Cold Open:

Do you love the taste of bacon? A ham sandwich? Maybe a pork chop?

You might not after you fnish today’s episode.

Might take you a second to get back into a good pork groove.

We talk a lot about pork and pigs in today’s Suck on — the Pig Farmer Killer. A Canadian pig farmer, butcher, and prolifc .

In so many ways, Robert’s life was dark and disgusting long before he killed anyone.

Robert was born to Helen and Leonard Pickton, two insanely flthy farmers who lived just outside of beautiful in , . These two farmers couldn’t have cared less about clean clothes or a house that wasn’t full of animal shit or even about bathing their children.

Robert and his brother, Dave, would get bullied by their peers at school for literally reeking of the piss and shit and pig blood that covered their clothes.

And this appearance - NOT typical for the area. They weren’t way out in the sticks and they weren’t living two hundred years ago.

They lived in the afuent Vancouver suburb of Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum] surrounded by the families of doctors and hospital workers who worked at the nearby medical complex. Robert and his family were total anomalies.

Along with being disgusting, dirty people, his family weren’t people with strong moral compasses, either. When Robert was in his teens, his younger brother smashed into a neighbor boy in a hit-and-run and momma would try and cover this up - and also possibly the teen her boy had run over.

Many years later, when Robert and his brother inherited the family pig farm, it would become the setting of a series of super-violent and nightmarish endings for dozens of women.

One woman—a former friend of Pickton—once walked in on him while he worked in his slaughterhouse.

She saw him hacking away at the meat on his table - human meat. She looked up and saw the dead body of a young woman, naked and hanging from a meathook, awaiting her turn to be skillfully sliced into pieces to be discarded…

… and possibly sold to Vancouverites who would unknowingly then eat her.


Big bacon fans in the great Vancouver area may have unknowingly eaten people-meat in the late 1990s and at the turn of the 21st century.

This suck gets dark today. And so strange.

The true story of one of Canada’s most notorious and weirdest and defnitely dirtiest serial killer, Robert William Pickton, right now, on another true crime edition of Timesuck.


I. Welcome!

A.Happy Monday:

Happy Monday Meatsacks!

Welcome to the Cult of the Curious.

Last week I told you to be glad your weren’t a Stayner. This week, maybe be even more glad you're not a Pickton. Or at least not direction to Bobby Willy Pickton.

I’m Dan Cummins, WHACK IT National Spokesperson. The Master Sucker. Neighborhood Dadwatch President. And you are listening to Timesuck.

Hail Nimrod, Lucifna, Bojangles, and Triple M.

Recording again in the Suck Dungeon out of Couer d’Alene, Idaho - weather has been up and down but better than down down - I’ll take it. I’ll take some of that sunshine.

B.Tour Dates?:

Show announcement! Gonna be doing a live virtual show this April 22nd.

It will be a live HORROR show if you’re interested. Scared to Death LIVE

Thursday, April 22nd, 6:00 PM PST, the virtual “doors” for a 6:30PM PT show time.

The show will be interactive with your chance to participate in a live chat, polls and a Q & A at the end of the show all

AND - just like a live show for your favorite band, we also have limited edition Scared To Death LIVE merch.

Tickets available at

Thursday, April 22nd, 6:30PM PT - Scared to Death LIVE. Visit for more details.


D.Additional Announcements: And that’s it for announcements. Tour announcements coming soon. Looking to be hitting the road for a new standup tour starting in August. E.Segue to Topic:

And now for another name to add to the list of the Universe’s Biggest Dirtbags.

We got a weird one day. And if you’re a long time listener, you know that’s saying something.

It’s true crime time again with Robert Pickton - AKA the “Pig Farmer Killer,” AKA Butcher of Vancouver,” AKA Bobby Willy! AKA Uncle Willie.


II. Intro/Establish Premiss:

How did Robert Pickton - a man who, as we’ll soon fnd out, is unintelligent, slow, and often quite literally covered in shit - how did he get away with killing dozens of women for years?

He didn’t have charm. He didn’t have smarts. He defnitely didn’t have good looks. He didn’t have good social skills. He sure as shit didn’t smell good. He didn’t wash his clothes very often either. Or his face. Or his hair. Or, I’m guessing, his butt and balls.

I don’t think oral hygiene was a big priority for Pickton.

Wouldn’t guess this flthy son a bitch brushed his teeth twice a day. Or once a week. Doubt he was making sure he was hitting the insides of the molars. I’m gonna guess he’s not even sure what foss is. I’d bet my life he’s never actually touched a piece of foss.

He didn’t seem - while he was a free man not in prison - like me made any efort whatsoever to NOT look like someone who’d just been cast in the sequel to Deliverance. Or in some new The Hills Have Eyes movie. Dude looked Leatherface from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre’s long lost and even creepier little brother.

As fucked up as his crimes were - as real as his victims’ lives and deaths were - I’ll be honest - I kept laughing while researching this guy, because when you look at him, and read about certain aspects of his life - he feels less like a real person and more like an over- the-top character in some B Horror, Grindhouse fick.

So again - how did this cartoonishly creepy son-of-a-bitch, someone who a director for a made-for-TV melodrama would ask to tone it down regarding his portrayal of a serial killer - ever get any woman to come to his house or get in a vehicle with him?


It was that simple. He paid them. Or gave them drugs.

He preyed on sex workers working Vancouver’s rough .

He often preyed on those struggling with drug addiction. Women barely treading water in life before he came along. And then he was all too happy to push their heads underwater.

At numerous points in today’s story, you’re gonna think that I’m telling one of my tall tales - that I’m about to say, “JK! That’s fucking crazy. That’s too much!” And maybe I will once or twice. But so many times I won’t.

This story is insane.

And it happened less than a seven hour drive from where I sit and record. Less than 450 miles away. Less than twenty years ago.

And I’d never heard of it prior to it showing up as a topic submission.

Weird, creepy, dirtbag killers - I keep getting reminded that there is no shortage of them in the world. Came across about fve other northwest serial killers I’d never heard of when watching a documentary on Pickton. Other guys who were briefy suspects for the he committed.

So how did this real-life monster kill unimpeded for at least around fve years? For maybe a lot longer than that?

Partially, it seems, because the Vancouver Police didn’t knock this particular investigation out of the park.

Critics of the Vancouver Police have pointed to Pickton’s murders as proof that law enforcement was biased against sex workers and often didn’t do enough to prevent this vulnerable population from being harmed - that they didn’t do enough to investigate their murders.

We’ll look at that.

We’ll also look how hard it is to keep track of a population that doesn’t want to be tracked. A population that actively seeks to stay hidden in the shadows.

Hard to have it both ways.

Tough to expect the police to leave you alone and ignore any illegal activities you may be engaged in - that you ARE frequently engaged in - but then ALSO expect the same police to be monitoring any particularly bad people who may intend to do you harm.

The police didn’t know for certain that many of Picton’s victims had been murdered. Not until years after their deaths. They just went missing, like a lot of women Vancouver’s downtown Eastside did and still do.

And a lot of those women didn’t go missing because they were killed.

Some left the sex worker trade and went back to wherever they came from or started a new life somewhere else. Some left for Seattle and some other cities to see how they would fare in the sex trade there. And they don’t tell the police before they left town. They don’t notify their families. We covered a very similar situation in Anchorage, Alaska instead of Vancouver, in the Robert “The Butcher Baker” Hansen Suck. Covered another similar situation in downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico in the Shroom’d and Doom’d West Mesa Bone Collector Suck.

It’s almost like the world should legalize prostitution to make it easier for sex workers to be protected - make it easier for law enforcement to protect them.

Can’t resist pointing that out yet again.

Another reason Pickton got away with what he did for as long as he did was the family pig farm. He lived in the perfect place for body disposal. He didn’t have to go anywhere to dispose of his victims. And he also had the perfect skills to help get rid of bodies. he was a butcher by both trade and by temperament. He knew how to cut up and get rid of a carcass. And that’s what he did - time and time again.

Pickton’s MO was pretty straightforward.

His wash, rinse, and repeat was to fnd a woman who was desperate for money and destitute - often someone addicted to drugs - and he’d pay her to go have sex with him back at the pig farm.

And then they often would have sex.

And then Pickton would then kill her - mostly via strangulation it seems - then butcher her, process her body in the family slaughter house, then discard some of her remains at a pig-waste facility nearby. And also maybe sell some of her meat - mixed in with some pork - to locals.

Not kidding.

How crazy is that? He might have been feeding his victim’s remains to others in the area.

He also maybe gave some of their “meat” to cannibalistic biker gang.

Not sure about that one.

It’s a crazy conspiracy we’ll peek at at the end of the episode.

Other than that conspiracy - pretty straightforward Suck today.

Gonna frst get familiar with Pickton’s former hunting grounds - Vancouver, Canada.

And then we’ll jump right into a wild and what-the-fuck-flled, big ol’ timeline, starting with Pickton’s birth in 1949, and leading up to today since, this shit-covered pig-butcherin’ serial killin’ creep is still alive.

Now allow me to introduce you to one the prettiest cities in North America….

III. Vancouver:

Vancouver is the biggest city in Western Canada, signifcantly bigger than and Edmonton, and only beat, population-wise, by and Montreal.

The Vancouver metro area has over 2.5 million people living in it today, with about 650,000 living inside Vancouver’s city limits.

Around two million lived in the metro area twenty years ago when Pickton was active.

Lying just north of the US state of Washington, Vancouver is 140 miles north of Seattle. It’s only thirty miles from the US border with Washington State. The little town of Blaine, Washington sits on the US side of the border there.

Vancouver is such a scenic city, easily one of my favorite cities in North America - and it sprung up in around a natural harbor around two hundred years ago.

In his 1792 journal, Captain George Vancouver— a British Ofcer of the Royal Navy who surveyed the area and for whom the place would later be named— wrote:

“To describe the beauties of this region will on some future occasion be a very grateful task to the pen of a skilled panegyrist [ pan-i-jir-ist]. The serenity of the climate, the innumerable pleasing landscapes, and the abundant fertility that unassisted nature puts forth, requires only to be enriched by the industry of man with villages, mansions, cottages, and other buildings.”

A panegyrist [ pan-i-jir-ist], by the way, is someone who writes “formal or elaborate” praise. I’d never heard of a panegyrist [ pan-i- jir-ist] before. I have a feeling Captain George possessed a much better vocabulary over two centuries ago than I do now.

Before white Canadians and Europeans arrived, several native tribes made their home where Vancouver would spring up - several tribes of Coastal Salish [ sey-lish ] peoples.

A trading post, Fort Langley, was set up by the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1827, at an advantageous site near the mouth of the Fraser [ frey-zer ] River.

But few Americans and Europeans would move there until the late 1850s, when thousands of miners from California fooded into the region to look for gold all around the Cariboo Mountains to the northeast.

Two weeks ago, we learned about gold prospectors fooding into nearby Idaho in the 1860s, starting with a gold strike near Lewiston, Idaho in late 1860. The Fraser Canyon Gold Rush brought white folks to British Columbia around the same time in 1858, followed by the Cariboo Gold Rush of 1861.

All kinds of Northwest gold being mined in the late 1850s early 1860s.

The port of Vancouver was the perfect place to bring in goods for the settlers of the communities created around these early gold strikes. And by the 1930s, Vancouver was Canada’s premiere Pacifc coast port.

Then, with continued growth largely fed by a booming timber industry after mining declined, by the 1950s, Vancouver was Canada’s main business hub for trade with Asia and the Pacifc.

Today, Vancouver is bustling, diverse city.

Over the past few decades, it’s become a very popular flming location, the third-biggest hub for flm in all of North America after Los Angeles and Manhattan.

Tomorrowland, two of the Percy Jackson movies, Juno, 50 Shades of Grey, Fantastic Four, I Robot - just a few big movies flmed in Vancouver in recent years. So many TV series have also been flmed there as well. The X-Files, Riverdale, The 100, The Flash, Once Upon a Time, and so many others.

Vancouver’s a cool town.

I loved wandering around before and after shows there years ago.

It seems to show up on tons of top ten “Best Cities to Live In” kind of articles. It recently ranked as the sixth most livable city in the world in 2019, according to an annual report from The Economist. world-new-report-says-1.4578255

Today, Metropolitan Vancouver is made up of twenty-one municipalities.

And the city of Vancouver takes up just one of them. Today’s butcher wold live in another.

The Pickton Family farm was just a thirty-fve minute drive from Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside where Robert would hunt, located in Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum], part of the “Tri-Cities” of metropolitan Vancouver to the east and north-east of the city proper.

The Tri-Cities area consists of Port Moody, Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum] and Coquitlam [coe quit lum].

Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum] lies between the Pitt and Coquitlam [coe quit lum] Rivers.

Between 1,200 to 1,500 people had settled in the area when the City of Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum] was incorporated on March 7th, 1913, splitting of from the largely rural District of Coquitlam [coe quit lum].

Lively Kingsway Avenue, the town center, was lined back then with businesses and wooden sidewalks. The Canadian Pacifc Railroad was its biggest employer.

A devastating fre on Kingsway in 1920 shifted the downtown to the Shaughnessy [shawn-uh-see] Street area, where City Hall had been built in 1914.

Growth was slowed by World War One and then the Great Depression, but the end of the Second World War in 1945 and completion of the Lougheed [low heed] Highway in 1948 brought an infux of residents and businesses.

Between 1941 and 1951, the population more than doubled from 1,539 to 3,232.

Robert Pickton was born in 1949.

By 1961, the population had more than doubled again, to 8,111.

And by 1980, it had grown to 27,000.

Today, according to Port Coquitlam’s [coe quit lum] government website, Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum] has a population 61,000 - a healthy base of businesses, new commercial and industrial areas, well- established neighborhoods, and a strong sense of community spirit known as PoCo [poh coh] Pride.

I ended up watching a bunch of PoCo real estate and local tourism videos to try and fgure out some pronunciations, and it’s a really quaint, scenic community. So many amenities. Seems to be a fair amount of afuence in the area. I came across several homes for sale for over 10 million dollars apiece. And - it’s SO clean. I remember that about the Vancouver area when I was last there around a decade ago - very clean.

Lots of civic pride.

And this makes the story of the Picktons so much stranger.

When we get into the timeline, you’ll see how unbelievably flthy these people were. Super dirty people living in a very clean area.

It’s like they were quite literally the dirtiest family - the most hillbilly family - in the entire Vancouver metro area.

Their farm could not have been more atypical of the area. history-and-heritage/overview-of-port-coquitlams-history/

A. Drugs and Sex Work in Vancouver:

It’s not like all of Vancouver outside of their farm was a big paradise though.

Like many cities, Vancouver has had - and still has - its urban problems - one of them being drug addiction.

One Vancouver resident and journalist writing for the Washington Post in 2020 wrote an opinion piece that described his city’s drug problem like this:

“Drugs are an inescapable part of this city’s culture, with the horrors of abuse and addiction visible in every neighborhood. Spending time in Vancouver means constantly encountering men and women in severe states of mental and physical decay — writhing, shaking, if not lying unconscious or actively shooting up.

Needles and arm-size rubber bands are common sights in the street.

Vancouver’s drug problem correlates tightly with its chronic homelessness, which afected a record 2,223 people in 2019.”

Not to trivialize that number, but, Los Angeles had 36,300 confrmed homeless in 2019. While the city of LA has over six times the population of the city of Vancouver, it has over sixteen times the amount of homelessness. q=los+angeles+city+population+2019&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS866US87 2&oq=los+angeles+city+population+2019&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l4j0i2 2i30l5.6774j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 q=los+angeles+homeless+population+2019&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS866 US872&oq=2019+los+angeles+homeless+pop&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j 0i22i30l2j0i390l3.10467j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

So - while Vancouver DOES have a lot of homelessness, I don’t want to present some picture of a city in some state of urban decay. That doesn’t feel accurate.

