New Mineral Names
THE AMERICAN MINERALOGIST. VOL. 50. NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1965 NEW MINERAL NAMES Mtcs.q,nl F I-BtscHen Ureyite Cr,rllono FnoNonr, ern ConNBLrs KLnrN, Jn., Ureyite, NaCrzSi:Oe,a new meteoritic pyroxene. Science 149, 742-7 44 (1965). An emerald-green minerai, found as an accessor)rconstituent in the iron meteorites Coahuila, Toluca, and Hex River Mountains, has been found to be the chromium analogue of jacleite. Electron probe analysesof these 3 gave, resp., SiOr 55 5, 56.0, not detd.; AlzOr none, none,not detd.; Fe2O30.2,0.4, -0 9; CruOr30 6, 22.6,-26 4; MgO 0 8, 5.4, -7.2' CaO 1.7,37, -21; NazO 11.6, 11.6, -11.0; sum 100.4, 99.7, -of, correspondingto Na(Cr, lre, Mg)z SirOo The mineral u'as also synthesized by fusion Indexed r-ray powder data are given for natural urefite and synthetic NaCTSLOc;the ,112),4 former has stronsest lines 2.961 (10) (221),2.877 (.7)(310), 2 181 (7) 381 (6) (020), 2.517(6) (002),2455(6) (221),6316(5) (110) Monoclinic,C2/c,a9560+o.016,b8746 +0 008,c 5.270+0.0064, B 107.38+0 10', G 3 60 (calc.for pure NaCr:Si:Oo). Optically biaxial, (-), 2V 60-70o (Toluca), (Toluca) a 7.740, P 1 756' 1 1.762 (.all ,a11 +0.001), X\c:22"; (Coahuila)d 1.748,9 | 756, 11.765 +0 001), X[c:14o' Cleav- age (110) r-ell-defined at an angle oI 87"23', parting on (001) pronounced Ureyite occurs in Coahuila and Hex Itiver Mountains meteorites as polycrystalline aggregatesin daubreelite and in Toluca embedded in cliftonite rims of troilite nodules.
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