![MOVIE· RADIO GUIDE: the National Weekly of Personalities and P'?Grams](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Inside Story of the Lindbergh Broadcasts Margaret Sullavan Story by James Street; Pigskin Preview for 1940, page 34 MOVIE· RADIO GUIDE: The National Weekly of Personalities and P'?grams October Medal of Merit Goes to the "Quiz Kids" Program T HE "Ouiz Kids" ore incredible youngsters. e.nd w"s one of the publicetions which oro~ested. The the "Ouiz Kids" progrllm is e flldio contribution public W<'lS informed <'Ind the public ' eised hell. tho! the r<!ldio lIudience h",s teken to its heart. So "P<'Istor Hell," ..... hich W<'lS e picfu'", too dM­ We know beco!Iuse we visited the "Quiz Kids" in gerous for Chic<'IgO<'lns to \lie ..... , ge', off the their notufol hllbitl!t. officiol c"rpet Md on the screen. We congr<'ltu· At the invilotion of the sponsor, we ottended I&te the press and 'he public bo-h. severol broadcosts to assure ourselves tho I no preliminory rehstlfs<'!ls were held lind tho! the WYTH E WILUAMS' WAR should be Men· children hod no lIccess 10 the questions prior to terl"ining one. It is to be fought around a round­ their presentotion on the lIir. t&ble, <'Iccording to rumor. President Roose\lelt We visited. We snooped. We tlsked ques­ h<'ls ",sked him to inform the AmericM people of tions. We even mllde the persoMI ecquoinlMce the progress of defense prep",,,tions through of some of the kids. In reporting our findings telh which will be presented over the network on the eir, we called these youngsters legitimote E"rly reports h<'l\le Wythe Md ~is '<'Ilkers sched­ broin.trustlings and vest·podel prodigies who uled for <'I n'nety-minute show ellch Sund"y night. lH6 proving Ih". <'I big brain need not produce We don f believe it. No Americen, ho ..... ever in­ & big hO<'ld. "Q UIZ KIDS" teache. parent. to rcapect teresled ..... il1 listen to ninety minutes of t",lk with. But more importMt from the r<'ldio point of their chHdren. Above: Quiz- Kid Cynthl. out being tied down. This progrom hes been \liew. they ore fitted into <'I progr<'lm which is Cline, 14-year' 0Id Ch icago poet·compoler clIlled "officiel," <'Ind if the ninety-minutes-of­ &musing <'Ind inspiring et the S<'Ime moment. 80th telk rumor is true. the show is "Ireed)' d"mned solemn erud:tion Md unpredicteble witticism Me with the feult of mos' "officilll" broadc<'lsh. It born in the flesh of <'In irrepreS$ible tongue. will be deadly dull, Md nobody will listen to it. Definitely here is e proqrem which is good 'is· Americo ..... Mis " good show on its ,,,dio. En­ tening. CONTENTS glMd w<'lnted the S<'Ime thing Md. when the w"r Because it is good li~tening. becau$.8 it bring~ sl<'lrted, told the British Broadcesting Corpor&­ to our homes the lift of eager \loices which roll Movies lion so. But the Brifish broadcest " lot of "offi­ b&d the horizon of our knowledge, Md beceuse The StUbborn Rebel (an .rtlcle) ... 