NPS Form 10-900 0MB No 10024-0018 (Oct 1990)

United States Department of the Interior ·------• LISTED ON: I I VLR 09/08/2004 NRHP 03/18/2005 I NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES I I REGISTRATION FORM ------· This form is for use in nominating or requesting determinations for individual properties and districts. See instructions in How to Complete the National Register of Historic Places Registration Form (National Register Bulletin 16A). Complete each item by marking "x" in the appropriate box or by entering the information requested . If any Item does not apply to the property being documented, enter "NIA" for "not applicable." For functions, architectural classification. materials, and areas of significance, enter only categories and subcategories from the instructions. Place additional entries and narrative items on continuation sheets (NPS Form 10-900a). Use a typewriter, word processor. or computer, to complete all items.

1. Name of Property Historic name Oakwood - Chimborazo Historic District other names/site number _V...:...:::D..:..H,.,_R.:...#~1-=2..:..7....,-0'-"8:.e:2:....:.1 ______

2. Location street & number 500-600 N. 30th, 400-600 N. 31 81, 300-900 N. 32nd, 300-900 N. 33r0• 1100 N. 341n. 300-1600 N. 351", 200-

1200 N. 36m, 600-1200 N. 3ih. 600-1300 N. 381h, 600 N. 391h, 300-1000 Chimborazo. 1400 Melton, 1000-1600 Oakwood, 3200-3600 E. Broad , 3500 Briel, 3300-3700 E. Clay, 3100 E. Leigh, 300-3500 M, 3100-3600 E. Marshall, 3200-3400 N, 3200-3300 0 , 3200-3400 P not for publication N/A city or town Richmond vicinity ___N ____/A ______state Virg inia code VA county Richmond (Independent City) code 760 zip code 23223

3. State/Federal Agency Certification

As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1986, as amended, I hereby certify that th is ~ nomination _ request for determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property ?: meets O does not meet the National Reg ister Criteria. I recommend that this property be considered significant nationally statewide~ locally. ( See continuation sheet for additional comments.)

Signature of certifying officialmt1(

In my opinion, the property G meets G does not meet the National Register criteria. ( G See continuation sheet for additional comments.)

Signature of certifying officialmtle Date

State or Federal agency and bureau

4. National Park Service Certification I. hereby certify that this property is: entered in the National Reg ister See continuation sheet. Signature of the Keeper______determined eligible for the National Reg ister See continuation sheet. Date of Action ______determined not eligible for the National Register removed from the Nationa l Register other (explain) ------

NPS Form 1 0-900 OMB No. 10024-0018 (Oct. 1990)

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

5. Classification Ownership of Property Category of Property Number of Resources within Property (Check as many boxes as apply) (Check only one box) (Do not include previously listed resources in the count) Contributing Non-contributing

Ξ private building(s) 1,284 322 buildings Ξ public-local Ξ district 4 2 sites public-State site 3 3 structures public-Federal structure 5 0 objects object 1,296 327 Total

Name of related multiple property listing Number of contributing resources previously listed (Enter "N/A" if property is not part of a multiple property listing.) in the National Register – 1 Contributing N/A Nathaniel Bacon School (127-0833)

6. Function or Use Contributing Functions Current Functions (Enter categories from instructions) (Enter categories from instructions) DOMESTIC/single dwelling DOMESTIC/single dwelling FUNERARY/cemetery FUNERARY/cemetery LANDSCAPE/park LANDSCAPE/park EDUCATION/school EDUCATION/school RELIGIOUS/religious facility RELIGIOUS/religious facility COMMERCE/TRADE/specialty store COMMERCE/TRADE/specialty store

7. Description Architectural Classification Materials (Enter categories from instructions) (Enter categories from instructions) LATE 19TH & EARLY 20TH CENTURY REVIVALS foundation BRICK LATE 19TH & EARLY 20TH CENTURY AMERICAN walls WOOD/weatherboard BRICK roof METAL other

Narrative Description (Describe the Historic and current condition of the property on one or more continuation sheets.)

NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 10024-0018 (Oct. 1990)

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

8. Statement of SignificanceApplicable National Register Criteria Areas of Significance (Mark "x" in one or more boxes for the criteria qualifying the (Enter categories from instructions) property for National Register listing) Ξ A Property is associated with events that have made ARCHITECTURE a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history. ETHNIC HERITAGE/BLACK

B Property is associated with the lives of persons HEALTH/MEDICINE significant in our past.

Ξ C Property embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction or represents the work of a master, or possesses high artistic values, or represents a significant and Period of Significance distinguishable entity whose components 1820 to 1950 lack individual distinction.

D Property has yielded, or is likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history.

Criteria Considerations Significant Dates (Mark "X" in all the boxes that apply.) 1861 to 1865, 1891

Property is: A owned by a religious institution or used for Significant Person religious purposes. (Complete if Criterion B is marked above) B removed from its original location. C a birthplace or a grave. D a cemetery. Cultural Affiliation E a reconstructed building, object, or structure. N/A F a commemorative property. Architect/Builder D. Wiley Anderson, Herbert G less than 50 years of age or achieved significance Levi Cain, George B. Jones, Roscoe C. McGiffin, within the past 50 years. Carl Ruehrmund, Max Ruehrmund Charles M. Robinson, Isaac Throckmorton, Samuel P. Cowardin, Montague Manufacturing Co. Narrative Statement of Significance (Explain the significance of the property on one or more continuation sheets.)

NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 10024-0018 (Oct. 1990)

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

9. Major Bibliographical References Bibliography (Cite the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form on one or more continuation sheets.)

Previous documentation on file (NPS) Primary Location of Additional Data preliminary determination of individual listing (36 Ξ State Historic Preservation Office CFR 67) has been requested. Other State agency previously listed in the National Register Federal agency previously determined eligible by the National Register Local government designated a National Historic Landmark University recorded by Historic American Buildings Survey Other # Name of repository : recorded by Historic American Engineering Record#

10. Geographical Data Acreage of Property 434 acres

UTM References (Place additional UTM references on a continuation sheet)

1 18 288310 4157670 3 18 288820 4156920 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 2 18 288500 4157140 4 18 289180 4156690

X See continuation sheet.

Verbal Boundary Description (Describe the boundaries of the property on a continuation sheet.) Boundary Justification (Explain why the boundaries were selected on a continuation sheet.)

11. Form Prepared By name/title Kimberly Merkel Chen organization Kimberly M. Chen & Associates, Inc. date 29 September 2003 street & number 2701 East Broad Street telephone 804.225.9560 city or town Richmond state VA zip code 23223

Additional Documentation Submit the following items with the completed form:

Continuation Sheets Maps A USGS map (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the property's location. A Sketch map for Historic districts and properties having large acreage or numerous resources. Photographs Representative black and white photographs of the property. Additional items (Check with the SHPO or FPO for any additional items)

Property Owner(Complete this item at the request of the SHPO or FPO.) name SEE ATTACHED LIST street & number telephone city or town state zip code

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: This information is being collected for applications to the National Register of Historic Places to nominate properties for listing or determine eligibility for listing, to list properties, and to amend existing listings. Response to this request is required to obtain a benefit in accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.).

Estimated Burden Statement: Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 18.1 hours per response including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this form to the Chief, Administrative Services Division, National Park Service, P.0. Box 37127, Washington, DC 200137127; and the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reductions Project (10240018), Washington, DC 20503. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet

Section number 7 Page 1

Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA


The Oakwood-Chimborazo Historic District is located on the east side of the City of Richmond. The Southern Railway tracks and East Broad Street define the southern boundary. North 30th and 32nd streets, Melton Avenue and the western edge of Oakwood Cemetery, roughly demarcate the western boundary. Nine Mile Road and the corporation line for the City of Richmond form the northern boundary. The city line, North 39th Street, Crestview Road and the eastern edge of establish the eastern limits of the district. Chimborazo Park and Oakwood and Evergreen cemeteries solidify the southern and northern edges of the district with open green space. The linear district encompasses three neighborhoods--Chimborazo, Oakwood, and Glenwood Park. The grid pattern of the streets, mature trees, concrete sidewalks, and asphalt street paving blocks unify the three communities. The neighborhoods of Oakwood and Chimborazo have merged over the years but Glenwood Park still retains its distinctive character due in part to its park-like setting and curvilinear streets. The predominately residential area contains a significant collection of late nineteenth and early-twentieth-century, brick and frame dwellings that display an eclectic mixture of Late Victorian, Queen Anne and Colonial Revival styles. The district also contains examples of Victorian cottages and bungalow-style dwellings. School buildings, churches and corner stores add to the visual interest of the area. There are six sites, five objects, six structures, 1,606 buildings, and one previously listed school within the historic district. The six sites include three contributing cemeteries and three parks. Two of the parks are noncontributing. The buildings are composed of 1,079 primary resources (dwellings, churches, schools and stores) and 528 secondary resources (garages and sheds). There are sixty-seven noncontributing primary resources and 255 noncontributing secondary resources. With the passing of the years, some of the buildings have deteriorated or have been modified. Despite these changes, the district still possesses a high level of integrity and architectural interest.


The district follows the grid of square blocks and wide streets found in the older sections of the city until it reaches the intersection of Oakwood Avenue and P Street where the grid bends to the northeast creating irregularly shaped blocks. Oakwood Avenue or the East Richmond Road as it was called, was an early thoroughfare leading out of the city to the east. Running across the northern end of the district, it was an extension of Venable and Q streets to the west and connected to the road to Williamsburg. During its earliest history, the district was largely undeveloped with a few scattered farms and homesteads. It was not until the latter part of the nineteenth century that lots were subdivided, sold, and concentrated development began to take place. The earliest development was concentrated along Broad Street and Oakwood Avenue, following the trolley lines that were in operation by 1897. Two major periods of development have been identified--1907 to 1913 and 1923 to 1926. Glenwood Park, subdivided in 1927, was one of the last sizeable developments in the area. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet

Section number 7 Page 2

Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

The infilling of vacant lots and the development of smaller tracts at the edges of the district has been the hallmark of post World War II development in the neighborhoods.

Early National and the Antebellum Periods (1789 –1860)

Until the mid-nineteenth century, Richard Adams and his heirs owned much of the land now contained in the Oakwood-Chimborazo historic district. A plat for the disposition of Adams’ land, made after his death in 1821, showed that the property had been laid out in a pattern of square blocks found elsewhere in the city.1 The plat also indicated that Thomas Rutherfoord had substantial holdings south of Broad Street and northwest of 31st and N streets and James Malone owned a substantial tract north of Leigh Street and east of 34th and several scattered blocks. George Winston and Samuel Pleasants were also owners of numerous blocks. Pleasants also owned a large tract of land west of 34th street and south of Leigh, which was owned by his heirs until 1924 when it was later subdivided as part of the Glenwood Park development. Because single owners held much of the land in larger tracts until the mid-nineteenth century, early development was sparse and scattered. Before 1787, Richard Adams sold several blocks near the southeast corner of 32nd and Leigh streets to George Winston, whose brickyard lay to the west.2 Winston’s house, known as “Cedar Grove” or “Cedar Hill” was typical of the early homesteads found throughout the area in the early nineteenth century. It was a “large well constructed dwelling with a laundry, kitchen, dairy, two-story brick office, coach house, barn, stable and ice house.”3 In 1809, the house and surrounding property was sold to Samuel Pleasants. The house, demolished around 1900, was still owned by Samuel Pleasants’ sons as late as 1885. Around 1800, James Yarbrough built a similar house nearby at the corner of North 32nd and East Clay streets. Sometime before 1819, George Blakey built a substantial frame house near the corner of 36th and P streets on his 200-acre farm and Philip Haley built a striking two-story brick dwelling in the 800 block of North 32nd Street.

All of these pre-1819 houses have been demolished, leaving the Malone and Larus houses built in 1843 and 1854, respectively, and the double house at 621-623 North 30th Street as the oldest extant house in the district. The Malone House located at 3213-3215 N Street is a 2-1/2-story, Greek Revival-style brick dwelling. The building has a side gable roof with a stepped parapet. There are two chimneys in each of the parapet ends. A large central pediment has been added above the front entry that is flanked by two original gable front dormers. A Late Victorian cornice with a plain panel frieze and sawn brackets has also been added to the house and the porch has been altered. The dwelling was so substantial that it was divided into two residences. In 1854, Pleasant C. Larus demolished the residence of his father-in-law, James Yarbrough, to build himself a new dwelling. The Larus house, 425 North 32nd Street, is also a two-story, Greek Revival-style brick dwelling with a center hall plan. The house and porch retain their box cornices and dentiled friezes. The two-story, brick, Greek Revival-style double house at 621-623 North 30th Street was built around 1860. It has a NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet

Section number 7 Page 3

Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

two-course corbelled brick cornice below the standing-seam-metal side gabled roof. The windows have decorative wood lintels. The two entrances to the dwellings are recessed with three wooden steps in entryways that lead to the single-leaf paneled front doors with transoms. In 1854, Richmond acquired land in Henrico County to establish a municipal cemetery to serve the eastern quarter of the city. The new cemetery was named Oakwood for the abundance of oak trees that grew there.

Civil War (1861-1860)

During the Civil War period, there was no new development in the neighborhood with the exception of and Star Fort Number 4. The hospital was established on a bluff overlooking Bloody Run just outside the city in Henrico County. Chimborazo Park now occupies the site. Star Fort Number 4 was a part of the inner line of defenses that surrounded the city from the on the west to the James River on the east. It was located at the end of P Street near its present intersection with North 34 Street.

Reconstruction and Growth (1865-1917)

The City of Richmond annexed the portion of the district south of Marshall Street in 1867 and the remainder of the district was annexed in 1906, which corresponds with a period of steady growth between 1907 and 1913. Even so, the area was slow to develop because the bulk of the land was owned by a few families and was not platted into city blocks until the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Further, blocks became available in a haphazard manner and when sold were often purchased by a single speculative developer. While houses in the Italianate, Late Victorian, Queen Anne and Colonial Revival styles are represented, the predominate architectural form is an eclectic blending of styles - an Italianate porch, Colonial Revival doorway and detailing and a Queen Anne gable.

John T. J. Melton, a prolific builder in the district, built a house at 314 North 32nd Street in 1907 for R. S. Jenkins and another at 316 North 32nd Street in 1908 for Sarah J. Clarke. Both of these dwellings typify the eclectic mixture of styles that is seen throughout the neighborhood. The frame dwelling at 314 has a box cornice with large corner brackets. The false mansard roof has a pedimented dormer with a round-arched, multi-paned window. On the left side of the façade, there is a shallow two-story projecting bay, with tripartite windows on both stories, topped by a large pediment with decorative slate shingles and a clover-leaf-shaped vent. The hipped roof porch has a projecting pediment at the entry bay and a box cornice with a modillioned and dentiled frieze. A starburst pattern is found in the porch pediment. The other, 316 North 32nd Street, is a brick dwelling with a two-story, three-sided NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet

Section number 7 Page 4

Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

projecting bay with a conical roof on the left side of the façade. There is a polychromed-slate- shingled false mansard roof with a hipped-roof dormer in the right bay, adjacent to the projecting bay. The building has a box cornice with a modillioned frieze and large corner brackets. A round arch frames the recessed entry. The hipped-roof porch has a box cornice, dentiled frieze, Tuscan columns on wooden paneled piers, and a turned balustrade. Other houses by John T. J. Melton that exemplify this mixing of styles can be found at 508-518 North 33rd Street, and 526-528 North 33rd Street. Other examples by various architects and builders can be observed at 414-416, 419 and 520 North 32nd Street, and 306-308, 307-309, 520-522 North 33rd Street. The houses built by Robert H. Walton for Thomas F. Boyle, one of the larger developers in the area, at 3510-3516 and 3509-3515 E. Clay Street, in 1909, are outstanding examples of eclectic frame dwellings. A grouping of early apartment buildings in the 600 block of North 32nd Street, built in 1907 by the Fulton Brick Works posses a combination of Queen Anne and Colonial Revival elements. The buildings have false mansard roofs with solider-course stringcourses below the attic level, and box cornices with brackets that run above the solider course. There are end towers with decorative brickwork. The windows have corbeled sills and solider-course jack arches.

The grand houses on Broad Street fronting Chimborazo Park take this blending of styles to an even higher level of articulation than the more modest houses found in the northern parts of the district. Two excellent examples are the dwellings built in 1910 by H. E. Mills for Ida Peek Randlett at 3504 and 3506 East Broad Street. Both houses combine Queen Anne and Classical Revival elements. The dwelling at 3504 has an “iron-spot” brick façade and common brick sides. The right side of the façade has a shallow, rectangular projecting bay on the first floor with triple windows and a three- sided projecting bay on the second floor with a slate shingle conical roof. The entrance to the building is a single-leaf wood door with an oval beveled light with carved lion’s heads at the corners and a stained-glass transom. There are ashlar granite sills and lintels at all have the window and door openings. The front porch has Scamozzi columns, engaged Scamozzi columns at the house, turned balusters, and a dentiled cornice. There is a slate shingle false mansard roof and a stepped parapet at the edge and a dentiled cornice. The second house, 3506, has a three sided projecting bay with a steeply pointed conical slate roof. The one-story, two-bay, front porch has a tile deck and brick steps. There are concrete steps leading to the basement entrance and well under the porch. Corinthian columns set on brick piers with rusticated caps, a picketed balustrade, and a dentiled cornice are present on the front porch. At the entrance is a single-leaf wood door that is paneled with a single light, a transom, one sidelight, a rusticated lintel, and an ashlar sill. All of the windows have rusticated lintels and sills and there are paired windows over the entry bay. There is a false mansard roof with hexagonal slate shingles and a parapet and shed roof to the rear.

The Italianate-style dwellings are among the oldest frame houses in the neighborhood and display the characteristic features of decorative cornices and porches and elongated windows on the first story. The residence at 617 North 30th Street is illustrative of the style as executed in the Oakwood- NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet

Section number 7 Page 5

Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Chimborazo district. It is two-story, three-bay frame dwelling with a bracketed and dentiled cornice with a plain panel frieze. It has a one-story, three-bay elaborate front porch with turned posts, sawn brackets, star-motif fan brackets, and a picketed balustrade. The house at 3612 East Broad Street has a hipped roof, which is atypical. Shed roofs are more commonly associated with the style in Richmond neighborhoods. Many of the Italianate houses are double house as seen in the grouping at 622-628 North 30th Street. Other examples may be observed at 3015 M Street, 617 North 30th Street, the 500 and 600 blocks of North 31st Street, and the 500 and 900 blocks of North 32nd Street.

