Hank Shipman, the Accidental Medical Student Editor Kristin Wann Anderson, MS
THE MAGAZinE OF THE SCHOOL OF MEDICinE Alumni AssoCiation - UniVERsitY OF UtaH ILLUMINATIONSWinter 2019 Volume 15 Number 1 Hank Shipman, The Accidental Medical Student EDITOR Kristin Wann Anderson, MS COMMUNIcatIONS COMMITTEE Jennifer M. Coombs, PA-C, PhD, Chair John MacFarlane, MD Kathy Pedersen, PA-C, MPAS The Magazine for the University of Utah School of Medicine Alumni and Friends Bryan Stone, MD Eric Vanderhooft, MD Jared Roberts, MSIII Snehal Gajiwala, MSIII Photography Credits: ILLUMINATIONS Kristan Jacobsen Photography Alumni Relations Staff WHat’S InsiDE 1 Dean’s Message 2 President’s Message 3 Rediscovering Meaning in Medicine Jacqueline Voland, Kristin Wann Anderson 8 How the West Won Medicine 2010-2015 University of Utah School of Medicine Alumni Association Board of Directors David N. Sundwall Lectureship Teresa Ota, MD, 1988 14 President Bryan Stone, MD, 1986 16 Alumni Weekend Past President J. Eric Vanderhooft, MD, 1988 21 Resident Life Secretary/Treasurer J. Charles Rich, MD, 1965 Student Life Chair, Half Century Society 22 The Accidental Medical Student Glen M. Bowen, MD, 1990 Terry Box, MD, HS, 1983 Robert Bunnell, PA-C, 1985 Rubor Submissions Jeremy Chidester, MD, 2011 Marcia Feldkamp, PhD, 1986 26 News Notebook Brent James, MD, 1978 John MacFarlane, Jr., MD, 1990 The Giving Corner Kim McFarlane, PA-C, MPAS, 2003 34 Karen Miller, MD, HS, 1990 Kathy Pedersen, MPAS, 2002 36 Alumni Notebook Karly A. Pippitt, MD, 2006 Thomas Skidmore, MD, 2007 New Board Members Adam Stevenson, MD, 2001 Ray Thomason, MD, HS, 1984 Alumni News P. Daniel Ward, MD, 2004 John R. Wood, MD, 1977 In Memoriam Medical Student Representatives: Back Cover-I Know You…Or Do I? Ali Eisenbiess, MSI Udit Bhavsar, MSI Taylor Brady, MSII Jordan Peacock, MSII Jared Roberts, MSIII Snahal Gajiwala, MSIII Jordan Albright, MSIV Fumina Kobayashi, MSIV EX-OFFICIO Michael Good, MD LETTERS to THE EDitoR: FoR ADDRESS CHANGES OR to Sr.
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