European Holocaust Research Infrastructure Theme [INFRA-2010-1.1.4] GA no. 261873 Deliverable D5.1 Programme summer course and training material on EHRI website Work Package 5: Andrea Löw (IfZ, Work Package Leader) Johannes Hürter (IfZ) Giles Bennett (IfZ) Laura Fontana (MS) Karel Berkhoff (NIOD) Eliot Nidam Orvieto (YV) et al. Start: October 2010 Due: October 2012 Actual: March 2013 Note: The official starting date of EHRI is 1 October 2010. The Grant Agreement was signed on 17 March 2011. This means a delay of 6 months which will be reflected in the submission dates of the deliverables. EHRI FP7-261873 Document Information Project URL Document URL [www……] Deliverable D5.1 Programme summer course and training material on EHRI website Work Package 5 Lead Beneficiary P4 IfZ Relevant Milestones MS2 Nature R Type of Activity COORD Dissemination level PU Contact Person Giles Bennett,
[email protected], +49 (0)89 12688 156 Abstract Programme summer course and training material on EHRI website: (for dissemination) Based on the results of the survey undertaken as to both training needs and existing training programmes, the programme of the summer course is determined, developed and prepared as well as the training material to be published on the website. Also the selection procedure will be in place and the selection of trainees for the first two summer courses will be finished. Management Not applicable Summary (required if the deliverable exceeds more than 25 pages) DL 5.1 Programme summer course and training material on EHRI website Page 2 EHRI FP7-261873 Programme summer course and training material on EHRI website The goal of EHRI's WP5 training efforts is to encourage scholars of diverse backgrounds to engage in Holocaust research – historians, archivists sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists and others interested in the Holocaust.