The Late Victorian dwellings in the neighborhood are typically two stories in height with elaborate cornices and decorative porches. Representative of these houses is 3206 East Broad Street with its shed roof, bracketed and dentiled cornice with sawn frieze panels, and hipped-roof porch with bracketed turned posts, a spindle frieze, and a picket balustrade. Some of the Late Victorian houses have false mansard roofs and projecting bays like 3302, 3308, 3312 East Broad Street. Excellent examples in brick are found at 3315-3321 East Marshall Street with their elaborate wooden cornices with sawn brackets, dentils, paneled friezes, and pierced frieze vents. They have full-length windows on the front façade with segmental arch lintels, corbelled brick, and wood sills. The porches have hipped roofs, dentiled cornices and turned posts. Other good examples of Late Victorian dwellings in wood and brick are located at 411, 511-523 North 31st Street; the 300, 400 and 500 blocks of North 33rd Street; 1117, 1506-1508 North 35th Street; 1208 North 36th Street. As well as in the 3600 block of East Broad Street; the 3400 blocks of East Marshall and East Clay streets; the 300, 400 and 500 blocks of Chimborazo Boulevard; the 3400 blocks of S and R streets; and 1014-1018, 1312-1314 Oakwood Avenue.

Examples of Colonial Revival style architecture can be seen in the 300 block of North 32nd Street, the west side of the 500 block of North 33rd Street, the east side of the 600 block of Chimborazo Boulevard and the west side of the 700 block of Chimborazo Boulevard. Typical of the Colonial Revival style houses found in the neighborhood are the brick dwellings in the 500 block of North 30th Street with their false mansard roofs, elliptical-arched door and window heads and columned porches. Richmond architect D. Wiley Anderson designed the group of houses at 518-526 North 30th Street in 1910. C. W. Nicholson designed a similar grouping of houses at 519-523 North 30th Street in 1911. Architect, Isaac W. Throckmorton designed two, frame Colonial Revival dwellings at 503 North 31st Street and 501 North 32nd Street built in 1910 and 1911, respectively. The house at 503 features a full porch with a box cornice and tapered Doric posts on brick piers. The house at 501 has a hipped roof that is atypical in the district. Other good examples of Colonial Revival architecture can be seen at 3501 East Clay Street, and 3407-3409 East Marshall Street.

Of high architectural interest are several Late Victorian/Queen Anne cottages scattered throughout the district. They are 1 to 1 ½ stories in height with a variety of rooflines and ornamentation–no two are alike. The two earliest, built ca. 1890, are 1205 and 1219 Oakwood Avenue. Number 1205 has a NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet

Section number 7 Page 6

Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

cross-gable roof with a projecting front gable. The front pedimented gable has decorative shingles and a box cornice. The full facade porch has delicate Tuscan columns, a turned balustrade and a box cornice. The roof of the porch forms the base of the front pediment. The dwelling at 1219 has intersecting hipped roofs with projecting gables. The front gable has a sawn bargeboard, decorative finial, and a round-arched window. There is a dentiled band at the base of the gable. There is a gable-roofed dormer in the hipped roof with a sawn bargeboard. There are paired windows in the projecting gable bay and the entry is set back in the hipped-roof portion of the dwelling. The single- leaf, wood door has a transom and a single flanking window. The main hipped-roof extends to form the roof of the wrap around porch. The porch has a front pediment at the entry bay, turned posts, a turned balustrade and pierced brackets that form shallow arches between the posts. J. W. Clary designed the cottage located at 302 North 35th Street for T. E. Minson in 1909. This is a 1 ½-story dwelling with a basement and a cross-gabled roof. There is a Palladian window in the front gable with diamond-paned fixed lights and a tracery upper sash in the center window. There is a tripartite window on the first story and the single-leaf wood door has a transom and sidelight. The flat-roofed porch has Ionic columns and a turned balustrade. Built in 1910, 1109 Oakwood Avenue is a one- story, frame cottage with a hipped-roof with projecting gables. The front gable has a decorative truss and a sawn bargeboard. There are paired windows in the projecting gable bay and the entry is set back in the hipped-roof portion of the dwelling. The wrap-around porch has Doric columns, a picket balustrade and a box cornice.

Around 1900, commercial buildings were added to the neighborhood to serve the growing population. Many of these buildings were located on corners and incorporated a dwelling. Architecturally, they complimented the nearby residences and adopted the eclectic blending of architectural styles seen in the domestic buildings. The dwelling and store at 401 Chimborazo Boulevard is a good example of a frame commercial building of this period in the district. A slate shingle false mansard roof with a center front gable organizes the two-bay commercial portion of the building. There is a multi-light lunette window in the front, pedimented gable. The cornice has brackets, dentils, and a plain frieze. The store has a recessed corner entry. The dwelling entrance is set back and approached by a hipped-roof porch with turned posts, star and circle motif brackets and a dentiled cornice. A slate- shingle, false mansard roof with a decorative cornice with brackets and dentils and alternating plain and pierced frieze panels tops the entry bay to the dwelling. The brick commercial building at 3120 East Marshall Street, built in 1905 is of a similar design. The original cornice above the storefront has dentils, pierced frieze vents, and sawn brackets. There is a corbelled brick band below the bracketed cornice at the roofline. Richardson’s Drugstore, at 501 North 31st Street, built in 1909 by John T. J. Melton, is another good example of a store and dwelling with a clipped corner entrance. The remaining commercial buildings at 520 North 31st Street, 500 North 33rd Street, 3301, 3303, 3306 and 3307 East Marshall Street are representative of the blending of architectural styles.

NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet

Section number 7 Page 7

Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

The two schools and one church erected in the district during this first period of marked growth add further to the architectural diversity of the district. Chimborazo School (now Chimborazo Manor) built in 1904 exemplifies the Beaux Arts style of architecture. The brick school has a box cornice, a corbelled stringcourse at the attic level and quoins at the corners. There are rusticated lintels and sills on all of the windows. There are pedimented dormers on the projecting bays that have rusticated semicircular louvered vents flanked by corner pilasters and a stringcourse below the arches. All of the dormers have box cornices with swags in the frieze. There is a one-story, one-bay, hipped roof porch on the façade that has Scamozzi columns on brick piers and a box cornice. Rusticated brick walls with corbelled brick caps flank the grand entry stairs. On the north-elevation, there is a stoop with at the entrance with a roof supported by brackets. The north entrance door has a large multi- paned fanlight above a six-light transom and double leaf doors with sidelights. Charles M. Robinson designed Nathaniel Bacon School (Bacon Retirement Community) in 1915. Like the dwellings in the community Bacon displays and eclectic mixture of architectural elements. Corbeled brick pilasters divide the façade into three sections. A stone architrave with a projecting cornice emphasizes the recessed, central entry. Above the entry is a three-part band of nine-over-nine, double-hung windows, each topped with a three-light transom. Centered above the entrance bay at the roofline is a gabled parapet. Flanking the entrance, on each story, is a four-part band of nine-over-nine, double hung windows with three-light transoms. On either side of the entry bay is a bay with a five-part band of nine-over-nine, double hung windows with three-light transoms. There is a semicircular parapet centered over the band of windows. A stone coping unifies the parapets that are set in front of an end gable roof. Broaddus Memorial Church (Mount Carmel Baptist Church) designed by D. Wiley Anderson in 1911 is a Gothic Revival-style cruciform plan brick church. Stone capped buttresses delineate each bay and a three-story, crenellated entry tower at the southwest corner. A smaller two- story crenellated tower, at the southeast corner of the church building, provides entry into the apse end of the building. There is a small one-story crenellated tower adjacent to the east elevation of the two-story southeast tower. The smaller tower appears to be the vestry. There are decorative brick details at the attic story of each tower. The towers are capped with stone coping. There are lancet windows in all of the towers and double lancet windows at the first story of each tower. Lancet stained-glass windows flank a rosette window in the west elevation. There is a large four-part lancet window in the south elevation and paired rectangular stained-glass windows line the nave. All entries are recessed. Corbelled Tudor arches frame two entries and an elliptical arch frames one entry. The church is set on a raised stone water table and granite stairs provide access to the raised entries.

World War I to World War II (1917-1945)

The Oakwood-Chimborazo district experienced another period of growth between 1923 and 1926 especially in the area east of North 32nd Street and north of N Street. The property of Edwin Pleasants was subdivided in 1924, and in 1927, the Lynbrook Realty Company platted the Glenwood NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Park development on this land. Glenwood Park was the largest single development in the district. The north-south streets (37th, 38th and 39th) followed the city grid but the east-west-streets (Glenwood Avenue and Crestview Road) meanders diagonally. Land was reserved along the western side of Crestview Road for a park and lots were laid out on the eastern side of North 39th Street but never developed. Architecturally, buildings continued to display an eclectic mixing of styles, but it was also during this period that the bungalow was introduced. The residence at 700 Chimborazo Boulevard, built ca. 1920 illustrates the continued use of blended styles. It is a 2 ½-story, frame hipped-roof dwelling with a pedimented dormer and a full façade hipped-roof porch with square posts, a picket balustrade, and a dentiled cornice. Bascom J. Rowlett designed the house at 3406 East Broad Street in 1931 that blends Classical and Colonial Revival elements. This two-story, Flemish bond dwelling has a side gable roof with shed roof extension to rear, three pedimented dormers, and a modillioned cornice. The gable-roofed porch has a broken pediment, fluted composite columns, and urns in the entablature. The western section of the porch has no roof and a Palladian-style entry that opens onto this section of the deck.

The 1920s and 1930s saw the introduction of the California influenced Craftsman style of architecture. In the Oakwood-Chimborazo district the style was expressed in Bungalow and American Foursquare-style dwellings. The Bungalow-style is well executed in a group of houses designed and built by the Montague Manufacturing Company in 1926 in the 800 block of Chimborazo Boulevard. These are 1 ½-story, frame dwellings with gable roofs with exposed end rafters and centered, gable-front dormers with brackets at the edges and in the center. There are tripartite windows in the dormers. The entries are single-leaf multi-light doors with sidelights. The main roof of the dwellings is extended to form the porch roofs that are supported by wooden posts on brick piers. Other examples of bungalow-style dwellings with side gable roofs and gable-roofed dormers can be seen at 1617 North 35th Street and 1229 North 36th Street. Other variants include side gable roofs with shed dormers as constructed at 1611 North 35th Street. The house at 1218 North 36th Street has a front gable roof with extended eaves, a four-light fixed window in the gable end, and a porch with battered square posts on brick piers. The 1200 block of North 36th Street contains a variety of Bungalow-style dwellings.

Another house by the Montague Manufacturing Company is an excellent example of a brick American Foursquare-style dwelling in the district. The Linwood C. Powers’ residence was constructed in 1929 at 619 North 35th Street. It is a 2 ½-story, Flemish bond brick dwelling with a hipped-roof with cross- gable projections. There is a lunette window at the attic level of the projecting bay centered over paired windows on the second story and the entry on the first. The single-leaf wood door has sidelights and a transom. In the recessed bay, there is an eyebrow dormer at the attic level, paired windows on the second story and a tripartite window on the first. The hipped-roof porch has heavy battered posts at the corners with rusticated caps that support a clear span segmental arch. Corbelled bricks at the wall support impost blocks for the side arches. Another good example of an NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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American Foursquare residence is found at 1615 North 35th Street a two-story, frame dwelling with a hip roof with wide eaves. The hipped-roof porch has Tuscan posts on brick piers and a picketed balustrade. Several other examples are found in the 1200 block of North 36th Street. In 1925, Max Ruehrmund designed a group of front-gable American Foursquare-style houses at 1017-1023 Oakwood Avenue.

The 1920s also saw the construction of the last two eclectic cottages in the district. The dwelling at 1018 North 35th Street is 1 ½-stories with a hipped-roof and projecting gables. The front gable has a sawn bargeboard and a one-over-one window. There are paired windows in the projecting gable bay and the entry is set back in the hipped-roof portion of the dwelling. The hipped-roof porch has Tuscan columns, a picket balustrade and a box cornice. Reflecting more Colonial Revival influences 1100 North 35th Street is a two-story, stuccoed-frame dwelling with cross-gambrel roofs and projecting gables. The front gambrel has a decorative truss and two, six-over-one windows. The four-bay main block of the house is recessed below the gambrel. The single-leaf, wood door has a transom. There are two, one-over-one windows to one side of the door and a single window on the other. The gambrel projects to form the roof of the porch. The porch has Doric columns, a turned balustrade and a box cornice. The porch has a circular projection at one end. 1212 North 36th Street, ca 1920, is a one-story, frame cottage with a cross-gable roof—the front gable is clipped. The building has wide eaves and a projecting bay on the south elevation. Other examples of much simpler cottages are located in the 1200 block of North 36th Street. By the 1940s, these simple one- story cottages had evolved into minimal traditional houses as built in the 1600 block of North 35th Street.

Apartment buildings in varying styles were constructed throughout the neighborhood in the nineteen- teens and twenties. In 1919, Max Ruehrmund designed an eclectic group of apartment buildings in the 3100 block of East Leigh Street with false mansard roof over the central section of the façade flanked by raised parapets. The flat roof porches have box cornices, square posts, and picketed balustrades. Ruehrmund designed another series of apartments in 1923 for the 700 block of Chimborazo Boulevard. These two-story, brick buildings have central multi-light entry doors flanked on either side by paneled doors with lights and six-over-six windows. On the second story centered over the entry are two, ten-light casement windows flanked on either side by paneled doors with lights and six-over-six windows. Two ogee-arched parapets with decorative brick patterns and rowlock coping are centered over the outer bays. There are full façade porches with Doric columns and box cornices. Rooftop balustrades unify the composition. Ruehrmund designed a similar set of apartments, 1017–1021 ½ Oakwood Avenue, in 1925. The buildings at 311–313 North 33rd Street are good examples of a pair of two-story brick apartments with simplified Colonial Revival elements. Six-over-six windows flank three central doors on the first floor. On the second floor of the façade are two narrow eight-light casement windows in the center that are flanked by paneled doors with lights and six-over-six windows. All of the windows and doors have segmental arches and brick sills. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Above the second story, window heads is a soldier stringcourse that runs the length of the buildings. There are two-story, porches with square columns on brick piers on the first story and square, wooden posts on the second story. Both porch stories have a wooden balustrade and a box cornice between the stories.

The number of businesses in the district expanded during this period, and as in the past the commercial buildings added architectural interest to the corners and block faces of the area. One of the unique commercial buildings is the Mission style storefront at 3118 East Marshall Street. Built in the 1920s, this one-story store has a stepped parapet with a clock in the center. There are corner pilasters, a paneled base, and box cornice on the storefront. Another interesting building is the former Richmond Cold Storage and Ice Station built ca. 1930 at 500 North 31st Street. The Art Deco- style building has pylons with corbelled brick triangles that delineate the bays. A number of one-store brick commercial buildings were constructed in the 3300 block of East Marshall Street. These simple buildings have a variety of embellishments including soldier-course stringcourses and false mansards with decorative pressed tin shingles. The two-story commercial buildings at 3519 M Street and 726 North 33rd Street perpetuate the tradition of incorporating a residence. The M Street building also continues the use of diverse styles on a single building. The two-story, frame dwelling and store combines Late Victorian, Italianate and Colonial Revival elements. The house has a cornice on the façade with brackets, dentils, and pierced vents in the frieze. On the second story, there are decorative projecting lintels with edge brackets and dentils. The first story has full-length windows on the front façade and there is a one-story, three-bay, full-width front porch. This porch has Scamozzi columns, a turned balustrade, a plain frieze, and a dentil and modillion cornice. The front entrance has a double leaf wood paneled door with a stained glass transom. The house has a hipped metal standing seam roof, weatherboard siding, and a solid brick foundation. The store and residence at 726 North 33rd Street incorporates simplified colonial Revival elements in the use of decorative brick panes and a stepped parapet.

Three churches and a school where constructed in the district between 1917 and 1945. Architecturally, they add tremendously to the overall character of the neighborhood. The neighborhood is unified by the diversity of its architecture. Built in 1919, St. Anthony’s Maronite Church (St. Stephens Baptist Church) is a frame, Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival-style church with Gothic Revival elements. There is a square corner tower with double doors, an intermediate pent roof, and a peaked roof with a bell-cast topped with a cross. The main block of the church has a front gable roof. Gothic-arched stained glass windows flank a central door. The entry portico has a front pediment and Doric columns. Also built in 1919, Oakwood Baptist Church was designed by Herbert Levi Cain. F. H. Boatwright was the builder. It is a stuccoed Classical Revival style cruciform plan church. Four gable-roofed wings extend from a raised elliptical center with lower shed roofed projections at the junctures of the main block and the wings. The gable roof of the façade extends to create a pedimented portico supported by Tuscan columns. A lunette is centered NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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in the pediment. A box cornice with a plain frieze encircles the building. Thomas Branch Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church is similar to St. Anthony’s Church. It is a simple frame church that combines classical and Gothic Revival elements. The entry bay is projected slightly from the main body of the church with a pedimented, front gable roof and central, double leaf doors with a Gothic arched art glass transom. There are Gothic arched art glass windows in the sides of the projecting entry bay. The main body of the church rises above the entry bay with a pedimented front gable roof. A continuous box cornice and plain frieze unifies the two sections of the building. There is a single Gothic arched, art glass window in the façade on either side of the entry bay or four similar windows on the side elevations. A two-bay pedimented wing extends to the west at the rear of the building. In 1927, Charles M. Robinson designed the one-story, Sunday school addition. The building has centered double doors with a circular transom flanked by two casement windows. A stringcourse extends from the spring line of the arch over the doors to form the head of the windows. A front gabled parapet further unifies the composition.

The most dominate building in the historic district in both scale and style is the East End Junior High School (Onslow Minnis Middle School) designed in 1929 by Charles M. Robinson. The three-story, thirteen-bay occupies the entire eastern side of the 700 block of North 37th Street. The Neo-classical style masonry building incorporates Egyptian and Greek revival influences. The base of the building, to the sills of the first floor windows is faced with granite. The remainder of the building is coursed concrete. The entry-bay, slightly projected from the main body of the building, is an elaborate combination of Egyptian and Greek motifs. Egyptian pylons surround the recessed entry on the first story, a Greek key band separates the first and second stories, and two-story Doric columns and pilasters frame paired windows and a panel with dancing figures and Griffins holding a clock. The columns support an elaborate frieze with classical figures, triglyphs, and metopes that unifies the façade. The triple windows in the flanking bays are set in recessed planes and separated by pilasters. Each window band is composed of a central six-over-six window flanked by a four-over- four window. The end bays are composed of two-story Doric columns and pilasters that flank a recessed niche holding a life size classical figurine.

World War II to the Present (1945- 2003)

By the end of World War II, much of the Oakwood-Chimborazo Historic District had been fully developed so that new construction was relegated to infilling vacant lots. There was some concentrated development in the 800 and 900 blocks of North 37th Street. It was also at this time that the majority of the houses in the Glenwood Park neighborhood were built. For the most part these houses are built in the Minimal Traditional or Ranch-styles. An interesting grouping of stripped down Colonial Revival-style houses was built in 1946 in the 600 block of North 39th Street. These are two- story, center-hall plan, brick dwellings with one-story projecting porches at one end of the house. In NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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form, the houses are identical with variations in the decorative motifs. Some of the houses have semicircular embossed concrete fans over the doors and rusticated concrete lintels over the first story windows with projecting keystones, and concrete panels above the second story windows with embossed swags. Others have fluted architraves at the entry door. It was also during this period that the black middle class began moving into the district and built brick and frame ranch-style dwellings for themselves. Two very good examples can be seen at 610 and 614 North 39th Street. The houses in the 900 block of North 37th Street are small, with fewer details and appear to have been speculatively built. The Evans Super Market built in 1955 at 400 Chimborazo Boulevard further illustrates the move towards the construction of plainer less ornamented architecture.