Most of the area’s homeless seem to live around that downtown Eastside area where Pickton would hunt.

Many of the sex workers he hunted struggled with both drug addiction and homelessness.

In one study from 2005, Melissa Farley, Jacqueline Lynne and Ann Cotton interviewed a hundred sex workers in Vancouver and found that eighty-six percent reported current or past homelessness.

Similarly, eighty-two percent of the subjects expressed that they needed treatment for drug or alcohol addictions.

Eighty-two percent of the sample population also reported a history of childhood sexual abuse, by an average of four perpetrators.

My God.

When someone sexually victimizes a young girl, they don’t just break their bonds of trust in the adults around them. They don’t just scar their sexual identity - they also greatly increase the odds that they’ll be sexually victimized again later in life as an adult. They increase their risk for committing suicide later. They increase the odds they’ll encounter one of the world’s Robert Picktons. They end up victimized in so many diferent ways.

Seventy-two percent of those sex workers surveyed reported childhood physical abuse, 90% had been physically assaulted during their time as sex workers, and 78% had been raped on the job.

A stunning ninety-fve percent said that they wanted to leave sex work.

Such sad stats.

I actually don’t judge someone morally for sex work - I’ve outgrown, thank God, any culturally informed notions of “slut shaming” from my youth - HAIL LUCIFINA! - but I do WORRY about sex workers.

I worry that many of them are not working in the sex trade because they want to. I worry about the risks they take regarding not only sexually transmitted diseased, but also physical injury and/or death. And psychological trauma from being physically and/or sexually abused.

These women were Pickton’s victims - women who struggled with fnding a safe place to sleep at night, women who’d often been sexually abused as children, women who struggled with drug addiction - women who very likely didn’t want to be doing the sex work that brought them to Pickton.

Now that we know a bit about Vancouver and who Robert Pickton hunted there - let’s jump into this week’s SUPER weird Timesuck Timeline.


IV.Timesuck Timeline timeline/ the-pickton-case/article6504398/

1. October 24, 1949:

On October 24th, 1949, Robert William Pickton is born to Leonard and Louise Pickton on their farm in Coquitlam [coe quit lum] - a homestead called the L. F. Pickton Ranch Poultry and Pigs.

Going forward, let’s call Robert, “Bobby Willy”. “Bobby Willy” feels like amore ftting name for this deranged hillbilly fuck than Robert.

The Pickton family made their living by raising and butchering livestock.

In 1949, the address of their farm was 2426 Pitt River Road. Later, it would change to 2426 Cape Horn.

This frst property would not be Bobby Willy’s murder farm, but it is where he’d grow up and become such a fucking weirdo. Holy shit things are about to get weird.

Let’s meet Bobby Willy’s parents.

His dad Leonard was born in England on July 19th, 1896. Three years later, Leonard and his parents emigrated to Canada.

Not a whole lot on Pappy Pickton’s early life.

By the time he’d reached his forties, people around him seemed to come to the consensus that he was lazy and unambitious… and also dirty and weird and creepy and “Who the fuck IS this guy?”

Leonard seemed to be content living the bachelor life and working on the farm. And then one day, his relatives were astonished when this dirty pig-person announced that he was engaged - not to a pig - but to real live woman, sixteen years younger than him.

He’d met her in a cofee shop.

I’m surprised they didn’t meet on a pile of dirt where they were both digging for worms. Worms not to fsh with, but to eat.

This lady of his - maybe not a great catch.

Papa Pickton’s bride-to-be was the lovely Helen Louise. She was born on March 20th, 1912, in Calgary, Alberta, and then raised in a little town called Raymond’s Creek, not far from Swift Current, .

Don’t know much about her childhood either. I imagine she was probably raised by wild dogs or maybe a band of bridge trolls.

In short order, Helen would become Leonard’s wife and the driving force in the Pickton family.

And what an odd - and frankly - fucking disgusting family they would create.

Helen and Leonard were known by many for not giving a single fuck about their appearances.

And look - some of that can be good! Too much vanity, I do think, is almost as sad and gross as a total lack of vanity.


Outside of vanity, it’s just healthier to try on some level to be clean - to take of yourself at least a LITTLE TINY BIT.

Outside of being sad and pathetic, I think it’s just rude to the people around you when you choose to let yourself smell like a human crock pot stewing some horrifc potion made up mostly of yeast infections, pig blood, ball sweat, scabies, nihilism, despair, and maybe some tuna casserole from three years ago that’s been trapped ever since in one of your belly roles.

The people around you shouldn’t have to worry about a little bit of your last week’s breakfast getting stuck on their face when you spit when you’re talking to them.

They shouldn’t have to worry about picking up an antibiotic- resistant rash when you bump into them.

Or about passing out in line behind you thanks to the smell of your BO mixed with pus that’s been oozing for months out of a boil you don’t care about treating anytime soon. A boil whose infection you can barely smell over the ancient-and-unwashed shit stains in your britches.

Many described Bobby Willy’s parents as looking “haggard.” And “stinky.”

On top of being REAL relaxed when it came to personal hygiene, they were also missing most of their teeth… and Helen didn’t have much hair.

At least not on top of her head.

She did have a lot on her face.

Helen's chin was so hairy that neighborhood kids often spoke of her goatee - and would make fun of the Pickton children for their mother’s beard.

Sweet Jesus.

AND - still not done - Helen’s voice was apparently a persistently high screech and she often yelled at her children in a backwoods, hillbilly dialect of English, the only language she spoke:

(high pitched crazy voice) “You kids git over here, now!”

Described as stout and short, with a round face, Helen always apparently strangely wore a cotton housedress OVER a pair of men’s jeans; and when it rained she’d put on an old jacket of Leonard’s.

AND - STILL NOT DONE!!! - former neighbors never remembered seeing her in women’s shoes, or casual shoes at all. Just either barefoot or wearing a pair of men’s thick rubber gumboots in which she quote - “waddled like a duck.”

What…the… FUCK?

She was cartoonishly hillbilly.

She reminds me of a much, MUCH dirtier version of Ma Kettle.

Ma and Pa Kettle were popular flm characters in the 1940s and 50s. A hillbilly couple with ffteen kids who come into money. They were the Beverly Hillbillies before that sitcom came out in the 1960s.

And she was like a Wes Craven or Rob Zombie version of that.

She was like the stereotypical mom that shows up in so many horror movies where some group of young, attractive college kids are on spring break or something, and they’ve rented a cabin way out in the woods.

And then they end up accidentally pissing of some inbred family of backwoods mutant locals - and then MA Mutant decides they needs to die! He decides those girls need to learnt they ain’t too good for her sweet baby boys!!!!

Cue two inbred cannibals with axes that head out to fnd said girls.

She’s the real life version of that Matriarch.

Helen’s husband Leonard dressed similarly to his wife: in a dirty t- shirt hanging over dirty blue jeans, black rubber boots, and a beat- up hat.

His hygiene matched his wife’s.

Now let’s meet this power couple’s young-uns.

Linda and David were round-faced and short, resembling Helen.

Bobby Willie was taller, narrow-faced with a long, pointed nose. He looked like his dad. Leonard and Bobby Willy have both been described as being “rat faced” in several sources.

I’m really not trying to be mean. Truly. This family just happens to be, I would say, aggressively unattractive in a variety of ways. To the point many of their photos seem photoshopped. It’s absurd.

Linda, Robert’s older sister, was born in 1948, the couple’s frst child.

Bobby Willie followed in 1949. As a toddler, his family called him Robbie. Later, they’d call him Willie. And NOW, I call him Bobby Willie. Later, we’ll call him Uncle Willie.

And his brother David arrived a year after he did, in 1950. They kicked those three out quick. Helen’s goatee getting Leonard all KINDS of worked up.

Bobby Willy’s birth was reportedly a difcult one. He was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck.

Too bad it didn’t choke him out forever.

His family would wonder later if that cord mishap did cause some kind of brain damage. If it did damage brain, it didn’t afect his memory— many people described his ability to recollect things as “remarkable.” His memory, apparently, is the only part of his intellect anyone has ever found “remarkable.”

One of Bobby Willy’s earliest memories is from age two, when he was living in a converted chicken coop.

Sounds like a GREAT place for a toddler’s room. A chicken coop.

It apparently hadn’t been very “converted.”

Bobby Willy had to lift a foorboard under his bed to get cold water from a spring that ran below the coop - it was the only running water in the house for several years.

My God.

He is fucking living in a chicken coop.

And he has to lift up a loose foorboard to scoop up what I imagine to be VERY DIRTY spring water from underneath the chicken coop. How much chicken shit did this kid drink growing up?

I can’t handle this.

I did some of the research for this out a local cofee shop and was laughing and cursing too myself SO MUCH going over all this. It’s so over-the-top.

When Bobby Willy was three, he crashed his father’s truck, loaded with pigs, into a tree.

I’m guessing he wasn’t supposed to be driving at the age of three, but, who knows with these dirty lunatics?

I imagine him forced to drive the pig truck at the age of three. Sitting on some phone books. Sticks taped to his legs so he can reach and work the pedals. Momma Pickton shrieking at him.

(Mama Picket - High pitched Hillbilly voice) “Bobby Willy! Bobby Willy! Git da piggies to duh market! Git da piggies from da pen to duh market, Bobby Willy!!!! Ain’t got no time fuh a lazy three year old who can’t drive, Bobby Willy, eh?”

Years later, in 1991, Pickton described the incident in detail to a penpal named Victoria.

He didn’t write actual letters - he wasn’t super literate. He recorded his voice on tape and sent it:

(Weird Bobby Willy Voice) “I turn around and the truck started rolling, the pigs all start jumping of and my dad’s running behind the pigs trying to holler to stop the truck. I didn’t know what to do so I smashed it right into a telephone pole. Totalled the truck right out. I sure got the hell beaten out of me. But that’s what happens.”

That’s what happens you guys! You take Pappy’s pig truck when you’re three and crash it and get your ass beat. That’s just life.

Life at the Pickton farm was primitive and rough.

Chickens, ducks, dogs and even the cows and pigs had their free range of the house, which was flthy. Of course it was - I imagine they were pissing and shitting all over the place. And I doubt cleaning up the indoor cow and pig shit was a top Pickton family priority.

(Mama Picket - High pitched Hillbilly voice) “Bobby Willy! Bobby Willy! Git da piggies shit picked up of duh kitchen foor, eh!?! Git duh cow shit scraped of duh sofa, Bobby Willy!!!! We’s gots company! Get momma’s goatee brush, Booby Willy!!! Get muh house boots.”

Their home was so dirty, neighbors often wondered how humans could possibly live there.

Poor hygiene would be something the Pickton boys would continue to practice throughout their lives.

This all heavily afected their social lives. How could it not?

The Pickton kids were frequently bullied by their classmates for being gross as fuck.

Of course they were! Not saying that was right, of course, but…. of COURSE they were bullied! Ma and Pa Pickton were raising bully-magnets.

The kids only got baths about once a week and their clothes were rarely washed. They carried with them to school the odors of the farm - urine, shit, and blood.

Their responsibilities put them in direct contact with all that waste. Before and after school, they had to slop about two hundred pigs and clean out their pens.

They also cleaned up after eight cows - cows the family milked by hand.

And they didn’t clean up much after all this. Or wash their clothes. Often for weeks or months on end.

To no one’s surprise, these kids didn’t have many friends. And they were called SUPER clever nicknames by their classmates — like “stinky-piggy.”

Their dad Leonard - Pappy Pickton - was actually known in the community primarily as “Piggy.” Like, more people called him “Piggy” than called him Leonard.

And he didn’t seem to mind.

These people are fucking cartoons.

People calling Leonard “Piggy” reminds me of a second or third-cousin I had, whose real name was Mike. He was a good thirty or forty years older than me and passed away years ago.

People around town just knew of him as “Wimp.”

Like, literally people would be like, “Hey Wimp,” and apparently, he wouldn’t seem insulted. He’d respond as if they’d said, “Mike.” And, to make this more sad, he was called “Wimp” cause he’d gotten beaten up a few times in some bar fghts downtown.

Poor Wimp. I feel a lot more sorry for him than Piggy. Wimp tried to fght and got beat up. Piggy didn’t seem to put any efort into not being stinky.

Most of young Bobby Willy and his siblings clothes were homemade or hand-me-downs, except once, when he was about fve, Mama bought him a crisp new outft for Christmas.

The stif clothes were heavily starched and he hated them. He hated new, clean clothes. “It hurts me, it hurts me,” he complained to his mother. Then he tore them of and ran away, buck naked.

These people were more pig than human.

Linda was the most normal of the Pickton children - the one who got to have a social life. Out of the children, only Linda would attend Sunday school.

Some of the time, Linda lived with relatives in Vancouver. A couple sources say that this was because Leonard didn’t think the pig farm was the proper place for a young girl.

Doesn’t like his pig farm was the proper place for children in general.

Or for humans in general!

Sometimes Helen bought her daughter Linda party dresses and encouraged her to go out with other kids. But this would not be the case for Robert and David.

The Pickton boys were supposed to stay home and work! No time to wash your faces, boys! Go slop those pigs!

They were worked hard.

Their mother supervised, yelling commands, her distinctive screech following them wherever they went.

Their commander was a tough, anti-social, penny-pinching woman who wouldn’t hesitate to put her sons in their place.

(Mama Picket - High pitched Hillbilly voice) “Bobby Willy! Davy Frances! Git da piggies throats a’cutted and git duh cows empty of duh milks and such, eh? C’mon Bobby Willy!!!! And come scrub some blood and piss and shit of Mama’s back and feet and such when ya done. It dat time of year, eh?”

To say the Picktons stood out in their neighborhood would be quite the understatement.

Their neighborhood - outside of them - was full of doctors.

During Bobby Willie’s youth, the area known as Dawes Hill - not far from the farm - grew into a hospital complex.

As the hospital complex grew to accommodate over 4,600 patients, nice homes on a hill over looking the farming areas were built for doctors and their families.

The kids the Pickton children rode to school with were the nicely- dressed, well-mannered children of doctors and hospital staf.

Later on, when Bobby Willy’s crimes came to light, they’d remember being cruel to the Pickton kids.

“We were all terrible to the Picktons, especially to Robert,” said a doctor’s daughter.

Making the Pickton boys even bigger bully magnets than you might already imagine were their speech problems.

David talked too fast; his high-pitched squeal of a voice couldn’t pronounce his Rs, so he sounded like Elmer Fudd. The more worked up he got about something, the more incomprehensible he became.

Robert didn’t talk much at all. When he did, he babbled in a high- pitched, fast voice.

I’m not making up these fucking ABSURD details.

These poor kids. They might as well have had a “kick me” sign permanently tattoo’d on their backs and went to school shirtless.

2. 1955: Adding to all of this - Bobby Willy wasn’t a great student.

In 1955, he entered grade one at Millside Elementary. According to standardized test results, his intelligence was “low.”

By the following year, he’d improved a bit, but his teachers would still decide to have him repeat grade two.

In grade three, teachers would identify him as learning impaired and he was given quote “special lessons.” It was probably the frst personalized education experience he got. Ma and Pa didn’t care much for formal education.

Robert remained in “special education” for the remainder of his time at school, even after transferring to a diferent public school - Mary Hill Elementary in Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum].

Then, early on in their grade school careers, the Pickton boys started “breaking out” of school more and more.

They’d run back home and hide under their beds, not to emerge until the time school let out so their parents wouldn’t suspect them of skipping. So I guess their parents cared about school a least a little bit. Or just wanted them out of the house. Or out of their chicken coop, rather.

Hiding in that chicken coop. Getting some of that fresh, spring puddle water from under the foor. What a LIFE!

Spending less time at school meant Bobby Willy was further alienated from his peers. He had no friends. Neither of the boys played much with other kids.

