons of have u,..{'d th(' short-wilve band ot Union VeterUnq, Veterans of Foreign theIr radio N·t~ to I!~tell to NlLzl lon'aci­ WafS, Gold Star Mothen. Patriotic easter!l in English from Bt:rlin When League of Wome-n, members of Fathl'r they were t •• ken up and repeated by Coughlin's Social Jmtice party, Town- Nazi propalandl~1 here in AllIt'rlcD, ndites, ct cctera. He saId that the we termed those ~azi propapnd u , mmittce had no u:e.. to &rind, no tifth-l"Olumn t On Ule fat't" .. r his • poliliral implications, Mr, Gract' is ~rrormam'(' it i difficult to distinguish TWO UNDBERGHS, hlm~elf a candidate for municipal bt'hH'Cn Lindbl'rgh and such men. Hero of 1930 (above ludlil.e in Chicugo on th~ Rt'public'ln Uul U line call lX' drawn undo in all with Anne) becomes tlcke\. One of the re('('nt action~ of jusUet', it mu t b{> drawn I ('almot appeaser of 19040 the committl'e was to gt't it member. h('lp but feci Ulllt Colonel I.tndbergh t writ~ n three-point h·ttt'r '(I Ihc drt'w that !tnt' hlffi$l'if when hc !liIld, ~rJeaker of Ihe Hou,<;c or Rl"p.r('S('nta­ "1 don't earc whl'ther the public Itk~ thel[ tungo s in tht'it' cheeks, knowing a man who can so ny in the lilce of th ell calling upon Cc>nJ[1 t'!IS to (1) m ... or not I ft""t'l that the country is thilt their propaganda is a lie and a public opinion a9 to preach a doctrine repudiate RloOsn,'t'lt't dc~troyt'r dt'al, in n~ of $Om(' truth-telling ." It prelude to eonQut~t. They !'pcak their rejectf.'d by nine out of t('n 01 his kl­ (2) ullow no (.tht'r dt'ah or a like is not so import;:tnt that tht' paId prop­ hne as a duly to thcir Fuehrer. low mt'n because he leela it i!. the nature and d~tcal the con!l('ription agandi~11 ot GocblJeb Dnd Colonel LlIldbt'rgh, (.n the other hand, spt'aks right doctrine for them. There is aho I a urt", and (3) Im~nch the Prc!ll­ Lindbergh lIJX'ak lh(' l'am~ wurd What the ame lines WIth f.incenty and a a deep tracedy about IUCh a man "ho. .. nt (or his unt'On litutional" acts b import-,nt I that th(' paid propa­ faIth In his own judgment that. re­ at the ver)" le2.l;.t, mu~t be called nn The commi\lee'. Idf'a was to havc the gand,sts F'pf"ak theIr lines tor gold or s:ardlesS or what betalls him. he is appeaser and the )t'udcl' ot Affi('l"Icu's 1Iy In an/iwer 10 a t'la. On) Auocin- for the patrioli m tllt'y o\l,'e tiLf'ir fa­ dOln,c: a duty to hIli country, Amt'riea. Clneden set ., ;lnd at the mo t. 11(.n rally ht'ld in June at which Sena- Iht'r1and. Thf'v f'loC


9·52 E II' UOK {h;ldrtn's Club • w~n Ill",'notrd 'IIuah , ,*\\TAO >;("0>, SATURDAY Log of Stations Listed In Edition E-Midwestern 11,15 MBS.Musk ~y W.lIud: II 'IT Odober 5 Kilo· Power Htl· C"II Kllo- Power Net­ NBC-O"ngur!n, gUltarisl; I\~D cy<11tS wnu location work Lelt",s ~y'les W;oIU locUion work NBC Irving M,lItf'S D.(h.: IYOWU \\'TMJ wl\na WCBS KMOX 1090 50,000 St.louis. Missouri CBS WINO 560 5,000 Gary, Indiana CBS IVflIIA·C.roly" Woo,l, '01'. KOA 830 50,000 Denver. Colorado NBC-R WIRE 1400 5,000 Indianapolis, Ind. NBC·R & MBS W[lOw A~ri

rCBS·NYA Orehnlr,! Guest 11:00 M8S·S,lety ClUb: WG~ t:Ofldu~I,,"; S) mplmny &. Con· SUNDAY, Oelober 6, 1940 HBC·Bonn" Siewart. longs: KSO \\,BB~I Sunol.y Su" hj,,~ MORNING <.,1 WFAM WO\ WISH 0._"'_ WIIO 11'0011' wmE WfFL R"". J~hn lollo. WMT \I'JUI\I K!oIOX' " .. -17,83) .... NBC.R~J;o Clly MUlic HiU WIIBF lktt 11, ..10 rt~~nf • *Stcrr h. prcr,ro lll /1,' 1"91 1;".·.'_ n,,' ""'_1 ~''''I'toorol ,,,dle.fes .,w, hroode.1f 0..-.... , ..., :O;~ .. y",11 .Itd 01 .ht A". SI"lI'''MY O... h WIIIP "orll.nt (m'C"1 1'.4 .. 11 )! •..\o, ...... "'d.I ... , no.. ... Points to popular pro­ KWK wn:. IVO"O WKOB \\"110 llumlo' llour ,,'''oUnl I. 10,1 __ U...... R \]ypr· (_-15.33) of Goo 1:00 CST .~, .. 111 ..1 •• , Idh...... 1 s,. •. ...~_.' __ n \1"1:',,0 \I~lho>dl I Prt .HIIC-H ....,; \\"110....- WMAQ 1"_1 I"""hu ..... ). .... lubllM grams, special broadcasts MIS·VO(col; ChDU.1 5OCKty; !if,rv;<"tS K~l) '''-''''11'' 111Io'!"''' III. \\IRE-fhu."" WG" WI"" G.rman II"", *CBS-H ...., G1 [u'OIN': \n180 NIIC,S'.rttotfnIMn. ~Qar~t' KWK ""-KOO WUJA WLS WOWO * Wflnl _, • ..,. " Rhylhm W\14Q P~Uf of Brand S ...... ~ K'10X W'B" \\'LW Wf8S (.w215) WIIBf :Wovi~ n"'f nKord~ 1:15 WTAO Jludlin~. Th .. 1/.111" t0 •. WGN \IUlW WMT Churth Sortiee CIIS-WI"" Over Jordon: WMSO *(B5·HI"', .. Rhtthm: KMOX WHO A"' B.. k T. God WflnHlptn 11.," ... WB8M CBS·YII'" Pnsl. IIOI."I(/Iordllt: WIO("·1'4~U"1 01 "dod)' '\TAI) J<'l<. f"r A, .. rin W .... , \\00" K\lOX wnm WGS· We<.,hrook. /)L *NBCHowt: Bllrl IYI!$. lOngs: 11((0 \\FB:W <0 ... 17.83) WIS~ Sund.oy M"ml", Ro:v ... 11:15 wwr ";unl/.y ..... IocI ..... HIIC·SYndlt O'I.trt.: wen. lilt •• I'~. 1 wlli pilI !«>aall WBOW 1(~D .... JJIl \ld"'" NBC-O)'ln,~r ... "w,Ur'sl: WtlO F~ b>nn f...... , .. )i", ~'t IUud"l. wnu ':00 • CII5-H,.,. Chln,.. ..ttl: (sw (. "_)or ""L" ".'n.,. W.lten .. til '1" . KSO WIP,E WBOW CaS-Church 01 the Air: WC(,O K\lOX f;)" .. RKlhl ,k 11831 olI'f FUIlUDICID W\lSD II I"", K\IOX was ... \1(fL·;\Ill'~ ~I._," WIlU'·M .... Oonte *NBC-Hews: 411(1 RelMllln I. WL""-wnn,nrnl R...,.".I ,dIUX-IOfII' ....- ..1\1 \lOf c... 17.83) WOl,F.iedI I1pdolt....01\ WTAD Rhylhm &0 II nee wlae Chum II ..... WISI/-!10!11 Ib.. und .1 M.k.. 1Hte .... , WI'O "orni,,~ ~hkwli "u.t./<3fI WIIIII: 1-11" 1'1_ .lIpr I(~" "",d 1... "Mn~, \\!BC IhW)" J,,,, """",no li.SD·:I/II' WI/IS·\J:!> T .."U! I", .....1 .... d th~ EpI. W('B,> WOII'O ( ... -15,33) 10:45 \\1"'1) "..,ti,l I ...... ~port. WLS-Rudi"~ Ih~.-un H "WK I"" WJl!f l:.'l~ pt..", .:,.1 .., 1.. 1 1'1",,,'1>, WUft· N8C·To be Innoune": WKllfl *M8S-Nows; ~ .. n Mlnut, Mon: WJOr Av .. "aria llou. ''''TAO WPA l'r(m WIUA-!ItI IIJJI! "", Ih."",. II (. .",1 ~hUIl'o ot IVHllf (sw-15J~) lU!IIIL ,1' WHI-l:wl I .... r II ~ •. "O\,. WJJO n,rk ""~u. """I. 11:)0 wrro \lU.;r..lf wnt'i \IlOX I'oTC"II·M' wrA~lt) ","WOZ Nt.... ; Bu,;"... lV~k ill WOZ Maloon Church WCYIAI'lI 11 1.W7Q(r li., 'tolf,1I W, ~""kn ..a ... 111 WIoII:II)·M"",;ILJ !oll",hi". HB C,Winp Our America: KSO WDZ-lo:."O R~vicw WE:-OR·T" IH ."IIounf.. 1 W)I"'l.I-611. .. It "u '"AI Ib~ )lP"" of WOWQ.A",.rlcan Ii,a", \I'arbltr' WIlOW WIl:SR hl~ WlIl1(1'!H, It,·, ,,,." , .... n.,u. Cl>od.,~", *WGN "' ••,,; """''''1 \!.. Iodiu II'ROK "u.,(. 'I~,,,o, PlUM *WI!>S~PI; Suml.y Mn"Un~ Th. dt .'1. ""nIb ot IVII""M·I!101 1\"lIT·DIII1 ..-\11 .\I"" IA" 10 Tb.· '''''1 o rbrl.! \\'IIIP l.i'hu~lIiIon lIour 10:30 Rn~~ .\",,,1,1 .• R ..... uul .. !1 ... OO1lo1 ChUTCh ""'..,( la Jan'", .''''''on .,111 WG'" t2CI \\,01\'\111 ... "'- CBSMIIO~ B_' F'm,I,: M ldld 1<><101, II_I lIl_k_TO' WIIA~ Wlttl .. · .. I( NIC,Mtlftic Moods: WKBB *WIR.: ,,~ ... I\KOll·fhurth WI!'iO W.-A\! KMOX W\!BD s.-rv..-u WII.I.-lI2II WlOlrT UU(. wcns WIR~: (,,021.5) WJ8CP.,.I,c Pa.adi.. WOC "''IT f .... 17.83) WLS-Sundly \1"",;", M~looIiu I',;!.n'b):f'h'~'~/':::: M~:'~'~~ 1I"1I811"·12otIo .... ,Ill """ ':15 \\ ... 0(" R",... d weco II 0114 TI>Io .... 11 ..11. p....-J. ...i'TAI)·"'., nil th. (:".1, n.. .. (' n~" 0" .....1 .. · WLW B.rlOR Rf rucu... -" "-1111'-"''' MBS-Tht W..tll; \I/{OK wor II"",., 0/1 th. Lwd 1.. <10'., IYO\\O·T.. Iw Uln,ouhC..-I ~-, InlOl_ "'TAM 11\1, WID" 1:11\1' ':10 NBC-Werds .. M~s1(~ W \lAQ WROK .\11""," HBC,RidlO City MUlie Ha": .,..0-1_ \I's"'·!bU.;11I "'U' WIBC·I. \lTMJ '''' *M8S'Hron; Wllllf WnOK \\JJI) ....oa.ioDl win" K~D II BOW I\.AD L-'1 W~ ...." .. L WLW WII.I,~ 1:15 '1"4rt~1 .. III .,alll 0 WORM" I~ [-95l lOin.• a,1 l'4.,e 'f" 01..,..,,· MBS·World Series: WROK AFTERNOON ""11•• \\"CflB,,.~b)I~. MIx .... Cllb. 'r•• I.,. MBS·Prltr QUill. d"-'m ~ ; IVG:oI SUNDAY WC:X Alice BI" •. pi~lIi" 12:00 \VIIIL7.~uuolag)' KWK N8C.vDC~lj5t: WOIVO WI\88 1:30 MBS ·To be lnnounttd : WROK SUNDAY, OCT. 6th 100fo; (~,,-15.33) \1'\11' II 1.:"1 Odober 6 NBC-lte Gordon's Orch.: WIiO ...-NB C. U. of Chlc. go Round T .flle Oi.OIl \"ar;el~ II Kall·Alb'n Bill' i"l"t I ;~ 01 !lIf 'ht.lros ~Ire vOo WJR Ardenne White * \\""[ID Se"~ \\'ROK'fl.e :\(I!" dram. Vo I!-\Q 11'110 WHOII' * 11'11,,,, \\'TIII "",ching ThnJ \\-,>Otlt P.r~de II' flOI\' h" 9.53) II IUI_ (·uU",r Circuil 11'("1( "'f'<\' S"re,,~d~ ...-CBS,Oulgn For H ~ppl .. t n: WIRE TIore. f ... """. II'J/JC-('~lh.rit~1 1'( It,t ,Ii. "IIUN"". 1\ no;.; T" I", ."""'''"... ,, nm"" W"",ell" ;;),,,,,lIu,,)' .,.u. quMi.A~ . 11 WHD To I... """001".. <1 . \1'1.11' \'1Il'" WTlU IInl olr II" Gridiron Or~h .. 1.1., ..,,,Iu.,,oll. COlld,; . 11 II liD \'f 2:00 r,u. ,. IHall Wrf'O wo(" II'KKH To '''' "".a,,,,( .. 1 11'1I\ .,.heth~ 11"1,,,. \\/1( H ,,,I ..( MBS·World SenlK: nl\'K WHSf 1\ \IT K \111.\ II 1:10" I\lSN * 111:0" ...... C BS·Symphony Orch.: How· \\1180 WIIBD lI"d ''',11 .h. America's Unique Family 11'01." 11.,,11 .. I " .rd 6,11 '" ..""I. W.... fiu,. ,.,_1 r.· "t ,·.. Vr. I~ ...., II T\II "" WROK n ••• \\ ,~ "ur q,.,. r f" ,,, WCCO 11'1 ... 0 1',..lere \\TUl T·, too broadcast joyously returns 12:30 ...-M8S MUSlnl; ... WFS" 1\"f'UI KW>X WKBH IIT\U T, J " 8 C·On Vour job. ",am., WlW WBB\I "'IT 111180 WT-\Q p, h I r """: .,.,.-e1>o " ... £1 "fRE 1\110 \\ T\IJ " to the air, hoping that all wonw WO( " ... 17&]1 r \, II hi,~: Old 5:15 ". " i> I'<'pul., ~,., .. Ti ~t: 51 '!ill"" o,.rk CDfdon', Orch.: KII'K ... nl ,I",,,, •• "t .\n.~t;'·o'· ...... ".. _n .,,, on,' n,,,t.. ,. .,-.. ",,". NBC·C'Ulcl1a Parn9., san91: In;:>; the old friends. and new 'I,," /,1., Wltl, ,~~ l.IcM III ... ,I, ",," 'I)" I,,,,, J,,10 t"M , .... II [,;X!l II Killi (.,. 15_331 ;';~D Tj,~ I" "., ( .. ". ,I, 01. ....lIh ''',I''lr" JI "I., II .. , ",0'1" .".: I'll ';"'-.t ones tOO, wiU be on band. 1·,,,1' fur ,kill. rd.,~d 10 • • . NB C·Chi!, Holland, Inr.: W50W ~""h' .\~.j", ",,~! •• t'"I1~'''' * WHO·'i ... , ,1"" .. 1 ,I"r,·" •• · K~l! WHO (t,. 9.S3) 1''''1,,,1.' ,,, 'j'" .11"!."·r"ju~.r:· \\JJU hNI o~~ ... , "rl ... ,.1 "",I \1",,,,'\ld,~,, Ihr wd,, W~II1D Uyh fl .)UiIH,n '1' 110 MBS-World Series: W!1IH' \1'("aS·\\', rid "I Vi (~II Ij,M".I!~I,' ll,,). 0",1 1.11"." IIld NII C, Vlckl ChaSt . sop.: Tom * "'UZ t-;.,w. ~"""I "',"~ ,h., !(I"~\.I! Mill· 5;30 ,I.,· )1, foMont M I.u ••. NBC ·World·s r~ lr Ba n~; Wrf"L TIo""'~" blor' \IE~n II'nU8 II'{;", _Ilic~ III" ....l~ni,' "''''I )"'" .Pule.. /;vz. 11"1111' 1',,11 II C",,,,lie W.If.rl /',,,,.110. .1,,,. "'ow~: ';e' II'~ 11»011 111,flu 111.1011 II'UIS \II B~ 40 ..··15,33) 11,.-,,, ..." "r '''Ut t,:,... U,~ nl\'n (",9,55) CII S,Mltch 01 Camn: WKU II W18r·X,\nlinl~ ,or, \>t··I".. "I~ ' ...... n. r,,,.u 11·lflE·m"·II",, !tuu" 11.,1 ..... I,. l ... n"~. 'b,· ~ ....I" ",CBS·Ctne A ~lr1'5 Me lody <'flu. AMi W/ IHnll1010X \\')IBO " ... 17.83) Ill.!",. I',,,.,, 11''''.... Ih~ fI" WI~'" !" II",·, "I ~I. I " Screen Ih,,~h. 1"0( F1""~tr. II'tll • 111 I (I "fl\" ,'1''''''0, ,."". 1. ~1 H .... WJiK A,uui,." 1.e(I",' Au~m • .11,·",' II". ,'IM"'_ Nil." .nMUI,r., h~I(lX II"FU\t II I II \I.m~d~. & ~!~lM;.1 .,,' I.., , •• ,i ,~".Il .. • p ...... g. 1I'8R" wrco IT'S WHEELING STEEL \\1'1. 11,,1~111 l-t~m. ldnt II"JJf) II ",t~1 ~lol"fulk ." ...... ' .j ... I." ,.. •• _ Til. "lIl,. 10 I. h~.r~ 11\ ,,... II f., , .... , llil Tun" \I'lIl TOt toe ...... " ...,1 CBS·To k ,t~"ou .. ctll: WF.-I.II oth'. r ... ~ •• '" ... 11"11 ..,, ',II. ,I 1)'>1:\>"_ 1I~1oI II", 'I ...... MUTUAL IROADC,ASTING SYSTfM II ttl(o\ I.. Z Ia "oveh~ \I-"~Q \\""'(' (h.r "' ... efin 1\'1;';0 II b' I' 1,.Jj 1\""")."1/.,,,,, n~ "" l~ 11·' .... 1•• I .... ~ LI.~I (COAST. YO.COAST) 11"0\\01 h "II 01 III. N"ua,.", H BC B o~ Slro",', Orch.' 1\"0\\"0 • JB( ...... 5 ,," ,Tln:';,,,~ ~ ..., I::'...:,:t WT\LJ L. , .. , ~I"'" " Scr0 VoIIO III'.\Q (.'" IITA]) U.I Ttl') - 1\1; ... U'tf' "'''' ~ua.!t 9_531 4;15 111111 C .,lell_ \I 1-101\ 11"0<1. '" II,! '( NBC·nrH Cheers' WHO KSD II JIlt' 10<::01 \·ui.u~ WII, II.:.... ,' K~b \lUIlII 1,,953) il IIJJO\of\O. III;, lIol~,. II ,1,,,,1;., ore"';'! II I W £dd Il~".ud" £1 ~ '-..or A.,- land 4 :10 1:00 VoIIIETh., ~ A",.rita CBS·Unittil W" Stind: II'CIC IIh' NBC·$und., Down South: KIIK llr"'" 1" 11. __ • \1(1\\(1 II "UII WeB:. W\lAQ II'HIII wrro K\IOX \V\HlO \\',IUr Pun F.lln",hilf 1'"Ill. 11'/1\' j,,.. '533) WI"" II AlI.II (sw 17,B3J . \\',IHI-\I",ir 1'10,.,,·; 'c,,~ MBS,Tht Sh~do w , myn.ry dr~· NBC,Trusure T r~IIJ 01 Song: 11 1.\1 f"U,,·1' fl,","~"" WillI<: 1(:\\'1, WENH \\,OWO II'l.\1l ('"" ,·tv" ' i"" I'r~OI. III,' 111111 1\!lOK W~'1" WILUI' I\'KIIB WCBS (.w-15,33) 2:45 II'(;.~ NBC-SDuth"H!trn S t r. n I d" N BC·Chi~ "'bout Oogs: Bob ...-(BS·Col. Sloopn~gl.·1 O ul~'~ H.. l.", K~1l \1 ItO \l'LI\i IITIIJ ll", 11. Q .. " I'"·,,, , ,\!~n 11 "I 11"11,"\\' WIlO n~O IIl11t \'" 9531 IHII\I IITCO '''IT MBS Worl" Stria: II,,\, .h NB tTo Iw .nllll""C~: VoIDI II I~" II HII\I "'lOX • 11(11.<',.. '1 hi P WH,'" ",MBC·Beh,ftd '~t M,h: G.~· TONIGHT at 9:30 P.M . WBBM \\ Ill. IIp'b.~'' L>.'II.u tn h M H 11\ Erh..-II" II 1111> II ,ric P,d 1\ 01 Lool;."'1 0.-.... E .. rnpt 1\1 .... 11 I 1 \1 • 0" r.u ' Khl> 11110 T H E H E LE H H A Y E S THEATRE I. lilt Iltd., Hi lit... IIJI)( "') F.. 'Ur IITIIJ I\lM} III::.,n \\'BOW 1\[,!lJ.... ;..:",...." \14"" ( .... 9HI II T, I "'~ L StarriJlg Miu Hayn in ploy. 'hi lovel 111111 " •• It of lhr T" " ''''I 01", 'h ••II. l'.nto., ~~." •. IIJOr II., Revu" WT"'O-Il,,".'lf R~'I rh, '1Ij;l!:' ,II." ... 11,· 1>.,1., '''''h.' 'A.I t h. belt_very S"ndttr o t 9:30 ".M. II JJO ';u.,d~)' ~~Ii~n 3 :00 ,'".,., ~I~' ~" ...... !t,., ",~ "'•. HBC ·Milio... 1 VI!'i~rs: WESP. ,,,,1.1 tot, ~:,j,l~ ,-.... ", ••1.,,, I'l l SI N tl O a T L IP'O N 'S 1 1 '" II KIlIl To to<' an""",«.d J., ~ ,(,,,'lor ,~".,. "Ih~. ott,1 W"UR \\n\\O \\('U.., ,"w 15.33) WIlT ~~,"i Sulid hrIY 1.",,1, r"'It' II r~,!.""'.1 or II, n."y ~" .. r'''" I'. ..JI<'~'. II· ... 1" 111I1'n h. Ilaria 1I"lIr .·N" •• I. 1I11,'oJ ·Tllrh'la~. I" n,"'" IV 1"\11 \ fo' Suod.y ~I,I! "I I'~"'."hln.'" 'T'b~ ,nll~ CBS-To b" .nno.. "ced : 11'1"0 9/52.-E ' :15 wcn. Ir II II ••• " 1:15 ':15 HBC-I'tnf RKh.: KO" *HBC-Htwl 1'0'" EUlo-pt: KII-K "FBII (,,""' ..... '0" JlI~he NBC-Tilt fl"h. ".mily: \11.\11 WJB{ E,., , .. 1:., CBS,Bobby O'y's Onh.; WJR \H'FI. WIIH l\smV WrSR III;" R., \,tow 'I.- I, YOU, hllK IIKIII! \\'0\\\1 \11\8H B I. I ,( II'SBT I .. 9,65) SUNDAY WCB" 1\lIA'" "...J ,II.. 1\"", (.1<0 KO\ ~, II ., JI .) ' :30 WI\Il ~ II - Trioo NBC ,Clli SllKk'. O"h.: V,DOW \1 tlBF ~I'''''' r,.,,1 ..-CBS,Colurnb" W 0 r k ~~ 0 P. II \I,\Q WT\1J IIJSt II) I II,,, *""\ \ \\-'KOB[), I II,,,., ' ;30 .10 .lm~ WT.\Q II .. En II "0111" , " ,.,. * K IIOX ;';tll Oelober 6 W'I8I),M~I."h \I,,,, u,~; sport. ,,-NBC-Iffnt RICh. d, a.., ~ NBC-Hum.n Hltu,.. f" AcUan; 7:15 II( ('O,~I",jC.!E Itt,'" .. 111:;>;11 11'1.\1 1'" I, \1'0\10 \\110 II IRE 1111011 IITAII I'w \\TrL-l)anc~ 0 ... h (5;30 p,m_ Con l,nutd) * IHII:' \,. "BOW n"h,,, Cu,ld ThUtf., ~ .lIa, \I" • \1, •. 11,,\ 'an 1 .. 11, ,II. * "110"~' • II'",,, O"h, IllW \nUQ ,j. _, I:, • "", me lhota, 7 :30 [1,,1.,,1 I • • ,lr \1 II.,.~ f"." I\IUII II'\\[) I.'t,,1 ~'I ,,,lj & h, b 1\110 1\"11 \\lIH \ ... 9_53) NBC'T 1', (;" •• 1< 1\11\' WJfC IIFIIII ,,-HBC-Onf M'n', F.m,ly. t1 fi' IIHII 1111 It.! II'IT IIbX ""11\ '" 9,65) II I"'i 4/., 'Io~ Tt" hI" " "11K I::"~n'''( "",..,IIt>' II ~BT j.w \l 8]) hi... 1Cl p,m,) h,eh WTA.II K~n 11'110 II LV. 1\"0 IIlla 111.\'1 IIIBI "OA I ,I u ., 7 I t, ) IIKIIII Ilu";r I.. , I.~. I\I~I) "tl"d~' Sp<"'ial "I.'~ 11,,,.1,, .,.~ ,I~" ""I1,~ .., II'M IQ II HI I WillE Wr.IJ I II 9,531 1\'1,11 11;>'''1\ I'u'" Oreh, n,,1 "(1\ r'oI)ldr" 11.1."10, W1!-It' Ark~" ~ "".1 . WT~" lr"uh."I"urI ..-HBC-Fllch B,nd".gon; Tob, ,,-*CBS-Cflmt Ooelor. drama; ~""M" II" II.. ..' .... h"n W<~~I~ n " I(p,-;c" 0...-1, WIS~ Il~"< ,\" ... ..-;81 ", .!o .... I .. , I'.~"k 110"", Itr, I, '" I;" I (lrth WHO N"". lllU WBII\I II'"AT *WIRE \.". 10:]0 I\'JUC ).~ I'. ,.,~, I. I) II ,.".,....." " '" ., ... V,~II!O W1L\~ \II~\ \I lIT I "I;" "1 " .. ,Uto \11· :ll1I.lH/' ,." , ' ,1, CBS-BOb C'~b~·. O'ch. WK811 * WJJII 11110\\ II It \\l IIII:E WnlJ x.. . K!'1l IWIi\{ "'l(lX I\T\Q \\,(('0 I,'n.... I I • • ' "" y I\.II! lin"", , 'e 11,..\ IhlH I\IIA" I\\I0X II KHU I' ..... 1. \I~ ~ II FB\{ "I ... ., ~" ••1 )Ir 'I,,,,,, l\ul \\'\I8D WOlllt WT.-\Q I." "''- S/Ioo .. 1M .'. , .....p b 11-, u,.".l, 101, r... ~"u II'''IIB.(' ,"~ " " II ,,( ,h~ _~, W'IRIlIl. "'J' II 'Y ,., . .-NBC·Sherlock HolmtJ, my" ",iI ",. \I"" '''''''K'"'''! "" HII Shall II, [I HBC-j,(k B~My. comed,.n; KO\ W\\TI'h".h ~.".~ CBS -Week,End Potpourri; wor ,.f<., 11>0 I>~h ... ,,.. ""ut L (PI') II .. ", •.• '~rt",t Bo.;1 n.tI, 1\ til This land ot nil .. ~ __ I., ~! 6:00 p,nL) wor \1"" ,,' Ih. \I.~'"o, \\11011 II lIT II'" It"",uto... T.", .. la"oII,a, 311 .. \\'11\\,/ Rich_",1 11,,,,1 .Orrh .... 'r.. '" X,·tI fir" ... · KI\'1\ WLS 1I1.'b.",,, 1\, ."... 'h~ .0- NBC·johMY McCe"s Ort~ WTAll M;~ W"'I~""rs NB C·Spca~ Up AmfftU, qull \\'O("Oo"n Ill" II, '11'i v.nU,I' .• , "I ,,/ \'t• ., hi"" KO" IHI ,,' 1130 p,m.) ..,q,I.Jo IIhl)lI \\'\IAQ 11'( liS Wll\' 1'1'''' IH\I~ IIlII 1\11'1( T " , .. , ,.. ', I~'" lot. ' \\T"J ~L ,,,I.,, ~, , ('""c." 5:45 \I BOil' \{~ IC hI I!<-r\ lIirJth *MBS,Ne"s; W,l-IIIII \'\Il!:; * MBSS',nd Schultz, nt""" WB<)W X """,.1 ~f_ PIl:IIl. 9:45 "laCs"" I ~ ••• J~ IIGX Wph \\'" .... .-,n,. 1I11ltF Illt')1\ Wt:H~-l'o, (_'II II "OIJ 1><0_,,, Ih IIi , • ..;gpj NIIC-T~ 1I0ICe Thn Wllh Be HBC-Olntf Ouh_. 11110 IIBOW * \\"lRF. 'r.. s \\1.\ •• , t. "",. y"" 1\.\1\(1 IIl1n IITIII II.-\n IIIBA WTMJ "IIl)X 1'•• " ,I ri II...... 111\811 Trntl, OJ,lt> \IJJIJ -""I "i",e t·.olit WJB' r""rtrl III.otr WUIII\' (·.. -9531 "'''BD 1't<,r;4'. Darlin. \\'H811 t ,,,,,.1 1I.., .. ,(,linn ParI), \I'JIKlb.m h, 1I~1I """0 ,~. {.'\,"h 1I"u, * WKUIIJ,h" G,y".. r; Nr.<"1 IVJ8C·I'.... U< It, ,al. II! n.II~"""lltr·1 ll"h. WTAO Edith Ila~r. wn_ "111.\ WrR~ Ilu , ,,, It",i." II or hloot. "I II" ...... n 1\ or t" ,.,1 h,ln".lion.l.. 10:00 II I, U\l B~,~b.1! 1I"undup II'ITt! lIf" .... Iji ,,. .. ,. .. .. II &3, , t- •• 930 p,m.) "10';.,,, .. \\'JR WYOII lI(,lO 1I1"'X WI1BO "'IOX IYTAQ n,eI,i,,'''' ,\1.\\ I\E,n 1\\\1\ ..-NBC,j"k Btnny. comed •• n; 1 ,~~, .. ,..... ,. 1111r<1 II'B811 I\\lOX II'IS\ II liAS * 'IF\" 'iu. , "."".. "."If II'1\BII I\\JT '..-6.12) I\I\BB IUI\lO cabo .. 11 ".II>.j In 8\111,,",i,', r., .. \I r " n. , II, ,,"; I",~ ~' ....., Ilf ... " •• II\lT 1... 1183) *NBC·W,tlff Wlncl\ttl, CO",m_' , MBS·014 rnh,onU R I *"1IA,,-p,ul ... ,"I,,~ tOn I'. "., 1",iI .. '. "' .. ... e",., II ., ,-" 1\ItBF ..-NBC,Hour 01 Chum; Phil "(II hho °U 8,,,,,,) II, 0" II "'" WI[AQ _ "p,!.I,,)·, ,\11 (ii.1 o,.h,. 11 *" mw '1:"". CBS Mu~IC i~ I~f Air: K~IO:o.: nl! MBS·Lin, ThlHl!pso~', Orelo . 111.\\ 1111", ""11 \\110 ('" ...-NBC M.tnh.tlln Mer.y.(;o­ 1\ 1\11 11,,1 1t .. ! ... ,1 Ilr IU 1111 I\(I fl II llUD WI~S Rf'lJlld; II., I, .. ! {'arl;1,y, ",,,,,U'I; "",11" m_r IIT\'I 1\0" IV itO WIIlr.,C:o"~n,(l, t,,,( WIIOK I\WIi: l"IIHf 9,53) lal .., .,'p 1030 JlIll) T.,,,,, 1111'1 II 1'\11 1I'{l4 O~" Uu,,,,,,.'. O,~h Pi.rrf Lt IIl[fl' 111'11 IIL\I II'MA\,/ * \1 h'l: \tw., I,.. "1 n.". *NBC·News; Sle'"n, Young'l *CBS · N ~i olt~f WO.ld; IIll1m h~1l 1",9,531 ..-NBC·Ch"e &- S,nborn Prgm.; 1\",,", I", I~T,III """ W,Uij "'~ 0 ..,10 WCS~ II'Flil! II'KRB h'lOX II It h 1111 II II"_IQ Lol , U , .. ," I< (I,.,Ii-e I[t_ 11'110 1I'1IIt \\'111 I Wl'\U 1(0,\ ..-HBC.(;ood W,ll Hou.: john * "KI3I1'1,,,,. IIhOJl l\tllll I\I~' IhOT J_ A"lh"", ,,,,,dud,•• , I\F~II *NBC·Ntws: D~kt EII'n,lon'l (,,,'h, I).. ",hl U,d"~,,. b.r_. \ ,,9531 II'IIAQ I·rnc .... m t". Cummun"l n.r!. 1118<\ IH\M.l \\BOW WIlT ( ,. 11 8)) 11\-101111 IIO\\'O I\li'K "I ", n lI".n~1. nohl, Arln ". ,,~ tbe L;rnd ",", 11110 Wl'\1J II'rAM IITn. J.,~ 1\.11 f1r~h h",·'~r· 0,,1, 11110 WT\IJ 1\1 II~ II, " II"", I'r" " WB!)I\ n, Un Itt"'t \\' II I 01,1 b,hi, ,rd I~,,,.I III H We\ 1_,,,,. II.I~ Orell 1\1'\\1 1\ 11:'1.. 111.\\ ""0 I\\I.\Q "'fl\ tft,. /I lOr • 11(lhr:.~,,,. " • •• .ad~ * 11'11(' x.",., "10'" C; i ("1,,1, I'tnt«.'I.! (l,vrrh * IIIIBf \. *"01\1),\, ',< 1111'" \I,,,.., .. ,,, i. ''''' 9531 * 1\1:\ - ,I ... h"h" ", ,... 1 1I1~' I) '(. 'I" 'f 1\I\1l 1\ i, , I, • ..- " P .... ,,", , ..,., I' ••: .. k I, .,,1,,<1. II'IXI)OI.1 r;n.h .... ,,.., 11 ... ".1 * \'l~\I x, :ll1I1~\ ,,- ." .•,1 __ .. I". II II I .. \b In,""~]". cot 110, Air WJBt ~" ...I . " I ",., • \\1\11 J,,'I,' tn,.1 " Funr aLtu n,h * 11 flU T,w ", IIJII(;",i.II" II, HBC ·P'Ude 01 Ihe Vt"'~: I\WI\ WJB( II" ,nl n",,,,,IUI' IIJIW I" 1I ( . T, 10:15 111\11-1'1. ,10 "I I'," ••an. l\h88'~I""-I' 11111.1 \\nl~ \'kl!lI WLS (0 ... 11'1\1111 r .. I... ,,,,",u,.N *MBS·Ne"'5, II liSt II unK \IIRE,\I".it You II~"I *" ""11 \~ .. *11'1,1\' ~e'~.; C: •• oJn~. litn... liro * 11 IHill \t .. 955) \1'\11111 ( •• 11 .. ;" 110. Air 1I'1\811 I1."rf Orc!!_ II II HI) "WK n,,11 WI'H' "I. ,I. II IIlnl TQ I~ ~''''''u'''.... * 1101 \t,,· "I !h. 11'0( \\'11II1l \', ... r \""',u".-.. h NBC·john"y M ~untr'. Orchnlu * \\'T..\II;>;.. '" '1",rlS * "6(111 .. ~" WHOK ('hur(~ St-nlu woe 1'"""I~·. rblf,'rn, 11'011'0 End of Sun.",y P'OIrU!l'

