The Cathedral Courier Weekly Bulletin for the Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Wheeling, West Virginia
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The Cathedral Courier Weekly Bulletin for the Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Wheeling, West Virginia Vol. 6, No. 28 June 4 2017 | Pentecost Sunday Come, Holy Spirit oday we cel- gifts we have received. Tebrate the Feast He points out that of Pentecost, which each of us has received is significant to that gift, but acknowl- us as Catholics in edges that the gift we multiple ways. It marks receive may vary in the completion of our some ways. Neverthe- Easter season, but it is less, all of our gifts also known to many combined make up the as the birthday of the Body of the Church. Church. We recall that Every gift and every it began with Jesus call- one of us is impor- ing to His Apostles to tant in the eyes of God “Follow me.” Now and important to the some three years later the happenings on this day. It was on health of the Church. The Holy Lord sends them out filled this day that the Holy Spirit was Spirit is always present in us but with the Holy Spirit to preach gifted to Jesus’ followers and sometimes it may be more ap- the “Good News.” Through- on this day we received parent both to us and to others. out His ministry Jesus the gifts of the Holy Spir- We must understand that the prepared His followers for this it, which allow us to live, gifts we have received are in- moment, as it was clear He in- proclaim, and model a Christian tended to benefit all, not just us. tended to give them the au- way of life. We hear that “they Pentecost falls 50 days after thority to build the Church were all together in one Easter. Our Gospel Reading from and to do His work The Lord place” when this occurred. St. John records the first time Jesus breathed on them granting That is what we do when we appeared to His Apostles after the them the Holy Spirit, just as gather, and that is what we are Resurrection, in other words on God breathed life into the first doing at this moment. At Mass Easter Sunday. Just as today we are humans during creation. Thus, we share gifts, espe- reminded of our call, so we are this was a moment of re-cre- cially the gift of the through this reading. Jesus says, ation. St. John Chrysostom Eucharist, but we also share a love “As the Father has sent me, so I pointed to Pentecost as the for God, a trust in the Lord. send you.” We have been given a time when those who follow We, too, are filled with the Spir- mission to continue the work of Jesus (which includes each of it. However, before we can be Christ here and now. Every time us), paralleled Moses when he filled, we must recognize and we gather for Mass and receive came down from the mountain acknowledge our emptiness. Christ through the Eucharist we carrying tablets of stone in his We gather together to wor- should have awareness and an hands, the Ten Commandments. ship, to pray, in obedience. understanding of that mission. St. John Chrysostom said, “The By being here we accept the When we leave here today, when- Apostles came down from the fact that we need the guid- ever we go out in the world, we mountain carrying the Holy ance and help and strength of are to share and spread the Good Spirit in their hearts. They were a the Lord to carry out our mis- News. Let us pray that Holy living law, living tablets.” That sion. We have to rely on God. Spirit may empower us to be should be true of us as well. St. Paul, in the Second Reading faithful disciples and go forth The First Reading today from the from his First Letter to the Cor- each and every day and carry out Acts of the Apostles reports the inthians, speaks of the spiritual the mission of the Church. ¦ The Cathedral of Saint Joseph extends prayers and congratulations ThisAt The Cathedral Week to Rev. Mr. Martin Smay, who was ordained a transitional deacon vvvvv on Saturday, June 3. Please keep Deacon Smay in your prayers as he advances towards the Priesthood. SUN PENTECOST Also, please remember to pray for all of our seminarians 4 (Sat) 6:00 pm Mass for Marty Purpura and in particular for an increase of vocations 8:00 am Mass for the Parishioners to the priesthood and religious life. 10:30 am Mass for Sophie Moses MON Saint Boniface, bishop, martyr The Women’s Faith Sharing Gathering 5 12:05 pm Mass for Virginia Snyder for this month is scheduled for Friday, June 9 in the Cathedral parish office at 1:00 p.m., following the Noon Mass and Chaplet of Divine Mercy. TUE Saint Norbert, bishop 6 If you have any questions, would like to learn