General Assembly Distr.: General 24 July 2006 English Original: Arabic/English/French/ Russian/Spanish

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General Assembly Distr.: General 24 July 2006 English Original: Arabic/English/French/ Russian/Spanish United Nations A/61/159 General Assembly Distr.: General 24 July 2006 English Original: Arabic/English/French/ Russian/Spanish Sixty-first session Item 87 (aa) of the provisional agenda* General and complete disarmament: transparency in armaments United Nations Register of Conventional Arms Report of the Secretary-General Summary The present report is the fourteenth consolidated report issued by the Secretary- General since the establishment of the Register.** It contains data and information provided by 101 Governments on the international transfers of major conventional arms covered under the Register and/or additional background information for the calendar year 2005. Any additional replies received from Governments will be issued as addenda to the present report. The replies received are contained in section II of the present report. Section III contains an index of background information submitted by Governments on military holdings, procurement through national production, international transfers of small arms and light weapons and national policies. Replies received on military holdings and procurement through national production are contained in section IV. Information received from Governments on small arms and light weapons and national policies is available for consultation at the Department for Disarmament Affairs of the Secretariat. All relevant information on the Register is available electronically on the Department’s Register website at * A/61/150. ** The first to thirteenth reports were issued under the symbols A/48/344 and Corr.1-3 and Add.1-3; A/49/352 and Corr.1 and 2 and Add.1-4; A/50/547 and Corr.1 and Add.1-4; A/51/300 and Add.1-5; A/52/312 and Corr.1 and 2 and Add.1-4; A/53/334 and Corr.1 and 2 and Add.1 and 2; A/54/226 and Corr.1 and Add.1-6; A/55/299 and Corr.1 and Add.1-6; A/56/257 and Corr.1 and Add.1 and 2; A/57/221 and Corr.1 and 2 and Add.1-3; A/58/203 and Corr.1 and 2 and Add.1 and 2; A/59/193 and Corr.1 and 2 and Add.1 and 2; A/60/160 and Corr.1 and 2 and Add.1 and 2. 06-43345 (E) 150806 *0643345* A/61/159 Contents Paragraphs Page I. Introduction ......................................................... 1–2 3 II. Information received from Governments.................................. 3–4 3 A. Composite table of replies of Governments ..................................... 4 B. Replies received from Governments ........................................... 7 III. Index of background information provided by Governments for the calendar year 2005 ..... 53 IV. Information received from Governments on military holdings and procurement through national production ............................................................. 55 2 06-43345 A/61/159 I. Introduction 1. The present report is the fourteenth consolidated report on the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms, and is submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 60/226 of 23 December 2005. 2. Due to the non-availability of extrabudgetary funds, the Department for Disarmament Affairs was unable to sustain its programme of regional or subregional workshops to enhance awareness of the Register and to encourage greater participation in it. Within available resources, however, the Department engaged in a number of activities related to the Register. In October 2005, on the margin of the First Committee, the Department organized and coordinated an informal meeting of delegates on issues related to the United Nations Register, including matters likely to be addressed during the 2006 review of the Register’s operation and further development. In March 2006, the Department posted a document on its website entitled “Guidelines for reporting international transfers: questions and answers”. The primary purpose of the publication is to assist States in the reporting of arms transfers to the United Nations Register. In July 2006, the Department also posted a document entitled “Tables and graphs”, which provides information on various aspects of participation by States in the United Nations Register at the global and regional levels. In addition, the Department engaged in informal consultations with Member States, with a view to encouraging and facilitating their participation in the Register. II. Information received from Governments1 3. Information received from Governments is presented below as follows: a composite table listing all the replies received by the Secretary-General (sect. A) and an index of individual replies of Governments (sect. B). Where appropriate, the relevant parts of notes verbales are reproduced. 