Index 2 2005

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Index 2 2005 Cumulative Index to The Beatrix Potter Society Newsletters, Numbers 81 – 90 Compiled by Rowena Godfrey In this index, Beatrix Potter’s name has been abbreviated to BP, apart from the entry Potter, Helen Beat rix. For individual manufacturers of merchandise, see under Merchandise. Aberdare, Lord 89:18 Advertisements 85:22; 86:23 Aesop’s Fables 88:33 Aestheticism 85:27 Age, The (Melbourne newspaper) 89:21 Akester, Jenny (Committee, Sales Manager and Treasurer; Administrator; Membership and Financial Administrator; Conference Organiser) 85:5; 87:27 ‘Conference and Tour [2002]: the Organiser’s view’ 87:14 ‘Eleventh International Study Conference and Tour – July 2004’ 89:24 ‘Is Mrs Tiggy-winkle going the same way as Squirrel Nutkin?’ 87:22 ‘Lakeland Book of the Year Awards’ 82:23 ‘Opening of the new Birnam Institute, Perthshire’ 82:21 Alderson, Brian (President) 84:29; 86:5; 88:18 ‘Ah – the Pleasures of Serendipity’ 88:20 ‘More on Mrs Trimmer’ 81:20 ‘Questing for authenticity’ 86:5 Alksnenas, Viltaras (pseudonym of Dr Urba) 82:25; see also Urba, Dr Kestutis All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (Moscow) 87:19 Anderson, Susan M. ‘Peter Rabbit in American school readers’ 85:24 Andreae, Christopher ‘Peter Rabbit’s Uncomfortable New Coat’ 82:19 Annual General Meetings reports on – 2002 84:Appendix, 6; 2003 88:Appendix, 3 Appley Dapply’s Nursery Rhymes 81:27; 86:19 Manuscript of 1905 version 85:10 Aris, E rnest A. (artist, writer and illustrator) 85:7 Armitt sisters 82:4 Armitt Trust 90:26 BP’s books and watercolours donated to 83:6; 88:27 Exhibition ‘Natural Inspiration’ 84:28 Library and Museum Centre 81:18; 83:2, 5, 24; 84:28; 87:31; 88:28, 29; 89:24; 90:11, 12 Art of BP, The (L. Linder) 83:18; 88:19; 89:20; 90:6, 11, 12, 25 1 Ashton, Sir Frederick (choreographer) 84:20; 85:22; 89:22; see also Ballet The Tales of BP Atholl, Duke of 87:5, 6 Austin, Mike (Sales Manager) 88:2, 5 Austin, Pat ricia (Sales Manager) 88:2, 5; 89:10 Collectors’ Corner (with Kara Sewall) 89:10; 90:13 Autumn Meetings (reports) 2001, Ambleside 83:2, 4, 5; 2002, London 87:4 Baby Grows Up with Peter Rabbit (Warne) (review) 83:23 Ballet, see also Musicals, Plays The Tales of BP 81:22; 84:20; 85:22; 87:10; 89:22 Bando-Saito, Yumiko 87:13; photograph 87:9 Banner, Delmar (artist) 90:26 Bartlett, Wynne BP’s Derwentwater (with I. Whalley) 88:26 Barton, Julie (Committee, Meetings Secretary) C.V. 82:7 Bassom, Enid (Committee, Newsletter Editor) ‘Footnotes to the Journal’ 88:21 ‘Wayside and Woodland’ 85:8 Battledore Books 86:5 Battrick, Elizabeth 83:2, 6 ‘BP and JAPAN 2001’ 81:18 BP: The Unknown Years 83:6; (Japanese version) 81:18; 83:24 BBC 87:22; 89:26; see also ‘Desert Island Discs’ ‘The Tale of BP’ (radio programme) 86:4, 32; (review) 87:25 ‘The Tale of BP’ (TV programme) 88:5 Beckett, David (son of Harry Beckett, Potters’ coachman) 82:2 Bedwell Lodge (Potter holiday home) 90:25 Bell Libra ry, A.K. (Perth, Scotland) 88:30 Belmount Hall (BP’s last property purchase) 90:7 Benjamin Bouncer 83:18 Billebeau, Catherine (French Member) 88:2, 6 Birnam 81:16; 82:21; 87:6; see also Birnam Institute Birnam Institute 81:20; 82:8, 21; 87:31; 88:34 Blackbu