WII I \I.ornl .. IIfl,.lito W1IICCb.,.. lillY', II It I' p,~tIL MORNING II'tIIW \tr'rv \trto.h... MONDA Y, October 7. 1940 W1Ll" ••k~l. * WIIB.-;';f'" \IIIOTa be lrmnu"ud II '-'0 II~""I> ( .1 \l'IflI'Li!hol\l'''' lin •., II 11K Bn 101 ",101 oJ ",,,oinS * Wl8C~""'1 1I10C-"n.nclly nOllo, *Shtr I. p,.a,,.am liIU_,1 lIJDC·O< 1M c,1D&lo ... o.plli.1 WJJO,Well You',e W'Dn" 1\II.L,G,d W., " R... ~'I'U< Illdicatel ftew. b,.1>'11 10:15 *CBS-Ne.. " t". 1/_83; WO(' GUo-I "f II"",,, philo50phtr & ,on.' II'BOW 1I1[AQ II'IitE KSO WHO W1 \lJ NBC·Cluk Otnnis. 1M.: 1\'01'1'0 weco ". I .. \lee" ,h~ \Ii.~u' Wl10K IIjln" Tun~ KII'K h",-21.5) NBC· P f P p. 1 Vo~ng'J " ~mily. 1\WK hw-)5.33) ,,-NBC·B.eokblt Club; Oo n 1101 Kt' ~i.ltI-. 11'-;1 I II".,,;.. "d",li., 1>t~;>;'~ill, m.r IICFL \ICOS sk~t~h: WLS IIUII, Ii", F,oT • .tl WTAO Yo,,, ~.""Iy 0.,,10' WCBS-Our O"bit_ NBC .Ag.inst t~e Sto.m. skttch II'KU8 II lin: (." 2l~) \\'(;~ n,~ ,\!.,~i<' C,,,I<:I ':00 WCFl To ~ ~""O\I".ttl * WCBS N~", W~I.IQ WlR~: KSn 11'110 WLII *NBC·H, .. ~; HIppy Ja~k. songs: WflllF l\i",I, .. 11 1\.)><., CBS·To bf announced: WOC * WGI\ .1I ; "i~lur~ 1I£"ic"; .\rll'; II'OZ Farru~" Oau~h1 ... WHIJ ilOilO 11'110 L if~ ('~" B. Buuliful ~'(I.nin. ~u~".d~ WC;';,J"". Bahr C BS ·Mut~. Webl1u. Ikel~h: NBC ·Hou"bul H."",~. Ikfl~h; wille Ita), H"hs"n * 11'11.\ '1:.", .... Vie." 1\'JI.o\,lI, S. Weather BUll',,., IllS;'; I\~IOX WEIIM \\Iceo *NBC,Clpt Hern" nf"'J: KSD '\1[0 I\~I) \l1I.IQ WIHE \\T\IJ 1I1'1l()e,~" 1"~rI,,,I., WIIBF ""hI. Tim. WlleF Ptr.~"al Shnpl"" \\1U I WLW II'FBII 11'\180 1I11lE-1I"n>r",A~'" 1I •• u, I\'IU!' \!uoi. \I".ie I\lBCEatilu.ialll SJ'ukj,,~ KMOX IIN,lli". Iklo!;~hl. CBS·By Kuhlftn Norns. sl:tt~h; WOOl\' Root Start Inler.. ;." WbX Yid,,' II, Li"dl.h, \1\,\11 \I~"h'" 'I,·" .~ oW"". * I\ILLOr~." ",,,,,,1,; N~II' KSD Bi"e I'r",b) WUH\I I\~B\I \ITCO K~IOX w(:a~ Kt)hoard FI"la<)' WJH,-\'o'I1i"", 1 )P""~Jj I WJOC,"u,ir.1 It '·," .. nt. 11'1'1:1),8,,1. & 1I"""i. A"h~, WOZ-(:(I(fl:{> Ti",. II IIBn \\'I~" 1\ 'IT (," )7,83) * W1\08 \,.". WI"XYour Trnt \\'CFL-Y~.irl)' PI~m , * WJJIJ ,~" WO/.ludy '" h"r WFOM ,'n ,Iirp!."e TriJl WLS,lIl""" 01 ..Ill Churdle. NBC·V~g~bondJ: l\hBH WBOII' * WOC-X.", \l'JflC-Ju.1 About 'fin'~ WGN OU~lilul Lad} * l'iG\ Your 'Iur"i"" l\'~1 WLW I\iU\, K«,nt, dranl~ IH'U~ (",21.5) WOWO.(;~.cadi,,~ IlhJthm II'JJO Mo"da~' M~"",,~ Ilu'i,~1 \\'IIA lI.",d \I' '.0"' WROK-To"" Critt \\' It In' ',,)Wf'I'Hoo * "'\1.\\,/ tulie.' Tinl¥, '1:.". I\'('FI. ~"., in th~ "I""liolol II'KBH,OI;,t 'h~.n,! WJBI Wdcnnre N.igh .... , * II"III~' ""I', II'MI3[),Wome" pI Today \\"1'> Arlj'ur G",lfr~y WSl'I-III11"~1rI.~~r~ !'on"n \\'I.W-To b. .nn"u"c~d Innl' ""I"," .\,otri'·~11 lIour WOC ra,~ L"m~ ~h"w IHIA,lI'orlJ p",,,,,",,,a IITAO IIi" " I::nc ...o- 11'\(00,0 & 101_ M~ e,,(e. WIlO-C .. IIO(' 1'(11 Illn 1I'1I0K I[orlli,,~ O"""I;on~ * Wllllf Xr,,'; The Oab~ 9:30 W\tT Ib~i" KilChtli * WI8( Nc .. , * 1I'<'L'IOail}, low." 01 tht Air WHIP p"Ii." \·".ieli~~ HBC·E lloon RlndOJph. lilt I c h; 1I'01l'0,Hon,. "omo. WII.L,llpct", 10",01>1'"" H"tory; '\T,\1l \lini"ui.1 Alli~nr~ WlHL-M£IHo.) La,,~ W~II\Q WIR£ WHO WntJ WLW WSUI-P,.m, Ca!tndar; Wnth~, C1~. ica! M,,,i~lu.e> WT\IJ Wh.I', ~p" W1U.."n~ 1 P~lcholOl\)' IITAD,AH lor tho L.cli .. II'ISN m.... Club NBC ·The Slor~ 01 Mi'Y MOTlin, 8:45 \\'I~1) ~h.t th.> [lJ)' ni~h' .kotch, WLS 10:00 WJJO,\lu,i~al II .. I",i't WJBC Priu I' Premo NBC ,COSPfl Singer: k.SO CBS·Sup mot~tr. Iketc~; 1\8B\I NBC ·Th, MIn I Muritd, ~kt'c~; * WI\ OIl ..... ,,, WJJO:roa,lm .. ,!e, W"S·Th. II'iUi., ... Oros_ CBS ·l1Ichtlo(s, ~kel~h: K.IIOX WF8" lI'eco KSO WUI~~ "110 IHW IHIAQ WKBIl \tuc". * WISO,"r,,, KMOX WIl8M IIceo WISN WIIA Afield "'ilh Ihlllt<" ,II ... *W('FLN ..... Wf'll~I WMBO WMT WOZ-.IIo .. a.n Var'tl;e. II'JJO ~un.hi"r Jul>ilr~ ....., ...... , ...... 0" 1\'J18",H.,PPl' Relurn, * WOZ-Ntw.; We 'I~a,d WC:N Thr G"'~I Si,,~~. WI\BII 1I"".,,,t O... >I;(ln, WGN T",. llirk" Il.,,, - " WlllP 8",I;ollrol II"". WHO·Swine Frrn M8S-Sunlh!nc sun R'ntt~: I\JJ!)TI}I.... .11'1.50 Ih.hl; Ntvl *C8S·Amt"u" School of thl [ - 952 WKBBlloIDCITI.hrt Hiatl WROK * \lK80 S~ •• II \IT·Th. Olh~c I\'."uan A". 'II ... , \lUUI 1\ ItT WKUII \\ KBlillcmos;< Hoot WU8\1 lll~" \I(l(' I\Ceo NSC ·HlI!~ FiI'''' r. HolOMl Hour; * 1110111 \'''' \I'~l·I-ThI"Olll!" Ih. G.-.I", Gilt WLS Friudly Neiahbora KWK \\'\1 IQ I\lBA \\"KBB \I'Ll\' Unn o( Sulia B~ke WT,\I) M.. I'nl.l , 11.;_ 1.'r"I'r .~" atl~ .. ' _ MONDAY ~r It. 1 ... lfll, ..~. Ina For Wo."eo Onl) * \l11l \",,,c~ "I In.u; Nt... s II I\lJ K,tl~ K.··~. .." ... ·,il]. WCB., ....,"Ii ...... QQ .1'r .,,_ T .. W~n V~tfrdaY'1 hv. T .•Ia,·, ~i""""\O" d •• l .... ll~ * WOII'O \'("'. 1 :30 "",'. I''''~'''u .... 1.... Itb .Ig'~r· Prol.., llop .1",_" ~I,"n~ ..e. of .""" * WlIOK .'it"'. CBS·Flrt,he. W'ltv KMOX 1"'''0 .t ..u.k. ~"~I ..·t' ··WooI," October 7 \IT\()·10 II. '''nOIlI .d and n',,·, ~ .. II.I,'.· f,..,,,, p ....:~1 W1',IU II~" 0" Ih. SHttl MIS-World St"": WHSF 1'_" "h,n .n.1 '",plp "npph •• WFBII Wb" W8B\I 10;10 rm... ILl. ,~ .. ·o \'a .....I_ 12:10 K\lOX.~I.o i~ Ki'~"_u CaS·B'g SiUer, skeleh NB CNil;'"1 l.~¥, ,leelch: WLIV ,", ... 1",. weco * K.,O.\,,,,.; T"I' Tun... .. NB C-Rol,g,on ... the Now World: K<;D II If,\Q 11'1/0 WO.lA·f-.!. he.,. Fa",i... CBS,WI. th. A.bons, Sktu;h: 116B\1 \\"\lBO K~IOX 'oH·B\! T"p;r . I"tniutl, ,\I"';c \\'011'0 IIKSO ( ... -15.33) WSOW (I ",,~ ..,,~1. K\10X WOS)I (~,,-ISD) I\"\IT 0' NBC·Crnt Krupa" Ouh.: IVCOS WCBS'I;.,hl Re-p<"t; Rural \\'1$<1\\ ·F"b' II, .... CBS·Thf Ri,hl to'lllln. WOO\\ WKBB I>... ]S.33) M8S-R"1 Herhck's O'Chhlr,,; . MBS·News: WROK \\"G~ \\'CCO .I,loptrd O.oqtot" .kdeh: weco WBBM KMOX ~hool ,,' M'"ie WROK WG~ NBC·Kllty Keene. IketJ;h: WHO * 1\ CI'"I.-I't .... , IVMBO MBS-Worl4 St"": WROK Wen SI~lt ::Olrut ~",ak. I\'OZ-S .. io~ Dme. CBS-PlICtic Slrin,l: (lw.I1.83) WOZ-8fUY .. Buh_lo.-. WecO·Kiu'J Keent NBC·The WIle S.vlr; WIBA NBC-Frilnki. M,U"J· O"htll'iI: WE"n·Btlly &. Bob WClh II"K8B (110·15.33) WGS P.".I~ Urums 1110 1 IICCO·Judy Ind J."t * WGN-Nt",. 11'11" \1".i< of Iht ~IaJttfl wr8~I·K'lIy KNn. WIIAOrun G","1 lI'efi. G~f" Wblt! NBC·The Rud of LilI, shieh: ..... IIBFII)lnn' of All Chutehn K"'O-AI Oomhu"~ Orch. WIIIP-Tu T,m. M,lol.lrd of F.duealiOQ WROK \lvlocI1 ...... 3;10 * WISUr;,..... 1\,IBC·Si,,(in' ! "'K88 I\. n on t"~ SlrHI WCFl-To ~ a.. _nnod * WT\/J·B,IIlell s..~,d; Nt... WOZ Eddi... S.n~i. WBA,I-s..wntif,c NII C·Thunder PJrl~IIS; WTIlJTob, .. Su.i, WIi.HII \I .• n on Iht Sttut S,"". Ku"" 0." * WI.S .\t.... 1:45 IYJOC·Pi.1IO P ....«ts WOZ Art of liviR, IITII ...... KBB ( .... 15.33) 11 :45 1I'1I'\·('·TA Forum; *MBS. Ntws: II ftOK WLW,n,. Edito,', Olughlet NBCHym", ~I All Churcl!nl WJJOBtIl K.nt ••• pialli" WUtMr CBS--our C.I Sunday. sk"~h; Willi' Club Melody CBS-Aunt Jlnny's Sl or~s: KMOX Inl.-IQ 11'''1 "t Juli~ HlaJ,.~ KSJ) WM,IQ WIIO WLW IVKBB-Ethtl. Mtlocly MII~i"~1 W.IIT W8811 KMOX WFBM * 11"0(" , .... , WTAO-Ou,o"t Dnin~1 WIOC lIoo.iu Rr-qlltst Tim' 11.1100 WFS..,- WSOM weco MBS·World$; IInOK WBBf III\n-U.,t Re;uh. \\\IT MBS·Thf Buckly, FDu r; WROK WflOI\ M~n Oil th~ SlrHt CBS ·My Son & I. Ibleh: woe 1:00 ,"c.",I••• * WJOC \"''''1 NBC·Onld HJrum. sk.tch; Wil II \Q WTlIJ WIRE K~O \It .-l T~r' " ..... WTII) 1I."k "Ih O"de Ranch· KllOX WBB" W'IT WMT n, WBBII WFB.\.I K~IOX WI.W ('~i"lrd Oruml \\OI\U * 1\Ol-t"rt P .... II .. ; NIIWI CBS· To be ~n~O~n(d: WTAQ woe \\1,' r"u, T, ..., 12:45 W I ~\' W\lBO WTAQ WCCO WROK ~h I'tr'killi. skctdll "0011 allvtiall Of" \\,"BT ""M"IIC, II IltW ~ n,,~· !' _ *N BC Hr ... H"'~t1 H"r~'n,. ( •. 15,:m W"U s"iftlc" Ntws of I'" Wf"tk 1\ B)'). \I 'kft RfPO.t. " .1 \\ 1111' \I.1odIc 11 •...t. boo \l1II~ litO .... IIOWO It... - \11 I L Oullald S yil lI"("fl-!iiojOtlile ('.. _, r,..J.t. 1:45 \\ ItO T. boo all~ .... n.od "" 31) HBCMoth.r .t MInt, Sktu;lI: ,"".1... II 1.11 ""'.. 01 a D,u", .. "1'n-R4<~ H II \\ 11K' Ii,.. {Or... ' G,rl CBs·n_ Rnd of LJI~. ,kelch: KII K WESR 1I0WO CBS,K.II\. Hopltin,. \kdth: WM¥ II vS 1.,. ,14 ~ f-',u Lon WIRE B,tty '" B"" II Itt \... ,,/ IIll/1t ... 1188\1 \\JJIl bllfrtuu,'''vtol ,'luM N8C·BJCkU.,. WIlt. W81.1\1 K"OX Weco II II I \11III''''}, II'KI.III To II. ~n~o"nr" W"A", 1\ I'IJ WIRE HB C·Yo~n9 W,dder I r." n WI.,,, I)""" bv lierman', \\'11i(' Ca.tlt'imt I\~n 11.111 '" lI<>b 11'011"0 Friend"- S.i~hhM, 11'1.\1 11'110 K~!l Ihlch: 110'110 1\T\lJ \\·M s HSC-To bt .nIlOIl"cet/; WOOW WitH. K"O II'IB,\ \\KIIII ~ ",.. 1/ .. ", * 11'110\1 \. II I , \~ .. Lu/it.• ~~'.I,t II I''\D-Th~ !.itll" ..I ..... CBS-To k Innouncd· *1\/5 \" •. "'.; \ttl do,ll; WHther * IIC I II , ..... II I'BO h" 9 53 IB3) II J Rf \1~1,>dy " RKI~ 1 \I n\J II "'" II. 1&11"1 \I \!BtJ II, \1 ..1 u.. To t... anllOllMrd \\'~BT WK811 \\I~\1 WKBII II II" \! wac P ...... "'III t., ~ . ~ J 1u 'o\ 0\1 () II r\ s..r .. ce lI·lll J I 2;00 II B 1 1 ~fI..-- \tu MIS·Wort,·s r'it 8.iln,: WG" . 11 LS \ "IIOK \\lV.R -0 Ii 11.,,\1 \'o!-oS 1If10\{ K,",OX "TlilT T ...... T .... I'll I ...... , • ' ....1 IICfl 11'_1 f\ftinp B.a.... 1\0- It " R *; 1... 1783, II 8 I I II n" 1..""" II ,\U" I.. R.,...... ,· * I\ln. 11 1'1_1, n_ WOl II , ... Just W ..."" \\ 1)1. 11_ r,,[kI lIulIII 11_ III HI'\, t' \\JBI p, 'o. ,..,_ - _ ....._ r-r .. _ ... R_ wr;" ft.~ • \'IRO K'IIlIX II BB"! K',)J",ty .. J~ \\I\IiD ('"10'. f.. \!" ills WOIVO III\lJ" ,I VUI'''' WJ8( U"lIy_...a 8elPYilift HIIC·C"I AI,,,,. Jbt(h: "IIU ,'" 111\\ ~D'" IIBH <' .. ~r-, P<1i"'. W\1\Q \\'T\tJ \\"110 K<'O "'IT T IIBnw I'~al ':>1)LiIl,l I\un 110".11 ".,",,.. "'\\BOW-Toby', Cor,u_l "t>ot MBs·nl Nt." rlr,_t, drama: T> w("ru 110 e.kI H."" II 1I{1 8 ~ , 1.. 11 {;~'''. 111.1 \ \ .-.,,, W/hlk , ~Im hi" MBS·Worlf"l fair 8a~d: II WI. I\IJI ICublt; .'1.1 Yo". "uyirli * 1\rrLS.". 1:15 K\\ K I\t,\ It'f Ed,tor·, Ooul:hl" * 1v(TI. ~ : *WOl-N ..... ; Arti It llu.uu r *NBC·Club M.tintt; CUr, * /Ii ..... WOOW WlIP 1111.\ ("JIM, a rl.y "e... NIt.","n Rou 1 :00 II 07 1;,,1,1'10 1..1",1 \oon Ed. I\'{; " Don SO .... ~b·. !llle Monre. "' <, V,....I .. Io; Orch. WOU I'rnd"el \lUBF ", ...... in ""Ii, M8S Worl~ Stfltl II IIUf IIIIK Nt... 110m\' WO\\O WKBB n .... '\fUll Jj, h I.. 11011" 11'11·\ F."" s.-'~n .. Spolh,ht ,""liP " WIIK \0.-1 ...... CBS·T. k In"ou,,",<<; WTAQ W1)1 B.., B,rtOOl. ~r.r"-1f" IIIB! \_:l'J RIi)''''' IIOC II'ClO \\08\1 \\1I1l II. f1 " WfatJwr WILl-E-....o ~rot_, ~ \I k811 "'bS woe W£.'iR-YKn Trull. S_.. \1 III ... ~ p"Q(1. II llUD JudI' ud hilt. ..s."~h II I II· GU,dUll li,hl II II/ ,'oua, (I. ll.oJ"". \\ \I 11,/ k,n,. Ku WJ8t 1',,10 o,~nlO" * "(U~ \..... lJl~ck" * • * IIUU , .... II. ,,,',,"" II 110" T" "" .'" ...... 1"<1 II 11110 £,~ Rallllulr" IIkBun \I'lh ,I>. Oall\1\\ 1) ,'" "du. Acrlcllhuu] P ...· II'JBI·K",.... (I CBS·Clrol MII$/i. ".nisl: WOC II II \Q "O"W U~I nllb \I'll p..,.br. in Ih~ P ttlt)' WT\1J n,~h' In II '"I\'II/Red 8,I,ht. f .. ~ JJI IIt.\ \1"" •• 1. • ,. Romanc... MARY MARGARET * \\(;, .\p" CBS-Wom." III Wh,w. lkt"h: 1:15 . 11 llllF 'i .... . CBS-Joyu Jo.dJn. Cirl 1"ler~t. I\'IIU" T"by " ~U.,. 1\\10.\ 118U\1 III{Q *1I'1I11' S~ ... . McBRIDE 1I111 .... l'uh of,p h"h II'(\/" "!-oS KilO:": II IH( \I.,t., S, P" HBC-f""ktl MUIIr'· Ouhtstr,,: II'BB'I \\1 (.() \I IIBn 11'''8'1 \1'11" Bill Jon .. h"n \1\1 \1,/ * 11 1.. \ \ • ..- .t 1 r, M. "'fB" II JUr- R,,' ldill n'>lrd Wl1If To boo iII''''''"'tod r MBS,Wo'l~ Slriu; KWK STATION W BB M 1\ J81 \1 ...... .. II UUF Kvli HSC·Arnold Crimm·, OJU,hlf'. II kflB .. IIJJII r-tlM, 1'1'1 III" shl\11 .. II .... \I Ull Q< ot,.,b .. Oub HIC JOM·~ Otnn W,lo. sbtch IIIHI~ r "KfUI J", r,. "" III \ln~o ".9~3) • • "Sl- E: "'"1" \ ...... 1 ~!,.ook ':45 WIIlI1 Ltool I\~ • ,*11 BO"' ~."" IUHI~ I" .'1 , MBS-Tlt ( I n~fl 01 S,.rtJ: .... c ~ \I f.' II I f •• II rf:O Cr.,," ~""m.· Ora.. II\lBO R... I)1td Rio " .," .... mE "'"£.'11 T, OC .. 111114 nT, 1M' ",ia;LI MONDAY 5:45 NBC "",,,,,, M Iltr·, O ,,~,. WL<; * \lFl:S\t , ... II IlIlK .:.1 F IIG .. I 1>0 ••d'. f'rtk. * N . CL-~I H8C- To h " '/lowlI(t4. IIl"BS ~" m,o IILW '''_u.. Il A' "jt.. 5:00 * KSOI" Jtt ~ ___ NBC ·Sh.w 1 0 ~ I: a .",. 11 *" October 7 IIOC Of" \ ...... \\IIf1F ..... CIS, Rhyll"" R.I'II I $: NIC ·To'" M'K. '~ tl ch: WF'iR IlBOII T. "It 1".. It t, lll,,"I .. II, 1'''xI ,I l't'IOn * "'IR£ 1)"k 1I ~ _.a. \'It_, \I f"Q l\1~'" II{FI II, f ,n. J)i.~ TWd {I,.I Bvb *C8S-1I>t W"I~ Todly: hllO\ fI_... I ~'" S"""" M,," fur D.ft( *MIS- Ntwi: JtHY BI. ,n.·, 0 1· II'HII\I II f iO IIf.\Q II'FAII 11 1'"11" 0, ,1"t'\I'. 1101'. l"un'y Tte"dl.. · ~h_ 11".1 Orch, *" the In 1\' 11 8 . ' WHOK I\WK (·.,n,m B"b St, .. ,·' 11>". 8 n~ II IRE II h fll! WilT \\'\IHII 110(' " - II{ \'In 11 1I1I.: .... ur O'CIY,~ J ... ,t,."u IlIln 11 /;.' NB C· To b. InnOunttd: IIKllb II"II,,"S H,d,.,11 11",,1 ... ,'. Or<, t, J . 11111" \. ... 11 1i.81! \r 380 R ...... 1, ... 11 .. , A l ...... 1. * h"'II" " 1II'\()lI ... * '1 KISB \~ .. (10. \\01111 \\I\flB 1I1I01' * 11u\IH ..... WLW U. eu. 8.< 6<~"lilu1 \\881\ \I" 1\1 R~ ~ "'''\I\Q\ t ,,1153) * II"Rtlh ,"" '*\1 \l8ll \ p~ f "rue II HUll I \I. "ROK 1~ "'n_J~ K, * IHk~\ \I.l '*\\ 10\'1 \. B F: ... ' I II \IT To . lIf(1I ...... '" \' T\IJ " . _ " fB\I \,.. * IH\Roo •• r t 1\ "(II \I ... \1111\ .... . 7 :00 • II T\lJ II(MO K ... \' I'., 'K 111.\1 .adfo " .... a , II 1'/ I"", \t 11110 To lit .,,_.... ___ NIC I Lo.. I!ry. '" . IIC" \, • \1 I Q, 10:15 " .. ll \I, 11'". '" "' I\FU\I\~ ... a"a III. hllK 4:15 * "IHI \ ..... Wli lltll.ll"kI,U H NBC B,n Cull" .. O IC~, IlOilO Willi,. h .~. "-N8C-Th. Ttl.p~.n, Houl; NIC -Ir " "e Wltttr: 118('1\\' 1\1\0 T" I ,,.., N8C -Johnny Orch .. 1IIIlI'" "'''.''C&I, fUll",!" II"'''''.... Wi ...... SI,,"1 I· •• _~ J e. 1(.It,," ".. F •• ,,,;a ... II JI« Sr II 1K)lI NIC·u1\C J owrnt1. ,ktlCh' "I/O * IIII(I\t.. IIJ8I' (-h,ul" H","cllYI Whllt "'" h. I IIr I ... M,,~ 110' III , ~ II ,,1 C8 S 0 .ft(f Orrh. \\<;IH II'T"Q W\UQ K .. n I\T'U . 111111' ..... l ••• \,~I ... ".tJD "'upp".I",.. • loh~ 0,,,,",,,. (M' I. ,h. .. Sl'n I-Isl I \1\>" hi \' Will II"KOII h .. 965, C I S·b"ofl~, hhlilc, II n8\1 111\\1 ~I .. 'I • ", , II \I IQ I". t II. lI, .... IlhlUlKddJ lI.r II nU"'1 ~1 ___ M8S- Pl.y l'Ol1lun. 4W'l NI C-LJlt Cln 8, BUIIIII"I· 1\(:00 ll .. ruJl 1'", * hll~ ,."'~ 11\.11 T ....I T ...... h"",."~ II Bill h~1) II.h.,.. M"...u.1 lI llY lIlliE IIIllQllh rl h_ *" ... \'11),,,1, I"··,.,, ~, IIIp "" 1I ..~!d 111111\1 Til ""' I '-" 1\\181t1, ..... " r,~ lipl Ti",o ''''P''' ' :00 MIS·To bt Inn.II",.d: KII Ii. NIGHT '"... , .to '''''I, II()~ ___ NB C-Co"ltnltd Howr; Op.1 II I I t) II aid !Hut '"'• Old, 111101\ 11111 111;\ II lIT'" .'" ... ___ C8S-nou We Lt.... ~r."'~; IIffj U. ~ II Ihtll 10 Id /I ..... Ih L",: l I { li.\lOX I, " .. . , C ~ "JI! IIIIA \\I~\ lI.n"K J'm . IIIIU,""".I"o(l \ .... WII.r. ,lie,.. b 110 Ibtl., Qu ..,.I. P. <, 1 "I, 11((01 ..... M IIFB_1l !lnO IlillUI KIIlI\ I\~U II II ,\. \1,/ 1\11.1 1\(,\ I I •• '-!>DI 5:15 '.r a " atlo. I,. p",,(ocfl.. 1111\ ... I~ II 1 , *" III \ ..... program Is •• '110 o/r. \I IH" 83, a 10 Kl'oX .' "fB_~ IItl'f 11-'1" IIlIarr"" Pee r Ma s Jerry II. nt, OrCh II \IT II I 'n I .. 9531 ... 11 II'} \. , "IlIP Rh)linuk I Ir...... * HIC·Gltnll lOa'" O"h. H• ..,' ' :00 * "l\fJII fll. I f ...... " , \1111. .. b I,r 1118~ II h I,,,,. • •• CBS ·Am" ',,- A ~~r: "'{R~l.··",h. Ii II J6( A, NI C·I,"nt W'cH. ch",ron', * 1\('Fl'i.... ,n .. ~. \Illl~ I! \\JR IIllI~ IItB~ .~ , 1' .... \ I 1I\l8(\W, ... 1100'Ift \\K88 Ill ... H WCB~ 11(-("0 '" 1I0F .'00. "". I"," IHITFI .. \' .• ~. ..\ *" ...... I', II JIl f'~ , C 8 S·Hd~. Hu,.I' Hollrwood: lll'on " ..... 1,< "Ill ,.nn W[)WOII" ., II u C8S-To Itt .M'"~'C~; II f\t,l II... .Iall, '11<1 11'1'8\1 \\'IIIUJ II IUI\I IIC(O IIJar <\, ,,' II ,,,,1. ._ 111.1\ .' .. P'".,. 1'''1, ... ,1 "~l./ f. 4:]0 II rlQ NBC ·Fred W'''~f 'n PltI'u,. Il'hHII \1I,m 8 n. ''''''0, , ...11'1 ' ,_ 11 •• 10",'. Ti. , IITHI W IW 1111111) It. F,". h." I\o"lon~ R•. C8 5-[.plor,n, Millie WT"Q )'... 1 '" • ,I.,,, ....1>\1. ~t II flU 11'\181) O"'''lh) J .. '. I "II",.). It...... "I' I, I '" • 11..- lit_ ,0{ U ..uM "ub~u WIIl~. (.1 .1 1(: l' ,,,.) Wt'AM II"MIH.I w... ~ II{M' """h" I., .1I~1 "r J. """ k, ..... ,- *MB S- F ~lton L,w,s. J r.: ntW"l 'I .. ", .• , ,.,,10, \\' flOh l ~u, 1'."" .. {),~b, NB C· Bud 1 lllon. l~tUh: 118011' K~J) J k A,,, I, '. IIH()h";'''I,h", It .• ~",: _I hllh II-11m WROK HIC- SIOry O .. 111m 0 IIIIIJ 1.1 ' \\",,1 WOII'O II'(H. L'~d. II ,,~ W~ l ' l Wh~ O"I.h,N,,,.T "'u: "\"" II \\' BOII I\{II~ hilK IIDR 10:30 NIC · G UI~,n, L'III I: I\SD wlln Ill; .. 1.""'!Ju ..... ,"" '" pi .... 'o S"".\ IIK811 IIUI, l~h811 7:15 H 8 C· [ ~"1 Colt1l'llln', O,(hHIII , II \I"Q III III Willi' Spao-t"'l K"'OF". lid a f""l '\ til II Bml Rrl' (. Itu Pt-Rm. .... CI S-Gwl L .m~u_o', O"h. IIIIO"HIM JUI 11011, Urdl "'m ... lit O~ 11'0\\11 "!«RB MB S·F"nk e.,.ft·s 0,,11.: "G!'I W{ B' Pralt.. l'lh IIJR l1H811 IIfll\l 1I.\lT IIiRI. 1(,,.. ~1oMI. ".'11 ..... \I 80\\' 'I., 1" l.IbuIer \I(fl-J K, I".h IIH~s K.)fOX IIHO CIS Rlt HUktk's Oleh •• I." K"K ~h9lO ", ,,~ .. \I,.. .. \II n. R ..... 11",,1 II IIlIt" ~0<1 CI,. itM8 S- II .,.... nd S";"I, \\11\" \1\\0 l"'tlT "'K811 NIC'h't A"'"IIl"lf, Ikdch: I\JBt' :II\IIK.:t M, .. 10 "... WE'R C ~ 6<11 B" ""UU. ,." ...... \I{;., IIIIBF IIRO" WilT Wl" \\JJO ~!I IItt fI hi i.d, Bu,. IIJIK"~t"'l' T * "I"Fl S .. NIC·Wootfy HI,..",.n', O"h01tlprl Si"", II Ill." To ... • <'d 11'1111' ... , jIhOII II n 7 , )0 " .. WlJl ..... ndo ..n J"IIiI .. ... " TlO \no. *" I\Hl! \ .' 111m", \\1I8~ I\(;S II I1U h b. I \III."r'" M a S·l~e Gr.n HO.ntl. '"I .... ; IIl\flll't \1,11 111I8flh,..... 5 :]0 111\1) C,....., ".",. ;..'IIIX11·a od 1.1111. ""rd, Il l l Br II linK II 118U l C8S- 0 n. B,,"l: \I TAQ .~ .. " Ju') .. " ~II \ .... I",., udo- • f WHIP \" .. I~ T" t WI'" ~I~J. ." /0, '''''' IIII( II, II'JUC-lTh)'''rn lit ..", ___ - CI S P'p( Smokin, T,mt; \It-~I lIu·\< I.,,"~" P.ltn "Jll l'"hllr It! In NBC -Bud BaI!O~, ,~,\cll: 11I<>8B 1\0110 II, , " " , \\'I\/l H U. I, II\IIQ~' ,. .. • 1' .. k 1/.", rd 01.. ~".·I'.". Jwl! II 1.,",; ".", ... , , r \HIIIIIl, ba' R'llJolIt In 'n II( II~ tl,,·.u 0,1, .... ". 1IIIIlII Wille 11 0' If ~d,l'" I' .. ,~ ';15 1I1It~ a•. II n""hd"p " C B S,P~II! SWIl'.,~ Atoit.., lllf * 11',1111 . II"'IBU \. \\("ro K \10.\ II f III. II H>\ S NB C-To~y Putor s Orch . IIt"'H 111:-..\ I 'I ~J",'h ht .'rI...... , "8n', II'I~\ 1i.\I()X IIJ,In F... I 8,,~ 1" ".1.1 II\lTE>. 11\1T II"JJ\ I 'IBl) ,.1 ... \11(011 \\0110 IIUI)II 1\ ( Ib 111.\\ GJ dn r B." odIell Or.h IIllT W('(tl 1 .. 1183) ", h"'X K"l al I ,,, I 1\\1\l./ I If, ~ lin 1111'1 R ,r." f .... ',II \\.,n OJ H, ,., "' M I S- L ~w 0 " .... "_·. O,ch.l IIROh E,", 11 P MBS,u."t K.~ltl, hI. K\\ K II'TIn ~ •• ___ HB C· T,w. 0, r.,u; Dr. 1\ IIHF II 118U 11 I ~'""' CO, AlM:f>tI ""IITn " 1I.,ry II ~,_ hliK IIl.S (Iko \\(If I .. to..... cod T, \I, K"'O T.lrlun, .':35 MaS-Wh. IIH Thllnrlu 0,,.,. Pa,"rli,~ II'IIlF SIMI.h M8S·Bob [ !IO~. ,porh; K IIK II'ff l. I.,!.o"t fl..... , ___ CBS-Blondlo. 11:00 II"HFB Ch •• llwl (hadi. Fla~.r II J 8(' Th ~I~' l' .r~ll« IIIIOII'S, Ael ... II Gil ~p"rh 'lIflth; II _liT . CBS· Ntw, D ~ntf Orchos ln: II FilII IHIlI.\' lI<.:lU IIIH:- * W/IlP ~." II'h811 A< "rd .. n. W'.1. 0"""'1 rO"<,,1 III~IJ~,"", U.. ". III ... U II'KSII I I~tr II TAQ II ILl. r,onto" 8~"d \\'1.\1' 00" 11',,, 1<> .. 01 the Nlvy * IIIS ... W,. h I!OX II'~IIT 1\"1~" , ,,6 12) 11\." II .. " 1-, ~ I. Am.", "WI 1\1"0 ",...,,1 m. P~rk l'ulur. I\\I\I/J k 1",I'on II IIR.- SI''''' '*II'J8C ....". CBS·Blck Whtlt I Como From MBS- M,lehfll AYrl~· OrchtU,,: Ih •• II IIBO Tun of To< .'row WIU[ U.cha,1l lI,n'Wr', Olth. l\hH8('",I .." (" IIJlI 11:-:8T II I.\U I " '16,) II ROK II liB.· Wf)(- II, I. f 11· .... \ ",,,, '" ·hl k Ri"-hl * III~' \ .... 11'''80 I .. ~,'." ___ NBC ·8u,ns &: AIIt~. Arl .. WnOh Y A III' Clwb "'N8C · H ~w~; JD"Mr L Gn.·~ II Isr " .... I '- "w'''f IIJKI II" .. I .10 .. Ihy WSl'l S, >II' Sh.,'. Oret. K~U 11110 II IRE 7 :45 no... ,," II IliA 11110 IYK88 Wh8111)i "CI" 'I" \\II"'Q Kfl~ \11I1J II"""'IJ lIT \!tol 111.\·1 J, "at", ll' IIIlbl n III FI. II" , NBC ·Adnnlw" "' Ro.l \1" , .....,,~ "f M"",c WIIT(;t,,- 6 .... 1, I 8 .. "d .1 ""0" ,.,11 ~f I . II'()(' ~f"\' . 11 "8U Iltk I.' M, AI~, •• "I~. I'",.. f. ,~, I" "1. * KOA ~~"" S"c,,~llt ill I';'flh .. WnOK \ew W~\1 FH \I" IIG ... TIo, (, ...... 1I .. ,,,n h ... 1) \Ju.,< You WaJlt 11'--'" O... t, J,., "~ ..... rn&r 1:00 1\'1 ...... ·{"l"b 1,1 I\("CO It.. '~'''Glh " f Mu.;c CBS.To be ""nown ,.", * 1\lW\twll ("1>.10 MclAy'. Urrh 1\1'\ \I II 1.\1' • .... ,"'1), S .. " En ...",bltt, \\'T-\\l1I p,\>' fI'rh, O,ci C B S-81ond~ \IJII ,..11 au "i,II lI"nl) l."''',r ."" P.ul ' ;45 . \\ 11\11 ~ ~ ••oaf· Orell. \l'II8D ... i, .,f 11 . ,~" IIK81/ W()" IIOC la.~l <•• ",1 11 n,n.h "I,,,.t, * C 8 S- N .w~ 01 fht Wu: II ,Bl- I\\lOX II t~ ... '(" , .. Ii I. G"~'I' II KB8 \I'BOW W I ... O (.w 11_6'S) e nd 01 M o P"'''fIIS 1\"'11 (I " \I I\lJ I. l." ... ",~PY r CBS- Lux A'dio l hut(r; N8C ·8 nlY W,nlon'S Orchnl... : II BOW C.... I 1 ~ d~" l~<,1 B 0.\1,11. WBB\I WT.'.\I ,(10);-11 .., " 1\ 11 , '.' 1\1 B" I) .,,' I. \1. ' .. IJelodits WI~~ KI'O\ I\{TO \I~Bll 11'{fl \I .. ~. B.I,... ·, K"~_"~' Wi n,. t". IIcro QUI' "I tho> T"" Cili•• I'iJR \\ 't81) 11\<; B J11 "" "SU :,.:.., II II IRC' PIM'ItC II" 11'1 " 11:,\, l\n1. 11·.h-rn IltI.".. WIlH- I~'., MB S·W.h Up Amuir.; WeFL • 'r~ IIrB'1 0,'"'' ".u. t ,. ,tt~" WI ll \1u,irll ""'''WDI.\-WO \\JJ II-lIIt/ KWI\ InSlDI ;,11 \\·H I-7:.t1 11'11"'" n"Iot.' II,,! dl 111.\1 St'·.' r,,,,,.·, • I) ~, II~ IB I)·' I ~'''II 11.,,1 " I;JJ\\' 1c·. 11' ''''.'-1:•• , WHij~' \)"",., p~" ""I \\to~ 1'":,,,,"1 T.I~ WOIl! H20 lu.-,tal,b" t .. 'h \I' " 1111 -'""II 11" 11 11'.\, 'rtl(~11 11',.,.. lI "rnw 1YJ:;r\R Politi,.,1 1'.11. war \ll't· " ·~IU II Uo -MO PI«", II'G'" "d,lir lJ"... ,,1 10:00 \\· ( ' .·I. - !n ~ W\' II' -700 wm; iJr.'() \\' M .\ t,I !flu * 11'111 1'. ni,'~ 1[ .... <1, * II"IIIIF :-; ..... CBS ·SpOIIlI,mo: (" 965) ,,'w, ".:SII-"1" 1I'}j IUI-l fI" IIIS\ (O,,' I, "n II 1'0 ~""N~<><>d H.or," ___ NBC ·Fred Wlrl~' In Plou· wr'\)llc'~ Il")tT·OOO I~J8( ~I~'''~ " "'C lIo.,! IIJ8C II, 10 .....,h P'2m, .. ,~ Ti,,,. 1\£11 WIl!) I~ IIAQ WYII'oI-'''''' I\'JI( Ill'O \\,1; ... 1~'Cl Wllllllllttot * Wb .. , ... 1Ii\8HB 0, K~O hI", ... 6 p .... ) WO\\O R, ,d II,,, "." Qr,h WiLl !NO W ROI( UI() \\II \ Q\I" II ."1'.: S~ ' .rtl W ~ I I"J' 1:tfIIJ WRUK .... ." II. N8C-8 tn C"Il"·' 0,,11. WC8S 1\.\1 '" ':!II /In" ,j,,". P '"'. 11a'o,,~11 IIKlI8 IHIIU·-J;:.MI Will, f·""" II)lT Th. Shadow WS{"J ("on~, '" ,, ' ot Ei InIU' 1t>IU I'IT.\ " ·_ ... ,...... \\(")( I , II ~ G ...._, 1;15 CBS O,nu O"h, II 1"8\1 II"I" D 11' 11 <11111111 "lll'T4" 10'I. ~_ 1\'1111 ,,_ ,...... Wf4t,1 -111:11C1 WOHDU CO'd CO .,o!!·" ~c:'.:::' c ...... M.,. WROK "' I ''''\~ WHiR·T.,I lit O,,·h. K \10X ... ,... f\ WlllC-Jo;;G 11 111 1-_ '--' '--'------J II"T\lJ. Y """ " Wf:'i \, * IIBB\\ , 1>111 \I 01 'I, ,u \' ... hU MBS-KK' fit 10 Mullc ; WGN I\JJI) O,,~ Ihh" ~ II1HI,ll\m ".r ,~ [ '/52 InmD \ltd \\\;1 n .. I;.. 1",1 S. Or CBS·Stopmol~u. stllch: K\IOX 1\ I\Bit 0 .. Y01' Rfn,ftllb/'.! 'oIi •• JU"' MORNING * 1101- \ ... )· .... r 11. \ltll"," 1101 I'll"!) 1111811 II~'B_" II l'- "n. AIdt .. II UBI II., ) It ....'". WOlF", 1\, ,." () II",. TUESDAY I\~I) II 011.1 T'ItIt lIII.stlll, J. prograM lid/.," WIIO T .. bo Allnouncf'd IIOWO ,-, "Ia' ~'r"l Lo~t 1I"0WOQb".,,,u 1\1 B ... \I.~~ , ,*WTAD 1',,1 • I, ,"d/eol" " ..... broadc:os' '" lit! a".. ·.1 "l~" ,f " ... ni,,~ II ~t I Th~ 8..,..... Sh.1I IIJSt" r>. I (.1._. 01"1,,,;,1 I~IIA ,-" ... y 8, ..... tll,d IIT"IT I " ...... "'Ilhill October 8 IHIB.· II ~., It" "I\~ 7:00 CST * 111 ... , ..... 10:45 11'1 '\J TolIl " ... .NBC-Hew, lItH •. "~D II I. II n. (;"MIIo-, 11'1111'· 11 ".1,,,<., /I .. ". 11 ;45 1\ 111(' (h."" H .....t \\"IB()., " f" H ,,11 II I \ n I'.i ... 11~ ... IkT I',.,,,, CBS·Our G ~I Su"dlY. skotch; "IIUC \1.I"d~· r.~,. II l;.in II '" I, •• \\e u~ II" ".; n,ck ,*WJ BC \~"" ~'''~~Il. \\UI~tT KIIOX WIIIIM IIIIT II'I'B" II' !HE •• ,,,. 1\ "d 'Al'lll \" ,\II1,~!J~~ 11' 1101\ "'.n"'''1 \.It WJJI) 111. 1""~Il" ""'''0'' \""l~r< MBS . B~(hY t Faur; II'ROK WI,,\'·ltu, \1'.,., IH H C I,~. d,,1 EJrful WSt:1 \lu<;e.1 \I"'ilIU.tI " 11"1\811 ~t"'. \\Indvw ~llQl>pC r IH'CO·\\" i<>l. WJB(' Thi. R"l!l,,"C A" \\ UI II rl~~ hllnly ':]0 wor n. I) It;othin.t But Club: WOWO WOWOTo, ,,,h. Ch~, ... 1 " WD/.-t .. " "o.. lIulI. ~~w. '* \IKIJII In. h. Tt"'" II ROK Add Em t:p \I G~ Tu I~· "'", IS.33) ..WlS-N ...·': M","d.; WNI~.' WMAQ·""burl>on II".. , WIRE Ho",.",~h,'. 110"" NBC·r"nic.,t Ma Ut"'",,,: ,*WC8 ~ N.... WMBD "O'"I11~ \fI,1 S OX *\\O('1';C'W., OddititJ WJ8C·'lorDiu~ Ocyot;on, WIBA WOZ- •• rmo<, Dlu~hltrs 1'1'011'0 ~hrktl Strvict WnOK Musital Ooo:k ,* WJJD ~ow WG:iul CIott.; WISO a"b '- B"",,,.· Altht. •UIOX f"norit. M.. /tJit. WOC-e ... t..o.m. ShGW WIS!li\vI~\" Ton ... T .. " .. • \'CCO-Sr... WROK·\lb'lW" Dc,·ollO ... WJIIC·J"'I Aboul T.m • "Dtlll! "'" Com 1I,,>ktnl ,*' I"",,, Gf I .... Air WJJD·Pri fill. a.,d her I"Uno WIRE·D..... P"tnoi 1I./U)·\I"".IUIAI AlIi~Dee WKBII Oh"t, Ol"(ani,' .d "LS n .. en " o.ri,liDe WTMJWhal" So ... WLW To '" .1"'uU'.,· .... . IILW Se'I" 1:45 \1'oIBD 0 .. " .IIt' .... ' 'r; ¥.(x: Pf<>1Ik \1',I~A' WUI~tr Rtpo.l. Th.. fl )l0"S •• -~ *\\ TAD,C.-."nomly NII'II'I NSC .GD$jltl 5'''1'': K::.O W"T-r'h~" Kilt! .•• CBS·Buhlo'·1 Children; KMOX ,* WOC.T" bco '''n...... . .... Ol-~ '. "'I," r. , \1.flW!&; En,.,)'daJ WHO W_ " \I " .. NeC,1 t...e L,"4, $ktkh: .... '81' \1""'"'1 DC>' no. 0.1 WO\\O 'c " 1It1\"()\.... ',1f8. t rj~ TIIM M~" I IIJJD,"""oh... J hil" NIc·nt Ma,ntd, tkllth: . I\oIL! ... .. 1\~1I \11111:.. 11/10 I\LI\ II\lAQ "KBII".,,"" I Ono" .... "Illf H" ...... ,. WlS Alit. BII" ."~ Mlftha wnu . \IJlIL \ ••• 5...,11 CIS'''''lfy Let T11kir: K\lOX Ih "1 ...1 "'JJU B 'k r...... 1 V.I.\\' lo.a..·, h ••1 lou II FBII \I B8\1 \1 \180 IH)t aNI I I. WL~ 101 .. " B,,_ 01 11·_ \Hn F~, W_.. , 0. ry \\" AI) \, , leal (IoU WROKlh, T," CBS ROid of L,lo, tHlCh . ""'n1J ...ft fup '" tb Morn· ,* IIP/. " •• " II. "'I.d "".,l'l \10· " ; Suvlct WG" 1.... " "'~h", II '101 *NBC Ht... ,: H""t .' 111"\\\111", . R .....'I IIIU II" pi" h" I' em 7:45 \\ TAD B•• d ,10"" B.. bH". * \\IISF \ ...... NIC,H""'J .. 0,11: WOV.. O IITIU Ihr ..' III 0, , d... 1\'IU\ I" J, '"' . 1\1 Ii , ..... WIIIP 1.,lhua,ual< II u, "~[IIl"" .. B b ' ;00 IIII1Clr;"!Id!v 110 .... 11 :15 1~80W IIBII\I,~ It.... '" • "~Il .. ~ .... NIC-V.,.bandli: WIWO HBC ·Th. O·N·'II~. $kllch; .... )lAQ \\{'8S {" lIS} "'LlP~,."r h ch .. fUN"' * \\ unll I~ .. "'O/R.I&'·... 1 II"ISO lI'ulhn, f'''1 M"", ,pal WlW .. 11"1'0 \, . "'. B'I ~, ... CBS·1I .. announced: woe ( ,,~rI MBS·Hlft's 1\1'" I. \1 c.; .. , ,., I NBC·HIII'lboat H,nn,h, Ihleh II I'" _-\. n1.a a II Rnt,; II III J, ,\ uflr 'h 11\lIQ \IoIR. Ii"'P 11110 WL\\ IIJB' Th 101 1, HBC,GI'''n D,'w,,,, hr.; WKSB II lun II .... nu * "lJI' \ .... II' B~ ( .. :~"I " IIlIIIT.. r.. "'L1. .... 111. S .... II KBII II .- 12,15 JJ:tt: \1 __ U.k ClS·lt KUhletn No,rlli. I~U(~: CBS·W,.. .. , G,rI """',n, l","WI: • I II" \\ 88\1 ....."8 ... II(CO I\)!OX . IIL Ih'PY .I. k TU'lItr; K'IOX \\tlt\II IIL{;O Wflnll NBC""n'"" Mu ,,' 0 r c h.,1 lilt II .WJJU W"lhtr. ~~ * \10 \180 WI~S 1\lIT (0 .. 11113) ,. 1\.,0 \I IUQ 1\ It! I' "'''811 B.... lul \I..todi.,. II,n.lf· II h' II DC NBC·Ta .. ,nnl,.",d: IIlII CBS-W.",," I" Wr"tt, I~,\(h: II I\IIB" Wl!> P •• .II Itamblt-n .. Pat.-J '" RnK W, , KSO~, "'. s.... K!rIO\ \\ B8\1 \\1"\ () 111\1111 T, 1... d m .'" nil .... wcn ..... lIk!) h, ulk W'-ll Tht W... ~ " G,~ tnt 1I11A'" 11 111,1,,,,, II I" ~., f;" .. 1:00 ""GS Th. W,obi'" W,II 1111011' P, ... 1_li~n. A.. neul!,.ral 11'11,1,,, S"'.... n' •• '"or WTAII Ii) . "" {!.,,"; .. , W8011 h ••, II 1.\1 I." 11. II h . CBS·NI ..~: (0.. 17.83) * WHHF N~ ... H. Hah) T"I'" ""u, •0, 10:15 WlH" ~l,.,'r ., Til'" . 11\1\\.1 ... c" WIlIP I'"I,,~ V.fI'''''' \\TII I'<.k." "' Ih. P~nI'y .... NBC-B"a~f.'1 Club; Don NBC -Aiainlt lilt SIO.m. iktlt~: 11_. ~, wlile M, ...... y L t 1111' nt,1 1l~!Ch"" WrFL V";rt "I R"",."" I, "III t. \ITn. WeB" 1I.\lAI.I WillE " .. 11110 \IUI 11'1}1 Tt,,,,. II. n.. y. InWD (,I«, Tu ('nor Will. Slu'l 8."'" n ,* 11f:' \f II, T"ft'" *WI ~I .. _ "0" .. c.;;.. 'ki_ ,;';" ~ ii:" , •. , ... , 1It 1\ IHl\III.Id!.n. NSC ·Th SID" 'f MIfY ""lfll~. W,,,.... IhP T, ~ II JII< II ~ lIal.,', Chal * 1\ 1 II .. ~.. f"'~l')hod"'l Firm 1t "'fU\~ '. .k.lrh \\ I .. ""e 24 II J8(" o...d ~ lI.lI II",. • CIISAm-f'ic.IJI ~hool 'f tilt OUlrtort : NBC·Stt S.II. shUll' WK08 CISA"'ft '1\' A~'y . Shldll IIJJIJ rn'm~' • I !'W.o. \!\C II FB\\ '" I'" '" KIIII \I("BS 1188\1 \\1I1~ IIf~\l "')101( , KRlI '" it ~ IIBa "'It 1101 C8S·K.,- H""''''l. ~hUh: II 11 1\\,,, \ II ,I) ( IIUI IIrl') ( .11.&11 Ill.! 1I~.n p, .... TUESDAY CIS A f'r'fn, I~A"": lI~or I'"~ \1811\1 ... ",<.\. \\((;0 *"~[I~. "'''U f •• 1I fte"; Alit" II III R, hI I" II ....,,"" 11111, NIC-V I ~ n q Widder I,o.. n, 1111111\\1,. p" Ii •• !,-,,,"! It, tI•• Orch, II II(' ·r., t.. .'.'.0'",~,,1 HaC·Pepper Vo~nn F.mll~. .~.Id, II no 11110 II \IM~ II'RI!II 11, G., n.. ""d II lJOI~ It" " October 8 11'011" ,""kh."k 1',11", B,)" ht.j, II\I\Q 1111(' WlII K ..n *\\'( (I ~ 11111£ ",," 11!8A * \\1 u~ II "I I I< ...a 'd.,l1ul !;" II nil \I :flr * \\0 , \\ I I It II III II. .. F J\ 11- II ilfl K,th K..... ktlt ","OIIIItN II •• II \I lUll> ,I t. .. CBS'My So" .. I .•hl,II, \\OC lit It )1 hI II , 1'4 tlllln 111111', '1.. ,!. III\U! •• \" II \I .,l·1 ... ~t'\I or II 11111 r~1! II r.ud. MBS'llu,s Pln"o's Orc~ IIIIT .. 118011' r .• lK> \1<>"11, ' :15 1\1\11 ~ f_,,,''''' IIIf1h\lp .• I. IIIH I\I:"K wlm", " III". cas TI W\lT .'I{D" ,_"; al~,k .. I\"I~ .. 1\ ..11 rr R 0 " .... i •• ".,Il( ,.", tI','I' \1 , Oft 1IIltr StUy '" O,~, 1111\ I r.· nm. Tu ..... IIf,\I\ II "lUI \I. tiP'" 11K'" IITIIII' \I r •. ' •• ,,"I IlnL 101 .. " In Ih' ~Ir .... t 2 :45 0011 ". *NIIC·Jolln W, V.nH.cook. 1\'IllIllr"'r.I'·. ~~ '1> .. *" * "nu '""" , ..... ' R~ll'h G,,,.l>ur.h. OrCA. NIC VIC &, SIde. '~tt(h: IlIflt: lIt II"", H2O nil n" II~I\Q IIIBI \l111J we' \1 "\ I (onctr! 1101, I,... \lUI(, ,"', !,. 1\11 1 \I 11\1.1 \\ IIIJ K .. n \\ 1\1 IHIO II, I' ,.~ 5:15 \\-110 1\"0 .... 9 .31 II lUI~; ~ht II innou~u'; H.... ': WtlBF II m~lJ'u" 1(" . CB5,To .. 11111 Bu a CBS-Un" II C~'''to Ann.t .. HIC M,_ KCOI:n. T,uotr ,I ~I 111111' Ill,..... M...... II I\IJ II ~ 1\ ""Kf ( " 17.£)) 111'1;1: I .... " T N ,n IIF.-\\ ',\llIm IHB\! \\TIQ P., c__ lli.I/-I IIIB, M.,lnN )'I" ... 2 ;00 NIC·JI"I Pla.n ,kflCll fl. 1\01' 1",- MIS-To k 'n~OU""~: I\II'K I'. II. \I~lt!orty Ibll HIC·TII. SIO', .. ' M.ry M.. Il~, \\1." 11'0\\0 (,.. 115315.33) IHIIIIU .... H" NaC-Jolt alth,neOUIr. Orc~_: .k,uh: W\lAQ \\' rMJ \I 110 r CBS-LI""y Ron. t~r.: \\JR WI\O Italian lI"ur * K 110\ T" I>t- ""nwnrW 'i ... "'1\0 "I~... ". 11'101 I .95J) \\1111.1\0110(11 .. II,. !'e... II IlIF WL\I' ""0 II'IIHF \1,,10 II ... ~ "tI"",.1 I·,(m. ,.e.i'Hne Wich,. ,hildrtn', \\6BII I\~'U~ IIllb l\\Inx. (BSMI.., Mlfl"" ",,"Irid.; \\11\\ 1,,·...., .. {hf' \1(10 IIJBI' """", \It I (Iub * \\1111' ,.Il \\IIHII WfB)l II HOII {' ..... C IIIUI ~ , orl<>d< J ,e. III"! II ... Oa 11(8'" \I IJn 'h.. ~". III Il l·· be \I BU\\ • '" [u_ CIS C,n>Ol~ [thOft h 17_83) ...."' "'Ill_I ,t «111 r: ,- ~ II KBII "I Potr~ ...... 0I"'1e1i1 \llI/._f!.~" II \lIn!) If"'" II, .. ,,, ,I ",.,~ iK" *NIC·H,••• , ROjII.'.,.'H'-In: ,1Ioo! CIS-C~'U9o.ans: KIIO\ * "to\ ,_ \1(., "L" .. T_. ( "'",Id IIJJflR~'h, r .. Tr \\01111 "'-II NIC,Ot-p~ans It ~httli; T.~ D,n" •. IIJ/l(I' I·... ~~ .. II Wif "tJO'" II II r ~.UJ6" M. 1111\10 lib ,." II'S31B31 * I\"HII '",13M Hr, K\II" \" T'~.I wlln Ih". St.1t lllm,,,ith!t IIJ,ln n"n .... ,,1 r. 1',.",,\ 111,1\" L,I. C~lI Ik lJellltit,,! K"" ,I~,'k .\rn,.I .. " \I Oil O,('o"ool.irn MIS,le""1 Krut,t", O,eht~lrl' II "'UII r,n.-I. \1,1",1) Mu"n.1 * "I~\ ~ ... WSUI R.,nln; ...",. I", 1\11111 "'11" II'lltiK * 1\\1110' .... : 1'.1 [o" HBC·l,11 C." Bt Buul,ful \llltr II.I'~ .... 1\ •• I~,e IIT-\\ll" T ~ Cb.\b *HIC I"ksll., Wit. til.. IIIBt 1\1 II' 1\\Ir r, I..', \\ IIAQ 1\1 II ",," \\110 \\1111. , ,.,_ ':10 \I, I II \I\Q II nlJ NaC-h.,,"~ iii< ell,,,: 11"114'1\ 1\ 110'" !I­ , \111\1\1 ketH .... ,1 IIHllllftl T ...... 1.ole IIId .. "' CIS-Sec.,.~ H",bn4, 4rl' 11110 IILII "'~J"I \\ .. , Ie ( • II 8(.11'. 'lodi~.aI !lor.., 1..-...... II.«Ial Nac,PIYI Marl,"', ,,",usl!: I\lRA II. ~ II 00\1 \\I\O~ . " HIIC '-'1In.r 01 ". ~f, \'l~" \I"'" \\1\11 • R " sktlch: In'll \I ... 8B •• II\H IIILI~ II((U lIb' IICn. I. B. "I~\ Lnt1.r ~h~ "'''' ... IIOIIll III:.'R CBS Goldt" G.!e S;30 lIJiIl'II",.. Our, u 1 r 1 t I: *CBS-P,ul Syll'"ln Rt...... II.. NIC·SUnl't Inr.: K!oll II DI I I..... Jut. T ... hot ~II YI IItd II ~6T II "811 \\B811 III-\, o IIf~' II ~. H~Ii .... ' H IM)O>m II K8R I h~n .... 1 ~,.,.. II II I I ,. t.. H, ,., II 118\1 II h' 1\ 110:'< HBC-WoCHI, Her"'ln's Orch' I\\ln, I .. &- ~ \~Kaa 1> .. ~~I II IIlW R,~k I b,wI Pl I I', ••• II ""U-J,,.JJ ...1 J ..... III h~ II. (Do' \1 W"W 11111 IIllU ( .. 1183) 51 wlllr The ... II I \OUI D, \1 \11111 R I. P~I 1101 " ... I .. IIITOT he , C8~ Chlu~uns: IIT\I.,[ II'" 1'1"11 1"1,." \I... '" Co. IIIlIII~ 11'1( r, t. ~ II~I\\II '1.,[,1., IIDI. IV" J. \I_ . 1I1l1 ,,,. 11 &31 \lIR£To be .." .Id "' .. \ J It F. II I " I: I. II ll:l" II \1. Mriodws II'!]'I I • NaC-8u4 h'ID~. skeltll: II( BS II JJIJ Il.....-.l Ii ~ * lrHl "i II II If, t I . IICF! II· W II~") II KBII J.,f, •• ", .... 2 :15 WIIII'RI" I ,I ...... d. \1 ... liIl III 'H . 111;\ \ \11111' II, IrO n" , Oft~_: 1I'0Wfl WIIHF n" ","' 11~"unl \\_111"110 O,h.r II,,, \I' IJn lI"h ... "".. * \1110 1\" 11.1 \\110 \\,111 1\ Illl WnlJ .,1111.1 \I < " "" \1.,,1,.. ; HaC-U~'led 'I,,,. wnwo 1I,,~... "I I'., ,lao II." * 1I'1flJ:: !lick Itt.. l. ,,~ .. ~ HBC Amln~i 01 Honeymoon Hill /1;." II ,IIIIV \\'1 .. ", ~h"I'I ' I '" I\ ... n (; '<'11", 111'1111 ~ II ,Il * \\'HK "I".n • 'i .... , Ibrbll .l.trl IlLS lIown (," 9,53 WillI I) II "~I If • I>, \\' ii" I'." "'tk "'til "- *W,", 111'0' 'ttl '" It , .... ~ IIJR II -O .. , W"" ••n ,. II II!:~. s..~r...t (Am. IIHI\ 1:1· ... I'.r 11'1111' ~ ,."'~" G.rman lIotIr NaC·Tom Milt. skeleh: WESR • Oe" .. ,cron \'~I. WIIIP R<., ,st "11K ilOilO 1I'C8" 111180 II liT \11101\"0 IITIU \I\IIQ WIRE y" I., a",, __td IlL.,1-, Ia KI,O",, __ 1"'3(1 p, ...... 1 NIC·L.tftnIO Jon", ~kllth; WIIO W811""'" H, l H...... II"b' "'PO'U Par• .-t. Wlflr \lnu \\\lIQ II\lJA \\"~_\Il Th" .. ""r 0,., l'a ..,I. .... II'JBC .."Idre .. •• a _...-_ I ... ,,,.,..,~, WlIIlF (·h .... ""1 (h.,I... fl.,I., "'~II InUQ L"t r." B. O"uliful NaC-CIYb MilinH \1'l'iR Will II" .. - nul t,,," InrT Pnli.i~. October 8 7:45 lUll WilT KllOX \I(TO IlbX C, 11"('0 (eJ'l. A,I. I)rc~ I\{B~L D II'JR(' \\."'r,,. 1l,,1 r CBS,(ourt 01 M'ning HeilS. ,,-M8S·\..IYgh " S.. ,nq Clu~; "-" WE~Il.T~l (J'r!flr. t",.1 d,.,.' \\JI! IVtl,\:' W8B~' lieF!. II.. E, ~,,~~r . lI'rn\l·:O; ..... *11 1\11 \.' "'''t1 Am I~rd,"" 1> ••• 'lalltl WJIl.<;',·,,, .. ,1 II" b ... ,,] NBC·G 'J) Gordon', Drch. II 110 \IMT III'B" K'IOX \ICCO Otl t~ 10"_ I'd" * W\lTII.I!h. lI',tt,." ""'f)! WC" I.."""... II'rlk·. O.d, \\nlJ II HOW '*W\!lJ\) I(d. h ", lalu,.; ~ •. ". ·h.M. ,,,,;01,,,; III" .... I,,, 1183) (al"-' .. I 11:30 A\,·u",I.,'. Or..!, II'IlOIi. KWI\. WOW\) 1\,,' ~nl It,,, I... r· Q"h. * \\ I\UII \e"" * K"O Illt~fil"l, I'm.) ""l'l E"ni" ""·,,.tp \\'IWF \I'(;~ ':]0 * W(){' \'P .... , "I~'th, "" i,,. Club 'r"'. 8:00 I\"lTO 11011 .. John "0" Orrh 1I'8()1I r,;,,)d l.~h.. 1 Fivt Star WCFt l.~b<., Fl. h ... * WTAM N~" ('h.rl,~ ~I,,".k·' M8S,Army Ord'n'n~~ Dinner: 1'.1\'1)1\<"'1". n , ~ .... NBC·Unclt WaUer', Dog Wffl. \lu'i,' I.", .,,' r,~ ... hi "I Orrh II \!OK * "J8( "'t .. ~ b... u ,; T"" \\.Il~"r. '".(_. I'i, \\TI1J T"J., I ,,', II I'B" tla ~l>al1 fin ",lUI' fl. .-NBC8UUe 01 tht Sues. bf (M'u,; WG\ .It ,h. nla,kl, .. "k 111,\*"f It ,~""" \. ,t. O«h \\'I\BII T .. ."''''U' .) (in,. I", ,ill. O,,~h,," ... 10:15 ( ...... tt h,~ ... ('run,;t .. worn,rh .. d 11,,,1 O .. h_ O<>t, ~t'''''·. O,th WM.\Q illitE O.-,~,~ll flu,u.,I"I' III\U n~I'Ubl'( C.mpa,~ CBS·O~nce Orch .. 11 .... 81 II\lT J"h ", ...... n 1\"0 WHO * 1I'(lwn .... t .... II \~t' 11'llll \\nU K~n Kill 111\0 11\I\,·.I,,,,, • n .. h "'JlIe 8 , • '" \"ru'~_n 111'>0 II TIll WKIlII I .. 6 121 11'1".\\1 \, •. i '"u lI.hI p. :, WillE IILI\' \\TA\I I\T\lJ W"l'IAII ....r 1'1< WII\ II'T\\1 (0,,9531 II" IQ KO\ (.1 ... , 1130 " ..... ) NBC ·Tony Pulor', Orch. ilOilO 10:45 Fb & \11O~ 1:45 NBC-To lit oinnounctd II'KB8 "'Kill! \, I .. ",.. \e..- y".~_ .M8S·Nrw" \1110. 111101' n . IlliI)11 0.. III. Or.. h ilOilO IIRo\l Ilflh CBS·Jim",,, lll"(~IO'6'1 Orc~.l II "IHI \I I.... Y U , w II ... , ....1 II-.r".. ,d Rail­ WRR" IHH lI~um I'~ " ... " •••,~ .. ,,1· "r I. :o;~ ... we-n. J .•" 1\,111 Or~h CBS·' 0 II • Club"'t": II BIni NlIC-Cltnn C,jf's Ouh. II T,"I '. t 'U MBS,D'ck Jurgttls' O'~h. IICS WHO" T .. ,., ''''\ I' ., .. 1 lhih •.• 01 II'JB(' " .. ,,~I I'..., r~ 11"8T llllUll \\K811 II no \\ 11011 \\,<;111'. I. ~". linu," ,-N8C-Uncle J,m's Question II or to. , ",. F., " III/I .... 110(" * "110\ \t. 1\ IIOX I,. bl ",=,. ~ ... 7:15 a~; a,!] "'.1 •. "I.c, WOII'O * WSl'f O~ih I,,' ,01 lh~ ,III K\tO,\; "I"",,, , .. 1,1>."1<,,, * fiOA ,~ * 1i.!'>D:\~ M8S-Clb 'n' J,",",trs: WHOI\ KII" 11'~1l II \Jill\' (al"" "GO ,,~o 1",11" \1. hI>. \1'('("0 ~ ••. ~, Fib Il.... h ':00 II' FB\! Ilv U' f,., '1<-"c,n. W1I8 f" ~I 9,)J 1,.01,) N8C,Slor')' Oramn K\\'I\ I\'('B~ WOn\! T" I.~ ~lU".>"·,,,d 111RE-O"t.; '1'1", \, .. ,.1"·,, , 11'].11' \1.,,,,,. I'.a O,(h \1'!3oWA""u \\.e~. Or~h, .-CBS·We. tht People ~ Gi' WKiln 111::\1l \\, ltIIl' Tht !I"ildn, \\'('.'1.·0.. " A,!i h· .r· I\ltI.J,,·~ K.II)'. 0«11 (,flrl HUliN. II .. ,,) "on Z(U, II'Flnl Ki,,"', .Ir ! ... 11 :00 .... NBCBob Hop, ViI,iet, WI"'\) I,~'i" Am.,i.. " \:I,.,·Ihm IV)"'!) O~II(e Ti",~ k ~r" Orob liAS WIIAS lI'al'h I.'~'~ Ovor *CBS.Ncwl; O,nu Or(hc,I,a: II" II' .. " '. II' Sho.. ~ Jerry C"I.1I\"~ ..."",.,Ii.,,; * W.JIj( \,.". 01; "1::." "1''''' *11110 \,. IVKBII IITMj I\~flr 1\I~'i II'Jnl' 1111 '0'" of I."ill \laH~1 IITfO I\\lOX IIFBM B'r"d~ '" ("hu,a; "" Hit- '" 1\\11''>",,, \"e III\RII,ll.,].tdld \\'h" WJl1 W.)(· II'\'BO II'S8T • \I",. <;'l'"".~ • ';,,-h, ...t (he I II IRE WIIAQ I\SD ro, .. ", W1ll1" 1111111" W< H 'I. k. 1I.I'rlc Ball,,,,,,,, w... n <;, .. ltool of ,-",I'" lIour NBC·Stlfnce Unl'mited: IIl'aB II JlO II LII II TA.II WTW 11'1'1.1\1 11 I (,,,,,,,,, Coma,. II..J K!'>O I' .. '"~ y"u lI.n, ':15 WBOII··T!,< f. ,I) \u, I) .~,. II ( II., 11('1'0 \I~ """,IIl. .... N8C-lnlo'n\ilion P lu~e; .. h II·,,· \\'( B':> 1,)1,1 JtI'1'~i"l * lIt n "r"' .n" * 11 !::\ \! (;I"I~ T'"tlu lhhVl' t •. n. alt .• L I' II,fU(' I'"... i, 1111 .... N8C·Johnn' P II.!" 11"1""''- ,,,", ".1. I\(~~ \'", ~d.m.; J .. I>" l\i~r'lI; Guul!: WJIl Ilu,,,.1 I',c'" ",,,·ti'l·' <;'1".",; Ila~' Il lveh', *1\'1;\ \,.". 111\11 1I;.h~· '.I~l·' O"h_ \I. t .. Ih, Au KWK 110\10 WL\) (.Iso KGO 1I'\1Ilt) \1u,ioal Ihn O,c/1. \\11\1 1i.01 hI .. '''i' 7 II'IlAS "",k "I WIlD. ·I,an." .. tlll ~I.'" Oreb WJa(' Mirar!, 'ttl1)di~. 11'1\11 '1i,'~'" ,',m,) p ... !.) I-I, Ihol" .1 10 1'1'11 II. ~.o ",,1-,1. .... 1\ "IHI \,,,, 10:00 WHir: \lu, Yo" lI'~n, MBS·Ned Jo'l1.n. SCtt,t A,tnl' 8:]0 \\'O\\,(II"'~'P'O'i" 1""1'1. CBS ·D~n(t Drch. I\FII\1 W('CO *MOS·Nfw ,; Oock Jurge",' Or· *11'1.11' \'. (,I. Mri·,,). 11'e;\ 1\lIUF I\lWK rNlIC·Fibbtr McGee & Molly: ':15 WI\'\) ,h.... t •• 11'1I01i. \ll l ln 1\11'1\ O.... h_ NBC· Tony Putor', IICB~ ~I n '" Ji,u J .. rdan; Bill CBS·Public A"~i~: IIIIUII 110( CBS Ji","ut Luntdo,d'l O,c~.: . 11 \I IIJ \, II now I"" H ",., .. \\,KIIII 1\1 n~" >I ,J-I I' tt~.". Th,. I'''''. Ki •• ·· "~'" IIHlo" W"BT "'11111 111\111/ W("CO \\'I\B8 "1181l 11\1 I~ II'IXI) (I" h II 1\1) J •• h' Fraul '" Fu"-",ak~,, 1',1 .... '. 11,10. \I,!I· Or \\Il~~ .... NlIC-'rd Wa"n9 ,n Plln· II'(TO II 11 r II ~IIT WI"'S II\iflO \~ ""111 ,* IIJIII \ .. 1I11l 1: 1'l!0 11'1.1\ I\T"I 1I,\lJ NBC · O ~ne~ MuIIC lIli.IIB IIca!) '. TUM 1\11\ \'Iln \\IIIQ 1\\10'( II KIJII W()(, II lIQ ( .... 11,\\1 \, • T... J "',n&'~ (lor WK81111 ,m" "" 1\\lIQ 1'1111 KO\ t .95]) W80\1 "~n I t 6_121 [ n4 01 y"tlda) P',,'ilm,