4. The composite table is provided for ease of reference. As regards the information contained in the table, it should be noted that a “yes” denotes a submission of data regarding imports and/or exports in relation to the seven categories of arms covered by the Register during the reporting period. For the purpose of uniform tabulation, responses by Governments that contained either “nil”, “none”, “0”, a dash (-) or which otherwise indicated that no exports and/or imports in the categories covered by the Register had taken place are reflected in the tables as “nil” reports. A blank space under data on imports and/or exports in the composite table indicates that no information was provided. In some cases, however, an explanation can be found in the note verbale of the country in question, as indicated above. Only those parts of the standardized forms that contain specific data and notes verbales of Governments providing relevant information are reproduced in section B. Replies in the standardized reporting forms and the simplified “nil” reporting form or in notes verbales containing “nil” or blank reports are listed in the composite table only. __________________ 1 Documents have been reproduced as received; the designations employed do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area, or of its authorities. 06-43345 3 A/61/159 A. Composite table of replies of Governments2 Explanation Data on Data on submitted in Background State exports imports note verbale information Albania nil nil no Andorra nil nil no Antigua and Barbuda nil nil no Armenia nil nil no Australia yes yes yes Austria nil nil yes Azerbaijan nil yes no Bangladesh nil yes no Belarus yes nil no Belgium yes nil yes Belize nil nil no Bolivia nil nil no Brazil nil yes yes Bulgaria yes yes yes Canada yes yes yes Chile no yes no Comoros nil nil no Costa Rica nil nil no Croatia nil nil yes (nil) Cuba nil nil no Cyprus nil nil no Czech Republic yes yes no Denmark nil yes yes Djibouti nil nil no Ecuador nil nil no Estonia nil yes yes Finland yes no yes Georgia nil yes no Germany yes yes yes Greece yes yes yes Guatemala nil nil no Guyana nil nil no Hungary yes nil yes Iceland nil nil yes India yes yes no Indonesia nil nil no Israel yes nil no Italy yes yes yes Jamaica nil nil no __________________ 2 Cook Islands and Niue submitted “nil” reports. 4 06-43345 A/61/159 Explanation Data on Data on submitted in Background State exports imports note verbale information Japan nil nil yes Kazakhstan nil yes no Kiribati nil nil no Kuwait nil nil yes Kyrgyzstan nil nil no Latvia nil nil no Lebanon nil nil no Lesotho nil nil no Liechtenstein nil nil no Lithuania nil yes yes Luxembourg nil nil no Maldives nil nil no Malta nil nil no Marshall Islands nil nil no Mauritius nil nil no Mexico nil nil no Micronesia nil nil no Monaco nil nil no Mongolia nil nil no Mozambique nil nil no Namibia nil nil no Nauru nil nil no Netherlands yes yes yes New Zealand nil nil yes Nicaragua nil nil no Niger nil nil no Norway yes nil no Pakistan nil yes no Palau nil nil no Paraguay nil nil no Poland yes nil yes Portugal yes yes no Republic of Korea nil yes no Republic of Moldova nil nil no Romania nil yes yes Russian Federation yes no no Saint Lucia nil nil no Samoa nil nil no San Marino nil nil no Senegal nil nil no Seychelles nil nil no Singapore nil yes no Slovenia yes yes no 06-43345 5 A/61/159 Explanation Data on Data on submitted in Background State exports imports note verbale information Solomon Islands nil nil no South Africa yes yes no Spain nil yes yes Suriname nil nil no Sweden yes nil yes Switzerland yes yes yes Tajikistan nil nil no The former Yugoslav nil nil no Republic of Macedonia Turkey yes yes yes Turkmenistan nil nil no Ukraine yes no no United Kingdom yes yes yes United Republic of Tanzania nil nil no United States of America yes yes yes Vanuatu nil nil no Viet Nam no yes no Zambia nil nil no 6 06-43345 A/61/159 B. Replies received from Governments Australia Reporting country: Australia Original language: English Calendar year: 2005 Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 28 April 2006 EXPORTS A B C D E Remarks Final State/Country Category Number Intermediate Comments on Importer of Origin (If Description of Item (I-VII) of Items location the transfer State(s) not exporter) II. USA 6 ADI Bushmaster Armoured Armoured Personnel combat Carriers vehicles Singapore 2 Tenix S600 Armoured Personnel Carriers National criteria on transfers: (iii) Transfer of title. Note: Differences in accounting procedures and definition of transfer dates may create discrepancies with figures from importer states. IMPORTS A B C D E Remarks State/Country Category Exporter Number Intermediate Comments on of Origin (If Description of Item (I-VII) State(s) of Items location the transfer not exporter) V.
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