Both boys spent more time with the farm’s pigs than they did with other people.

When they weren’t sloppin' their pigs—the Pickton Boy power duo would fuck around in the woods around the farm. They’d fsh on Fraser Creek, where salmon would swim up and spawn.

That part sounds pretty sweet. Their life wasn’t a total shit show.

While Ma and Pa Pickton clearly weren’t exactly model parents - Ma did have a sweet spot for Bobby Willy.

“Robert, he just adored Mom,” his sister Linda later told the in 2002. “He and Mom were so close. Robert was never close to Dad. Robert was kind of Mom’s boy.”

Which is surprising based on what I’ll reveal next.

3. 1960: At the age of 11 or 12, in 1960, Robert would use his life savings - a total of $35 - to purchase a three-week-old black and white calf.

And he loved this calf - it was his only friend. It was “as really pretty as the day is long,” he would later describe to a penpal.

Robert took charge of caring for it, feeding and making sure its pen was nicely cleaned - probably cleaner than the damn house - and he looked forward to coming home in the afternoons to look after his friend.

And then one day… his friend wasn’t in the pen when he came home from school.

Can you guess where this is going?

Pa told him to go look in the barn for it.

Robert raced of and burst through the barn doors.

And this is what he later said he saw: “And here I seen the calf hanging upside down there, they butchered my calf on me. Oh boy, I was mad. I couldn’t talk to anybody for three or four days. I locked everybody out of my own mind, I didn’t want to talk to anybody.”

Ma tried to making things right by giving him twenty dollars more than he paid for it, but he remained upset.

“Like my mother says,” he told a friend later, “‘That was a good dollar for the calf.… You can go buy another.’ And I says, ‘No, I was going to keep that calf for the rest of my life and now it’s gone.’ That really upset me, but that happens. That’s life. I mean we’re only here for so long … When your time is over, your time is over.”


That’s life, everyone. Sometimes you get a pet and you love it more than you’ve ever loved another creature and then you come home and fnd it dead and skinned, hanging in the barn. That’s just how the shit-cookie crumbles. That’s how the murder-milk is spilt. That’s what happens when one bird is in hand, and two are in the bush, and then some other fucking bird is pecking on the carcass of your friend. That’s the way of the fucking road. Sometimes it rains, sometimes it pours, eh?

Reminds me of a story from Henry Lee Lucas’s childhood. One of the “Confession Killers” we covered back in Suck 156.

Stef Coxscurvy - our bizarro, serial-killer childhood obsessed Jef Foxworthy parody - frst showed up in that episode, when Henry - who also knew a thing or two about sleeping in a chicken coop as a kid - was given an old mule by a neighbor. He he loved that mule. And then his momma shot it in the face in front of him.

(Stef CoxScurvey) “If yew spent yer toddler years in a chicken coop, drinking water from underneath a loose foor board, and yer folks smelled like a pair of walking, barely-talking turds, and then yer Maw killed and butchered yer best cow-friend - YOU MIGHT be a killer!”

Knowing what Bobby Willy would go on to do— was this a moment that put him on track to committing his horrifc crimes?

Could it have shattered the foundations of his trust and/or love and/or connection with others?


That’s at least what Helen Smith—a forensic psychologist who would later interview Pickton—believes. She thinks his ability to love and connect with people was severed in this exact moment.

And if it’s hard to understand why this moment would be so traumatic - replace “calf” with “dog.”

Imagine if your dad or someone else in your family did that to your family dog growing up?

You came home from school to fnd they’d killed your pet and were about to either eat it or sell its meat. If you’re a dog person - or just not a sociopath - that would fuck your head up a bit.

My mom did something similar with my family dog, Sam. A golden retriever I’d gotten about a year after my parents’ divorce when I was around eight. It was the summer between third and fourth grade when we got Sam. LOVED that dog. Sam was my best friend.

And one day, when I was in sixth grade, Sam bit a dick neighbor kid- Jeremy Baker. Jeremy wasn’t even supposed to be in my yard. Sam bit him when he tried to take Sam’s bone like the idiot he was and I imagine still is.

And when I came home the next day from school, Sam was gone.

Mom told me he went to “go live on a ranch.”

Bullshit. She either took him out in the woods and shot him or had someone else do it. And I knew it.

I bawled in the middle of class the next day thinking about how she killed my best friend.

But at least she had SOME kind of logic as to why she did what she did. Said she was worried that Sam would now bite me or my sister or another kid - or that the Bakers would sue us.

I still get pissed at her thinking about that.

But If Sam hadn’t of done anything and she killed him AND told me to head to the shed to see him, and I walked in and he was dead, skinned, and hanging there? Well. I’d probably be more than pissed. I might not be talking about serial killers today. I might be one.

While it’s hard to say what degree the environment plays in making a serial killer— that old nature versus nurture shit we talked about last week with Cary Stayner the Yosemite Killer — in the cases of many serial killers we’ve sucked, a moment of broken trust, like Ted Bundy fnding out his parents were actually his grandparents, can at least help send someone out on a darker path.

And the murder of Bobby Willy’s cow-buddy was on top of so much other shit happening.

He and his brother literally stunk. They were bullied by their peers - peers who made fun of them and their family. They were neglected at home. They dealt with speech impediments and poor grades.

Around this time, one good thing that would happen to Bobby Willy was him getting a new friend. His frst human friend. A young woman named Lisa Yelds, who would later be described as a “a cop-hating biker.”

Sounds about right for Bobby Willy’s friend. inquiry-gives-cold-shoulder-to-key-witness

4. 1963: In 1963, when Robert was fourteen and Dave was thirteen, the family bought a new parcel of land on the eastern side of Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum].

Coquitlam [coe quit lum] was expanding so quickly that the city had expropriated the original Pickton homestead on Cape Horn for a new highway and housing developments.

Read: The good doctors of Coquitlam [coe quit lum] and the rest of areas afuent residents wanted the stinky Picktons and their dirty hog farm kicked a little further down the road.

It was time for the Picktons to move.

Helen and Leonard - Ma and Pappy Pigshit - paid the Mernickle family $18,000 cold, hard Canadian dollars for forty acres of low- lying property at 993 Dominion Avenue, on the eastern edge of Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum].

It was about six kilometers from the original Dawes Hill homestead.

The new farm was one of the biggest properties in the area - and it would eventually become Bobby Willy’s murder farm.

The old blue and white farmhouse from their previous property was pried of its foundations, lifted onto a fatbed, and towed over to Dominion Avenue.

Can’t just leave that pig and horse piss and shit soaked beauty behind!

Unlike their former property, this area was still in a real rural area.

A short time later, they would haul a Dutch-style hip-roofed barn from a property a few houses down on Dominion Avenue and resettle it behind the old Pickton farmhouse.

Dominion Avenue ran east–west, roughly parallel to the Lougheed [low heed] Highway, a few hundred feet to the south. It was only a few kilometers long, dead-ending at a dike that held back the wide, log-flled Pitt River, which ran higher than the farmland beside it. Made irrigating the land pretty easy.

At the time, Dominion Avenue wasn’t much of an “avenue.”

It was a dirt country road with deep, muddy sloughs [slows] on either side full of black water, weeds, frogs and thick blackberry stalks that clung to the banks.

As Dominion petered out, it met Burns Road, a north–south country lane about a mile long with small hobby farms on either side. Most of them grew blueberries or raised chickens.

When the Pickton family moved, daughter Linda didn’t move with them.

She’d say later she couldn’t WAIT to get away from her dirty hillbilly family. She was so miserable at home that she’d already run away numerous times.

She left her grade eight class in Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum] during Christmas break and moved in with relatives in nearby Vancouver.

In Vancouver, she’d attend Lord Byng High School in the city’s Dunbar area, a comfortable neighborhood close to the University of British Columbia. And rarely speak of her family.

After leaving home, she rarely even interacted with her family. She didn’t seem to have a lot in common with them. According to those that new her, she’d never really ft in with them - she was a bright, clean girl living among people that weren’t all that diferent from the animals they tended.

One neighbor said, “I only met Linda once. She seemed like she was cut from diferent cloth. She was clean, she had class. You wouldn’t have believed she came from the same family.”

I can only imagine how embarrassed she must of been of her kin.

It didn’t take long for their new neighbors to notice the odd way the Picktons lived.

The Picktons made a decent living - work was good - but they… well… you know how they rolled.

“Money was no real problem,” recalled a woman who, as a teenager, boarded her horse on the Pickton farm for $25 a month, “but the way they lived was something I’d never seen before in my life. They would wear the same clothes every day; the boys would do the pigs and come in with their boots on, with oil and grease everywhere. Their relationship with their mom seemed very strange to me; she seemed too old to be the mother of these kids.”

She continued, “The place was an absolute pigsty. Walk into the kitchen and you couldn’t see the counter for the dirt on it. The foor was covered with slop and dirt; there were papers, food everywhere; there was no proper furniture to speak of … I seem to remember the living room just had a mattress in it.

I wouldn’t go into any of the other rooms. But you know, the mom was very nice to me and she talked and talked and talked. The mom did the cooking and she always had her gumboots on. Later, Willie seemed to run the pig end of the business and Dave was always out doing construction jobs. It was all like something out of that movie Deliverance.”


Although this neighbor doesn’t mention it - the Picktons didn’t have much of anything in the living room because they were really, really into music. They’d put on little family jamborees just about every weekend, inviting neighbors who rarely showed up, young Bobby Willy plinking and planking on the Air Banjo - Ma Pickton working lead vocals.


(Mama Picket - High pitched Hillbilly voice) “

Come and listen to a story 'bout a boy named Bobby Willy - Sleeping in the chicken coop the nights got pretty chilly, Then one day he was coming home from school, And found his best friend dead, what a silly stinky fool.

Calf… that is. Cow young-un. Hanging in da barn.

Well the next thing you know, Bobby Willy’s really mad, Townsfolk said he was turning really bad. Poh-leece say he’s been killing on duh farm, My stinky little boy, he’s been doing lots of harm

Murders that is. Kidnappings, eh? Feeding ‘em to pigs.”

Yeah HAW, Bobby Willy! That’s a barn-burner dem right there!”

Yip, yip, yaw!!!! Hogfolk, hogfolk! Nuttin’ but hogfolk!


Yes that melody was the Ballad of Jed Clampett from the Beverly Hillbillies.

Another neighbor would later remember Helen for keeping all the kitchen cupboards locked and how she was the only one who had a key.

Odd. Everything about this flthy fuckers is odd.

So what’s Pa Pickton up to at this point in Bobby Willy’s childhood?

By the time he and Helen had bought the farm on Dominion, he was seventy-seven years old.

He was too old to run the place or do much of the hard work. And Pappy Piggy Pickton smelled worse than ever. SWEEEEET!

With the help of her children and some hired hands, Helen - Ma Pickton - now ran the hog farm.

Around ffteen years old, Bobby Willy now left school for good.

He didn’t need no mo book learning!

He kind of knew how to read. And he kind of knew how to write. And he’d picked up a bunch fun, not-annoying-at-all quotes from Ma Pickton, apparently. Stuf like: “There’s always a reason for everything. Life goes on. I try to help. Quite a spell. Crock of shit. But that’s what happens. That’s life. That’s not here nor there. We’re here today; we’re not here tomorrow. That’s way above my head.”

What a fun family.

Bobby Willy left school, partially, according to his friend Lisa Yelds, over a nudie pen.

Seriously. Love these details.

Yelds would later say to an interviewer: “What happened was that he was at the Cracker Jack, a local shop, and bought a pen with a fipping lady. When the pen was turned upside down, it was rude underneath. The principal said he was going to beat him and Willie said, ‘You do that and I quit.’ The principal wasn’t backing down, so Willie quit then and there.”

To no one’s surprise, Bobby Willy’s parents didn’t really care.

(Mama Picket - High pitched Hillbilly voice) “Bobby Willy! Bobby Willy! You done did good, boy! Dat Titty Pen was your Pappy Piggy’s and his Pappy’s ‘fore him. Dat Titty Pen a point of Pickton Pride, ya hear, ey? Now git da piggies throats a’cutted and git duh cows empty of duh milks and such, eh? C’mon Bobby Willy!!!! And den you go do what you need to do with dat dere Titty Pen!”

Now Bobby Willy could focus even more on the farm work. And now Ma Pickton got him to knowing how to butcher pigs.

She got her sweet boy an apprenticeship as a meat cutter.

He’d quickly become very skilled at the trade, skinning and dissecting animals with brutal efciency. It seemed like a natural extension of what he’d learned over years on the farm.

Robert would continue to work as the butcher’s apprentice and also at his parent’s farm for the next several years.

5. October 16, 1967: On October 16th, 1967, Bobby Willy and Brother Dave would learn another interesting life lesson from their parents.

If you kilt someone, you did NOT go to authorities. You covered it up. Bobby Willy seemed to pay close attention to this lesson.

Unlike his older brother, Davey Pickton had stayed in school longer, dated girls and seemed to be able to function more or less normally.

Stinky? Sure. Dirty? You betcha! But he could still get hisself some ladies. I’m sure they were some interesting girls.

He also got into trouble more often than Robert. And one day, he got himself into some serious trouble.

Shortly after he turned sixteen and had gotten his driver’s license, he took his father’s 1960 GMC one-ton truck out for a joy ride.

Around seven thirty in the evening, he was barreling down Dominion Avenue in the direction of the farm when fourteen-year- old Tim Barrett had just left his best friend’s house and was walking down the same road.

And Dave accidentally ran him the fuck over.

Dave then stopped the truck, popped out long enough to see the poor kid’s body, freaked out, and then hopped back in the truck and sped home.

He immediately told his parents what he’d done. And then he would tell some friends later that his parents, especially Ma - “knew exactly what to do.”

Oh boy.

Ma and Pa Pickton quickly examined the truck and saw that the impact had dented the right front fender, making a deep dimple in it.

The truck also had a damaged light.

Ma spotted blood and other marks on the hood and fender. And the paint had faked at the point of impact.

She cleaned of the blood - as a good mom does! - and then she ordered Dave to take the truck to a garage nearby where they had their farm vehicles fxed.

Dave told their mechanic that some timber had fallen on the truck.

“We’re building a tractor shed and one of the posts holding up the roof fell on the truck,” he explained, ignoring the fact that the dent was bowl-shaped.

The mechanic was surprised at the fuss over a new dent on long banged-up truck— especially coming from the less-than-perfectly- clean Picktons.

“Normally they let this kind of thing go unnoticed,” he said afterwards. “I just picked up a large mechanic’s hammer and pushed it out.”

He laughed when they asked him to paint it. The truck was rusted out and was all kinds of fucked up from years of neglect - the mechanic said forget it.

Dave drove it home and the Picktons then painted over the marks with red house paint. They covered other marks with mud.

And while Dave went to get the vehicle fxed, Ma Pickton left the farm and went down Dominion road to fnd the boy her son had hit.

And there is a lot of speculation as to what happened next. It became the stuf of local legend.

Forensics later determined that Timmy did NOT die on impact.

He’d actually drowned in a ditch ten feet from the road.

And, although she was never charged with anything, everything points to Helen fnding this boy alive, then rolling his body over to the water-flled ditch, and then either drowning him or leaving him to drown.

(Mama Picket - High pitched Hillbilly voice) “Bobby Willy! Bobby Willy! You knowed what I done did for your brudder Dave?? I done did drown dat Barrett boy, Timmy, et? Dat what a momma done do for her boys, eh? Now come take out dees here cow turds so Momma can done sit down in her chair!”

The police ruled that Tim Barret’s death was an accident— although they were skeptical as hell.

Helen allegedly told one of her son’s friends that she drowned Tim. Then she threatened him to keep him quiet.

Many years later, Bobby Willy would tell Lisa Yelds the whole story.

When that mechanic who fxed the dent heard on the radio that a boy in the area was the victim of a hit and run—he knew what was up immediately.

