Camp Management & Camp Coordination (CCCM) Operational Area of Intervention - Northern Ethiopia EmergencyErit Responserea As of 31st July 2021 Adi Hageray !H Zala Anbesa town Adi AwaloSeyemti Adyabo Egela Erob

Rama!H Gulo Mekeda Tahtay AdiyaboShera!Hro town Tahtay Kora!H ro Ahsea Aheferom Shiraro Adi Mendi Rama Adi Dae!H ro !H !H !H !H !. Setit Humera!H Adi Da-iro Chila !H Saesie Humera Laelay Adiabo IntichoWelwalo Primary School !H Eastern Laelay Maychew !.!H Atsede School LolicSelekleka !H Hahayle Freweynei Primary School North Western !H !H town !.!.!. !H Adwa !H Sudan !.H Guna Poultry Farm Tsehaye Elementar!.y School Axum !. Medhanialem Primary School Kafta Humera Asgede Tahtay Koraro Tahtay Mayechew !H Tsaeda Emba TIGRAY !H Emba Sieneti Idaga Arbi town Inda Baguna Central Edaga arbi Hawzen Atsbi May Kadra Naeder Endafelasi Kelete Awelallo!H Korarit Tsimbla Zana !H Shire IOM CCCM Sites !H Kisanet Primary SchoolVision Kindergarten Adet !H Mahbere Tsige Keyhe tekli Wurko !.!H Western May Gaba !.!. Secondary School !H !H Wukro Preparatory School Atsede School Abderafi !. LolicAdi Remets !.!. !. Degua TembenGeraleta Agulae TsegedeGuna (T G)PoultryA Fwraarm!. (TG) Welkait Tselemti Dima (TG) Kola Temben !H Abiy Adi MekelleMekelle !H Midregenet Secondary School M!H ay Tsebri town !H Health Center!.!.!.Libanos Kindergarten !. !H May Tsamri Tanqua Melashe !.!.!.!. TIGRAY Dansha town Inda Silase !.!.!.!.H !H Adiha Secondary School!. Alene!H Secondary School Mesfinto !H !. Densha Telemt Adi Arkay Abergele (TG) SahartiEnderta Teba Weyane Tsinat Primary School Tsegede (TG) Addi Arekay !H Derek Police Tabia !. Telemt Mussie Kindergarten !H !H !. Tsegede (AM) North Zarima !H !H !.!. !H Hiwot Birhan Kindergarten !H Adi Teweld Medhin !H !H Gich Gereb Tsedo Complete Elementary School !H Debark HintaloAdigudom Dib Bahir !H !H !H Samre Hintalo Debark Janamora !H South Eastern Ethiopia !H !H AFAR !H Dilibza Mekelle IOM CCCM Sites Golmasa Adi Zeyla Samre Hiwane Wajirat Tach Armacho Dabat !. Deresge !H !H Aberqele Selewa Mesebo Secondary School !. Dabat Emba!H Alaje !H !H Adiha Secondary School Bora (TG) Ambalage!. !H Tikil Dingay Kedamit Adi ShohMekhoni town !H !H !. Lay Armacho !H Kinfaz !H EndamehoniMaychew RayaLekatit Azebo 11 Elementary School Amba Giyorgis Siska Zuna !. ´ Central Gondar NeqsegeAyder Elementary School !H !. !. !. Elala Elementary School !H !. Wehini !H Southern 1 Gonder townKebero Meda Sekota Momona Secondary School !.!H !. Legend Chilga 2 !H Ayk!Hel town Korem town !.!H Alene Secondary School AMHARA Azezo Zata Ofla !H West Belesa !H Weyra Wuha!. Aykel !H !.GendaIOM Wuha CCCM Operational sites East Dembia East Belesa Korem !H !H !H W!Hest !H Mekelle LibanosChercher Kindergarten !H !H Kola Diba Gonder Zuria Asketema Raya AlamataAlamata Major Town Chandiba !H Guhala !.!.!. Mahbere Silase !H TIGRAY Mekelle Health Center !H Meksenyit !H !.!H World Boundaries Chwahit Mender Robit Adi Haki Primary School !H !.Waja

Major Roads !H !H !H !H Delgi !H !H Woreda Boundaries Ayna KisanetKobo Primary School !H Ibnat !. !. Yifag !H Mayweynei Primary School Zonal Boundaries !H !H !H Lalibela Amistiya!H Muja Robit Tigray !H !H Alfa !H !H Woreta Kulmesk !H Amed Ber !H !H (Central and NorthKunzila Gondar) !H !H !H Bir Afaf Kulf AmbaElshadai Relief and Development Association Data!H sources!H : DTM ESA R7, CCCM Head !Hcounts, Community Committees and BoLSA Neighbouring Countries Filakit !H !H !. Wanzaye Gasay !H Disclaimer!H : Names and Bounderies shown on this map and tables doesn’t imlpy official endorsement by IOM BENISHANGUL GUMZ !H !HDebr Sirinka !H !H Region Zone Woreda Kebele Site Name Site Typology HH IND Amhara Central Gonder Gonder City Administration Kebele 19 Kebero Meda IDP Site – Collective Centre 1,270 