Cemeteries and Parks It is impossible to place the cemeteries and parks within a set period or architectural style because they have grown and evolved over time. Visually, Chimborazo Park, Oakwood, and Evergreen cemeteries create north and south terminuses for the district and lend relief to the urban landscape in between. Oakwood and Evergreen cemeteries are modeled after Hollywood Cemetery with its rolling terrain and curvilinear roads with cobblestone paving. Oakwood Cemetery was established in 1854, on sixty-six acres of farmland in eastern Henrico County. Today the cemetery contains 175 acres. The cemetery is picturesque with rolling hills that fall toward Stoney Run Creek that meanders along the eastern boundary and then bisects the cemetery. Paved roads with cobble stone curbs and retaining walls meander through the cemetery linking the two entrances from Oakwood Avenue and Nine Mile Road. The cemetery is divided into essentially three sections. To the southeast, along East Richmond Road is the 7 ½-acre Confederate cemetery, the burial site for over 16,000 soldiers. To the northwest of the Confederate cemetery and south of Stony Run Creek is the oldest section of the cemetery. This section of the cemetery is a rolling plateau that drops off dramatically to the creek on three sides. Many of the markers are of high artistic value and the hills are dotted with a few scattered mausoleums. Within the Confederate section of the cemetery, two cannons flank a granite obelisk. The memorial was dedicated in 1866 and erected by the Ladies Oakwood Memorial Association. Directly north is an iron gazebo with a pyramidal roof that was used as the speaker’s platform during numerous Memorial Day celebrations. At the northern edge of the older section of the cemetery is a Public Restroom facility. Built ca. 1880, the brick Italian Renaissance style building has a green tiled hip roof. The pedimented entry has a semicircular architrave with fluted pilasters and voluted brackets. A ca. 1920 formed concrete bridge with paneled sides and a flared cap connects the two sections of the cemetery. The Superintendent’s Office is a modern ranch style dwelling. At the western edge of the older section is a complex with a Dutch Colonial Revival style stable and carriage house. J. T. Nuckols built the gates at the Oakwood Avenue and Nine Mile Road entrances to the cemetery in 1911. The Classical Revival gates have a curvilinear brick wall with corner pillars topped with Grecian urns. The wrought iron gates have scrolled details.

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

The Oakwood Hebrew Cemetery, located just outside the gates to Oakwood Cemetery, was established in the late nineteenth century. A chapel was erected in 1949 to demarcate the entrance. The Colonial Revival brick structure has a cross gable roof. The building is flanked on the northeast by rusticated stone columns with Acorns wrapped in oak leaf capitols and a wrought iron fence.

Abutting the eastern boundary of Oakwood Cemetery is Evergreen Cemetery. The Evergreen Cemetery Association was formed in 1891 with the express purpose of establishing a black cemetery that would rival Hollywood Cemetery on the James River. Forty-six acres were initially purchased in Henrico County. The cemetery now contains fifty-nine acres. The firm of John T. Redd and Sons “graced the cascading hills with concrete walking paths and paved the main road into Evergreen form East Richmond Road with cobblestones to create a memorial park fit for royalty. The precipice to the west of the cemetery was designed to overlook a pond and rolling creek. People passing by on Stony Run Road were able to look up and see the marble statutes, granite obelisks and elegant monuments. As colored aristocrats were laid to rest, the hills stood out with white marble and sandy granite monuments.”4 True to its mission Evergreen became the final resting place of many of Richmond’s leading African American citizens, including Maggie Lena Walker, John Mitchell, Jr., and Rev. Andrew J. Bowler. Unfortunately, there was no provision for perpetual care and the cemetery has become overgrown.

Chimborazo Park is composed of a large landscaped space with several buildings and structures throughout the grounds. The name Chimborazo comes from a volcano in Ecuador. It is believed that the Richmond hill was dubbed Chimborazo around 1802, the year of Alexander von Humboldt’s unsuccessful attempt to scale the mountain in Ecuador. In an 1896, interview with Dr. James McCaw, administrator of the Civil War hospital on the hill, he claims to have dubbed the place Chimborazo.5 Chimborazo Hill is one of the highest vantages in the city with steep bluffs and panoramic views of the James River. The park is typical of the mid-nineteenth century parks originating throughout the Unites States such as Central Park in New York City. Sited at the brow of a hill overlooking the James River, the site served as a hospital during the Civil War. The Civil War Medical Museum is located in a Greek Revival-style building sited on the northwest corner of the park and built as the U.S. Weather Bureau. A poured concrete walk runs in front and along the sides of the museum building with a split rail fence adjacent to the eastern walk. An asphalt parking lot adjoins the southeast corner of the medical museum building. Trees screen the surface lot form the public view with additional trees scattered around the building grounds. Chimborazo Park is accessed via asphalt drives east of the museum building. Upon entering the park, the drives flow past a circular expanse with plantings and park benches. The drive continues past the circle meandering through the park moving west past a Liberty statue before returning east past a gazebo and octagonal park house then exiting onto East Broad Street. Trees line the paved drive and concrete walks throughout the park with open grassed expanses between. Southeast of the park entry and medical museum is a small metal structure on a poured concrete foundation. The late NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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twentieth century structure is approximately four feet square and six feet high and constructed of wrought iron with a pyramidal roof. South of the wrought iron, structure is an octagonal gazebo. The late twentieth century gazebo has an asphalt shingled cat-slide roof with finial, wide bracketed and dentiled eaves, fluted Tuscan columns and center support, and a poured concrete foundation. West of the gazebo is the Liberty Statue (DHR #127-0821-0001) dedicated in 1951. South of the gazebo and Liberty Statue on a bluff overlooking the James River is a commemorative stone. The stone, imbedded in an elevated slab of concrete, is centered in a semi-circular concrete pad edged by a low stone retaining wall. A plaque on the commemorative stone reads as follows:

“DeGratia Condita Powhatan Stone An old Indian Stone removed from and now overlooking ‘Powhatan Seat’ a royal residence of King Powhatan when Captain John Smith and his fellow ‘adventurers’ made the first permanent English settlement in this country at Jamestown, Virginia 1607. ’Powhatan Seat’ was the residence from 1726-1865 of the ancestors of Peter H. Mayo by whose daughters this stone was presented to the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities.”

West of the Powhatan Stone again located on a bluff overlooking the James River is another commemorative stone. The stone, imbedded in an elevated slab of concrete, is centered in a semi- circular concrete pad edged by a low stone retaining wall. A plaque on the commemorative stone reads as follows:

On this Hill Stood Chimborazo Hospital 1862-1865

Established by Surgeon General S. P. Moore, C.S.A. Directed by James B. McCan At that time, it was the Largest military hospital in the world It consisted of 150 buildings and 100 tents And cared for 76,000 patients with a Mortality of less than 10 percent.

This tablet is placed by the Confederate Memorial Literary Society 1934

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A Highway Marker commemorating the Civil War hospital is located at the intersection of East Broad Street and North 32nd Street on the northwest corner of the park.

The Civil War Medical Museum building, sited near the intersection of East Broad and North 32nd Street, is a two-story, three-bay, Greek Revival Style masonry building with corner quoins. The building has a flat roof with parapet, wide dentiled eaves, and open rail with turned balusters at the attic level. A molded wood stringcourse delineates the attic level. There are one-story, one-bay, porches with fluted Ionic columns and turned balustrades on both the first and second stories at the front and rear entrances. The building has a raised water table with alternating brick and stone foundation. Crepe myrtle and magnolia trees hide the paved surface lot and fenced utility area from public view. The building was designed in 1909 by Peter J. White and originally served the United States Weather Bureau and for many years, the was used as the headquarters for the Richmond National Battlefield Park, administered by the National Park Service.

The ca. 1900 Park House is sited near the eastern end of Chimborazo Park. It is a one-story, octagonal seven-course American bond brick building. The building has an eight-sided roof and overhanging eaves with bird’s mouth exposed rafters, asphalt shingles and a finial at the apex. The building has four casement windows each with 12 lights, fanlight transom, and paneled base. The building has a vaulted recessed entry with a single leaf, multi-light, wood door with sidelights on the north façade. The building also has a double-leaf, metal door with flush vertical sidelights and fan light transom. There is an open one-story, fifteen-bay porch with fluted Doric columns, horizontal pipe railing and frieze. The frieze is finished with triglyphs and metopes at the head of the columns and between open blocks. To retain the porch theme, engaged columns and frieze are continued around the eastern side of the building. The open porch is approached by a double flight of steps with a center landing at the entrance. A low wall encloses stairs.

There are two noncontributing parks in the district. The James S. Christian, Jr. Place is located in the triangle at the intersections of P Street, Oakwood Avenue and Chimborazo Boulevard. There are concrete planters at the corners, benches at the sides, and a circular planter in the center with a memorial to James S. Christian (26 October 1918 to 29 December 1982). The other noncontributing park is the Bill Robinson Playground in the 700 block of North 35th Street. There is a ca. 1980 building associated with the playground.

Secondary Buildings (Garages and Sheds) There are 528 secondary buildings in the historic district. This grouping of buildings includes carriage houses, garages, sheds and carports—all of those utilitarian buildings found in rear yards and at the alleys. Of interest is the ca. 1890, two-story frame stable found at 1002 North 36th Street. The building is one-bay wide with a hay door and arm for a pulley system to raise bales of hay to the NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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second story. There are two brick carriage houses in the 3500 block of East Broad Street and in the 3300 block of East Marshall Street. There are 250 garages in the historic district, twenty-eight of which are noncontributing. The garages are constructed out of a variety of materials—brick, wood, corrugated metal and early concrete block. There are shed and gable roof variations and one- and two-bay examples. The one-bay corrugated metal garages have an interesting feature. The overhead track for the sliding door extends out beyond the side of the building where it is supported by a post. It is designed so that when the door is fully opened it is out of the way. There are 276 sheds in the neighborhood and, of these, 227 are noncontributing. The contributing sheds are constructed of a variety of materials and in a variety of forms. For the most part, the noncontributing sheds are prefabricated metal and frame buildings.


500 Block 30th Street 518 N 30th Street 127-0821-0156 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Architect: D. Wiley Anderson Builder: A. B. Hubbard Owner: Virginia Hubbard Building Permit #: 1639 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 520 N 30th Street 127-0821-0157 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Architect: D. Wiley Anderson Builder: A. B. Hubbard Owner: Virginia Hubbard Building Permit #: 1639 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 522 N 30th Street 127-0821-0158 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Architect: D. Wiley Anderson Builder: A. B. Hubbard Owner: Virginia Hubbard Building Permit #: 1716 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 526 N 30th Street 127-0821-0159 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Architect: D. Wiley Anderson Builder: A.B. Hubbard Owner: Virginia Hubbard Building Permit #: 1716 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

507 N 30th Street 127-0821-0160 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 509 N 30th Street 127-0821-0161 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 515 N 30th Street 127-0821-0162 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1870 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 517 N 30th Street 127-0821-0163 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 519 N 30th Street 127-0821-0164 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1911 Architect: C.W. Nicholson Builder: E.P. Cathcart Building Permit #: 2185 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 521 N 30th Street 127-0821-0165 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1911 Architect: C.W. Nicholson Builder: E.P. Cathcart Building Permit #: 2185 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 523 N 30th Street 127-0821-0166 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1911 Architect: C.W. Nicholson Builder: E.P. Cathcart Building Permit #: 2185 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

600 Block 30th Street 600 N 30th Street 127-0821-0167 (128-0821-0008/0009) Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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608 N 30th Street 127-0821-0168 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 622 N 30th Street 127-0821-0169 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 624 N 30th Street 127-0821-0170 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 626 N 30th Street 127-0821-0171 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 628 N 30th Street 127-0821-0172 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

601 N 30th Street 127-0821-0173 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1911 Architect: L.H. Dickerson Builder: C.C. Taylor Building Permit #: 2083 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 603 N 30th Street 127-0821-0174 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 605 N 30th Street 127-0821-0175 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 607 N 30th Street 127-0821-0176 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 609 N 30th Street 127-0821-0177 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 611 N 30th Street 127-0821-0178 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 613 N 30th Street 127-0821-0179 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1870 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 615 N 30th Street 127-0821-0180 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1870 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 617 N 30th Street 127-0821-0181 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 619 N 30th Street 127-0821-0182 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 621 N 30th Street 127-0821-0183 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 623 N 30th Street 127-0821-0184 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1860 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

300 Block 31st Street 307 N 31st Street 127-0821-1074 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Greek Revival, ca 1851 George Mayo Carrington Residence Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 309 N 31st Street 127-0821-1075 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Greek Revival, ca 1851 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

George Mayo Carrington Residence Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

400 Block 31st Street 407 N 31st Street 127-0821-0185 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 1, Style: Classical Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing 409 N 31st Street 127-0821-0186 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, and Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 411 N 31st Street 127-0821-0187 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 413 N 31st Street 127-0821-0188 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 417 N 31st Street 127-0821-0189 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 419 N 31st Street 127-0821-0190 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 421 N 31st Street 127-0821-0191 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 425 N 31st Street 127-0821-0192 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

500 Block 31st Street 500 N 31st Street 127-0821-0193 Primary Resource Information: Store converted to Church, Stories 1, Style: Art Deco, ca 1930 Richmond Cold Storage and Ice Station Individual Resource Status: Store converted to Church Contributing 504 N 31st Street 127-0821-0194 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 506 N 31st Street 127-0821-0195 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 508 N 31st Street 127-0821-0196 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 510 N 31st Street 127-0821-0197 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, and Style: Other, ca 1950 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 512 N 31st Street 127-0821-0198 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 514 N 31st Street 127-0821-0199 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 520 N 31st Street 127-0821-0200 Primary Resource Information: Mixed Use: Other, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1909 J. Walter Fussell, grocer Builder: R.D. Bowles Building Permit #: 1392 Individual Resource Status: Mixed Use: Other Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

501 N 31st Street, Richardson’s Drugstore 127-0821-0201 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1909 William W. Richardson, druggist Builder: John T.J. Melton Building Permit #: 947 Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing 503 N 31st Street 127-0821-0202 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Architect: Isaac W. Throckmorton Builder: H.E. Mills Building Permit #: 1633 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 505 N 31st Street 127-0821-0203 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1907 Builder: H.E. Mills Building Permit #: 147 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 507 N 31st Street 127-0821-0204 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1907 Builder: H.E. Mills Building Permit #: 147 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 507 1/2 N 31st Street 127-0821-0205 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1908 Edwin A. Pleasants Residence Builder: John T.J. Melton Building Permit #: 734 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 509 N 31st Street 127-0821-0206 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 J. L. Cobb Residence Builder: Spicer & Atkinson Building Permit #: 1522 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 511 N 31st Street 127-0821-0207 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1880 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 515 N 31st Street 127-0821-0208 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

517 N 31st Street 127-0821-0209 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 519 N 31st Street 127-0821-0210 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 521 N 31st Street 127-0821-0211 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 523 N 31st Street 127-0821-0212 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

600 Block 31st Street 600 N 31st Street 127-0821-0213 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 602 N 31st Street 127-0821-0214 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 604 N 31st Street 127-0821-0215 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 606 N 31st Street 127-0821-0216 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 608 N 31st Street 127-0821-0217 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 608 1/2 N 31st Street 127-0821-0218 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 620 N 31st Street 127-0821-0219 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 622 N 31st Street 127-0821-0220 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 624 N 31st Street 127-0821-0221 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

601 N 31st Street 127-0821-0222 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 603 N 31st Street 127-0821-0223 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 609 N 31st Street 127-0821-0224 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 611 N 31st Street 127-0821-0225 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 617 N 31st Street 127-0821-0226 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 619 N 31st Street 127-0821-0227 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 621 N 31st Street 127-0821-0228 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 623 N 31st Street 127-0821-0229 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

625 N 31st Street 127-0821-0230 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

300 Block 32nd Street 310 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0231 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1908 Builder: Walter T. Davis Building Permit #: 865 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 314 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0232 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 R. S. Jenkins Residence Builder: John T.J. Melton Building Permit #: 23 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 316 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0233 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1908 Sarah J. Clarke Residence Builder: John T.J. Melton Building Permit #: 850 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 318 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0234 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1908 Builder: James H. Goddin Building Permit #: 680 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

311 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0235 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 317 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0236 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 319 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0237 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

400 Block 32nd Street 410 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0238 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1870 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 412 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0239 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 414 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0240 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1911 G. B. Jones, Jr. Residence Architect: E. A. and H. C. Smith Builder: T. C. Swann Owner: G. B. Jones, Jr. Building Permit #: 2225 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 416 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0241 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1911 Architect: E.A. & H.C. Smith Builder: T.C. Swann Owner: G. B. Jones, Jr. Building Permit #: 2225 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 418 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0242 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 420 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0243 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 422 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0244 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 424 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0245 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 426 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0246 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

401 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0247 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1880 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 403 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0248 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 405 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0249 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 407 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0250 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 409 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0251 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 411 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0252 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Classical Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 415 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0253 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 417 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0254 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1890 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 419 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0255 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1909 Irvin L. Bridgewater Residence Builder: Robert H. Walton Building Permit #: 1222 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 425 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0256 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, and Style: Greek Revival, ca 1854 Pleasant C. Larus Residence Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

500 Block 32nd Street 506 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0257 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 508 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0258 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 510 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0259 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 512 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0260 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 514 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0261 Primary Resource Information: Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 516 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0262 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, and Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1870 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 518 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0263 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 520 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0264 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1908 Builder: James W. Graves Building Permit #: 482 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 522 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0265 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, and Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1870 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 524 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0266 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

501 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0267 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1911 John E. Carr Residence Architect: Isaac W. Throckmorton Builder: R.A. Throckmorton Building Permit #: 2094 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 503 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0268 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 505 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0269 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 507 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0270 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 509 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0271 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 511 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0272 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 515 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0273 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 517 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0274 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 519 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0275 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 521 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0276 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 523 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0277 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, and Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1870 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 525 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0278 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

600 Block 32nd Street 600 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0279 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: Fulton Brick Works Building Permit #: 337 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

604 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0280 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: Fulton Brick Works Building Permit #: 337 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 606 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0281 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: Fulton Brick Works Building Permit #: 337 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 608 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0282 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: Fulton Brick Works Building Permit #: 337 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 610 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0283 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: Fulton Brick Works Building Permit #: 337 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 612 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0284 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: Fulton Brick Works Building Permit #: 337 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 614 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0285 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: Fulton Brick Works Building Permit #: 337 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 616 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0286 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: Fulton Brick Works Building Permit #: 337 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 618 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0287 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: Fulton Brick Works Building Permit #: 337 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 620 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0288 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: Fulton Brick Works Building Permit #: 337 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing

605 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0289 Primary Resource Information: Single dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 609 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0290 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 613 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0291 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: Fulton Brick Works Building Permit #: 337 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 615 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0292 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: Fulton Brick Works Building Permit #: 337 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 617 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0293 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: Fulton Brick Works Building Permit #: 337 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 619 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0294 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: Fulton Brick Works Building Permit #: 337 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 621 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0295 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: Fulton Brick Works Building Permit #: 337 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 623 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0296 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: Fulton Brick Works Building Permit #: 337 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing

900 Block 32nd Street 901 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0297 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Italianate, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 905 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0298 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Italianate, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 907 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0299 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Italianate, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 909 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0300 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Italianate, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 913 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0301 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 927 N 32nd Street 127-0821-0302 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

300 Block 33rd Street 306 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0303 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1911 Builder: J. H. Moran Owner: H. H. Phaup and J. L. Wiltshire Building Permit #: 2443 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 308 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0304 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1911 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Builder: J. H. Moran Owner: H. H. Phaup and J. L. Wiltshire Building Permit #: 2443 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

307 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0306 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Architect: W. A. Childrey Builder: W. S. Spires Building Permit #: 1502 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 309 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0307 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Architect: W. A. Childrey Builder: W. S. Spires Building Permit #: 1502 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 311 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0308 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 313 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0309 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing

400 Block 33rd Street 400 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0310 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: No Style Listed, ca 2002 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 404 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0311 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 406 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0312 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 408 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0313 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 410 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0314 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 416 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0315 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 418 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0316 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 420 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0317 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 422 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0318 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 424 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0319 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

409 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0320 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 411 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0321 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 413 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0322 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

415 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0323 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 417 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0324 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 419 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0325 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 421 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0326 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Classical Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 425 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0327 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing

500 Block 33rd Street 500 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0328 Primary Resource Information: Mixed: Commerce/Domestic, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1905 James I. McGiffin, grocer Individual Resource Status: Commerce/Domestic Contributing 502 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0329 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 508 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0330 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1907 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 186 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 510 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0331 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1907 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 186 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 512 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0332 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1907 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 186 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 514 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0333 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1907 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 186 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 516 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0334 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1907 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 186 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 518 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0335 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1907 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 186 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 520 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0336 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1907 Architect: Roscoe C. McGiffin Builder: Cheatwood & Edwards Building Permit #: 103 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 522 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0337 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1908 Albert R. Martin Residence Builder: John W. McCabe Building Permit #: 829 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 526 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0338 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1907 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 248 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 528 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0339 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1907 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 248 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing

501 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0340 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 503 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0341 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 505 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0342 Primary Resource Information: Church, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1919 St. Anthony’s Maronite Church (St. Stephens Baptist Church) Individual Resource Status: Church Contributing 509 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0343 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 513 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0344 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 515 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0345 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

517 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0346 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 519 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0347 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 521 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0348 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 523 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0349 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 525 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0350 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1908 Builder: Collins Owner: Roscoe C. McGiffin Building Permit #: 425 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 527 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0351 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1908 Builder: Collins Owner: Roscoe C. McGiffin Building Permit #: 425 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing

600 Block 33rd Street 600 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0352 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, and Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1870 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 602 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0353 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 604 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0354 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1911 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Architect: George B. Jones, Jr. Builder: George B. Jones, Jr. Building Permit #: 2253 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 606 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0355 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 608 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0356 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 612 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0357 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 614 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0358 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 616 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0359 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 620 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0360 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 622 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0361 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Noncontributing 624 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0362 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Noncontributing

601 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0363 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 603 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0364 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 605 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0365 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 607 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0366 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 609 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0367 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 611 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0368 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 617 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0369 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 619 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0370 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 621 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0371 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

623 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0372 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 625 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0373 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 627 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0374 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 629 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0375 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

700 Block 33rd Street 700 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0376 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 704 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0377 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 706 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0378 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 708 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0379 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 710 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0380 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 712 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0381 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 714 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0382 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 716 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0383 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 718 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0384 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 720 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0385 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 726 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0386 Primary Resource Information: Mixed Use: Domestic/Commercial, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American movement, ca 1930 Max Hurowtz and Sons Grocery Individual Resource Status: Mixed Use: Domestic/Commercial Contributing

701 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0387 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 703 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0388 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 705 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0389 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 707 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0390 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 709 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0391 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 711 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0392 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 713 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0393 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 715 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0394 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 717 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0395 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 719 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0396 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 721 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0397 (127-0821-0002) Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 723 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0398 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

800 Block 33rd Street 816 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0399 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

811 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0400 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 815 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0401 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1970 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 819 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0402 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 821 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0403 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 825 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0404 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

900 Block 33rd Street 908 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0405 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 910 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0406 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 912 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0407 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 914 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0408 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 916 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0409 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 918 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0410 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 921 N 33rd Street 127-0821-0411 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1870 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

1100 Block N 34th Street 1115 N 34th Street 127-0821-0747 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1117 N 34th Street 127-0821-0748 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1119 N 34th Street 127-0821-0749 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1121 N 34th Street 127-0821-0750 Primary Resource Information: Multiple Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Multiple Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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1123 N 34th Street 127-0821-0751 Primary Resource Information: Multiple Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Multiple Dwelling Contributing

300 Block 35th Street 302 N 35th Street 127-0821-0527 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1909 T. E. Minson Residence Architect: J. W. Clary Building Permit #: 885 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

400 Block 35th Street 410 N 35th Street 127-0821-0528 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

600 Block 35th Street 600 N 35th Street 127-0821-0529 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 602 N 35th Street 127-0821-0530 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 604 N 35th Street 127-0821-0531 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 606 N 35th Street 127-0821-0532 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 610 N 35th Street 127-0821-0533 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 612 N 35th Street 127-0821-0534 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 614 N 35th Street 127-0821-0535 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 616 N 35th Street 127-0821-0536 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 618 N 35th Street 127-0821-0537 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 620 N 35th Street 127-0821-0538 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 622 N 35th Street 127-0821-0539 Primary Resource Information: Multiple Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Multiple Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

601 N 35th Street 127-0821-0540 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 603 N 35th Street 127-0821-0541 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 607 N 35th Street 127-0821-0542 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 609 N 35th Street 127-0821-0543 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 617 N 35th Street 127-0821-0544 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 619 N 35th Street, 127-0821-0545 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Craftsman, 1929 Linwood C. Powers Residence Architect/ Builder: Montague Manufacturing Company Building Permit #: 19767-19768 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 623 N 35th Street 127-0821-0546 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 625 N 35th Street 127-0821-0547 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing

700 Block 35th Street 700 N 35th Street 127-0821-0548 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 702 N 35th Street 127-0821-0549 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 704 N 35th Street 127-0821-0550 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 708 N 35th Street 127-0821-0551 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 712 N 35th Street 127-0821-0552 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 714 N 35th Street 127-0821-0553 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 716 N 35th Street 127-0821-0554 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 718 N 35th Street 127-0821-0555 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Asbury Church Parsonage Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 720 N 35th Street 127-0821-0556 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 722 N 35th Street 127-0821-0557 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 724 N 35th Street 127-0821-0558 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

701 N 35th Street 127-0821-0559 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 703 N 35th Street 127-0821-0560 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 705 N 35th Street 127-0821-0561 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 707 N 35th Street 127-0821-0562 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 709 N 35th Street 127-0821-0563 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 711 N 35th Street 127-0821-0564 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 713 N 35th Street 127-0821-0565 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 715 N 35th Street 127-0821-0566 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

800 Block 35th Street 800 N 35th Street 127-0821-0568 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 804 N 35th Street 127-0821-0569 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 806 N 35th Street 127-0821-0570 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 808 N 35th Street 127-0821-0571 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 810 N 35th Street 127-0821-0572 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 812 N 35th Street 127-0821-0573 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 3, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 814 N 35th Street 127-0821-0574 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 816 N 35th Street 127-0821-0575 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 822 N 35th Street 127-0821-0576 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 824 N 35th Street 127-0821-0577 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 826 N 35th Street 127-0821-0578 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

801 N 35th Street 127-0821-0567 Primary Resource Information: Playground, ca 1980 Noncontributing Site Bill Robinson Playground Individual Resource Status: Restroom Facility Noncontributing 819 N 35th Street 127-0821-0579 (127-0833/0845) NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Primary Resource Information: School, Stories 2, Style: Classical Revival, 1915 Nathaniel Bacon School (Bacon Retirement Community) Architect: Charles M. Robinson Individual Resource Status: School converted to Multiple dwelling Contributing

900 Block 35th Street 900 N 35th Street 127-0821-0587 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 902 N 35th Street 127-0821-0588 (127-0821-0007) Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 904 N 35th Street 127-0821-0589 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 908 N 35th Street 127-0821-0590 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 910 N 35th Street 127-0821-0591 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 914 N 35th Street 127-0821-0592 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 918 N 35th Street 127-0821-0593 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

901 N 35th Street 127-0821-0594 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 903 N 35th Street 127-0821-0595 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 905 N 35th Street 127-0821-0596 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 907 N 35th Street 127-0821-0597 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 909 N 35th Street 127-0821-0598 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 911 N 35th Street 127-0821-0599 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 913 N 35th Street 127-0821-0600 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 915 N 35th Street 127-0821-0601 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 917 N. 35th Street 127-0821-0602 Primary Resource Information: Church School Building, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th American Movement, 1927 Architect: Charles M. Robinson Building Permit #: 15831 A Primary Resource Information: Church, 3511 P Street, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th American Revival, 1910 Thomas Branch Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church Individual Resource Status: Church School Building Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Church Contributing Individual Resource Status: Dwelling Contributing

1000 Block N 35th Street 1000 N 35th Street 127-0821-0896 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1002 N 35th Street 127-0821-0897 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1004 N 35th Street 127-0821-0898 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1008 N 35th Street 127-0821-0899 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1010 N 35th Street 127-0821-0900 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1012 N 35th Street 127-0821-0901 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1016 N 35th Street 127-0821-0902 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1018 N 35th Street 127-0821-0903 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

1001 N 35th Street 127-0821-0904 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1005 N 35th Street 127-0821-0905 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1007 N 35th Street 127-0821-0906 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1009 N 35th Street 127-0821-0907 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1011 N 35th Street 127-0821-0908 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1013 N 35th Street 127-0821-0909 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1015 N 35th Street 127-0821-0910 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

1100 Block N 35th Street 1100 N 35th Street 127-0821-0911 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1106 N 35th Street 127-0821-0912 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1110 N 35th Street 127-0821-0913 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1112 N 35th Street 127-0821-0914 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1118 N 35th Street 127-0821-0915 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1120 N 35th Street 127-0821-0916 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

1101 N 35th Street 127-0821-0917 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1103 N 35th Street 127-0821-0918 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1107 N 35th Street 127-0821-0919 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1111 N 35th Street 127-0821-0920 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1115 N 35th Street 127-0821-0921 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 This is a 1-story, 3-bay, Late 20th Century Ranch detached concrete block dwelling with front gable roof. Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1117 N 35th Street 127-0821-0922 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1119 N 35th Street 127-0821-0923 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing

1200 Block N 35th Street 1204 N 35th Street 127-0821-0924 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1206 N 35th Street 127-0821-0925 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1208 N 35th Street 127-0821-0926 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1210 N 35th Street 127-0821-0927 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1212 N 35th Street 127-0821-0928 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1214 N 35th Street 127-0821-0929 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1216 N 35th Street 127-0821-0930 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1218 N 35th Street 127-0821-0931 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1220 N 35th Street 127-0821-0932 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1222 N 35th Street 127-0821-0933 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1224 N 35th Street 127-0821-0934 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1226 N 35th Street 127-0821-0935 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1228 N 35th Street 127-0821-0936 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1244 N 35th Street 127-0821-0937 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

1201 N 35th Street 127-0821-0938 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1203 N 35th Street 127-0821-0939 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1205 N 35th Street 127-0821-0940 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1207 N 35th Street 127-0821-0941 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1209 N 35th Street 127-0821-0942 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1211 N 35th Street 127-0821-0943 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1213 N 35th Street 127-0821-0944 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 1215 N 35th Street 127-0821-0945 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 1217 N 35th Street 127-0821-0946 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1980 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 1225 N 35th Street 127-0821-0947 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1980 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1227 N 35th Street 127-0821-0948 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1980 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1233 N 35th Street 127-0821-0949 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1235 N 35th Street 127-0821-0950 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1237 N 35th Street 127-0821-0951 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1239 N 35th Street 127-0821-0952 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

1300 Block N 35th Street NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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1300 N 35th Street 127-0821-0953 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1302 N 35th Street 127-0821-0954 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1306 N 35th Street 127-0821-0955 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 1308 N 35th Street 127-0821-0956 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 1310 N 35th Street 127-0821-0957 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 1326 N 35th Street 127-0821-0958 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Carport Noncontributing

1301 N 35th Street 127-0821-0959 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1305 N 35th Street 127-0821-0960 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1313 N 35th Street 127-0821-0961 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1315 N 35th Street 127-0821-0962 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1317 N 35th Street 127-0821-0963 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1990 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1323 N 35th Street 127-0821-0964 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1325 N 35th Street 127-0821-0965 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

1500 Block N 35th Street 1500 N 35th Street 127-0821-0966 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1504 N 35th Street 127-0821-0967 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1506 N 35th Street 127-0821-0968 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1508 N 35th Street 127-0821-0969 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1510 N 35th Street 127-0821-0970 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1512 N 35th Street 127-0821-0971 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1514 N 35th Street 127-0821-0972 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1518 N 35th Street 127-0821-0973 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1522 N 35th Street 127-0821-0974 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing

1501 N 35th Street 127-0821-0975 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1503 N 35th Street 127-0821-0976 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1509 N 35th Street 127-0821-0977 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1511 N 35th Street 127-0821-0978 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1511.5 N 35th Street 127-0821-0979 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 1513 N 35th Street 127-0821-0980 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1517 N 35th Street 127-0821-0981 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

1600 Block N 35th Street 1604 N 35th Street 127-0821-0982 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 1606 N 35th Street 127-0821-0983 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 1608 N 35th Street 127-0821-0984 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Carport Noncontributing 1610 N 35th Street 127-0821-0985 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

1601 N 35th Street 127-0821-0986 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 1607 N 35th Street 127-0821-0987 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 1611 N 35th Street 127-0821-0988 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Carport Noncontributing 1613 N 35th Street 127-0821-0989 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1615 N 35th Street 127-0821-0990 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1617 N 35th Street 127-0821-0991 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1623 N 35th Street 127-0821-0992 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1625 N 35th Street 127-0821-0993 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1627 N 35th Street 127-0821-0994 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

200 Block N 36th Street 203 N 36th Street 127-0821-0603 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 205 N 36th Street 127-0821-0604 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 207 N 36th Street 127-0821-0605 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 211 N 36th Street 127-0821-0606 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 213 N 36th Street 127-0821-0607 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 215 N 36th Street 127-0821-0608 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

300 Block N 36th Streets 312 N 36th Street 127-0821-0609 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 314 N 36th Street 127-0821-0610 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 316 N 36th Street 127-0821-0611 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

318 N 36th Street 127-0821-0612 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 320 N 36th Street 127-0821-0613 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

311 N 36th Street 127-0821-0614 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 313 N 36th Street 127-0821-0615 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 315 N 36th Street 127-0821-0616 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 317 N 36th Street 127-0821-0617 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 319 N 36th Street 127-0821-0618 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 321 N 36th Street 127-0821-0619 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 323 N 36th Street 127-0821-0620 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, 1909 Builder: Spicer and Atkinson Owner: E. F. Cobb Builder Permit #: 1247 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

900 Block N 36th Streets NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

900 N 36th Street 127-0821-0621 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 902 N 36th Street 127-0821-0622 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 904 N 36th Street 127-0821-0623 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 908 N 36th Street 127-0821-0624 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 910 N 36th Street 127-0821-0625 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, 1907 Architect/Builder/Owner: S. P. Cowardin Building Permit #: 56 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 912 N 36th Street 127-0821-0626 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 11/2, Style: Other, ca 1950 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 914 N 36th Street 127-0821-0627 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 918 N 36th Street 127-0821-0628 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

901 N 36th Street 127-0821-0629 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Samuel Pleasants Cowardin Residence Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 909 N 36th Street 127-0821-0630 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 913 N 36th Street 127-0821-0631 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 917 N 36th Street 127-0821-0632 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

1000 Block N 36th Street 1002 N 36th Street 127-0821-0995 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Stable Contributing

1100 Block N 36th Street 1100 N 36th Street 127-0821-0996 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

1104 N 36th Street 127-0821-0997 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1108 N 36th Street 127-0821-0998 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1112 N 36th Street 127-0821-0999 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1114 N 36th Street 127-0821-1000 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1118 N 36th Street 127-0821-1001 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing

1105 N 36th Street 127-0821-1002 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

1200 Block N 36th Street 1200 N 36th Street 127-0821-1003 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1206 N 36th Street 127-0821-1004 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1208 N 36th Street 127-0821-1005 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1212 N 36th Street 127-0821-1006 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1214 N 36th Street 127-0821-1007 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1216 N 36th Street 127-0821-1008 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1218 N 36th Street 127-0821-1009 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1220 N 36th Street 127-0821-1010 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1222 N 36th Street 127-0821-1011 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1224 N 36th Street 127-0821-1012 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1226 N 36th Street 127-0821-1013 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing

1201 N 36th Street 127-0821-1014 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1203 N 36th Street 127-0821-1015 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1205 N 36th Street 127-0821-1016 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1207 N 36th Street 127-0821-1017 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1211 N 36th Street 127-0821-1018 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1927 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1221 N 36th Street 127-0821-1019 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1223 N 36th Street 127-0821-1020 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1225 N 36th Street 127-0821-1021 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1227 N 36th Street 127-0821-1022 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1229 N 36th Street 127-0821-1023 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1231 N 36th Street 127-0821-1024 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1233 N 36th Street 127-0821-1025 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

600 Block N 37th Street 606 N 37th Street 127-0821-0634 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 610 N 37th Street 127-0821-0635 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

612 N 37th Street 127-0821-0636 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 614 N 37th Street 127-0821-0637 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Carport Noncontributing 618 N 37th Street 127-0821-0638 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

601 N 37th Street 127-0821-0641 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 603 N 37th Street 127-0821-0642 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 605 N 37th Street 127-0821-0643 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 607 N 37th Street 127-0821-0644 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 609 N 37th Street 127-0821-0645 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 611 N 37th Street 127-0821-0646 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 613 N 37th Street 127-0821-0647 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 615 N 37th Street 127-0821-0648 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 617 N 37th Street 127-0821-0649 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 619 N 37th Street 127-0821-0650 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 621 N 37th Street 127-0821-0651 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

700 Block N 37th Streets 701 N 37th Street 127-0821-0652 Primary Resource Information: School, Stories 3, Style: Neoclassical, ca 1928 East End Junior High School (Onslow Minnis Middle School) Architect: Charles M. Robinson Individual Resource Status: School Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Mechanical Enclosure Noncontributing

