Intendd for Both
A DOCUMENT RESUME ED 040 874 SE 008 968 AUTHOR Schaaf, WilliamL. TITLE A Bibli6graphy of RecreationalMathematics, Volume INSTITUTION National Council 2. of Teachers ofMathematics, Inc., Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 70 NOTE 20ap. AVAILABLE FROM National Council of Teachers ofMathematics:, 1201 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 ($4.00) EDRS PRICE EDRS Price ME-$1.00 HC Not DESCRIPTORS Available fromEDRS. *Annotated Bibliographies,*Literature Guides, Literature Reviews,*Mathematical Enrichment, *Mathematics Education,Reference Books ABSTRACT This book isa partially annotated books, articles bibliography of and periodicalsconcerned with puzzles, tricks, mathematicalgames, amusements, andparadoxes. Volume2 follows original monographwhich has an gone through threeeditions. Thepresent volume not onlybrings theliterature up to material which date but alsoincludes was omitted in Volume1. The book is the professionaland amateur intendd forboth mathematician. Thisguide canserve as a place to lookfor sourcematerials and will engaged in research. be helpful tostudents Many non-technicalreferences the laymaninterested in are included for mathematicsas a hobby. Oneuseful improvementover Volume 1 is that the number ofsubheadings has more than doubled. (FL) been 113, DEPARTMENT 01 KWH.EDUCATION & WELFARE OffICE 01 EDUCATION N- IN'S DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACILY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE CO PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT POINTS Of VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY CD REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OfEDUCATION INt POSITION OR POLICY. C, C) W A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF recreational mathematics volume 2 Vicature- ligifitt.t. confiling of RECREATIONS F DIVERS KIND S7 VIZ. Numerical, 1Afironomical,I f Antomatical, GeometricallHorometrical, Mechanical,i1Cryptographical, i and Statical, Magnetical, [Htlorical. Publifhed to RecreateIngenious Spirits;andto induce them to make fartherlcruciny into tilde( and the like) Suut.tm2.
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