II IU_"" ., I ~~,(h(' Ii."" \ .. II " II. " r.OftI \I JIll J:"","_, .... 1I'1IlJ: 'i .... WEDNESDAY, October 9, 1940 1I11l~11" I 1 \I JJrI p, MORNING 11'.\11(' It, I I k * lIf n_ \ II'KRII 01 11 ' .• : . '."" * "JJIl \I. rh.,. \ 11\11 I., " ,I II • II 1.\1 f .. I *Star ,. flrogra,. Ibtl.,. II "RII fl' ~t I 11.1 II \tIH II., PI \I.t",,,. II \lIf1J" .. 'I ,acHr.t.. boroaJra,f WI." IItd f 1<,,), A. Ih. ",adclle II It\l {h '.h 11')11 t II~ .b... 1t.,.....1. 1 ".w. 1'.1. ... Points to popular pro· * 11111 11 1 I tJ'ClII \1 \I liT 'I K. 7:00 CST * IIHII Xr", -~. 1\11\111 II. I ,*NlIC ,N""I; IIl1il K"'O 1:00 grams, special broadcasts 1I1'"lt I ~ II!'>II r, ( II, I~t * ... ,,11:\, I, *C85-Nnu 'w 1183r * II'JRI \ ~I '~"h 1I .. lhb IITIII , , \\ Hnll TI It IIJJIII ., I, II .... N.C-8tClklaH CIII~; Don M,· 10:00 \I'II~I! I \,,11.. \lKIII\ \\tlh IICfL I'KII" ""'I'h",,~ '" lid•• !> NBC-I Loo, L,n~iI O,le. ,ktWI IIC("(1 \" ... • ... WIIlF ( ... 21 5) * II":AII \, I\""r... ""\ 1'1"'" IIKIlI! "III" I\cHII r"llrl,,1 "\f0\ \I p, ,klo C8STo lit ,"nounu4: \lOt II III 1, I \\ nil (J I~ *N8CNe .. ~; Hu" Ju•• K~[) ~, n I\'IUlI\ Id,'. I ,. NBC.To lit InnOun(t4 II Ol U.rt • II".,. \. , 111. .... 1111' ~. ., I( i,,", .. " ... \lIIIUI Ihl I 1\ \1 ....ClISSho't. Sh"1 SI •• ,. IIvX .... I" '" 'utll, I Bul 11(1'11\1. rfT 11'01' lb. \I. II(~\ \,' '. (; re_ ·b. T • * I\\I0X II~ ill, • 11"I,I'Khlo II I\(J\\ II '" (;. I'Tlnl. II "'111\ I\I~S l\t all . \111111\, i" B~ 111l1l,' 1\11\111 II .. II \\\1111" "" "~II H f 1\11/'1"..-. " 1\.' 1ft 1I1111'J I" I ,WI WHIP IWlbaa \\1'011 I I ' :45 IHH\I'I, In. 1 111111 II •.• ) i."~ NBC,T~t Man I "'."'14. ~htch II lB' J 1 1111/("" Ti_ WI;\TJ. 11 ... 1,'..... ' N.C-Vot"n"c £!t \\ 1\.1. fd"u ....~I I' \ 'b'~U(1 II "UH " ... 11 1111:1 II 1111 t\ l II \\\141./ IIIlLI IIrl\l! \,. I Ttl" II"IIRI' ",o,i> I K, Of' \11\1\", ",,'I n,h' II I 'U 111\111' r * 1Ir;\ \ ... N8C-P", t. V... nt'i Fun,J, 11'1\11 I ,f. Cln 1\ R~""'''I IIJnl' i" n I' k .W I~\ I ,I ItllC (I.,b; ...... , 11\1114 IlIon II llil II n. 1'."" II Iml\ '" 1"lm IIJJ11 II. ""c'" II, .~I , lit. I •. , II IIJ~ M ...,1 II ~ _ II IIH!" \ .... II "IH~ 1,1 Ii,.j.. 'to 11,1" IIKllllllrol....d1 \1, ,I N.C·(; II,4,n,'" Llthl. 'k' \ ell: . \1,,1 \" \h II, .,d WJJIl I I' 1 h.eo " .. ,." Willi' ".1, II I fI,_" II. ,,' II 1I1t- 11 t..n·, II. W' I\L..,!.I... , II, •• Jwl~ IIIIIQ 1111tl. K"II IIItIl II Till II t. \ p, ~ .. \I~·tl "I\RI\II .Ir • 11110 I .. fl. I'", In .. II"~:-': ,,, 'tI, II l r" IllIf I,. I '-k ClIS,To lit '"nouned: IIIIH\! II tt I II . 111 ... \.- * lllUl \, ... \\'Jllt' II • 1)(-"'0"00 .. ,. * 110110 \." \I ..~~,. ""OX 11((0 "fll\! * 11 11111" ... , WLII T,.,.. ,.... , '''t 11111.1. I ~"II,., y. * \\JJU \.", 111111' I II",." II II Il,! ~ II 1'1 "I I, '. , ... \\1.<; I" 'I O. 'II I'h. *WIlI'" \, * 1\1 II~ \, • II .,ll ". II Ill! f ,, \I ,~ WI~\ ~' d, ",...... nub WI_II' "'('J 1\,.... • '. 11011' ." U. loIn_ *"01- \ I. 11111111 , II 11.1 I , H ..... M.Ir\K WROI\ \I. t ( ~ IIHUIlo 'h U...... I\I;\J" H.r. •• "' 1\lt\'JI.· T, \, '" * 11 T\II \ * 11 Kill! \'_ II ImilJ.) II f T, I.) ';15 I\U\I .. lIf'h 8 .. \I .. " NBC·B, K"hl"n No,,,,. ,ke,ch, 1\1\1111. WI." 1 h~ II ,Ih.", 11, ... Qulrlt' H ..... wntlr p" J ...... >PI"" h~' . .u n'~t "' ...... 7 :15 11111 C., I ~" II lUI Th "" WtW \1,,·' II, ... J'lh. I\\I\Q II Ill. ""I' 111\1 II flO "1111 (",,"n NIC· D. You Remcftlhf1 1''''0 WIIOI\ \I "" \I .. \1"" . I\JJIl \, '\\1\1.1\, \. *"''''ll Il. I • • I lh \ir II 1I1J 111\11 II· 010 II. Itfh.. " K~IOX ".' I; ClIS M,ft l M.,,~, .11'\1110 \," II r~" I!, W,,,~ r, nr T •.,' ,*111 CO \t, 1I1I1I~ IlllU III"'\' \\0/1 f' II" h II ItT \!" 1 1 I II TltJ II I ! , * "01" \., II, I" " IIFII\I 11\lI\\J III1T WlI!l n."" 1"~f'Ol 1:45 WO\IOII I,. O,I~ 0 ~'".''''-'''''''''-''' WL'" R. ,~, .... (I, '" • NBCCO~IK' S,nt" h.~j} -" *lIlII .,. \\'''1·'\1'''" .... 111 .... ( B~ r ".r~n .•~ttch N8C-V" &- Sildt, s~U(h: I~L" IITAn II, .. ~h ~ WO(.' I' " lI'C"r() K I'll.\' NBC ·J OiIl Hin,ns .1 1',",h.III" *WT ... n r 'i. * 11 TIIJ T ••, • 'I,t II", • N8C-Bruklu, CI~~ II 110\\ "'11'1' 11'111111 IlOilO 1 .. 215) 7 :]0 . :15 II 1)1 " II." Iln 1111hl" II~ NIC·C,", &- C',nn: K"'O " II'I,~ n W, ~ II," Il!f].T.. !otr .... , eN 1\ \10;" II I C8S-A"", Un S<~"' 0{ \ht Air 1111111' II )1' ...... IIHII ( '7831 * 1\\;\ \I"" t1,,~ Il "". \ ..... ,. I'o'liBIt "." I I ~ T·.,.... • .1 .,. \\ 1111 II, '" Wb \1 '" ~ ,tu.... \\(10\', I r lI.wI I • ...1, .. r .' ..,,.... II 101 \1 a,n * "1\\\< "I_ ~, ..I T.. .. *1'0'01 \",. A_. * "1\1'\ " II IIRI \I lood, I we"" .k. l'p ...... ". I'JJU ~,,j,, ),,1 for II 1111 \I. \hc<' N8C,lI~nd. G,," 10 n .. n: I\CiD ll.OOO p •• pf. ,0 ,. WIIBl'f.,I, II ... RII I,. n'h 1I ..."u, II IXII A,,,. .- I, I_,~ p~ * 1\lll " .. CBS·To be 'nnowII,td: II'I{BII 11' 1.<;.11,. Ill., "h 1\.I1it \I" I \I ,t. " •• plt., •• y.'y day. 1i.\l1I:\ I d f" I.- ... , .. 11 leI'" how Ho.pitol Ind wlm: 8"""'olo\IJ KBR \ .... 11 JHl \ 111.11 I." .la' • *" SII'llul cart I. 'Io"i~td * 11 !lIJ" 1I ..,nm" .-om * 11\11( X. f .., uu, mtmbt. of J"O'II In elM 0' n~' ,'~ ... " '.",il, WJJ[l; tl * 11 HUll' \ "'114 .... "f ,\.1\\(1 , .icbnUI 0. PI.n po.",ot~ ,Oil 10 JO WKBII • 1 It. I I~ II III """.1... \'.1 * 1' III \,.". II'HOK T, , (" r 10 .n,. holpilll In Iht U, S,: oelc,'l yo", Own W'<; " ' I.. BoA. " ' ;, n, (, I'd ~ VI II-{)( r; 1 I II 1\<;,\ I Th , '10 ,I M, ... r,~on. No "'ed,,·.1 u.",in,tlo.. It,,"1f" WI II' ",.. , 01/"'1 I anVln 11111 II..... II· WRO" , ,, 10 II I AI1 JI, , , ," W"le IIKb, for ,.u Informatio .... II;~ II \JIll' ".,.", \'.I.1ll ( ... 215) IIUD\I 1I1't,:0 IIta\1 *WfIiM \" .... 1 WSt·, \lu. 1 \I, ,alu,. CBS 8 1 KUhltu No"". Ikeleh: N8C·(II," Ih" IITm I\\IAQ IIIRl 11110 II TlIJ ITAT& W\l Of "I ••- '\1"",.1 NlIClIr,,~b'l C'" _ IIOWO w'Ir \\"I~\ 11\11111 I 1~ 27) \\"1.W Page 26 9/52-[ II'SUIIllu,l .. tl!Jd Mu.ital Chis: WLS·O,., .. "bell I' ",U, WJJD·\tar~f" NBC·Amanda of Honeymoon Hill. MBS·World·s a.n~ : WGM f."" Fla,h•• WLW-I.II.I"",I< 1I'(Idj' 11 :15 woe T" fUJI Circlf \\'OW().Su~.llme IHH" Ju,,~ EUn. 11I~" .. t wise 1I_,er R.~urst T",... NBC.The O·Nelll., Skttl~; WMACl WO\IO !;OUllty A(ri~u.luTiI WSlll-R.lPinl.ein( Tlm~ Wrlh·TtnlW! _ ft.",bt .... ; 1,1.0•• • II 1."0 R~ • ., R._ . ". * \~TAO ~.~ - \I'L\I' •• ~'n October 9 , * WJBC" "i~ • WftOIi 1-1 ",ou! u.. T.... II nIJ-R' I I H DHI MBS,Oitk O·HII<'''. til,,; I\ROK .WCI'L·"."" TUb., WUO r.fn The 8,,,,10 P~,"'. NB C·Fr."ktt Orch,: WIIO II 'lOll Edllot', O~u~ht" c a S-To IN: I /illounct~: II'K81l \\T \011)1 uf AU {'hurd,.. T""n II'tAQ \1\!rJ~,b &0 J ..., wrAQ I\'IS~ w()(' WCn. P,Om Ca S· Kllt Hopkin!. sketth: WM.T WOZ·Red Btkhtr ( ... -15.33) l\"r,l/] II,,,,," &. Ih. Dud .. R~nch, \I B8M IUIOX WCCO CB S·Muth. Web lter. shteh: * II'GS WRA.\ \I.rbt R.porh W8l1M !{MOX weco WFBlI 'n, .... MB S·Werld Strlts: WftOK .n NB C·Voun, W, d ~ 0 r ' rown. WHBf'Toby" Su,ie WCfl.-MIlOlUI T.blold 1 :)0 ,htd!, \\":I1AQ WIRE WHO WL~N WMOD POP" Wr..' "IRE K"K WHBF Malk.. , \I'HIP,WPA \1'('BS·S.or.'; MBC ·J o~n·5 Other Wife: WlS II'TMJ WIDA KSD NB C_Clatk Dennis. Inr.: WOWO WlIOSpJrks of Fritud,hip II'B"A'~lk"t~ f:'el·'ew WDZ-Clar. &, Johllny WDII'O (~w-9.5l15.33) KWK (1.0·15.33) 1I'10["!:IilI Jon •• WIIOW Farm Hour W",,",o..(Jn \ 1 ~lodi.t WDAA S~ml>ho"y lIall IVIRV- Your T.ul 1\ ("liS ",rttl Forunl WIIIPllelt1 So"IS MBS·Worid Stti e s: WU8F 1I'0l·".,me fol~, 1I~'ma 1I"at NB C·AII. lnl t lIIe Slorm. sketch: II'J8C·Ju.' flelax Wio1,lQ WIRg KSO 11'110 WLW \\'J8C'lQming Stm,,,de WI'"FL VOice Qf flo-nunct WIDC·liarli" Brolhe" CB S·A Friend In Ded : WSOT WnlJ WJJD C"unhollit R"l .. "t~r WD7.1'~"". V~H~y BOI" WI I.LM.rk.l, hI> 17.83) WLW·I\II~obNh J:I ~lhi" Sp. au * II'FR'1 \'0", WJflCPaciftc Pa ..di.~ IHI8D P.ul Gill Wl:IOW·Rool Store lulervi.w WKBH·I'"rlll S~rvi.c "rlm. NB C'Pepper Young's Fil mlly, \nlllD Unda', Fillt L"' .. ~ Willi> S"ijlhtown ClfUlth WJJI)80>td of £duralion shieh, II'!\IJ WMAQ WHO IV !lOK·To be ~nltou".~d ""ttlS'K~ybo.'d fARI~'y wrFl.· V.,lrly I'tlm. * W'I'f'ews 11'110 lAm " M.flh~ WKIIIl John Grubrr WLII' K~ O IVERE ~ : OO WOWO Edilor', Dnu~htu. ,k.lfh Wll.L·Br"f~ FOOl •• bu. 1o WL~-~I"r~.I.: Newl WO?: Ju~y &, J ~JI' * CBS·Amtrkln Sthool or th e CBS·Th ! C; ol dbe r gs. Iketch: WtiSlhnutilul brl .. IVTAI) I' ir-A-Tu"e \\, 1 ~'D 11"" ,,"Ichor ••0"'" W\ITTh. Other Wgm~n A", N~w.· IIBBM WIS~ woe h:~lOX 1'1110\1 IVIS\' 'I~.iul lIelt I\'au IVIIIWOfl th. RK.«I WTMJ·Arnold GrilOl ... ·' OJlIJhter WO\\'O flo.", 01 I',tu M~ •. II'fB.II II'KBIl WMT NBC.(Olrl Atone. sketch: WMAQ II'JIIC-!>Itt .. ·• T,o"h.d.... t WIIO \I'TMJ ""' RE KSO WJBt.: IYtlcgw. N~io:hbor 11 :30 "r"~r 1010\ ~t.~1< h;I DUIe>n WCCO Wt.lSO K.\IDX WFDM I\'lBA II-UD \I~rlu Ilnedus' Oreh NBC·Flvorile W~ttlH: W801'i \\I::SR htln Truly. 1'1_ W~IT * K~O ~"'~: Top Tijub " NB C·Tlte POlilin Answlt UI 1M WK80 II,,, " B,. TDp''''; \\'1\8B II'CBS N8C· Kltty ~nt. 1ketdt: 1\110 tnltrl.t Parade "~. NB C·TI!e Rod 01 Llle, Jhteh: II'BOII Firm Ii""r (sw-15.31) II'IIA" Ah~,,,oo,, M~lodit . 2 : ~5 WG~' \I •• k Lon " pi~A" 1\'1111. ~1."tNl'n ul Pr~ W\IAQ WT,\IJ Will\,. KSD WlW weco AdUpltd Oilugl,ltt WtTO,Judy" Jilllt NB C· J usl PI.ln a lII. skelch: WLS 'oJu .. ... CBs·n. Righ i to Hlpplntn. WlHCFour O'Cluok J4"ho-_ * IH'FL SII'IO' .ketth, lVecO \\ BBM KMOX WO'l Gu.'.; Who1 IlOil'O (sw--9.531S.33) NB C·Tlle Wile S.ver: \VIBA IIOZ-S .. in~ * "\1.1. ;\~ .. B.hllld Ihe .'jew. 0,,,,, W.\l80 WOZ~hlk~n; Huhh WeBS IVKB8 (I" 15-33) WG;\ I'.lnl.... OIU'''' NB C-VI. &. Side. skelch: 11'110 11'1'0 ~I~~h Lim"" *MBS-Ntwl: II'GS • Wll.o\ Journ~H in ~lu,id."d W~"IQ II'TMJ K~D \l'LII Wing WHA·Gtml ror Or~~n MB S· W ~rld Sui,,: WMT WHIP Go,inl Fo,"ard WJBC III' U. Sch""l of Mit.", II UOW-SoHh~ iu IUI~lhm 11'It8flly"ms of All Cburb" "'~U·R,,> 'lorn,,'. Orcl>. W18t' Pn,ifw * KIIOX·T" lItlenr. ~ries WLW Lirt Can R~ Bnutihtl WH8F-Arn"ld G"m",', Dau~hltt Wme-Parade DI Ibn," \1f'FL.\\'init Willh IJ Boord Edu<"allon W(TL To bt ann"un•• d . W~16D t'; ..... : o,."t.' Talk WIBC-Con'h'~lllt) It~11 WI.' or II'"I•• Ihn WOZ-.\Iarktt<; Bob lIIi11 •• I'ilnllt WJBCGoIl', Italf 110'" IIDZ-Edd.t .. fknlli~ \\ ()(' \I ,,,II, .... 10 1\'1~0 S .... 11'1'00,,11. 8ahr, ,on Wr8\1Uoos.otr F..... eirel. WJJO Em",'a'nm~nl I'tu-e IIJII(, P,."O PU'qn WO\\'O K~.I.,,~ Y... P""tM * WISS :>I .... I\IU-hrm Prp. I Writ.,,' WiRE Lin.... •• 'lnl Lov. \\'1\1111 \lO~'f Man I\JJO ~n K ... ltr, I~~II"I ":.I lIorhhop WJBC-Oollar Du. \\ l AO \ ~rtfl)- P~ln. II' Doutbcll W IIIP Ru ••l Sllult WI~"'·ltu,,,.,,,ako ... Hour II·KflBElh.l. M~lodl" ~1~.m~s II'JJD Did, B~kfr. w".' 1o WHONe~ WJ8C Sin~i!l' S'n! WMIID "'on 911 Ih~ Sllttl WTA/l-To be .""OUO.ed 4:15 WKB Il To be 1'''''''''''' •• 1 II'JJD ".rel), Cl)\lrt WIOC-S .. .,.hin. MtllHlies "~tT Tht !lIth! 10 Hal'l'i"~., 3:00 CBS· A B01. A Girl" A B.nd: WLS·Ebn C ...d< t",,!~. WKBII HiIlINH, T uno WILL-Illinoi., I'atnl 1IOUt CBS· Port!a Bllkf, Ikelch: WMT for WOInfn n"l" wor 1 u ~ .n"oullcM I\'UIlM WtUM II' I ~S \\ or WL,::>-Soll(~ (If a Drum" \I I,(D·fl~"d.1l, n'I~' WIUIM WFU'l KMOX WOC \\·OIVO·Lindl·s Fi.,1 Ln." ok.lel! WOII'O BI.okhawk V.tlC.I' 110)" NO C. l rUne W lc~ , r, chll dr. n·s * WLW·News; E~er)l.ody·, Farm * IVJBf' Morkel'; New'; Sportl WIS~ IHlB)) \l'TAQ weco WROK- To br anIlU\I" ••.~("h flilli. 01 lire Ait Ilori•• : WBOII' h .. 9.S3-IS.3] ) II \lBU' M"I Julio II'JJO:>lOOI' 000' Si!"ict W'I'AOKltly KUlle (.",1527) IVSlI1The Book ~hf!l \\'()(' YQ\lr Hymn. " '\lIIe WK8B ~h" 0"- the Siretl sk.tth: MB S·To h il ftMun',d: We N \1"fAD·To bo """,ulltr!1 10 1ITt.tJ-Bull~I''' Boud; N_, NBC .Mother 01 Mine. WOII-O Tho OII ••n .. 1\'KOH·'lin 00 Ihl SlrHI NB C·Lon. JDurMty, I~ t l'~: WItO 10:45 1:45 \1t::~fI KWK 11'011"0 WTM) !'I'hc~ N~"'J; Hdtlll &. the * WLS-NtWI NB C·Btlty Crocker. ta lk: \\'110 K~D II'TM,) WM""Q CO S·Aun! Jen ny's Sludtl: WCtO Wl..W·Th Edilor'. Oluaht •• NB C, B ilCk~liIgt Wife. sk t tc,", : Ilrl1bllht. KSD WLIV WMAQ \\,110 II'MAQ WT'11 WIB,\. NB C· M u~Ic.1 Sol, • • : WENa K\IOX WFO)I 110"" II'MOD WT.MJ.Tubo,· &. s~ i. l'i\L\Q H.... I of Jijli. 811k~ II"LII- WIRE; KSO "Iil,," I~ hoBB Inn t1 :45 I\\IT-Tnon Owe",' C.... boy" Joe ClS· My S.n &; I. sket(h: woe \l1'"~1 K'lOX II'B8M NB C·To b. Jnnouncd: WIlOlV NB C· LII. Ci n Bt aflUI"uf, NBC ·T hu n d . r O ~., PiI "diSt. CBS·Our Gil l Su"d ~ y. skel,h: OH~" weco Wh:.l ",'4UO WMT w('os II KB8 flt.l.h WLW WIRe ~hldl: IVK88 weBS (.w 15.33) 11'00\1 K"OX W~IT II'FII'! * II'OC-)\~ ..~ CI S·To lie 'MOIIne" : WKBH N BC·D . ~;d H.,u",. 'kltch: WHO NB C-Thundu Owtr P ~.IdIR. "Sl'I-Views aad intu-o-ie .. , CI S·T. lie I nnounce4 : WSBT I\IIOX·\"" ..... ' f ....·\533, I\TAOH...,k oS: thl' Oudt R.' dl I\TAQ W~OT IH CO T. I.. 'Un," Inl:\.Q W"",U \lln[ wo\\'o .It.,,,h II'B"\-('n .. R,.i_ KSD MBS·Bu,keyt Four: WROK \\'B,,"" M~il~linll< ,tr' * II"D7. N, ... 12 : ~5 II'CFl-SIK'I!i~hl Pr~ftI. IITFL ".hDt!;.... OalifOOft> 11'IIBf C'OI..,R PtlO \180WTin I'~n AII~y II'(TO 'lu.iult *NBC· Mun; Irving Mill"', Or. \VDZ o..un \lu,ic WOZ·lI'onl~n J\I">I WDrflta )1-'1111' Rh)lh'nic h,lnlt,. .... wn'("oo".1d No'i~ IITH.Turt "'e"'j d, II lB.:\. well" (s,,·15,3H II I'D H.« RlI"uh" WG\,·Rad;.,·. \'0'" l\ltL Th. \\.".M lOt Otto WD1-Son, I Or.'UlU or * 1I0l Curl Powlton; Ntwi II"K811 'I.lli,,(~ MII"ul. * IVIISF.Ne .... WJJD·8<>h .\lth" " FrOflhrn­ II'GN linda'~ f"sl MBS.World Suits: WROK La,-, II'G\ y"ut Trol\ WOll'OFri~ndty S~i.dl\ll3fkel~: WUlher WHO·Your 'f.tal MB S.World Sules: WH8F KWK WT:'O-Tht Conc~rl 1I0ur MB S·T ro] l n Ho"• • : WGN \\,TAD-ArII"I,1 GrllU"'- O~U~hl~r. 1"1BO~I«rnin... \hil 00" 101'11;\0· Xf"'S: L;I'e,tllrk N BC·Orphns of Olyorn. sketch: ) :15 tI B C·J at ~ Armltronl. .k.t,l" r~"'_ Pr"Vi~Vi Moore. m.t.; Diu"ih~ Si,lers: WBi\i\ Elll~bt .nnoullc,d WeBS WKBB KWK <1.0 9.53 WCCO·GQ'IJ'~""fl"" \\ 1181-' KIVK WG~' II·OWD~ .. rm &. H"b II' ItOK To lor announ ••d S,~ fledt.1 K.\!OX WBB~I (,w·IS.27) NBC·PlilnO Rtli1l! : KSf) (SVi. WSUl-S.". it~ Rf!">Oru """If \\'KOIV.Tob~··, CUTIL Tt".!.r5 II'I"U "PO'" Edilh", 15.33) t:OO wm[" What', New, 1I the Lj· weco Kilty K"""e FREII, UENOlEll * W('HS·Weath.r; t\~" c as·Young Or. MJlone. ,ketch: II'E\,RBeHv oS: Rob W('FL General SI"".k. WBA .. I F.rm hrt, fur Firm folk br.rv WI'B\IKilly Ktene 10!UX-100I1 wn.L--:,M wmm 1\15N KMOX W~ll:ll I\O\·I\;~I WISO..,.. \\OI,·io1 ••k!h, AI Your Sen'ict II oml _'I~rk~1 Re,lOrt. WKBB thant.1 St~p, weCO 1\ 00!\t WOC WGS.To lot anno,,,,,,,,, Kl\li·~' 1I'1II1:-t ll/ll 10110L·Sf..... , .. rman Ro" WM"O-Judy ,"d Jlnt WG',Th~ Edilor', 0 ... hlot NB C-R~iting • President: II'IBA II'HBF UHen. aD., II'Ol G,.lden Gat. Label W~!T ,'OU"!! Or. Malo.,. II'HU'i\lice 01"0". 1I;1,,;Jt WfM.A-MIO WJJ Il_ItOO (1,,-15.33) 11'1111'1·170 IVJJ:.7:1t1 II FIl\1 Hi, FroMip ",11 •• WI)(' To I). ~nnou .. ced ~M~ '.1'1181' ~ I ood. In \Iu ic \\. JBC \1.lin...... 1\11(11l"_1~'I1II Wlt:Q8_IJOII WHIPlllmoi. fro.! W"men's Club 1111.1'\\1<'" Mu".)l. NBC-Uaht 01 Ittt World. s~tleh: * W!it'(-Odcliti" in the N~'$; * WJJOS"",', WLW W~UQ KSO WHO WKBB WIIO,Judy " hn. II"IIlP·\"~ti.ty To",. Th, World Bookman IVKBII Go'pel ~t,'odi~ :':;~tt~::' ~i ~:l~i"'itI w("n._1110 11'1.11'.70;; II'IBC Xoonday Rh)llns \\'110 'Iukel' .to Wealher \\ OAA-ReJi~iou$ Nfl\"' * II'T .. \O,ComlUullj'l Ntw, W\lBO-Ma Perkin. . 1\·18C-lndiaoa N.w;;: Melody 2:15 \\'1ll':·10.'O Wll!I_Q470 1111.1, Snei~I"~)' l·ri".il'l., WIIOW-Pi~"o Mood! II"~IT '1tel ~la Brown I\'HU"-I~'~' 1I·)tUlJ.lHIl WIRE Sin";,,' ~~m Farm *WCOS-~,"" Olatk " Ilnil. CBS·Talk by Or. Fr3nk Sp.ncer: 3:)0 \\ .:s It ~1" W)tT-IlOO 11.!Oe-Tr":a.urr ('ho, I II'ltL-l .>i,·tr~I)- Trio 'hlli~lu,~, WKBli II'SBT woe II'TAQ NB C'LOftnzo Jonu •• ketth: WHO wr.\l\-I:!OO Wn the S".. t I', ~rINI'·'·'..r "",,1M•. ColO· WFU"·t;!."lII \\'OWO-ll(i" ",I,•. will .,,,,.k III I...,~"...,tion WIRE \IMAQ Wl'MJ \1'I BA \\·i1:\"-1'.'(1 W1UIK,11111 WKBII,St"",l\!; Pn:III. Hi~hlj~ht, WIRE Murkel " Wt3lhtr Re· Wit" Cillll!'U' :-"rlO, wllh !~e lI.r~I!~1: of lilt A"~.· K>D \l'M.I·ncO \\"~1!T_I .....", WL5-Ft'Iurt foods Mrt. \VI/IP-\I'O!t>ill\'s Cluh WfI.\"-'I:!U W~I"t·~ to an ,I.I-Md~m.' or ()Dl,l~d",oIOJrr CBS ·Troubdours: IVK BII Wln,.- 1210 I\"TAIl __ Il'lll' Gwidin~ L,o:i:>t WJIIC I'ublot O"lAi~n 1\'\!:IC-~1ali"~ ~Iu;i'ille lind O!<.b .... "."I.'lJ I>I'ln", b~ld woe 1\'1I11 ' -I~ri~ly WHO K~D WI.W WTMJ WIRE WCCO WMBO WMT W1[IC·l000 WSUI-Bill Mnrdon', Oroh. NBC·Hoi!y .. DDd PllyhDun: KOA [. -9/S2 Plge 27 .lVtAO-N~lU IHBS sP'''''!> Next Week's Cover hi"" "~~ 7 p_m.) 4:45 I\TFl.-J~~k I{,Uy'. Ortb... NB(·Abe l~m"n'$ Orch.: weBS NBC-The O'Nellis. '''41th: KSD *WrSOI-I-New, • A oI Ann Sheridan, motion-picture WKBB hw9.53) WEDNESDAY WilD-To be ."naunctd WinE WHO WnlJ WMAQ star now appearing in Warner Bros! "City for CBS-AI Kanlln', Or(h.; WSIlT NBC-Tom Mix, KWK WIRE Ea.y A~fI will ,lttlch: Conquest," be found on the cover of next MBS-The r\n~w" Man: WGN MBS-Jack Coli.y's Orch.: WCN WISN-Sports Parade October 'I IHIAQ Life Can Dc fluutiful week's MOVIE-RADIO GUIDE. 00 sale at all KMOX-Sporll W~lT oewsstands today. \\·'tTPoliliul P.url. KSD-An~wer Ma" .kU1J R""udup­ 'or /I "lIltloll Ih prec.dl.go ro, WILL-ilu~;" Thai Liv" -..-.-..1 .. I.,. _, WIIO-Variety 1'1""1"'. WGN·AI lh Blic.ha",k progl'C'," It o. til. oir_ WJDe !!tid WHk J.mOOrec WIND-Spo,rt Pa,k Future *W80\\' -fiv~ SlaT Final WKBlI·To ... annoupced WIRE-Kay KyM'r's Orth_ \\ISI)S.. ftI,.J[ Am .... "'an Prp, Rmce Yo CBS-Ruth l)ucloIIi,hl IVJJO·Suppertim. F".hc WCN-Ray Nobl"1 WROK,Mu.ic Room * WJR.Ne" I'Il.W·Ca.(/n~r lJ~o.d,a'l Orcll. NBC ·Fred Wiring In Pleasure Orch. * Wl.W-~ew. * WHaF-1"~w. WSUIMu.l. lIour *WKBHN<.'W!I W~IAQ.Enlil CoI~mM'~ Orrh. WMBD-R.slyll!I \\IKell * Wef"LNew, \\"SUI-D;nncr IiQur Progam Louise I'oEa!l6l!y &. Ille W,.terner" IVI~D TOl lot U l(IUn<"" KSD-MeHow Mel!ldit. WMT (sw6.12) WDl-;\ldlow M~lodifl 6:15 T~,", Dick &. !larry; Whilty *WJBC·Newl W8MM-To ~ ~nnounced "NBC·Nt .. s: D,ntt O'ch.: .WFSM-Now,; n,," Quorld NB C_Mr. KHn, TrltCT 01 lost Ford, m.(.; Michael St... arl, bar., \VMSD I l.OH ~ 'oI~$lery WCCO-Harold DeulSGb·, Orell. W60111 WTA:II \\IT\lJ Tim. P",...,,, .. dr.m.: WESR Doring Si'l~rI: WMAQ IVHO B:45 WCFl.·DOD A.I;.te, pianisl NBC·Tim. 10 Smile: KOA (llsu WTMJ WLW KSD WTA;\f WIRE IVFB;\I-Kin~. JelI1 Childr",,'. lI~u' WJIlC liil ,,( Ih __ lI~y WlIllF_Farn"u, Ilom" NBC,Slory nWK WlBA NBC-Rus~ Margin'l Orcll.: IVI8A Mil .. , '.,,,, . II'LW-N~ ... , rl),d. \1,Co)·, Q.­ IY1AO-Bob ].I,,,,r •. lly ~I",,,U.. ~; U~nk \!isUl-SPllru WTA.\f WIJIE WOOlY (.sw·953) End of W"n~d.J' Pr09""'. CBS,H"d.. Hllpp.r·. H,,!lywoad: Fi ..... 7:45 WDBM WfBM K~toX WMaD *MBS·Raymond Grim Swing, *woe Nt"" lYeBS-l.el", Ihnre tomon. WllHr WROK weco WTAQ * WROK N~w. hrt II H • dnln,.\hII.\!Qn of WCft-liuIlIan En&Il1Hr *WCFI.-Ntw t~ 1Jt~ . "llt WG .... BiUr tr..1"id. "PO, HBC-Cn"lud. 01 A,"eric.. ~IJ. *WI"D-N~ .. MBS·Jury B!,lne·. Orch.: WMT WJO(" Even"d, [.Ii.,.. \VltOK tM,,"~1 dr.rn~, 0<0"' WJIU--LtJ:~nd. "I 1lI1D .... Or.-l. \\\UQ WTA.\! wno * W\lBD ~I"lod~ "iniatu.e; NfW, *"'KBB ~"' NBC..J .."ne Wi,l(cr. chltdr'''·' WL.W (AI,,, al 8:30 p,n.) \\·SUI·Ol""!\an Mdod,« WSU1 Ora",. 1I0u. .toflU: WKSH WENR WCRS 'l'o",.-I,t·. ft,. m _, ··".11., 9:15 8:00 KSO-Jock An".lr"nK jrQr.,'," .. rlUcn '" MUw~U NBC-O.nt. Orch.: KWK WlBA "",,.IHoIfIlI. old •• Jolm Mdlll,",. ",CBS· SUr T~e.ter: Wen·A8C S~ffly ~.. n wOWO WKOB wells hr=d Allen. ~omediln; Kt'llIY Wr.S·l::... WFH'l KMOX WSST Wceo I.'~_ I,... lIn«1 WLIVSporl, Jack Smart· WItBM weco ro",ml ••Ico,,· ..... Woe " ... 11.83) or!lyJt( ••, .. II! ,u ... u.. IIlIII * WMAQ-N.w.; Mulit.J ••em­ WIIAS WFBM KMOX WISH , ... /." .... , _II __., .. - ...... Olr I~.· NaU"p'. "rrll11l"t'l1· ~," W\!T WJH I\MOP c...--ll.83) -.-...1 .. II .. ~,... ~- W,*TT Cant..... ~II. Oi"ah 5,,",... Air. t .... WIIBF WROK WTAD Spurt• ...d R";n.. A!'O l'MT. ,I.It:Oll .'lhl"l"~"llIt IYF'IIM M".k fur M'ldern. LLEN waow Tel~tune Time WlltE 51>Orll KOY 1·""',1Ix, A.I •• W(;N Hnll "I '\1>0'," WJSC-Th. Sto, l'.r,de WeUS-Tr; T,me, I>:r1)0 '1.,,<..,.., A,I •• WIND-lillI" A,,, .... l~Rn Rh~th'''6 WKIHlAc(~r'lil1\' 1'0'('1'1.. 'Iulio Time K"~J1" lI.u,. II" Wl.W-Do" Win_II'" al the N.v)' WJIiC R~m'nllotr Thio KSX I.... "",.1 ... * WJBC 1'1 • ..-" 5I'1'rl'; ""nthtl" K .... ft}1 ,..... n". t'lU!. WMT-Boh""i." F",~~ ~Itc W\lAQ Juk _\tlu>lru"C * WKSBN"". Xf)lS ''Grti."oI. I ...... WOWO 1)'",."·,,llC SCatt Prl"l. W\IBO-TunH 01 Tomonew * WKBH-B""H" Ih. N""s Kl'WO s.. V.u~h,,, 1'0'0(" lIu. " 1::<"",. WI-S-Gnou wil.... ". Cont .... llo lunu lI<'>lul •. \\ ..~. ' :45 KENNY BAKER W ROK Lorn~ l.~n~. llrJani.'