Critical2004 Issues Bulletin Canada’s Military Posture An Analysis of Recent Civilian Reports by Barry Cooper, Mercedes Stephenson, and Ray Szeto Critical Issues Bulletins The Fraser Institute Critical Issues Bulletins are comprehensive studies of sin- The Fraser Institute is an independent Canadian economic gle issues of critical importance for public policy published and social research and educational organization. It has from time to time by The Fraser Institute (Vancouver, Brit- as its objective the redirection of public attention to the ish Columbia, Canada) role of competitive markets in providing for the well-being of Canadians. Where markets work, the Institute’s inter- The authors have worked independently and opinions ex- est lies in trying to discover prospects for improvement. pressed by them are, therefore, their own, and do not nec- Where markets do not work, its interest lies in finding the essarily reflect the opinions of the members or the trustees reasons. Where competitive markets have been replaced of The Fraser Institute. by government control, the interest of the Institute lies in To order additional copies of Critical Issues Bulletins, any documenting objectively the nature of the improvement or of our other publications, or a catalogue of the Institute’s deterioration resulting from government intervention. The publications, please contact the book sales coordinator: work of the Institute is assisted by an Editorial Advisory via our toll-free order line: 1.800.665.3558, ext. 580 Board of internationally renowned economists. The Fraser via telephone: 604.688.0221, ext. 580 Institute is a national, federally chartered, non-profit orga- via fax: 604.688.8539 nization financed by the sale of its publications and the tax- via e-mail:
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