Caecilia V69n10 1942
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▲ 。 A MONTHLγ REV寒EW of L看TURGICAL MU§看C ∨O」.e9 N0.10 0C丁O甘駅, 1 94容 AIpha Time方a5 γ脇it5ぐ0研5e; TimぐiJ nO mOγe. 0mega C方γi5t a押ea∬細れ No卵方e e綿d o声ll tんingJ. Alpha T方e ∫aCγed tγum夕etち∫0〃ndi盤0解e mOγe T方e訪ant γ巌g fγOm l方e eaγtん Omega Call at la∫t tO Him T方o∫e嘱′方om He方a∫ γedeemed. AIpha Ang訪訪0 0解eんoγeIed T方c cγadlc o声方c C扇ld Omega No乃′ 5嬢諦んt方e ele`t T方e gloりO巨方e K読g. Symbolism of cover design 一一 ○ ○ ● ‾ 〇 ・_● 国堕壁回国囲 Administ「ation′ Information Established 1873 by John Singenberger Consulting Editor : Reverend Gregory Hugle, 0. S. B・, St. Francis Hospita.l, Maryville’Missouri Editor: Dom Emin VitryタO. S. B・, St・ Mary,s Insti調e’0’Fa.1lon, Missouri Publishers : McLaughlin 8c Reilly Co., 100 Boylston Street, Boston, M a.s sachusetts Editoria.1 O航ce : 3401 Arsenal Street, St. Louis, Missouri Business O航ce : Con te研5 100 Boylston Street, Boston’Ma.ssachusetts Pastoral Letter of the Most Reverend John Entered as second-Class ma.tter, October 20, 1931, Joseph Glennon, S. T. D., Archbishop of at the Post O航ce at Boston, Ma.ssa.chusetts, under St.Louis,OnChurchMusic . ・ the a.ct of Ma.rch 3, 1879. The EditorWrites . Fomerly published in St・ Francis, Wisconsin, now issued a.t Boston monthly except during the month A Short Sketch of the Archdiocese of July・ of St.Louis. Subscription弓2.うO per year, Payable in advance. Reγ. Ed卿′aγd Pγendeγga∫t Single copies,卸v3う・ Report on Sacred Music in the Archdiocese. Reγ.りlγe∫teγ I・丁ucたeγ CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE REVEREND EDWARD PRENDERGAST, Pastor of the Church The Present Status of che Musical Reform in of St. Liborius in St. Louis, a native of St. Louis which the Archdiocese . he loves and of which he has imbued the qualities. A Reγ. FγanCi∫ A. Bγumeγ, C. S. S. R. priest well-VerSed in ecclesiastical science, a beloved leader The St. Louis Organists’Guild . 豊,蕊豊蕊藷‡碧聖霊霊1豊‡ Claγe Hampto綿 and Gregorian restoration is most notable. He is also one of the three members of the Archdiocesan Commission of Educational Experiments in Sacred Music . Church Music. An〆ObJeγγeγ,, REVEREND SYLVESTER I. TucKER, nOW PaStOr Of Mary TheArchdiocesanChorus. .う14 護憲叢詩誌警護謹 Here-There-Everywhere . .う16 Opeγa iわCi綿でiわれati knowledge and his appreciation of music are wide’his Aγmγ GγO桝p∫ experience manifold, his acquaintances universal. He puts High-5chool of Bel′eγil′e, Ill・ all these advantages to the service of the musical cause 0γgan Recita吊γ Amedee丁γemblaγ with a zeal always seasoned with courtesy and distinction・ C噺0γd BemettわM拐′a長e REVEREND FRANCIS BRUNNER, C. S. S. R., a yOung NきIγ∫eJ Retγeat in Jan Fγa綿Ci∫CO member of the Redemptorist Order, Who achieved distinc一 Mγ. Goelzeγ Ag。iわ 議ご豊富蒜窪葦葦で霊,発雷霊 Cんoγi∫teγ∫ Of Fatheγ 0’Mallピッ TheNationalCa.mpalgn . ’. 