800 Block N 37th Streets 804 N 37th Street 127-0821-0653 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 806 N 37th Street 127-0821-0654 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 808 N 37th Street 127-0821-0655 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 810 N 37th Street 127-0821-0656 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 812 N 37th Street 127-0821-0657 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing

801 N 37th Street 127-0821-0658 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 803 N 37th Street 127-0821-0659 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 805 N 37th Street 127-0821-0660 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 807 N 37th Street 127-0821-0661 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 809 N 37th Street 127-0821-0662 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 821 N 37th Street 127-0821-0663 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 823 N 37th Street 127-0821-0664 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 825 N 37th Street 127-0821-0665 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

900 Block N 37th Streets 900 N 37th Street 127-0821-0666 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1950 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 902 N 37th Street 127-0821-0667 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1950 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 904 N 37th Street 127-0821-0668 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1950 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 906 N 37th Street 127-0821-0669 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1950 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 908 N 37th Street 127-0821-0670 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1950 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 910 N 37th Street 127-0821-0671 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1950 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

901 N 37th Street 127-0821-0672 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 903 N 37th Street 127-0821-0673 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1950 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 905 N 37th Street 127-0821-0674 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1950 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 907 N 37th Street 127-0821-0675 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1950 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 909 N 37th Street 127-0821-0676 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1950 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 911 N 37th Street 127-0821-0677 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1950 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 913 N 37th Street 127-0821-0678 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1950 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

1200 Block N 37th Street 1202 N 37th Street 127-0821-1026 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1208 N 37th Street 127-0821-1027 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1214 N 37th Street 127-0821-1028 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1216 N 37th Street 127-0821-1029 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Carport Noncontributing 1218 N 37th Street 127-0821-1030 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1220 N 37th Street 127-0821-1031 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1228 N 37th Street 127-0821-1032 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1230 N 37th Street 127-0821-1033 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

1217 N 37th Street 127-0821-1034 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1219 N 37th Street 127-0821-1035 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1221 N 37th Street 127-0821-1036 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1223 N 37th Street 127-0821-1037 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

600 Block N 38th Street 600 N 38th Street 127-0821-0679 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 602 N 38th Street 127-0821-0680 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 604 N 38th Street 127-0821-0681 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 606 N 38th Street 127-0821-0682 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 610 N 38th Street 127-0821-0683 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 612 N 38th Street 127-0821-0684 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 614 N 38th Street 127-0821-0685 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 618 N 38th Street 127-0821-0686 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

601 N 38th Street 127-0821-0687 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 603 N 38th Street 127-0821-0688 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 605 N 38th Street 127-0821-0689 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 607 N 38th Street 127-0821-0690 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 609 N 38th Street 127-0821-0691 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 611 N 38th Street 127-0821-0692 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 613 N 38th Street 127-0821-0693 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 615 N 38th Street 127-0821-0694 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 617 N 38th Street 127-0821-0695 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

619 N 38th Street 127-0821-0696 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

1200 Block N 38th Street 1202 N 38th Street 127-0821-1038 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1204 N 38th Street 127-0821-1039 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1206 N 38th Street 127-0821-1040 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1208 N 38th Street 127-0821-1041 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1210 N 38th Street 127-0821-1042 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1212 N 38th Street 127-0821-1043 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1214 N 38th Street 127-0821-1044 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1216 N 38th Street 127-0821-1045 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1218 N 38th Street 127-0821-1046 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1220 N 38th Street 127-0821-1047 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Carport Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1222 N 38th Street 127-0821-1048 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing

1203 N 38th Street 127-0821-1049 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1205 N 38th Street 127-0821-1050 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1207 N 38th Street 127-0821-1051 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1209 N 38th Street 127-0821-1052 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1211 N 38th Street 127-0821-1053 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1213 N 38th Street 127-0821-1054 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 12, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1215 N 38th Street 127-0821-1055 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1217 N 38th Street 127-0821-1056 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1219 N 38th Street 127-0821-1057 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1221 N 38th Street 127-0821-1058 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1227 N 38th Street 127-0821-1059 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 1231 N 38th Street 127-0821-1060 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing

1300 Block N 38th Street 1300 N 38th Street 127-0821-1061 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1304 N 38th Street 127-0821-1062 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1308 N 38th Street 127-0821-1063 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1310 N 38th Street 127-0821-1064 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1314 N 38th Street 127-0821-1065 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1316 N 38th Street 127-0821-1066 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1320 N 38th Street 127-0821-1067 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

1301 N 38th Street 127-0821-1068 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1305 N 38th Street 127-0821-1069 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1309 N 38th Street 127-0821-1070 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1313 N 38th Street 127-0821-1071 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

600 Block N 39th Street 600 N 39th Street 127-0821-0697 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, 1946 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 602 N 39th Street 127-0821-0698 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, 1946 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 604 N 39th Street 127-0821-0699 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, 1946 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 606 N 39th Street 127-0821-0700 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, 1946 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 608 N 39th Street 127-0821-0701 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, 1946 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 610 N 39th Street 127-0821-0702 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Modern Movement, 1958 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 614 N 39th Street 127-0821-0703 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 616 N 39th Street 127-0821-0704 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 618 N 39th Street 127-0821-0705 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, 1946 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 620 N 39th Street 127-0821-0706 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, 1946 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 622 N 39th Street 127-0821-0707 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, 1946 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 624 N 39th Street 127-0821-0708 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, 1946 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3500 Block Briel Street 3508 Briel Street 127-0821-0743 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 3510 Briel Street 127-0821-0744 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

3512 Briel Street 127-0821-0745 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3514 Briel Street 127-0821-0746 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3200 Block E Broad Street 3200 E Broad Street 127-0821-0011 Primary Resource Information: Church, Stories 3, Style: Gothic Revival, ca 1911 Broaddus Memorial Church (Mount Carmel Baptist Church) Architect: D. Wiley Anderson Individual Resource Status: Church Contributing 3204 E Broad Street 127-0821-0012 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3206 E Broad Street 127-0821-0013 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1880 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 3208 E Broad Street 127-0821-0014 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1909 Architect: Carneal & Johnson Builder: Fox & Sons Building Permit #: 1088 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 3212 E Broad Street 127-0821-0015 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3216 E Broad Street 127-0821-0016 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 3, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1909 Architect: Beaufort N. Eubank Builder: Beaufort N. Eubank Building Permit #: 1108 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3201 E Broad Street 127-0821-0010 Primary Resource Information: Park, 1874 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Chimborazo Park, 37.2 acres Individual Resource Status: Park Contributing Site Individual Resource Status: Civil War Medical Museum Contributing Individual Resource Status: Gazebo Noncontributing Structure Individual Resource Status: Octagonal Iron Structure Contributing Structure Individual Resource Status: Park House Contributing Individual Resource Status: Liberty Statue (127-0821-0001) Contributing Object Individual Resource Status: Powhatan Stone Contributing Object Individual Resource Status: Hospital Commemorative Stone Contributing Object Individual Resource Status: Picnic Pavilion Noncontributing Structure Individual Resource Status: Picnic Pavilion Noncontributing Structure

3300 Block E Broad Street 3300 E Broad Street 127-0821-0017 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 3302 E Broad Street 127-0821-0018 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3306 E Broad Street 127-0821-0019 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca. 1880 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3308 E Broad Street 127-0821-0020 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3310 E Broad Street 127-0821-0021 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Classical Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3312 E Broad Street 127-0821-0022 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3316 E Broad Street 127-0821-0023 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, and Style: Queen Anne, ca. 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3318 E Broad Street 127-0821-0024 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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3320 E Broad Street 127-0821-0025 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 ½, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3400 Block E Broad Street 3400 E Broad Street 127-0821-0026 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3406 E Broad Street, Billup, M. G. House 127-0821-0027 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Classical Revival, ca 1931 Architect: Bascom Rowlett Building Permit #: 21533 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3410 E Broad Street 127-0821-0028 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 3412 E Broad Street 127-0821-0029 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3414 E Broad Street 127-0821-0030 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3416 E Broad Street 127-0821-0031 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 3418 E Broad Street 127-0821-0032 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 3420 E Broad Street 127-0821-0033 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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3422 E Broad Street 127-0821-0034 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

3500 Block E Broad Street 3502 E Broad Street 127-0821-0035 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3504 E Broad Street 127-0821-0036 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1910 Builder: H. E. Mills Building Permit #: 1772 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3506 E Broad Street 127-0821-0037 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1908 Builder: Robert H. Walton Building Permit #: 858 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 3508 E Broad Street 127-0821-0038 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, and Style: Queen Anne, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 3510 E Broad Street 127-0821-0039 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3512 E Broad Street 127-0821-0040 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3514 E Broad Street 127-0821-0041 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3516 E Broad Street 127-0821-0042 Mayor Phil Bagley residence Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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3600 Block E Broad Street 3600 E Broad Street 127-0821-0043 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3604 E Broad Street 127-0821-0044 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3606 E Broad Street 127-0821-0045 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3608 E Broad Street 127-0821-0046 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3608 1/2 E Broad Street 127-0821-0047 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3610 E Broad Street 127-0821-0048 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3612 E Broad Street 127-0821-0049 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3614 E Broad Street 127-0821-0050 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3616 E Broad Street 127-0821-0051 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3626 E Broad Street 127-0821-0052 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

3601 E Broad Street 127-0821-0053 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 3, and Style: Greek Revival, ca 1840 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3605 E Broad Street 127-0821-0054 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, and Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1870 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3609 E Broad Street 127-0821-0055 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3611 E Broad Street 127-0821-0056 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3617 E Broad Street 127-0821-0057 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3619 E Broad Street 127-0821-0058 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3621 E Broad Street 127-0821-0059 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3623 E Broad Street 127-0821-0060 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3627 E Broad Street 127-0821-0061 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3629 E Broad Street 127-0821-0062 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

300 Block Chimborazo Blvd 302 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0412 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, 1911 Architect: Childrey and Sunday Builder: J. St. Murman Owner: M. O. Johns Building Permit #: 2063 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 304 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0413 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, 1911 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Architect: Childrey and Sunday Builder: J. St. Murman Owner: M. O. Johns Building Permit #: 2063 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 314 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0414 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Architect/Builder/Owner: S. P. Cowardin Building Permit #: 1464 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 316 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0415 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Architect/Builder/Owner: S. P. Cowardin Building Permit #: 1464 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

301 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0416 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1908 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: J. M. Johnson Building Permit #: 647 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 305 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0417 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 307 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0418 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 3 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 309 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0419 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 3 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing

400 Block Chimborazo Blvd 400 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0420 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1955 Evans Super Market Individual Resource Status: Store Noncontributing 414 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0421 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 416 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0422 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1909 Builder: George A. Dietrick Owner: M. Thomas Mussen Building permit #: 1063 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 418 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0423 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 420 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0424 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1909 Builder: George A. Dietrick Owner: M. Thomas Mussen Building Permit #: 1063 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 422 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0425 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 424 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0426 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 426 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0427 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

401 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0428 Primary Resource Information: Mixed Use:Domestic/Commercial, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Hiram H. Herbert, Confectioner Individual Resource Status: Mixed Use:Domestic/Commercial Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 407 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0429 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 411 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0430 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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415 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0431 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 417 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0432 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1909 Robert F. Schroeder Residence Builder: Robert H. Walton Building Permit #: 978 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 419 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0433 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 421 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0434 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 423 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0435 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 425 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0436 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1990 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 427 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0437 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1990 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing

500 Block Chimborazo Blvd 500 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0438 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1908 Wingfield A. Baker Residence Builder: John T. J. Melton Building Permit #: 695 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 502 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0439 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1890 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 504 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0440 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 506 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0441 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 508 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0442 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 510 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0443 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 1648 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 512 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0444 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 1648 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 514 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0445 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 1789 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 516 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0446 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 1789 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 518 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0447 Primary Resource Information: Multiple Dwelling, Stories 3, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1911 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 1938 Individual Resource Status: Multiple Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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524 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0448 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 1938 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

501 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0449 Primary Resource Information: Multiple Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Multiple Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 503 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0450 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 505 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0451 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 507 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0452 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 509 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0453 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 511 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0454 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

600 Block Chimborazo Blvd 600 Chimborazo Blvd, Apostolic Church (Victory Tabernacle Baptist Church) 127-0821-0455 Primary Resource Information: Church, Stories 1, and Style: Classical Revival, ca 1919 Architect: Herbert L. Cain Builder: F. H. Boatwright Building Permit #: 6816 Individual Resource Status: Church Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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602 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0456 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 604 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0457 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 606 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0458 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 608 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0459 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 612 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0460 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 614 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0461 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 616 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0462 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 618 Chimborazo Boulevard 127-0821-0463 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, 1909 Builder: George B. Jones Building Permit #: 907 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 620 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0464 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1909 Architect/Builder: George B. Jones, Jr. Building Permit #: 1378 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

601 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0465 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing 603 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0466 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 605 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0467 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 607 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0468 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 609 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0469 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 611 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0470 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 613 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0471 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 615 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0472 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 617 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0473 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 619 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0474 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 621 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0475 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 623 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0476 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

700 Block Chimborazo Blvd 700 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0477 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 704 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0478 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1910 Architect: H. H. Wright Builder: H. E. Mills Building Permit #: 1602 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 706 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0479 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, 1911 Architect: John T. J. Melton Builder: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 2178 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 708 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0480 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, 1910 Architect/ Builder/Owner: S. P. Cowardin Building Permit #: 1565 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage/Shed Contributing 710 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0481 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, 1911 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 2178 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 712 Chimborazo Blvd 127-0821-0482 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1911 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 2178 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 714 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0483 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1911 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 2178 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 718 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0484 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1911 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 2178 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 720 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0485 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1911 Builder: John T. J. Melton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 2178 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 722 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0486 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, 1908 Architect/ Builder/Owner: S. P. Cowardin Building Permit #: 704 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing

701 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0487 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 703 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0488 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 705 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0489 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 709 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0490 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1923 Architect: Max Ruehrmund Builder/Owner: John T. Wilson Building Permit #: 11821 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 711 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0491 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1923 Architect: Max Ruehrmund Builder/Owner: John T. Wilson Building Permit #: 11821 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 713 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0492 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1923 Architect: Max Ruehrmund Builder/Owner: John T. Wilson Building Permit #: 11821 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 715 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0493 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1923 Architect: Max Ruehrmund Builder/Owner: John T. Wilson Building Permit #: 11821 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 717 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0494 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1923 Architect: Max Ruehrmund Builder/Owner: John T. Wilson Building Permit #: 11821 Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 719 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0495 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1923 Architect: Max Ruehrmund Builder/Owner: John T. Wilson Building Permit #: 11821 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 721 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0496 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1923 Architect: Max Ruehrmund Builder/Owner: John T. Wilson Building Permit #: 11821 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

800 Block Chimborazo Blvd 810 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0497 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 812 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0498 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 814 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0499 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 816 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0500 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 818 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0501 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 820 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0502 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

801 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0503 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, 1926 Builder: Montague Manufacturing Company Building Permit #: 16473 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 803 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0504 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, 1926 Builder: Montague Manufacturing Company Building Permit #: 16473 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 805 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0505 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, 1926 Builder: Montague Manufacturing Company Building Permit #: 16473 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 807 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0506 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, 1926 Builder: Montague Manufacturing Company Building Permit #: 16473 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 809 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0507 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, 1926 Builder: Montague Manufacturing Company Building Permit #: 16473 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 817 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0508 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 819 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0509 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 821 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0510 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 823 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0511 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1926 Builder: Montague Manufacturing Company Building Permit #: 16473 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 825 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0512 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Craftsman, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 827 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0513 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

900 Block Chimborazo Blvd 916 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0514 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 918 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0515 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, and Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1880 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 926 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0516 Primary Resource Information: Church, Stories 2, Style: Other, ca 1998 Individual Resource Status: Church Noncontributing

901 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0517 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, and Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1880 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 905 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0518 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 907 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0519 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 909 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0520 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 911 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0521 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 913 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0522 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 919 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0523 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 921 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0524 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 923 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0525 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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927 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0526 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, 1909 Architect/Builder/Owner: S. P. Cowardin Building Permit #: 1147 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

1000 Block Chimborazo Blvd 1003 Chimborazo Blvd. 127-0821-0781 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing

3300 Block E Clay Street 3307 E Clay Street 127-0821-0107 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1915 Morgan B. Wilhem, General Merchandise Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing

3400 Block E Clay Street 3408 E Clay Street 127-0821-0108 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 3410 E Clay Street 127-0821-0109 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 3412 E Clay Street 127-0821-0110 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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3414 E Clay Street 127-0821-0111 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3416 E Clay Street 127-0821-0112 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Builder: John T. J. Melton Building Permit #: 1881 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3418 E Clay Street 127-0821-0113 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3411 E Clay Street 127-0821-0114 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Other, ca 1990 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 3413 E Clay Street 127-0821-0115 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 3415 E Clay Street 127-0821-0116 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 3415 1/2 E Clay Street 127-0821-0117 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 3417 E Clay Street 127-0821-0118 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 3419 E Clay Street 127-0821-0119 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3500 Block E Clay Street 3500 E Clay Street 127-0821-0120 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3510 E Clay Street 127-0821-0121 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1909 Builder: Robert H. Walton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 1167 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3512 E Clay Street 127-0821-0122 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1909 Builder: Robert H. Walton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 1167 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3514 E Clay Street 127-0821-0123 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1909 Builder: Robert H. Walton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 1167 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3516 E Clay Street 127-0821-0124 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1909 Builder: Robert H. Walton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 1167 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3520 E Clay Street 127-0821-0125 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3501 E Clay Street 127-0821-0126 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Builder: James Carr Owner: R. N. Goode Building Permit #: 1670 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3505 E Clay Street 127-0821-0127 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3507 E Clay Street 127-0821-0128 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1909 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Builder: Robert H. Walton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 1167 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3509 E Clay Street 127-0821-0129 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1909 Builder: Robert H. Walton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 1167 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3511 E Clay Street 127-0821-0130 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1909 Builder: Robert H. Walton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 1167 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3513 E Clay Street 127-0821-0131 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1909 Builder: Robert H. Walton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 1167 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3515 E Clay Street 127-0821-0132 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1909 Builder: Robert H. Walton Owner: Thomas F. Boyle Building Permit #: 1167 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3517 E Clay Street 127-0821-0005 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 3519 E Clay Street 127-0821-0133 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3700 Block Crestview Road 3700 Crestview Road 127-0821-0639 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3702 Crestview Road 127-0821-0640 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3701 Crestview Road 127-0821-0633 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3600 Block East Richmond Road 3600 East Richmond Road 127-08221-1073 Evergreen Cemetery, 59 acres Primary Resource Information: Cemetery, 1891 Individual Resource Status: Cemetery Contributing Site

3100 Block E Leigh Street 3108 E Leigh Street 127-0821-0134 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1919 Architect: Max Ruehrmund Building Permit #: 6475-6477 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing

