OLORADO CATHOLICS NUMBERED at 136,664 MIGNON’ to BE GIVEN Contents Copyrighted— Permission to Reproduce Given After 12 M
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SISKS';.''*- M i i . W OLORADO CATHOLICS NUMBERED AT 136,664 MIGNON’ TO BE GIVEN Contents Copyrighted— Permission to Reproduce Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue GAIN CHECKED ONDAY AND TUESDAY BY MEXICANS’ lAT CITY AUDITORIUM DENVER CATHOLIC RETURN HOME presentation Is Annual Benefit Staged by Church More Than Holds Own in Face of Knights of Columbus for New Bishop of Depression— No Schools in Catholic Charities REGISTER Diocese Closed Music lovers of Denver wilf receive a rare treat on Figures given in The Official Catholic Directory for llonday and Tuesday nights, May 1 and 2, when the grand Syracuse Named The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Servfte Supplies The Denver Catholic Register, We Have 1933, published by P. J. Kenedy & Sons, New York, show I pera, “ Mignon,” will bfe staged at the Municipal audito- Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, and Seven Smaller Services, that in the past year the Diocese of Denver has more than lium under the direction of the Right Rev. Msgr. Joseph Newark Vicar General to kept its own in the face of disheartening material difficul liosetti, y . G. After more than two months of arduous Be Ordinary of New VOL. XXVIII. No. 37. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, APR. 27, 1933. $2 PER YEAR ties. There has been a tremendous increase in attendance Iractice, in which both principals and chorus have spent Ybrk See at devotions and in reception of the sacraments, as was Jours of preparation, the. production is now ready for shown by the report in The Register last week of the num Itaging. With Msgr. Bosetti as the director, the opera is Washington. — The Rt, Rev. Fr. Burke Received by President bers present at Easter Masses and the many who received jertain to be equal to the average high-class professional Msgr. John Aloysius Duffy, S.T.D., Communion. Figures for these activities are not given in I'resentation. Vicar General of the Diocese of Newark, has been appointed Bish the directory, but they form an important part of the ‘Mignon” is to be presented as the annual benefit op of Syracuse by Pope Pius XI, year’s record. leld under the auspices of the Denver Knights of Colum according to word received here The 30-Hour Week from the Holy See. The actual population is 136,644 this year, a drop of bus for the Catholic Charities. A . Secretary of Labor Frances splendid sale of tickets, which Msgr. Duffy will succeed the 1,183 from the figure of 137,827 Second Night Lead Most Rjev. Daniel J. Curley, third Perkins is waging so strong a fight of last year. If the exodus of were open for reservation since in behalf of the proposed 3Q-hour Bishop of Syracuse, who died Aug Mexicans, set a^ 5,000, be taken last Monday, has been reported, week, 6-hour day, legislation that ust 3, 1932. into account, there would be an and a capacity house is expected it is not at all improbable this C.D.ofA.toFonn Bi.shop-elect Duffy was born at actual increase of 3,817 apparent. for both evenings. All the boxes revolutionary working basis for have been sold, thirty-one for each Jersey City, N. J., October 29, Actually, 5,000 is a very conser 1884, the son of Patrick Joseph the American people will cease to vative figure. Officials who have evening, to leaders of Denver’s so become a dream and will develop ciety. More than 60 per cent of and Anna Maria (Smith) Dufl been engaged in the work of re He attended St. Bridget’s paroch- into a reality. Under Miss Perkins’ turning these people to their na Walsenburg Coyrt the boxes have been reserved by proposed revision of the Black bill, non-Catholic.s. ial school, Jersey City, and also tive land have claimed the number attended high school in hts native indu.stries would be permitted to to be easily 9,000. The complete cast of characters operate on a 40-hour-week basis Walsenburg.