He called the police, who came to talk to Dave. And the police didn’t buy his story about a post crashing down on the truck.

The police took the truck as evidence and subsequently discovered the house paint and mud cover-up job.

Dave Pickton was charged in juvenile court with failing to remain at the scene of an accident and convicted of SOMETHING on December 19th, 1967.

His juvenile records are sealed.

Whatever he was charged with, he didn’t get in much trouble.

He was placed on indefnite probation and his driver’s license was suspended until he turned twenty-one - another four and a half years.

Would watching his family get away with a murder with very little consequences leave a lasting impression on Bobby Willy?

Hard to say, but probably.

6. 1970: In the late months of 1970, a few weeks after his 21st birthday, Bobby Willy - still living on the family farm - he’d never NOT live on the family farm - quit his butcher apprenticeship abruptly.

He’d later say he regretted this move.

If he would have stuck around another six months, fnishing his apprenticeship after seven years, he would have been able to work anywhere in Canada.

Not just for MOMMA!

With only six and a half years under his belt, he went back to work full-time on his family’s farm.

Back on the farm he wouldn’t have to give up the butcher’s trade. He’d now buy pigs at auctions and butcher them on his parent’s farm for the family.

Because of his profession, Bobby Willie often fnd himself at a place called West Coast Reduction Limited - the place people took their animal waste to be rendered into other products.

West Coast Reduction Ltd. was near downtown Vancouver, and after he visited the plant, he’d stop by “Low Track”— a seedy neighborhood on Vancouver’s east side - part of that Downtown Eastside neighborhood that was saturated with crime, sex work, drug addiction, and homelessness.

7. 1972: Meanwhile, Brother Dave was meeting women whose company he didn’t have to pay for. Dave wasn’t awkward around girls like Bobby Willy was. By 1972, Dave had a steady girlfriend, Sandy Fehlauer, who lived just north of the them, near their neighbors, the Harveys, who had a blueberry farm on Devon Road.

Sandy was attractive and well-liked.

And no one really understood why she fell for Dave Pickton, who was almost as dirty as his older brother.

Maybe his dirty ween was magical. Maybe his flthy pig-shit stained fngers could work wonders. Maybe one of Sandy’s turn-ons was a guy covered in equal parts stench and bacteria.

Dave and Sandy soon started a family, and Dave drifted away from the farm and the pig-butchering life. He didn’t think it would pay the bills for his growing brood, nor was he much interested in it.

Instead, Dave worked in construction and demolition. He also started a top-soil business - selling the family farm’s dirt to construction projects all over the area.

Dave went into business with Sandy’s brother, Sigmund, and they called their new operation D&S Bulldozing.

Bobby Willy stayed home. Bobby Willy was a good boy who always stayed home.

8. 1973: By 1973, patriarch Leonard “Piggy” Pickton is eighty-six years old. Pappy Pickton is also senile and can’t recognize anyone in the family.

Quiet and bullied by his wife, he keeps out of everyone’s way.

And if you’re wondering, “How the fuck is he still alive living on that flthy pigfarm in a house with dirt so thick you can’t see the counter?” Me too. I also wondered that.

Maybe living in flth his whole life had exposed him to so much bacteria he was almost immortal.

While Pa Pickton is stumbling around in a house full of shit, Bobby Willy, now 23, gets some penpals.

His favorite penpal was a girl named Connie Anderson who lived in Pontiac, Michigan.

9. January 1974: In January of 1974, Bobby Willy decides to go visit Connie.

Before he leaves, Dave and some of his friends get the twenty-four year-old drunk for the very frst time.

He was supposedly still a virgin at 24. And not for religious reasons. He wasn’t religious. He was a virgin because he was dirty, didn’t smell good, wasn’t real easy on the eyes, and was weird as fuck.

But NOW - this dirty weirdo was going to see a lady.

Hail Lucifna!

Lucifna just cringed and gagged.

Bobby Willy buys a bus ticket and sets out on a journey - his frst away from home - that will last six weeks.

In Pontiac, he apparently tells Connie that while traveling, someone asked him to be a male model - for $40 an hour.

Not sure if this is true. Doubt it. BUT - he had such a distinctive look- it’s possible. I’m sure some people are attracted to dudes who look like “Creepy Guy #3” in a backwoods slasher fick. Someone, somewhere, is beating of to scenes from the People Under the Stairs.

By the time Bobby Willy left Pontiac, he was under the impression that he and Connie were engaged.

“I was engaged,” he would say later. “She was the love of my life. But she couldn’t leave her job. I couldn’t leave my job. I couldn’t leave the farm.”

This “engagement” would fzzle out and he’d return to and stay on the farm.

V. Midroll Sponsor Break:

And now, things are about to take a turn and we’ll be heading down the road that leads to serial killing.


Before we jump into the next section of story, time for a quick sponsor break!


NOW - let’s see what kind of disturbing double life Bobby Willy builds for himself in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.

PAUSE 1. 1975: In 1975, rather than try and fnd a girlfriend locally, Bobby Willy learns that he can buy human afection - or at least sex.

He starts spending his of-hours looking for sex workers to pick up.

Local sex workers tell their friends that Robert spends large amounts of money on them, not just paying for the hour, but buying them whatever they wanted.

He starts to get a reputation as “a man to be with."

Gosh Dang.

Hopefully these women began their special time with Bobby Willie washing him down in the shower - maybe spraying him down in the yard with a hose like the flthy animal he had to have been. Get him a clean ween before that pig butcher got to thrusting.

Bobby Willy cleans up a bit and starts frequenting a pub on East Hastings called Astoria. He’d become a bit of a fxture there.

This bar was rough back then, and according to Yelp, it’s still rough.

A Yelp review from 2017 posted by Sean C from Arizona says:

“I was in town visiting a friend over the weekend and this was our last stop. Growing up on punk I was excited. He was assaulted in the bathroom and two staf members Simon and Victoria both laughed at him. They violated Section 22 of Canada's laws and made my frst trip to Canada a nightmare. I can't believe anyone would hire staf that thinks it's hilarious a man was assaulted on their watch.

We look forward to the lawsuit coming their way and these two bartenders being locked up where they belong. If you're a local or in town visiting go elsewhere. This shit hole is ran by psychopaths.”

The next review starts of with: “This is not a dive-bar, this is a rat's nest where the stench of toxicity hangs in the air.

It used to be a place to get good cocaine while you slammed back a few shots and prayed that you didn't get knifed as you sat down in the chair…”

Haha! I love how that second review starts of.

“This place used to be not half-bad. Sure you prayed you didn’t get knifed in your chair, but the coke was good! NOW - it’s just a rat’s nest.”

Apparently, it was maybe even rougher back in the 70s.

An Astoria bartender would saw Bobby Willy hanging around would say, “He was a wannabe, you know, he wanted to be a biker, a Hells Angel, a mean leather guy. But everyone knew he was a weasel, a wannabe.”

Sweet, stinky Bobby Willy! Hanging with the rough boy crowd!

He loved it. Some of the people liked him there. They didn’t coddle him like Momma did. The sex workers he took there were happy to have him as a client.

He felt like a Big Man on Campus for the frst time in his life.

Soon, he started to sell a little bit of drugs there - maybe some of that “good coke” - and make good money from it.

Sources don’t mention where he got his drugs to sell. Guessing he’s never said.

He’d efectively now set up a double life for himself.

On the farm, he was a laid-back “aw shucks” kind of guy. In the city, he was a regular at the Astoria - a big spender most people there liked.

Investigators would later speculate that his double life contributed to driving him towards the murdering monster that he’d soon become.

Now, a little removed from his LITERAL shit-show of a childhood, he began to learn how to socialize. How to make and have friends.

Outwardly, he seemed nice. People described him as “caring.”

But by the late 70s, to some of the sex workers he frequented— even though he would still spend a lot of extra money on them— they said he could also be cruel and violent.

He was starting to like it rough.

It made him feel powerful to push things further than they wanted things to go. And the more he “got away with” roughing some of these women up - the more powerful he felt.

2. January 1, 1978: On January 1st, 1978, Robert’s life would change abruptly.

Pappy Piggy, who was ninety-one and had been diagnosed with cancer, died.

Not long after, Ma Hog also received a cancer diagnosis.

Bobby Willy then took over her care - changing her diapers, nursing her, making sure everything kept running on the farm. He would later say that he found the experience “traumatic.”

Ya think? Holy shit I bet it was traumatic.

Especially the diapers part.

It makes me want to gag to think about what that woman’s ass crack smelled like. And what was she cooking in her front- butt? I shudder at the thought.

How ridiculous is the term “front butt” by the way? I know it’s so juvenile but I love it. It makes me laugh.

Also in 1978, Brother Dave and Sandy - who’d he started a family with but never married—they split up.

This was partially due to Dave’s infdelity, and Bobby Willy was hurt by their sudden breakup. He’d apparently worshiped Sandy - to the point that when they broke up he even asked her to marry him.

And when she didn’t and moved away, he was hurt.

So weird.

(Pickton - hillbilly accent) “So, you and brudder Dave are done, eh? How ‘bout you bees my lady den? I’ll pay ya fer it. I’ll pay ya to bees my wife. Bobby Willy always pays his ladies!”

ALSO in 1978 - there’s a fre at the Pickton Pig farm

The barn burns down as well as several other buildings and at least six hundred pigs die.

Which is tragic.

But also - is it weird to think, since I love bacon, about how good that fre smelled?

Moving on!

In between nursing his mother and his normal farm operations, Bobby Wille spent all his spare time in most of 1978 trying to rebuild the barns. He never fnished the job.

1978 - not a great year for the Pickton. 1979 would also not be the best year.

3. April 1, 1979: On April 1st, 1979, after being ill for several months, Helen Pickton aka Ma Hawg aka Dirty Thunder Diaper, dies at the age of sixty-seven.

Bobby Willie’s in shock.

Despite her shrill, high-pitched yapping, despite her maybe murdering a neighbor boy, he loved his momma.

Now he could only here bark shrill commands at him in his dreams.

(Mama Picket - High pitched Hillbilly voice) “Bobby Willy! Bobby Willy! Why ain’t you milking da cows now, eh?? Why ain’t you slopping da pigs? Why ain’t you mopping momma’s front-butt and brushing her beard, eh, Bobby Willy??”

Bobby Willy’d describe his relationship with her as being like “two peas in a pod.”

Brother Dave didn’t seem to care as much. He didn’t bat an eye about losing his mom or his baby momma Sandy. Soon after his mother died, Dave and his new girlfriend, Vicky Evans, would move onto the Pickton farm.

In Ma Hawg’s will, the three Pickton children inherited the slaughter house and farm and everything else.

The farm had been valued at $275,000. Then there was the rest of their family’s estate— about $150,000 worth of real-estate holdings and cash.

According to their mom’s will, Linda and David were each given $88,500 and some property.

And Bobby Willy would get comparatively…. fucked. He got $20,000 and no land unless he stayed on the farm until he was 40 years old.

THEN, he’d get a portion of the farm.

He was pissed.

He’d changed Ma’s diapers - tended to her every need while she was terminally ill, and now she’d given over four times more in her will to a daughter she’d rarely seen. And he was tied to the farm for another decade if he wanted anything more.

Bobby Willy was devastated. He felt betrayed.

He bought himself a 1977 Ford truck with the money momma left him. And he moved into a trailer that sat on a secluded area on the property and stewed.

Brother Dave moved into the main house

Even though Momma had dicked him over, Bobby Willy’s mood would soon improve after her death.

For the frst time in his life, he could do whatever he wanted without worrying what Momma thought.

He started entertaining women in his trailer - also taking them shopping and out to see movies. None of these women chose to hang out with them because they thought he was a super cool dude. To be clear, whatever they were doing together, it was because he was till paying them.

He’d also pay them in cash and/or drugs to clean his trailer and do chores around the farm.

And - being a dedicated romantic - even taught some of them how to butcher a pig.

What a sweet heart.

Not ALL of these women were full time sex workers - some of them were more like informal escorts. They’d put up with him and sometimes fuck him because he was generous with his drugs and cash.

They ignored his poor hygiene, weird behavior, and his odd living situation because he was generous with the cash.

4. September 12, 1978: September 12th, 1978, Lillian Jean O’Dare is declared a missing person.

She was thirty-four.

She’d be the earliest known sex worker Bobby Willy was known to associate with to go missing from the Downtown Eastside - the frst in a group that would ultimately reach sixty-fve women.

It’s still not known if O’Dare was one of Pickton’s victims or not.

Her body wasn’t found until April 22nd, 1989 - over a decade later.

A tenant of a rental house was doing some spring cleaning and stumbled upon her remains.

5. 1980: By the early 1980s, in addition to being a solid butcher, Bobby Willy had also become quite the tinkerer.

He could fx damn near anything. He had an aptitude for mechanics and a passion for cars and trucks.

This led him to becoming a regular at used car auctions. When he got the cars home, he sold the usable parts and tore apart the rest for scrap, separating the copper, aluminum and brass.

He was doing a lot of shopping around this time, and not just for cars.

He was a frequent buyer at livestock auctions—just like his parents had been.

He sourced meats for various customers, including chickens, cows, horses, and emus.

Yes, emus. Weird that they’re showing up again.

Bobby Willy slaughtered the animals he’d buy at auction. He slaughtered, butchered, and then packaged the meat for sale, using his parents’ old freezers to store it all.

If a cow or pig was too big to kill by slitting its throat with a knife— his favorite method—he’d shoot it in the forehead, usually with a nail gun.

And, from what I can gather, not a special nail gun-ish device made specifcally for killing cows. No - just a “This is supposed to be used for construction projects not on animals” nail gun.

That feels.. less than humane.

Sometimes, he’d even use the nail gun on the emus.

Again - surprised that so soon after the Great Emu War Suck, after never talking about Emus before, as far as I can recall, that we’d come across a story detail of an emu being killed in a more dramatic way than with a machine gun.

Once one of these animals were dead, he’d cut a deep slit in its ankle, thrust a large hook attached to a thick metal bar through the slit, and hoist it up, foot frst, on a chain.

He’d slit its throat, catching its blood in a bucket below.

He’d gut it, skin it with a sharp flleting knife, and fnally dismember it with a hand saw.

And he was thought to later do the same thing to women.


Now - onto where his social life was currently at.

Bobby Willy was jealous that his brother and some of their friends were able to get women to sleep with them without paying them.

It pissed him right of.

And he began to redirect his rage towards other women. Women he met in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.

One night in 1980, Bobby Willy was cruising Hastings Street on the East Side and spotted a young woman— she was only fourteen.

The girl was walking on the side of the road and he pulled over and picked her up.

And almost immediately, he got violent. He brandished a knife and attacked her, then raped her.

When he was done, he dumped her and left her for dead in an empty parking lot.

She survived.

And he got away with his attack on her.

She never reported him.

She’d only tell her story years later after he was arrested. His early attack we know of as reported by a victim.

Now let’s catch up with Brother Dave.

What’s he up to? This little detour will quickly reconnect with Bobby Willy.

Dave’s main business at the moment was demolition - everything from houses to high schools to country-and-western saloons.

He had several men to drive his trucks and bulldozers for him.

But this wasn’t Dave’s dream. What Dave really wanted to be was a biker—a Hell’s Angel.

The were his heroes.

There were a lot of Hells Angels around Vancouver at the time— some full members and many more in the club’s various layers of membership.

There were also hang-arounds, wannabes, and other associates eager to work with some of the Hells Angels who were running some crime rackets.

Some of the motorcycle club members were dealing drugs, stealing vehicles, running protection rackets, and pimping out sex workers.

And Dave introduced these Hells Angels to the Pickton Pig farm.

The farm was a great place for them to dump cars, trucks and other property that had been stolen and destroyed for parts or claimed for the insurance money.