rn, Jemima (artist and author) 83:26 Blanchett, Cate (actress) 89:26 Bolton Gardens (BP’s family lived at No 2) 85:5; 87:26 Book and Magazine Collector (magazine) 84:23 Books and Company (magazine) 84:26 Bookseller, The (magazine) 88:17 Book Trust 81:25; 82:27; 83:26; 84:28; 88:32; 89:25; 90:31 BP Study Room 83:26 Border Fine Arts Storybook Figurine, The (M. Sweet) 86:14 2 Bousfield Primary School 85:5 BP: A Holiday Diary (ed. J. Taylor) 87:12 BP, 1866-1943: The Artist and Her World (J. Taylor, J.I. Whalley, A.S. Hobbs, E.M. Battrick) 83:10; 90:6 BP Nursery Rhyme Book, The 83:16 BP’s Americans (ed. J. Morse) 85:13 BP’s Art (A.S. Hobbs) 83:18; 85:7, 31 BP’s characters’ names 81:2; 83:20 BP’s Derwentwater (W. Bartlett and I. Whalley) 88:26 BP’s Farming Friendship (ed. J. Taylor, BP Society) 82:19 BP’s Letters (ed. J. Taylor) 83:12; 85:7, 9 BP Society Archives 81:27; 88:30; 90:25 Donations and grants to other causes 81:21; 82:21; 83:24, 26; 84:18; 85:2; 86:30; 87:31; 88:25, 34; 89:26 Newsletters as tour guides 85:30 Praise for 81:2 Website ( 82:27; 83:6; 86:30; 89:25 Youngest member 88:16 BP’s Peter Rabbit (M. Mackey, ed.) (review) 84:24 BP: The Unknown Years (E. Battrick) (Japanese version) 81:18; 83:24 Braille, Louis (inventor of Braille for the blind) 84:19 Brantwood (John Ruskin’s home) 87:8, 10 Bray, Betsy (Liaison Officer, North America) 87:2, 31; 88:4; 89:16; photograph 87:16 Bright, John 81:12 British Museum (London) Reading BP in the Reading Room 85:5; 86:13 Reading Room 83:15; 84:2, 6, 8; 85:5 British Museum Reading Room, The (M. Caygill) 83:16 British Wildlife (magazine) 85:8 Broad Leys (Potter holiday house) 90:24 Brockbank, Clare 83:2, 6 Brockhole (National Park Centre) 84:30; 87:8, 10 Brompton Cemetery (London) 82:13; 83:20; 86:21; 87:26 Bryson, Bill (author) 83:7; 84:18, 19 Buckley, June (Committee, Secretary) C.V. 81:4 Bunkle, M rs (letter from BP) 82:2 Burn, Robert (letter from BP) 82:2 Burney,Fanny (English author) 88:22 Bush, Barbara 86:12 3 Bush, P resident George W. 83:16; 87:17; 89:21 Byers, Ethel (worked for BP) 84:31 Caldecott, Randolph (illustrator) 81:24, 25; 85:20; 87:28; 89:16 Cambridge Evening News (UK newspaper) 90:23 Camfield Place (BP’s grandparents’ home) 82:4 Carr, Lucie 81:27; 82:28; 86:19 Carter’s Antiques & Collectables (Australian magazine) 89:16 Castle Cottage (BP’s Sawrey home after her marriage) 85:20; 90:7, 12 Cawood, John (Committee, Meetings Secretary, Hon. Treasurer) C.V. 81:4; 85:5; 87:27; 88:29 Cecily Parsley’s Nursery Rhymes 84:28; 90:7 Centenary of Warne’s publication of The Tailor of Gloucester 87:25; 88:3, 33; 89:2, 25, 27; 90:2, 9, 13, 31 The Tale of Peter Rabbit 81:26; 83:2, 4, 16, 25; 84:1, 2, 4, 16, 19, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29; 85:2, 5, 13, 18, 19, 20, 22, 26, 27, 30; 86:4, 5, 13, 18, 29, 30; 87:17, 18, 19, 25, 26; 88:6, 13, 14; 89:16; 90:4 The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin 88:24; 90:8, 13, 29 Chapman, Jean 89:16 Charles, P rince of Wales 84:2 Chignall, Dudley ‘The Man who drew for BP’ 85:7 Children’s Books History Society 82:24 Chipmunks 87:20 Christian Science Monitor, The ‘Peter Rabbit’s Uncomfortable New Coat’ (reprinted article) 82:19 Christmas Gatherings (reports) 2001 84:4; 2002 88:4 Claife