·1 '1·.cuP'•. "'nil. WSU1.! Mood. WTMJKilllull 1100, IVSBr WTAQ WIIAS WISN woe Portland Hoffco, WnlJ-SflOfI fh.1I 7 :00 , .... 9.65) Al Goodmon', NIIC·To M announced: WlBA 1'1'0 5:45 KJ1"1 HBC·TIme • TefllM: WOWO NBC-To", M,x. sUltl!: WESR ",NBC-HollfWDCHI P!iJhou~, K.;W WOOM Rh)lblll Ofr the RtCOl1t JIm,; Gale P ..~ ~ Jim A:..tchf,: Kn.~O "BS-C.p~!n Mlf~"ht. .klll.h: I\:IIQ WITO SlIM!. Ad~rUI\ltt!! WHBF WROK WI;S IVLW WMAQ W1HE KSD WHO 'OA I'o'CfL.loI.k. Bot~Vf WT"-" wntJ \,u.., II 10 ...... ) KItYL WrBM Rep COUnl}, Corn .... ; *CBS-Th, World Tod1t: Wf8)! W WeBM W\lIlD wttO KMOX ,.,.-,-", Mdody \I""""h ",CBS-Bit! TOlwn; dto1ml. star­ ,"*WIND W.r N~. WKDH WTAQ WrAM KMOX NBC-Th .. Son9 01 Your Uk: WJ BC-Pott!~ Mu~i<.1t woe rlnt Ed ..· C Hr.obin ...n &. ana wen IYKeB Wl8S WSOW .. "i,.... KMOX WFBM WBB\I WJR \lb,i,.l p,....., ,"*NBC -lAwt11 Thlllllil. HWI um· wE."Jl IICro WHA~ WIS." WMBD WIoIBD "',","I .hTl _~! WL"IY .... : W'IT WJR (.1> K"X KSl. .1 ..-NBC.(Iuil ~I'h: I\O\\'O 10:1tO KSD "I...... !on , F (I.en 9;)(1 p ..... ) KOA R"",rd Rr~'~ .. CB5-SparU"'I: f.w,9,65) 9152-E 'i'"I,\ J..o, f,,.., LoIn MBS.N •• y School M~~'t: CB5N.. omJn In Wh,le. ~k.tdl' *" IJB~III,·. t Star Sparkles WIWK " 101ll\; Weill! lin 0 * "UOII ,\, .. K"11 ~'"-J''' ~ '" HBC·Fr.n~" M~'1f'" o,,~,u,~: THURSDAY II iiI \' II... " \ 'if:t~ e Mt:REDITH WILLSON telb this l'tory of 1\11\\\1 "1 ""II ~1:\t.'Q \\1," Tlte ( ",,1 "" Iltt,111 P e, hOll, MBS,To be an"ounced II HIm "11\ \1""". \,.Ior:! how the double "1" gol into hLS last name. T"",~ \\G~ Oelober 10 II 11M· II .. " ",,".1 .... \IT. '-·Pn~.' '" Ih. I', "'r) &\"l'l\ly years ago MI'I't'dith'lI grandfather CB5·Tg b~ 11110 ·1" I .... """"", .. 1 II liZ R.,.-j Ud lot, 11\\1.111 II lUi a" I,L ",,,,, 01 "onun~ sPI'IlE'd Ills ntlml." with (Inc "1". Th(,1l \1(' mel a *1\1;\ '\r.. 1111\' '"f""1 ("'''~' • \IJII' ll" ~r 1,1 .. ", u,~ .. ".t girl named Wit lJn. Wlll'n lhl',Y gol mure-Ied Illtlll' T"Io, I. <;".1 .. 11'110\\ ~ ... , H, 1 *\\ I." ~~". II Iltl "I,~'k· "I fri ...fl IHRE 6Plly " &II I\(T(I AI "t.a.\U story and we're ~tuck ..... Ith it. 11 :30 Wbli _\Iu 'U] IiNI W~ .. II \1 {I \1:0 It' ~1""h II" "'6 W I\tTL ("h~.I,d [;,,1,,1 CBS·Rom.n" 01 He l.~ II'J8CThI' IlhJlhmi< All WO/'1ary .. K.,ihel" WIlI\\1 KMOX \\Jll-BnIVu Family .k'·I." II ,1)1> T~~"ot Orrh_ \\,.,11\1 II, I.rrril II WI,\ G,~~I M"wi".: N"lhln~ But wr * 11 KSB '\,.. ~ Wt;\ \'«IM II (j.~I1~h, Ih. Trud. HBC HII'I rum Ho"'e Hour: WlIllf ~, ....""~",,iu a. * "kHH ~t-oI. \\ IHiF '\'''''U, ,. II """ CBS·SI.pmolh.r, skllch II IIT~"o:> ., 4 I)'. ,,,p. Inl\(,/ WIIIII K\\K \\'KBB IILII Ibt D,u, JIPft HB(:ne ROld of L,' •. skelch: * II-IIIP ,,~ H8C-Do '1'0\1 RvntmHrl: KSO :'Ii''''. HBCC.oljMl S'"!JCr: h, ... [1 \\11(' R, Iyk.' IIh,lI \\II~Q \ITI1J I\rnl ""'0 \\lW \\"I1ll Mopl"" [1"'11>1" to; l,fI\ F." , .. M.I 1\"0 Ji. "er l.:uI I. UI"" CBS Bnhtlo,', Child/tn. $kdch: \1·ClWO ("""n'rdl. 1 WIIOII' G~!> I "111,,(> W lIIe l'~n,," 17..831 9:45 II lIle C"",I1"""ly Hall au" W!S'h, '& Clln "". II IlL-:\I"" I l;,·", II'JUr Sin~", "Jm e ll Lli :-'v wnnl l1"",i.f "·ar", lli' Ie \\'1.16\1 Vuur Fu.. ",Ii}' r."""er CBS·To b. l~nOUnttd: WBOM * 11I~n S." \\'J,!l) "."! .• ('u"r, \\"GN-~I,l'k.": To I.>e ~"""Ulthine IIId...rOH II 1!Ii\! " al n,,<~ 111L11 I Iln'_'~"", N8CGuidint D,h!. Ik'lcll! K"O I\OWO Li. F, .• I L'·,~. ,',., II"OWO Th OL ...... \1"11.1.11" • II,,,, 1\lln~1 0 \1)11\1 I\IRE 1111,1 \lnU • "'I'll \\"U-~ So ~ <'1,' WT~r' r' ", ,\I,~ '" Ih. "1\11 It 11 .\!rb•• w,. • . V./Il ,~ ".* II un .. " ...... n'. J"bil ... . In II ... ~,. .. > l\t,\DT" ~ '''''''uol,l'tl Hiln I" I\'IIH. Ttl be ~nnoun'·f'll \\\,:-. \i..... , Mon EnrrDI'Ut \\"",,1 II'\." "I,e. Bialt ";Ih M.nha 10:45 "" IIG" J,,,,, Il ~ .. , NBC·Thund., Over Parodi ... 11 :45 IIJJO 1... I' S_ (Jay .....""' II IllII I, tI .. T.n,. Sr,11 CBS·OUf G.I SundlY. Ihl(h: II'K811 ~ n "ft H,. "lrHl 11'11\ t ... W. 'hr' fl,UTUU .~elch: IVI00fi IHlh h~ 1Il.11 I,,~~· I , .. ,t 15.33) II III \1 01 I I ,,' '" WIlD. ')~' ..... "' "1,011_ wsa', "\lOX 11"11' Ilflt" W"UU'1 , un Ih, "1' .... , wlur 6. ",,,1...0· CBS,A"n! Jl"ny', Stori.~: \\ M r II" \Q .... ", •• " I I,,,,,, \\' ruc Or!l~ II~,"'~ MBS-Buckey, Four: 1\ IIOK * WL... lip... 1~~l(IX II'\IUll \1 FS\l w!jlm • . 11 J II(" "," . 11\"'\.", . ,I·ILL "~I"" \1", "rw \lLlI II< ~d,', [I n hi., \lJJI' n~ ~ ,,, Gild 11'0\ Ii,,,· ! or II" ,,' I\I"ll 1.\,,,,,,. ,Ilthr \\(TO WM,IIJ 'fun .. & Tlp~ \\I\KII t h,,,,,, i" ",t,,, ",.,,,,,.1 wnm, I"mn Tn". WI~" Ill'll",,, /I. II, '''~n~t N BC·Dl.ld Harum. !ikrlc~: \\ 1/0,) I\'MT lv,,, 0 ... ,·". lu ... ho)~: Jilt! wt.~ ~b\' to, nab I\~\II ~Inrllin!\" ~1,",u.Ii~'. S~n'i~r W,I!l(" J,,'I AI"'III T,,,,. II If,\(} II 111.1 \\lilli, K~J) II!'I\" Oo~k.·. II LIV II", ",. (',,""I;' 1·~'''V8n HOil'"I. \\'JJIJ l'.i nil., ",,,I 10., 1';."0 \I m\'G * IVOC .'1 ... , \\"1.\1111 .. ,I"",,,,, \\,,11< ""mana \10' II"" I n",k 11'1\8HClI". II, • ,ont~ .. '1 II IJI)II 0( WSUI-Vif"~ a"d 1"I.rt;~"1 I\·'~n\l .Ie k ' :00 11"1.11 I' I... ''','' td WTAO IL,,,k & lilt Dude Il;.neh. *11 nu • T, • \1, H8C·V",bo~dl: II HUll WK08 II\lHllB .. II ". 11(11" C." 21 S) Ih~lh~r 11.,""" flt"U \1 12:45 7:45 CBS By Kithl"" Not"l. ~ktt,lI: II liT '1.,::-1, Kit h NBC Hanly a. Dell: \1011'0 Illlll" \\, .. 0\1 I\lTO KMOX 1I{If'T" h. ~" """".. 1 e K""" 1\1 ... " ""Ot) II In I .. 11.83) 11(111 II II,,"," •. ", II fill 1111 I", ,,,. t .1",. * 1\1 II" ", CBSTo bo .. nnounCfd: IIOC WI'I n. II 10., . IHII\( H8C HGuI-CbOli Hlnn,h. shIell: 10:00 II", ,,' ", ,,. II", 11110 ,,"n II II ~l! II IIlI IITIII CBS-MirY l« I.ylor; II'Re~1 II UHf "h"I'I'~'" ;;I'~rql WIll IHB" KMOX IV\IIID woe 11'111. ~""I",,' ("Iou' d .• , II, 1·'1 1,.,,1,,·, Il""'''nn. (~Ik­ NBC·! Lg~t lind .. Dllt, ~ktlch ; * \I'IIlf:·~t ..~ II'G:; I'h. lI'i.hi,," 1I'.1l \l'1\1l1) IITas IIJUe "".ir~1 Clurl * WIIIlJ' """". n,~ B .•h} Wlllpr"li,h I'Mieli .. NBC·To b•• nnounc~d: IVOIVO • WJ.II)·\\'I·"n,,·.; ""W' NaC·The M.n I Married . IVhfll! Il",·.,kf"" IT,·I,,,n,,. IVIl.ll' Ite'uM)" 1.1'''" • kelch: Wll,l, ",u"l H,,"~ "'n lillII-: 11'110 lilli' W,I!AQ II'L;;·,i. 1(, "hl~, .t, Pal'Y 1I'T\IJ *1\1'<\!l ,,~, WI~11 ~Iarl lh~ n" /ti~hI 8:00 WJur I'ri., I·. IVFIJII A" lI.i'plonr Tril' NBC·B1 KiH,lun Norris, Ikuch: \\1~"·M(otrtli,n" WOI.·\I"'k~I.; All \""u, S~rvlu . IITfl li ...... N'I"n~" H.,. . I\'I;~ ""c,, W\lIC! WillI:: to;~1J I\'LII WHO II'JBC The.,er 1"". WG~·Th~ F,IiIQf·, Od\jjt"hl"r \VOl·Goldo" I.~"'" X.. ,,,, III \I J . I\'JJJ) ""11' WI'" fh",.I~' .• thy WFU\t BiH I'r~ddiu \1ille, lUI ... U""I II' .'."" 11·)(Btlll,,,,,. E,,,,,,,,,,,,, . 1\'IIBr ","\\" NBC-j~sh Higgins of Finchvill •. 11'11111' 'l""rl, i" 1V11~ ":"on ~11" 1:00 11'1111' Poli,1t Alo~'i~~" lI"n, • WlSII"I'!>' .l;"'~ Tur~e'; 1I'1111'·'I<""i .. ~ Cont«1 WIHI'·l\t""eU, Wtll. ~hil""'IIo~ t. '""g, WIIOI\' NBC·Li~hl af Iht World, Ikelch: \\"110 e"ff,'~ P"I [0 .., I\lIh \'" 215) :-."'" WIIUJu,r. & ';n~"r • III1K '\." II 'IT F.1l f.,h,,,,,, \1 I UC \·ocuIII_}' Ill,) Ih" .. WHO WlW K~D \\~14Q WKBB CBSMy,1 ~"d M'r~e. sk~lch: WHO ~!.,kr's & lI'uLh• WHOK II'",,,",,', Fort,n, \\ 1/.1. Gre'" ~",·~Ii'l CBS·Y~ung Or. M.lone, i~Uch : "'" 1. Fe,,,,, ,,' .. , ar Tr."'T><>rta· 1\.11OJi. \\'BB~I IVI:;,-; weco * \\-11.1(' l"di.", Ntw,; M~lady \\·SL'J·Tht IVHk III Maga",,~, Sam F~,,,, \\"FB~I WISN \\'\180 I"" IInnl \l'118D \lilT WlllE-Si"... i" WCCO \\"I~~ E,.,. H. ~r. Clul.> ~ ...., ... oo .. _ .. _ ... \I'TIDI/, 01.11 ('hulO \\'J,IlJ-II;U, * \\"~IIID N~", II'IIH" \\,,,,,,1> Ii;, M",ic WIlIiK flalli" _'1~"'''"I·1 * \I'KIIH-N<,,,,., ""pul"r ~1"lo w('e'H"" \l'1"~·~711 WOI\"() 1I."1i,, II,I,'~ n •• * IHdJA '1~,,, WCIl~ K\\'I{ (III 15.33) * WTAO No",. BdH"~ Ihe C.",· \\"~n Vori"'l' I' .. ~m. Wet'I,.ItTO II' J,11'·r'H' W<;III Mor"iu~ Ch"""1 . '1'(11 _'I.". MBS·B;I~. II'(;X_T_", II'{)II'U ! "~l Will Ju,h /I. .I~" .. H8C·Soulhernairn: WeBS 8:15 9:30 Wfl.\-t)liI 11'1111"·11111 II"III.IF Off !h. n~""rd II l\lllt Is" )5.33) *"'T,\" X.". NBC-Miry Alco!t; HB C-Vienn!5e En5emble: I\"CFL *1I''-'lJ lI~i"ir ... II ,G" 'lier1: Inl_l" ~~~l II''''''J" "~111 ''"0 II IU. "., I ["Itlt,,"" NB C-The D'NliIl5, ~kelch: WMAQ \nlfl~··l::"" W'«I""" "-Ollll II'KlJa l\1aA ( ~ 215) ,~ CB5-To be ~nn"u"ct4: IHiJHI WJ6C·W.h""e O\t'llllb Woe In5~ .. i,h Trd MI.".' I .. 1'.33) \\'11.1 ••,,,, 1~8AA-Ju.t Rfl .. WG'i ...." 011 Ih~ SI.MI C8S·T. k Innollnc": IYKBII NBC·Jack A,m,lntnl, shteh; WIIO·JlCk Annll"",!: E-' 52 ,.,." WOOWri&r\o 'I, .... II' 1/A ('rul LI~t. Throulth Oootl W()(' WI\,O \\ IS';" WTAQ WlIff WLW In';"ll R~ .... R.. ulto *llt8S \, ... ; Ol.rU :\I;"i.turn WII)( .\ovali"'t WItOK WON WFUI W~'!l~ W\l60 WJBC Th. SUI' Plr-at!-e THURSDAY W ~ 'FL-M .., On the !'trHt WILL In..,.,". Thfir Lift I. Im­ WKIlI1A~( NBC ·Stell. Dall", ,ketch; WIIO MBS·Troll" HOI'lt$; WROK WGNRalph Gi",h'''l:h's Ord._ !.ott.nee; Son!: H~cil"l WLWOoo Wi",I"IO of the NI..,. WIR" WTMJ WIBA WMAQ V.1~O~ports EAlil" K\IOX The &lilOt'. D~u.llltr \\VI"Q Ja~k Arm,lron( WItA ("an,I'''' _""' KSO WLW October 10 WHBF H"'De_I''''' IbrmGlD.i ... WISS Lillif ::-lIow ViBAA Expon.nt <>f Ih. A,r W"llOTunh of T...... ,.",w Willp lIli" .... .\'.. 11 ••1 Soci~I, Wl8C-Lu~u. of \\._,*. Volen C8S·We. Th. Abbolls. ,ketch; WOO Go 1"'1 S; ..... \\OC Iill "E"~(Ir.,. WIBC-M~lin" ~I ....ulc WKlIO (banet'l "Ie-ps K"OX WBB'! (, .• 15_21) WOI. Su"d"",.. lubil.. , WROK L' S \'my Pr~' * \e-o.: \\-Of I'oROK Wb!'! WIU\I.lody II~II W\lOlllady & Jan~ wrro Kitty K.~ne WGS To '"' onn A",mean Germ.n Hou. 5:45 WGS·;'port. WJJD :I-hrktl. WSla Radio ruh"~. WillI' Alice Oleson. pion,.1 wl-,n n~r~ fl ••"h. *CBS·The World Tad,y: WFB)I \1·tlBFSp"rl! IVKBII-:\\;t p.,k",", o.k~l~h * WTAD·('<"nmU"jly Newl WJOC M.linM 1I1.1Orluna,,', Park .·nlll" WilD WLS WT"II (ab.. ~I 9 WGS \!ak. lId,ne IhllroOl" WKlJfI AI"h. I.)"d WIIl(' 11000 i •• R~".. t TIme R.Cf NIGHT I"m.) WIIA-Or~ ... "el,wli.. WMilD·Edilur'. Da,,~htet WI'ilJ Iht~ Hh"!!, \YI~N Yu" 'I,~hl ho- Rigllt WHBF Rock I b"d KSO-Ch£ri MtK~y " Co. WMT ludy " Jatt~ * WJKC N~ .. . WJBC ~wt<'t '" SIOinc Prtlll. WSOI-OfJan R .... il.1 Wlt.r. tit.,.. I•• " IId/"g WCBS 0",,1.1. \1.nQw ~I~I", WJU) " ...... 11.' Or(h, WJJD SUPIM'.tip'e Froht for _ d.ffo. Its prendl." WCF1. M,,,I~rn Mtlod.i ... WIHP .\I~.iul Echoes WTAn \"aridy Pl"t;nI. II'LW I'.i",,..( Drunll *11'1.1\ \ .... ~llI. _" .. rkels progr•• " •• t •• aIr, * WGSN~ •• 2:]0 W(lW()OId run, nrli(ion W~B]) R~ Iylo-d Rh)·th .. WJJD·B.....u .f [,' at... \\'IIB.. -Oi,,""" llanMJIt NBC·P.~~r Voung', F;J; m II y, "'.\tT('J"·~rf,,1 Ch.,1ir fl.~I .... WKBII J"hn G,u]-".. WIIOK \1 .. P~rlr.i,,· hltll 6:00 * ..... 110- ...... k",], K~O 11'110 WLW WMAQ WTADII. oTt. Ih OL.d Rancb- WROK Try This an y"". Pi~no N8C·[uy Ace., Shl(lI; WESR * WIIlI:: Ilil'llo". Union Re,llo Hour WOWO II,,,,,, "I 1'.ler ~hc· 5;00 N8C·Fred WI"ng in Plusurt *IVKRft NtlOl (.", 17.83) IVLIV T" I", unuu"coo G.n:o. 3:45 Ti_, WTA:'oI WLW IVnlJ .caS·Amtricin SchOOl 01 tho HBC·U'I A"ner, skdch: WESR W"AQ~I" 'U) F 'Ir~; Sport. WSl')'Cou"lry ta"d',lpt CBS-To be ,,,nounced: I'oISD WIRE hi.., at 10 pro,) WT<\D \1, Puk Ai.; :.-,,"" WFB'f WIS!'! WMT (,"''' 5]) WROJ,: S""rl~ WliB\1 W()(' WKBH WI"S C8S·Amoo 'n' A"dy: WII"S WT\U II ,- sam WT\nKi' K ... .MBS-Nr,n; Ge~e BfftO.'\ II(TO ",,~Ipl \\ 110f KWK WROK NaC,SIt S,(I. 'kilch; WKBB MBS·lnSl41 01 Spot": \\G:>i CB5·'lel,h., WillY. lalk: Wf'BM MBSAlUrl Mu,ic: WROK WIIBf NB C Voun, Wlddtr Bnlwn, K"n Flv" II, I.. F>th; All ... IVIH,I-; WIIIIF .htch: WT'VlJ WUO WIRE WfRS flolh. OrkJ * 1'0111 \. \\BI!Wn.. \I,nJ'Go 1I."Il'd "';G~ 0. r.-4", IIld II, \1 \\(1'1. \1.. 1"'"" Will !l.lIy .. Bm.tor, WJ8t J ... , * I'o(n> 'i,," "inli. 1'1110 s.-,."Iao """'''1111 WJOCRe".... ~ Th,. WI., To bo '"''''l1li1(''' WLW leI" t .. ,h R * wn-r s ..... WI10 To be Ufl',unrM \\'1101. \I""e "I ,"" \I~ ton WMOO 1'.,,1 (',11 •• IIIlI ])0,,,,,1. Mello .. M.lttfli., wl'nr.... (''' ... * WKflB ~P" wlllr Tr~ T,_ M~J..,d," . IHIl" S .."; Th." Qu.rl" WI~~ Sly,"", h, Rhythm * 1I'I\1I1I1I"" .... n It.e ~'''' CBS-Keyklt,~ CII"'I'I; (1.. 17_83) WIB{'l:oo'~rI II...... 4;00 To"", WlBC Mlly ..... Ruue WROK T 'liPl I', ... tnih CBS-Th, 10 0 14 bit t I. sllilth: WKBR'iparh ..... IlH~., Clnb WINn 11_ 1I_,lie .WIO.\ \, .', Iii!> oC Tooby 7:00 WITO Judy" J'D_ WJIK' \lewa (" .. s<:hoob K"OX WBB\I WillI' S,_ 'Inil' I'o'KBII SjIOl'f. IVI t"L ,,_ ""or WJJJ) ...... " II •. ! Ord, NBC-F'uk • Arch~' WIBA * IVIIO !'i ..... W\lAQ"-.1 " ~wlllC: P."'''I *MBS·Wt,h, W,II"ml. c_m WDI. "h.ket ("IOIe: Sthoo1o; VrKlillll"." Btl WKBB 11111 .... , rft! "'1ok 1'.,"'" WilDt· WG" *W'oI80 \' ..... lI.mlll"' •.! O.... n \-I 'IOU P~III<.~' Plfld. NBC-Gi'l Alonl, ,tllch; WMAQ WI'!) SI""" [.11,;.." ",NBC·,OOIf New'; "'~n, WI1U: 1).... Ih-rd W)lT Eo.,. At.. \\lI~ 0 ... W,~", W~VI Lilll~ Ihd S,hoolh<1u", IJ"~'I ~1.JfOfd: D' .... I\SO WIRI:: 11'110 wnu WO(· SI~ltl. 1\.,."" Wflllt- Son... 1 (;. ,. WJB{' \\"h~", Iml"''''_nl 'ft ~II, 1'0..-011, m,,,: 'l~ry M.,I'.I 2 :45 CBS·TO ". ,nnounted, WSI"l nuo",. 1I01h" PtOIrun WIUP R,oc~'n 'It' HII)(bm H8C-V,e & iktlch: W"I"Q _p: Oun W,I...... ann WOWO \\ \1\1,1 \\ WIll ..... P1lylMow "'''[l·B,..,.1 .. I l.d ...tM. .\\801\ \""'. ..-CBS-Llnn, flon. T'''.r' I .30, r I ,_1 __ WJllf C.od. Ibll 1/,,,," * K\toX T., t.. '1.-.1; N"" 1\l1l~ ... or . HlO (Iub W\llln ,1" .. ,.. ••1 T,~ .. lLripl T, \\ 8.U Tr.-.. .. ('II .. , \\1I8\\ II'JR II liT wra\l \\11'" WJJl) Enl~rt!!""Mnl /'Mo." \\1'1'0 'I. P,.kinl W\rr ''''~l'' ... on KMO.\ IVll'O WU()II D~p'- of WIiJ:htt and WnOh ' Uy 01". ",CB S·A'k-lt·a~tkd;... Ed [.nl. \Ii K811 ",'~,. \1>n Will. Bu. B..rlo .. - WStTl (h,I K'IUX \\'~IT wnz EdJ~ , B""",. h" 953) f 1\/ofTn.. R,ch' ... 11._ Wf'B\! 11,(. " B,~ * lI'nlJ ""-"" D, I .. N 11 ~h (II h'X K"L 1\ "(lI To Iw """,,,od *\\r,S\ ...... \1 llA (lf1[.a It.",_ HBC-Mr. KM~. Tracer 01 L&ost W. IVO 81 .... ~ , a..", Wn[l B.I, K""'.... I'" lal WillI' , ..... , 5:15 P., .. III '.. WFXR ( .... " , WSl'l ThO' I~<>, d R. bI •• II KBB t_,h..a, "dod )I",inp WI8\' roar (YI k J,.. rM NIIC-lrMne WIChr. (h,I'lren', KGO .t I_~~ p, ~T) (Co~linlld on Nut PItt:) I~T"O"ill; K... W"t'l 'frio>y ... WIlOK t :45 I-I"JJIl RII"hm I.... r .. N8C·Hymn, of All Chunhn; CBS·j>ortil BI'ke_ ,ketch: W~T .NBC-Ml.Jllr. Mmor " Mulan: \\ IiD\1 WFB)] KMOX woe *1-1'1\1111 \n.. : 138J Rt~ut Wl-IAQ WLW \\'110 KSD ';"..... WIB" (".9.51) \1,1 .. \ IHIBD W I'\Q II'lCO (,..-­ WU\,- 1.01.' e,,. 8.> B .."I,lul CBS·Outd __, wiUt Bob [41ji1: C8S.JoIy SOli. I. ~Ulcll: woe 'S27) . 1\\lBO \_1. p~, r.n. \'ofB'! W((O 111"0; WMBD \\1)( \I ,II. \\611\1 \\}lBD \\FB\I lin ... NBC-Momer of M,"". 'kel<~; \\6l1"l K ... OX lI\n I'o()(" WT.\Q "WI\ \\l:\R \~(lI'o(1 \\OWOK... "i,. \', p",'N CBS·To be ,,,"oune"; WS6T NIIC-Blckltlge Wile, ,ktl(h; WSl"1 W"t.... · 1-1"0< .hDI' IBIOX ~'o\tf TrOll Wl.~Q \\"1 \IJ W(RE W\IAQ \\ 18A 1\ TA[l T '" ., 10 ", II" Willi \\ tw K~D FUN, FOlKSI W(rtS""!!"hl 4 :15 wen. ~"Itt) legion NBC·To be ,,,"ounud: WI\BB N8C-Lone leurn.}. ,kel(h: \\1-10 \\1\11 RI". n. "It \\ 1KJl\ WG' I._r...... ,..loo'na " piano IT'S MAXW." WKBII-)lltj, .. )I~ ..... \\ IUQ 1\ ... 1) II T\lJ WflO "",t \I"", Julia; WOWOfn-lly "Irichbon 1, t.... ,.... 1INd I'o .. BT WKBII NBC·I,,"·n. W'ek.... child"n's WTRt· 1',·1, .... {'ninnil, _Iul'l< WBOV. ' ... 9 r- l'j 33) WSUI-Con<~rt Ihn ~'~t \\ liA" ". 'l f 11 n ....~ Wh' "j, ... W",dow "fAD WpA Prem. w('o" ~1'l,;r f'" 'I,odor"" HBC,DinCln9 w,lh ClinCt WIBA WJR(' \I". ,I ".~ \\'T\{J II"", /I ...... nlUl'I W~ fl. '1, ... 0...... 1)~ .... W)I-I.I,I WT\IJ WilD KS:O 1-1 IKe Buy 1,,,h..... p<>Iio K\II'X\, "S"~ 5:]0 WlIV \\lRE Will\\" IIIlleu 1\ B-I.A EJ. ':,;1.,...... NaC·Bud Bu\On. ,htch: "'CBS W"II~_ [10" MBS-Ink SpDU: "IIBr WROI\ ",cnl T, boe an"Ollnm \\'nR ..... K08 Wh\' PMIII Rt..Ir~, u,lch *11 III .\~". • I\WI\ WJB( II"U) ..ood IIt"tti .. CBS-To lie announc",; WTAQ II IlIn" (O\I ", P'H) 1... 1183) N aC-OrphM of Diyolu. skilCh: 11,IJIl Th n,b.) ~ 'lilt Willi' 1!1o 11 "",. 1,,1.,1,,<1.. TUNE IN on thl. rolllaina hair WLS WOWO (ow 9.531533) W\!T T hourofmUlIc •.. run., ••urpri ... 1 IIJJII "" """ " t"''''' ...... n .CBS,Plul Sulliun Revil,,, the CBS·Chk,gOlln,: K:\IOX If.. WII(lh 1"- Rt A. II' \l1l1) w,,,,,- Slteppft Nt... 1\110" \-11'\ I\\lOX With M~redlth Wilt.on'. <>reb_ .• .eJ) W3( 1.\ .ft, '" rbnd WOI-IO\-lu ,·1 II ... "", " ... r \\(TO (n.-II8]) u •• Pr_nred by Muwlll "OUM 1\ un I H IIB\\ n.\I.... hf!'C'..,. K~1!T<' .. _ Colfee-now, roore thaD _, \\Bm\ Vet.1 ", ,n. ]:15 4:]0 IITfl. fou, 1\11... NBC·Bud Bltlon .• ~elCh woo ..... 1004 '0 'N kilt drop! *W, R" \n, . ","(I'" ..... NBC·CI .. b Mill,""; Rln­ ..... fll\l "I"""; !'\"'ttt I,," wrC(l \luo.ialp _ "~e" "", ,,'-< .• V"nli.I'; WOIIO , .... 9.53 1)331 .\\f;\ \' ..... , E~t' 1 S' ...... df; .WCf] ...... Or~I,., N ... , WKIlIi IIDOW NBC·Gu'd'"g Light: \\)]\Q ""0 """,,., If no,i.w WMAQ 7 P.M • .\\/11 'S'In, "-, tI~,IoW" .... N.C·SU'ltf! VII," • ""U T ... I~y. [ .... 1• ... 11<1\ 1I'.~,' •• h' ...... -HICK',II My,/c H,rt; .,. IIIw., \1110 D.,,,,I,o,,d ~I" ~ 7 :15 I', ..... , GUft', IITAII 111'1'0"","" Fill.' 0,,1, BII '~' '" (.: O' .... lh~ l.n.,,,,r. II tnt: 1\I'n Lali .. I"" ..u. IIh'lh",. IIII\Q 1\110 10:<,1) I\lKI 10:15 Wf,' L ... ' ...... W,I~.' O... h , ,. 0',,,,.1 ... , ... ,,," ..... ,.1.: IIlI\ * \\'J8(' ,...... "po I.", ..... """,n,' \II\I.! ... " FI~.h, (It'" Mes · [~~ .. o..le{, ' "INII Tr<>"." O.rlo II LII " .." \'" 953) III1TT". ", I, •• ces' 41 K~yt""', O ,,~.: IIT.IQ r"etoa.t: w(;v \\)I.IQ \l18A II rAI\ ",IRt; NBC Be. CIII.,·, Orc." KOI \\1:1811 11'(:("0 \\I\tlll ( ... 965) II 1.\1 ",,'" "".,,". ()r~h II 'In n ... .,;.. /'~,k o ~,," MeS.T, k ,""o~"u.; Wll6f 11/10 KOI (.w 9.51) NBC -M'lnoli, 1 10".",,: IIO\\'O ' :45 MBS Mo' t." C.uld·, Orchn", : Ne C·llli~ KIMf!'1 Ol (hntu: 11 :00 II not., ~'H"t.'. ~.""Il RQII"''IOn ",CBS "'II)" Bow,,' A""'ttur IIII:I~ Ilt: "1 IHIOW \'011'0 1I111l~' Ilr:'OK II'Co"; * C8S Htw,; J .., Ktarn,' 0 ,,10, wert J •• k K.llv'. ()rcll II KMOX Ii ,.." IlHI\ WIIA'" * MIS Rl1mon~ C'lm Swlnl • N B C - Ju~ J01', Orell.: lllJOlI \\111 IIh' IIl1un I\"'IIT WI'I) I) ~"n Mil"" \l'J/\ II ..... IITCO 11'0(' IIlrr -..,.. WRO" WIII:IF • CI5HfWl . 1 llot WIT; WKIHI 1\1 ..... _"".~n<. M .... hr. IHM V. ... OT WI'!) 1I1"~ W'IT M8S·00<. Ju',fn,' O ,e~.: KIIK 111'1111 IITAt,! IIJ/I hw6121 I\fll\l 11'1,611 WTAQ II "lUI) . 1\'{'Fi. ,\ ... , IIJJKUti \lui) C· .. II ,U, wl'lQ 1I~'U\l II'II"~ (.w9.651 WItOI' 1\ liT IVG' WilD' MBS M ( '" II"~ Tw,n. Orch v.oe "'1 A'"t,'...... ('nil••• dl,. .Iou, v ...... *"f;" \ ~ .. . * 1"10:\ ,_. II 11111\ \\ 'tin !t<.... 1\ ,\ 1111 ..1 1f,,1 .... I .. Otth IIHKII "1",.10 1I\H~11oo W"U II ;",," ;. It ...... S.' ""'k \\(("0 \1 .. 1...... 10.. -' II. , " ... 1) II.. "'tlo,lo... . HICN.....,, ; Oub [III",,,.. ,, I\'JB\ ['nlilk r,,-­ ,~, HIlC ·S'"".· .. s .. ,,,,,,,·: \\( I'" \\UI.\I.bSrtioou B .. II_ . 10:«\ (), "18" 7:]0 "BO\\ IIKBI IHn. W(lWO . WJi,RB \:f"" "".811 R.,. r""Mj r'",~", ,tf'!­ II,J" n.. " Art ..". I"'''''~I . HIlCH, ..... O, ~U O'clo_, 1111" \I.·BIII""I·' Jt.ltf • ... NBC,"~"(~ " ""'~ with M8S · V ';(~ ., lIkrl1: kWK ' :15 ... 1, \1 """,,10 WTlU 1180" 11,0 .. \I Ii.K H 1\1l\"'\\.~ .h 1.0\ .... , .-:.. 0.-... I .. St_- WT\~ WIHE KSD IIGS ..-CIS'(I0_ U, 5141,,; S,..,b II-I;' 11.-, \,...... Or.1o "IHQ \\flU \1110 \ILW K II"\: II, .k ... \I .. "" c,,· .. ",nil 11.: ... C.-..trr"1 Onio. q...... TI'd II,· .. , I' '., ll" \\J"" ". ,Ik II .r•• *" 110 ' ..... KOI ...... , ...... , '., \octol .1 II p'" I IIIR 1(,_ 4 p.. , IIIREA. I.U 0..:10. !I. Lr.Pud, · \\'K1:I8 \I IN WJIJC D ..... ,i".. "" Ihol, ScWel II III T" .. '"..-II.M . 11 ~''in ,,~~ .. Tr,tII" II I~ 10:00 II ROK '-". ' ... " II. It . MBS·He .., DICk 5"tfl,~'1 "'HQ r. , Pta...... __ 11(01\ 'I",na...... MBS·I~ 0."" T,""M. W"U Y (.1 P"4"' o.H \\111:1. IIftOIo: "Ii"! .MIS Nowl. KIIK IIG't \\IIKI)/I .. f ...... ; 8&oo1tll. . 11/0\ , .... \ . _.Iy 1',.,. ..,I" 1I ~loW I(~, ...... 1'1"11' .. 'I ••" ..... k • ., .... A.. ' .15 K~IO~ "'10""1'''. "", ... ,Iurf> C.S 5,."11,,,' (0" 965) ... 1."'.,' Orrh., Gut.I' 1 IIROK 11'8611 ta,1 6",... 1<. WTIIJ Sp<>oll Wlftt ~\u,,,, Y... 11 ... 1 II V .. M8S.T,lk ., AtU>ur M,"" : CIS 4 1 Khfloft'l Oull, K)lOX * 1I1I1 1_ D."'.~·I 0. III fL ... ~=. 'r>n WI/Df "",...... \11\0 1D :]D (1o",ltI .... C.SS","" 41 II s,."'I, ""ilL "rl:lll Drall If" \ .. , • . 11 \I\Q ,,_.; lhoh EIIi.,..·. J. II" At •. , 1I ...Ub AI. HIlC ·S.",,,,' ,, Sw'~.'.' : Ji, .... K ,- NIC "" K"",,,'I Ord •• WC8S NaC·£Io.. 1 C...... II·I Orcllen.. 1 .. _. , .... IUK'" "cro W("fl. 1I,.loliPh WJII(' \,_ ...,. " ... \\"H8 11110 III1H \\)HQ "I'llII' KOA \\11".. K\I