2 ci<'ll' stuff until public protests brought b"ck it is teach'ng ell parents a new respect for Iheif enlerloinment. own children. we name the "Oui: Kids as brOttd­ Perfect P;II I... 4 Mr. Williems is e showmon ond <'I newspeper­ ca~t;ng's best new progrem end owerd to it our Ne\ler. Dull Moment (.n article) .. S m"n. We "re on <'Iudience hungry for re"ssu,,,"ce Med,,1 of Mertl. Thi. Week in Hollywood (new.) ... 6 "nd informo'ion. His progr<'lm should fill & \lit,,1 • Thi. Week on the Screen (re\llewI). 8 need in our li\les. But let him remember Ih<'lt he DRAFT DODGES <'Ire olre<'ldy being worked by Brighten Your Corner ........... 9 must be enterteining end not too educolioMI. timid young men ell over Americ&. E~cept in Hol­ end th", the flies <'Ire thidest where the honey "Knute Rockne-All America n" ;s sweetest. lywood. No sler in mO\lies or bro<'ldc<'lsting h<'ls ( Pi cture of the We ! k) ........... 10 t<'l~en <'Iny oetion which would keep him Gal.hadl With Slx · Cunl .......... 12 THE GIRL ON THE COVER: Sign of the p"SS­ from t he p<'ltriotic ing time in Hollywood is the growing up of Judy wrvice of his country. R"dio G<'Iriend. who cen be seen &Imos t My night We <'Ire printing the Thi. Week'. R.dlo Eventl .......... 13 jiHerbugg;ng with D""'e Rose, ex-husbend of picture o f Jimmy The Inl ide Story of the Lindbergh M&rthe Reye. Most Hol1ywoodites remember Stew"rt bec<'luse he Bro.dca.t. (.n article) .......... 14 Judy <'IS the twelve·ye<'lr-old who ..... "Iked onto the personifies the sort of First F.mHte. of Radio ("Myrt M-G·M lot one d<'ly-it seems only yesterdoy- ch<'lp who might su f­ and Marge").... .. ............. 33 6I"Id told them she W<'lS 61"1 <'Iciress looking for <'I fer most from indis· Pig.kin Preview {." artide) ....... 34 job. Her fether, II former \I<'Iude\lilliM, W<'lS criminate dr<'lfting. oper<'lting <'I the"ter in Los Angeles, Md 61"1 Picture. Along the Airialto •........ 36 Jimmy Stew<'lrt "nd assiS ' Mt cesling-director jokingly (M off <'I test others like him h<'l\le On the Ba ndwagon (a department) . 37 of the youngster bec<'luse he knew her ded. JimMy Stewart gi\len gre<'lt pleesure Along the Alrlalto. ( new.) ........ 38 When Judy finished to others Ihrough his On ShOft W;IIVt::S (. department), . .40 doing her stuff, how­ pictures. To put <'I e\ler, executi\les rifle on his shoulder would turn him into" fine Programs "'greed th"t she WllS fightin9 moo. no doubt. but <'IS <'I soldier he would <'In "ctress end g"'ve be no better prob<'lbly th<'ln <'I million others. On Week of October 5·11 ........... 16 ·32 her 0 job forthwith. Ihe screen he is unique. In the beginning of this Judy has been lin n<'lfOl"l('l1 emergency. Ihis netion cert<'linly does Curtis Mitchell, Editor import"n! fidure et not need 10 turn its st<'lrs into soldiers. It does Vol. 9, No. 52. October 5_11. 1940 M-G·M e\ler since, need ented"iners <'Ind singers <'Ind comedi"ns 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago. Ill. st<'lrling in " short who CM m,,~e us forget fO<'lr "nd worry. "Johnny, subject Md progress­ • ,./. H".. I!."'n ,.. ". II. , •• fl,'... IWItI Get Your Gun" is 0 good slog"n. but so is '" __ II, /' I'"""'.' f;';'." (~"~,, ~""'.!>. .. " )", •. ,... , ing to <'I point where II <I .. II~ .". ". \",t, f: ..,,· ,.,.".. "., !I~II'~ •••'; ,_.. "Johnny. Get Your Gre<'lse-Point." Unoffici<'ll \1 "'. "'''''''; Iw... ,.1 ~" .. , ...