Station (eighteenth-century viewing station) 89:23 Cobden, Richard 81:12 Cockshott Point see Windermere Fund Coitit-Godfrey, Janie ‘Le Monde de BP’ (doctoral thesis) 85:25; 87:2; 90:25 Collectables Price Guide 2003 (J. Miller) (review) 88:23 Collecting Doulton & Beswick (magazine) (article on Beswick figurines) 89:13 Commemorative plaques 84:6, 18 Conferences 83:14; 85:30; 89:24; see also US Gatherings ‘A Retrospective’ 85:28 Tenth International, 2002 (‘Where Next, Peter Rabbit?’) (reports) 87:7, 8 Coolidge, Henry P. (American friend of BP) 84:31 Cooper, Fanny (BP’s cousin) 82:2 Cottage and Farmhouse Detail in BP’s Lake District (A. Parker) (reprint) 82:23; 85:2 Country Life (magazine) 82:2; 19; 84:18; 90:24 4 Crane, Walter (illustrator) 81:25 Cumbria (magazine) 84:18 Curling 87:5 Cutcliffe, Jenny 84:3, 5 ‘Report from a new Reader’ 88:7 Cutcliffe, Roger (Committee, Chairman) C.V. 89:3 ‘Note from the Chair, A’ 89:2; 90:2 Daily Telegraph, The (British newspaper) 89:22 Daito Bunka University, Tokyo 90:19, 21 CD-ROM of the university’s BP collection 90:20 Dalguise (Potter holiday house) 81:20; 82:21; 87:4, 31 Davies, Hunter (author and critic) 82:23; see also Lakeland Book of the Year Awa rd s Demourova, Nina (Russian Member) 87:19 Denyer, Susan 82:4, 6; 83:25 Derbyshire Life and Countryside (UK magazine) (item reprinted from) 88:20 Derwentwater Sketch Book, The (BP) 90:21 ‘Desert Island Discs’ (BBC programme) 85:23 Devonshire, Duchess of 84:26 Dinting Lodge (BP’s grandfather’s home) 81:13; 88:26 Dinting Vale (calico printing works) 81:12; 82:21; 85:31; 88:26 Pattern (dye) book 82:21 Dixie, Lady Florence 88:21 Duke, Stephanie (BP’s cousin) 90:13 Dunkeld (Perthshire) 88:30 Dunnock (hedge sparrow) 88:21; 89:21 Eastbourne 82:12 Eastwood (Potter holiday house) 81:16; 87:6 Educational Week (magazine) ‘Peter Rabbit Goes Downtown’ 81:18; 90:24 Eeswyke (Potter holiday house) 82:2 Elga r, Sir Edwa rd (composer) 88:19 Elizabeth II, Queen 89:27 EMI records 89:18 English Nature (UK organisation) 89:23 Enid Linder Foundation 87:24; see also Victoria and Albert Museum Enid Linder Showcase Exhibitions of BP’s work; see also Birnam Institute; Book Trust; Exhibitions on related subjects; Victoria and Albert Museum In Australia ‘A Classic Pair: BP & May Gibbs’ (Nutcote, May Gibbs’s home) 89:17; 90:21 5 In Germany In Hamburg, Munich, Troisdorf 88:2 In Japan Matsuyama 84:15 ‘Peter Rabbit’s Garden’ (Daimaru Osaka, Japan) 88:2 Peter Rabbit (touring) Exhibition with items from Daito Bunka University collection 90:19 In The Netherlands ‘World of Peter Rabbit Exhibition, The’ (Kasteel Groenveld, Baarn) 82:27; (review) 83:14; 84:16 In the UK ‘BP 1866-1943’ (Tate Gallery, London, in 1987) (reviews) 83:20 BP Exhibition (Birnam Institute) 81:20; 82:22 ‘BP’s Garden’ (Warne’s touring exhibition 2004–2006) 89:24; 90:25, 31 ‘BP through a Japanese Mirror’ (Armitt Museum, Ambleside) 81:19 ‘BP to Harry Potter’ (National Portrait Gallery, London) 84:29; (review) 86:25 Gloucester Cathedral 88:33 Gloucester Folk Museum 88:33 House of the Tailor of Gloucester, The 88:33; 89:27 ‘Love, Labour & Loss, 300 years of British Livestock Farming in Art’ (Carlisle; Exeter) 85:31 Mural (Tenby) 89:23
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