7:15 .. 1I\1T' .... CI S-Slip_tIM,. "'.tCIo: I\DDII MORNING H.C,AI • lee RtlW' : WOWO FRIDAY, October I I, 1940 1I00·(;u ... 1 •• 11_ """\: \I('CO IIfIJ" NICO, Vou Rt",,",kr?: K::o.O II flO+> 11 ,''''" T .... ~ HBC ·V.. ~"", [ II1t""~Ie' II'IIH K"!)~ ~I Cu.rd \I ... t·lllo,,,,,,. M,kod,"; ~,YI'e II HOII 10 .. 21 ,51 .Sfar '" pr.,ra'" /l, fllI" * WCCO N...... I ~ ...rll ...... IJ A,,·,lh .. .,.,,41 IIf.,,1 ••,_ I~I)/ III", .. ,. r ..... lIulok", IIT\O lAt' \1'111 • II, dlc.I., ".w, .ra.dca, ' . 1\1 1'1" ". '~.I'. -r.ra.".~ Uf'1 WIRE 0 ._ ... ,rGl ... Points to populor pro- * I\t""n ,_, 7:00 CST ' :00 Ill" n., .•• " .. 00... 1., CIIS-T. 1M ,,,,,oul'(d; WOC 1111\ IIhuh ... , r...... • "'1.11 /'0'",. 9roms, special broadcasts . HIlC ·HI,," 1\ IItl. Ii.~ NBC Hou1t~"1 H,n~.h . Ikltch: II Hilt' """>:0 R.I"n.. WOC r~I~" rd 'ilh,. IIltO ""0 W\lMI 1I1"f' 1I1llJ Willi' ".Mlal,"' /I..... *"1\0\ \. ..I 1:;""" .. • WTAUf'_... ·""tr Nron II I~ I·h."" II ..... "1t.1>\\ II" IJ,~' ",.il IIl11 7:]0 II lit. 1I .. ~.t. \\.1.... \1.·- ''''k " .C~'''' • IOlellll: K50 HaC-V."M",,: IIt\KIt WBO\\ 1\"I"II/II"a;, ('.n. II (( II .\" A'ffi~"W W(;\ 1... 1.... lu .10. 9.,,(f II'", Th. ~"~fr II(-I:I~ fo .. 21.S) \I, t L (l, ...h.1 \ .rI.. I . "... II'JBr WIo:89 WOI (:.",ltl * II'JIK s~ ... K!\IOX O"r~ V.,lfl,", WIIII~ ~h A"I,I,". T ro p IIIUI ,,~, ""("0 n,"",,,,, KIIK , ... ,21.S) 11'1)1 t·."" ... n.".hlt" O row"ldoo... · Ne ..... $oil len Method. £:o:olk. . WCO' , ... ~ 111\1) (l,u" 1" lOrlu,'. 11'(.\ Jun. Bah, II \I I 1l ,,,tI WU'" HBc -e 1 t(ilhlnn Ho.tIl. ihleh : Pc.fum",. Trop, ~a l Pla nu. St.ft WIllE 1 1""'t",a~.'" 111011. 1\ IIH" I'~'.."".1 ~h(lpj"' r . 1\lIllf ..~ .. . 1\\Io\Q 11111'-: K"O II'I.IV 111\0 Now_ -4 f' .n~y P o t llHded with II III ...... Vorl"r II Undbh, II 10 (' ~Ioodt II'IIiP I'oll,h .\",.riu~ lIu... \I TIIJ . "'ricttetl,n NMllveSto,l;ntl Moues. II AK(' \lM""'1 I>"~ohon. . 11 11.1. (Io-un ~I"", I .; " "" WIIOroif", 1'01 I,," . IIJJII \r... HeC-M,dltrea", ••ktlch: WIRE II 1\1) I.. II ...... ,. Atch., plu. I 'OW"'I ~ h<'11\, ca l ••nd t'OIn­ . II'IIIC-N"" II t il KSD WMAQ lit." plete illltrucllonsCtllly $1. 98 pn:pail IrlHr.·I"~ • WIJ('" "''''S, iii Ule.; 1I.,.."iDl lIf'!od, .. ""Ii '.-.' \1"'''' lie.. CIS-Ba(het•• ·, Ch ilGru, lketch: .. II'" I.'" I\')"\' ·I~ 11011'0 Radio IItbJo n.. •• " " OX . \\ "" \ ...... I ...... w." _ I\JI lI _1 I. WSl'l \I"",iIIl Oil,,," NIC e,uklill CM,; II 80W' 11'11 KF 1I ~1od, T_ ",)111\111.. \l'IJI_"", Iltl:lr lIu·,t "1.,,,, II III ," I·.• • 11,.\1111 ..... " "h,,,, CIS-SuMY "'ll41itf: , ... 17.83) \I K"I< "~" . II"TltJ TOp o· Ihe".: 1\'I \1l Am"..... I,"",,, All', Wi "IS ,,211 "KIIlI n .. 11'111 Kil~htn Ka," Oln(e 11 1"-" .tll I' I ""~ ~7" ...... II'JKC' \I"oir.1 )1 ...... "10 I' i'l'l .. n­ 11'1.11' •• WCo\ ".~ l\"i.hi~" Well WIlWO Oreh ' :15 II liB.' II ...... -' "'Uoft 1/,,-.. ,",,, ..a,,. )1 I'Z ,"'--'" \1"1'_11.'''-' ' c e S·T.... ,n".UlleH V..I\( II 110 II o.m.II ;~ Whit. II HOK T .... " rrin" "':"Ilotd. ,hltll: K\lO\ W{)( IIC("O W8BM II'Bt)I\ \'"".11 !i'YU".- 11(;\ lb<: bhl~. IJ. ,c'.t~, WH" \'"OJ' ",' <.J~ InIHIl II ~ U" Wls~ \I (CO M~ It e K:.O IIIR.l 11110 II LW WMAQ WillI' n,bl" QuI! October II "'IIA(\,"p'er a [1. NBC·Ught 01 tht WDrld: WHO *IIl't-L Soon wnu \I.'''~h 111l1H \I I,,, \lw, 11'110 .. W.alhtr *11(-11" \~ ... ~ S""r. CBS·Sho". Shorl Stoty, skUth: * w!RII I, Ita \("W" ~M1od1 WLII 11M \(,j KSD \I IIIP Tlus 1["u .. of Min~ * "0Z·~ ..... Mli.1s a"n ~ I ""'''OJ laIUo·, ...... d d .. weco 111'""'1 \\I~S K\lOX 11'110 JIldy &- i.". fan" II UA.~ lI"m. ,n Lood WGS-Don S, nnan. Date ", ,_,..... wltn.... u \\'B8\1 I';\\ao \I ILl. fI~r.1 fI .. YI,", \\ !loll V.. \I,....b, \\lnc \, ","y Rb W. WII.I ",.. I \'011 Am I Jr. U"'''''H '...... HBC·I Lou Ljnd, DJle, dr.tlth: 11111 .... I V, ,pl •• *\I'I\OS t Ih ~~.. BI k ot ". u.,d A j·lau ..... lu .... *" WI\IP\btiDle 'I, lu.e ."" II. """ I.,• ., "'OIIoy, d,o­ WJi8a 1I('8S WIRE-loI ..k~" &- II"U,hff \1,,,, IUr' \I!HI '" «In <;am WIBt',S~,"tia" r". \I !.lit'" U_ 11 AU NBC-To '- ,nnounttd: 1\0110 \IJBI' r .. ~ (h.,.t \\ b\ 0.,,, , "' 11, ... , an· \I efi \1 n , "II ~"ftt WILLliobo Problr! ,: So 1 Rt It n. IIJJU TI"" ,atl ~.I WJIIC Pub ~ Opi IOn In;\ Ralph C," 'Ih'o Con«.1 WBOII C<>1J,.;r:e I· .... '" cl •• 1 K'ltJX To be ",,,,,ullttd; Nrwl 111\1111 ".,,,k I"em. lIi!1:hJ:,hls * \lUIJ \"" o.~ " \11\0 !ilerl Ed'I'.... 1\'I.I,IA·Rh)(hm on SIrtflJr' II(""I'"LF'T lI~m~I' Only I" \ ...... II I,,,, l"Iu,c Foo4s WKB8.()n Il,th ,"" Oa Of IIIII( WJBC O~u~hl~,. ~I A!!MI", Rn· * "lll \,.... , IIf B.ord \\,1111' 2O,h Cfnlury S.ftOadt II BOil' .(A.lleu WLW (.\lld."!! l.'lhl * lIh811 \o..... f'upu1l.r \I.~ oL, 110 I. TD br II'_"'H WG\·T", [I, k " II •• WL.<;-Din".,.wll P,"ram \I lIil: ~I~I"," Mu"c:ole "" \() h,,,y K .... WnBB-Chan«1 S'"PI Will Eddi~ & B,"D,e WI/A H'''''~''',»,'r'' P'C''' \\11.1 /I'm.";o\t. Qua"~r !lour II (tWO Ell .... RiUHI"lph, u.tch W111 L,n '""k Il.J>OfI> "'180 JUtty " lanr WGSNc>r' * 11 IIIU' Sftr1 W"TTIII' Oth r \\", au II 1\1l h.JiI1' \'Mt H~ W"t'I·I1I" It_."," 'Iu.ical,: ,n W~IT·\"",,,IC I:or. "I"ne Willi' U.It!< of Book> WIIIP L,'lIu .' II"". f u", Fla.h .. W(l( Tri ('",t~ (trd~ WIRF YO\l. Trnl H~1'M IIOC-To be ann",,,,r1'dy MllSu,p 1'd8C-F.ioohdly .-11 fAIl N~ WOWO·PU.dUf A~fi"1f~ 3:00 IITII.J 11)", .. I ,U Churches ..-raQ, \\'JJIl 'Ia.~d Wst'l Birth "f Ih, , TIlt h,,"; II" ,el' (;, " WROl\·Round Ih. To .. n II'KOIIIl'\M'lond 8.&11d N~' CBS·Portia Blake, sketch: II 'IT 11:15 World Book'n~n WINO 11", a t h,.; CI." Traffic WSt'I-Rhvlhm Ihruhl.s III\IHI II. !'ork,n'. klleh WI.II.IM II'tBYI KMOX woe ("uri HBC·ThI O'NtllI., ~ktl( h: IILW WLS Sell.,.,1 Ti,,,. II'TAO·1.~f Co ~!t"pl'in, II]SI'> WmlO WCCO WTAQ IIMAO * WTAJ) i-; .... 2:15 (.w.15,27) \1 ']II£: Thf.ltr Timp *IITI>1'] Hei . & II .. Cnn"die,.; II \1T·Q'''',liun M.n * WJJD S.". CBSWh.n I COlrl MarrlH, $keteh: New, WO\\'O Con."I.".- HBC-M. Pnkini, .ko\eh: wTlIJ HBC.Molhlt 01 MiM, $kttch: WKBIIII"h>~ Er<"'Q~,i« WFn'I K\lOX WCCO WBB'l II'HOl\ 11 •• kn ~I ;,11 (hll"h" NBC ,Belwun Itotch K!-O ViJIIAQ IILW \\'/10 9.53) T~l'i", (,.. -IS.B) •• Tu bt InnO«ial 11, ..iull NBC-ellfll Ot"~IS, Inr.: wowe 1101 Rr.1 IIflcM. NBC ·Fr,nki. MUltrs' Or eh.: WHOF WROK wrlls Mu ie lor loI,,,,", ..... KWK (no 15 >J) * WC~ W\lAQ CBS·Joy" Jordan, COir! IntUM, II"kAA 'h~lC C.rprl wnL "at 8-ehl"~ BllIlr_ NBC .... "'n11 the $IO'In. ,kf!th IIl1l1f T loy .. " 'i~ ., WOWO Vi'180 WKBO .hlch K)lOX WBUM weco II BOW -Children'. Sto.y Hour ",'O/,W"_n J "'I w""",~ '" 1111' \1, "'l'1'li Corbcm WHOK ~)I\1l IIIRl K'>O 11110 IH\';" WIS~' WOC' WS8T WMBO IITBS TfnQu_ R.mbl~ .. 11t,;\·1 v";,, \\!lIl'1 'k ., r ...,.ohbip \18H'1 " Rn-_ WHU ~BAA )Iukel R __ Io \lIB "RUt SJ-rh I\IRI II, J'MI 116011 r •• s ... WClL-'lu'" lor Oan, 1 Aa.rIr. \~ ... IIC\ "'MOn L,...... 1 LoYf WC~Whl Do, ,_ "'Y \lIB{ II.,,,.. 8'OIbln . WI~"-S .... '" 1\0 'f"'I"b F:.Iit_ II BOW flDOt ",ou I"' .. n_ * IIIIIT' .... WHIIF \I.. 'M SiAl' \\."'\ 1'",,1;" B1.b, .... t1f. ViC8~ K..yl .d f ..I ... , hIt!". tllelcb 1\ 111 \1. .k~ II JIK B .. III"" n....,.-I "O\lIn o WillI' ~Ihl ..-rt CI,ul{h WnB8 OruQ R. , WJUI' UoUr"''''''' 1J."""li... WCFl. \I.., II, '. II "UK T" b. ,", Wll1rTlo hot 1"""U",t:d WHO t.. ... " 1I.afT1I. "'\lao Ed",,'. j) WJJO rrid~y Sr~,.ad. IIDZ-J"dy .. All,. IITAnl', A Tt. WILl. C, II.~ I'aoado W JJIl B, ••d 1<' tduuu" "P"''' W)1TJ\ldy .. JIIM ", II'R(lt.: R.u"bow< Trio WlIBFOt{ Iht Rt«Ofd 1\ 1 IU 4rn ,~I f;" ,,'1 D1U'!bl" II I\U 8 .. 11 I' ",", ""'11 *"'K811 ..... 1 I\K811 John Crubr. WSUI-Wilh'n Ih~ (1•• room WSt'l·hrfOlic WJBC W,I_ '" \~lllohor 11 :30 WIRE 1'"."" 1I."d. WTAl) (openl llour wun ~ .. i" r ...... *Wt.S Mlthl; S~s 2:)0 ~lIr-~111 F .. ", &- Home Hou.: \1'1"\ Mu ""I II~.' W,,,, ):15 WKBB I/on"" .~tt 11",1, II ~n \ .• Tld, 1'", HBC,Pf~P(!' Yoynfs Famur. II I\DII WillA 1\'\lAQ KWK II'Jl'If "'~fn'. 1' ....h.Id .... CBS.To 1M annoUnted: woe WKBII II, I 110 f WJJIJ T",!." Or,h ""11'0 II • "I 1'01.,. ,\PI.b ViM \1.1 IITMJ WI.II' II, fI~ IIKOII Wfalot WTAIl WbS WLS~-ri",(l1. \~bor, * WI\all S. I,TIT ' "" lUlU KSO \1 litE Trent, \\'fT~ .. r\\' 0 CBS-Ro",an" of lIelf~ I\' I II II, ,I J" WM I TI.. h .hIP' Calf NBC·John', OIlier Wilt. shlth NBC·Stllla Ollt.,. sketth, WIIO WSII"-"'If,,1 II· cal F.· oltf'ld, 11'1111'1 KM(lX WfBM * II"IT\', \\rAU K,·, K" wm~o WLS hw'l.53 i)J3) WUtE WT\U WIBA WMAQ II 'IT , " , \If\ll..,,, K, WI.W K~I) \11, 1ktlth ~ 118\\T .. , .... r._ loQ [l .... ra. II BO" Ih', un rhl Sir", 11111 "'118.' L.r" . 1.1 .... "MAQ WT\IJ I\lfll K"O WLW II BUll" ClIotw ~yol< S- "1I\(;f (.... Or( ~{rI,\ld .\\,na NBC-Conc.,t Orth .• KWK \\'CBS 1118" 11.,hl • 5-b .. n .. ,,".. i.I II BOW WI\BB "'OL "'.I~ "''"' ~I""'. \lJ8I \I."n... 'loIIod ... I\'C°O .. WK8B I ... I)J3) 1II WIIII' \~. 111'"8\1 I( .... , 1.,,01. " * \\ lJ(J \ ...... II IH I ~!I"" '1fIIrIia II 07. Bf"lIy .. 8..,b~ \1801\ "Vt'd'y ~ 110 \ I lh' "t, skridl II )IIUI II" ",.k,1lS om.. WC" \I.,kd •• 1" "" .nneuortin 3 :)0 WIIDr l.noWl r. ,'.Olulhl... 1\ 1\1' \1" d, ""'.nt.I "a1 WHir R "a: ,r. B,ltl~ IIlIle tonprH"\"" na.. CBS-H;tll~p HOUH. ,keith: ViI"1'I" 1~lll III,,,,, F'1lI II * Wb~ ~'... ' WJIIC " .. , "un 1I1111'{.,_ F,,,'ard \\'JJn II .(1' lI,....-1u Or, I, 1110180 1I'1I0M "'fll~1 KMOX WJBe [lolil. 01'. IIJJII al h C""'I 11'1\1> fI ,1.11 \, II., .' • II JIlt * 1\'Ka8 .. .,.. 1\1 (n InlT WJJO loI~I....tIc \I_f' t. W1i.81111, .t Tun" 1'"".. * I\'IRF fI.pol1 ... * "llL K,' ..... '-our UlIJnnn~. \1\lBIlI',,,_I Paul!e I\Kali II.-..IntI \I~kdlff WI ~ 01 I Or"",~r *WJB( \.If SpoI1".' ,bl. COS·To 1M annoynnc: ~K8U .~ WflOJ\ II.kody , .... WLS-En CrwI< f ... I". .WLW \' ~ ... \hetJ~·. farm II.JJIJ \, II Y y wnQ woe (rw 1527) "1\11" r,', Ed n WTAOT be II ...... 0\'0 l.iDrUl I LM •. tIIt1eb II IlBn """" 'I. J ,lia WIi.OB'1 • _ .hot ~.rtorC NB(,Lo\'tnN J ...... , ."th: WIIO ""Iflr. T., I>f' 1I"'''''''cN 2 ' 45 WR(lK Odt T, s,. .. 1It(l, \ II .. \I'" \I., l1li 1\ hHII tI,. 51,..." * "JII( ~ M.... h .. NBC.Ju,t Plain B,II .....Itn' ~\I'Q "IRI:: wnlJ WIBA WSI'I Th. &ok !'kI:f IIHIII)TI, (Ji ,< ~[I * \\1.." \~ IVJJlIl .. ,.,111 "'~ ,...... WLS II"OWO u.9~1513) WTAOT. • ..a .... lUH WIAU!' \, Hank" 1M \\I\\l.rr.' _, IIOt t. lot .... ~n( 1\ .. [ 1\1 F " "'UlKF f ...... ' JH"'~ FRIDAY 1\ltnK~ ...... " ftU" , \ ¥ItaJII 1 :30 . '" ""/1 :-; .... 1\'01 I 10 14!11 ll~ 11' ... 1 I " I \1._ • . NIIC Htwt. Vau , •• . \\I~ , ...... 5:45 . ",11 U,._" • ''''1.1- \\ HHIi II ~ " 1..-11 till," "'I.lWU III B 11110" ill: 1\ ""n N-. HICTt'" M._ Ilo.t\(h: IIt'R .- . '\~ r October II 4 :45 IIWIIIT.M.... ) . ' I, "H8 \"" \lflh. B ..... j,. I . \\Uf" ...... "P"'''' 5""." ('\t," NIC n.. 0 1'1"1,,. ,k.llh: 11110 _NI C· LoMII Tho"'l1. """, (.",. r /olBC -[ u.ymJ n·, Thull" . 11 011'0 .. . K"U IllIlI \11'11 IIM"'Q ~ ."'~I'" II I\\' III (0 It, ,I II, bt.·. O,d. I' .. A,,.,. 1M.... Qrr (J:3D ,_", C'~I.n"HI 11(")1 \4 T_ " '\1<11", \, HIC T ...... I .kllth Klli,; Mas-ea,"" M '" ,ht, shIeh ,.... k ...... 1 J .... • \, 1111' \ u', ~I, I I) IIIH'd\1 t.... MI._ * '1 I~ , ...... lI.l1M *RilI, III.N (~I \IIAr IIIIIQ "''>11 II"~ CI5 Stlltt...... I~In~. u'lth II TIIJ f, , 11 _ I:" T .... 1111\" I: h..d 11,,,1.. ,. (I'ra. " .,. lit 11\1 1\1\11 \\8111, "lin .. .CBS-Th. Wo.14 To,U,: W1I8'1 111111 II1AII II111J 111\1 I\UI 111'11 II • II III \lHnl j. h.'oI, .. unt•• 1 10:15 Illn} 11,,11 \IIIBtI WKUII 1','_ "_.0 r_...... " 1 . WJiI( ~ .. '"' N aC'W'~"1 .... " D,",. I",.: II 110 T .. ,.b< r ,.I~ ~. , ••1 ...... "'''' l. .. c", ..-NIC e'loU Str.". C... tln: \I ,~" , ,_ " '" " CIST. lit In_1ft' II Knll ""'SI '"""':'\eII1 I \I r, ••. .,., IIJI:I' .. _ .. """ "I. D.~, a"",. I"do I\JIII S ...... I 6- ...... IIIJU I I," ""T \\ IIAf Wl!!tf \lUI ...... -, .... III .... - .1"_1- to._ ., ("or t' " rp. ... ,It. " "KII ~ K'ln.\ .... , • 11 I II .. . _I I, l 81,~ I _ II \11111 NIC,V",n, WHldt. I r.w~. I'dBi ( OIl. 8, ...... ) • ... , . MII ...... ~, \\1101.1 '''-'''\Q YoIR!:.: II\1KIIII 1,1 It 11'111,/ I ( .... s.-_I,r~1 lI'a.... ""II IIIR. 11111111110 111111 Ks,u 11111.4, I\\HI II .... II lIT p, , r 11181 IITIU 11"'1\(1 " 9)3, ."1\ .. 1 I \ ""II \I,,,",,,, It..... \\I:IH\1 To t,.. InUOUII'", 11111101, ! . \I"~I I 1).,1 I .11 of Ai. " MIs,r ,"" J .h.~_ ["tuta,"" t'" N I C 'H."~ Kot, n', O'ih. 1\1" 1.:4 5 IItlOJl,,,.~1 n"'h,h'. Ore" 111\1l I" \I IIU ~ tI F1 \1'(1'" \\IIIIK N IIC-C." ~ 'do Bot'lh., t,,,. "" K \\\1'1. 0 .. " -' l'tM"I , _ 11 1111'" KM(j\ IIIIH /oIa c U'I A~" .... ~ktW" \I,'. II. ,I. _ 1" •. II" III." I...... ,.., II .... 11,ft. \IUI. 11,_ r .., 11>-" "_, • j, NIGHT ( . T,..!>" ... " I~ . III \It ,'. ..1 1., 111I1""\laf.,I, I • I:.:M 0,," 111141 S. II."", H,,1ftII \I "811 A, • fI ..... ", ," \\1\" t,,· II.,.." . 11 ItO \,.. , h,~ II, . (~rh, , ...... IItll \\JUf:Jutt n.. b~ W'.r. ".r. " •• II,,,., \I If'" I, t Ih t ... 1I11t.· Itrd Gill .- "'fill IIIHUI II1\B'1 111I1~ II I II ...._" ~ "1-'HIk. CIS Rh,u.", RUUIs' II I'" IHIl '.r • ".,,•• It. p,lu4'" II \111.11" ,... 1 ,11.,1 WI .... lh I'" I 1,.11_ I\~all P"'( ( ..II lib" IH\\! IIBT 1\llIlIflO \\l1l , .. ,~ , .. _ ...... 1 II Jll ' ...... 1. 111 IQ prl,r •• It ., f~ 1 . Ir, 1\lIT "lIn\ h_ 11 HI \\III1U"•• Ib,a1l biOI 11\.11 f'-'- 8tMdir1', 0.-." 4 :00 -.MI S n lot u_Md: I~ I ..... a.. Will ... . \\~I[lI. lo 'I •• Aor . \\II\f' ....II·._ ...... CIS-Tilt , .I'~"'" .kd(h: ' ,00 • II \Ifill 11.0 k f;~: a... " "''' II IIIH "IC-',,,, e . ~ .. 9:00 8B\4 • \1" W,"... '. ..\t' ..... ".- ,,'au '" II- , ...... ,_ po: .. ~~·I':'.. o• CIS T, lit a ~_IICH ""8Y. I \IT\I' "L "nu \II . HIC C... urt 0"".,,,. IHnll! ,." , ., r MIS , ... , ~ H>thl S~o . , lit 1\ \I fin" I p , '. Ordl .IltllIl\. \I," _ ,101. '''HI: II T\lJ ~I ."" II •• ,~I ..... o.,h "' "ul r CI S Dr Nt! HIC-'I'I ...... 1~lIth: II" '1.1 CIS-T. h ' nll'II"t": IIIIT If''I'' II R.,· \I 1\(1\1 lb. " ..., r~. 1t, .. ~,1 1\1;\ 10:30 111Itt:.: IIltn IInlJ 1i.~O . 1\\1 ,) ...... k I -I, ...... ". '. <... . Mas '~I~" L,W'I. J r .. """ a , II, (lod, \IJIt \I 1\ I MIS·CaloflnOi ""'""' IIftOK • 1,1 IIlIIn KII'" '11:1lI, . 11 HlI\\ I • <'tIil f" -' HI C- " "'k III' "'.(hll: \111:11 . 1\1 II "" IIfllll \\B811 IIIU IIKfIIl II Inl 11\./110-,.1_ . 1\111 ... \I "(18 " "...... CIS AIIIfl .". A II . ~: \\11\'0 IHI{ \\~UT \IIIBI. r HaCS .I~ 11 to Ill, I~ . , b . . \1.1"1 ,... 110," 1.1' ,I., . 11 IIH~- 'r" K' IUX MIS M,l(hlli ... ~rtl· I\\H IIJlt 1\111111 II I Hll )\\111" ,.,101"" 11110 II 18 I II Ilnt..- T lI1\n 1:'1'~].""m (laqIaka .""IS RoI, ...... ' CO rol'" S.. III,. I\Ubl Ilno , .. 111)1 ~ • I IIIIBF II I" 11\1\1 IIT IIJ 11\ ... £.. I Y-rHl", T .... IIJI" \ • ...... , I'a'" _ .'i ..... II !KIll IIIUP NIC,Th," R.... toI: ilOilO ",-NIC-W,,,,. If Dnllft,. 4,,­ 1·... 11 ,J. 0.,._ .. ,~' .... 11M \\)\II"'.~" ~lac" M".. 1".. 1 In'''''-'h • '/'f'IJ ,_ \\bll Tu r",. Tu .... 1\1 II \1 1\"111" 1~· .""" .. ",~.I ,.~ ""I) 111 11) 1I'111J \I"~I.I 111111' II 1',\ 1''1111, NIC -Ch.r~t l ar~ tr , 0,(11",1 " II n U 11& I· ...k" .. )\~U I' • [l.. ,n .... f'¥i. "IN \\t\l~. I. Kill IILW lilliE II I \\, 1_ . ",/111 '"'" """8 11(8 ... '''Jilt) Wt\R II III B ... B .... I_ 1!lI'h" 1 __ I: .... • ."... II RU" " II 9531 IH"K loun Toub'. fri III", It,. II • "1tO\I 'II .... I_ I' ..... \I (I \I I' ., ... ••• ,~...... CIS Ray H.. bKlt.·, Ofth W~ BT I""l": I ...... 1:1 lot . lIt U"~.. \f.w.l.too " ...... 7:15 *\.... IIIFL-- """11.--­ -_ ,,11"11 \\TIQ 1I1\"1\ lib"! WV"i U..w T".--.-. pI"',1 \\JIt! E:,I_,_ t .... r III H 11 • R,....J" \\11<'11' .1.' ".IOT...... _"" ", ... ltlt"" F •• f"t \\H~ \1"811 \I(lf II 11\ II..... II~ II "'tit "ooUto- 11._ ""IJ Ii.. filII \\1 .. 11 ",wi T ...... --...... I" lIllM .,..-.t ,lot T,_ 11111, ,,,r, 111;\ I .... I'''''' .... IIIIIt'lh I "d(.tle NICOtllh V.lli t D'yl . KOA II III II ..... 1:d0l ...1 11, ... ., IIl1n rn 1>#... • .... \ II \I 11.1 \\ 1·1"1,, .... 1\1"" /I.",~ \1" " II ..I .... ""I," ...... w..... " "IHI' ••• lot III .t", "'"na 1\I\nl,~h~ (·h .... 1\1'11 .. j .... I:d,no.. 111100 J\>II<",I T ... "'P' TIon, \\J III" '" tI.t ...... ' \\J/if 111 ...... lip:o"_ 1I1~\_h ... , ...... II,~ . ""Il"_~ WIB( 101" ,-".1 hOI.. ol" II \11 !l-tll"" 'III W""8'1,,·,r p", II "811 ',Id ~, .. r~lI II'" ("hnl IIf I n fr .... J,"'_'I Orell IIJJU fllo.l. fur Tn WO •.-~. '" J8I" Ith,h., it"'I>' II "fill II, \.l II·K8B !"'I, 9:15 IIt8"" "'.1 11 . '" IOUI ...... '380 n..... t 1',:rIO" I h,J, " , 7:30 HIC D'~ l h S~.", Hf\'~' \II R .. \I I," I' u,~ BI~f~ha~' III II I.,' ( ,1k lku.,f.... II"". II'1(HII", .,. \I ~1'I I h,W. .. II... , MI SS'" 1111111\ 1\ 11(11\1) 1111111 .0.,' _ W\lbO Ntwt; Dr "ad, k~. \11114 Ii... . ,', •• .··,,_, ... _u ""Il II 11/1 H\I r"'IN \\111" , KIll "H .1 9.30 I,m, t'~T) 1", N ~, WII III ",,,>,,ff'U,~~ Illand )1.1oJ~ . HII CRh,III",.I.ti; WIBA II ~rt IIi .... II .. ,,, Proc .. ", r".Ir~I' "J~.<1. K"" II MIl Tim. "'... ,. /I ~.""',I •• 0.1 .... 11 ( . ~, ,t II f ",l)·\." .. I~ ,'•• , (." 9531 ';" I. II.... _ ...I I .... "I III'" ( .. ,_ ",..... t MB S "' t.,: a l~ H.... "' . IhI ' :15 • _I,.. ... ,._,_ " 1, WR"K WII"• 4:15 CI S H"'a Ho,,,,, s HolI~"" MIS"" ,,,".. r"KIiI II'lT 1.1 -u. 1\J....- f I\BIII..I \\nlt ,1_. "'" CI S R ,~ H ~'bKlt.·1 0,,",: WJR HIC L..1If J..,.IIe)'. Iohltlt. IlltO \IoLTO WT\Q 1\11 .. 11(.' \\K88 II "1411 T,. tor " ...... 11'1811 ",-NICr·_ H-'I'.... rMI". II HHII K I. II ~J II 1ot"'Q I',,, III nl • 11. __ ' _._.r .HIIC J ... " W_ Va0t4t'CMk. M .q ldl.... "_ ....1. 0.. t :J O 1 001 II_III I __ a. HIC L I. C.. It ku,"",l. _ IMII.I\\IB\IIf\U\\1I0 fl t.Orttt Ii.,Ol'lIKE\\J\\I r CI S-"'1 "",u's (0.",: A.W- K~n . w95J) 1I1liJ 111101118\ II I\Q!lW 11'1'" D L "'If !HIl} II LII ""IC I'"~. W,ektl. t~,I011''''', 'II "... ~ ...... , A'ihoo. WIIlIIII. ,R. NIC,I,"". W ltk... Ch,I,,.'1" M9t.... II~ \II IIK8B 1\18.. CIS-lI,,'" RIHS. It_: III\AI\ 95]1 Q B, ... ", III ....' !'> ..... ~.I; M,.. .. II "; (' ,1 11,,11'1 Orrh 1\'1" Ih'~ J"''!:t Or~h ,10'... \\BoW 1\ 11 1'" IIJIt IH OII 'OWX II RIlII 11.., ~ ....I (,0(" t1 :00 K"II J ... ~ A'm'I .... '_ II ("/ 'I ' \I111~ II, ,II I'" I ..... 1111" 1\88\1 KMIl\ IIFBII NIC·Charl., I W ~; K '~,,', IITH_ "~"'I,. Lt-ciot" \I( FI L I~ .. Fb.t. .... 1I("(ll IIK811 IIIIT ""'HI1 .NIC N Gt... 1I'1I8f ,.,_., I )~I", ... NIC- J_I \lIo:XI\ \\'IIH P nt:III. III; \ "1M.,,, ""RT lie)(" IITAQ (I"" II ISA \\ Itt)'" II I ItJ Will) "~"I \1, I Julia IIF 'U 11110 MIS·To lit ,"" o~ nu d : WHOK II1111F 1.1",,1 ('I". N.j.hL~, •• NBC ,D,,,,, O .c ~ .: WI\OIl 11[11,1 In,N 11' 11 11,: I .~'I II't h,,(.t . ...," \lnO" W I ~" . NBC-N t .. ,; T'ft, P,It.. ·s IV"" "h ,'. W.. "I0 ... I\ HOI~ ~, .. b,. III\ II ~I""" n"u' r HICAltc Templt lon T'm', CIS'Contttl D"htslra : 1I'8h" . IIJII' x, ". '1>1h R.~' X,,14.·, On-t, I'~I II,et. IIIB~1I011(JIIKaB \\,lBf' \I".ltal "c~"" 11'1 H. II",,, •• C ,I II r 8'1 11'''11" '·.'1"'lIal .... ~."a Oll"lIn m.' K(I\ IIIIIt MBS ·Jack Cou,,,', Orch.1 "'"8f \1 HI ~I'" II mu' ~,""I' K"D .,., \ ... , \1'K88 \\'Ill II 1\ 1111 I I~ I II», ..., ".n 11'111'- I\T~U (;o'oco l\flOI\ • \1\111.1 )I;~. Mu,,<~1 II'IIIF 1I,,·".rol 11,,,,10.,< O.,h . 11" IIQ .r< KIlO:\: \'W: .. ~~d. \l'Jl:\( 110, ..lib" II, ""1'1 .... ,'10 630 JOn I * C B S- N ew~: Oln(l O.d.ftl.a: 1420t"''';~''''" "r,·· 7:45 IhllT II I.... \lIlt \11\" "' 1 1(1 "tU.. IIIIT T I.. u_.,...,J 11,1 of II KBIII', "\I",. "I C- M ."tllo~ MIIOIII;": 1101111 WtlllT" be __.. "' MaSS'"I.MII .... · IIIIBf IIliBIi Ih) II III II, .d II ... , O,.h II ... JI "" K WI I .... WBlIII 11111 ( •• 6.2) IIIIIlFC'",,'" I',~ IHII 1" ...... rrll ... nr~ W\mn " ••11 III, ,Up,t. II.". II 11011 F"",I.. n (;, "', 11'",,- VI . • MaS /oI t.,: II"C'i K\IO:o. II 1...... 1..01 Mu It WI lli' Ith)lhm" Inl"I,..!, WRU" RIll Ihh ~-..t.., CIS- l l(k WIt-t •• I C. _ r tO",: MI.\ S J ..... , fI ...... ·• t ''''I'''~ It .. " \\ 11.1 (1M".' , ..... "', \11"1 (I...... , • 1101"" ... \\(·B- , ••• D ... 0 ...... ,." WJfk I W l Eno. 0.."_ ,-a \IJII I .. 9.6'11 5:10 \IH\,!!., .l"" II t fI_ U,,'n" 1:,..,_ WI" "'h.rInrit 1I"br," K.. D \I .. ", You II nl IIJJII h, ) R"". • ' :30 I\{;' Ill<" . CBS -Pa ul S~lhVin RIO,." til e \\I~" I h,b 10 .. 1"",,1;01 ...-Nlt,Allt TI""I,lon T,m,: \t " 11(."" (;~~ ... T.oltt. 11"0110 lIu, nf lb I ''''. 11-8811 \11"'" KIlO' _"!\n " "'JlII' ..... ' ~ ."", W~ iI>It Wlll ...-.. J"bi'" Willi J.. k \" Ilror,e WC("O "1"'''' .1,"""'11>'" II\.II IIf'1l IIK8D (JI.. K(".o II ' irK , .... IInl \I,,,,",,,, 11'(8'" IIKIID "SI>_"n,I· ... ••·'" , WIIIU' 11or ... 1.,111, II ·..,.,1. wmr ~,~,tU ",rIotI ... WI~);·I';It IIHI" n.. m "'tll. (._.... a' 111-31) ptll,l CB SSIIOII;",,: ( .. 965) "w",I:IlII IIJ/wl_ WillI' I, Gt.. '" 110" IIJIlI' Th !,>" I'ar."" .... NB C-W.IU T I '" ,; f rank WB_I.I _ I U JU II. \\1\\)11 II Wl\lI11 ~. II . 11'" \.. folio''', lfU'1 A".. I,,"_ Ch~,u'; cas[u, O U'~'ft't Dfrl\titll "1<1'" no " UtI;U 111.\1 r~ 1\ II I." I' ... , Ri'H'''' WIIIIII I'.,,,,, wnlt· II, l '" II.' rl .... ) A"" I.y".. "·, o..rh K~O WMAQ ""oX IIn}\1 \I"OT II H"II· IC'''' II IIDf II,,,,,., I).,., ,"I IH.-IIM·' 120 II K 11 11 I:v.J WTAM II 1 \IJ WIOA WII\I:: MB S-Ray",o n~ SUI\'I Ofch.: _ 11' 11 0 N.,,'~ 11'('( ",~\f' 1 1 1 ~~111 Wlli' "01 h_953) \\(; :0.: 11'11'1.1'1;\1 W I.II" r'~, \I III~: P .. ~ !!oN, " ... . II liZ 1\0:.'11 "\I 1'1 81,1 . IIJIII" ~ S .... ; \I •• Wf fI 0. !iornrI>1 .. 1 " .. Ih .. "'\In, \I, ,~ ... -r,.. t Y. :I: Usten Friday Night tOrI'. II II ..,,, \\\1"" 1111 ", III • \ .. .. * 11'8\111 \tlft \\ )·.1.\1 IC'"' " II r·, •• , IIKIHI"'I".t,d end, we ... EoI,I,~ Ohu,'1 Ouh * "II()\I , .... II r ll\\ I::;W' II .." 1 'TU to W,;X J ... 1I~ * "1\1\11 ...... , .. "ItBr 'i~\" IIrnlf:, I,,,, AoI .. "" o.rh 11\111"11 I'i Ii ,I ~'''I \I IIfll( I". II 1"11 ~ .-.J II WP,R T, ()'."'..... II "' WL'" \ .... Itfll' ~ II "1.-1' 1 '" "WINGS OF DESTINY" 11)1\1.1'" ... hln; ~ \lJIM." II .. Rn ... . \\ 11<11 \ ... WU\l1 ,~'" ,\III I • I' .. n"· ... h WHOK II ) """'" 8and 11"1111' It... II"TAH ., II~I'I r. • Shou u.ry _. "\1 IllIr11"-" ''''"\c... "-1111·'_ II"T.'''' 1!I1~ WMA9 WTMJ - 9,00 P.M. II lIT " .... Iotlo. n,,'..... 11"111\ 1._ II TAU I <:It WROK " .... 'io ' :15 II I"'" " I' Itflll(' 1* I'TNJ" IInu I. A.,.. "'IR' Il.. k RINd. •••, "'n.I,""'" THE "MYRT AND MARGE" CAST: StMding. left to right: T"d Smith (pleyed by Bob W"lkerl. lizzie lump (Marjorie CrosslMdl. Stlrney Belzer (Mau­ fice Terplinl. Seated: MtlJ( Wood­ ard (Wendell Holme5J, Myrt (Myrtle Veil), Marge (Oonno!ll Damerel), Clerence Tiffingtuffer (Roy Hedge). Front: Chris (Wor. ren Mills). Midgie (Betty Tyler)