Dave’s bulldozers meant the brothers could dig deep holes on the farm and bury huge objects - like entire vehicles.

Soon, both Dave and Bobby Willy were in business with the outlaw bikers, with Bobby Willy overseeing work at the farm’s new chop shop - something he was well suited for with his aptitude for mechanical tinkering.

And while Bobby Willy managed the chop shop, he also kept the pig farm running.

6. 1981: In 1981, Robert hired four teenage boys to help with the farm, but he didn’t pay them… not in cash, at least.

“One day he told me he had a ham for me and I should pick it up after my shift,” remembered a man who was ffteen at the time.

“Another kid told me not to take it. But at the end of my shift, I said, ‘What about the ham you promised me?’ And Willie returned with a mass of material. It wasn’t brains but I don’t know what it was. It was all stringy, and not ham. And it wasn’t frozen.”

Human meat perhaps?

That’s what some, who think he may have been killing since the 70s, think these kids may have been ofered.

7. Summer 1981: In the summer of 1981, a teenager, the son of a local Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum] politician, is arrested.

This kid says he was stealing cars for the Picktons.

Brother Dave arrested, as police assume he’s running the whole operation because, you know, Bobby Willy. No assumes he can run anything. He’s still showing up places wearing unwashed clothes covered in pig blood and shit.

Not kidding.

But he actually was the chop shop boss. He paid everyone and made sure everything stayed on schedule.

For reasons unclear, not much came of this chop shop investigation. Dave was arrested, but didn’t get sentenced to any time behind bars.

Police were currently preoccupied with trying to fnd a serial killer in their midst who was targeting children— a person they’d later learn was named Cliford Olson.

Olson would confess to murdering eleven children and young adults between the ages of nine and eighteen in the early 1980s.

This dude. He was real big on rape and strangulation. He died in prison in 2011 at the age of 71.

While behind bars, he took a psychological test - the Psychopathy Checklist - to help determine if someone is a clinical psychopath or not and he got almost a perfect score. 38 out of 40. Textbook psychopath. Real scary dude.

And a dirtbag I’d never heard of prior to this research.

Things get strained between the Pickton brothers after Brother Dave’s arrest.

Dave begins to publicly and constantly berating Bobby Willy for his terrible hygiene - apparently a hypocritical attack, since his own hygiene was a matter of constant conversation among the women in his group of friends.

These dirty fuckers still literally stunk.

Brother Dave was witnessed losing his temper and screaming at Bobby Willy after seeing his sheets and towels, which hadn’t been washed in months - maybe years. His trailer REEKED.

Then, some spring foods in the early 80s one year covered the basement foor of the main house and submerged most of Bobby Willy’s possessions stored there in flth and mud, and those possessions ended up covered in mildew and mold, and Brother Dave then also berated his bro for turning the house into a shit hole.

Brother Dave was trying to be taken seriously as a big time biker kid and his stinky older brother Bobby Willy was ruining EVERYTHING! Ugh.

As the 80s wore on, Dave became more and more immersed in the biker world - although he wasn’t a full-blown Hells Angel they were who he ran with. He rode a Harley and wanted people to think he was as bad ass as his friends.

Bobby Willy never seemed interested in being a biker, but he did keep doing disposal and chop shop work for the Hells Angels, and he continued to hang around them at the Astoria throwing money around, buying drink rounds and showing up with a diferent paid escort all the time.

Let’s fast forward to the 90s now.

8. February 14, 1991: In 1991, relatives of a growing list of missing women, along with local Vancouver advocates for sex workers, establish an annual Valentine’s Day remembrance for the women.

The remembrance, they hoped, would alert police of the need for tougher investigations into the growing number of missing women.

A memorial march wound through Vancouver’s East Side that February 14th.

9. 1991: In 1991, leading to later speculation that Bobby Willy wasn’t the only Pickton boy who may have killed some local sex workers, Dave assaults a woman, fondling her inside a trailer at a Burnaby construction site of his.

The woman said Pickton pinned her to a wall, groped her, and that the assault only ended because someone poked their nose inside the trailer door.

She’d later testify - and this is an exact quote:

"When (Pickton) went to walk out the door, he said, 'I'm going to wape you.' He couldn't say the word (with an) 'R.' He said it twice," she told the court, grimacing. "He was laughing like crazy."

This dude was like an evil Elmer Fudd. Instead of “Kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit!” it was “Wape da Wady, Wape da Wady!”

What the Hell.

I love that the guy who also stinks who tells women he’s going to “wape dem,” is consistently painted in sources as being the smarter Pickton brother who had his shit more together.

This family is so absurd.

This woman would also testify that she was told by Brother Dave to leave town or she’d be chopped into pieces.

She recalled him saying. “If you take this to court, they're going to cut you up and chop you in so many pieces you're never going to be found.”

After he threatened her, she replied that that was ridiculous - that everyone would know it was him.

He told her, “What does it matter to your son, if you're already dead?”

She reported the assault, but, rather than risk being chopped by Dave’s biker buddies, instead of taking Dave to trial, she left town. picktons-brother-accused-of-threatening-to-chop-up-sex-assault- victim

10.1992: In 1992, Dave would be convicted of his assault on her without her testimony.

He was fned $1,000 and sentenced to one year of probation. picktons-brother-accused-of-threatening-to-chop-up-sex-assault- victim

11. 1994: In 1994, the dirty Pickton bros get paid.

They sell of a big portion of the north end of their farm— netting a windfall of $2 million dollars.

Holy shit. These lucky bastards. In 1963, 31 years earlier, their folks had bought that farm for $18,000. Forty acres. And now they sell SOME of those acres - for two MILLION because the Vancouver metro area has exploded around them with growth during the past three decades.

Reminds me of people whose parents or grandparents bought a GI Bill house in Santa Monica or other coastal neighborhoods around LA after WW2. Some little house on a little lot they paid $10k for in the late 40s or early 50s, and then that home is worth a couple million dollars today.

Today, there are multi-million dollar properties all around Vancouver. I found a 1/2 acre lot zoned for commercial in Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum] listed for 6.5 million dollars.

The Pickton family would remain on their dirty portion of the property a giant junkyard and pig farm in the middle of a now afuent neighborhood.

Almost like if there was a giant junkyard and hog far in the middle of Beverly Hills.

The neighbors would begin fling constant noise and smell complaints.

12.1995: Between 1995 and 1997, there’s a sudden increase in the number of missing women being reported in the Eastside.

During those two years, twenty-one women vanished.

How much of that was due to Bobby Willy is hard to say. But there was a lot of speculation.

Around this time, Bobby Willy mounts a horse head on his bedroom wall.


He’d bought a Palomino years back, and really loved it. Loved it kind of like he’d loved that calf growing up - and when it broke its leg and had to be put down, instead of burying it, Willie cut its head of, took its head to a taxidermist, and then mounted the head on his bedroom wall.

That’s so fucking weird.

Imagine, again, someone doing that with their dog. Imagine someone with a whole row of dogs on their wall. All the pet’s they’d had over the years. How creepy would that be? Could you overlook that in someone if you liked them outside of that? I’m not sure I could. It would creep me out so much.

(me - half-whispering) “Hey - head’s up before we go to Doug’s house tonight. SUPER nice guy. We love him!

BUTTT… just so you’re not shocked when we walk in… he DOES have a row of dog heads mounted in the living room.

They all used to be his pets.

Just don’t make a big deal about it.

He gets really upset if he feels like someone’s bothered by the dog heads. ALSO - he has a couple of stufed family members in the TV room in the basement.

I know it’s weird. His dead, taxidermied mom is standing in the corner. And his dead, taxi-dermied dad is sitting in a recliner. And there’s a few stufed dead kids arranged like their singing in a Christmas choir. Not sure who they are. Just try not to stare too long if we go down there. Other than all that - he’s great. Makes the best seven-layer nacho dip you’ll ever have. And he has a great whiskey collection…”

13. 1996: Alright. So now it’s 1996. Bobby Willy’s 46 years old. Brother Dave is 45.

They both have a stupid amount of cash. They both still stink. They both probably have moldy balls.

And they ALSO have decided to reinvest and open up a nightclub of sorts on their junkyard pig farm.

A place that will cater to their biker buddies and sex workers.

They call it - “Piggy’s Palace Good Times Society.”

This story just keeps getting weirder. I fucking love it. That truly sounds like some bullshit I made up to be ridiculous. But it’s real. It sounds like some sort of debaucherous Bestiality Sex Club or something. Start at 24:14

“Friday night! At the Piggy’s Palace Good Times Society located in the heart of Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum] - everything gets fuckedddddd!!


Pigs, Cows, Chickens, Ladies, Dudes, Corpses, you - maybe even BOBBY WILLYYYYYYYYY!!!!!


So get to Piggy’s Palace Good Times Society and get (radio voice) FUUUCKEEEDDDDD.


Ten dollar cover charge. Please bring fake ID if under the age of 18. Please don’t talk about how bad it smells or comment on the horse head in Bobby Willy’s trailer.


While “Piggy’s Palace Good Times Society” was not some kind of sex club, it would be frequented by a lot of sex workers. And many of them would NOT have a good time there.

Brother Dave set the business up as a non-proft, saying they intended to donate proceeds of events to charities.

It doesn’t seem like they actually did that.

It would function as a popular event space. It would, surprisingly, see a lot of use.

The long tin shed on 2552 Burns Road was visited by almost everyone in Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum] at one time or another - two mayors, several city council members, local business and civic leaders, ice hockey moms, high school and elementary school students—they all came for "functions, dances, concerts and other recreations" at Piggy's Palace.

And most of those events took place during the day. Most nights, it drew a diferent crowd.

The space was used to host massive drunken raves with rotating artists. As many as two thousand people would pack into Piggy’s Palace.

"I only went once and I'd never go again," said an unnamed woman about the parties that happened there. "It's a very raunchy crowd, lots of cocaine, lots of really, really bad, badass people.... I did not want to be a part of it."

God I would so love to be a fy on the wall and see what kind of shit went down at a 90’s Piggy’s Palace Biker Rave. LOT of drugs. Lot of debauchery.

Bobby Willy soon realized he could bring sex workers to these big parties and that it was just a quick jaunt from the party over to his trailer.

And that’s what he did.

They’d sneak over the trailer and have sex - sex that was getting rougher and rougher.

He was getting more and more into bondage and sadism -and didn’t much care about if the girl consented or what her safe word was.

And after he was done, the rush of having gotten away with hurting and raping - it made him feel powerful. It gave him a rush he wanted to keep experiencing. He started to take things further and further.

14.March 23, 1997: On March 23rd, 1997, Bobby Willy goes cruising.

He meets a woman named Wendy and ofers her a hundred Canadian dollars to accompany him to his farm, a thirty-fve minute drive away.

She agrees and the two go back to his trailer. After they have sex, Wendy heads to the bathroom to shoot up.

When she returns, he attempts to handcuf her. She manages to wiggle out of his grasp and run out of the room.

This pisses him of so much he pulls a knife on her.

Wendy runs into the trailer’s kitchen, where she grabs a knife. The ensuing struggle results in them both having stab wounds - she’s stabbed several times but manages to return some blows on Robert, including cutting him on his throat.

Bleeding from multiple wounds and wearing next to nothing, Wendy runs out of the trailer and makes it to the road.

An elderly couple on a drive spot her and take her to the hospital.

Unbeknownst to her, Robert makes his way to the very same hospital. Luckily, he doesn’t run into her there.

Wendy nearly dies that night. She’d lost three liters of blood. Which is A LOT.

To put that in perspective, the average human has somewhere around 1.5 gallons of blood in their body, or just over 5.6 liters.

She’d lost more than half of that - and was probably smaller than the average human, too. lose#mild-side-efects

When she showed up at the hospital, she still had one of Robert’s handcufs on her wrist.

And when police got her story and went to investigate Bobby Willy, they’d fnd the key to those handcufs among his belongings.

Police immediately arrest Pigpen Pickton.

Bobby Willy tells them that Wendy had tried to rob him for the $3,500 cash he’d had on him— and then slashed him up when he resisted.

They don’t believe him and charge him with attempted murder and forcible confnement.

His trial would be scheduled for January of the following year— 1998.

He’ll pay his bond and be released from police custody awaiting his trial. And while he waits, if he hadn’t killed before, he defnitely starts killing now. robert-pickton-released-by-inquiry

15. August 1997:

In August of 1997, Bobby Willy heads to Vancounver’s Downtown EastSide and cruise around round Low Track. He runs into twenty- four-year-old Marnie Fray.

Bobby Willy ofers her drugs in exchange for sex and she agrees.

She gets in his truck, and then is never seen again by anyone other than Bobby Willy.

He took her to his trailer and had sex. And then investigators think he strangled her.

He then likely butchered her body, buried some of it in the yard, and perhaps even had some of it processed with his normal pig waste any the West Coast Reduction Ltd. processing plant.

16. January 1998: In January of 1998, Bobby Willy catches another lucky break.

The case against him by Wendy, the survivor of that earlier stab- fest, stays before it goes to trial.

Wendy was too terrifed to testify and never showed up to any of the initial hearings.

The entire thing would be dismissed.

PigPen Pickton was now free to continue doing as he pleased. survived-pickton-attack-by-cutting-his-jugular-court-heard/ article1377539/

17.1998: In 1998, there’s another spike in women from Vancouver going missing.

Nine more disappear.

But the Vancouver police don’t yet think they have a serial killer on their hands.

Vancouver police were used to sex workers disappearing. They could be there one day and gone the next, then sometimes show up gain months or years later.

While now more women were going missing than normal - there was no corresponding spike in dead bodies turning up. As far as anyone knew, the women could be alive and living diferent lives.

And because of this - no warning is put out.

Local sex workers are not given a heads up that many of them might be getting killed. They don’t know a new homicidal predator is in their midst.

The Vancouver police will later apologize for not doing more.

In September of 98’, they do do something.

Vancouver police set up a team to review fles of as many as 40 missing women going back to 1971.

After reviewing those cases, still, they don’t suspect a serial killer.

And no one certainly thought a dirty pig farmer with a dance club was behind it all. A guy with the ability to not only kill these women, but butcher their bodies and easily dispose of their remains. 18. July 27, 1998: According to a summary a police log from July 27th, 1998, Lisa Yelds’s stepbrother Bill calls into authorities and provides information that Robert “Bobby Willy” Pickton had bragged to Lisa about being able to dispose of bodies and grind them up for feed for his pigs on his property in Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum].

Bill said that Lisa who had been in Pickton's trailer and seen women's identifcation and clothing.

The police don’t investigate.

Why not? I’m guessing because - again - no bodies. If I called the police and said that a neighbor of mine had bragged to my stepsister about killing women - while the police might be suspicious of this person - with nothing else to go on but one random tip - I highly doubt they could get a warrant and search their house.

Bill told them that Lisa said that Pickton also had a bunch of syringes.

She didn’t know why he’d want them because Pickton was not an IV user. She said Pickton told her the syringes were somehow related to the women he’d gotten rid of. Tied to how he killed some of them, perhaps.

After Pickton's arrest, syringes full of windshield wiper fuid, some also covered in human DNA, were discovered in his trailer, presumably used to murder some of his victims.

The police would sadly cut of contact with Bill, who apparently in addition to providing them with information that would turn out to be accurate, was also struggling with drug addiction AND had become infatuated with one of the female police ofcers and was creeping her out.

Of course he was. Another weird detail in this week’s weird Suck.

First time I’ve come across someone doing that that I recall.

Someone reporting a crime who’s like, “Hey! My sister Lisa has more info about Pickton. This is BIG. I know where a body is. And I want to talk about it - IN PERSON… with Ofcer Dupont [Dew-pon] OVER DINNER at Anthony’s Ristorante.

I already made a reservation tomorrow night for two at 8PM.

Corner booth with candle light.

