
Weekly Newsletter No.657 Sunday, 1st. _Janll_CIEY ~_1989 THE FEAST OF THE NAMINGOF JESUS ' ~- ---~----·----- 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.230. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Setting: Agutter. Hymns: 594 (Proc.)j 271; 539, Personent Hodie, 336 (Rec.).

6.30 p~m. Service of Nine.tessons and Carols for Christmas. Hymns: 432 (Proc.), 65; 62, 68. Car61s: ·10, 19. Anthems: Three Kings of Orient, Jesus Child (Rutter).

In the world wide church we pray today for the Episcopal Church of the ~udin, and Archbis6op Benjamin Yugu~~k. We pray for all hostage~ ~nd prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCar~hy. We pr~~ for Ed~ard Laurie Kihg, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Archdeacon of ~argam, A~chdeacon: Gordon James and all the clergy and people therew As we begin this New Year we pray for God's blessing upon it and. His direction in our lives. We pray that a~ a Parish we may be alive ·to our mission in His name and that our Church may · be filled with His spirit of peace, .re9onciliation and joy. we· pray for the sick, remembering especially Sister Ffances, Mollie Morgan, Yvorne Leach, Brian Peter Buss, Norman Briers.


~C?!_l_d a 'L 9.00 a.m. Eucharist; St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.). Tuesday 10.30 a.m. Orchestra Practice for "The Witness". 7.30 p.m. Choir Practice. for "The ~Ji tnecSs". 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.43. Followed by coffee. 7.30 p.m. Time for Prayer. St i'-'largaret' s.

Thursday 9.00 ~.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7. 30 p. m. Choir Practice for "The l<\li tness". Friday The Epiphany of Our Lord. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's: 7.30 p.m. ~UNG EUCHARIST. (St Edward's). Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.m. Ev~nsong & Preparation for Suhday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the First Sunday after the Epiphany. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 11 a~m. in St Edward's, the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m.

THE NAMING OF JESUS. How appropriate th~t the 'Naming of Jesus and the beginning of the New Year should be celebrated on the s~rne day, for Jesus is always the beginning of the New Life, new life in the ·spirit, eve.r renewing and recreating those things whL:h we in our waywardness manage to get wrong and which we invp.riably try to correct by making resolutions on the first day of a New Year, and yet these resolutions so often fail; but would they, if we gave them to Jesus in our prayer? For theie is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven among men and women, by which ~e must be saved.

~OFFEE will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist this morning, and the draw for the 100 Club will take place. CBOIRMEMBERS are invited to an outing to the cinema on Monday afternoon. Please see Alan Mayer for details if you would like to come. CHOIR PRACTICES this week are on Tuesuay and Thur?day, 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. for "The Witness". Junior Practice as usual on Thursday at 6.30 p.m. There will be a practice foi the Orchestra on Tuesday at 10.30 a.m.

FEAST OF THE ~PIPHANY. On Friday of this week, the Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at St Edward's at 7.30 p.m. This will be a full sung Service and everyone is urged to make every effort to attend.

'l'HE HITNESS. This musical, by Carol & Jimmy Owens, will be performed by St Edward's Choir and friends on Friday & Saturday, 13th-14th January, 1989, in St Edward's Church at 7.30 p.m. Tickets available from the Parish Office, or Alan Mayer (495769). If you are able to display a poster for this event (at home, work, school etc.) please ask for one. Please let all your friends know about this show and encourage them to come. BASICS OF THE FAITH. An informal course for adult confirmation candidates an<:} anyone else who is interested will begin on Sunday, 15th January, at 7.45 p.m .. at Roath Church House. Anyone who is interested please come along. For further details please contact Peter Reid. ST EDWARD'S COMMITTEE will meet on Monday, 16th January. WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY is 18th-25th January: \tJednesday, 18th January. 12.00-6 p.m. PRAYEH VIGIL at St Martin's Church. (ending with Evenin~ Prayer at 6 p.m.) Thursday, 19th January. 7.30 p.m. THE AGAPE. St Peter's (R.C.) Church. Tuesday, 24th January. 7.00 p.m. cov£lli-\NTING EUCHARIST. St Margaret's. (followed by coffee in Roath Church House). THE CLERGY would like to thank all those people who so generously gave them Christmas Cards and presents, and wish everyone a very happy new year. CHHISTMAS SERVICES were well attended and very much enjoyed by all. Our thanks to everyone who worked to make them successful. Christmas morning was particularly well attended, and the Sunday School contribution was very much appreciated.

SUNDAY SCHOOL PARTY was enjoyed by a large number of childr~n in the vestry last Tuesday. Many thanks to the organisers. SET ANOTHER PLACE contributions, please hand to the clergy so we can finalise the amount for Christian Aid. CONFIRMATION CLASSES for young candidates will begin shortly. Names of candidates who were eleven years of age by 1st September 1988 and who have been attending church regularly must be given to Peter Reid by not later than next Sunday.

£~Yi.lANCE NOTICE: St Edward' s Choir Outing will be on Saturday, August 5th. CLEANING ROTA. There is a new rota at the back of the church - please make a note of your dates if you are on the rota. If you exchange dates with someone else, please let Kathie Mayer know of the change. New helpers are always welcome to join us - please see Kathie Mayer if you are able to help. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934 .. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. The Clergy will give instruction in the faith. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. wards ffhut h, itt tbc ftarisb of i\oatb Weekly Newsletter No.658 Sunday, 8th January, 1989 THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.SO. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Vernon Hodgson. Hymns: 79 (Proc.), 80, 390, 167. Setting: Agutter. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Psalm 84. Hymns: 74, 255, 278, 75. Officiant: Mr Brian Shapcott. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: 1 Kings 8, 22-30. Revelation 21, 9-14 & 22-end. In the world wide church we pray today for the Province of New York, New Jersey and Bai ti, and Presiding Bishop Edward Bro'-'-~ning. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Cwmbach, and Fr Ronald Lloyd. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Sister Frances, Mollie Morgan, Yvonne Leach, Brian Peter Buss, Norman Briers. We pray for the faithful departed, remembering especially Paul Hallett. THIS ltJEEK tvlonday 9.00 a. m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 5.30 p.m. Beavers. Roath Church House. 6.30 p.m. Cubs. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Full Choir & Orchestra Practice for "The Witness" .. 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Scout Hut. Tuesday 9.00 a.m. Parish Prayers. St Teilo's High School. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St 1\nne' s. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.50. Followed by coffee. 2.00 p.m. ------Nothers & Children. St Hargaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Time for Prayer. St Hargaret's. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 7.30 p.m. Full Choir & Orchestra Practice for "The Witness". 7.30 p.m. Hothers' Union Dinner. Roath Church House. Fridav 9.00 ·----=- a.m. Eucharist. St Philip' s. 7.00 p.m. Guides. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. "THE WITNESS". 7.30 p.m. Ventures. Venture Den. St Hilary, Bishop (368 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. 7.30 p.m. "THE l"iiTNESS". Next Sundal is the Second Sunday after the Epiphany. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 11 a.m. in St Edward's, the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. THE WITNESS. This musical, by Carol & Jimmy Owens, will be performed by St Edward's Choir and friends on Friday and Saturday of this week, in St Edward's Church at 7.30 p.m. Tickets (Full price £1. Children, senior citizens, students etc. SOp) available from the Parish Office, or Alan Mayer (495769). If you are able to display a poster for this event (at home, work, school etc.) please ask for one. THE EPIPHANY. Last Friday we celebrated the Epiphany of Our Lord. The author Evelyn Waugh writes of the three Kings thus: - 'How laboriously you come, taking sights and calculating, where the shepherds had run bare foot! How odd you looked on the road, attended by what outlandish liveries, laden with such preposterous gifts. Yet you came and were not turned away - you too found room before the manger - your gifts were not needed, but they were accepted and put carefully by, for they were brought with love. In the new order of charity that had just come to life, there was room for you, too, patrons of late corners, of all who have a tedious journey to make to the truth, of all who are confused with knowledge and speculation, of all who through politeness make themselves partners in guilt, of all who stand in dangers of their talents.' ASH WEDNESDAY. Please give your palm crosses to one of the clergy so that they can be burnt for the Ashing on Ash Wednesday in four weeks time. NEW FLOWER ROTA at the back of the Church. Please print your name in the appropriate space if you are willing to be responsible for providing flowers for the altar on a particular Sunday. Mrs Maria Ellis is always pleased to receive donations for flowers, whether or not they are for a specific week. CLEANING ROTA is at the back of the church please make a note of your dates if you are on the rota. If you exchange dates with someone else, please let Kathie Mayer know of the change. New helpers are always welcome to join us please see Kathie Mayer if you are able to help.

CHOIR & ORCHESTRA PRZ\CTICES. 'l'here will be full practices for "The Witness" on Monday and Thursday of this week, 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. (Don't forget the performances on Friday and Saturday!) There will be no Junior Practice this week, but juniors are asked to attend the full practices for as long as they can. Singers please note that music copies will not be allowed on Thursday.

~OTHERS' UNION DINNER on Thursday at Roath Church House at 7.30 p.m. Tickets are still available, please contact Doreen Cooper (484170). CONFIR'-'lATION. Adult confirmation classes for candidates and anyone else who is interested will begin next Sunday, 15th January, at 7.45 p.m. at Roath Church House. Classes for young candidates will begin shortly. For further information please contact Peter Reid. S'I' EDWARD 'S COMMITTEE will meet on Monday, 16th January. CONCELEBRATED SOLEMN MASS at St Martin's Church, 1\lbany Road, on Monday, 16th January, at 7.30 p.m. when Fr Clarke will be licensed as Rural Dean. All the clergy and people of the Deanery are invited to attend. \!JEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY: Wednesday, 18th January. 12.00-6 p.m. Vigil at St Martin's Church, Albany Road. Thursday, 19th January. 7.30 p.m. The Agape. St Peter's (R.C.\ Church. Tuesday, 24th January. 7.00 p.m. United Communion. St Margaret's. ST PHILIP'S PARTY, Wednesday, 25th January, at 7.30 p.m. at Pengam Noors Social Club, Tremorfa. Tickets available from Mrs Megan Martin, Fr Kevin or the Parish Office, price £2, which includes a buffet. ALL ARE WELCOME. GP.EAT BLUE PETER Bring and Buy Sale for Kampuchea, will be held by St Margaret's Brownies at Roath Church House on Saturday, 28th January, from 2 p.m. Refreshments available. Please support this event. ST EDVJARD 'S CHOIR enjoyed their visit to the cinema last. Monday - they went to see the film "Jungle Book". MORNING AND EVENING PRAYEH. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome.

THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. The Clergy will give instruction in the faith. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. /"" rds ./hlt!.l' {> tll tbe of oatb

~eek:ly Newslette_0~o. 659 Sunday, 15th January, 1989

THE SECOl~D SUNDAY AF'l'ER THE EPIPHANY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and SUnday School. Prayer Book p.53. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 77, 81, 411, 266. Setting: Agutter. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Kevin JVJorris. Psalm 29. Hymns: 82, 78, 18, 33. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Isaiah 61. John 1, 19-34. In the world wide church we pray today for Cyprus, Greece and Turkey. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Aberavon, Holy Trinity, and Fr Edward Thomas \·hlson. In this parish we offer our condolences and prayers to Teifion and Julia Griffiths and their family on their recent sad loss. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Sister Prances, Mollie Morgan, Yvonne Leach, Brian Peter Buss, Norman Briers. THIS WEEK

Mc:mda~ 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (!'1atins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 5.30 p.m. Beavers. Roath Church House. 6.30 p.m. Cubs. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. EUCI·V\RIST. Follovmd by St Edward's Committee in the vestry. 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Scout Hut. St Antony of Egypt, Abbot. 9.00 a.m. Parish Prayers. St Teilo's High School. 7.00 p.m. Finance Committee. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's.

\\1ednesday Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins. 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.53. Followed by coffee. 12.00 noon Prayer Vigil. St Martins. (Until 6 P.m. Evening Prayer). 2.00 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Time for Prayer. St Margaret's. :rhursday 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. 7.30 p.m. The Agape. St Peter's (RC) Church Hall. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. Guides. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Ventures. Venture Den. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.m .. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is Septuagesima and is celebrated as Education Sunday. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 11 a.m. in St Edward's, the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. S:HIUSTIAN J?NITY. The V\Teek of I.)rayE:r for Christian Unity is from 18th to 25th January (for details see over). Jesus prays to the Father,'May they be as we are one,' (John 17). EPIPHANY commemorates not only the coming of three wise men but also the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan. The second aspect of the Feast is much emphasized by the Christian East, especially at the Great Blessing of the Waters, often celebrated on a river bank or the sea shore. Christ's Baptism at the hands of John is seen as anticipating our own and is given at the same time a cosmic significance; the Saviour Himself, sinless, enters the streams of the Jordan, thereby cleansing the Vvaters and so imparting grace and rech:::mption to the entire material creation. 'Today the grace of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended upon the waters. Today the Sun that never sets has risen and the world is filled with splendour by the light of the Lord. Today things above keep feast with things below and things below commune with things above. Today earth and sea share in the joy of the world and the world is filled with gladness. At thine Epiphany the whole creation sang thy praises.' (From 'The Great Blessing of the Waters') CON?IRMl\TION. Adult confirmation classes will begin tonight at 7.45 p.m. at Roath Church House. Anyone else interested in attending is most welcome. Confirmation for young candidates will begin shortly. Names of candidates who were eleven years of age by 1st September, 1988, and who have been attending Church regularly must be given to Peter Reid not later than next Sunday. WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHHISTIAN------·-- UNITY: Wednesday, 18th January. 12.00-6 p.m. Vigil at St Martin's Church, Albany Road. Thursday, 19th January. 7.30 p.m. The Agape. St Peter's (R.C.) Church. (Please bring rolls/sandwiches etc. to share.) Tu9sday, 24th January. 7.00 p.m. United Communion. St Margaret's. (Followed by coffee in Roath Church House.)

;:3T EmvARD 'S COMMITTEE will meet on Monday, 16th January. CONCELEBRATED SOLEMN MASS at St Martin's Church, Albany Road, on Monday of this week, at 7.30 p.m. when Fr Clarke will be licensed as Rural Dean. All the clergy and people of the Deanery are invited to attend. PRAYER WORKSHOPS. The first of a series of Saturday Workshops on Prayer takes place at St John's Priory, Nolton, Bridgend, this week. This one is fully booked, but if you would like details of future workshops, please contact Rev. Philip Morris, Diocesan Missioner, 60 Ham Lane South, Llantwit Major (04465 3770). ST PHILIP'S PARTY 25th January, Pengam Moors Social Club, 7.30 p.m. Tickets £2 each, which includes a buffet, from Megan Martin, Fr Kevin, Sue Oxenham, Jill Day, Jean Cough and the Parish Office. ALL .~RE lvELCOME. GREAT BLUE PETER BRING AND BUY SALE for Kampuchea, will be held by St Margaret's Brownies at Roath Church House on Saturday, 28th January, from 2 p.m. Refreshments available. PLEASE SUPPORT THIS EVENT.

NEv! FLOWER HO'rA at the back of the Church. Please print your name in the appropriate space if you are willing to be responsible for providing flowers for the altar on a particular Sunday. Mrs Maria Ellis is always pleased to receive donations for flowers, whether or not they are for a specific week. ASH _WEDNESDAY. Please give your palm crosses to one of the clergy so that they can be burnt for The Ashing on Ash Wednesday in three weeks time. GEOHGE THOMAS TRUST. A total of £81.23 was collected from all the Churches in the parish - the Trust thanks all parishioners who contributed for their generosity. THE WITNESS. Our thanks to Choir and Orchestra for most enjoyable performances Friday and Saturday, and to all who helped by lending or building equipment, transporting equipment and people etc.

IR 1'·11-\~IN acknowledges with gratitude the anonymous donation of £30.89. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY P;RE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Holy Baptism, marriage and funer~ls contact the Vicar. The Clergy will give instruction in the faith. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. If ill

§unday, 22nd January, 1989 SEPTUl.;GES IMA

(Education Su~day) 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.66. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 171, 274(MP), 25l(MP), 442. Setting: Agutter. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Peter Reid. Psalm 19. Hymns: 83, 363, 153(MP), 371. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Genesis 1,1 - 2,3. John 1, 1-18. In the world wide church we pray today for the World Council of Churches and its staff. \r{e pray for our Council of Churches here in Roath. vie pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, who has been held captive for two years now, and John McCarthy. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. On Education Sunday we pray for those who teach and those who learn in our schools and colleges. We remember especially our own Church schools at St Anne's, St Teilo's and . In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Michaelston-Super-Avon, and Fr Kenneth William Chant. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Sister Prances, Mollie Morgan, Yvonne Leach, Brian Peter Buss, Norman Briers. We offer our love and prayers to Brian Smith of St Anne's, on the death of his father.

THIS \ivEEK 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (l'1atins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. St Cadog, Abbot. 9.00 a.m. Parish Prayers. St Teilo's High School. 7.00 p.m. C<2_VEN~NTII'JG }~UCH~FIST. St Max-qaret's. Followed by coffee. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. The Conversion of St Paul the Apostle. 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIS!. Prayer Book p.232. Followed by coffee. 2.00 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Time for Prayer. St Margaret's. 7.30 p.m. St Philip's Social. Pengam Moors Social Club. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St l'.nne 's. 10.15 a .m. Ladies' House Gn;up. 2.30 p.m. t•1others' Union. Roath Church House. 6.30 p.m. ,Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. St John Chrysostom, Bishop & Doctor (407 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.30 p.m. Choir, Orchestra & friends. Vestry. St Thomas Aquinas, Doctor (1274 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St l•1argaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 2.00 p.m. Great Blue Peter Bring & Buy Sale. Roath Church House. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret'~.

Ne~_nday_ is Sexagesirna. 'The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 11 a.m. in St Edward's, the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. SEPTUAGESIMA. The theme for this Sunday is Creation. Richard Foster, author of 1 1 Freedom of Simplicity , says, ·~ve are part of the created order and hence totally dependent. Our posture is not one of arrogant acquisition, but of simple trust. What we have or ever will have comes from His gracious hand. We are dependent upon God for even our sense of worth; as individuals our uniqueness and dignity is rooted in our creation in the image of God. our value is not tied to wealth, status, accomplishments or position: it is a gift from God. Obviously this wonderful truth is far from the modern tendency to judge people by what they produce or what they have.' It is a truth we need to return to so that we may become truly part of God's c:ceation. WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY. On Tuesday at 7 p.m. in St. Margaret's Church there will be a Covenanting Eucharist (followed by coffee in Roath Church House). Everyone is invited to this Service, from all the Covenanting Churches. Members of all the Choirs of the Parish are invited to sing. ST PHILIP'S PARTY is on Wednesday at Pengam Moors Social Club at 7.30 p.m. Tickets (£2 each, including buffet) are available from Mrs Megan Hartin. Please support our friends in St Phi.lip's. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP meets on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Mrs Julie H,"Jlifield. MOTHERS' UNION meets on Thursday at 2.30 p.m. at Roath Church House for a talk by Ena Mullins on 'My Unusual Christmas.' CHOIR SOCIAL. The choir and orchestra (and friends) are invited to the vestry on Friday evening to see the video of "The Witness'' and to discuss future plans. FAITH SHARING WEEKEND at Coleg Trefecca, Brecon, Friday 27th Sunday 29th January, exploring various aspects of sharing our faith. Cost: £21 contact t_he Diocesan Missioner, Rev. Philip Morris (04465 3770). GREA'I' BLUE PETER BRING AND BUY SALE for Kampuchea, at 2 p.m. at Roath Church House on Saturday of this week, held by St Margaret's Brownies. Refreshments are available. Please support this event. PARISH SHROVE TUESDAY SOCIAL will be held at Roath Church House on Shrove Tuesday (7th February), at 7.30 p.m. Further details to follow. ASH WEDNESDAY. Please give your palm crosses to one of the clergy, so that they can be burnt for The Ashing on Ash Wednesday in a few weeks time. ART EXHIBITION. Radyr Art Group has kindly agreed once again to exhibit and sell their work in Roath Church House on Saturday, 18th February, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Light refreshments will be available. Entrance free, but donations will be gratefully accepted. Proceeds will be divided between St Edward's and the Trust for the Sick Children of Wales. Anyone willing to help with refreshments or other aspects of the organisation of the event, please have a word with Tricia Burfoot.

BASICS~F FAITH (Sunday evenings 7.45 p.m., Roath Church House). An informal discussion group about our faith, designed for new Christians or for anyone who would like to take a look at what they really believe. HANDEL 's "MESSil\H". St Edward' s Choir will sing excerpts from "The Messiah" on ------Friday, 17th March, at 7.30 p.m. UNIFORM ORGAi'HS!'.'EIONS (at Roath Church House). Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.rn. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. PLEASE RETURN slips from Christmas card deliveries to one of the clergy. ALTAR FLOWERS were given this week in memory of Miss Dorothy Evans. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Holy Ba;_:;tism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. The Clergy will give instruction in the faith. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. Weekly Newsletter No.661 Sunday, 29th January, 1989 SEXAGESU1A

~1.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist~ Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.69. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Peter Reid. Hymns: 300, 542, 2500·1P), 185. Setting: Agutter. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Vernon Hodgson. Psalm 25. Hymns: 193, 36(S), 26, 349. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Introit: Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord (Mendelssohn). Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Genesis 3. Romans 5, 1-17.

In the world wide church we p.:~y today for Australia and the Province of New South ~ales, and Primate ~ohn Grindrad. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especi~lly Terry Waite a:1J John McCarthy. We pray fo~ Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. We pray for the victims and the bereaved this week in the second devastating earthquake in the USSR. In this diocese we pray for the Church's Ministry in industry, and for Captain Albert Fullard of the Church Army. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Sister Frances, Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Puss, Norman Briers. THIS h'EEK

~·1·.:mday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. U·1atins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 5.30 p.m. Beavers. Roath Church House. 6.30 p.m. Cubs. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Missionary Committee. 7.30 p.m. J.C.Jones Memorial Lecture. St Michael's College. 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Scout Hut. Tuesdav --·--·--:!- 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. St Bride or Bridget, Abbess (523 A.D.) 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. ~UCHARIST. Prayer Book p.283. Followed by coffee. 2.00 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m . Time for Prayer. St Margaret's.

.~l:_ursday Cand1emas .. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 9.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 80 Melrose Avenue. 6.30 p.rn. Junior Choir Practice. 7.30 p.m. SUNG EOCHARI~)'L' liND CEREMONY OF CANDLES. St Seiriol, Abbot (6th century) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. Guides. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Ventures. Venture Den. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. k~xt ~.~nday is Quinquagesima. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 11 a.m. in St Edward's, the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. CE0_~!3_~_!:lilS. Lucian Gable has been appointed Head Choirboy, and will receive his me~al during the Eucharist this morning. Before the Service Richard Mayer will take the choir promise, to become a full member. CANDLEMAS. On Thursday of this week, there will be a Sung Eucharist with the Ceremony of Candles at 7.30 p.m. This marks the end of the 40 days of Christmas. It is a delightful Service, worthy of your support - even if you do not usually come to mid-week or evening Celebrations, please make an effort on this occasion.

f_\~_.'\D~~GS. The story of the 'Garden of Eden' is all about temptation, pride, disobedience. It is a vignette of the human condition which pictures the ongoing struggle which seems to be our lot and experience of life, as men and women follow 'the course of the world.' The phrase, 'we were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of humankind,' is a difficult one. In the New Testament 'the wrath of God' means the inevitable working out of the processes of the natural law - sin adds to 3in, and the situation grows worse. It is like blowing up a balloon until, suddenly it bursts. We live in that kind of world - wars, for example, are created just like that - but it is true also of our own personal lives. We all share in this inherent tendency towards sin - Christ has rescued us from this fate - 'He gave His life as a ransom for many ' (I';iark 10: 45) and Cod 'has made us alive together with Christ' (by Grace you have been saved).

~C:: .-JON:f<~§_!::t~ll'lOYIAI:_!:_~:TURE at St J.Viichael 's College on Monday at 7. 30 p.rn. The speaker will be Bishop Harry Moore, Chairman of C.M.S. fi.B~:~EYFIEL~HOUSE, 46 Shirley Road, will hold 'AT HOMES' on the 1st 11ed. of each mo~th starting 1 Feb. for an OPEN SOCIAL COFFEE MORNING 10-12. No charge for coffee.

_!:!~_?IES'_!i_OUSE G!.:?U~ meets on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at 80 Melrose Avenue.

_9;v=;:~IAE DEJ.:_S::ANTO~_:r::_§_, one of America's ·top mixed c!1oi rs, from Boston, !vlass. is touring Western and Eastern Europe with the purpose of 'furthering peace and understanding between Americans and the people of other nations'. They will be in Brecon Cathedral for a Eucharist on Thursday at 7.30 p.m.

§T PHILIP'S SUNDA~ MASS will move to 9.30 a.m. on 5th February. fARISH SHROVE TUESDAY SOCIAL at Roath Church House 7th February, at 7.30 p.m. FREE tickets from Mrs Megan Martin. Tickets are limited. Please bring food for the ta~le and your own drink. Donations of raffle prizes greatly welcomed.

ST_~EILO'S CHURCH PATRONAL FES_!!_Y_J?:!:_, 9th February, _7_p.m. Sung Eucharist, followed by tea/coffee. Please support our friends in St Teilo's. SPECIAL MEETING. There will be a meeting at St Edward's on 0ednesday evening, 15th February, to which all members of the congreg~tion are invited. The extensive series of repairs and refurbishments which we embarked upon a few years ago are now completed, and the time has come to discuss future activities and objectives. The committee has already outlined some ideas, but YOC::.£ views are requested. Please put this date in your diary and do your best to join us. ART EXHIBITION by Radyr Art Group at Roath Church House on Saturday, 18th Feb., 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Proceeds to St Edward's & the Trust for the Sick Children of Wales. BASICS OF FAITH, Sunday evenings 7.45 p.m., Roath Church House. An informal discussion group about our faith designed for new Christians or for anyone who would like to take a look at what they really believe.

CH~IR OU_:;L:JJ~G CHANGE OF DATE. Please note that the date for the Choir Outing this year has been brought forward to Saturday, 22nd July.


~Jednesday Ash \t.Jednesday. 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST AND INPOSI'l'ION OF ..B-SHES. Prayer Book p. 75. l. 00 p.m. Lenten Lecture. University Hospital Chapel. 2.00 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.rn . SUNG EUCHARIST AND IMPOSITION OF ASHES. Prayer Book p.75. .:!:_b_U£_Sday St Teilo, Bishop (6th century). 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 19 Mafeking Road. 11.45 a.m. Mothers' Union Deanery Prayer Group. St John the Baptist Ch. 2.30 p.m. Mothers' Union. Roath Church House. 6.00 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. S'r TEILO' S PNrEONAL FESTIVAL. St Teilo' s School. FJ_iday_ 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. Guides. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Ventures. Venture Den.

-~~nturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the First Sunday in Lent. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 11 a.m. in St Edward's, the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. .0}H WJ?D'lESDlW. 'l'he Imposition of the Ashes will take place both at the said E~charist at 10 a.m. and at the Sung Eucharist at 7.30 p.m. in St Edward's. It was pleasing last week to see so many people at our celebration of Candlemas please make an effort this week, on the solemn occasion of the First Day of Lent, to be p1esent at one (or both) of these celebrations.

!3.~ADIN_s;S. Christianity frequently uses the word 'LOVE'. \1-Jhat does it mean? Society uses it for almost anything- 'I love baked beans', 'I love cars', 'I love my children', and so on . .3ut Christianity has a very profound understanding of the hard, as shown in the life of Christ and described by St Paul in the Epistle this norning (1 Cor.l3). Christian 'love' is, in essence, a self giving love. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent, the journey to Easter. It is an opportunity to grow closer to God and understand better the meaning of self-giving love in our lives. How are you going to prepare yourself for Easter this Lent? COFFEE will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist this morning (also cakes from the Sunday School), and the draw for the lOO Club will take place.

LE~ Pfi:OGPA!vl!v~~. Details of the Parish Lent Programme are available on a separate leaflet. Please take one. Lent boxes are available from the back of the church. Bh3ICS OF FAITH. An informal discussion group meets in Roath Church House on Sunday evenings at 7.45 p.m. CCl'''JCIL OF CHURCHES meets at Roath Park Hethodist Church at 7.30 p.rn. on Honday. SFBOVE TUESDAY PARIS.H SQ_CIAL is at Eoath Church House on Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. Please bring food for the table and your own drink. Free tickets from Hrs Hartin. LENTEN LECTURE. The first of this year's series of lectures entitled "Spirituality for Today" at the Heath Hospital Chapel (Wednesdays, 1 p.m. to 1.45 ;:Lm.) is on "Ignatian Contemplation" and is given by Sr Lavinia Byrne IBVH, of the Institute of Christian Spirituality, Heythrop College, . All are welcome.

LlDIES' H<;:!~:i.E s;Rc.2_~~ meets on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at 19 Hafeking Road .

.::_IOTHE~S' UNION. The next meeting will be held at 2.30 p.m. on 9th February, in ? Church House, when Mrs Mary Dimmeck will speak on 'Miracle of Hedjurgorge.' _§'1' 'l'EILO'S PATRONAL FESTIVAL is on Thursday at 7 p.m. at the school. St Edward's Choir will robe and join St Teilo's Choir for the Service, which is followed by coffee. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR FRIENDS AT ST TEILO'S.

~UNIOR CHOIR PRACTICE will be ~t 6 p.m. on Thursday. The full choir is asked to meet at 6.40 p.m. at St Edward's to collect robes and proceed to St Teilo's School. HOATH CHURCH HOUSE COMI'1I'i'TEE meets at Roath Church House o n Monday, 13th February, at 7.30 p.m. SPECIAL MEETING at St Edward's (Wed., 15th February, 7.30 p.m.) to which all members of the congregation are invited. Now that our repairs and refurbishments are corr.plet, we need to discuss future ties and. objectives. The committee has already outlined some ideas, but _you!:_ views are requested. Please put this date in your diary and do your best to join us.

AK1' EXHIBIT~ON_ by Radyr l-\rt. Group at Roath Church House on Saturday, 18th Feb., 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Proceeds to St Edward's & the Trust for the Sick Children of Wales. ST ED\ti'ARD'S CHOIR have been invited to perform "The Witness" at St Hichael's College, Llandaff, on Wednesday, 15th March. They will also sing excerpts from Hanr·;el's "Messiah" at St Edward's on Friday, 17th iVlarch at 7.30 p.rn., tickets for which will be available shortly, price £1 (children, senior citizens SOp).

~!£:L~'!J_!':~GHAH PILGRIMAGE~_, 24-27th July. Cost (full board & transport): £50. Please Eee Fr Hamer for further details. ------'-:ISSION cm·rtH'rTEE. A total of £67.35 was raised from the sale of Christmas Cards. Tlanks to all who helped.

::2::-:R THP.NK~ to Ken & Sheila Eccles for the gift of the piano, which is now in the chancel. Our thanks too to Meurig O):enham for the use of his pick-up on several occasions recently, to transport pianos (and other items) around the city. 'I' HE CLEHGY l\RE: The Reverends Peter Heid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. Weekly Newsletter No.663 Sunday, 12th February, 1989 THE FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.77. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Vernon Hodgson. Hymns: 92, 321, 211, 91. Setting: Nicholson. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Officiant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Psalms 102. Hymns: 95, 631 vv 1-4, 300, 372. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Genesis 12, 1-9 & 13, 3-end. Romans 4, 13-end. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church in Europe. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Llansawel with Britton Ferry, and Fr John Cox. We pray for all ordinands, and for an increase in vocations. We remember Or Chrystal Davies, who will be commissioned by the Bishop of Llandaff as Diocesan President of the Mothers' Union on Thursday in Eglwys Dewi Sant. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Sister Prances, Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Norman Briers, Arthur Wellbeloved. THIS \"iEEK

vJednesday, Friday & Saturday are Ember Days. ------Mondav 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. Stations of the Cross. St Philip's. 7.30 p.m. Roath Church House Committee. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. Christian Aid Meeting. St Edward's Vestry. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist & Lenten Address. St Anne's.

~lednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 7.30 a.n1. Eucharist. St r-.-Jargaret' s. 10.00 a. m. EUCH.L\RIST. Prayer Book p.343. Followed by coffee. 1.00 p.m. Lenten Lecture. University Hospital Chapel. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Quiet Evening & Eucharist. St Ma.rgaret 's. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 8 Newminster Road. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 _p.1n. Choir Practice. 7.30 p.m. Lenten Address & Compline. St Marqaret's. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. Eucharist & Lenten Address. St Philip's. 7.00 p.rn. Mothers' Union Jumble Sale. Roath Church House. Saturdr:_z 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St iVlargaret's. (f-'latins 8.45 o.. m.) 1.00 p.m. St Edward's/Radyr Art Group Art Exhibition. Roath Church House. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. 7.00 p.m. Holy Hour. St Anne's. Next Sunday is the Second Sunday in Lent. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 11 a.m. in St Edward's, the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. UNIFORM ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House) . Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. JESUS ENTERS THE HILDEC?.NESS AND IS 'l'EMPTED. 'The desert in the Bible is the place of realism, where the ligh~and the darkness, the heat and the cold, the day and the night are merciless and know no deceptions. You cannot cheat the reality of the desert.' (Hichael Harshall). In the desert Jesus discerned His True Vocation and learned to rely on the source of His real strength - GOD. Lent can be a 'desert­ time' for us if we use it well, when we can face up to the reality of our lives and find in our weakness the source of our real strength - GOD.

LENT PROGRAMME. Details of the~ Parish Lent Programme are available on a separate leaflet. Please take one. Lent boxes are available from the back of the church.