三豊豊島h蒜霊霊h豊詩集講n慧 丁方e Editoγ Chant. Presently he presides at the meetings of the Organ- Readers,Comments . Pr謡謹告警S葦言霊空電悪意ists’Guild with great success; for he knows the art of Copyright 1942, by McLaughlin 8c Reilly Co., been wrltlng many yearS in Catholic magazines. Her obser- Boston, Massa.chusetts. Vations are those of a devoted member of the Organists’ Guild; and one likes at times to hear the voices from 付down below.,, Printed in the U. S. A. CAECILIA His Excellency, the Most Reverend John Joseph Glennon, S. T. D., Archbishop of St. Louis, Missouri Pq9e 290 PASTORAL LE丁丁ER ON CHURCH MUSIC GREETINGS AND BENEDICTION! 存Gloγγ tO God in tんe妬方e5ちand on音eaγt方 〆a`e tO meわOf good γill・,, (Lu太e ii 14) SO SANGTHE ANGELS iN THE WH看TE Patron of the Commi∫5ion, dedicating at the same light of the first Christmas moming, Praising God time the whole undertaking to the memory of Pope after “bγi”ging good毒ding∫ O圧γCat joγ t方at訪ul′ 6e Pius X. This beautiful of Saiわt Cecilia would to al′ tんe夕eoクle foγ訪∫ daγ i∫ boγn a 5aγiouγ,訪o be quite appropriate for an annual public demonstra- i∫ C方γi∫t訪e Loγd.,, Christma.stide, With a.11 its joy- tion of what is being done among us in the field of ousness, aPPearS an OPPOrtune OCCa.Sion for expressmg C短くγ訪MuJic. aga.1n Our Wish to see become a happy reality through- NEEDLESS TO SAyI THE WHOLE- out the diocese as soon as possible the idea.l of C杭γCh hea.rted cooperation of a.1l those having to do with M諒c set before us by the sa.intly Pius X in his CんγC方M“5ic, eSPeCially all the pa.stors’ufoan, Sub- memorable Mo初PγOPγio published on the of urban a.nd rural, is absolutely necessa.ry for success. ∫!. Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr, November 22, 1903. We know various seemingly plausible excuses readily An布o∫tO杭Co肌高批io綿of his now gloriously suggest themselves for deferring action. The Holy relgnlng SuCCeSSOr) Pius XI) COmmemOrateS the Fa血er himself apprecia.tes the difficulties, but a.ssures Twenty-fifth Anniversa.ry of血a.t historic document : us in his detailed instructions that they are not insur- 丁方e Iuγidical Code of ∫acγed M研i`・ mountable. With good will they can be overcome・ We have often manifested our desire in this matter; W方eγeγeγ t方eγe i∫ nOγmal Cat方oliぐpaγi∫んlife t方eγe the Seventh Diocesan Synod held in 1929 enacted al50 Can 6e∴COγCCt Ch初で方Mu5ic. From the day of legislation conceming it; a.nd we have given the his ordination, eVeryWhere tha.t Pius X la.bored, he example in our Cathedral Church of St. Louis・ set himself to the task of reforming CんγCh M諒c a.nd Correct C方“γCんM諒c is most cIosely a.ssocia.ted with success alwa.ys followed his tireless e任orts’PrOducing Cat方olic 4ction, SO Often recommended by the Holy in the end the high standard he a.sks of others. He Father. PrOmOted correct CんγC4 Mu∫ic a.s assistant prleSt at TomboIo; a.S PaStOr Of Salzano; aS Cha.ncellor of the 1N ORDER TO H∧S丁EN THE MORE diocese and Semina.ry Director of Treviso; aS Bishop general obedience to the instructions of the Holy See’ of Ma.ntua.; aS Cardina.1 Archbishop and Patria.rch we create herewith Tんc Dioce5an Commi∫∫ion foI of Venice; a.nd then a.s Pope for血e whole world・ PγOmOting CoγγCCt CんγCb M“5ic, and appoint a.s Speaking of his Mo初PγOPγio on C方“γCんM諒he members of this Commi5∫ion : said: J売方訪c pγayeγ Of mγ PeOPle Jo γe∫t On J方e T方c Reγ. ftylγe∫tCγ I. Tuc尺eγ, C方aiγma” bea珂“l. Briefly, the idea.1 for each parish is : 丁んe