more, or have 12:05 pm Mass for Mary Lavern Monnes any special prayer requests, please call Diane at (304) 233-8574. WED Ninth Week in Ordinary Time 7 Congratulations to Father Robert Park 12:05 pm Mass for Dr. Joseph J. Agresta who celebrated his 60th Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood on June 1. THU Ninth Week in Ordinary Time May God continue to bless him in his priestly ministry and service 8 12:05 pm Mass for Theresa Shutler in the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston. FRI Saint Ephrem, deacon, doctor of the Church 9 11:15 am Confessions 12:05 pm Mass for the Manning Family 1:00 pm Women’s Faith Group (Parish Offices) “Give your Hands to Serve SAT Ninth Week in Ordinary Time “Give your Hands to Serve 10 Blessed Virgin Mary and your Hearts to Love” and your Hearts to Love” 9:00 am Mass for the Moran Family 9:30 am Rosary 110 Parishes and Missions 5:00 pm Confessions 110 Parishes and Missions 89 Diocesan Priests 6:00 pm Mass for the Parishioners 89 Diocesan Priests 8 Seminarians 8 Seminarians Over 73,000 Registered Catholics Over 73,000 Registered Catholics 5,506 Catholic School Students SUN THE MOST HOLY TRINITY 5,506 Catholic School Students Over 4,450 Students Enrolled in PSR 11 Over 4,450 Students Enrolled in PSR 8:00 am Mass for Sophie Moses Over 68,000 People Served Through CCWVa Over 68,000 People Served Through CCWVa 10:30 am Mass for Hugh J. Reddy 21 Community Outreach Offices 21 Community Outreach Offices Baptisms during Mass vvvvv PO Box 230, Wheeling, WV 26003 PO Box 230, Wheeling, WV 26003 304-233-0880 304-233-0880 2 June 4, 2017 - June is the Month of the Sacred Heart - In your charity, please keep in your prayers: On the Friday following the Solemnity of the Most Holy Annie Midcap, Arthur Danehart, Austin Cook, Body and Blood of Christ, we celebrate the Solemnity of Barb Mazzocca, Betty Teater, Bob Armstrong, Bob Jones, the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Because this solemnity usu- Brogan Gallentine, Caleb Hlebiczki, Charles Heizer, ally falls in June, this month is also known as the “Month of Children of the Youth Services System, Chuck Fair, the Sacred Heart.” Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is Darleen Williams, David A. Kress, Jr., Dustin Ronevich, all about pondering Christ’s love and meditating on Christ’s Eva Wood, Father Joseph Wilhelm, Frank Davis, suffering for our salvation. Fred Herink, Gail Koch, George Kirchner, Haley Carter, O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, Hines Rotriga, James Benner, James Midcap, make our hearts like unto thine! Jane Rudari, Marlene Martin, Janet Cupp, Janie, Jean and Chuck Schultz, Jim and Dee, Jimmy Hocking, Jon-Michael Lasher, Judy Pack, Julia Sheets, Kathy Cooley, Kermit Klosterman, Liam Manning, Thank you to the Cathedral Choir Lukie Brown, Margaret Stocke, Mark Davis, for enhancing the Sacred Liturgy Martha Yocum, Mary Alice Florio, Mary Ann Fowler, through their beautiful voices and hard work. Henry Vogler, Mary K. Schlosser, Mary Shutler, It is with great anticipation that the parish Mary Walicki, Michael DeBlasis, Milissa Rose, looks forward to the choir’s return in the Fall. Milly Burke, Mona Wurtzbacher, Norma Bosold, Patricia Kaliscz, Pete Mack, R. J. Stocke, Richard Simon, Thank you to Dr. Michael Match, Rick Burgy, Rick South, Ron Hickman, Rosalie Davis, Director of Music, for his dedication and Sally Jochum, Sarah Hanasky, Sarah Sargent, service to the Cathedral and the Diocese Shawn Thomas, Shirley DeCaria, Stanley Kyrc, Stephanie Bugaj, Susan Graff, Susan Mize, during this past year. Susan Schulte, Thelma Pearson, Thomas Griffith May God bless and guide him in all his future endeavors. Sunday Mass The Knights of Columbus Carroll Council 504 from the Cathedral would like to extend their heartfelt appreciation is broadcast each week on Sundays at to all those who contributed 11:00 a.m. on Channel 4 (ABC Ohio Valley). to the Baby Bottle Campaign. The Cathedral raised over $2,000, In addition, a recording of the Mass which benefits Pro-Life activities from the previous Sunday is available throughout the area. for viewing online throughout the week at Wisdom from the Saints “The Spirit restores paradise to us and the way to heaven and adoption as children of God; he instills confidence that we may call God truly Father and grants us the grace of Christ to be children of the light and to enjoy eternal glory. In a word, he bestows the fullness of blessings in this world and the next; for we may contemplate now in the mirror of faith the promised things we shall someday enjoy.