ADDITION TO THE LIS~ OF LENTEN EVENT~: Thursdays at 7.30 p.m. commencing 16th February, in St Margaret's. Lenten address and Compline. TRAINING COURSE entitled "Spirituality and Young People" for those involved in parish youth work takes place Honday and Tuesday of this week at Coleg Trefeca. LENTEN LECTURE. The second of this year's series of lectures entitled "Spirituality for Today'' at the Heath Hospital Chapel ('iJednesdays, 1 p.m. to 1. 45 p.m.) is on "Prayer of Silence" and is given by Hev. Fr lmgustine Hoey, CR, of the Royal Foundation of St Katharine, London. All are welcome. MOTHERS & CHILDREN. The Wednesday afternoon Service at St Margaret's is now at 2.15 p.m. All parents/children are welcome. SPSCIAL MEETING. There will be a meeting at St Edward's on Wednesday evening of this week, to which all members of the congregation are invited. The extensive series of repairs and refurbishments which w~ embarked upon a few years ago are now completed, and the time has come to discuss future activities and objectives. The committee has already outlined some ideas, but your views are requested. Please come along on Wednesday if you possibly can.

~ADIES' HOUSE GROUP meets on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of lvlrs Kathie I11ayer, 8 Newrninster Road. This is the first of the series of Lenten talks to be given by the Vicar - all are welc.ome to attend. HOTHERS' UNION jumble sale at Roath Church House on Friday at 7 p.m. ART EXHIBITION. Radyr Art Group has kindly agreed once again to exhibit and sell their work in Roath Church House this coming Saturday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Light refreshments will be available. Entrance free, but donations will be gratefully accepted. Proceeds will be divided between St Edward's and the Trust for the Sick Children of Wales. Your support for this event would be appreciated. NOSON GWYL DDEWI (St David's Evening) - Saturday 4th March. St Margaret's Guides & Brownies are preparing a 3--course \'Jelsh meal accompanied by Welsh entertainment. There will be two sittings beginning at 6.45 p.m. Tickets: £3.50, from the Parish Office, Karen Evans (482693) or Helen Clapham (496459) ST Em.-JARD 'S CHOIR have been invited to perform "The v-li tness" at St Michael 's College, Llandaff, on Wednesday, 15th March. They will also sing excerpts from H.~ndel's "lvlessiah" at St Edward's on Friday, 17th 1'1arch at 7.30 p.m., tickets for which will be available shortly, price £1 (children, senior citizens SOp). J!.::,r; WEDNESDAY. The combined attendance at the two Eucharists was very pleasing. It is hoped that the morning Eucharist will continue to be well attended throughout Lent.

~HP,NKS to all who supported the Brownies Great Blue Peter Bring & Buy Sale. Total raised for Karnpuchea was £168.23. BASICS OF FAITH. An informal discussion group meets in Roath Church House on Sunday evenings at 7.45 p.m. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. The Clergy will give instruction in the faith. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. Weekly Newsletter No.664 THE SECOND SUNDhY IN LENT ------···----·- - ·-·------11.00 a.m. sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.80. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 1, ll(MP), 396, 291. Setting: Nicholson. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Office: Fr Kevin Morris. Psalms 40. Hymns: 272, Go Down Moses, 330, 255. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Exodus 6, 2-13. Hebrews 11, 1-3 & 23-28. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church in Uganda, and Archbishop Yona Okoth. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of co~science, especially Terry ~aite and John McCarthy. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. We pray for Salman Rushdie, and all who are being hurt in the current controversy. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Glyntaff, and Fr Keith Lerry. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Sister Frances, Hollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Norman Briers, Matthew Xerry. THIS WEEK I•1onday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. Stations of the Cross. St Philip's.

Tu~~~ ay 7.30 p.m. Eucharist & Lenten Address. St Anne's.

Wcclne~J.ay St Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr (c.l55 A.D.) 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. 10.00 a.m. EQ_CJil\~IS!. Followed by coffee. 1. 00 p.m. Lenten Lecture. University Hospital Chapel. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m . Parish Quiet Evening & Eucharist. St Margaret's. .Thursday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 41 Marlborough Road. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. 7.30 p.m. Stations of the Cross. St Anne's. 7.30 p.m. Lenten Address & Compline. St Margaret's. 8.00 1? .1n. Mothers' Union. Roath Church House. 8.00 p.m. Taize Office. Eglwys Dewi Sant. Triday St Mathias the Apostle. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 9.30 a.m. Eucharist. St ilarqaret's. 7.00 p.m. Eucharist & Lenten Address. St Philip's. Saturday 9.00 a.rn. Eucharist. St t•Jargaret's. (lv1atins 8.45 a.rn.) 2.00 p.m. "The Church and the Media''. Woodville Road Baptist Church. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. 7.00 p.m. Holy Hour. St Anne's.

Ne~t Su~day is the Third Sunday in Lent. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 11 a.m. in St Edward's, the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. THE THEME of this's readinss is 'conflicts'. St Paul talks about the inner struggle to try to do what is right, the Gospel of Luke about the conflict between good and evil in the world. Conflicts or 'tensions' abound world-wide and the worst sort end up in violence and blood-shed. But there are all sorts of conflicts we face daily which build up tension within us. How do we deal with this? Making space in our lives for prayer, quiet relaxation, being with loved ones is difficult sometimes, but necessary. Moses had to turn aside from his daily task to see the burning bush and meet with God - would we be too busy to notice? WEDNESDAY MORNil-JG EUCHJ

LE~\JTEN LE~Ul:ZE. The third of this year's series of lectures entitled "Spirituality for 'l'oday" at the Heath Hospital Chapel (\,lednesdays, 1 p.m. to 1.45 p.m.) is on "The Contribution of i'1onasticism to Spirituality Today" and is given by Rev. Fr James Naters, SSJE, St Edward's House, London. All are welcome. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP meets on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Mrs Maria Ellis, 41 Marlborough Road. This is the second of the series of Lenten talks to be given by the Vicar - all are welcome to attend. MOTHERS'S UNION. On Thursday at 8 p.m. in Roath Church House, Mrs Diana Jones will speak on 'Easter Customs' . ALL ladies are we.lcome. Anyone wishing t.o become a member of the Mothers' Union is requested to contact the enrolling member (484170). MEDIA SKILLS. To help parishes relate better to the media, an ecumenical course on "The Church and the Media" will be held at Woodville Road Church on Saturday, 2-4.30 p.m. Details on the back page of the Diocesan Leaflet. ST DAVID'S DAY: Parish Sung Eucharist at 7.30 p.m. at St Ivlargaret's. NOSON GWYL DDEWI (St David's Evening) - Saturday 4th March. St Margaret's Guides & Brownies are preparing a 3-course Welsh meal accompanied by Welsh entertainment. There will be two sittings beginning at 6.45 p.m. Tickets: £3.50, from the Parish Office, Karen Evans (482693) or Helen Clapham (496459) CONSORT IN CONCERT- All proceeds to 'Action Aid'. On 8th March, at 7.30 p.m., in Lecture Theatre 1 at the Heath Hospital. Tickets from Mrs Hockley (756256) or at the door: £2.50 each. PLEASE SUPPORT THIS EVENT. HANDEL' S "t>1ESSIAH''. St Edward' s Choir will sing excerpts f:com "The Messiah" on Friday, 17th March, at 7.30 p.m.

WAI~SINGHAI'1 PILGRIMAGE 1 24-27th ,July. Fr l-Iamer hopes to run a bus as part of the South Wales Pilgrimage. Full board & transport: £50. See Fr Hamer for details. CONGREGATION MEETING. Those who attended the meeting last week were impressed by the formidable list of work completed in the past four years, and unanimously agreed that our development plans should proceed. This was a useful opportunity to look critically and constructively at the direction our Church should be taking.

_?A~~CS OF l~":_::!1'lL An informal discussion group meets in Roath Church House on Suniay evenings at 7.45 p.m. ART EXHIBITION. As a result of the exhibition yesterday afternoon, the Trust for Sick Children in Wc1les will receive a cheque for £150. From the refreshments etc. £35 was raised for St Edward' s. 11any thanks to all who helped and supported. UNIFORM ORGl\NI.S.ATIONS (at Roath Church House) . Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. FOR YOUR DIARY: lOth 1>1arch Christian Aid Bread & Cheese Lunch. 17th June St Edward's Gift Day and Garden Party. 22nd July Choir Outing to Tenby. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. The Clergy will give instruction in the faith. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. Weekly Newsletter No.665 Sunday, 26th February, 1989 THE THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.83. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Kevin Morris. Hymns: 86 (omit *), 242, 286, 182. Setting: Nicholson. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Mr Charles Clarke. Psalms 142. Hymns: 95, 189 Pt 1, 324, 89(S). Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somerve11 in F. Readings: Deuteronomy 4, 1-14. !1atthew 5, 17-end. In the world wide church we pray today for Wales, and the , and Archbishop . We remember the unemployed and the homeless in Wales. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Rhydyfelin, and Fr Colin Sutton. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Sister Frances, Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Norman Briers. We pray for the faithful departed, remembering especially Mrs Sankey. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. Stations of the Cross. St Philip's. 7.30 p.m. Roath Church House Committee. Roath Church House. Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Eucharist & Lenten Address. St Anne's. Wednesday St David, Patron Saint of Wales. 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Followed by coffee. 1.00 p.m. Lenten Lecture. University Hospital Chapel. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. PARISH SUNG EUCHARIST. St Margaret's. Thursday St Chad, Bishop (672 A.D.). 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 6 Newminster Road. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. 7.30 p.m. Stations of the Cross. St Anne's. 7.30 p.m. Lenten Address & Compline. St Margaret's. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 2.30 p.m. Women's World Day of Prayer. Roath Park Methodist Church. 7.00 p.m. Eucharist & Lenten Address. St Philip's. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St !1argaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Day of Renewal. Bishop of Llandaff School. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. 6.45 p.m. Guides & Brownies St David's Day Social. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. Holy Hour. St Anne's. Next Sunday is Mothering Sunday. In St Edward's the Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 11 a.m. and the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. Coffee will be served in the vestry and the 100 Club Draw will take place. Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. THE TEN COM~~NDMENTS, or Decalogue ('Ten words') are the basis of the Old Covenant between God and His people. They define and refine the character and ethos of Israel's life with God. Jesus sums them up in the words 'Love God, Love your neighbour.' The basis of the New Covenant between God and His people is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and it is through this action that the Christian community finds its identity and life. We are baptised into His death and called to live His Risen Life, loving God and loving neighbour. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE COI-1MITTEE will meet at 7.30 p.m. on Monday. LENTEN LECTURE. The fourth of this year's series of lectures entitled "Spirituality for Today" at the Heath Hospital Chapel (Wednesdays, 1 p.m. to 1.45 p.m.) is on "Inner-City Spirituality" and is given by Rev. Robert Yeomans of St John's Church, Parish of Waterloo, London. All are welcome. ST DAVID'S DAY. There will be a Parish Sung Eucharist to celebrate St David's Day at St Margaret's at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday. Please come and celebrate our Patron Saint. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP meets on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Mrs Caroline Downs, 6 Newminster Road. This is the third of the series of Lenten talks to be given by the Vicar - all are welcome to attend. WOMEN'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER. There will be an Interdenominational Service on Friday at 2.30 p.m. in Roath Park Methodist Church, Albany Road. The theme is 'Lord, teach us to pray.' The speaker is Mrs Sally Davies. Please give your support. DIOCESAN RENEWAL DAY. Saturday, lO.a.m.-4.30 p.m. at Bishop of Llandaff High School. The theme is 'Prayer leading to reconciliation'. Speaker: Rev.. NOSON GWYL DDEWI (St David's Evening) on Saturday of this week. St Margaret's Guides & Brownies are preparing a 3-course Welsh meal accompanied by Welsh entertainment. There will be two sittings beginning at 6.45 p.m. Tickets: £3.50, from the Parish Office, Karen Evans (482693) or Helen Clapham (496459) CHRISTIAN AID BREAD & CHEESE LUNCH at Albany Road Baptist Church Hall on Friday, lOth March, 12.00-1.30 p.m. Mrs Megan Martin has tickets (75p). JUMBLE SALE St Margaret's Playgroup will hold a Jumble Sale at Roath Church House on Saturday, llth March, at 10.30 a.m. PRE-VESTRY MEETING will be held after Evensong on Passion Sunday (12th March). For details, please see the notice at the back of the church. HANDEL'S "MESSIAH". St Edward's Choir will sing excerpts from "The Messiah" on Friday, 17th March, at 7.30 p.m. Tickets are £1 (senior citizens/children SOp) and are now available. OXFORD OUTING. On Saturday, 29th April, a visit to St Stephen's Theological College, in Oxford. Tickets £5. Further details: see from notices at the back of the church or contact Mrs Peggy Newton (493113). VOLUNTEERS are needed to deliver the Parish Easter Cards. Please see one of the clergy. BASICS OF FAITH. An informal discussion group meets in Roath Church House on Sunday evenings at 7.45 p.m. UNIFORM ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House). Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. The Clergy will give instruction in the faith. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. Ct f~vat~JS Chtu·ch i11 tbr JlariSIJ of 3RoatiJ Weekly Newsletter No.666 Sunday, 5th March, 1989 THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT Mothering Sunday 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.85. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Setting: Agutter. Hymns: 74(S), 257, 27(S), Tydi a Roddaist, 636 (Rec.). 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Peter Reid. Psalms 116. Hymns: 90(MP), 278, 515, 108. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Introit: Jubilate. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Exodus 24. Hebrews 9, 11-end. In the world wide church we pray today for the Province of Central America and Mexico. 'V'Je pray for an end to poverty and hunger in so many areas of their land. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Parishes of Tonyrefail with Gilfach Goch, Tonypandy with Clydach Vale. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Sister Prances, Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Norman Briers, Ada Poultney. THIS vi!EEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. Stations of the Cross. St Philip's. Tuesday SS Perpetua, Felicity & Companions, Martyrs (203 A.D.) 10.30 a.m. Mothers' Union Diocesan Day of Prayer. . 7.30 p.m. Eucharist & Lenten Address. St Anne's. vJednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St t,1a.rgaret' s. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.366. Followed by coffee. 1.00 p.m. Lenten Lecture. University Hosp~tal Chapel. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Consort Concert. University Hospital Lecture Theatre 1. Thursday St Gregory of Nyssa, Bishop (395 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 14 Southey Street. 11.45 a.m. Mothers' Union Deanery Prayer Group. St John the Baptist Ch. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Full Choir Practice for "Messiah". 7.30 p.m. Stations of the Cross. St Anne's. 7.30 p.m. Lenten Address & Compline. St Margaret's. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 12.00 noon Christian Aid Bread & Cheese Lunch. Albany Rd Baptist Ch. Hall. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.30 a.m. Jumble Sale (St Margaret's Playgroup). Roath Church House. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is Passion Sunday. In St Edward's the Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will mee~ at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m., followed at 7(30 p.m. by the Pre­ Vestry·Meeting. MOTHERING SUNDAY. Posies of flowers will be distributed this morning -those with mothers in Church are invited to take one. COFFEE will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist this morning, and the draw for the lOO Club will take place. MOTHERS' UNION. On Tuesday at 10.30 a.m. there is a Diocesan Day of Prayer at Llandaff Cathedral. At 11.45 a.m. on Thursday, the Deanery Prayer Group meets at St John the Baptist Church. LENTEN LECTURE. The fifth of this year's series of lectures entitled "Spirituality for Tcday" at the Heath Hospital Chapel (Wednesdays, 1 p.m. to 1.45 p.m.) is on "Liturgy and Spirituality for Today" and is given by Rev. Fr Ross Thompson, General Secretary, Church Union. All are welcome. CONSORT MUSIC SOCIETY gives a concert in Lecture Theatre 1, University of Wales College of Medicine, Heath Park, on Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. Tickets (£2.50) at the door or telephone 756256. All proceeds go to Action Aid, a charity helping children in poor countries of the world. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP meets on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Mrs Sheila Eccles, 14 Southey Street, when the Vicar will give another in his series of Lenten talks. All are welcome to attend. CHRISTIAN AID BREAD & CHEESE LUNCH at Albany Road Baptist Church Hall on Friday, 12.00-1.30 p.m. Mrs Megan Martin has tickets (75p). JUMBLE SALE to be held by St Margaret's Playgroup at Roath Church House on Saturday at 10.30 a.m. PRE-VESTRY MEETING will be held after Evensong next Sunday. Please make every effort to attend this meeting, when you will have the opportunity to vote for your sub-warden, PCC members, Church committee members and sidesmen. Nomination forms are at the back of the Church. HANDEL'S "MESSIAH". St Edward's Choir and friends will sing excerpts from "The Messiah" on Friday, 17th March, at 7.30 p.m. Tickets are £1 (children & senior citizens SOp), and are available from any member of the choir. Please give the Choir your support. ST TEILO'S have a Jumble Sale at Roath Church House on Friday, 7th April. If you have jumble or can help, please contact Mrs Thomas (498201). FASHION SHOW & SALE at Roath Church House on Friday, 28th April. Proceeds from sale of tickets & raffle divided equally between St Teilo's/St Edward's/Mothers' Union/Parish Mission Fund. Further details to follow. OXFORD OUTING. On Saturday, 29th April, a visit to St Stephen's Theological College, in Oxford. Tickets £5. Further details: see from notices at the back of the church or contact Mrs Peggy Newton (493113). THE WITNESS. The Choir's performance of "The Witness", scheduled to take place at St Michael's College later this month, has been postponed and will now take place after Easter. VOLUNTEERS are needed to deliver the Parish Easter Cards. Please see one of the clergy. ST ANNE'S CHURCH IN WALES SCHOOL. The Headteacher, Miss Davis, is compiling the registers for September. Any family in the Parish with a child aged 4 years invited to contact her on 490402. BASICS OF FAITH. An informal discussion group meets in Roath Church House on Sunday evenings at 7.45 p.m. SOUND SYSTEM. The speakers and wiring have now been installed, and we look forward to having the system operational by Easter. UNIFORM ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House). Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williarns. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. The Clergy will give instruction in the faith. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. St Uw~di Churdl itt tbe ~arisb of 1\oatb Weekly Newsletter No.667 Sunday, 12th March, 1989 PASSION SUNDAY

11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.~8. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 111, 102, Were You There?, 119(MP). Setting: Agutter. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Kevin Morris. Psalms 56. Hymns: 97, 185, 107(MP), 108. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Readings: Isaiah 42, 1-9. Matthew 20, 17-end. In the world wide church we pray today for Ireland, the provinces of Armagh and Dublin, and Archbishop Robin Eames. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In our own country, we remember those who have suffered as a result of the recent train disasters. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Ystradyfodwg. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Sister Prances, Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Norman Briers, Ada Poultney. We offer our love and prayers to Irene Cox, her daughter Joan and family, on their recent sad loss. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 5.30 p.m. Beavers. Roath Church House. 6.30 p.m. Cubs. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. Stations of the Cross. St Philip's. 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Scout Hut. 8.00 p.m. Bass Choir Practice (Messiah) . Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Eucharist & Lenten Address. St Anne's. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.372. Followed by coffee. 1.00 p.m. Lenten Lecture. University Hospital Chapel. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Quiet Evening & Eucharist. St Margaret's. Thursday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 29 Mafeking Road. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Full Choir Practice (Messiah). 7.30 p.m. Stations of the Cross. St Anne's. 7.30 p.m. Lenten Address & Compline. St i'ol.argaret's. Friday St Patrick, Bishop, Patron Saint of Ireland (5th century) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. Guides. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. EXCERPTS FROM HANDEL'S MESSIAH. 7.30 p.m. Ventures. Venture Den. Saturday St Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday. In St Edward's the Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 11 a.m., with the Blessing & Distribution of Palms, the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. PASSION SUNDAY - Our Transfigured Lord. Our natural inclination is to stay where we are .... and avoid change, often of heart, situation and attitude. We like to make 'tents' and settle comfortably, but God is continually urging us on to a land and new situations that He will show us. We follow our Transfigured Lord in faith, putting our trust in Him and bearing, for the sake of the good news He has given us, all that might come in our path. When we pray 'through' Jesus Christ our Lord .•. we are walking in His strength, pleading in His name, supported by His cross. It is through the life, passion and death of the Lord that we are enabled to pass from death into the glorious life of the follower who is one with Christ in God. So have faith and trust in Him, and do not be content to stay as you are .... PRE-VESTRY MEETING will be held after Evensong today. This is your opportunity to participate in the election of your PCC representatives and church committee. Please make every effort to attend. CHOIR PRACTICES. The Junior Choir will practice at 6.30 p.m. on Thursday (Easter solos etc.). The Full Choir is asked to be present at 7 p.m., or as soon after as possible. Between 7 and 8 we shall practise various choruses, and from 8 onwards we shall sing through the whole performance. There is an extra part practice for basses on Monday; a practice for sopranos will be arranged. LENTEN LECTURE. The final lecture in the series entitled "Spirituality for Today" at the Heath Hospital Chapel (Wednesday, l p.m. to 1.45 p.m.) is on "Benedictine Spirituality" and is given by Dom l'1ichael Evans, Novice master, Belmont Abbey, Hereford. All are welcome. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP meets on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Mrs Jane Banks, 19 Mafeking Road, when the Vicar will give the last of his series of Lenten talks. All are welcome to attend. HANDEL'S "MESSIAH". St Edward's Choir and friends will sing excerpts from "The Messiah" on Friday of this week, at 7.30 p.m. Tickets are £1 (children & senior citizens SOp), and are available from any member of the choir. Please give the Choir your support. HOLY WEEK SERVICES IN ST EDWARD'S: Maundy Thursday 7.30 p.m. Sung Eucharist & Stripping of the Altar. Good Friday 10.00 a.m. Litany & Liturgy (with hymns). Holy Saturday 7.00 p.m. Candlelight Easter Vigil Service. ST TEILO'S JUMBLE SALE at Roath Church House on Friday, April 7th. FASHION SHOW AND SALE at Roath Church House on 28th April, at 8 p.m. Proceeds from the sale of tickets, raffle, divided equally between St Teilo's, St Edward's, Mothers' Union, Parish Mission Fund. Further information from the Parish Office (484808) or Margaret Amodeo (493677). OXFORD OUTING. On Saturday, 29th April, a visit to St Stephen's Theological College, in Oxford. Tickets £5. Further details: see from notices at the back of the church or contact Mrs Peggy Newton (493113). WALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE, 24-27th July. Cost (full board & transport): £50. Names and deposits of £5 per persons to Fr Hamer as soon as possible, please. VOLUNTEER PIANIST. Ty Mawr Home in Southminster Road is looking for a person to play the piano from time to time for communal singing etc., in the day or evening. If you can help please contact Peter Reid. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to deliver the Parish Easter Cards. Please see Mrs Hegan Martin today so that the cards can be delivered this week. EASTER FLOWEHS. Anyone who would like to give a donation towards the cost of lilies and other flowers for Easter, please see Mrs Hegan Martin. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. The Clergy will give instruction in the faith. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. St fdw~Ji Chur,h itt tbe ~arisb of 1\oatb

Weekly Newsletter No.668 Sunday, 19th March, 1989 PALM SUNDAY 11,00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Blessing & Distribution of Palms, Palm Procession, Holy Baptism. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Kevin Morris. Prayer Book p.91. Hymns: 597 (Proc.), 218, 109, 99. Setting: Agutter. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Officiant & Preacher; Fr Ken Martin. Psalms 62. Hymns: 96, 99, 296, 162 (omit *). Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Isaiah 5, 1-16. Luke 20, 9-20. In the world wide church we pray today for the Urban Mission. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. We pray for Siwan Angharad Long, to be baptised at our Eucharist this morning. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Sister Frances, Mollie Morgan, Bri~n Peter Buss, Ada Poultney. HOLY 1-JEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 5.30 p.m. Beavers. Roath Church House. 6.30 p.m. Cubs. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. Stations of the Cross. St Philip's. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist & Address. St Margaret's. 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Scout Hut. Tuesday 7.00 p.m. Eucharist. St Teilo's School. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist & Address. St Margaret's. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.l05. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist & Address. St Margaret's. Thursday Maundy Thursday. 11.00 a.m. Blessing of the Holy Oils. Llandaff Cathedral. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.30 p.m. SUNG EUCHARIST & STRIPPING OF THE ALTAR. Prayer Book p.l09. Friday Good Friday. 10.00 a.m. LITANY & GOOD FRIDAY LITURGY (with hymns). 12.00 noon Three Hour Service. St Margaret's. Saturday Holy Saturday. 7.00 p.m. CANDLELIGHT EASTER VIGIL SERVICE. Next Sunday is Easter Day. In St Edward's the Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 8 a.m. and at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and in place of Evensong there will be a Service of Nine Lessons and Easter Carols at 6.30 p.m. PALM EUCHARIST. The Palm Crosses will be distributed on entry to the church and blessed at the commencement of the Service. The Palm Procession will take place around the outside of the church (weather permitting), and the whole congregation is invited to join in. If it is wet, the choir will process inside the church. THE PASSION will be proclaimed today in a dramatic way the congregation is invited to join in the ''crowd'' responses. There are no responses before or after the Passion. PALM SUNDAY. On this day the Church commemorates Christ's entry into the Holy City, Jerusalem, to accomplish His saving work by dying and rising again. The Palm Sunday procession is an act of Praise to Christ the King who reigns and triumphs on the Cross, and it expresses our own readiness to take up our cross and follow Christ. The Blessing and giving of Palm Crosses is another symbol of our acceptance to follow our Crucified Lord. It is these crosses that are reduced to ash for the Ashing on the first day of Lent. Another symbol of our own destiny ... at least that of our Bodies. We, however, because of the Death and Resurrection of the Lord shall be raised to glory and share in the joy of the blessed in Heaven. This is our Faith, this is our Hope. Without the first Holy week and Easter, this would not be possible. NO MOTHERS & TODDLERS this week, but the Mothers & Children will meet as usual at 2.15 p.m. on Wednesday for their Service at St Margaret's. ST TEILO'S SCHOOL AND THE FRIENDS OF ST TEILO'S are holding a Holy Eucharist at 7 p.m. on Tuesday at the School, to which everyone is invited. CHOIR PRACTICES. The Junior Choir will practise as usual at 6.30 p.m. on Thursday, and stay for the Sung Eucharist at 7.30 p.m. A short practice for the adults will be arranged in the early part of the week. EIGHT O'CLOCK EUCHARIST. On Easter Day in St Edward's there will be an additional celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 8 a.m. EASTER CAROLS. Our traditional Service of Lessons and Carols for Easter takes place at 6.30 p.m. on Easter Day. If any member of the congregation would like to read one of the Lessons, please see Alan Mayer. ST TEILO'S have a Jumble Sale at Roath Church House on Friday, 7th April. If you have jumble or can help, please contact Mrs Thomas (498201). FASHION SHOW AND SALE at Roath Church House on 28th April, at 8 p.m. Proceeds from the sale of tickets, raffle, divided equally between St Teilo's, St Edward's, Mothers' Union, Parish Mission Fund. Further information from the Parish Office (484808) or Margaret Amodeo (493677). OXFORD OUTING. On Saturday, 29th April, a visit to St Stephen's Theological College, in Oxford. Tickets £5. Further details: see from notices at the back of the church or contact Mrs Peggy Newton (493113). WALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE, 24-27th July. Cost (full board & transport): £50. Names and deposits of £5 per person to Fr Hamer as soon as possible, please. EASTER FLOWERS. Mrs Megan Martin will be pleased to receive donations towards the cost of lilies and other flowers for Easter. HANDEL'S MESSIAH. Our thanks to the Choir for a most enjoyable evening on Friday, very much appreciated by a fairly full church. VOLUNTEER PIANIST. Ty Mawr Home in Southminster Road is looking for a person to play the piano from time to time for communal singing etc., in the day or evening. If you can help please contact Peter Reid. FOR YOUR DIARY: 17th June St Edward's Gift Day and Garden Party. 19th June Parish Confirmation. 22nd July Choir Outing to Tenby. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. The Clergy will give instruction in the faith. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. St L:lward-1 Chur'h in tbr ~arisb of ~oatb

Weekly Newsletter No.669 Sunday, 26th March, 1989 EASTER DAY 8.00 a.m. Holy Eucharist. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Prayer Book p.l21. 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Procession, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Setting: Agutter. Hymns: Proc.: 602 (Pt I & Dox.), 137, 9(MP), 238(MP), 134 (Rec.). 6.30 p.m. Service of Easter Lessons & Carols. Hymns: 134 (Proc.), 128, 390, 94(MP), 132, 135 (Rec.). Anthems: All in the April Evening (Roberton) I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Handel) King of Kings (Caleb Simper) Let the Bright Seraphim (Handel) Halleluiah! (Handel). In our prayers we unite ourselves with all God's people in praising God for the glory of the Resurrection, for our new life in Christ our Risen Lord, for the means of grace and for the hope of glory. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Sister Prances, Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Ada Poultney. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (!"'atins 8.45 a.m.) Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p. 377. Followed by coffee. Thursday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Hatins 8.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the First Sunday After Easter (Low Sunday). In St Edward's the Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 11 a.m., and the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. Coffee will be served in the vestry after the Service, and the lOO Club Draw will take place. Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. EASTER - THE LORD IS RISEN INDEED. ALLELUIA IS OUR SONG. We do not know what happened when Jesus rose from the dead; that is God's secret. What happened to Him, what change He underwent, what it was like for Him to rise from the dead .•. this we :do not know. We do know some of the things that happened to His disciples - what He caused them to see, to touch and hear. Through the signs of His presence which He bestowed, He made them understand at least this about Himself: the whole Jesus who had lived with them before His Passion was again alive, and with them again, nothing had been lost, where everything had been glorified. We break bread on the altar for the death of Christ but presently we mingle wine and bread to figure the coming together.again of flesh and blood in the wholeness of Christ's Resurrection. And then we take to ourselve~ the words he spoke in the upper room. The Peace of the Lord be always with you. (The Crown of the Year - Austin Farrer) FR & MRS MARTIN would like to take this opportunity of wishing everyone a very happy Easter. EASTER DAY. There is a Said Eucharist at 8 a.m. today. Our usual Family Eucharist is at 11 a.m., and in place of Evensong at 6.30 p.m. we have our Service of Easter Lessons and Carols. READERS are still required for some of the Lessons in this evening's Carol Service. If you are willing to read, please see Alan Mayer as soon as possible. OUR THANKS to all who helped clean and decorate the church for Easter, to those who contributed towards the cost of flowers; to those who prepared the music, to those who delivered the Easter notices, to those who quietly continue to work for the Church week by week. Special thanks are due to Fr Martin, for his ministry among us. LENT BOXES are due back today, please, for the work of USPG. ANNUAL MISSIONARY CONFERENCE (Council of Churches for Wales, Department of Mission) takes place Thursday-Saturday of this week at the United Theological College, Aberystwyth. Conference theme: "Living with Materialism". MOTHERS' UNION. Tuesday, 4th April is Lady Day, the Feast of the Annunciation. This is a Holy Day of obligation for all Mothers' Union members. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 7.30 p.m. at St Margaret's Church. Two new members are to be enrolled at this service, so please come and welcome the~ to our branch. YOUTH MUSIC FESTIVAL. South Glamorgan Youth Brass Band, Choir, Orchestra and Wind Band present a "Musical Kaleidescope" - music by Borodin, Beethoven, Andrew Lloyd Webber, John Williams, the Beatles - at St David's Hall on Tuesday, 4th April, at 7.30 p.m. Tickets (£3.50 and £2.50) are available at the Hall. ST TEILO'S have a Jumble Sale at Roath Church House at 7 p.m. on Friday, 7th April. If you have jumble or can help, please contact Mrs Gill Day (495496) . ROATH CHURCH HOUSE FAYRE is to be held on the 6th !vlay, and a meeting of people interested in helping or organising stalls is to be held at 7.30 p.m. at Roath Church House on lOth April. EASTER VESTRY. The annual meeting of Roath Parish will be held in Roath Church House on Monday, 24th April. FASHION SHOVJ AND SALE at Roath Church House on 28th April, at 8 p.m. Proceeds from the sale of tickets, raffle, divided equally between St Teilo's, St Edward's, Mothers' Union, Parish Mission Fund. Further information from the Parish Office (484808) or Margaret Amodeo (493677) . YOUTH CAMPS 1989. 29th July to 5th August. Organised by the Evangelical Fellowship in the Church in Wales. Aberaeron (ages 11-14), Eastmoor (ages 14-18). Cost £55. Apply: Mrs S.Prior, The Rectory, New Radnor, Presteigne, Powys. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE. Rev. Dr David Williams is leading an 8-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land in mid-November. Cost about £400. Further details: tel.0938-3351. THE PEDESTAL FLOWERS were given this week to the glory of God, and in memory of Mrs Constance Treasure. FOR YOUR DIARY: 24th April Easter Vestry. Roath Church House. 28th April Fashion Show. Roath Church House. 6th May May Fayre. Roath Church House. 17th June St Edward's Gift Day and Garden Party. 19th June Parish Confirmation. 22nd July Choir Outing to Tenby. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. The Clergy will give instruction in the faith. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. Weekly Newsletter No.670 Sunday, 2nd April, 1989 THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER EASTER

(L.?_'~-~~pda y) 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.l29. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 139, 136, SB(S), 140. Setting: Nicholson. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Psalm 108. Hymns 129, 24(S), 337, 142. Officiant: Rev. Helena Williams Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Exodus 16, 4-15. John 6, 35-51. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church in Western Canada and the Province of British Columbia (one of the four provinces of the Anglican Church of Canada), with its six dioceses, and Archbishop Douglas Hambidge. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. We pr~y for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. We pray for the sick, reocembering especially Sister Prances, Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Ada Pu1.ll tney. 'i'HIS \IJEEK

9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St ~-1argaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) l. 45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 5.30 p"m. Beavers. Roath Church House. 6.30 p.m. Cubs. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Scout Hut. The Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Lady Day). 10.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.30 p"m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. 7.30 p.m. Sung Eucharist. St Anne's. 7.30 p.m. Youth Music Festival. St David's Hall. \vednesday 7.30 a.rn. Eucharist. St Anne's.

