Reef Corals in the Netherlands Antilles By
Ecological aspects of the distribution of reef corals in the Netherlands Antilles by Rolf P. M. Bak Caribbean Marine Biological Institute, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles Abstract INTRODUCTION The vertical and horizontal of the distribution patterns The Netherlands Antilles consist of two groups of of corals and coral reefs (to a depth of 90 m) are dis- islands: the Leeward Group of Aruba, Bonaire and cussed in relation the environmental factors: to geomor- Curaçao and the Windward Group of St. Martin, phology of the bottom, available substrate, light, tur- St. Eustatius and Saba inset in fig. 1). Most bidity, sedimentation, water movement and temperature. (see of the research coral has been done in There is a general pattern which is comparable to other on reefs well-developed Caribbean reefs. However, as in other the Curaçao, with some attention being paid to areas variations are found, e.g. the depth and growth reefs of Aruba and Bonaire. The marine habitats form of Acropora palmata will depend on the degree of of the Windward are unstudied. There correla- Group relatively exposure to water movement. are strong show Leeward tions between the environmental variables and the oc- The few explorations made, the currence of coral species and their growth form, the Group of islands to be much richer in reef develop- species composition of coral communities and the charac- ment (and in speoies diversity) than St. Martin, St. ter of the coral reef. In some cases the relationship is not Eustatius and Saba. that obvious. The absence of Agaricia species at certain The factors coral distribution are points along the coast of Aruba and the dominance of governing Sargassum on the deep bottom at some places along the well known and include: light, sedimentation, wa- windward coast of Curaçao is not yet explained.
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