' VJ ‘/u Y / , ,', I « v f ^T'“ \ AVDIACa CnOULAtlOlf tar Ik* M*Blk t t H H —rtiir, Iftt 5,246 MANCHEStER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1988. (TWELVE PAGES) VOL. U IL, NO. 19. Silk Strikers Searched After Battle With Police PRESIDENT SIGNS GOLD CONTROL PLAN RETAILERS’ CODE ' ' ' P BOOSTS STOCK PRICES Goes Into Effect Week from STATE’S TRUCKMEN Shares Jump $1 to $5 at j -v V ■< Today— Storekeepers in ""iVf - ' ^ Europe Sees a Move PRESENT DEMANDS Opening — Observers Say f > Towns of 2,500 Popnla- « ■ For Sound U, 5. Money Inflation WiO Be Stopped tiop^or Less Exempted. First Meeting of Arbitradon ‘■J/ ' When Prices Reach De­ By ASSOCIATED PRESS ^stablllzatlMx in the plan, one of them Committee Is Held in The announcement of President describin]Ing it Ias a rejection of in- W aahington, Oct. 23. — (A P ) — flatlon w ith " an Inflationary bubble Roosevelt that the United States sired Level— Is Step in President Roosevelt signed the code Hartford Today. y i- y* broken. for the retail stores just before mid­ ~ t' ' would go into the market for the Comment was lacking In Berlin, -..x-v pending a more complete report of Direction of Sound Money. night last night, with an exemption /V-> vv ' purchase of gold was interpreted in some foreign capitals as an the President’s remarks. to the little store keepers in towns H artford , O c t 23.— ( A P ) — The S rf '■'ll®'* indication that America had de­ The Slvening Standard in London o f 2,500 or less. first meeting of the arbitration com­ cided upon stabiUzatton on a sound was sympathetic, saying that “a By Associated Press The act made it possible for the Hands In air, silk mill strikers are shown here, undwgdng search for weapons, after they were routed in a money basis. currency kept stable in the terms of mittee named to settle the truck commoEfities by continuous govern­ Prices were given a sharp boost , code to go into effect a week from fierce battle with poUce after attacking an East Paterwm, N. J., plant with rocks. Two strikers were shot League of Nations ctrcles viewed drivers strike, which late in Septem­ it as a move toward a stabilized ment acti<m will be something new in American financial markets to­ today at the beginning of the new and several injured in the melee. month. ber tied up trucking in the state, currency, some of tiiem commenting in the history of economics.’’ The day by President Roosevelt’s an­ It forbids sales at less than in­ was held this morning in the Fed­ that a rise in priceig would rntdie newspaper stressed the belief a nouncement of the government’s eral building. the payment of fixed charges easier. stable dollar will create a big voice cost. plan to control the price of gold. The provisionB apply to chsdn No information as to business dis­ Petris observers saw a virtual money market in America. stores in small towns. cussed was available, but it was Lm- TOBACCO GROWERS Shares in the New York Stock The exemption for the small store derstood that Frank E. Crowther of ARMS CUT CONFERENCE Exchange jumped $1 to $5, •with a keepers is a policy expected to be New Haven, representing the driv­ few “inflation” stocks registering carried through by the President in ers as an organizer for the Interna­ •wider gains, but slid back $1 to $2 all codes in order not to drive out tional Brotherhood of Teamsters, TO GET INCREASE WEEK-END DEATHS FORMER SEC. DOAK or more from the best levels. of business the little man who finds Chauffeurs, Stablemen and Helpers MAY ADJOURN OCT. 26 In the Chicago pit, wheat and it impossible to carry out the terms of America, presented a list of de­ com rose about 2 to 3 cents a bush­ of,the NRA without going out of mands to ^ e board. The men de­ REPORTED IN STATE OF LABOR IS DEAD el, and oats 1 to 2 cents. Cotton buislness. mand, it was said, a wage scale of 'armers Who Reduced Their advanced $1.15 to $1.50 a bale in The Exemptions |40 a w eek fo r drivers o f tractors Indications Point to This Ac­ N ew York . NAZIS SET FIRE '4^ The exemption of stores in com­ and “ ten w heelers” ; $38 a*w eek fo r Acreage to Get Larger The dollar slid down moderately m odities under 2,500 population ap­ drivers of seven and one half ton tion to FoDow 10 Days’ Eight Violent Deaths — Five Member of Hoover Cabinet id foreign exchange dealings. parently moved close to one third of trucks; and $36 a week fo r drivers TO POUCE PLANES W all Street Confused the country’s retail establishments of smaller trucks. Three trips "over Payments. Wall street was somewhat con­ from operations imder the industri­ the road" or a forty hour week, the Recess— Some Talk of Are Caused hy Antomo- Passes Away After a fused as to how to interpret the a l confa’ol law. limit imder the NRA, were demand­ new gold program. While it was The last accurate figures, con ed, except in the case of New York, W M hington, O c t 23.