10.00 a. rn ~ EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.l29. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Quiet Evening. St Margaret's. Thursday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10o15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 80 Melrose Avenue. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. St Brynach, Abbot (5th century). 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. St Teilo's Jwnble Sale. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.rn. Guides. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Ventures. Venture Den. ______Sa(urdav _,__ 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's.

Nez~-~und~ is the Second Sunday After Easter ("Good Shepherd" Sunday) . The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. LERT BOXES are now due back, please, for the work of USPG. _S:_5JFFEE will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist this morning, and the final grand prize draw for this year's 100 Club will take place. Now is the time to renew your membership of the 100 Club (and to encourage others to join). Letters are available at the back of the church; please take one. LAD'::_ DAY, The Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, is transferred from 25th March (which was Holy Saturday this year), to Tuesday of this week. This is a Holy Day of obligation for all Mothers' Union rn~mbers. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 7.30 p.m. at St Margaret's Church. Two new members are to be enrolled at this service, so please come and welcome them to our branch. The Holy Eucharist will also be celebrated at 10 a.rn. at St Philip's, and there will be a Sung Mass at St Anne's at 7.30 p.rn. YOUTH MUSIC FESTIVAL. South Glamorgan Youth Brass Band, Choir, Orchestra and Wind Band present a "Musical Kaleidescope" -· nrusi c by Borodin, Beethoven, Andrew Lloyd Webber, John Williams, the Beatles - at St David's Hall on Tuesday of this week, at 7.30 p.m. Tickets (£3.50 and £2.50) are available at the Hall.

_!:ADIE~HOUSr::_GR.OUP meets on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Mrs Jean Rose, 80 Melrose Avenue. Mrs Kathie Mayer will speak on the subject ''Both sides of the classroom door".

S'~:- TE_~O'S have a Jumble Sale at Roath Church House at 7 p.rn. on Friday. If you have jumble or can help, please contact Mrs Gill Day (495496). ROl,TH PARK COUNCIL OF CHOf-<.CHES will meet at Roath Park Methodist Church on --~ ~~------Monday, lOth April, at 7.30 p.m. The address will be given by Mr Teifion Griffiths. ROl'J.'H CHURCH HOUSE FAYRE is to be held on the 6th Nay, and a meeting of people interested in helping or organising stalls is to be held at 7.30 p.m. at P.oath Church House on Monday, lOth April. EASTER VESTRY. The annual meeting of Roath Parish will be held in Roath Church House on Monday, 24th April.

F~SHION SHOW AND SALE at Roath Church House on 28th April, at 8 p.m. Proceeds from the sale of tickets, raffle, divided equally between St Teilo's, St Edward's, Mothers' Union, Parish Mission Fund_ Further information from the Parish Office (484808) or Margaret Amodeo (493677). YOUTH CAMPS 1989. 29th July to 5th August. Organised by the Evangelical Fellowship in the Church in Wales. Aberaeron (ages 11-14), Eastmoor (ages 14-18). Cost £55. Apply: Mrs S.Prior, The Rectory, New Radnor, Presteigne, Powys. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE. Rev. Dr David Williams is leading an 8-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land in mid-November. Cost about £400. Further details: tel.0938-3351. EASTER DAY at St Edward's was a joyful celebration of the most important feast in our calendar. We are grateful to all those who helped to make it so. The day ended with our traditional Service of Easter Carols - our thanks to all who took part, especially the soloists, who included some of our youngest members. CONGRATULATIONS to Heather and Norman Doe on the birth of their second daughter, Elizabeth Christina, on Palm Sunday. (1000 apologies for omitting this note last week - ADM) .

..._._..FOI<. ___ , _____YOUR , ____ DIARY: _ 24th April Easter Vestry. Roath Church House. 28th April Fashion Show. Roath Church House. 6th May May Fayre. Roath Church House. 17th June St Edward's Gift Day and Garden Party. 19th June Parish Confirmation. .':!2nd July Choir Outing to Tenby.

~~!9PNING AN_l2__ EY}.?_!i_~_9 PRA.YER. The Offices are normally said daily in St ~1aJ~gan•t' s Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. 'I.'fTE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving HamE."":r. Tel. 493940. Kevin Morris. 'rel. 460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934.

We are always available to minister ~o the sick and the dying. Holy Bapt.isrn, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. The Clergy will give instruction in the faith. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. St ~vardS Chul~t:h iJt tbr flnrisiJ of :11\on t IJ

Weekly Newsletter No.671 Sunday, 9th April, 1989 THE SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EASTER (Good Shepherd Sunday) Prayer Book p.l32.

Hymns: 197, 546, How Great Thou Art, 93(S). Setting: Nicholson. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Psalm 30. Hymns: 141, Brother James Air, 62(S), 290. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Isaiah 40, 6-ll. Acts ,2, 22-36. Officiant: Fr Kevin Morris, In the world wide church we pray today for the USA, the Province of Washington with its thirteen dioceses, and its President, Heath Light. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Caerphilly, and Fr John Frederick Ward. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Sister Prances, Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Muriel Hunday. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 5.30 p.m. Beavers. Roath Church House. 6.30 p.m. Cubs. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Roath Park Council of Churches. Roath Park Methodist Church. 7.30 p.m. Spring Fayre Meeting of Stallholders. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Scout Hut. Tuesday St Leo the Great, Bishop & Doctor (461 A.D.). 10.45 a.m. Mothers' Union Coffee Morning. St Samson's Church Hall. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.l32. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citiiens. Roath Church House. 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Time for Prayer. St Margaret's. Thursday 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 47 Colchester Avenue. 11.45 a.m. Mothers' Union Deanery Prayer Group. St John the Baptist Ch. 2.30 p.m. Mothers' Union. Roath Church House. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00' p.m. Choir Practice. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. Guides. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Ventures. Venture Den. Saturday St Padarn, Bishop (6th century). 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.30 a.m. Christian Aid Coffee Morning. Roath Park Methodist Church. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Third Sunday After Easter. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. THE LORD IS X,~:_._§_Fi_E_iJ:I~E:HD. What a great comfort those words can be. There can be few of us who have net found them of immeasurable support in a time of stress or pain or loss. Even mant who have little to do with the Church find them of great help. The dictionary def~ncs a psalm as a hymn, a song of praise and certainly our use of these opening words of the 23rd Psalm is an affirmation that we know that God cares for each of us just as the Palestinian shepherd cared for each of his flock. If these words a~e a comfort they are also a challenge. In claiming Jesus Christ as our Shepherd we clai~ membership of His Church and accept the responsibility of membership. Jesus entrusted His mission to His Church and we as a Church are committed to caring for His people, including those 'that are not of this flock'. The Church has a reason to exist only as long as it does the work of Jesus Christ, caring for the needy, the weak, the oppressed, the lonely, the stranger and the lost both physically and spiritually. If we accept the comfort we must also accept the challenge. BASICS OF FAITH. This group resumes at Roath Church House at 7.45 p.m. today. LENT BOXES are now due back, please, for the work of USPG. ROATH PARK COUNCIL OF CHURCHES will meet at Roath Park Methodist Church on Monday at 7.30 p.m. The address will be given by Mr Teifion Griffiths. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE FAYRE. A meeting of stallholders will be held at 7.30 p.m. on Monday evening at Roath Church House. COFFEE MORNING. On 'ruesday at St Samson' s Church Hall at 10.45 a.m. in aid of Caravan Holidays for the needy. Home made cakes, bric a brac and raffle prizes needed. Ring D8reen Cooper (484170) if you need transport.

LADIES' HOTJ~)E ~~<~,':=_ meets on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Dr Heather Doe, 47 Colch22tsz Avenue. Mrs Kathie Mayer will continue the theme ''Both sides of the classroc;~'' doo~", MOTHERS' Ul\lc:c,\: Jeanery Prayer Group at St John's on Thursday at 11.45 a.m. (all welcome). Bra~ch rreeting on Thursday at 2.30 p.m. in Roath Church House. Miss Batty Smith will tal:< a0out 'Favourite Characters from the Bible and others'.

CHRISTIAN ~ID COF~EE MORNING on Saturday, from 10.30 a.m. at Roath Park Methodist Church. Tickets a~e available (20p) from Mrs Megan Martin and Mrs Cynthia Williams. Please give your support.

ANNUAL VES':'~Y takes place on Monday, 24th April, 7.30 p.m. at Roath Church House. ALL members on the Electoral Roll of the Parish are requested to attend. FASHION SHOW AND SALE at Roath Church House on 28th April, at 8 p.m. Proceeds from the sale of tickets, raffle, divided equally between St Teilo's, St Edward's, Mothers' Union, Parish Mission Fund. Admission £1 (tickets available from the Parish Office (484808), Margaret Amodeo (493677), or Mrs Megan Martin. Clothing is purchased on the day of the sale. TRIP TO OXFORD 29th April to St Stephen's Theological College. Some seats still available on the coach. All monies to Mrs. Peggy Newton by Saturday, please. SONGS OF PRAISE. To celebrate St Philip's Patronal Festival there will be a Parish Scngs of Praise Service at St Philip's on Sunday, 30th April, at 6.30 p.m. Please come along and if you would like your favourite hymn sung then fill out one the forms available today and give it to one of the clergy. COACH TRIP TO EXETER. lst June with the Mothers' Union. Names to Doreen Cooper as soon as pcssiblc. 100 CLUB. The final draw for 1988/9: No.50 (Mrs E.Harries), No.29 (M.E.M.Hudd), No.45 (A.Munday), No.40 (S & K Eccles), No.69 (T.Thomas), No.75 (J.Doe). Now is the time to renew y~y._: t :;embership of the 100 Club (and to encourage others to join). Letters are a~ailable at the back of the church; please take one.

THE CLERGY APE : Tne Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), lrving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934.

We are always ~v2ilable to minister to the sick and the dying. Holy Baptism, marriage and fu~a~als contact the Vicar. The Clergy will give instruction in the faith. Confas~to~3 and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. Weekly Newsletter No.672 Sunday, 16th April, 1989 THE THIRD SUNDAY· AFTER EASTER 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.l34. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Kevin Morris. Hymns: 131, 196, 396, Panis Angelicus, 375 (Rec.). Setting: Nicholson. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Peter Reid. Psalm 146. Hymns: 199, Anthem, 49(S), 43. Officiant: Mrs Sally Davies. Anthem: They Have Taken Away My Lord (Stainer) . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Zephaniah 3, 14-end. 1 Corinthians 15, 50-end. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church in Australia, and Primate John Grindod, We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. We pray for those who were killed or injured in the football stadium disaster yesterday. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Pontlottyn with Fochriw, and Fr Anthony Davies. In our own parish we pray for a greater faithfulness to our Risen Lord who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian peter Buss, Muriel Munday. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 5.30 p.m. Beavers. Roath Church House. 6.30 p.m. Cubs. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Missionary Committee. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Scout Hut. Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Eucharist/Introduction to Walsingham Pilgrimage. St Anne's. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.l34. Followed by coffee. 2.00 p.m. Jumble Sale for LATCH. Plasnewydd Presbyterian Church. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Time for Prayers. St Margaret's. Thursday St Beuno, Abbot (640 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 14 Sou they Street. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. Friday St Anselm, Bishop & Doctor (1109 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. Guides. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Ventures. Venture Den. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (!VJatins 8.45 a.m.) 10.30 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's Church. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Fourth Sunday After Easter. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. BASICS OF FAITH. An informal discussion group meets at 7.45 p.m. on Sunday evenings at Roath Church House. THE EMPTY TOMB. 'i:vhat happened to the physical body of Jesus? vJhy was the tomb empty? Was the old body transformed into a 'new body'? The New Testament wishes to emphasize the identity of the person who suffered with him who was raised. The Risen Lord is not a spirit but a living person with a 'body'. St Paul sees Christ as the first to be raised from death. Whether one's interpretation of the resurrection is more 'physical' or more 'spiritual', what is clear is that there was a short transitional period between Jesus's death and his final 'disappearance' when the resurrected Christ was identified with the earthly Jesus. In him they knew the presence and grace of God. It is from their experiences of the resurrection that the eye witnesses were able to discover the relationship which had always existed between Jesus and the Father. ST EDWARD'S lOO CLUB. Have you applied for membership yet? If not, forms are available at the back of the cburch. Please commit yourself to this effort to bridge the gap in our finances, and encourage others to join. Cheques should be made payable to the Principality Building Society (not St Edward's 100 Club). NO EVENSONG. Please note that there will be no Evensong at St Edward's a fortnight today (30th April) because of the Parish Songs of Praise at St Philip's. v'IALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE 1989. The first meeting of this year's Pilgrims will take place on Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. at St Anne's. Mass and introduction to Pilgrimage. This is open to anybody. JUMBLE SALE in aid of LATCH at Plasnewydd Presbyterian Church on Wednesday of this week at 2 p.m. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP meets on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Mrs Sheila Eccles, 14 Southey Street. CAKE STALL. There will be a cake stall outside St Philip's Church every Saturday morning for the next few weeks (10.30-11.30 a.m.) Come and indulge! Fr Kevin's cakes carry a health warning! ST GEORGE'S DAY SERVICE at St Andrew's United Reformed Churc h (corner of Wellfield/Marlborough Rd) next Sunday at 3 p.m. This is a special occasion for the scouts, but all are welcome. ANNUAL VESTRY takes place on Honday 24th April at 7.30 p.m. at Roath Church House. ALL Members on the Electoral Roll of the Parish are requested to attend. FASHION SHOW & SALE at Roath Church House on 28th April at 8 p.m. Tickets (£1) are available from the Parish Office, Sue Oxenham, Megan Martin, Doreen Cooper, Margaret Amodeo, Tricia Burfoot, Kathie Mayer. SONGS OF PRAISE. On the occasion of St Philip's Patronal Festival there will be a Parish Songs of Praise Service at St Philip's on Sunday, 30th April, at 6.30 p.m. Please come along and if you would like your favourite hymn sung then fill out one of the forms available today and give it to one of the clergy. NEW ENGLISH ORCHESTRA, Singers and Dancers perform at Colston Hall, Bristol, on Wednesday, 3rd May. This is a Christian Choir/Orchestra, and a coach is being arranged. If you are interested, please telephone 486533. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE FAYRE is being held on 6th May at 2 p.m. at Roath Church House. Donations are needed for the following stalls - White Elephant, Groceries, Bottle stall, Plants, Children's Bran Tub, Cake stall and home-made sweets are needed for Parish Sweet Stall. For further information contact the Parish Office 484808 (mornings) or 488796 (evenings). Donations may be left at the Parish Office. ROATH PARK COUNCIL OF CHURCHES. A Diary of Events is displayed at the back of the church, detailing events organised by member Churches to which everyone is invited. Please make a note of any that interest you. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. The Clergy will give instruction in the faith. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. St iChur,h itt tbe ilarisb of ~oatb

Weekly Newsletter No.673 Sunday, 23rd April, 1989 THE FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.l37. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Peter Reid. Hymns: 143, 279, Anthem, 239(MP). Setting: Nicholson. Anthem: Thou Wilt Keep Him In Perfect Peace. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Psalm 91. Hymns: 129, 275, 142, 222. Officiant: Fr Vernon Hodgson. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Deuteronomy 6, l-9. Luke 12, 13-34. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church in south Africa and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Cardiff, St Andrew and St Teilo, and Fr Al1an Jenkins. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Muriel Munday, Bill Rees. THIS l'i!EEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. PARISH ANNUAL VESTRY. Roath Church House. Tuesday St Mark, Evangelist. 9.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. 7.00 p.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.l37. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Time for Prayers. St Margaret's. Thursday 10.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 46 Barons Court Road. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. Friday 9.00 a;m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 8.00 p.m. Fashion Show & Sale. Roath Church House. Saturday 8.45 a.m. Trip to Oxford leaves Blenheim Road/Waterloo Road bridge. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Gift Day. St Philip's (until 1 p.m.). 10.30 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 2.30 p.m. St Philip's Fete. St Philip's House Garden, Cairnmuir Road. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is Rogation Sunday, the Fifth Sunday After Easter. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m. and the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. There will be NO EVENSONG at St Edward's. Said Evensong at St Margaret's 5 p.m., Songs of Praise at St Philip's, 6.30 p.m. ANNUAL VESTRY is tomorrow (Monday) night, 7.30 p.m. in Roath Church House. If you are on the Electoral Roll you should be there. CONGRATULATIONS to Ron and Val Mayer on the birth of their sixth(!) grandson, Benjamin. THE SEASON OF EASTER is one of the great 'highs' in the Christian year a very special time. So much of our lives does not seem to be very special. In fact it can be downright humdrum. During the special times we can be very conscious of our faith, perhaps even very aware of the presence of Jesus Christ in our lives. It is much more difficult to practise our faith, let alone feel the presence of Jesus Christ as we go about our everyday affairs. And yet we should expect him to be there, with us, every step of the way. When, as today's Gospel reading reminds us, seven of the disciples went fishing, at least three of them were going about their usual daily work. They did not expect to see Jesus - so for a time they did not recognise him. Have we any expectation of his presence in our lives? After all, if we do not expect him to be thare we are unlikely to find him - even when we realise that we need him. ST GEORGE'S DAY SERVICE at St Andrew's United Reformed Churc h (corner of Wellfield/Marlborough Rd) today at 3 p.m. This is a special occasion for the scouts, but all are welcome. BASICS OF FAITH. An informal discussion group meets at 7.45 p.m. on Sunday evenings at Roath Church House.

LADIES' HOUSE GROUP meets on Thurs~ay at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Mrs Val Mayer, 46 Barons Court Road. FASHION SHO\tJ AND SALE on Friday of this week at Roath Church House at 8 p.m. Proceeds from the sale of tickets, raffle, divided equally between St Teilo's, St Edward's, Mothers' Union, Parish Mission Fund. Tickets (£1) from the Parish Office (484808), Margaret Amodeo (493677), Megan Martin, Kathie Mayer.

ST PHILIP'S PATRONAL FESTIVAL ~s celebrated next weekend. Saturday is St Philip's Gift Day, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The clergy will be in St Philip's Church to receive gifts. Envelopes are available in all churches for anyone to contribute who might wish to do so. St Philip's Fet2 is on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. in St Philip's House Garden, Cairnmuir J:Zoad, and there will be a "Songs of Praise" Service in St Philip's next Sunday at 6.30 p.m. -an opportunity for the whole Parish to worship together (Today is the last chance you have to pick your favourite hymn - if you would like to have it sung, fill out a for~ at the end of this service and give it to one of the clergy.) Please give St Philip's your support next weekend. HOME-MADE CAKES avctilable on the cake stall outside the St Philip's Church on Saturday mornings 10.30-11.30 a.m. Come and buy one this Saturday. TRIP TO OXFORD next Saturday leaves the bridge Blenheim Road/Waterloo Road at 8.45 a.m. There are still five seats available - if you would like to join this visit to St Stephen's Theological College (tickets £5), please contact Mrs Peggy Newton (493113). NEW ENGLISH ORCHESTRA, Singers and Dancers perform at Colston Hall, Bristol, on Wednesday, 3rd May. This is a Christian Choir/Orchestra, and a coach is being arranged. If you are interested, please telephone 486533. tfJ.AY FAYRE at Roath Church House, 6th J'.1ay. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to distribute leaflets in the vicinity of Roath Church House, please see Rev. Helena Williams or Mrs Megan Martin if you are able to help. Donations welcome for all stalls.

ST EDWARD'S 100 CLUB. There is s~ill time to join, if you have not yet done so. Application forms are available at the back of the church. The cost for one year's membership is £12 - cheques payable to Principality Building Society, please. UNIFORM ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House) . Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.0. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. The Clergy will give instruction in the faith. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. h

Weekly Newsletter No.674 Sunday, 30th April, 1989 ROGATION SUNDAY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.l40. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 144, 631 (vv 1-5), 82(S), Anthem, 607 (Rec.). Anthem: Creation's Hymn (Beethoven). Setting: Nicholson. 5.00 p.m. Said Evensong (no sermon) at St Margaret's. 6.30 p.m. Songs of Praise at St Philip's. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church in the West Indies, and Archbishop Orland Lindsay. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. We remember those who died in the tornado in Bangladesh. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Roath, St Martin, and Fr Harold Clarke. We pray for our own congregation at St Philip's, as they celebrate their Patronal Festival, and for Fr Keith Kimber, who is preaching there this morning, and who is about to embark on a new chapter of his ministry as leader of the Team Ministry in the parish of Halesowen, Worcester Diocese. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Muriel Munday. THIS WEEK Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are Rogation Days. Monday SS Philip & James, Apostles. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) Tuesday St Athanasius, Bishop & Doctor (373 A.D.). 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 7.30 p.m. Meeting to arrange Ecumenical Groups. 8 Roath Court Road. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.310. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St !vlargaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Roath Church House. Thursday THE FEAST OF THE ASCENSION. 7.15 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.30 p.m. SUNG EUCHARIST & PROCESSION. Prayer Book p.l42. 8.30 p.m. Choir Practice. Friday , Bishop (6th century). 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. Guides. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Ventures. Venture Den. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Ha tins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Phi lip Is. 2.00 p.m. Hay Fayre. Roath Church House. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Sunday After the Ascension. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.rn., coffee will be served in the vestry and the first draw for the new 100 Club will take place. Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. ASCENSION DAY is on Thursday. This is a day of obligation when we should all make every effort to make our communion. There will be a Sung Eucharist at 7.30 p.m. in St Edward's. TODAY IS ROGATION SUNDAY when historically, the church prayed for a good harvest. A good harvest meant the difference between prosperity and ruin or even life or death. Thankfully, for us at least, this is no longer true, though it is still true for vast numbers of the world's population. The theme is still prayer and in the collect we address God 'Who art always more ready to hear than we to pray'. How true that is and yet Jesus promises 'if you ask anything of the Father, he will give it to you in my name.' Do we really believe this? For that matter do we realise just how much we need God's intervention and support? Faith needs humility as well as trust, a frank recognition of our hopelessness without God and a willing confidence in God's love for us that allows us to align our will with his rather than an expectation that he will align his will with ours. VESTRY. A list of persons elected to office at the Vestry is posted on the Notice Board. Copies of the Parish Accounts are also available. MAY FAYRE is on Saturday of this week at 2 p.m. in Roath Church House. Donations are needed for the following stalls - bottles, cakes, white elephant, groceries, toys, children's bran tub, plants, home-made sweets, books. Cake Stall: this is St Edward's special responsibility. If you possibly can, please make a cake - Mrs Megan Martin will be very pleased to receive your donation. Bottle Stall: the responsibility of Mothers & Toddlers (Monday) and the Playgroup. Mrs Kathie Mayer will be pleased to receive donations. Sweet Stall: Mrs Jane Banks has taken this one on - please give her your support. Also: PLEASE COME AND SUPPORT THE FAYRE. Donations may be left in the Parish Office. CROSSROADS CARE ATTENDANT SCHEME. April 29th-May 6th is National Crossroads Week. There are two collections in this area - at Sainsbury's Homebase on Monday (1st) and at Albany Rd on Saturday (6th). If you are willing to help in either collection for this worthwhile cause, please contact Janice Goble (229084). ECUMENICAL GROUPS. There will be a meeting to discuss setting up new groups, at 8 Roath Court Rd on Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL will meet on Monday, 8th May, at 7 p.m. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP. A donation of £25 is being sent to Relate (Marriage Guidance) following an interesting talk by one of their counsellors. There is no meeting this week (Ascension Day). On 11th May there is a drop in coffee morning at 27 Westville Road, 9.30-12 noon, in aid of the Parish Mission Fund. Tickets are available (25p). On May 18th, 10.15 a.m. at 47 Colchester Avenue, Fr Jeffrey Gainer, Chaplain at St Michael's College, will talk on his work. On May 25th, 10.15 a.m. at 19 Mafeking Road, Fr Martin Kiddle, Chaplain to HM Prison Cardiff will speak. Everyone is most welcome to attend these meetings. VENTURE INTO PRAYER. On Saturday, 13th May, at Roath Church House, there is a Diocesan Day of Prayer, designed to give people a taste of the rich variety of prayer and to lead them further in their journey to God. For further details please ring the Diocesan Missioner, Rev. Philip Morris (04465 - 3770). CAR BOOT SALE in aid of Christian Aid will be held on the 13th May, 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. at Marlborough Road School. Cars £3. Vans etc. £5. PARISH SOCIAL Wednesday, 17th May, at the New Park Liberal Club, City Road, will take the form of a 'Dutch Supper' where you take something for the table, applicable to a finger buffet. Tickets, SOp, available from next week from Megan Martin, Gili Day or the Parish Office. A bus will collect people from the various churches in the parish, at a cost to be determined. Please try to support this event. GLASTONBURY PILGRIMAGE 24th June. A bus trip is proposed, cost £7, including admission. Further information contact Peggy Newton (493113) or the Parish Office. FASHION SHOW yesterday was very successful, and raised £283. GRASS CUTTING. Our thanks to those who have worked in the grounds this week. If anyone would like to volunteer help (perhaps taking a turn at grass cutting) , please have a word with Alan Mayer or Heather Doe. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Harner. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. The Clergy will give instruction in the faith. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. nrdiOmrdl in tbe l9arisb of 1\oatb Weekly Newsletter No.675 Sunday, 7th May, 1989 THE SUNDAY AFTER THE ASCENSION 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.l45. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Vernon Hodgson. Hymns: 147 (Proc.), 146, 439, Anthem, 632 (Rec.). Setting: Agutter. Anthem: The Lord is Exalted. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Mr Brian Shapcott. Psalm 97. Hymns: 145, 226(MP), 149, 15(MP). Officiant: Fr Ken Martin, Readings: Micah 4, 1-7. Ephesians 4, 1-13. In the world wide church we pray today for the Episcopal Church of Brazil, with its six dioceses, and Primate Olauo Luiz. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Llantwit Major and Cowbridge, and Fr Brian Lodwick, Rural Dean. We pray for those whom we have elected to serve as Councillors in our local elections, that God may guide them in their task. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Muriel Munday. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 5.30 p.m. Beavers. Roath Church House. 6.30 p.m. Cubs. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. Parochial Church Council. Eucharist. St Margaret's, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Scout Hut. Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.l45. Follbwed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. 7.30 p.m. Mothers' Union Deanery Festival. St Paul's Church, Grangetown. 7.30 p.m. Montgomery Lecture. Memorial Hall, Llandaff. 7.30 p.m. Welsh Choral Festival. Llandaff Cathedral. Thursday 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 9.30 a.m. Ladies' House Group. Drop-in Coffee Morning. 27 Westville Rd •. 11.45 a.m. Mothers' Union Deanery Prayer Group. St John the Baptist Ch. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. Friday 9.00 a,m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. Guides. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Ventures. Venture Den. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 10.00 a.m. Venture into Prayer. Roath Church House. 11.00 a.m. Christian Aid Car Boot Sale. Marlborough Road School Yard. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost, Whitsunday. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. THE ASCENSION. The Ascension of Christ is His liberation from all restrictions of time and space. It does not represent His removal from the earth, but his constant presence everywhere on earth. During His earthly ministry He could only be in one place at a time. If He was in Jerusalem He was not in Capernaum; if He was in Capernaum He was not in Jerusalem. But now He is united with God, He is present wherever God is present and that is everywhere. Because He is in heaven he is everywhere on earth, because He is ascended, He is here now. In the person of the Holy Spirit He dwells in his church, and issues forth from the deepest depths of the souls of His disciples, to bear witness to His sovereignty. (William Temple) COFFEE will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist this morning, and the draw for the lOO Club will take place. MAY FAYRE. Many thanks to all who helped. £585.03 was made on the day. Well done! PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL will meet tomorrow (Monday) at 7 p.m., beginning with the Holy Eucharist in St Margaret's. MOTHERS' UNION DEANERY FESTIVAL is on Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. at St Paul's Church, Grangetown. A coach will leave St Margaret's at 6.30 p.m. MONTGOMERY LECTURE takes place at the Memorial Hall, Llandaff, on Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. The speaker will be Dr Ralph Gower, formerly Inspector/Adviser in Religious Education for ILEA. His talk is directed not only to teachers, but to parents, clergy and school governors. Admission free. Open discussion will follow the lecture. Refreshments will be served. There is a spacious car park. COFFEE MORNING on Thursday at 27 Westville Road, 9.30-12 noon, in aid of the Parish Mission Fund. Tickets are available (25p) from members of the House Group. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP. On May 18th, 10.15 a.m. at 47 Colchester Avenue, Fr Jeffrey Gainer, Chaplain at St Michael's College, will talk on his work. On May 25th, 10.15 a.m. at 19 Mafeking Road, Fr Martin Kiddle, Chaplain to HM Prison Cardiff will speak. Everyone is invited to attend these meetings. VENTURE INTO PRAYER. On Saturday, 10 p.m. to 4 p.m., at Roath Church House, there is a Diocesan Day of Prayer, designed to give people a taste of the rich variety of prayer and to lead them further in their journey to God. For further details please ring the Diocesan Missioner, Rev. Philip Morris (04465 - 3770). CAR BOOT SALE in aid of Christian Aid will be held on Saturday, 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. at Marlborough Road School Yard. Cars £3. Vans etc. £5. CHRISTIAN AID WEEK begins on Monday, 15th May. Volunteers are needed for the door-to-door collection. If you are willing to help, please see Mrs Megan Martin. WALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE. Mass on Tuesday, 16th May at 7.30 p.m. in St Anne's for those going on the Pilgrimage this summer, followed by video of the shrine. PARISH SOCIAL Wednesday, 17th May, at the New Park Liberal Club, City Road. Tickets, 50p, available from Megan Martin, Gill Day or the Parish Office. GLASTONBURY PILGRIMAGE 24th June. A bus trip is proposed, cost £7, including admission. Further information contact Peggy Newton (493113) or the Parish Office. THANK YOU from Fr Kevin to all who made St Philip's Patronal Festival weekend so successful and enjoyable. HI-FI FOR SALE. St Anne's School has a Hi-Fi for sale, in good condition, offers please to Miss Davies (490402). lOO CLUB. The first draw of the new club takes place this morning. Membership of the club is still open - the cost of being in the remaining 11 draws is £11 - please see Tricia today if you are interested in joining. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Please inform the clery of illness. Holy Communion may be received at home by those unable to come to Church. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. ~t f4wMJi Churdt in tbr. tlariSb of ~oatb Weekly Newsletter No.676 Sunday, 14th May, 1989 THE FEAST OF PENTECOST 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Procession, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Bk p.147 Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Peter Reid. Setting: Agutter. Hymns: 256 (Proc.), 156, 209(MP), Anthem, 615 {Rec.). Anthem: Come Holy Ghost. Final voluntary on a theme by Richard Mayer. 6.30 p.m. Evensong, Procession & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Psalm 98. Hymns: 157, 151, 170(MP), 233, 152 (Proc.). Introit: Bless the Lord, 0 My Soul. Officiant: Fr Irving Hamer. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Isaiah 11, 1-9. Galatians 5, 16-25. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church of , the Province of Canterbury, and Archbishop Robert Runcie. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially the Archbishop's envoy, Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack !'1ann, thought to have been taken hostage this weekend. V.le pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. We pray for the people of Panama, that their problems may be resolved without bloodshed. On this day of Pentecost, we pray that the Spirit of Go? will renew us all in this Parish. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter· Buss, Muriel Munday. CHRISTIAN AID WEEK Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are Ember Days. Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. EUCHARIST. Followed by St Edward's Committee Meeting. Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Followed by video. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St 1>1argaret' s. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. 7.30 p.m. Parish Social. New Park Liberal Club, City Road. Thursday 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 47 Colchester Avenue. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. 7.30 p.m. St Anne's LIFE Group visit to Llandaff Cathedral. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 2.00 p.m. Mothers' Union Wave of Prayer. St Margaret's. 7.30 p.rn. "St David's Praise". St David's Hall. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. 7.30 p.m. Male Voice Choir Concert. Cardiff Athletic Club. Next Sunday is Trinity Sunday. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 11 a.m. in St Edward's, the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m.