First Families ot Radio Mother and daughter dramatize their own lives in "Myrt and Marge"

B ACK in the 1920's, Mr. and Mrs. only thing she knew, created, wrote ot two show.-girls in a theatrical com­ is Itlll the warm-hearted trouper of George Damerel and their daughter and directed a radiO !erial show--one pany. Myrt, n wily veteran of tt'n old lind Marge has lost nonc ot her Donna wen~ doing all right Oil lhe o( the first-which, wllh several novel scason~, metts and makes (riend~ with youthful chlH'm and enthusiasm. Cur­ vaudeville stale. In 1931 they were so changes, relrac('(l the eX!X'I'ieIlCctI of MarKe, a shy, uncertain begmner. .·enl epi!lodcs find Myrt lind Mnrle well fixed that they retired to enter herseH and daughter Donna. Almost Later, th('y discover that they are about to be involved in the n('tarlou, the real-Htsle bu:>iness. Then came a decade has PII"-"ICd, but the "Myrt actually moth('f and daughter. Passing activities of one of the backers 01 thclr depression and bank tailurCi and and Marge" ~how (Cns. Monday time brinp thf'm liUccess beyond the Intest theatrical entcrpriJl('. "Pop" Tlt­ financial dlStJ'('r.l for the Damere]s. through }o'riday) which .he crcated, londel>t dre<.lnlt of their tlllselly vaude­ fln.l/.tuncr. eXCitable C'()t;tumc design('r. Thal wss when My" llll her '"miIJian­ conllnue!J to be a favorlh' With l('Tial ville days, tor thf")' both become top­ is their I1\<)II.t devoted friend; he is also dOU