3000 Block M Street 3015 M Street 127-0821-0135 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Italianate, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3100 Block M Street 3107 M Street 127-0821-0136 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing

3200 Block M Street 3203 M Street 127-0821-0137 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing

3500 Block M Street 3513 M Street 127-0821-0138 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, and Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3515 M Street 127-0821-0139 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, and Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3517 M Street 127-0821-0140 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, and Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3519 M Street 127-0821-0141 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1930 Allen C. Lindsey, grocer Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing

3100 Block E Marshall Street 3100 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0063 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3102 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0064 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3104 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0065 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3110 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0066 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

3114 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0067 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3118 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0068 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 1, Style: Spanish Colonial, ca 1920 Sarti Pasquino Taylor Shop Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing 3120 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0069 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1905 H. L. Wilkinson, grocer Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

3101-3105 E Marshall Street 127-0821-1076 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3107 E Marshall Street 127-0821-1077 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3109 E Marshall Street 127-0821-1078 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3111 E Marshall Street 127-0821-1079 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3113 E Marshall Street 127-0821-1080 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3200 Block E Marshall Street 3207 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0305 Primary Resource Information: School, Stories 2, Style: Beaux Arts, ca 1904 Chimborazo Elementary School NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Individual Resource Status: School converted to housing Contributing

3300 Block E Marshall Street 3300 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0070 Primary Resource Information: Store converted to Church, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 George M. Mutter, confectioner Individual Resource Status: Store converted to Church Contributing 3302 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0071 Primary Resource Information: Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Dwelling Contributing 3304 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0072 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 1, Style: Other, ca 1925 Ennis L. Montague, barber Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing 3306 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0073 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Church Hill Grocery Company Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing

3301 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0074 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1905 Walter B. Coddington, grocer Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 3303 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0075 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1915 Home Beneficial Association Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing 3305 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0076 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 3307 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0077 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 3309 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0078 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 3311 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0079 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 3315 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0080 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3317 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0081 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3319 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0082 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3321 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0083 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3400 Block E Marshall Street 3408 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0084 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, and Style: Greek Revival, ca 1840 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 3410 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0085 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1880 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3412 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0086 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 3414 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0087 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 3416 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0088 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Other, ca 1950 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Noncontributing 3418 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0089 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Other, ca 1950 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Noncontributing 3420 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0090 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3401 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0091 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3403 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0092 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3405 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0093 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3407 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0094 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1910 Builder: Spicer & Atkinson Building Permit #: 1715 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3409 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0095 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Builder: Spicer & Atkinson Building Permit #: 1715 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3413 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0096 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3415 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0097 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3417 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0098 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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3419 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0099 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3421 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0100 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

3500 Block E Marshall Street 3503 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0101 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3505 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0102 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 3507 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0103 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

3600 Block E Marshall Street 3601 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0104 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3605 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0105 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3607 E Marshall Street 127-0821-0106 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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1400 Block Melton Avenue 1400 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0752 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1402 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0753 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1404 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0754 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1406 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0755 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1408 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0756 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1410 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0757 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1412 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0758 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1414 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0759 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1416 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0760 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1418 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0761 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1420 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0762 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1422 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0763 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1424 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0764 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1426 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0765 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1428 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0766 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

1401 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0767 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Noncontributing 1405 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0768 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1407 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0769 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1409 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0770 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1411 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0771 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1413 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0772 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1415 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0773 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1417 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0774 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1419 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0775 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1421 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0776 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1423 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0777 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1425 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0778 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1427 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0779 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1429 Melton Avenue 127-0821-0780 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

3200 Block N Street 3213 N Street 127-0821-0142 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, and Style: Greek Revival, ca 1843 Malone Residence Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 3215 N Street 127-0821-0143 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, and Style: Greek Revival, ca 1843 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Malone Residence Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3217 N Street 127-0821-0144 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, and Style: Other, ca 1970 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing

3300 Block N Street 3316 N Street 127-0821-0145 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3400 Block N Street 3405 N Street 127-0821-0146 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing

3100 Block Nine Mile Road 3101 Nine Mile Road (3511 East Richmond Road) 127-0821-0895 Oakwood Cemetery Primary Resource Information: Cemetery, 1856 Oakwood Cemetery, 175 acres Individual Resource Status: Cemetery Contributing Site Individual Resource Status: Confederate Soldiers Monument Contributing Object Individual Resource Status: Gazebo Contributing Structure Individual Resource Status: Public Facilities Contributing Individual Resource Status: Gates Contributing Object Individual Resource Status: Bridge Contributing Structure Individual Resource Status: Stable Contributing Individual Resource Status: Carriage House Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Office Noncontributing

3200 Block O Street 3212 O Street 127-0821-0147 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 3214 O Street 127-0821-0148 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 3216 O Street 127-0821-0149 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 3218 O Street 127-0821-0150 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing 3220 O Street 127-0821-0151 Primary Resource Information: Multiple dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Multiple dwelling Contributing

3300 Block O Street 3306 O Street 127-0821-0152 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, and Style: Other, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 3310 O Street 127-0821-0153 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3312 O Street 127-0821-0154 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3316 O Street 127-0821-0155 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, and Style: Other, ca 1970 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing

1000 Block Oakwood Ave 1004 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0782 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing 1006 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0783 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing 1008 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0784 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing 1014 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0785 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1016 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0786 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1018 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0787 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

1013 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0788 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1015 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0789 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1017 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0790 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, 1925 Architect: Max Ruehrmund Builder: Max Witzel Owner: Marion K. Lowry Building Permit #: 15225 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1019 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0791 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, 1925 Architect: Max Ruehrmund Builder: Max Witzel Owner: Marion K. Lowry Building Permit #: 15225 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1021 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0792 (127-0821-0003) Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, 1925 Architect: Max Ruehrmund Builder: Max Witzel Owner: Marion K. Lowry Building Permit #: 15225 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1021 1/2 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0793 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1023 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0794 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

1100 Block Oakwood Ave 1102 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0795 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1104 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0796 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1106 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0797 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1108 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0798 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1110 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0799 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

1103 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0800 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1107 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0801 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1109 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0802 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

1200 Block Oakwood Ave 1202 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0803 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, 1909 Architect: D. Wiley Anderson Builder: James H. Flippen Owner: Charles H. Taliaferro Building Permit #: 1146 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1204 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0804 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, 1909 Architect: D. Wiley Anderson Builder: James H. Flippen Owner: Charles H. Taliaferro Building Permit #: 1146 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1206 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0805 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, 1909 Architect: D. Wiley Anderson Builder: James H. Flippen Owner: Charles H. Taliaferro Building Permit #: 1146 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1208 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0806 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, 1909 Architect: D. Wiley Anderson Builder: James H. Flippen Owner: Charles H. Taliaferro Building Permit #: 1146 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1212 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0807 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1214 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0808 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1216 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0809 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

1201 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0810 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1205 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0811 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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1207 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0812 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1209 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0813 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1211 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0814 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1213 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0815 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1215 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0816 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1219 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0817 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1890 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

1300 Block Oakwood Ave 1300 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0818 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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1302 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0819 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1304 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0820 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1306 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0821 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1308 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0822 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1310 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0823 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1312 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0824 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, 1910 Architect: L. H. Dickerson Builder: L. H. Dickerson Building Permit #: 1777 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1314 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0825 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, 1910 Architect: L. H. Dickerson Builder: L. H. Dickerson Building Permit #: 1777 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1316 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0826 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1318 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0827 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1320 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0828 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

1301 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0829 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1305 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0830 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1307 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0831 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1309 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0832 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1311 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0833 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1313 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0834 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1315 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0835 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

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1400 Block Oakwood Ave 1400 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0836 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1402 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0837 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1404 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0838 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1406 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0839 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1416 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0840 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1418 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0841 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1420 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0842 Primary Resource Information: Multiple Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Multiple Dwelling Contributing 1422 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0843 Primary Resource Information: Multiple Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Multiple Dwelling Contributing 1424 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0844 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1426 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0845 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1428 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0846 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1430 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0847 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1432 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0848 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

1401 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0849 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1405 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0850 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1407 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0851 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1409 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0852 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1970 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1415 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0853 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1417 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0854 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1419 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0855 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1970 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1425 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0856 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1427 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0857 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2 1/2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1431 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0858 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing

1500 Block Oakwood Ave 1500 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0859 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1502 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0860 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1504 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0861 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1506 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0862 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1512 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0863 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1514 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0864 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1516 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0865 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1518 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0866 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1520 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0867 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1522 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0868 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1524 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0869 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1526 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0870 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1528 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0871 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1530 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0872 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1532 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0873 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1534 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0874 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1536 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0875 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

1501 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0876 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1505 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0877 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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1507 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0878 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1511 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0879 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1513 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0880 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1515 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0881 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1517 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0882 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1523 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0883 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 1525 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0884 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1533 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0885 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

1600 Block Oakwood Ave 1600 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0886 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

1620 Oakwood Avenue 127-0821-1072 Primary Resource Information: Cemetery, ca 1890 Oakwood Hebrew Cemetery, 65,396 square feet Individual Resource Status: Cemetery Contributing Site Individual Resource Status: Chapel Contributing

1601 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0887 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1603 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0888 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1605 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0889 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1607 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0890 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1609 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0891 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1940 Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing 1613-1617 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0892 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1930 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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J. Henry Brown Company/Oakwood Monument Company Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shop Contributing Individual Resource Status: Storage Building Noncontributing 1619 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0893 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing 1621 Oakwood Ave 127-0821-0894 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing

3200 Block P Street 3201 P Street 127-0821-0580 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1907 Architects: Bialkowski Brothers Builder: George Skelton Building Permit #: 227 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3203 P Street 127-0821-0581 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1907 Architects: Bialkowski Brothers Builder: George Skelton Building Permit #: 227 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3205 P Street 127-0821-0582 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, 1907 Architects: Bialkowski Brothers Builder: George Skelton Building Permit #: 227 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3300 Block P Street 3300 P Street 127-0821-0709 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, 1911 Builder: Spicer and Atkinson Owner: J. B. Schaaf Building Permit #: 1872 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3302 P Street 127-0821-0710 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, 1911 Builder: Spicer and Atkinson Owner: J. B. Schaaf Building Permit #: 1872 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3306 P Street 127-0821-0711 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3308 P Street 127-0821-0712 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3312 P Street 127-0821-0713 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 3314 P Street 127-0821-0714 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing 3316 P Street 127-0821-0715 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing

3301 P Street 127-0821-0583 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 11/2, Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movement, ca 1930 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3305 P Street 127-0821-0584 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3307 P Street 127-0821-0585 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3309 P Street 127-0821-0586 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3400 Block P Street P Street and Oakwood Avenue 127-0821-0716 James S. Christian Park Primary Resource Information: Park, ca 1982 Individual Resource Status: Park Noncontributing Site

3402 P Street 127-0821-0717 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3300 Block Q Street 3316 Q Street 127-0821-0718 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3318 Q Street 127-0821-0719 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3320 Q Street 127-0821-0720 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing Individual Resource Status: Garage Contributing

3315 Q Street 127-0821-0721 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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3317 Q Street 127-0821-0722 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3319 Q Street 127-0821-0723 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3400 Block Q Street 3400 Q Street 127-0821-0724 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 2, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3400 Block R Street 3418 R Street 127-0821-0725 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3422 R Street 127-0821-0726 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, ca 1900 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing

3400 Block S Street 3401 S Street 127-0821-0727 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, 1910 Builder: Gebbard Bucher Owner: Herman Wegman Building Permit #: 1601 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3403 S Street 127-0821-0728 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, 1910 Builder: Gebbard Bucher Owner: Herman Wegman Building Permit #: 1601 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3405 S Street 127-0821-0729 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, 1910 Builder: Gebbard Bucher Owner: Herman Wegman Building Permit #: 1601 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3407 S Street 127-0821-0730 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, 1910 Builder: Gebbard Bucher Owner: Herman Wegman Building Permit #: 1601 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3409 S Street 127-0821-0731 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, 1910 Builder: Gebbard Bucher Owner: Herman Wegman Building Permit #: 1601 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3411 S Street 127-0821-0732 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, 1910 Builder: Gebbard Bucher Owner: Herman Wegman Building Permit #: 1601 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3413 S Street 127-0821-0733 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, 1910 Builder: Gebbard Bucher Owner: Herman Wegman Building Permit #: 1601 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3415 S Street 127-0821-0734 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 2, Style: Late Victorian, 1910 Builder: Gebbard Bucher Owner: Herman Wegman Building Permit #: 1601 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3421 S Street 127-0821-0735 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Shed Noncontributing Individual Resource Status: Carport Noncontributing 3435 S Street 127-0821-0736 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing 3437 S Street 127-0821-0737 Primary Resource Information: Store, Stories 1, Style: Late 19th and 20th Century American Movement, ca 1910 Individual Resource Status: Store Contributing 3439 S Street 127-0821-0738 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1, Style: No Style Listed, ca 1960 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Noncontributing 3441 S Street 127-0821-0739 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3443 S Street 127-0821-0740 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3445 S Street 127-0821-0741 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 3447 S Street 127-0821-0742 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1 1/2, Style: Bungalow/Craftsman, ca 1920 Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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The Oakwood-Chimborazo Historic District is eligible for listing on the National Register Historic Places under criteria A and C. The district is eligible under criterion A because of its associations with early speculative residential development following the introduction of a local trolley line. Samuel P. Cowardin, Superintendent for the Richmond Traction Company, owned several large tracts of land in the district, which he developed in the early twentieth century after the trolley line was constructed along Oakwood Avenue. The district also includes the site of Chimborazo Hospital and Oakwood Cemetery, both of which have importance associated with the Civil War. The utilization of the ward system and women as matrons at Chimborazo Hospital were innovations in the practice of medicine at the time that affected permanent changes in the field. As the site of the first Memorial Day celebration in Richmond, Oakwood Cemetery influenced the development of the national holiday. The district also reflects the importance of a growing African American middle class in the City of Richmond as illustrated by the establishment of Evergreen Cemetery in 1891 and the racial transition of the community during the 1950s and 1960s. The Oakwood-Chimborazo historic district is eligible under criterion C because of its unique collection of late-nineteenth and early- through mid-twentieth- century dwellings that are an eclectic mixture of architectural styles. The buildings range from large brick dwellings facing Chimborazo Park to modest frame residences and cottages on the side streets. The corners are punctuated with stores, churches and schools. Many of Richmond’s leading architects designed buildings located in the district. For the most part the buildings are well preserved with a high level of integrity.


Early National and the Antebellum Periods (1789 –1860)

As with much of the eastern portion of the City of Richmond, a discussion of the early history of the Oakwood-Chimborazo Historic District must begin with Col. Richard Adams and his heirs. Around 1769, Adams began purchasing enormous tracts of land to the north and east of Church Hill in anticipation that the city would grow to the east. The 1789 decision to move the capitol from Williamsburg to Richmond only strengthened Adams’ conviction that the city would expand in an easterly direction. In anticipation of this growth, Adams laid out his vast holdings in the same grid pattern as the rest of the city. Adams also offered then-Governor Thomas Jefferson his choice of prime building sites for the new capitol building. Ultimately, Shockoe Hill was chosen as the site for the capitol and Adams’ vision of the easterly expansion of the city was dashed. Richard Adams died in 1800 and left the majority of his estate to his eldest son and namesake, Richard Adams II. Richard Adams II died in 1817 leaving no children. By his will his executors were directed to divide his vast estate, with an estimated worth of $1,200,000 in 1821, between his nieces and nephews.6 A plat for the division of Richard Adams’ land shows that it encompassed much of the current historic district NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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from Broad Street north to R Street and from 30th to 34th streets. Thomas Rutherfoord owned large tracts of land to the south, west and north and Christopher Walthall, James Malone and Samuel Pleasants owned large tracts east of 34th Street.7 With the exception of the Spring Garden tract, which Richard Adams I sold to George Winston prior to 1787, very little of the area was developed before 1835 when his heirs began to sell off larger tracts. The greater Church Hill area began its measured growth only towards the end of the 19th century as land was subdivided into building lots or resold as investment property.”8

In the thirty years following Richmond’s selection as the state capitol, its population nearly tripled from 3,761 in 1790 to 12,067 in 1820.9 The growth in population created a demand for burial space. Most of Richmond’s early citizens were buried either in privately owned cemeteries or in church graveyards. But by the early nineteenth century, these places were filling up creating the need for a municipal cemetery. In 1820, the City acquired four acres on Shockoe Hill for the city’s first municipal cemetery. Hollywood, a 42-acre private cemetery was established in 1847. By the 1850s, it was necessary for the city to purchase and develop another cemetery. To this end, 66 acres in Henrico County were purchased from Fendall Griffin and the heirs of William Cook. Additional land has been acquired and today Oakwood contains 175 acres. The first burial took place in 1856.

Civil War (1861-1865)

The war came quickly to Richmond. In December 1860, South Carolina seceded from the Union, followed very quickly by five other states. During February of 1861, a new government was formed and was elected provisional president. On 12 April 1861, South Carolina fired on federal troops at Fort Sumter and three days later President Lincoln called out 75,000 volunteers to quell the insurrection in the south. Virginia voted to secede from the Union on 16 April 1861 and on 22 April Robert E. Lee accepted the post of major general commanding the Virginia forces. Daily, young men began arriving in Richmond from all over the south to train under General Lee. Army depots were established at several places throughout the area including Chimborazo Hill. On 29 May 1861, Jefferson Davis arrived in Richmond, the new confederate capital. In June 1861, the task of building the defenses around Richmond began. “Street cleaners were put to work building the fortifications and unemployed free Negroes were seized off the streets for similar tasks.”10 There were three lines of defense around the city. The inner line consisted of “star forts”, as many as twenty-five by 1864, that extended around the city from the James River on the east to the James on the west. The river was the southern boundary of the city in 1861. These forts were constantly occupied by a detachment of ten or more soldiers. An intermediate line of earthworks encompassed the city in a five-mile radius from the capital building and the outer line was set at a seven to nine mile radius. Star Fort number four or Confederate Gun Battery Fourteen, part of the inner defenses, was located in the district near the intersection of P, North 35th and the East Richmond Road.

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Originally intended to serve as winter quarters it was determined that Chimborazo Hill was better suited for a hospital, given there were already two or three hundred sick soldiers quartered there.11 When the Confederate army took possession of the hill it was separated from Church Hill by Bloody Run. A bridge needed to be constructed and the Broad Street extended to link the hospital in Henrico County with the city. The forty-acre complex was organized around five hospitals, one for each state represented—Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia, and each hospital had thirty wards. The wards were one-story board-and-batten buildings that measured 100’ by 20’ and were furnished with two rows of beds and a center aisle. In addition to the wards and hospital buildings, there were 100 Sibley tents, five soup-houses, a bakery, a brewery, and five icehouses. Seven thousand to 10,000 loaves of bread were baked daily, and up to 400 kegs of beer brewed. Caves or vaults were dug at the eastern end of the hill to keep the beer. The hospital leased nearby Tree Hill farm for the pasturage of 100 to 200 cows and 300 to 500 goats. There were also gardens to provide fresh produce for the patients.12 During its existence more than 76,000 sick and wounded Confederate soldiers were treated at Chimborazo. Chimborazo was one of the finest hospitals the south and possessed a mortality rate of less than twenty percent. The utilization of a ward system and the large-scale use of women as matrons and ward attendants were medical innovations pioneered at Chimborazo. The memoirs of Phoebe Yates Pember, a matron of one division of Chimborazo Hospital, document her experience there from 1862 to 1865 and describe conditions in a major Confederate hospital.