— A branch of the city. He later attended Seton Hall The number of secular priests and the personnel of the choruses college, from which he received for ten weeks in a year to meet Catholic Daughters of America, and dances follow: seasonal demands. While it was has increased from 119 to 122 and to be known as Our Lady of the Bachelor of Arts degree in of order priests from 114 to 121, Principals — May 1; Mignon, 1904. understood that the original idea Lourdes court, is to be installed Mrs. Catherine Anderson, mezzo of the bill was to affect industries making a total of ten more priests in Walsenburg in the very near Following studies' at the North serving the people in the diocese. soprano; Filina, Miss Mary Fig- American college in Rome, the alone. Miss Perkins this week ad future as the result of an organi gen, coloratura soprano; Wilhelm, vocated the inclusion of all work The number of churches remains zation meeting held in the school Bishop-elect of Syracuse was or the same, though there is one less Franklin' Barger, tenor; Lothario, dained to the priesthood on June ing people. hall last Sunday afternoon. Forty- Kenneth Nicolas, baritone; Laer The secretary of labor is with resident priest. Consolida five ladies were present at the 13, 1908, and received the degree tion of sparsely settled parishes tes, Henry Newhart, second tenor; Doctor of Sacred Theology. His backed up, to some extent, by the meeting to hear state officers of Frederick, Hazel Engle Youngs, American Federation of Labor and into one has been necessary be the Catholic Daughters explain first assignment following his or cause in hard times some poorer contralto; Giarno, George Ker- by a number of large industries the aims and functions o f the so dination was as an assistant at parishes have not been able to win, bass; Antonio, Joseph O’Neil, St. Mary’s church, Hoboken, N. J., whose normal payrolls reach vast ciety. The meeting •was honored b*ass. sums. President William Green of support a resident priest This by the presence of Mrs. Anna M. where he served from S ptember, figure f o r churches does not take Principals — May 2: Mignon, the labor federation split Wednes Fleming of Colorado Springs. Mrs. 1908, until July, 1909. In the in the mission chapel at Spring- Miss Margaret Drennon, mezzo latter year he was named profes day with the administration over Fleming is state regent. Mrs. Ellen a few features of the proposed field, blessed Saturday, April 22, McDonnell of Pueblo, state treas soprano; Filina, Miss Annie O’Neill, sor of Latin and English literature •by Bishop Vehr. coloratura soprano; Wilhelm, Ho at Seton Hall college, and also legislation, the most important urer, was also - present and ad mer Reid, tenor; Lothario, William became professor of (jhurch his being the minimum wage for men. In spite of a serious drop of dressed the meeting. Several other Trinnier, baritone; Laertes, Paul tory in the Diocesan seminary. Green fears, and probably rightly, revenue- in some cases, no school members from nearby courts were Harrington, second tenor; Fred Bishop-elect Duffy was named that the minimum wage fixed by has been forced to close. There in attendance. The Trinidad con erick, Margaret Seerie, contralto; Chancellor of the Diocese of New law would become the maximum are_ this year, as last, two colleges, tingent was led by Mrs. Adelina for the male workers., one' seminary, four academies for Giarno, Lancaster Smith, bass; ark in August, 1915, and h^ld that Gerardi, court regent. Antonio, Joseph O’Neil, bass. office until 1924, when he was ap “ Give us the right to organize,” young ladies and 48 parochial The preliminary organization Gypsy Chorus— Girls: Billie Ha- pointed Vicar General of the dio he declared, “ and we will right schools. A drop of pupils in acad' for Walsenburg lists twenty-six brel, Kathleen M. Devany, Cath cese. He was reappointed Vicar wages through the exercise of our emies and schools from 11,829 to tentative members. Mrs. Norman erine Lahr, Kathryn Olmstead, General by the Most Rev. Thomas economic strength. 'We favor a 11,443 is explainable, not only by E. Kastner was elected temporary the depression but also, as in the chairman. The permaneni organi (Turn to Page 7 — Column 2) J. W’alsh. law compelling employers to per r mit us to organize. We believe case of the drop in total popula zation will be formed at a meet that the minimum wage law would tion, by the return of Mexicans ing of the local ladies, to be held on the afternoon of Mother’s day. Mi(f Margaret Drennon, who become the snaximum. Wages to their native land. It is hard to get accurate figures on the exodus, The initiation ceremonies will be vill sing as Mignon the second would be pegged at a low level. CHURCHES HERE TO (Turn to Page 4 — Column 1) held f - latter pari of May. light of the opera at the Denver If the manufacturers who want to luditorium. pay fair wages •will withdraw ob jections to our organizing, we ■will MARK MOTHER’S HAY agree upon stable wages.” CLERGY CONFERENCE While on the face of things the 41 Will Be Qiven Degrees TO BE HELD TUESDAY Fathers and sons in virtually nation of the Blessed Virgin TKo Rev. Dr. John J, Burke, C, S, P., general secretary of the 30-hour -week seems to be so revo- National Catholic Welfare Conference, photographed outside the every parish in the city will honor Mary, Mother of God.