Tell her to wear those leather thigh boots she wore after her shift yesterday and to put on some “date” panties. Either the black ones she has several pairs of or the red ones she just bought.

I happened to see her downtown wearing her boots last night after I happened to see her leaving her house and then I happened to trail her car and just happened to drink at the same bars she drank at, watching her from the shadows, before just happening to follow her home. Please tell her to start closing her bathroom window blinds, by the way! Gosh Dang! Some creep could happen to see her nipples - maybe they’re pink with somewhat smaller than average areolas if I had to guess. And some creep could easily see them and take pictures of them and have then blown up into a poster and put on his bedroom wall by the door if he were sitting on the big branch just above the main fork on that maple street straight across the street, watching her dry of after a 4 1/2 minute shower. Hypothetically.”

19. December 31, 1998: Soon after Piggy Palace opened, the Pickton bros found themselves in court again.

They were being sued by Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum] ofcials for allegedly violating city zoning ordinances.

According to the complaint, their property was zoned for agricultural use, but they had “altered a large farm building on the land for the purpose of holding dances, concerts and other recreations.”

Following a New Year's Eve party on December 31st, 1998— where Doug and the Slugs, a popular Vancouver band, played— the Picktons were slapped with an injunction banning future parties.

No more Piggy Palace!

Doug and the SLUGS! If you know that band you’re probably Canadian. Making it WORK! Remember that early 80s hit Canadian Meatsacks? Play at :44 through the chorus.

Doug and the SLUGS! had a number of top 40 hits in Canada over the years. Wonder what kind of show they put on at the Piggy’s Palace Good Times Society?

The court order noted that police were henceforth "authorized to arrest and remove any person" attending public events at the farm.

Bobby Willy was bummed - but he won’t let this ruling keep him from bringing new victims back to the family farm.

20.January 16, 1999: On January 16th of ’99, Jacqueline McDonell, who’d just turned twenty-two, is reported missing in Vancouver.

So many women have now gone missing. And more and more locals are starting to think they’re not just leaving town unceremoniously.

Elaine Allen was one such person. She worked at a drop-in center for sex workers called WISH that provided resources for women living on Vancouver’s streets.

Elaine would work with almost twenty of the women who would later be determined were likely victims of Bobby Willy - women he likely dismembered and fed to his pigs.

Elaine is contacting the police more and more often and voicing her concerns, and they’re brushing aside her worries, telling her that missing women like Jacqueline are probably fne.

Bobby Willy Pickton is still not on law enforcement radar at all regarding this disappearances.

He also isn’t being talked about much amongst local sex workers as far as being a guy to stay away from. Yes - he likes it rough, but, he also pays well.

One local sex worker, Lynn Ellington, who struggled with an addiction to crack cocaine, is so not worried about Bobby Willy, she lived on the Pickton farm for awhile in early 1999.

Pickton bought her drugs, cigarettes, booze and groceries. He even tried to help her get set up with government benefts.

Twenty-nine years old, and described as pretty and outgoing, despite the kindness, Lynn soon became very suspicious of Robert Pickton.

She heard some troubling rumors that she brought up to Brother Dave. She’d recall later:

“How I approached him, was I said, ‘Dave, I’ve been hearing a lot of rumors around here,’ and he said, ‘What kind of rumors?’ And I said, ‘Well, I had heard that there were arms and legs in the freezer.”

According to her, Dave replied:

“Sure. Let’s go in the trailer and talk.”

They went inside the trailer and then Dave immediately pushed her against the wall and slapped her across the face.

She ran down the hall and into her room. She tried to close the door but Dave pushed it open. She grabbed a vase that she had in the room and broke the window.

That seemed to end the struggle.

Later, when she saw Bobby Willy, he told her that Dave wanted her of the property. He said that she should stay inside the trailer when Dave was out and about.

While Lynn would become a complicated character in the ensuing investigation— she’d lie and get dates mixed up— in some cases, her accounts of crimes would defnitely be accurate.

Like one account she called “the incident.”

This was “the incident” as she told it. This is real, REAL dark.

After Lynn had helped Robert recruit a young woman to go back to his place for drugs, Lynn left him to have sex with the new woman while she smoked crack in the living room.

Lynn then passed out.

She was startled awake by a sound - a scream - outside the trailer.

She saw a light coming from the slaughterhouse and went to investigate.

As soon as she got to the barn, she noticed the smell. It was awful. She kept moving towards the front door despite it, and pushed it open.

And then she saw someone’s legs dangling from the ceiling.

She saw Bobby Willy in the process of hanging something on a meat hook - the skinned body of Georgina Papin - a woman Lynn had spoken with on the farm earlier that day.

Holy shit.

Georgina was the mother of seven children. And she’d just become Pickton’s latest victim.

When she saw the horrifc sight before her, Lynn screamed, and then, quick as a fash, Bobby Willy grabbed her and and pulled her over to the meat cutting table.

He forced her to look at the body. She was dry-heaving. She was right at eye level were Georgina’s legs - toes painted red with polish. There was hair on the table, and gore - lots of it.

There were knives on the table, too.

A bucket nearby held whatever he’d discarded from the corpse.

And then Bobby Willy said, “It’s okay. She’s just like a pig anyways. It’s all right. It’s going to be all right.”

And then he started pulling Georgina’s entrails out of her body.

He sliced something that caused some blood to spurt.

As he continued to butcher the corpse with Lynn standing beside him, he told her, “You say a word to anybody, do anything, THIS” - he gestured to the corpse - “you’ll be right beside her."

Lynn was terrifed. Obviously. She said, “No, I won’t. I won’t say a word. All I want is my dope and my booze.”

And then she DIDN’T say anything about it. Not for years. She also stayed on the farm for a few more weeks after this happened.

Not sure, if I was her, I would’ve reported Bobby Willy either. What if you reported him, and the police looked into it, and they didn’t fnd Georgina’s remains? And now Bobby Willy knows you ratted on him?

Then you fucking WOULD end up on his butcher table. What a terrifying possibility.

21. February 1999:

Sometime in February of 1999, Pickton kills again.

His next victim would be a woman named Brenda Wolfe.

Brenda agreed to come back to the farm to trade sex for drugs.

It’s believed he handcufed her during sex and then strangled her with a belt or a wire. Investigators aren’t sure of his exact method of education, but this is what they suspect happened to Brenda and many others.

Whatever the implement of killing was, the fnal process was always the same.

After they died, he dragged their bodies to his private workshop and did what he did best - slicing their meat into cuts and getting rid of all - or most - of the evidence.

It’s possible if not probable he sold some of their meat locally - mixing it in with pork. He defnitely took a lot of it to the local waste site.

The number of women on the missing persons list continued to spike.

Brenda was the 53rd woman to disappear from that area in recent years.

And as the numbers climbed, sex workers became more and more reluctant to travel with their clients.

Although Bobby Willy wasn’t a particularly bright man, he was smart enough to understand he would now need to change his pick-up tactics.

His new plan was to use his female acquaintances to recruit new victims.

He used a few diferent women. By 1999, he was working with a woman named Dinah Taylor - a woman in her late twenties with a substantial criminal record, mostly for drug trafcking.

She’d been stuck in the Eastside neighborhood since childhood. She usually lived at the run down Roosevelt Hotel, but in late 1999, she started staying at the farm for days and weeks at a time.

Dinah took on a particularly dark task for Bobby Willy.

She, and others Bobby Willy worked with, would go into women’s shelters like WISH and look for people struggling with addiction.

She’d propose that they come with her to party with “Uncle Willie.”

Yes, this dude is being called “Uncle Willie” now. It suits him. I will now call him Uncle Willie going forward.

Dinah would talk up “Uncle Willie”, bragging about his awesome parties, saying he had drugs and booze and was rich.

And then she’d often walk out of the shelter with a new victim for Uncle Willie to rape, murder, and butcher and dispose of.

Holy shit.

22. January 2001: By January of 2001, the number of missing women has grown to 62.

The general public is really starting to notice - the problem is being covered more and more in the press, and the public outcry is big.

Both the Vancouver Police and Royal Canadian Mounted Police launch an initiative called the Missing Woman’s Task Force - and immediately, tips start rolling in.

Something like 12,000 calls will quickly come in.

And lost in the sea of all these calls are the occasional mention of a dirty pig farmer. A butcher who was the last to see a lot of these women. Uncle Willie.

The police do look into Pickton. But he is just one of many, many dirtbags they look into. His name is added to a long list of suspects.

One of which, I HAVE to imagine…. was my dad. He’s been to Canada! He was forty-six at this time and in great shape. Real strong. Handy with a knife and a gun. Ate a fair amount of pork. Can’t remember his whereabouts for a good chunk of 2001. It all fts.

Moving on.

Vancouver police still don’t have a lot to go on in early 2001.

There were no bodies.

And because there were no bodies, there was no DNA or dental records to look at. Their just wasn’t enough hard evidence to help them narrow down their suspect list.

23.March 2001: Patricia Johnson is last seen in March of 2001.

The following month, Heather Bottomley is reported missing from Downtown Eastside.

In June of 2001, 51 year-old Robert Pickton murders another Downtown Eastside resident, Andrea Joesbury.

A few months later, he murders Sereena Abotsway, reported missing from downtown that August.

These last two women’s bodies would also be butchered - but not ALL of their remains would be disposed of. He’s getting darker, weirder now.

He keeps Sereena and Andrea’s hands, heads, and feet.

He stores them in plastic buckets and places the buckets in the slaughterhouse’s meat freezer.

Why does he do this? He never says. I imagine they were his trophies. So many serial killers keep them. A way for him to revisit his kills. Guessing it turned him on to re-examine these body parts. Guessing he liked to feel as if he still held power over them in death.

Maybe Momma Pickton was telling him to do it from beyond the grave. Or at least he thought she was. Hearing her shrill voice:

(Mama Picket - High pitched Hillbilly voice) “Bobby Willy! Bobby Willy! Why is you tossing out da head, eh?? Can’t fetch no money fuh meat for da hands ands feets neither? Put ‘em in da freezer, Bobby Willy!! Give Momma’s ghost someun to talk to. Give her some hands to help keep her front butt clean, Bobby Willy!”

I know that was unnecessary.

24. September 2001: In September of 2001, another task force is headed by Vancouver police and the Mounties to look for the missing women, try and fgure what is happening to them and stop it - Project Evenhanded.

But it doesn’t work. More and more women continue to disappear.

That October, Diane Rock is reported missing. In November, Mona Wilson vanishes.…

Uncle Willie gets real sloppy with Mona. It’ll lead to his arrest. 25. November 2001: At the corner of Main and Hastings, twenty-six year old Mona Wilson is approached by Bobby Willy one day that November.

He promises her drugs and alcohol if she’ll get in his car. She does and the two speed of.

Now - instead of taking Mona to his trailer, he takes her to a camper van he’d parked behind a barn on the farm.

After they have sex, he attacks her.

Instead of strangling her, he beats her with his fsts, and then he shoots her with a .22 revolver - and in the process he covers the tiny camper van’s small bed and cramped interior with her blood.

Real sloppy. And, not being the cleanest dude, he doesn’t exactly wash away all the evidence of this murder.

He doesn’t do shit to clean any of it up. Just leaves her blood on the walls and on his bed ‘cause he’s a flthy fucking savage.

26. December 2001: In December of 2001, task force investigators head down to Seattle to interview Gary Ridgway, the man who will later be charged with forty-nine Green River homicides in Washington state.

The Green River Killer and former Suck subject - Mr Clean Ween himself - had just been apprehended the previous month.

He doesn’t give them any useful information regarding the Vancouver murders.

By the end of 2001, sixty-four Vancouver women were now on the missing list.

And another name will be added in January of 2002 to bring the total to 65. 27. February 1, 2002: And then on February 1st, 2002, police fnally get a real break in the form of a confdential tip.

A truck driver said he’d worked at the pig farm on and of over the past few years - and that he’d seen illegal weapons in Robert Pickton’s trailer.

Ofcers were interested and able to get a search warrant.

28. Feb. 5, 2002: Four days later, on February 5th, Royal Canadian Mounted Police ofcers, accompanied by some task force members, entered Pickton’s property.

They fashed a warrant to search for illegal frearms and head in.

While they search for the frearms, they found something interesting - an inhaler.

And they quickly determine it belonged to missing local woman Serena Abottsway.

Now Bobby Willy becomes a prime suspect regarding this missing woman.

Ofcers then uncover more evidence that they feel will lead them to numerous other missing women, and they hold Bobby Willy in jail for the night.

The police put out a statement to the media, saying they’d found personal items belonging to numerous local missing women in the trailer - clothing, IDs, and other items, a substantial portion of them soaked with blood.

News spreads across the country. Within twenty-four hours, journalists and reporters food the Pickton farm.

Law enforcement searching the farm for more and more evidence will turn into the largest forensic investigation in Canadian history. 29. Feb. 6th, 2002: The following day, on February 6th, the task force ofcers return with a new warrant to look for clues about the disappearances of the missing women.

They begin the difcult job of tearing apart a human slaughter house, nestled inside an industrial-grade pig farm-slash-junkyard.

And they fnd all sorts of shit.

The mattress in Pickton’s trailer is soaked with Mona Wilson’s blood. Her blood was also found on the walls, cupboards, and all over the kitchen.

Some of Mona’s remains - like her head - were even found in a garbage can just outside the trailer.

In custody now and about to be charged with multiple murders, Pickton doesn’t seem worried.

While he’s grilled for eleven hours in an interrogation room, he never seems agitated. He stays calm. And he denies everything they throw at him.

He kicks up his feet on a chair and smiles frequently. His interrogators will later talk about how he seemed to be enjoying the attention.

Was he delusional enough to still think he’d gotten away with everything?

30. February 7, 2002: On February 7th, Robert is charged with possession of illegal weapons to keep him in custody.

The search of the property continues as they build more and more evidence for murder charges.

To build up their case and hopefully get a confession.

He seemed like the type to brag about his crimes, so they put an undercover ofcer in Pickton’s cell and see if he’ll tell this guy all about what he did.

And he quickly does.

He happily reveals to the guy he thinks is just his cellmate, that he’d killed forty-nine women. Said his goal had been ffty.

And while it’s impossible to take him at his word - like so many other serial killers who’ve lied to exaggerate their kill-counts - police WOULD eventually fnd dozens of bodies - or at least parts of dozens of bodies, even if it was just blood - on the Pickton farm.

Bobby Willy also tells the undercover cop about how he’d used the processing plant as a dump site and admitted that he’d gotten sloppy at the end with Mona.

I watched the video of his confession. They had a hidden camera in his cell. He’s so disturbingly casual when he talks about all this. He’s eating while he’s talking, and seems more concerned about cleaning his plate than he does with being charged with murders.

No remorse. Not at all. Just annoyance he hadn’t cleaned up his room and gotten rid of evidence.

31. February 22, 2002: On February 22nd, Robert Pickton is charged with two counts of frst-degree murder — for the killings of Sereena Abotsway and Mona Wilson.

Investigators continue to look for more evidence. They’re digging holes all over the farm. Searching the freezers, they fnd the heads and hands and feet of Sereena Abotsway and Andrea Joesburry.

Thousands of pieces of evidence are collected - including a wood chipper that they suspect Pickton used on some corpses.

32. April 2, 2002: By April 2nd, 2002, there was enough evidence for authorities to announces three more frst-degree charges against Uncle Willie - for the murders of Diane Rock, Jacqueline McDonell and Heather Bottomley.

33. April 9, 2002: A week later, on April 9th, he’d face a sixth murder charge - for Andrea Joesbury.

Meanwhile, his story is now making front-page headlines across Canada and the United States.

The story of the Pig Farmer Killer, the Butcher of Vancouver. A weird, stinky redneck Canadian asshole whose murdered an unknown amount of sex workers.