M of the year: Michigan Uni­ and a host of sllvety-voiced commen­ are saying that M.ichigan still has its versity. tators is applying itself assiduously to pass, plus its punt., but it also has a ~Coach of the year: Clark Shaugh­ the mastery of such tongue-twisters as player of luch prowess that the other nessy of Leland Stanford. Kacwrowski ot Columbia, Vrhovae of teams now can have the prayer. Football player 01 the year: Tommy Duquesne, Gurczenski of Ptttsburgb, Tommy Harmon-there's the lad. Harmon of Michigan University. and Juralewicz of Temple. FootbaU's "Man of Steel." Born and "Forgotten Men" of the year: Chi­ It is kJck-oft' time again and the cap­ reared hard by the hot blast furnaces cago Maroons! tains are ready. In a moment the of Gary, Indiana, Harmon went to Football has come again and the referee's whistle blows and we'll be Michigan as a pIOCP­ Old Grad is making the most of ofT on another tall hysteria whose mass school player. In one vanoity season his annual fiesta. You can hear his magnetism is s uch that he who does he emerged as a case-hardened, chill­ 5houts of jubilation, his erlel of mag­ not see some game, hear It OD the steeled touchdown star. Long limbed nificent propheCy. his caD {or "two on radio, or read about it in the DCWS­ and muscular of torso, Harmon weighs the' SO," his chaUenges to a showdown pa~r is a lost Saturday afternoon 194 pounds, but conducts this batter­ in cold cash and all he's asking is "six soul, indeed. ing-ram poundage from one goal line points." hi. vocalizing of the song that If, at this preliminary writing, we to the other with the speed of a pony was 50 sweet In the day. of youth­ were asked to designate the nation's back. "Alma Mater." football capital. we would have to Harmon-and the microphone boyl Forty-five million Americarul are write the dateline as foUows: "Ann should have no difftculty pronouncing ready for football, some of them ac­ Arbor, Mich .... because it is there that that- is the name which will be broad­ tually armed with "two on the SO." the provisional Iridiron government cast from Coast to Cout-thrillin,g to A purse of sixty million dollars is sits. It is there that Fritz Crisler, the some, definitely ominous to other lis­ waiting to be split up by the college generalissimo, polishes oft maneuvers teners scattered aero" the continent exchequers, and tank-car reserves of of what may be one of the great teams from farthest East to remotest West. printers' ink are on hand for the .!ea­ of a long line or Michigan champions. Michigan is plaYlllg that kind of '!IOn', headlines. Out in the Middle West an ancient .schedule this year, which is one of A tremendous battery ot the na­ football axiom is beine revised. They the prime factors in the Wolver­ tion's microphones is tuned and wait­ used to say that all Michigan had was ines' chances to win the quite myth­ ing for the big Saturday afternoons, "a PD", a punt, a prayer." Today they ical, nevertheless quite coveted and intriguing "national championship." eration of warriors who know they Rose Bowl. They came within six feet AlJ·American last year, when he led have the enemy in the bag, Cornell of a touchdown that would have de­ The the Western Conference scorers with scored a second touchdown, on a pass feated the Trojans, only to be stopped sixty--one points and all the ground· thrown by Scholl, the very next time there. As the game went into the t"ec· gainers with an average of 5.84 yards they took possession of the ball. Then oreis "0 to 0," Southern Cal. got the September per rush, Hannon will have ample op­ McCullough added a third touchdown, Bowl call, due to its Pacific Coast portunity to "blitzkrieg" the nation Drahos kicked a field goal, and Cor­ record ot no defeats and only two ties. View this tall Michigan, in its title campaign, nell lnId won, twenty-three to four­ Out on the Pacific slopes, where will encounter Califomla, Michigan ""'n. football players grow like redwoods, State, Harvard, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Tt is only necessary to remind that the 1940 fight again looks like the Marvin McCarthy's Minnesota, Northwestern and Ohio eleven of the veterans of that remark­ same rivalry-Southern California VS. Stale. Should Michigan conquer all, no able triumph have returned to Cornell, U, C. L. A. Howard Jones, U. S. C.'s preseason notion of team in the country wouJd have a to let the rest of the grid world know famed "head man," won't have such how the 1940 football more representative, or more impres­ what to expect. It is not necessary to monstrous men as the ones who awed sive, record-and it is on just those remind the Buckeyes that on October Elmer Layden in last year's game at giants should be rated. two (actors that nation·wlde cham­ 26 they must visit Cornell to sec if Notre Dame. Speaking for publication pionships are tOUllded. they can do any better away from at conclusion of that contest, Layden home than they did last fall in the said: "We (the Irish) did aU right in I. Michigan. A S WE attempt to chart some sort of lull view and with the full support of the first half, and then something hap­ course through the coming cam­ eighty thousand of their own lans. pened that I thought was an earth­ 2. Texas A. and M. paign, let's spin the compass for a few A swing of our journalistic compass quake. The ground actually trembled quick readings. We have explored the and we arrive way down south, in the under my feet. I heard a loud rum­ 3. Southern Cali- North and "discovered" Michigan and land at the Lone Star razzle-dazz.le. bling, then felt a severe shock. Open­ fornia. Harmon. Now, to the East, we find Cor­ At College Stntion, Texas, we lind the ing my eyes I discovered it wasn't an nell, the Big Red at Carl Snavely, sur­ town a-bustle, the air charged with earthquake .. only Howard Jones' 4. Cornell. prise team of 1939 but no surprise now. the tension of anticipation. Couch Ho­ giants trampling down the field." Eleven vl!teran seniors have returned. mer Norton and his Texas A. and M. The "Jones giants" won't be so 5. Tech. Snavely has his man-power banked buckar·oos are riding again! large this time, but they still won·t three deep at each position. He has a The Texas Aggies enjoyed one of appear anemic with their line aver­ b. Ohio State. whirlwind spirit goiug, churning up the outstanding streaks in all football age ot 195 pounds per man and back­ inspiration in his own ranks, twisting a year ago. They steam rolled through field average of 182. And this is the 7. Notre Dame. necks on the opponents' side. And he an eleven-game schedule undefeated year that Jones is supposed to spring S. Nebraska. has also one of the other "back.s of the and untied. On New Year's Day they his "sleeper" quarterback on year"-Howie McCullough, who won't climaxed the big season by outscram· foes--Mickey Anderson, an ace sprint­ 9. Duke. soon be forgotten down Columbus, bUng Tulane, fourteen to thirteen, to er who can run like Paddock and Ohio. way. win the Sugar . And now, dodge like Br'er Rabbit. The story is 10. Fordham. McCullough and his companions in with eight of eleven regulars return­ that Anderson has been held under Red crimt!--Whit Baker, now gradu­ ing, all College Station is sworn to cover while U. S. C.'s noted backfield ated, WaH School and Walt Matuszczak !)"lake one big bum out of a certain trio of Grenny Lansdell, Amby Schin­ - left debris in Columbus which no loose talker from up North who sug· dler and Doyle Nave was serving out • mere construction gang couJd repair gests "Ann Arbor, Michigan," as the its time. Now, with these three gone when they wrecked Ohio Stale in one magic date-line at griddom. snd his own green light flashed on, at the standout devastntions of last Once again it is the genius of a w­ Andersoo 15 supposed to go. Tab These season. How the Big Red came back per-back that carries forward the Because Jones is well known for from a terrific "first punch" to kayo hopes ot his team for another victorl· comin, up with what he needs from the Buckeyes was rootball's saga of ous splurge. This "back. of the year" the TrOjan player reservoir, Southern lor "SO-Yard" the decade. is John Kimbrough, a throwback to CalitornUJ is being accorded an edge Ohio State, perennially the symbol the era of powerhouse fullbacks whose ove!" U. C. L. A. in the Pacilk Coast of all that is muscle and might in foot­ sheer drive carries him through the "futures," and that completes the Dialing baU, struck with terrible force in the best plotted defenses. Kimbrough's swln, of the compass with these first first few plays after the kick-off. With runs arc the delight of all Texas. Six readings: its bruising Don Scott, Jim Straus· teet two, weighing 220 pounds, he North- Michigan. Outstanding 1940 in­ baugh, Jim Langhurst and Frank goes into the line for A. and M. like a South- Texas A. and M. terconference qames Zadworney running so hard they Big Be.rtha shell at maximum velocity. Wcst-50uthcrn California. would faU forward an extra five yards Usually he hits between taCkle, low East-Corncll. out of which the when tackled, Ohio State literatIy pul­ and hard, scattering guards and verized the comparatively pigmy-like tackles like stampeded poultry. In the F URTHER, It completes the first sur- national champion and Cornell line. In savage thr~ of ten, open. he straightens up Bnd runs in vey of "backs of llie year," all de­ top contenders are fifteen and twenty yards, the Buck­ the style of B fullback of the old serving young fellows who should be eye Juggernaut crushed over two school-his knees driving waist-high, the delight at announcers, beCause likely to emerge. t.ouchdowDII within five minutes! his stride a buzz-saw of motion calcu­ there's nothing difficult about getting Workmen in the press-box sighed lated to knock out cold anyone man these names right: Harmon of Michi­ Oct. s....-Miuouri .t Pith,.. and prepared Cor "one of those after­ attempting to stop him alone. gan, Kimbrough of Texas A. and M ., iMlrghj Nebraua .. Minne· noons" of a typical Coach Francis We may as well follow the Aggies Anderson of Southern California, and ~a; Northwnte", .. Syra. Schmidt $Core, with the Buckeyes gob­ to the fourth and last point or our foot­ McCullough of Cornell. And it is not ~\Oj Tou .. Indiana. bling ground in Qne-hundred·yard lots ball compa5S---i)ut West. There on Oc­ difficult, either, to envision exactly find the writers consuming columns of tober 12, will be played one of the those four as the ultimate aU-Ameri­ Oct. 12-Tex.u A. and M. at precloWJ news space to describe the key games of the season, which will can backfield of 1940. U. C. L A.i Michigan at Har· details. lest championship mettles and certify Football is a game in which any­ yard: Tulane at Fordham; Cornell was a woful team as it or reject them. This contest will be a thing can happen and about every­ Southern California at Illinois; lined up after the second touchdown. head-on crasb between Texas A. and thing does, which is reason No. 1 why GeOl'9i" Tech at Nom D"me. Betting odds would have becn at least M. and U. C. L. A. (University of cal­ a sporting nation loves it so. Always twenty-five to one that it was a beaten ifOrnia at Los Angeles). What happens there is the probability that the un­ Oct. 19--Camegie Tech at team. What the press-box boys dId not when A. and M., pride at the South, derdog will rise and prove himself Notre Dame, reali7.e was that a gridiron "miracle" encounters U. C. L. A., co-threat of underrated by smacking down the Oct. 24--0hio State et Cor· was on the verge of unfolding itself the West with Souther·n California, chosen teams of the "experts." Such nen; Penn,yIv"nia at Michigan: before their eyes. They did not realize will have important bearing on the a sensation was the uprising of the Missouri at Nebra.kaj St. it even when Cornell loolt the ball and question at who actually possesses the 1939 , who took a Mary'. at Fordham. slr·uck back in a flash. On the first favored date-line in these football sound drubbing from Michigan, 27-7 scrimmage play afl.c!r the kick·off, the lands. (four touchdowns by Harmon!) early Noy. 2-New York U. at Big: Red executed one at football's rare Last season U. C, L. A, was unde­ in the season, then went on behind the M,,,ourij Notre Dam6 at Army. "perfect" plays-with every man per­ feated, though tied lour times. With leadership of to establish Nov. 9--Notre Dame at forming his (unction-to crack the kid two great Negro backs, Kenny Wash­ themselves as the "miracle" team of Navy; Wisconsin at Cotumbia: named Scholl loose for a seventy-two­ ington (now graduated) and Jackie the year. PurdH at Fordham. yard touchdown run. The "perfect" Robinson (returned chock-lull of And just such a sensation may be ptay is a thing at beauty-a black­ "baCk of the year" ambitions), U. C. provided this time by Stanford, which Nov, l6---Iowa at Notre board diagram come to life. Every L . A. dealt misery to one and all, and won only one game in 1939 but is in a Dame j Nebraska at Pittsburgh. lint'man blocks his opponent. every whimsically summed up its own sea­ beautiful spot to command nationwide Nov. 21-Mans... at Ford. interfcrer spills his man, and the ball son in the following well-chosen attention by performing a comeback ham. currier follows down the field the words: "We came within six feel of behind its new coach, Clark Shaugh­ course that has been visualized for Rose Bowl" nessy. All football has its fingers Nov, 2l-Alabama Poly him In his coach's mind. And six feet it was, to the inch. In crossed in the hopes that Shaughnessy, (AuiMIml at Boston C ollage; Such was the swill blow that Cornell the nnal game of the regular season, who for five years has been a "lost Notr. Dame at NoritI_.tem. de-alt Ohio, and it won the ball game. U . C. L. A. played a scoreless tie with coach," can refind himself out WesL o.c... 7-Not.-e Dame at All Bucke-ye morale vani§hed: the pre· the Southern California behemoths, As mentor of the , Southern California. vlou~ly vicious slashcs at the burly averaging 208 pounds 10 the linemen, Shaughnessy Uved through a football back! fizzled; tht' stout ddense crum· 187 to the back. U. C. L. A. launched nighlmare, starved for material, hand· o.c... 2a-c.lifomia .. Geor· pled. With the confidence and debb- an offensive that almost got them to (Contin.ued on. P4fIC 41 J gia Tech. Four-Octave Frank Frank Luther .ings and PICTURES ALONG THE AIRIALTOS collects American song.

HE SINGS on ''I'll Never Forget" (MaS, Mon., Wed., Fri.), "luncheon .at the Waldorf" (NBC, ~turd"y)

, ,

, , , ' , ,

BESIDES RADIO WORK-<"d making records--Frank is ., com­ • poser, has written over bOO songs PAIRED ON A RADIO SHOW for the first time, Kenny allker (left) end Fred Allen hit it off beautifully on the opening broadcast of "Te~o!Ico Theoter" last Wednesday (CBS). Kenny won feme os tenor to Jack Benny. Fred's friendly enemy

STRONG ON SISTER ROLES is ectress Bonita Kay. sister to "Arnold Grimm's J.. Daughter' <'Inc! to "Bud Berton" (NBC) '

A TENOR VOICE. unique for its very brood range. has won him spots on two sponsored broadco!lsts

... WALTZES BY WAYNE KING retum to T the eir Set., Oct. 5 ICBSl. Above, FRANK LUTHER ploys the accor· Weyne (left) end vocelist Buddy Clerk dion end literally dozens of other pose for Movie-Redia Guide cemeremen instruments. He's ell-music-m"ker! _ ... 0 •••• S.y",.~. -.'."" "KASSELS IN THE AIR," provided by amiable Art Kassel, are heard MARION HOLMES, beautiful lind brunette, is featured songstress with currenfly from the Bismarck Hotel in Chicago over the Mutual network the Kassel orchestra, opened at the Bismarck with the band Odober 4 BANDWAGON • ON THE

fo~FECTlVE immediately, you're go­ garden left By anyone about Two tun"s In the Wayne King man­ ing to hear a great mpny brand­ Paul Whit.e­ it. ner, which means they are medium E new tunes on the airlanes mixed man to 10rm a low. Wayne appears as vocalist on the up with a lot old songs which comc band of his 1 top side; on the reverse he demon­ ot 'od:i·9 strates with his Camed allo sax. under the category ot "Public Domain" own, brother Guy Lom­ numbers. NBC has issued order::; thot Charley prom­ bardo and his ALEC TEMPLETON-"Vocal Im­ all ol"cheslras broadcasting on non­ ised that some crew are play­ pressions" and "Capl'ice in Old Style" commercial programs must plilY lit day he would ing once more (Coiumblu 35723)-lf you like sotire, least three tunes in the abovc-men­ Join up with at their old lhen In listening to "Vocal Impres­ tlOned eategory. Because Of the broad­ him, He kept his promiS(' a couple of stamping grounds, the Hotel Roose­ sions" you're bound to like Alec's ver­ calSting industry's battle with ASCAP weeks ago and brolhera T are noW \'elt in New York.. Raymond Scott's !;ion of a Russian basso t In the Chicago studios of sung by June Robbins and John Droke, Baker were dropped [rom the "Hit Artie Shaw ... Don Huston, vocalist CBS, is now the regular female who make IisteninJl: to them a pleasure, Parade" show because it OOlSt the with the Lou Breese band, left the warbler with Ray Noble's band sponsor an additional SI,500 per 1I.c:ord", • • d"d ouHH to orgllnize a erew of his ovm Anita Boyer~, recently with Leo Rei!:­ Larry Clinton's swinging of "Dig Me broadcast to cut them into the pro­ Freddy Martin ha~ signed to do a man and before that with Tommy Honey" (Bluebird B-I0868); Orrin ~ram from San I-"rancisco ,. Vincent musical short for Warner Bros.... Dorsey, is now singing with the Artie Tucker and (oh. yes) Bonnie Boker's Lopez is making trouble for his former Snmmy Knye and his bandmen voted Shaw band Sammy Kay... finally smooth Ie or "I Lo\'e Ya"' (Columbia vocalist, Betty Hutton, He'!'! brought to tllke a muth-needed vacation before weakened and has hired a gal to sing 35722); Count Basic's album of piano suit against the gal for money he Qpening at the Hotel Commodore in with the band for the first time, lIer solos, with ,;uitar, bass and drums (in­ claims she owes him and to re~tl"aln New York, thus CllncelJllg some stlrac­ name is Louise Lorraine, a Canadian cludes "Bemgie Woogie," "Hey Lawdy • h"r from using the HUUon nam", tlve otTers_ They've been on the road lass, Mamma," "DUpree Blues" .and others­ which he stutes belongs to him be­ all summer and arc entitled to a rest Decca album No. A-152). Mary Smwl's ~reat vocallzation ot thal favorite, calise he '·discovered" Betty and hel' . Eddy Ouchln Is surprising his Di. buio,u "Some or These Days" (Decca 5794), abter Marlon. r'm just wondering out friends these days by his doubling WAYNE KING-"f'm Waiting for Last but not least, Gene Krupa's thrill­ loud if there Isn't a personal reason from his piono to the slIxOl'hone. He's Ships That N('ver Come Tn" and "Some Ing swing arrangement of "Rhum­ behind all this, , . When Jack Tea- been taking sax le!\SOns without telling of Your Sweetne~s" (Victor 26749) boogIe" (Okeh 5788). " • 'II 37 ALong the •

WYTHE WILLIAMS AND JOHANNES STEEL are among the I;ommentators starting a new maga:r.lne, Treo$on. Inc., to expose Nazi un-American activi­ ties. Williams was recently asked by Presiden' Roosevelt to head a group of War commentators to handle a radio series on national defense.

M OST dramatic bro."Idcnst ot the tit'S ... Note to Republican headquar­ With Tho,. Who SIng week was Edward R. Murrow's h:rs: Ed Herlihy, NBC announcer, who Lucille Manncrs was made official DOROTHY LAMOUR is singing report from London the night his CBS hnll an animal farm in Connecticut, songs .ot KMH until Sing's return soloist for the 1940 AmerIcan Legion offices were bombed. In a trembling ha~ a forty-five-year-old 8,200-pound National Convention in Boston . _ . The voice that, at one point. l':'ql

I'M SURE you've been listening when of all kinds of music from barrel-bouse a political speech ran short or to Beethoven. They Jove to play. aDd something went wrong with a remote say, you can't oppreciate the artistry pick-Up, and you heard the interim of lhis young learn unless you see filled by piano or organ music. You their fingers fly! And they told me probably didn't realize-neither did I some intercsting anecdotes about their By -how much work and organization is stand-by experienea--how the direc­ behind these occasional few minutes tors as a gag let June Lyon toil through DON MOORE of fill-in entertainment. I dropped in a tense halI-hour her first time filling the other night at NBC's studio H, in, when she had actUally been on the called a "stand~by" studio. There June air only n minute and a hall; how Lyon and Jerry Marlowe, popular Jerry Marlowe once followed a sena­ "CARNATION CON· piano team, were on duty, as they are tor's speech with "You Leave Me TENTED PROGRA~" comes many hours each week, just because 01 Breathless," leaving the senator speech­ home from its wanderings. the remote possibility that a few min­ less. effective this week. The utes or Il.ll-in music might be re­ "International Night" series quired. Beffy lOll Tradel Two 'or Two of fareign music programs They showed me how they get their Betty Lou Gerson is the new Mary cue to go on the air by the flashing on Marlin, and also the new Karen has been discontinued. The of a white light, their signal to keep Adams or ",Voman in White," now subtitle of the show is now playing as long as the ll,gllt is on. heard on CBS instead of NBC. She MARION TALLEY, former opera "America Sings"; emphasis They played for me intricate arrange­ gave up lead roles in "Midstream.. star, gets custody of her child is on American tradition, ments, which they write themselves, (leaving the air) and "Arnold Grimm's ,38 l i n _ SHADES OF LADY ESTHER! Phil Stewart, the personality-plus announc:er heard on the Wayne Kin!} "Lady Esther" program for 50 many yean, will be bac:k with Woyne again when the band leader opens his new series (for Colgote) OctOber 5 over a CBS network. Voc:alist will be Buddy Clark.

B ECAUSE of the fine reception given in his new "Everyman's Theater" star of radio's "Big Town," to be Gale Puge and Jim Ameche on the series on October" with Alia Nazi­ guest of honor on the occasion of its summer Woodbury "Hollywood Play­ mOV8 starring in "This Lonely Heart," Old Home Day celebration Saturday, house," they have been re-signed [or has been vacationing in San Francisco October 19, offering to buy him a an additional thirteen weeks, New . Virginia Erwin, one of the "Music round-trip plane ticket to Nome, series will offer an original dmma Maids" heard on the Bing Crosby show, Alaska. Opening of the "Big Town" each week. Gale will sing on the show has enrolled at the University at Cali­ radio season October 9 prevented (and perhaps Jim will, too) . For [ol'nia at Los Angeles, giving that in­ Robinson from accepting. several weeks (until actual registra­ stitution two talented warblers, Vir­ ginia and Pat Friday ... Having com­ /lom·adic5 tion begins) the Barbours ot "One JERRY COLONNA'S back on the Man's Family" will talk about the pleted "Love Thy Neighbor," Jack Phil Harris was dl'seribed as a draft as il may affect them. Here is a Be-nIlY made a flying visit to Wauke­ "penny - pinching, career - engrossed air with-a tatier from Yehudi? good spot to get first-hand information gan, IlJinois. and New YOI'k City be­ husband" by his wife (Iol'merly known nnswering your own questions, as au­ fore resuming his fall series on Sun­ as Marcia Rolston on the stage) when Ihor Carlton Morse has made a first­ day .. , Gene Autry will make an she obtained an uncontested divorce hand study of the problems involved, appearance at the Madison Square on September 18 .. , Bandleader Gar­ and all delails will be accurately pre­ Garden Rodeo on October 9. . Don wood Van ha~ found his way back­ sente-d. Wilson, playing the role or a fat sher­ stage at the Earl Carroll Theater and ifT in "The Round-Up," is being hailed is dating Myrna Deli, one of the cuter cuUes .. Mary ("Good News") Mar­ Movie Angles ..• on RodJo Personal/tiel as the movies' comedy-find of the tin and hubby Dick Holliday are Lum and Abner's first picture, honeymooning on a chartered yacht, '"Dreaming Out Loud," packed the six­ Mary returning to Hollywood each hundred-scat theatel' at Mena, Ar­ week for 11<'1" broadcast ... Martha kansr's Artie Auerbach, the Mr, Kitzcl ot the otf the Calirul'nia coast., Which re­ picture "You'll Find OuL" Role cans At Peurce sholV, is walking aro\md minds that Dick Powell (lnd Ken Niles, {or him to do one IInc of dialog, In­ witl' 0 wl'encheci back, result or slip­ "Kny Kyscl' College" Urll10unCer, have tl'oducing Kyser as he has dozl'n .• of pIng on some grease in his gal'age. lOI"fflC'ci a two-man salling-race team; times on regular broadcasts. Said one week they sail NilE'!;' boat and the Niles: "I've been yelling the line every Tills Mllst Ie Fame next week N."pair the ..... orkout to Wednesday lor nearly five months­ Powell's schooner "The name of so this is one time J'm wel! reheurscd!" When Bob Burns, the bazooka­ blower of the Crosby show, visited the the mythical girl friend who has bcen Pomona County Fair bc fell tor a thl'eatening (nn the air) to sue George 'ne/.,. l'ersollllJ/ barker's spiel and entered a tent to Burns tor failure to engal\te her as his \\'alter White, Jr., bas had hL guest 'ee a nre-eater advertiSed by the partner. was sclected carefully from book, which is filied with autographed !'pieler as the Fair's biggest attraction. double-lalk \'ucabulary M as to avoid comments oI those who have appeared Bums was no sooner in the tent than Dny similarity to the name of anyone on "Nobody's Children," insured tor the barker changed his saJes talk, livIng and listening; it is spelled twenty-five thousand dollars ..• The shouting: "Step up, ladies and gentle­ TraInfng _. Some statistics: 332,446 Victor Hugo has instituted Radio men, and set: the biggest attracUon at tourists paid fees to visit the CBS Hol­ Nights on \\-Tednesdays, giving radio th.iJi Fair-the man eating fire--and lywood ~tudlOs m seven months. performers an oppartunity to enter­ also gtcat motion~picture and tain in a manner similar to thllt ac­ radio comedian, Bob Burns!" (He Could TIIII It Crnlc:lsm1 corded movie stars on Sunda.ys njghts. raiAed the price Cram ten to twenty Starting Saturday. October 5, the Don Wll:1on, of the Jack Benny troupe cenls. too!) .. The village of Big CBS Hollywood schedule reads as fol­ acted as master of ceremonies of the Town, Alaska (population mnely­ lows: 8 p.m, PST, "Marriage Club." C ..... ROl BRUCE (with l&MY Ross) first show ... Arch OOOler, who broke (our), Invited Edward G. Robinson, 8:30 p.m. PST, "I Want a Divorce." joined Ben Bernie show Oct. I

Daught"'r" ... Sunda Love, !urmerly contralto voice, but Fran has a slightl)· laugh or applaud. When Pat finished star of "Stepmother," is baCK all the different lace. Some years ago an therc wasn't a ripple. His naturally ail' as Miss Bennett in "Bachelor's automobile-accident injw'y left a bad ruddy race and neck nushed at least Children" lind Adele CarmOdY In scar on her forehead. Dr. Mlllon three shades deeper. He thought "Right to Happiness" ., Davey Mar­ Adams, a well-known Memphis sur­ everybody had m.L«sed tbe point Pat lin, baby of the "Mary Marlin" sketch, geon who bad long been a Fran-fan, is an irreprC!lslble clown and heckler has finally grown up enough that a was in Chicago visiting when Fran was and he gets heckled plenty by Noble, I'eal boy, Jerry Spellmun, can play tile singing on "Breakfast Club." He met Pearson, the musicians, ev~ Alec, part as a SNccessor to the gld-voict's her at a broadcast, utTered to do a They're all goOd sports and have a lot of Loretta Poynlon, Dolores GIllen and plastic-surgery operation on her fore­ of [un, Patti Willig .. , ArthUr Petel'llOu, star head. Recently the singer took Dr. o[ "Guiding Light," hos a gleam In his Adams up on his otTer, with very A G/oriOUI End eyes from a new lltUe ray o( ~unshinc satisfactory results. Fran will star Whilc Chnr!es Laughton, distin­ named Paul Warren, the Petl'rsons' especially on a new two-hour Satur­ guIshed motion-picture actor, was hcre first child . , . Connie Osgood, CBS day afternoon show, startil1g this week. rclU'arsing for a recent appearance on actress, ha~ annount:ed her t n,ltage­ an MBS program, he receivE'd news ment to Irving Bennett, Nl'w York O'Maller's Gog IlIJcUir es that a huge Nnzi Junken "S8" bomber banker. She'll become Connie Bennett Pat O'Malley Cor once was embar­ had lallen on his London home and this Iall. rassed. He was telling a pre-program done severe damage when British anti­ joke to the studio auwenCt! at a t..:!ce-nt alrnaft downed the p1ane. Said Laugh­ Fran Allison has Joined the CBS "'Alec Templeton Time"' show. An­ ton, '"To -- with the house, if they CO-5T ARS of 'First Nighler,' Chicago .~tatr to sing on regular net­ nouncer Fort Pearson stood behind can bring down lhe bombers. It was work mu~ical sbows with the 118me him and motioned the audience no\ to a Klorious end tor the hou~." s"rbtH4 Luddy lind Les Tremoyne 39 European Hews ;n English Dally 104.,./1, CST my STATIOH DIAL 5:30 ...... ""hll 15.1\ 7:01).",. Lo"'o,, OSY." lUI On Short Waves 7.,u". k.III 15.11 .JO£..... """""/11 1'<'." 11.22 I'llrd trlln~mi. ion... from the Emprre 'lao 7:0:1,,,,. Stonlo A ...enci. _r VLQf ...... '.51 Ul VLQS (9.68)-(01 UM! nICh-tre· '" ( ••1 . N ...... EooII~ .1 ,'JO ...... -_. ,'" TItASSMISSIOS I. 10,1$ 10 tl,.leI ••. ):15 ,.111 -.,. .. quenC"y end ~ Jl-mdt'r band­ 11:)0../11 2RO] or '"',." ,,, 5o~'~ AI .. c•. "'r. VLW4 \P,6UI. Te,\\ \ 1 IR .. al approxirTUltely 6: 2U a.m, or just Porth. Wr,l A~.u.Jo. .- .- 7 ,.101 .(;~ I. ra "I " _Ifo J, TItA!';SM IS.sION 7. 11,15 ..... Uo IZ.51 'UI' betore the :slart 01 the rarly-momma I to!.-...c. n;YoA Daily Pra9rams, Sat., Oct. lot .. 5. broadC"yt to c lern North Am('nca.. .-.10 .., ...... 1" ...., __u VLQl ~ I LI1) thrau9h Fri •• Oct. 11 AI 6: 24 a.m. thc tune 1000s tht'n TItA""S MI "'O~ a. 1:30'03_. 1 :JO ...... 9O'" -Roo,' h ph.. .,. Lord 1\. ,.n. to "''''1110-." Fu.oPt. 0." VLQ1 "1.11, ". Dltl (II nl , fl'5241 ~ ,---.. ~I complete sil('n~-e until 6: 25 a.m,. .. - -.-...... "" ..... TItANS M15SI ON •. 11, 1010. p ..... 7:45,.m. I'''.... II I ... ' .... ~A G \I.,. - when you hear these words, ··Hello. to F. ..I". North A ..... ic •• Our VLOJ I, 111 5, I.o;,e 19~1h n CST -City Program Statio" (1$,JI51: N ...... EftIJo_h at J IS ...... Q .,.101. L \ \. r D (117'5) Amenra, lhi..." lie Australia cal lin.," I.l~ i" &.~ '~h " S U 1'.",. 51 ...... 8. ~ j "'" '"or, 1:45,.m l Yo. ,. 1 Co II __ UJL' ~Il, TItANSMIS5l0N 10. 1155 1' ...... 10 IZ,., Don't be 6lartkd by the weird call t ,lS) ( • .;c t9 6:lSI.m. .) d". II,~~.I I .... £~ I (.,...I of the kookaburra bird which then Wro ..... N.rlh ""'r';'" our VLOI ,. ,Ih \, '."."" ll'l~ \ UJ> ,9.611/ bursts forth trom your loudspeuker. CP,to); N".... III 1;,..,,_10 II U ... ,d.; tr.4oRday. Octaber 7 7:501.m. ttl MOil.) Th.u..- "'t •• ,t.... IIth, UIlct"ml'nU and a .nort recording. Ina the rollowma wM!k. AllY changes 11.'11011 (.~II 111 ~1. (;~( t9581 9;)0 • ..11:1. I I'~r ..... lu. NUIIII A'bllf'" m thla prOKram of trnnsmls ions will 1 :~S,.m. 1.k '" I'~ .. 1.11 •• 10 Itarry: OJO 1t.odlO) ~ (11181 the En&lish newl bulletin l" r('ad at (1171) y cl' 241 10 1.18 ~ 11111_1'.0&'"'. I... \ ,,'h ,\,.,..,. 6 30 a.m. This is tollowed by a brief ~ onnounct-d on Sundays. klRIt 11189, Tuesday, OctolMr 8 10:IS •.",. s.-...... -\anoty Pf"..". uod h.t.... ~ ... _,__ ..... 1. _ ... ,.. _.-. (1CeI " n~", I..... \, ... Ih A, ...... UJU nSl\') PARAMARIIIO. DUTCH CUI AHA. OH THE IMPORTA NT CHAHG ES IH lOHDO H 5: 1 5,.m.~8~on "'. " I..... \ •• 11, A...... ,. 1G\\ \ \15 ill DJZ 111.&1) " 115241 Octobe. 6, n~''''.' t~".,tti .... " be ..~ .... 11 ~""ust"" " Hirth AIII"'t.I ~"IJ 7:lO,.m.-8rJ~ .. r.". -[, 1.. .1> I to,- Lord H.... I;lS ...... tlert l,~I ... I..... ~ ,b.... "",II ." t~, ~.'I, Ila""","IO~~ .1 thl EM .... ,LlIIOII If_ 5:10 II 7:10 .m. CST. on l IrertUfnC7 II .... OJD III,n) ,. n~24) ·"u.I~'" IIJII 1152XlJ ., londo". Tilt fIIW 'Kh"w" 01 brtlldcnl, 01 11313. A ~ En,ltsh l"nOlinUllltnl su(h n 7 :]0 O.m. -l 0" d ° _'"ltrola.rI SI'I'.k •. " J 8 2 ,.m.- R""'r--Ly."'n~ '''ntt" .. "h Ln.l, h on· 1'" •• r. .... n 11175) Csf 19581 """'o<"",n,. 21\11/1 (1182) 2HIM (1/811 .. ,II be .~ tollo..,: '~c'I" 1r1",mlUio". 12:10 til, follo .. ,n, 1$ A:jN!IIH j.fvu.1 t ... ti du ...., ,1.. 104:15'..... : firsl Cl1It ..1 t ••" .... 'n .. ". 4.40 u.. , ...... 01 \I'It b'N~Cl11; "" Hfllo. Ios~MfI 1:45 ,.III.~Lo I I ·11< ". S... "'" G.ort 2JO P.lll.-IhrIUo--Lnrd II .. 1\ "'. p"_lIIdo "--''''' G:->O (11 I G<;'("" (951) 1,1k ," l..nch.b IIJ8 1152(h to 10,45 LI... ; 5t<,"~ {t"tnl "''''''''u_, 1ft II., U",," SLlI~: ~ello. III good DwlCh ]:JO,..m \ ...... ,. '..011. 1*1... , ... 1 hlfo'" l..--i 10:55 I.m. to 4:25 ,.101 .. Ind HORTH AMER I· tll'II'" I~ Ihl U"'led SLilti; hello, HBC. Hlw ...\ fu. ',rlh Anw,,<. LI\V I1S.17) Wednesday, October 9 CAH TRA NSMISSIOH. 4;12 10 10035 ,."'. York, Th" " " ... m,,11Io t~li", on 26.36 ~" __ "". __ '._ICooI, II J:1O,.",. -1t""'II"--l "n«'"1 i,:QI"M' IL"d, hI: CST. Thf fftqwl1ICIn GSD (11.75, Ind 'SC ",,"UI. W. _~kI IPPflt S ..... h onl,. E"Iltili "fW, bwlll',no .. ,II b, brudust .. bo. lor not o"ly I, Iht OW lch tovu"meftt. Thew 1'.i"llr, (;'0 III 7S) Co'"' 19 I rE.,hl .\(;In 1~.101 Ion" (lU8, THAILANCl-JI 1:~ 1.111. (n· bfN~tuts trom Paflll"llnbo iftk to losltT 7:45,.m ..j."".1 "--Bu.ll",, \" ..... bJ " ... n 6 p.m._1' •• "' ... G. 'Cf \1,1 , .... £..,11 h "R"'h" UP! Monda,s) our HSFS (11.7151. Til", Miler rtlaMn. ""h Ihe Un,ltd Sllln. s,ne, n~'II'11 I; .... " (1175) 1;"(' j9.58) -':"""r"!ofr' III'S!, f)l.lS) Slilions Will be ffI"lI II. 6,05 p.m. I' ....· - po".., .... frum Pwtunl 1._ \'1''''', 1m ,GUt of Iht Unlttd Silln ,,,d C,,,,dl look lor lid " 11111 lim ... rIC"'1 DJO 111771 \ il5241 f f ' ••tllo \-'"• ., \\1 ,9741 ,"y 1_. ,.... 9 p.III.--G , ..... " flO-{" ~ nI Ph ...... 0. 6:10,.",. B...t '" I- \'...,..ty 1.... h_ II. .h. ftl TI,W \ I /iSSI nn ..... S,.. 'h A~ Pr.,-... Ii I~n... !U.T4 9:~,.m.· 8 ••1'1\ r .• ,; -J, and J " .. n,' DJ1) 191251 8 p.m. Quoto. F..,o' -··fr~,,,I.h.p 1\ au'"' Saturday, OctQber 5 .lI,nl ,. (1~ 2~) 6:30, m. W;"n~'~"" fr... li..... ,JR'" HlJB c12_46. • .. ___' "", - _ .. "--" 1- 1\ 111 n) " ..... _\\' •• 'P"~ \ .... ~ 11.. lhl lJRX 1 p ..... -~ S_ _. '" G~O fll15) III.n) 2:15,.101 .. , ..... '·.... k C;t~-F_1I U. O~~< •• Friday, Odober 11 Tr ••, \1{,8X 117i131 "". 1 '."1. -~'_k"<>lno--I', ....I. f~ ~" I"" f, ... '" 9:1O,m.-L .. ndoit" Mod ... ' ...... 11'" ',~.h ... -" ... ,. - _.--. ,.... " ,." ..... In ,,,.,h ,\,.... 'u· SilT 11~ :551 .\'..... i.,.h It.ltn .... V,O 1117'5) (;:-{ 19 Sill ~:15p.m. -luo, •. Poru -I""""...... of PUt! Auh, 3 p.m._. II", •• ,\". ,~... 8, ,1 7 •.WI._T .. ,---I' ...... _ for ..oil,"", \' r,b I .. 11:0:1 ,.m.- T.>ky_'''' cEDotlio!ol JLJ 11 i. (hob I", ,...u, \,...... fu,,-.. IR,,5 Ll'~h lR\1 1ge.1I " Jl"2 (17I14~1 II :55 , .....-~rd ____ J'....,.... I.... i' ",I C U.\\4R ,IS !~I 7;3(1,.m Kr ,"." ~ 11, t b,. Lr>rd 7:05 ,.m. -R...... - ,,_.... II ...... f, ... :,~ , ...... \IQ!! 111.fIOl 6:10,.", - 8 J ...... -F'''''"''' 1_ op..... " ••. II. II .... IUO III nl " 115.241 i S. rlh \,...... 21108 (17~11 21/04 111.111 Il m.6.-\'a1l~u, ...... tEn.h h) CKFX ,.',,' '" [",Ii b; d ..... _."'. IIAT4 191251 7:~S,.m.-L ,,,I,_II"'J"" '.W I.,. A. G " 111tll~ (1523) :uol5 (IJ 7fil 2R03 19 E31 16 {iiI 7:10 ,.m.-8trk" Pui \\1"00 01 Gtrmu P.,,,, .I,,~n G~O (1175) r.-.i' (958) 7:]Op.m.-L.... "' ..... "Rrttli~ ~I>'"~' G'" 19581 12:55 •.101.-"'" '·o.k Cill 1'to,1 ...lloh,_S_. 'f" OJO 01.771 ,. (15241 1:20,.,", -8, I r.n ... -h.1Wo laik bJ £ D G"O C1I751 ~[p.... , YoTOX ,6.! I Yo{ "" IU161 7 :45 ,.WI. 80, -r.. K arh. \I,lin.... R. War D10 111 TIl Y 15.]41 40 t,n. PIGSKIN PREVIEW