THIS WEE~ IS CHRISTIAN AID WEEK. Volunteers are needed for the door-to-door collection. If you are w~lling to help, please see Mrs Megan Martin. CONGRATULATIONS to Richard Mayer and Cathie Lampert, who receive the 1988/9 choir prizes for attendance. We also say farewell to Rachel Griffiths this morning. PENTECOST. Our disposition is most important when it comes to deepening our relationship with God. Our disposition should be of humble longing - it is when we reach this point that God is able to make contact with us, for we (that is our hangups, opinions and self centredness) no longer get in the way. We stand instead in an attitude of receiving. So it was on the day of Pentecost - the disciples no longer questioned for they knew who Jesus was and so waited patiently for him to fulfil his promise to them - the promise of the Holy Spirit which they received in fulness. The marks of the Spirit's presence have always been the same a useful checklist for each one of us. They are: (1) a new reality of God, (2) a love for Jesus Christ, (3) a hunger for the Scriptures, (4) spontaneous joy and praise, (5) witness and generous giving, which not only includes money but a generous giving of self to others in love. ST EmvARD'S COMMITTEE meets tomorrow (Monday). Eucharist 7 p.m. HOBSON'S CHOICE by St Peter's Players at St Peter's Hall, at 7.30 p.m. every day this week. Tickets £2 (concession £1). For details tel.480149 WALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE. On Tuesday, 7.30 p.m. at St Anne's, a Mass especially for those going on the Pilgrimage, followed by a video of the shrine. PARISH SOCIAL at the New Park Liberal Club, City Road, at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday. Please bring food for the table. Tickets SOp. There will be a hat competition based on popular songs - further information from Joan Gough (490777) or the Parish Office (484808). LADIES' HOUSE GROUP. Many thanks to all who supported the coffee morning £70 was raised for the Parish Mission Fund. There is a meeting on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Dr Heather Doe, 47 Colchester Avenue, when Fr Jeffrey Gainer, Chaplain at St Michael's College, will talk on his work. On May 25th, 10.15 a.m. at 19 Mafeking Road, Fr Martin Kiddle, Chaplain to HM Prison Cardiff will speak. Everyone is invited to attend these meetings. ST ANNE'S LIFE GROUP visits Llandaff Cathedral and St Michael's College on Thursday evening. MOTHERS' UNION Wave of Prayer Service at 2 p.m. on Friday in St Margaret's. "ST DAVID'S PRAISE". An interdenominational choir of 450 voices and an orchestra will perform at St David's Hall on Friday at 7.30 p.m. Tickets are £3, £4 and £5 from the box office. Organised by Cambrensis Baptist Choir. For details, tel. 497401. MALE VOICE CHOIR CONCERT at Cardiff Athletic Club on Saturday at 7.30 p.m., organised by Roath Park U.R.C. Tickets £2. For details, tel.484414. SERVICE OF RE-AFFIRMATION for P.C.C. members on Thursday, 25th May (Corpus Christi), at 7.30 p.m. at St Anne's. It is hoped that as many members of the Parish as possible will be present to support the P.C.C. COFFEE MORNING for the Welsh Council of Churches Appeal Fund, Saturday, lOth June, 9.30-12 noon at St Andrew's U.R.C., Wellfield Road. Tickets (25p) from Kathie Mayer. PARISH QUIET DAY, Saturday, 24th June at St John's Priory, Bridgend, will be led by Fr Irving Hamer. Further details from Rev. Helena Williams. GLASTONBURY PILGRIMAGE 24th June. A bus trip is proposed, cost £7, inclu\}ing admission. Further information contact Peggy Newton (493113) or the Parish Office. CHRISTIAN AID car boot sale yesterday was successful £93 was taken on the gate. UNIFORM ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House). Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Please inform the clery of illness. Holy Communion may be received at home by those unable to come to Church. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. 3 p.m. TODAY - open-air Service at Roath Park, 25th Anniversary of Christchurch. Ot ~,,arJi Church i11 tbr ftarisb of ~oatb

Weekly Newsletter No.677 Sunday, 21st May, 1989 TRINITY SUNDAY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Procession, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Vernon Hodgson. Hymns: Proc.: 162 (omit*), 161, 73(S), Anthem, 160 (Rec.). Anthem: Lo, Round the Throne. Setting: Agutter. Prayer Book p.l54. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Psalm 99. Hymns: 617, Anthem, 163, 164, 160 (Proc.). Anthem: Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones. Readings: Isaiah 6, 1-8. Mark 1, 1-11. Officiant: Fr Kevin Morris. In the world wide church we pray today for the , and the Archibishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack Mann. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. We pray for the people of China, remembering especially the students and their ~upporters assembled in Tiananmen Square in Peking, that their political problems may be resolved peacefully. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Llandaff North, and Fr Christopher Fry. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Esme Scobie. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 5.30 p.m. Beavers. Roath Church House. 6.30 p.m. Cubs. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. Followed by St Margaret's Committee. 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Scout Hut. Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Followed by St Anne's Committee. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.154. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday Thanksgiving for the Holy Communion (Corpus Christi). 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 19 Mafeking Road. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. 7.30 p.m. PCC Service of Reaffirmation. St Anne's. Friday St Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop (605 A.D.}. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. Followed by St Philip's Committee. 7.00 p.m. Guides. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Ventures. Venture Den. Saturday The Venerable Bede, Doctor (735 A.D.}. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the First Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. TRINITY SUNDAY. In our collect today we recognise that God himself has made known to us the glory of the eternal Trinity and that it is in the power of the divine majesty that we are enabled to worship the Unity - we come, that is, to the Father, through the Son and in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is true to the Christian experience of God, but the 'Doctrine of the Trinity' is not a definition of God - 'a God defined is a God finished' -but an attempt to articulate the truth which has been known or revealed to us. BIBLE READING. If you would like to know your bible better, why not come along to an informal, non-academic series of introductory sessions. Sign up on the notices in your church this Sunday or ring the Vicar for more details. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP will meet on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Mrs Jane Banks, 19 Mafeking Road, when Fr Martin Kiddle, Chaplain to HM Prison Cardiff, will speak. On 15th June, Fr Alan Jenkins (University Chaplain) will speak at 8 Newminster Road, and on 22nd June, Barbara John (Hospital Chaplain) will give a talk at 80 Melrose Avenue. Everyone is invited to these meetings (all 10.15 a.m.). SERVICE OF RE-AFFIRMATION on Thursday at 7.30 p.m. for PCC Members at St Anne's. We hope that as many members of the Parish as possible will be present to support. LUIS PALAU - TELL WALES. There is a National Youth Event in Swansea on Monday, 29th May, and Luis Palau will visit Cardiff 6th-9th June. The National "Celebration Finale" is in Cardiff on lOth June. COFFEE MORNING for Welsh Council of Churches Appeal Fund, Saturday, lOth June, 9.30-12 noon at St Andrew's U.R.C., Wellfield Road. Tickets (25p) from Kathie Mayer. ST MARGARET'S PLAYGROUP FETE on Saturday, lOth June, 2 p.m. at Roath Church House. Donations wanted for the usual stalls. EVERYONE WELCOME, especially families. ST EDWARD'S GIFT DAY AND GARDEN PARTY is on Saturday, 17th June. Please put this date in your diary. PARISH QUIET DAY, Saturday, 24th June, at St John's Priory, Bridgend. The day will be led by Fr Irving Hamer. Further details from Rev. Helena Williams (492934). GLASTONBURY PILGRIMAGE 24th June. A bus trip is proposed, cost £7, including admission. Further information contact Peggy Newton (493113) or the Parish Office. CHOIR OUTING TO TENBY on Saturday, 22nd July. Choir members who intend to come are asked to tell Sue Mansell as soon as possible now how many places they wish to reserve on the bus. YOUTH CAMPS 1989. 29th July to 5th August. Organised by the Evangelical Fellowship in the Church in Wales. Aberaeron (ages 11-14), Eastmoor (ages 14-18). Cost £55. Apply: Mrs S.Prior, The Rectory, New Radnor, Presteigne, Powys. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE. Rev. Dr David Williams is leading an 8-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land in mid-November. Cost about £400. Further details: tel.0938-3351. OUR THANKS to those who have been collecting door-to-door for Christian Aid. LOST PROPERTY. A member of the choir has lost a carrier-bag of Body Shop goods, last seen in the vestry. If anyone has seen it, please let Alan Mayer know. FOR YOUR DIARY: lOth June Council of Churches Coffee Morning. St Andrew's U.R.C. 17th June St Edward's Gift Day and Garden Party. 19th June Parish Confirmation. 24th June Parish Quiet Day. St John's Priory, Bridgend. 29th June Parish .Confirmation. 22nd July Choir Outing to Tenby. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Please inform the clery of illness. Holy Communion may be received at home by those unable to come to Church. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. St Edward:s Chur'h i11 tbe llari!)b of ~oatb

Weekly Newsletter No.678 Sunday, 28th May, 1989 THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.l57. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Rev. Helena Williams. Hymns: 3 (Pt 1 & Dox.), 49(S), Dives & Lazarus, Anthem, 270 (Rec.). Anthem: God is a Spirit (William Sterndale Bennett). Setting: Agutter. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Irving Hamer. Psalm 4. Hymns: 44, Anthem, 533, 221. Officiant: Rev. Helena Williams. Anthem: My Brother's Keeper. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell. Readings: Genesis 4, 1-16. Mark 1, 14-28. In the world wide church we pray today for the Episcopal Church in the USA, the Province of the South West, and presiding Bishop Edmond Browning. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack Mann. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Whitchurch, and Canon Glynne Turner. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Esme S~obie. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Hargaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) "Tell Wales" National Youth Event (Luis Palau). Swansea. Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 7.30 p.m. Roath Church House Committee. Roath Church House. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.l57. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Roath,Church House. Thursday St Justin, Apologist & Martyr (c.l65 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 9.15 a.m. Mothers' Union coach leaves Roath Church House for Exeter. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice.

Friday St Blandina & Companions, !v!artyrs (177 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip' s. 7.00 p.m. Guides. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Ventures. Venture Den. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (t'latins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip Is. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Second Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m., coffee will be served in the vestry after the service, and the lOO Club Draw will take place. Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF. Christian love (Agape) is much more than friendship (philos ~ to like, to be fond of) and quite different from physical attraction (Eros ~ to be attracted to). It is a question of 'put~ing others before oneself', of 'serving others', of being the 'servant or slave' of 'washing one another's feet.' (John 13, v.l4). ST EDWARD'S GIFT DAY AND GARDEN PARTY is on Saturday, 17th June. Please put this date in your diary. PRIZE DRAW TICKETS. Please return the counterfoils of your prize draw books of tickets to Mrs Megan Martin as soon as possible. BIBLE READING - a reminder that anyone who is interested in getting to know their Bible better should sign up on the notice in Church for a short series beginning in late June. Please indicate what time of day you prefer. LUIS PALAU - TELL WALES. There is a National Youth Event in Swansea on Monday of this week, and Luis Palau will visit Cardiff 6th-9th June. The National ''Celebration Finale" is in Cardiff on lOth June. CHILDREN'S SOCIETY WELSH CENTENARY. To mark the centenary of the Children's Society in Wales, there is a Festival of Flowers at St John's Church this week, Thursday to Saturday. Admission £1. There will be a Service of Thanksgiving and Rededication at Llandaff Cathedral on Saturday, 17th June, at 2.30 p.m. COFFEE MORNING for Welsh Council of Churches Appeal Fund, Saturday, lOth J·une, 9.30-12 noon at St Andrew's U.R.C., Wellfield Road. Tickets {25p) from Kathie Mayer. ST MARGARET'S PLAYGROUP FETE on Saturday, lOth June, 2 p.m. at Roath Church House. Donations wanted for the usual stalls. EVERYONE WELCOME, especially families. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP. No meeting this week. On 15th June, Fr Alan Jenkins {University Chaplain) will speak at 8 Newminster Road, and on 22nd June, Bar bar a John {Hospital Chaplain) will give a talk at 80 Melrose Avenue. Everyone is invited to these meetings {all 10.15 a.m.). There will be a Jumble Sale at Roath Church House on Saturday, lst July. PARISH QUIET DAY, Saturday, 24th June, at St John's Priory, Bridgend. The day will be led by Fr Irving Hamer. Further details from Rev. Helena Williams {492934). GLASTONBURY PILGRIMAGE 24th June. A bus trip is proposed, cost £7, including admission. Further information contact Peggy Newton {493113) or the Parish Office. PILGRIM ADVENTURES. For those who find "going down on the day" a bit tame an alternative route to Glastonbury involves meeting the Pilgrim Adventurers at Llangelynnin Church, high above the Conwy valley, on June 17th, and reaching Glastonbury "seven adventure-filled days later''. For details of this and other Pilgrim Adventures, contact David Gleed, 22 Downend Road, Fishponds, Bristol. CHOIR OUTING TO TENBY on Saturday, 22nd July. Choir members who intend to come are asked to tell Sue Mansell as soon as possible now how many places they wish to reserve on the bus. YOUTH CAMPS 1989. 29th July to 5th August. Organised by the Evangelical Fellowship in the Church in Wales. Aberaeron {ages 11-14), Eastmoor (ages 14-18). Cost £55. Apply: Mrs S.Prior, The Rectory, New Radnor, Presteigne, Powys. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE. Rev. Dr David Williams is leading an 8-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land in mid-November. Cost about £400. Further details: tel.0938-3351. CONGRATULATIONS to Or Norman Doe, whose book entitled 'Fundamental Authority in Medieval Law' is to be published by the Cambridge University Press later this year~ WELSH CHURCHMAN for June is available at the back of the Church. FOR YOUR DIARY: lOth June Council of Churches Coffee Morning. St Andrew's U.R.C. 17th June St Edward's Gift Day and Garden Party. 24th June Parish Quiet Day. St John's Priory, Bridgend. 29th June Parish Confirmation. 22nd July Choir Outing to Tenby. Please note especially the date of the Confirmation, which has previously been published incorrectly. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Please inform the clery of illness. Holy Communion may be received at home by those unable to come to Church. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. \St F4wMds Ctwr,h i1t tbr ~artsb of i\oatb Weekly Newsletter No.679 Sunday, 4th June, 1989 THE SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.160. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Vernon Hodgson. Hymns: 220, 257, I Cannot Come, 169(MP). Setting: Nicho1son. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Kevin Morris. Introit: Rejoice in the Lord Always. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Psalm 107 vv 1-22. Hymns: 158, 42(S), 331, 20. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Genesis 9, 1-17. Mark 1, 29-end. In the world wide church we pray today for the nations of South America, and the Anglican Church of the Southern Cone of America, and Presiding Bishop David Leake. We give thanks for the return of democracy in Argentina and Uruguay, and pray for those who defend civil and human rights in Bolivia, Chile and Peru. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack Mann. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the·Parish of Penarth with Lavernock, and Fr Hilary Collins. We pray for Fr Keith Kimber, whose induction at St John the Baptist, Halesowen, is on Friday of this week. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Esme Scobie. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Roath Park Council of Churches A.G.M. Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.l60. Followed by coffee. Carry Mella Link (Peace in Northern Ireland). City Hall. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. Thursday 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. Coffee Morning/Bring & Buy. 53 Colchester Avenue. 11.45 a.m. Mothers' Union Deanery Prayer Group. St John the Baptist Ch. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. 7.30 p.m. St Anne's LIFE Group. Friday" St Calumba, Abbot (597 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 9.30 a.m. Council of Churches Coffee Morning. St Andrew's U.R.C. 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 2.00 p.m. St Margaret's Playgroup Summer Fete. Roath Church House. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Third Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's, at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m.

COFFEE will be serve~ in the vestry after the Eucharist this morning, and the draw for the lOO Club will take place. ST EDWARD'S GIFT DAY AND GARDEN PARTY is a week Saturday, (17th June). Weather permitting, the Office will be sung at 6 p.m. on the Church lawn, THE CALL TO DISCIPLESHIP. Clergy are often asked, "~vhy don't more people go to Church?" But, perhaps a better question to ask is "Why do WE come to Church?" Do we see Church-going as a way of answering God's call to us to become a disciple of Jesus Christ? After all Church is a very definite opportunity for learning about Jesus - in stories read from the Bible, hymns and prayers, in attitudes adopted in worship. The point of the Gospel story today shows us that if we claim to be a disciple of Christ {A Christian) then we need to be committed to Him. There is no such thing as discipleship WITHOUT commitment, without some INVOLVEMENT in God's Church. And so over to you ..••.. ROATH COUNCIL OF CHURCHES A.G.M. is on Monday at 7.30 p.m. Our sole representative at the moment is Kathie Mayer, who is Vice-Chairman of the Council. She would very much appreciate being joined by other members of St Edward's - so if you are free on Monday evening, why not come along to the meeting and find out about ecumenical work in Roath. Anyone who is interested would be more than welcome! After the A.G.M. business, Miss Margaret Sweeney, who worships at St Peter's Roman Catholic Church, will give a talk. COFFEE MORNING/BRING & BUY at 10 a.m. to 12 noon on Thursday at 53 Colchester Avenue in aid of Mothers' Union Welcare Fund. Tickets are available from Mrs Barbara Riddett (492397). COFFEE MORNING for Welsh Council of Churches Appeal Fund on Saturday this week, 9.30-12 noon at St Andrew's U.R.C., Wellfield Road. Tickets (25p) from Kathie Mayer.

ST ~ffiRGARET'S PLAYGROUP FETE on Saturday, 2 p.m. at Roath Church House. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP. No meeting this week. On 15th June, Fr Alan Jenkins (University Chaplain) will speak at 8 Newminster Road, and on 22nd June, Barbara John (Hospital Chaplain) will give a talk at 80 Melrose Avenue. Everyone is invited to these meetings (all 10.15 a.m.). QUIET DAY. There are 3 places left for the Quiet Day, 24th June, led by Fr Irving - if you would like to come please give your name to Rev. Helena Williams. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE GRAND PRIZE DRAW. Hurry up and buy your tickets for this Grand Prize Draw. Many prizes to be won. Please would people ensure that ALL monies and counterfoils are returned by the 16th June. HELP is needed - with the cutting of the grass surrounding Roath Church House. It is proposed to organise a rota of people working in teams of 2/3 who would undertake the cutting of the grass once or twice during the summer season. If you can spare the time - please put your name on the list at the back of the church. The cutting of our own grass is organised less formally - if you are willing to help, please have a word with Heather Doe or Alan Mayer. VOLUNTARY WORK. Volunteers are needed by the Social Services Department to work with young children (under fives) and their families. This could be anything from providing an escort for the child, to establishing a routine in the household. Please give this some thought and contact Fr Kevin for further information. FR KEITH KIMBER WRITES: Please don't use the absence of a local USPG representative as an excuse to forget the needs and challenges of world mission. The spiritual needs of the human race, addressed by the church's mission, remain just as essential as the meeting of material needs. The Church in Wales will not be adequately equipped for its local mission, unless it also becomes involved in the mission of God across the barriers of culture and race internationally. After six years of discovery 'on the road' in Wales, I am more certain of this than ever before. Please remember Fr Kimber in your prayers as he moves to his new parish of Halesowen in Worcester Diocese this week. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 {Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Please inform the clery of illness. Holy Communion may be received at home by those unable to come to Church. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. Ot Uw(Wds Churdt itt tbe !larisb of ~oatb weekly Newsletter No.680 Sunday, 11th June, 1989 THE FEAST OF ST BARNABAS THE APOSTLE 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Procession, Sermon and Sunday School. Page 250. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Vernon Hodgson. Hymns: 506 (Proc.), 274(MP), 550, 262(MP). Setting: Nicholson. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Psalm 15. Hymns: 20l(MP), Anthem, 173(MP), 79(MP), 629 (Proc.). Anthem: 0 Nata Lux (Thomas Tallis). Officiant: Fr Vernon Hodgson. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Isaiah 35, 5-end. Acts 14, 8-27. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church of Nigeria, with its 26 dioceses, and Archbishop Joseph Adetiloye. We give thanks for Nigeria's rich variety of cultures, religions and peoples, and pray for mutual understanding and common service by Muslims and Christians there. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack Mann. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. We remember those who died in Peking last Sunday, and tho'se whose lives are still threatened. we remember also the victims of the gas explosion in Russia. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Cadoxton­ juxta-Barry, and Fr Gerald Robert Steele. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Esme Scobie, Arthur Thomson. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Walsingham Mass. St Anne's. Wednesday St Basil the Great, Bishop & Doctor (397 A.D.) 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.285. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. 7.45 p.m. Annual Service of Covenanting Churches. City U.R.C. Church. Thursday 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a. m. Ladies' House Group. 8 Newminster Road. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. 7.30 p.m. St Anne's LIFE Group. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. ST EDWARD'S GIFT DAY. Church open until 6 p.m. 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 2.30 p.m. Children's Society Thanksgiving Service. Llandaff Cathedral. 3.00 p.m. St Edward's Garden Party. 6.00 p.m. OPEN-AIR SUNG EVENSONG in St Edward's Church grounds. 6.30 p.m. Choir Barbecue. Church Grounds. Next Sunday is the Fourth Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. WE WELCOME the uniform organisations to our Evensong this evening. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE GRAND PRIZE DRAW. All counterfoils and money for the draw to be in by Friday of this week, please, to the Parish Office or Mrs Megan Martin. ST EDWARD'S GIFT DAY AND GARDEN PARTY is on Saturday of this week. The Church will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. to receive your gifts. There are letters for everyone at the back of the Church today - please take yours. Volunteers to help deliver the "unclaimed'' letters will be appreciated. If there is no letter addressed to you, please speak to Mr Philip Williams. Those who covenant their Gift Day offerings are reminded to mark their Gift Day envelope with the number which appears on their Offertory Envelopes. The Garden Party is in the Church Grounds from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. (weather permitting - otherwise in the vestry). Evensong will be sung in the Church grounds at 6 p.m., and everyone is invited to be present for this act of worship at the end of Gift Day. After the Service, the Choir will have a barbecue in the grounds. SAINTS' DAYS. Why does the Church teach us to keep Saints' Days? - so that we may know what graces and gifts God has conferred on His people ... so that we may give thanks for them and be provoked to place greater confidence in the grace of God for ourselves ... so that following their examples of faith we too may become 'imitators of Christ'. Today we keep the Feast of Saint Barnabas the Apostle. Barnabas took a prominent part in the development of the infant Church. He was an early Christian disciple from Cyprus and it was he who introduced St Paul to the other apostles and travelled with him on the 'first missionary journey.' WALSINGHAM MASS. Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. at St Anne's Church. £5 deposit now due to Fr Hamer. ANNUAL SERVICE of South Glamorgan Committee for Covenanting Churches takes place at 7.45 p.m. on Wednesday at the City United Reformed Church, Windsor Place. The Preacher is Rev. Robin Matthews. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP. On Thursday at 10.15 a.m., the Group will meet at the home of Mrs Kathie Mayer, 8 Newminster Road, when Fr Alan Jenkins (University Chaplain) will give a talk. On 22nd June, Barbara John (Hospital Chaplain) will give a talk at 80 Melrose Avenue. Everyone is invited to these meetings. CHILDREN'S SOCIETY WELSH CENTENARY. There will bs a Service of Thanksgiving and Rededication at Llandaff Cathedral on Saturday, at 2.30 p.m. WOMEN AND POVERTY. This is the theme of a Day Conference at the City United Reformed Church, Windsor Place, on Saturday, 24th June. The main speaker is Bridget Rees, who works for Christian Aid. The day will begin and end with a time of worship and prayer, and there will be discussion groups and workshops. BIBLE READING. A series of five introduction sessions begins shortly, to which all are welcome. (1) 26th June, 7.30 p.m. Roath Church House. (2) 27th June, 10 a.m. 19 Mafeking Road. CONFIRMATION. The Bishop of Llandaff will be coming to the Parish on Thursday, 29th June, at 7 p.m. to confirm our candidates. Please make every effort to be at St Margaret's to support them and welcome him. St Edward's Choir will join the other Choirs of the Parish to sing the Service. FR KEVIN will be ordained priest on Sunday, 2nd July, at Llandaff Cathedral. He will preside at the Eucharist for the first time on the Monday (3rd) at 7.30 p.m. at St Philip's. ALL ARE WELCOME to attend this Service. St Edward's Choir will join with other Choirs of the Parish and Maesteg for this Service. CHOIR OUTING TO TENBY on Saturday, 22nd July. Choir members who intend to come are asked to tell Sue Mansell as soon as possible now how many places they wish to reserve on the bus. VOLUNTARY WORK. Volunteers are needed by the Social Services Department to work with young children (under fives) and their families. See Fr Kevin for further information. UNIFORH ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House). Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. Ot Uw(WJ's Chur,h itt tbe ~artsb of ~oatb

Weekly Newsletter No.681 Sunday, 18th June, 1989 THE FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.165. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Kevin Morris. Hymns: 235, 89(S), 58(S), Anthem, 95(S) (Rec.). Setting: Nicholson. Anthem: Prevent Us 0 Lord (Trio) . 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Officiant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Psalm 17. Hymns: 15, 311, 86(MP), 376. Introit: Be Still and Know that I am God. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Genesis 22, 1-19. Mark 4, 1-25. In the world wide church we pray today for the abolition of hunger, especially in Africa. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack Mann. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Cwmaman, and Fr Glyn Bowen. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Esme Scobie, Arthur Thomson. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Roath Church House Grand Prize Draw. Roath Church House. Tuesday SS Alban, Julius & Aaron, Martyrs. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.l65. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 80 Melrose Avenue. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. 7.30 p.m. St Anne's LIFE Group. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.15 p.m. Cardiff Municipal Choir. St Andrew's U.R.C. Saturday The Nativity of St John the Baptist. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 9.00 a.m. Quiet Day Group leaves St Margaret's. "Women & Poverty" Conference. City U.R.C., Windsor Place. 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 10.00 a.m. St Andrew's Festival. St Andrew's U.R.C. (see note). 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. 7.15 p.m. Cardiff Philharmonic (Palm Court) Orchestra. St Andrew's U.R.C. Next Sunday is the Fifth Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. CONGRATULATIONS to Helen Barlow, former head-choirgirl of St Edward's, who was awarded a 1st Class Honours Degree at Canterbury this week. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE GRAND PRIZE DRAW takes place on Monday at 7.30 p.m. at Roath Church House. THE COLLECT. The first 'Let us pray' in our Eucharist Service comes before the 'Collect' (or opening prayer) - after we have 'prepared ourselves for worship' and before we hear the word of the God in the reading. The 'Collect' prayer collects together all our thoughts and helps to focus them into ONE prayer. We celebrate the Eucharist TOGETHER as the Body of Christ, rather tha;--as individuals. We step forward into Communion together as a body, rather than as each person alone. Today's prayer is particularly beautiful and helpful in our own devotions. We ask God to guide and help us in everything we do so that it may be done to His glory. ANGLICAN RENEWAL MINSTRIES (WALES). There is a conference Tuesday-Friday this week. Guest speaker Bishop Richard Hare. Details from Fr Brian Waters (0495-224240). LADIES' HOUSE GROUP. On Thursday, at 10.15 a.m., Barbara John (Hospital Chaplain) will give a talk at the home of Mrs Jean Rose, 80 Melrose Avenue. Everyone is invited. The group will meet on 29th June at 47 Marlborough Road. There will be a Jumble Sale at Roath Church House on Saturday, 8th July, at 10.30 a.m. in Roath Church House. Offers of jumble to any member of the Group, please. PARISH QUIET DAY is on Saturday at St John's Priory, Bridgend. The day will be led by Fr Irving Hamer. The group will leave St Margaret's at 9 a.m. WOMEN AND POVERTY. This is the theme of a Day Conference at the City United Reformed Church, Windsor Place, on Saturday. The main speaker is Bridget Rees, who works for Christian Aid. The day will begin and end with a time of worship and prayer, and there will be discussion groups and workshops. ST ANDREW'S FESTIVAL. St Andrew's U.R.C. next weekend. On Friday, Cardiff Municipal Choir perform at the Church at 7.15 p.m. On Saturday, 10 a.m. Coffee Party & Charity Stalls; 11 a.m. Chamber Concert; 3-4.30 p.m. Strawberry Teas on the lawn (3 p.m. Punch & Judy); 7.15 p.m. Cardiff Philharmonic (Palm Court) Orchestra. Everyone welcome - for details tel.492600. BIBLE READING. A series of five introduction sessions begins shortly, to which all are welcome. (1) 26th June, 7.30 p.m. Roath Church House. (2) 27th June, 10 a.m. 19 Mafeking Road. CONFIRMATION. The Bishop of Llandaff will be coming to the Parish on Thursday, 29th June, at 7 p.m. to confirm our candidates. Please make every effort to be at St Margaret's to support them and welcome him. St Edward's Choir will join the other Choirs of the Parish to sing the Service. FR KEVIN will be ordained priest on Sunday, 2nd July, at L1andaff Cathedral. He will preside at the Eucharist for the first time on the Monday (3rd) at 7.30 p.m. at St Philip's. ALL ARE WELCOME to attend. St Edward's Choir will join with other Choirs of the Parish and Maesteg for this Service, which will be followed by a reception at Pengam Moors Social Club (again, all welcome). Donations of food are needed - please contact the Parish Office (484808). MOTHERS' UNION Buffet Evening on Thursday, 13th July at Roath Church House at 7.30 p.m. in the garden (weather permitting). Tickets £1 from Doreen Cooper. CHOIR OUTING TO TENBY on Saturday, 22nd July. Choir members who intend to come are asked to tell Sue Mansell as soon as possible now how many places they wish to reserve on the bus. OUR THANKS to all who supported our Gift Day/Garden Party yesterday; to those who organised them, those who cut the grass etc. etc. WELSH CHURCHMAN. The July edition is now available at the back of the church. THANK YOU to all who supported the coffee morning at 53 Colchester Avenue. £34 was raised for Welcare. UNIFORM ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House). Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6,15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving !-lamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. St EdwMds iJt tbe flarisb of ~oatb

Weekly Newsletter No.682 Sunday, 25th June, 1989 THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.167. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Rev. Helena Williams. Hymns: 399, 552, 388, 227. Setting: Nicholson. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Irving Hamer. Psalm 75. Hymns: 23(8), Anthem, 336, 27. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Anthem: "Jacob's Ladder". Readings: Genesis 28, 1-20. Mark 5, 1-20. In the world wide church we pray today for Eastern Canada and the Province of Ontario, and Archbishop John Bothwell. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack Mann. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Aberavon, and Fr Stephen Barnes. We pray for those preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation, and those to be ordained at Petertide, among them Fr Kevin Morris. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Bible Reading. 1st Introductory Session. Roath Church House. Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. Bible Reading. 2nd Introductory Session. 19 Mafeking Road. St Irenaeus, Bishop & Doctor (c.200 A.D.). Eucharist. St Anne's. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.285. Followed by coffee. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. St Peter the Apostle. Eucharist. St Anne's. School Eucharist. St Anne's. Ladies' House Group. 41 Marlborough Road. Choir collect robes at St Edward's. PARISH CONFIRMATION SERVICE. St Margaret's. Friday The Martyrdom of St Paul the Apostle. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. Saturday St Euddogwy, Bishop (6th century). 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St M~rgaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 10.00 a.m. Ordination of Deacons. Llandaff Cathedral. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Sixth Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m., coffee will be served in the vestry and the 100 Club draw will take place. The Ordination of Priests (including Fr Kevin Morris) is at Llandaff Cathedral at 3 p.m. Evensong will be sung at St Edward's at 6.30 p.m. WE WELCOME Roy our Bishop to St Margaret's on Thursday at 7 p.m at the Celebration of the Eucharist and to administer the Holy Sacrament of Confirmation. Your presence and prayers would be appreciated. St Edward's Choir will join the other Choirs of the Parish to sing the Service. "HEAR ALL ABOUT IT" - THE MINISTRY OF THE WORD. The word 'Bible' is derived from the Greek word 'biblia' meaning books. These books are divided into two sections, the Old and New Testament. The books of the Old Testament date from before the birth of Jesus and are held in common by the Church and the Jewish Synagogue. The books of the New Testament are the early writings of the Christian Church. They comprise the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the Acts of the Apostles, a set of Epistles and the Revelation of John. The word Epistle is derived from a Greek word meaning 'a letter'. The word Gospel translates a Greek word and means 'good news'. In our Bible readings we hear the 'Good News' of God's saving action and we ask Christ to make this known in our hearts. FATHER KEVIN will be ordained priest at Llandaff Cathedral next Sunday at 3 p.m. His first celebration of the Holy Eucharist is on Monday, 3rd July, at 7.30 p.m. at St Philip's Church. ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND. St Edward's Choir will JOln with other Choirs of the Parish and Maesteg for this Service, which will be followed by a reception at Pengam Moors Social Club. All again are welcome - donations of food are welcome for the reception. Please contact the Parish Office (484808 or 488796) if you are able to help. GIFT DAY. Many thanks to all who gave so generously last week. To date a total of £497 has been received, well exceeding last year's total. More gifts have been promised - a final total will be announced shortly. The Garden Party was a most happy occasion, and £56.50 was raised by sale of teas. The highlight of the day was our Evensong in the grounds of the Church, well-attended and well appreciated. The Choir and their friends also enjoyed a barbecue in the evening. BIBLE READING. The first in a series of five introduction sessions, to which all are welcome, takes place tomorrow (Monday) at 7.30 p.m. in Roath Church House. The second session is on Tuesday at 10 a.m. at 19 Mafeking Road. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP will meet on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Mrs Maria Ellis, 41 Marlborough Road. There will be a Jumble Sale at Roath Church House on Saturday, 8th July, at 10.30 a.m. in Roath Church House. Offers of jumble to any member of the Group, please. ST ANNE'S L.I.F.E. GROUP will visit the Greek Orthodox Church, Cardiff, on July 6th at 7.30 p.m. Names of any who would like to join us to Fr Hamer, please. MOTHERS' UNION. A Buffet Evening is being held on Thursday, 13th July at Roath Church House at 7.30 p.m. in the garden (weather permitting). Tickets £1 from Doreen Cooper. THE ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS OF ST TEILO'S HIGH SCHOOL are holding their annual Summer Fayre at the School on Saturday, 15th July. Please support this event. CHOIR OUTING TO TENBY on Saturday, 22nd July. Choir members who intend to come are asked to tell Sue Mansell as soon as possible now how many places they wish to reserve on the bus. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE PRIZE DRAW took place on 19th June, when the total profit made after expenses was £346.10. A list of prize winners is displayed on the church notice board. Many thanks to all who supported the draw. The Promoter wishes · to express her grateful thanks to Victor Coombes and Robert Thorne for all the hard work they undertook. WALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE the balance of monies £55 is due by 15th July to Fr Hamer. UNIFORM ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House). Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Please inform the clery of illness. Holy Communion may be received at home by those unable to come to Church. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. St EJwards Cttur,h itt tbe tlarisb of ~oatb