1,930 Amhara North Gondar Dabat Talak Mesk Dabat Golmasa IDP Site – Collective Centre 630 1,870 Tigray Mekelle Hawelti Sub City Hidase Ethio China friendship primary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 738 2,866 Tigray Mekelle Kedamay Weyane Sub City Hareya Abaselama Kasate Birhan Elementary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 478 3,001 Tigray Mekelle Hadnet Sub City Kisanet Primary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 762 3,717 Tigray Mekelle Hawelti Sub City Adi Shumdhun Adi Shumdhun Primary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 1,153 7,054 Tigray Mekelle Adihaki Sub City Amora Adi Haki Primary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 789 3,987 Tigray Mekelle Semen Sub City Dedebit/Tabia 04 Meserete Elementary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 971 4,025 Tigray Mekelle Kedamay Weyane Sub City Selam Fre Abyot School/Hawelti Secondary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 739 3,263 Tigray Mekelle Ayder Sub City Ginbot 20 Ayder Elementary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 530 1,530 Tigray Mekelle Hadnet Sub City Aynalem Elshaday Relief and Development Association IDP Site – Collective Centre 1,154 4,278 Tigray Mekelle Semen Sub City Meles Mesebo Secondary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 580 3,871 Tigray Mekelle Hawelti Sub City Hidase Mussie Kindergarten IDP Site – Collective Centre 35 164 Tigray Mekelle Ayder Sub City Marta Lekatit 23 Secondary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 491 2,455 Tigray Mekelle Ayder Sub City Adiha Adiha Secondary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 507 1,835 Tigray Mekelle Semen Sub City Lekatit Lekatit 11 Elementary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 242 1,037 Tigray Mekelle Hawelti Sub City Selam Libanos Kindergarten IDP Site – Collective Centre 226 1,290 Tigray Mekelle Hawelti Sub City Momona Momona High school IDP Site – Collective Centre 1,146 3,331 Tigray Mekelle Kedamay Weyane Sub City Selam Gereb Tsedo Elementary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 926 4,602 Tigray Mekelle Hadnet Sub City Kebele 17 Hope IDP Site – Collective Centre 1,328 3,072 Tigray North Western Shire Kebele 03 Fre Swuat Secondary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 1,157 5,770 Tigray North Western Shire Kebele 02 Tsehaye Elementary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 705 3,525 Tigray North Western Shire Kebele 04 Midregenet Primary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 293 1,465 Tigray North Western Shire Kebele 04 Taba Weyane Tsinat Primary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 501 2,505 Tigray North Western Shire Kebele 01 Guna Poultry Farm IDP Site – Collective Centre 886 4,800 Tigray North Western Shire Kebele 02 Asede School IDP Site – Collective Centre 275 3,910 Tigray North Western Shire Kebele 03 Lolic IDP Site – Collective Centre 49 197 Tigray Eastern Adigrat Kebele 05 Medhanialem Primary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 1,681 8,507 Tigray Eastern Adigrat Kebele 02 Welwalo Primary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 963 4,763 Tigray Eastern Freweynei Town Kebele 03 Freweynei Primary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 455 1,485 Tigray Eastern Wukro Town Agazi Vision Kindergarten IDP Site – Collective Centre 54 116 Tigray Eastern Wukro Town Agazi Wukro Secondary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 108 371 Tigray Eastern Wukro Town Agazi Kisanet Primary School IDP Site – Collective Centre 188 642 Tigray Eastern Wukro Town Agazi Wukro Preparatory School IDP Site – Collective Centre 152 415 Totals Households = 22,162 Totals Individuals = 97,649