To the north of the hospital was Oakwood Cemetery. As the war began to take an increasing toll, the Council of the City of Richmond authorized the Committee on Oakwood Cemetery to designate a place for the burial of Confederate soldiers who died in Richmond or Henrico County. The committee offered the Secretary of War as much acreage as might be necessary to bury the dead. On 13 January 1862, John Redford, the Keeper of Oakwood Cemetery reported that up to 31 December 1861, “eight white females, five white males, two females of color, and twelve male Negroes had been buried in Oakwood Cemetery. He also stated that up to January 12, 1862, 540 Confederate soldiers had been interred.”13 Mr. Redford reported to Council on 8 September 1862 that in the preceding year 4,882 soldiers had been buried at Oakwood and by January 1863 the total had risen to 7,120.14 The final count rose to 17,200 after the war as soldiers were reinterred from the battlefields around Richmond. Union soldiers, black and white that died in city prisons or hospitals were also buried at Oakwood Cemetery. Cemetery custodians struggled with the effort to provide maintenance for the large number of graves.

Reconstruction and Growth (1865-1917)

Twenty-eighth Street was the farthest street to the east that linked Broad Street and Nine Mile Road. Broad Street was interrupted just east of 28th Street because of the ravine at Bloody Run Creek. Twenty-ninth and 30th streets stopped at Marshall Street and 31st Street terminated at Clay Street. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Thirty-second and 33rd street ran for two blocks between N and P streets and the East Richmond Road headed diagonally to the northeast from the intersection of P and 33rd streets. There still existed a few large estates and sparsely scattered dwellings and homesteads. The Oakwood- Chimborazo area lay outside of the City of Richmond until 1867 when the land west of North 31st Street, south of Marshall Street and east of North 35th Street was annexed. The bulk of the district was still a part of Henrico County until 1906 when the City of Richmond annexed the area to the east and north.

On 13 April 1866, the federal government adopted a resolution creating national cemeteries and made provisions that the Union dead would be removed from battlefields and other cemeteries to be reinterred in these new cemeteries. The remains of nearly 5,700 Union soldiers were reinterred at the new National Cemetery on Williamsburg Road. In response to the resolution which excluded the Confederate dead, a group of 100 women met and formed the Ladies Memorial Association for the Confederate Dead in Oakwood Cemetery to provide care for the graves of the veterans buried there and adopted 10 May as an annual memorial day. “On Thursday, May 10, most city businesses closed in honor of the day; the first recorded Memorial Day in Richmond. At 10:00 A.M. a brief service was held at St. John’s Church, then the crowds walked to the Confederate section at Oakwood Cemetery. After the speeches ended, the audience placed flowers on the graves and assisted with the ongoing effort to clean up the cemetery.15 A similar celebration was held at Hollywood Cemetery at the end of May and other memorial associations throughout the Virginia and the South held comparable observances. It is generally assumed that Confederate Memorial Day celebrations were the inspiration for today’s national Memorial Day.

Within weeks of the surrender at Appomattox, Chimborazo Hospital and its buildings were turned over to the Freedmen’s Bureau to provide temporary shelter for Black families in the city. By 1866, the hill had become a permanent black settlement complete with a church. Also in 1866, F. Frommel had acquired the use of the vaults at the eastern end of Chimborazo Hill and was operating a brewery there. Joseph Bacher acquired seven acres at Chimborazo including the vaults around 1870. Bacher, the third brewer to try to operate a successful brewery on the hill met with failure quickly. The vaults proved to be too warm to keep beer at the desired temperature and ice was too costly and scarce. Bacher went bankrupt, sold his seven acres to the city and returned to New England. In 1874, the City of Richmond began acquiring property for a park in the eastern part of the city that included the old hospital site.

By 1896, the Richmond Traction Company was operating two trolley lines in the area. One line ran along Venable Street to Q Street then out Oakwood Avenue to the cemetery. The trolley continued east beyond the cemetery to the gravel pits south of East Richmond Road near Gillies Creek. A trolley barn was located on the eastern side of Oakwood Avenue near the entrance to the cemetery. A second line operated along Broad Street from the reservoir on the west to Chimborazo Park on the east. The Richmond Railway and Electric Company operated a loop through the neighborhood that NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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traveled from Broad and 29th streets north to P Street then west to 25th Street where it turned south to Jefferson Avenue. The track followed Jefferson Avenue to 21st Street where it turned south back to Broad. Commercial development began to appear in the neighborhood. Around 1900, Hiram H. Herbert opened a confectioner shop at 401 Chimborazo Boulevard. Grocery stores followed at 520 North 31st Street, 500 North 33rd Street, and 3120, 3301, and 3306 East Marshall Street. Morgan B. Wilhelm operated a General Merchandise store at 3307 East Marshall Street in 1915 and Richardson’s Drugstore opened at 501 North 31st Street in 1909. As late as 1889 land was still held in large tracts by families such as Cowardin, Canepa, Brill, Schaaf and Brauer. The property east of Oakwood Avenue was laid out first by East Virginia Land and Improvement Company. They also owned land around 37th and 38th Streets but developed separately in 1915 as the Vineyard Tract, “taking its name from the vineyard operated there by Dr. J. B. McCarty around 1877.”16 The land west of Oakwood Avenue was surveyed and subdivided around 1908.

A black middle class had begun to coalesce in the 1840s. Church societies and associations were at the heart of the process by which people, both free blacks and slaves, defined themselves, especially in the emerging black middle class. Congregations served as mini governments and enforced the rules of evangelicalism, temperance and benevolence. “In Richmond, evangelical religion and benevolence, marriage and a paternalistic household, steady wages or profits, and education were the characteristics of a black middle class that appeared after Emancipation but began its formation years earlier.”17 The black middle class was composed of teachers, lawyers, businessmen and ministers but more importantly it was dependent upon black professional and laboring women. The arrival of the black middle class is no better illustrated than by the founding of Evergreen Cemetery in 1891 and the people buried there. The goal was to develop a cemetery that would rival Hollywood Cemetery, the elite resting-place for Richmond’s most influential white citizens. Evergreen was to be a “memorial park fit for royalty.”18 The cemetery was the most prestigious place in Richmond where an African-American could be laid to rest. It proved so attractive that bodies were removed from older, less distinguished cemeteries and reinterred at Evergreen. A four-foot angel stands atop the grave of Rebecca Mitchell, near the grave of her son, John R. Mitchell, Jr. John Mitchell was born 11 July 1863 of slave parents. He was educated in church schools and at the Richmond High and Normal School. He taught school for three years and served on Richmond City Council from 1888 to 1896. In 1921, he ran for governor. In 1884, “he took over as editor of the Richmond Planet, a weekly newspaper for blacks. The Planet grew to be one of the country’s leading black newspapers.”19 It was from his desk at the Planet that Mitchell fought tirelessly against injustice. He was also founder and President of the Mechanics Savings Bank and was the only black member of the American Bankers Association. Mitchell died 3 December 1929 and was buried at Evergreen. Across the lane from Mitchell’s grave is the grave of Maggie Lena Walker marked by a large cross. The graves of several other family members surround Walker’s. Walker was born on 15 July 1867. Her mother was a former slave and her father, a white abolitionist. Like Mitchell she attended the Richmond High and Normal School and taught school for three years. She attended business school and later received a Master’s degree in business administration from Virginia Union University. In NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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1886, she married Armistead Walker. In 1897, she began a long leadership role with the Independent Order of St. Luke, a fraternal business organization. In 1903, she founded and became the president of the St. Luke’s Penny Savings Bank, making Mrs. Mitchell one of the first women to become the president of a chartered bank. In addition to her achievements in business, Maggie Walker was also known for her unselfish community service. Maggie Walker died 15 December 1934. Her house in Jackson Ward is a National Historic Landmark. Not far from the graves of Mitchell and Walker is the grave of Rev. John Andrew Bowler. Rev. Bowler was one of Richmond’s foremost leaders in the field of education. He began teaching at the elementary school level in 1882 and later organized the George Mason School. He served in the educational field for over fifty years. Around 1900, he became an ordained minister and was the founding pastor of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church. Evergreen is also the final resting-place African-American veterans of the Spanish-American War and World War I and “Buffalo” soldiers who served in the U.S. Cavalry following the Civil War. There are over 5,000 graves at Evergreen.

World War I to World War II (1917-1945)

The Oakwood-Chimborazo Historic District experienced another sustained period of growth from 1923 to 1926 as families like the Cowardins, Pleasants and Andersons began to subdivide and sell off their holdings. Edwin Pleasants lay out and subdivided his family estate known as Pleasants Woods in 1924. Three years later, Lynbrook Realty Corporation platted the same property as Glenwood Park. The property west of 34th (named Chimborazo Boulevard in 1910) was platted before 1876 but the land east of 34th was not subdivided until after the turn of the century. The Cowardins owned the land fronting Chimborazo Park that was gradually subdivided. Large townhouses were built on the resulting lots one at a time over a period of roughly forty-years. The M. G. Billup House constructed in 1931 was one of the last houses built on Broad Street east of 34th Street. The Cowardins and Pleasants also held the land north of Clay into the 20th century and did not develop it until the 1920s. Prior to 1930, the trolley line was removed from Broad Street and relocated to Marshall Street. This encouraged commercial development in the Marshall Street corridor. By 1944, buses were operating on Broad Street to 34th Street where they turned north. By 1949 the trolleys were gone. Unlike many other neighborhoods of this era, the development of the Oakwood and Chimborazo neighborhoods was not dependent upon the trolley lines like the new suburbs being created to the north and west.

World War II to the Present (1945 – 2003)

Little development has taken place in the Oakwood-Chimborazo historic district in the years following World War II but significant changes have taken place. Houses were constructed in the 600 block of North 39th Street in 1946, completing the Glenwood Park development. The next wave of NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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construction came in the 1960s when houses were constructed along the eastern edge of the district by and for the areas growing African American population. A comparison of census figures for the years 1940, 1950 and 1960 illustrate the racial transition of the neighborhood. In 1940, there were 6,885 white and 2,124 residents. The change in total population and racial composition between 1940 and 1950 was imperceptible. But the ten years between 1950 and 1960 saw a transformation in the community. By 1960, the white population in the neighborhood had dropped to 391 and the African American population had grown to 9,203. What is interesting is that the percentage of renter occupied housing units declined indicating that many of the new inhabitants in the area were owner occupants. This trend is contrary to the typical increase of absentee ownership and renter occupied housing normally observed in the transition of city neighborhoods.

“The east end area of Church Hill had grown up earlier adjacent to a major commercial and industrial district and housed the city’s burgeoning white working-class…..Clearly, though, Richmond after 1900 came to be less ’a jumble of rich and poor, immigrant and native, black and white’ and approached more nearly what Sam Bass Warner, Jr. referred to as the ‘segregated city’….. The impact of streetcar suburban development was the segregation and isolation of the city’s older neighborhoods…. The gradual exodus of the middle and upper classes to the suburbs enhanced fragmentation.”20 The transition of the neighborhood is clearly illustrated in the changing school populations. Chimborazo School opened in September 1905 with 377 white students. In 1911, an annex with additional classrooms and an auditorium were opened. In 1958, the remaining 280 white pupils were transferred to Nathaniel Bacon and Chimborazo school converted to a black school. The new Chimborazo school opened in 1968 and the old building was used as the Church Hill Opportunity Center and an annex of East End Middle School. The building was surplused in 1973 and privately rehabilitated as housing for the elderly in the 1980s.21 Nathaniel Bacon School opened in September 1915 with 380 white pupils, and closed in September 1958 and the pupils were transferred to East End Middle school. The school was reopened in October 1958 with 351 Negro students from Chimborazo and George Mason schools. A ten-classroom addition was built in 1960 and between 1970 and 1982 the building served as an annex to the East End Middle School. Nathaniel Bacon closed June 1988 and was declared surplus property on 4 October 1988, converted to elderly housing.22 East End Junior High School opened in September 1929 with 1,021 white students transferred from Bellevue Junior High School. In October 1958, the elementary grades were transferred from Nathaniel Bacon and the school closed June 1959. All of the pupils were transferred to Robert Fulton, , Chandler and John Marshall schools. The school reopened in September 1959, as black Junior High, with grades seven to eight and 252 students. The building was damaged by a fire in 1964, was repaired and continued to operate until June 1991 when its programs merged with Mosby Middle School. In 1992, the building was renovated for use as a school and reopened as Onslow Minnis Middle School.23

Architects and Builders NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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The City of Richmond began requiring building permits in 1907, which offers a unique opportunity to identify the architects and builders of the dwellings, stores, schools and churches located in the Oakwood-Chimborazo Historic District. Some of the architects and builders identified are among Richmond’s best-known and most prolific designers, like D. Wiley Anderson, Charles M. Robinson, father and son architects Carl and Max Ruehrmund, and the firm of Carneal & Johnston. Perhaps best known for his designs of grand houses on , David Wiley Anderson (1864- 1940) was a self-taught architect who established his practice in Richmond around 1895. For a brief period in 1908 he was associated with Isaac T. Skinner, and in 1922 he moved his practice to Scottsville, Virginia. During his prolific career he designed “hundreds of buildings of various kinds and too numerous to mention.”24 Within the district, the design of Broaddus Memorial Church (1911), six residences in the 500-block of North 30th Street (1910), and 1204-1208 Oakwood Avenue (1909)25 are attributed to D. Wiley Anderson teamed with builder A. B. Hubbard on all of these projects.

Charles Morrison Robinson (1867-1932), a noted architect of school and university buildings, was born in Hamilton, Virginia and studied architecture under D. S. Hopkins of Grand Rapids, Michigan, and under John K. Peebles of Norfolk, Virginia. In 1906, Robinson established his office in Richmond after a brief practice in Pittsburgh. Robinson designed school buildings throughout Virginia and was considered the architect for the Richmond public school system. Robinson also prepared site plans and designed buildings at the College of William and Mary, Mary Washington College, and at Virginia State, James Madison and Radford universities.26 He designed two public buildings in the Oakwood- Chimborazo Historic District – Thomas Branch Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church (1927) and the East End Junior High School (1928).

Carl August Ruehrmund (1855-1927) a native of Berlin, Germany, studied architecture and civil engineering at the Royal Academy of Architecture in Berlin. Ruehrmund immigrated to the United States in 1881 and arrived in Richmond in 1882 to supervise the construction of the additions to the Custom House and Post Office. He was briefly associated with Albert Lybrock and later with Albert Huntt. Many of his commissions were for the Phillips family, who were among Richmond’s most active real estate developers.27 Carl Ruehrmund designed the Chimborazo School annex in 1910 and a residence in the 1400 block of Oakwood Avenue in 1911. Max Ruehrmund studied engineering at the Virginia Military Institute and was associated with his father as Ruehrmund & Son between 1916 and 1919. From 1918 to 1925, Max was identified as the developer of several apartment buildings in the city and was often listed as the owner, contractor and architect. In the Oakwood-Chimborazo Historic District he designed two groupings of apartment buildings in the 700 block of Chimborazo Boulevard (1923) and the 3100 block of E. Leigh Street (1919). He also designed a series of frame dwellings in the 1000 block of Oakwood Avenue (1925).

The firm of Carneal and Johnston represents the partnership of William Leigh Carneal (1881-1958) and James Markham Ambler Johnston (1885-1974) that was formed in 1907 and continued posthumously into the 1990s. “A 1957 newspaper article estimated that Carneal and Johnston had NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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designed 1,334 commercial and public structures.”28 The firm designed the Nathaniel Bacon School (1914) and a dwelling at 3208 E. Broad Street (1909). Builders John T. Nuckols and Fox and Sons are associated with these projects, respectively.

Lesser-known architects whose designs are seen in the Oakwood-Chimborazo Historic district are Herbert Levi Cain, W. A. Childrey, Beaufort N. Eubank, Charles H. Fisher, Bascomb J. Rowlett, E. A. and H. C. Smith, Isaac W. Throckmorton, and Peter J. White. Herbert Levi Cain (1888-ca 1960), born in Harrington, Delaware, received his architecture degree through International Correspondence School courses. He had arrived in Richmond around 1908 where he served as a draftsman in the offices of Scarborough & Howell. For a brief period he was associated with D. Wiley Anderson and in 1911 he joined with Clarence E. Anderson and Allan T. Shepherd to form Anderson, Cain and Shepherd.29 By 1927, he largely dedicated his practice to church work. Cain is credited with the design of Apostolic Church and Oakwood Avenue Baptist Church. In 1909 and 1910, Wayne Aubrey Childrey designed two residences, 1221 Oakwood Avenue and one in the 300 block of North 33rd Street, within the district. Between 1910-1913, he teamed with Roy T. Sunday. The firm of Childrey & Sunday is credited with the design of a dwelling in the 300 block of Chimborazo Boulevard. The architects worked with builders H. E. Mills, J. St. Murman and W. S. Spires.

The design of 3009-3011 M Street in 1908 and 3001–3007 M Street in 1909 is attributed to Beaufort N. Eubank. On one of the building permits, Eubank was listed as a draftsman for Carl Ruehrmund. He also worked as a draftsman in the office of George R. Ragan during 1914-1915 and in 1920 formed a partnership with James A. W. Caldwell in Roanoke.30 George N. Skelton, a carpenter, whose address is shown as 1407 North 29th Street was listed as the builder for both properties. Charles H. Fisher, a freight clerk for the C & O Railroad commenced his architectural practice in Richmond by 1906. From 1910-1911 he ran the Richmond office of Hill C. Linthicum, established North Carolina architects as C. H. Fisher & Company. He was also associated for a short period with Charles G. Rabenstein.31 In 1910, he designed a stable for 3102 E. Broad Street and a dwelling at 3400 Q Street. For these projects he worked with builders J. T. Nuckols and Jesse W. Hall.