Weekly Newsletter No.683 Sunday, 2nd July, 1989 THE SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a,m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.170. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 555, 42(S}, 81(S}, 225. Setting: Agutter. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Mr Brian Shapcott. Psalm 10. Hymns: 22(S) (Part 1}, 181, 290, 166. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervel1 in F. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin Readings: Genesis 35, 1-20. Mark 5, 21-end. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church in the USA, and the Province of the Northwest, and Bishop Edmond Browning. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack Mann. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Llangwynwydd with Maesteg, and Fr Bernard Thomas. We welcome to full membership of the Church, and remember in our prayers, those who were confirmed this week, especially Tony Mansell, Malcolm Old and Alison Xeri. We pray for all those ordained this week, especially Kevin Morris, who will be ordained priest at 3 p.m. today. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Thelma Francis. We pray for the faithful departed, especially Marie Singer. THIS WEEK Monday St Peblig, Abbot (4th century}. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.} 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. Choir meet at St Edward's to collect robes. 7.30 p.m. FR KEVIN'S 1ST CELEBRATION OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST. St Philip's Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Bible Study. 19 Mafeking Road. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 7.30 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 2.15 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. Thursday 9.00 a.m. 10.15 a.m. 6.30 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m. St Anne's LIFE Group visits Greek Orthodox Church, Cardiff. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip' s. 7.30 p.m. Bible Study. Roath Church House. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St t--1argaret' s. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 10.30 a.m. Ladies' House Group Jumble Sale. Roath Church House. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Seventh Sunday After Trinity and will be celebrated as Sea Sunday. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. COFFEE will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist this morning, and a "double" draw for the lOO Club will take place for the months of July and August. (There will be no draw in the first week of August.} CALLED TO SOMETHING SMALLER. ~ve are not ordaining youtominister, that happened at your Baptism. We are not ordaining you to serve the Church in committees, activities, organisations, that is implied in your membership. We are not ordaining you to become involved in social issues, in ecology, race politics, the search for justice and peace, for that is laid upon every Christian. We are ordaining you to something smaller and less spectacular, to read and interpret those sacred stories of our community; so that they speak a word to people today; to remember and practise those sacred rituals of meaning that address people at a level where change takes place ... to foster in the community, through word and sacrament that encounter with truth which will set people free to minister as the Body of Christ, His Church. We are ordaining you to a ministry of word and sacrament and pastoral care. Jesus said to Peter, ~Do not be afraid; henceforth you will be catching men." FR KEVIN will be ordained priest at 3 p.m. at Llandaff Cathedral today. He will preside at the Eucharist for the first time tomorrow (Monday) at 7.30 p.m. at St Philip's. ALL ARE WELCOME to attend. St Edward's Choir will join with other Choirs of the Paris~ and Maesteg for this Service, which will be followed by a reception at Pengam Moors Social Club (again, all welcome) . BIBLE STUDY READING course continues at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, at 19 Mafeking Road, or alternatively at 7.30 p.m. on Fridays at Roath Church House. Each session is independent so if you missed last week you can still come. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP will meet on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Dr Heather Doe, 47 Colchester Avenue, when the speaker will be Mr David Rees of the Church Army Young People's Hostel. Everyone is invited to attend this meeting. There will be a Jumble Sale at Roath Church House on Saturday at 10.30 a.m. (helpers at 9 a.m. please). Offers of jumble to any member of the Group, please. The proceeds from this event will be given to the Church Army. Future meetings: 13th July (27 Westville Road), 20th July (6 Roath Court Place- House Eucharist). MOTHERS' UNION. At 11.45 a.m. on 13th July, branch prayer group at St John's. At 7.30 p.m. that day, a Buffet Evening will be held at Roath Church House in the garden (weather permitting). Tickets £1 from Doreen Cooper. DIOCESAN DAY OF RENEWAL led by , Rector of Cowbridge, on Saturday, 15th July at Holy Trinity, Port Talbot, 10 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. THE ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS OF ST TEILO'S HIGH SCHOOL will hold their Summer Fayre at the School on 15th July at 2 p.m. Please support the association which raises badly needed funds for the school. CHORAL EVENSONG. On the Eighth Sunday After Trinity (16th July) we will have a special Choral Evensong at St Edward's (at the usual time of 6.30 p.m.). The Choir has rehearsed a special setting of the Preces and Responses for this occasion. Please give them your support. CHOIR OUTING TO TENBY on Saturday, 22nd July. The bus is almost full, so if you are entitled to come and have not yet reserved your place, please do so this week. The cost is the same as last year (£5 adults, £2.50 children, with £2.50 reduction for Choir members). Sue Mansell will be pleased to receive your money a.s.a.p. THANK YOU to all who participated in last week's Confirmation Eucharist, choirs, servers, from all parts of the Parish. Also to all who helped in the providing of food, labour and the lovely flower arrangement for the reception. CONGRATULATIONS to Nicky Mildren and Louisa Hodgson (St Anne's) on attaining their Bachelor of Music Honours Degrees. UNIFORM ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House) . Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving !-lamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Please inform the clergy of illness. Holy Communion may be received at home by those unable to come to Church. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. Weekly Newsletter No.684 Sunday, 9th July, 1989 THE SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY (Sea Sunday) 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.l72. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Setting: Agutter. Hymns: 311, 487, Fin1andia (Quartet), 633 vv 1-5 (Rec.). 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Vernon Hodgson. Psalm 11. Hymns: 341, Anthem, 346, 296. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Anthem: Excerpt from "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat". Readings: Genesis 46,1-7 & 47,1-12. Mark 6, 7-13 & 30-44. Today is Sea Sunday, and we pray for all seafarers, who spend long periods away from their homes, families and communities, and face the dangers of the sea to transport cargoes on which we all depend. We remember their families and the work of the Missions to Seamen. In the world wide church we pray today for the Province of the Indian Ocean, and Archbishop French Chang-Him. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack Mann. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In our own country we remember those whose homes have been flooded in the recent storms. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Port Talbot, and their Vicar designate, Fr Trefor Griffiths. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Thelma Francis. THIS WEEK

7.30 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 2.15 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 9.00 a.m. 10.15 a.m. 11.45 a.m. 6.30 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. Friday Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 10.00 a.m. Diocesan Day of Renewal. Holy Trinity, Port Talbot. 2.00 p.m. St Teilo's High School Summer Fayre. St Teilo's. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Eighth Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. to a special Choral Setting of the Preces & Responses by Statham, and Allegri's "Miserere". SEA SUNDAY. The 1988 Lambeth Conference of Bishops gave strong backing to the Church's ministry among seafarers, and particularly to the work of the Missions to Seamen as the Anglican Church's outreach to the seafarers of the world in more than 300 ports. In many ports the Missions to Seamen works in happy and fruitful partnership with similar organisations of the Roman Catholic and Free Church traditions. Sea Sunday is increasingly a day when congregations of most denominations focus their attention, prayers and support on the minstry of the Church to seafarers. BIBLE STUDY READING COURSE continues at 10 a.m. on Tuesday at 19 Mafeking Road. There will be no evening meeting this week. Each session is independent so if you missed last week you can still come. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP will meet on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Dr Heather Doe, 47 Colchester Avenue, when the speaker will be Mr David Rees of the Church Army Young People's Hostel. Everyone is invited to attend this meeting. There will be a LADIES' HOUSE GROUP meets on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Mrs Julie Holifield, 27 Westville Road. Last week we had an interesting talk from Mr David Rees of the Church Army, and a successful jumble sale, the proceeds of which (about £60) are being sent to the Danescourt Church Army Young People's Hostel. There will be a House Eucharist at 6 Roath Court Place on 20th July. MOTHERS' UNION. At 11.45 a.m. on Thursday, branch prayer group at St John's. At 7.30 p.m. that day, a Buffet Evening will be held at Roath Church House in the garden (weather permitting). Tickets £1 from Doreen Cooper. DIOCESAN DAY OF RENEWAL led by Gwilym Williams, Rector of Cowbridge, on Saturday at Holy Trinity, Port Talbot, 10 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. THE ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS OF ST TEILO'S HIGH SCHOOL will hold their Summer Fayre at the School on Saturday at 2 p.m. Please support the association which raises badly needed funds for the school. CHORAL EVENSONG. Next Sunday, the Eighth Sunday After Trinity, we will have a special Choral Evensong at St Edward's (at the usual time of 6.30 p.m.). The Choir has rehearsed a special setting of the Preces and Responses for this occasion, and will also sing Allegri's "Miserere". Please give them your support. RESOLVEN AND TONNA Parishes will be joining St Margaret's for Evening Prayer next Sunday. Their Vicar is Peter Raikes, a former priest of this Parish. ST MARGARET'S DAY, (Thursday, 20th July, 7.30 p.m.), there will be Sung Eucharist at St Margaret's. The Rev. Gwilym Williams, Rector of Cowbridge, will preach. ST MARGARET'S GIFT DAY is Saturday, 22nd July from 10.30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Peter Reid will be in St Margaret's Church during that time. CHOIR OUTING TO TENBY on Saturday, 22nd July. The bus is now full. Those who have to pay, are asked to do so as soon as possible now (see Sue Mansell or Alan Mayer). If you have booked your place but are now unable to go, please let us know immediately, as others would like to join us if there are. cancellations. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE. Rev. Or David Williams is leading an 8-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land in mid-November. Cost about £400. Further details: tel.0938-3351. CONGRATULATIONS to Sue Griffiths on obtaining her OU degree. There is a photo, on the vestry notice board, of her receiving her degree at Ely Cathedral. UNIFORM ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House) . Monday: 6 p.m. Beavers/Cubs/Scouts Barbecue in the grounds. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Please inform the clergy of illness. Holy Communion may be received at home by those unable to come to Church. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. St Uw\WdS Churdt itt tbe ~arisb of i\oatb

Weekly Newsletter No.685 Sunday, 16th July, 1989 THE EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.l74. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 304, 181, 249(MP), 58(MP). Setting: Agutter. 6.30 p.m. Choral Evensong & Sermon. Officiant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Setting for Preces & Responses: Statham. Psalm 26. Hymns: 272, Anthem, 173(MP) 371. Anthem: "Miserere" (Allegri). Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Jeremiah 1. Ephesians 1,15 - 2,10. In the world wide church we pray today for the Anglican Consultative Council and Canon Samuel VanCulin, Secretary General. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack Mann. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. We pray for those who have died, been injured or made.homeless by the severe floods in South China. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Troedyrhiw with Merthyr Vale, and Fr Paul Mainwaring. We pray for the Rev. Sam Highway, who was inducted into the pastorate of Tredegarville Baptist Church yesterday. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Thelma Francis. " THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 5.30 p.m. Beavers. Roath Church House. 6.30 p.m. Cubs. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Scout Hut. Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.174. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mothers & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Roath Church House. Thursday St Margaret of Antioch. 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group House Eucharist. 6 Roath Court Place. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.30 p.m. PATRONAL FESTIVAL EUCHARIST. St Margaret's. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. Guides. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Ventures. Venture Den. Saturday St Mary Magdalene. 8.20 a.rn. Choir Outing leaves St Edward's for Tenby. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. {Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 10.30 a.rn. St Margaret's Gift Day. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Ninth Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING planned for Tuesday has been postponed. CHORAL EVENSONG. This evening at 6.30 p.m. we will have a special Choral Evensong at St Edward's. The Choir has rehearsed a special setting of the Preces and Responses for this occasion, and will sing Allegri's "Miserere". Please give them your support. MARTHA AND MARY. The fourth Gospel tells us that Martha and Mary lived with brother Lazarus, in Bethany, a village quite near Jerusalem. As at this time Jesus was nowhere near Jerusalem, the incident is misplaced, perhaps intentionally to be complementary to the Good Samaritan, teaching that love of one's neighbour must go hand in hand with making time to show our love for God by listening to him. Martha's fault is not her activity but the fret and fuss behind it. How often are we distracted from serving God and our neighbour by filling our time with seemingly important issues and activities and then justifying these activities as the right response to God and neighbour. We need perhaps to look at ourselves and place in order of priority the things we do in relationship to our response to God .... RESOLVEN AND TONNA Parishes will be joining St Margaret's for Evening Prayer today. Their Vicar is Peter Raikes, a former priest of this Parish. LAST MEETINGS. The following organisations meet this week for the last time until September: Mums & Toddlers (Monday), Mums & Children (Wednesday), Ladies' House Group. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP meets on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at 6 Roath Court Place for a House Eucharist. This is the last meeting until 7th September. ST MARGARET'S DAY. We welcome the Reverend Gwilym Williams to St Margaret's for the Patronal Festival Service at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday. CHOIR PRACTICE. The Junior Choir will meet as usual this week, but there will be no full practice because of the Patronal Service at St Margaret's. CHOIR OUTING TO TENBY is on Saturday of this week. There are three places available on the bus, due to cancellations. Anyone who would like to join us at this short notice is invited to speak to Alan Mayer or Sue Mansell today. We may be able to accommodate one or two small children (with adults) as well. Sue would also be very pleased to receive any outstanding money. The bus leaves St Edward's at 8.20 a.m., and should return by about 9 p.m. ST MARGARET'S GIFT DAY. Peter Reid will be in St Margaret's between 10.30 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Saturday to receive gifts. ST ANNE'S PATRONAL CELEBRATIONS. Wednesday, 26th July, is the Feast of St Anne. This year the Patronal Celebrations will be on the weekend, 29th & 30th July. There will be a Flower Festival, a Parish Eucharist on the Saturday at 6.30 p.m., the Bishop will celebrate at St Anne's Eucharist on the Sunday morning (11 a.m.) and there will be a Service of Evening Prayer and Praise on the Sunday at 6.30 p.m. NO EVENSONG. Please note that there will be no Evensong at St Edward's on Sunday, 30th July, as we are invited to join St Anne's in their Patronal Celebrations at that time. THANK YOU from Fr Kevin to all who helped to make "his First Mass and the reception afterwards such a success. CONGRATULATIONS to Martyn Reed (St Philip's) on obtaining a B.A. Honours Degree in Furniture Design and Art at Loughbrough College. Also congratulations to the proud parents Jean and Don. WALSINGHAM PILGRH1AGE. If you have not already paid - please do so as soon as you can. ST ANNE'S are looking for a piano. If you have one or know of someone who does .... and that it is in good working order, we shall be pleased to take it off your hands, that is if you have no use for it. ST GABRIEL'S CHURCH, SWANSEA celebrates its centenary this week. Some details of their celebrations are to be found in the current Welsh Churchman. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. St Fdward$ Chur'h itt tbe tlarisb of l\oatb Weekly Newsletter No.686 Sunday, 23rd July, 1989 THE NINTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.176. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Peter Reid. Hymns: 296, 217, 357, 242. Setting: Agutter. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Psalm 31. Hymns: 44, 255, 93(S), 24. Officiant: Fr Irving Hamer. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Jeremiah 7, 1-15 & 21-28. Ephesians 5,21 - 6,9. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church of the Province of Central Africa, and Archbishop Khotso Makhulu. We pray for all hostages and prisoners o£ conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack Mann. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Crynant. We pray for Fr Bernard Johns, former Vicar of Roath, who celebrates 25 years in the priesthood on Tuesday (the Feast of St James the Apostle) . In this parish we remember those who are joining the pilgrimage to Walsingham. We pray for all who are on·holiday at this time, that they may return refreshed in body and in spirit. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Thelma Francis. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) Tuesday St James the Apostle. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 10.00 a.m. Bible Study. 47 Colchester Avenue. 7.00 p.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. Followed by St Margaret's Committee. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday St Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.***. Followed by coffee. 2.00 p.m. Mums & Children meet in Waterloo Gardens. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. Friday St Samson, Bishop of Dol (5th-6th centuries). 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip' s. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Flower Festival. St Anne's. 6.30 p.m. PARISH EUCHARIST. St Anne's. Next Sunday is the Tenth Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m. and the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. There will be no Evensong at St Edward's, but a Parish Evening Prayer and Praise at St Anne's, in celebration of their Patronal Festival, to which all are invited. ST ANNE'S PATRONAL CELEBRATIONS. Wednesday of this week is the Feast of St Anne. The Patronal Celebrations will take place next weekend. There will be a Flower Festival from 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on Saturday, followed at 6.30 p.m. by a Parish Eucharist. The Bishop will celebrate at St Anne's Eucharist next Sunday morning at 11 a.m. and there will be a Parish Service of Evening Prayer and Praise at 6.30 p.m., to which all are invited. Please note that there will be no Evensong at St Edward's or St Margaret's next Sunday. WALSINGHAM. Early on Nonday morning sixteen from our Parish will JOJ.n almost two hundred pilgrims as we make our way to Walsingham. To make this Pilgrimage is to take part in a great act of faith. It is to be reminded of the Pilgrimage through time and eternity, through life and death to God, which we all make. Thousands of Christians go to Walsingham every year, united in their devotion to the Son of Mary. In Walsingham, in this holy place, we see something of the power of prayer. To be a pilgrim at Walsingham is to be vividly reminded of the wonderful thing that happened in Mary's house at Nazareth when the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, full of Grace and Truth. God became Man, born of the Blessed Virgin. Walsingham stands to honour and proclaim this central fact of the Incarnation of the Son of God. SUMMER HOLIDAYS. The following organisations have stopped meeting for the summer: Mothers & Toddlers {Monday group), uniform organisations, Ladies' House Group. The Wednesday Mothers & Children group will meet through the Summer in Waterloo Gardens at 2 p.m. for a chat BIBLE STUDY. The morning group will meet on Tuesday at 10 a.m. at 47 Colchester Avenue. Newcomers are always welcome. MOTHER'S UNION Deanery Garden Party at 2.30 p.m. a week Saturday, 5th August, at St Catherine's Church, Kings Road, Canton. Proceeds in aid of Caravan Holiday Fund. NEW CLEANING ROTA is at the back of the church. Please check when your turn comes round. If you are unable to keep to that week, please try to exchange with someone else, or have a word with Kathie Mayer. New volunteers are always welcome! At the moment the rota covers alternate weeks only - we would very much like to make this a weekly job, so please add your name(sJ to any of the blank weeks, or see Kathie Mayer about finding a partner to share the task. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE COMMITTEE Meeting is changed from 1st August to 31st July. PARISH MAGAZINE. A new Parish Magazine will be starting. First edition out on the first Sunday in September. If you have anything to contribute to the magazine it must be handed into the Parish Office no later than 13th August. VOLUNTEERS are needed to help with the refreshments at a Senior Citizens' Day to be held at the Star Leisure Centre, Splott Road on 24th August 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please contact Fr Kevin as soon as possible. CHORAL EVENSONG. Our special Evensong last week was well appreciated. Unfortunately, as several choristers were unwell, the performance of Allegri's "Miserere" had to be postponed. It is hoped that there will be another Choral Evensong, including the Allegri, in September. DAY CONFERENCE. The Journal of Welsh Ecclesiastical History invite all historians, and others interested, especially those in full-time education, to attend a Day School on "Current Views of the Reformation" at Trinity College, Carmarthen on Saturday, 23rd September. For details, Tel. Cardiff 810437. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE. Rev. Dr David Williams is leading an 8-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land in mid-November. Cost about £400. Further details: tel.0938-3351. SINGING IN CATHEDRALS. This is the title of a FREE booklet, detailing times of choral services, and some special events. It includes a great deal of information such as opening hours, admission charges (if any), parking facilities, and whether guided tours are available. This year there is a special section on Festivals where choirs singing the liturgy are prominently featured, and the cover picture is of Llandaff Cathedral Choir. For your FREE copy, send a 14p stamp to: Singing in Cathedrals, Addington Palace, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 SAD. OUR THANKS to Sue Mansell for organising yesterday's Choir Outing. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. We are always available to minister to the sick and the dying. Please inform the clergy of illness. Holy Communion may be received at home by those unable to come to Church. Holy Baptism, marriage and funerals contact the Vicar. Confessions and the Ministry of Healing, contact one of the priests. ~~ h itt tbe ~arisb of 3&oatb

Weekly Newsletter No.687 Sunday, 30th July, 1989 THE TENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Holy Baptism, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Prayer Book p.l78. Hymns: 196, 176, 425, Anthem, 307 (Rec.). Setting: Agutter. Anthem: 0 How Amiable. Gloria & Credo: Agutter. Kyrie, Sanctus & Benedictus, Agnus Dei:. C.N.Doe. 6.30 p.m. Parish Evening Prayer and Praise. St Anne's. (No Evensong at St Edward's.) In the world wide church we pray today for the Church of the Province of Melanesia, and Archbishop Amos s. Waiaru. We pray for peace in the world, for China, Southern Africa, Ireland, the Middle East. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack Mann. We pray for Edward Laurie King. formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Graig, and Fr Michael Marsden, Vicar designate. We pray for all who are on holiday, that they have time for rest and reflection. We remember our friends in St Anne's, who are celebrating their Patronal Festival. We pray for Elizabeth Christina Doe, to be baptised at our Eucharist this morning. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Thelma Francis. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 7.30 p.m. Bible Study. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Roath Church House Committee. Roath Church House. Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Bible Study. 47 Colchester Avenue. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.l78. Followed by coffee .. 2.00 p.m. Mums & Children meet in Waterloo Gardens. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday St Germanus of Auxerre, Bishop (5th century). 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. Saturday St Oswald, King of Northumbria, Martyr (642 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 2.30 p.m. Mothers' Union Deanery Garden Party. St Catherine's Church. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist. There will be no lOO Club draw as that was made last month for July and August. Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. HOLY BAPTISM. Elizabeth Christina Doe will be baptised at our Eucharist this morning. Heather and Norman would like to thank people for their good wishes, and invite everyone back to 47 Colchester Avenue after the Service. CHOIR OUTING. The trip to Tenby was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who came (and this year the bus was full). The usual faultless organisation was, for once, complemented by faultless weather. Our thanks for both! HAVE YOU BEEN SAVED? On St Margaret's Day Gwilym Williams asked us the similar question "Do you believe that you are going to go to Heaven?" I'1any people were not able to answer "Yes''. Their difficulties may have been because they felt that they do not deserve to go to Heaven - that they are not good enough. Today's readings point not to our unworthiness but to God's generosity, to His desire that we should be at peace with Him. Zacchaeus found a place in God's presence because he welcomed Jesus into his life - not because he made restitution. It was his faith that brought him peace and salvation. Only then did he find the strength to change his life. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE COMMITTEE Meeting is changed from Tuesday to Monday this week. MOTHERS' UNION Deanery Garden Party is at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday of this week at St Catherine's Church, Kings Road, Canton. Proceeds in aid of Caravan Holiday Fund. VOLUNTEERS are needed to help with the refreshments at a Senior Citizens Day to be held at the Star Leisure Centre, Splott Road, on 24th August, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please contact Fr. Kevin as soon as possible. DAY CONFERENCE. The Journal of Welsh Ecclesiastical History invite all historians, and others interested, especially those in full-time education, to attend a Day School on ''Current Views of the Reformation" at Trinity College, Carmarthen on Saturday, 23rd September. For details, Tel. Cardiff 810437. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE. Rev. Dr David Williams is leading an 8-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land in mid-November. Cost about £400. Further details: tel.0938-3351. MAGAZINE. We hope to start a new magazine in September. Whether it gets off the ground or not depends on the help that you are prepared to give in its preparation, typing, printing, collation and distribution. If you are prepared to help in any of these ways please contact Kevin Morris or the Parish Office. SINGING IN CATHEDRALS. This is the title of a FREE booklet, detailing times of choral services, and some special events. It includes a great deal of information such as opening hours, admission charges (if any), parking facilities, and whether guided tours are available. For your FREE copy, send a 14p stamp to: Singing in Cathedrals, Addington Palace, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 SAD. THE EVANGELICAL FELLOWSHIP IN THE CHURCH IN WALES has adopted the following "aims" for the next five years: To uphold the priority of God's mission, and in particular the making of Christian disciples. To extend the kingdom of God among children and young people in Wales. To call the church to recognise the centrality of the Bible in all its life and teaching. To support, stimulate and pray for one another in Christian service, and to encourage new initiatives in lay and ordained ministry. A booklet entitled "Introducing the Evangelical Fellowship in the Church in Wales'' is available from Mrs Joan Jenkins, 40 Red Brook Road, Newport, Gwent. NP9 5AB. NEW CLEANING ROTA is at the back of the church. Please check when your turn comes round. If you are unable to keep to that week, please try to exchange with someone else, or have a word with Kathie Mayer. New volunteers are always welcome! GRASS CUTTING. Our little band of volunteers is growing slowly but there are still plenty of opportunities for everyone to join in! Our thanks to those who did a good job this week. THANK YOU to all who worked to make the St Anne's Patronal Festival Week-end such a success. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel. 493940. Kevin Morris. Tel. 460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms, marriages and funerals, please contact the Vicar. St F'Jward-i Chur,h itt tbe llarisb of ~oatb

Weekly Newsletter No.688 Sunday, 6th August, 1989 THE FEAST OF THE TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.262. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 560, 400, 561, 559. Setting: Nicholson. 6,30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Mr Edward Cavies. Psalm 97. Hymns: 558, 226, 38, 184. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: 1 Kings 19, 1-16. Matthew 17, 1-13. In the world wide church we pray today for the Provinces of South Australia and Western Australia, and Primate John Grindrod. At this time of great tension in the Middle East, we pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack Mann. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Pwllgwaun with Llanddewi Rhondda, and Fr Mark Jones. We pray for our friends who are on holiday at this time, that they may find time for rest and reflection. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mdllie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Muriel Munday. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 7.30 p.m. Bible Study. Roath Church House. Tuesday St Dominic of Toulouse, Abbot (1221 A.D.) 10.00 a.m. Bible Study. 19 Mafeking Road. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.l80. Followed by coffee. 2.00 p.m. Mums & Children meet in Waterloo Gardens. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday St Lawrence of Rome, Deacon & Martyr (258 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 11.45 a.m. Mothers' Union Deanery Prayer Group. St John the Baptist Ch. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 2.00 p.m. St Philip's Summer Fete. St Philip's House Garden. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Twelfth Sunday .After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. THE TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD. Matthew, Mark and Luke all record this important occasion in the life of Jesus. Only Luke tells us why Jesus went up the mountain. He went there to pray. Luke often reminds us of Jesus's need to pray. This was a critical moment in His ministry. He had just revealed His destiny to His disciples and He was about to 'set His face to go to Jerusalem' - to move decisively towards His inevitable sacrifice for us. So He went up the mountain to pray. As He prayed He was bathed in the glory and approval of His Father and His place as the Messiah in the line of Old Testament prophecy was confirmed by the presence of the great prophets Moses and Elijah. OUR THANKS to Rohert Thorne, for ~eputising on the organ at both of our Services today. COFFEE will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist this morning. There will be no for the 100 Club as the "August" draw took place last month. BIBLE STUDY. The Tuesday group meets this week in 19 Mafeking Road. MUMS AND CHILDREN are meeting on Wednesdays through August in Waterloo Gardens. ST PHILIP'S FETE is this Saturday, at 2 p.m. in St Philip's House Garden, Cairnmuir Road. Come and join us, 'Don't be late for the fete, it'll be great.' THANK YOU from Meurig and Sue Oxenham for all the cards and messages of sympathy received over their recent sad bereavement. NO'l'ICE FROM ROATH CHURCH HOUSE C0!1!V!ITTEE. Please would all organisers of any intended functions to be held at Roath Church House note that the main hall is booked on a regular basis on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. It would be appreciated if these days could be avoided if possible. NEW CLEANING ROTA is at the back of the church. New volunteers are always welcome! Please have a word with Kathie Mayer if you are willing to help. PARISH MAGAZINE. We hope to start a new magazine in September. Whether it gets off the ground or not depends on the help that you are prepared to give in its preparation, typing, printing, collation and distribution. If you are prepared to help in any of these ways please contact Fr Kevin Morris or the Parish Office. VOLUNTEERS are needed to help with the refreshments at a Senior Citizer,s' Day to be held at the Star Leisure Centre, Splott Road on 24th August 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please contact Fr Kevin as soon as possible. CURSILLO WEEKENDS. Cursillo is a ''short course" in Christian living, an idea originating in Spain. So far, thirty weekends have been held at the Loreto Centre in Llandudno, for over 500 people from different parts of Britain. It is an international movement for the renewal of the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches, and it can also be adapted to suit other denominations of Christ's Church. Our Archbishop commends it and writes "It emphasises that spiritual renewal and mission go hand in hand. It has already brought many people to life through spiritual renewal and through the rediscovery of what is fundamental to Christian living. Since it works through Church structure, it has helped laity to recommit themselves to the vows of Baptism and Confirmation." Forthcoming weekends: 24th/27th August, 23rd/26th November. Further information: Mrs Cynthia Hebden, Dryll y Bowl, Lon Refail, Llanfairpwll, Gwynedd LL61 5YS (0248 714241). CELEBRATION OF ANN GRIFFITHS AND JOHN HUGHES. August 26-28. This event will include a pilgrim walk from Bala to Llanfyllin, along the route taken by Ann Griffiths herself, reaching Dolwar Fach on Monday, 28th August (Bank Holiday) , where it is hoped many Christians will join the pilgrims for a day of prayer and worship. For details, Tel.0978-860835. ST ANNE'S BARBEQUE & BARN DANCE, 1st September, at Roath Church House at 7 p.m. Admission £1.50 adults, £1 children and senior citizens. Tickets include admission to barn dance and either a hot dog or a beef burger. Further details later. JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR will be performed by St Edward's Choir and friends, at the end of October. At present, three performances are planned: the afternoon of 21st, and the evenings of 27th and 28th. Anyone interested in taking part in this production, or helping with the planning, please have a word with Alan Mayer. SINGING IN CATHEDRALS is a booklet detailing times of services in cathedrals. For your FREE copy, send a 14p stamp to: Singing in Cathedrals, Addington Palace, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 5AD. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms, marriages and funerals, please contact the Vicar. St Edwards Churdt i1t tbc ~arisb of i\oatb

Weekly Newsletter No.689 Sunday, 13th August, 1989 THE TI>JELFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.l83. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 182, 2(S), 58(S), 222. Setting: Nicholson.

6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Kevin !vlorris. Psalm 74. Hymns: 158, 382, 317, 255. Officiant: Fr Kevin Morris. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Jeremiah 31, 15-25. Colossians 1. In the world wide church we pray today for the Province of the Pacific, one of the provinces of the Episcopal Church of the USA, and Presiding Bishop Edmond Browning. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack Mann, remembering the terrible bombing which is going on this week in Beirut. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Ferndale with Maerdy, and Fr Howard Alan Chiplin. We pray for those on holiday at this time, that they may find time for rest and reflection. We pray for the sick, remembering e~pecially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Muriel Munday. THIS v1EEK Monday ·9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) Tuesday The Feast of the Assumption. 9.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. 7.30 p.m. Sung Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.rn. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.l83. Followed by coffee. 2.00 p.rn. Murns & Children meet in Waterloo Gardens. 2.30 p.rn. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St t1argaret' s. Thursday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 6.30 p.rn. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.rn. Choir Practice. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. Saturday 9.00 a.rn. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.rn.) 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.rn., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong.will be sung at 6.30 p.m. OUR REFUGE AND STRENGTH. In the collect for today, we express our commitment to the promise that Jesus made that 'if you ask anything in my name, I will do it.' This is a promise which is an important challenge to every Christian. What expectations can we have that you will grant us these 'things which we ask faithfully, we may obtain effectually through Jesus Christ?' Only by praying with the mind of Christ, by letting Him open our ears and listening to Him. His faith, His perfection did not prevent His suffering. Nor will it prevent ours. Why and when God heals, we do not know. What we do know is that His strength and His comfort are ours always. Just as Jesus descended into hell for our salvation, so He is present for our comfort and strength when we are in the private hell of our own suffering. OUR THANKS to those who "kept things going" so well last Sunday, in the absence of so many of our "regulars". The younger members of the Church merit special mention, particularly the servers, and Robert Thorne who did so well on the organ. NOTICE FROM ROATH CHURCH HOUSE COHMITTEE. Please would all organisers of any future events to be held at Roath Church House, note that the main hall is booked on a regular basis on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. It would be appreciated if these days could be avoided if possible. NEW CLEANING ROTA is at the back of the church. New volunteers are always welcome! Please have a word with Kathie Mayer if you are willing to help. ST PHILIP'S. Thank you to all who contributed in any way to the success of the Summer Fete last Saturday. PARISH MAGAZINE. We hope to start a new magazine in September. Whether it gets off the ground or not depends on the help that you are prepared to give in its preparation, typing, printing, collation and distribution. If you are prepared to help in any of these ways please contact Fr Kevin Morris or the Parish Office. VOLUNTEERS are needed to help with the refreshments at a Senior Citizens' Day to be held at the Star Leisure Centre, Splott Road on 24th August 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please contact Fr Kevin as soon as possible. CELEBRATION OF ANN GRIFFITHS AND JOHN HUGHES. August 26-28. This event will include a pilgrim walk from Bala to Llanfyllin, along the route taken by Ann Griffiths herself, reaching Dolwar Fach on Monday, 28th August (Bank Holiday), where it is hoped many Christians will join the pilgrims for a day of prayer and worship. For details, Tel.0978-860835. ST ANNE'S BARBEQUE & BARN DANCE, lst September, at Roath Church House at 7 p.m. Admission £1.50 adults, £1 children and senior citizens. Tickets include admission to barn dance and either a hot dog or a beef burger. Further details later. PATRONAL FESTIVAL. St Mary the Virgin, Cardiff, 7 p.m. Friday 8th September. Pontifical Mass and Dedication of a Memorial to the late Fr K.J.Gillingham. Refreshments afterwards. CARDIFF ANGLICAN CHAPLAINCY REUNION. It is proposed to hold a reunion of Anglican Chaplaincy members of the years 1956-1978 on 9th September. Former students who wish to learn more are asked to phone Fr Bruce (553144) or Mr Nigel Hughes (711401). DAY CONFERENCE. The Journal of Welsh Ecclesiastical History invite all historians, and others interested, especially those in full-time education, to attend a Day School on "Current Views of the Reformation'' at Trinity College, Carmarthen on Saturday, 23rd September. For details, Tel. Cardiff 810437. FASHION SHOW (given by Les Femme, Albany Road), will be held at Roath Church House on Tuesday, lOth October. Proceeds from the Fashion Show are in aid of Roath Church House Funds. Further details later. JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR will be performed by St Edward's Choir and friends, at the end of October. At present, three performances are planned: the afternoon of 21st, and the evenings of 27th and 28th. Anyone interested in taking part in this production, or helping with the planning, please have a word with Alan Mayer. SINGING IN CATHEDRALS is a booklet detailing times of services in cathedrals. For your FREE copy, send a 14p stamp to: Singing in Cathedrals, Addington Palace, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 SAD. "MESSIAH FOR ALL" concert at St John Baptist Church, on Saturday, 11th November. This event is in aid of St John's Restoration Fund. Further details to be announced. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms, marriages and funerals, please contact the Vicar. Stt:lwardi i1t tbe ~arisb of ~oatb Weekly Nev..rsletter No. 690 Sunday, 20th August, 1989 THE THIRTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.185. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Peter Reid. Hymns: 7, 171, 99(S), 89(S). Setting: Nicholson. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Mr Brian Shapcott. Psalm 44. Hymns: 15, 49(S), 370, 33. Officiant: Fr Kevin Morris. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Jeremiah 31, 27-37. Colossians 2, 1-19. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church of the Province of West Africa, and Archbishop George D. Browne. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack Mann. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Ystrad Rhondda, and Fr David Huw Rhydderch. We pray for those on holiday at this time. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Muriel Munday, Mrs Shelley. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (I'-1atins 8.45 a.m.) Tuesday 7.}0 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday St Tydfil, Martyr (480 A.D.) 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.l85. Followed by coffee. 2.00 p.m. Mums & Children meet in Waterloo Gardens. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday St Bartholomew the Apostle. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 9. 30 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. TRUE RELIGION. What is "true religion"? In today's collect we pray for God to increase in us ''true religionn. What does that mean? Micah puts it very succinctly in the first reading, "What does the Lord require of you but tQ do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?" That may be succinct but it certainly isn't easy. We can get so bogged down in the practice not to mention the complications of daily life. It is impossible without God's help. As the Psalmist says "Make me a clean heart, 0 God: and renew a right spirit within me." We have to rely on Him. JESUS.CHRIST SUPERSTAR will be performed by St Edward's Choir and friends, at the end of October. At pr~sent, three performances are planned: the afternoon of 21st, and the evenings of 27th and 28th. Anyone interested in taking part in this production, or helping with the planning, please have a word with Alan Mayer. PARISH MAGAZINE. We hope to start a new magazine in September. Whether it gets off the ground or not depends on the help that you are prepared to give in its preparation, typing, printing, collation and distribution. If you are prepared to help in any of these ways please contact Fr Kevin Morris or the Parish Office.