Reγ. M. B. Hellγicgel, Vicc-Cbaiγmm a) A choir composed of pious, PraCtica.1 Catholics, T方c Rcγ. Ed妙. H. Pγendeγga∫4, SecγCtaγγ boys a.nd men, Of edifying life, PrOPerly tra.ined in For inaugurating their work the Commi∫5ioわshould Chuγ訪Mu5ic. frequent sessions; Select text books for the use b) The choir will be vested in black Roman style of teachers a.nd directors, a.nd make accessible, tO those 淀assocks, and.plain linen Roma.n style suaplices, With- interested, Other aids such as pamphlets, magaZine out ribbons, buttons or lace. articles, SChedules of correctly conducted choirs, etC・ c) The members of the choir will take their After their work has well advanced let them meet four proper place in the sanctuary behind t)r beside the times a year, during the Ember weeks. It also appears altar, in choir stalls, SCreened if the singers would be of prima.ry lmPOrtanCe tO invite into conference for otherwise very conspICuOuS. If the sanctuary lS tOO lectures and discussion the pastors and choir directors. small, a COmPrOmise might be a screened side section Great good will surely fo11ow such gatherings. The of the front pews. (A simple device to enla.rge some Chairman of the Commi∫5ion should make a report sanctuaries would be to move the sanctuary rail.) The to us of the progress of the program each year on the church ga.1lery, Often called /he c40iγ, is unsuited for Feast of Saint Cecilia, Whom we name the Heavenly PrOPer rendition of Ch“γCb Mu読・ Pqge 29l CAECILIA d) The choir will sing only approved C方“γCb religious services. That CんγC方M姉ic is worthy and M研ic, Without repetition of the text, and with dis- Ca.Pa.ble of this end there can be no doubt. The Holy tinct enunciation so tha.t the words can be distin_ Father’s a.ssurance is amply sustained by common guished. The music should be made to suit the text, experience. People attend more rea.dily, mOre joy- not vice versa. SoIos or frequent soIo parts are not ously and more piously a. service in which they 4Ctiγely Paγti(吟atc. There comes to mind also the admonition e) The choir will sing with the very m三nimum of Of Pa.ul’Writing to the Ephesians : (v-8) “Be?C accompaniment, and the a.ccompanymg mStrument 万lled y初t方e Holγ ∫夕iγiち5pe衣ing to γ0〃γ∫elγe=n Will be only the organ. No singing is more beautiful P∫alm∫, md句m∫, 4nd印iγitual canticIc∫, ∫inging 4”d than that of a well tra.ined choir unaccompanied by m衣ing mclodγ iわyouγ方eaγt∫ tO/訪e Loγd: giγing any instrument. The human voice itself, the imme- t方an亙al卿′aγ∫ foγ all t方読g∫, in t方e mme of Ouγ Loγd dia.te handiwork of God, is the most perfect musica.l Ie5雄C方γi5ちtO God and tんe Fat方eγ.’’ Correct C方“γC方M研ic is really a commingling of f) The choir director ma.y be a priest or a lay- the voices of the Church Militant upon ea血with the man. The organ keyboard may be outside the sanctu- Church Triumphant in heaven・ Our Sa7’C初∫, Janc初∫, ary,血ough where the choir is in the sanctuary, ∫anc初here below is, a.S it were, an eCho of the SuCh an arrangement would suppose, aS a rule, the etemal song above-∫anc初, Janc初, Sanc/uJ, Domi- dual services of a.n organist and choir director.