34. May 22, 2002: On May 22nd, 2002, Pickton is charged with the frst-degree murder of Brenda Wolfe.

35. September 19, 2002:

On September 19, 2002, the father of a missing woman named Marcie Creison fles a lawsuit against the police, the city of Vancouver, the province, and the federal government for not doing more to keep his daughter and the city’s women safe.

That same day, Robert Pickton is charged with four more murders — those of Georgina Papin, Helen Hallmark, Patricia Johnson and Jennifer Furminger.

36. October 2, 2002: Less than two weeks later, on October 2nd, 2002, Pickton is charged with the murders of Heather Chinnock, Tanya Holyk, Sherry Irving and Inga Hall.

37. January 13, 2003: On January 13th, 2003, the preliminary hearing begins in Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum].

It’d be concluded on July 21st.

38. July 23, 2003: Two days later, July 23rd, Robert “Bobby Willy” Pickton is declared competent to stand trial.

Judge David Stone orders the trial - on ffteen counts of frst- degree murder - to more forward.

39. Nov. 18, 2003: November 18th. Still 2003.

Investigators wrapped up the mass excavation of the Pickton property.

The excavation had lasted twenty-one months— and in total, Pickton’s investigation would be estimated to cost around $70 million Canadian dollars.


40. March 10, 2004:

On March 10th, 2004, Canadian Health ofcials disturb many in the Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum] area when they report that they can't rule out the possibility that human remains may have made their way into some of the Picktons’ products that were sold to local customers.

Meat sold for human consumption.

Meat that was then consumed by people.

Canadian Health ofcials say that “cross contamination could mean that human remains…did get into or contaminate some of the pork meat that was produced.”

For the past few years, at LEAST, Pickton had been slaughtering pigs and people. And he’d been selling the meat to a LOT of diferent people in the local community.

And now those people were furious with him. They just found out that there was a good chance they’d eaten some of this murder victims. Holy shit.

They wanted the trial to begin immediately.

Even more disturbing— and we triple-checked this detail to make sure it was true — one of Pickton’s victim’s family members, a cousin of Marnie Frey, reported that their family had been given a LOT of free meat from the Pickton farm.

Marnie’s family - including her mother - had eaten that meat. A lot of it.

There’s a decent chance she unknowingly ate some of her daughter.

So fucking sad and gross. Can you imagine fnding out that you may have unknowingly eaten a family member you’re worried about because they’re missing?

I love meat. Love it. But that happening - MIGHT turn me into a vegetarian.

Or at least into a lunatic at the meat counter.

“Yeah man, these rib eyes look REAL good. And they are beef right? Not human meat or anything, right? ‘Cause that would be crazy. And you could tell if it was person meat and not beef, right?

Hey - the sale price on this ground pork is nuts! (pause) It’s not cheaper ‘cause its people meat is it?”

41. May 25, 2005: On May 25th, 2005, Uncle Willie faces twelve MORE frst-degree murder charges. They are STILL putting together more cases with evidence from the farm.

In total, he’s now been charged with the frst-degree murder of twenty-seven women.

42. June 2005: Finally, his trial is about to begin.

In June of 2005, pre-trial hearings begin in British Columbia’s Supreme Court in New Westminster. fches/publication.html

43. October 2005: In October of 2005, the pre-trial hearings end.

Now he’s set to be tried for twenty-seven frst-degree murders.

But that won’t happen…

44. Jan. 30, 2006:

…on January 30th, 2006, in a Vancouver court room, the investigators and prosecution team learn their case isn’t as strong as everyone had hoped in the trial of Canada’s most prolifc serial killer.

The courtroom where they’d learn this would be packed with people who’d lived in the community, who’d maybe eaten some of the victims - members of some of the victims’ families were there.

Justice James Williams—who presided over the case—explained to all in attendance that he’d divided the complicated case into two trials. He also dismissed one murder charge outright for lack of evidence.

In one trial, Pickton would be tried for the six murders that they had the most evidence for.

The rest would go to a second trial.

Judge Williams also put a block on how many details the media could circulate about the cases.

45. December 12, 2006: On December 12th, 2006, the jury for Pickton’s FIRST trial is fnally chosen.

They were warned that they could be sitting for a year or more.

There was just so much evidence to go through.

46. January 2, 2007: With the jury chosen, this frst trial begins on January 2nd, 2007, in the New West Minister Supreme Court.

Pickton pleads not guilty on all six counts of murder. Some of his victims in attendance - those who’d been attacked but lived - described his face as he denied his guilt— they said he was smirking.

Fucking savage.

The prosecution then started showing the jury a mountain of evidence.

There were crime scene photographs; blood spatter analysis; DNA evidence, and plenty of Pickton’s victims’ belongings on the property.

There was Sereena’s inhaler. Several lipsticks. A woman’s jacket. There were also the items Uncle Willy had used to attack these women— night-vision goggles and shackles.

Not sure what the Hell he was doing with the Night-vision goggles.

There were buckets full of heads and hands.

Pickton’s lawyers tried to present him as a simpleton - which wasn’t that hard to do. They tried to get the jury to believe that a simple farmer wouldn’t have been able to pull of a massive murder operation like he did alone. That there had to have been others. They point at Lynn Ellingsen, Dina Taylor, and Brother Dave Pickton— as the true ringleaders.

But the Jury doesn’t buy it. There’s just too much evidence that points only to Uncle Willy.

One of the prosecutions star witnesses was a man who’d lived on the farm for several weeks back in 1999 - Andrew Bellwood.

Bellwood testifed in great detail that Robert had put on a strange performance one night for him in his trailer. Bobby Willy had very passionately mimed strangling sex workers, complete with a piece of wire or a belt.

The jury and audience was horrifed by Bellwood’s descriptions.

47. November 26, 2007: Final arguments concluded on November 26th, 2007.

The jury would deliberate for two weeks. So much to go over. So many charges.

48. December 8, 2007: On December 8th, 2007, the jury came to a verdict.

They found Pickton NOT guilty of all six counts of 1st degree murder!


But don’t worry - they did fnd him guilty of six counts of 2nd degree murder.

So what’s the diference?

First-degree murder is killing that is premeditated, willful, planned and deliberate.

A second-degree murder is a deliberate killing that occurs WITHOUT planning.

They felt his crimes - since he didn’t ALWAYS kill the sex workers he brought to the farm, didn’t kill most actually - they felt they were murders he committed impulsively.

The minimum sentence for second-degree murder in Canada at the time Pickton was sentenced was life in prison without the possibility of … until ten years have passed. And the maximum sentence was life in prison without the possibility of parole for twenty-fve years. between-1st-degree-murder-2nd-degree-murder-and- manslaughter-1.5068520

Pickton would get the maximum sentence.

And then two months later, several years of appeal attempts and legal maneuvering begins.

49. July 30, 2010:

It all ends on July 30th, 2010, when the unanimously rejects Robert Pickton's appeal for a new trial. supreme030.html

At this time, British Columbia Crown ofcials also say the twenty remaining murder charges against Pickton will likely not be prosecuted, to spare families and the court system from the efort and expense of another long trial. killer-robert-picktons-bid-for-new-trial

They confrm that decision on August 4th, 2010.

No more murder charges for Uncle Willie.

Additional convictions wouldn’t have resulted in a tougher sentence under Canadian Law at that time, and would’ve been an extremely expensive and lengthy trial.

50. December 12, 2012:

On December 12th, 2012 ,Vancouver Police Chief Jim Chu ofers an unequivocal apology for the mistakes made in the missing women’s cases.

It had now been more than a decade since Robert Pickton's arrest.

"On behalf of the Vancouver Police Department, I would again like to say we are sorry to the families and friends of the missing and murdered women. We could have and should have caught Pickton sooner," Chu said at a press conference.

In response to accusations of a systemic bias within the force that prevented ofcers from taking the cases of missing women seriously, Deputy Chief Doug LePard noted that the culture within the police department had undergone a dramatic change over the past few years, with new ideas about social justice and community responsibility circulating.

“There's been a very dramatic change in the way we view missing persons when they're marginalized people -- in terms of recognizing the fact they are marginalized makes them at very high risk for violence," LePard said, adding it was noted at the inquiry that the missing persons unit is now one of the best in Canada.

Police department leadership said they'd made signifcant changes to how policing was done in the Downtown Eastside, including the creation of a sex industry liaison ofcer.

So - at least something good came out of all this insanity and tragedy. pickton-sooner-vancouver-police-chief-apologizes-video

51. Today:

So where is Robert Pickton now?

Uncle Willie is currently being held in the maximum-security Kent Institution, 120 kilometers east of Vancouver.

Because the Canadian criminal justice system is much less severe when it comes to punishment than the US is, this dude, who’s currently 71 years old, can apply for day parole and unescorted absences in less than three years - on Feb. 22, 2024.

And he can apply for full parole on Feb. 22, 2027 when he’s 77.

That’s insane. After so many murders. Why even open the door for a dude like this to do anything other than die in prison?

Of course, he will not automatically receive parole when he applies.

He’ll have to go before a parole board that has full details of his crimes and somehow convince them that he’s a reformed man. HIGHLY unlikely he’ll ever walk free again.

And what about brother Dave? Did he ever get in any trouble for any of this?

He maintained that he had no idea what his brother was up to - that pig slaughter was Bobby Willy’s deal, not his. That he wouldn’t have seen these women killed and wouldn’t have come across their remains. Even though a lot of local law enforcement thought at the very least he knew what was going on, he was never charged with anything related to his brothers’ murders.

And what happened to the Pickton pig farm?

It’s currently a grass feld with a few cows that graze on it next to a golf course and some track housing not far from Blakeburn Elementary.

I’m sure Brother Dave, who I think still owns it, will get a lot of money someday for selling it if he hasn’t cashed out already.

Based on the area, he’d get well over ten million dollars. Probably over twenty million because of how much land there is.

Now let’s hop out of this Timeline. We still have some wild Pickton theories to go over - starting with the Hells Angels.


VI. Hell’s Angel’s/Pickton Cannibal Club/Illuminati:

There are several interesting conspiracy theories about the Picktons.

These wild theories include allegations about the Vancouver police actually selling drug addicted sex workers to Pickton for him to rape, kill, and butcher - to theories that Bobby Willy was a member of a local Hells Angels cannibal cult.

Let’s look at that one.

According to this conspiracy - the Hells Angels, in conjunction with the Illuminati, OF COURSE - ALWAYS THE ILLUMINATI - started a cannibal cult.

And the Pickton brothers were part of it.

This theory begins with a Vancouver biker band called Spiral-arms.

According to random internet forum poster: “The cover of the band Spiralarms' album contains an image of Kali, a hindu goddess associated with cannibalism and death, whom is worshipped in cannibalistic rituals.

The drummer for Spiralarms is from the Mount Diablo/Bohemian Grove area (where sacrifces are done to Mol-luk , Condor Man, eater of human fesh) and the drummer also has the cartoon of a human fesh slaughterhouse on his page.”

Case closed! Why hasn’t this guy and many others already been arrested for cannibalism and human sacrifce! Bobby Willy was clearly but a pawn in a much larger game!

Was not familiar with Spiral Arms before hearing about this. Don’t know much about them, but they sound a lot better than I expected. Hard Rock band out of the Bay Area that broke up a few years ago. Start at 1:16 Stop at 1:28.

They’re not Michael McDonald - no YahMy Be There - but solid.

The poster of these allegations than connects this biker band to the Picktons, writing:

“Then further up the coast in B.C. we have Port Coquitlam [coe quit lum], the central headquarters of the Hells Angels for the entire region, and a gigantic cannibal restaurant/hall called Piggy Palace, with a slaughterhouse next to it, situated right next to what could be the most gigantic rail yard in North America, and a port servicing ships from Asia.”

Aha! So THAT is how Pickton shipped his human meat to illuminati cannibals around the globe.

Makes sense.

Must be true.

Uncle Willie - that’s the man the Illuminati overlords would count on for a steady supply of human meat. He’s clearly connected to global elites. That’s why he’s still in prison.

Obviously - this conspiracy doesn’t have much meat to it. Pun not intended. cannibal-cult VII.Recap:

What an odd story, right?

Uncle Willy’s life and crimes sound like something out of a horrifying German children’s tale: a child being forced to work on his family’s pig farm from a young age, living in a converted chicken coop, then growing up to butcher women and sell their meat to local townsfolk.

I’m sure, if given the opportunity, neighbors would have chased the Picktons away with pitchforks and torches like the medieval monsters they were.

The tale of the Picktons sounds like the story of a monstrous family living back in the 19th century or earlier - like the Picktons could have been neighbors to the Bloody Benders.


They were living like they were living right next door to the very modern, cosmopolitan city of Vancouver.

They were surrounded by afuent homes full of doctors and other well-to-do, often well-educated folk living in them.

Uncle Willie lived near the city and preyed on some of its inhabitants like a fucking Bridge Troll snagging the unlucky peasants of a nearby village.

He found a vulnerable population of sex workers living in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside and he hunted women struggling with drug addiction - many of whom were also struggling with homelessness and mental illness.

And he got away with it for years because the Vancouver police felt they that many of these people were hard to keep track of and thus their disappearances were of less concern - and that’s valid.

However, because of Robert Pickton’s crimes, they would later apologize and make reforms to work harder to monitor this vulnerable population THAT WOULDN’T HAVE TO KEEP HIDING IN THE SHADOWS IF DRUG USE AND PROSTITUTION WERE LEGAL AND REGULATED!!!!


While the story or Robert William Pickton can sound like an urban legend - it was terrifyingly real for Uncle Willie’s victims.

Bobby Willy killed and butchered many. And many more may have eaten their fesh not that long ago in a beautiful city not far from where I sit.

What a weird fucking world.

Time now for today’s top fve takeaways.


VIII.Top Five Takeaways

1. Number One: Number one! Robert Pickton killed dozens of women - he says forty-nine, one shy of his “goal” of ffty— between 1983 and 2002.

While police uncovered enough evidence to charge him in twenty- six murders, he’d only be convicted of six second-degree murders in 2007.

2. Number Two: Number two! This Suck stinks. Literally.

So much stink in the the story of Bobby Willy and the Pickton clan.

These people were so damn flthy.

Urine, poop, blood— all soaked into their clothes, which they rarely washed. Farm animals had free run of the house.

Bobby Willy didn’t bathe much, or wash his sheets, or clothes, or anything else. He and his family reeked.

Wash up meat sacks. Scrub yourselves. Your whole bodies. Keep those front butts and weens clean.

3. Number Three: Number three! Numerous Vancouverites may have eaten the remains of Pickton’s victims.

At least one family was given a lot of meat from the Pickton pig farm - meat that quite possibly contained their murdered loved one.

Think about that the next time you’re biting into a hot dog or some sausage. What’s REALLY in that sweet meat?

4. Number Four: Number four! Vancouver PD had been accused of brushing aside the disappearances of the city’s sex workers during the span of Pickton’s crimes.

In response, they pointed to the fact that there no dead bodies were turning up and that much of Downtown Eastside’s population was itinerant. People could be there one day and gone the next, in search of an opportunity or just trying to get a fresh start.

Still, later they would acknowledge that they could have done more. And now they are. The one bright spot of this episode.

5. Number Five: Number fve! New info!

During his time in prison, the barely literate Uncle Bobby Willy Pickton somehow managed to barf out a book about his crimes— all of them told from his perspective.

The families of victims and police both asked the public not to read it.

The 144-page book, at one time available in paperback and eBook, is called Pickton: In His Own Words.

It was published on January 29th, 2016 by Outskirts Press, a Colorado-based company that helps would-be authors self- publish.

It was for sale on .ca for $20.71 Canadian dollars.

Mike Morris, the minister of public safety, said in a statement, “It is not right that a person who caused so much harm and hurt so many people could proft from his behavior.”

Pickton smuggled the manuscript out of prison to get it published.