Bascom J. Rowlett, the designer of a wide variety of buildings conducted an active architectural practice in Richmond between 1909 and 1940.32 For a time he was associated with Albert Hunt. The M. G. Billup residence at 3406 E. Broad Street is attributed to Rowlett. Edward A. Smith had an active career in Richmond as an architect and contractor between 1910 and 1920. Between 1911 and 1912, his company was listed as E. A. & H. C. Smith, which is when he designed the dwelling at 416 North 32nd Street with T. C. Swann as the builder.33 In 1908, Isaac W. Throckmorton was vice- president of the Mutual Insurance Company of Richmond and between 1908 and 1916 had an active architectural practice.34 Throckmorton is the architect of record for two dwellings in the district – 503 North 31st Street and 501 North 32nd Street. The builders for these dwellings were H. E. Mills and R. A. Throckmorton. Peter J. White designed the U. S. Weather Bureau Building at 3201 E. Broad NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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Street in 1909. White, a native of Albemarle County, Virginia had an active practice in Richmond, from 1871-1913, as an architect and contractor under the name of P. J. White & Son.35

Two large property owners in the district are listed as the architect, builder and owner for numerous projects in the district. Thirty-fifth Street north of P Street carried the name of L. H. Dickerson, a prominent landowner, for many years. Dickerson is listed as architect and builder on four permits issued in the Oakwood section of the district between 1910 and 1911. He also worked with builder C. C. Taylor. Samuel P. Cowardin (1862-1942) owned the majority of the land east of North 35th Street between Broad and R streets. For many years, R Street between Oakwood Avenue and North 38th was known as Cowardin Street. Samuel P. Cowardin was born in 1862, at Terrace Springs in , now a Northside Richmond neighborhood. His father, William L. Cowardin, was the president of the Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Company and a leader in the insurance business. Samuel left Richmond for a period to attend school, receiving a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Virginia, and to work. He returned to Richmond in 1896 as Chief Engineer of the Richmond Traction Company. In 1899 he was promoted to Superintendent and was in charge of the construction of the Oakwood and Hollywood branch of the traction line. After 1902, when the Richmond Traction Company merged into the Virginia Passenger and Power Company, Cowardin listed his occupation as contractor. He is listed as the architect, builder and owner on seventeen building permits issued between 1907 and 1911, which included his personal residence at 901 North 36th Street. A Richmond newspaper article, ca. 1904, gives the following description of Mr. Cowardin and his endeavors:

“…passage by the City Council last week of an ordinance …opening up 34th Street … will bring into the market a most beautiful piece of property .. now known as the ‘Cowardin District.’ The district is named for Mr. Samuel Cowardin, a gentleman who, for the past eight years, in a quiet but very steady way, has been active in bringing the East End to public notice. At his own expense he has laid off streets, planted trees and built houses. He has erected something like a hundred houses, which have been rented to people of small means. Mr. Cowardin is an expert civil engineer and a believer in Richmond realty … he gave up a most lucrative governmental position to come to Richmond from Washington and develop the East End. For eight years he has been plugging away on his own ideas, and now he is the mainstay of something of a town of his own.”36

The Fulton Brick Works is one of two manufacturing companies listed on building permits as the architect, builder and owner. In 1907, the Fulton Brick Works built the dwelling at 620 North 32nd Street. The other company, Montague Manufacturing Company, is listed on building permits for five frame bungalows at 801-809 Chimborazo Boulevard in 1926 and for the Linwood C. Powers NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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residence at 616 North 35th Street in 1929. Montague Manufacturing Company was located at the corner of 9th and Arch streets, and listed in period directories as the makers of “sash, blinds, doors, dressed lumber, mouldings, stairwork and mantels.”

The following architects and builders were listed on permits but little else was learned about them. The most prolific of these was John T. J. Melton, who was listed as both architect and builder on over eighteen permits. Architects requiring further research are: George C. Cohen, H. T. Hanes, J. D. Tyler, George B. Jones, Jr., J. W. Clary, Roscoe C. McGiffin, C. W. Nicholson, Richmond Blue Print, and H. H. Wright. Builders for whom little information was discovered include: Bialkowski Brothers, F. H. Boatwright, J. Gerhard Boehling, R. D. Bowles, Gebberd Bucher, James Carr, J. E. Collins, Davis Brothers, Walter T. Davis, George A. Dietrick, Walter Douglas, George W. Ellis, Jr., Allen B. Ferguson, James H. Flippin, James H. Goddin, James M. Graves, S. H. Hawes and Company, William W. Hope, J. H. Moran, Rudd and Ferguson, Spicer and Atkinson, and John R. Tedford.

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Dabney, Virginius. Richmond: The Story of a City. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1992.

Davis, Veronica. Here I Lay My Burdens Down : A History of the Black Cemeteries of Richmond, Virginia. Richmond: The Dietz Press, 2003.

Deierhoi, William H., Sentelle, Sam P., Bradford, Doris A. & Callihan, Shirley L. A Mini-history of the 1869 – 1992. Richmond: School Board, October 1992.

“Division of Richard Adams’ Estate”, plat, no date, Library of Virginia, Manuscript Collection.

Gold, Michael W. Survey of Neighborhoods and Structures Church Hill Area, Richmond, Virginia. Richmond: Historic Richmond Foundation, 1980.

McGraw, Marie Tyler. At The Falls: Richmond, Virginia & Its People. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1994.

Richmond (Va.) Council, Richmond at War; the minutes of the City Council, 1861-1865. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1966.

Richmond City, Office of Building Inspection. Building Permits and Drawings, 1907-1976. Richmond: The Library of Virginia, Accession #37533, microfilm reels 275, 277, 279, 281, 283, 285.

Richmond Times Dispatch, 17 October 1861, p. 2, column 4.

Richmond Times Dispatch, 2 August 1896, p. 6, columns 1-3.

Salmon, John. History of Oakwood Confederate Cemetery. Richmond: Department of Historic Resources, 1997.

Scott, Mary Wingfield. Houses of Old Richmond. New York: Bonanza Books, 1941.

Scott, Mary Wingfield. Old Richmond Neighborhoods. Richmond: William Byrd Press, Inc., 1984.

Silver, Christopher. Twentieth-Century Richmond: Planning, Politics, and Race, Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1984.

Ward, Harry M. Richmond: An Illustrated History. Northridge: Windsor Publications, Inc., 1985.

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Wells, John E., & Dalton, Robert E. The Virginia Architects 1835 – 1955: A Biographical Dictionary. Richmond: New South Architectural Press, 1997.

Geographical Data

UTM References, continued

4 18 289180 4156690 5 18 289130 4156050 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 6 18 288330 4156510 7 18 287940 4156450 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 8 18 288120 4156220 9 18 287860 4156170 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 10 18 287800 4156340 11 18 287600 4156090 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 12 18 287710 4155980 13 18 287490 4155710 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 14 18 287180 4156110 15 18 287250 4155600 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 16 18 287120 4155620 17 18 287140 4155570 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 18 18 286820 4155460 19 18 286620 4155730 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 20 18 286820 4155990 21 18 286740 4156050 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 22 18 286880 4156190 23 18 286780 4156340 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 24 18 286880 4156480 25 18 287280 4156290 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 26 18 287280 4156330 27 18 287340 4156600 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 28 18 287440 4156590 29 18 287540 4156630 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 30 18 287630 4156670 31 18 287740 4156640 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 32 18 287950 4156690 33 18 288110 4156580 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 34 18 287920 4156840 35 18 287730 4156870 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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36 18 287900 4157130 37 18 288000 4157120 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 38 18 287940 4157470 Zone Easting Northing

Verbal Boundary Description

Beginning at a point at the intersection of the alley between East Broad and East Marshall streets and North 32nd Street then northwest along the alley to North 31st Street; then northeast along North 31st Street to East Clay Street; then northwest along East Clay Street to the alley between North 30th and North 31st streets; then northeast along the alley to the southeast corner of parcel E0000633022 (507 North 30th Street); then northwest along the parcel line to North 30th Street; then northeast along North 30th Street to the southeast corner of parcel E0000574006 (518 North 30th Street); then northwest along the parcel line to the alley between North 29th and North 30th streets; then northeast along the alley, crossing East Leigh Street to the southern side of parcel E0000573028; then southeast along the parcel line to the southwest corner of parcel E0000573027 (600 North 30th Street); then following the rear parcel lines to the southwest corner of parcel E0000573011 (630 North 30th Street); then southeast along parcel line to North 30th Street; then northeast along North 30th Street to M Street; then southeast along M Street to the alley between North 32nd and North 33rd streets; then north along alley to the southwest corner of parcel E0000807010 (3215 N Street); then northwest along parcel line to the southwest corner of parcel E0000807008 (3213 N Street); then northeast along the parcel line to N Street; then southeast along N Street to alley between North 33rd and Chimborazo Boulevard; then northeast along the alley to the southeast corner of parcel E0000880021 (811 North 33rd Street); then northwest along the parcel line to North 33rd Street; then northeast along North 33rd Street to the southeast corner of parcel E0000806001 (816 North 33rd Street); then northwest along the parcel line to the southwest corner of parcel E0000806001 (816 North 33rd Street); then northeast along parcel line to O Street; then northwest on O Street to North 32nd Street; then northeast along North 32nd Street to P Street; then southeast along P Street to North 33rd Street; then northeast along North 33rd Street to the alley between P and Q streets; then southeast along the alley to the southwest corner of parcel E0000878009 (1010 Oakwood Avenue); then northeast along the parcel line to the northwest corner of parcel E0000878001 (3315 Q Street); then continuing northeast across Q Street to the southwest corner of parcel E0000877011 (3316 Q Street); then northeast along the parcel line to the alley between Q and R streets; then southeast along the alley to North 34th Street; then northeast along North 34th Street to R Street; then southeast on R Street to the alley between North 34th Street and Oakwood Avenue; then northeast along the alley to the alley between R and S streets; then northwest along the alley to 34th Street; then northeast along 34th Street to S Street; then southeast along S Street to alley between T and Melton streets; then northeast along the alley to Canepa Street; then south along Canpea Street to the alley at the rear of the 1500 block of Oakwood Avenue; then northeast along the alley to the intersection with parcel E0003312003 (Oakwood Hebrew Cemetery); then following the parcel line to the north NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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and northwest to the intersection with parcel E0003312002 (Oakwood Cemetery); then following the boundary as it meanders to the intersection with parcel E0003307004 (Evergreen Cemetery); then following the parcel line north to its intersection with the City corporation line; then following the City corporation line to the south and east to the intersection with parcel E0003307004 (Evergreen Cemetery); then meandering with the parcel line to East Richmond Road; then northwest along East Richmond Road to the alley between North 35th and North 36th streets; then southwest along the alley to Briel Street; then southeast on Briel Street to North 36th Street; then southwest on North 36th Street to the southwest corner of parcel E0001544024 (1506 North 36th Street); then northwest along parcel line to the alley between North 35th and North 36th streets; then southwest along the alley to the northeast corner of parcel E0001408029 (1226 North 36th Street); then southeast along the parcel line to North 36th Street; then northeast along North 36th Street to the northeast corner of parcel E0001410016 (1233 North 36th Street); then southeast to the alley between North 36th and North 37th streets; then southwest along the alley to the northeast corner of parcel E0001410027 (1230 North 37th Street); then southeast along the parcel line to North 37th Street; then southwest along North 37th Street to the northeast corner of parcel E0001411012 (1223 North 37th Street); then southeast along the parcel line to the alley between North 37th and North 38th streets; then northeast along the alley to northeast corner of parcel E0001411029 (1222 North 38th Street); then southeast along the parcel line to North 38th Street; then northeast along North 38th Street to Canepa Street; then northwest along Canepa Street to the alley between North 37th and North 38th streets; then northeast along the alley to the northeast corner of parcel E0001766046 (320 North 38th Street); then southeast along the parcel line to North 38th Street; then southwest on North 38th Street to northeast corner of parcel E0001767008 (1313 North 38th Street); then southeast along the parcel line to the alley; then southwest along the alley to the southwest corner of parcel E0001768002 (1203 North 38th Street); then northwest along the parcel line, crossing North 38th Street, to the southwest corner of parcel E0001411041 (1200 North 38th Street); then northwest along the parcel line to the alley between North 37th and North 38th streets; then northeast along the alley to the southwest corner of parcel E0001411009 (1217 North 37th Street); then northwest along the parcel line to North 37th Street; then southwest along North 37th Street to R Street; then northwest along R Street to alley between North 36th and North 37th streets; then southwest along the alley to P Street; then southeast along P Street to the alley between North 37th and North 38th streets; then southwest along the alley to Cedar Street; then southeast along Cedar Street to North 39th Street; then southwest along 39th Street to Crestview Road; then northwest along Crestview Road to southeast corner of parcel E0001283030 (3701 Crestview Road); then southwest along parcel and then turning northwest along the parcel line to the alley; then northeast along the alley to M Street; then northwest along M Street to the northeast corner of parcel E0001114004 (3519 M Street); then southwest along the parcel line to the alley between parcels E0001114001 thru E0001114004 (3513 thru 3519 M Street) and parcel E0001114005; then northwest along the alley to the alley between North 35th and North 36th Streets; then southwest along the alley to East Leigh Street; then northwest along East Leigh Street to Chimborazo Boulevard; then southwest along Chimborazo Boulevard to the alley between Leigh and Clay streets; then southeast along the alley crossing North 35th Street to the northeast corner of NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

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parcel E0001116020 (3520 East Clay Street); then southwest along the parcel line crossing Clay Street to the northeast corner of parcel E0001116010 (3510 East Clay Street); then southwest along the parcel line the alley between East Clay and East Marshall streets; then northwest along the alley to North 35th Street; then southwest along North 35th Street to East Marshall Street; then southeast along East Marshall Street to northeast corner of parcel E0001288006 (3611 East Marshall Street); then southeast along the parcel line to the alley between East Marshall and East Broad streets, crossing the alley to the northeast corner of parcel E0001288011 (3626 East Broad Street); then southeast along the east side of parcels E0001288010 and E0001288008; then crossing East Broad Street to the northeast corner of parcel E00011290016 (3629 East Broad Street); then southwest along the parcel line to Government Road; then west-southwest along Government Road to the northeast corner of parcel E0000735001 (Chimborazo Park); then meandering with the parcel line to the intersection of East Broad and North 32nd streets; and then northeast along North 32nd Street to the beginning.

Boundary Justification

The above described boundaries were established to capture the highest number of contributing properties with similar development periods and architectural character. The north and south boundaries were established by three large landscape features – Chimborazo Park to the south and Oakwood and Evergreen cemeteries to the north. The eastern boundary is defined by rugged terrain and undeveloped land, the majority of which is occupied by the City Landfill. The western boundary was established by the existing St. John’s Church Historic District, the Church Hill North Historic District and the George Mason Redevelopment area. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet

Section number 11 Page 164

Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Photographic Index

The following information is the same for all photographs:

Property: Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District Location: Richmond, Virginia Photographer: Kimberly M. Chen Date: 16 December 2003 Negatives File: Virginia Department of Contributing Resources 2801 Kensington Avenue Richmond, Virginia Negative Number: 20570

1 of 12: 3300 Block East Broad Street

2 of 12: 600 Block Chimborazo Boulevard

3 of 12: 600 Block of North 35th Street

4 of 12: 600 Block of North 35th Street

5 of 12: 709 Chimborazo Boulevard

6 of 12: 3213 – 3215 N Street

7 of 12: 1100 North 35th Street

8 of 12: 700 Block of Chimborazo Boulevard

9 of 12: East End Junior High (Onslow Minnis Middle School), 707 North 37th Street

10 of 12: Oakwood Cemetery, 3101 Nine Mile Road

11 of 12: Evergreen Cemetery, 3600 East Richmond Road

12 of 12: 3201 East Broad Street, Chimborazo Park and Civil War Medical Museum

NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet

Section number 11 Page 165

Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

End Notes

1 “Division of Richard Adams’ Estate”, plat, no date, Library of Virginia, Manuscript Collection

2 Mary Wingfield Scott, Old Richmond Neighborhoods (Richmond: William Byrd Press, Inc., 1984), p. 19

3 Scott, Neighborhoods, p. 19

4 Veronica A. Davis, Here I Lay My Burdens Down: A History of Black Cemeteries of Richmond, Virginia (Richmond: The Dietz Press, 2003), p. 29.

5 Richmond Times Dispatch, 2 August 1896, p. 6, columns 1-3

6 Scott, Houses, p. 14

7 “Division of Richard Adams’ Estate”, plat, no date, Library of Virginia, Manuscript Collection

8 Michael W. Gold, Survey of Neighborhoods and Structures Church Hill Area, Richmond, Virginia (Richmond: Historic Richmond Foundation, 1980), p. 3.

9 Harry M. Ward, Richmond: An Illustrated History (Northridge: Windsor Publications, Inc., 1985), p. 55.

10 Virginius Dabney, Richmond: The Story of a City (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1992), p.165.

11 Richmond Times Dispatch, 17 October 1861, p. 2, column 4

12 Richmond Times Dispatch, 2 August 1896, p. 6, columns 1-3

13 Richmond (Va.) Council, Richmond at War; the minutes of the City Council, 1861-1865. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1966), 111.

14 Ibid, p. 220, 262

15 John Salmon, History of Oakwood Confederate Cemetery (Richmond: Department of Historic Resources, 1997), p. 4.

16 Gold, p. 31

17 Marie Tyler McGraw, At The Falls: Richmond, Virginia & Its People (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1994), p. 170.

18 Veronica Davis, Here I Lay My Burdens Down : A History of the Black Cemeteries of Richmond, Virginia (Richmond: The Dietz Press, 2003), p. 29.

19 Ward, p. 153.

20 Christopher Silver, Twentieth-Century Richmond: Planning, Politics, and Race, (Knoxville: The University of Tennessee NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86)

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet

Section number 11 Page 166

Oakwood – Chimborazo Historic District (127-0821) Richmond (Independent City), VA

Press, 1984), 40-42

21 William H. Deierhoi, Sam P. Sentelle, Doris A. Bradford, & Shirley L. Callihan, A Mini-history of the Richmond Public Schools 1869 – 1992, (Richmond: School Board, October 1992), p. 59.

22 Ibid, p. 17

23 Ibid, p. 74

24 Wells, Virginia Architects, p. 6

25 Three of the dwellings in the 500 block of North 30th Street have been demolished. D. Wiley Anderson also designed 3 buildings in the 700-block of North 30th Street and a dwelling at 1212 North 32nd Street, which are all just outside the district.

26 Wells, Virginia Architects, p. 377-378

27 Ibid, p. 392-393

28 Ibid, p. 67

29 Ibid, p. 61

30 Ibid, p. 133

31 Ibid, p. 146

32 Ibid, p. 391

33 Ibid, p. 419

34 Ibid, p. 447

35 Ibid, p. 477

36 Biography file, Valentine Museum I :c-- 1 MILE . . ROAD CL\SSIFICATION % @ 3 . .. . *&, . . Heavy-duty...... Light-duty "e99 Medium-duty -Unimproved dirt ======. - /f'-'jt. '0interstate Route 0 U. S. Route 0 State Route X= . . I- QUADRANGLE LOCATION 4-& n -? r=d s-4

Revisions shown in purple compiled in cooperation with 1 m .. Commonwealth of Virginia agencies from aerial photographs RICHMOND, VA. P= 092, taken 1989 and other sources. This information not 37077-E4-TF-024 .field checked. Map edited 1994 . . 1964 Information shown in purple may not meet'u~~~content standards and may conflict with previously mapped contours REVISED 1994 EH =>I--- :)MA 5559 111 SW-SERIES V834 (r Purple tint indicates extension of,. urban. areas