VOLUNTEERS are needed to help with the refreshments at a Senior Citizens' Day to be held at the Star Leisure Centre, Splott Road on 24th August 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please contact Fr Kevin as soon as possible.

CARDIFF ADULT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CENTRE. This ecumenical study centre is based at the City United Reformed Church in Windsor Place, but is independently managed by a Committee drawn from all the main Christian traditions, and includes our Bishop among its patrons. A list of courses starting in the coming months is printed on page 12 of the September issue of Welsh Churchman, which is available at the back of the church today. For further details, telephone the Administrator, Mr Herbert Peters (616434).

NEW CLEANING ROTA is at the back of the church. New volunteers are always welcome! Please have a word with Kathie Mayer if you are willing to help.

ST ANNE'S BARBEQUE & BARN DANCE, 1st September, at Roath Church House at 7 p.m. Admission £1.50 adults, £1 children and senior citizens. Tickets include admission to barn dance and either a hot dog or a beef burger. Further details later.

PATRONAL FESTIVAL. St Mary the Virgin, Cardiff, 7 p.m. Friday 8th September. Pontifical Mass and Dedication of a Memorial to the late Fr K.J.Gillingham. Refreshments afterwards.

CARDIFF ANGLICAN CHAPLAINCY REUNION. It is proposed to hold a reunion of Anglican Chaplaincy members of the years 1956-1978 on 9th September. Former students who wish to learn more are asked to phone Fr Bruce (553144) or Mr Nigel Hughes (711401).

WILLIAM HODGKINS LECTURE 1989 will be given at Cardiff Adult Christian Education Centre, Windsor Place, on Thursday, 28th September, at 7.30 p.m. Rev. Noel A. Davies will speak on "One for the World's Sake: an assessment of the Ecumenical Movement in Wales".

FASHION SHOW (given by Les Femme,Albany Road), will be held at Roath Church House on Tuesday, lOth October. Proceeds from the Fashion Show are in aid of Roath Church House Funds. Further details later.

"MESSIAH FOR ALL" concert at St John Baptist Church, on Saturday, 11th November. This event is in aid of St John's Restoration Fund. Further details to be announced.

MRS MURIEL MUNDAY would like to thank everyone for all their cards and prayers and good wishes during her recent operation.

MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome.

THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 {Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934.

The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms, marriages and funerals, please contact the Vicar. ~t Edwards Church itt tbe llarisb of ~oatb Weekly Newsletter No.691 Sunday, 27th August, 1989 THE FOURTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.l87. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Peter Reid. Hymns: 270, 233, 562, lOO(S). Setting: Nicholson. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Kevin Morris. Psalm 111. Hymns: 23(8), 335, 631 (vv 1,3,8), 363. Magnificat & Nunc Dim.: Somervell. Officiant: Rev. Helena Williams. Readings: Exodus 3, 1-15. Matthew 5, 1-20. In the world wide church we pray today for the Anglican Council of Churches of East Asia, and its chairman Bishop Luke Chhoa. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack Mann. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. We pray for the people of Poland, for the guidance of their new government as they tackle the serious problems which face their nation. In this diocese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Bridgend. We pray for those on holiday at this time, that they may find time for rest and reflection. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Muriel Munday. THIS WEEK Monday St Augustine of Hippo, Bishop and Doctor (430 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) Tuesday Beheading of St John the Baptist. 7.00 p.m. Magazine assembling session. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's.

\-Jednesda~ 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.l87. Followed by coffee. 2.00 p.m. Mums & Children meet in Waterloo Gardens. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday St Aidan, Bishop (651 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. ·7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. St Anne's Barbecue and Barn Dance. Roath Church House. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Fifteenth Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m., coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist and the 100 Club Draw will take place. Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. FAITH HOPE AND CHARITY. In our collect today we pray for "the increase of faith, hope and charity." This is worth thinking about. So often we think of our faith, hope and charity (or love) as being ours - poor things but our own. Our own very poor things indeed but, thanks be to God, we do not have to depend on our own strength. Paul makes it quite clear that they are gifts from God. So we do not have ·to depend on ourselves. Can we produce enough faith to combat the materialism of the world; enough hope to reject the cynicism of the unbeliever; enough love to overcome the selfishness of the world? God will give us the strength if we ask for it. PARISH MAGAZINE. All those who promised to help, or would like to help to assemble the magazine, please meet at Roath Church House at 7 p.m. on TUESDAY. The Magazine will be on sale in all churches at 20p a copy from next Sunday. ST ANNE'S BARBEQUE AND BARN DANCE is on Friday of this week, at Roath Church House, at 7 p.m. Admission £1.50 adults, £1.00 children and senior citizens. Please note that the tickets include admission to the Barn Dance and a hot dog AND beef burger. Please give this event your support. Tickets are available from Jane Banks. THANK YOU to all who volunteered to help with the Senior Citizens Day. Apologies if you volunteered and were not contacted, the response was so good, but next time ..... BISHOP'S SECRETARY. After 30 years of service, to four bishops, Mrs Betty Horley retires this week. Mrs Carolyn Bright succeeds her at Llys Esgob. Please remember them both in your prayers. NEW CLEANING ROTA is at the back of the church. New volunteers are always welcome! Please have a word with Kathie Mayer if you are willing to help. PATRONAL FESTIVAL. St Mary the Virgin, Cardiff, 7 p.m. Friday 8th September. Pontifical Mass and Dedication of a Memorial to the late Fr K.J.Gillingham. Refreshments afterwards. CARDIFF ANGLICAN CHAPLAINCY REUNION. It is proposed to hold a reunion of Anglican Chaplaincy members of the years 1956-1978 on 9th September. Former students who wish to learn more are asked to phone Mr Nigel Hughes (711401). OBERAMMEGAU. If you are interested in joining the trip which is being organised to see the Play (there is a notice at the back of the church), please come along at 7 p.m. on Monday, 11th September, to Roath Church House for further information. Colour slides will be shown. ST TEILO'S CHURCH is holding a Jumble Sale at Roath Church House on Friday, 22nd September, at 7 p.m. If you have any jumble, please contact Fred Heal (499814) to arrange for collection. WILLIAM HODGKINS LECTURE 1989 will be given at Cardiff Adult Christian Education Centre, Windsor Place, on Thursday, 28th September, at 7.30 p.m. Rev. Noel A. Davies will speak on "One for the World's Sake: an assessment of the Ecumenical Movement in Wales". FASHION SHOW (giver< by Les Femme,Albany Road), will be held at Roath Church House on Tuesday, lOth October. Proceeds from the Fashion Show are in aid of Roath Church House Funds. Further details later. JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR will be performed by St Edward's Choir and friends, at the end of October. At present, three performances are planned: the afternoon of 21st, and the evenings of 27th and 28th. Anyone interested in taking part in this production, or helping with the planning, please have a word with Alan Mayer. "MESSIAH FOR ALL" concert at St John Baptist Church, on Saturday, 11th November. This event is in aid of St John's Restoration Fund. Further details to be announced. WE WELCOME all visitors to St Edward's. If you have recently moved to the area, please introduce yourself to one of the clergy, who will be pleased to visit you in your new home. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome. NOTICES for St Edward's newsletter should be handed to Alan May er by Friday. Notices for newsletters for other churches in the parish should be at the Parish Office by Wednesday. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and Ninistry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms, marriages and funerals, please contact the Vicar. ~t !Jw~di Chur,h itt tbe ~arisb of i\oatb ., Weekly Newsletter No.692 Sunday, 3rd September, 1989 THE FIFTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.l90. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Kevin Morris. Hymns: 374, 373, 10, 95(S). Setting: Agutter. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Officiant & Preacher: Fr Peter Reid. Psalm 37, vv 1-22. Hymns: 44, 296, 292, 257. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Exodus 14, 10-end. Matthew 5, 21-end. In the world wide church we pray today for Western Canada and the Province of Rupert's Land, one of the four provinces of the Anglican Church of Canada, and Archbishop Walter Jones. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Jack Mann. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Llanilid with Pencoed, and Fr Elwyn David Evans. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Mollie Morgan, Brian Peter Buss, Muriel Munday. THIS WEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1,45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne 1 s. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne 1 s. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.l90. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mums & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St lv!argaret 's. Thursday 9.00 a.m. Schoor Eucharist. St Anne's. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. Friday The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. Pontifical Mass. St Mary the Virgin. Saturday ·9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (t1atins 8.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the ~unday School ~ill meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. IN THE GOSPEL READING all ten lepers expressed their 'faith', "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us" - and all were healed. Nine of them however got no further than that. As the rich fool in Luke 12, verse 16 and the clever steward in Luke 16, verse 1, they saw life only in terms of the present and the material. The exception was the 'foreigner' who came back to express his thanks - now he was a Samaritan. His action says something to us about our recognition of 'all the benefits he has done unto me, 1 and about our own need to give thanks. MOTHERS & TODDLERS resume their meetings on Mondays at 1.45 p.m. in Roath Church House. All are welcome. For further details, contact Kathie Mayer (495769).

MOTHERS & CHILDREN SERVICE in St Jvlargaret 1 s Church on v\Tednesdays also resumes this week, at 2.15 p:m. All are welcome to join us for a short service followed by coffee, orange juice and biscuits in the vestry. For further details please contact Helena Williams (492934). PARISH MAGAZINE. Anything for the parish magazine for October to be in by Wednesday of this week, to the Parish Office, please.

ADDITIONAL CURATES SOCIETY FESTIVAL takes place on Thursday of this week.

PATRONAL FESTIVAL. St Mary the Virgin, Cardiff, 7 p.m. on Friday of this week. Pontifical Mass and Dedication of a Memorial to the late Fr K.J.Gillingham. Refreshments afterwards.

CARDIFF ANGLICAN CHAPLAINCY REUNION takes place on Saturday. Former students are asked to phone Mr Nigel Hughes (711401).

OBERAMMERGAU. If you are interested in joining the trip which is being organised to see the Play (there is a notice at the back of the church), please come along at 7 p.m. on Monday, 11th September, to Roath Church House for further information. Colour slides will be shown.

ST TEILO'S CHURCH is holding a Jumble Sale at Roath Church House on Friday, 22nd September, at 7 p.m. If you have any jumble, please contact Fred Heal (499814) to arrange for collection.

CONFIRMATION. Adult candidates for confirmation please give your name, address and telephone number in writing to one of the clergy by 25th September. Junior candidates should be eleven years of age by 1st September, 1989, and should be regularly attending church or Sunday School over the past year. Name, address and and telephone number, in writing, to one of the clergy by 25th September, please.

WILLIAM HODGKINS LECTURE 1989 will be given at Cardiff Adult Christian Education Centre, Windsor Place, on Thursday, 28th September, at 7.30 p.m. Rev. Noel A. Davies will speak on "One for the World's Sake: an assessment of the Ecumenical Movement in Wales".

BIBLE READING CLASSES. A series of classes will begin in early October, one on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. at 19 Mafeking Road, the other at 7.30 p.m. on Mondays at Roath Church House. They will be open to everyone.

FASHION SHmv (given by Les Fernme,Albany Road), will be held at Roath Church House on Tuesday, lOth October. Proceeds from the Fashion Show are in aid of Roath Church House Funds. Further details later.

JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR will be performed by St Edward's Choir and friends, at the end of October. At present, three performances are planned: the afternoon of 21st, and the evenings of 27th and 28th. Anyone interested in taking part in this production, or helping with the planning, please have a word with Alan Mayer.

"MESSIAH FOR ALL" concert at St John Baptist Church, on Saturday, 11th November. This event is in aid of St John's Restoration Fund. Further details to be announced.

WE WELCOME all visitors to St Edward's. If you have recently moved to the area, please introduce yourself to one of'the clergy, who will be pleased to visit you in your new home.

MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All are welcome.

NOTICES for St Edward's newsletter should be handed to Alan l'1ayer by Friday. Notices for newsletters for other churches in the parish should be at the Parish Office by Wednesday.

THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934.

The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms, marriages and funerals, please contact the Vicar. $ ilt tbe ~arisb of oatb Weekly Newsletter No.693 Sunday, lOth September, 1989 THE SIXTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.192. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Vernon Hodgson. Hymns: 197, 176, 358, 20l(MP). Setting: Agutter. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Peter Reid. Introit: Lay not up for yourself treasures upon the earth. Psalm 64. Hymns: 299, 372, 35(S), 290. Officiant: Fr Kevin Morris. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Exodus 24. Matthew 6, 1-21. In the world wide church we pray today for Papua New Guinea, and Archbishop George Ambo. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. We pray for Jack Mann, now thought to have died in captivity, remembering his wife and his family. We pray for Edward Laurie King, formerly Dean of Capetown. We remember in our prayers South America - we pray for a solution to the drug problem. In this diocese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Caerphilly, and Fr Michael Short. We offer our love and congratulations to Stuart and Bethan Williams married yesterday at St Margaret's. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Brian Peter Buss, Muriel Munday, and at this time Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who has suffered a heart attack. We pray for the faithful departed, especially Mollie Morgan. THIS vmEK Nonday St Deiniol, Bishop. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 6.00 p.m. Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. Oberammergau Slide Presentation. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Roath Park Council of Churches. Roath Park Methodist Church. Tuesday 2.30 p.m. REQUIEM MASS for Mollie Morgan. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday St Cyprian, Bishop, Doctor & Martyr (258 A.D.) 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.280. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mums & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday Holy Cross Day. 9.00 a .m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 80 Melrose Avenue. 11.45 a.m. Mothers' Union Deanery Prayer Group. St John the Baptist Ch. 2.30 p.m. Mothers' Union Service & AGM. St Margaret's/Roath Church House. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. Saturday St Ninian, Bishop (430 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Iv!argaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 2.00 p.m. St Anne's Sunday School 'Bric a Brac' Sale. St Anne's Grounds. 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Preparation for Sunday Worship. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at ll a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. CHOICES. One cannot move in two directions at once! The choice we all have to make is between what is 'hurtful' -Mammon- and what is 'profitable' - God, and so a great deal depends on our order of priorities. Jesus does not say that food and clothing are unimportant; what He does teach is the danger of becoming so concerned with our physical lives as to miss the whole point of living - to know God and His Kingdom - therefore He left us with the only commandment necessary to love God with our whole being and our neighbours as ourselves .... SLIDE PRESENTATION tomorrow evening in Roath Church House at 7 p.m. Come along to see an interesting glimpse of the Passion Play at Oberammergau. Open to all (not only those who are thinking of going to see the play next year) . COUNCIL OF CHURCHES meets on Monday at 7.30 p.m. at Roath Park Methodist Church. Anyone interested in representing St Edward's on the Council is invited to have a word with Kathie Mayer today. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP met last Thursday and had an interesting and informative talk about the Mothers' Union - apologies for not publicising this (the hostess forgot to notify the editor!). This week's meeting is on Thursday at 10.15 a.m., at the home of Mrs Jean Rose, 80 Melrose Avenue. ST ANNE'S SUNDAY SCHOOL will hold a 'Bric a Brac Sale' in St Anne's Church Grounds at 2 p.m. on Saturday. P.C.C. will meet on Monday, 18th September, beginning at 7 p.m. in St Margaret's. ST EDWARD'S C0t'1MITTEE will meet on vJednesday, 20th September. ST TEILO'S CHURCH is holding a Jumble Sale at Roath Church House on Friday, 22nd September, at 7 p.m. If you have any jumble, please contact Fred Heal (499814) to arrange for collection. ST ANNE'S WIVES GROUP. Whitchurch Male Voice Choir will give a concert on Friday, 22nd September at 7.30 p.m. at St Anne's Church. Tickets £1 adult, 75p Senior Citizens & children. Proceeds in aid of Holme Towers. HARVEST THANKSGIVING is on lst October, and the Harvest Supper will be at Roath Church House on Monday, 2nd October. BIBLE READING CLASSES. A series of classes will begin in early October, one on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. at 19 Mafeking Road, the other at 7.30 p.m. on Mondays at Roath Church House. They will be open to everyone. FASHION SHOW (given by Les Femme,Albany Road), will be held at Roath Church House on Tuesday, lOth October. Proceeds from the Fashion Show are in aid of Roath Church House Funds. Further details later. JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR will be performed by St Edward's Choir and friends, at the end of October. There will be three performances: Saturday 21st at 2.30 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, 27th and 28th, at 7.30 p.m. Anyone interested in taking part in this production, or helping with the planning, please have a word with Alan Mayer. PILGRIMAGE to St David's Cathedral, May 19th 1990. Travel by coach, with a few hours in Tenby on return journey. Adults £5, Children £3. Details from Alan Mayer. PARISH MAGAZINE. Articles for the October edition to the Parish Office by Thursday of this week, please. ST PHILIP'S CAKE STALL recommences on Saturdays at 10 a.m. THANK YOU for your support at the St Anne's Barn Dance. Total profit: £100. UNIFORM ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House). Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms and marriages please attend the Parish Surgery (Mondays 6 p.m.-7 p.m. in the Parish Office). For funerals, please contact the Vicar. oatb

Weekly Newsletter No.694 Sunday, 17th September, 1989 THE SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.194. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Rev. Helena Williams. Hymns: 260, 76(MP), In Love For Me, 169(MP). Setting: Agutter. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Psalm 73. Hymns: 300, 162(MP), 329, 79(MP). Office: Mr Brian Shapcott. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Deuteronomy 11, 13-end. Matthew 7, 1-20. In the world wide church we pray today for the Holy Catholic Church in Japan, and Primate Christopher Kikawada. We pray for peace in the world, and especiallyh for Southern Africa, Ireland and the Middle East. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Pontlottyn with Fochriw, and Fr Antony Davis. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Brian Peter Buss, Muriel Munday. THIS WEEK Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are Ember Days. Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 6.00 p.m. Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. Parochial Church Council. St Margaret's/Roath Church House. Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 8.00 p.m. Slides & Talk. Albany Road Baptist Church Hall. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.304. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mums & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. St Edward's Church Committee. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday St Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist. 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 19 Mafeking Road. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Choir Practice. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. Eriday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. St Teilo's Jumble Sale. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Whitchurch Male Voice Choir. St Anne's. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 10.30 a.m. Day Conference. Trinity College, Carmarthen. 10.30 a.m. Coffee Morning. Plasnewydd Presbyterian Church. 6.00 p.m. Evensong. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. UNIFORM ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House). Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. DOERS NOT HEARERS. Someone once said, 'It is easier to die for one's faith than it is to live for it.' In a sense this is true. Choosing to die for one's faith would be a hard decision but one would have to make it only once, in a moment of great resolve. Living for one's faith is harder because it is a resolve that we have to make every day, in fact every moment. Jesus does not make it any easier for us when he tells us in today's Gospel that our faith is not something that we can hide in our hearts; we must show it in our lives. Our love of God has meaning only in as much as we show that love in action in our lives. P.C.C. will meet on Monday, beginning with a Eucharist, 7 p.m. in St Margaret's. SLIDES AND TALK about Kenya, at Albany Road Baptist Church Lower Hall, on Tuesday at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. ST EDWARD 'S COJ:vilv!ITTEE will meet on vJednesday beginning with a Eucharist at 7 p.m. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP will meet on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Mrs Jane Banks, 19 Mafeking Road. JUMBLE SALES. St Teilo's Church is holding a Jumble Sale at Roath Church House at 7 p.m. on Friday. If you have any jumble, please contact Fred Heal (499814) to arrange for collection, or leave it at Roath Church House on Friday afternoon. There will be a Christian Aid Jumble Sale at Albany Road School on Saturday, 7th October, at 2 p.m., and there will be a Jumble Sale for St Edward's Church funds at Roath Church House on Friday, 3rd November at 7 p.m. ST ANNE'S WIVES GROUP. Whitchurch Male Voice Choir will give a concert on Friday at 7.30 p.m. at St Anne's Church. Tickets £1 adult, 75p Senior Citizens & children. Proceeds in aid of Holme Towers. COFFEE MORNING at Plasnewydd Presbyterian Church on Saturday at 10.30 a.m. Proceeds in aid of a Healing Centre for Wales. DAY CONFERENCE on Current Views of the Reformation at Trinity College, Carmarthen, Saturday of this week. Details in August edition of Welsh Churchman. COMING TO OBERAMERGAU? or thinking about it? See Barbara Riddett (Tel.492397) or Peter Reid for more details. MAGAZINE. Would the people who have volunteered their services in assembling the magazine please come to the Parish Office at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, 27th September. If you are unable to attend please let Tricia Burfoot know at the Parish Office. Volunteers are needed. CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES, junior or adult, should give their names in writing without delay to Peter Reid. HARVEST THANKSGIVING is on 1st October, and the Harvest Supper will be at Roath Church House on Monday, 2nd October at 7 p.m. Tickets are available from Mrs Megan Martin today, price £2. BASICS OF FAITH. A continuation of the informal meetings on Sunday evenings will begin on 1st October, at 7.45 p.m. in Roath Church House. OPEN TO ALL. BIBLE READING GROUPS recommence on Tuesday, 3rd October, at 19 Mafeking Road at 10 a.m. or on Monday, 9th October, in Roath Church House at 7.30 p.m. They are open to everyone. FASHION SHOW will be held at Rnath Church House on Tuesday, lOth October. Proceeds from the Fashion Show are in aid of Roath Church House Funds. JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR will be performed by St Edward's Choir and friends, at the end of October. There will be three performances: Saturday 21st at 2.30- p.m., and Friday and Saturday, 27th and 28th, at 7.30 p.m. Anyone interested in taking part in this production, or helping with the planning, please have a word with Alan Mayer. ST EDWARD'S BAZAAR will be on Saturday, 11th November. Anyone interested in organising a stall is invited to have a word with Mrs Megan Martin. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. Holy Baptisms and marriages please attend the Parish Surgery (Mondays 6 p.m.-7 p.m. in the Parish Office). For funerals, please contact the Vicar. ' h ilt tbe arisb of ~oatb

Weekly Newsletter No.695 Sunday, 24th September, 1989 THE EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.l96. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Irving Hamer. Hymns: 511, 243, 250, 32(S). Setting: Agutter. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Officiant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Psalm 112. Hymns: 135(MP), 60(MP), 15l(MP) 149(MP). Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Deuteronomy 28, 1-14. Romans 1, 7-end. In the world wide church we pray today for the Province of New England in the Episcopal Church of the USA, and for Presiding Bishop Edmond Browning. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. We pray for those who died in the French DClO which exploded in mid-air earlier this week, for the victims of Hurricane Hugo, and for the bandsmen who died at the Royal Marines School of Music, victims of an IRA bomb. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of SS Andrew & Teilo, and Fr Allan Jenkins. We pray for Benjamin Grant, baptised in Ipswich this morning. we pray for the sick, remembering especially Brian Peter Buss, Colin Herbert Williams. THIS I.VEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 6.00 p.m. Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Roath Church House. Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.l96. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mums & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. Assembling Parish Magazine. Parish Office. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 47 Colchester Avenue (Dr Heather Doe). 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. i.oo p.m. Full Choir Practice for "Jesus Christ Superstar". 7.30 p.m. Williams Hodgkins Lecture. Adult Christian Education Centre. Friday St Michael and All Angels. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 4.00 p.m. Full Orchestra Practice for "Jesus Christ Superstar". 7.30 p.m. SUNG EUCHARIST at St Anne's. St Anne's Feast of Dedication. Saturday St Jerome, Doctor (420 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 10.30 a.m. Decoration of St Edward's for Harvest Thanksgiving. 6.00 p.m. Evensong. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is Harvest Thanksgiving. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. UNIFORH ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House). Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. JESUS SAID 'The Lord your God, the Lord is one and you shall love the Lord your God with ~11 your heart and witl1 all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' Jesus knew that by obeying this commandment alone the other commandments of Moses would be fulfilled for if we love God with our whole selves then it will be impossible for us to disobey those other commandments we will want to follow them out of our love for God. That is why Jesus emphasised the importance of the first commandment ...... ST EDWARD'S CHURCH FUNDS. There will be a jumble sale for St Edward's Church funds at Roath Church House on Friday, 3rd November at 7 p.m. This is one of several events being arranged in the near future, at the request of St Edward's Corruuittee to avoid a shortfall in Church funds in the current year. We have a target of £1000 over the next six months. If you have any ideas, or are willing to organise an event, please have a word with Alan Mayer or Mrs Megan Martin. WILLIAM HODGKINS LECTURE 1989 will be given at Cardiff Adult Christian Education Centre, Windsor Place, on Thursday at 7.30 p.m. Rev. Noel A. Davies will speak on "One for the World's Sake: an assessment of the Ecumenical Movement in Wales". ST ANNE'S FEAST OF DEDICATION. A Sung Mass will be celebrated on Friday of this week at 7.30 p.m. at St Anne's. The preacher will be Fr Philip Masson, Director of Ordinands for the Diocese. ALL ARE WELCOME. Please support our friends at St Anne's. DECORATING FOR HARVEST. St Edward's will be open from 10.30 a.m. on Saturday. Please bring your harvest gifts along, and help with the pleasant task of decorating the church. HARVEST THANKSGIVING is next Sunday, and the Harvest Supper will be at Roath Church House on Monday, 2nd October at 7 p.m. Tickets are available from Mrs Megan Martin today, price £2. Please buy your tickets _today as numbers must be known for catering purposes. BASICS OF FAITH. A continuation of the informal meetings on Sunday evenings will begin on 1st October, at 7.45 p.m. in Roath Church House. OPEN TO ALL. BIBLE READING GROUPS recommence on Tuesday, 3rd October, at 19 Mafeking Road at 10 a.m. or on Monday, 9th October, in Roath Church House at 7.30 p.m. All welcome. ROATH LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY Annual Autumn Lecture at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday, 5th October, at Roath Park Methodist Church Hall, Bangor Street. Rev. Dr John Guy will speak on "Not Just Bells and Smells - the Art and Architecture of the Angle-Catholic Revival in Roath". Admission SOp. CHRISTIAN AID JUMBLE SALE at 2 p.m. on Saturday, 7th October at Albany Road School. Helpers and jumble urgently required from 1 p.m. on the day. FASHION SHOliJ (given by La Femme, Albany Road) will be held at Roath Church House on Tuesday, lOth October, at 7.30 p.m. Flower Decorations are being shown by Roseanne, Wellfield Court. Fashion accessories, jewellery and small floral decorations are on sale on the evening. Admission £1, by ticket or pay on the door. Proceeds in aid of Church House Funds. JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR will be performed by St Edward's Choir and friends, at the end of October. There will be three performances: Saturday 21st at 2.30 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, 27th and 28th, at 7.30 p.m. Please make this venture as widely known as possible, and give the choir your support. There will be a practice for all taking part in the dramatic/singing performance at 7 p.m. on Thursday, and a practice for the orchestra at 4 p.m. on Friday. ST EDV'lARD'S BAZAAE will be on Saturday, 11th November. Anyone interested in organising a stall is invited to have a word with Mrs Megan Martin. JUNIOR CONFIRMATION CLASS will begin shortly. All candidates must give their names in writing to Peter Reid by the 30th September. OBERAMMERGAU '90. Don't forget that time is running out to arrange to go to the Passion Play next year. We expect to take a party there for 8 days in early Sept. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and !vlinistry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms and marriages please attend the Parish Surgery (Mondays 6 p.m.-7 p.m. in the Parish Office). For funerals, contact the Vicar. I itt tbe arisb of 1\oatb

Weekly Newsletter No.696 HARVEST THANKSGIVING Sunday, 1st October, • 1989 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.315. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Setting: Nicholson. Hymns: 482 (Proc.), 382, 46(MP), Anthem, 483 (Rec.). Anthem: The Heavens Are Telling (Haydn). 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Kevin Morris. Psalm 150. ~ymns: 485, Ahthem, 486, ~73(MP); 481. Anthem: "Summer Ended". Officiant: Fr Ken !vJartin. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis:. A.Somervell in F. Readings: Deuteronomy 8, 7-end. Luke 8, 4-15. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church of England and the Province of York, and Archbishop John Habgood. We pray also for Robert, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Pope John Paul II, as they meet together this weekend. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy • . In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Roath St Martin, and Fr Harold Clarke. We pray for the sick, remembering especially B.rian Peter Buss, Colin Herbert Williams, Norman Briers. We pray for the faithful departed, especially Evelynn Westgarth. 'l'HIS I'JEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. i'1others & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 6.00 p.m. Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. St Edward's Harvest Suppert. Roath Church House. Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Bible Reading Group. 19 Mafeking Road. 4.00 p.m. Practice for "Jesus Christ Superstar". 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday St Francis of Assisi (1226 A.D.) 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book pp 290, 305. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mums & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Practice for "Jesus Christ Superstar". 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 6 Newminster Road. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Full Choir Practice for "Jesus Christ Superstar". 7.30 p.m. Local History Soc. Lecture. Roath Park Methodist Church Hall. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 4.00 p.m. Practice for "Jesus Christ Superstar". Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Cake Sta.ll. St Phi lip Is. 2.00 p.m. Christian Aid Jumble Sale. Albany Road School. 6.00 p.m. Evensong. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Twentieth Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be ·celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. UNIFORM ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House) . Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. HARVEST THANKSGIVING. 'People who need people are the luckiest people in the world' so the words of a song go .... Truly we all need people. We are indebted to people for our very life and for almost everything that sustains life. Every time we sit down to eat, our dependence on other people becomes apparent. We know that the food on our table did not simply appear; someone put it there. In the church we are called among other things to show forth this inter-relatedness of all life •.• and above all our need of God, his love and grace. At our Harvest celebrations, give thanks for all that God has given us, and above all for each other. COFFEE will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist this morning, and the draw for the lOO Club will take place. BASICS OF FAITH restarts today, 7.45 p.m. in Roath Church House. All welcome. CONGRATULATIONS to Cathie Lampert, our head choirgirl, who celebrates her 18th birthday today. VERY LAST CHANCE to make up your mind to go to Oberammergau next September. Let Barbara Riddett (492397) know by next Sunday. CHURCH FUNDS. The following events have been arranged, proceeds to Church funds: 2nd October 7.00 p.m. Harvest Supper. Roath Church House. 19th October 10.00 a.m. Coffee Morning. 19 Mafeking Road. 3rd November 7.00 p.m. Jumble Sale. Roath Church House. 11th November 2.30 p.m. Bazaar. Roath Church House. 2nd December Coffee and Mince Pies. Vestry. Anyone willing to add a fund-raising event to this list, please have a word with Alan Mayer or Megan Martin. Please give all events your fullest support. BIBLE READING GROUPS the Tuesday group recommences this week at 19 Mafeking Road at 10 a.m. The Monday (Roath Church House at 7.30 p.m.) restarts next week. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP meets on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at the home of Mrs Caroline Downs, 6 Newminster Road. A special meeting has been arranged for 2nd November, at 14 Southey Street, when Mrs Sally Davies will speak on "Women in the Ministry". ROATH LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY Annual Autumn Lecture at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday, at Roath Park Methodist Church Hall, Bangor Street. Rev. Or John Guy will speak on "Not Just Bells and Smells - the Art and Architecture of the Angle-Catholic Revival in Roath". Admission SOp. CHRISTIAN AID JUMBLE SALE at 2 p.m. on Saturday at Albany Road School. Helpers and jumble urgently required from 1 p.m. on the day. ADULT CONFIRMATION. All those who are interested in joining the confirmation preparation group please come to Roath Church House next Sunday at 7.30 p.m. FASHION SHO"\v (given by La Femme, Albany Road) at Roath Church House on Tuesday, lOth October, at 7.30 p.m. Admission El by ticket or pay at the door. Tickets from Megan Martin, Kathie Mayer, Jane Banks and the Parish Office. Please support. CHANGE OF TIME. From 11th October the Parish Prayer Group will meet at 8 p.m. DAY OF RENEWAL. Brecon, Saturday, 14th October, led by Andy Arbuthnot, entitled 'The Love that Heals'. For further information contact Peter Reid. COFFEE MORNING Thursday, 19th October, 10 till 1, at 19 Mafeking Road. Bring & Buy, Cakestall, Raffle. Tickets 25p from members of the Ladies' House Group. MOTHERS' UNION JUMBLE SALE 20th October, 7 p.m. at Roath Church House. Help and jumble needed (Tel.482743). JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR will be performed by St Edward's Choir and friends, at the end of October. There will be three performances: Saturday 21st at 2.30 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, 27th and 28th, at 7.30 p.m. Please make this venture as widely known as possible, and give the choir your support. JUMBLE SALE for St Edward's Church funds at Roath Church House on Friday, 3rd November at 7 p.m. ST EDWARD'S BAZAAR will be on Saturday, 11th November. Anyone interested in organising a stall is invited to have a word with Mrs Megan Martin. THE FAMILY of Mollie Morgan thank everyone for their kind thoughts and prayers, both in recent months and on their bereavement. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid (Vicar, 484808), Irving Harner (493940), Kevin Morris (460600), Vernon Hodgson (484996), Helena Williams (492934). h