(Con.tin.ued from Pape 35) cuffed by his university's anti-football sentiment, punished by D he-man's schedule which he was forced to meet Starlight with boys. The Maroons' destiny is that of Coot­ balrs "Corgotten men," because Chi­ cago has abolished the sport and the On Your big stadium on the Midway now is only a monument to the dead tradi­ tlons of Eckersall, McCarty, Thomas, DesJardines, Steffan, Berwanger, etc. Dressing­ This being the net rCliull of Presi­ dent Hutchins' campaign against what he terms professionalism in collegiate football Although Chicago had long TabLe since ceased to be a considerable fac­ tor in the national football picture, the sentimental loss of one of the Big Ten teams, together with the implied in­ dictment against college football gen­ erally, has not been relished by foot­ baIlers in general. By BUT Clark Shaughnessy no longer is a "forgotten coach." As he departed Chicago last winter and headed west Betsy ,. toward Stanford, "Shag" told the writer: "I'll see you again, in Rose Bowl on 00 YOU LOOK And feel wretched Alden January I, 1941. U I don't see you when you heve e cold. lovely Franc;a there, it will be your fault, not mine. White doosn't-ond tells you why! I'U be there with my football team. I feel like a man who has just been set free." Help YourJ4!lf to Lovelineu! Can. 1 ~ So football is back. faster, wider­ open, more excitmc, and safer than help !IOU "pretttl up" /O'r the holidays? ever before. Most important change Suagellt a new hair-do, O'f make-up. 01" in the rules since last season is de­ foundation garment that. will give signed to speed up the game-reduc­ lIOU a pourcd-into-1IOUr-Q'OWn fioure? tion of the time limit between plays Would. you. liM oo.r Charm Question­ from thirty to twenty-five seconds. naire" to di.scover what mall be toron{1 The most important weapon against This is always an important item, but Trend of the game's strategy continues with your individU4L C. Q.? a feverish appearance is time. If your when you're feeling under par, excess in the direction of precision passes, All this (a.nd alamour, too!) can be date is lor cight o'clock, she advises perspiration makell it indispensable. rrequent laterals and wider runs. Its tlour, for the asking. if you win in­ you to start preparing for it at (lve­ Now, concludes the pretty singer, if psychology leans more and more to duM the fa.miliar three-oent thirty. Take a warm, not hot, bath. you'll wear a warm wrap, carry plenty staking victory or defeat on daring of­ Addrell IfOlLr k''H('T to Betsy Alden, LUXUriate in the tub, making certain of handkerchiefs, and leave the rumbas fense. All 01 this contributes to a MoVtJ:-lt.u)Jo GUIDE, 551 Fifth Aoc., that all window, and doors. arc abut and other strenuous dances for an­ more rousing spectacle of :tCOring and, Nrw York Chll. to prevent drafts. Blot yourself dry, other occasion, there's no reason why at the same tIme, a safer game. and pat Ii&hUy with toilet water. Avoid you .houldn·t have a pleasant e"ening! With the ponderous, smashing style o YOU remember Ella Wheeler all hurried movements which might The Sho p of play steadily receding, footbaU's fa­ Wilcox' popular jingle of a lew tend to stimulate circulation. An ~we r tality score has attained new Jaw lev­ D years ag01 Alter the bath, Francia continues, A new ensemble ot cosmetic and els. The last survey showed that a pin your hair out of the way and pat fragrance accessories in a romantic 48.4 percent decrease in deaths bad It is eastI enouah. to ~ pk>a.saIU a thick layer of lubricating: cream over pink theme is most appropriately dedi­ been accomplished since the peak year When life /low. on like a .ana, your lace and neck. Remove the exCC$l; cated pour &a jeun.e fille. The "plnk­ of 1931, when thirty-odd boys lost But the on.c worth while "" t~ (me c~m with cleansing t\.sl;ues, allowing party.' perfume could Quite well have their lives on America'. gridirons. who will "nilt' a Utin layer to remain on the Ikin. been what Cinderella wore on her All-time low was reached in 1938, When cueTlIthing IJOC' d.eod wrona! Saturate two pads of cotton with an historic dale, and the packaging of tht' when the fatalities numbered only sev­ eye-lotion or witch-haz..el, and place enlire Hne is in a gay, chic manner. enteen. We can thank the rule-mak­ I thought of that poem a lew days them o\'er the eyelidl. Lie down for Wi,wam &hades tor the dainty ers. better ~ulpment, competent ago when I had the good fortune to at lead twenty minutes. fingertips of American pale-faces! coaching, and development of the meet Francia White, the s.lim, ltarry­ Upon arising, remove the remaining Here'. a new fashion trail that might "open" game. eyed soprano on the NBC "Telephone cream ,ently, remembering: not to rub have been launched by LaU&hin, Hour." and she apologized to me for or massage. Pat on an lce-eold skin Water. Three vibrant new shade. in SOTHERE you have an advance peek having such a bad cold! 1 couldn't help tonic and blot dry. Now you·re ready polish colors, to complement the Indian at football .easen 1940. You know, thinking, you see, that a girl who to apply make-up. fashiollll forecast for Autwnn---ont', a of course. not to pay oft' on it yet. If could remain so polsed and 110 chann­ This Is the lime to experiment with ta ....-ny, ,olden-tinged red; another, a you are a wise football fan, you know ing at a time when most of us feel that new foundation cream, says rich, burnished tone to Ipice the not to payoff on anythu1&: until the red-eyed and irritable must be wOI"th Francia, inasmuch aa a acaly skin lD­ faU·, plums, purple! and benedictin£, final gun. Football's standout character­ while indeed! variably accompanies a cold. Use it brown5; and. thirdly, a vivid clear red istic is its uncertainty, its flair for pro­ M1Sl Francia, however, explained it sparingly, bowever, and apply to face to dramatize black, and make you lecl dUCing the totaUy unexpected, ,uch as to me in this manner (though 1 adhere and neck evenly. Here are a few addi­ like a /rrmJU! /ataLt' wh£'n you wear it. what we remember as lallt season', to my original statement!). It seems tional make-up tips: Ripe cherries have been utilized as od.d-quirk~vcr-a1l. Iowa and Purdue that in Hollywood, where she served l. If face is flushed, omit rouge. the fashIOn theme for a new Jj~l!ck were scoreless and getting nowhere. A her apprenticeship in singing, If you Otherwise, use lightly and blend care­ with matching rouge, nail polish and Purdue man dropped back to punt. have an unbreakable date with the fully. Pat powder on skin and we a face powder, that has been most clev­ There came a bad pass from center, a camcra, you learn to Wok attractive, powder-brush to remove excess. erly packaged in a three-inch !l"phere mad scramble, and the Purdue punter no matter how wretched you leel. 2. Apply eye-lotion with dropper. If thnt is the facsimile of a mammoth was downed for a safety. The ex­ She confessed demurely that she had your eyes are swollen, use no mascara; ripe cherry. This new rlpe-cherrie1l planation: Jack Brown, the Purdue picked up a lew ideas on the subject il not, use lightly. No shadow or vase­ ensemble Is lively ond luscious and punter, was a left-footed kicker; in of how to have a cold and your good line on the lids, as this will only serve contains a sufficient amount at blue in the moment', rtress, the center forgot looks at the same time, and Wall willing to t'mphasize their heaviness. its redness to harmonize with the and made the normal pass for a rlght­ to let me pass them along to the 3. Smooth a bit of cream on your various fall colors. footoo kicker! readers of MOVlE-RADfO GUIDE. lip. before applying lipstick, to coun­ A new amber perfume will llet olT So, if you have a date with Jim or teract dryneSl. Blot off excess. A your benedictine brown, and mak£' Conrult MOVJl':-RADIO GumE program Harry and Rhinitis (that Greek f~lIh, .oU appearance is infinitely you feel like the heroine of a Bombay UstiYl9' for comple~ detaiu of staLion.t again!) insists upon accompanying mort' flattering in your present condi­ night. Amber is a sophirilcated fra­ broadautino footbGJl oamft thu Sat­ you, here are Francia's timely hints tion than a lacquered flilish. grance, particularly ,uiled for autumn umall and for tim.e- at which broad­ on how to a smilinj; appearance 4. Be lure to use an under-arm moods. You will adore it on your fUTi ccal, mall ~ MGrd. "when everything goes dead wrona:." deodorant before donning your frock. and he will adore it on you! 41 MEN! ~~1~~4~~ Money· Maker! BRA B TERS

each or the followtna ramo.. penons: (a) Mark Twain. (b) Cleopatra? 3. What is the m.ascot of each of the followinJ: (a) U. S. Army, (b) U. S. Navy, (c) U. S, MariDell 4. Alter what are United Stalel. IUbmarlncs named? 5. What national men', and boys' orpniUlUon hal a red trlan&1e .. its emblem?

From "K,), KYMr', Colleg. of Mu.Ic.1 Kno .... ledg ... (NBC, Wed., 10 p.m. EST) 1. Which is a member ot the brau family. the Fre:och born or the En&lisb hom" 2. 11 It Ulegal to photop-aph money? 3. About wbom ... the book "'Y0\lD&: Man With a Horn" written?


(H..,-e CLre tM oon"m CIN'1Dn" i" this weeklJl QUiz. Of tM twentv-ftve que.. tiona: in this group, thtrtflfm were lin­ noued COfTecUJI. How do )IOU nrte?)

"Take It or Le .... e It" 1. A IJ,htwel&ht. 2. Jea Willard. 3. The Marqw, 01 QueenabeTry . .. Thne: Arturo Godoy, Bob Puw .nd TOUlD\Y FIUT. "TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT, wys Bob Hawk to contestent on his Sunday S. ~: New llam~tre. (CBS) quiz program. Those who teke "jt '-the ned question--risk losing ,,11 jf they miss. Those who "Ieove" it don't win much. end don't lose much "True or F.I .... 1. TTue. 2. True. (Joi", rodio', quiz QOlM'! TTl{ VOW' comrnander-ln-cluef of the United skill at a:n.swoering theN radio brain.­ States Navy. 3. False. Imrter•• For 007Ted ClI'W'IDn" _ riQht.J 8. Sugar cane is • kind of & 4. True. 5. False. From "Take It or It" From "Dr. I. Q." 6. True. (CBS. Sun_, 10 p.m. EST) (NBC, Mon., 9 p.m. EST) 1. In prizefighting, which is heavier: I. What bird most dosel)' resembles "Dr. I. Q:' A lightweight or a bantamweilhl' • man dressed in formal cvenin& 1. Penguin. 2. Who preceded Jack DemP6eY as clothes? 2. WblsUing. heavyweight champion of the world? 2. Which of the following ill against 3. Avalon. 3. What British nobleman is respon­ U. S. Navy regulations: Whistlinj:, sible for present-day boxing rules? dancing or boring on a batUcship? 4. To keep the feet trom slipping out 01 the stirrup•. 4. How many fighters have IItayed 3. What is thc naIDe 01 the only city the full distance with Joe Louis since on catalina Island? S. MacKenz.le Kin&- he became heavyweight champion? 4. What is the purpose of bigh beels 8. The catcher. 5. How many states border on the on cowboy" boots? "Uncle Jim', Quelltlon Bee" state ot Maine? S. What is the name of Canada', Prime Minister? 1. No. From "True or F.'.... 8. Wh1ch player on a team 2. (a) Missisl;\ppi, (b) NUe. (N6C, Mon_, 8:30 p.m. EST) is the only one who may use the size S. o _ /II...., ..... Pt. 'M. 1M ...... dressed stamJ)t'd enve~,. Remember a young son. Sunda is five feet five tM perjOf"7JleT or how fa.mau.s 1M star. .111-.,._ U\olll•• _UI.r1II ___ ...... that h.e must confine hiIMeI! exclu.­ and one-hall inches tall, has brown chance. are t.hat he win make an ocoo.­ =: ~"O::':t.~...:.=x:=.:~ riuelll to network: pe.,.,onalitie. and hair and brown eyes. She studies rional .tip &r a .totement. with twUted programs, AddrU$ Arthur Fairfax, French for a hobby and plays the meaning which is e::ctTemc1\l lun1l1/. r------loID. J ... IJMml. ~ Dostl. "itT'. I I N •• 1oaaI Ka4>o l..utule, W ....-. D. C...w..n. I MOV1£-RADIO GI,1ID~, 731 Plymouth piano. See how pood VOUT ear. (tI"e. TflI to 11.11 ___ "'"Ul. * _ I '~wrUe 1IWaIJ'.1 .1.0&.... I Court, Chicago, m. catch broadcaster" in I01I'J.e error--the MTS. L. Wilcox, Danburv, Conn.­ funn.ier the betteT--4nd send lfOUT I NAWl: ...... I Mil, Caroilin Taggart, Cavendish, Cast of "WHEN A GIRL MARRlES" fol­ eTltrv to MOVlE-RADlO GUlDt.:, 731 I A.DonEl!ll ...... I Vt.-The cast of "WOMAN IN WHITE" lows: Joan Field-MARY JANE HU:;BY; PI1/m.outh. Court, Chicago. ~ m.ost hu­ I...!'T__ ...;.; ...;.;:..;.::..:..;:..:..;:..:..;_!!!~..:.::..:..;~:.:..; J follows: Karen Adams Harding­ Samuel Tilden Field-ED JEROME; Mrs. morous entrie. will be printed in this B£T'l'Y RUTH SMJTH; Dr. Kirk Harding Stella Field-FRANCES WOODBURY; Syl­ coLumn. Watch for 1/OUT oontribunon.! -KARL WUt:Rj John Adams-HARRY via Field-JOAN Tn'Zu; Phil Stanley Don Wilson on "The Aldrich Fam­ EI.DCRS; Janet Munson Adams--Lr.5LEY -MICHAEL FITzMAURICE; Eva Topping ily": "You too can make better des­ Wooos; Ruth Craig-BEVULY RUBY; _ IREN E WINSTON; Harry Davis--JOIlN serts by using your bead."-Joseph Kenneth Croig-Bu.L Boucm:vi Alice fusYj Anne Davis-MARiON BARNEY; Manbet'k, Ono, Pa. (August 29, NBC.) Craig-RuTH B.m,EY; Dave Talbot­ Tom Davis-LADDIE SEAMAN; Dr. Wig­ LUT!;R DAMON; Dad Munson-Boa gins-JoHN Mn.TON; Prot. Kilpatrick DVRENFORTHi Linda Munson-ALMA -EDGAR STf.HLlj Madison, the buUer­ Bob Trout, announcer• of "Saturday Du Bus; Sister Elaine-CONNlA CROW­ EUSTACE WVATl'; Betty McDonald­ Night Serenade": "And now ... 'I'U DER; Anna--JEANN£ JUVELlER. EUNICE Hn..L; Mrs. Ashby-GLADYS Never Smile Again' after station TUORNTON; Mrs. Cameron-JltANNETTE identificat.ion."-BeU McAtee, 73 Gom­ Mr. Vincent Brandt, Dubuque, IotJ)(l. DoWLING; Mr. Cameron-MAURICE ber Ave., Cambridge, Ohio. (August -BROADCAST MUSIC, INC., is located at TARPLIN; Lola-AUDREY EAGAN; Ella 31 over CBS.) 580 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Ashby-GLADYS THORNTON; Mrs. Stan- ley_ETIl£L OWENS. Vincent Kennedy• on "The Story of Mus Shirle\l Bell, EUen Randolph": "Anybody can see Detroit, Mich.--CURT Mis. VeTa. Helm, she was born a lady with hal! an eye." MASSEY wa. born Beach. N. DaIe.-BAR­ -Rosemary Tamburini. 1030 13th St., May 3, 1910, in MJd­ BARA Jo ALLEN, who Columbus, Ga. (August 29 over NBC.) land, Texas. He is six portray. Vera Vaj'Ue feet two inches tall, when guest artut on BasebaU announcer:• "The pilcher weighs 195 pounds, programs .uch as bas laken oft his cap. Now he 11 wiping has dark-brown eyes, "Chase and Sanborn," his brow, and now he is puttll1g it olive skin, black hair. has appeared Oil "One on again."-A. W. Josli..o, Ontonagon, He is married to Man's FamilJ." In Micb" (Auzust 15 over Statioo WGN.) Edythe WiJlial'n6, they this story she t. beard have no children as the characte:r Beth Guest on "We,• the People": Curt play. the violin, Holly when Beth IJ "Ei,hteen of us were killed but we trumpet, plano, and in the acripL worked on."-Frances June Smith, is a baritone 8Olobt. Marsh6eld, Ore. (August 27 over CBS.) GRAY Curt is also lOme­ Mb. Jane Ali.Ion. HAl R times caned Dot!, as Middleboro, M461.­ Announ"," "S.:d• v~w of you, FADED his entire name 11 BILLY lOELSON ill Rush face or a realSOnable facsimile of it to :: !';,u....::- ~':.:~...:;. ~=~..= "'''' ...H .... I'O.l(mlll": eo:tP-.W04 .". ,_ r..t~ Dott Curtisl Mossey. Gook on "Vic and Station WOR and don't forget the 001 ...... ~ ,.- IhaaM. No .. __ ...... , Curt has one ais­ SUNDA LOVE. young Sade." Write him in stamped envelope for its return."- t ...ID"",", cion b.... _ to ....ID No d.Nd -. 1>011 ter, Loui~, and flve care of the National "dress, wife, mother Eileen Beck, 1831 E. 2nd St., Duluth, ~':"\-::~l"!!'-::j..~""::""n~~~'b.: brothers, Allan, Joe, Broadcastini Com- Minn. (Au,ust 15 over Station WOK) 'l':...101=':'i.~z3·.~"I \-:r::::..v:::::-;~~ Carney, Dee and AJ- pany, Merchandise bert. The Westerners are on "Planta­ Mart, Chicago, TIL tion Party" broadcast on Wedoekl.ays over the NBC-Red network at 8: 30 Mis. Lucia E. Hardu.g, ChcTlotte. and 11:30 p.m. ESI'. ~UR~G=EN:=---:T M=-=E=-=--=SSAGE! N. C.-LANCI!LOT PAT.leK ROBS (Lanny) was born in Seattle, Wash­ to you women suffering functional Mr•• A. J. OUon-, John, 111.-00 in,gto.o. January 19, 1906. the 50fl of "Against the Storm" ~ ALEXANDER Douglas Ross, Shakespearian actor. A ScOURS'!' now portrays Phtmp Cameroo stage child, Lanny made his ftnt bow FRED HltUlclt is Lou Scott on to the public in vaudeville when he "Pepper Youna'. Family" . In was two, and was playing with Ben FEMALE COMPLAINTS "Valiant Lady" CIJ ..... Mt ALUN is Mrs. Greet's Shakespearian company at Scott. JAMI'..S T!tANTI:. is Dr. I..anson, four. His fint schooling Will in Vic­ and JACIUI: Ku.K ill Oliver. toria, B. C., and for sevual years he Read Every Word! traveled with his parents, .tudyin" Few girls and women today are Min Eve1vn- Warms, WCl.lhinQum, ainging, acting. At fourteen he W8I free from some sign of func­ GILMAN in New York, singine in the choir at D. C._Tom ill Marjorie WU­ tional trouble. Maybe you've n~ lial'n6 in "Youn, Widder Brown" the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. RD.f.N Couuc is Lana on "Hilltop The next year be entered Taft IIChoal ticed YOURSELF getting rest­ House." at Watertown, Conn., where he edited less, moody, nervous latcly­ the school paper, became captain of your work too much for you- MT. B. GIovI:'T, Edgewa.tft'. N. J.­ the track team and leader of the glt'e. Then wby not try Lydia E. You may hear SUNDA LoVE as Mia club. Lanny entered Yale In 1924. While there he was a star member ot Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Benn('tt In "Bachelor's Children." She to help quiet weary, hysterical was born In Chicago, Illinois, on June the track team and a soloist with the 30, 1910. Sunda attended the ChicaiO glee club. Later he put himself nerves, rel ieve monthly pain public schools, Hyde Park and Lake through law school by singing on the (cramPII. backache, headache) air, and received his LL.D. trom Co­ emiling tbru "difficult days." View high schools, and was graduated and weak dizzy spells due to from the Univenlty of IUinola, where lumbia in 1931. He made his air debut Made ~eitJ.ll1I lor 1OOfII.e7I. January 21, 1929. Lann,. is married. functional disorders. me majored in dramatics and llpeech. from nature's own wholct50Ine Sunda is the daughter of a family of He's six feet tall, welchs 160 pounds, HUNDREDS OF roote and herbs-Pinkbam's has gray eyes and sandy hair. muslt:laDl, act:reaes and actors. She THOUSANDS HELPED Compound also contains a spe­ made ht'r own .tali! debut in Berk­ For over 60 years Pinkham's cial ingredient which a I('ading eley, CaWornla. In 11129. Later she Min GTUCe Wright, Peoria. Itl-In returned to Chlca,o, playina engage­ "Scattergood Baines" Burton Wri&ht Compound has helped hundreds medical authority &8.)'11 is moot ments at the Blackstone and Stude­ plays Dr. Chancellor; Viola Berwick is of lhoueands of weak. rundown, essential for good health. baker thea ten. In 1931 Sunda began Lorinda ... John Hearne b not col- nervous "ailing" women to go WORTH TRYING I her radio career, and has appeared on ored ... Catherine McCune Is not mar- many oUL'itandln, dramatic programs. ried ... The theme Of the Columbia She Is married to the boy who fixed Symphony Orchestra is "Star-Spangled Vegetable Compound his fraternity pin on ber in college Banner" Former theme waa an ong­ (now a RJ~uI lawyer), Both of inal by Howard Barlow. 43 MOVIE-RADIO GUIDE'S PUZZLE BOYS WANTED VOICE OF THE To e.m money.nd win prius LISTENER deIi....nng MO'f'i.R.dio Guide in their neighborhood. Apply E%pI"e., vouropin.~. Wrtu V . O. 1.., 7Jl P1umouth Court, Chiolzgo. III AL JONES, Df!part rn ent 1, 731 P lymouth Court, World Is Mi ne Chic_go, IIIlnol. Dear V. O. L..: I live alone on a 1andJ' bill several mtJrs Crom town. I don't have linK' and money for the mapzines and papers I'd l1ke to read. While I'm busy about m.Y work, the radio brinp the Ia1st new. 8a&hea. 10 my eea:ernell for news in these trYlD& times i.s ... tis6ed.. I don't lel to run around much to dance., bul I do ftnd my lron llidmg ,ally over the board all a master of swin& leads bis orchestra.. Sometime&, I And D\1_1f cutlin&: • few .te~ as I dust. I don't have anyone amgin, love aonp to me, but wben "Jeanie With the I..i&bt Brown Hai.r" floats over \he air, I imaClOe that I do. My budcet doesn't pennit many ahows, but I find myaelf t.cruely lryi.n& to aolve the detective drama, thrilling to • wlI!:lrd mystery drama. or ,ialinl at humor. YI!I, even the walts of my Uny room are pushed back and I beCome a world HORIZO NT,U 1. Let Iud for I ...-bar 01 .. ,.. --...... truveler. J visit the Antarctic with 1. p,", --, radio ",,1m. 61, ",,.;10, budltade. 7'U ' ASTHMA ("H.l" Trent") 62. Wipe ... , B. Splllldo. Byrd, the pampas 01 Ar,entina. far­ 5. \I, Ao...... o._ in '" pIII" 6J Aa artk~ 9. c•• eI S..... away Japan, ID to church in En&land, IIWR~·FR££ __.. 1_ ""- TRIALr_ OffER! •__ .. _ lnil 65, Uwd .. Iich .... 10.'c....lrJ" ...... (;1. 1, to opera In Rome, even visit the s.OI1'D. of n-..'- _ ...._, '-...... 1__ _ .ua; TIU.U.-__ II. AltatU ... - _____ WriM 14. so.. .. _t.. pbioo ...... -. 61. T, CMr1 B . ,... In wita tJonaoI .... "Nrry IOlitudes." 1>_-16. 1'( __1_ - .-- 69. ''l.Ittle --" -<10 Poor? No, the world is mine, at my ••coa, -.s Ita"" w. Ill .... , 1..u...... IN. 17. Trcof-aI AamcaIo ..... '10, Art --, -..en.... 15. A IonwI fln&oerUpa. I know ..,hert J want I&. T..... 11111 _ 71, fri,1 --, be ...... Just " - hip, ..s-..... to CO, tor 11\1 toun are mapped by IS EPILEPSY INHERITED? 19, )I~ ." \nctb. ~ 20. \' lIIu.. r~ t.arry _ VUnCAl. 23. ea...... - - , """- .tar Movm·RAluo Gum&. 21. A.100 - - ...... 2. !ki17 --, ...... -1,- 25. Wolf --..._ EUIenia F. Harper, Columbus, Ga. WHAT CAUSES IT? 22. DoIopI'" .. C'-c..Mc 14bt"l 26. Job,', _ ttl s.--;.a "I A booklet conLlll.nlnr: \be oplmona of 21 . I..ibonoa la..... "P.pper" Pot-Sho+s famou. docton OIl Lb. sub­ 215. n.., ~tnIte 4 . ~ • ...- .. '" '.-000 ject will be ROt PREB. wbile t.beJ laat, 11. y..,r (1lIW.) 5. W.. of I'"P' "-rabWtr 31. DefH' Dear V , 0, 1..: • to an,. reader wriUnr to EducaUonal 2&. We.. 01 • "",llIter 6. 5paldanc. , ..Iiairt 3Z. "011 tba beaU at ~ DivISIOn. m P1tLb Avenue, Dept., RO-I02, 1'), 5,...... Itw 5o...... i .... 33. I.- 1:I10oooI I've lilItened to "Pepper Youn,'s 31. Wu en...... ';,b tba I_tb New York. N,--Y~.,-______J). Brotkr 01 C.. Solution to. Puzzle Family" lor ever so lona:--&nd I think 12.. mp~ ... ]9, Eoolnnu Given La,n Week it's about time they oiled their front .. -- Kntw. 10"_ IIbr <0. __ Oo-utK1l, bandl.~ SINUS l5. -- KU ...... _111M acreen·door. It has been squeaking tor CATARRH HEADACHES ,. ''-'' "(148.. --Upeo...... so.. __ DU~ TO llfASAL COfIfGlrSTIOIf 3&. l!HSPin't'd _I What kind of house do they live in, 0.', _fa- WIlla otd""-.... -. ~-6I1td .. -- 0.,., ...... , Con.. anyhow? I've never seen an average tJm.I, _. __ CI' ...... ~ d_ "u Jdl·O Show") .. -- Bat.. Ie..... 1.- -- and 10 .....1 e.o" ..... ';""" Get U • .II'. ''TWO- 42. I" ' ....tb 50, s",,1Id. house where the living dinlnj: liIETIJOD" T ...... t ~:J'OII' ...... 1'-1- RIIlioof ~ C_lnat 51. 0tharwiM rooms have doors that can be slammed .. ~ -,- Mdtl Saod .... FREE I:f-.Jlla 45. 000:. --. ~ ( .. A.... 5l. -- 0aIIaiI, ...~ Cbart aM ...... baa aho.l -:a ___ on the way out as ~pPer does 1IO 1M r-"") 53. Acev ..,.bl .. otten when be's mad. 7. 1. .. Co., 1)qI&...'110~ T

Dear Sirs: I 'd like (l picture of I rene Rich with her C'OSI,-J" BOllon, Mau. MOYIE-RADIO GUIDE Miss Rich rehearses 'Dear John' (Sun .. NBC). l. to r.: J"net Beecher, Norman FOR Foster. Miss Rich, Mortha ODriscoll +-- Dcar Sir,: Who plallll Uncle f'1f.'1c/ler ONLY 011 "Vic and Sade·'?-F., Miami, f'la CI"'rence Hartzell. as Uncle Fletcher. is firs t odd it ion to 0 veteron serial cast. He's also Poppy in "li'j Abner"

Gl"ntlem('lI. Have 1I0U a clinch pole oJ Eddie n obulIon?-D. J., Tacoma,-- Wallh Big Town's' sloT pitches woo-but to his daughter Jean. Robin~on and .. Big Town" return to the ,S' ovor CBS Wed.

100 .. ,,,I. s..,,1 f'R''; I 1'1 \I,,,,'" &,. 65, rlli< • 10 Inc n..:.u r -," ~~'''II' 'j I III 11<,,, 118. TU f.\ TEn .. "~, ,,, .. " ... ,, ••",1 ... ·.,,~rs 10 . I, \"'" \ .. ,k.:'; Y .• ~ndo·" I luI' I .. , II'KI I"'m,u.. n. I'lf ,,~:. C." dl I>.y. I I ,~"hi~ SquIrt, "WA Y NE KINO' S ORCHESTRA" It" ..... ",Ib u~h ~nlr) Nnr " ...10. \ \' PR IZES,S'•• ' ....0" ••,n,I UtI! w.tlk 10. 11",1 "! Sliler," CBS. Mon. t hr~ Frl., 11 :)0 iI .... U T. " ' nformilltOn, P,","e." HBC. T\II14iyt. 8:30 ~."" letter, .ti!uHlon. "'""ClI numMrs. I :30 CST ( 11 i.m. PST to win Coni). EST . 1:10 CST II p,m. PST 10 I"t W ~tJ...... , ...... '1'0 f.\lfll ~""',,'L '''LU~'' 10. Y'''J' I...... n. " AUNT JENNY' S ST O RIES" · . in 5C ..,.d" J... !rll.. III '" h il ,. " PRO FESSOR Q U IZ' M O VIE· RADIO GUI D E, l r I ... ,·",. ~,I,I" ' Wap" Ki, •. til'. n, PR IZI:S: ( Grind ) 'II, 55,000; "YI ,ro~n 01 'IOJ PRI ZU : t WnklJ) TWI!yt ,riH1 01 S25 tilth for Uth, f,fly proHI of 550 tilt"; f,YI hundred pnut S l,Iboc r lption De pt., "Wilynl K,n,', Olth«lfI," cas. SJlurdilY~. 1:30 WII 01 ~unllon, ~"d on pfotrilm . • 1 S5 UtI!. • 73 1 P I), moulh Court, , .... I:ST. 1:10 CST. 5:30 PST. TO l\T~.1t ~~I I II t 01 I,,~ qu.... i,"'~ a",1 Ttl l, \ lliR In 25.""" .... -..... ,h, !HI'. ... \... I'. Qu" CB~. 'Ii ... ! Chlngo. II lInol. "SEAT THE B A ND" I ; 'h,.,.,~nl 'I w.. ~I"Y lor I ..... all b.k \' k. od fr)u ~ .....:111 ... -. ....MI ~od., 1<) h. · 1., ('IIC ing S I Plea~ S('nd PRIZES: C"11 "om 01 510 I., '~t1I-"M IIsH. J .... , 80>11 53, 'Ii... \ .... \, ." ~P~fft* 0"". CIS. TIIIi4~Jt. 9:30 , ... UT, plllt 510 il "01 in,_H. • ..t Md.-. I,,' • 1:30 CST. ',)0 lOST the III •t Ii IS:>Ues of MOVIE- Til f\lER , .1"".·"" I,,·, "I .. I U ...d." \\, 'Allnt J ~nny't 510111 .... CBS. Mo<>, IIIrll F .I~ " WfNGS OF DESTlN V" 1I:~5 iI""· EST 10,45 CST (II :15 am PST to PRI ZES, A P,,., CII~ air,IiI~, lach ~ •. "a lii Ihl Bilnd. NIC. s..lIIIily" ,:30 ,111. EST .... 111 CN~t), 5)0 CST. JJO lOST. TO t:VrE:R I .. ::" ~",j • ,_p&t1.. · " OR. I . Q ." ~"t .. 1'..... ftI r .h ..~k ...... 1 .... 1,.;.., 10" .. "CR I ME DOCT O R " n ...."". (W',.· • I~"'I"" __", ,..... _"'" ) .... 'RIZI:S, (WiII.l,) 550 101 liIe" 0' Ih,.. 1I\l I' Un ~ 'u/ It".., ~"Ih' ·· Win,1 01 O ~llnr." NeC, F.idiyt. 10 p.m. [ ST. City d hit .....n I ....._ ill n' I _r. Ihn fir ., ' .. , ...... ) ... .-l-h I., "' ...... I.ot' 9 CST. 7 PST ·...... " •


I.u,lk Comr,lr~ Ihc'iC (WO pICtures of (h~ sJ.m~ ~HI H;&I L no!>,'. lIl(Jurh, cOlllplexion eX;lcth· ;(like. E\cr\"lhl1lg rhe s:tme, f' rff Ilfr 'J' It·~ eaH w see wh,l[ :-'I.l~·bclline eye make-up me;&ns. The difference l-oetwt'en hl,lnkne" :tn.l ne:luIY. Between dullness :tnd sparkle. Between hidden charm dnd instan! :t[{r;Jction! Oon'r doubt your own eyes. See what Maybelline E\·e Beaut\· Aids can do for )tJl/. Lashes 3.lwJYS t:tke on this d:trk sweeping loveliness wuh MHhelline M:tsc:tra- and norice how this m:tkes Ihe eyes :tppe3.r 1.1rger, more brilliant. Deprh :tnd color 3re subtly 3.ccented with Maybelline Eye Siudow - :lIld brows are tapered so naturally with J\1a}'belline Smooth-marking Eyebrow Pencil. Bring out the be3.ut)' of ytJur eyes to your own thrilling satisfaction - today! You can get generous purse sizes of M:t}"belline Eye Beauty Aids at :tny lOe store.

EYE BEAUTY AIDS This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival and research purposes. This file may be freely distributed. but not sold on ebay or on any commercial sites. catalogs. booths or kiosks. either as reprints or by electronic methods. This file may be downloaded without charge from the Radio Researchers Group website at

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