~. , ..... , .... , h_ she w"s co-billed with '10 ,: ' ••01 .... , ...., ....~ lt~'I ... ~'·.I " ..... W"shington s<'ly~ there wiJl be no dr"ft of sler.;. 14,'..... ,_.... " ".<11 , •• ...", ' ...... 10 ,,_. I, Mickey Rooney. In Judy Garl;llnd Let's mOKe it offici<'l l. To the tune of "Tr"mp, ... ' .....hl non~ ... n.,'" '~~I."".. \,1' l(,11",. U ....... "Strike Up the Blind ," II, "'.' l'd.·'" ~"I •••l Tr<'lmp, Tr<'lmp. the Boys Are M&king Patriotic, the l<'Itest Gorlond· \I. VI~ Ih .. ", I: "~. IT.... )'~tlt 1< ..........., " . , Mor<'l:e-Building Pictures. Pot (>",..,. ,._ 1)(. ,_ S' \\ .... ,~ Ort ...... Rooney film. she mekes the scene.ste<'lling Kooney '·11. "It. ,'""",,,",, ._... .., I .. , ..... " ......... ",. Tn '·'y ..... 'h , ',.,,,. <"hI ...". ,11\".10 E,,' ....I ,. """"" . work hMd to keep up with her. Judy olso bec"me .s .....It .... ,,~ ,', I '>lIlo-o<. 0>1 ..... 11Il""". hi"".. , THAT SMELLY DECISION in Oic<'Igo not to :, 10'_ ..."It. " ..... '" l.I ....... ,<; •..IUll •• J_I., t· , 10_ , ......,,_. ' ........ 1&100 ..... _.." ... " top r<'ldio songstress with Bob Hope. Her re"l permit the showing of 'P"stor H<'IJI" h"s been "11< .......... ,£"'. nil. 'y tl>o /0 •• ". ," '''''''''' .\U n<'lme is .Judy Gumm. George Jessel g"\le her ".",. ,..... ,' ,·",•• 11,\1.,1 ..... ",,·'h~. _00-,'" '" 0«"<\<11' revcr.;ed. The offici<'ll K. O. h<'ls been lurned into ron''''' hy ••• _~ .•c'f· ................".,"' .. r... !flU.... T ... the G<'IriMd when she w"s "ppeoring wifh him in ...." PI" _~ '" ,ho 1:",,0<\ III.'... ""~"""' ..II .... "".. ,~ en O. K. Moyor Kelly. who ~eeps an e"r ever­ tt,.l·" ....................'_ ... 1 .. ",' ... '·.. · \ ....... .. Chic"go in \I"ude\lille. Baseb<'lll, riding. swimming I'~ ..I !"M"'" ,1.\ _ .... ".It; _ ,.... 11.". ~, .... l<'Istingly close to the politic<'ll ground, he"rd the •tflr~".' ..... '0 '''''''eo "",,,It,,, ,I, ",.",1\, •. II 51: .... end golf ere her f<'l\lorile sports. Dencing "nd ,.It H·U .......1\ by _'" """"', ~,olt'. "10" .....,., rumblings of protest O\ler his police censor's de­ 6'_ .. _ <10- ..." '" ... ~, 011 Jj"v,,,·II.o,,, ",,',. singing <'Ire her f"\lorite recre<'ltions. Chocol"te ~ ion. He c<'liled 0 meeting <'Ind ge\le "P<'Istor , ......"" _ .t ....R .... , .... • ....... " , ....."." r........... ("ke end ice cre"m <'Ire her fO\lorile foods. Show ,or ....... ,., •.• h .... , ...."" 1.0 01'" ..~t, ",·1 ."~ _ t.tlil" 0 cleM bill of he<'lilh. Stick <'Inother feother .""'... ~.' ..T ... , ........ people <'Ire her f<'l\lorite kind of people. Notur<'ll­ in the cop of the free press. MO\lie-R",dio Guide color photo is by Eddie Cronenweth. -C. M. 1 Lucky everybody who enjoys the finest in molioll pic/lire entertaillment. For here's Par:;amount with a grand college fo()(ball pictu~ . ""THE QUARTERBACK", fe2ruring Wayne Morris and Virginia Inle, directed by H. Bruce Humbentone. Y cs., and Dorothy Lamoue, Robert Prcscon, and Preston Foster in a heart-searing drama of the teak· wood foresn, "MOON OVER BURMA", with Doris Nolan and Albert Basscrman.
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