— ( A P ) — The generally construed as Inflationary, tained in the 1930 census o f d istri­ Philadelphia and Boston Express New Economic Accord. Blaze Discovered Just in hile Acidents. Week’s Illness. • some observers pointed out Presi­ bution, showed th at 491,000 o f the drivers. Helpers, garage men and farm adjustment administration to­ dent Roosevelt had definitely Indi­ cou ntry’* 1,543,000 stores w ere In other employes must receive $80 a day announced that paymoit rates cated that inflation would be Time by Austrian Airmen the communities now exempt. Ihe week, according to Mr. Crowther, Geneva, Oct. 23.— (A P) — Imme­ to growers of clgEU* leaf tobacco who By Associated Press Washington, Oct. 23— (A P )—Wil­ stopped when prices reached the de- number of chain stores in such small with time and one third for over­ diate adjoumme '^ may be voted reduced their acreage this year hsul A boy who lost his head, stum­ liam N. Doak, secretary of labor in sir^ level. towns formed only a small propor­ time for all men. been Increased. Bar silver futures at New York when the world disarmament > .ofei> and Extinguished. bled and fell on the railroad track the Hoover Cabinet and labor lead­ tion a t th at tim e since only 39,000 All clauses of the agreement The administration said also that quickly rose about 2-8 of a cent an er, died today at his home in nearby such establishments were listed sought for by Mr. Crowther were enoe is reconvened Oct. 26, after the the tobacco section had instructed as he heard t^e sound of an ap­ Virgrlnia. ounce. from cities o f 10,000 or less. retroa ctive to S e p t 25, and w ere to ten day recess. district agents in the cigar leaf proaching train was one of the eight The New York B<»id Market was •\nenna, Oct. 28.— ( A P ) — A n a t­ Doak died of heart disease. He Wave of Bankruptcy be In effect until Si^tember 25, This was Indicated strongly today areas o f N ew SkiglEind, Pennsylva­ somewhat Irregular, with foreign victims in Connecticut last week­ suffered a severe attack about two The wave of bankruptcy, which 1984. In International droles where many tempt was made early today to bum nia-New York, Ohio-Indlana, and gold bonds strong, while the United end violent deaths—five of them weeks ago. He 'was 61 years cdd. has swept the country during the The truck drivers alao ara de­ believe a longer period la needed to down the hangars at Salzburg air­ Wisconsln-Minnesota to begin certi­ States government Issues receded caused by automobile accidents. Bom at Rural Retreat, in Wythe past four years and which Is manding that only membera of the permit of a calming of spirits. port where police planes guardii fying fulfillments of contracts im­ Maanv^iUe, In direct opposition to The boy, William Deplzzol, 14 county, Va., he attended school at moderately. blamed by NRA officials for putting union be employ^, and that axtra the border are kept. Pollee said m ediately. "the price of gold in London, con­ earlier ^ews, the opinloa seemed to years old, of Meriden, was struck by Bristol, Va., finishing a businesa col­ out o f business 400,000 merchants, equipment ba hired only flrom truck­ the fire undoubtedly was of Incen­ This certification, it was sEiid, w ill verted into dollars, rose 78 cents to be spreading that it might be wlae a southbound train from Hartford. lege thera.' may have materially altered the flg^ men having an agreement with the diary orlglB and probably was start enable the eecond mvl final 1988 $29.73 an ounce. to encourage a Franeo-Oerman eco- PoBce said tie was orosslng tim He was jbfi tirft wi^-tory Pf tobor ures since the census was taken. ed by Nitals. payments to be made within the While some foreign canters were New Haven Mraneh of the U&len. nomic aeomti. This m l^ a traoks Ih Meriden and that npon. boa.. In the United States, Senator Officials, however, were inclined to Under the ternu ^ the YUMly!dlecov*iy of the Iflejmby few weeks to growers who Inclined to regard the fold contrd b^eve that the proportion‘between raad'to .eventual' agreemwnt on dls^ hp^rlng the train, he became con- James J.
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