Hawks,in lateNov. An ad.and up to 2 juv. GrayHawks were present in Cattn deFer- nfindez10 Aug(AVJ, FVP, WB). Peregrine Mexico Falconswere noticed from early Sep+ hunt- ing blackbirdsand dovesfrom the Canal9 Antenna, Torretn (FVP). A Prairie Falcon wasseen flying over Lerdo, Dgo. 23 Nov (FVP,WB). Freshfootprints of a flockof H&ctorGGmez de Silva Wild Turkeyswere seen near Ocampo 18 Nov (HGdS). Xola314-E Morethan 50 StiltSandpipers were pho- tographedat Yfivaros,Son. 7 Oct, the first 03100Mxico, D.F. documentedrecord and by far thelargest Mexico numberfor Son. (DS, MS). A first-year Sabine'sGull was at the inland location of (
[email protected])PresaRodriguez Gtmez 8 Oct (DS,MS). A first-yearThayer's Gull, 2 first-yearGlau- cous-wingedGulls, and an ad. Lesser Black-backed Gull were at the Puerto fteralate onset ofthe rains this year Son.8 Oct (DS, MS). Pefiascosewage ponds 23 Nov. An ad. in mostof Mexico (see the Summer From 21 to 45 Wood Ducks were seen at WesternGull was at Y•varos7 Oct (SG, 2003 report),the rainswere very six censusspots at Cation de Fernandez, LN). There were many first-yearLeast strongand lasted until early November. Dgo.Aug-Nov. A femalewith 10 ducklings Terns at both Yfivarosand Estero Tobari 7-8 was seen on the Nazas R. close to the Fran- Oct (LN, SG). NORTHERN MEXICO cisco Zarco Dam 6 Aug (SR). A Ross's Two Greater Roadrunners were near Ocampo16 Nov (HGdS). EurasianCol- lared-Doveswere reportedlynumerous along the highwayn. of San Fernando, Tamps. 10 Nov but were not seen s.