Weekly Newsletter No.697 Sunday, 8th October, 1989 THE TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.201. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Kevin Morris. Hymns: 7, 331, 9(MP), 420. Setting: Nicholson. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Psalm 43. Hymns: 104(MP), 334, 239(MP), 258. Readings: Job 23. Romans 6. Officiant: Mr Brian Shapcott. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church in French Canada, the Maritimes and the Province of Canada, and Primate Michael Peers. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite and John McCarthy. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Colwinston with Llandow and Llysworney, and Fr Robert Jones. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Brian Peter Buss, Colin Herbert Williams, Norman Briers. THIS v.JEEK Monday St Cynog, Abbot (5th century). 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) l. 45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 2.00 p.m. St Anne's School Harvest Service. St Anne's. 6.00 p.rn. Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Bible Reading Group. Roath Church House. Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Bible Reading Group. 19 Mafeking Road. 7.00 p.m . Diocesan Overseas Missionary Committee. St Mark's, Gabalfa. 7.30 p.m. . Fashion Show. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.rn. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.201. Followed by coffee.· 2.15 p.m. Mums & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.00 p.m. Planning Meeting for St Edward's Bazaar. Vestry. 7.30 p.m. Bible Study. St Martin's Vestry. 8.00 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday 9.00 a.rn. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 9.15 a.m. Action Aid Coffee Morning. 19 Mafeking Road. 10.30 a.m. Mothers' Union Coffee Morning. Mansion House. 11.45 a.m. Mothers' Union Deanery Prayer Group.· St John the Baptist Ch. 2.30 p.m. Mothers' Union. Roath Church House. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Full Choir Practice. for "Jesus Christ Superstar". Friday ST EmJARD, KING AND CONFESSOR (1066 A. D.) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.30 p.m. SUNG PATRONAL EUCHARIST. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 9.30 a.m. Diocesan Conference. Bishop of Llandaff School. 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 10.30 a.m. Book Fair. Llandaff Cathedral Memorial Hall. 6.00 p.m. RSCM Festival. Llandaff Cathedral. 6.00 p.m. Evensong. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Twenty-First Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. THE PARABLE OF THE WAITING FATHER (Better known as the parable of the prodigal son). To stay at home Christians, those dull, prissy paragons as the prodigals rnight call them, who complain that they have always done what they should have, but have no bright lights in their lives, the Father of the parable is saying, 'If you happen to be in the older brother's shoes, give thanks every day for the blessing you so lightly take for granted, and be grateful that you have escaped the heartache and hopelessness of your prodigal contemporaries.' To modern prodigals the Father is saying, 'You have chosen your freedom, and I am still here waiting to welcome you back.' The truth of this parable is that behind it is an eternal and holy Father (who is God) waiting for us full of love and compassion. As St Augustine said (he was a prodigal too) 'Our hearts will be restless until they find rest in him (God)'. OBERAMfvlERGAU. The offer to go to Oberammergau next September closes tomorrow, by which time your deposit needs to be with Barbara Riddett. If you want to go please get in touch with her TODAY o.r it will be too late. (492397) OVERSEAS MISSIONARY COMMITTEE meeting at St Mark's, Gabalfa, on Tuesday at 7 p.m. Rev. Ronald Wynn will speak on "Mission .in Christ's v~ay". Details tel. 0693 851301. FASHION SHOW at Roath Church House at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, tickets £1 or pay at the door. Please support this event. Roath Church House is our Parish Hall, and does not belong to any one chJrch. ST EDWARD'S Bl\ZAAR. There will be a meeting, for those interested in helping, on Wednesday at 7 p.m. .in the vestry. PRAYER GROUP. Please note that for this Wednesday only the time for the Prayer Group will be 8 p.m. ACTION AID COFFEE MORNING on Thursday, 9.15-12.45 a.m., at 19 Mafeking Road. Cake stall, Bring & Buy. Tickets 30p from Jane Danks. MOTHERS' UNION. Thursday. Coffee Morning at the Mansion House, 10.30-12 noon. The Diocesan Prayer Group meets at St John the Baptist Church at 11.45 a.m., and our own branch meets at Roath Church House at 2.30 p.m. (subject: Diocesan Links). COMING TO TERMS WITH BEREAVEHEN'l'. Group sessions will be held for all ages on Thursdays at 7 p.m. to help bereaved persons with their loss. Details see Fr Kevin. ST EDWARD'S PATRONAL FESTIVAL. Friday we celebrate the Feast of the Translation of St Edward, King and Confessor. There will be a Sung Eucharist at St Edward's at 7.30 p.m. BOOK FAIR at Llandaff Cathedral Memorial Hall, 10.30-5 p.m. Saturday.

JUNIOR CONFIRMATION. There ~ill be a short meeting for junior confirmation candidates and their parents in Roath Church House next Sunday at 5.45 p.m. Anyone whose name and address and phone number has not been given in writing to Peter Reid and wishes to be confirmed please do so immediately. BASICS OF FAITH. The next meeting of this informal discussion group, which is open to all, is next Sunday, when the possibility of meeting monthly or fortnightly will be considered if there is sufficient interest. P.C.C. Please note that the next meeting is on Tuesday, 17th October, beginning at 7 p.m. in St Margaret's. COFFEE MORNING in aid of Church Funds on Thursday, 19th October, 10 till 1, at 19 Mafeking Road. Bring & Buy, Cakestall, Raffle. Tickets 25p from members of the Ladies' House Group. JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR will be performed at St Edward's on Saturday 21st October at 2.30 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, 27th and 28th, at 7.30 p.m. Tickets and posters are now available. JUMBLE SALE for St Edward's Church funds at Roath Church House on Friday, 3rd November at 7 p.m. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kcvin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to sick and dying, including Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing. Counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. Holy Baptisms and marriages please attend the Parish Surgery (Mondays 6 p.m.-7 p.m. in the Parish Office). For funerals, please contact the Vicar. , $ h i11 tbe ~arisb of ~oatb Weekly Newsletter No.698 Sunday, 15th October, 1989 THE TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.204. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Irving Hamer. Hymns: 303, 274(MP), 214(MP), 307. Setting: Nicholson. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Vernon Hodgson. Psalm l. Hymns: 253, 212(MP), 43, 271. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Job 28. Romans 12. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church in the Province of the Mid­ West, USA, and Presiding Bishop Edmond Browning. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, who has now been held for 1000 days, and John McCarthy. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Pontyclun and Talygarn, and Fr Alan Martin Reynolds. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Brian Peter Buss, Colin Herbert Williams, Norman Briers, Joan Croft. THIS v'iEEK Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 3.45 p.m. St Anne's School Governors Meeting. 6.00 p.m. Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Bible Reading Group. Roath Church House. Tuesday St Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr (c.ll7 A.D.) 10.00 a.m. Bible Reading Group. 19 Mafeking Road. 7.00 p.m. Parochial Church Council. St Margaret's/Roath Church House. Wednesday St Luke the Evangelist. 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.273. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mums & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. Ladies' House Group Coffee Morning. 19 Mafeking Road. 6 . .30 p.m. Full Choir Practice for ",!esus Christ Superstar". 7.00 p.m. Induction Service, Mrs Anne Smith. Plasnewydd Presbyterian Ch. 7.00 p.m. Open Evening. St Teilo's High School. 7.30 p.m. Not Strangers But Pilgrims. St David's Church, Merth~r Tydfil.

Friday 9.00 a~m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. Mothers' Union Jumble Sale. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Dress Rehearsal for "Jesus Christ Superstar". Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St t•largaret's. (Hatins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 10.30 a.m. Christian Aid Coffee Morning. Roath Part Methodist Church. 2.30 p.m. JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR. 6.00 p.m. Evensong. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Twenty-Second Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. UNIFORJv! ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House). Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. ADULT CONFIRNATION GROUP meets every Sunday evening at 7.30 p.m. at St Anne's. THE HEALING OF THE CENTURION'S SERVANT. (Matt. 8,5-13. Luke 7,1-10). This story which is the Gospel reading today has two slight differences in the two Gospel accounts where it is recorded. In Matthew we are told that the centurion came to Jesus himself; in Luke, a deputation of Jewish elders came speaking very highly of the centurion. A centurion in the Roman Army was the one in charge of a hundred men. This centurion, like many other Gentiles (non-Jews), had great respect for the Jewish Faith, but would feel that Jesus would not wish to enter a Gentile house. Thus he likens Christ's power over the spiritual world to his own in the material world, and he is sure that Christ can heal his servant without seeing him. Jesus is amazed at his faith. Compare what Christ said in Nazareth about Elijah, Elisha and Gentiles (Luke 4, 24-27). JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR. The first performance takes place on Saturday of this week at 2.30 p.m. Tickets (Full price £2, Children/OAPs/Students etc. £1) are available from members of the choir and others. Please help us to advertise this venture as widely as possible - there are posters available for display in houses and shops, also leaflets to be delivered door-to-door (please take some if you can help). The other performances are Friday and Saturday next week at 7.30 p.m. P.C.C. meets on Tuesday, beginning at 7 p.m. in St Margaret's. COFFEE MORNING. The second event in our series in aid of Church Funds takes place on Thursday, 10 till 1, at 19 Mafeking Road. Bring & Buy, Cakestall, Raffle. Tickets 25p from members of the Ladies' House Group. The first event, the Harvest Supper, raised £77. ST 'rEILO'S CHURCH IN \'JALES HIGH SCHOOL has an open evening on Thursday at 7 p.m. for parents of prospective pupils. Parents are offered the chance to see the school and its facilities. NOT STRANGERS BUT PILGRIMS. A Service to celebrate the Inter-Church Process 1989 at St David's Church, Merthyr Tydfil, on Thursday, 7.30 p.m. Preacher: The Most Reverend George Noakes, . MOTHERS' UNION JUMBLE SALE at Roath Church House, at 7 p.m. on Friday, helpers and jumble needed. Please contact Barbara Moffatt (482743). CHRISTIAN AID COFFEE MORNING at Roath Park !vlethodist Church, Wellfield Road, at 10.30 a.m. on Saturday. EVE OF ALL SAINTS. At St Anne's at 6.45 p.m. on Tuesday, 31st October, there will Solemn Vespers (in Latin) and Benediction for the Eve of All Saints. ST EDWARD'S BAZAAR will be on Saturday, 11th November. The following stalls have been organised: Groceries, Green-groceries, Cakes, Jewellery, White Elephant, Toys. Donations to these will be welcomed, as will volunteers to organise more stalls please have a word with Mrs Megan Martin. WINE & WISDOM at Roath Church House on Saturday, 11th November, at 7.30 p.m. Teams of 8 people, £2.50 each. Contact J.E.Armitage (757399).

ST ANNE 'S ~'liVES CHRIST!VlAS Pll.HTY is on Thursday, 14th December, at the New Park Liberal Club, City Road. In aid of Holme Towers. THANK YOU to all who helped at the Fashion Show. A special thank you to Robert Thorne for the 'brave' way he carried out his duties as compere. Approximately £200 was raised for Roath Church House Funds. FOR YOUR DIARY: 3rd November St Edward's Jumble Sale. Roath Church House. 4th November St Anne's Bazaar. Scout Hall, Cottrell Road. 11th November St Edward's Bazaar, Roath Church House. 18th November St Margaret's Bazaar, Roath Church House. 2nd December Coffee & Mince Pies. St Edward's Vestry. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms and marriages please attend the Parish Surgery (Mondays 6 p.m.-7 p.m. in the Parish Office). For funerals. contact the Vicar. St FJwardl Chur,h itt tbe ~arisb of ~oatb Weekly· Newsletter No.699 Sunday, 22nd October, 1989 THE TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.207. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 240, 184, 2l(MP), 359. Setting: Nicholson. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Mrs Sally Davies. Psalms 134, 135. Hymns: 153(MP), 352, 167, 139(MP). Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Office: Fr Ken Martin. Readings: Proverbs 8, 12-end. 1 Corinthians 1, 18-end. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church in Sri Lanka, for peace and reconciliation between language and religious groups. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Brian Keenan. We pray for the victims of the earthquakes in California and Northern China. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Pentyrch, and Fr Graham Holcombe. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Brian Peter Buss, Colin Herbert Williams, Norman Briers, Joan Croft.

THIS vlEEK Monday St James of Jerusalem, Bishop. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.m. Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Bible Reading Group. Roath Church House. Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.207. Followed by coffee. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Preparation of Church/Practice for "Jesus Christ Superstar". 7.30 p.rn. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday Alfred, King of the West Saxons (899 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 6.30 p.rn. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.rn. Full Choir Practice for "Jesus Christ Superstar". Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.30 p.m. JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR. Saturday SS Sirnon & Jude, Apostles. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 11.15 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 12.00 noon Eucharist. St Anne's. 3.30 p.m. Prayer Vigil. P~asnewydd Presbyterian Church (One World Week). 6.00 p.m. Evensong. St Margaret's. 7.30 p.m. JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR. Next Sunday is the Twenty-Third Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. Please remember that your clocks go back on Saturday night. FORGIVENESS. Lord forgive us that so little of your love has reached others through·us, and that we have thought so little of the injustices and sufferings inflicted on others. Forgive us for being proud of things which are divisive, and for making it hard for others to live and work and be with us. Forgive us, we have been thoughtless in our judgement, hasty in our condemnation, grudging in our forgiveness. Be merciful to us, and forgive us if we have made no ventures in friendship, if we have kept in our hearts a grievance against another. JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR. After a somewhat unpromising dress-rehearsal on Friday, the first performance proper (Saturday afternoon) was very successful, and enjoyed by cast and audience alike. Apologies to Liz Shepherd (Peter) and David Vallender (lighting and sound), whose names were inadvertantly omitted from the programme. If you have not already obtained tickets for one of the performances this week, any member of the choir will be pleased to oblige - please give them your support, and advertise the show as widely as possible. ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASS meets at 7.30 p.m. this evening at St Anne's.

HALF TERM. f'.1others & Toddlers (Monday) , r1others & Children (Wednesday), and Ladies' House Group take a break this week. BIBLE READING GROUP. There will be a meeting on Monday at 7.30 p.m. in Roath Church House, but there will be no Tuesday meeting this week. BASICS OF FAITH GROUP will meet fortnightly in the Parish Office on Sunday evenings at 7.45 p.m. commencing next Sunday. This is an informal discussion group, to which all are welcome. EVENSONG will be sung throughout the Winter months at 6.30 p.m. on Sundays in both St Edward's and St Margaret's. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED for assembling the Parish Magazine at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 30th October, at the Parish Office. EVE OF ALL SAINTS. At St Anne's at 6.45 p.m. on Tuesday, 31st October, there will Solemn Vespers (in Latin) and Benediction for the Eve of All Saints. Motet: Glorious in Heaven, Victoria. ALL SOULS DAY. Please remember to include the names of the faithful departed on the list that will soon be placed at the back of the church for the Requiem Eucharists that will take place on 2nd November. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP. A special meeting has been arranged for 2nd November, at 14 Southey Street, when Mrs Sally Davies will speak on ''Women in the Ministry". JUMBLE SALE for St Edward's Church funds at Roath Church House on Friday, 3rd November at 7 p.m. ST ANNE'S BAZAAR is on Saturday, 4th November, 2.30 p.m. at the Scout Hall, Cottrell Road. JUNIOR CONFIRMATION GROUP will meet in the Parish Office on Mondays at 4.15 p.m, commencing on Monday, 6th November. ST EDWARD'S BAZAAR will be on Saturday, 11th November. The following stalls have been organised: Fancy Goods, Groceries, Green-groceries, Cakes, Jewellery, White Elephant, Toys. Donations to these will be welcomed, as will volunteers to organise more stalls - please have a word with Mrs Megan Martin. WINE & WISDOM at Roath Church House on Saturday, 11th November, at 7.30 p.m. Teams of 8 people, £2.50 each. Contact J.E.Armitage (757399). CHURCH FUNDS. The following events have been arranged, proceeds to Church funds: 3rd November 7.00 p.m. Jumble Sale. Roath Church House. 11th November 2.30 p.m. Bazaar. Roath Church House. 2nd December Coffee and Mince Pies. Vestry. 14th February Police Choir Concert at St Edward's. The second event in the series, a coffee morning last week, raised £57. Many thanks to those who supported. Anyone willing to add a fund-raising event to this list, please have a word with Alan Mayer or Megan Martin. Please give all events your fullest support. WE WELCOME all visitors to St Edward's. If you have recently moved to the area, please introduce yourself to one of the clergy, who will be pleased to visit you in your new home. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms and marriages please attend the Parish Surgery (Mondays 6 p.m.-7 p.m. in the Parish Office). For funerals, contact the Vicar. s

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Weekly Newsletter No.700 Sunday, 29th October, 1989 THE TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.209. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Rev. Helena Wi1liams. Hymns: 367, 371, 568, 169(MP). Setting: Nicholson. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Officiant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Psalms 127. Hymns: 44, 372, 358, 95(S). Readings: Wisdom 7,21 - 8,1. 1 Corinthians 2. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church in French-speaking Africa and the Province of Burundi, Rwanda and Zaire. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Brian Keenan. In this diocese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Penarth and Barry, and Fr Norman Hilary Collins. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Brian Peter Buss, Colin Herbert vhlliams, Joan Croft. \'Je pray for the faithful departed, remembering especially Norman Briers. THIS vJEEK

Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St ~1argaret's. (l'latins 8.45 a.m.) 10.15 a.m. Funeral of Norman Briers. St Edward's Church. 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 6.00 p.m. Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Bible Reading Group. Roath Church House. Tuesday All Hallows Eve (Vigil). 10.00 a.rn. Bible Reading Group. 19 Mafeking Road. 6.45 p.m. Solemn Vespers & Benediction, followed by Eucharist. St Anne's. v'Jednesday All Saints Day. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST FOR ALL SAINTS (p.277). Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mums & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 3.00 p.rn. National Children's Home Talk. Roath Park Methodist Schoolroom. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 7.30 p.m. Sung Eucharist & Address. St Philip's. 8.00 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday All Souls Day. 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 9.30 a.m. Requiem Mass. St Margaret's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 14 Southey Street. 10.30 a.m. Mothers' Union Education Day. Dewi Sant Church Hall. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Full Choir Practice. 7.30 p.m. Requiem Mass: St Philip's. 7.30 p.m. Solemn Requiem Mass (visiting choir). St Anne's. Friday St Winifred, Abbess (7th century). 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.00 p.m. St Edward's Jumble Sale. Roath Church House. Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St t1argaret's. (I''iatins 8.45 a.m.) 2.00 p.m. St Anne's Autumn Fayre. Scout Hall, Cottrell Road. 6.00 p.m. Evensong. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Trinity. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m., coffee will be served after the Eucharist, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.rn. !1L.!:_ SZ-\_INTS ~ DAYS _!iND _ALL SC~L§.:_DAYS. On All Saints' Daythe Church on earth honours the memory of all the Blessec! in Heaven, whether they are among those named in the calendar of the saints or not. For they are a number which no man may count. The honour we pay to all the saints is part of the honour we give to God, for in them His will was done. On All Souls' Day the Church prays for her dead in a special way, by going to the Holy Eucharist. There is no passage of time where God is concerned, events which are past for us are present to God. Prayers for our dead are present in God's mind and they support those for whom we pray. ~"le must remember that death is not a separation from the fellowship of the Church. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED for assembling the Parish Magazine at 7.30 p.m. on l'ionday. EVE OF ALL SAINTS. At St Anne's at 6.45 p.m. Tuesday, Solemn Vespers (in Latin) and Benediction for the Eve of All Saints. Motet: Glorious in Heaven, Victoria. ALL SAINTS DAY (Wednesday) there will be a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at St Edward's at 10 a.m. as usual. Please make a special effort to attend to celebrate the festival. As usual there will be coffee afterwards in the vestry. Sung Mass at St Philip's at 7.30 p.m. Preacher Fr Ian Davies, Curate of Baglan. NATIONAL CHILDREN'S HOME. Mr P.Carradine, Headmaster of Headlands School, Penarth, will give a talk on this subject at Roath Park Methodist Schoolroom, Bangor Street, on Wednesday at 3 p.m. ALL SOULS. Please print the names of those you wish remembered on this day on the sheet at the back of the church. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP special meeting on Thursday at 10.15 a.m. at 14 Southey Street r when !vJrs Sally Davies will speak on "1\fornen in the rvlinistry". JUMBLE SALE for St Edward's Church funds at Roath Church House at 7 p.m. on Friday. Offers of help and jumble to Mrs Megan Martin, please. ST ANNE'S AUTUMN FAYRE is at 2 p.m. on Saturday in the Scout Hall, Cottrell Road. ST EDWARD'S BAZAAR will be on Saturday, 11th November. The following stalls have been organised: Fancy Goods, Groceries, Green-groceries, Cakes, Jewellery, White Elephant, Toys. Donations to these will be welcomed, as will volunteers to organise more stalls - please have a word with Mrs Megan Martin. WINE & WISDOM at Roath Church House on Saturday, 11th November, at 7.30 p.m. Teams of 8 people, £2.50 each. Contact J.E.Armitage (757399). ST EDvJAHD 'S COMMITTEE wi 11 meet on Tuesday, 14th November. LLANDAFF FLORAL SOCIETY present a floral demonstration at Bishop of Llandaff High School, 7.30 p.m. Thursday, 16th November. Tickets £2 from Sally Davies (486675). PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL will meet on Thursday, 23rd November.

JESUS CHRIST SU~ERSTAR. A "full house;• appreciated the performance on Friday evening very much, and at the time of writing we are hoping for a similarly successful "last night". Many thanks to all who have worked so hard to make this undertaking a success. Fr Ken Martin would like to express his appreciation to all involved in the production and to those who supported them. DIOCESAN DIRECTORY. Anyone who would like a copy of the new Diocesan Directory (price £2) please apply to the Parish Office . ..§.!_ l\N}'JE 'S SCHOOL are collectinq LIFESTYLE tokens given at BP Garages, these tokens will enable them to buy much needed equipment. Please hand yours to Fr Hamer. ALSO birthday and Christmas cards, wr~pping paper are now available from the school. Support our parish school by buying your cards etc. from them. UNIFORM ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House) . Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. THE CLERGY AP.E: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms and marriages please attend the Parish Surgery (Mondays 6 p.m.-7 p.m. in the Parish Office). For funerals, contact the Vicar. s i1t tbe arisb of Weekly Newsletter No.701 Sunday, 5th November, 1989 THE T\IJENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.212. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 3 (Pt I & Dox.), 570, 286, 94(MP). Setting: Agutter. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Mr Brian Shapcott. Psalms 7. Hymns: 158, 255, 49(S), 373. Officiant: Fr Kevin Morris. Readings: Ecclesiasticus 3, 1-15. 1 Corinthians 3. We pray today for the Province of Queensland, Australia, and Archbishop John Grindrod. \'le pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Brian Keenan. We pray for the victims of the typhoon which capsized the gas drilling ship Seacrest off Thailand. We pray for the Parish of Penmark and Porthkerry, and Fr Thomas Doherty. I've pray for the sick, remembering especially Brian Peter Buss, Colin Herbert Williams, and for the faithful departed, especially Druscilla Le Gros, who ran St Margaret's Sunday School in the 1920's. THIS WEEK Monday St Illtud, Abbot (5th century). 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 4.15 p.m. Junior Confirmation Class. Parish Office. 6.00 p.m. Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Bible Reading Group. Roath Church House. Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Bible Reading Group. 19 Mafeking Road. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Hednesday The Saints of Wales. 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.308. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mums & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 3.15 p.m. Funeral of Druscilla Le Gras. St Margaret's. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. 7.30 p.rn. "Children of the Bible". Husical Presentation. St German's. Thursday 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a. m. Ladies' House Group. 6 Newminster Road. 11.45 a.m. Mothers' Union Deanery Prayer Group. St John the Baptist Ch. 2.30 p.m. Nothers' Union: "Saints Sinners & Flowers". Roath"Church House. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Full Choir Practice. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 6.30 p.m. Rehearsal for Remembrance Sunday (uniform organisations). Saturday St Martin of Tours, Bishop (c.397 A.D.) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. Cake Stall. St Philip's. 10.30 a.m. Diocesan Readers' Association AGM. Llandaff Cathedral. 2.30 p.m. ST EDWARD'S BAZAAR. Roath Church House. 6.00 p.m. Evensring. St Margaret's. 7.30 p.m. Wine and Wisdom. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. "Messiah for All". St John the Baptist Church. Next Sunday is Remembrance Day. The Holy Eucharist will begin at 10.50 a.m. in St Edward's to allow for the observance of 2 minutes' silence at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 10.50 a.m. and there will be a special Service of Remembrance at 6.30 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: Next week (Remer:

ROATH COUNCIL OF CHURCHES meets on Jvlonday at 7. 30 p.m. at Roath Park ~1ethodist Church, Bangor Street. St Edward's is still under-represented - anyone wanting to come along will be welcome. If you want to know more, have a word with Kathie Mayer. ST EmvARD 'S COMivJITTEE will meet on Tuesday, start in with a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 7 p.m.

HAGAZINE. Any articles for the Parish Magazine to the Parish Office by ~vednesday, please. It's your magazine; please support it. R.D. CONFERENCE will meet at Tredegarville School on Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. LLANDAFF FLORAL SOCIETY present a floral demonstration at Bishop of Llandaff High School, 7.30 p.m. Thursday of this week. Tickets £2 from Sally Davies (486675). Proceeds in aid of NSPCC. WELSH CHURCH UNION hold their Annual Hequiem l\1ass on Saturday at 12 noon at the Church of St John the Baptist, Cardiff. ST MARGARET'S CHRISTMAS BAZAAR is at 2 p.m. on Saturday at Roath Church House. Please give your support to our friends St Margaret's. PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL will meet on Thursday, 23rd November. ST ANNE'S OLD TIME FILM EVENING is at Roath Church House, Saturday 9th December at 7 p.m. Tickets - £1 adults, children SOp. ST ANNE'S WIVES CHRISTMAS PARTY is on Thursday, 14th December, at the New Park Liberal Club, City Road. In aid of Holme Towers. MUSIC FOR CHRISTMAS. This year, the Service of Lessons and Carols will be on Christmas Eve at 4 p.m., and we hope to have the accompaniment of a String Quartet. On Friday, 22nd December at 7.30 p.m., the Choir (and friends) will present a musical version of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol". ST ANNE'S SCHOOL are collecting LIFESTYLE tokens given at BP garages. These tokens will enable them to buy much needed equipment. Please hand yours to Fr Hamer. Also birthday cards, Christmas cards, wrapping paper etc, are now available from the school -· support our parish school by buying your cards etc from them. ST EDWARD'S BAZAAR. Many thanks to all who worked so hard to make the Bazaar a success. The number attending was a little disappointing, but nearly £600 was raised on the day, giving a much-needed boost to Church Funds. Our next fund-raising event is Coffee & Mince Pies in the vestry on Saturday, 2nd December, followed by the Police Choir Concert on 14th February. Anyone willing to organise a fund-raising event, please have a word with Alan Mayer or Megan Martin. Please give all events your fullest support. ST l\NNE 'S PRIZE DHA\v. filany thanks to everyone who contributed in any way to the success of this year's prize draw, a total of £115.50 was raised. A list of prize winners will be published in the December Parish t1agazine and is also at the back of St Anne's Church. UNIFORM ORGANISl\TIONS (at Roath Church House) . Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. NEW NOTICE BOARD. Our thanks to those who have provided and erected the new notice board at the back of the church, moving the library to the north side. We can now keep the West window clear of notices. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Horris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms and marriages please attend the Parish Surgery (Hondays 6 p.m.-7 p.m. in the Parish Office). For funerals, contact the Vicar. s itt tbe arisb of


11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sern~n and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.214. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Kevin Morris. Hymns: 631 vv 1-3, 185, 388, 248(MP). Setting: Agutter. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Officiant: Rev. Helena Williams. Psalms 77. Hymns: 15l(MP), 175, 209, 31. Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Ecclesiasticus 6, 5-17. 2 Corinthians 5,11 - 6,2. In the world wide church we pray today for Southeastern USA and the Province of Sewanee, and Presiding Bishop Edmond Brow~ing. we pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Brian Keenan. We remember the countries of Eastern Europe: East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Hungary, as they try to come to terms with major political changes. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Miskin and Fr Norman Brown. We iemember also the people of St Johns, Morriston, celebrating 200 years this week. Also; today has been designated "Prisoners Sunday", and we pray for the work of the Prison Service Chaplaincy. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Brian Peter Buss, Colin Herbert Williams, M~ud Ford. We pray for the faithful departed, especially David Michael Petty, whose anniversary occurs at this time.

rEIS 'v•iEEK r'londay 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Hargaret's. (J'vlatins 8.45 a.m.) 1. 45 p.m. Mothers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 4.15 p.m. Junior Confirmation Class. Parish Office. 5.30 p.m. Beavers. Roath Church House. 6.00 p.m. Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Bible Reading Group. Roath Church House. Tuesday St Paulinus, Abbot (5th century). 10.00 a.m. Bible Reading Group. 19 Mafeking Road. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. vvednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.In. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.214. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mums & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.;n. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday St Clement of Rome, Lishop (c.lOO A.D.) 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 6 Newininster P.oad. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 l?. rn. Full Choir Piactice. 7.00 p.m. Parochial Church Council. St Margaret's/Roath Church House. 8.00 p.m. Mothers' Union. Roath Church House.

Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. S~ Philip's.

Saturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. ~.::t Marqaret's. ([1atins 8.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.m. Evensong. St Margaret's. Youth Eucharist. St Pagan's, Aberdare. Next.Sunday is the Sunday Before Advent. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. ADVENT CAROLS. In place of Evensong on the First Sunday in Advent (4th December) we shall have our customary Service of Advent Carols. THE PEACE OF GOD. God is 'the governor of all things in heaven and earth', and rules not with compulsion, lil~e a dictator, nor with cajolery, like a petulant parent, but with love. We know that, however shifting the ground is, or whatever the world around us looks like sometimes, we stand on the sureness ~md certainty of God's love - and can know his peace. The 'peace of God' is not just 'a sense of peace' when the crisis is over, whatever the crisis is. The 'peace of God' is that which sustains us in the crisis. PARISH DIARIES 1990 are now available, price SOp (personalised to our Parish). ADULT CONFIR.i

.S:.?FFEE AN~J ['HNCE PIES in the vestry on Saturday, 2nd December, at 10 a.m . Pr~ceeds to Church Funds. THE FRIENDS OF ST TEILO'S HIGH SCHOOL are holding their Christmas Fayre at the School on Saturday, 2nd December. Please support the Association as they raise much needed funds for the school.

CHRISTINGL~ at St. Teilo's, 3 p.m. on Sunday, 4th December, on behalf of the Children's Society - further details later.

ST ANI'JE 'S OLD 'l'HlE FILJvl J_?VE?'·l!J'IG is at Roath Church House, .Saturday 9th December at 7 p.m. Tickets - £1 adults, children SOp. THEOLOGY. Are you interested in a four term course on theology? There is a meeting on 11th December, at 7.30 p.m. Further information from the Vicar. ST ANNE'S WIVES CHRISTMAS PARTY is on Thursday, 14th December, at the New Park Liberal Club, City Road. In aid of Holme Towers. MUSIC FOR CHRISTMAS. This year, the Service of Lessons and Carols will be on Christmas Eve at 4 p.m., and we hope to have the accompaniment of a String Quartet. On Friday, 22nd December at 7.30 p.m., the Choir (and friends) will present a musical version of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol". i\nyone interested in taking part in this performance, or helping in any way, please have a word with Alan Mayer. ST ANNE'S SCHOOL are collecting LIFESTYLE tokens given at BP garages. These tokens will enable them to buy much needed equipment. Please hand yours to Fr Hamer. Also birthday cards, Christmas cards, wrapping paper etc, arc now available from the school - support our parish school by buying your cards etc from them. PRAYER BOOKS. St Margaret's are about to buy new prayer books. If you would like to buy one yourself, please let one of the Clergy know, or ring the Parish Office. JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR. At the meeting last Tuesday, St Edward's Committee expressed its appreciation of the performances of Jesus Christ Superstar, u.nd asked that thanks be conveyed to all who took part or helped in any way. SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS. In March 1990, we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the first Service held at 3t Edward's. This took place in the original wooden church which was destroyed by fire in 1919. Some plans have already been made to celebrate this occasion - if you have any ideas, we would like to hear them. UNIFORi-1 ORGANISA'riOIJS (at H.oath Church House). Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.rn. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. THE CLEHGY Ar\E: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms and marriages please attend the Parish Surgery (Mondays 6 p.m.-7 p.m. in the Parish Office). For funerals, contact the Vicar. if' lll arisb

THE SU~DAY BEFORE ADVEUT 11.00 a.m. sun9 Eucharist, Sen1on and Sunday 3chool. Prayer Book p.216. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Mart1n. Hymns: 362, 271, 107. 56(MP). Setting: Agutter. 6,30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Vernon Hodgson. Psalms 149, 150. Hymns: 229, 195(MP), 233(MP), 376. ~1agnificat £laud Ford.

