The Gupta Empire After the Maurya Empire Came to an End, India

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The Gupta Empire After the Maurya Empire Came to an End, India The Gupta Empire After the Maurya Empire came to an end, India remained divided for nearly 600 years. During that time, Buddhism spread throughout India and the popularity of Hinduism declined. Around AD 320 the Gupta Dynasty took over India, once again bringing unity and prosperity to the region. The Gupta period marks an important phase in the history of Ancient India. The long and efficient rule of the Guptas made a huge impact on the political, social and cultural spheres. Though the Gupta Empire was not as widespread as the Mauryan Empire was in India, the Gupta dynasty was successful in creating an empire that is significant in the history of India. The lifestyle and culture of the Gupta Dynasty is known to us through the discovery of various ancient coins, scriptures, inscriptions, texts, etc. belonging to that era. The rulers of the Gupta Empire were efficient administrators who knew how to govern with a firm hand, using the strict social order of the Hindu caste system to strengthen their rule. The government operated without the system of espionage often practiced by Mauryan rulers. The brutal penalties of Mauryan times, however, had been abolished. Law breaking was punished without death sentences, but, instead, mainly by fines. Punishments such as having one's hand cut off were applied only against obstinate, professional criminals. During this age, art and education flourished and many great discoveries were made in these fields. Aryabhatta and Varahamihira, the two great mathematicians contributed much during this period. Aryabhatta estimated the value of "Pi" to the fourth decimal place. Algebra was developed to a great extent and the concepts of zero and infinity were found. The symbols of numbers 1 to 9 were devised, which was a great contribution in mathematics. These symbols came to be known as Hindu Arabic Numerals later when the Arabs adopted them. The Gupta Age is also known for its advances in astronomy and medicine. During the reign of the Gupta rulers, astronomers and philosophers proposed the theory that the earth was not flat, but round instead. The theory of gravity was also offered during this time. The astronomers made a breakthrough when they discovered the different planets and started to make horoscopes based on the planet’s positions. Doctors performed operations Anthony, C. Kelly Monday, January 30, 2012 8:28:32 AM ET during this period. Since so many discoveries and advances were made in arts, medicine, literature and science during Gupta period, it has been called the Golden Age of India. Source: Anthony, C. Kelly Monday, January 30, 2012 8:28:32 AM ET The Gupta Empire started coming to an end in the late 400’s due, in great part, to outside invaders. The Huns, a group from Central Asia, invaded India from the northwest. Their fierce attacks had a strenuous effect on the Gupta Empire, draining it of its power and wealth. Gupta rule came to an end by the middle 500’s and India was once again divided into small kingdoms. Main Rulers of Gupta Age • Chandragupta I (319 - 335 A.D): Chandragupta I was a very powerful Gupta ruler who waged many battles to attain his title. He married Kumaradevi after the Gupta Dynasty came into prominence. He assumed the title of Maharajadiraja, which means “king of kings”. • Samudragupta (335 - 375 A.D): Samudragupta was the son and successor of Chandragupta I. Samudragupta was popularly known as the "Indian Napoleon" as he conquered many territories without making much of an effort. It is said that after Emperor Ashoka, the empire of Samudragupta was supreme. The coins found in excavations reveal much information about his empire. During his reign, many great discoveries and advancements were made in different fields like astronomy, mathematics and medicine. • Chandragupta II (375 - 414 A.D): Chandragupta II was chosen by his father as the successor and the future ruler. Chandragupta II was an able ruler and a great conqueror. His conquest of the peninsula of Saurashtra via the Arabian Sea is considered to be one of his greatest military successes. With the annexation of Saurashtra and Malwa, he opened up sea ports to facilitate trade and commerce. • Kumaragupta I (415 - 455 A.D): Kumaragupta ruled for forty years and he was considered to be one of the most powerful rulers of the Gupta Period. During his reign the whole of India was united as one single entity. Source: Anthony, C. Kelly Monday, January 30, 2012 8:28:32 AM ET Source: Anthony, C. Kelly Monday, January 30, 2012 8:28:32 AM ET NAME: _________________________________ Date: _______________ Period: ________ Gupta Empire Leadership and Accomplishments Chart Directions: As you read The Gupta Empire information, complete the chart below. Chandragupta I Samudragupta Leaders: Chandragupta II Kumaragupta I Leadership Style: Accomplishments: Anthony, C. Kelly Monday, January 30, 2012 8:28:32 AM ET Anthony, C. Kelly Monday, January 30, 2012 8:28:32 AM ET.
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