According to CTV News, Pickton wrote the book in his maximum security cell at that Kent Institution.

He passed the manuscript onto another prisoner, who sent it to a friend in California named Michael Chilldress, who published it.

And after the public outcry about this - Amazon and every other book retailer I know of took the book down and stopped selling it. I tried to fnd a copy and could not.

So what’s in it?

Apparently, a lot of horseshit.

Pickton references biblical passages and includes transcripts of his interviews with police. And the whole thing is littered with massive grammatical and spelling mistakes.

It’s not, unsurprisingly, a great read.

And, of course, Pickton claims he’s innocent. He says the Royal Canadian Mounted Police made him the fall guy because they were getting into too much hot water.

Sure, Uncle Willie. That’s why you’re in prison. OR - maybe you’re there because you were too lazy and flthy to clean a victim’s blood of of the walls around your bed or even of the bed you KEPT SLEEPING IN FOR WEEKS.

Dirty, dirty, DIRTY bastard. I think even Mama Pickton would’ve been disgusted by how flthy he eventually got.

(Mama Picket - High pitched Hillbilly voice) “Bobby Willy! Bobby Willy! Why ain’t you cleaned dose sheets of duh blood, Bobby Willy?? Why you juss leave duh head in duh trash, boy?? Why ain’t you just let duh pigs in to lick it all up, eh? Mama shoulda taught you mo ‘bout duh murduhs and keeping yourself clean, Bobby Willy! Leece wash duh blood of sometimes now an den, Bobby Willy, eh?” book-please-dont-read-it-say-victims-families


IX.Final Announcements

A.Episode has been sucked!: Robert Pickton. The Pig Farmer Killer has been SUCKED. What a wild suck it was. Holy shit I’m glad I’m not a Pickton.

WAY too heavy on the Hogfolk, there.

B.Thank you to Timesuck Team:

Thank you to the Bad Magic Productions Team for all the help in making Timesuck! Queen of Bad Magic Lynze Cummins, Reverend Doctor Joe Paisley, the Script Keeper Zaq Flannary, Sophie “Fact Sorceress” Evans, Bit Elixir, and Logan “The Art Warlock” Keith running and working on our socials along with Liz Hernandez!

Thanks to Liz Hernandez and her All Seeing Eyes for running whatever incarnation we have now of the Facebook Cult of the Curious page.

Thanks to Beefsteak keeping Discord fun!

And thanks to all of your Space Lizards playing Timesuck Trivia on the Timesuck app: I AM currently in the lead with 5340 points. ME! As of this recording. Which was back on March 23rd. I won’t be in the top ten by the time you hear this, but still excited. Makes me feel like I’m remembering more of this than I thought I was.

C.Next Episode Preview:

Next week on Timesuck….

We get communist with Mao [mow] Zedong [zuh dong] and the Cultural Revolution.

The Cultural Revolution was actually the second of Mao’s highly questionable plans. The frst, the Great Leap Forward, was intended to transform China’s rural peasant population into steel workers.

And this leap killed tens of millions— through imprisonment, starvation, and execution.

Mao then launched the Cultural Revolution - known in full as the Great Proletarian [ proh-li-tair-ee-uhn ] Cultural Revolution - in August 1966. He shut down the nation’s schools, calling for a massive youth mobilization to fght against the “old values.”

Cue Elders and teachers then being beaten in the streets.

Cue Grandparents being killed.

Mao didn’t give a fuck who died if he thought their death equaled economic progress for China. Paramilitary groups called the Red Guards attacked and harassed China’s intellectuals and elderly.

Some 1.5 million people were killed during the Cultural Revolution, and millions of others sufered imprisonment, seizure of property, torture or general humiliation.

And because of this leap and subsequent revolution, Mao is considered by some to be the worst mass murderer in history. In the running of the worst person of all time.

Mao would become an international political icon with a cult of personality around him while having some really… odd habits, to say the least. Habits like never brushing his teeth and taking tons of sleeping medication for his terrible insomnia.

And you don’t even want to know about his poop habits.

But you WILL learn about them next week if you listen. (Fish) FINALLY - a return to some peanut butt butter! A return to SHOWBIZ!”

How did this odd and terrifying man’s rise to power and subsequent policies fuck over millions of China’s citizens?

Tune in next week to fnd out.

D.Segue to Timesucker Updates:

And now let’s head on over to this week’s Timesucker Updates!


X.Timesucker Updates

1. Since we’re gonna be talking about communism next week, this frst update from Smart Sack Dakota Bailey seems ftting. Dakota writes:

Hi Dan, I'm a newer space lizard.

I've been listening a lot of the old to new podcasts and love the logic, and objectivity.

I'm a graduate student at a research university, where my department is VERY Marxist - although my research is far more quantitative. That being said, Communism, Marxism, and Socialism are far from the same thing.

I'm not claiming you've stated them to be, but simply thought I could provide some insight into what helped me understand why our currently radically neoliberal capitalist system is fawed, and why a socialized capitalist system would work much better for everyone.

Economies are based of of resources.

These resources are fnite, and even the ones that do replenish themselves typically do not in human timescales.

Neoliberal free market principles dictate that a purely unrestricted market will function best. However, this completely unregulated format promotes the over exploitation of resources, which is unsustainable.

One of two things will occur if a completely unregulated or barely regulated system is allowed to proceed. 1. societal tension will increase as resources are dwindled and concentrated amongst the few, and there will either be peaceful or violent social upheaval to overthrow the system. 2. The process is allowed to play out until the entire system collapses from social and environmental stressors, leading to mass die ofs, and potential extinctions in worse case scenarios.

A heavily socialized version of capitalism can promote regulation and the successful promotion of equality and equity, while still maintaining a level of private enterprise that promotes healthy competition.

Doing so is a way to balance the scale, keeping it from tipping towards a neoliberal free market in one direction, and a communist system in the other.

Sorry for the long message, hope this email was insightful or at least somewhat interesting. Keep on suckin!- Dakota

Dakota! This message was insightful AND interesting! While I despite actual communism - and while I could learn more about Marxism - I am in favor of reexamining our current blend of socialism and capitalism. It’s funny to me how so many who currently beneft from socialist policies also have bumper stickers expressing how much they hate “socialism”. I’m sure some of those bumper stickers are paid for by money from social security checks - a very socialist institution. I’m sure some of those people have a portion of their medical bills paid for medicare insurance - a socialist type of insurance.

I love capitalism. Regulated capitalism. If its unregulated than corporate overlords become the de facto dictators.

A better safety net national insurance system - or a baseline of socialist medicine - and a baseline of free higher education for those who quality - for starters, would I think go along ways towards many being able to enjoy the benefts of capitalism. Hard to excel if you’re sick and uneducated. The two systems can work hand in hand.

Love what you’re looking into Dakota. Keep on suckin’!

2. Space Lizard Justin Read likes to git nekkid. And his nudity relates to last week’s Yosemite Killer Suck. Justin writes:

Hey Master Sucker, Long time listener coming to you from Kings Beach, CA, up at Lake Tahoe.

I've been waiting for quite some time for a suck to have an element that I have a direct contact with, and I'm very excited to say that it happened with this Yosemite Killer episode.

My girlfriend and I have been going to the nudist resort Laguna Del Sol for years, and absolutely love the place. Couldn't quite believe that such a terrible person like Cary Stayner was arrested there, defnitely going to be asking around next time I'm there to see if anyone was around at the time - which is not out of the question as it is mainly an older crowd there.

One thing to note: while we've spent a very healthy number of days smoking weed enjoying the pleasures of nudism - a la Cary Stayner minus the psychopathy - we've only ever seen one Squatch, and that is NIMROD HIMSELF!

I can prove, using so many grainy photographs and blurry flm snippets, that our benevolent cosmic Squatch god doesn't have a tan line on his body.

Hail nudist Nimrod, praise be to the suck, and thank you for all that you guys do. Space Lizard Justin

Hail Nudist Nimrod, Justin.

I love that you and your girlfriend go to that nudist resort. Hope your ween and her lady bits are as a tan as your forearms. Get that sun!

I love that as the Suck grows more connections like this are made. Enjoy getting naked as the weather gets warmer and hope you lay by the pool at full mast.

It’ll make that older crowd feel good to know you like what they’re throwing down.

You get it.

3. Update now on last week’s update. A new Alexa-based prank. Funny Suker Jalen Haase has some laughs to share with us. He writes:

Oh my God you guys. I was just listening to this week's suck and heard that listeners story about his Alexa prank and I had to write in. just last week I pulled a similar prank on my Fiancé.

I had a little free time at work so I decided to use my phone to play dumb songs on our Alexa at home. My poor fancé, who spends her days wrangling a wild toddler and training an equally energetic puppy, had fnally gotten some time to herself and was vibing to some music when apparently my lizard brain told me I needed to fuck that up for her.

Out of nowhere her music cuts out and she hears "heeeyy we want some puuussaayy!".

She shuts it of and puts her music back on. A minute later it happens again. "heeeyyy we want some puuussaayyy".

She then realized that this is one of the Timesuck songs her dumb ass man child is obsessed with. Cut to me giggling in my truck and I get a text that says "I'll fucking kill you! you asshole, I was vibing!".

Now I'm dying. I text back "Idk what you're talking about but I think I know what the problem is. it's the devil." to which she replys “DON'T YOU DARE".

I then proceeded to laugh my ass of in the back of my truck while she is forced into hearing "TO HEEEELL WITH THE DEVIL!".

I was debating telling you guys this story but when I heard that similar one I had to.

Thank you for helping me fnd random laughter throughout my day and also helping me further thin the ice that I stand on daily with my beautiful Fiancé. You guys are great. Hail Nimrod, Praise Lucifna and KEEP ON SUCKIN!


You’re hilarious, Jalen! Thank you for sharing that prank with us. I feel like more meatsacks are about to have their Alexa’s hijacked.

That’s too good. If we had a smart system like that at home, I’d be doing it too now.

4. Now, Sweet Sack Cara Feiler (Fy-ler) would like to share a grandfather tribute of her own based on the Papa Ward Suck. Careful with this one if you’re prone to allergies. Cara writes.

Dear Master Sucker on high, tamer of Bojangles and play toy of Lucifna, I just want to start of by saying what huge fan I am of Timesuck, scared to death, and all of your comedy.

I actually had the chance to meet you last February in Brooklyn before all hell broke loose and the world came to a stop.

I really loved your suck on Papa Ward and I appreciate you sharing his life and his infuence on you. I’m writing because I also happened to lose my grandfather the weekend before this suck was released, at 94 years old.

The episode hit a little closer to home for me so soon after my own loss. On the chance that this gets read on the show I was hoping to share a bit of his life as well.

My grandpa, George, and his siblings were placed in foster care when he was 3 after his mother passed. He was sent to the Hebrew Orphan Asylum in New York. He spent time in diferent homes and spent his summers away at camp. It was a tough life, but he always felt protected with his brothers around. One time when another kid in the orphanage tried to steal his food, someone else yelled “don’t you know who his brothers are? He’s a Feiler (Fy- ler) they’ll kill you!”

At 16 he aged out of the foster care system and got a job at a gas station in New Jersey, and he found a boarding house with a room for rent, $10/month. When he could no longer aford rent and a winter coat in the same month, he forged his birth certifcate so he could join the navy earlier than allowed. A Jewish boy from New York, he fought in World War 2. After the military he opened up his own beauty parlor, The Pin Up. He wanted to be a career navy man but other people in his life convinced him otherwise. A major contributor to his beauty parlor career was his brother Jules. He would later witness Jules murdered after an argument with a neighbor went downhill quickly.

The man shot his brother several times in the chest before pointing the gun at my grandfather’s head, pulling the trigger, and misfring. My pop couldn’t believe he hadn’t been shot. The gunman then knocked my pop unconscious with the gun. Eventually my pop gave up the hair salon business and became a licensed telephone installer for the New York telephone company.

He was much happier in his new career and loved the new stories this career provided.

Pop even became a photographer later in life, photographing weddings and portraits. He beat COVID-19 and pneumonia earlier this year. My pop George had a life full of both trauma and joy to the extreme. He found peace much later in life, and I hope now he can be eternally peaceful with the family we’ve been missing for years.

I’d like to leave lastly that my pop was a man that loved without hesitation, and that’s the best advice I think I could ask for.

Thank you for all you do on Timesuck and Scared to Death, praise Bojangles and hail Lucifna, but importantly keep on sucking!

Your loyal space lizard and fellow creeper, Cara

Thanks, Cara!

Poppa George Feiler (Fy-ler) What a life he led. What a crazy close call with his brother’s neighbor. What a back story there is there, I’m sure.

Love without hesitation - what a great piece of advice.

Love that he had several diferent careers. He went where life took him! Thanks for sharing some of his life with us, Cara, and sorry for your loss.

5. And now let’s end on an anonymous message sent by a survivor sack that relates to our recent suck on the Elan School. They write:

Hail Bojangles!

I always love every episode you do, and have had several where I've thought to say something that I had a connection with, but this one really hit home.

I spent several years in these programs based on a less than great childhood.

I have severe depression and bipolar, and when I was younger I had a history of self-abuse and eventually attempted suicide twice. During this time I was in and out of hospitals and psych wards, who weren't able to get through to me.

Eventually it was suggested that I be sent to a therapeutic program that could give better help, this was done without me being told as well, I was 12 when it happened. And yes, it is a couple of guys who show up at your house at 2 AM, grab you, put you on a plane and take you elsewhere.

I spent 6 months in a Brown School lockdown in Texas, where program instructors were abusive and violent, and other "students" were there for cases such as rape and attempted murder.

This was meant to break me down mentally and leave me more open and susceptible to the program and teachings at CEDU where I went next for 3 years.

The time I spent there technically helped me, but through a lot of debatable methods. I was able to clean up and lost almost 100 lbs, and became very dependent on structure and thought the abuse, “teachings," and curriculum was normal.

We would spend full weekends in small rooms with 10-15 others where we would yell at each other, push each other and accept all our “negativities." What was funny is watching some of the Scientology and LDS documentaries with my wife, I would comment how we spoke like that or were punished in the same way, she would just look at me puzzledly and be like yeah, I get your fucked-up-itude. After three years I was sent to an all boys Christian boarding school to "socialize" and prepare me for regular life, then spent half a year in a downtown Atlanta public times.

After this, I went to college in Charleston where I was defnitely a fsh out of water, but met my wife, who I've been with for 18 years now, and has been my biggest supporter and I wouldn't be the person I am now without her and our daughter.

I've met you a few times when you've been here to Charlotte and it was great to meet you, and just wanted to share a little of my story, if you have any questions about some of what went on there, please let me know.

Thanks for all you do and share, hope you, your family and staf stay safe!

I'd apologize for the length, but nope...

FYI...STD episode about Savannah, we lived there for three years and while no one believes it, our house was defnitely haunted.

Too poor at the time to move, so we just accepted the ghost as an annoying roommate. Our windows would bend and warp, the bathroom foor would bleed, the shower and sink would cut on all the way to scalding hot, and we had shadow that would whisper in the kitchen and laundry bullshit about this.

When you're broke and have no accept it. We would just say knock it of, or please turn it of, and it would occur.

Holy shit, Anonymous! That last stuf would be hard for me to accept. I guess I’d just accept being terrifed all the time.


Sorry for what you went through - glad you made it through it and seem to have a great life now. Good job never giving up.

Praise Bojangles and Hail You, you tough son of a bitch. Hope we cross paths again down the road.

Hail Nimrod everyone!




1. Thanks for listening to this Bad Productions Podcast, meatsacks.

Please don’t kill anyone and feed them to your neighbors this week and maybe don’t drown anyone your kid hits with a truck either. And keep on sucking.


Book: On the Farm by timeline/ the-pickton-case/article6504398/

(and where noted in the script text)