THIS ~:~EE;( Monday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1.4'i p.P1. Mothers & Toddlers. ~oath Church House. 2.30 p.m. Mothers' Union Welcare Service. Llandaff Cathedral. 4.15 p.m. Junior Confirmation Class. Parish Office. 6.00 p, IT\, Parish Surgery. Parish Office, ~oath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Bible Reach ng Group. Hoath Church House.

Tuesday 10.00 a .rn. Bible Reading Group. 19 Mafekin9 Road. 10.00 a.rn. Chapter. Roath Church House. 7.30 .p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's .

~vednesday Vigil: Day of Intercession for the Mission of the Church. 7.30 a.n. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a. r11. EUCHARIST. Prayer nook p.292. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. i"lurns & Children. St l'iargaret's. 2.30 ;._J.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.rn. Parish Prayer Group and Vigil (until 10 p.m.). St Margaret's. Thyrsday St Andrew the Apostle. 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 9.30 a .:n. Eucharist. St Margaret's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 79 Inverness Place. 6.30 p. ITl. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p. rn. Full Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Eucharist. St·Philip's. Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's.

_Sat ~!:_<:!_ay 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St :'1argaret's. (l·latins 8.4r) a.m.) 10.30 a.m. s:'.Q!:.:_~EE .J.'~l? l'1INCE PIES. St Ed\vard' s Vestry. 2.00 ;;.m. St Teilo's School Fayre. St Teilo's.

2.00 l). l~l. St Margaret's Playgroup Fayre. Roath Church House. 6.00 p.m. Evensong. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the First Sunday In Advent. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m., coffee will be served after the Eucharist and the 100 Club draw will take place. In place of Evensong there will be a Service of Advent Lessons and ~arols at 6.30 p.m. SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT. ~e have now come to the end of the 'Sundays after Trinity'. During Trinity we have been trying to widen our understanding of Christ and His Gospel, to apply His teaching to our daily lives and to deepen our discipleship. It is not that 'nothing has happened' since Whitsunday! - a great deal has but the SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT indicates a 'gear change' as we move into the Season of Advent, the Coming of our King. We pray that God will 'stir up ... the wills of thy faithful people' -to BE PREPARED! 'Behold, the days are coming,' even 'the day of the Lord'. 'Behold the Bridegroom!' ADVENT. During Advent a series of sernons will be preached in all churches at the main morning services - these will provide a basis for informal discussions on the following Tuesday evening at 7.30 p.m. at Roath Church House or in St Anne's. Discussions in St Philip's on Wednesday. ALL ARE WELCOME. MOTHERS' UNION Welcare Offering Service, 2.30 p.m., Monday at Llandaff Cathedral.


_s:OFFEE AND MI~lCE PIES in the vestry on Saturday at 10 a.m. This is one of our series of events planned to raise money for Church Funds. Please give it your support. Future events include: 22nd December 7. 30 p.m. ";n, Christmas Carol' !musical version). 14th February Police Choir Concert at St Edward's. CONGRATUL1WIOr·JS to Liz and Huth Shepherd, who celebrate their 18th birthday next Saturday. CHRISTMAS FAYRES. St Margaret's Playgroup have a Fayre at Roath Church House, and St Teilo's School have a Fayre at the School, both at 2 p.m. on Saturday. CHRISTINGLE at 3 p.rn. next Sunday, at St Teilo's School, on behalf of The Children's Society. ADVEN_T CAROLS. In place of Evensonq next Sunday we shall have our customary Service of Advent Carols. If you would like to read one of the lessons, please see Alan Mayer. ST ANNE'S OLD TIME FILM EVENING is at Roath Church House, Saturday 9th December at 7 p.m. Tickets - £1 adults, children SOp. Ice-cream on sale during intermission. THEOLOGY. Are you interested in a four term course on theology? There is a meeting on 11th December, at 7.30 p.m. at Rumney College. MUSIC FOR CliHISTMAS. This year. the Service of Lessons and Carols will be on Christmas Eve at 4 p.m., and we hope to have the accompaniment of a Strin

TAIZE. Next August, the churches of ~ales are organising a pilgrimage to Taize. If you would like to know more, please contact Sian Gruffudd (345791). UNIFORM ORGANISATIONS (at Roath Church House) . "1onday: S.30 p.iil. Heavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.1S p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. THE CLEHGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.434808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms and marriages please attend the Parish Surgery (Mondays 6 p.m.-7 p.m. in the Parish Office). For funerals, contact the Vicar. St ~'ardSI Church i11 tbr ~arinb of ~oatb I Heekly :~ewsletter No. 705 _§_unda_u__~_rd December, 1989 THE FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.27. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Peter RAid. Setting: Nicholson. Hymns: 47, 52, Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, I Cannot Come, 51 (Rec.) 6.30 p.m. Service of Lessons and Carols for Advent. Hymns: 49, 578, 47, 52, 196, 891S), SO, 51. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Anthems: Matin Responsory (Palestrina) Spirits of the Air (from The Indian Queen - Henry Purcell) Gloria (Vivaldi) We pray that our spiritual preparation during Advent may cleanse our hearts for the coming of Christ. In the world wide church we pray today for Tanzania, and Archbishop Ramadhani. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Brian Keenan. We pray that God may guide the negotiations between Presidents Bush and Gorbachev. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Port Talbot, and Fr Norman Lea. We pray for the sick, remembering especially 3rian Peter Buss, Colin l!erbert \tJilliams, ~1aud Ford, cTack Cor<~pton. THIS WEEK f'.1onday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 1. 45 p.m. ;-'!others & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 4.15 p.m. Junior Confirmation Class. Parish Office. 6.00 p.;n. Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Bible Reading Group. Roath Church House.

Tuesday 10.00 a. Pl. Bible Reading Group. 19 Mafeking Road. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Followed by Advent discussion group. 7.30 p.m. Advent Discussion Group. Roath Church House. Wednesday St Nicolas of Nyra, Bishop (c.342 A.D.) 7.30 a.n. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. [::_l_:!_~H-~~S~. Prayer Book p.287. F"ollowed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Mums & Children. St Margaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. 7.30 p.m. Advent Discussion Group. St Philip's. Thursday St Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor (397 A.D.J 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 6 Newminster Road. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Full Choir Practice. St Cynidir, nishop (6th century) 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's.

9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St r1drqaret IS • (r·latins B.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.m. Evensong. St iiargaret's. 7.00 p. rn. St Anne's Old Time Filw Evening. Roath Church House. !'Jext. sur::?-ay is the Second Sunday In Advent. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m., and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. UNIFORM ORGl1.NISATID:'JS (at Roath Church House). Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. COFFEE will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist this morning, and the draw for the 100 Club will take place. ADVENT. Today we begin the new Christian Year. So Happy New Year to you. Those words 'happy' (perhaps 'joyous' would be better) and 'prosperous' mean something quite different to us as Christians. Our joy is not sornething transient that depends on our mood or that we experience only in the good times, nor is ;our prosperity a measure of our n1aterial wealth. For us to prosper means to grow richer, yes, but richer in our joyous relationship with the Living God, to welcome Him ever more readily into the heart of our lives. Advent should be special for us as we prepare ourselves for the sacrament of Christmas, for the remembrance of the coming of Christ into our world. So have a prayerful and thoughtful Advent. CHRISTINGLE at 3 p.m. this afternoon, at St Teilo's School, on behalf of The Children's Society.

_!\DVENT -~l-iROLS. In place of Evensong today Sunday we shall have our customary Service of Advent Carols. If you would like to read one of the lessons, please see Alan Mayer.

_!\DVENT_ DISCU_SSIO!~~ GROl~~- Come along to these informal sessions which will supplement the main morning Sunday Sermons during Advent. Tuesdays 7.30 p.m. at Roath Church House 1 also at St Anne's), and Wednesdays, 7.30 p.m. at St Philip's.

GEORGE THOMAS CENTRE FOR HO~!"'_:ICE_s:_?HE_. ''Light up a life' Christmas Tree appeal. The tree is at St David's Hall, and the lights will be switched on at 5.30 p.m. on Tuesday of this week. Forms for donations are at the back of the church. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP meets on Thursday at lO.lS a.m. at the home of trrs Carolina Downs, 6 Newminster Road. ST ANNR'S OLD TIME FILM EVENING is at ---·------·--- Roath Church House, Saturday of this week at 7 p.m. Tickets (at the door) - El (children SOp). Ice-cream on sale during intermission. THEOLOGY. Are you interested in a four term course on theology? There is a meeting on !'londay, 11th Decer:1ber, at 7. 30 p. m. at Rumney College.

RO?TH CI-lURC!:!_ HOUSE COr~·!I_~rEE will meet at 7. 30 E:Ill. rm Tuesday .• 12th December.

CARO!:_~~r~_g_!_NG organised by the Council of Churches outside Albany Road School between 10.30 a.m. and 11.30 a.rn. on Saturday, 16th December. The carol singing will be accompanied by the Band of the Ely Citadel of the Salvation Army. Please come along and join in. CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE. This year, the Service of Lessons and Carols will be on Christmas Eve at 4 p.m., and will be accompanied by a String Quartet.

:J:. CHH!_STHAS C~~OL''. On Friday, 22nd December at 7.30 p.m., the Choir (and friends) will present a r:msical version of Charles Dickens' ''A Christmas Carol". Anyone interested in taking part in this performance, or helping in any way, please have a word with Alan Mayer. Tickets will be available next week, price £1 !children, senior citizens, students etc. SOp).

COF~E AND I~HJCE PIES in the vestry yesterday morning raised £6S, and was very much appreciated by all who came - our thanks to the ladies ~ho provided and served the mince pies. This was one of our series events for church funds. Also arranged: 22nd December 7.30 p.P1. ''!\Christmas Carol, (r1usical version). 14th February Police Choir Concert at St 8dward's. Anyone willing to add a fund--raising event to this list, please have a word with Alan Mayer or Megan Martin. Please give all events your fullest support. p,li.~ISH DIAPY 1990 now avai lab] e, SOp.

~>lE \IJELCQ!11E all visitors to St Edward's. If you have recently moved to the area, please introduce yourself to one of the clergy, who will be pleased to visit you.

THE CLERGY AF.E~ The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin :viorris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Conununion and Ministry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms and marriages please attend the Parish Surgery (Mondays 6 p.m.-7 p.m. in the Parish Office). For funerals, contact the Vicar. 111" aris{l

Weekly ~ewsletter No.706 ~unday, lOth December, 1989 THE FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.30. Celebrant: Fr Ken ~artin. Preacher: Fr Peter Reid. Hymns: 52, 261(MP), 48, G1(MP). Setting: Nicholson.

6.30 p.ill. Evensong & Sern~n. Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Psalm 57. Hymns: 45, 98(S), lOO(Sl, 24. Officiant: Mr Brian Shapcott. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervell in F. Readings: Micah 6, 1-8. Matthew 25, 31-end. We pray for all who distribute, publish and print Bibles. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church in Kenya, and Archbishop Kuria. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Brian Keenan. In this diocese we pray for ~he Parish· of Dowlais, and Fr Phillip Crockett. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Brian Peter Buss, Colin Herbert vJ.illiams, Maud Ford, Jack Compton, Esme Scobie.

9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St. Har.Hl. {,lathers & Toddlers. Roath Church House. 4.15 p.m. Junior Confirmation Class. The Vicarage. 5.30 p.m. Beavers. Roath Church House. 6.00 p.m. Parish Surgery. Parish Office. Roath Church House.

7.30 ~0 .. Fl. Bible Reading Group. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Theology Meeting. Rumney College. Tuesday 10.00 . a.m. Bible Reading Group. 19 Mafeking Road . 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Followed by Advent Discussion Group. 7.30 p.m. Advent Discussion Group. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Roath Church House Committee. Hoath Church douse. 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. ~fJCli_l~HIST. Prayer Book p.30. Followed by coffee. 2.15 p.m. Hums & Children ..~)t Hargaret's. 2.30 p.m. Senior Citizens. ~oath Church House. 6.30 p.rn. Dinas Beavers Carol Service. St Margaret's. 7.30 p.m. Parish Prayer Group. St Nargaret's. 7.30 p.rn. Advent Discussion Group. St Philip's. 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group - !louse Eucharist. 19 Iviafeking Road. 11.45 a.m. Mothers' Union Deanery Prayer Group. St John the Baptist Ch. 2.30 p.rn. Mothers' Union Advent Carol Service. St Anne's. 6.30 p.rn. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.:rt. Full Choir Practice. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 10.30 a.m. Council of Churches Carol Singing. Albany Road. _?aturday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St :'larqaret's. (I•1atins 8.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.m. Evensong. St Margaret's. Next Sunday is the Third Sunday In Advent. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m., and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m.

UNIFOR:~J ORGANISATIOUS (at Roath Church House) . Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. VJednesday: 6,15 p.rn, i~rovmies. Friday: 7 p,r:1, Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. J-'ODA~ is Bible Sunday. We give thanks today for the Bible and what it means to us. What does the Bible mean to you? What difference would it n1ake to your life if you had never read it? This is still true of some people in other parts of the world, either through poverty or because the Bible has not been translated into their language. For as little as £2 a month you can help spread.the Word of God by joining the Bible-a-Month Club. This society will send you a prayer sheet each month with details of the country your money will be helping & with particular intentions to pray for. You will find details and a sample prayer sheet at the back of the church. Any queries ring Elizabeth Reid (484808).

_:~!.:_IS ~VElHl\lG: 7.45 p.m. Adult Confirmation Group at St Anne's. Also at 7.45 p.m., "Basics of Faith informal discussion qroup at i~oath Church House (open to all). THEOLOGY. Are you interested in a four term course on theology? There is a meeting on Monday at 7.30 p.m. at Rumney College. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE COMMITTEE will meet at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday.

LAD~~_s'_Ji_OUSEs;ROUPrneetsonThursdayat 10.15 a.m. at the home of Mrs Jane Banks, 19 Mafeking Road, for a House Eucharist. All welcome. ADVENT CAROL SEHVICE for the Mothers Union (and anyone else who would like to come) at St Anne's on Thursday.

CAHO~ SINGING orqanised by the Council of Churches outside Albany Road School between 10.30 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. on Saturday, 16th December. The carol singing will be accompanied by the Band of the Ely Citadel of the Salvation Army. Please come along and join in.

CHIUS1'~,1AS <;:ARO!_, SEE':_~E. This year, the Service of Lessons and Carols will be on Christmas Eve at 4 p.m., and will be accompanied by a String Quartet. '-A CHRISTMAS CiH\OL''. On Friday, 22nd December at 7. 30 p.m., the Choir (and friends) will present a musical version of Charles Dickens' ·•z:;, Christmas Carol''. Tickets are now available, price El (children, senior citizens, students etc. SOp). _CHURCI!_FUNDS. The following events have been arranged, proceeds to Church funds: 22nd December 7. 30 p. m. "l\ Chric:;tmas Carol' - tickets nov; available. 14th February Police Choir Concert at St Edward's. Anyone willing to add a fund-raising event to this list, please have a word with Alan Mayer or Megan Martin. Please 0ive all events your fullest support. ST ANNE'S SCHOOL are collecting LIFESTYLE tokens given at BP garages. These tokens will enable them to buy much needed equipment. Please hand yours to Fr Hamer. Also birthday cards, Christmas cards, wrapping paper etc, are now available from the school - support our parish school by buying your cards etc from them.

_!_~EAL for Christmas Stocking fillers, whiJe stocks last, only SOp each, handy 1990 diaries. Get some after this service. ------·--CHRISTMAS CARDS. It is our intention once more this Christmas to deliver a card to every home in the Parish. Volunteers to deliver some of these please write their names on the list on the notice board. ADVENT DISCUSSION GROUPS. Come along to these informal sessions which will supplen~ent the main rnorn1nq Sunuay Sermons durin9 Advent. St Marqaret' s a_nd St Edward's 7.30 p.m. at_Roath Church House. St Anne's ana St Teilo's Tuesdays 7.30 p.m., St ~nne·s. St Philip's 7._30 p.m. W~dnesdays at St Philip's.

_cHRIST~AS E'LOl:JERS. Ers Maria Ell is and ilrs Megan t-1artin will be pleased to receive any donations towards the cost of providing flowers to decorate the church for Christmas. MRS MAUD FORD would like to thank all her friends at St Edward's for their prayers and good wishes during her illness. 'l'HE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.4G4'J96. Helena vhllidms. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and Ministry of llea1ing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms and marriages please attend the Parish Surgery (Mondays 6 p.m.-7 p.m. in the Parish Office). For funerals, contact the Vicar. f' St ~nllnlll'af'~$ itt tbr ~arisb of 31\oatiJ

THE TYil-m SUf:DAY IN ADVEllT 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.33. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr Peter Reid. Hymns: 51, 196, 53, 50. Setting: Nicholson. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Rev. Helena Williams. Psalm 99. Hymns: 45, 54, 55, 350. Officiant: Fr Ken !•lartin. Magnificat & Nunc Di~ittis: A.SomervelJ in F. Readings: Joel 3, 9-17. John 9, 13-end. Today we pray for new commitnent to our individual vocations• for all who are called to the ordained ministry, for those in training· and especially for Edward and Sally Cavies: for all responsible for their training. In the world wide church we pray today for the Church in India and Pakistan. We . pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry W~ite, John McCarthy and Brian Keenan. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Cadoxton-juxta-Neath and Fr Norman Mortimer Cooper. We pray for the sick, especially Brian Peter Buss, Colin Herbert Williams, Jack Compton, Esme Scobie. We pray for the faithful departed, especially Maud Foid.

Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are Ember Days. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (fJ!atins 8.45 a.m.) 1. 45 p.!TI. Mothers & Toddlers Party. Roath Church House: 6.00 ;J.m. Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Roath Church House. Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Bible Reading Group. 19 Mafeking Road. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Followed by Advent Discussion Group. 7.30 p.m. Advent Discussion Group .. Roath Church House. Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.304. Followed by coffee. 2.30 p.r'l. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 p.m. Advent Discussion Group. St Philip's. 7.30 p.m. Full Choir Practice. St Thomas the Apostle. 9.00 a.m. School Eucharist. SL Anne's. 9.30 a.rn. Eucharist. St Margaret's. 7.00 p.m. Sung Eucharist. St Teilo's. 8.00 p.m. Full Choir Practice (Dress Rehearsal). Friday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 7.30 p.rn. AA CHRISTMAS CAHOL''. Musical presentation at St Edward's. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (!Vwtins 8.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.m. Evensong. St Margarct's. Next Sunday is the Fourth Sunday In Advent. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m. and the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m. In place of Evensong there will be a Service of Nine Lessons and Carols at 4 p.rn. Midnight Mass is at 11.45 p.m., followed on Christmas morning by our Family Eucharist at 10 a.m. UNIFOf{lvl ORGl\iHSATIONS (at Roath Church House). Monday: 5.30 p.m. Beavers, 6.30 p.m. Cubs, 7.30 p.m. Scouts. Wednesday: 6.15 p.m. Brownies. Friday: 7 p.m. Guides, 7.30 p.m. Ventures. S'I' EDVJAHD'S CHOIR will give a musical presentation of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol at 7.30 p.m. on Friday at St Edward's. Tickets £1,. (children, students & senior citizens SOp). ADVE:!JT 3. Today we pray for the winistry of the Church. All too often we think only of those who have a vocation to the ordained ministry of the Church and fail to recognise that we all have a vocation - we are all called to a ministry in the name of Jesus Christ. As we prepare to remember with joy the first coming into the world of our Lord Jesus Christ it is fitting that we remember the charge that he gave his Church, us, as he ascended - to bring all nations to him. In this we all have a part in bringing him into the world for those around us. Modesty, or a lack of

1 confidence 1 may lead us to say, like l'1oses 1 'not me Lord' but if we truly intend to follow where he leads then it is not what I feel capable of doing that counts: it is what he wants. 'Not my will but thine, Lord'.

OUR COLLEs:_:riONS~ODAY are given to the Bishop's l~ppeal to finance training to the Ordained Ministry. A letter from the Bishop will be read at our Eucharist today. CHOIR Pf

ETHIOPIAN DISASTER. Once again people are starving at Christmas. ~emember them as you enjoy Christmas by setting another place at your table on Christmas Day and contributing the price of another meal to those who starve in Ethiopia. Money to your Church Treasurer, please, to be sent to Christian Aid.

§UND.I\~ SCifOOL PARTY in the vestry on Saturday, 30th December, 4 p.rn. - 5.30 p.m. LADIES' HOUSE GROUP. The next meeting is on 'Thursday, 4th January, at the home of Mrs Kathie Mayer, 8 Newminster Road. New members are always welcome. _!pEAL for Christmas Stocking fillers, while stocks last, only SOp each, handy 1990 diaries. Get some after this service. ------CHRISTMAS CARDS are now available for distribution. Please take your package for delivery today. If you live outside the parish please take a copy for you & your family. If you live in the parish your card will be delivered to your home. CHURCH FUNDS. The following events have been arranged, proceeds to Church funds: 22nd December 7.30 p.m. ''A Christmas Carol" (I"'lusical version). 14th February Police Choir Concert at St Edward's. Anyone willing to add a fund-raising event to this list, please have a word with Alan Mayer or Megan Martin. Please give all events your fullest support. CHRISTMAS FLOWERS. Mrs Maria Ellis and Mrs Megan Martin will be pleased to receive any donations towards the cost of providing flowers to decorate the church for Christmas. THE CLERGY 1\HE: The Reverends Peter Reid. '1'el.484808 !Vicar), Irving Harner. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel. 484996. He lena '-'Vi lliams. Tel. 492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, whicl1 includes Holy C0111munion and Hinistry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For holy Baptisms and marriaqes please attend the Parish Surgery (Mondays 6 p.m.-7 p.m. 1n the Parish Officel. For funerals, contact the Vicar. t Edwardi Churdt in tbe arisb of 3Roatb

Sunday, 24th Dece~ber, 1989 THE FOURTH SUNDAY HJ ADVENT 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book p.35. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Preacher: Fr P~ter Reid. Hymns: 216, 269, 49, l(S). Setting: Nicholson. 4.00 _p.rn. Service of Nine Lessons and Carols. (Accompanied by String Quintet.). Hymns: 432 (Proc.), 59, 65, 62, 60. Carols: 7, 19, 10. Solos: Tua Bethlem Dref, The Three Kings. Choir carols: Unto Us is Born a Son Nativity Carol All This Time In the world wide church we pray today for the Episcopal Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East, and President-Bishop Samir Kafity. We give thanks for Jerusalem, a holy place for Jews, Christians and Muslims, and pray that it may become truly a city of peace and hope for all God's people. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Brian Keenan. We pray for the people of Romania in this period of violence and instability. We remember also for the people of Panama. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Seven Sisters, and Fr Robert Ivor Blackmore. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Brian Peter Buss, Jack Compton, Esme Scobie. We pray for the faithful departed, especially Colin Herbert Williams and Jack Thomas. CHRISTt>E-\S DAY 11.45 p.m. Midnight Mass. Procession and Sermon. Prayer Book p.38. Celebrant and Preacher: Fr.Ken Martin. Setting: Nicholson. Hymns: 59 (Proc.), 66, Gaudete (Anthem), 62, 60 (Rec.). 10.00 a.m. Sung Family Eucharist with presentation by the Sunday School. Celebrant: Fr Ken Martin. Setting: Agutter. Prayer Book p.4l. Hymns: 59 (Proc.), 432, Away in a Manger, 65, 60. We give thanks today for the birth of Our Saviour at Bethlehem: 'For the wonder of birth, we thank you, Lord. And for this day to celebrate the birth of Jesus at Bethlehem, the house of bread. We sing then with the angels, with the cattle and the sheep, with the shepherds and the stars of heaven, with Joseph and Mary: 0 come let us adore him!" (Gabe Huck) THIS \-JEEK

Tu~s~.;>Y St Stephen_, the First f'lartyr. 9. 00 a. m. Eucharist. St Ma.rgaret' s. 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. Wednesday St John, Apostle and Evangelist. 10.00 a.m. ~UCHARIST. Prayer Book p.225. Followed by coffee. Thursday Holy Innocents' Day. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. 6.30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.m. Full Choir Practice. Friday 10.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St tJiargaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 4.00 p.m. St Edward's Sunday School Party. Vestry. 6.00 p.m. Evensong. St Marqaret's. 6.00 p.m. Celebration of Christmas (words, music and pageant). St Anne's. pEXT SUNDAY is the First Sunday After Christmas. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m., and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. FR & MRS MARTIN would like to thank everyone for their cards and many gifts this Christmas, and wish everyone a holy Christmas and a Happy New Year. -----DECORATING THE CHRISTMAS------TREE. This enjoyable task takes place after the celebration of the Eucharist this morning. Anyone (especially children) who would like to stay behind and help will be most welcome.

~HRISTMAS CAROL SERVIC~ is at 4 p.m. today, and will be accompanied by a String Quintet. This promises to be a most enjoyable start to our celebrations of the birth of Our Lord. Please come and join us. If you would like to read one of the Lessons, please see Alan Mayer this morning. ETHIOPIAtl DISASTER. Once again people are starving at Christmas. Remember them as you enjoy Christmas by setting another place at your table on Christmas Day and contributing the price of another meal to those who starve in Ethiopia. Money to your Church Treasurer, please, to be sent to Christian Aid. OFFERTOHY ElWELOPES are now available at the back of the Church. If you have used them in the past, there should be a pack addressed to you. If you would like to start using this method of regular giving, which is very helpful to the Church in budgeting for future expenditure, please have a word with our treasurer, Mr Philip lvilliams. If anyone would like to take t:he extra (very simple) step of covenanting their contributions, which means that the Church receives an extra 33p for every El you pay, please have a word with Alan Mayer. SUNDAY SCHOOL PARTY takes place in the vestry on Saturday, 4 p.m. until 5.30 p.m. LADIES' HOUSE GHOUP. The next meeting is on Thursday, 4th January, at the home of Mrs Kathie Mayer, 8 Newminster Road. New members are always welcome. THE FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY. Saturday, 6th January. There will be a Sung Eucharist at St Edward's at 10 a.m. to celebrate this important feast. The Feast Day is already marked in your Church Diary - please make a note of the Service time.

------WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN------:-- UNITY. 17th 24th January, 1990. 'I' he following services/events have been organised by the Council of Churches, please try to support them as much as possible~ Wednesday, 17th. Noon-6 p.m. Prayer Vigil. St Martin's Church, Albany Road. Thursday, 18th. 7.30 p.m. Agape. Albany Road Baptist Church. Tuesday, 23rd. 7.30 p.m. United Service. Plasnewydd Presbyterian (Keppoch St). CARDIFF POLICE CHOIR have kindly agreed to give a concert at St Edward's Church, in aid of Church Funds. The concert will be on St Valentine's Day - 14th February. Please give it your support, and advertise the event among your friends. A CHRISTMAS CAROL. Fr Martin would like to express his appreciation of the musical performance of Dickens' Christmas Story last Friday evening. It is good to see so many members of the Church taking part in various ways, and working so hard to make it successful. (May I add my own thanks to everyone for working so hard to perform from my score. It is very rewarding to see your own music come alive" - ADM) WE WELCOME all visitors to St Edward's. If you have recently moved to the area, please introduce yourself to one of the clergy, who will be pleased to visit you in your new home. NOTICES for St Edward's newsletter should be handed to Alan May er by Friday. Notices for newsletters for other churches in the parish should be at the Parish Office by Wednesday. THE CLEHGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy Communion and Ministry of Healing. For counselling and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms and marriages please attend the Parish Surgery (Mondays 6 p.m.-7 p.m. in the Parish Office). For funerals, contact the Vicar. s itt tbr flarisb of

'l'HE FIRST SmJD.l\Y AF'Ti7;}\ CHIUSTi"lAS 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Serlllon and Sunday 3chool. Prayer Book j).43. Celebrant & Preacher: F'r Ken Martin. Hymns: 58, 363, Only a Little City, 594. Setting: ihcholson. 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon. Preacher: Fr Ken dartin. Psalm 113. Hymns: 63, Sans Day Carol, 26, 271. Off.: Fr Kevin Morris. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervel1 in F. Readings: Isaiah 41, 8-20. Philipians 2, 1-11. In the world wide church we pray today for new Provinces in the process of formation: Malaysia, Mexico and Central America, the Philippines, Korea. We pray for all hostages and prisoners of conscience, especially Terry Waite, John McCarthy and Br ian Keenan. \'le remember the victirns of the earthquake in SE Australia. vJe pray for Czechoslovakia, as their new President takes office, and for the people of Romania. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Llanwonno, and Fr John Malcolm Hughes. We pray for the sick, reme~)ering especially Brian Peter Buss and Jack Compton. We remember also Jack Thomas, whose funeral is at St Edward's on Thursday. ------THIS \:JEEK The t'laming of Jesus. 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Margaret's. (Matins 8.45 a.m.) 6.00 p.n. Eucharist. St Anne's. 6.00 p .. m. Eucharist. St Philip's. Tu_esday 7.30 p.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. vJednesday 7.30 a.m. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.00 a.m. EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p.43. Followed by coffee. 9.00 a. rn. Eucharist. St Anne's. 10.15 a.m. Ladies' House Group. 8 Newminster Road. 11.30 a.rn. Funeral of Mr J.E.Thomas. St Edward's. 6.30 p. Hi. Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 p.rn. Full Choir Practice. _yriday 9.00 a.m. Eucharist. St Philip's. Saturday The Epiphany of Our Lord. 9.00 a.m. Euchar:ist. St t1argaret's. (!-latins 8.45 a.m.) 10.00 a.m. SUNG 2UCHARIST. St Edward's. 12.00 noon Eucharist. St Anne's. Next Sunday is the First Sunday After the Epiphany. The !Ioly Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 11 a.m., coffee will be served in the vestry after the Service, and the draw for the 100 Club will take place. Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. CON~::ZATULATiotJS to Hon and Val l"layer, who celebrate their Ruby 1/Jeddinq today.

LA~_!ES__ ' HOUSE GHOUP rteet on Thursday at 10. 15 a. m. at the home of Mrs Ka thie Hayer, 8 Road. This will be a meeting than usual, as many members wish to attend the funeral of Mr Jack Thomas at 11.30 a.m. Transport to the church will be available.

FUJ::J~RAI: of i:,lr ,J. E. Thomas tal<;:es place at St Edward' s on Thursday morninq. Please note the time of the Service: 11.30 a.m. THE FEZ\ST OF 'rilE J_::PIPHANY is on Saturday of this week. There will be a Sung Eucharist at .St Edward's at 10 a.rn. to c

.0THIOP_IA~Q_!_SASTE~. ~"r Philip vJilliams will be pleased to receive your contributions - it has been suggested that the price of an extra place at your table on Christmas Day would be a suitable donation. St Edward's Choir has donated the proceeds of their Carol Singing on Christmas Eve (although no formal collection was taken, several donations were received and over £15 was collected) . OUR THANKS to the Choir and String Quintet for the Carol Service last Sunday. This was well-attended, and very rnuch appreciated. Thanks also to everyone who worked to clean and decorate the church last week - with Christmas Day on a Monday everything had to be done in a very short time. Congratulations to the Sunday School on their splendid performance on Christmas Morning. The family service is now well­ attended, and very much enjoyed by all. 1-'JEEK OF Pl:\AYER FOR CHfUSTIAN UNITY. 17th 24th January, 1990. The following services/events have been organised by the Council of Churches, please try to support them as much as nossible: Wednesday, 17th. Noon-6 p.m. Prayer Vigil. St Martin's Church, Albany Road. Thursday, 18th. 7.30 p.m. Agape. Albany Road Baptist Church. Tuesday, 23rd. 7.30 p.m. United Service. Plasnewydd Presbyterian (Keppoch St). ST EDWARD'S COMMITTEE will meet next on Monday, 29th January.

SEVENTY--FIVE Y~ARS. In iVIarch 1990, we celebrate 75 years of worship on this site. The first Service took place in the old St Edward's in March 1915. To mark this occasion, several events are being planned throughout the year. The first is the concert by Cardiff Police Choir, on St Valentine's Day (14th February). In March (the date will be announced shortly) St Edward's Choir will give a performance of Haydn's "Nelson" Hass. Details of other events are being finalised, and it is hoped that a provisional programme will be available shortly. Anyone interested in organising or taking part in an event, please have a word with Alan Mayer or Philip ~hlliams. OFFER!ORY ENVELOPES are available at the back of the Church. If you have not yet received yours, please look for them there, or see Mr Philip Williams. If you would like to consider covenanting your contributions (whereby the Church receives an extra 33p for every £1 you pay), please have a word with Alan ~ayer. The beginning of the New Year is a suitable time to consider increasiny contributions (at least in line with inflation) - if you already covenant, it is a very simple matter to adjust the amount (Alan Mayer and Philip Williams have the relevant form).

TAI~E PILGRIMAGE. Next August, the churches of Wales are organising a pilgrimage to Taize. If you would like to know more, please contact Sian Gruffudd, 26 Glamorgan Street, Canton, Cardiff, CFS lOS (TeJ.345791). WE WELCOME all visitors to St Edward's. If you have recently moved to the area, please introduce yourself to one of the clergy, who will be pleased to visit you in your new home.

------HORNING AND EVENIJJG PH.l\ YEH. The Offices are normally said daily in St Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. and 6 p.rn. All an:: welcome. NOTICES for St Edward's newsletter should be handed to Alan May er by Friday. Notices for newsletters for other churches in the parish should be at the Parish Office by Wednesday. THE CLERGY ARE: The Reverends Peter Reid. Tel.484808 (Vicar), Irving Hamer. Tel.493940. Kevin Morris. Tel.460600. Vernon Hodgson. Tel.484996. Helena Williams. Tel.492934. The Clergy are available to minister to the sick and dying, which includes Holy COE1munion and 1·1in is try of Healing. For counsellinq and confessions, please contact the clergy. For Holy Baptisms and rnarriages please attend the Parish Surgery (Mondays 6 p.m.-7 p.m. in the Parish Office). For funerals, contact the Vicar.